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Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

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Published by capintec, 2019-04-11 20:24:54

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

251 Optility™ User Guide

Procedure Groups

Procedure groups are used to consolidate multiple procedure numbers into one group for data
summary purposes. The Procedure Groups master list contains all of the procedure groups entered in
the system. You can add, edit, and delete procedure group records.

Adding a Procedure Group Record

To add a procedure group record:
1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure Groups. The Procedure Group - Master list displays.

Figure 203 Procedure Group - Master list

Masters 252

2. Click . The Procedure Group - New dialog box displays.

Figure 204 Procedure Group - New dialog box

3. Enter the procedure group name in the Name box.
4. Enter a name to be used for future searches in the Search Name box.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
7. Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Procedure Group Record

To edit a procedure group record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure Groups. The Procedure Group - Master list displays.

253 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Procedure Group - Edit dialog box

Figure 205 Procedure Group - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Procedure Group Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a procedure group record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing procedure group record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure Groups. The Procedure Group - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 254

Procedure Tracking Codes

The Procedure Tracking Codes master list contains all of the procedure tracking codes entered in the
system. You can add, edit, and delete procedure tracking code records.

Adding a Procedure Tracking Code Record

To add a procedure tracking code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure Tracking Codes. The Procedure Tracking Code -
Master list displays.

Figure 206 Procedure Tracking Code - Master list

2. Click . The Procedure Tracking Code - New dialog box displays.

Figure 207 Procedure Tracking Code - New dialog box

3. Enter the description in the Description box.
4. Enter a name to be used for future searches in the Search Name box.

255 Optility™ User Guide

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Procedure Tracking Code Record

To edit a procedure tracking code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure Tracking Codes. The Procedure Tracking Code -
Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Procedure Tracking Code - Edit dialog
box displays.

Figure 208 Procedure Tracking Code - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Procedure Tracking Code Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a procedure tracking code record if there are any dependencies associated
to it.

Masters 256

To delete an existing procedure tracking code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure Tracking Codes. The Procedure Tracking Code -
Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Procedure QA Codes

The Procedure QA Codes master list contains all of the quality assurance codes entered in the system.
You can add, edit, and delete procedure QA Code records.

Adding a Procedure QA Code Record

To add a procedure QA code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure QA Codes. The Procedure QA Code - Master list

Figure 209 Procedure QA Code - Master list

257 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Procedure QA Code - New dialog box displays.

Figure 210 Procedure QA Code - New dialog box

3. Enter the description in the Description box.

4. Enter a name to be used for future searches in the Search Name box.

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Procedure QA Code Record

To edit a procedure QA code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure QA Codes. The Procedure QA Code - Master list

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Procedure QA Code - Edit dialog box

Figure 211 Procedure QA Code - Edit dialog box

Masters 258

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Procedure QA Code Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a procedure QA code record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing procedure QA code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure QA Codes. The Procedure QA Code - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

259 Optility™ User Guide

CPT Codes

The CPT Codes master list contains all of the CPT codes entered in the system. You can add, edit, and
delete CPT code records.

Adding a CPT Code Record

To add a CPT code record:
1. Click Masters > Procedures > CPT Codes. The CPT Code - Master list displays.

Figure 212 CPT Code - Master list

2. Click . The CPT Code - New dialog box displays.

Figure 213 CPT Code - New dialog box

3. Enter the CPT code in the CPT Code box.
4. Enter the CPT description in the CPT Description box

Masters 260

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a CPT Code Record

To edit a CPT code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > CPT Codes. The CPT Code - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The CPT Code - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 214 CPT Code - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a CPT Code Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a CPT code record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing CPT code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > CPT Codes. The CPT Code - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

261 Optility™ User Guide

Procedure CPT Codes

The Procedure CPT Codes master list contains all of the procedure CPT codes entered in the system.
You can add, edit, and delete procedure CPT code records.

Adding a Procedure CPT Code Record

To add a procedure CPT code record:
1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure CPT Codes. The Procedure CPT Code - Master list


Figure 215 Procedure CPT Code - Master list

2. Click . The Procedure CPT Code - New dialog box displays.

Figure 216 Procedure CPT Code - New dialog box
3. Select a procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.

Masters 262

4. Select a CPT from the CPT drop-down list.

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Procedure CPT Code Record

To edit a procedure CPT code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure CPT Codes. The Procedure CPT Code - Master list

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Procedure CPT Code - Edit dialog box

Figure 217 Procedure CPT Code - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Procedure CPT Code Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a procedure CPT code record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

263 Optility™ User Guide

To delete an existing procedure CPT code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Procedure CPT Codes. The Procedure CPT Code - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Diagnostic Codes

The Diagnostic Codes master list contains all of the diagnostic codes entered in the system. You can
add, edit, and delete Diagnostic code records.

Adding a Diagnostic Code Record

To add a diagnostic code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Diagnostic Codes. The Diagnostic Code - Master list displays.

Figure 218 Diagnostic Code - Master list

Masters 264

2. Click . The Diagnostic Code - New dialog box displays.

Figure 219 Diagnostic Code - New dialog box

3. Enter the code in the Diagnostic Code box.

4. Enter the description in the Description box

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Diagnostic Code Record

To edit a diagnostic code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Diagnostic Codes. The Diagnostic Code - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Diagnostic Code - Edit dialog box

Figure 220 Diagnostic Code - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

265 Optility™ User Guide

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Diagnostic Code Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a diagnostic code record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing diagnostic code record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Diagnostic Codes. The Diagnostic Code - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 266


This section describes how to manage drugs, Tc99m kits, quality control, vendor drugs, and licenses.


The Drug master list contains all of the drugs used by the Optility application. You can add, edit, and
delete drug records.

Adding a Drug Record

To add a drug record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > List. The Drug - Master list displays.

Figure 221 Drug - Master list

267 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Drug - New dialog box displays.

Figure 222 Drug - New dialog box

3. Enter a name to be used for future searches in the Search Name box.
4. Enter the drug name in the Name box.
5. Enter the description in the Description box.
6. Select an isotope from the Isotope drop-down list.
7. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

8. Select the chemical form and physical state of the drug from the Chemical Form/Physical State
drop-down list.

9. Select the message from the Drug Message drop-down list.
10.Select the activity unit and the number of decimals from the Activity Unit/Decimals drop-down list.
11.Select the volume unit and the number of decimals from the Volume Unit/Decimals drop-down list.
12.Select the concentration unit and the number of decimals from the Concentration Unit/Decimals

drop-down list.

13.Select the following check boxes to enable the option:
• Drug (Not a Service Item) – Select this check box if other items from inventory are needed to
prepare this product.

Masters 268

• Taxable – Select this check box if the drug is taxable.
• RAM – Select this check box if the drug is a radioactive material.
• RAM License Check – Select this check box if this product is regulated and you want the

system to check the radioactive materials license in order to possess it.
• Cyclotron Product – Select this check box if the product is produced by a cyclotron.
• Volume Based Dispensing – Select this check box if drug is being dispensed on a volume basis

(as opposed to radioactive unit).
• Preferred Drug – Select this check box if this is a preferred drug.
14.Select a drug from the Prepared from Drug 1 drop-down list. This field is used if the new drug is
created using another drug.
15.Select a drug from the Prepared from Drug 2 drop-down list. This field is used if the new drug is
created using a second drug.
16.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
17.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Drug Record

To edit a drug record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > List. The Drug - Master list displays.

269 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Drug - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 223 Drug - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Masters 270

Deleting a Drug Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a drug record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing drug record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > List. The Drug - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

271 Optility™ User Guide


The Isotope master list contains all of the isotopes entered in the system. You can add, edit, and delete
isotope records.

Adding an Isotope Record

To add an isotope record:
1. Click Masters > Drugs > Isotopes. The Isotope - Master list displays.

Figure 224 Isotope - Master list

Masters 272

2. Click . The Isotope - New dialog box displays.

Figure 225 Isotope - New dialog box

3. Enter a name of the isotope in the Isotope box.
4. Enter the description in the Description box.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. Enter the half life of the isotope in the Half Life box.
7. Select the type of measurement for the half life from the drop-down list.
8. Enter the shipping RQ limit of the isotope in the Shipping RQ Limit box.
9. Select the type of measurement for the limit from the drop-down list.
10.Enter the gamma factor in the Gamma Factor box.
11.Enter the abundance factor in the Abundance Factor box.
12.Select the default inventory waste bin type from the Default Inventory Waste Bin Type drop-down


13.Select the default patient waste bin type from the Default Patient Waste Bin Type drop-down list.
14.Enter the primary photo peak in the Primary Photo Peak box.
15.Select the following check boxes to enable the option:

• Cyclotron – Select this check box if the product is produced by a cyclotron.

• Byproduct – Select this check box if a byproduct is produced.

16.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

17.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

273 Optility™ User Guide

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing an Isotope Record

To edit an isotope record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Isotopes. The Isotope - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Isotope - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 226 Isotope - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Masters 274

Deleting an Isotope Record

NOTE: You cannot delete an isotope record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing isotope record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Isotope. The Isotope - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Chemical Forms/Physical States

The Chemical Forms/Physical States master list contains all of the chemical forms/physical state
combinations entered in the system. You can add, edit, and delete chemical forms/physical state

Adding a Chemical Form/Physical State Record

To add a chemical form/physical state record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Chemical Forms/Physical States. The Chemical Form Physical State -
Master list displays.

Figure 227 Chemical Form Physical State - Master list

275 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Chemical Form Physical State - New dialog box displays.

Figure 228 Chemical Form Physical State - New dialog box

3. Enter a name to be used for future searches in the Search Name box.
4. Enter a name of the chemical form/physical state in the Chemical Form/Physical State box.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. Select the UN Classification check box if this record falls under the DOT UN2982 classification.
7. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

8. Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Masters 276

Editing a Chemical Form/Physical State Record

To edit a chemical form/physical state record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Chemical Forms/Physical States. The Chemical Form Physical State -
Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Chemical Form Physical State - Edit
dialog box displays.

Figure 229 Chemical Form Physical State - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

277 Optility™ User Guide

Deleting a Chemical Form/Physical State Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a chemical form/physical state record if there are any dependencies
associated to it.

To delete an existing chemical form/physical state record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Chemical Forms/Physical States. The Chemical Form Physical State -
Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 278

Custom Formulary

The Custom Formulary master list contains a list of components used during the preparation of custom-
or PET-produced products. You can add, edit, and delete custom formulary records.

Adding a Custom Formulary Record

To add a custom formulary record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Custom Formulary. The Custom Formulary - Master list displays.

Figure 230 Custom Formulary - Master list

279 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Custom Formulary - New dialog box displays.

Figure 231 Custom Formulary - New dialog box

3. Select a drug from the Drug drop-down list.
4. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
5. Select a component from the Component drop-down list.
6. Select a vendor from the Vendor drop-down list.
7. For radioactive products, enter the minimum activity that is to be used during the preparation in the
MinQty box. Enter the minimum volume for other products.
8. For radioactive products, enter the maximum activity that is to be used during the preparation in the
MaxQty box. Enter the maximum volume for other products.
9. For radioactive products, enter the standard or default activity that is to be used during the
preparation in the Qty box. Enter the standard or default volume for other products.

NOTE: If no minimum or maximum values are entered and the product is marked as a required item,
the Qty value becomes the required quantity.

10.Select the Drug Required check box if the drug is a mandatory part of the preparation.
11.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
12.Click OK.

Masters 280

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Custom Formulary Record

To edit a custom formulary record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Custom Formulary. The Custom Formulary - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Custom Formulary - Edit dialog box

Figure 232 Custom Formulary - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.

281 Optility™ User Guide

4. Click OK.

Deleting a Custom Formulary Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a custom formulary record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing custom formulary record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Custom Formulary. The Custom Formulary - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Tc99m Kit Standing Orders

The Tc99m Kit Standing Order master list contains a list of components used during the preparation of
Tc99m kit standing orders. You can add, edit, and delete Tc99m kit standing order records.

Adding a Tc99m Kit Standing Order Record

To add a Tc99m kit standing order record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Tc99m Kit Standing Order. The Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Master list

Figure 233 Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Master list

Masters 282

2. Click . The Tc99m Kit Standing Order - New dialog box displays.

Figure 234 Tc99m Kit Standing Order - New dialog box

3. Select a Tc99m kit from the Tc99m Kit drop-down list.
4. Select a run from the Run Number drop-down list.
5. Enter a match code in the Match Code box.

NOTE: The Match Code box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

6. Click the button in the Last Action Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
7. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
8. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
9. Enter the interval in the Interval box.
10.Select the type of interval from the drop-down list.
11.Enter the description in the Description box.
12.Enter the volume in the Volume box.

283 Optility™ User Guide

13.Enter the activity in the Activity box.

NOTE: The Concentration is automatically calculated using the volume and activity values.

14.Enter the time in the Calibration Time box.
15.Enter the hours in the Hours for Expiration box.
16.Enter the concentration in the Concentration box if you want to override the calculation.
17.Enter the number of vials in the Number of Vials box.
18.Enter comments in the Comments box.
19.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
20.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Tc99m Kit Standing Order Record

To edit a Tc99m kit standing order record:
1. Click Masters > Drugs > Tc99m Kit Standing Order. The Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Master list


Masters 284

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Edit dialog
box displays.

Figure 235 Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Tc99m Kit Standing Order Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a Tc99m kit standing order record if there are any dependencies associated
to it.

To delete an existing Tc99m kit standing order record:
1. Click Masters > Drugs > Tc99m Kit Standing Order. The Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Master list


285 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Tc99m Kit Parameters

The Tc99m Kit Parameter master list contains parameters for all inhouse prepared products.
Parameters for technetium prepared kits are entered for each brand of cold product. You can add, edit,
and delete Tc99m kit parameter records.

Adding a Tc99m Kit Parameter Record

To add a Tc99m kit parameter record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Tc99m Kit Parameters. The Tc99m Kit Parameters - Master list

Figure 236 Tc99m Kit Parameter - Master list

Masters 286

2. Click . The Tc99m Kit Parameters - New dialog box displays.

Figure 237 Tc99m Kit Parameters - New dialog box

3. Select a Tc99m kit from the Tc99m Kit drop-down list.

4. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

5. Enter the minimum activity per vial that is to be used with each vial of cold product in the Minimum
Activity box.

6. Enter the maximum activity per vial that is to be used with each vial of cold product in the Maximum
Activity box.

7. Enter the minimum volume per vial that is to be used with each vial of cold product in the Minimum
Volume box.

8. Enter the maximum volume per vial that is to be used with each vial of cold product in the Maximum
Volume box.

9. Enter the standard concentration of the reconstituted kit at calibration time in the Concentration

10.Enter the number of hours this product is to be used after preparation in the Default Exp Hours box.

11.Enter the maximum number of hours for expiration in the Maximum Exp Hours box.

This box only applies for cold technetium kits. It is used to control the maximum expiration time that
may be assigned to kits being prepared under variance tracking.

12.Enter comments in the Comments box.

287 Optility™ User Guide

13.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

14.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Tc99m Kit Parameter Record

To edit a Tc99m kit parameter record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Tc99m Kit Parameters. The Tc99m Kit Parameters - Master list

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Tc99m Kit Parameters - Edit dialog box

Figure 238 Tc99m Kit Parameters - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Masters 288

Deleting a Tc99m Kit Parameter Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a Tc99m kit parameter record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing Tc99m kit parameter record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Tc99m Kit Parameters. The Tc99m Kit Parameters - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

QC Types

The QC Types master list contains all of the QC types entered in the system. You can add, edit, and
delete QC types records.

Adding a QC Type Record

To add a QC type record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > QC Types. The QC Type - Master list displays.

Figure 239 QC Type - Master list

289 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The QC Type - New dialog box displays.

Figure 240 QC Type - New dialog box

3. Enter the code in the QC Code box.

4. Enter the method in the QC Method box

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a QC Type Record

To edit a QC type record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > QC Types. The QC Type - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The QC Type - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 241 QC Type - Edit dialog box

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Masters 290

Deleting a QC Type Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a QC type record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing QC type record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > QC Types. The QC Type - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Drug QC

The Drug QC function allows you to define what type of QC data is to be entered for each product by
selecting the QC type. After a QC type is defined, you can edit the media, solvents, percentage bound
limits, particle sizes, and whether or not the bound product migrates for each drug number in the drug
master file. You can add, edit, and delete drug QC records.

Adding a Drug QC Record

To add a drug QC record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Drug QC. The Drug Vendor QC - Master list displays.

Figure 242 Drug Vendor QC - Master list

291 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Drug Vendor QC - New dialog box displays.

Figure 243 Drug Vendor QC - New dialog box

3. Select the vendor drug from the Vendor Drug drop-down list.
4. Select the QC type from the QC Type drop-down list.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. Select the QC mode from the QC Mode drop-down list.
7. Enter the test type 1 in the Test Type 1 box.
8. Enter the solvent 1 in the Solvent 1 box
9. Enter the media 1 in the Media 1 box.
10.Enter the test type 2 in the Test Type 2 box.
11.Enter the solvent 2 in the Solvent 2 box
12.Enter the media 2 in the Media 2 box.
13.Enter the minimum percentage to bound in the Minimum % Bound box.
14.Enter the formula in the Bound Calculation Formula box.
15.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

16.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

Masters 292

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Drug QC Record

To edit a drug QC record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Drug QC. The Drug QC - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Drug Vendor QC - Edit dialog box

Figure 244 Drug Vendor QC - Edit dialog box

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Drug QC Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a drug QC record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing drug QC record:

1. Click Masters > Procedures > Drug QC. The Drug QC - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

293 Optility™ User Guide

Vendor Drugs

The Vendor Drugs master list contains all of the vendor drugs entered in the system. You can add, edit,
and delete vendor drugs records.

Adding a Vendor Drug Record

To add a vendor drug record:
1. Click Masters > Drugs > Vendor Drugs. The Vendor Drugs - Master list displays.

Figure 245 Vendor Drugs - Master list

Masters 294

2. Click . The Vendor Drugs - New dialog box displays.

Figure 246 Vendor Drugs - New dialog box

3. Enter a name to be used for future searches in the Search Name box.
4. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.
5. Select the vendor from the Vendor drop-down list.
6. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

7. Select the inventory waste bin type from the Inventory Waste Bin Type drop-down list.
8. Select the study (patient) waste bin type from the Study Waste Bin Type drop-down list.
9. Enter the concentration value in the Concentration for Volume Based box.
10.Select the type of measurement for the interval from the drop-down list.
11.Enter the volume value in the Total Volume for Volume Based box.
12.Select the type of measurement for the interval from the drop-down list.
13.Select the Track Particles check box to activate particle tracking.

295 Optility™ User Guide

If particle tracking has been activated for in-house prepared technetium labeled MAA, the number of
particles is calculated and the maximum number allowed is limited when inventory is assigned to the
patient study.
14.Enter the max particles per dose in the Max Particles per Dose box.
This box is used to limit the maximum number of particles that may be administered to any one
15.Enter the default exponent in the Default Exponent box.
16.Select the calibration time zone from the Calibration Time Zone drop-down list.
If the calibration time is not in your time zone, you may need to adjust the time to your time zone
17.Enter the default calibration time in the Default Calibration Time box.
18.Enter the default number of days in the Default Expiration Days box.
19.Enter the number of hours (up to 48), that you want this elution to be usable in the Maximum Age of
Elution box.
The assumption is made that any elution with a six hour or less expiration time has significant Mo99
contamination and should not be used. The contaminated elution is marked as expired and cannot
be used.
20.Enter the maximum amount of product that can be reordered at one time in the Reorder Limit box.
21.Select the following check boxes to enable the option:
• Returnable – Select this check box if the drug is returnable.
• Compound Product – Select this check box if the drug is a compound product.
• QC Required – Select this check box if a quality control test is going to be performed on the

inventory produced.
• Exclude from Statistics – Select this check box if you want to exclude this drug from any

22.Select a color for the label from the Label Color drop-down list.
23.Select special instructions for the label from the Label Instructions drop-down list.
24.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
25.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Vendor Drug Record

To edit a vendor drug record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Vendor Drugs. The Vendor Drugs - Master list displays.

Masters 296

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Vendor Drugs - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 247 Vendor Drugs - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

297 Optility™ User Guide

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Vendor Drug Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a vendor drug record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing vendor drug record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Vendor Drugs. The Vendor Drugs - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 298

Drug Vendor Quantities

The Drug Vendor Quantities master list contains a list of all drug vendor quantities in your system. You
can add, edit, and delete drug vendor quantity records.

Adding a Drug Vendor Quantity Record

To add a drug vendor quantity record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Drug Vendor Quantities. The Drug Vendor Quantity - Master list

Figure 248 Drug Vendor Quantity - Master list

299 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Drug Vendor Quantity - New dialog box displays.

Figure 249 Drug Vendor Quantity - New dialog box

3. Select the vendor drug from the Vendor Drug drop-down list.
4. Enter the description in the Quantity Description box.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
6. Enter the quantity sort order in the Quantity Sort Order box.
7. Select the quantity unit from the Quantity Unit drop-down list.
8. Enter the multiplication factor to convert units in the Conversion Factor box.
9. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
10.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Drug Vendor Quantity Record

To edit a drug vendor quantity record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Drug Vendor Quantities. The Drug Vendor Quantity - Master list

Masters 300

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Drug Vendor Quantity - Edit dialog box

Figure 250 Drug Vendor Quantity - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Drug Vendor Quantity Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a drug vendor quantity record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing drug vendor quantity record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Drug Vendor Quantities. The Drug Vendor Quantity - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Group License Types

Licenses are regulated as either coming from an “Agreement” State or NRC. Depending on the status of
where the facility resides, application is then dependent on the type of facility you have. Licenses should
be defined for what they regulate, for example, types and amounts of isotopes. The Group License Type

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