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Published by LAM YAN CI, 2024-04-25 01:36:50



第四章:活力大學 144 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 教育系 Department of Education 畢業生學習成果展。 Graduation Exhibition.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 145 教具分享會。Student Works Showcase. 關愛特殊兒童活動。 Caring activities for special children.

第四章:活力大學 146 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 教育與教學國際研討會。International Conference on Education and Teaching.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 147 輔導與咨商心理學系 Department of Guidance & Counselling Psychology 全國中學生同儕輔導營。 National High School Peer Counsellor Training Camp. 學生參觀孝恩集團。Student visit to Xiao En Group.

第四章:活力大學 148 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 富貴生命館“生命樂章之旅”。Nirvana Centre Kuala Lumpur’s “Rhyme of Life Tour”. 課堂師生合照。Group photo of lecturers and students. 學生展覽。 Student exhibition.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 149 東南亞學系 Department of Southeast Asian Studies 學術講座。 Academic lectures.

第四章:活力大學 150 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 會計、管理与經濟學院 Faculty of Accountancy, Management and Economics 商學系 Department of Business 金融与會計系 Department of Finance & Accounting 學術講座。 Academic lectures. 學生活動。 Student activities. 迎新晚會。Orientation party. 躲避球比賽。Dodgeball competition.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 151 人才招聘會、學術講座。 Job fair and academic lectures.

第四章:活力大學 152 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 電腦科學與資訊科技學院 Faculty of Computer Science and Information Computing Technology 資訊科技系 Department of Information Computing Technology 賽事活動、技術合作與培訓。 Competition, technical collaboration, and training.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 153

第四章:活力大學 154 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 媒體傳播與影視演藝學院 Faculty of Communication, Cinematic and Performing Arts 戲劇與影像系 Department of Drama & Visuals 《三個小孩》演出劇照。 Performance stills from “Three Children”. 《我要上天的那一晚》演出劇照。 Performance stills from “The Day I Met the Prince” . 《米狄亞》演出劇照。 Performance stills from “MEDEA” .

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 155 巴生濱華中學師生來訪,進行器材展示。 Equipment exhibition for visiting teachers and students from Pin Hwa High School. 戲影系導播隊現場直播攝制“馬來西亞日暨中秋園遊會 2.0”。 On-site live broadcast and filming by the Drama and Visuals Production Team at the “Sambutan Hari Malaysia dan Pesta Tanglung Muhibah 2.0”.

第四章:活力大學 156 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 黑箱劇場排演活動。Rehearsal activities at the Black Box Theatre. 影像組畢業制作短片拍攝幕後工作照。 Behind-the-scenes photos of the video production team during the graduation film project.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 157 2021 Vivo X 新紀元大學學院戲影系微電影拍攝合作計劃。 2021 Vivo X NEUC Department of Drama and Visuals Microfilm Production Collaboration. 舞台劇《疫爆》因疫情關系轉為拍攝影片並於線上演出。 Stage play “The Outbreak” was adapted into a film and streamed online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

第四章:活力大學 158 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 媒体研究系 Department of Media Studies “你配嗎?”配音比賽錄音情景。Dubbing competition recording session. 中學生來訪,媒體研究系學生展示攝影器材。 Equipment exhibition for visiting teachers and students from high schools.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 159 “媒玩媒了”數碼媒體生活營活動照。 “Endless” Digital Media Camp.

第四章:活力大學 160 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 公關實務活動。 PR Campaign.

Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 第四章:活力大學 161 美術與設計學院 Faculty of Art & Design 美術與設計系 Department of Art & Design 畢業展。Graduation showcase.

第四章:活力大學 162 Chapter 4: A Vibrant Campus 陶藝工作坊。Pottery Workshop.

163 第四章:活力大學 第三節  系列活動,共迎二五   2023年,新紀元大學學院滿25歲啦!為感念廿五載征程,也為躍升新高峰作準 備,本校以“念吾初衷,躍升新峰”為主題,展開全年系列活動,並於25周年校慶序 幕儀式為校慶系列活動拉開帷幕。   全體嘉賓、教職員、學生在本校草場排成“25”字形,高聲誦唱校歌、放飛象征新 紀元校徽的四色氣球,願新紀元大學學院秉承初衷,躍升新峰。   校長莫順宗教授在會上作“新紀元25周年慶成果匯報”,報告內容包括本校25年 來培養的學生人數與新增人數、新學院與中心創設、校園裝置與美化、校園擴張與建 設、國際交流與合作、學生關懷與福利、活力校園企劃等。此外,莫順宗校長更冀望 新紀元本地與國際招生成績往後能更上一層樓,打造一所更多元及國際化的大學。同 時,國際教育學院院長鄭詩儐副教授也向出席者匯報全年系列活動企劃,並誠摯邀請 各界人士屆時蒞臨各項活動,一同見證本校的重要時刻。 2023.01.03 25周年校慶序幕儀式

第四章:活力大學 164 掃碼回顧精彩瞬間

165 第四章:活力大學   為配合25周年校慶,本校舉辦新春團拜暨“華教新格局”報告會,約400人共襄盛 舉。新春團拜首先以加影育華舞獅團瑞獅采青,與現場眾貴賓見證春節的歡愉,寓意 著瑞氣喜臨門,華教掀新局。農業及糧食安全部部長拿督斯裏莫哈末沙布、董教總教 育中心(非營利)有限公司董事部主席葉新田博士、本校理事會主席葉觀生院士與現 場60多位受邀貴賓在一片歡愉的笑聲中齊齊撈生慶喜,同賀新春。南大教育與研究基 金會執行董事林忠強教授、馬來西亞華校董事聯合會總會主席陳大錦、馬來西亞華社 研究中心董事主席姚迪剛及董教總教育中心有限公司副義務秘書饒仁毅律師在“華教 新格局”報告會上共同探索華文教育的未來如何在國內華人社會重要組織的帶領下, 共享資源並開拓新局面。 2023.02.19 新春團拜暨“華教新格局”報告會

第四章:活力大學 166

167 第四章:活力大學   本校舉辦的“加影社區義走”獲各界人士、教職員生踴躍支持。義走路線全長5公 裏,以本校草場為起點及終點,有“始於新紀元,終於新紀元”的寓意。當天,共200 余名來自各界的參與者與新紀元並肩同行,他們不僅展現了堅毅的運動精神,也為華 文教育的建設貢獻了力量。義走所籌集的資金將全額納入本校建設與發展基金。 2023.04.16加影社區義走

第四章:活力大學 168

169 第四章:活力大學   為協助舒緩華文學習資源不足的問題,鼓勵中學生愛華文、考華文,使學生領略 中文之實用與趣味,由本校發起,與《星洲日報》《學海》《愛華文》工委會、馬 來西亞中學華文教師聯誼會、雪州中學華文教師聯誼會與藝青出版社聯辦線上授課 的“2023全國SPM樂學華文班”除了邀來教學資歷深厚的華文老師坐鎮華文班,主辦 單位也策劃了傳統與創新兼備的與中華文化相關的樂趣文化課,讓報名的中學生從中 收獲不一樣的學習華文的新感受。自2023年4月14日開課以來,已迎來逾4000名中學生 報名。 2023.04.14-2024.01.12 2023全國SPM樂學華文班

第四章:活力大學 170 學生筆記與作品。

171 第四章:活力大學   時光荏苒,歲月如梭,新紀元大學學院自1998年創校至今已然過去25個年頭。從南 洋大學、獨立大學到新紀元大學學院,眾多華教先賢以自身經歷向我們揭示在馬來西 亞發展與推廣華文教育的艱辛和不易,更讓我們體會到新紀元在這25年來披荊斬棘, 茁壯成長的可貴。為慶祝創校25周年,本校舉辦“念吾初衷·躍升新峰”25周年校慶 儀式暨午宴,共500人共襄盛舉。 2023.05.20 25周年校慶儀式暨午宴

第四章:活力大學 172

173 第四章:活力大學   由本校主辦,吉隆坡中國文化中心及雪州中學華文教師聯誼會聯辦的第20屆東南亞 中學生《楊靖耀中華文化營》主題為“大匠躍新”,共吸引了約250位來自全國各地的 中學生參與。“大匠”一詞代表中華文化代代相傳,見證前人發揚中華文化之堅韌精 神,同時也警示後人以耐心、堅持的心態承接中華文化的薪火。“躍新”則是全體工 委的冀望,期盼文化營能夠躍升新峰。中華文化的宣導不再只停留於表面,而是通過 切身體驗來加強營員的文化認知與傳承意識。中華文化被歸入五個感官中,即味覺、 嗅覺、視覺、聽覺和味覺,營員們按照五感漸序體驗及參與活動,深度體驗與學習中 華文化,包括臉譜彩繪、茶藝、制作石磨麻薯、戲曲、武舞、華樂等傳統文化活動。 2023.05.28-31 東南亞中學生《楊靖耀中華文化營》

第四章:活力大學 174

175 第四章:活力大學  為配合本校25周年校慶,再創學術新高峰,新紀元大學學院聯合澳洲馬新學會舉辦 2023年澳洲馬新學會研討會,並獲澳大利亞駐馬來西亞高級專員公署讚助。該研討會 旨在深入探討馬來西亞建國60周年在國家、區域和國際關系背景下的重要議題。該會 共辦3場主題演講及20個專題討論場次。講者及論文發表者包括來自澳洲、馬來西亞、 新加坡以及其他地區的近百名學者。活動媒介語包括英語、馬來語和華語,以促進跨 國及跨文化交流合作。 2023.07.07-08 澳洲馬新學會研討會 “馬來西亞,何去何從? 馬來西亞建國60年的過去、現在和未來表征”

第四章:活力大學 176

177 第四章:活力大學   新紀元大學學院主辦的“伊斯蘭、馬來與中華文明在東南亞的交融研討會 (Persidangan Interaksi Antara Tamadun Islam, Melayu Dan Tionghoa Di Asia Tenggara)”, 共在253位參與者的見證下,宣布設立全馬首個多元族群互動與交流中心。此會是本校 首度以國語舉辦的學術活動,邀請了30名分別來自馬來西亞、日本、沙地阿拉伯、中 國、英國等地的學者從學術角度,探討文明之間的啟發互動和共同遺產,同時,深入 展示伊斯蘭、馬來和中華文明之間的研究成果,向公眾分享東南亞地區文化多樣性帶 來的社會互動,促進人們建構關於文化與文明的哲學和思維深度。   首相拿督斯裏安華表示,此會標志著族群間的努力,體現出相互理解和尊重的特 質,是一個充滿多元文化地區歷史的重要歷程碑,我們有機會深入探討伊斯蘭、馬來 和中華文明在東南亞的多元交互。通過研究它們之間的關系,可以獲得幾個世紀以來 發生的歷史、社會、經濟和藝術交流的見解,從而欣賞族群間的共同價值觀、相互尊 重並保持著這份努力,推進這個充滿能量的東南亞文化遺產。 2023.09.16-17 “伊斯蘭、馬來與中華文明 在東南亞的交融”研討會

第四章:活力大學 178

179 第四章:活力大學 2023.09.29 “傳心聚圓”中秋園遊會 2023.10.28 加影社區嘉年華   秋風送爽,明月當空,本校於中秋節當天舉辦“傳心聚圓”中秋園遊會。“傳心” 意味新紀元大學學院以心傳心,跨越校園圍墻,將傳統中華文化、華教精神傳遞到社 區,讓更多人通過歡慶佳節更了解新紀元的歷史與辦學氛圍。  適逢新紀元大學學院25周年校慶,本校舉辦義賣嘉年華籌募建設與發展基金,擴充 校舍,成就理想教育。活動當日也是秋季畢業典禮,吸引眾多畢業生家長和社區民眾 到場共襄盛舉,為我校建設和華教事業添磚加瓦。

第四章:活力大學 180 2023.11.17-18 吉隆坡世界華文教育論壇 2023.11.19 新紀元大學學院原創歌曲發表會暨 起飛慈善售票演唱會 未來活動

181 第四章:活力大學 2023.11.19 25周年校慶晚宴 2023.12.18-22 中文系人的一周課


183 Preface Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd O ver the past quarter-century, New Era University College has encountered numerous challenges on its journey to its current size. The Chinese educational system demands a comprehensive approach spanning primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. NEUC emerged from the aspirations of Nanyang University and Merdeka University, commencing its early days in a classroom converted from a shipping container. Through incremental steps, it has now reached a pivotal stage of development. Our current student body comprises 3,700 individuals, and it includes diploma, undergraduates, and Master’s degree holders, with an additional 500 international students alongside local students. As we advance towards the growth of a thriving Chinese university, NEUC continues to make consistent progress, and our path is becoming increasingly defined. To achieve our development goals, expanding and enhancing the conditions and facilities of our existing campus is imperative. After 25 years, NEUC stands at a turning point in its history. To realise the ideals of Chinese education, we must summon greater courage and broader vision. We have diligently worked towards a more ambitious era for Chinese education and are eagerly anticipating its arrival. Blessedly, we are fortunate to have a professional and dedicated team that fearlessly faces challenges and adversity. Here, we extend our gratitude to all those who have stood by us through thick and thin and have contributed to our journey. We firmly believe that the ongoing development is the path forward for Chinese education. The next era is on the horizon, and we are fully prepared. We eagerly invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Mr. Lim Joo

Preface 184 Chairman of the Board of Governors, New Era University College C hinese-language universities in Malaysia and Singapore have consistently navigated a challenging path, pushing against the currents of adversity. From its origins as Nanyang University to its transformation into Merdeka University, this journey has been marked by unceasing trials and hardships. Despite setbacks, we have steadfastly advanced, and New Era University College was ushered in 25 years ago. New Era University College holds great promise for the Chinese education sector and the Chinese community. We anticipate that NEUC will continue its legacy and realise the aspirations left incomplete by Nanyang University and Merdeka University. In 2013, we named the NEUC Library in honour of Mr. Tan Lark Sye, a testament to NEUC’s commitment to the traditions of Chinese-language universites. Fast forward ten years, as NEUC approaches its 25th Anniversary, we are taking another significant step forward by proposing the construction of the “Nantah Building.” This endeavour aims to enhance and upgrade the facilities and space necessary for NEUC’s teaching, research, and activities. Throughout this journey, we remain steadfast in our commitment to the ideals and sentiments of Chinese education. As an alumni of Nanyang University, I take personal pride in this accomplishment. It reflects our shared ambition, and the years we spent at Nanyang University have etched enduring memories in our hearts. NEUC’s “Nantah Building” is an extension of the Nanyang University spirit and a concrete manifestation of our unwavering dedication, a path we have no regrets in following. As NEUC celebrates its 25th Anniversary, we reflect on the road we have travelled, remembering the people, events, and sentiments that have shaped our journey. Simultaneously, we look forward to the future with a keen sense of duty, responsibility, and mission, unwavering in our commitment to our ancestors, our descendants, and our ultimate purpose. Fellow, Dr. Yap Kon Sang

185 Preface O n this journey of ours, we have experienced both challenges and joys, weathered storms and witnessed rainbows, with no single moment being the absolute best or worst. From the beginning to the end, what has remained constant are our original purpose and our ideals. We find happiness in sharing not only the joys, but also the pains and the struggles along the way. This is the path we have followed towards a new era. Over the past 25 years, our evolution from a college to a university college, offering programmes ranging from diploma courses to joint dual-degree courses and undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees. All these are easier said than done. These years have been marked by endless dedication and boundless hopes. Looking back, it was like a long night. But now, we are eagerly awaiting the dawn and the brightness it will bring. In 2023, NEUC celebrates its 25th Anniversary, with the first doctoral graduates walking the graduation red carpet, illuminating the school’s success. We extend our gratitude to all those who have contributed to making this journey a reality. Thank you for believing in NEUC and for helping us achieve this phase of our goals and endeavours. Our next destination holds the promise of a new era. With our mission, ideals, and traditions as our guiding stars, we continue to ascend to new heights. We maintain a steadfast belief that growth and success will always be part of our journey. NEUC’s path in Chinese language tertiary education has reached this stage, aligning perfectly with the opportunities of a new era. After years of waiting and unwavering determination, our moment has arrived, marking the time that belongs to NEUC. Time is of the essence, and opportunities should not be missed. As the old and new eras seamlessly intertwine, we eagerly anticipate the next 25 years. This time, we are more confident, experienced, and resolute, brimming with ambition and maintaining steady progress. We look forward to seeing you at the next juncture of our journey, with bright eyes and high aspirations, as we come together once more to create another chapter in our new era. Vice-Chancellor of New Era University College Professor Dr. Mok Soon Chong

Preface 186 T wenty-five years may not possess the grandeur of a century, but the two-and-a-half decades of weathering countless storms and challenges is undeniably moving in and of itself. What we aim to document is the narrative of growth within this twenty-five-year-old university during these five years. We invite you to witness our journey of maturation. Can you recall your twenty-five-year-old self? At twenty-five, we were still relatively youthful, occasionally displaying hints of precociousness. We dreamt of ideals that could be realised and nurtured aspirations that appeared out of reach. We all shared the common desire to grow and had put forth earnest efforts towards that goal. Being a university at twenty-five is no different. Youth brings tears, discomfort, and trials, but it is also filled with passion, joy, and positivity. We wish for every individual, whether leaving these grounds or just entering, to grow alongside us and thrive. With love and dedication, we aim to dissolve all unkindness and animosity, fostering a charismatic youth we can all look forward to. For our book, we’ve chosen the theme “Gazing on Mount Tai” drawn from Du Fu’s renowned poem: O peak of peaks, how high it stands! One boundless green o’erspreads two States. A marvel done by Nature’s hands, O’er light and shade it dominates. Clouds rise therefrom and lave my breast; My eyes are strained to see birds fleet. Try to ascend the mountain’s crest: It dwarfs all peaks under our feet. (Translated by: 許淵沖) Editor-in-Chief of 25th Anniversary Commemorative Publication Associate Professor Dr. Tey Shi Bin

187 Preface In the realm of Malaysian tertiary education, we may not be considered a large university. However, we possess high ideals, grand ambitions, and the infinite desire to soar. We aspire for NEUC to craft another illustrious twenty-five years and to conquer loftier, greener peaks. At twenty-five years old, we wish for you to remain young forever, eternally filled with vitality, regardless of the amount of twenty-five-year-old increments that may follow.

Metamorphosis: Holding on to Tradition & Reform and Development Over the past five years, New Era University College has accumulated a wealth of experience in academic and administrative development. It has gone from strength to strength, with rising enrolment in all faculties and departments in addition to a thriving campus. Moreover, 2023 will see the inauguration of our first Ph.D. graduates. In the spirit of Nanyang University and Merdeka University, we have fulfilled the expectations and dreams of the Chinese community in Malaysia to establish an university of higher education. Without forgetting our initial goals, we will ride on the waves of innovation and creativity and continue to reform and break through with this conviction. Whether it is the pre-pandemic norm or the post-pandemic new norm, NEUC is on the path of industry, academia, and research, actively expanding international cooperation while bridging our relationship with the local community. We are walking on a firm pace of progress and development, pushing us all the way towards a new era.   Remembering emembering My Initial Goals y Initial Goals Chapter 1

189 Chapter 1: Remembering My Initial Goals Section I New Era University College: Our Story N ew Era University College (NEUC) is a non-profit, private university college in Malaysia that was established in 1997, following the closure of Nanyang University in Singapore in 1980. Its establishment was made possible through extensive efforts and steadfast support from the Chinese community.   NEUC is one of the few non-profit universities in Malaysia. In 2016, NEUC was granted University College status by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. This has enabled NEUC to offer its own undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. All courses NEUC provides are approved by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). NEUC currently has nine faculties including the Institute of International Education; the Graduate School; Arts and Social Sciences; Art and Design; Communication, Cinematic and Performing Arts; Accountancy, Management and Economics; Computer Science and Information Computing Technology; the Institute of Ageing and Professional Care; and Health, Safety, Security and Environment. In addition, the Institute of Vocational and Continuing Education is one of the centres authorised by the Ministry of Human Resources (PSMD, HRDF) to offer the “Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM)” as well as to conduct professional courses in technical occupations.   NEUC offers a diverse range of programmes, encompassing both research-based and coursework-based approaches. This highlights its distinctive position within the national educational landscape. Notably, in alignment with the Belt and Road Initiative and to promote China-ASEAN exchange and development by the President of China, NEUC has established specialised Master’s and Ph.D. programs in ASEAN Studies (curretly known as Southeast Asia Studies) and Chinese Studies, specifically catering to the Greater China region. These programmes aim to foster an increasing number of experts in China and Southeast Asia who can effectively facilitate comprehensive collaborations between the two regions across various domains. Furthermore, the Faculty of Accountancy, Management, and Economics has entered into a collaborative partnership with Wrexham University (formerly known as Glyndwr University) in the United Kingdom, offering a joint dualdegree programme since 2018. Moreover, the Department of Education has introduced the sole Bachelor of Education programme in Malaysia with a specific focus on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Additionally, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature offers a wide array of research areas, including China Studies , and Local and Southeast Asia Chinese Studies. This has

Chapter 1: Remembering My Initial Goals 190 garnered considerable recognition for the department’s exceptional scholarly expertise. In this regard, NEUC stands as one of the foremost Chinese-language universities in the world, attracting a significant number of scholars specialising in Chinese studies and individuals with extensive knowledge of China. Among them, there are researchers conducting studies in English as well as publishing their research in Chinese.   In recent years, NEUC has experienced a surge in popularity among both domestic and international students. Notably, there was a remarkable increase in enrolment by 51% in the number of local students in 2018, signifying a significant growth trend. This exceptional performance continued to 2022, with a growth rate of 1.18 times, further solidifying NEUC’s outstanding reputation and earning it the prestigious “Sin Chew Education Award” within the local educational landscape. In terms of international student recruitment, NEUC has also achieved remarkable success. Since obtaining accreditation from the China Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) and China’s JSJ Study Abroad Network in May 2020, the college has successfully attracted over 500 students from diverse countries such as China, the United States, Indonesia, India, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. Furthermore, NEUC actively engages in collaboration with more than 160 universities worldwide, establishing cooperative partnerships through the signing of memoranda of understanding. The collective achievements of NEUC underscored its remarkable success and recognition within the realm of Chinese education.   Professor Dr. Mok Soon Chong, the Vice-Chancellor of NEUC, is dedicated to cultivating a distinguished Chinese-language university while preserving Chinese culture. He aims to bridge Eastern and Western influences, to establish a strong presence in Southeast Asia, and to establish a multicultural university. NEUC has strong support from the Chinese community, with long-standing relationships with entrepreneurs as well as recognition from philanthropists and the Chinese-language media. The university actively engages in communication and collaboration with over 500 Chinese enterprises, forging connections that range from deep partnerships to more casual associations. NEUC prioritises the establishment of industry-academia centres, aiming to excel in collaboration. Ultimately, NEUC is committed to providing practical education that ensures the comprehensive development of its students.   The curriculum at NEUC is primarily conducted in English, except for the

191 Chapter 1: Remembering My Initial Goals Teaching Chinese as a Second Language programme and the Chinese Language and Literature programme. However, most extracurricular activities and clubs are conducted in Chinese. Concurrently, NEUC has established the Centre of Multi-ethnic Interaction, with the goal of serving as a conduit for peaceful communication and cultural exchange between communities. It is evident that NEUC places great importance on amalgamating local cultures while also celebrating the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. This commitment results in a high-quality, secure, and diverse learning environment. The Tan Lark Sye Library, a remarkable highlight of the campus, houses the largest collection of Chinese titles in Southeast Asia. Notably, it features special collections such as the Fang Xiu Collection, the Lee Yip Lim Collection, the Yong Ching Fatt Collection, the Lee Kim Chong Historical Collection of Malaysian Chinese Literature, the Tay Lian Soo Collection, and the Nanyang University Resource Centre. As a result, the Tan Lark Sye Library has become a significant research centre for Southeast Asian Chinese Studies. These valuable collections are readily accessible to scholarly experts and postgraduate students, facilitating research on Chinese and Southeast Asia-related topics, particularly topics in the Greater China Region.   Moreover, NEUC places great emphasis on cultivating a vibrant campus environment that encourages students’ creativity and innovative thinking. In 2019, NEUC fully funded and supported the release of a student-produced song album entitled “Flying High”. Besides that, NEUC also organised convocation and grad fiesta, collaborated with merchants to create a platform with exclusive member benefits, and even launched the New Era UC Member APP to benefit all NEUCians.   In summary, NEUC combines its historical heritage with a forward-thinking approach, actively seeking new opportunities, and embracing global perspectives. NEUC maintains strong connections with the local community while engaging with the broader international context. With a focus on creativity and humanistic values, NEUC cultivates an environment of innovation, creating a vibrant atmosphere in the arts and humanities, and is committed to creating a brand new “academia-industry research campus”.

Chapter 1: Remembering My Initial Goals 192 Section II Chronicles of 2018-2023: Every Step Taken 06.05 / 14.07 The cast of “Three Children”, graduates of the Department of Drama and Visuals: Lim Shiow Ni, Hiew Yun Neng, and Gan Mei Wei, were invited to participate in the “Let’s Be Together Arts Festival” in Kaohsiung and Beijing. Opening ceremony of “Wisma Perfect New Era” was held. The “Top Ten Charity Campaign” successfully raised RM4,000,000, of which Tan Sri Koo Yuen Kim donated RM2,000,000. 08.05 20th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony and the launch of the “Double Ten Happiness: NEUC 20th Anniversary Commemorative Publication (1998- 2018)” was held. YB Hee Loy Sian allocated RM10,000 for the first phase of the construction of the second campus. 26.05 28.07 The book “Philanthropists in Malaysia and Singapore”, edited by Mok Soon Chong, was published. A book launching ceremony was held at the Grand Hyatt Oriental Hotel in Beijing. Malaysia and Singapore’s new philanthropists, such as Ms. Ng Ah Choo, Ms. Wong-Mah Jia Lan, Tan Sri Mr. & Mrs. Ng Teck Fong, Tan Sri Mr. & Mrs. Kong Hon Kong, Tan Sri Mr. & Mrs. Lim Kuang Sia, Tan Sri Mr. & Mrs. Fng Ah Seng, Dr. & Mrs. Chia Song Kun and Mr. Tan Khai Hee, etc., accompanied the book launch. T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f I n f o r m a t i o n Computing Technology hosted the Australian Mathematics Competition (Malaysia), organised by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT), with a total of 358 schools and 6,404 students participating. 13.08 The Department of Drama and Visuals’ Children’s Theatre production, “The Wizard of Oz”, garnered more than 1,500 audiences in Nanning, Kuala Lumpur, NEUC Kajang, and Semenyih. (2018) 08.09 / 21-23.09 (2019) 17-19.05 / 31.10 2018

193 Chapter 1: Remembering My Initial Goals 08.10 Dual-degree programme Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration Bachelor of Science (Honours) Finance and Accounting 15 Bak Kut Teh restaurants: RM66,000 raised. 08.11 The “Double Ten Happiness · The New Era” 20th Anniversary Commemorative Dinner Banquet of 80 tables was held. RM4,000,000 was raised. 11.11 Lee Kim Chong Historical Collection of Malaysian Chinese Literature was inaugurated with a collection of 8,161 books. 08.12 2018 was a fruitful year for NEUC student enrolment, with a 50.84% increase. The Institute of International Education was established along with the International Academic Exchange Office, the International Student Recruitment Office, the Department of International Professional Development, the Language and Intercultural Centre, and the International Student Service Centre. 01.04 NEUC is awarded the “Outstanding Educational Institution Award”. The “Yong Chin Fatt Collection” was inaugurated with a collection of 4,200 books. 26.01 31.03 11.01 Former Finance Minister, YB Lim Guan Eng, and Former Deputy Education Minister, YB Teo Nien Ching, handed over RM2,000,000 to NEUC. 2019

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