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Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

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Published by capintec, 2019-04-11 20:24:54

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

151 Optility™ User Guide

Backing Up Your Data

The Backup Now command enables you to immediately back up all of your application data.
NOTE: Using the Backup Now command does not affect scheduled backups.
To immediately back up all of your application data:
1. Click Tools > Data > Backup Now.

Optility™ creates the Optility™DBBackups folder on the C: drive of your PC to store the backup
database. After the backup is complete, the Database Backup message box displays.

Figure 116 Database Backup message box
2. Click OK.

System Administration 152

Setting Up the Backup Schedule

The Backup Schedule function allows you to schedule automatic backups of your application data.
To backup your application data:
1. Click Tools > Data > Backup Schedule. The Database Backup Schedule dialog box displays.

Figure 117 Database Backup Schedule dialog box

2. Enter a description of the backup in the Description box.
3. Select a destination for the back up file from the Destination [Relative to Database Server]

drop-down list.
4. Select the appropriate to append or overwrite the existing backup file.

• Append – Adds the backup data to the existing file

153 Optility™ User Guide

• Overwrite – Overwrites the existing file
5. Choose the backup type from the Backup section:

• Complete – Performs a complete backup
• Differential – Only backs up changed data
6. Select when the backup occurs from the Occurs section.
• Daily – Enter the number of days between each backup.
• Weekly – Select Weekly and then select the check box for the day on which the weekly backup

7. Enter the frequency in the Frequency section:

• To schedule one backup, Select Occurs once at and enter the time.
• To schedule a backup that occurs on a regular basis, select Occurs every and select the

number of hours between each backup.

NOTE: Regularly scheduled backups always occur at the beginning of the hour, i.e. 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,
and so on.

8. Enter the starting date for when the scheduled backups will begin.
9. Select the Prompt for Backup on Application Exit check box if you want to be prompted to

backup the database every time that you exit Optility™.
10.Click OK.

System Administration 154

Restoring a Backup File from the Backup Log

Use the Restore command to restore selected backups from the backup log.
To restore a backup:
1. Click Tools > Data > Restore. The Backup Log - Master list displays.

Figure 118 Backup Log - Master list
2. Select the backup that you want to restore.

155 Optility™ User Guide

3. Click or double click on the selected backup. The Backup Log confirmation box displays.

Figure 119 Backup Log confirmation box
4. Click Yes. After the database is restored, the Backup Log message box displays.

Figure 120 Backup Log message box
5. Click OK.

Restoring a Backup File from Another Location

Use the Restore command to restore selected backups from a location outside of Optility.
To restore a backup:
1. Click Tools > Data > Restore. The Backup Log - Master list displays.

System Administration 156

2. Click . The Open dialog box displays.

Figure 121 Open dialog box

3. Browse to the location of the database and then click Open. The Backup Log confirmation box

4. Click Yes. After the database is restored, the Backup Log message box displays.
5. Click OK.

157 Optility™ User Guide

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail allows you to list the contents of the reminder exceptions.

Managing Reminder Exceptions

To manage the reminder exceptions:
1. Click Tools > Audit Trail > Reminder Exceptions. The Reminder Exception - Master list


Figure 122 Reminder Exception - Master list
2. Expand the record that you want by clicking on the (+) sign.
3. You can do the following:

• Print the exception. For more information, see ”Printing Screens and Reports” on page 87.
• Export the data to Excel or XML. For more information, see ”Exporting Data” on page 86.
• Delete the exception. For more information, see ”Deleting Records” on page 85.

System Administration 158


This section describes Optility’s system configuration features. The features are:

• Application Settings
• Barcode Settings
• Generator Elution Defaults
• Graphics
• Health Physics
• HL7 Interface
• Studies
• Instrument Defaults
• Inventory Options
• License Settings
• Online Links
• Regulatory Levels
• Startup

NOTE: For more information on Admin features, see ”System Administration” on page 129.

Application Settings

The Application Settings window is used to set system date and time formats and setup database
update settings. Application settings are:

• Date/Time Format – Select the date and time format you want to display throughout the application.
For example: MMM dd, yyyy @ hh:mm:ss tt
• MMM – First three letters of month
• tt – AM or PM

• Edit Date/Time Format – Select the date and time format you want to display throughout the
application. For example: MMM dd, yyyy @ hh:mm:ss tt

• Report Date Format – Select the date format you want to display for reports throughout the
application. For example: MMM dd, yyyy @ hh:mm:ss tt

• Report Date/Time Format – Select the date and time format you want to display for reports
throughout the application. For example: MMM dd, yyyy @ hh:mm:ss tt

• Show Message on Database Update – Select this check box if you want to confirm each time the
database is updated.

• Beep on Database Update – Select this check box to play a sound file (.WAV) each time the
database is updated.

159 Optility™ User Guide

Setting the Date/Time Format

To set the date/time format:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.

Figure 123 System Configuration dialog box

System Administration 160

2. Select Application Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Application Settings
window displays.

Figure 124 System Configuration - Application Settings window
3. Click the icon under MySiteDefault for the Date/Time Format setting. A menu displays.

Figure 125 Date/Time Format menu
4. Click the format that you want.
5. Click OK.

Setting Database Options

To set the database options:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select Application Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Application Settings

window displays.
3. Select the Show Message on Database Update check box to display a message when the

database is updated.

161 Optility™ User Guide

4. Select the Beep on Database Update check box to play a sound file when the database is updated.
5. Click OK.

Barcode Settings

This function enables you to enter vendor drug cross reference information so that the drug can be
scanned into Optility. Barcode settings are:

• Barcode Base Year – The base year is used throughout the application.
• Barcode Xref – This function enables you to enter vendor drug cross reference information so that

the drug can be scanned into Optility.
• Cardinal Pharmacy – Used to select the default Cardinal pharmacy. This field is used if hospitals

that are using Optility™ are purchasing from a Cardinal Pharmacy.
• Read Pinestar barcodes – Used to enable your barcode reader to read Pinestar barcodes. This

field displays if this feature is available in your version of Optility™.
• Read Amersham barcodes – Used to enable your barcode reader to read Amersham barcodes.

This field displays if this feature is available in your version of Optility™.
• Translate Vendor in Barcodes (999 - 001) – Used to read non-Optility™ type codes received in to

inventory. The first code (999) is the Optility™-type code and the second code (001) is the
non-Optility™ type code. For example, I receive drugs from vendor 085 which is a Cardinal
pharmacy. I have vendor 085 defined as vendor 025 in Optility™. I must enter 025 to 085 in the
Translate Vendor in Barcodes (999 - 001) box. This allows all drugs received from vendor 085 to
be associated to vendor 025 in Optility™. You can setup 3 different vendor translations.
• Default to Vendor 001 in Barcode Identifier – Used to select the default vendor 001 for all
received drugs in Optility™ regardless of what is set up in the Translate Vendor in Barcodes (999
- 001) boxes.

Entering the Barcode Base Year

Before changing the Barcode Base Year, please contact support personnel. Changing this value could
make your bar codes work incorrectly.

To enter or edit the barcode base year:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select Barcode Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Barcode Settings window

3. Enter a new base year or type over the existing base year.
4. Click OK.

System Administration 162

Adding a Barcode Cross Reference

To add a barcode cross reference:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select Barcode Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Barcode Settings window


Figure 126 System Configuration - Barcode Settings window

163 Optility™ User Guide
3. Click the Click to edit Barcode Xref button. The Barcode XRef - Master list displays.

Figure 127 Barcode XRef - Master list

4. Click . The Barcode XRef - New dialog box displays.

Figure 128 Barcode XRef - New dialog box
5. Select the customer from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

6. Select the barcode type from the Barcode Type drop-down list.

System Administration 164

7. Select the vendor drug from the Vendor Drug drop-down list.
8. Enter the drug ID from the barcode in the Drug Identifier from Barcode box.
9. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

10.Select the unit for the quantity from the Quantity Unit drop-down list.
11.Enter the conversion factor for the quantity in the Quantity Conversion Factor box.
12.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

13.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Barcode Cross Reference

To edit a barcode cross reference:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.

2. Select Barcode Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Barcode Settings window

3. Click the Click to edit Barcode XRef button. The Barcode XRef - Master list displays.

4. Expand the record that you want to edit by clicking on the (+) sign.

5. Click . The Barcode XRef - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 129 Application User - Edit dialog box

6. Edit the information that you need to update.
7. Click OK.

165 Optility™ User Guide

Deleting a Barcode Cross Reference

To delete an existing barcode cross reference:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.

2. Select Barcode Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Barcode Settings window

3. Click the Click to edit Barcode XRef button. The Barcode XRef - Master list displays.

4. Expand the record that you want to delete by clicking on the (+) sign.

5. Click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation box displays.

Figure 130 Delete Master List Items confirmation box
6. Click Yes.

System Administration 166

Generator Elution Defaults

This function enables you to enter the generator elution settings. The options are:

• Mo/Tc99 Breakthru Limits (uCi/mCi) – Enter the Mo-99/Tc-99m ratio that designates at what limit
an elution is no longer usable due to excess Mo-99. The default is 0.150 uCi/mCi. This limit is used
by the system to calculate the expiration time for generator elutions.

• Mo99 Attenuation Factor – If applicable, enter the Mo-99 attenuation factor for your dose
calibrator. The default is 3.50 which is used by many Capintec dose calibrators. If the Multiply 99Mo
X Attenuation Factor check box is selected, the system takes the value entered into the Dose
Calibrator Mo-99 Reading box with the Elute Generators and multiplies that value by the value in
this box to obtain the total Mo-99 content of the elution.

• Elution > Generator Activity Limit (%) – This box is the percentage activity by which a Tc-99m
elution may exceed the total Mo99 activity of the generator. It is used as a check by the system to
avoid data that is grossly in error. The default is 30.

• Generator Elution Volume (ml) – Enter the most common volume that your lab uses to elute
generators. If your lab uses multiple sizes, the smallest volume size is suggested for this default.
The Volume Of Elution box in the Elute Generators defaults to the value in this box.

• Default Elution Expiration (Hours) – Enter the number of hours for which you usually use your
generator elutions. The Hours of Elution box in the Elute Generator record defaults to this box
value. The expiration time of the elution is calculated by the system based upon the Mo-99/Tc-99m
ratio and is set to that time if it is shorter than the default.

If an expiration time of six hours or less is calculated, a warning message displays and use of the
elution is not allowed. The assumption is made that any elution with a six hour or less expiration time
has significant Mo99 contamination and should not be used. The contaminated elution is marked as
expired and cannot be used.

• Minimum Elution Expiration (Hours) – The minimum number of hours of your generator elutions.

• Maximum Elution Expiration (Hours) – The maximum number of hours of your generator elutions.

• Perform Aluminum Ion Test – If this check box is not selected, the user is not prompted to input
data on the aluminum ion breakthrough test when entering an elution in the Elute Generators record.

• Prompt for Elution Labels – Select if you want to be prompted to print the elution inventory vial
labels after you perform an elution.

• Prompt for Dilution Labels – Select if you want to be prompted to print the dilution inventory vial
labels after you perform an dilution.

• Eluted Technetium – Select your default elution drug for the generator.

• Diluted Technetium – Select your default dilution drug for the generator.

167 Optility™ User Guide

Setting a Generator Elution Default

To set a generator elution default:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select Generator Elution Settings in the left pane. The System Configuration - Generator

Elution Settings window displays.

Figure 131 System Configuration - Generator Elution Settings window
3. Enter the generator elution defaults in the appropriate fields.
4. Click OK.


This function allows you to set the company logo, required image, dose calibrator image, and dose
calibrator required image. If you are going to use your own graphic files, ensure the dimensions of the
graphic files fit on the windows or reports. The options are:
• Report Logo – Click to select a company logo graphic file (.bmp, .jpg, or .png) that displays

within the Optility™ reporting feature. Capintec, Inc recommends using .jpg graphic file types.
• Required Field Image – Click to select a required image that displays in all of the application’s

required fields. Capintec, Inc recommends using .png graphic file types.
• Dose Calibrator Available Image – Click to select a dose calibrator graphic file that displays

within the Optility™ dialog boxes. Capintec, Inc recommends using .png graphic file types.

System Administration 168

• Dose Calibrator Available and Required Field Image – Click to select a dose calibrator
required image that displays in all of the application’s dose calibrator required fields. Capintec, Inc
recommends using .png graphic file types.

Setting a Graphics Detail

To set a graphics detail:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select Graphics in the left pane. The System Configuration - Graphics window displays.

Figure 132 System Configuration - Graphics window

169 Optility™ User Guide

3. Click to select a graphic detail. The Open dialog box displays.

Figure 133 Open dialog box
4. Browse to the graphic file, and then click Open.
5. Click OK.

Health Physics Defaults

This function allows you to set the health physics default settings. The options are:
• Launch HP Report on Save – Enables the check box on Health Physics tests. If the check box is

selected on the record, the report is displayed when the record is saved.
• Area Surveys in CPM – If this check box is selected, all area surveys are recorded in CPM rather

than mR/hr.
• Left & Right Readings for Bioassay – Select this check box if you want bioassay data to be

entered for both the left and right lobes. If it is not selected, data is entered as one count for both
lobes combined.
• Mandatory Health Physics Tests – Select this check box to set all health physics tests to be
mandatory. If you run an End of Day report, you receive errors if the mandatory tests were not

System Administration 170

• Area Wipe - Non Restricted Default – This is the wipe test default action level for a non-restricted
area in cpm.

• Area Wipe - Non Restricted Max – This is the wipe test action level for a non-restricted area in

• Area Wipe - Restricted Default – This is the wipe test default action level for a restricted area in

• Area Wipe - Restricted Max – This is the wipe test action level for a restricted area in cpm.

• Area Survey - Non Restricted Default – This is the default survey action level for a non-restricted
area. The system default is 0.05 mR/Hr.

• Area Survey - Non Restricted Max – This is the maximum survey action level for a non-restricted

• Area Survey - Restricted Default – This is the default survey action level for a restricted area. The
system default is 5.00 mR/Hr.

• Area Survey - Restricted Max – This is the maximum survey action level for a restricted area.

• Accuracy Error Threshold % – The variance of Val#1, Val#2, and Val#3 boxes on the Dose
Calibrator Accuracy - New dialog box should be +/- the threshold percentage.

• Constancy Error Threshold % – An error displays on the window if the calculated error percentage
is +/- the threshold percentage.

• Geometry Error Threshold % – An error displays on the window if the calculated error percentage
is +/- the threshold percentage.

• Thyroid Efficiency Error Threshold % – The scaler’s efficiency is compared to the calculated
efficiency and the result is validated against this threshold.

• Source Leak Efficiency Error Threshold % – The scaler’s efficiency is compared to the calculated
efficiency and the result is validated against this threshold.

• Wipe Counting Eff Max – This is the maximum wipe counting efficiency level.

• Wipe Size Default – This is the default size of the wipe sample you obtain when performing area
wipe test data. The system default is 100 cm^2.

• Wipe Size Max – This is the maximum size of the wipe sample you can obtain when performing
area wipe test data.

171 Optility™ User Guide

Setting Health Physics Defaults

To set the defaults for health physics:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select Health Physics in the left pane. The System Configuration - Health Physics window


Figure 134 System Configuration - Health Physics window
3. Enter the health physics defaults in the appropriate fields.
4. Click OK.

HL7 Interface

This function allows you to set the HL7 settings like Database Identifier, Default Vendor's HL7
System Version, HL7 System Versions, Segment/Element/Component Definitions and HIS/RIS
Optility™ Data mapping. The options are:

• Database Location Name in HIS - The string specified in here Identifies the facility (Nuclear

Medicine Clinic or the Optility™ Database) to which the HL7 message is intended for. This string is
assigned to the currently connected Optility™ database. Any HL7 message parsed in the future
and having this very same matching string in one of the elements of a message segment will be
inserted into the database as per the mapping specified in HIS/RIS to Optility™ Data Mapping.

• HL7 Vendor - Select your Default Vendor's HL7 System Version (HL7 Vendor Definition).

System Administration 172

• HL7 Vendor Definitions - Each HL7 system transmits or receives messages using certain

standards (Encoding Characters, Start of Message Characters, End of Message Characters,
End of Segment Characters etc) which can be set/reset. These standards are referred to as
vendor definitions.

• HL7 Segment Definitions - Each HL7 message constitutes of one or more segments and each

segment constitutes of one or elements and each element constitutes of one or more components.

• HIS/RIS to Optility™ Data Mapping - Enables you to map Optility™ database's Entity,

Attribute with that of a HL7 Segment, HL7 Element, HL7 Component.

Setting HL7 Interface

To set the HL7 Interface:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Figure 135 System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window

3. Set all the HL7 Interface in the proper fields.
4. Click OK

About HL7 Message

• A HL7 Message constitutes a set of one or more segments. A segment constitutes a set of one or
more elements. Elements are separated by delimiter characters like "|". Again a element

173 Optility™ User Guide

constitutes a set of one or more components. Components are separated by delimiter characters
like "^".
• Generally a broadcasted HL7 message is received and saved in one file but at time more than one
message can be received as saved in the same file. The starting segment of a HL7 Message is MSH
(Message Segment Header). Again Messages are separated by delimiter characters or in some
cases a MSH segment can be considered a delimiter in a multiple message file.
• Message delimiters are specified in HL7 Vendors Window.

About Database Location Name

• A Nuclear Medicine Clinic can have multiple facilities. A certain facility might be conducting specific
studies not done at the other facilities. An Optility-NMM client utility running at that facility needs to
have studies that are scheduled only for that facility. There is no point in having study information
that is not dealt in that facility. Each of such facility have a specific location name. The HL7
message specific to a certain facility will have that facilities specific location name set in one of the
message segments holding the study schedule so that the parsed HL7 messages is inserted into
the corresponding facilities Optility™ database and not anywhere else.

Entering Database Location Name

Before changing or entering the Database Location Name, please contact support personnel.
Changing this value could result in insertion of the processed HL7 messages in a wrong database or in
multiple databases or in no database at all.

To enter or edit the database location name:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172

System Administration 174

3. For the ParameterName "DataBase Location Name in HIS" enter a new database location name
or type over the existing database location name.

Figure 136 HL7 Interface - Set DataBase Location Name in HIS.

4. Click OK.

About Vendor Definitions

A vendor definition is the implementation of a HL7 System Version. The implementation includes
Encoding Characters, Start of Message Characters, End of Message Characters, End of
Segment Characters, Segment Definitions, Elements, Components etc.

Create New Vendor Definitions

To create new vendor definitions:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172

175 Optility™ User Guide
3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Vendor Definitions button. The EasyHL7 Vendor dialog displays.

Figure 137 HL7 Interface - EasyHL7 Vendor Dialog.

System Administration 176
4. Click on New Vendor button. The Create a New Vendor dialog box displays.

Figure 138 HL7 Vendor - Create a New Vendor Dialog

5. Select a Vendor Definitions Version from the Vendor drop down that closely resembles the New
Vendor Definitions.

6. Specify the New Vendor Name.
7. Specify the HL7 Version.
8. Click Create Vendor.
9. The New Vendor Definition is created and selected as default Vendor in EasyHl7 Vendor dialog.

Refer ”HL7 Interface - EasyHL7 Vendor Dialog.” on page 175.

177 Optility™ User Guide
10.Overwrite Description. Save Changes button is enabled.

Figure 139 HL7 Vendor - Save Changes (Created New / Edited Existing Vendor).

11.Overwrite or leave as is Field Seperator, Component, Repeat, Escape & Sub-Component of
Encoding Characters.

System Administration 178

12.Click on Start of message Charcater(s) to select Available Character(s) into Selected
Characters and clicking on OK or overwrite or leave as is the Start of message Character(s).

Figure 140 HL7 Vendor - Select Ascii Character Dialog.

13.Click on End of segment Charcater(s) to select Available Character(s) into Selected Characters
and clicking on OK or overwrite or leave as is the End of segment Character(s).

14.Click on End of message Charcater(s) to select Available Character(s) into Selected Characters
and clicking on OK or overwrite or leave as is the End of message Character(s).

15.Click Close and Exit.
16.Click Reset Default Values (refer ”HL7 Vendor - Save Changes (Created New / Edited Existing

Vendor).” on page 177) button if you think you made a mistake in overwriting some of the values and
you want to revert back to defaults.

Edit Existing Vendor Definitions

To edit existing vendor definitions:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172

3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Vendor Definitions button. The EasyHL7 Vendor dialog displays. Refer
”HL7 Interface - EasyHL7 Vendor Dialog.” on page 175

4. Select the Vendor Definitions Version from the Vendor drop down that you want to edit.

179 Optility™ User Guide

5. Overwrite or leave as is Description. Save Changes button is enabled is any changes are made.
Refer ”HL7 Vendor - Save Changes (Created New / Edited Existing Vendor).” on page 177

6. Overwrite or leave as is Field Seperator, Component, Repeat, Escape & Sub-Component of
Encoding Characters. Save Changes button is enabled is any changes are made. Refer ”HL7
Vendor - Select Ascii Character Dialog.” on page 178

7. Click on Start of message Charcater(s) to select Available Character(s) into Selected
Characters and clicking on OK or overwrite or leave as is the Start of message Character(s).
Save Changes button is enabled is any changes are made.

8. Click on End of segment Charcater(s) to select Available Character(s) into Selected Characters
and clicking on OK or overwrite or leave as is the End of segment Character(s). Save Changes
button is enabled is any changes are made.

9. Click on End of message Charcater(s) to select Available Character(s) into Selected Characters
and clicking on OK or overwrite or leave as is the End of message Character(s). Save Changes
button is enabled is any changes are made.

10.If visible, click Save Changes button to save the updations made
11.Close and Exit.
12.Click Reset Default Values button if you think you made a mistake in overwriting some of the values

and you want to revert back to defaults.

Delete Existing Vendor Definitions

To delete existing vendor definitions:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172
3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Vendor Definitions button. The EasyHL7 Vendor dialog displays. Refer

”HL7 Interface - EasyHL7 Vendor Dialog.” on page 175
4. Select the Vendor Definitions Version from the Vendor drop down that you want to delete.
5. Click Delete Vendor.
6. A Delete Vendor confirmation message window appears.

Figure 141 HL Vendor Definitions - Delete existing vendor confirmation.
7. Click Yes to delete the selected vendor definitions. A NO option would close the confirmation

message window and the selected vendor definitions are not deleted.
8. Click Close and Exit.

System Administration 180

About Default HL7 Vendor

• To understand and process the HL7 messages from a Vendor you need to know the Vendor's HL7
System Version. Optility's HL7 Interface comes installed with vendor definitions for HL7 Versions
2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. If the vendors HL7 System version is 2.2 or 2.3 or 2.4 you can select it from the
drop down list. If it is an intermediate version or a different version then using the HL7 Vendor
Definitions you can create new vendor definitions (refer ”Create New Vendor Definitions” on
page 174) and then later select that from the drop down list.

• A default HL7 vendor needs to be selected (set) before setting HL7 segment definitions, HIS/RIS
to Optility Data Mapping or Processing of HL7 Messages.

About HL7 Segment Definitions

• A HL7 message constitutes of one or more segments. A standard HL7 Vendor Definition has a
predefined set of segments. The vendor sending the HL7 message has the liberty to Create new
segments or Delete existing segments which are not used and or Update a segment definition
as part of customization.

• A segment name by standard constitutes of three AlphaNumeric Characters. A Segment
constitutes of one or more elements. Elements (also referred to as fields) in a segment are
delimited by '|'. Field Separator and End of Segment character(s) are specified in HL7 Vendors

• Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window is used to view/edit any part of the HL7 segment
definitions has a section in the upper right corner with 2 radio buttons marked Read Only and
Allow Update. Whenever this window is first opened the Read Only option is selected and the user
may no longer make any modifications. Only after the user opts the Allow Update option will the
user be allowed Add/Edit/Delete operations. The Segment Definitions Window displays an
alphabetical listing of all HL7 Segments in the selected vendors HL7 definition together with their

Easy HL7 Segment definitions

To display Easy HL7 Segment Definitions Dialog:

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.

2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.
Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172

181 Optility™ User Guide
3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Segment Definitions button. The Easy HL7 Segment Definitions
dialog displays.

Figure 142 Easy HL7 Segment Definitions

System Administration 182

Create a New HL7 Segment

To create/add a new segment:

1. In Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window (Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment Definitions” on page 181),
opt Allow Update in the top right corner. New Segment button becomes visible.

Figure 143 Easy HL7 Segment Definitions - Allow Update

183 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click on New Segment button and Create HL7 Segment dialog displays.

Figure 144 HL7 Segment - New Segment Dialog
3. Enter Segment and Description text. Click OK.
4. Create HL7 Segment dialog closes. New segment is added into the Easy HL7 Segment

Definitions window.
5. Add as many segments as needed.
6. Click Close and Exit button. Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window is closed.

Delete an Existing Segment

To delete an existing segment:
1. In Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. New Segment

button becomes visible. You can delete an existing segment at this time. Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment
Definitions - Allow Update” on page 182
2. Select a segment you want to delete by clicking on either Segment or Description. Click DELete
3. Confirm the deletion and the segment is deleted. Save segments button becomes visible.

Figure 145 HL7 Segment - Delete Segment
4. Delete as many segments as needed.

System Administration 184
5. Click Save Segments button to permanently delete the segment.

Figure 146 HL7 Segment - Save Segments Dialog.
6. Click Close and Exit button. Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window is closed.

185 Optility™ User Guide

Update an Existing Segment

To update an existing segment:
1. In Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. New Segment

button becomes visible. You can update an existing segment at this time. Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment
Definitions - Allow Update” on page 182
2. Overwrite the Description for the segment you want to edit. You cannot overwrite the Segment
3. Save segments button becomes visible. Refer ”HL7 Segment - Save Segments Dialog.” on
page 184
4. Update as many segments as needed.
5. Click Save Segments button to permanently update the segments.
6. Click Close and Exit button. Easy HL7 Segment Definitions window is closed.

System Administration 186

Copy a Segment from another Vendor

To Copy (import) a Segment from another vendor:

1. In the Easy HL7 Segment Definitions Window (Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment Definitions” on
page 181) click File > Import a Segment from another vendor. The Select a Vendor and
Segment dialog box displays.

Figure 147 Copy HL7 Segment - Select a Vendor and Segment Dialog

2. Select a Vendor from the installed vendors drop down box.
3. The Segment Definitions section is refreshed with corresponding vendors segment definitions.
4. Select a Segment from the Segment Definitions section.
5. Click OK. Select a Vendor and Segment dialog closes.

187 Optility™ User Guide

About Segment Elements

A HL7 segment comprises of one or more elements. These elements are also called as fields. Each
element or field is assigned to a HL7 Table and a HL7 Data type. Each element has attributes or

View Segment Elements

To display Segment Elements Window Dialog:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172
3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Segment Definitions button. The Easy HL7 Segment Definitions

dialog displays. Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment Definitions” on page 181

System Administration 188

4. Select a segment by clicking on a Segment or on the Description. Then Click View Elements
button. HL7 Segment Elements dialog displays.

Figure 148 HL7 Segment Elements Dialog

• The HL7 Segment Elements Window displays an alphabetical listing of all elements (fields) of a
selected HL7 Segment together with their description and a set of other attributes namely Max
Size, Data Type, HL7 Table ID, Item ID, Req & Flag.

• HL7 Segment Elements window used to view/edit/delete the elements of a HL7 segment has a
section in the upper right corner with 2 radio buttons marked Read Only and Allow Update.
Whenever this window is first opened the Read Only option is selected and the user may no longer

189 Optility™ User Guide
make any modifications. Only after the user opts the Allow Update option will the user be allowed
Add/Edit/Delete operations.

Figure 149 HL7 Segment Elemets Dialog - Allow Updates Enabled.

Create a New Element

To create/add new Element:
1. In the HL7 Segment Elements window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. Now you should

be able to add new elements. Refer ”HL7 Segment Elemets Dialog - Allow Updates Enabled.” on
page 189

System Administration 190

2. Enter Description, Max Size & Item ID. Choose Field #, Data Type and HL7 Table ID from
respective drop downs. Check Req and Flag check boxes as per need. Press Enter Key

Figure 150 HL7 Segment Elements - Add New

191 Optility™ User Guide
3. The new element is added and Save Changes to Elements button becomes visible.

Figure 151 HL7 Segment Elements - Save Changes Button
4. Click Save Changes to Elements button to save the newly added elements.
5. Click Close and Exit button. HL7 Segment Elements window is closed.

System Administration 192

Delete an Existing Element

To delete a Element:

1. In the HL7 Segment Elements window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. Now you should
be able to delete an existing element. Refer ”HL7 Segment Elemets Dialog - Allow Updates
Enabled.” on page 189

2. Select an element by clicking on Description or Max Size or Item ID or Field # or Data Type or
HL7 Table ID. Press DELete Key.

3. Confirm and the selected element is deleted.

Figure 152 HL7 Element - Delete Element Confirm

4. Delete as many elements as needed.
5. Click Close and Exit button. HL7 Segment Elements window is closed.

NOTE: Be careful with the Field #. It should be sequential. There should be no missing Field #'s.
Update Field #'s if needed.

Update and Existing Element

To update a Element:

1. In the HL7 Segment Elements window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. Now you should
be able to update an existing element. Refer ”HL7 Segment Elemets Dialog - Allow Updates
Enabled.” on page 189

2. For the element you need to update overwrite Description and/or Max Size and/or Item ID; Choose
alternate Field # and/or Data Type and/or HL7 Table ID from respective drop downs;
Check/Uncheck Req and Flag check boxes. Press Enter Key

3. The element is updated and Save Changes to Elements button becomes visible.
4. Click Save Changes to Elements button to save the edited elements. Refer ”HL7 Segment

Elements - Save Changes Button” on page 191
5. Update as many elements as needed.
6. Click Close and Exit button. HL7 Segment Elements window is closed.

193 Optility™ User Guide

NOTE: Be careful with the Field #. It should be sequential. There should be no missing Field #'s.
Update Field #'s if needed

About Element Properties

Every HL7 segment element has properties or attributes like HL7 Table ID, Required Field Flag,
Maximum Length and Default value.

View Element Properties

To display Element Properties (Extended Element Properties) Window Dialog:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172
3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Segment Definitions button. The Easy HL7 Segment Definitions

dialog displays.Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment Definitions” on page 181
4. Select a segment by clicking on a Segment or on the Description. Then click View Elements

button. HL7 Segment Elements dialog displays. Refer ”HL7 Segment Elements Dialog” on
page 188
5. Select a element by clicking on a Field # or on the Description or on the Data Type. Then Click
Properties button. Extended Element Properties dialog displays.

System Administration 194

Figure 153 HL7 Segment Element - Extended Elements Properties

Update Existing Element Properties

To update Element Properties:

1. In Extended Element Properties dialog window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. Save
Changes and Clear All buttons become visible. Now you should be able to update Element

Figure 154 HL7 Segment Element - Extended Element Properties - Allow Update

195 Optility™ User Guide

2. You can modify or update HL7 Table ID, Required Field Flag, Maximum Length and Default

Figure 155 HL7 Segment Element - Extended Element Properties - Updates
3. Update as many element properties as you want.
4. Click Save Changes button.
5. All the updated element properties are saved.
6. Click Close and Exit button to close the Extended Element Properties window.

About Element Components (HL7 Data Types)

Every segment element comprises of one or more Components. Every component of every element
is assigned an HL7 data type. Many of the data types are compound types that have more than one
component. So each data type is made up of one or more components, with each of those also having
a data type.

View Element Components

To display Element Components (HL7 Data Types) Window Dialog:
1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration window displays.
2. Select HL7 Interface in the left pane. The System Configuration - HL7 Interface window displays.

Refer ”System Configuration - HL7 Interface Window” on page 172
3. Click the Click to edit HL7 Segment Definitions button. The Easy HL7 Segment Definitions

dialog displays. Refer ”Easy HL7 Segment Definitions” on page 181

System Administration 196

4. Select a segment by clicking on a Segment or on the Description. Then Click View Elements
button. HL7 Segment Elements dialog displays. Refer ”HL7 Segment Elements Dialog” on
page 188

5. Select a element by clicking on a Field # or on the Description or on the Data Type. Then click
View HL7 Data Types button. HL7 Data Types dialog displays.

Figure 156 HL7 Data Types Dialog

197 Optility™ User Guide

Add New Element Component (New Data Type)

To add Data Types:
1. In the HL7 Data Types window, opt Allow Update in the top right corner. NewData Types and

Delete Data Types buttons become visible.

Figure 157 HL7 Data Type - Allow Update

System Administration 198
2. Click New Data Types button. Create HL7 Data Type window displays.

Figure 158 Create HL7 Data Type

3. Enter Data Type, Description & Choose Category.
4. Click OK. Create HL7 Data Type window closes.
5. If the Data Type is a Complex data type having components then the components can be

added/updated/deleted in the Data Type Components section.

To add components:

1. In the Data Type Components section of the HL7 Data Types window. Enter Description &
Choose #, Data Type from the drop down list in the top column (marked with an astrix *) of the Data
Type Component section. Press Enter Key.

2. The new component is appended in the Data Type Component section. Save Changes button
becomes visible.

3. Add as many components as needed.
4. Click Save Changes button to commit the new components for the data type.

199 Optility™ User Guide
5. Click Close and Exit button. HL7 Data Type window closes.

Figure 159 HL7 Data Types - Add Components
To update components:
1. In the Data Type Components section of the HL7 Data Types window. Overwrite Description

and\or choose alternate #, Data Type from the drop down list for the component you want to edit.
2. The component is updated in the Data Type Component section. Save Changes button becomes

3. Edit as many components as needed.
4. Click Save Changes button to commit the updated components for the data type.

System Administration 200
5. Click Close and Exit button. HL7 Data Type window closes.

Figure 160 HL7 Data Type - Update

NOTE: Be careful with the #. It should be sequential. There should be no missing #'s.

To delete components:
1. In the Data Type Components section of the HL7 Data Types window. Select the component you

want to delete by clicking on Description or # or Data Type.
2. Click the DELete Key.
3. The selected component is deleted.
4. Delete as many components as needed.

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