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Published by jeven338, 2021-06-12 23:18:05


記憶點 似

en + courage (勇氣) cheer/inspire/motivate

en + large (大) expand
em + brace (支撐) hug/accept/include
fright (驚恐) + en scare

in (內) + sta + ant (adj.) immediately/right away/at once

ob (反對) + sta + cle barrier

sta + ble (adj.) steady
sta + ff crew
sta + ge phase
sta + mina endurance
sta + tue
sta + tus

stand + ard criterion/guideline
sta + rve
station + ery(adj.) still
sta + tis + tic
con (一起) + sta + ant (adj.) continual/continuous
dis (分離) + sta + ance (n.)

in (內) + sti + tute organization/institution
e + sta + blish set up
super + sti + tion (n.)

nat (出生) + ure essence
moist (潮濕的) + ure wetness
temper (脾氣) + ure
cult (照料) + ure

feat (功績) + ure trait/characteristic
furnish (佈置傢俱) + ure furnishings
literal (字面的) + ure written works

sense + able (能夠) reasonable
sense + tive (adj) responsive


Unit 15

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 貧窮 p y 2. 打擾 d b 3. 能力 a y
4. 誠實 h y 5. 病人 p t 6. 存活 s e

(二) 選擇題
1. Emily enjoys trying different things and traveling to different places, for she believes that ______ is
the spice of life.

(A) quarrel (B) variety (C) wagon (D) zipper 108
2. Don’t park your car here because it is reserved for the handicapped.
(A) fascinated (B) twisted (C) disabled (D) endangered 100
3. Studying should be the ______ of a student, not working part-time.

(A) priority (B) resume (C) margin (D) variation 100
4. Sally’s mother became very distressed when Sally said she was quitting school, and would work
full-time in a restaurant.
(A) silent (B) unhappy (C) obvious (D) guilty 99

5. The tropical weather in Taiwan makes it possible to grow various types of fruits such as
watermelons, bananas, and pineapples.
(A) different (B) whole (C) general (D) special 97
6. My friend’s five-year-old daughter can speak Taiwanese, English, Japanese, and French. It is

(A) shining (B) confusing (C) surprising (D) boring 96
7. Vocational high school students should have greater ______ in themselves in order to learn English

(A) influence (B) dependence (C) confidence (D) performance 94
8. David missed the ______ to see his father for the last time, who died from COVID-19.
(A) display (B) diving (C) nutrient (D) opportunity
9. Like other physically ______ children, Zoe needs help from her classmates and teachers at school.

(A) allied (B) handicapped (C) vacant (D) diligent
10. This computer company consists of 20 highly ______ employees, some of whom graduated from
Harvard University.
(A) vacant (B) intelligent (C) patient (D) handicapped

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. poverty 2. disturb 3. ability 4. honesty 5. patient 6. survive

選 擇 題:1~5 BCABA 6~10 CCDBB


Unit 16

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 自然 n e 2. 舞台 s e 3. 擁抱 e e
4. 距離 d e 5. 特徵 f e 6. 濕氣 m e

(二) 選擇題

1. Many people living in the downtown are often bothered by the ______ noise of heavy traffic all day
(A) ambitious (B) constant (C) elegant (D) glorious 107
2. It is urgent to develop good reading habits in order to enlarge the reading population and to help

promote cultural industries.
(A) expand (B) express (C) exploit (D) launch 104
3. This company is very young, established only five years ago, but it made a good deal of profits this

(A) dropped out (B) taken after (C) put forward (D) set up 103
4. The weather has recently been ______ and this may cause illnesses.
(A) greedy (B) domestic (C) anxious (D) unstable 102
5. A university president has a high social ______, and (s) he is highly respected by the people.

(A) stage (B) status (C) statue (D) station 100
6. Greenpeace, which aims to protect the environment, is an international institution.
(A) alternative (B) organization (C) expansion (D) invention 97

7. There is a ______ that if you break a mirror, you’ll have bad luck for seven years.
(A) superstition (B) supervisor (C) supply (D) support 91
8. Many people worry that the computerized Public Welfare Lottery ______ gambling to become rich
instead of working hard to make money.
(A) encourages (B) specializes (C) predicts (D) conveys 91

9. Before you travel to a foreign country, be sure to learn something about its ______. In this way, you
can avoid making some mistakes.
(A) furniture (B) stationery (C) stage (D) culture

10. Examinees can bring necessary ______ when they take an exam, but a smartphone or a smart watch
is not included.
(A) obstacle (B) literature (C) stationery (D) temperature

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. nature 2. stage 3. embrace 4. distance 5. feature 6. moisture
選 擇 題:1~5 BADDB 6~10 BAADC


Unit 17
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
exchange (v.)(n.)交換 in exchange for 作為…交換
excuse (v.)原諒(n.)藉口;理由 excuse sb for Ving 原諒某人做…
exhaust (v.)使精疲力盡;用盡 exhausted (adj.) 精疲力盡的;exhaustive (adj.) 詳盡的

exhibit (v.)展覽;展示 exhibition (n.) 展覽會
expand (v.)擴張 expansion (n.) 擴充;expand sb's horizons 開闊(某人)的眼界
expel (v.)驅逐 be expelled from 從…被趕走
compete (v.)競爭 competitive (adj.) 有競爭力的;competitor (n.) 競爭者;
competent (adj.) 有能力的
have/lose an appetite 有/無食慾;appetizer (n.) 開胃菜;
appetite (n.)胃口
appetizing (adj.) 開胃的

aborigine (n.)原住民 aboriginal (adj.) 原住民的
abroad (adv.)在國外 study/travel abroad 海外留學/旅遊
absolute (adj.)全然的;絕對的 absolutely (adv.) 絕對地
absorb (v.)吸收;全神貫注 be absorbed in 全神貫注於…
abuse (v.)(n.)濫用;虐待 abuse alcohol/drugs 濫用酒精/藥物;child abuse 虐待兒童
combine (v.)結合;合併 combine A with B 將 A 與 B 結合
common (adj.)常見的;普遍的 common knowledge 常識
commute (v.)通勤 commute from A to B 從 A 地到 B 地通勤
company (n.)陪伴;公司 keep sb company 陪伴某人
compare (v.)比較 compare A with/to B 比較 A 與 B;comparison (n.) 比較;對照
component (n.)零件;成分 an essential component of… …的一個基本要素;
computer component 電腦零件
compulsory (adj.)必修的;強制的 compulsory education 義務教育

comment (v.)(n.)評論 make a comment 做評論
commerce (n.)商業 commercial (adj.) 商業的(n.)(電視、廣播)商業廣告
comfortable (adj.)舒適的;舒服的 comfort (n.) 舒適
effort (n.)努力 make the effort to V 努力做…;spare no effort to V 不遺餘力
income (n.)收入;所得 income tax 所得稅

overcome (v.)克服;戰勝 overcome difficulties/obstacles 克服困難/阻礙
outcome (n.)結果 outcome of … 為…的結果
result (v.)(n.)結果 result from… 起因於…; result in… 導致…;
as a result 因此;as a result of … 因為…
technique (n.)技巧 technique for Ving 做某事的技巧
technology (n.)科技 advances in technology 科技進步;modern technology 現代科技


記憶點 似

ex + change (改變) trade

ex + cuse pardon/forgive
ex + haust tire/use up

ex + hibit show/display
ex + pand enlarge
ex + pel throw out

com (一起) + pete 大家一起尋求冠軍,為競爭 contend

ap (往前) + pet 往前尋求食物,為食慾 hungriness

ab + origin (起源) 原住民離開起源地到平地 native

ab + road (路) 離開本國的路,到國外 overseas
ab + solu (鬆開) 離開鬆開,就是抓緊緊,為絕對的 definite
ab + sorb suck up
ab + use (使用) 離開正常使用,為濫用 mistreat

com + bine (綁) unite/join
com + mon general/universal/ordinary
com + mute (靜音;啞)

com + pany firm/business
com + pare contrast
com + po + nent cnstituent

com + puls (驅動) + ory (adj.) required

com + ment remark
com + merce business

com (完全) + fort (強壯) + able cozy
e (往外) + ffort hard work

in + come 進來的錢,為收入 earnings

over + come 跨過困難,為克服 conquer
out + come 結尾出來,為結果 result

tech + nique skill/method
tech + logy (學科)技術的學科,為科技


Unit 18
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
site (n.)地點,場所 building/construction site 建築工地
opposite (n.)相反(prep.)在…對面 opposite sex 異性
website (n.)網站 on a website 網站上;visit a website 造訪網站
accident (n.)意外 accidental (adj.) 意外的;by accident 意外地
incident (n.)事件 without incident 平安無事

withdraw (v.)領回;退出;領錢 withdraw from 從…退出;withdraw-withdrew-withdrawn
withstand (v.)忍受;經得起 withstand-withstood-withstood
decent (adj.)體面的;親切的 a decent salary 像樣的薪水
percent (n.)百分比(adj.)百分之.… percentage (n.) 百分率
recent (adj.)最近的 recently (adv.) 最近
adolescent (n.)(adj.)青少年(的) adolescent problem 青春期問題
magnificent (adj.)壯麗的 magnify (v.) 放大
sign (v.)簽名(n.)手勢;告示 signature (n.)簽名;sign up 報名參加
design (v.)(n.)設計 designer (n.) 設計師
designate (v.)標示;指派 be designated as 被指定為…
resign (v.)辭職 resignation (n.) 辭職;辭呈
signal (v.)發信號;示意(n.)信號 signal (for sb) to do sth 示意某人做某事
assign (v.)分配;指定 assign sb to do sth 分配某人做某事;
assignment (n.) 工作;任務
plain (n.)平原(adj.)樸素的;明顯的 It is plain that S + V 某事顯而易見;plain clothes 便衣
complain (v.)抱怨 complain about 抱怨;Can't complain!很棒了!;
complaint (n.) 抱怨
explain (v.)解釋 explain sth to sb 跟某人解釋某事;explanation (n.) 解釋
confuse (v.)使困惑 confusing (adj.) 令人困惑的;be confused about 對…感困惑
refuse (v.)拒絕 refuse to V 拒絕做某事
statement (n.)陳述;聲明 make a statement 聲明
statesman (n.)政治家 elder statesman 元老
classic (adj.)經典的 classic symptom 典型症狀
classical (adj.)古典的 classical music 古典樂
classification (n.)分類 classify (v.) 分類
headache (n.)頭痛;難題 have a headache 頭痛
headline (n.)(報章雜誌的)標題;頭條新聞 hit/grab the headlines 上頭條
audience (n.)觀眾;聽眾 an audience of … 多少人的觀眾
audition (n.)試鏡/唱/演 hold an audition 舉辦試鏡/試唱


記憶點 似

op (反) + site across from
web (網路) + site 網路上的地點,為網址

ac (往前) + cid + ent 天上掉落東西發生意外
in (內) + cid + ent event

with + draw (畫) 畫押後,領回 pull out
with + stand (站) 站著忍受 resist/stand up to

de + cent respectable
per + cent
re + cent up to date
ad (往前) + oles (old) + cent 慢慢往老的方向 teenage
mag (大) + nifi + cent splendid/impressive

de (下) + sign plan
de (下) + sign + ate (v.) appoint
re (回/再一次) + sign step down
sign + al sign/gesture
as (往前) + sign appoint

com (一起) + plain protest/whine

ex (往外) + plain make clear

con (一起) + fuse 全部傾倒在一起,令人困惑
re (回) + fuse 把邀請,傾倒回去,為拒絕 turn down/reject

state (陳述) + ment (n.) announcement/expression
state (國家) + man (人) politician

class + ic (adj.) typical
class + cal (adj.)
class + fy (v.) + tion (n.) categorize

head + ache (痛) trouble/worry
head + line (行)

audi + ence (n.) spectator
audi + tion (n.)


Unit 17

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 貧窮 p y 2. 打擾 d b 3. 能力 a y

4. 誠實 h y 5. 病人 p t 6. 存活 s e

(二) 選擇題
1. I don’t feel ______ gossiping about Michael’s life because it is wrong to discuss other people’s

private lives.
(A) annoyed (B) comfortable (C) embarrassed (D) fearful 109

2. Instead of being defeated, the tennis player finally ______ the obstacles she faced in the game.
(A) awoke (B) hatched (C) overcame (D) tickled 108

3. The manager decided to offer a bargain price to increase sales and discourage ______.
(A) designers (B) roosters (C) competitors (D) scholars 101
4. For over 2000 years, paper has been used as a major tool of communication; however, e-mail today

has become a ______ practice.

(A) common (B) difficult (C) last (D) traditional 94
5. For centuries, dogs are believed to be the best company to human beings.
(A) friend (B) animal (C) enemy (D) keeper 93

6. If you ask students why they are late for class, their excuses will be very different.
(A) views (B) rights (C) reasons (D) voices 93

7. In the Olympic Games, the best athletes from all over the world try their best to ______ with one

(A) remember (B) compete (C) desire (D) calculate 92
8. The terrible train accident in Ali-Mountain (阿里山) ______ the death of many passengers.

(A) talked into (B) hung up (C) turned down (D) resulted in 92
9. President Bush said the United States would not reduce its support for Taiwan ______ better

relations with mainland China.
(A) in exchange for (B) in the midst of C) in the long run (D) on condition that 91

10. I totally lost my ______ when seeing a little cockroach in my beef noodles.
(A) aborigine (B) appetite (C) company (D) technique

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. poverty 2. disturb 3. ability 4. honesty 5. patient 6. survive

選 擇 題:1~5 BCCAA 6~10 CBDAB


Unit 18

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 拒絕 r e 2. 分配 a n 3. 最近的 r t
4. 頭痛 h e 5. 事件 i t 6. 陳述 s t

(二) 選擇題

1. Henry has been very busy looking for a new job lately, so he hasn’t contacted his family for almost
two weeks.

(A) fairly (B) nearly (C) recently (D) shortly 109

2. Patrick has just got a next-week ______ for a comedy movie and he looks very happy right now.

(A) attraction (B) audition (C) applicant (D) appendix 101
3. Jane ______ to the waiter that her meal was cold.

(A) happened (B) celebrated (C) complained (D) admired 97

4. Father always reads the ______ of the newspaper before he goes to work.
(A) headlines (B) headaches (C) signals (D) auditions

5. It is hard for me to ______ the concept of death to a two-year-old kid.

(A) designate (B) refuse (C) confuse (D) explain
6. Customers can visit our ______ to download a digital coupon to enjoy discounts at our store.

(A) percent (B) website (C) statement (D) audience

7. Perry ______ from the company because she couldn’t put up with the bullying from her colleagues.
(A) resigned (B) designed (C) withstood (D) complained

8. My son asked me how to ______ money from an ATM.

(A) resign (B) assign (C) refuse (D) withdraw
9. Listening to ______ music while driving is such a joy for Charlie.

(A) confusing (B) adolescent (C) plain (D) classical

10. If you want to drink at the banquet, you had better ______ someone who doesn’t drink to drive you

(A) designate (B) confuse (C) withdraw (D) withstand

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:refuse 2. assign 3. recent 4. headache 5. incident 6. statement

選 擇 題:1~5 CBCAD 6~10 BADDA


Unit 19
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

con-: 一起

conceal (v.)隱藏 conceal sth from sb 隱藏某物
condition (n.)情況;條件 in a ~ condition 處於…狀態
conflict (v.)(n.)衝突 in conflict with 與…衝突

connect (v.)連接 connect A with/to B 將 A 與 B 連接;connection (n.) 連結
consider (v.)認為;考慮 considerable (adj.) 可觀的;considerate (adj.) 體貼的

put …into consideration 將…納入考慮
contact (v.)(n.)接觸;聯繫 keep in contact 保持聯絡;eye contact 眼神接觸

content (v.)使滿足(adj.)滿足的 be content with 對…滿意
(n.)內容;滿足;目錄 contents 目錄

contrast (v.)使成對比 in contrast to/with 與…對比

note: 注意
note (v.)注意;記下 notable (adj.) 著名的;值得注意的;take notes 作筆記

notable (n.)名人 be notable for… 因…值得注目

notice (v.)注意 notice sb Ving 注意到某人做某事

notion (n.)概念;看法 have a vague notion of… 不太清楚…

light: 輕的
delight (v.)使高興(n.)欣喜 with delight 高興地;take delight in 樂於做某事

highlight (v.)使凸顯;強調 highlighter (n.) 螢光筆

flight (n.)班機;飛行 in-flight 飛行中的
reg: 統治

regular (adj.)規律的;一般的 regular exercise 規律運動;on a regular basis 規律地
regulation (n.)規則 safety regulation 安全規定

pleasant (adj.)令人愉快的 a pleasant surprise 令人愉快的驚喜

pleasure (n.)快樂;娛樂 pleased (adj.) 高興的;My pleasure. 我的榮幸。

leisure (n.)空閒 in sb's leisure time 在某人的空閒時間;leisure activities 休閒活動
measure (v.)測量(n.)措施 measure up to N 達到…

treasure (v.)珍惜(n.)寶藏 treasure map 藏寶圖


記憶點 似

con + ceal hide
con + di + tion situation/state
con + flict disagreement/dispute

con + nect (綁) link
con + si + der think about

con + tact (接觸) touch

con + tent (帳篷) satisfied/pleased

con + trast differ from

note + able 值得注意的人,為名人 celebrity

note + ice pay attention to

note+ion (n.) concept

de (下) + light please

high (高) + light stress/emphasize

f + light

regu + lar (adj.) systematic
regu + lation (n.) rule

please + ant (adj.) enjoyable

please + ure (n.) delight

lei + sure free time/spare time

mea + sure steps
trea + sure cherish


Unit 20
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞


inherit (v.)繼承 inherit sth from sb 從某人身上繼承…;inheritance (n.) 繼承;遺產
hesitate (v.)猶豫 hesitate over sth/to do sth 猶豫做某事;hesitation(n.) 猶豫;遲疑
innocent (adj.)天真的;清白的 be innocent of… 清白無罪

isolate (v.)孤立;隔離 isolate sb from sb 孤立於某人之外;isolation (n.) 孤立;隔離
kidnap (v.)(n.)綁架 kidnapper (n.) 綁票者
landscape (n.)風景 rural/urban landscape 鄉間/城市風景

likewise (adv.)同樣地 do likewise 照做
otherwise (adv.)否則;不然 or otherwise 或相反(跟前一句所提相反)

microwave (n.)微波;微波爐 microwave oven 微波爐
network (n.)(電視、廣播)網 networking (n.) 網路;建立人脈

nightmare (n.)惡夢;像夢靨般的事 a nightmare for sb 對於某人而言是惡夢
nonetheless (adv.)儘管如此;然而 S + V; nonetheless, S + V. S + V. Nonetheless, S + V.
outstanding (adj.)傑出的 stand out 出眾
postpone (v.)延期 postpone+N/Ving 延期某事

software (n.)軟體 anti-virus software 防毒軟體
hardware (n.)硬體;五金器具 反:software 軟體
upset (v.)攪亂;心煩意亂; be upset about N/that S + V 對某事心煩
(腸胃)不適 an upset stomach 肚子不舒服

worldwide (adj.)(adv.)全世界的 worldwide economic crisis 全球經濟危機
fingerprint (n.)指紋 leave fingerprints 留下指紋
household (n.)家庭;一家人 household name 家喻戶曉的人

easygoing (adj.)隨和的 easy-going nature 隨和的天性
downtown (adv.)在市中心;鬧區 go downtown 去市中心
therefore (adv.)因此 S + V; therefore, S + V. S + V. Therefore, S + V.

opponent (n.)對手;反對者 反:proponent 支持者
homemade (adj.)自製的;家裡做的 反:shop-bought 現成的
forecast (v.)(n.)預測;預報 weather forecast 天氣預報
forbid (v.)禁止;不准 forbid-forbade-forbidden;forbid sb to V/from Ving 禁止某人做某事
enterprise (n.)企業;公司 social enterprise 社會企業

whatever (pron.)無論什麼 whatever the case might be 無論是哪種情況
awesome (adj.)很棒的 反:awful 很糟的
makeup (n.)化妝品;組成 put on makeup 上妝;wear makeup 帶妝

psychology (n.)心理學 psychological (adj.) 心理的
budget (n.)預算 over/under budget 超過預算/預算內
kilometer (n.)公里(km) meter (n.) 公尺


記憶點 似

in + her + it 繼承後,就是她的

he + sit + ate 他猶豫要不要坐著吃 pause
in + no + cent 裡面沒有半分錢,我是清白的 guiltless

i + so + late 我大遲到,大家孤立我 separate
kid + nap 小孩午睡時,最容易綁架了

land + scape (景色) 陸地上的景色 scenery
like (像) + wise (以…方式) similarly
other (其他的) + wise (以…方式) or else

micro (微小) + wave (波)
net (網路) + work

night + mare (母馬) 夢中出現母馬 bad dream
none (沒) + the + less (較少) yet/however/nevertheless
out + stand + ing 一群人中,站出來那個,為傑出的 remarkable
post (之後) + pone (放) 把事情往後放,為延期 delay/put off

soft (軟的) + ware (製品)

hard (硬的) + ware (製品)

up + set (放) 顛倒放,為攪亂 disappoint

world (世界) + wide (寬的) 和世界一樣寬,為全世界 globally/around the world
finger (手指) + print (印花) 手的印花,為指紋

house (房子) + hold (抓住) family

easy + go + ing 別人一找很容易就走,為隨和的 friendly
down (往) + town (市鎮;商業區)

there + fore thus/hence/accordingly

oppo (手機品牌) + nent rival
home + made (做) 在家自己做的

fore (之前) + cast (丟) 丟出去之前,先預測 predict
for + bid (出價) 禁止出價 ban/prohibit
enter (進入) + prise (用 price 聯想) company/business

what + ever no matter what
awe (驚嘆) + some (adj.) 令人驚嘆,為很棒的 great/fantastic
make + up composition

psycho (心理) + ology (學)

bud (花蕾) + get

kilo (千) + meter (公尺) 一千公尺為一公里


Unit 19

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 測量 m e 2. 使高興 d t 3. 隱藏 c l

4. 班機 f t 5. 滿足的 c t 6. 注意 n e

(二) 選擇題

1. A store with a comfortable temperature and soft music is a pleasant place for shoppers to stay longer.
(A) a complex (B) an enjoyable (C) an internal (D) a sensitive 105

2. There are three things we can do to keep us healthy; we should eat nourishing food, get enough rest,
and exercise regularly.
(A) reliably (B) rapidly (C) routinely (D) recently 105

3. Over the years, her singing has given pleasure to people all over the world.
(A) care (B) light (C) manner (D) joy 102

4. The ______ between the government and the general people of Egypt led to an eighteen-day
demonstration, which caused the President to step down.
(A) cabinet (B) conflict (C) captain (D) company 100

5. Based on their study results, scientists have found that there is a close ______ between stressful jobs
and increased illness.

(A) treflection (B) connection (C) attention (D) medication 99
6. You need to have a clear notion of what to do in the future.

(A) idea (B) model (C) pain (D) taste 95
7. Grandpa gave us a ______ map he drew, and asked us to find the gold coins he had buried.

(A) treasure (B) leisure (C) content (D) notion
8. This report ______ the seriousness of the low birth rate in Taiwan.
(A) contacts (B) conflicts (C) connects (D) highlights

9. Jeff considers drinking red wine on a ______ basis to be healthy, so he does it before bedtime every

(A) regular (B) pleasant (C) content (D) notable
10. Mr. Chen is in ______ with his neighbor; they shout at and even hit each other from time to time.

(A) contrast (B) delight (C) conflict (D) measure

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. measure 2. delight 3. conceal 4. flight 5. content 6. notice

選 擇 題:1~5 BCDBB 6~10 AADAC


Unit 20

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 禁止 f d 2. 攪亂 u t 3. 孤立 i e

4. 惡夢 n e 5. 化妝品 m p 6. 綁架 k p

(二) 選擇題
1. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LINE are among the most popular social ______ services that

connect people worldwide.
(A) masterwork (B) message (C) networking (D) negotiation 104
2. Many small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan possess resources and skills that allow them to
occupy key positions in the global supply chains.

(A) staffs (B) companies (C) explorers (D) engineers 104
3. The chairperson’s late arrival postponed the start of the committee meeting.
(A) hurried (B) supported (C) delayed (D) recovered 101
4. The player’s outstanding performance won him a gold medal in the Olympic Games.

(A) excellent (B) proper (C) accidental (D) allergic 97
5. When Jack asked Helen to go to the movies with him, she ______, but a few minutes later she
finally agreed.
(A) hesitated (B) delighted (C) commented (D) removed 92

6. Before Ang Lee’s films started to attract worldwide attention, he stayed home for a period of time
while his wife worked to support the family.
(A) surprising (B) international (C) numerous (D) particular 90
7. Hill has a tight ______; therefore, he can only consider buying a second-hand car, instead of a brand

new one.
(A) landscape (B) household (C) makeup (D) budget
8. According to the weather ______, we will have a tropical storm coming to Taiwan in the afternoon.
(A) psychology (B) nightmare (C) fingerprint (D) forecast

9. The candidate was attacked by his political ______ with fake news and rumors, which led to his
failure in the election.
(A) opponents (B) kilometer (C) hardware (D) enterprise
10. The center was praised for his ______ performance tonight, helping his team win the game.

(A) homemade (B) outstanding (C) innocent (D) worldwide

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. forbid 2. upset 3. isolate 4. nightmare 5. makeup 6. kidnap

選 擇 題:1~5 CBCAA 6~10 BDDAB


Unit 21
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

message (n.)訊息 leave a message 留言; take a message 記下留言

massage (v.)(n.)按摩 give sb a massage 幫某人按摩

through (prep.)穿過;透過 through thick and thin 不顧艱難險阻

throughout (prep.)遍及;遍布 throughout the world 遍及全世界
quality (n.)品質 high/low quality 高/低品質

quantity (n.)數量 a large/small quantity of 大量/少量

public (n.)民眾(adj.)公共的 in public 在公眾場合; public figure 公眾人物

publish (v.)出版;刊登 publisher (n.) 出版社 = publishing house

nation (n.)國家 national (adj.) 國家的;全國的

international (adj.)國際的 international trade/market 國際貿易/市場

interior (adj.)(n.)內部的 反:exterior 外部的
internal (adj.)內部的 反:external 外面的

explode (v.)爆炸;爆發 explosion (n.) 爆炸

explore (v.)探險 exploration (n.) 探險;Internet Explorer:IE 瀏覽器

fantastic (adj.)奇幻的;極好的 fantasy (n.) 幻想

fascinate (v.)吸引;迷住 fascinated (adj.) 入迷的;fascinating (adj.) 迷人的

counter (v.)反擊(n.)櫃檯 under the counter 非法地;暗地裡

encounter (v.)(n.)遭遇;邂逅 an encounter with sb 和某人相遇

country (n.)國家;鄉村 in the country 在鄉下

county (n.)縣 county council 縣議會

create (v.)創造 creative (adj.)有創造力的;creation (n.)創造;creativity (n.)創造力

creature (n.)生物 creatures of the deep 海裡生物
fortune (n.)財富;運氣 fortunate (adj.) 幸運的

unfortunate (adj.)不幸的 unfortunately (adv.) 不幸地

journal (n.)期刊;日誌 keep a journey 寫日誌

journey (n.)旅程 go on/make a journey to… 旅行至…

belief (n.)信仰;信任 a belief in… 對…的信仰

believe (v.)相信 Believe it or not. 信不信由你;believe in sb/sth 認為…正確/信心

medical (adj.)醫療的 medical records 就醫紀錄;medical care 醫療照顧
medicine (n.)醫學;藥 take medicine 吃藥;Chinese medicine 中藥


記憶點 似

mess + age 念起來似 "沒訊息" information

mass + age 馬殺雞

可由 though (雖然)來聯想記憶 by means of

through + out all over
兩字差一個字母 (n)




inter (相互;中間) + nation 國與國互相間的關係,為國際 global

用 inter (中間) 去聯想
用 inter (中間) 去聯想

ex (往外) 爆炸都是往外 go off/blow up

ex (往外) 探險也是往外

fan (粉絲) + taste (品嚐) excellent/wonderful

attract/appeal to

en (在裡面) + counter run into/come across

count (算) + ry nation

count (算) + y


create + ure (n.) living creature

un (不) + fortune + ate (adj.) unlucky

journ + al diary

journ + ey trip/travel/voyage

belie + f faith

belie + ve trust

medic + al
medic + ine medication


Unit 22

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

memory (n.)記憶 memorize (v.) 背誦;in memory of sb 為紀念(某人)

mental (adj.)心裡的;精神的 mental illness 精神病;反:physical 身體上的

privacy (n.)隱私 protect/invade sb's privacy 保護/侵害某人隱私;

private (adj.) 隱私的;個人的

deprive (v.)剝奪 deprived (adj.) 貧困的;be deprived of 被剝奪…

prove (v.)證明 proof (n.) 證明/(adj.) 能耐…的;water-proof 防水的

improve (v.)改善 improvement (n.) 改進

quarter (n.)四分之一;一季 three quarters 3/4

square (n.)廣場(n.)正方形 on the square 廣場上

provide (v.)提供 provide sb with sth; provide sth for/to sb 提供某人某物

provoke (v.)煽動;激起 provocative (adj.) 挑釁的;啟發性的

solve (v.)解決 solve a problem 解決問題

resolve (v.)決心;解決 resolve to V 決心做某事;resolution (n.) 決心;解決方法

host (v.)主持;主辦 host city/country 主辦城市/國


hostile (adj.)敵意的 be hostile to/toward… 對…有敵意;反:friendly 友善的

hospitality (n.)殷勤;好客;款待 showed sb hospitality 表現殷勤

special (n.)拿手菜(adj.)特別的 specialize in ...(v.) 專攻;special occasion 特殊場合

especially (adv.)特別地 , especially N/介係詞片語/Wh-+S+V

specific (adj.)特定的;明確的 be specific about 對…很明確

chase (v.)(n.)追逐;追捕 chase after 追趕

purchase (v.)(n.)購買 make a purchase 購買

tempt (v.)引誘 tempt sb into Ving 引誘某人做某事;temptation (n.) 誘惑

attempt (v.)(n.)嘗試;企圖 attempt to V 嘗試做某事


記憶點 似

memor (記得) + y (n.)

ment (心理) + al (adj.) intellectual

priv + acy

de (離開) + prive strip


im (內) + prove enhance

quar + ter

s + quar + e

pro (之前) + vid (看) 提供之前,先看一下誰需要 offer/supply/give

pro (之前) + voc (喊叫) 在群眾之前喊叫,為煽動


re (再一次) + solve solve

host + ile unfriendly

hospital (醫院) + ty friendliness

speci + al particular

e + speci + al + ly particularly/in particular

speci + fic certain

run after

pur (之前) + chase 在購買慾之前,會一直追逐 buy

at (往前) + tempt 誘惑會使人往前嘗試


Unit 21

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 國家 c y 2. 公共的 p c 3. 相信 b e

4. 藥 m e 5. 探險 e e 6. 財富 f e

(一) 選擇題

1. In preparation for the wedding anniversary party, the couple invited an outstanding designer to
remodel the interior of the house.

(A) inside (B) decoration (C) invasion (D) price 100
2. It is a long ______ for many birds that live near the Bering Sea to fly from their feeding grounds to

the Kenting National Park.
(A) journey (B) hike (C) system (D) drive 96

3. It is a long ______ from Taipei to New York. It takes more than 15 hours to fly.

(A) drive (B) trip (C) walk (D) run 94
4. Many job opportunities have been ______by the science park, which results in rapid development in

this area.

(A) exploded (B) countered (C) believed (D) created
5. We are ______ by the interesting and exciting plot of the love story written by Kim Josh.

(A) encountered (B) explored (C) fascinated (D) created
6. The doctor asked me to take the cold ______ three times a day for three straight days.

(A) country (B) medicine (C) belief (D) fortune
7. Mark is going to ______ his new book tomorrow and celebrate with a big meal with his family.

(A) fascinate (B) encounter (C) publish (D) massage

8. Jeanie deserves a pay raise because the ______ of her work is always high.
(A) quality (B) quantity (C) message (D) journey

9. A car bomb ______ in front of the police station, which was regarded as a terrorist act.
(A) massaged (B) exploded (C) explored (D) believed

10. It was kind of you to give me a ______ after a long tiring day from work.
(A) creature (B) fortune (C) medicine (D) massage

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. country 2. public 3. believe 4. medicine 5. explore 6. fortune
選 擇 題:1~5 AABDC 6~10 BCABD


Unit 22

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 引誘 t t 2. 廣場 s e 3. 證明 p e

4. 改善 i e 5. 記憶 m y 6. 隱私 p y

(二) 選擇題

1. Crime is growing at a rapid rate, ______ in urban areas.
(A) cheerfully (B) appropriately (C) reasonably (D) especially 97

2. The problem was so difficult that most students could not ______ it.
(A) add (B) open (C) solve (D) create 93

3. The house owner will lower the price of the house if the Lins agree to make a ______ in two weeks.
(A) purchase (B) difference (C) break (D) living 90

4. Johnson ______ to run the marathon, but he gave up the idea because it was too tiring for him.

(A) attempted (B) tempted (C) provoked (D) solved
5. Fred likes to pay for his ______ by a credit card because it is convenient and he can enjoy some


(A) memory (B) attempt (C) hospitality (D) purchase
6. This hotel ______ free parking, great service, and delicious breakfast for its hotel guests.

(A) provokes (B) provides (C) deprives (D) chases
7. The owner of the café called the police after being threatened by two men in black with ______

(A) mental (B) special (C) hostile (D) specific

8. How can you ______ the child of his right to education? How cruel you are!

(A) attempt (B) resolve (C) deprive (D) purchase
9. When Collins ______ to do something, he will not stop until he accomplishes it.

(A) provides (B) provokes (C) purchases (D) resolves
10. The politician tried to ______ the public to think seriously about the problem of water rationing.

(A) solve (B) provoke (C) attempt (D) provide

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. tempt 2. square 3. prove 4. improve 5. memory 6. privacy

選 擇 題:1~5 DCAAD 6~10 BCCDB


Unit 23
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

text (n.)本文;正文 text message 簡訊

context (n.)上下文;背景 in a ~ context 在…背景下

urge (v.)促使 urge sb to V 促使某人做某事

urgent (adj.)緊急的;迫切的 in urgent need of 極需
advantage (n.)優點 take advantage of 利用

adventure (n.)冒險 sense of adventure 冒險感

invest (v.)投入;投資 invest in … 投資於…;investment (n.) 投資
investigate (v.)調查;研究 investigation into... 調查…

appeal (v.)吸引 appeal to 吸引;appealing (adj.) 有吸引力的

appear (v.)出現;似乎 反:disappear 消失;appear (to be) adj 似乎…
cancel (v.)取消 cancel a flight/reservation 取消班機/預約

cancer (n.)癌;(大寫)巨蟹星座 lung/liver cancer 肺/肝癌

circular (adj.)圓形的 circular table 圓桌
circumstance (n.)情況 in/under ... circumstances 在…情況下

promise (v.)(n.)承諾;答應 promise to V/promise that S + V 承諾…;

promising (adj.) 有前途的

compromise (v.)(n.)妥協;損害 make/reach compromises 妥協
concern (v.)關心;關於 be concerned about 關心;concerning (prep) 關於

(n.)關切 to whom it may concern 敬啟者

concert (n.)音樂會;演唱會 go to/attend a concert 去聽演唱會
court (n.)法院;球場 go to court 上法院;tennis/basketball court 網球/籃球場

courtesy (n.)禮貌,殷勤 (by) courtesy of 承蒙…的允許

cure (v.)(n.)治療 cure sb of … 治癒某人的…;a cure for … 某疾病的療法
curious (adj.)好奇的 be curious about 對…好奇;curiosity (n.) 好奇心

dam (n.)水壩 dam up sb's feelings 鬱積情緒

damage (v.)(n.)損害 do/cause damage to N 造成損害

dead (n.)死者(adj.)死的 deadly (adj.) 致命的;death (n.) 死亡;die (v.) 死亡
deadline (n.)最後期限 meet the deadline 趕得上最後期限

danger (n.)危險 in danger of… 有…的危險;dangerous (adj.) 危險的

endanger (v.)危害;危及 endangered species 瀕危物種
experience (v.)(n.)經歷 experienced (adj.) 有經驗的;work experience 工作經驗

experiment (v.)(n.)實驗 do/carry out/conduct an experiment 做實驗

記憶點 似

con (一起) + text 正文組在一起,為上下文 background


urge + ent (adj.) critical
ad (往前) + vant + age (n.) merit/edge

ad (往前) + vent + ure (n.) venture

in (內) + vest (背心)
in (內) + vest (背心) + gate (大門) look into/inquire into

ap (往前) attract

ap (往前) + ear (耳朵) 人出現時,看見耳朵 emerge/show up/turn up
cance + l call off

cance + r

circ + ar (adj.) round
circum (周圍) + sta (站) + ance (n.) 站的周圍,為情況 condition/situation

pro(往前)+mise(送) 承諾往前送給對方 give sb's word

com (一起) + promise 一起承諾同一件事,需妥協 give and take

con (一起) + cern care

con (一起) + cert

court+esy 在法院時,要有禮貌 manner/politeness

cure + ious nosy

dam + age harm/injury

dead + line (線) 死亡之線 time limit

en + danger harm/hurt/damage

experi + ence

experi + ment test

Unit 24
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

fill (v.)充滿 be filled with 充滿…

fulfill (v.)實現;滿足 fulfillment (n.) 實現;滿足感;

fulfill an aim/a goal/an ambition 實現目標

image (n.)影像;形象 improve sb's image 改善某人形象
imagine (v.)想像 imagination (n.)想像力;imaginary (adj.)虛構的

last (v.)持續(adj.)最後的 last (for) an hour 持續一個小時

latest (adj.)最新的;最近的 at the (very) latest 最晚

latter (pron.)(兩者的)後者 the former…the latter… 前者…後者…

tend (v.)傾向於;易於 tend to V = have a tendency to V 有…的傾向

attend (v.)參加;上(學) attend a meeting/school 參加會議/上學

intend (v.)打算;預訂 intend to V/Ving 打算做某事
launch (v.)下水;發射 launch a missile/ship 發射飛彈/船下水

laundry (n.)洗衣店;送洗的衣服 do the laundry 洗衣服

main (adj.)主要的 mainly (adv.) 主要地

mainland (n.)大陸 Mainland China 中國大陸

metal (n.)金屬 heavy metal 重金屬
medal (n.)獎牌 win a medal 贏得獎牌

tough (adj.)艱難的;堅固的 a tough call 很難做決定

rough (adj.)粗糙的;粗暴的;粗略的 rough diamond 外粗內秀的人

scene (n.)現場;場景 on/at the scene 在犯罪現場

scenery (n.)風景 admire the scenery 欣賞風景

simple (adj.)簡單的 simply (adv.) 僅僅;不過

sample (v.)抽樣檢查;品嚐 (n.)樣品 random sample 隨機抽樣
source (n.)來源 food source 食物來源

resource (n.)資源 natural resource 天然資源

magic (n.)魔法 (adj.)神奇的 magic show 魔術表演;magic trick 戲法

tragic (adj.)悲慘的;悲劇的 tragedy (n.) 悲劇;反:comic 好笑的

health (n.)健康 healthy (adj.) 健康的;health foods 保健食品

wealth (n.)財富 wealthy (adj.) 富有的

citizen (n.)公民 senior citizen 老年人;second-class citizen 二等公民
civil (adj.)市民的;禮貌的 civil war 內戰;civil marriage 公證結婚


記憶點 似

be full of

full (滿) + fill achieve/accomplish/realize

im + age (年紀) reputation
image + ine visualize

continue/go on

newest/up to date

be likely to

at (往前) + tend 向前參加 participate in

in (內) + tend 內心的傾向,為打算 plan

launch (和 lunch 差一個字母) fire
laundry (洗好的衣服,等它們 dry)

main + land (陸地)


t + ough hard/firm

r + ough approximate

scene + ry landscape/view



re (再一次) + source 再一次尋找資源的來源 assets

m + agic witchery
tr + agic miserable

h + ealth healthiness

w + ealth riches/means

city + zen national



Unit 23

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 危險 d r 2. 承諾 p e 3. 出現 a r

4. 取消 c l 5. 投資 i t 6. 緊急的 u t

(二) 選擇題
1. Mary broke up with her boyfriend because she felt he had no regard for her feelings.
(A) concern (B) fortune (C) silence (D) temper 109

2. The Taiwan Lantern Festival appealed to foreign tourists this year for its beautiful lantern shows.
(A) advised (B) attracted (C) edited (D) envied 108

3. An obvious advantage of living in a city is its convenience.
(A) benefit (B) method (C) possibility (D) trouble 106

4. It doesn’t matter what methods you use; the most important thing is that you complete the project
before the ______.
(A) distance (B) deadline (C) depth (D) density 103

5. He promised that he would be back before four to finish his work.
(A) occurred (B) entered (C) invested (D) agreed 95
6. After carrying out many ______, the scientist finally found the best material for a super battery.

(A) circumstances (B) advantages (C) experiments (D) dangers
7. Mike’s kid is ______ about everything around her; she would grab, lick, and even bite everything

she can get.
(A) urgent (B) experienced (C) cured (D) curious
8. Eric with a lot of ______ in gardening is the most suitable person for the job.

(A) context (B) cancer (C) experience (D) danger
9. The super typhoon did severe ______ to this remote village; now, it is toally isolated from the

outside world.
(A) damage (B) compromise (C) concern (D) deadline
10. Our teacher taught us how to guess the meaning of a new word from its ______.

(A) dam (B) circumstance (C) context (D) adventure

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. danger 2. promise 3. appear 4. cancel 5. invest 6. urgent
選 擇 題:1~5 ABABD 6~10 CDCAC


Unit 24

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 悲慘的 t c 2. 獎牌 m l 3. 最新的 l t

4. 參加 a d 5. 資源 r e 6. 健康 h h

(一) 選擇題
1. In August 2011 Steve Jobs wrote, “Unfortunately, that day has come.” Then he knew he could no
longer ______ the expectations of his position as the CEO of the company.

(A) cherish (B) fulfill (C) dominate (D) spare 101
2. For young women who suffer from eating disorder, body ______ is often their main concern.

(A) image (B) diary (C) interest (D) dialogue 95
3. Many foreign tourists are impressed by the beautiful _______ of Sun Moon Lake.
(A) wealth (B) citizen (C) source (D) scenery

4. The meeting ______ for four hours, but unfortunately no conclusion was reached.
(A) filled (B) intended (C) lasted (D) sampled

5. Taiwan is not a country which is rich in natural ______, so it depends heavily on imports of what it
(A) mainland (B) resources (C) medals (D) sources

6. I ______ to invest some money in the stock market, but my mom told me not to.
(A) intended (B) launched (C) imagined (D) fulfilled

7. Sam ______ that he was getting a suntan and enjoying the cool breeze on the beach.
(A) sampled (B) intended (C) fulfilled (D) imagined
8. The woman gave out free shampoo ______ to passersby, hoping to attract people to buy her

(A) samples (B) laundries (C) scenes (D) sources

9. After doing the ______, Mom started to mop the floor and then cleaned the bathroom.
(A) medal (B) citizen (C) tragic (D) laundry
10. Chris spent a lot of time and energy pursuing fame and ______, but his hard work was in vain.

(A) citizens (B) scenes (C) wealth (D) sources

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. tragic 2. medal 3. latest 4. attend 5. resource 6. health
選 擇 題:1~5 BADCB 6~10 ADADC


Unit 25
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
tropical (adj.)熱帶的 tropical fish 熱帶魚

topic (n.)主題 a hot topic 熱門主題;topic sentence 主題句
coastline (n.)海岸線 along the coastline 沿著海岸線

toast (v.)烤,烘;敬酒 a piece of toast 一片吐司;propose a toast 提議乾杯
boast (v.)吹噓 boast about N/that S + V 吹噓某事

plan (v.)(n.)計劃 plan to V 計畫做某事
planet (n.)行星 on a planet 在行星上

plant (v.)種植(n.)植物;工廠 power plant 發電廠
raise (vt.)養育;舉起;提高 raise sb's hand 舉手;raise children 扶養小孩
(n.)提高;加薪 raise money 募款;pay raise 加薪

arouse (vt.)喚起;叫醒 arouse interest/curiosity/passion 喚起興趣/好奇心/熱情
arise (vi.)上升;產生;出現 A problem arises. 問題出現。;arise-arose-arisen

rise (vi.)(n.)上升 rise-rose-risen;on the rise 在增長;rise to fame 一夕出名;
pay rise 加薪
spite (n.)惡意;儘管 in spite of 儘管

split (v.)分裂;分開 split…into… 分成…;split sb's sides 捧腹大笑;split-split-split
robot (n.)機器人 robotic (adj.) 機器人的

rubber (n.)橡膠;橡皮擦 rubber band 橡皮筋
injure (v.)使受傷 badly/seriously injured 嚴重受傷;injury (n.) 受傷
figure (v.)計算(n.)體型;數字 figure...out 弄明白;unemployment/sales figures 失業/銷售數字

threat (n.)威脅 pose a threat to N 對…構成威脅;threaten (v.) 威脅
under threat of/from 受到…的威脅

throat (n.)喉嚨 have a sore throat 喉嚨痛;clear your throat 清喉嚨
task (n.)任務;差事 do/carry out/perform a task 執行任務
tax (n.)稅金 pay tax 繳稅;tax cut 減稅

dairy (n.)酪農場(adj.)牛奶(製)的 dairy products 奶製品
diary (n.)日記 keep a diary 寫日記

accompany (v.)陪同;為…伴奏 accompany sb to 地點 陪伴某人去某地點
accomplish (v.)完成;實現 accomplishment (n.) 成就;完成
behave (v.)表現;行為舉止 well-behaved (adj.) 表現好的;behavior (n.) 行為舉止

belong (v.)屬於 belong to N 屬於…;belongings (n.)財產
greed (n.)貪婪;貪心 be greedy for N 對…貪心的

greet (v.)問候;迎接 greet sb with sth 用…歡迎某人;greetings (n.) 問候
heal (v.)治癒 heal up 癒合
heat (v.)加熱(n.)熱度 heater (n.) 暖氣機


記憶點 似

coast (海岸) + line (線) shoreline

t + oast grill/barbecue

b + oast show off/brag

plan + et
plan + t grow/factory

wake up

a + rise come up


in + jure hurt/wound

fi + gure calculate/number



注意兩字 ai 字母順序
ac (往前) + company (同伴) keep sb company
ac (往前) + com (一起) + plish fulfill/achieve

be + have act
be + long

say hello to
get better


Unit 26

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

breast (n.)乳房;胸部 breast cancer 乳癌;breast-feed (v.) 餵母乳

pregnant (adj.)懷孕的 become pregnant 懷孕了;pregnancy (n.) 懷孕

lung (n.)肺 lung cancer 肺癌

alive (adj.)活的;有活力的 come alive(地方)熱鬧起來

appearance (n.)出現;外貌 appear (v.) 出現;Do not judge by appearances. 別以貌取人

breath (n.)呼吸 take a deep breath 深呼吸;hold sb's breath 屏住呼吸;

breath test 酒測;breathe (v.) 呼吸

develop (v.)發展 develop into… 發展成為…;development (n.) 發展;成長

dizzy (adj.)昏眩的 feel dizzy 覺得昏眩

exist (v.)存在 existence (n.) 存在;試比較:exit 出口

gender (n.)性別 gender equality 性別平等

gene (n.)基因 human gene 人類基因;genetic (adj.) 基因的

hereditary (adj.)遺傳的 heredity (n.) 遺傳

immune (adj.)免於…的;免疫的 be immune to N 對…免疫

kidney (n.)腎臟 kidney stone 腎結石

muscle (n.)肌肉 pull a muscle 拉傷肌肉
potential (n.)潛力;可能性 have/show potential 有/展現潛力;potentially (adv.) 潛在地


power (n.)能源;力量 solar/nuclear/wind power 太陽/核/風能;

powerful (adj.) 強而有力的

relax (v.)放鬆;鬆懈 feel relaxed 覺得放鬆

shiver (v.)顫抖 shiver with fear/cold/delight 因恐懼/冷/開心而顫抖

slender (adj.)苗條的 slender figure 苗條的身材

slim (adj.)苗條的 (v.) 減肥 slim down 變苗條

stomach (n.)胃 stomach flu 腸胃型感冒;stomachache (n.)胃痛

talent (n.)天分 talent show 才藝比賽;show/have a talent for 展現/有…天分;

be talented for (adj.) 有天分的

fatigue (n.)疲倦 suffer from fatigue 疲倦


記憶點 似

br + east (東方) chest/bust

pre (之前) + ant (adj.) 小孩生出之前,為懷孕 expectant

a + live (活) living

appear + ance (n.) 一個人出現的樣貌,為外貌 looks




heredity + ary (adj.)

im (不) + mune uninfluenced

kid (小孩) + ney

po + tent + ial (adj.) possible


re (回) + lax (鬆) 回去放鬆 unwind/loosen

shi + ver tremble/shake

s + lend (借出) + er slim/thin


sto + mach belly

ta + lent gift

fat + igue 胖的人容易疲倦 tiredness/exhaustion


Unit 25

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 問候 g t 2. 日記 d y 3. 機器人 r t

4. 屬於 b g 5. 吐司 t t 6. 行星 p t

(二) 選擇題

1. Every Saturday, the library holds talks on various ______ that include friendship, career,
photography and health.

(A) jobs (B) hobbies (C) products (D) topics 109
2. Hot springs are said to help heal skin diseases.

(A) damage (B) produce (C) ignore (D) treat 105
3. Although Greg is already an adult, he sometimes ______ like a teenager.

(A) plants (B) arises (C) behaves (D) accomplishes

4. The rich often ______ how rich he was, and he was kidnapped on his way home one day.
(A) boasted (B) raised (C) greeted D) accompanied

5. Ed was badly ______ in the fall from the roof and was immediately sent to hospital for treatment.

(A) behaved (B) injured (C) split (D) belonged
6. It is a tough decision to make about whether to build another nuclear power ______ or not.

(A) dairy (B) tax (C) plant (D) greed
7. The man’s weird behavior ______ two policemen’s suspicion; he turned out to be a wanted man.

(A) aroused (B) arose (C) raised (D) rose
8. Plastic products thrown into the sea pose a ______ to most sea animals.

(A) figure (B) task (C) threat (D) diary

9. The singer is very worried now because she has a sore ______ and is going to hold a concert

(A) spite (B) heat (C) greed (D) throat
10. The number of species which live in ______ rain forest is beyond my imagination.

(A) tropical (B) threatening (C) planet (D) rubber

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. greet 2. diary 3. robot 4. belong 5. toast 6. planet

選 擇 題:1~5 DDCAB 6~10 CACDA


Unit 26

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 顫抖 s r 2. 力量 p r 3. 發展 d p
4. 胃 s h 5. 苗條的 s r 6. 呼吸 b h

(二) 選擇題

1. Some people don’t believe in the existence of ghosts because they don’t believe what they cannot

(A) absence (B) conflict (C) presence (D) standard 107

2. With online dating, people learn a lot about a potential partner before meeting each other.
(A) humorous (B) real (C) possible (D) generous 102

3. Driving in stressful conditions, he is suffering from fatigue and wants to go to bed early.

(A) belt (B) return (C) handle (D) tiredness 101
4. A producer for a popular television show is always looking for people with unusual ______ to

perform on the show.
(A) reasons (B) courts (C) platforms (D) talents 99

5. The victim of the plane crash stayed ______ for two weeks, and then died last night.
(A) alive (B) central (C) obvious (D) rough 93

6. To my surprise, my grandpa climbed the mountain with me and didn’t show any signs of ______.

(A) breath (B) fatigue (C) kidney (D) stomach
7. The doctor said if I catch this disease once, I will be ______ to it for the rest of my life.

(A) dizzy (B) immune (C) pregnant (D) slim
8. Drunk drivers pose a ______ danger to other road users; they should be severely punished.

(A) potential (B) pregnant (C) alive (D) slender
9. Teenagers care more about their ______ than many other things; some even can’t put up with a little

zit on the face.

(A) breath (B) breast (C) gender (D) appearance
10. Let’s go to the beach and ______ this weekend. I miss surfing so much.

(A) relax (B) exist (C) develop (D) shiver

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. shiver 2. power 3. develop 4. stomach 5. slender 6. breath
選 擇 題:1~5 CCDDA 6~10 BBADA


Unit 27
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
praise (v.)(n.)讚揚;表揚 praise sb for N/Ving 因…讚美某人;win praise for N 贏得讚美
accuse (v.)控告 accuse sb of Ving 控告某人做了…;accusation (n.) 控告
address (v.)演講(n.)地址;演講 give an address to 對…演講;email address 電子郵件地址
allow (v.)允許;容許 allow sb to V 允許某人去做某事;
argue (v.)爭論 argue with sb over/about N 因某事與某人爭論;
argument(n.) 爭論;論點
bet (v.)(n.)打賭;確信 place/put a bet on N 在…上下注;I bet. 我確信;You bet.當然
blame (v.)(n.)責備 blame sb for sth = blame sth on sb 因某事責備某人;
be to blame 是…的原因
challenge (v.)向…挑戰;質疑 challenge sb to V 挑戰某人做某事;
(n.)挑戰 accomplish a challenge 完成挑戰
cheer (v.)(n.)歡呼;使振作 cheer sb up 鼓舞某人;cheerful (adj.) 快樂的
claim (v.)(n.)要求;聲稱 claim that S+V/to V 聲稱…;claim sb's life 奪去…的生命
clue (n.)暗示;線索 not have a clue 毫無頭緒
decline (v.)(n.)拒絕;衰退 decline to V 拒絕做…;in decline/on the decline 衰退中
deny (v.)否認 deny + Ving/N 否認…;There's no denying that S + V 無可否認
direct (adj.)直接的 direction (n.) 指示;方向;
(v.)指導;指示 director (n.) 導演
gossip (v.)(n.)八卦;閒聊 a piece of gossip 一則八卦;juicy gossip 有趣/料的八卦
hint (v.)(n.)暗示 give/drop sb a hint 給人暗示
imply (v.)暗示;意味著 imply that S + V 暗示某事
insult (v.)(n.)侮辱 insult sb by Ving 藉著做某事侮辱人;
to add insult to injury 往傷口上撒鹽
label (v.)把…稱為(n.)標籤 luggage label 行李標籤
language (n.)語言 speak a language 說一種語言;body/mother language 肢體/母語言
mean (v.)意謂著 means (n.) 手段;方法;meaningful (adj.) 有意義的;
(adj.)小器的;刻薄的 meaningless (adj.) 無意義的
mention (v.)提及 mention + N/Ving to sb 向某人提及…;Don't mention it. 別客氣。;
not to mention… 更不用說…
negotiate (v.)談判;商量 negotiate with sb 與某人談判;negotiation (n.) 談判;協商
persuade (v.)說服;勸服 persuade sb to V/into Ving 說服某人做某事
quote (v.)引用;引述 quote…from … 從…引用…;quotation (n.) 引述
refer (v.)提到 refer to N 提及…;reference (n.) 提到;refer to N as… 認為…
reply (v.)(n.)回覆;回應 reply to sb 回復某人
respond (v.)回應;反應 respond to … 回應…;response (n.) 回答;反應;
responsibility (n.) 責任
reveal (v.)顯漏;揭露 reveal that S + V 揭露某事;revealing (adj.) 暴露的
scream (v.)(n.)尖叫 scream sb's head off 大聲叫喊
trick (v.)(n.)哄騙;惡作劇 play a trick on sb 惡作劇某人;Trick or treat. 不給糖就搗蛋
warn (v.)警告 warn sb of/about sth;warn sb that S + V/to V 警告某人某事;
warning (n.) 警告
yell (v.)(n.)吼叫 yell at sb 對某人吼叫
swear (v.) 發誓;咒罵 swear at sb 咒罵某人;swear that S + V 發誓某事


記憶點 似
p + raise (舉起) admiration

ac (往前) + cuse (理由) 持有理由往前控告 charge
ad (往前) + dress (洋裝)
a + llow let/permit

be certain


de (下) + clin (傾斜) + e 往下傾斜,為衰退 refuse/turn down/decrease
di + rect straight/instruct

go + ssip 去(go)邊喝(sip)茶邊聊八卦 rumor
im (內) + ply suggest
in (內) + sult (跳) 跳站到人上面,為侮辱 offend

la + bel call
lan + guage

men + tion

neg (否定) + go + ate 談判時,否定對方要走的路,以得目的 discuss

per (徹底) + suad (甜) + e 給對方甜頭,以達說服 convince/talk into
re (回) + s + pond (池塘) answer/reply

re (回) + veal disclose/let out

s + cream 尖叫要求冰淇淋 ice cream shriek

s + wear (穿) promise/vow


Unit 28

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
portray (v.)描繪;描寫 portray…as… 將…描繪成…;portrait (n.) 肖像;描繪
aid (v.)(n.)幫助;救助 in aid of… 幫助…;first aid 急救
aim (v.)瞄準;意欲 aim to V 意欲…;aim at sth 目的在於
balance (v.)(n.)平衡 strike a balance between A and B 在 AB 間取得平衡;balanced(adj.) 均衡的
bend (v.)使彎曲;彎下 bend-bent-bent
break (v.)打破 (n.) 休息 break-broke-broken;broke (adj.) 破產的;take a break 休息
carve (v.)雕刻 carve…from/out of… 從…雕刻出…
check (v.)(n.)檢查;核對 check in/out 飯店入住/退房
chew (v.)咀嚼 chewing gum 口香糖
collapse (v.)(n.)倒塌;崩潰 colony collapse disorder (CCD) 蜂群崩壞症候群
delete (v.)刪除 deletion (n.) 刪除
donate (v.)捐贈 donate…to … 將…捐贈給…;donation (n.) 捐贈
drag (v.)拖、拉;拖著 drag your feet 拖拖拉拉
feed (v.)餵養 feed-fed-fed;feed sb with sth=feed sth to sb 餵食食物
fight (v.)(n.)打架;爭吵 fight with… 與…吵架/仗;fight crime 打擊犯罪
force (v.)強迫(n.)力(量) force sb to V 強迫某人做某事; force a smile 強顔歡笑
glance (v.)(n.)瞥見 glance at/through 瞥見 = take a glance
guide (v.)帶路(n.)嚮導 guide dog 導盲犬;tour guide 導遊
handle (v.)處理;操作 door handle 門把手
imitate (v.)模仿 imitative (adj.) 模仿的;imitation (n.)模仿(品)
link (v.)(n.)連結 link…to/with… 將…連接…
offer (v.)提供 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供某人某物
paint (v.)(n.)油漆;繪畫 Wet paint. 油漆未乾。;put paint on… 漆油漆
pick (v.)挑選;採摘 pick sb up 接某人;picky (adj.) 挑剔的;pick on sb 找某人麻煩
pour (v.)傾倒;下傾盆大雨 pour…into… 倒進去…;pouring rain 傾盆大雨
practice (v.)(n.)練習;執業 practice +Ving 練習…;practical (adj.)實用的;實際的
release (v.)(n.)發行;釋放;鬆開 be released from… 從…被釋放
repair (v.)(n.)修理;修復 get…repaired 修理…;under repair 修理中
scan (v.)掃描;瀏覽 scan…for… 為了…掃描…;scan-scanned-scanned
scatter (v.)撒;散開 scatter …over/around…將…灑於…
scratch (v.)(n.)抓(傷);搔癢 scratch sb's head 埋頭苦思
slip (v.)滑;匆忙地穿或脫;被遺忘 a slip of the tongue 口誤;slip sb's mind 忘記;slip-slipped-slipped
spill (v.)溢出;洩密 spill the beans 洩漏秘密;oil spill 石油洩漏
spot (v.)看到;(n.)地點;斑點 on the spot 當場
squeeze (v.)擠壓;擁擠 squeeze into… 擠進去…
stretch (v.)伸展;延伸 stretch your legs(尤指久坐後)活動一下筋骨
swallow (v.)吞嚥(n.)燕子 swallow your words 承認自己說的話不對
target (v.)瞄準;以…為目標(n.)目標 reach/achieve/meet a target 達到目標
taste (v.)嘗起來(n.)味道 taste+adj 嘗起來…;taste + like + N 嘗像…
throw (v.)丟;擲 throw-threw-thrown;throw a party 辦派對
tidy (v.)整理(adj.)整齊的 neat and tidy 整整齊齊
twist (v.)(n.)扭曲;曲解 twist sb's words 扭曲某人的話;twist sb’s ankle 扭到腳
vote (v.)(n.)投票 voter (n.) 投票人;vote for/against 投了贊成/反對票
weigh (v.)有…重量 weight (n.) 重量
histle (v.)吹口哨;鳴笛(n.)哨子 whistle to sb 向…吹口哨(以引起注意力)
tremble (v.)發抖 tremble with fear/anger 因恐懼/憤怒而發抖
trim (v.)修剪 trim…away/off 將…修剪


記憶點 似

por + tray (托盤) paint/depict
ba + lance stability
co (一起) + laps (滑行) + e fall down/break down
cross out/remove
give away

deal with/cope with
imit + ate (v.) copy
rain cats and dogs
re (再一次) + lease 可用 ease (安逸,自在) 聯想 free/discharge
re (再一次) + pair (配對) fix/mend
glance over/examine
s + pill (藥丸) reveal
sw + allow devour
tar + get aim



Unit 27

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 尖叫 s m 2. 拒絕 d e 3. 直接的 d t

4. 責備 b e 5. 控告 a e 6. 演講 a s

(二) 選擇題

1. After the winner received the medal, her coach and her family members ______ loudly for her.
(A) applied (B) cheered (C) feared (D) regretted 107

2. In order to gain Linda’s trust, Russell raised his hand to ______ that he didn’t tell anyone her secret.

(A) realize (B) remain (C) swear (D) switch 107

3. Due to the hard economic times, we can expect a ______ in job vacancies.

(A) decline (B) capacity (C) sketch (D) balance 101
4. In some cultures, giving someone a letter opener implies that the relationship will be cut.

(A) suggests (B) includes (C) impresses (D) bargains 100

5. Tom tried to persuade Annie to go on a date with him, but she wouldn’t go.

(A) supply (B) convince (C) defeat (D) expose 99

6. She seemed to be out of her mind when we saw her. She was yelling at her little baby.

(A) shivering (B) calling (C) swallowing (D) shouting 98
7. Your printer is not ______. You haven’t hooked it up to the computer.

(A) solving (B) manufacturing (C) achieving (D) responding 91

8. The school bully ______ other students by calling them names; no one likes him.

(A) reveals (B) insults (C) refers (D) quotes

9. Mr. Tsai can’t afford an apartment in New York, no to ______ a house.

(A) yell (B) warn (C) mention (D) swear
10. Kate didn’t feel happy because her colleagues ______ about her relationship with the boss.

(A) gossiped (B) negotiated (C) directed (D) persuaded

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. scream 2. decline 3. direct 4. blame 5. accuse 6. address
選 擇 題:1~5 BCAAB 6~10 DDBCA


Unit 28

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 有…重量 w h 2. 吹口哨 w e 3. 伸展 s h

4. 發行 r e 5. 練習 p e 6. 處理 h e

(二) 選擇題

1. Social media platforms allow us to ______ up with multiple circles of friends.
(A) link (B) wipe (C) raise (D) look 106

2. The police freed the man after they found out the truth about what had happened.

(A) punished (B) released (C) captured (D) questioned 106

3. Because of crop failure, millions of people are starving and in need of food_____ .

(A) lack (B) hunger (C) aid (D) crisis 105
4. Thank you very much for helping me ______ my bicycle yesterday. You really gave a hand.

(A) remind (B) repair (C) revise (D) repeat 104

5. All city council members decided to ______ a percentage of their income to the poor.

(A) rebuild (B) bribe (C) finish (D) donate 101

6. The tree in the front yard makes the room dark. We should get it trimmed.

(A) fit (B) cut (C) revised (D) marked 101
7. The cat seemed crazy; it ______ its owner’s face for no reason.

(A) scratched (B) swallowed (C) spotted (D) whistled

8. When Michael accidentally ______ the important file from his computer, he let out a cry.

(A) deleted (B) scattered (C) squeezed (D) trembled

9. The stray dog was ______ with fear after it was caught by the animal control.

(A) voting (B) tasting (C) trimming (D) trembling
10. When I ______, my throat hurts a lot; I guess I need to see a doctor in no time.

(A) spill (B) squeeze (C) swallow (D) weigh

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. weigh 2. whistle 3. stretch 4. release 5. practice 6. handle
選 擇 題:1~5 ABCBD 6~10 BAADC


Unit 29
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
attitude (n.)態度 have a ~ attitude toward…對…持有…態度
awareness (n.)察覺;體認 be aware of 察覺…;raise awareness about 增強對…的意識
bias (v.)(n.)偏見 bias against … 對…偏見
calculate (v.)計算;估算 calculation (n.) 計算;calculator (n.) 計算機
care (v.)關心;在意(n.)照料 be careful about (adj.) 小心的;care about 關心;care for 喜愛
cherish (v.)珍愛/藏 反:ignore 忽視
choose (v.)選擇 choose-chose-chosen;make a choice (n.) 選擇
desire (v.)(n.)渴望 desire to V/for N 渴望做某事/得到某物
dignity (n.)尊嚴 with dignity 有尊嚴地
doubt (v.)(n.)懷疑 doubtless (adv.) 無疑地 = without doubt;be doubtful about (adj.) 懷疑的
esteem (n.)(v.)尊重;尊敬 self-esteem 自尊心
estimate (v.)估計 a rough estimate 粗略估計
examine (v.)檢查;考試 examination (n.) 考試;examine…for… 為了…檢視…
faith (n.)信仰;信任 have faith in… 對…信任;faithful (adj.) 忠誠的
favor (v.)(n.)贊同;偏愛 do sb a favor 幫助某人;in favor of 贊同…
goal (n.)目標;球門 achieve/reach sb's goal 達到某人目標
grant (v.)答應;恩准 (n.)補助金 take sth for granted 認為…是理所當然的
honor (v.)尊敬;使感到榮幸 It is an honor to V 做某事是榮幸的;in honor of 為了慶祝…
infer (v.)推論 infer from… 從…推論
interest (v.)使感興趣 sb be interested in 對…感興趣;be interesting to sb 令人感到有趣的
jealous (adj.)嫉妒的 be jealous of 對…忌妒;jealousy (n.) 嫉妒
judge (v.)判斷;裁判 judge a book by its cover 以貌取人;judgment (n.) 判斷力
knowledge (n.)知識;知曉 gain knowledge 獲得知識;to the best of sb's knowledge 據某人所知
moral (n.)道德教訓 moral standards 道德標準
opinion (n.)意見;看法 in sb's opinion 依某人之見;opinion poll 民意調查
philosophy (n.)哲學 philosophical (adj.) 哲學的
rank (v.)把….分等級 be ranked +序數 被排在…;rank as… 排名在…
refresh (v.)使重振精神 refresh oneself with N 用…讓某人恢復精神
regard (v.)(n.)認為;尊重 regard…as… 將…認為…;regards (n.) 關心;問候;
regarding (prep) 關於
regret (v.)(n.)後悔;遺憾 regretfully (adv.) 後悔地;不幸地
relate (v.)有關聯 relate to… 跟…相關;relation (n.) 關聯;
relative (n.) 親戚 (adj.) 跟…有關;relationship (n.) 關係
relieve (v.)減輕 relieve sb of… 減輕某人的…;relief (n.) 解除;救濟;
relieve pain 減輕痛苦
rely (v.)依賴;依靠 rely on… 依靠…
schedule (v.)將…列表(n.)行程表 ahead of/on/fall behind schedule 提前/準時/晚於
shame (v.)(n.)使感到羞恥 What a shame! 可惜了!;shame on sb 某人應該感到羞愧
sort (v.)分類(n.)種類 sort sth out 挑出某物
vague (adj.)模糊的 be vague about 對某事印象模糊
virtue (n.)德行 by virtue of 因為
wisdom (n.)智慧 wisdom tooth 智齒
wonder (v.)想知道(n.)奇觀;驚奇 wonderful (adj.) 美好的;No wonder. 難怪
misunderstand (v.)誤解 misunderstanding (n.) 誤解
prejudice (n.)歧視;偏見 prejudice against 對…歧視;racial prejudice 種族歧視

記憶點 似
att + itude (狀態) position
a + ware + ness (n.) consciousness
cal + cu + late compute

dig (挖) + nity self-esteem

es + teem respect
esti + mate (伴侶) calculate
exam (考試) + ine test/check
agree with


jea + lous envious

know (知道) + ledge understanding

phi (喜愛) + soph(智慧) wisdom

re (再一次) + fresh (新鮮)
re (回) + gard consider/view/see

re (回) + late associate
re + li + eve alleviate/ease/lessen

depend on/count on
sche + dule timetable/plan
advantage/strong point
wise (智慧的) + dom knowledge
mis (錯) + understand (了解) mistake
pre (之前) + judge (判斷) 在判斷之前,就有成見 bias


Unit 30
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

merchant (n.)商人 merchandise (n.) 商品;貨物

actress (n.)女演員 actor (n.) 男演員

addict (n.)成癮者 be addicted to N/Ving (adj.) 上癮的;addiction to N (n.) 上癮

athlete (n.)運動員 athlete's foot 香港腳
author (n.)作者 co-author 合著者

champion (n.)冠軍;(v.)支持 championship (n.) 冠軍的地位;冠軍賽

character (n.)性格;角色 out of character 不符合個性
client (n.)委託人;顧客 client base 客戶群

coach (n.)教練 basketball/tennis coach 籃球/網球教練

couple (n.)一對;夫婦 a couple of 數個的

crew (n.)全體船員;全體機員 a crew of N …名船員;crew member 工作人員

crowd (v.)聚集;擠滿(n.)群眾 be crowded with 擠滿…;crowd into…擠進去…
enemy (n.)敵人 make an enemy 樹敵

ethnic (adj.)種族的 ethnic minority 少數民族

expert (n.)專家 an expert in/on N 某方面的專家;expertise (n.) 專門知識

folk (n.)人們(adj.)民間的 old/ordinary folk 老人/普通人
foreign (adj.)外國的 foreign to sb 對某人是陌生的;foreign languages 外語;

foreigner (n.) 外國人

infant (n.)嬰兒 a newborn infant 新生兒

legend (n.)傳說;傳奇人物 legendary (adj.) 傳奇的;Legend has it that … 傳說…
neighbor (n.)鄰居 in the neighborhood (n.)鄰近地區;next-door neighbor 隔壁鄰居

partner (n.)夥伴 partnership (n.) 合夥關係

pedestrian (n.)行人 pedestrian crossing 行人穿越道

pilot (v.)帶領(n.)飛行員 co-pilot 副駕駛
scholar (n.)學者 scholarship (n.) 獎學金

widow (n.)寡婦 widower (n.) 鰥夫

witch (n.)女巫 witch hunt (獵巫)政治迫害

agency (n.)代理機構 agent (n.) 仲介;經紀人;travel agency 旅行社
refuge (n.)避難所 refugee (n.) 難民

volunteer (v.)自願做.…(n.)義/志工 volunteer to V 自願做…;voluntary (adj.) 自願的

youngster (n.)少年 young (adj.) 年輕的


記憶點 似

merc (商業) + h + ant (人) businessman

act (演戲) + ress (女)

ad (往前) + dic (說) + t 一直說個不停,上癮 enthusiast


cham + pion winner


和 roach (蟑螂)差一個字母 trainer



eth + nic racial

ex + pert specialist/professional

fo + reign overseas

in + fant baby

le + gend myth
neigh + bor

part (部分) + ner

ped (腳) + an (人)

pi + lot lead
scho + lar

和 window (窗戶) 差一個字母

和電玩 switch 差一個字母

re (再一次) + fuge shelter

vol (意願)

young + ster teenager


Unit 29

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 德行 v e 2. 智慧 w m 3. 意見 o n

4. 想知道 w r 5. 嫉妒的 j s 6. 尊嚴 d y

(二) 選擇題

1. The shoes usually cost a lot, but now they are ______ cheap after discount.
(A) regionally (B) relatively (C) reluctantly (D) respectfully 109

2. Email miscommunication most often occurs when the receiver misunderstands the meaning of the
sender’s message.

(A) misinterprets (B) misadvises (C) misbehaves (D) mischarges 106
3. It is considered a ______ to deny a person a job because of his or her age or gender.

(A) retirement (B) statue (C) landscap (D) prejudice 103
4. Hospitals were crowded with injured people after the big earthquake, and nurses were busy ______
those patients without taking a rest.

(A) leaving for (B) turning on (C) using up (D) caring for 92

5. I can’t recall his name; I only have a ______ memory of meeting him several years ago.
(A) wonderful (B) vague (C) jealous (D) moral

6. Mr. Anderson’s ______ this weekend includes a two-day visit to National Palace Museum and a
short visit to Taipei 101.
(A) virtue (B) regret (C) schedule (D) wisdom

7. Taking the medicine seemed to ______ my headache, and I can resume my work right now.
(A) relieve (B) relate (C) shame (D) sort

8. Could you give me a rough ______ of how much replacing a new toilet costs?

(A) honor (B) estimate (C) interest (D) prejudice
9. Although the man is poor, he has a positive ______ toward life and is content with what he has.

(A) desire (B) judge (C) wisdom (D) attitude
10. To my ______, I didn’t confess my love to the girl I loved when I still had a chance.

(A) regret (B) grant (C) philosophy (D) schedule

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. virtue 2. wisdom 3. opinion 4. wonder 5. jealous 6. dignity

選 擇 題:1~5 BADDB 6~10 CABDA


Unit 30

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 飛行員 p t 2. 學者 s r 3. 作者 a r

4. 敵人 e y 5. 嬰兒 i t 6. 女演員 a s

(二) 選擇題

1. Our summer camp is for ______ between the ages of 10 and 16.

(A) adults (B) elders (C) babies (D) youngsters 106
2. My parents and I often ______ to clean up the beach with neighbors on weekends. We feel happy

that we can do something for the Earth.

(A) donate (B) survive (C) vote (D) volunteer 104
3. With a big supermarket in his ______, it is very convenient for him to go grocery shopping.

(A) exhibition (B) message (C) neighborhood (D) prayer 98

4. The Internet is really appealing. Many students ______ playing games in Internet cafes.
(A) are applied to (B) are tired of C) are afraid of (D) are addicted to 91

5. Pets, such as cats and dogs, are humans' favorite companions.

(A) listeners (B) directors (C) partners (D) strangers 110
6. Most readers are attracted by the amusing ______ in the film. He is so funny.

(A) character (B) watch (C) leg (D) agency

7. The branch falling down from the big tree hurt a ______ by accident; luckily, she was all right.

(A) exhibition (B) pedestrian (C) character (D) refuge
8. Dr. Li is an ______ on rare diseases, and he has also published many books about them.

(A) partner (B) expert (C) neighbor (D) youngster

9. After losing one game after another, the ______ couldn’t help yelling at his players for not doing
well on the court.

(A) coach (B) addict (C) client (D) witch

10. Though Alice is not a natural ______, she works harder than anyone to be the best swimmer.

(A) athlete (B) merchant (C) client (D) pilot

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. pilot 2. scholar 3. author 4. enemy 5. infant 6. actress
選 擇 題:1~5 DDCDC 6~10 ABBAA


Unit 31
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
achieve (v.)達成 achievement (n.)成就;achieve sb's goal 達成目標
admire (v.)欽佩;欣賞 admire sb for N/Ving 因某事欽佩某人
agree (v.)同意 agree with sb/sth 同意某人/事;agree to V 同意做某事;
agreement (n.) 同意;反:disagree 不同意
apply (v.)應用;申請;塗抹 apply to 機構 for sth 向…申請…;application (n.) 申請;應用;
applicant (n.) 申請人
appoint (v.)任命;指派 appoint sb to V/as... 任命某人做某事/為…;
appointment (n.) 任命;預約
bear (v.)承受;忍受;生(小孩) bear…in mind 牢記;bear to V/Ving 忍受…
bother (v.)(n.)煩擾;費心 Sorry to bother you. 抱歉打擾了。;bother to V/Ving 麻煩做某事
dedicate (v.)奉獻 dedicate (oneself/time) to Ving 致力於…;dedication (n.) 奉獻
delay (v.)(n.)延遲 delay + Ving 延遲做某事;without delay 立即地
discipline (v.)(n.)訓練;紀律 self-discipline (n.) 自律
dominate (v.)支配 dominant (adj.) 占優勢的;支配的
edit (v.)編輯 editor (n.) 編輯
engage (v.)占用;忙於 engage in sth 參與;engaged 已訂婚的
envy (v.)(n.)嫉妒;羨慕 be green with envy 非常嫉妒;envious (adj.) 嫉妒/羨慕的
fail (v.)失敗;不及格 fail to V 未能…;failure (n.) 失敗
float (v.)漂浮;遊蕩 float past N 漂過…
found (v.)建立 found-founded-founded;foundation (n.) 基礎;基金會
gain (v.)獲得(n.)獲利 gain weight 變胖;No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘一分收穫
gather (v.)聚集 gather dust(未使用)塵封;gather together 聚在一起;
gathering (n.) 聚會
interfere (v.)介入 interfere in 干涉
jam (v.)擠滿(n.)果醬 traffic jam 塞車;jam-packed 擠得滿滿的
join (v.)加入 join us/a club/the army 加入我們/社團/軍隊
lack (v.)(n.)缺乏 a lack of N 缺乏…;be lacking in 缺乏…
match (v.)比得上;和…相配 win/lose a match 贏/輸掉比賽;
(n.)比賽;對手;事情 be no match for sb 根本敵不過某人
obey (v.)遵守 obey the law 守法;obedient (adj.)遵從的
participate (v.)參與 participate in 參加;participant (n.) 參加者
register (v.)(n.)註冊;登記;收銀機 registration (n.) 註冊;登記;registered letter 掛號信
remain (v.)保持 remain + adj./N./地點;remainder (n.) 剩餘部分
rescue (v.)(n.)拯救 rescue …from… 將… 從…拯救;rescue team/dog 搜救隊/犬
resort (v.)求助 resort to sth 採取;holiday resort 度假勝地
sacrifice (v.)(n.) 犧牲 make sacrifices 做出犧牲;sacrifice…to V 犧牲…來做…
seek (v.)尋找 seek-sought-sought;hide-and-seek 捉迷藏;seek help 尋求幫助
settle (v.)解決 settle a dispute/conflict 解決爭執/衝突;settler (n.) 移民者
share (v.)分享(n.)一份;股票 share sth with sb 與某人分享某物;the lion’s share 最大份
shift (v.)轉移;變換(n.)轉移;輪班 day/night shift 日/夜班
shrink (v.)縮小 shrink-shrank-shrunk
skip (v.)略過;跳過 skip-skipped-skipped;skip school/class 曠課
spare (v.)騰出;省掉(adj.)備用的 spare time 空閒時間; spare tire/key 備胎/鑰匙
surround (v.)圍繞 be surrounded by… 被…圍繞;surroundings (n.)環境
unite (v.)聯合;團結 unite against … 聯合起來對抗…;united (adj.)聯合的
waste (v.)浪費 waste…on sth 浪費…在…上;go to waste 被浪費掉
worship (v.)(n.)崇拜;信奉 worshipper (n.) 崇拜者


記憶點 似
a (往前) + chief (最重要的) 聯想 fulfill/accomplish
ad (往前) + mire (看) 可用 mirror (鏡子) 聯想 adore/appreciate
see eye to eye

和 apple 差一個字母

ap (往前) + point (點) 往前欽點某人去做某事 nominate/name
give birth to/endure/put up with
和 brother (兄弟) 差一個字 trouble
de + di + cate devote
de + lay (放) postpone/put off
disc (光碟) + cip + line training
do + mi + nate control
en (內) + gage occupy/be busy Ving

establish/set up

inter (之間) + fere meddle
take part in

abide by
part (部分) + ici + pate take part in
re + gis + ter record
re (回) + main (主要的) keep/stay/maintain
re (回) + s + cue (暗示) save
re (回) + sort (種類) tourist center/spot

look for/search for
sur (超過) + round (周圍) 用周圍聯想圍繞
join together

wor + ship (狀態) admire


Unit 32
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
acid (n.)(adj.)酸味;酸的 acid rain 酸雨

annoy (v.)使惱怒 annoy sb with sth 用某物惱怒某人

awful (adj.)可怕的;極糟的 look/smell awful 看起來/聞起來很糟
burden (v.)(n.)負擔 a burden to sb 某人的負擔
comic (adj.)好笑的;喜劇的(n.)漫畫 comedy (n.) 喜劇

ideal (n.)(adj.)理想 an ideal opportunity 絕佳機會
impact (n.) (v.)衝擊;影響 have an impact on 對…有影響
intimate (adj.)親密的 (n.) 知己 intimate relationships 親密關係
alert (v.)(n.)警戒(adj.)警覺的 be alert to N 對…警戒;stay alert 保持警戒
enthusiasm (n.)熱忱 show/lose enthusiasm for 展現/失去熱枕
irritate (v.)使惱怒 irritation (n.) 惱怒

eager (adj.)渴望的;急切的 be eager to V/for N 渴望…
liberal (adj.)大方的;明朗的 a liberal attitude 開明的態度
lonely (adj.)寂寞的;偏僻的 loneliness (n.) 寂寞;試比較:alone (adv.) 獨自
loyal (adj.)忠誠的 be loyal to N 對…忠誠;loyalty (n.) 忠誠;忠心

mercy (n.)慈悲 have mercy to N 對…慈悲;mercy killing 安樂死;
at the mercy of 任由…的擺布
misery (n.)痛苦;不幸 make sb life a misery 使某人的生活非常痛苦
modest (adj.)謙虛的;有節制的 modesty (n.) 謙虛;端莊;be modest about 對…謙虛
peace (n.)和平;安靜 at peace with 和…處於和平;peaceful (adj.) 和平的;平靜的;
rest in peace 安息
pessimistic (adj.)悲觀的 be pessimistic about N 對於…悲觀;反:optimistic (adj.) 樂觀的

pity (n.)憐憫;可惜的事 What a pity! 真可惜!;take/have pity on 對…憐憫
proud (adj.)驕傲的 be proud of 對…感到驕傲 = take pride in…
reckless (adj.)魯莽的 reckless driving 魯莽駕車
reluctant (adj.)勉強的;不顧的 be reluctant to V 對…不願意

scare (v.)(n.)驚嚇 sb be scared of 對…感到驚嚇;scary (adj.) 令人驚嚇的
serious (adj.)認真的;嚴重的 be serious about 對…嚴肅以對
shock (v.)使震驚;使觸電(n.)震驚 sb be shocked at/by 對…感到鎮驚;be shocking to sb 令人震驚的
sincere (adj.)真誠的 sincerely (adv.) 真誠地;Sincerely yours. 謹啓
strain (n.)張力;扭傷 put strain on 造成負擔

stress (v.)強調(n.)壓力 stressful (adj.) 有壓力的
surprise (v.)(n.)驚訝 sb be surprised at 對…驚訝;be surprising to sb 令人驚訝的
worry (v.)(n.)擔心 sb be worried/worry about 對…擔心;worry that S + V 擔心某事
difficult (adj.)困難的;難相處的 have difficulty Ving (n.) 在…有困難;
be different from/than/to 與…不同

chilly (adj.)寒冷的 chilly day/wind 寒冷的一天/風


記憶點 似
irritate/get on sb's nerves

awe (敬畏) + ful (adj.) terrible
idea (點子) + l perfect

im (內) + pact (合約) 合約對雙方都有影響 influence/effect
inti + mate (伴侶) 像伴侶一般親密 close
en (內) + thus (因此) + iasm (狀態) passion/eagerness

ir + ri + tate upset/annoy
liber (自由) + al (adj.) generous
lone (單獨的) + ly lonesome

mer + cy grace

miser (小氣鬼) + y pain/misfortune
mo + dest humble

pessi (似: 怕死) + mist (薄霧) + ic (adj.) negative

reck (注意) + less (無) careless

re (再一次) + luct + ant (adj.) unwilling
s + care (照顧) frighten

sin + cere honest/frank
st + rain (雨) tension

sur + prise amaze

chill (寒冷) + y (adj.) freezing


Unit 31

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 騰出 s e 2. 信奉 w p 3. 縮小 s k

4. 註冊 r r 5. 延遲 d y 6. 申請 a y

(二) 選擇題
1. Because of his hard work, my cousin finally realized his goal and entered the university he had
dreamed of.

(A) achieved (B) inspired (C) encouraged (D) organized 103

2. Due to heavy snow on the runway, all the flights were ______ for nearly eight hours.
(A) mixed (B) delayed (C) served (D) located 95
3. In the U.S. one should make a(n) ______ before going to see a doctor.

(A) appointment (B) dressing (C) exchange (D) limitation 95
4. One of the distinguished ______ in President Lincoln’s life is freeing the slaves and establishing the

United States of America as a free nation.
(A) achievements (B) discoveries (C) opportunities (D) satisfactions 90

5. In the admission interview, the ______ are often asked to explain why they want to enter the
(A) applicants (B) associates (C) receptionists (D) relatives 110

6. Some mothers would ______ their careers and gave up their dreams just to take care of their kids.
(A) rescue (B) remain (C) shrink (D) sacrifice

7. My parents encouraged me to ______ in more outdoor activities, rather than stay at home playing

(A) interfere (B) participate (C) lack (D) settle
8. The two rival countries refused to ______ in any dialogue to resolve their military problems.
(A) gain (B) shift (C) unite (D) engage

9. With the financial help of her relatives, Eva ______ a mobile game company and made a lot of

(A) obeyed (B) founded (C) matched (D) skipped
10. The teacher ______ most of his time to education and was awarded a prize when he was 50.

(A) sought (B) resorted (C) worshipped (D) dedicated

答案 單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. spare 2. worship 3. shrink 4. register 5. delay 6. apply

選 擇 題:1~5 ABAAA 6~10 DBDBD


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