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Published by jeven338, 2021-06-12 23:18:05






槍打鳥般的填答,有感於此,精心編撰了這本「統測英文制霸 Conquer English, I can」,



Part Ⅰ:單字



漏字大題與閱讀文章時,更無礙。加值服務:利用 Quizlet 收錄每個單元的單字,

讓學生一機在手,走到哪複習到哪。(Quizlet 單字密碼: pass)

Part Ⅱ:非選擇題


Part Ⅲ:文法句型


Part Ⅳ:克漏字


Part Ⅴ:閱讀






Chapter 1 單字

Unit 1~43 單 字 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.5

Unit 44 精選片語 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.133

Chapter 2 非選擇題

Ⅰ 填 充 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.142
Ⅱ 句子重組 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.142

Ⅲ 中 譯 英 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.143

Chapter 3 文法句型

Unit 1 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.144

1. 基本修飾

2. 主詞動詞一致性
3. 主被動
Unit 2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.147

1. 使役動詞
2. 感官動詞

3. 連綴動詞
4. 授與動詞

Unit 3 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.150
1. stop/remember/forget

2. V+to V/Ving
3. V+Ving

4. 時態
Unit 4 後加原形動詞 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.153

1. had better
2. would rather V1 than V2

3. All S + have to do is +V
4. used to V

5. have no choice but to V
Unit 5 後加動名詞 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.155
1. have trouble Ving

2. when it comes to Ving/N
3. be used to Ving/N

4. have fun/a good time Ving
5. be busy Ving


6. can’t help Ving

7. be worth Ving/N
Unit 6 三大子句 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.158

1. 名詞子句
2. 形容詞子句
3. 副詞子句

Unit 7 片語 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.162

1. 不定詞/動名詞片語
2. 名詞片語
Unit 8 主動 Ving;被動 P.P. … … … … … … … … … … … … P.164

1. 分詞構句
2. 省略主格關代

3. find/leave/keep
4. with N Ving/pp

5. V  adj
6. V  adj(情緒動詞)

Unit 9 假設語氣 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.168
1. 假設語氣 (與現在事實相反/與過去事實相反)

2. wish/as if; as though/it is time that
3. should have P.P.

4. suggest that S+(should)+V
Unit 10 it … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.171

1. 虛主詞 it is...that...
2. 虛主詞 it is P.P. that…

3. 強調句 it...that...
4. 虛受詞 it find it adj/N. to V
Unit 11 比較 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.174

2. 倍數

3. No other
4. 形容詞比較級/最高級

5. 副詞比較級/最高級
6. The 比較級+S+V, the 比較級+S+V

Unit 12 倒裝 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.178
1. 倒裝句 (否定副詞/only)

2. 地方副詞擺句首
3. so/nor/neither 擺句首

4. adj/N + as/though 的倒裝


Unit 13 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.181

1. 轉承詞
2. 關係副詞(where/when/why)

3. 列舉
Unit 14 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.184
1. so...that/such...that

2. so that/in order that

3. enough to V
5. either...or.../neither...nor...

6. not only...but also...
Unit 15 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.188

1. that of/those of
2. To one’s 情緒名詞, S + V

3. 感嘆句
Unit 16 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.190

1. On/Upon Ving, S+V.
2. instead of/instead

3. not A but B
4. 雙重否定

Unit 17 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.192
1. 似連接詞的片語

2. 數量
Unit 18 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.194

1. consider/regard
2. consist of
3. result in/from

Chapter 4 克漏字

Ⅰ 答題策略 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.196
Ⅱ 考 點 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.196
Ⅲ 考 古 題 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.203

Chapter 5 閱讀測驗

Ⅰ 閱讀策略 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.213

Ⅱ 考 點 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.215
Ⅲ 考 古 題 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P.219


Chapter 1


Unit 1
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

insect (n.)昆蟲 insecticide (n.) 殺蟲劑
section (n.)部分 C-section 剖腹產手術
intersection (n.)十字路口 at the intersection 在十字路口


prospect (n.)前景;預期 prospective (adj.) 預期的;prospect for… 為…的前景
respect (v.)(n.)尊敬;重視 respect sb for… 因…尊敬某人;have/show respect for sb 尊敬某人;
respective (adj.) 各自的

suspect (v.)懷疑(n.)嫌疑犯 main suspect 主嫌
inspect (v.)檢查 inspect…for… 為…檢查…;inspector (n.) 檢查員
species (n.)物種 單複數同型;endangered species 瀕臨滅絕的物種
aspect (n.)方面 look at/examine an aspect 檢視某方面

expect (v.)期盼 unexpectedly (adv.) 出乎意料地;expect sb to V 期盼某人做某事
transcribe (v.)抄寫 transcript (n.) 抄本;副本
transfer (v.)轉移;轉車 transfer from A 地 to B 地

transform (v.)轉變 transform A into B 將 A 轉變成 B;transformation (n.) 轉變
translate (v.)翻譯 translate A into B 將 A 翻譯為 B;translation (n.) 翻譯;translator (n.) 譯者
transport (v.)(n.)搬運;運輸 transportation (n.) 運輸;運輸工具

ceiv, cept:抓;拿取
receive (v.)接收;收到 reception (n.) 接待;接待處;receptionist (n.) 接待員
receipt (n.)收據 receipt for sth 某商品的收據

view (v.)看;看待 view …as … 將…視為…;
(n.)景觀;看法 point of view 觀點;in my view 依我之見

review (v.)(n.)複習;評論 book review 書評
preview (v.)預習 sneak preview 試映
interview (v.)(n.)面試;採訪 interviewer (n.) 面試官;interviewee (n.) 面試者

discount (n.)折扣 at a discount 打折中
discourage (v.)使氣餒;阻止 discourage sb from Ving 阻止某人做某事;discouraging (adj.) 令人沮喪的
disease (n.)疾病 suffer from a disease 患某疾病

disguise (v.)(n.)偽裝 disguise as… 偽裝成…
disgusted (adj.)覺得噁心的 disgusting (adj.) 令人作嘔的
disorder (v.)(n.)混亂;失調 eating/sleep disorder 飲食/睡眠失調
discuss (v.)討論 discuss with sb over sth 與某人討論某事;discussion (n.) 討論
disappointed (adj.)感到失望的 be disappointed about/with/at 對…感失望;disappointment (n.) 失望

disapprove (v.)不贊同;不同意 approval (n.) 批准


記憶點 似

in + sect bug
sect + ion (n.) area
inter (在…之間) + sect + ion (n.) crossroads

pro (前) + spect 往前看的景,為前景 likelihood
re (再一次) + spect 再看一次表尊敬 regard/esteem

sus (懸掛) + spect 懷疑時,心都掛著 doubt

in (裡面) + spect 往裡面看,為檢查 check/examine
spec + ies type/kind
a (朝…) + spect 朝向問題的各方面 side
ex(往外) + spect 期盼時,會往外一直看 look forward to

trans + scribe (寫) 在兩份文件穿越間抄寫 write down
trans + fer (攜帶) 轉換兩地點攜帶東西,為轉移
trans + form (形狀) 轉換形狀,為轉變 turn A into B

trans + late (遲到) 翻譯時,會比原文慢一點才出現 interpret
trans + port (港口) 在兩港口間轉換,為運輸 deliver

re (回;再一次) + ceive 東西回到自己手上 get
re (回;再一次) + ceipt 收據是買完東西,回到手上


re (再一次) + view 在看一次,為複習

Pre (在…之前) + view 在課堂看之前就看了,為預習

inter (相互) + view 面試時,考官考生互看

dis + count (算) 原本價格不算的部分,為打折 reduction
dis + courage (勇氣) 把勇氣分離,為氣餒 upset
dis + ease (舒適) 疾病讓人和舒適分離 illness
dis + guise (外觀) 和原本外觀不同,為偽裝

dis + gust (吃) 讓人吃不下,為噁心的 sick
dis + order (次序) 和原本次序不同,為混亂 mess/confusion
dis + cuss (打擊) 討論目的就是把結果打擊出來 talk over
dis + appoint (任命) 沒有被任命,感到失望 upset

dis + approve (允許) 不被允許 disagree


Unit 2
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
interrupt (v.)打斷 Sorry to interrupt. 抱歉打斷一下;interruption (n.) 中斷

disrupt (v.)擾亂;使中斷 disruption (n.) 中斷

attract (v.)吸引 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力的;attraction (n.) 吸引力;景點
contract (v.)收縮(n.)契約 sign a contract 簽合約
distract (v.)使分心 distracted (adj.) 注意力分散的;分心的
abstract (adj.)抽象的 反:concrete 具體的
introduce (v.)介紹 introduce A to B 將 A 介紹給 B;introduction (n.) 介紹

product (n.)產品 produce (v.) 製造;producer (n.) 製造者;製作人
reduce (v.)降低;減少 reduction (n.) 減少
conduct (v.)執行(n.)行為 conduct an experiment/survey 進行實驗/調查
education (n.)教育 educate (v.) 教育;distance education 遠距教學
port: 港口/攜帶
export (v.)(n.)出口 export sth to … 將…出口至…
support (v.)(n.)支持;撫養 support sb in Ving 支持某人做某事;supporter (n.) 支持者
import (v.)(n.)進口 import from… 從…進口…
passport (n.)護照 apply for/renew a passport 申請/換新護照


position (n.)位置;立場;職位 in a ~ position 在…的位置
positive (adj.)正向的;肯定的;陽性的 be positive about 對…是肯定的;positive attitude 正面態度;
反:negative 負面的;消極的
deposit (v.)存款(n.)保證金;存款 pay a deposit 付保證金
expose (v.)暴露;揭穿 be exposed to N 暴露於…
oppose (v.)反對 oppose N/Ving 反對…;be opposed to sth 反對…
purpose (n.)目的 on purpose 故意;serve a purpose 起作用
suppose (v.)猜想;認為 suppose that S + V 猜想;be supposed to V 應該…
compose (v.)作曲;組成 be composed of 以…組成;composition (n.) 作文;創作

dispose (v.)處理 dispose of sth 處理…

annual (adj.)每年的 annual income 年收入
anniversary (n.)週年;週年紀念 wedding anniversary 結婚週年;school anniversary 校慶

disaster (n.)災難;災害 natural disaster 自然災害;A disaster strikes. 災難來襲。
master (v.)精通(n.)主人;大師 a master at Ving 專精於做某事

decrease (v.)(n.)減少;降低 significantly decrease 顯著減少
increase (v.)(n.)增加 increasingly (adv.) 越來越多地


記憶點 似

inter (相互;中間) + rupt 從中間打斷 disrupt
dis (不;分離) + rupt 中斷後,會分離原本 interrupt

a (往前) + tract 把人往前拉,為吸引 appeal to
con (一起) + tract 全部一起往內拉,為收縮 shrink
dis (分離) + tract 把注意力拉離開,為使分心 disturb
ab (離開) + tract 整篇論文動點拉出,為摘要

intro (往內) + duc 往內引導,為介紹 propose
pro (往前) + duc 往前把產品引導給顧客 merchandise

re (回) + duc 把東西拿回來,為減少 cut
con (一起) + duc 一起引導行為 carry out
d (往外) + duc 教育把人的良善引導出來

ex (往外) + port 出口的貨物,往外
sup (底下) + port 在底下幫忙攜帶,為支持 raise
im (往內) + port 進口的貨物,往內
pass (通過) + port 用來通過港口的文件,為護照

pose + ion (n.) 放在公司的位置,為職位 location
pose + ive (adj.)
de (下) + pose 存款是存下一筆金額 save
ex (往外) + pose 把醜聞放在外面,為揭穿 reveal/uncover

op (反) + pose 反對別人放的位置 against/disapprove of
pur (在之前) + pose 目的放在做事之前 aim
sup (在底下) + pose 在某事底下放置心思,為猜想 assume
com (一起) + pose 一起放東西,為組成 be made up of/consist of

dis (不;分離) + pose 把廢棄物分離放,為處理 handle/deal with

ann + al (adj.) yearly
ann + versary

dis (不;分離) + aster 星星不在原本位置上,代表有災難 tragedy
m + aster be good at/excel in

de (下) + crea reduce

in (進入) + crea add


Unit 1

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 折扣 d t 2. 複習 r w 3. 方面 a t

4. 昆蟲 i t 5. 尊敬 r t 6. 轉移 t r

(二) 選擇題

1. Experts from more than 20 countries met in India to talk over climate change and food safety.

(A) convince (B) collect (C) discuss (D) deny 102
2. The final exam was unexpectedly easy. The average score for the test was 90.

(A) directly (B) heavily (C) quickly (D) surprisingly 95

3. The high risk of getting lung cancer still cannot people from smoking.
(A) discourage (B) repeat (C) discover (D) emerge 94

4. She is regular treatment for her illness. And she is making great progress.

(A) falling (B) sending (C) living (D) receiving 94
5. Cathy felt when she saw a little bug in her soup. It was a terrible dining experience.

(A) particular (B) disgusted (C) separated (D) treasured

6. It is reported that car accidents happen frequently at this busy , especially during rush hour.
(A) interview (B) transport (C) weapon (D) intersection

7. Mr. Wang succeeded in his small shoe company into an international giant.

(A) transforming (B) respecting (C) reviewing (D) discouraging

8. The kids were to find that the amusement park was closed due to the typhoon. Some even

(A) disapproved (B) previewed (C) disappointed (D) transferred

9. The policeman asked me to pull over, and then my driving license.
(A) inspected (B) disguised (C) previewed (D) reviewed

10. Chris is very nervous now because he is going to have his first job after graduation.

(A) prospect (B) receipt (C) disease (D) interview

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. discount 2. review 3. aspect 4. insect 5. respect 6. transfer

選 擇 題:1~5 CDADB 6~10 DACAD


Unit 2

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 每年的 a l 2. 大師 m r 3. 反對 o e
4. 使分心 d t 5. 使中斷 d t 6. 正向的 p e

(二) 選擇題
1. Mozart (莫札特) was a great musician who started to music when he was very young.

(A) compose (B) lighten (C) monitor (D) reject 109
2. The old couple celebrated their fiftieth wedding in a famous Italian restaurant. All their
children and grandchildren attended the party.

(A) operation (B) occasion (C) marriage (D) anniversary 104
3. With the population day by day, more and more space is needed for public activities.
(A) observing (B) attracting (C) examining (D) increasing 97

4. A model’s job is to make a product exciting and appealing so the public will want to buy it.
(A) negative (B) extensive (C) attractive (D) inactive 96

5. The British are the biggest of chocolate; each person, on average, eats nearly 10
kilograms per year.
(A) producers (B) growers (C) managers (D) consumers 93

6. A research result shows that drinking a lot of water can help the risk of developing kidney
(A) inflate (B) promote (C) maximize (D) decrease 91

7. Nearly 50 people died in the train on April 2 , 2021, when the train hit a van on the rail
and derailed.
(A) education (B) disaster (C) contract (D) position

8. You have been sunburned, so you need to avoid being to the sun for the time being.
(A) exposed (B) increased (C) disrupted (D) introduced

9. My child kept me when I was on the phone discussing my brother’s wedding with my
(A) depositing (B) conducting (C) supposing (D) interrupting

10. The main of the study is to find out how this chemical added to food has any effect on
people’s health.
(A) master (B) export (C) purpose (D) anniversary

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. annual 2. master 3. oppose 4. distract 5. disrupt 6. positive
選 擇 題:1~5 ADDCA 6~10 DBADC


Unit 3

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

react (v.)反應;反抗 react to N 對…反應
active (adj.)活躍的;積極的 be active in … 做某事很積極;activity (n.) 活動
exact (adj.)正確的;精確的 exactly (adv.) 確切地

action (n.)行動 take action to V 採取行動做某事
interaction (n.)互動 interact with (v.) = interaction with 與…互動
electric (adj.)需要電的 electric fan/guitar 電風扇/吉他

electrical (adj.)與電相關的 electrical equipment 電氣設備
electricity (n.)電 electricity bill 電費;generate/produce electricity 發電
electronic (adj.)電子的 electronic book/game 電子書/遊戲

biology (n.)生物學 biologist (n.) 生物學家
autobiography (n.)自傳 biography (n.) 傳記
escape (v.)逃脫 escape from … 從…逃脫

incapable (adj.)無能力的 be incapable of … 無能力做…
capable (adj.)有能力的 be capable of … 有能力做…;capacity (n.) 容量;能力
capture (v.)抓,捕獲;拍攝 capture sb's attention 抓住某人注意力
accept (v.)接受 acceptable (adj.) 令人滿意的
concept (n.)概念;見解 understand a concept 了解某概念
except (prep.)除了…以外 exception (n.) 例外;反:besides


course (n.)課程;路線;一道菜 take a course 修某課程;an intensive course 密集課程
current (adj.)當前的 currently (adv.) 現在

ceed, cess:走

succeed (v.)成功;繼承 success (n.) 成功;successful (adj.) 成功的

access (n.)進入;取得的方法 access to N …的途徑;accessible (adj.) 可得到的
process (v.)(n.)加工;處理;(n.)過程 in the process of… 在…過程中
recession (n.)後退;衰退 economic recession 經濟衰退
accessory (n.)配件;配飾 fashion accessory 時尚配件
necessary (adj.)必需的 necessity (n.) 必要;必需品;unnecessary (adj.) 不必要的

ancestor (n.)祖先 反:offspring 子孫;後代
cid, cis:殺死;切

suicide (n.)自殺 commit suicide 自殺

decide (v.)決定 decide to V 決定做…;decide on sth 選定…;
decision (n.) 決定
precise (adj.)精確的 to be precise 精確來說


記憶點 似

re (再一次;回) + act respond

act + ive (adj.) aggressive
ex (往外) + act precise
act + ion (n.) steps/measures

inter (互相) + act

electr + ic (adj.)
electr + ical (adj.)

electr + ty (n.) power/juice
electro + ic (adj.)

bio+logy (學科)

auto (自己) + bio + graphy (寫) 寫自己的生命,為自傳

es (往外) + cap 往外逃跑,不被抓住 run away
in (不) + cap + able 事情都抓不住,為無能力的 unable
cap + able 事情抓的住,為有能力的 competent

cap + ure (n.) arrest
ac (往前) + cept 往前抓住東西,為接受 receive
con (一起) + cept 知識拿在一起,成為概念 idea

ex (往外) + cept 把…抓去外面,為除了…以外 excluding



suc (往下) + ceed 往下認真走,才會成功 triumph
ac (往前) + cess 往前進入 entry
pro (之前) + cess 消費者吃之前,食品先加工
re (回) + cess + ion (n.) 往後走,為後退 decline

ac (往前) + cess+ory (n.) 往前走挑選配件
ne (不) + cess + ary (adj.) 不需要離開的,為必須的 essential/vital/crucial
an (之前) + cess + or (人) 先走的人,為祖先 forefather

sui (自己) + cide 自己殺自己,為自殺
de (離開) + cide determine

pre (在之前) + cis 在切之前先量好距離,所以精確 exact


Unit 4
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
central (adj.)中間的;主要的 center (n.) 中央
concentrate (v.)專注於;集中於 concentrate on N 專注於…;concentration (n.) 專注力
crisis (n.)危機 複數:crises;be in crisis 危機中
criticism (n.)批評 come under criticism 遭受批評;critic (n.) 批評者;
criticize (v.) 批評;critical (adj.) 批判的
clud, clus:關閉
exclude (v.)排除,不包括 excluding (prep.) 不包括
include (v.)包含 including (prep.) 包括
conclude (v.)下結論 conclusion (n.) 結論;結局
communicate (v.)溝通;傳達 communicate with sb 與某人溝通;communication (n.) 溝通;通訊
community (n.)社區;共同體 international community 國際社會
count (v.)數;計算 count sb in/out (不)算某人一份;count on sb 依靠某人
account (v.)說明;解釋(n.)帳戶 on account of 因為;take sth into account 考慮到某事;
on no account 絕不
discover (v.)發現 discovery (n.) 發現;discover that S + V 發現某件事
recover (v.)恢復;重新找到 recover from… 從(疾病)康復;recovery (n.) 恢復;取回
(v.)認為…有(優點,成就);credit card 信用卡;a credit to sb/sth 是…的光榮
incredible (adj.)難以置信的 It is incredible that S + V 某事難以置信
cycle (v.)騎腳踏車
(n.)循環;週期 sleep cycle 睡眠週期
recycle (v.)回收 recycled paper 再生紙
(n.)民主(制度、國家、作風) democratic (adj.) 民主的
demonstrate (v.)示範操作;遊行示威 demonstrate against 抗議…;demonstration (n.) 示威;證明
dic, dict:說;指出

ridicule (v.)嘲笑 ridiculous (adj.) 可笑的,荒謬的
indicate (v.)指示;指出;表明 indicate that S + V 指出某事
predict (v.)預測 prediction (n.) 預測;predict that S + V 預測某事

divide (v.)分開;除 divide…into… 將…分成…
individual (n.)個人(adj.)個別的 individual needs 個別需求
dosage (n.)劑量;量 daily/high/low dosage 每日/高/低劑量
overdose (v.)(n.)服藥過量 take an overdose 用藥過量
allergy (n.)過敏 allergy to N 對…過敏;allergic to N 對…過敏的
energy (n.)能源;精力 solar/nuclear energy 太陽能/核能

emerge (v.)浮現;顯露 emerge from… 從…出現;emergence (n.) 出現
emergency (n.)緊急 emergency exit 緊急逃生出口;in an emergency 緊急情況中


記憶點 似

centr + al (adj.) middle/main
con (一起) + centr + ate (v.) 一起往中心集中 focus

cri + sis
cri + ti + cis (切) + sm (n.) 批評者如揮刀般批評 evaluation

ex (往外) + clude 排除在外,不包括 keep out
in (在內) + clude 包含在內 contain/comprise
con (一起) + clude 全部意思包含在一起,為結論 summarize

commun + ate (v.) 溝通時會找出共同點 get one's ideas across
commun + ty (n.)

add up
ac (往前) + count 往前算帳戶裡面的錢 explanation

dis (不) + cover 不覆蓋住東西,才能發現 uncover
re (再一次;回) + cover 健康再次覆蓋身體,為康復 get better

cred + it honor

in (不) + cred + able (adj.) 無法相信的 unbelievable


re (再一次) + cycle 回收就是再一次使用資源垃圾 reuse

demo + cracy (政體) 民主政體,為民主
demo + ate (v.) 示範給人們看 show/display

rid (笑) + dic 用笑的方式來說,為嘲笑 make fun of
in (往內) + dic + ate (v.) 說出內部的問題 point out
pre (在之前) + dic 在事情發生前就說,為預測 forecast

divi + de split
in (不) + divi + al (adj.) 個人是無法分割 personal

dose + age (n.)
over (超過) + dose

all (所有) + erg + y (n.) 對所有東西過敏
en + erg + y power

e (往外) + merg
e (往外) + merg + ency (n.) appear/show up/turn up


Unit 3

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 接受 a t 2. 決定 d e 3. 課程 c e
4. 逃脫 e e 4. 行動 a n 6. 概念 c t

(二) 選擇題

1. Identical twins look exactly the same. Sometimes even their parents cannot tell one from the other.
(A) completely (B) suddenly (C) naturally (D) partially 103

2. We do not have any job openings , but we will contact you if that changes.

(A) casually (B) culturally (C) currently (D) consciously 103
3. In a car accident, you are more likely to escape injury if you are wearing a seatbelt, which prevents
you from being thrown out of the car.

(A) avoid (B) prepare (C) damage (D) indicate 99

4. Many Allied airmen in World War II escaped from German prison camps successfully.
(A) captured (B) murdered (C) realized (D) compared 97

5. Because of the poor economy, reducing taxes has now become a for the new government.
(A) necessity (B) community (C) generation (D) statue 92

6. The man attempted to commit but was persuaded not to do so by a policeman.
(A) ancestor (B) concept (C) interaction (D) suicide

7. Paul in making the winning shot with only 1 second left in the basketball game.
(A) escaped (B) succeeded (C) reacted (D) decided

8. Not everyone thought Emily was of running a big store by herself. However, she proved
them wrong.

(A) electric (B) current (C) capable (D) active
9. Ageing is a natural . Some people could seek medical help to slow it down at any cost.

(A) electricity (B) process (C) concept (D) accessory
10. The car maker has launched a new car which takes only ten minutes to charge from

(A) necessary (B) accessory (C) electric (D) incapable

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. accept 2. decide 3. course 4. escape 5. action 6. concept
選 擇 題:1~5 ACAAA 6~10 DBCBC


Unit 4

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 預測 p t 2. 回收 r e 3. 恢復 r r

4. 能源 e y 5. 帳戶 a t 6. 過敏 a y

(二) 選擇題

1. When teaching a large class, the teacher has to the class into small groups to help students

to learn.
(A) arrive (B) divide (C) hire (D) ignore 108
2. A Boeing 787 made an landing earlier this week because of the plane’s overcharged


(A) emergency (B) emotion (C) emphasis (D) empire 102
3. May’s mother made a quick from her sickness after taking the medicine.
(A) recovery (B) emotion (C) religion (D) energy 102

4. I began to learn the piano when I was at college and soon found out that I was good at it.
(A) decided (B) discovered (C) contained (D) considered 102

5. Since water shortage in many regions is getting worse, it is predictable that the world will be facing
water soon.

(A) level (B) energy (C) crisis (D) sink 100
6. Taking regular vacations is necessary for those who too much on work.

(A) complicate (B) concentrate (C) contain (D) consist 96
7. We called off the picnic the bad weather forecast.

(A) with a view to (B) at the expense of (C) in regard to (D) on account of 91
8. The salesperson is how powerful the new vacuum cleaner is in the department store.

(A) demonstrating (B) ridiculing (C) excluding (D) predicting
9. An energy policy attracted heavy from the public as soon as it was announced.

(A) democracy (B) account (C) community (D) criticism
10. Research that 70% of the workers are not satisfied with their wages and work

(A) excludes (B) credits (C) indicates (D) recycles

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. predict 2. recycle 3. recover 4. energy 5. account 6. allergy
選 擇 題:1~5 BAABC 6~10 BDADC


Unit 5

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
press (v.)按、壓;(n.) 媒體 press the switch 按下開關
pressure (n.)壓力 under pressure 壓力下;relieve pressure 減輕壓力
express (v.)表達(adj.)快速的 express sb's opinion/feelings 表達意見/感覺
impress (v.)給…留下深刻印象 impression (n.) 印象;impressive(adj.) 令人印象深刻的
depress (v.)使沮喪 depressed (adj.) 感到沮喪的;depressing (adj.) 令人沮喪的;
depression (n.) 沮喪

compress (v.)壓縮 compress …into… 將…壓縮至…
fact, fect, fit, feat:做

factor (n.)因素 factor in… 在…的因素
manufacture (v.)製造 manufacturer (n.) 製造商
perfect (v.)使完美(adj.)完美的 Nobody’s perfect. 沒人是完美的。
affect (v.)影響 affected (adj.) 做作的
effect (n.)效果;影響 have an effect on... 對…有影響;effective (adj.) 有效的
infect (v.)感染 infection (n.) 感染;be infected with 病 染上…病
benefit (n.)好處;善舉(v.)有益於 beneficial (adj.) 有益的
profit (v.)(n.)對…有益;獲益 profitable (adj.) 有利的;有益的;make a profit 獲利
defeat (v.)(n.)失敗;擊敗 admit defeat 承認失敗

professional (adj.)專業的(n.)專業人士 professional advice 專業忠告;profession (n.) 專業
confess (v.) 坦白 confess to Ving/N 坦白做某事

fend, fens:攻擊

defend (v.)防禦;保護 defend…against… 保護…免於…;defensive (adj.) 防衛性的;
defense (n.) 防衛
offend (v.)觸怒;冒犯 be offended by 被冒犯;offensive (adj.) 討厭的;冒犯的;
offense (n.) 冒犯

definitely (adv.)必定地 definitely not 肯定不會
definition (n.)定義 definition of… …的定義;define (v.) 下定義
final (adj.)最後的(n.)期末考;決賽 finally (adv.) 最後
confine (v.)限制;禁閉 confinement (n.) 限制;關押


flat (n.)一間公寓(adj.)平坦的 flat as a pancake 非常平的
inflate (v.)使(物資)上漲;使充氣 inflation (n.) 供貨膨脹
platform (n.)月台;講台 platform shoes 厚底鞋

firm (n.)公司;(adj.) 穩固的 advertising firm 廣告公司
confirm (v.)確認 confirm that S + V 確認某事

fluent (adj.)流利的;流暢的 be fluent in 流利…語言;fluency (n.) 流利
influence (v.)(n.)影響 have an influence on… 對…有影響;
under the influence of… 受…影響


記憶點 似

press + ure (n.) stress
ex (往外) + press 把話語往外壓出去,為表達 convey
im (往內) + press 將印象壓進心裡 influence
de (下) + press 將心情往下壓,為沮喪 disappoint/upset

com (一起) + press 壓在一起,為壓縮 squeeze

fact + or element
manu (手工) + fact + ure 手工做,為製造 make/produce
per (徹底) + fect 徹底做好一件事,為完美 ideal/superb
af (往前) + fect 往前直接影響 influence/impact
ef (往外) + fect 影響是往外的 influence/impact
in (往內) + fect 感染往內
bene (好的) + fit 做完是好的 advantage
pro (往前) + fit 往前做事,才能得利 benefit
de (離開) + feat 不讓對手做事,為擊敗 beat

pro (在之前) + fess + ion (n.) + al (adj.) 專業人士在大家面前講話 expert
con (一起) + fess 把心事一起說出,為坦白 admit

de (離開) + fend 離開攻擊,為防禦 protect/stand up for

of (往前) + fend 往前攻擊,為冒犯 attack

de (下) + fin + (adv.) 往下畫下界線,為肯定地 certainly
de (下) + fin + ion (n.) 將一個字往下畫下界線,為定義
fin + al (adj.) last
con (一起) + fin 將東西一起畫在界線內 restrict/limit

in (內) + flate 把空氣灌入原本扁平的東西 blow up
plat + form (形狀) 月台和講台都平坦的

con (一起) + firm determine

flu + ent (adj.) eloquent/smooth
in (內) + flu + ence (n.) 慢慢流入,淺移默化 impact/effect


Unit 6

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
flect, flex:彎曲
reflect (v.)反射;仔細考慮 reflect on sth 思考某事;reflection (n.) 反射;深思
flexible (adj.)有彈性的 反:inflexible 沒彈性的

form (v.)形成;(n.)表格 ormal (adj.) 正式的;informal (adj.) 不正式的
former (adj.)前者的;從前的 反:latter 後者
inform (v.)通知;告知 inform sb of/about sth 通知某人某事;information (n.) 訊息
perform (v.)表演;執行 performance (n.) 表演

coward (n.)懦夫 cowardly (adj.) 膽小的
forward (v.)轉交;轉寄(adv.)向前地 反:backwards 向後地;look forward to N/Ving 期盼
reward (v.)(n.)獎賞;報償 reward for 做某事的報償;rewarded (adj.) 有酬勞的
generate (v.)產生;造成 generator (n.) 發電機
general (adj.)一般的 generally (adv.) 通常;in general 一般來説

genuine (adj.)真正的;真誠的 genuine leather 真皮
generation (n.)世代 generation gap 代溝
oxygen (n.)氧 oxygen mask 氧氣罩
generous (adj.)慷慨的 generosity (n.) 慷慨

suggest (v.)建議 suggest N/Ving;suggest that S + (should) + V;suggestion (n.) 建議
digest (v.)消化;領悟 digestion (n.) 消化,吸收
gnos, gnor:知道
diagnose (v.)診斷 diagnosis (n.) 診斷
ignore (v.)忽略 ignore the fact that S + V 忽略…的事實
recognize (v.)認出;承認 recognize …as… 承認…為…

grateful (adj.)感謝的;感激的 be grateful to sb for Ving/N 因某事感激某人;gratitude (n.) 感激
congratulate (v.)祝賀;恭喜 congratulate sb on sth/for Ving 因某事恭喜某人;
congratulation (n.) 祝賀;恭喜
habitat (n.)棲息地 natural habitat 自然棲息地
inhabit (v.)居住於;棲息於 inhabitant (n.) 居民;居住者
human (adj.)人的(n.)人 human being 人類;human right 人類

humor (n.)幽默 humorous (adj.) 幽默的;sense of humor 幽默感
humble (adj.)謙虛的 反:proud 驕傲的;humility (n.) 謙遜
humid (adj.)潮濕的 humidity (n.) 潮濕
log, logue: 說;話

apology (n.)道歉 apologize to sb for sth (v.) 因…向…道歉;make an apology 道歉
dialogue (n.)對話 dialogue between A and B …之間的對話


記憶點 似

re (回) + flect 彎曲回復原來的地方,為反射 consider
flex + able (adj.) adaptable/adjustable

take shape

form + er last
in (內) + form tell

per (徹底) + form play/carry out

co + ward
for (往前) + ward 往前轉交 ahead

re (回) + ward 把報償回給做事的人 prize

gen + ate (v.) create
gen + er + al (adj.) ordinary
gen + uine sincere/real
gen + ate + ion (n.) age
oxy (酸) + gen

gen + ous (adj.) liberal

sub (下) + gest 言下之意,為建議 advise

di (分離) + gest 消化使食物分離 take in

dia (穿過) + gnose 穿越過身體,為診斷

i (不) + gnor 不知道,為忽略 neglect/overlook
re (再一次) + gnize 再一次進入腦中,為認出 identify

grat + ful (adj.) thankful
con (一起) + grat + ate (v.)

habit + at
in + habit dwell in/reside in

hum + an humankind/mankind
hum + or

hum + able (adj.) modest
hum + id damp/moist

apo (遠離) + log 為了遠離責難而講的話,為道歉
dia (跨越) + logue 對話就是跨越兩人間的言語 conversation


Unit 5

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 最後的 f l 2. 流利的 f t 3. 冒犯 o d

4. 因素 f r 5. 按、壓 p s 6. 獲益 p t

(二) 選擇題
1. A(n) face is essential to dramatic acting because it is good at showing all kinds of

(A) expressive (B) identical (C) protective (D) reasonable 109
2. When it comes to job interviews, making a good first is very important.
(A) confusion (B) depression (C) explosion (D) impression 108

3. Leonardo da Vinci(達文西)is definitely an important figure in the history of art.
(A) absolutely (B) relatively (C) suspiciously (D) temporarily 107
4. Bird flu, a viral disease of birds, does not usually humans; however, some viruses, such as
H5N1 and H7N9, have caused serious diseases in people.

(A) infect (B) inform (C) illustrate (D) inflate 104
5. People who speak more than one language fluently process information more easily than those who
know only one language.
(A) apparently (B) especially (C) smoothly (D) simply 104

6. The new medicine seems effective because many patients claim they have a great deal
from taking it.
(A) invented (B) benefited (C) exchanged (D) founded 103
7. Angry college students and of freedom of speech accuse the press buyers of trying to

control our media industry.
(A) fertilizers (B) newcomers (C) managers (D) defenders 102
8. The disease spreads very fast. Therefore, doctors suggest that everyone should wash hands to
prevent .

(A) construction (B) infection (C) invention (D) instruction 92
9. Mr. Chang refused to the rumor that he was involved in a crime; hewalked out of the door
right away.
(A) confirm (B) inflate (C) benefit (D) impress

10. Ronnie thinks that smartphones have a negative on young people’s school performance.
(A) definition (B) pressure (C) platform (D) influence

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. final 2. fluent 3. offend 4. factor 5. press 6. profit
選 擇 題:1~5 ADAAC 6~10 BDBAD


Unit 6

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 消化 d t 2. 潮濕的 h d 3. 前者的 f r
4. 反射 r t 5. 通知 i m 6. 感謝的 g l

(一) 選擇題

1. John’s father was so busy that he totally ignored his own health.
(A) founded (B) persuaded (C) neglected (D) discouraged 102

2. After sharing an apartment with a friend for two years, you should be able to recognize him by his

(A) reveal (B) identify (C) allow (D) disturb 100

3. He is filling out a visa application because he is going to visit South Africa next month.

(A) farm (B) firm (C) form (D) fame 100
4. The large number of students quitting schools reflects how serious the drop-out problem has been.

(A) advertises (B) shows (C) encourages (D) discusses 98
5. Joseph is popular at school because of his good .

(A) performance (B) attendant (C) conductor (D) rebellion 98
6. The businessman is very ; he gives money to those who are in need of help.

(A) dependent (B) expensive (C) generous (D) rapid 94

7. The summer in Taiwan is humid; the large quantity of water in the air makes it feel even hotter and
more uncomfortable.

(A) clear (B) high (C) long (D) wet 93
8. The actress demanded an from the newspaper for an untrue report about her personal life.

(A) insistence (B) apology (C) explosion (D) operation 91
9. I can’t wait to go to the Ricky Martin concert this weekend. I it for weeks.

(A) have been used to (B) have been looking forward to

(C) have been protected from (D) have been living up to 91
10. Everyone Tom warmly on the election result; he realized his dream of becoming a


(A) congratulated (B) digested (C) reflected (D) ignored

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. digest 2. humid 3. former 4. reflect 5. inform 6. grateful
選 擇 題:1~5 CBCBA 6~10 CDBBA


Unit 7

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
subject (n.)主題;學科;主詞 (v.)使臣服 subjective (adj.) 主觀的
object (v.)反對(n.)物體;目標 object to N/Ving 反對…;objective (adj.) 客觀的
project (v.)發射(n.)方案 research project 研究案
reject (v.)拒絕 reject to V 拒絕做…;rejection (n.) 拒絕
dialect (n.)方言 local dialect 當地方言
election (n.)選舉 win/lose an election 贏/輸一場選舉;elect (v.) 選舉

neglect (v.)忽略 neglect to V 忽略而沒做某事
collect (v.)蒐集 collection (n.) 蒐集
grade, gress:等級/行走
progress (n.)進步 make progress in Ving/on N 在…方面進步
upgrade (v.)(n.)升級 be upgraded to… 被升級至…
degree (n.)度數;等級;學位 have a degree in 有…學位;31 degrees Celsius 攝氏 31 度
gradually (adv.)漸漸地 反:suddenly 突然地;gradual (adj.) 逐漸的
graduate (v.)畢業(n.)畢業生 graduate from… 從…畢業;graduation (n.) 畢業;

undergraduate (n.) 大學生;graduate school 研究所
local (adj.)當地的;局部的(n.)本地人 local paper 當地報紙
locate (v.)找到;座落於 be located on/in… 坐落於…;location (n.) 位置;地點
man, manu:手
manage (v.)管理;經營;設法做 manager (n.) 經理;manage a company 管理公司;
manage to V 設法做成
manner (n.)方式;禮貌 in a ~ manner 用…方法;have good/bad manners 有/沒禮貌
manpower (n.)人力;勞動力 manpower shortages 人力短缺

mineral (n.)礦物(質) mineral water 礦泉水
minor (adj.)次要的;較小的(v.)輔修 minor in 輔修;反:major 主要的;minority (n.) 少數
admit (v.)承認;允許進入 admit Ving 承認做某事;admission (n.) 進入許可;門票
commit (v.)犯(罪);致力於 commit crime 犯罪;commit oneself to N/Ving 致力於…;
committee (n.) 委員會
permit (v.)許可;允許 be permitted to V 被允許做…;permission (n.) 許可;准許
submit (v.)服從;繳交 submit to N 臣服於;submission (n.) 提交
vomit (v.)嘔吐 vomit up 嘔吐
omit (v.)省略;遺漏 omit…from… 將…從…省略

negative (adj.)否定的;消極的;負面的 反:positive 正面的;negative thinking 負面思考
negotiate (v.)談判;商量 negotiation (n.) 談判;協商
normal (adj.)正常的 It is normal for sb to V 某人做某事很正常
enormous (adj.)極大的 enormously (adv.) 極大地


記憶點 似

sub (往下) + ject 將對手扔到下面,為臣服 theme
ob (反轉/朝) + ject 將物體反轉投回去,為反對 against/protest
pro (在前) + ject 往前投射 launch/plan
re (回) + ject 把邀請投回去,為拒絕 turn down

dia (跨越) + lect 跨越某一地區的語言

e (外) + lect + ion(n.) 選出當選人 vote
neg (不) + lect 不選擇,為忽略 ignore/overlook

co (一起) + lect 收集在一起 gather

pro (在前) + gress 往前走,為進步 advancement
up (往上) + grade 往上走,為升級 improve
de (往下) + gree

grad + al (adj.)+ly(adv.) little by little
grad + ate (v.) 走出學校,為畢業

loc + al (adj.) regional
loc + ate (v.) be situated in/lie in

man + age run

man + er way
man + power labor

min + eral

min + or lesser

ad (往前) + mit confess

com (一起) + mit devote

per (徹底) + mit allow
sub (下) + mit hand in
vo + mit throw up/get sick
o + mit leave out

neg + ive (adj.) passive
neg + go + ate (v.) 談判時想否定對方 consult

norm + al (adj.) standard
e (外) + norm + ous (adj.) 在標準之外,為極大的 huge/giant/massive


Unit 8

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
pronounce (v.)發音;(法庭上)宣稱 pronunciation (n.) 發音
announce (v.)宣布;通知 announce sth to sb 向某人宣布某事;
announcement (n.) 宣布;聲明

order, ordin:順序
order (v.)訂購(n.)順序 in order to V/in order that S + V 為了;out of order 故障
ordinary (adj.)平凡的;普通的 out of the ordinary 不尋常
sequ, sue:跟隨
sequence (n.)順序 in a ... sequence 用…順序
consequence (n.)後果;結果 consequently (adv.) 所以,因而 = as a consequence
pursue (v.)追趕;繼續進行 pursuit (n.) 追逐;追求;從事

passage (n.)段落;通道 passage from/of N 某 N 的段落
passenger (n.)旅客;乘客 passenger plane 客機
passerby (n.)路人 複數:passersby

expend (v.)花費;消耗 expense (n.) 消耗;消費
depend (v.)信賴,依賴 dependence on (n.) 依賴;信賴;
dependent on (adj.) 依賴的;independent from 獨立

physical (adj.)身體的;物質的 physical education 體育課(PE);反:mental 心理的
physics (n.)物理學 physicist (n.) 物理學家

complete (v.)完成(adj.)完整的;完美的 completely (adv.) 完全地
supply (v.)(n.)提供;供應 supply and demand 供需;
supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb 供應某人某物
complex (adj.)複雜的;(n.) 情結 反:simple 簡單的;inferiority complex 自卑情結
complicate (v.)使複雜 complicated (adj.) 複雜的;
complication (n.) 複雜化;併發症
perplex (v.)使困惑 perplexing (adj.) 令人困惑的
principal (n.)校長(adj.)主要的(n.) 本金 principal reason 主要原因
principle (n.)原則;準則 in principle 原則上
vibrate (v.)震動 vibration mode 震動模式
accurate (adj.)精確的 accuracy (n.) 正確性
celebrate (v.)慶祝 celebrate…by Ving 藉由…慶祝…
decorate (v.)裝飾 decorate…with… 以…裝飾…;decoration (n.) 裝飾
exaggerate (v.)誇張;誇大 I'm not exaggerating. 我並非誇大其辭。
frustrate (v.)使沮喪;使灰心 frustrated (adj.) 感到挫折的;frustration (n.) 挫折
illustrate (v.)舉例說明;畫插圖 illustration (n.) 實例;插圖
immigrate (v.)移民 immigrant (n.)(外來)移民;反:emigrate 移居外國
moderate (v.)使和緩(adj.)適中的 反:extreme 極端的;moderation (n.) 適度
operate (v.)操作;經營;動手術 operation (n.) 操作;手術
tolerate (v.)容忍 tolerant (adj.) 容忍的

記憶點 似

pro (在前) + nounc vocalize

an (往前) + nounc declare

ordin + ary (adj.) common/regular

sequ + ence (n.) order
con (一起) + sequ + ence (n.) result/outcome
pu r(之前) + sue chase

pass + age paragraph
pass + er (人) traveler
pass + er (人) + by (經過)

ex (外) + pend 出外,花費 spend
de (下) + pend 依賴,往下 rely on/count on

physi + cal (adj.) material
physi + s

com (一起) + ple full/perfect
sup (底下) + ply 從底下慢慢充滿,為供應 offer/provide

com (一起) + plex 摺疊在一起,很複雜 complicated
com (一起) + pli 摺疊在一起,很複雜 complex

per (徹底) + plex 答案徹底摺疊,使人困惑 confuse/puzzle

prin + cipal 校長是學校最大的,所以是 a,而非 e headteacher/main/primary
prin + ciple

vibr (震動) + ate
ac (往前) + cur + ate precise
celebr (表彰) + ate mark
décor (美) + ate ornament
ex (外) + gest (攜帶) + ate overstate
frustr (失望) + ate disappoint/upset
il (內) + luc (光) + ate
im (入) + migr (移動) + ate
mod (樣式) + ate average/modest/medium
oper (工作) + ate perform surgery
toler (容忍) + ate stand/endure/put up with


Unit 7

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 嘔吐 v t 2. 拒絕 r t 3. 選舉 e n

4. 座落於 l e 5. 度數 d e 6. 正常的 n l

(二) 選擇題
1. I have to your idea of selling our products to Europe because shipping them out there is

too expensive.

(A) reject (B) shine (C) toast (D) visit 108
2. The report has to be to the board of directors next Friday for approval.

(A) exaggerated (B) screamed (C) submitted (D) equipped 102

3. If we don’t have good telephone , we may sound impolite to other people on the phone.
(A) manners (B) marks (C) bills (D) bases 94

4. When the terrorists with the police, they demanded a large amount of money and a

(A) permitted (B) located (C) graduated (D) negotiated

5. A majority of the locals to the plan of building a landfill, while only a few approved of it.
(A) upgraded (B) objected (C) collected (D) submitted

6. Although the scooter rider was badly injured, he is making good after proper treatment.
(A) progress (B) manpower (C) degree (D) mineral

7. Peter had trouble finding an ideal job after he from college; he is feeling disappointed

(A) neglected (B) projected (C) graduated (D) admitted

8. Mia didn’t want to answer the embarrassing question about her date, so she tried hard to change

the .
(A) object (B) degree (C) manner (D) subject

9. The man showed courage when he fought back a robber armed with a knife.

(A) minor (B) enormous (C) negative (D) normal
10. Your computer needs to be to prevent any potential attack from hackers.

(A) upgraded (B) vomited (C) negotiated (D) neglected

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. vomit 2. reject 3. election 4. locate 5. degree 6. normal
選 擇 題:1~5 ACADB 6~10 ACDBA


Unit 8

(二) 單字拼寫

1. 提供 s y 2. 依賴 d d 3. 訂購 o r
4. 追趕 p e 5. 路人 p y 6. 裝飾 d e

(三) 選擇題
1. The government declared that the new city hall would be open to the public this summer.

(A) announced (B) discovered (C) imagined (D) predicted 109

2. Sam is not easy to get along with. I do not know how his friends can tolerate him without any

(A) break up with (B) catch up with (C) keep up with (D) put up with 108
3. Most newspapers _________ the news by over-emphasizing the darker side of society, such as

robbery, kidnap, and murder.

(A) persuade (B) exaggerate (C) disappoint (D) relieve 105
4. More than two million birds migrate south to the lake each fall for food.

(A) travel (B) progress (C) drop (D) float 101

5. Some bus drivers might feel sleepy while driving, which can endanger passengers on the bus.
(A) climbers (B) travelers (C) retailers (D) founders 99

6. Not knowing what the sales representative was trying to do, the lady looked perplexed.

(A) prepared (B) bored (C) delighted (D) confused 98
7. You have to bring your own shopping bags now because the supermarkets no longer supply them.

(A) construct (B) provide (C) need (D) limit 96

8. Learning the basic pronunciation _________ helps students spell English words more easily.
(A) principals (B) principles (C) rulers (D) symptoms 96

9. Last month, fifty couples, who were married for fifty years and more, _________ their golden

anniversary in the city hall.
(A) contributed (B) confirmed (C) celebrated (D) combined 94

10. It really _________ me that I didn’t pass the finals. I really need to do something about it.

(A) frustrated (B) operated (C) exaggerated (D) pursue

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. supply 2. depend 3. order 4. pursue 5. passerby 6. decorate
選 擇 題:1~5 ADBAB 6~10 DBBCA


Unit 9

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
popular (adj.)流行的 be popular with… 受…的歡迎;popularity (n.) 普及;流行
population (n.)人口 a population of… 有…人口數字;ageing population 老化的人口
prec: 價格
precious (adj.)珍貴的;貴重的 precious time 珍貴的時間
appreciate (v.)欣賞;感激 I'd appreciate it if… 如果…我會很感激;appreciation (n.) 欣賞;感激
mand, mend:命令
command (v.)(n.)命令;指揮 under sb's command 在某人的命令下;
have a good command of 精通…
demand (v.)(n.)要求;需要 demand to V 要求做某事;demand that S + (should) + V
recommend (v.)推薦,建議 recommendation (n.) 推薦;介紹信
mot, move:動
emotion (n.)感情;情感 emotional (adj.) 感情上的
promote (v.)促進;升遷 be promoted to N 升遷至…;promotion (n.) 升遷;促銷
remote (adj.)遙遠的;偏僻的 remote control 遙控器
remove (v.)移除 remove…from… 將…從…移除
request (v.)(n.)要求;點播 make a request 要求
acquire (v.)獲得;學會 acquisition (n.) 獲得;學會
require (v.)要求;需要 requirement (n.) 必要條件;必需品
detect (v.)發覺;察覺 detective (n.) 偵探;metal/smoke detector 金屬/煙霧探測器
protect (v.)保護 protect…from… 保護…免於…;protection (n.) 保護
protest (v.)(n.)抗議 protest against 抗議…;hold a protest 抗議
contest (n.)比賽 take part in a contest 參加比賽
conscious (adj.)有知覺的;意識到的 be conscious of 意識到;unconscious (adj.) 失去知覺的;未發覺的
scientist (n.)科學家 science (n.) 科學
describe (v.)形容;描述 describe…as… 將…描述成…;description (n.) 描述
prescribe (v.)開(藥方);規定 prescribe sb sth/prescribe sth for sth 開藥方給…
president (n.)總統;總裁;(大學)校長 presidential (adj.) 總統的
resident (n.)居民 reside in 居住
possess (v.)擁有;迷住 possession (n.) 持有;possessed (adj.) 瘋狂的
assess (v.)評價/評估 assessment (n.) 評價/評估
absent (adj.)缺席的 be absent from… 從…缺席;absence (n.) 缺席
present (v.)贈送;提出(n.)禮物;現在 the present 現在
presentation (n.)演出;報告;呈現 make/give a presentation 報告
represent (v.)代表 representative (n.) 代表人(物)
social (adj.)社會的;社交的 society (n.) 社會;socialize with sb (v.) 與…進行社交活動
associate (v.)聯想;與…交往(n.)同事 associate A with B 將 A 與 B 聯想在一起


記憶點 似

popul + ar (adj.) in/favored
popul + ation (n.)

prec + ous (adj.) valuable/invaluable/priceless
prec + ate (v.) admire/be grateful

com (一起) + mand order

de (下) + mand require/request
re (再一次) + com (一起) + mend suggest

e (往外) + mot + ion (n.) feeling
pro (之前) + mote contribute
re (回) + mote faraway/distant/isolated
re (回) + move get rid of

re (再一次) + quest ask for

ac (往前) + quire gain/learn
re (再一次) + quir demand

de (離開) + tect 離開了覆蓋,為被發覺 find out
pro (之前) + tect 在被攻擊前就覆蓋,為保護 guard/shield/shelter

pro (之前) + test 在被抗議對象前,證明誰對誰錯 demonstrate
con (一起) + test 一起比賽,證明誰比較厲害 game/competition

con (一起) + sci + ous (adj.) aware
sci + ist (人)

de (下/離開) + scrib 描述一下東西或人物 depict
pre (之前) + scrib 在吃藥前,先開藥 regulate

pre (之前) + sid + ent 總統坐在人民之前 principal
re (回) + sid + ent 當地居民,每天回家坐 local/dweller/inhabitant
po + ssess 可以一直坐住的東西,即擁有 own
a + ssess 坐下來評估 evaluate

ab (離開) + sent 離開存在於現場,為缺席 being away

pre (之前) + sent 提出方案於眾人之前 gift
pre (之前) + sent + ion (n.) performance
re (再一次) + present 代表人總是一再代表該單位 stand for

soci + al (adj.)
as (往前) + soci + ate (v.) link/connect/colleague


Unit 10

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
serve (v.)共應(飯菜);任(職);服務 service (n.) 服務;server (n.) 服務生
reserve (v.)保留;預約 make a reservation (n.) 保留;預約
conserve (v.)保存 conservative (adj.) 保守的
deserve (v.)應得 deserve a rest/holiday 應該好好休息/應得假期
observe (v.)觀察 observation (n.) 觀察

preserve (v.)保存;維護 preservation (n.) 維護
simil, semb:類似的
resemble (v.)相似;相向 resemblance (n.) 相似(點)
assemble (v.)集合;組裝 assembly (n.) 集會
similar (adj.)相似的 be similar to … 和…相似;similarity (n.) 相似(性)

spir: 靈魂:心
inspire (v.)鼓舞;啟示 inspiration (n.) 鼓舞;啟示;inspiring (adj.) 激勵人心的;
inspire sb to V 鼓舞某人做某事
spirit (n.)靈魂;情緒;精神 team spirit 團隊精神;That's the spirit. 這就對了。
resist (v.)反抗;抵抗 resist + Ving 抵抗做某事
assist (v.)協助 assist sb with N/to V 協助某人某事;assistant (n.) 助理
consist (v.)組成;在於 consist of… 以…組成;consist in… 在於…
insist (v.)堅持 insist on N/Ving 堅持做某事;insistence (n.) 堅持

persist (v.)堅持;持續 persist in Ving 堅持做某事;persistence (n.) 堅持;持續
debate (v.)(n.)辯論 have a debate over/about N 針對…辯論
battle (n.)戰爭;爭論 fight a battle 打仗
battery (n.)電池 dead/flat battery 電池沒電

structure (n.)結構 social structure 社會結構
instrument (n.)儀器;樂器 musical instrument 樂器
destroy (v.)毀滅;破壞 destructive (adj.) 破壞性的;destruction (n.) 破壞
construct (v.)建造 construction (n.) 建造

assume (v.)假定;承擔 It is assumed that S + V 假定…;assume responsibility 承擔責任
consume (v.)消費;消耗 consumer (n.) 消費者;consumption (n.) 消費
resume (v.)重新開始(n.)履歷表 resume + Ving 重新做某事
contemporary (adj.)當代的;同時代的 contemporary art 當代藝術
temporary (adj.)暫時的 temporary worker 臨時工

certain (adj.)某種程度的;確定的 be certain about/of… 對…確定;certainly (adv.) 當然
certificate (n.)證書;證明文件 degree/birth/death/marriage certificate 學位/出生/死亡/結婚 證書


記憶點 似

serv + e offer/provide
re (再一次) + serv 預約是為了再去一次 put aside
con (一起) + serv 一起保存電力 protect
de (回) + serv 獎勵保留回到本人身上 earn
ob (朝…) + serv 朝目標物觀看 notice
pre (之前) + serv 在被破壞之前,就維護 protect

re (回) + sembl look like
as (往前) + sembl bring together
simil + ar (adj.) alike

in (內) + spir motivate

spir + it soul/emotion

re (再一次) + sist 再一次站起來反抗 rebel
as (往前) + sist 往前站你那邊,為協助 help
con (一起) + sist 站在一起,組成某物 be composed of
in (內) + sist 站在內心聲音的這邊,為堅持 stand one's ground
per (徹底) + sist 徹底站在同一個位置,為持續 persevere

de (下) + bat + e 辯論時,打擊對方 discussion
bat + tle 戰爭時,打擊對方 war
bat + tery cell

struct + ure (n.)
in (內) + stru + ment (n.) device

de (離開) + story 用 story (樓層)去聯想: 樓層都離開不見,為破壞 damage/ruin/spoil
con (一起) + struct 一起建造 build

as (往前) + sume 往前拿取責任,為承擔 suppose/take on
con (一起) + sume 商品一起拿起,為消費 buy/purchase

re (再一次) + sume 再一次拿取,為重新開始 restart/CV

con (一起) + tempor + ary (adj.) modern

tempor + ary (adj.) brief

cer + tain (保有) sure/definite

certi + fi + cate document


Unit 9

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 社會的 s l 2. 察覺 d t 3. 察覺 d t
4. 流行的 p r 5. 比賽 c t 6. 移除 r e

(二) 選擇題

1. A medical report indicates that there is an association between high levels of stress and skin

(A) an exchange (B) an obstacle (C) a relationship (D) a similarity 109

2. My parents are really _________ to me. They have always supported me in whatever I have wanted
to do.

(A) changeable (B) doubtful (C) medical (D) precious 108

3. When the sunshine is too bright, we should wear sunglasses to _________ our eyes.
(A) protect (B) judge (C) greet (D) review 103

4. People all over the world show their basic emotions with similar facial expressions.
(A) feelings (B) positions (C) movements (D) abilities 103

5. Scholarly books that promote mankind’s knowledge are aimed at making our lives better.
(A) consist of (B) contribute to (C) interfere with (D) originate from 103

6. A computer program will be used to assess the quality of language education.

(A) compose (B) evaluate (C) remind (D) offend 101
7. Whenever I am in trouble, he always helps me out. I really ________ his assistance.

(A) accomplish (B) associate (C) achieve (D) appreciate 100
8. Andrew is now working at a factory, but his dream is to possess a business run by himself.

(A) allow (B) hit (C) depend (D) own 99
9. The _________ of Taiwan is over 23 million. That is, there are more than 23 million people living in


(A) pollution (B) calculation (C) portion (D) population 98
10. Lung cancer, one of the major killers in Taiwan, has long been associated with air pollution and


(A) dealt with (B) grown into (C) related to (D) treated by 93

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. social 2. detect 3. detect 4. popular 5. contest 6. remove
選 擇 題:1~5 CDAAB 6~10 BDDDC


Unit 10

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 電池 b y 2. 重新開始 r e 3. 協助 a t

4. 預約 r e 5. 破壞 d y 6. 鼓舞 i e

(二) 選擇題

1. The teacher created vocabulary cards to assist students in learning new English words.

(A) support (B) translate (C) believe (D) sign 106
2. There is a strong resemblance between the man and the boy. They must be father and son.
(A) liking (B) likelihood (C) likewise (D) likeness 100

3. David is now the best student in high school. It’s _______ that he will get a scholarship to the state

(A) available (B) various (C) certain (D) doubtful 99
4. The restaurant has superb business because it serves delicious and healthy food.

(A) works (B) provides (C) forwards (D) strikes 98
5. Water is a precious resource; therefore, we must ______ it or we will not have enough of it in the

near future.
(A) conserve (B) compete (C) connect (D) continue 98

6. This piece of land is ______for wild animals and plants; it is not open for the general public.
(A) shocked (B) reserved (C) responded (D) smelled 94

7. These three wooden boxes are ______; they are of the same size, shape, and color.
(A) remote (B) real (C) similar (D) vague 94

8. Advance _______ of seats for the train is strongly recommended when travelers want to have a seat
on their way home.

(A) resident (B) cancellation (C) protection (D) reservation 92
9. Chinese parents are so ______ that they feel embarrassed to teach their children about sex.

(A) outstanding (B) rewarded (C) conservative (D) liberal 91
10. It has long been suggested by doctors that a healthy diet should ______mainly grains, vegetables

and fruit with proper amounts of meat and dairy products.
(A) fill with (B) refer to (C) consist of (D) search for 90

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. battery 2. resume 3. assist 4. reserve 5. destroy 6. inspire
選 擇 題:1~5 ADCBA 6~10 BCDCC


Unit 11

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
obtain (v.)獲得 obtain…from… 從…獲得…
contain (v.)包含 container (n.) 容器
entertainment (n.)娛樂 entertain (v.) 娛樂;entertainment industry 娛樂業
maintain (v.)維修;保養 maintenance (n.) 維修;保養
term, termin:終止;限制
term (n.)期限;學期; mid-term exam 期中考
terminal (adj.)不治的; terminal cancer 癌症末期
determine (v.)決定;下決心做 determination (n.) 決心,堅定;determined (adj.) 下定決心的
terr: 使害怕
terrible (adj.)可怕的;糟的 terror (n.) 恐懼;terrify (v.) 嚇人
terrific (adj.)非常好的 反:terrible; awful 糟糕的

contribute (v.)貢獻;促成 contribute to N 對…做出貢獻;make a contribution to N 貢獻
distribute (v.)分送 distribute sth to sb 將…分送給某人;distribution (n.) 分發;分配
valid (adj.)有效的;有根據的 反:invalid 無效的
value (v.)重視(n.)價值 valuable(adj.) 有價值的;invaluable(adj.) 無價的;valueless 不值錢的
vent:來; 去
convention (n.)會議、大會; conventional (adj.) 習慣的、慣例的
event (n.)事件;(比賽)項目 sporting event 體育盛事
eventually (adv.)最後,終於 eventual (adj.) 最終的
invent (v.)發明 inventor (n.) 發明家;invention (n.) 發明
prevent (v.)防止;阻止 prevent…from… 避免;preventive (adj.) 預防的;prevention (n.) 預防
vers, vert:轉變
diversity (n.)多樣性 diversified (adj.) 多樣的
university (n.)大學 go to university 上大學
version (n.)版本;說法 original version 原版
vertical (adj.)垂直的 反:horizontal 水平的
conversation (n.)對話;談話 have a conversation with sb 交談;converse (v.) 交談
convert (v.)轉變 convert …into… 將…轉變為…;conversion (n.) 轉換
convey (v.)傳達;表達;運送 convey a message 傳達訊息
survey (v.)(n.)調查 do/carry out/conduct a survey 進行調查
vict, vinc:打敗
convict (v.)證明有罪(n.)囚犯 convict sb of... 證明某人有…罪
victim (n.)受害者 fall victim to… 成為…的受害者;victimize (v.) 使…受害
victory (n.)勝利 victory over/against … 對…取得勝利
convince (v.)使信服;使確信 convinced (adj.) 確信的;convincing (adj.) 令人信服的


記憶點 似

ob (往前) + tain 往前持有,為獲得 attain/gain
con (一起) + tain 保留在一起,為包含 involve/embrace
enter (進入) + tain + ment (n.) amusement
main (主要的) + tain keep up

termin + al (adj.)

de (下) + termine

terr + able (adj.) awful
terr + ic (adj.) great/awesome

con (一起) + tribute 一起分配工作,做出貢獻 play a part in
dis (分離) + tribute 東西分離出去,為分送 give out

val + id well founded
val + ue worth/ treasure

con (一起) + vent + ion (n.) 一起去大會 meeting/custom

e (外) + vent 事件發生出來 incident
event + ual (adj.) + ly (adv.) finally/at last
in (內) + vent 由腦內的點子走出來,為發明 create
pre (之前) + vent 在壞事來前,就預防 avoid/stop/block

di (分開) + vers + ty (n.) variety
uni (一) + vers + ty (n.) college
vers + ion (n.) edition
vert + i + cal (adj.) upright
con (一起) + vers + tion (n.) dialogue
con (一起) + vert change/transform

con (一起) + vey 一起將東西運送
sur (超過;在上方) + vey 在上方看,為調查

con (一起) + vict declare guilty
vict + im sufferer
vict + ory triumph
con (一起) + vinc persuade


Unit 12

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
vis, vid:看
vision (n.)視野;視力 good/poor vision 視力好/差
visualize (v.)想像 visualize sb Ving 想像某人做某事
advise (v.)勸告;建議 advise sb to V 勸告某人做…;advice (n.) 建議;忠告

revise (v.)修訂;修正 revision (n.) 修訂;修正
supervise (v.)監督;管理 supervisor (n.) 監督者;主管
evidence (n.)證據 evident (adj.) 明顯的
involve (v.)牽涉;包含 be involved in 涉入…

evolve (v.)進化;發展 evolution (n.) 進化(論);演進
revolution (n.)革命 revolutionize (v.) 在…方面引起突破性變革
differ (v.)不同 difference (n.) 差別;differ from…/different from… 不同於…
prefer (v.)比較喜歡;寧願 prefer A to B 喜歡 A 勝於 B;prefer Ving/to V 偏愛做…;
preference (n.) 偏愛

suffer (v.)遭受…之苦 suffer from 疾病 罹患(疾病)
distinct (adj.)與其他不同的;明顯的 be distinct from 和…不同;distinction (n.) 區分;差別
distinguish (v.)分辨 distinguish A from B 辨別 A 與 B;
distinguished (adj.) 傑出的;著名的

extinguish (v.)熄滅 extinguisher (n.) 滅火器
stimulate (v.)刺激 stimulate growth/the economy 刺激成長/經濟;
stimulate sb to V 激勵某人做某事
extinct (adj.)絕種的 extinction (n.) 滅絕;絕種
age:(n.) 狀態
marriage (n.)婚姻;婚禮 get married to sb 跟某人結婚;marry (v.) 結婚
package (v.)打包;(n.)包裹 package tour 套裝旅遊

shortage (n.)缺少;不足 a shortage of… 短缺…
re- 再一次:回
remind (v.)提醒;使想起 remind sb of N/to V/that S + V 提醒某人…;reminder (n.) 提醒物
refund (v.)(n.)退款 give sb a refund 給某人退款
replace (v.)取代 replace A with B 以 B 取代 A

research (v.)(n.)研究 researcher (n.) 研究人員;do/carry out research 做研究
reunion (n.)團聚 class reunion 同學會;family reunion 家庭團聚
repeat (v.)重複 repeatedly (adv.) 重複地;repeat a year 留級
equipment (n.)設備;裝備 a piece of equipment 一件設備;military equipment 軍事設備
environment (n.)環境 environmental(adj.) 環境的;environmentalist (n.) 環保人士

government (n.)政府 local/central government 地方/中央政府
department (n.)科系;部門;局處 in the ~ department 在…科系


記憶點 似

vis + ion (n.) sight
vis + ual (adj.) + ize(v.) imagine
ad (往前) + vise 勸告對方往前看 suggest
re (再一次) + vise 再看一次原文,為修訂 edit

super (上面) + vise 上司從上往下看部屬,為監督 oversee
e (外) + vid + ence (n.) 證據的外表顯而易見 proof

in (內) + volve 往內滾進去,為涉入 contain
e (外) + volve 往外滾出去,為進化 advance

re (回) + volv + tion (n.) 使舊政權滾回去,為革命 overthrow

di (遠離) + fer vary
pre (在..之前) + fer favor

su (底下) + ffer

dis (分離) + stinct 分離和其他不同 different/separate
dis (不;分離) + tin + guish tell…from…

ex (往外) + tin + guish put out

stimu + late encourage

ex (外) + stinct 絕種,脫離地球之外 die out

marry (結婚) + age wedding
pack (打包) + age parcel

short (短的) + age lack

re + mind (心) bring… to mind
re + fund (基金) pay back
re + place (地方) take the place of/substitute

re + search (搜尋) 做研究,就是一再地找資料 study
re + union (聯合) get-together
re + peat go over again

equip (裝設備) + ment stuff
en + viron (包圍) + ment 包圍著大家,為環境 surroundings

govern (統治) + ment 政府統治人民 authority
de (下) + part (部分) + ment 大學下面的部分,為科系


Unit 11

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 事件 e t 2. 價值 v e 3. 傳達 c y
4. 受害者 v m 5. 包含 c n 6. 版本 v n

(二) 選擇題
1. For the domestic pork industry, the government has made efforts to prevent the spread of African
swine fever.

(A) cause (B) melt (C) risk (D) stop 108
2. Every nation in the world ______ in some way to global culture.
(A) displeases (B) invades (C) alternates (D) contributes 106
3. The lawyer’s evidence proved to be false although it looked convincing when first presented.

(A) minor (B) excited (C) unlikely (D) believable 101
4. In conventional farming, chemicals are frequently used to kill insects and fight diseases.
(A) geographical (B) traditional (C) accidental (D) environmental 100
5. You might fail in pursuit of your goals, but the lessons you learn from each failure will help you to

eventually succeed.
(A) easily (B) readily (C) finally (D) simply 99
6. As an international language, English allows people of different countries to converse in a common

(A) prescribe (B) communicate (C) plan (D) manage 96
7. Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure on high school students to ______ very good exam results in
order to enter national universities.
(A) fill (B) obtain (C) insist (D) decide 96

8. Small vocabulary size usually prevents readers from fully understanding the text they read.
(A) closes (B) designs (C) stops (D) throws 93
9. The benefits of vitamins and minerals are emphasized because they play an important role in
maintaining good health.

(A) helping (B) keeping (C) predicting (D) starting 93
10. The police surveyed the scene of crime carefully for fear of missing any clue that was related to the
(A) checked in (B) turned up (C) looked over (D) got around 90

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. event 2. value 3. convey 4. victim 5. contain 6. version
選 擇 題:1~5 DDDBC 6~10 BBCBC


Unit 12

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 提醒 r d 2. 缺少 s e 3. 婚姻 m e
4. 重複 r t 5. 牽涉 i e 6. 修訂 r e

(二) 選擇題

1. Overweight, we are advised to pay close attention to our daily diet.
(A) liked (B) related (C) suggested (D) treated 97

2. The latest evidence shows that second-hand smoke can not only lower children’s IQ but also cause

lung cancer.
(A) factor (B) health (C) proof (D) success 95

3. Office workers ______ from back problems because they tend to sit still for long periods of time.

(A) suffer (B) learn (B) move (D) transfer 93
4. The factory polluted the ______ and killed hundreds of creatures in the nearby river.

(A) revolution (B) package (C) reunion (D) environment
5. James is too young to ______ between right and wrong. He was forgiven for damaging the car.

(A) stimulate (B) distinguish (C) evolve (D) research
6. I was asked to ______ the burned light bulb with a new LED one, which consumes less energy.

(A) remind (B) replace (C) visualize (D) involve

7. Scientists have been conducting a lot of ______ on how bats transmit diseases to humans.
(A) research (B) department (C) vision (D) revolution

8. The police are collecting ______ at the bank, trying to find any fingerprint left by the robber.
(A) equipment (B) refund (C) evidence (D) government

9. Kevin ______ drip bag coffee to 3-in-1 coffee because he loves drinking black coffee.
(A) repeats (B) extinguishes (C) involves (D) prefers

10. There is a severe ______ of water in Taiwan now because last year typhoons didn’t bring enough

rain to us.
(A) shortage (B) environment (C) reunion (D) refund

答案 單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. remind 2. shortage 3. marriage 4. repeat 5. involve 6. revise
選 擇 題:1~5 CCADB 6~10 BACDA


Unit 13
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞


available (adj.)可獲得的;可用的; available to sb … 對某人是可得的

miserable (adj.)痛苦的;不幸的 feel miserable 覺得痛苦
suitable (adj.)合適的 suitable for sb 適合某人
unforgettable (adj.)難忘的 反:forgettable 易被忘記的

enable (v.)使能夠 able (adj.) 有能力的;ability (n.) 能力;disable (v.) 使傷殘
enjoyable (adj.)令人愉快的 enjoy + Ving 喜愛做某事


organize (v.)組織;安排 organization (n.) 組織
realize (v.)領悟;實現 realize sb's dreams 實現夢想
emphasize (v.)強調 emphasis (n.) 強調


rational (adj.)合理的;講理的 a rational explanation/decision 合理解釋/決定

skeptical (adj.)持懷疑態度的;不相信的 skeptical about/of N 對…感到懷疑
traditional (adj.)傳統的 tradition (n.) 傳統;traditional values 傳統價值
dental (adj.)牙齒的 dental floss 牙線

digital (adj.)數位的 digital age 數位時代
essential (adj.)必要的 essential for/to… 對…是必要的
financial (adj.)財務上的 financial difficulties 財政困難

partial (adj.)部分的;局部的 partially (adv.) 部分地
personal (adj.)個人的 personality (n.) 個性;personally (adv.) 個人地
political (adj.)政治的 politician (n.) 政客

artificial (adj.)人造的 artificial flower 人造花;artificial intelligence 人工智慧(AI)

attention (n.)注意(力) pay attention to N/Ving 注意…
caution (n.)謹慎;小心 be cautious about …(adj.) 對…謹慎的
compensation (n.)補償(金) receive compensation for N 因…接受補償
corporation (n.)公司 multinational corporation 跨國公司

religion (n.)宗教 religious (adj.) 虔誠的
reputation (n.)名譽;信譽 have a ~reputation as 身分/for N 因…身分/東西而聞名

situation (n.)情況;狀況 in a ~ situation 在…情況
tension (n.)緊張(關係、局勢) ease/reduce tension 減輕緊張
option (n.)選擇 optional (adj.) 有選擇性的;
have no option but to V 沒選擇只好…

addition (n.)增加;增加物 additionally (adv.) 此外;
in addition to N/Ving 除了…;in addition 此外


記憶點 似

avail (有用) + able accessible

misery (悲慘) + able sorrowful

suit (適合) + able fit
un (不) + forget (忘記) + able memorable
en (變動詞) + able allow

enjoy( 享受…的樂趣) + able agreeable

organ (器官) + ize 像器官般排列有組織 arrange
real (真實) + ize 讓夢想變真實,為實現 achieve/accomplish
emphasis + ize stress

ration (定量配給) + al 定量配給需合理 reasonable

skeptic (持懷疑態度的人) + al doubtful
tradition (傳統) + al

dent (凹陷) + al

digit (數位) + al

essence (本質) + al necessary/vital
finance (金融) + al monetary

part (部分) + al local
person (個人) + al individual
politics (政治) + al

art (藝術) + al man-made

attend (注意) + ion heed/concentration


com (一起) + pen + ion

corpor (軀體) + ion company/firm

repute (名聲) + ion

situate (坐落於) + ion condition/circumstance
tense (緊的) + ion anxiousness

opt (選擇) + ion choice

add (增加) + ion


Unit 14
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

er- or- an- ist-: 人/東西
fertilizer (n.)肥料 organic fertilizer 有機肥料
layer (n.)層;(v.) 頭髮剪出層次 ozone layer 臭氧層
vendor (n.)小販 vending machine 販賣機
elevator (n.)電梯 elevator music 電梯背景音樂
emperor (n.)皇帝 emperor penguin 皇帝企鵝

employer (n.)雇主 employment (n.) 雇用;就業;
employee (n.) 員工 (-ee 被…的人)
engineer (n.)工程師 software engineer 軟體工程師
error (n.)錯誤 make/correct an error 犯/更正錯誤
vegetarian (adj.)素食的(n.)素食主義者 反:non-vegetarian 非素食者的
colonist (n.)殖民者 colonize (v.) 使殖民地化

fy-: (v.)
qualify (v.)具有…資格 be qualified to V 有資格去…;qualification (n.) 資格
be satisfied with 對…滿意;satisfaction (n.) 滿意;
satisfy (v.)使滿意
satisfactory (adj.) 令人滿意的
identify (v.)辨認,識別 be identical to/with 和…同樣的;identity (n.) 身分證明

ous-: (adj.)
previous (adj.)先前的 previous experience/marriage 前一段經驗/婚姻
prosperous (adj.)繁榮的;興盛的 prosperity (n.) 繁榮
suspicious (adj.)引人起疑的 be suspicious of/about 對…起疑;suspicion (n.) 起疑
ambitious (adj.)有野心的 be ambitious for 對…有野心;ambition (n.) 野心
anxious (adj.)焦慮的;急切的 be anxious about N/for sb 對…焦慮;anxiety(n.) 焦慮
numerous (adj.)很多的 too numerous to list 太多無法列舉
gorgeous (adj.)好看的 absolutely gorgeous 十分好看

massive (adj.)巨大的 massively (adv.) 大量地
alternative to N …的替代;
alternative (adj.)(n.)替代的
have no alternative but to V 別無選擇只能…

extensive (adj.)廣泛的;大量的 extend (v.) 擴大/展
negative (adj.)否定的;消極的;負面的 negate (v.) 使無效;反:positive 正面的

analyze (v.)分析 analysis (n.) 分析
advertise (v.)廣告 put/place an advertisement in 刊登廣告;advertising (n.) 廣告業

truth (n.)真相 true (adj.) 真實的; tell the truth 說實話; in truth 事實上
strength (n.)力氣;優勢 have the strength to do sth 有力氣去做…;strengthen (v.) 加強

horrible (adj.)可怕的 a horrible cold 重感冒
compatible (adj.)能共處的;適用的 be compatible with… 和…相容的


記憶點 似

fertile (肥沃的) + ize (v.) + er
lay (放) + er
vend (販賣) + or seller
elevate (提高) + or lift

empire (帝國) + or
employ (雇用) + er boss

engine (引擎) + er
err (犯錯) + or mistake
vegetable (蔬菜) + an vegan
colony (殖民地) + ist

be eligible


pre (之前) + ous
prosper (繁榮) + ous well-off
suspect (嫌疑犯) + ous doubtful
ambi (周圍) + it (走) + ous 野心的人,在目的周圍行走 aspiring
anxiety + ous worried
number (數字) + ous 數字很多 a lot of/plenty of
gorge (峽谷) + ous 峽谷都很好看 good-looking

mass (大量) + ive enormous/gigantic
alter (改變) + native

extend (擴大) + ive large-scale/considerable

neg (反定) + ive

ad (往前) + vert (轉換) + ise 把商品轉成廣告 ad

true + th truthfulness
strong (強的) + th power

horror (恐懼) + able dreadful/frightful
com(一起) + pat (輕拍) + able consistent


Unit 13

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 選擇 o n 2. 合適的 s e 3. 牙齒的 d l
4. 合理的 r l 5. 宗教 r n 6. 個人的 p l

(一) 選擇題
1. Computer technology ______ people to work at home effectively without having to go to the office.

(A) attacks (B) confuses (C) enables (D) reduces 109
2. Since food safety was repeatedly reported in the news, Mom has been more ______ than before
about choosing and buying food.

(A) sociable (B) cautious (C) envious (D) innocent 103
3. Cheating at the game ruined the most valuable players’ ______.
(A) knowledge (B) dishonesty (C) prediction (D) reputation 102

4. More and more students ______ that with a good knowledge of English, they will have more
opportunities to find a good job.
(A) delay (B) launch (C) realize (D) bother 99

5. Taking a one-week vacation in Paris is indeed an unforgettable experience.
(A) a possible (B) a miserable (C) a capable (D) a memorable 98

6. With online shopping, one can get hundreds of options when looking for a cell phone.
(A) choices (B) fees (C) topics (D) reasons 98

7. Because of the heavy rain, Mr. Johnson drove down the hill very slowly and cautiously.
(A) carefully (B) naturally (C) quickly (D) entirely 97

8. We should ______ the importance of recycling because of the limited resources on Earth.
(A) relax (B) attack (C) reduce (D) emphasize 96
9. If you want to learn more about the activity, you can get additional information from the university

(A) more (B) serious (C) daily (D) practical 95
10. When they try to hire workers for their companies, employers usually decide within five minutes

whether someone is ______ for the job.
(A) different (B) stationary (C) suitable (D) vertical 92

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. option 2. suitable 3. dental 4. rational 5. religion 6. personal

選 擇 題:1~5 CBDCD 6~10 AADAC


Unit 14

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 焦慮的 a s 2. 小販 v r 3. 巨大的 m e
4. 雇主 e r 5. 先前的 p s 6. 辨認 i y

(二) 選擇題
1. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project found that gene mapping identifies four different types of breast

(A) recognizes (B) contrasts (C) conceals (D) simplifies 102
2. The road to the border was closed, and the soldiers were forced to alter their plans.

(A) miss (B) keep (C) change (D) recover 101
3. Tension and anxiety at test time may cause students to forget what they have read.

(A) honesty (B) traffic (C) noise (D) worry 96
4. After many years of extensive research, Taiwanese computer companies have upgraded their quality.

(A) polite (B) deep (C) secret (D) broad 95
5. In a traditional Chinese family, children have to give back to their family in return for the previous

(A) little (B) curious (C) main (D) former 93
6. One of the ways by which website companies make money is from the ______ that flash on the

(A) warnings (B) advertisements (C) movies (D) conversations 90
7. Professor Li advised that each of us should do ______ reading if we really want to improve our

(A) extensive (B) negative (C) horrible (D) suspicious
8. Susan told me several ways to get rid of ______ thinking, which really helped me a lot.

(A) massive (B) negative (C) alternative (D) extensive
9. Leo is an ______ businessman, aiming to open one store after another.

(A) ambitious (B) anxious (C) alternative (D) advertised
10. I am very ______ with my body figure now because I go to the gym three times a week.
(A) compatible (B) satisfied (C) massive (D) previous

答案 單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. anxious 2. vendor 3. massive 4. employer 5. previous 6. identify
選 擇 題:1~5 ACDDD 6~10 BABAB


Unit 15
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

vacant (adj.)空的;空虛的 vacancy (n.) 空處;空缺
abundant (adj.)豐富的 abundance (n.) 豐富;充裕
significant (adj.)重要的;意義深長的 signify (v.) 很重要
excellent (adj.)優秀的 excel (v.) 擅長

intelligent (adj.)聰明的 intelligence (n.) 情報;智力
nutrient (n.)營養素 nutrition (n.) 營養;nutritious (adj.) 有營養的;nourish (v.) 滋養
patient (adj.)有耐心的(n.)病人 be patient with 對…有耐心;impatient (adj.) 沒耐心的;
patience (n.) 耐心
violent (adj.)猛烈的;兇暴的 violence (n.) 暴力

confident (adj.)自信的 be confident of/about… 對…有信心;confidence (n.) 信心
diligent (adj.)勤勉的 diligence (n.) 勤勉
amazing (adj.)令人驚奇的 amaze (v.) 使驚訝;to sb's amazement 令人感到驚奇的

charming (adj.)迷人的;有魅力的 charm (n.) 魅力
diving (n.)潛水 dive (v.) 潛水;go diving 去潛水
wedding (n.)婚禮 wed (v.) 結婚;go to/attend a wedding 參加婚禮
embarrassed (adj.)尷尬的 be embarrassed about/at… 對…感到尷尬;
embarrassing (adj.) 令人不好意思的

handicapped (adj.)有生理缺陷的 physically handicapped 身障的
sophisticated (adj.)世故的 sophisticate (n.) 老練世故的人
allied (adj.)聯盟的 ally (n.) 盟友

honesty (n.)誠實 Honesty is the best policy. 誠實是上策。
opportunity (n.)機會 miss the opportunity to V 錯過機會去…
poverty (n.)貧窮 live in poverty 貧窮地過活
variety (n.)多樣化;各種 a wide variety of N 各式各樣的…;
various (adj.) 各式各樣的;vary (v.) 不同

ability (n.)能力 have the ability to V 有能力去…
priority (n.)優先;優先權 top priority 第一優先
vitamin (n.)維他命 vitamin D 維他命 D;take vitamins 吃維他命

survive (v.)存活;生還 survival (n.) 存活;生還;survivor (n.) 生還者
dis, di:相反;離開
display (v.)(n.)展示;陳列 on display 展示中;window display 櫥窗展示
divorce (n.)離婚 divorce rate 離婚率;get a divorce 離婚
distress (n.)苦惱;悲痛 in distress 悲痛中
disturb (v.)打擾;使焦慮 Do not disturb. 請勿打擾。;Sorry to disturb you. 抱歉打擾了。


記憶點 似

vac (空的) + ant empty
abound (豐富) + ant plentiful/ample
sign (標誌) + fy (v.) + ant important/crucial

excel (擅長) + ent great/fantastic
in (內) + tell (告訴) + ent clever/smart/wise


con (一起) + fid (信) + ent self-assured


amaze + ing surprising/astonishing
charm + ing attractive/appealing

dive + ing
wed + ing marriage

em + bar + ass + ed 在酒吧裡露出屁股,尷尬 shy/ashamed/awkward

hand + cap + ed disabled
sophisticate + ed experienced/worldly
ally + ed

honest (誠實) + ty frankness
opportune (時間合適的) + ty chance
poor + ty
vary (改變;不同) + ty kinds

able (能夠的) + ty capacity/capability

prior (居先的) + ty primacy

vit + amin
sur (超過) + vive 超過原本可以存活的時間,為存活 sustain

dis + play exhibit
di + vorce
dis + stress (拉緊) pain/discomfort
dis + turb (擾亂) interrupt


Unit 16
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

encourage (v.)鼓勵;激勵 encourage sb to V 鼓勵某人做某事;encouraging (adj.) 令人鼓舞的
反:discourage 使洩氣
enlarge (v.)擴大;放大 enlarge sb's understanding/vocabulary 增大某人的了解/字彙量
embrace (v.)擁抱;欣然接受;包括 embrace each other 擁抱彼此
frighten (v.)使驚嚇 frightened (adj.) 受驚嚇的;frightening (adj.) 令人驚嚇的;
fright (n.) 驚恐

instant (adj.)立即的; instantly (adv.) 馬上
obstacle (n.)障礙;阻礙 obstacle+free 無障礙的;overcome an obstacle 克服障礙

stable (adj.)穩定的 in (a) stable condition 狀況穩定
staff (n.)(全體)工作人員 a staff of… 有…的工作人員
stage (n.)舞台;階段 stage name 藝名;stage fright 舞台恐懼症
stamina (n.)耐力 a test of stamina 耐力考驗
statue (n.)雕像 put up a statue 樹立雕像
status (n.)地位;身分 high/low status 高/低的地位

standard (n.)(adj.)標準(的) meet/reach a standard 達到標準
starve (v.)挨餓 starvation (n.) 餓死;starved/starving (adj.) 很餓的
stationery (n.)文具 a piece of stationery 一個文具;試比較:stationary (adj.) 靜止的
statistic (n.)統計數值 statistics (n.) 統計學
constant (adj.)不斷的;不變的 constantly (adv.) 經常地
distance (n.)距離 in the distance 在遠處;keep sb's distance 保持距離;
distant (adj.) 遙遠的
institute (n.)協會;學院 institute of N …的協會
establish (v.)建立 establish relations/contact with sb 建立與某人的關係/聯絡
superstition (n.)迷信 superstitious (adj.) 迷信的

nature (n.)天性;自然 natural (adj.) 天然的;Mother Nature 大自然;in nature 在大自然中
moisture (n.)濕氣,水分 moist (adj.) 潮濕的
temperature (n.)溫度 take sb's temperature 量體溫;run/have a temperature 發燒
culture (n.)文化 culture shock 文化衝擊;cultural (adj.) 文化的;
cultural exchange 文化交流
feature (v.)以…為特色(n.)特徵 main/common feature 主要/普遍特色
furniture (n.)家具 a piece of furniture 一件家具;furnish (v.) 佈置(傢俱)
literature (n.)文學 classical/modern literature 古典/現代文學

sense (v.)意識到(n.)判斷力;意識 sense of direction/duty 方向/責任感;sentimental (adj.) 多愁善感的
sensible (adj.)明智的;合理的 sensible option 明智選擇
sensitive (adj.)敏感的 be sensitive to/about… 對…敏感


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