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Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

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Published by capintec, 2019-04-11 20:24:54

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

401 Optility™ User Guide

4 Studies

This chapter explains Optility’s functions for creating and maintaining patient studies, including
information about patient study defaults, unusual study tracking codes, and patient scheduling.

Studies Interface

Most patient studies functions are performed from the Studies Management list.

Figure 347 Studies Management list
The tabs in the Studies Management window enable you to filter patient studies.
• Today – Lists all studies created in the current day.
• Un-Filled – Lists all un-filled studies.
• Filled – Lists all filled studies.
• Proc Only – Lists all studies that are procedure only.
• Void – Lists all studies that have been voided or cancelled.
• Calendar – Lists all studies for a specific day. Select the day in the calendar to the right of the tabs.
• Future – Lists all studies scheduled for after the current day.
• Track – Lists all studies that are being tracked.
• QA – Lists all studies that have been assigned quality assurance information.
• 1-30, 30-60, 60+ – Lists all studies created in the past 30, 30-60, and 60+ days.
• All – Lists all studies.

Studies 402

In addition to the common toolbar buttons (see ”Application Buttons” on page 60), the Patient Studies
toolbar contains the following buttons:

Table 8 Studies Buttons

Icon Description

Click this button to adjust the administration time, administration
initials, or administration site. See ”Adjusting Administration Time”
on page 413.

Click this button to select inventory for patient study records and
reprint a patient study label for orders. See ”Filling a Study” on
page 410.

Click this button to set up multiple studies that are linked. See
”Linking Studies” on page 422.

Click this button to enter quality assurance related data into a
record. See ”Study QA” on page 426.

Click this button to track a study. See ”Unusual Study Tracking” on
page 425.

Click this button to un-fill a prescription. See ”Un-Filling a Study”
on page 412.

Click this button to cancel or un-fill previously entered study
records. See ”Voiding a Study” on page 409.

Click this button to assay radioactive waste associated with a
particular patient dose and assign it to an open waste area. See
”Wasting Product From a Study” on page 415.

403 Optility™ User Guide

Performing Studies

This section describes adding, filling, unfilling, voiding, and waste. You can add, edit, or delete a study.

Adding a Patient Study

To add a patient study:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Click . The Study - New dialog box displays.

Figure 348 Study - New dialog box

NOTE: The Study Number is automatically generated.

3. Click the button in the Study Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
4. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

NOTE: The Procedure Filter and Drug Filter check boxes are used to filter items listed in the
Procedure and Drug lists. This is based on the procedures and drugs set up in the Study Defaults.

5. Select the procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.
The Drug Filter check box is automatically selected, all drugs that are associated with the selected
procedure in the Study Defaults display in the list and the default drug displays in the Drug box. If
you de-select the Drug Filter check box, all drugs that are defined in the system display in the list.

Studies 404

If you selected the Default for Procedure check box in the study defaults, then the procedure
displays first in the list and is automatically entered in to the Procedure drop-down list.
6. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.
If you selected the Default for Drug check box in the study defaults, then the drug displays first in
the list and is automatically entered in to the Drug drop-down list.

NOTE: You can also select a drug and the Procedure Filter check box to show only the procedures
associated with the selected drug in the Study Defaults. Appropriate study, procedure, and drug
messages display depending on the items selected.

7. Enter the search string of the patient in the Patient Search box.
If you want to search using the first name or last name, Optility™ searches the database for the
patients first and last name that begin with the values that you entered in the Patient Search box.
For example, if you entered car, the drop-down list displays patients with last and first names that
start with car. An example of the list is Carl Jones, Carol, Jones, Jim Carnegie, Jack Carlson, etc.
If you want to search using the patient number, Optility™ searches for all instances of the number
that you entered in the Patient Search box. For example, if you entered 45, the drop-down list
displays patients with numbers of 4500, 0450, 0045, etc.
If you don’t enter a search string, a message box displays.

Figure 349 No search string message box
Click Yes to load the entire Patient database or click No and go back and enter a string in the
Patient Search box.

8. Select the patient from the Patient drop-down list.

NOTE: The Patient Number and Date of Birth values are automatically entered from the patient
master record.

405 Optility™ User Guide

The New/Edit Study message box displays if the Adult Dose Per Kilogram and/or the Pediatric
Dose Per Kilogram boxes are defined in the study defaults. For more information, see ”Adding a
Study Default” on page 418.

Figure 350 New/Edit Study message box . The Patient History - Edit dialog box

9. Click OK.
10.If you want to view the patient’s history, click


Figure 351 Patient History - Edit dialog box
11.View the patient’s history and then click Cancel.

Studies 406

NOTE: The Patient Weight, Patient Classification, Drug Price, Diagnostic Code, Custom Code,
and Professional Initials are displayed only if they are enabled in the system configuration. For more
information, see ”Setting Studies Defaults” on page 214.

12.Enter the patient’s weight in the Patient Weight box.
After you enter the Patient Weight, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient
Weight, Adult Dose Per Kilogram, Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram, and/or Dosage Factor values.

You cannot exceed the minimum/maximum dose limits if the Force Min/Max on Patient Dose
Range option is enabled in the system configuration. Pediatric doses are only calculated if the
Calculate Pediatric Dose option is enabled in the system configuration. For more information on
setting the studies defaults in the system configuration, see ”Setting Studies Defaults” on page 214.

The following Dose Requested calculations can occur:

• If the patient is over 18 years old and an Adult Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the study
default, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight and displays in the
Dose Requested box. You can override the Dose Requested value. For more information, see
”Adding a Study Default” on page 418.

• If the patient is over 18 years old and no Adult Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the study
default, the Adult Dose value defaults in the Dose Requested box. You can override the Dose
Requested value. For more information, see ”Adding a Study Default” on page 418.

• If the patient is under 18 years old and a Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the
study default, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight and displays in
the Dose Requested box. You can override the Dose Requested value. For more information,
see ”Adding a Study Default” on page 418.

• If the patient is under 18 years old and no Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the
study defaults, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight and the
Dosage Factor value defined in the Pediatric Dose master list. For more information, see
”Pediatric Doses” on page 245.

13.Select the weight unit from the Patient Weight drop-down list.
If you change the unit of weight measurement, the Dose Requested value is recalculated.

14.Select the patient classification from the Patient Classification drop-down list.
15.Enter the dose requested in the Dose Requested box.

In some instances, you can override the Dose Requested value.

16.Enter the duration of the study in the Duration box.
17.Select the duration time unit from the Duration drop-down list.
18.Enter the drug price in the Price box.
19.Select the referring doctor from the Referring Doctor drop-down list.
20.Select the diagnostic code from the Diagnostic Code drop-down list.
21.Select the custom code from the Custom Code drop-down list.
22.Select the initials of the physician in the Professional Initials drop-down list.
23.Select the initials of person logging the study in the Entry/Admin Initials drop-down list.

407 Optility™ User Guide

24.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
25.Click the Study Details button. The Study Details displays.

Figure 352 Study Details tabs

NOTE: From the Track tab, you can select procedure tracking codes to associate with this study, and
you can enter tracking comments. For more information, see ”Unusual Study Tracking” on page 425.

NOTE: From the QA tab, you can select procedure QA codes to associate with this study, enter QA
comments, verify the study is appropriate by selecting the Study Appropriate check box, and enter QA
initials. For more information, see ”Study QA” on page 426.

NOTE: From the Trace tab, you can view trace information. For more information, see ”Tracing
Studies” on page 427.

NOTE: The Assay Initials, Assay Date Time, Admin Date Time, Assay Volume, Assay Activity,
Admin Activity, and Admin Site are automatically filled in with information after the study is filled.

26.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

27.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Studies 408

If a linked study exists, the Study Link message box displays. For more information on linking
studies, see ”Linking Studies” on page 422.

Figure 353 Study Link message box

28.Click Yes if you want to continue to the next study. Repeat step 3 through step 27.
Click No.

409 Optility™ User Guide

Voiding a Study

Previously entered study records can be voided (cancelled). If the record being voided was previously
assigned inventory, you are given the option to return the inventory and leave the study marked as
unfilled in the system. You can recall voided studies by editing them. A record of the voided study
appears in one of the End Of Day Summary reports.

To void a study:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study you want to void and click .

• If the study is filled, the Un-fill Study dialog box displays.

Figure 354 Un-Fill Study dialog box
a. Select one of the following:
• Return to Inventory – The materials are returned to inventory.
• Move Study Fill Inventory to Waste – For more information, see ”Returning Inventory to a
Waste Bin” on page 504.
• Misused/Mishandled Materials – For more information, see ”Returning Misused or
Mishandled Inventory” on page 505.
b. Click OK. The study is now listed as voided,
• If the study is unfilled, the Void Study Item confirmation box displays.

Figure 355 Void Study Item confirmation box
• Click Yes to void the study.

Studies 410

Filling a Study

A patient study can be filled when its status is Void or UnFilled. You can scan the study label to launch
the Fill - New dialog box. The inventory is retrieved based on the drug control number on the label.

To fill a study.

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study you want to fill and either scan the prescription label (unit dose label from

pharmacy) or click . The Fill - New dialog box displays.

Figure 356 Fill - New dialog box
NOTE: If you scanned the prescription label, the inventory is already selected.
3. Select the check box for the inventory from which you want to draw the volume.
NOTE: The fields below are populated with information based on the inventory selection.

411 Optility™ User Guide

4. If you want to change the assay date and time, click the button in the Assay Date Time
drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

6. If you want to change the assay activity level, enter the new value in the Assay Activity box.

7. Select the part of the body where you are administering the drug from the Admin Site drop-down

8. Click the button in the Admin Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

9. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

NOTE: The Default Admin Time to Assay Time check box enables the Assay Date Time value to
default in the Admin Date Time drop-down list. The Admin Date Time is normally the date and time

that the patient received the injection. This is defined in system configuration. For more information, see

”Setting Studies Defaults” on page 214.

10.Select the Get Additional Inventory check box if you want the system to find more inventory to fill
the study.

11.Select the initials of the person filling the study from the Initials drop-down list.

12.Click OK.

Studies 412

If you require additional inventory to fill the study and you selected the Get Additional Inventory
check box, the Fill - New dialog box displays.

Figure 357 Fill - New dialog box

The Dose Requested and Dose Still Needed are already calculated.
13.Enter the assay activity in the Assay Activity box.
14.Select the part of the body where you are administering the drug from the Admin Site drop-down

15.Select the Get Additional Inventory check box if you want the system to find more inventory to fill

the study.
16.Select the initials of the person filling the study from the Initials drop-down list.
17.Click OK.

Un-Filling a Study

The Un-Fill function enables you to:

• Return product to inventory
• Move product to waste
• Classify the product as misused/mishandled materials

413 Optility™ User Guide

To un-fill a study:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study you want to un-fill and click . The Un-Fill Study dialog box displays.

3. Select one of the following:

• Return to Inventory – The materials are returned to inventory.

• Move to Waste – The Study Fill Waste - New dialog box displays.

Figure 358 Study Fill Waste - New dialog box

a. Select the waste bin from the Waste Bin drop-down list.

b. Click the button in the Disposition Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar

c. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is
entered in the drop-down list.

d. Select the initials of the person unfilling the study from the Disposed By Initials drop-down

e. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.

• Misused/Mishandled Materials – The materials are returned to waste.

4. Click OK.

Adjusting Administration Time

This function is used to allow the user to adjust the administration time, administration initials, or
administration site without having to un-fill the patient.

The Administration time is the exact date and time that the patient received the dose. You cannot
change the dose. The previously entered dose is decay corrected for the adjusted time to reflect the
actual dose given to the patient. The adjusted dose is not compared to any limits or ranges for the study

Studies 414

previously set in the Patient Study defaults (see ”Study Defaults” on page 417). If the dose is now
outside any user defined study defaults, no warnings display.

To adjust administration information:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study you want to change and click . The Adjust Administration - Edit dialog
box displays.

Figure 359 Adjust Administration - Edit dialog box

3. Select the initials of the person making the change from the Entry/Admin Initials drop-down list.
4. Click the button in the Admin Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

6. Select the part of the body where you are administering the drug from the Admin Site drop-down

7. Click OK.

415 Optility™ User Guide

Wasting Product From a Study

To dispose of a product:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study you want to waste and click . The Waste - New dialog box displays.

Figure 360 Waste - New dialog box

3. Select the waste bin from the Waste Bin drop-down list.
4. Click the button in the Disposition Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
6. Select the initials of the person unfilling the study from the Disposed By Initials drop-down list.
7. Enter the volume to waste in the Disposition Volume box.
8. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
9. Click OK.

Studies 416

Editing a Study

To edit a study:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Study - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 361 Study - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Study

NOTE: You cannot delete a study if there are studies associated to it.

To delete a study:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

417 Optility™ User Guide

Printing Individual Study Labels

To print an individual label for a study:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study for which you want to print a label.

3. Click . The label is printed.

Customizing Studies

This section describes how to set study defaults, link studies, track studies, and perform QA on studies.

Study Defaults

Study defaults are used for establishing and maintaining study values, default dose sizes, kilogram
weight defaults, and time equivalent values for the different studies. Entries can be input for either a
drug number, a procedure number, or for both a drug and a procedure number.

Defaults are placed on the study entry window only if there is an exact match for the procedure and/or
drug combination. If a value is placed in the Adult Dose Per Kilogram or the Pediatric Dose Per
Kilogram boxes, the patient's body weight in kilograms is requested during the patient entry program
and the appropriate dose is calculated. Limits can be imposed on the patient dose, which may be
entered during patient entry, by placing the minimum dose value in the Minimum Patient Dose box and
the maximum dose value in the Maximum Patient Dose box. You cannot exceed the
minimum/maximum dose limits if the Force Min/Max on Patient Dose Range option is enabled in the
system configuration. Pediatric doses are only calculated if the Calculate Pediatric Dose option is
enabled in the system configuration. For more information on setting the studies defaults in the system
configuration, see ”Setting Studies Defaults” on page 214.

After you enter the Patient Weight, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight,
Adult Dose Per Kilogram, Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram, and/or Dosage Factor values.

The following Dose Requested calculations can occur:

• If the patient is over 18 years old and an Adult Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the study
default, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight and displays in the Dose
Requested box. You can override the Dose Requested value. For more information, see ”Adding a
Study Default” on page 418.

• If the patient is over 18 years old and no Adult Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the study
default, the Adult Dose value defaults in the Dose Requested box. You can override the Dose
Requested value. For more information, see ”Adding a Study Default” on page 418.

• If the patient is under 18 years old and a Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the study
default, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight and displays in the Dose
Requested box. You can override the Dose Requested value. For more information, see ”Adding a
Study Default” on page 418.

• If the patient is under 18 years old and no Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram value is defined in the
study defaults, the Dose Requested value is calculated using the Patient Weight and the Dosage
Factor value defined in the Pediatric Dose master list. For more information, see ”Pediatric Doses”
on page 245.

Studies 418

Adding a Study Default

To add a study default:
1. Click Studies > Defaults. The Study Defaults - Master list displays.

Figure 362 Study Defaults - Master list

419 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Study Defaults - New dialog box displays.

Figure 363 Study Defaults - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.
5. Select the Default for Drug check box to make this the default procedure for the drug in the

drop-down list.
If the Default for Drug check box has not been selected, the list includes all procedures contained
in the Procedure master list.
6. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.
If no drugs have been assigned to this procedure, leave the box blank.

Studies 420

7. Select the Default for Procedure check box to make this the default drug for the procedure in the
drop-down list.

If the Default for Procedure check box has not been selected, the list includes all drugs contained
in the Drug master list.

8. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

9. Select a message from the Message drop-down list.

This message displays for the drug and procedure combination that you select when you are adding
a study. Messages are defined in system administration. For more information, see ”Adding a New
Lookup” on page 138.

10.Enter the adult dose in the Adult Dose box.

11.Enter the price in the Price box.

12.Enter the minimum adult dose in the Minimum Adult Dose box.

13.Enter the maximum adult dose in the Maximum Adult Dose box.

14.Enter the minimum pediatric dose in the Minimum Pediatric Dose box.

15.Enter the maximum pediatric dose in the Maximum Pediatric Dose box.

16.Enter the duration in the Duration box.

17.Select a duration unit from the Duration drop-down list.

18.Enter the adult dose per kilogram in the Adult Dose Per Kilogram box.

19.Enter the pediatric dose per kilogram in the Pediatric Dose Per Kilogram box.

20.Select a popup alert from the Popup Alert drop-down list.

This popup alert defaults in the Comments box when you are adding a new study. Alerts are defined
in system administration. For more information, see ”Adding a New Lookup” on page 138.

21.Enter any additional instructions in the Instructions box.

22.Click OK.

421 Optility™ User Guide

Editing a Study Default

To edit a study default:

1. Click Studies > Defaults. The Study Defaults - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Study Defaults - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 364 Study Defaults - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Studies 422

Deleting a Study Default

NOTE: You cannot delete a study default if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete a study default:

1. Click Studies > Defaults. The Study Defaults - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Linking Studies

The Linking function is used to set up multi-part studies. It allows you to set up a primary study with an
associated study or a chain of associated studies that you want to perform on a regular basis.

The linking function allows you to define associated procedures, drugs, or procedures and drugs for any
procedure, drug, or combination in this file.

The associated studies can be saved or aborted at any point in the chain. However, once the chain is
stopped, no subsequent associated studies are offered for filling.

A cardiac study is an example of linking studies. Many labs perform a cardiac study in this order:

• Rest Cardiac Study of Cardiolite
• Stress Cardiac Study of Cardiolite
• An I.V. of Persantine

This type of multi-part study is normally established by linking.

423 Optility™ User Guide

Adding a Study Link

To add a study link:
1. Click Studies > Links. The Study Links - Master list displays.

Figure 365 Study Links - Master list

Studies 424

2. Click .The Study Links - New dialog box displays.

Figure 366 Study Links - New dialog box

3. Select the procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.
4. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. Select the procedure for the second study from the LinkedProc drop-down list.
7. Select the drug for the second study from the LinkedDrug drop-down list.
8. Enter any needed comments from the Comments box.
9. If needed, repeat step 6 through step 8 to add more associated studies.
10.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

11.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

425 Optility™ User Guide

Unusual Study Tracking

The Unusual Study Tracking function is used to enter tracking codes and comments to studies.

Viewing Unusual Study Tracking

To view or edit unusual study tracking codes:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study in which you want to track and click . The Unusual Study Tracking - Edit
dialog box displays.

Figure 367 Unusual Study Tracking - Edit dialog box

3. Select the check boxes for the patient study tracking codes you want.
These codes are set up in the Procedure Tracking Code master list. For more information, see
”Procedure Tracking Codes” on page 254.

4. Enter any additional comments in the Track Comments box.
5. Click OK.

Studies 426

Study QA

The Study QA function allows you to review and assign quality assurance information to patient studies.
Patient study records can have quality assurance related data entered into their records.

Viewing Study QA Information

To view or edit QA information:

1. Click Studies > Studies Management. The Studies Management list displays.

2. Select the study in which you want to edit QA information and click . The Study QA - Edit
dialog box displays.

Figure 368 Study QA - Edit dialog box

3. Select the check boxes for the quality assurance information you want to assign to this study.
These codes are set up in the Procedure QA Code master list. For more information, see
”Procedure QA Codes” on page 256.

4. Enter any additional comments in the QA Comments box.
5. Select the Study Appropriate check box if the study is appropriate.
6. Select the initials of the QA person from the QA Initials drop-down list.
7. Click OK.

427 Optility™ User Guide

Tracing Studies

Optility’s study tracing function enables you view tracing information for each study. Tracing information
displays how the component was made and is viewed after the study is filled. Study tracing information
can be accessed from two places:
• From the Study Details section of each individual study.
• From the Study Trace - View dialog box where trace information can be viewed for all studies.

Viewing Trace Information from Within a Study

To view trace information from within a study record:
1. Open the study record for which you want to view trace information.
2. Click next to Study Details.
3. Click the Trace tab. The trace information displays.

Viewing Trace Information for All Studies

To view trace information for all studies:
1. Click Studies > Trace. The Study Trace - View list displays.

Figure 369 Study Trace - View dialog box
The Select a Study drop-down list only displays the current studies. The Days to Keep Studies
Current value determines current and historical studies. For more information, see ”Adding a Study
Default” on page 418. The Study Number box searches for current and historical studies.

2. Select the study for which you want to view trace information from the Select a Study drop-down
Enter the study number in the Study Number box.

Studies 428

3. Click the Details button. A report is generated.

About Processing HL7 Messages

To parse a HL7 Message from a HL7 file the HL7 vendor definitions need to be set in optility
system configuration as per the vendor customizations. Please refer to the HL7 interface
documentation provided at length in the System Administration section.
Parsing of HL7 message consists of two parts....
1. Read or Import the HL7 message.
Parsing as per the configuration and mapping done in HL7 interface section of the optility system
configuration is completed in this part.
2. HL7 Message Management
The user do the following

a. View the details of a selected (pending) parsed HL7 message.
b. Edit the selected parsed HL7 message.
c. Delete the selected parsed HL7 message
d. Manually process the parsed and/or edited HL7 message and insert it into Optility Database.
e. The user can configure to automate the insertion of parsed HL7 message.

Read/Import HL7 Messages

To read/import HL7 messages...

Figure 370 Import HL7 Message(s).

1. The HL7 message(s) to be read or imported needs to be present in C:\Program
Files\Capintec\Optility\Data folder.

2. HL7 messages (files) can be placed in the C:\Program Files\Capintec\Optility\Data folder in two
ways. One by the automatic HL7 Listener service. Secondly by manual/automated FTP over
secured VPN.

3. Click Studies > HL7 > Read/Import HL7 Messages.

429 Optility™ User Guide

4. A HL7 Message import progress window pops up. A progress bar indicates the amount of HL7
messages read / imported.

5. If there were any HL7 messaged read then HL7 Message Management window opens with the
imported HL7 message shown in Recent tab with a status of Pending.

NOTE: The imported HL7 message source files after reading are placed in the C:\Program
Files\Capintec\Optility\Data\Backup folder

HL7 Message Management

Most HL7 message functions are performed from the HL7 Message Management screen. The tabs in
the HL7 Message Management window enable you to filter parsed HL7 Messages.

Figure 371 HL7 Message Management
• Recent – Lists of all parsed HL7 messages that are parsed today and never been processed.
• Pending – Lists of all parsed HL7 messages that are parsed earlier than today. Never been


Studies 430

• Error – Lists of all parsed HL7 messages that are processed at least once and could not be inserted
into database because of an error..

• All – Lists of all parsed HL7 messages that are processed, un processed and/or error.

Apart from the few buttons of the common toolbar buttons (see Application Buttons), the HL7
Message Management toolbar contains the following buttons:

ICON Description
Click this button to edit the selected HL7 Message.

Click this button to delete the selected HL7 Message(s)

Click this button to view the complete details of the selected HL7 Message.
Click this button to process all the checked HL7 message(s).

Edit a parsed/imported HL7 Message

NOTE: You cannot edit a HL7 message that is already processed and inserted into the optility
database. For that matter the processed HL7 message is no longer visible in the HL7 Message

Management window. Only pending, recent and error HL7 messages can be edited.

To edit a HL7 Message:

1. Click Studies > HL7 > HL7 Message Management. The HL7 Message Management window

2. From the appropriate tab select the record you want to edit and click . A HL7

Message-Edit dialog box displays. A HL7 message can have multiple records one for each of the

relevant Optiliy Database Tables. A Edit button corresponding to each of the record is displayed in

the HL7 Message-Edit Dialog

3. Click the Edit button corresponding to the record you want to Edit. Corresponding Master tables
New window is displayed.

4. Make all the modification in the Window. Click OK.

5. The Window closes and HL7 Message-Edit Dialog reappears.

6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all the records you want to edit

7. Click OK. HL7 Message-Edit Dialog closes.

431 Optility™ User Guide

Figure 372 HL7 Message - Edit

NOTE: All edited HL7 messages on clicking OK in Step 7 will automatically process the HL7


NOTE: To ignore the changes made to the HL7 message click Cancel in Step 7. The HL7 message is
not processed and all the changes/alterations are lost.

Delete HL7 Message

NOTE: You cannot delete a HL7 message that is already processed and inserted into the optility
database. For that matter the processed HL7 message is no longer visible in the HL7 Message
Management window. Only pending, recent and error HL7 messages can be deleted.

To delete a HL7 Message:

Figure 373 Delete selected HL7 Message

1. Click Studies > HL7 > HL7 Message Management. The HL7 Message Management window

2. From the appropriate tab select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete HL7
Message Items confirmation box displays.

3. Click Yes.
4. The selected HL7 message is deleted.

Studies 432

NOTE: You can select multiple HL7 messages and click to delete all the selected HL7

View Parsed HL7 Message Details

NOTE: You cannot view the details of a HL7 message that is already processed and inserted into the
optility database. For that matter the processed HL7 message is no longer visible in the HL7

Message Management window. Only pending, recent and error HL7 message details can be viewed.

To view details of a HL7 Message:

1. Click Studies > HL7 > HL7 Message Management. The HL7 Message Management window

2. From the appropriate tab select the record you want to view the details and click . A HL7

Message-Details dialog box displays. A HL7 message can have multiple records one for each of

the relevant Optiliy Database Tables. All the records corresponding Optility Table names are

displayed in the HL7 Message-Details Dialog.

3. Click the + symbol to view all the parsed details for that Table.

4. No modifications can be made in the Window.

5. Repeat step 3 on all the Tables for which you want to view the details

6. Click Cancel. HL7 Message-Details Dialog closes.

433 Optility™ User Guide

Figure 374 Details of Selected HL7 Message
NOTE: To make any updates please refer to Edit a HL7 Message

Process parsed HL7 Message

To process HL7 Message(s):
1. Click Studies > HL7 > HL7 Message Management. The HL7 Message Management window


Studies 434

2. From the appropriate tab Check mark the record you want to process and click . A HL7
Message-Processing dialog box displays.

3. The HL7 Message-Processing dialog box displays the progress.

4. On successful processing of the HL7 message the message is inserted into the Optility

5. In case of an error the HL7 message is placed in the Error Tab section. The Notes section displays
the Error message.

NOTE: The HL7 messages in the Error tab can viewed or deleted or edited or processed again.

435 Optility™ User Guide

5 Pharmacy

This chapter describes how the Optility’s Pharmacy function is used to enter and maintain current and
future prescriptions.

Pharmacy Interface

Most pharmacy functions are performed from the Prescription Management list.

Figure 375 Prescription Management list
The tabs in the Prescription Management window enable you to filter the orders.
• Today – Lists today’s prescriptions
• Tomorrow – Lists tomorrow’s prescriptions
• Un-Filled – Lists all un-filled prescriptions
• Filled – Lists all filled prescriptions
• Void – Lists all voided or cancelled prescriptions
• Calendar – Lists all prescriptions for a selected day
• Future – Lists all future prescriptions
• Billed – Lists all billed prescriptions
• Un-Billed – Lists all un-billed prescriptions
• Billing Only – Lists all billing only prescriptions
• Returned – Lists all returned prescriptions
• No Charge – Lists all no charge prescriptions

Pharmacy 436

• All – Lists all prescriptions

In addition to the common toolbar buttons (see ”Application Buttons” on page 60), the Pharmacy toolbar
contains the following buttons:

Table 9 Pharmacy Buttons

Icon Description

Click this button to fill a prescription. See ”Filling a Prescription” on
page 444

Click this button to un-fill a prescription. ”Un-Filling a Prescription”
on page 447

Click this button to return a prescription. See ”Voiding a
Prescription” on page 442

Click this button to view, add, or edit an order’s shipping details.
See ”Adding Shipping Details” on page 448

Click this button to void a prescription. See ”Voiding a
Prescription” on page 442

437 Optility™ User Guide

Prescription Management

This section describes how to manage your prescriptions.

Adding a Prescription

To add a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

2. Click . The Prescription - New dialog box displays.

Figure 376 Prescription - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

Pharmacy 438

NOTE: The Procedure Filter and Drug Filter check boxes are used to filter items listed in the
Procedure and Drug lists.

4. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.
The Procedure Filter check box is automatically selected. This allows only the procedures that are
associated with the selected drug to display.

5. Select the procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.

NOTE: You can also select a procedure and the Drug Filter check box so show only the drugs
associated with the selected procedure. Appropriate procedure and drug messages display depending
on the items selected.

6. Click the button in the Dispense Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
7. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
8. Click the button in the Calibration Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
9. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
10.Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
11.Select the Print check box to print the label for this prescription.
12.Enter the requested dose in the Dose Requested box.
13.Enter the dose dispensed in the Dose Dispensed box.
14.Select the run number from the Run Number drop-down list.
This box is used to look up what time of day the prescription ships from the facility and to calculate
departure time activity.
15.Enter the box number in the Box Number box.
This box is used to identify which box, the prescription will be packaged in for delivery.
16.Enter the match code in the Match Code box.
Select the match code from the Match Code drop-down list.
Only the match codes that have been previously associated to the drug selected in step 4 are
available in the Match Code drop-down list.
Match codes are used to automatically assign inventory to prescriptions. Both the prescription and
the desired inventory item must have identical match codes for automatic filling to occur.
17.Enter the volume in the Volume box.
If a pricing record was found in the Prescription Pricing master list, the Most Common Dose Size is
the default value for this field. If this prescription dispenses a different amount or if no value was
found, enter an appropriate value.

439 Optility™ User Guide

18.Enter the concentration in the Concentration box.
19.Click the button in the Expiration Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
20.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
Prescriptions can be input up to seven days in the future. Orders which do not require inventory may
have a dispensing date prior to the current date.
21.Select the name of the licensed doctor from the Licensed Doctor drop-down list.
The default value is the Licensed Doctor from the Customer record. You can overwrite the default
value with another doctor or select another one.
22.Enter the patient name in the Patient box.
If patient name is left blank, the name printed on the prescription is Per Physician Order.
23.Enter the patient’s weight in the Patient Weight box.
This box is optional and used to calculate pediatric doses. A 0 entry is treated as a non-entry or an
adult patient.
24.Enter the patient’s age in the Patient Age box.
This box is optional and used to calculate pediatric doses. If this is a pediatric patient, enter the
patient's age from 1 to 18 years. A 0 entry is treated as a non-entry or an adult patient.
25.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
26.Select the person receiving the prescription from the Order Received By drop-down list.
27.Click the button in the Order Received Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
28.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.
29.Enter the person ordering the prescription in the Ordered By box.
30.Select the purchase order from the Purchase Order drop-down list.
This box defaults to the purchase order number retrieved from the Purchase Order master list, if the
system can locate a valid entry. If the customer has a valid purchase order number specific to this
drug, that number becomes the default value. If no drug specific number is located, but the customer
has a valid purchase order number for all products, the all products purchase order number
becomes the default value. If no valid purchase order can be located, the box defaults to a blank
value. If the Mandatory PO check box is selected in the Customer record, you are required to enter
a PO number.
31.Enter the amount in the Amount box.
If a valid pricing record was found for this drug, the system calculates the correct price based on the
pricing record and the quantity ordered. If there was no default price or if the price is different for this
prescription, enter the correct price.
32.Enter the shipping charges in the Shipping Charges box.
If a valid pricing record was found for this drug and a delivery charge was included on it, that delivery
charge is the default value. If there was no default delivery charge or if the delivery charge is
different for this prescription, enter the correct delivery charge.
33.Enter the miscellaneous charges in the Misc. Charges box.

Pharmacy 440

If a valid pricing record was found for this drug and a delivery charge was included on it, that delivery
charge is the default value. If there was no default delivery charge or if the delivery charge is
different for this prescription, enter the correct delivery charge.

34.Enter the sales tax in the Sales Tax box.
35.Enter the shipping tax in the Shipping Tax box.
36.Select the initials of the pharmacist entering the prescription from the Pharmacist Initials

drop-down list.

37.Select the second pharmacist’s initials from the Pharmacists Initials2 drop-down list.
38.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

39.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Prescription

To edit a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

441 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Prescription Management - Edit dialog
box displays.

Figure 377 Prescription Order - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.

NOTE: The Dose Requested and Dose Dispensed values cannot be edited.

Pharmacy 442

NOTE: The Amount, Shipping Charges, Misc. Charges, Sales Tax, and Shipping Tax cannot be
edited if an invoice has been generated for this prescription.

4. Click OK.

Deleting a Prescription

NOTE: You cannot delete a prescription if there are studies associated to it.

To delete a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete {0} Items confirmation box

Figure 378 Delete {0} Items confirmation box
3. Click Yes.

Voiding a Prescription

Previously entered prescriptions can be voided (canceled) with this function. If the record being voided
was previously assigned inventory, you are given the option to return the inventory and leave the
prescription marked as unfilled in the system. You can recall voided orders by editing them. A record of
the voided order appears in one of the End Of Day Summary reports.

To void a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

2. Select the prescription you want to void and click .

443 Optility™ User Guide
• If the prescription is filled, the Un-fill Prescription dialog box displays.

Figure 379 Un-Fill Prescription dialog box
Select one of the following:
• Return to Inventory – Click OK. Prescription components are returned to inventory
• Move Prescription Fill Inventory to Waste – Click OK. The Waste - New dialog box

Figure 380 Waste - New (Prescription) dialog box
NOTE: The type of drug (radioactive or non-radioactive), determines what fields are visible.

a. Select the waste bin from the Waste Bin drop-down list.

Pharmacy 444

b. If you want to change the disposition date and time, click the button in the
Disposition Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

c. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is
entered in the drop-down list.

d. Select your initials from the Disposed by Initials drop-down list.

e. Enter or scan the calibration activity level in the Disposition Activity box.

f. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.

g. Click OK. The inventory is returned to the vendor.

• Misused/Mishandled Materials – Click OK. The inventory is reported as waste. For more
information, see ”Returning Misused or Mishandled Inventory” on page 505.

• If the prescription is unfilled, the Void Prescription Item confirmation box displays.

Figure 381 Void Prescription Item confirmation box

a. Click Yes to void the prescription.

You can edit voided prescriptions. A record of the voided prescription displays on one of the reports
generated with the End Of Day Summary report.

Filling a Prescription

A prescription can be filled when its status is Un-filled. A Voided prescription can also be filled, but you
must edit the prescription to change the status to Un-filled.

To fill a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

445 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the prescription you want to fill and click . The Fill - New dialog box displays.

Figure 382 Fill - New dialog box
3. Select the check box for the inventory from which you want to draw the volume.

NOTE: The fields below are populated with information based on the inventory selection.

4. Click the button in the Calibration Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
6. Click the button in the Assay Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
7. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
8. Enter or scan the assay activity in the Assay Activity box.
9. Select the initials of the person filling the prescription from the Initials drop-down list.

Pharmacy 446

10.Enter any additional prescription comments in the Comments box.

11.Select the Get Additional Inventory check box if you want the system to find more inventory to fill
the prescription.

12.Click OK.

If you selected the Get Additional Inventory check box and the prescription requires additional
inventory, the Fill - New (Get Additional inventory) dialog box displays.

Figure 383 Fill - New (Get Additional inventory) dialog box

13.Click the button in the Calibration Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
14.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

15.Click the button in the Assay Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
16.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

17.Enter or scan the assay activity in the Assay Activity box.
18.Select the initials of the person filling the prescription from the Initials drop-down list.

447 Optility™ User Guide

19.Enter any additional prescription comments in the Comments box.

20.Select the Get Additional Inventory check box if you want the system to find more inventory to fill
the prescription.

21.Click OK.

If you selected the Get Additional Inventory check box and the prescription requires additional
inventory, the Fill - New (Get Additional inventory) dialog box displays. Repeat step 13 through
step 21 until the prescription is filled.

Un-Filling a Prescription

This section describes how to:

• Return product to inventory
• Move product to waste
• Classify the product as misused/mishandled materials

To un-fill a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

2. Select the prescription you want to un-fill and click . The Un-Fill Prescription dialog box

3. Select one of the following:

• Return to Inventory – The materials are returned to inventory.

• Move to Waste – The Prescription Fill Waste - New dialog box displays.

Figure 384 Prescription Fill Waste - New dialog box

a. Select the waste bin from the Waste Bin drop-down list.

b. Click the button in the Disposition Date Time drop-down list. The Report Calendar

Pharmacy 448

c. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is
entered in the drop-down list.

d. Select the initials of the person unfilling the prescription from the Disposed By Initials
drop-down list.

e. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
• Misused/Mishandled Materials – The materials are processed as misused/mishandled

materials and reported as waste.
4. Click OK.

Adding Shipping Details

Shipping details can be assigned to multiple prescriptions at any time in the process. You can add, view,
and edit shipping details to a prescription.

To add shipping details to a prescription:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

NOTE: To select multiple prescriptions, press the <ctrl> key and click each prescription. To select all
prescriptions between two points, press the <shift> key and click the starting and ending prescription.

2. Select the prescription(s) you want to add shipping details to and click . The Shipping
Details dialog box displays.

Figure 385 Shipping Details - New dialog box

3. Select the run number from the Run Number drop-down list.
4. Enter the box number in the Box Number box.
5. Click OK. The shipping details are added to the customer order.

Printing Individual Prescription Labels

To print an individual prescription label

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Management. The Prescription Management list displays.

2. Select the prescription you want to print a label for and click . The label is printed.

449 Optility™ User Guide

Printing Prescription Labels

You can print labels for each prescription item in which the Print check box is selected (see ”Adding a
Prescription” on page 437).
To print prescription labels:
1. Select the Print check box(es) in the Prescription - Edit dialog box(es) for the prescriptions that

you want labels printed for.
2. Click File > Print Forms > Study/Rx Labels.

Prescription labels are printed for all prescriptions in which the Print check box has been selected.

Pharmacy 450

Prescription Bulk Insert

You can fill multiple orders using the Prescription Bulk Insert function. This function allows you to enter
prescriptions while you are still on the phone with the customer, thus saving you time.

Adding a Prescription Bulk Insert Order

To add a bulk insert order:

1. Click Pharmacy > Prescription Bulk Insert. The Prescription [Bulk Insert] - New dialog box

Figure 386 Prescription [Bulk Insert] - New dialog box
2. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

Click to View FlipBook Version