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Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

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Published by capintec, 2019-04-11 20:24:54

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

301 Optility™ User Guide

function enables you to add as many groups as needed. You can create, edit, and delete group license
types for each customer.

Adding a Group License Type Record

To add a group license type record:
1. Click Masters > Drugs > Group License Types. The Group License Type - Master list displays.

Figure 251 Group License Type - Master list

2. Click . The Group License Type - New dialog box displays.

Figure 252 Group License Type - New dialog box
3. Enter the description in the Description box.

Masters 302

4. Enter comments in the Comments box.

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

7. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

303 Optility™ User Guide

Adding Drugs to a Group License Type

To add drugs to a group license type:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Group License Types. The Group License Type - Master list displays.

2. Click . The Drug Group License - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 253 Drug Group License - Edit dialog box

Masters 304

3. Select the drugs to include/remove from the license.
4. Click OK.

305 Optility™ User Guide

Editing a Group License Type Record

To edit a group license type record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Group License Types. The Group License Type - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Group License Type - Edit dialog box

Figure 254 Group License Type - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Group License Type Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a group license type record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing group license type record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Group License Types. The Group License Type - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 306

Drug Group License

The Drug Group License master list contains all of the drug group licenses entered in the system. You
can add, edit, and delete drug group license records.

Editing a Drug Group License Record

To edit a drug group license record:

1. Click Masters > Drugs > Drug Group License. The Drug Group License - Master list displays.

Figure 255 Drug Group License - Master list

307 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Drug Group License - Edit dialog box

Figure 256 Drug Group License - Edit dialog box

3. Select the drugs to include/remove from the license.
4. Click OK.

Masters 308


This section describes how to manage vendors, standing orders, purchase orders, and pricing.


The Vendor master list contains all of the vendors entered in the system. You can add, edit, and delete
vendor records.

Adding a Vendor Record

To add a vendor record:
1. Click Masters > Vendors > List. The Vendor - Master list displays.

Figure 257 Vendor - Master list

309 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Vendor - New dialog box displays.

Figure 258 Vendor - New dialog box

3. Enter the vendor’s name in the Name box.
4. Enter the customer contact in the Customer Contact box.
5. Enter the vendor’s address in the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip boxes. In most cases,

this is their home address.

6. Enter the vendor code that displays in the drug record in the Vendor Code in Drug box.
7. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

8. Select the Pharmacy check box if this vendor is a pharmacy.
9. Enter the vendor’s email address in the Email Address box.
10.Enter the vendor’s phone number in the Phone box.
11.Enter the vendor’s fax number in the Fax box.
12.Enter the vendor’s accounting vendor code in the Accounting Assigned Vendor Code box.
13.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

14.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Masters 310

Editing a Vendor Record

To edit a vendor record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > List. The Vendor - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Vendor - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 259 Vendor - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

311 Optility™ User Guide

Deleting a Vendor Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a vendor record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing vendor record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > List. The Vendor - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Standing Orders

The Vendor Standing Order master list contains all of the vendor standing orders in the system. You can
add, edit, and delete vendor standing order records.

Adding a Vendor Standing Order Record

To add a vendor standing order record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Standing Orders. The Vendor Standing Order - Master list displays.

Figure 260 Vendor Standing Order - Master list

Masters 312

2. Click . The Vendor Standing Order - New dialog box displays.

Figure 261 Vendor Standing Order - New dialog box

3. Select a vendor drug from the Vendor Drug drop-down list.
4. Select a purchase order from the Purchase Order drop-down list.
5. If you want to create a purchase order immediately after this record is created, select the Load PO

During Process check box.
After you click OK, The Purchase Order is created and stored in the Standing Orders - Master list.
6. Click the button in the Last Action Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
7. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.
8. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
9. Enter the interval in the Interval box.
10.Select the type of interval from the drop-down list. If you select Weekly, you must select a day of the
week check box.
11.Enter the time in the Calibration Time box.
12.Enter the number of days before this drug expires in the # of Days for Expiration box.
13.Enter the volume in the Volume box.
14.Enter the activity in the Activity box.

NOTE: The Concentration is automatically calculated using the volume and activity values.

313 Optility™ User Guide

15.Enter the concentration in the Concentration box if you want to override the calculation.

16.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

17.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Vendor Standing Order Record

To edit a vendor standing order record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Standing Order. The Vendor Standing Order - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Tc99m Kit Standing Order - Edit dialog
box displays.

Figure 262 Vendor Standing Order - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Masters 314

Deleting a Vendor Standing Order Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a vendor standing order record if there are any dependencies associated to

To delete an existing vendor standing order record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Standing Orders. The Vendor Standing Order - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Purchase Orders

The Purchase Order master list contains specific purchase order numbers for each vendor or drug
number. You can add, edit, and delete purchase order records.

Purchase orders can be for:

• Vendors
• Customers

315 Optility™ User Guide

Adding a Vendor Purchase Order Record

To add a purchase order record:
1. Click Masters > Vendors > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order [Vendor] - Master list


Figure 263 Purchase Order [Vendor] - Master list

2. Click . The Purchase Order - New dialog box displays.

Figure 264 Purchase Order - New dialog box

Masters 316

3. Enter the purchase order number in the Purchase Order Number box.

4. Select a vendor from the Vendor drop-down list.

5. Select a drug from the Drug drop-down list.

6. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

7. Click the button in the Start Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

8. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

9. Click the button in the End Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

10.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

11.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

12.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Vendor Purchase Order Record

To edit a purchase order record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Purchase Order. The Purchase Order [Vendor] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Purchase Order - Edit dialog box

Figure 265 Purchase Order - Edit dialog box

317 Optility™ User Guide

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Vendor Purchase Order Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a purchase order record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing purchase order record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Purchase Orders. The Purchase Order [Vendor] - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 318


The Vendor Pricing master list contains specific pricing information for each vendor. You can add, edit,
and delete vendor pricing records.

Adding a Vendor Pricing Record

To add a vendor pricing record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Pricing. The Vendor Pricing - Master list displays.

Figure 266 Vendor Pricing - Master list

319 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Vendor Pricing - New dialog box displays.

Figure 267 Vendor Pricing - New dialog box

3. Select a drug vendor from the Drug Vendor drop-down list.

4. Select a drug vendor quantity from the Drug Vendor Quantity drop-down list.

5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. Select the Allow Manual Reprice check box if you want to be able to manually reprice for this

7. Select a price selector from the Price Selector drop-down list. Different boxes display depending on
what price selector you use.

8. Enter the quantity and price information in the appropriate boxes.

9. Enter the sales tax percentage in the Sales Tax (%) box.

10.Enter the delivery tax percentage in the Delivery Tax (%) box.

11.Enter the message in the Pricing Message box.

12.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

13.Click OK.

Masters 320

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Vendor Pricing Record

To edit a vendor pricing record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Pricing. The Vendor Pricing - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Vendor Pricing - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 268 Vendor Pricing - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

321 Optility™ User Guide

Deleting a Vendor Pricing Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a vendor pricing record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing vendor pricing record:

1. Click Masters > Vendors > Pricing. The Vendor Pricing - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Site This section describes how to manage your site, drug license limits, broad limits, group limits, and

Information about your lab is stored in the Customer - Edit dialog box. The dialog box contains two

• Site
• Miscellaneous

Masters 322

Editing the Site Tab

To edit information in the Site tab:
1. Click Masters > Site > Edit. The Customer - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 269 Customer - Edit (Site tab) dialog box

323 Optility™ User Guide

2. Enter the site’s name in the Site Name box.
3. Enter the site’s address in the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip boxes. In most cases,

this is their home address.
4. Enter the name of the contact person who receives your shipments in the Attention box.
5. Enter a descriptive search name that identifies your lab in the Search Name box.

This function is important if your organization has multiple labs. When you log in to a specific lab, the
name will display in the title bar at the top of the window.
6. Enter the site’s email address in the Email Address box.
7. Enter the site’s home phone number in the Phone box.
8. Enter the site’s fax number in the Fax box.
9. Select the name of the licensed doctor at this site from the Licensed Doctor drop-down list.
10.Enter the chief technologist in the Chief Technologist box.
11.Enter your comments in the Comments box.

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

12.Click OK.

Editing the Miscellaneous Tab

The Miscellaneous tab contains additional information about your site.
To edit your site’s Miscellaneous tab record:
1. Click Masters > Site > Edit. The Customer - Edit dialog box displays.

Masters 324
2. Click the Miscellaneous tab. The Miscellaneous tab displays.

Figure 270 Customer - Edit (Miscellaneous tab) dialog box

3. Enter the lab’s RAM license number in the RAM License Number box.
4. Click the button in the RAM License Expires drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

325 Optility™ User Guide

5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

6. Select the RAM License Renewed Extension check box if your lab (or the customer) has applied
for a license renewal but has not received it yet.

7. Select the Check Group License check box to enable group license limit checking.

If the RAM License Check check box on a drug is selected, then you must select this check box for
the customer.

8. Select the Check Broad License check box to enable broad license limit checking.

If the RAM License Check check box on a drug is selected, then you must select this check box for
the customer.

9. Enter the lab’s cyclotron license number in the Cyclotron License Number box.

10.Click the button in the Cyclotron License Expires drop-down list. The Report Calendar

11.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

12.Select the Check Cyclotron License check box to enable the cyclotron limit checks.

If the Cyclotron Product check box on a drug is selected, then you must select this check box for
the customer.

13.Select the Cyclotron License Extension check box if your lab (or the customer) has applied for a
license renewal but has not received it yet.

14.Select the bar code type from the Bar Code Type drop-down list.

15.Select the bar code format from the Bar Code Format drop-down list.

16.Select the packing list format number from the Packing List Format Number drop-down list.

17.Select the number of packing lists from the Number of Packing Lists drop-down list.

18.Enter additional information for the prescription label in the Rx Label Comments box.

19.Select the Print Bar Code on Packing Lists check box if you want the inventory bar code printed
on the packing list

20.Select the Print Bar Code On Rx check box if you want the bar code printed on the prescription

21.Select the Print Price On Rx check box if you want the price printed on the prescription container.

22.Select the Print Referring Doctor On Rx check box if you want the referring doctor’s name printed
on the prescription container.

23.Select the time zone of the location where the product is shipped from the Time Zone drop-down

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

24.Click OK.

Masters 326

Drug License Limits

The Drug License Limits master list contains limits for specific drugs. You can create, edit, and delete
drug license limits for each customer.

Adding a Drug License Limits Record

To add a drug license limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Drug License Limits. The Drug License Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

Figure 271 Drug License Limit [Site] - Master list

2. Click . The Drug License Limit - New dialog box displays.

Figure 272 Drug License Limit - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

327 Optility™ User Guide

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.

5. Enter the possession limit in the Possession Limit box.

6. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

7. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

8. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Drug License Limits Record

To edit a drug license limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Drug License Limits. The Drug License Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Drug License Limit - Edit dialog box

Figure 273 Drug License Limit - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Masters 328

Deleting a Drug License Limits Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a drug license limits record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing drug license limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Drug License Limits. The Drug License Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Broad Limits

The Broad Limits master list contains customer or site broad limits. You can create, edit, and delete
broad limits for each customer.

Adding a Broad Limits Record

To add a broad limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Broad Limits. The Broad Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

Figure 274 Broad Limit [Site] - Master list

329 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Broad Limit - New dialog box displays.

Figure 275 Broad Limit - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the isotope from the Isotope drop-down list.
5. Enter the possession limit in the Possession Limit box.
6. Select the measurement type from the Possession Limit drop-down list.
7. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
8. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
9. Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Broad Limits Record

To edit a broad limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Broad Limits. The Broad Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

Masters 330

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Broad Limit - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 276 Broad Limit - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Broad Limits Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a broad limits record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing broad limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Broad Limits. The Broad Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

331 Optility™ User Guide

Group Limits

The Group Limits master list contains customer or site group limits. You can create, edit, and delete
group limits for each customer.

Adding a Group Limits Record

To add a group limits record:
1. Click Masters > Site > Group Limits. The Group Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

Figure 277 Group Limit [Site] - Master list

2. Click . The Group Limit - New dialog box displays.

Figure 278 Group Limit - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

Masters 332

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the group license type from the Group License Type drop-down list.

5. Enter the possession limit in the Possession Limit box.

6. Select the measurement type from the Possession Limit drop-down list.

7. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

8. If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

9. Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Group Limits Record

To edit a group limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Group Limits. The Group Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Group Limit - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 279 Group Limit - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

333 Optility™ User Guide

Deleting a Group Limits Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a group limits record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing group limits record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Group Limits. The Group Limit [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.


There are two types of personnel records:

• Records for personnel who work at your site.
• Records for personnel who work at sites your organization is servicing

You can add, edit, and delete personnel records.

Adding a Personnel Record

To add a personnel record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Personnel. The Personnel [Site] - Master list displays.

Figure 280 Personnel [Site] - Master list

Masters 334

2. Click . The Personnel - New dialog box displays.

Figure 281 Personnel - New dialog box

3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Enter the employee’s first name in the First Name box.
5. Enter the employee’s middle initial in the MI box.
6. Enter the employee’s last name in the Last Name box.
7. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
8. Select the On Leave check box if this employee is on leave or vacation.
9. Select the Bioassay Required check box if this employee requires a bioassay test.
10.Enter the employee’s Social Security number in the SSN box.
11.Enter the employee’s date of birth in the Date of Birth box.
12.Select the employee’s gender from the Gender drop-down list.
13.Enter any other relevant information regarding this employee in the Comments box.
14.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
15.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

335 Optility™ User Guide

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Personnel Record

To edit a personnel record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Personnel. The Personnel [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Personnel - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 282 Personnel - Edit dialog box

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Personnel Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a personnel record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing personnel record:

1. Click Masters > Site > Personnel. The Personnel [Site] - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Masters 336


This section describes how to manage your instruments.


You can add, edit, and delete camera records.

Adding a Camera Record

To add a camera record:
1. Click Masters > Instruments > Cameras. The Camera - Master list displays.

Figure 283 Camera - Master list

337 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Camera - New dialog box displays.

Figure 284 Camera - New dialog box

3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Enter a descriptive label in the Description box.
5. Select the In Service check box if the camera is in service.

Clear the check box if the unit is under repair.
6. Enter a unique identifier code in the Lab Identifier box.
7. Enter the number assigned by the facility to this camera in the Facility Inventory Serial # box.

This is most applicable in university or government labs where the institution has assigned a
tracking number to this unit.
8. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
9. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
10.Enter the brand name in the Brand box.
11.Enter the model in the Model box.
12.Enter the camera’s serial number in the Serial Number box.
A serial number is required and must be unique for each camera.
13.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
14.Click OK.

Masters 338

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Camera Record

To edit a camera record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Cameras. The Camera - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Camera - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 285 Camera - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Camera Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a camera record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing camera record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Cameras. The Camera - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

339 Optility™ User Guide

3. Click Yes.

Dose Calibrators

A record is created and maintained for each dose calibrator. You can add, edit, or delete a dose

Adding a Dose Calibrator Record

To add a dose calibrator record:
1. Click Masters > Instruments > Dose Calibrators. The Dose Calibrator - Master list displays.

Figure 286 Dose Calibrator - Master list

Masters 340

2. Click . The Dose Calibrator - New dialog box displays.

Figure 287 Dose Calibrator - New dialog box

3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Enter a descriptive label in the Description box.
This normally describes the location of the calibrator in the lab such as fume hood or unit dose

5. Select the In Service check box if the calibrator is in service.
Clear the check box if the unit is under repair.

6. Enter a unique identifier code in the Lab Identifier box.
7. Enter the number assigned by the facility to this calibrator in the Facility Inventory Serial # box.

This is most applicable in university or government labs where the institution has assigned a
tracking number to this unit.
8. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
9. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
10.Enter the brand name in the Brand box.
11.Enter the model in the Model box.
12.Enter the calibrator’s serial number in the Serial Number box.

341 Optility™ User Guide

A serial number is required and must be unique for each calibrator.

13.Select the communication type from the Dose Calibrator Communication Type drop-down list.
This is the device that the calibrator uses to communicate with Optility™.

14.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

15.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Dose Calibrator Record

To edit a dose calibrator record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Dose Calibrators. The Dose Calibrator - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Dose Calibrator - Edit dialog box

Figure 288 Dose Calibrator - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.

Masters 342

4. Click OK.

Deleting a Dose Calibrator Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a dose calibrator record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing dose calibrator record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Dose Calibrators. The Dose Calibrator - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Dose Calibrator Types

You can create dose calibrator types. Each type contains information used to configure a dose
calibrator with Optility™. You can add, edit, or delete a dose calibrator type.

Adding a Dose Calibrator Type Record

To add a dose calibrator type record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Dose Calibrator Types. The Dose Calibrator Type - Master list

Figure 289 Dose Calibrator Type - Master list

343 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Dose Calibrator Type - New dialog box displays.

Figure 290 Dose Calibrator Type - New dialog box

3. Enter a descriptive label in the Description box.
This normally describes the location of the calibrator in the lab such as fume hood or unit dose

4. Enter a unique identifier that is used for manual searches in the Query String box.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

6. Select the port from the Port drop-down list.
7. Select the baud rate from the Baud drop-down list.
8. Select the parity from the Parity drop-down list.
9. Enter the data bit rate in the Data Bit box.
10.Select the stop bit rate in the Stop Bit drop-down list.
11.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

12.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Dose Calibrator Type Record

To edit a dose calibrator type record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Dose Calibrator Types. The Dose Calibrator Type - Master list

Masters 344

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Dose Calibrator Type - Edit dialog box

Figure 291 Dose Calibrator Type - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Dose Calibrator Type Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a dose calibrator type record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing dose calibrator type record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Dose Calibrator Types. The Dose Calibrator Type - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

345 Optility™ User Guide
3. Click Yes.

Film Badges

A record is created and maintained for each film badge. You can add, edit, or deleted film badges.

Adding a Film Badge Record

To add a film badge record:
1. Click Masters > Instruments > Film Badges. The Film Badge - Master list displays.

Figure 292 Film Badge - Master list

Masters 346

2. Click . The Film Badge - New dialog box displays.

Figure 293 Film Badge - New dialog box

3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Enter a descriptive label in the Description box.
5. Select the In Service check box if the film badge is in service.

Clear the check box if the unit is under repair.
6. Enter a unique identifier code in the Lab Identifier box.
7. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
8. Select the Active check box if this record is to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list it is listed
9. Select the film badge type from the Film Badge Type drop-down list.
10.Enter the model in the Model box.
11.Enter the brand name in the Brand box.
12.Enter the film badge’s serial number in the Serial Number box.

A serial number is required and must be unique for each film badge.
13.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
14.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

347 Optility™ User Guide

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Film Badge Record

To edit a film badge record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Film Badges. The Film Badge - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Film Badge - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 294 Film Badge - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Film Badge Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a film badge record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing film badge record:
1. Click Masters > Instruments > Film Badges. The Film Badge - Master list displays.

Masters 348

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

Film Badge Types

Use the Film Badge Type master list to enter and maintain all film badge types. You can add, edit, or
delete film badge types.

Adding a Film Badge Type Record

To add a film badge type record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Film Badge Types. The Film Badge Type - Master list displays.

Figure 295 Film Badge Type - Master list

2. Click . The Film Badge Type - New dialog box displays.

Figure 296 Film Badge Type - New dialog box

349 Optility™ User Guide

3. Enter a descriptive label in the Description box.
4. Enter a unique identifier that is used for manual searches in the Search Name box.
5. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
6. Enter an action level that should not be exceeded by an individual for one exposure period in the
Period Action Level box.
7. Select the measurement from the Period Action Level drop-down list.
8. Enter an action level that should not be exceeded by an individual for a cumulative exposure period
in the Cumulative Action Level box.
9. Select the measurement from the Cumulative Action Level drop-down list.
10.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.
11.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Film Badge Type Record

To edit a film badge type record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Film Badge Types. The Film Badge Type - Master list displays.

Masters 350

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Film Badge Type - Edit dialog box

Figure 297 Film Badge Type - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Film Badge Type Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a film badge type record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing film badge type record:

1. Click Masters > Instruments > Film Badge Types. The Film Badge Type - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.

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