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Published by jeven338, 2021-06-12 23:18:05


Unit 32

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 強調 s s 2. 擔心 w y 3. 謙虛的 m t

4. 驕傲的 p d 5. 魯莽的 r s 6. 和平 p e

(一) 選擇題
1. After his mother ordered him to turn off the TV, Tom reluctantly went to bed because his favorite
movie was not over yet.

(A) indirectly (B) informally (C) untruthfully (D) unwillingly 107

2. No matter how bad things look, I try to keep an ______ attitude. In other words, I look on the bright
(A) occasional (B) official (C) optimistic (D) original 106

3. According to studies, drinking one or two glasses of wine a week during pregnancy can have an
impact on the baby’s brain.
(A) excuse (B) agreement (C) option (D) influence 102

4. Doctors point out that stress, ______, and lack of friends can have a negative influence on sick

(A) fitness (B) kindness (C) goodness (D) loneliness 99
5. The coach was proud because his basketball team won the championship.

(A) absent (B) famous (C) pleased (D) worried 97
6. Her enthusiasm for tennis is the main reason for her to become a world champion.
(A) opinion (B) action (C) event (D) interest 95

7. Computers have made a great ______ on our lives. Nowadays almost everyone is using a computer
to communicate with other people.

(A) relation (B) package (C) caution (D) impact 91
8. The weather is very hot in summer, while in winter it is really ______.

(A) chilly (B) previous (C) tropical (D) visible 110
9. To my ______, the cat jumped from the roof and landed safely on its feet.

(A) mercy (B) surprise (C) enthusiasm (D) strain
10. Don’t be so ______! Look on the bright side of life and things will be different.

(A) modest (B) pessimistic (C) loyal (D) sincere

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. stress 2. worry 3. modest 4. proud 5. reckless 6. peace
選 擇 題:1~5 DCDDC 6~10 DDABB


Unit 33

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

actually (adv.)事實上 actual (adj.) 事實上的

apparently (adv.)明顯地;顯然 apparent (adj.) 明顯的
entirely (adv.)完全地 entire (adj.) 全部的

frequently (adv.)頻繁地 frequent (adj.) 頻繁的;frequency (n.) 頻率

immediately (adv.)立即;馬上 immediate (adj.) 立刻的

indeed (adv.)確實 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難之交才是真朋友。

instead (adv.)相反地;代替 instead of 而不是…

perhaps (adv.)可能 perhaps not 也許不會

swiftly (adv.)迅速地 swift (adj.) 迅速的

ultimately (adv.)最後 ultimate (adj.) 最後的


單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

adequate (adj.)足夠的 be adequate for N/to V 足夠…

amount (v.)合計;(n.)數量 amount to N(數量)達…; a large amount of 許多的

average (n.)平均 on average 平均而言;below/above average 低於/高於平均


gram (n.)公克 kilogram (n.) 公斤

major (adj.)主要的;大部分的 majority (n.) 大多數;

(v.)(n.)主修 試比較:minor (adj.) 次要的;(v.) 輔修

maximum (n.)最大值(adj.)最大值 試比較:minimum (n.) 最小值

medium (adj.)中間的 medium rare (牛排) 3 分熟

million (n.)百萬 millionaire (n.) 百萬富翁;試比較:billion (n.) 十億

portion (n.)部分;(食物的)一份 a ~ portion of N 某物的…部分

total (v./n.)合計 (adj.)總計的 in total 總計;a total of… 總計…

rate (n.)比率;費率(v.)評比 birth/death rate 出生/死亡率;at a rate of… 以…比率


記憶點 似

act (行為) + ual (adj.) + ly (adv.) in fact/in effect/in reality

ap (往前) + parent (父/母) + ly 誰是父母很明顯 obviously

en + tire (累) + ly (adj.) fully/totally/completely

fre + quent regularly

im + medi + ate + ly (adv.) at once/right away/instantly

in (內) + deed (行為) certainly

in (否定) + stead conversely/on the contrary

per + haps maybe/possibly

swift + ly (adv.) quickly/fast

ulti + mate (伴侶) + ly (adv.) finally/eventually/in the long run

記憶點 似

ad (往前) + equate (使平等) 使數量達到平等,為足夠 enough/sufficient

a + mount (上升) total/number

ave + rage (盛怒) ordinary/common


max (大量) + mum (n.) greatest


用 part (部分) 去聯想 section/helping/serving

amount to



Unit 34


單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
arrest (v.)(n.)逮捕 arrest sb for N 因某事逮捕某人 = put sb under arrest

attack (v.)(n.)抨擊;攻擊 be under attack 遭攻擊;heart attack 心臟病

crime (n.)罪 commit/carry out (a) crime 犯罪;criminal (n.) 罪犯 (adj.) 犯罪的

gamble (v.)(n.)賭博;冒險 gamble on N 在…上賭博

harm (v.)(n.)危害;損害 do/cause harm to N 造成危害;harmful (adj.) 有害的

hit (v.)打擊;侵襲 hit-hit-hit;hit sb with sth 用某物打某人;hit on sth 突然想出(點子)
invade (v.)入侵 invasion (n.) 入侵;侵略

justice (n.)正義 be brought to justice 繩之以法;do justice to sb/sth 公平地對待

legal (adj.)合法的 legal system 司法系統;illegal (adj.) 不合法的

limit (v.)(n.)限制 limited (adj.) 有限的;limitation (n.) 限制;限度

mistreat (v.)虐待 mistreat an animal 虐待動物

murder (v.)(n.)殺害 commit (a) murder 犯了殺害罪;murderer (n.) 兇手
occupy (v.)占據;忙碌於 be occupied with N 忙碌於…

poison (v.)(n.)毒;毒害 poisonous (adj.) 有毒的;What's your poison? 你想喝甚麼酒

pollute (v.)汙染 air/water/light pollution 空氣汙染/水汙染/光害

prohibit (v.)禁止 prohibit…from Ving 禁止…做….;prohibition (n.)禁止

punish (v.)處罰 punish …for… 因…處罰…;punishment (n.) 處罰

rebel (v.)反抗(n.)造反者 rebel against… 反抗…;rebellion (n.) 叛亂

restrict (v.)限制 restrict…to N 限制…於…;restriction (n.) 限制

risk (v.)(n.)風險;冒險 be at risk 冒風險 = take a risk;risk + Ving 冒險做…

rob (v.)搶奪,搶劫 rob sb of sth 搶某人某物;robbery (n.) 搶劫;robber (n.) 搶劫犯
ruin (v.)(n.)毀壞 be/lie in ruins 成為一片廢墟

shelter (v.)(n.)保護;遮蔽 find/take shelter 躲避

shoot (v.)射擊;拍攝;投籃 shoot-shot-shot;shoot the breeze 閒聊

spoil (v.)破壞;寵壞 spoil sb's appetite 壞了胃口;a spoiled child 被寵壞的小孩

strict (adj.)嚴格的 be strict about N/with sb 對…嚴格;strictly (adv.) 嚴格地
strike (v.)打擊;(n./v.)罷工 strike-struck-struck;strike a balance 取得平衡;be on strike 罷工

surrender (v.)(n.)投降;屈服 surrender to N 對…投降


記憶點 似
ar + rest (休息) 進去監獄休息 apprehend

at + tack (圖釘) 被圖釘攻擊 strike/charge


用 game (遊戲) + ble 去聯想 bet


in (內) + vad (走) + e 入侵時,往內走 occupy

just (正義的) + ice (n.) fairness


mis (不好;錯) + treat (對待) abuse

occu + py take up

poi + son (兒子) toxin

po + llute contaminate

pro (往前) + hibit (持有) 往前先持有,禁止他人拿 ban/forbid
也可用 habit (習慣) 聯想

pun (雙關語) + ish penalize


re (再一次) + strict (嚴格的) 再一次嚴格來限制 limit/confine



shel + ter protect/guard


sp + oil (油) destroy/spoil/damage


sur (底下) + render (提供) give in/yield


Unit 33

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 部分 p n 2. 可能 p s 3. 百萬 m n

4. 完全地 e y 5. 事實上 a y 6. 確實 i d

(二) 選擇題

1. The student has been working part time in order to earn ______ money to cover his college

(A) sufficient (B) tropical (C) vacant (D) weary 108
2. Americans were surprised to find that their country was ______ number thirteen in quality of life

(A) deleted (B) chained (C) rated (D) scared 102
3. The most frequently used service on the Internet is electronic mail (e-mail), which is fast and

(A) easily (B) recently (C) commonly (D) possibly 97
4. It is unfair that on ______, men earn more money than women in workplace around the world.

(A) medium (B) average (C) portion (D) maximum
5. ______, Loki is ill; he turns pale and vomited all day long. He needs to see a doctor.

(A) Swiftly (B) Frequently (C) Immediately (D) Apparently
6. Thor didn’t email me to wish me a Happy Birthday; ______, he wrote a card by hand and sent it to

(A) instead (B) entirely (C) swiftly (D) immediately

7. The ants are busy collecting ______ food for the coming winter. How hard-working they are!
(A) million (B) average (C) medium (D) adequate
8. To find a job easily after graduation, I decided to ______ in English and minor in Business

(A) rate (B) major (C) scare (D) amount

9. On hearing her baby boy cry, the mother woke up and hugged him ______ at night.
(A) immediately (B) indeed (C) entirely (D) perhaps
10. Mr. Jordan donates regular ______ of money to charity every year with no one knowing it.

(A) grams (B) mediums (C) amounts (D) millions

答案 單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. portion 2. perhaps 3. million 4. entirely 5. actually 6. indeed
選 擇 題:1~5 ACCBD 6~10 ADBAC


Unit 34

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 射擊 s t 2. 打擊 s e 3. 正義 j e

4. 合法的 l l 5. 入侵 i e 6. 嚴格的 s t

(二) 選擇題

1. Helen and her sister really ______ the party when they started fighting. It upset all the party guests.
(A) cheated (B) clapped (C) spoiled (D) supported 107

2. According to studies, loneliness can increase the risk of older people dying early due to its harmful
effects on health.

(A) belief (B) danger (C) knowledge (D) safety 105
3. The recent terrorist ______ in Australia and Europe raised concerns about national safety all over

the world.

(A) attacks (B) attractions (C) insults (D) pollutions 104
4. Research has shown that loneliness is harmful to health.

(A) bad (B) deep (C) free (D) heavy 97

5. The first computer was built in 1946; it ______ more than 140 square meters of floor space.
(A) put on (B) gave in (C) took up (D) made of 95

6. Ken is often ______ by his parents because he has many behavior problems, such as rudeness.
(A) robbed (B) risked (C) polluted (D) punished

7. Every employee in the company is ______ from revealing any trade secrets to other rivals.
(A) occupied (B) prohibited (C) sheltered (D) polluted

8. Many stray dogs in the neighborhood died after they accidentally ate food which contained rat

(A) harm (B) justice (C) limit (D) poison

9. Some North Koreans will risk their lives to escape to South Korea to seek ______.
(A) shelter (B) gamble (C) rebel (D) ruin

10. Jason was ______ by his stepfather when he was little, but his mother didn’t do anything about it.
(A) surrendered (B) mistreated (C) restricted (D) arrested

單字 Quizlet


單字拼寫:1. shoot 2. strike 3. justice 4. legal 5. invade 6. strict
選 擇 題:1~5 CBAAC 6~10 DBDAB


Unit 35

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

calorie (n.)卡路里 burn off calories 燃燒卡路里;
high-calorie/low-calorie 高/低卡路里

dessert (n.)甜點 for dessert 甜點而言;

試比較:desert (n.) 沙漠 (v.) 拋棄
diet (n.)飲食 go on a diet 節食;a balanced diet 均衡飲食

grain (n.)穀類;顆粒 a grain of rice 一粒米

grocery (n.)食品雜貨;雜貨店 grocery store 雜貨店
ingredient (n.)原料;要素 ingredients of success 成功的要素

meal (n.)一餐 a heavy/light meal 豐盛/簡單的一餐

protein (n.)蛋白質 animal proteins 動物蛋白質

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

costume (n.)服裝;戲裝 costume party 化妝舞會;

cosplay 角色扮演 (costume play)
dress (v.)穿衣;打扮(n.)洋裝 dress up 盛裝打扮;dress in 穿…衣服;

dressing (n.) 敷藥;沙拉醬

tie (n.)關係;平手;領帶 tie (up) sb's shoelaces 繫好鞋帶;
tie ... up with... 將…與…聯繫起來

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
cabinet (n.)櫥櫃 bathroom cabinet 浴櫃

blanket (n.)毛毯;(a.)全面的;(v.)覆蓋 wet blanket 掃興的人

domestic (adj.)家庭的;國內的 domestic violence 家庭暴力

facility (n.)(提供方便等的)設施 hotel facilities 飯店設施
hall (n.)大廳;走廊 dining hall (學校或其他建築物裡的)餐廳

lobby (n.)大廳;(v.)遊說 lobby to V 游說去…

roof (n.)屋頂 raise the roof 吵翻天;
under sb's roof 住在(某人)家裡

block (v.)阻礙;(n.)塊;積木;街區 on the block 在該街區


記憶點 似


des (dis 變化形:離開) + sert (serve:供應) 離開主菜的餐,為甜點 sweet dish

g + rain (雨)

gro + cery element
in (內) + gredi (走) + ent 走進去食品內,為原料

pro + tein

記憶點 似

cost (花費) + ume clothes

wear/put on


記憶點 似
cabin (小木屋) + et (小) cupboard

blank (空白的) + et (小) cover

dom (家) + ic (adj.) household

fac (做) + ty 方便做事的東西,為設施 equipment

lo + bby hall

b + lock (鎖) brick/obstacle


Unit 36

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

advance (v.)(n.)前進;提升(adj.)事先的 in advance 事先
ambulance (n.)救護車 call an ambulance 叫救護車

approach (v.)接近(n.)方法 adopt a ~ approach 採取…方法
custom (n.)習俗;海關(s) customer (n.) 顧客
deliver (v.)傳遞;傳送;發表 be delivered to N 傳遞…;delivery service 外送服務

hurry (v.)(n.)趕緊 Hurry up. 趕快。;in a hurry 趕快
rapid (adj.)快速的 rapid growth/increase 快速成長/增加

rocket (n.)火箭(v.)猛漲 launch a rocket 發射火箭
route (n.)路線 route to N 到…的路線
sail (v./n.)航行 sail to N 航行至…

shuttle (n.)接駁車 (v.) 往返運送… space shuttle 太空梭;shuttle bus 接駁公車
slide (v.)滑動(n.)滑落;溜滑梯 slide-slid-slid

speed (v.)加速(n.)速度 speed up 加速;at a speed of 以…的速度;
speeding ticket 超速罰單;反:slow down 減速
track (n.)行蹤;小徑(v.)跟蹤 lose track of 忘記;be on the right/wrong track 做法對/錯

traffic (n.)交通(v.)非法交易 traffic-trafficked-trafficked;traffic cops 交通警察
vehicle (n.)車輛;傳播媒介 be a vehicle for … 是…的媒介

vessel (n.)船艦;血管 blood vessel 血管

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

film (n.)電影 watch/see a film 看電影;star in a film 主演
lottery (n.)樂透 win a lottery 中樂透

marathon (n.)馬拉松賽跑 run a marathon 跑馬拉松賽

Olympic (adj.)奧林匹克(競賽)的 Olympic Games 奧運
program (n.)計畫;程式;節目;課程 computer program 電腦程式;anti-virus program 防毒軟體

race (v.)賽跑 (n.)種族;比賽 racial (adj.) 種族的;race walking 競走
score (v.)得分(n.)分數 score a point 得分

souvenir (n.)紀念品 souvenir shop 紀念品商店
surf (v.)衝浪 go surfing 去衝浪;surf the internet/Net/Web 上網

tour (n.)旅遊 tourist (n.) 遊客;tour guide 導遊;tour bus 遊覽車

travel (v.)(n.)旅行 traveler (n.) 旅客
trip (n.)(短程的)旅遊(v.)絆倒 go on/take a trip to N 到…旅遊

gym (n.)體育館,健身房 gym rat/bunny 健身狂熱者


記憶點 似
ad (往前) + ance (n.) beforehand

ambul (行走) + ance
app + roach (蟑螂) means

cus + tom tradition
de (離開) + liver (肝) send







記憶點 似

lo + ttery

ma + ra + thon 音似馬拉松 race
o + lym + pic 音似奧林匹克

pro (往前) + gram (寫) plan/course


sou + ve + nir memento




Unit 35

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 一餐 m l 2. 大廳 l y 3. 櫥櫃 c t

4. 穀類 g n 5. 屋頂 r f 6. 洋裝 d s

(一) 選擇題
1. Due to the heavy rainfall, many roads leading to the downtown area were ______, and many people

could not get to school or work.
(A) imported (B) delivered (C) blocked (D) expected 103

2. Whenever I have dinner at this restaurant, I always look forward to the delicious ______ after the

main dish.
(A) lobby (B) protein (C) cabinet (D) dessert

3. When faced with ______ violence, people should ask the police for help as soon as possible.
(A) domestic (B) blanket (C) facility (D) calorie

4. Some experts are examining the problems of the parking ______ in this hotel.

(A) dresses (B) ingredients (C) facilities (D) cabinets
5. We only use natural and healthy ______ in our cakes, so the price is a little higher.

(A) ingredients (B) costumes (C) groceries (D) blankets
6. Tina exercises quite regularly in the gym in order to burn off ______ and keep in shape.

(A) ties (B) calories (C) grains (D) blocks

7. The clown put on his ______ and makeup, ready to go on stage to entertain the audience.
(A) protein (B) costume (C) dessert (D) facility

8. Eggs are an importance source of ______, and so is meat.
(A) lobby (B) grain (C) block (D) protein

9. Mrs. Huang asked a flight attendant for a ______ because she felt a little cold on the plane.
(A) blanket (B) hall (C) cabinet (D) tie

10. Many ______ stores are replaced by convenience stores, which provides more extra service.

(A) cabinet (B) protein (C) calorie (D) grocery

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. meal 2. lobby 3. cabinet 4. grain 5. roof 6. dress
選 擇 題:1~5 CDACA 6~10 BBDAD


Unit 36

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 樂透 l y 2. 火箭 r t 3. 車輛 v e

4. 習俗 c m 5. 路線 r e 6. 程式 p m

(一) 選擇題

1. Many foreign travelers like to try various kinds of snacks in Taiwan’s night market.

(A) tourists (B) souvenirs (C) competitions (D) events 106

2. If you want to eat in that popular restaurant on weekend, you’d better make a reservation in ______.
(A) advance (B) address (C) amount (D) account 99

3. If you want to buy some food, you’d better hurry. The store will be closed in ten minutes.

(A) tremble (B) hurt (C) vanish (D) rush 97

4. You’d better contact me in ______ if you need a ride, or I will go out for shopping.
(A) lottery (B) advance (C) speed (D) souvenir

5. If you want to take part in a ______, you need to train yourself for a period of time first.

(A) ambulance (B) traffic (C) lottery (D) marathon
6. To show my gratitude to Annie, I bought a ______ for her as a gift when I traveled in Paris.

(A) souvenir (B) vessel (C) shuttle (D) gym

7. Customers can take the ______ bus to go from the train station to the department store.
(A) slide (B) rocket (C) shuttle (D) track

8. The Central Weather Bureau warned everyone of a super typhoon ______ Taiwan.

(A) approaching (B) surfing (C) scoring (D) delivering
9. ______ service is quite convenient nowadays, so many people, especially in big cities, take

advantage of it.

(A) Race (B) Route (C) Custom (D) Delivery

10. Liam is in a ______ to the airport, so he is asking the taxi driver to speed up.
(A) approach (B) hurry (C) vessel (D) marathon

單字 Quizlet
單字拼寫:1. lottery 2. rocket 3. vehicle 4. custom 5. route 6. program

選 擇 題:1~5 AADBD 6~10 ACADB


Unit 37

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

cash (n.)現金 pay (in) cash 付現;be short of cash 手頭緊

afford (v.)負擔得起 afford N/to V 負擔的起去…

bargain (v.)討價還價(n.)便宜貨 make/strike a bargain 達成協議;

bargain hunter 搜尋便宜貨的人

chain (n.)鏈條;連鎖店 chain store 連鎖店;be chained to N 拴住;束縛

charge (v.)索價;控告;充電 be charged with … 被控…的罪;in charge 負責

coupon (n.)優惠券 a ~% coupon ~%的優惠券

deal (v.)經營;處理; deal with 處理;

(n.)交易;數量 a good/great deal of N(不可數) 大量的…

economy (n.)經濟 economic (adj.) 經濟的;economical (adj.) 節約的;

fly economy class 坐經濟艙

fashion (n.)流行;時尚 fashionable (adj.) 時尚的;old-fashioned (adj.) 老式的;

follow fashion 趕時髦

hire (v.)雇用 hire sb to V 雇用某人做某事;反:fire 解雇

industry (n.)工業/產業; industrial (adj.) 工業的;industrious (adj.) 勤勉的

(某種)工業 traditional industry 傳統產業

insurance (n.)保險 life/car/travel insurance 壽/車/旅遊險;insure…against…投保

luxury (n.)奢侈(品) luxurious (adj.) 奢侈的;luxury hotel/car 奢華的飯店/車子

rent (v.)租(n.)租金 for rent 招租;rent sth from sb 從…租某物

salary (n.)薪水 earn a salary 賺薪水

stock (n.)存貨;股票 in/out of stock 有/無庫存; stock market 股票市場

trade (v.)進行交易(n.)貿易 international trade 國貿;trade in N 進行…的交易

worth (n.)價值(prep.)值…的價值 worth+N 值…;worthy (adj.) 有價值的;be worth it 值得的

debt (n.)負債;債務 in debt 負債;pay off debts 清償債務


記憶點 似


af + ford (Ford 福特)

bar (酒吧) + gain (得到) steal




e + co + no + my 音似 "依靠農民"



in (內) + dust (灰) + ry 工業常有灰

in (內) + sure (肯定的) + ance (n.) manufacturing

lu + xu + ry high-class

sa + la + ry pay/wage/earnings





Unit 38
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

appropriate (adj.)適當的 appropriate for… 對於…是合適的

delicate (adj.)易碎的;精美的;美味的 delicate skin 嬌嫩的皮膚

dull (adj.)無聊乏味的(adj.)遲鈍的 be (as) dull as ditchwater 非常乏味

extreme (adj.)極度的(n.)極端 extreme sports 極限運動;extremely (adv.) 非常;極度地
fair (adj.)公平的(n.)展覽會 fairly (adv.) 相當地;反:unfair (adj.) 不公平的

inferior (adj.)低下的;劣等的 be inferior to N 不如…;反:superior 優越的

mild (adj.)溫和的 mild-mannered 舉止溫文的

particular (adj.)特別的;挑剔的 be particular about 對…挑剔;in particular 尤其

primary (adj.)主要的;初等的 primary school 小學
proper (adj.)適當的 property (n.) 財產

unique (adj.)獨一無二的 unique to N 對於…是獨一無二的

weird (adj.)怪誕的;奇特的 weirdo (n.) 怪人

worse (adj.)(adv.)比較糟(的) bad-worse-worst;worsen (v.)(使)惡化

tremendous (adj.)廣大的;極好的 a tremendous help 極大的幫助
brilliant (adj.)聰穎的;明亮的 brilliant career 前途光明

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

area (n.)區域 in the area 在某一地區;grey area 灰色地帶

border (n.)國界;邊界 border between A and B AB 之間的邊界

bottom (n.)底部 at the bottom of... 在…底部;Bottoms up! 乾杯!

globe (n.)球體;地球儀;地球 global (adj.) 全球的;around the globe 全世界
harbor (n.)海港;避風港 fishing harbor 漁港

lower (v.)降下;減低(adj.)較低的 lower sb's voice 說話小聲

margin (n.)邊緣 in the margin 在邊緣處

pole (n.)南極或北極 polar (adj.) 極地的;electricity pole 電線杆

region (n.)地區 in the region 在這地區

rural (adj.)鄉村的;田園的 反:urban 都市的
straight (adj.)直的 straight hair 直髮

urban (adj.)市區的 反:rural 鄉下的


記憶點 似

ap + propr + ate (用 proper "適當的"去聯想) proper/suitable/fit

de + li + cate fragile


ex + treme utmost

infer (推論) + i + or


part (部分) + icu + lar specific/certain/special

prim (第一) + ary (adj.) main
pro + per appropriate

uni (一) + que distinctive


tre + men + dous (adj.) enormous/immense/fabulous
用 bright (明亮) 去聯想 clever/bright/magnificent

記憶點 似

are + a section/region/zone

b + order (訂) boundary

bo + ttom base

har + bor port

low (低的) + er reduce

mar + gin edge/brink

re + gion area/section

ru + ral countryside



Unit 37

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 奢侈(品) l y 2. 股票 s k 3. 貿易 t e

4. 時尚 f n 5. 優惠券 c n 6. 薪水 s y

(二) 選擇題

1. Let’s make a ______; you cook dinner and I do the dishes.
(A) call (B) deal (C) guess (D) scene 107

2. She wasted so much money on luxuries that she ran into ______ very soon.

(A) doubt (B) date (C) debt (D) dirt 100
3. When the Smiths went on vacation last summer, they stayed in a luxurious, richly decorated hotel.

(A) cheap (B) expensive (C) humble (D) plain 96

4. My cellphone is low on battery; it keeps beeping to remind me of ______ it.

(A) relaxing (B) recycling (C) recharging (D) reviewing 94
5. Customers may pay ______ or use a credit card in major department stores.

(A) cash (B) change (C) tape (D) total 93

6. Mr. Lee bought the suit at half of the original price. It was a really good ______.
(A) loss (B) number (C) bargain (D) goal 92

7. Actually, I can’t ______ the house because it is too expensive.

(A) afford (B) agree (C) admit (D) affect 91

8. The heavy ______ boosted the development of this area, but it inevitably brought pollution.
(A) trade (B) luxury (C) coupon (D) industry

9. When the ______ is not good, people usually choose to purchase gold, instead of investing in the

stock market.
(A) economy (B) fashion (C) bargain (D) debt

10. Erica suggested that I should buy travel ______ when I first travel abroad.

(A) luxury (B) insurance (C) economy (D) chain

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. pilot 2. scholar 3. author 4. enemy 5. infant 6. actress
選 擇 題:1~5 BCBCA 6~10 CADAB


Unit 38

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 鄉村的 r l 2. 市區的 u n 3. 怪誕的 w d

4. 低下的 i r 5. 地區 r n 6. 海港 h r

(一) 選擇題
1. I’m sorry I didn’t reply yesterday, for I was ______ busy and could not find any time at all to return
your phone call.

(A) casually (B) extremely (C) loosely (D) scarcely 107
2. A program for developing a space shuttle involves tremendous expense of time, money and

(A) enormous (B) jealous (C) prosperous (D) suspicious 105
3. When the potato was first brought to Europe, many people thought it was a weird vegetable.

(A) underground (B) poisonous (C) nutritious (D) strange 100

4. Mike is a machine operator. His life in the factory is so dull that he often sings to entertain himself.
(A) uninteresting (B) professional (C) challenging (D) charming 96
5. The course is primarily designed to improve students’ English writing ability.

(A) willingly (B) eagerly (C) mainly (D) skillfully 96
6. Marie Curie(居禮夫人)was a magnificent scientist who was the first woman to win the Nobel

(A) brilliant (B) believable (C) critical (D) commercial 110

7. Jeff is going to a college interview and his parents are helping him to pick ______ clothes and shoes
for it.
(A) rural (B) straight (C) urban (D) appropriate

8. Before opening her own seafood restaurant, Doris thought about making it a ______ one in her
(A) worse (B) rural (C) unique (D) weird

9. “I love you from the ______ of my heart,” said the prince to his dream girl.

(A) globe (B) bottom (C) region (D) pole
10. Be careful when you move this box which contains ______ glass and expensive vases.
(A) inferior (B) primary (C) lower (D) delicate

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. rural 2. urban 3. weird 4. inferior 5. region 6. harbor
選 擇 題:1~5 BADAC 6~10 ADCBD


Unit 39

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

atmosphere (n.)大氣;氣氛 a relaxed/friendly atmosphere 一個放鬆/友善的氣氛

carbon (n.)碳;複寫紙 carbon footprint 碳足跡

chemical (adj.)化學的(n.)化學製品 toxic/dangerous chemical 有毒/危險化學物質;

chemistry (n.) 化學

climate (n.)氣候 climate change 氣候變化

dust (n.)灰塵 dusty (adj.) 滿是灰塵的;dust storm 沙塵暴

famine (n.)飢荒 widespread famine 大規模饑荒

field (n.)原野;領域;球場 field trip 校外考察旅行; in the ~ field 在某一領域

flame (n.)火焰 old flame 舊情人

flash (v.)(n.)閃光;閃現 flash drive 隨身碟

gold (n.)黃金;金色 golden (adj.) 金色的;gold mine 金礦

liquid (n.)液體(adj.)液體的 liquid courage 酒後之勇

melt (v.)融化;熔化 sth melts in your mouth 柔嫩可口

nuclear (adj.)核子的;核心的 nuclear power 核能

shine (v.)閃亮;擦亮 閃亮:shine-shone-shone;擦亮:shine-shined-shined

soak (v.)吸收;浸泡 soaking wet 濕透

solar (adj.)太陽的 solar power/energy 太陽能;solar panel 太陽能電板

stream (n.)溪流 livestream (v.) 線上直播;live streamer 直播主

volcano (n.)火山 active/extinct/dormant volcano 活/死/休眠火山

bacteria (n.) 細菌 bacterial infection 細菌感染

blossom (v.)(n.)(花)開放;花 be in blossom 盛開中

crop (n.)農作物;收成 grow a crop 種農作物;sth crop up 突然出現

cattle (n.)牛群 cattle 為複數型;a head of cattle 一頭牛

coral (n.)珊瑚 coral reef 珊瑚礁


記憶點 似

atm (atm) + o + sphere (圓球) air

car (車) + bon

chem + ical (adj.)

cli + mate (伴侶)

fine powder

fa + mine (我的) hunger



li + quid fluid


nu + clear (清晰的)



so + lar


vol + ca + no

bac + te + ria

blo + ssom flower/bloom


co + ral


Unit 40
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
bleed (v.)流血 bleed-bled-bled;bleed heavily 流血過多;blood (n.) 血

crash (v.)(n.)碰撞 car crash 車禍;crash into N 撞入…
drown (v.)溺水;淹沒 drown sb's sorrows 借酒澆愁
fever (n.)發燒;狂熱 have/run a fever 發燒
hurt (v.)受傷;疼痛 hurt-hurt-hurt;be hurt 受傷了;hurt + 身體部分

ill (adj.)生病的;壞的 fall ill 生病;illness (n.) 疾病;
speak ill of sb 說某人的壞話
pain (n.)疼痛;痛苦 feel pain in 身體部分;be in pain 疼痛
pill (n.)藥丸 take pills 吃藥;sleeping pill 安眠藥
sick (adj.)生病的;噁心的 take sick leave 請病假;sickness (n.) 疾病
sore (adj.)疼痛的 a sore throat 喉嚨痛

surgery (n.)外科手術 plastic/cosmetic surgery 整形手術;
have/undergo surgery 接受開刀
symptom (n.)症狀 have symptoms of… 有…徵狀
treat (v.)對待;治療;款待 treatment (n.) 治療;對待;
(n.)請客 treat sb with sth 用某物治療某人

virus (n.)病毒;電腦病毒 go viral 像病毒一樣非常迅速地傳播;
anti-virus software 防毒軟體
weaken (v.)(使)虛弱 反:strengthen 使增強


單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞
broad (adj.)廣泛的;寬廣的 broad-minded 心胸寬廣的
hollow (adj.)空的 hollow brick/tube 空心磚/管
obvious (adj.)明顯的 obviously (adv.) 顯然地

naked (adj.)赤裸的;無遮蔽的 the naked eye 肉眼
pale (adj.)蒼白的;淺色的 go/turn pale 變得蒼白
pattern (n.)圖案;型式 a pattern of behavior 行為模式
ripe (adj.)成熟的 The time is ripe. 時機成熟了。
shape (v.)使成形(n.)形狀;體型 in the shape of sth 以…形狀;take shape 成形
sharp (adj.)尖銳的 sharp pain 刺痛

smooth (adj.)平滑的;平順的 反: rough 粗糙的;smooth flight 飛行順利
soft (adj.)柔軟(和)的 soften (v.) 變溫和;a soft voice/sound 柔和的聲音
splendid (adj.)壯麗的;極好的 splendid weather 很棒的天氣

surface (n.)表面 on the surface of N 在…的表面;
scratch the surface 觸及皮毛

tight (adj.)緊的 tight-lipped 守口如瓶的
tiny (adj.)微小的 tiny little 微小的


記憶點 似

smash into/bump into
和 down 差一個字母 flood

have a temperature


sur + ge + ry operation

symp + tom


weak (虛弱的) + en (v.)

記憶點 似

b + road (路) wide
ho + llow empty
ob + vi + ous (adj.) plain/apparent

pa + ttern design

spleen + did (做) excellent/fabulous/wonderful
sur (在…之上) + face (面)



Unit 39

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 牛群 c e 2. 太陽的 s r 3. 火焰 f e

4. 溪流 s m 5. 閃光 f h 6. (花)開放 b m

(一) 選擇題

1. One way of eating ice-cream is to put it in a soda and let it melt away in the drink.

(A) disappear (B) float (C) freeze (D) sweeten 105
2. Here are the golden rules for beautiful skin: keep it clean, don’t smoke, and stay out of the sun.

(A) colorful (B) important (C) pleasant (D) metal 96
3. The weather forecast said the temperature would dip from 20 degrees during the day to 12 degrees at

(A) dim (B) drop (C) fail (D) leak 110

4. It is reported that ______ on the screen of a smartphone can be more than those on a toilet.

(A) volcano (B) atmosphere (C) carbon (D) bacteria
5. A ______ world war can lead to the destruction of the whole planet.

(A) nuclear (B) dust (C) volcano (D) solar
6. This desert country has been facing ______ for two years, which resulted in thousands of people


(A) coral (B) liquid (C) famine (D) blossom
7. Many people suffer from nose allergy, partly because the ______ in Taiwan is warm and humid.

(A) flame (B) stream (C) climate (D) volcano
8. Many local people escaped from their town because an active ______ just erupted.

(A) coral (B) volcano (C) blossom (D) field

9. The ______ in this bookstore is very pleasant; I can even spend a whole afternoon in it.
(A) atmosphere (B) liquid (C) chemical (D) crop

10. After using ______ weapons to attack its civilians, this country was condemned by the world.
(A) coral (B) blossom (C) gold (D) chemical

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. cattle 2. solar 3. flame 4. stream 5. flash 6. blossom
選 擇 題:1~5 ABBDA 6~10 CCBAD


Unit 40

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 病毒 v s 2. 尖銳的 s p 3. 明顯的 o s

4. 平順的 s h 5. 空的 h w 6. 外科手術 s y

(一) 選擇題

1. The glass container has been tightly locked, so almost no air can get into it.
(A) firmly (B) mildly (C) hardly (D) softly 103

2. Some people prefer to follow a predictable pattern in their life: school, then marriage and children.

(A) design (B) turn (C) rate (D) review 97
3. Studies have found that alcohol can cause or worsen the common ______ of sneezing, itching, and


(A) greetings (B) symptoms (C) terminals (D) nightmares 102

4. The patient’s chronic illness has ______ her so much that she has difficulty walking.
(A) weakened (B) strengthened (C) lightened (D) broadened 101

5. The woman had trouble falling asleep, so the doctor gave her some ______ to take every night

before going to bed.
(A) bills (B) hills (C) mills (D) pills 92

6. Hey, your nose is ______. Do you need tissues?

(A) drowning (B) weakening (C) treating (D) bleeding

7. Thanks to the lifeguard, the swimmer didn’t get ______. It was so close!
(A) treated (B) virus (C) patterns (D) drowned

8. ______ of COVID-19 include fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, etc.

(A) Pains (B) Symptoms (C) Surfaces (D) Patterns
9. What a ______ idea! We can not only save money but also get it done in the shortest time.

(A) naked (B) splendid (C) rough (D) tiny

10. Do you know who was the first person to set foot on the ______ of the moon?
(A) pattern (B) surgery (C) symptom (D) surface

單字 Quizlet


單字拼寫:1. virus 2. sharp 3. obvious 4. smooth 5. hollow 6. surgery
選 擇 題:1~5 AABAD 6~10 DDBBD


Unit 41

單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

career (n.)事業;生涯 career in …在某方面的職業;career-minded 事業心很強的

duty (n.)職責;稅 do sb's duty 盡責;duty-free 免稅的

fault (n.)缺陷;錯誤 be at fault 有過錯

flaw (n.)缺點 flawless (adj.) 完美無瑕的; fatal flaw 致命的缺陷

function (v.)(n.)運作;起作用 function as 起…的作用

labor (v.)勞動(n.)勞動;勞工 laborious (adj.) 艱巨的

method (n.)方法 method of/for Ving 做某事的方法

recruit (v.)招募(n.)新成員;新兵 be recruited into the army 被徵召入伍

retire (v.)退休 retired (adj.) 退休的;retire from… 從…退休

skill (n.)技巧 a skill in/at … 在某方面的技巧;skillfully (adv.) 有技巧地

slave (n.)奴隸 be a slave to sth 受…控制

strategy (n.)策略 strategy to V/for Ving 做某事的策略

vocation (n.)職業 vocational (adj.) 職業的;試比較:vacation 假期

welfare (n.)福利;幸福 social welfare 社會福利

occupation (n.) 職業 choose an occupation 選擇職業


單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

century (n.)世紀 in the 序數 century 在第…世紀

chronic (adj.)慢性的;長期的 chronic disease 慢性病

due (adj.)到期的 due to N/Ving 因為…;due date 預產期

pause (v.)(n.)暫停;停頓 pause to V 停頓去做某事

period (n.)時期;句點;(一堂)課 in a period of time 在一段時間;period pains 經痛


記憶點 似

car (車) + eer job/work/profession




func + tion serve as


me + thod way/means

re + cruit hire

re (回) + tire (累)



stra + te + gy

vo + ca + tion work/career/profession

wel + fare 用 well (好) 與 fare (進展) 聯想 happiness/well-being

occupy (佔據) + ation 職業會佔據你的時間 work/job/career

記憶點 似

cent (百) + ury age

chron (時間) + ic (adj.) long-term





Unit 42
單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

cause (v.)造成(n.)原因 cause…to V 造成…去…;cause for N …的原因
cause sb trouble/problems 造成某人的麻煩/問題
chance (v.)碰巧(n.)機會 have a chance to V 有機會去…;take chances 冒風險

detail (n.)細節 in detail 詳細地;The devil is in the detail. 魔鬼存在於細節之中
element (n.)元素;成分 element in/of … …的元素;elementary (adj.) 基本的
errand (n.)差事 do/run some errands 做些差事

happen (v.)發生 sth happened to sb 某人發生某事;happen to V 碰巧做…
issue (n.)問題;議題(v.)發行 make an issue of sth 對…小題大作

item (n.)項目;條款 item by item 逐項
matter (v.)重要;要緊 What's the matter? 怎麼了?
(n.)事情;問題 as a matter of fact 事實上
mission (n.)任務 on a mission 出任務中

mystery (n.)神祕事件; solve a mystery 解開謎題;mysterious (adj.) 神秘的

occur (v.)被想起;發生 occur-ocurred-occurred;sth occur to sb 某人突然想起某事
origin (n.)起源 origin of N 某物的起源;original (adj.) 原本的 (n.) 原著
possible (adj.)可能的;潛在的 if possible 如果可能的話;possibility (n.) 可能性;

possibly (adv.) 可能地;反:impossible 不可能的
reason (n.)理由(v.)做理性思考 reason for N/why S + V 某事的原因;reasonable (adj.) 理性的

series (n.)連續;系列 單複數同型;a series of N 一系列的…
trend (n.)趨勢;傾向 trendy (adj.) 流行的 = on trend


單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

clip (n.)短片;夾子 paper clip 迴紋針
device (n.)儀器 an electronic device 電子儀器
fuel (n.)燃料 fossil fuel 化石燃料;add fuel to the fire 火上澆油

horn (n.)角;喇叭 blow/sound the horn 按喇叭
lantern (n.)燈籠 the Lantern Festival 元宵節
lotion (n.)乳液 suntan/sun lotion 防曬油;body lotion 身體乳液

mask (n.)口罩;面具(v.)掩飾 gas mask 防毒面具;face mask 口罩
plastic (adj.)塑膠的(n.)塑膠 plastic wrap 保鮮膜;plastic footprint 塑膠足跡
safe (adj.)安全的(n.)保險箱 safety (n.) 安全;safe and sound 安然無恙

satellite (n.)衛星 weather satellite 氣象衛星
appliance (n.)電器 household appliances 家電

switch (v.)(n.)開關;轉換 switch on/off 打開/關閉(電器等);switch to N 轉換成…


記憶點 似

result in/give rise to/bring about/lead to


de (下/離開) + tail (尾巴)
ele + ment factor
err (錯誤) + and chore/task

occur/take place


miss (錯過) + ion task

my + stery (和 story 故事差一個字母) myth

happen/take place
ori + gin beginning/source
po + ss + ible (adj.) maybe/perhaps

rea + son (兒子) cause


記憶點 似

de + vice (副的) gadget/instrument

lan + tern lamp
lot + ion cream


sa + tell + ite moon

apply (應用) + ance (n.) device
s + witch (巫師) button


Unit 41

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 世紀 c y 2. 暫停 p e 3. 奴隸 s e

4. 時期 p d 5. 招募 r t 6. 缺陷 f t

(二) 選擇題

1. David’s mother asked Sally about her parents’ occupations. She wanted to know where they worked.
(A) locations (B) goals (C) reactions (D) jobs 103

2. Mary started her ______ as a high school teacher as soon as she graduated from college, and is still
in love with her job at this moment.
(A) vacation (B) motto (C) career (D) homework 101

3. Because his speech was ______, the audience gave him a big hand.
(A) meaningless (B) flawless (C) useless (D) helpless 94

4. Writing is a very useful ______ for students. In the future, they can use it at different workplaces.
(A) belief (B) culture (C) skill (D) feature 93

5. Jay suffers from ______ pain in his back; sometimes, he could wake up in the middle of the night
because of pain.
(A) chronic (B) due (C) fault (D) duty

6. The ______ of a face mask is to protect you from getting virus and also to keep you from spreading
your disease.

(A) century (B) welfare (C) career (D) function
7. Please fill in this form with your age, date of birth, ______, phone number, and address.

(A) occupation (B) welfare (C) fault (D) pause
8. Mr. Shih is going to ______ as general manager this year; he has been serving this company for 40

(A) pause (B) retire (C) slave (D) recruit
9. The marketing ______ proved to be successful; it really helped improve our share of the market.

(A) strategy (B) flaw (C) century (D) labor
10. The social ______ system is so good that parents in this country don’t have to pay tuition fees of
their children.

(A) vocation (B) period (C) skill (D) welfare

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. century 2. pause 3. slave 4. period 5. recruit 6. fault
選 擇 題:1~5 DCBCA 6~10 DABAD


Unit 42

(一) 單字拼寫
1. 乳液 l n 2. 發生 o r 3. 機會 c e

4. 燈籠 l n 5. 儀器 d e 6. 趨勢 t d

(二) 選擇題

1. The thief wore a black ______ so that no one could recognize him.

(A) message (B) mask (C) master (D) muscle 91

2. Since you are well prepared, you have no ______ to worry about the test.
(A) luck (B) nature (C) reason (D) taste 107

3. In Taiwan, the presidential election ______ every four years.

(A) takes place (B) takes out (C) takes off (D) takes in 92

4. Could you ______ on the air-conditioner? It’s a little stuffy and hot in here.
(A) matter (B) cause (C) reason (D) switch

5. The apartment we rented is equipped with household ______, including a refrigerator, two fans, and

a TV.
(A) origins (B) appliances (C) elements (D) lanterns

6. A weather ______ was successfully launched and it will help the expert accurately predict the

(A) satellite (B) mission (C) errand (D) mystery

7. A private detective cooperated with the police and they finally solve the ______ of the murder case.

(A) device (B) series (C) mystery (D) plastic
8. While I am bathing our baby, could you run some ______ for me?

(A) horns (B) devices (C) details (D) errands

9. Thank you for explaining the theory in ______ for me. Now I understand what it’s all about.

(A) lotion (B) detail (C) clip (D) item
10. Without doubt, ______ garbage not only pollutes the sea environment but also threatens the life of

sea animals.

(A) plastic (B) possible (C) horn (D) mystery

單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. lotion 2. occur 3. chance 4. lantern 5. device 6. trend
選 擇 題:1~5 BCADB 6~10 ACDBA


Unit 43


單字 中文 衍/用法/搭配詞

boil (v.)沸騰 boiling water 滾水;boil down to sth 歸結為

(n.)活動 advertising campaign 廣告宣傳活動;
election campaign 競選活動

despite (prep.)儘管 do sth despite yourself 忍不住地

fame (n.)聲譽;名望 famous (adj.) 出名的; fame and fortune 名利;

rise to fame 一舉成名

loss (n.)損失 lose (v.) 失去;lost (adj.) 失去的/迷路的;

weight loss 體重減輕

mess (v.)(n.)混亂;弄亂 messy (adj.) 亂的;in a mess 髒亂;make a mess of 搞砸

spread (v.)擴展;傳播 spread-spread-spread;spread like wildfire 迅速傳播開來

vanish (v.)消失;滅絕 vanish from sight 消失看不見

banquet (n.)宴會 hold a banquet 舉行宴會

casual (adj.)非正式的 casual clothes 便服

ceremony (n.)典禮;儀式 wedding/graduation ceremony 結婚/畢業典禮

occasion (n.)場合;時機 occasionally (adv.) 偶爾 = on occasion;

on a ~ occasion 在…場合

article (n.)文章 article on/about N 有關於..的文章

document (n.)文件 official document 正式文件;documentary (n.) 紀錄片

novel (n.)小說(adj.)新奇的 novelty (n.) 新奇事物;romantic novel 愛情小說;

novelist (n.) 小說家

phrase (n.)片語 pet phrase 口頭禪

symbol (n.)象徵 symbolize (v.) 象徵;a symbol of N 某物的象徵

charity (n.)慈善團體;慈善 charitable (adj.) 慈善的;charity performance 慈善義演


記憶點 似

b + oil (油)

camp (露營) + aign movement

de + spite in spite of



sp + read (閱讀) grow/increase

va + nish disappear

ban (禁止) + quet feast/dinner party

ca + sual informal

cere + mony ritual

o + cca + sion event/opportunity


do + cu + ment (n.) file

no + vel fiction


sym + bol sign

cha + ri + ty non-profit organization


Unit 44
片語 中文 用法 似

a great deal of 大量的 後接不可數名詞 a large amount of
above all 最重要的是 most importantly

according to 根據 to 為介係詞 based on
adapt to 調整;適應 to 為介係詞 accustom…to/adjust to

after all 畢竟

all at once 突然地 all of a sudden/suddenly
along with 伴隨著;連同 as well as/together with

around the corner 即將來臨;在附近 upcoming
as a whole 整體而言 by and large

as usual 像往常一樣

at first sight 第一眼 love at first sight 一見鍾情
at least 至少 反:at most 最多

at once 立刻 right away
at the expense of 以…為代價、犧牲

at times 有時候 every now and then/

once in a while/
from time to time

attribute to 把…歸因於 to 為介係詞
be about to 即將…快要 to 後加原形動詞 be going to

be accustomed to 習慣於 to 為介係詞 be used to N/Ving
be acquainted with 認識 know

be afraid of 害怕 fear

be all thumbs 笨手笨腳的 試比較:green thumb 園藝技能
be based on 以…為依據 according to

be conscious of 意識到;感覺到 be aware of
be familiar with sth 熟悉 試比較:sth be familiar to sb

be fed up with 感到厭煩 be tired of

be filled with 充滿 be full of
be innocent of 無辜的

be responsible for 為…負責
be similar to 相似於 to 為介係詞

be supposed to 應該 to 後加原形動詞 should

be tired of 厭煩 試比較:be tired from 因…疲累


片語 中文 用法 似
be worthy of 值得 be worth

before long 不久 soon after

break down 崩潰;出故障;分解
break into 闖入

break out 爆發;突然發生
break through 突破;強行穿過

break up with sb 分手 split up with sb

bring up sb/sth 養育;提出 raise
burn the midnight oil 熬夜 stay up

by accident 意外地 accidentally
by means of 藉著…方法或手段 by

by no means 絕不 in no way

by turns 輪流地
call off 取消 cancel

call on sb 拜訪 visit
care for 照料;喜歡 take care of

carry out 完成;實現 accomplish/achieve
change one's mind 改變心意

check in (飯店)入住 反:check out 退房

come across 偶然遇見 bump into/run into
come true 夢想成真 主詞為夢想等

count on 依靠 depend on/rely on

cut in 干涉;插嘴 interrupt
date back to 回溯到… to 為介係詞 be traced back to

day after day 日復一日
deprive sb. of 剝奪某人…

discourage...from 勸阻…不要…
do away with 停止;廢除

drop by 順道拜訪

drop out 退出;退學 dropout (n.) 退學者
end up 結束;以…收場 後加 Ving

expose to 暴露於 to 為介係詞 (常用被動式);
exposure (n.) 暴露

face to face 面對面

fall asleep 睡著 試比較:feel sleepy 想睡

片語 中文 用法 似
fall in love with sb 愛上某人

feel like 摸起來像…;想要… 後加 N/Ving

figure out 計算出;想出;理解
fill in 填寫 fill out

focus on 集中;聚焦於 concentrate on
fool around 遊手好閒

for fear of 以免

for lack of 因缺少
for the sake of 因…的緣故 because of

free from 不含 excluding
from now on 從現在起 in future

get along with sb 與…相處

get away 逃脫
get down to 開始認真做 to 為介係詞

get in touch with sb 與…聯絡 get in contact with sb
get off 下車 反:get on 上車

get one's own way 為所欲為
get rid of 擺脫

give away 贈送

give birth to 生(孩子、幼獸) to 為介係詞 bear
give in 投降;屈服 yield to N

give off 散發

give up 放棄 abandon
go after 追求;追逐 chase after

go ahead 去做吧
go out of one's way 特地

go over 仔細檢查;復習…瀏覽 browse through
go through 經歷 experience

go with 伴隨…;與…相配 match

grow up 成長
had better 最好 後加原形動詞

hand in 提交…繳交 submit

hand out 分發 distribute
hand over 交出

hang on 堅持;別掛斷電話 hold on

片語 中文 用法 似
hang up 掛斷(電話)

happen to 碰巧… to 後加原形動詞

keep an eye on 留意;留神
have difficulty 在…有困難 後加動名詞

have nothing to do with 與…無關 試比較:have something to do with 與…有關
hear from 收到…的消息 from 後加人;試比較:hear of 聽過

help oneself to 自己來… to 為介係詞

help sb out 幫助某人解決困難
hold back 克制

hold one's breath 屏息
how come 為何 後加 S + V why

in a good mood 心情好 試比較:(not) in the mood for… 沒…的心情

in a word 簡而言之 in one word/in short/in brief
in addition to 除了…之外 to 為介係詞 besides/aside from/apart from

in case of 萬一…發生
in charge of 負責;管理

in contact with sb 與…有聯繫 in touch with sb
in exchange for 作為…的交換

in low spirits 心情、興致低落

in one's way 擋在某人途中
in place of 代替;取代 replace

in regard to 關於 to 為介係詞 as to/as for/regarding

in the first place 最初 in the beginning
in time 及時 試比較:on time 準時

in turn 依次地;輪流地
instead of 代替;而不是… rather than

keep in mind 謹記 bear in mind
keep off 避開 avoid

keep on 繼續 continue

keep one's word 遵守諾言 keep sb's promise
keep up with 跟上…;趕上…

keep...from 防止 prevent…from

lay off 解僱 fire
leave sth/sb behind 忘記帶;遺留

leave for 前往 後加地點 head for/to

片語 中文 用法 似
let alone 更不用說 not to mention

long for 渴望 desire for

look down on 輕視 belittle
look forward to 盼望 to 為介係詞 expect

look up to 仰視;尊敬 to 為介係詞 respect
make a face 做鬼臉

make a living 謀生 earn a living

make believe 假裝 後接 S + V pretend
make fun of 嘲笑…;取笑… tease/laugh at

make up for 補償 compensate
make up one's mind 下決心 determine to V

meet sb halfway 與…妥協

more or less 多少有些 kind of
next to 緊鄰著;幾乎 to 為介係詞 by

not at all 一點也不 no in the least
object to 反對 to 為介係詞; be against

objection (n.) 反對
on account of 因為 owing to/due to/because of

on behalf of 代表 represent

on second thought 進一步考慮後 think twice
on the contrary 相反地 conversely

pass by 經過

pay back 償還;回報 return the favor
pay off 還清債務;有所回報

pick up 拾起;接電話;

point out 指出;指明 indicate
put off 拖延 postpone

put on 穿/戴上;噴(香水等)
put up 建造;張貼
put up with 忍受;忍耐 endure/stand

quarrel with sb 與…爭吵 argue with
quite a few 相當多 plenty of

refer to 談到;參考 to 為介係詞 mention
run out of 用完…;耗盡… use up


片語 中文 用法 似
search for 搜尋;尋找 look for/seek

set off 出發 hit the road

set up 建立;陷害 establish
settle down 定居下來

show off 炫耀
sooner or later 遲早

stand for 代表 represent

take a break 休息片刻 take a rest
take a chance 冒險;投機

take after 長得像 look like
take off 起飛;脫掉

take over 佔領;接管

tell...apart 分辨 distinguish…from
to and fro 來回地 back and forth

turn down 拒絕 refuse/reject
turn on 打開(電器) 反:turn off 關閉(電器) switch on

turn out 結果是
at the age of 在…歲時 at age +數字

up-to-date 最新的 state-of-the-art

up to now 到目前為止 until now
upside down 上下顛倒;亂七八糟 試比較:inside out


wait for 等待、等候某人 await
watch out 小心! look out

wear out 使破舊;使筋疲力盡 exhaust/tire
with a view to 為了 to 為介係詞 with an eye to Ving/

in order to V/so as to V
work out 想出;鍛鍊身體

come up with 想出

run in trouble 陷入麻煩 run-ran-run get in trouble
learn…by heart 牢記 bear…in mind

in place of 代替 take the place of/replace
for the time being 暫時 for now/for the moment


Unit 43

(一) 單字拼寫

1. 非正式的 c l 2. 儘管 d e 3. 片語 p e

4. 文章 a e 5. 沸騰 b l 6. 場合 o n

(二) 選擇題

1. In Taiwan, Jay Chou(周杰倫)is such a well-known singer that almost every teenager has heard
about him.

(A) creative (B) famous (C) high (D) wild 107

2. Global warming makes it easier for diseases which are carried by insects to ______ to new areas and
infect more people.

(A) improve (B) reduce (C) point (D) spread 105

3. A relief team rescued 500 villagers from mudslides caused by the typhoon, but there were still five

people who ______ into thin air and were never seen again.
(A) transformed (B) survived (C) explored (D) vanished 101

4. In Taiwan, some high school uniforms are symbols of excellence and honor.

(A) presents (B) fashions (C) signs (D) restrictions 98
5. May’s room is clean and tidy. In contrast, her brother’s room is a ______.

(A) mass (B) miss (C) mess (D) math 98

6. If you don’t want to put on more ______, you should eat less and take more exercise.

(A) treasure (B) weight (C) food (D) body 95
7. What Jack said at his wedding ______ touched the bride and all the people there.

(A) ceremony (B) campaign (C) charity (D) article

8. The rich man donates large amounts of money to ______ frequently, which wins people’s praise.
(A) charity (B) symbol (C) document (D) fame

9. Mark’s English is so good that he can finish reading an English ______ just in one night.

(A) banquet (B) novel (C) mess (D) phrase
10. The dove is a ______ of peace while the heart shape stands for love.

(A) document (B) article (C) loss (D) symbol

答案 單字 Quizlet

單字拼寫:1. casual 2. despite 3. phrase 4. article 5. boil 6. occasion
選 擇 題:1~5 BDDCC 6~10 BAABD


Unit 44
1. Even though Nancy is busy at work, she still goes fishing from time to time on weekends.
(A) always (B) generally (C) sometimes (D) usually 108

2. About fifty-three thousand people die in the United States each year as a result of ______ to secondhand

(A) apology (B) disguise (C) exposure (D) temptation 105
3. The discussions of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement in the Legislative Yuan provoked domestic

objections, which started the Sunflower Movement.

(A) openings (B) opportunities (C) disagreements (D) discoveries 104
4. As airplane pilots fly for many long hours, they are ______ for the safety of hundreds of people on

(A) understandable (B) changeable (C) believable (D) responsible 99

5. After four attempts, Mike finally passed his driving test and started to drive happily to work right away.
(A) obviously (B) apparently (C) immediately (D) eventually 95

6. You’ve used up all the excuses. Can’t you come up with a better one?
(A) watch out (B) go after (C) live with (D) think of 95

7. John ran into ______ when he tried to expand his new business too quickly.
(A) stock (B) trouble (C) market (D) floor 94

8. I usually have a busy schedule, but once in a while I spend a few days in the mountains.
(A) always (B) later (C) early (D) sometimes 93

9. I haven’t ______ my brother since he moved to China last year.
(A) touched down (B) seen out (C) looked down (D) heard from 92

10. A fire ______ in the hospital last night and killed 24 people.
(A) broke up (B) broke out (C) broke over (D) broke through 92

11. He has an excellent memory; he can easily learn every name in this book ______.
(A) by heart (B) by nose C) by way (D) by means 92

12. What the reporter said was a complete lie. I have never even heard of that man, ______ gone out with

(A) sit alone (B) let alone (C) keep out (D) fall out 92

13. Judy does not like to attend Bill’s birthday party, so she asked me to go ______ her.
(A) in place of (B) at the risk of (C) in addition to (D) in connection wit 92

14. Because of poor money management, the company was ______ by a large firm last year.
(A) taken over (B) put on (C) run over (D) composed of 92

15. Tom hates to be alone, and he would like to ______ and have a family.
(A) wear out (B) settle down (C) sit up (D) throw away 92

16. I invited her to my birthday party, but she ______. I felt disappointed.
(A) heard from me (B) backed me up (C) turned me down (D) put up with me 91


17. The history of this country can ______ the Stone Age.
(A) keep up with (B) date back to (C) go in for (D) look down upon 91

18. Mary had to ______ the time she missed in school when she was sick.
(A) come down with (B) run out of (C) make up for (D) break in on 91

19. With her brown hair and blue eyes, Patricia seems to ______ her mother.
(A) look into (B) care for (C) take after (D) depend on 91

20. Her parents disapproved of her marriage to Tom, but they went to the wedding ______.

(A) at all (B) after all (C) above all (D) in all 91
21. In “The Lord of the Rings,” the rings ______ evil magic. They represent destructive power.
(A) stand for (B) check in (C) go through (D) happen to 91

22. It is suggested by the workers in the zoo that it is best to call on the bears at an early hour when they are

most active.
(A) play (B) shower (C) offer (D) visit 90

23. Thank you for applying for the position of assistant manager currently available in our company, and the
secretary will get in touch with you thereafter.

(A) report (B) watch (C) charge (D) contact 90
24. It takes the software company one month to ______ how to fight the PC virus which attacks personal

computers through e-mails.
(A) figure out (B) make up (C) appeal to (D) set up 90

25. It is easier to make plans than to ______, so getting things done is as important as planning in advance.
(A) break them down (B) make them up (C) pay them off (D) carry them out 90

26. The little sister and her elder sister look so much alike that the neighbors can hardly ______.

(A) fool them around (B) tell them apart (C) check them up (D) work them out 90
27. The author said she ______ inspiration and couldn’t continue writing anymore.
(A) watched out (B) stood for (C) ran out of (D) wore out

28. Sophia ______ the new ring her husband had bought for her in front of her friends.

(A) worked out (B) came up with (C) laid off (D) showed off
29. Everyone ______ my new haircut, which made me so depressed.

(A) made fun of (B) set up (C) adapted to (D) settled down
30. Thank you for ______ my grammatical mistakes in my composition.

(A) leaving for (B) pointing out (C) letting alone (D) waiting for

答案 單字 Quizlet

選 擇 題: 1~5 CCCDC 6~10 DBDDB 11~15 ABAAB
16~20 CBCCB 21~25 ADDAD 26~30 BCDAB


Chapter 2


Ⅰ. 填充

1. 熟悉單字(長度短或中間長度的單字易成為填充題目,如:gesture)

2. 留意空格前是否有特殊動詞,因為會影響答案(如:avoid + Ving)
3. 注意名詞單複數與動詞的時態變化(elections;exploded)

◆哈利波特系列已經獲得國際關注,而且在很多國家出版。 (106)
The Harry Potter series has gained i ① attention, and has also been published in many c ② .
解析:答案 international; countries。很多考生會忽略名詞 countries 字尾的變化。

◆為了保持健美,我姊姊每週在健身房運動兩次。 (107)
To keep fit, my sister w ① out at the gym t ② a week.
解析:答案 works; twice。很多考生會忽略動詞 works 字尾的變化,因為「每週…兩次」為一
個平常習慣,用現在簡單式,主詞又為第三人稱單數,因此,動詞字尾需加 s。

Ⅱ. 句子重組


1. 標記詞性 (S;n;v;adj;adv;prep;地點;時間等等) 。
2. 修飾原則 (請參考文法句型 Unit 1) 。
3. 兩兩合併 (依據詞性修飾原則或特殊句型,兩兩先合併) 。
4. 檢查語意與文法。

◆ common complaints / The employees / about poor service / to handle / were trained (106)
解析:common complaints / The employees / about poor service / to handle / were trained
N S 介 + N to V V

主 詞 + 動詞 :The employees were trained
及物動詞 + N :to handle common complaints
被 動 式 + to V :were trained to handle

 The employees were trained to handle common complaints about poor service.

◆ in the economy / All governments / due to / predicted a decline / the COVID-19 pandemic (110)
解析:in the economy / All governments / due to / predicted a decline / the COVID-19 pandemic
prep + N S prep V N

主 詞 + 動 詞 :All governments predicted a decline
介係詞 + N/Ving :due to the COVID-19 pandemic

 All governments predicted a decline in the economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ⅲ. 中譯英

1. 分析中文(將主詞、動詞、形容詞、片語、句型等先標出)。

2. 判斷時態(根據中文語意並參考文法句型 Unit 3,邏輯判斷該句時態)。
3. 書寫(翻譯時,請留意是否有特殊句型);若為直述句,通常會以:主詞 + 動詞 + 副詞 + 地
點 + 時間(口訣:主動付點錢)的順序來排列,但副詞位置比較彈性,會依強調功能,而置

4. 檢查再檢查。


◆我的同學們正在討論如何節約能源。 (107)
解析:我的同學們 正在討論 如何節約能源
S V(現在進行式) Wh- + to V
 My classmates are discussing how to conserve/save energy.

◆我表姊邀請我去參加她的婚禮。 (109)
解析:我表姊 邀請 我 去參加 她的婚禮
S V(過去式) 受詞 V N

 My cousin invited me to attend her wedding.


Chapter 3


Unit 1

1. 基本修飾

 形容詞修飾名詞:beautiful girl;something strange(後位修飾)

 副詞修飾形容詞/副詞/動詞:very beautiful;very quickly;eat quickly
 及物動詞 + 受詞:enjoy dinner

 不及物動詞 + 介係詞 + 受詞:look at me
 可數單數名詞:a tree;an egg(非限定);the/my pet(限定)

 可數複數名詞:trees;buses
 所有格 + 名詞/動名詞:his cup;her singing

 助動詞 + 原形動詞:can do it

 表目的的 to + 原形動詞:sit down to rest
 介係詞 + 名詞或動名詞:with a key;by using a key

 連接詞 S + V, S + V:If it rains, it’ll be good.

 名詞功能當主詞:it, a chair, swimming, to swim, what to eat, what you eat…
 主要動詞會依時態而變化:teaches, is eating, digged, has slept, had arrived…

重 組:the government / controlling air pollution / Many people / didn’t do a good job in /
complained that (107)

中翻英:我們應該養成良好的閱讀習慣。 (105)


Many people complained that the government didn’t do a good job in controlling air pollution.
We should develop good reading habits.

2. 主詞動詞一致性

★ 動名詞(Ving)與不定詞(to V)當主詞時,視為一件事,因此為「單數」
To be an artist is my dream.

Being a good teacher is not easy.

★ N + to V 當主詞時,重點為 N,to V 是用來修飾 N,因此主詞單複數要以 N 決定
The Leo’s ability to read words was lost.
Leo 識字的能力消失了。
★ N + of + N 當主詞時,重點為第一個 N,因此主詞單複數要以第一個 N 決定

News of the serious train accident in Hualien spread like wildfire.

★數量詞 + of + N 當主詞時,重點為 N,因此主詞單複數要以 N 決定
常見數量詞有:all, most, plenty, a lot, some, half, the rest 等等。

Half of my money was stolen.

Some of the flowers were dead.

★N + with N 當主詞時,重點為第一個 N,with N 是用來修飾第一個 N,因此主詞單複數要以
第一個 N 決定

The TV host with a good sense of humor always makes everyone laugh hard.

★N + 地點片語 當主詞時,重點為 N,地點片語是用來修飾 N,因此主詞單複數要以 N 決定
Most people in this village are hard-working.

★N, 同位格, 當主詞時,重點為 N,而非同位格,因此主詞單複數要以第一個 N 決定

Mr. Wang, a successful businessman in Taiwan, donates lots of money to charity.

★N, such as N, 當主詞時,重點為 N,而非 such as 舉例的例子,因此主詞單複數要以第一個
N 決定
Seafood, such as fish and shrimps, is my favorite food.


★先行詞(N)+ 主格關代, 當主詞時,重點為先行詞,因此關代內的句子主詞單複數要以先
People who take exercise regularly and have balanced diets are usually healthier.

★名詞子句 當主詞時,視為一件事,因此為「單數」

Whether the game will be held or not depends on the weather.

★名詞片語 當主詞時,視為一件事,因此為「單數」
How to solve this math question has troubled us.

★Not only A but also B; Either A or B; Neither A nor B 當主詞時,動詞的單複數要以靠近動詞

的主詞(即 B)決定


Either Amy or you have to make the final decision.
不是 Amy 就是你必須做最終決定。

重 組:are / and beautiful / The fireworks / both creative / in the sky


The fireworks in the sky are both creative and beautiful.
The results of the experiment show that negative thinking affects people’s health.

3. 主被動
說明:主詞能 “主動” 執行動詞的動作,即為主動句,公式為:S + V;反之,則為被動句,公式為:
be + P.P. + by 行為者。be 動詞會因時態而變化:現在式(is/are);過去式(was/were);未來

式(will be);現在完成式(have been /has been);過去完成式(had been)。而當行為者不明、
表客觀或不重要時,「by + 行為者」可省略。另外,被動式後若接第二個動詞,通常用不定

主動句:Ken broke my smartphone. Ken 弄壞我的手機。

 被動句:My smartphone was broken by Ken. 我的手機被 Ken 弄壞。

例句:The meeting will be canceled. 這會議遭取消了。(省略 by + 行為者)
The door was closed to keep our dog from getting away. 這扇門關上以免小狗跑出去。

重 組:common complaints / The employees / about poor service / to handle / were trained (106)


The employees were trained to handle common complaints about poor service.
A drowning man was rescued by the lifeguard in time.


Unit 2

1. 使役動詞

語氣由強至弱分別為 make(迫)> have(叫)> let(讓)。用法茲以例句說明:

(1) My sister made/had/let me clean her room. 我姐姐要我幫她打掃房間。

(受詞 me 與後面動詞 clean 為主動關係,故用原形動詞)

(2) Father made/had the car fixed yesterday. 爸爸昨天去修理車子。
(受詞 the car 與後面動詞 fix 為被動關係,故用過去分詞 P.P.)

(3) Let the man be saved. 救救這男子吧。
(受詞 the man 與後面動詞 save 為被動關係,需用 be + 過去分詞 P.P.,


(4) Kevin made us angry/ the robot a great helper. Kevin 使我們生氣/讓這機器人成為好幫手
(make 有個額外用法:接完名詞後,可用形容詞 angry 或另一個名詞 a great helper 來修

飾第一個名詞 the robot)
(5) Mom got me to buy some eggs/the laundry done. 媽媽要我去買些雞蛋/洗衣服。

(另外,get 亦有使役動詞的類似意思,但用法上稍稍不同,主動用 to V;

被動用過去分詞 P.P.)

重 組:point out the animals / had / Mr. Yang / with correct English names / his students

中翻英:警衛要 Jack 在進辦公室前,把香菸熄掉。 (make…)

Mr. Yang had his students point out the animals with correct English names.

The guard made Jack put out his cigarette before he entered the office.

2. 感官動詞

說明:「感官動詞」是由五官去感受周遭人事物的動詞,共分為:see, watch, look at(三看);
hear, listen to(兩聽);smell(聞);notice(注意);feel(感覺)等。用法茲以例句說明:
(1) I heard Mia sing in the bathroom. 我聽到 Mia 在浴室唱歌。

(受詞 Mia 與後面動詞 sing 為主動關係且強調事實,用原形動詞)


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