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Published by fmi, 2018-12-25 10:12:41

2nd Sword of Gilead Interior

The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

angels immediately after he had created the
heavens and before he created the earth—for
according to Job 38:4-7, “the sons of God shouted for
joy” when he laid the foundations of the earth.
This being so, it is central to the understanding of
the lights in Genesis that I propose here. - To see
this clearly in the Hexameron, I will examine
Genesis 1: 1-14 in its context and so discern the
1 In the beginning, when God created the
heavens and the earth 2 and the earth was without
form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a
mighty wind sweeping over the waters. 3 Then
God said, "Let there be light, and there was light."
4 God saw that the light was good. God then
separated the light from the darkness. 5 God
called the light “day,” and the darkness he called
“night.” Evening came, and morning followed—
the first day. 6 Then God said, Let there be a
dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one
body of water from the other. 7 God made the
dome, and it separated the water below the dome
from the water above the dome. And so it
happened. 8 God called the dome “sky.” Evening
came, and morning followed—the second day. 9
Then God said, Let the water under the sky be
gathered into a single basin, so that the dry land
may appear. And so it happened: the water under
the sky was gathered into its basin, and the dry
land appeared. 10 God called the dry land “earth,”
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and the basin of water he called “sea.” God saw
that it was good. 11 Then God said, Let the earth
bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that
bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth
that bears fruit with its seed in it. And so it
happened: 12 the earth brought forth vegetation:
every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind
of fruit tree that bears fruit with its seed in it. God
saw that it was good. 13 Evening came, and
morning followed—the third day. 14 Then God
said, Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to
separate day from night. Let them mark the
seasons, the days and the years, 15 and serve as
lights in the dome of the sky, to illuminate the earth.
And so it happened: 16 God made the two great
lights (Sun and Moon), the greater one to govern
the day, and the lesser one to govern the night,
and the stars. 17 God set them in the dome of the
sky, to illuminate the earth, 18 to govern the day
and the night, and to separate the light from the
darkness. God saw that it was good. 19 Evening
came, and morning followed—the fourth day."
(Genesis 1: 1-14)
The creation of light is mentioned twice
here. The first is in verse three on the first day,
and the second in verses 14 to 18, on the fourth
day. In the latter, it clearly speaks of the creation
of the cosmos referring to the stars, the sun, and
the moon, and to this day, in fact, we do mark the

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seasons by celestial motions of the sun, the moon,
and the stars.
On the first day, we see the creation of
light in the single statement, “Let there be light."
The rest is a consequence of that singular
statement - "And there was light” God then refers to
the separation of darkness and light on the first
day, and for this, we can refer to what we know
by physics in that there is no such thing as
darkness but only an absence of light. This first
day is concerned with the creation of light and
only light, and the darkness is only the formless
chaotic void already present without it.
The second law of thermodynamics holds
that the universe tends towards chaos (entropy).
The first day of the Hexameron begins with chaos
and darkness. - Unless there is an outside
intervention, there is no order, and so on the first
day, God speaks bringing order out of chaos. In
addition, the light brings heat and so life.
An easier way to understand this is that
the second law of thermodynamics qualitatively
explains nature's tendency to move towards lower
energy. - Ice cubes do not just form from a glass of
hot water; broken eggs do not spontaneously
regenerate into whole eggs; your office desk is not
going to clean itself and tidy up by itself, and so
an outside intervention is the only way to bring it
back in to order. - And so God is involved with

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and in creation but he is entirely separate from the
order and substance of nature.
When we go to the fourth day in Genesis
1:14 to 18, we again find God creating light to
separate day and night, and that clearly means the
earth and the universe. - Are there then two
creations of the same thing, or could it be that the
first light and the last light are in fact different
even though it does not seem so at first sight?
If according to the Summa, the angels were
created sometime before the creation of the earth
and the cosmos, then it is reasonable to accept that
the first light on the first day referred to the
creation of the angelic world. - And the first in
that order was God's most beautiful creation, the
Seraphim - Lucifer; The Shining Ones; Light Bearer.
Jesus, as we know, is the Word became
flesh as we read in John’s Gospel chapter one, and
he is the Light of the world. God, as he is in
himself is uncreated love and he is the Logos.
When the Logos speaks, that word becomes
Rhema, meaning, a word spoken. This Rhema-word
creates what the Logos speaks. Therefore, God
and his Word are both one and the same, and
when he speaks, what he says comes into
existence exactly as he spoke it.
At each order of creation, we read, “Then
God said.” In other words, although not a
language in the human sense, but rather an act of
the Logos, God spoke creation into existence and
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declared it good. In this context, Logos is in respect
to the mind alone - “A Greek philosopher named
Heraclitus first used the term Logos around 600
B.C. to designate the divine reason or plan which
coordinates a changing universe. This word was
well suited to John's purpose in John's Gospel
chapter one.
St. Augustine studied more closely the
analogy between the divine Word and human
speech and drew from it teachings long accepted
in Catholic theology. He compares the Word of
God, not to the word spoken by the lips, but to the
interior speech of the soul, whereby we may in
some measure grasp the Divine mystery;
engendered by the mind it remains therein, is
equal thereto, and is the source of its operations.
Later developed and enriched by St. Thomas
Aquinas, this doctrine appeared in his Summa
In Revelations 22:16, it says, "I, Jesus, have
sent my angel to give you this testimony for the
churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of
David, and the bright Morning Star." Clearly, in
saying, “Let there be light,” God is not creating
Jesus or himself, and so by definition, this light
spoken has to be separate from him.
The bright Morning Star refers to Jesus, the
physical incarnation of the Godhead. Colossians
1:5, also says, “He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.”
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We now have two interesting points being,
morning, and, firstborn. Clearly, the day (Day
Star; Lucifer) is not the first light, the morning
dawn gives the first light, and so one could relate
that to meaning the firstborn as God’s Rhema, (the
spoken) Word bringing light and order.
Scripture uses the term “morning star” to
describe Jesus in Rev 22:16, angels in Job 38:1,
some saints Rev 2:26, and the king of Babylon,
Nebuchadnezzar in Isa 14:12. Scripture seems to
use the title 'morning star' to indicate the ones that
God puts into authority so as to rule on earth.
As the stars led people in the old days, so
do human, or angelic, leaders lead people on
earth. It would be logical to call someone who
bears God's authority to lead/rule people on earth,
a 'morning star'. - Rev 22:16 says, "It is I, Jesus who
have sent my angel to give you this testimony about the
churches. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the
Morning Star shining brightly."
Regarding the second light referring to the
day, we find in Scripture another term, "Day Star,"
and one is in Isaiah 14:12, where it says, “How you
are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of the dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the
nations low!” In the Douay Rheims translation, it
gives us an even clearer description, “How art thou
fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the
morning? How art thou fell to the earth that didst
wound the nations?”
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We can now see that verse three refers to
Jesus the uncreated firstborn and the Bright
Morning Star, and Lucifer (God's most beautiful
creation) being Day Star, son of the dawn. - The term,
son of, indicates to be born of someone. In this
case, son of dawn means that he as Day Star is
created when the first light, Jesus (logos), speaks,
and so follows the dawn brought forth of the
Bright Morning Star. In other words, the Word
when saying, “Let there be light” creates Lucifer
and the angels as first in the order of creation.
They are of course both lights, and when
God created Lucifer, he was the first of the angels
of light and the most beautiful of God’s creation
called the Shining One.
In this, of course, Lucifer most reflected
Jesus, the Word of God and Light of the world.
The first light in the Hexameron then refers to the
creation of Lucifer and the angels, and the second,
the creation of the universe. - It is no coincidence
then, that Lucifer/Devil/Satan is the angel that
wars against Jesus, the Son.

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ne can only imagine the celestial beauty of
Lucifer in his heavenly glory, and even
then, it is not possible in human terms to
comprehend the first of creation, and so the most
beautiful creature God created that so much
reflected his glory, and yet it was so. In fact, even
for the myriads of other angels (stars as we see in
the first order), it might have been barely possible
to tell the difference between Lucifer and Christ.
They are both lights except that one is uncreated
and the other, created, and so not an equal and
opposite of God, as he would have us believe in
his fallen state.
Perhaps a way to grasp this, although
somewhat inadequate, is the difference between
manufactured diamonds and real ones. They are
both real diamonds and unless you know which is
which, you cannot tell the difference. In fact,
without laboratory tests, it is not possible to tell
the synthetic from the real one.
Of course, real diamonds come from the
earth formed over centuries under great pressure.

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Interestingly, diamonds are merely carbon formed
from trees to coal, from coal to diamond but never
the less, the real thing. On the other hand,
synthetic diamonds, cubic zirconia, commonly
called CZ, is a laboratory gem. It is a hard gem
(8.5 on the Mohs scale), but it is not as hard as
On the one hand, CZ is compositionally
superior to diamond. CZ has greater brilliance
and sparkle, it is entirely colourless, and it has no
inclusions. Although entirely made of carbon, as is
the real diamond, it is too perfect. Real ones often
have some imperfection. Comparing this between
the true light and the created light is like the real
diamond being the true light and the cubic
zirconia being the created light.
Because they are creatures, angels have
free wills. Therefore, as Thomas Aquinas says, the
angels too had to choose their salvation. Angelic
knowledge is complete the moment they are
created and infused directly from the first truth,
God himself, therefore, angels need no laborious
thinking to gain knowledge. - They are pure
spirits depending on nothing but the hand of God.
In the case of Lucifer, he had firsthand
knowledge, as all the angels have, except that as
the ministering angel to the Word (Son), he saw no
angel more beautiful than himself. Filled with
pride, narcissism overwhelmed him to the point
that he considered himself equal to God and so
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coveted the Throne of God and the worship that
belonged to God alone.
This resulted in a mighty war in Heaven.
Lucifer, along with one-third of the angelic hosts
becomes irrevocably hostile. During the resulting
war and battles, the Archangel Michael defeated
Satan and cast him down from Heaven to the
earth. Now, losing his ministerial name and
creative ability, Lucifer became known as Satan, a
name, which literally means Adversary as well as
Devil, which means, Accuser of the brethren.
In Revelations chapter 12, we find the
event where it says. “A great and wondrous sign
appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the
sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of
twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and
cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
Then another sign appeared in heaven: an
enormous red dragon with seven heads and 10
horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail
swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung
them to the earth.
"The dragon stood in front of the woman
who was about to give birth so that he might
devour her child the moment it was born. She
gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all
the nations with an iron sceptre. - And her child
was snatched up to God and to his throne. The
woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for

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her by God, where she might be taken care of for
1,260 days.
"There was war in heaven. Michael and his
angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon
and his angels fought back. However, he was not
strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.
The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient
serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the
whole world astray, was hurled to the earth, and
his angels with him.
"Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power and
the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his
Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who
accuses them of our God day and night, has been
hurled down. They overcame him by the blood of
the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they
did not love their lives so much as to shrink from
death. Therefore, rejoice you heavens and you
who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the
sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is
filled with fury because he knows that his time is
"When the dragon saw that he had been
hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who
had given birth to the male child. The woman was
given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she
might fly to the place prepared for her in the
desert, where she would be taken care of for a

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time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s
"Then from his mouth, the serpent spewed
water like a river, to overtake the woman and
sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth
helped the woman by opening its mouth and
swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed
out of his mouth. Then the dragon was enraged at
the woman and went off to make war against the
rest of her offspring, those who obey God’s
commandments and hold to the testimony of
Jesus.” (Revelations 12 1-17)
Chapter 7 to 9, where it says, “And there
was war in heaven” refers to the events prior to the
creation of Adam and the physical universe. As
we have seen, we find in Genesis 2: 9, God also
warning about two trees in the middle of the
Garden of Eden - the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Understanding the role of angels, and
especially the fallen ones, this is significant
because these trees are not a separate situation
with regard to Lucifer’s fall and his influence on
human life to this day and beyond.
Cast down before the creation of Adam,
Lucifer, referred to as the Serpent is already on the
earth. The two trees with either eternal life or
eternal death were there before the creation of
Adam, and so God did not tempt Adam with the
Tree of the knowledge of good and evil as many
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might think, but simply warned Adam of the
danger and consequence already present.
In Luke 10:17-20, the seventy-two disciples
returned from a mission with joy and said to
Jesus, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in
your name." He replied, "I saw Satan fall like
lightning from heaven. I have given you the
authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and
to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing
will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the
spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names
are written in heaven."
Jesus referred to the war in heaven because
he was there at the time and witnessed Lucifer’s
defeat by the Archangel Michael. Jesus is the
Word Incarnate; the Word that created all things,
including Lucifer and it is against Jesus, the Word
that Lucifer rebelled, and that war continues to
this very day even though Lucifer knows he was
defeated by Jesus on Calvary.
Scripture also refers to Lucifer by many
other names all of which describe his fallen
nature. Some of these names are - Beelzebub, Prince
of Darkness, King of Tyre, and Father of Lies. Day
Star, the Thief, god of this world (cosmos: Gr. world
system) but, never Lucifer again. He is no longer
entitled to that name which described his original
nature and ministry.
Father Raphael V O’Connell, SJ gives a
wonderful insight into the original beauty of
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Lucifer and his tragic fall in Ezekiel 28:12-19,
saying. "Son of man, take up a lament concerning
the king of Tyre and say to him: “This is what the
Sovereign Lord says: ‘You were the model of
perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
You were in Eden, the garden of God; every
precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and
emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire,
turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings
were made of gold; on the day you were created
they were prepared. You were anointed as a
guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were
on the holy mount of God; you walked among the
fiery stones.
You were blameless in your ways from the
day you were created till wickedness was found in
you. Through your widespread trade, you were
filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove
you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I
expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the
fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account
of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom
because of your splendour. So I threw you to the
earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings. [This
will happen in the future].
By your many sins and dishonest trade,
you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a
fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and
I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight
of all who were watching [also future, spoken of as
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past to emphasize the certainty of the event - “the lake
of fire” of Rev. 19:20, et al]. All the nations who
knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a
horrible end and will be no more.’”
So we see that the present Adversary of
God and his Christ began as “the model of
perfection,” beautiful and wise beyond
comparison. From this description, he seems to
have been the most graciously favoured of all
God’s created beings. Would it be going too far to
assert that God had given him everything he
could give a created being without making him
just like Himself? - Yes. It seems this is what this
scripture is communicating."

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rior to the rebellion and fall of Lucifer, the
seven spirits, ministering to the Godhead
included Michael, Raphael, Lucifer, and
Gabriel. - Michael literally meaning, Like God: the
Protector - Chief angel in charge of the battling angels,
is the angel whose name most reflects God the
Father. Lucifer; literally meaning, Shining one;
Angel of Light; God’s greatest creation pleasing to God,
was the angel whose name most reflects God the
Son. Gabriel; literally meaning, Power of God; Angel
of Proclamation; God’s messenger sent forth, is the
angel whose name most reflects God the Holy
Although referred to as archangels, they,
being so close to the Throne are also Seraphim. -
Their roles relate to their service and are
derivatives of the names of Yahweh. Both Gabriel
and Raphael give us a clearer understanding
inasmuch as the title Raphael means Yahweh

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Rophe; God who heals, and that is his ministry to
Tobit and his family.
He also declares that he is one of the seven
spirits (Seraphim) before the throne. The Holy
Spirit reveals the mind of God the Father and we
see that in Gabriel's ministry as God's Messenger
Sent Forth; Angel of Proclamation. The same is so for
Michael, who is, Like unto God. In his original state,
Lucifer, the shining one - angel of light reflecting
the Son as Word, Light, Life, and Truth. Now,
after his fall, he battles the Son with murder, lies,
and darkness - the exact opposite. Losing his
ministerial title, he now became Devil and Satan.
The "seven spirits of God" are in
Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; and 5:6. Revelation 1:4
mentions that the seven spirits are before God's
Throne. Revelation 3:1 indicates that Jesus Christ
"holds" the seven spirits of God. Revelation 4:5
links the seven spirits of God with seven burning
lamps that are before God's Throne. Revelation 5:6
identifies the seven spirits with the "seven eyes" of
the Lamb and states that they are "sent out to all the
Another view is that the seven spirits of
God refer to seven angelic beings, possibly the
seraphim or the cherubim. This would fit with the
numerous others angelic beings described in the
book of Revelation (Revelation 4:6-9; 5:6-14; 19:4-5).
All the angels in the heavenly choirs were
created with a free will to choose or reject their
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salvation. - Lucifer and one-third of the angelic
host chose to reject God and rebelled as
previously said, but right here, is where we now
discover Lucifer’s counterfeit hierarchy and
kingdom that extends to its devastating effect on
humanity and the war on Jesus Christ and his
Church today.
Lucifer’s kingdom is not only counterfeit
but by rejecting his position at the Throne, he lost
all his creative ability. Now, he could only copy
from God at best. In his perversion, making his
own adjustments so to speak is to contradict God
and destroy his creation, and most especially, his
(chosen) people and all humanity that I believe is
more to do with spite than anything else since if
he succeeded, there would be no one to rule over
on the earth.
To achieve this, Satan needs to keep people
away from the truth, and as he did with the trees
in Eden by focusing people’s attention on his tree
of the knowledge of good and evil. He knows that
in the image of God, people’s natural tendency is
towards the good even if they do not know God
nor believe in him, but under the appearance of
good, they can and are, easily be deceived.
His scheme with Christians in particular,
as with Eve, and then Adam is not so much to
cause them to hate God as to cause them to forget
about him and focus their attention on his

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temptations and allure of power filling their lives
with the mundane and things of the world.
He tried that with Jesus in the desert. He
also knows he cannot make anyone do anything
against their will, and so he presents his
counterfeit as though good for gaining
knowledge, wisdom, and power, and so captures
people’s free will to accept his lies and deceit. -
This is what I call, a Luciferic Deception.
Ephesians 6:12, says that "Our battle is not
against human forces, but against principalities and
powers, the rulers of this World of Darkness, the evil
spirits in regions above." - And so our conflict seems
to be with an organised, centrally governed
invisible spiritual Kingdom - Satan's Kingdom of
"In regions above" indicates that contrary to
popular belief, Satan is not in Hell (which is a place
reserved for him), but resides, and has his
headquarters in "the heavens" and it is from there
that he rules over millions of rebellious angels
who assume the roles of "Principalities and Powers"
to influence the world for evil. In Eph. 2: 2, St.
Paul calls him the "Lord of the power of the air." In
the lower realms on the earth, Satan controls
countless demons and spirits who are delegated
areas of authority are over empires, kingdoms,
countries, states, cities, communities, and are
affecting families and individuals alike.

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Whilst the Book of Revelations says that,
as also does Aquinas, cities are under God’s
angelic guardianship, we know also that Satan’s
kingdoms are the demon-heads of nations as we
see in Daniel 10: 1-21 refers to the Princes
(Principalities) of the kingdoms of Persia and
Greece. Under kingdoms, there is a demonic
principality in charge of corrupting both mysticism
and ologies. This is a very insidious demon
because it appears that both are not connected,
and in the natural, they are not of course, and
hence therein are the deceptions.
Under mysticism, he governs secret
societies such as esoteric initiations in ancient
religions such as the Babylonians and the
Egyptians as well as Hinduism and Buddhism’s
secret mantras amongst other things to this day.
There is also Witchcraft, Masonic Lodges,
Brotherhoods, Rosicrucians, Ordo Templis
Orientis (Alistair Crowley), The Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn, Knights Templar, Illuminati,
United Order of the Golden Cross and more that
have secret initiations. - These all lead to the
Occult and open door to demonic infestation.
Under ologies, this demonic principality influences
people to accept the mysticism into a particular
field of study (ology). Of course, there are many
ologies such as psychology, iridology, herbology,
macro cosmology, biology, astrotheology,
chronobiology, phytopharmacology and
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hundreds more. - So you might ask, what is
wrong with them, after all an -ology of itself is only
indicating study - And the answer is simply -
Nothing - And so the question arises as to why
this demonic principality would want to govern
One reason is that every -ology, one-way or
another, is to do with human study and experience in
every aspect of our life, and so of themselves, they
are perfectly valid. Therefore, if Satan can
influence people to adopt and include mysticism
(and in this, I do not include authentic Christian
mysticism), he can establish the occult that invites
demonic activity, and so in simple terms, by
including mysticism, in an ology, he leads them to
the occult.
In other words, it means to give divine or
supernatural attributes to inanimate or natural
things. These might be such things as crystals
given healing properties as popularised in the
current New Age movement.
Other inanimate objects are various
precious and semiprecious stones and an
assortment of metals that correlate with various
planets and bodily organs to bring healing of
sickness and diseases. All are inclusive of some
form of religion, spirituality, or mysticism (We see
this even in Christian works such as (Saint) Hildegard
von Bingen's book called Physica, most especially her
section on Stones).
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Witchdoctors and witchcraft are examples
whereby ordinary herbs make potions to cast
spells that either curse or heal. Even if they are not
used for Wiccan curses, the mysticism attached is
what makes it occult.
In the 2002 document, "Jesus Christ the
Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian reflection on
the “New Age.” Pontifical Council for Culture
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue" has
this to say on the subject. “The essential matrix of
New Age thinking is to be found in the esoteric-
theosophical tradition, which was widely accepted
in European intellectual circles in the 18th and
19th centuries.
It was particularly strong in Freemasonry,
spiritualism, occultism, and theosophy, which
shared a kind of esoteric culture. In this world-
view, the visible and invisible universes are linked
by a series of correspondences, analogies, and
influences between microcosm and macrocosm,
between metals and planets, between planets and
the various parts of the human body, between the
visible cosmos and the invisible realms of reality. -
Nature is a living being, shot through with
networks of sympathy and antipathy, animated
by a light and a secret fire, which human beings
seek to control. People can contact the upper or
lower worlds by means of their imagination (an
organ of the soul or spirit), or by using mediators
(angels, spirits, devils) or rituals.”
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To understand how an ology plus
mysticism, equals, an occult works out, let us take
herbology that refers to the study of herbs as our
example. - Before modern medicine, this craft of
the witch doctors and witches made compounds
from herbs and plants for medicines. What they
studied and learnt from plants and mixtures of
compounds for their healing attributes they kept
as a firm secret only revealed to fellow witches
and their apprentices, especially the secrets of the
spirits that inhabited them through their spells
and chants.
Before my conversion, my penchant for
neo-paganism and magic was enhanced a great
deal when I cohabited with a practising witch, and
it was during this time that I learned about white
and black witchcraft and aspired to become a
My attraction for wisdom/Knowledge also
led me to Theosophy, as well as Hinduism's
Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Rigveda and
contemporary horoscopes and a whole assortment
of New Age beliefs and practices, including many
forms of Yoga especially Tantric.
In Deut 18:10-14, we see God's
condemnation of these practices and there we find
the suggested derivations of the Hebrew Kashaph
include mutterer - from a single root - or herb user -
as a compound word formed from the roots kash,
meaning "herb", and hapaleh, meaning, "using".
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The Greek pharmakeia literally means "herbalist" or
one who uses or administers drugs, but used
virtually synonymously with Mageia and goeteia as
a term for a sorcerer.
In England and parts of Europe, (Druidism)
Wicca as the main religion along with the Celts,
worshipped the Elementals. - An Elemental is said
to be a spirit embodying one of the five elements
of antiquity: Earth (solid), Water (liquid), Wind
(gas), Fire (heat), Aether (quintessence). Although a
strong belief in England (British Isles), we also find
reference to the Elementals in the Iranian
Zoroasterism even to this day.
Elementals go by various names. In the
English European tradition, these include Fairies,
Elves, Devas, Brownies, Leprechauns, Gnomes,
Sprites, Pixies, Banshees, Goblins, Dryads,
Mermaids, Trolls, Dragons, Griffins, and
numerous others.
Governed by the demonic principality
under kingdoms in charge of mysticism and ologies,
these nature spirits are in the guise of archangels,
and like angels, Elementals have a recognizable
appearance consistently depicted by the
archetypal language of art and literature.
For example, it is easy to determine in
occult art if a drawing is an angel or a winged
Elemental, this is because angels have feathered
bird-like wings and the winged Elementals have
wings that look like a butterfly. Elemental spirits
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possess supernatural powers and are usually
invisible to humans, living among the trees, rivers,
plants, bogs, mountains, and minerals. They
attach themselves to practically every natural
Professional tarot card reader, astrologer,
and feng shui consultant, Susan Levitt, explains
the Five Taoist Elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
and Wood. - "The four elements of fire, water, air,
and earth are the basis of many magical and
spiritual systems: the native American medicine
wheel, the four corners of pagan European ritual,
the four elements of alchemical schools of ancient
Egypt, and the four elements of astrology.
Even the tarot deck and the common
playing cards are based on these four elements
whereby fire is wands (clubs), water is cups
(hearts), air is words (spades), and earth is pentacles
(diamonds)." - It is not surprising then that an
ordinary deck of playing cards can be used for
divination and fortune-telling. In my teens, I
would read futures and fortunes for my friends
using these cards.
She continues - "Another way of dividing the
cosmos into elemental energies is the ancient East
Indian Vedic system of the three doshas: Vata
(air/space), pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth and water).
These three doshas are used in Ayurvedic medicine in a
system as fully developed as traditional Chinese
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But Chinese Taoist cosmology is structured on
five, not four elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and
wood. These five elements are the basis of Chinese
metaphysics and philosophy and have practical
applications including feng shui, astrology/astronomy,
and traditional Chinese medicine."
And so we can see how this demon works
to take natural elements making them occult and
demon possessed by adding the mysticism and
spirituality with them, and we can see how these
ideas are spread across nations and different
cultures by these demons over kingdoms and
principalities influencing these practices.
In addition, Animism, which is oldest
known human spiritual practice, is the belief that
Elementals inhabit all things. - The belief in
Elementals predates all the major religions.
This is evident in anthropological records
of indigenous beliefs and practices throughout the
world, including Australian Aborigines who have
the oldest continuous culture. An early modern
reference of Elementals appears in the 16th
century alchemical works of Paracelsus. His
works grouped the Elementals into four of the five
By now, you should be seeing how this
hierarchy works and what it involves. No doubt,
you are also recognising certain (kids) blockbuster
Hollywood movies as well as numerous television
shows. Yes, you do need to realize that what I
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have explained thus far are all relating to demon
activity, and so when mysticism and an ology came
together they form the craft of the witch and the
Wizard. - The spiritual aspect gives them power
over people and their remedies a supernatural
dimension that called upon spirits, Elementals,
and demigods to inhabit the potions (and Totems).
The same applies to witchdoctors. - I have
seen and experienced throughout Mexico, Africa
and Asia where spells and curses combined with
potions do the work of this demon and establish
the Occult.
A seemingly innocuous example is the
Hare Krishna restaurants that offer free food; the
devotee invokes Krishna to enter the food so that
when the diner eats, the Krishna deity enters
All ologies then, that include mysticism
relates to the occult controlled by demons.
Wherever there is a psychology that combines
religion and spirituality is often the same, and
hence I reject Karl Jung as one example that opens
the doors to the New Age movement that includes
all these things and more as you have begun to
see. In fact, Jung included all religions except
Christianity and Catholicism in particular, against
which he openly declared his hatred.
Now we also see that Satan’s Principalities
(Princes) are also demons over cities and the
airwaves. Through these, Lucifer establishes
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"gods" - These are the demon heads of religions.
These are all false, deceptive; they detract and tell
lies. These religions invoke demons that they
believe to be gods and invite them in by chants,
mantras, spells etc.
When these come together, we see demon
possession and total loss of the will and I have
had to set many people free from these demons
throughout my travels in my current ministry.
Demons bring disruption, oppression,
sickness. Now connected to the occult, the
remedies made from the ‘ologies’ along with these
religions and techniques become the false healing
and remedies sought by those afflicted, and so it is
becoming very popular in New Age thinking and
Apart from our sin, sickness and disease
that can often be from Satan. What he puts on he
can take off, and so people are seduced into
thinking that the psychic or a witch has cured
them. We see this in the Philippines and their
psychic healers. We can see the Devil's work with
Job, and the woman crippled by a spirit healed by
Jesus as another example of how demons bring
sickness (Luke 13: 11-13).
As powerful as all this seems, and it all
interconnects, it is certainly complicated, we can
still see that this fallen angel called Satan is not the
equal and opposite of God that he likes you to
believe. He remains a creature regardless of his
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wiles and powers, and the best part is that you
have authority over this entirely if you but
understood it. “I have given you the power to tread on
the full force of the enemy,” Jesus said in Luke 10:19.
Lucifer as a "model of perfection" most
reflected Christ the Son, but after the fall, he
became his most evil and deadly adversary.
Therefore, where does that leave God the Son? -
The Son is also the Word who will become
incarnate as Jesus the Christ.
We know that he is the Logos become flesh
and that he is the spoken Word that brought
creation into existence and holds all things in
being. It is precisely here that Lucifer wars against
the true Light, Truth, healing, restoration, peace,
Life, and Love, for he is the very antithesis of Jesus
except that he is neither supernatural nor
omniscient. - He is the Father of Lies, the Destroyer,
the spirit of Darkness, Hatred, the Thief, and the one
filled with all manner of filth and perversion and the
real source of wars, pestilence, sickness, death, and
God the Son, the Word incarnate in Jesus is
healing for the fallen nature of man as well as the
universe. By his grace and healing most especially
by forgiveness, he reconciles all things to God
through his Cross and his sacrifice on Calvary.
Regarding the seven spirits before Throne,
we can accept that having such immediate access,
they would be Seraphim although also referred to
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as Archangels. Notably, we find the Archangel
Raphael revealing at the end of the Book of Tobit
that he is one of the Seven Spirits, and although
from the Apocryphal books, he is an angel
accepted by the Church, and I think this is
significant in understanding who these seven
angels are.
The names/titles of the seven spirits,
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Yehudiel,
Sealtiel, Baraquiel, even those from the
Apocrypha, express an attribute of God the
Father. The name Raphael, for example, gives us a
clue. - His title is a derivative of one of God’s
titles, Yahweh Rophe, meaning God is my Healing,
and so the name Raphael means, Healing of God,
Yahweh helps, God is merciful, Angel of Restoration.
Raphael also has great power over demons as we
see with the wicked demon Asmodeus (Lust) in
the book of Tobit.
Although I do not claim the following to
be dogma, but rather popular belief, it is never-
the-less interesting in the two hierarchies of good
and evil virtues/angels. - The seven spirits (virtues)
and the meaning of their names, and their
demonic (sin) counterparts are both important and
comforting in the battles in which we find
It is said that Michael, whose name means,
like (unto) God, opposes the demon Leviathan, the
spirit of pride (Envy - [Aquinas]). Pride and envy
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caused the fall of Lucifer. Gabriel, whose name
means, Might or Power of God, opposes the demon,
Mephistopheles, the spirit of Avarice (Greed).
Raphael, meaning Medicine of God, opposes the
demon, Asmodeus, the Spirit of Impurity. Uriel,
meaning, Fire of God oppose the demon, Balberit,
the spirit of Anger/Impatience. Yehudiel, meaning,
Praise of God opposes the demon, Beelzebub, the
spirit of Jealousy. Sealtiel, meaning, Prayer of God,
opposes the demon, (Belfagar) Belphegor, the spirit
of Drunkenness, intoxication, sloth. Baraquiel,
meaning, Blessing of God, opposes the demon,
Astaroth - These are also akin to the Seven
Virtues, and the Seven Deadly Sins. This is good
for us to know; because unlike the demonic
hierarchy, the holy angels are harder to see
because they in humility do not draw attention to
themselves as do the demonic angels through
their pride and boasting.
As I continue and expose the Nephilim
and their connection with the current New Age
Movement and modern Satanism, it is good to
know who is on our side even if we cannot see
them. In the same way, I know that the Sword of
Gilead is ever vigilant in his ministry and service
on my behalf.

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ow we have a grasp of the satanic
kingdom, it does not end there, and so it
is important to return to Holy Scripture
and discover the mystery of the Nephilim, and if
angels not having corporal bodies even though
they can manifest in human form, might shed
some light on whether or not the Nephilim
recorded in Genesis 6:4 can, in fact, beget children
as claimed.
The term "Nephilim" occurs just twice in
the Hebrew Bible, and in the Torah. The Nephilim
have been the subject of much debate by various
Catholic and non-Catholic scholars. For many
years of debate, there does not seem to be a real
consensus as far as I know on who, or what the
Nephilim are, and what they can do. To reveal the
Nephilim and for the sake of this book and its
purpose, I am going to focus on the term “Sons of
God” as we find in the Book of Job as referring to
the holy angels amongst whom Satan appeared.
The first mention of the Nephilim is found
in Genesis 6:4, immediately before the story of
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Noah's ark tells us this. “When men began to
increase in number on the earth and daughters
were born to them, the sons of God saw that the
daughters of men were beautiful, and they
married any of them they chose. Then the Lord
said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever,
for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty
years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those
days and afterwards when the sons of God went to
the daughters of men and had children by them.
They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
Albeit that some say the Nephilim were
the sons of Seth, the term sons of God seem to have
a more specific description inasmuch as it refers to
the angels. There is the more common belief that
they were fallen angels and this has credibility. -
The word "Nephilim" derives from the Semitic
root, "to fall" which also includes "causing to fall"
and "to kill, to ruin." The New American Bible
commentary draws a parallel to the Epistle of Jude
and the statements set forth in Genesis, suggesting
that the Epistle refers implicitly to the paternity of
the Nephilim as heavenly beings that came to
earth and had sexual intercourse with women.
The second reference is Numbers 13:32–33, where
The Twelve Spies report that they have seen
fearsome giants in Canaan and they spread
among the Israelites a bad report about the land
they had explored. They said, "The land we
explored devours those living in it. All the people
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we saw there are of great size. We saw the
Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from
the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our
own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
This now brings us to a dilemma inasmuch
as the angels chose their place for or against God
prior to the creation of man. St Thomas Aquinas
points out that angelic knowledge is firsthand,
immediate, and perfect, and that being so, a
decision made is eternally irrevocable. We have
also noted that angels do not have corporal bodies
but can appear in human form. To see this
example we need to reference the Book of Tobit
where we find the archangel, Raphael.
Raphael is one of the seven spirits before
the Throne of God (Tobit 12:14). He seems to be
the angel who protects the family. In this account,
you will see how he saves Raguel’s daughter
Sarah from the wicked demon Asmodeus (Persian
[Farsi] "the destroyer") who has killed seven
husbands before they could consummate the
marriage and how he heals Tobit of his blindness
and helps Tobit's son Tobias to marry Sarah. Then
in the ending chapters 12: 19, he reveals a truth
about his angelic nature saying, “All these days I
merely appeared to you and did not eat, or drink, but
you were seeing a vision.”
Raphael then makes it clear that he cannot
take on solid form but only an apparent one that
seems real to us. In addition, Hebrews 13:2
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encourages us to be polite and welcoming to
strangers at church because we could be speaking
to an angel. - Clearly, this too indicates that angels
can appear in the solid form. In other words,
Raphael appeared to be real and solid, but in fact,
it was only a vision of that reality, but never the
less, one wholly convincing that he was a real man
even to eating a meal.
This being so, and Raphael being of the
sons of God and a holy angel that made an
irrevocable decision for God before the creation of
Adam, it reveals that the Nephilim also being sons
of God must be angels too. However, they could
not be good angels that later changed their minds
and lusted after women, for that is not possible,
but rather they are evil angels that fell with
Lucifer as the meaning of the name, Nephilim,
From Raphael we know that angels can
appear to be in solid form, this is not such a
mystery then that evil an angel can also. However,
it leaves the question as to begetting children,
because if these bodies are only apparent and not
real, then there is no seed and so no pregnancy.
We can see from the wicked demon Asmodeus
that he is a lustful demon prepared to kill anyone
that gets between him and the object of his lust.
When now comparing the Nephilim and their lust
we could refer to a demon called an Incubus
whose nature and purpose are the same, and so
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understanding the Incubus reveals the true nature
and function of the Nephilim.
An incubus (nominal form constructed from
the Latin verb, incubo, incubare, or, to lie upon). Take
note of the key term, "to lie upon."An incubus is a
demon in male form that, according to a number
of mythological and legendary traditions, lies
upon sleepers, especially women in order to have
sexual intercourse with them. Its female
counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may
pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to
father a child, as in the legend of Merlin. Religious
tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an
incubus or succubus may result in the
deterioration of health or even death.
With regard to the activities of an incubus,
Christopher's story is surprisingly common - He
loved his wife with a passion and she him. Their
love life was mutually active and satisfying, and
over time bore two children. Both enjoyed each
other's company and shared a lot. Sadly, over
time, the passion grew colder and so Chris
decided to cut back on work hours and other
outside interests in order to give more quality
time to his wife. Both agreed on this and
embarked on a process of rejuvenating their love
life that had been waning over the years.
Being in the sexually charged 1970//80's
they saw no problem with experimenting with sex
toys and soft porn, and for a while, this did
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recharge their love life. At some point, however,
Chris began to feel empty; it was as though his
wife, although there in every way, had in some
strange way, less and less connection that left him
feeling incomplete every time they made love.
Not understanding this subtle emptiness
over the years, Chris clung more to making love
and tried harder to connect with her. Often, his
wife would end by rolling over and sleeping
rather than sharing the afterglow-hugs that they
had enjoyed for many years. This left Chris feeling
rejected. After some time he noticed that when he
wanted to make love, she would treat it as an
inconvenience and often asking if this is all he
thought of.
One night Chris came home late from
work. His wife already in bed, Chris joined her,
and feeling amorous, began to cuddle her when
immediately she shoved him off angrily saying,
"What's the matter with you! Is this all you ever think
about!" she screamed. Shocked, Chris asked what
she meant. "You know very well what I mean. You
have had sex twice tonight already and this is becoming
a habit for you. - It's all you ever think about" As he
lay there, his mind railing with confusion it
became clear that she had had a sexual experience
when he was not around and he began to recall
that this was not the first time and that every time
she was convinced it was Chris that was blamed.
It now made sense of why she had been irritable
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toward him when he made advances. After
speaking with her later, he realised that she had
several sexual experiences in her sleep or in the
dark when he was not home.
Recalling his involvement with the
mysticism, occult, and witchcraft before becoming
a Christian, he realised this could be the action of
an incubus. Sadly, when he tried to convince his
wife so that she could get help, she rejected him
completely and it only sparked more arguments.
Over time, this caused so much trouble between
them that they divorced after 20 years of marriage.
It seemed to me while listening to Chris, this
incubus was very much a demon of lust acting
just like Asmodeus in the Book of Tobit.

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ain't Augustine touched on the topic of the
incubus in The City of God where he says,
“There were too many attacks by incubi to
deny them. He stated, "There is also a very general
rumour. Many have verified it by their own
experience and trustworthy persons have
corroborated the experience others told, that
sylvans and fauns, commonly called incubi, have
often made wicked assaults upon women.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas says in the Summa.
"Still, if some are occasionally begotten of demons.
It is not from the seed of such demons, nor is it
from their assumed bodies, but rather from the
seed of men, taken for the purpose; as when the
demon assumes first the form of a woman, and
afterwards of a man; just so they take the seed of
other things for other generating purposes.”
The belief that the incubus (male) and
succubus (female) were the same demons, they
were able to switch between male and female
forms. A succubus would be able to sleep with a
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man and collect his sperm, and then transform
into an incubus and use that seed on women.
Even though sperm and egg came from humans
originally, the spirit’s offspring are said to be
supernatural. In other words, the sperm is demon
Understanding this, we could conclude
that the Nephilim were also incubus and succubus
that appeared in apparent bodies as Raphael
describes. In addition, given the idea that these
offspring were supernatural, they would also be
the renowned demigods of old such as those in
Greek mythology.
All the Greek gods and demigods are
sexual gods of lust with many offspring. Zeus, for
example, is the "Father of gods and men" who
rules the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a
father rules the family. He is the god of sky and
thunder in Greek mythology. His Roman
counterpart is Jupiter and Etruscan counterpart is
Tinia. His Hindu equivalent is Indra (I will come
back to Indra later).
Zeus is the child of Cronus and Rhea, and
the youngest of his siblings. In most traditions he
is married to Hera, although, at the oracle of
Dodona, his consort is Dione - According to the
Iliad, he is the father of Aphrodite (From where we
get Aphrodisiac; something that arouses or intensifies
sexual desire). Dione is known for his erotic
escapades. These resulted in many godly and
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heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo and
Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus,
Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos, and the Muses (by
Mnemosyne); by Hera, he is usually said to have
fathered Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus.
Clearly then, all these gods and demigods;
those produced by sexual intercourse with a god
and a human woman, were sexual gods inasmuch
as families and offspring making up their
Polytheism - and all of them - lustful.
This now brings us to a very interesting
connection between the wicked demon Asmodeus
in Tobit and Shiva in the Hindu Pantheon that
reflects that of the polytheistic Greeks,
Babylonians, and the Zoroastrian priests and so
we now approach that through the Hindu god,
Indra appears as the names of an arch-
demon in the Zoroastrian religion while his
epithet Verethragna appears as a god of victory.
Indra is called Śakra in the Vedas and in
Buddhism Pali: Sakka. In Burmese, he is ðadʑá
mɪ ɴ; in Thai as พระอินทร์ Phra In, in Malay as

Indera, in Tamil as Intiran, in Chinese as 帝释天
Dìshìtiān, and in Japanese as 帝釈天 Taishakuten.
In post-Vedic texts, Indra has more human
characteristics and vices than any other Vedic
deity does. Modern Hindus, also tend to see Indra
as a minor deity in comparison to others in the

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Hindu Pantheism, such as Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu,
or Devi.
A Puranic story illustrating the
subjugation of Indra's pride is in the story of
Govardhan hill where Krishna, Avatar or
incarnation of Vishnu carried the hill and
protected his devotees when Indra, angered by
non-worship of him, launched rains over the
By now you might be shaking your head
wondering, are we really talking about demon
angels or religions – Well yes, these are all
demonic angel-gods of religions in various forms,
and so now you are beginning to see that they all
Here, through our connection with Indra,
we find the Hindu god Shiva, a major god in
Hinduism known as “Shiva the Destroyer.” Again,
in the Hindu Pantheisms, we see sexual
encounters and the birth of offspring.
In Hinduism and Buddhism, they talk
about incarnation where a deity, especially
Krishna have manifest in physical form as an
animal such as a monkey, cow, snake, rat, etc, and
so these animals are thus worshipped as divine
incarnations of the deity and considered as sacred.
It is easy to see that this is the same as the
Returning now to the wicked demon
Asmodeus in the Book of Tobit whose name
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meant “The Destroyer,” in Persian, the connection
to Shiva relates to the Persian invasion of India in
530 BC when the Persian (Iranian) emperor Cyrus
the Great invaded India. - In all history, it is
common that a conqueror would establish their
religion on the people conquered, and so it was
when Cyrus, king of the Persian Achaemenid
Empire crossed the Hindu-Kush Mountains to
seek tribute from the tribes of Kamboja, Gandhara
and the trans-India region.
By 520 BC, during the reign of Darius I of
Persia, much of the north-western subcontinent
(present-day eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan) came
under the rule of the Persian Achaemenid Empire.
The area remained under Persian control for two
It was during this time that we find the
Persian gods along with the hierarchical structure
now called the caste system. Within this, we also
find Asmodeus as the Hindu god Shiva the
Destroyer. The caste system shows the highest as
the Brahmins and the lowest as the Untouchables -
The Untouchables are the original inhabitants and
the lighter skinned Brahmin sect and thus the
priesthood, being the ruling class that are
descendants of the Persians.
In addition, we have the Persian and Greek
invasions that had important repercussions on
Indian civilization, and here you see the
connection with the Greeks and their gods. The
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political systems of the Persians were to influence
future forms of governance on the subcontinent,
including the administration of the Mauryan
In addition, the region of Gandhara, or
present-day eastern Afghanistan and northwest
Pakistan, became a melting pot of Indian, Persian,
Central Asian, and Greek cultures and gave rise to
a hybrid culture - Greco-Buddhism, which lasted
until the 5th century AD and influenced the
artistic development of Mahayana Buddhism.
It now becomes clear from the previously
mentioned research that both the Persian and
Greek gods appear in Hinduism and Buddhism
and hence their demonic connection with the
Nephilim in Genesis.
In Hinduism and Buddhism, Yoga, a
Sanskrit word meaning “to yoke” is the primary
source of worship through Yolking with the god
Brahma. In this act of meditative worship,
mantras call a particular deity to enter the person
meditating using Yoga. The mantra is also a
Sanskrit word meaning, “magic incantation” (a spell
in our culture) so the deity resides in the repeated
mantra calling the deity to enter through one of
the seven chakras (psychic energy centres in the
body) when the goddess Kundalini is aroused from
the base of the spine.
In my first chapter, this is precisely what
Kaya and Christian Muller mean in their “Book of
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

Angels” where they say, “It is sufficient to repeat a
Name of an Angel, as often as possible, while
meditating, walking, doing daily activities, etc. When
done on a daily basis, this practice triggers teachings
through dreams, signs, and powerful expansions of
Right up to modern day Hinduism and
Buddhism it is clear to see the demonic angels and
their connections to these religions governed by
the demon Principality under Satan's kingdom of
darkness. - Therefore, even the innocent peace-
seekers doing a local Yoga class in a typical
suburban health centre are embroiled in these
religious practices without knowing it because we
cannot separate the practice from its source.
My greater concern is when Catholics
practice this Yoga as with the John
Main/Freeman’s so-called "Christian Meditation"
and Fr Keating’s "Centering Prayer" as well as Fr
Justin Belitz’s "Silva Method of Mind Control"
whose weekly prayer meetings are called “Energy
Circles” as well as many others like the very
popular and influential Indian Catholic priest,
Father Joe Pereira.
Father Joe Pereira, a renowned senior
"Iyengar yoga" teacher, is an Indian Jesuit who
says he has worked very closely with Mother
Teresa. Fr. Joe also says that Mother Teresa is his
left hand and his guru Yogacharya BKS Iyengar is
his right hand.
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Yogacharya B.K.S.Iyengar is an Indian
guru (Guruji) and all those I have mentioned
using various forms of Yoga, mantras, and
meditation and Father Pereira seems the worst of
a bad lot inasmuch as he has a personal guru
named Iyengar and he not only practices this
guru's method as a disciple but teaches his
method of yoga meditation and spirituality to
In my view, Fr Joe Pereira is a traitor to the
Catholic Faith and all these priests bring the
whole idea of enculturation into question and
bring misleading confusion regarding authentic
Christian meditation.
Inclusions that for the reasons stated here
should not take place for any reason as Vatican II
states regarding forbidding 'inclusion,'
'accommodation,' and 'syncretism.' - My experience
with these religions before my conversion was
that demonic manifestations are common.
Now in my Catholic ministry as an
Evangelist/Preacher, I have had to deal with many
people troubled by these demon angels in order to
set them free from oppression, obsession, and at
times - possession.
To be fair, it would be foolish to think that
there are no truths in these religions, and I
certainly make no judgement on their believers. In
fact, there are many wise sayings in them even if
they are only stating the obvious at times. - Man is
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capable of truth with or without a religion and as
much as adherents appease their gods often from
fear of bad karma, many are sincerely seeking the
true God even though they do not know it and
because of this, we cannot be lukewarm when it
comes to evangelisation.
St Thomas Aquinas said it well - “Man’s
natural tendency is towards good, but under the
appearance of good, many are deceived.” Even though
he is the father of lies, the Devil often tells the
truth. However, that truth is either grossly
distorted or exaggerated. As I have said many
times, a satanic lie is like a ninety percent lie with
a ten percent truth. - People accept the ten percent
truth and swallow the ninety percent lie.
God in Revelations 7:9 does not mention
cultures as included in God's Kingdom. Rather it
says that “After this, I looked and there before I was a
great multitude that no one could count, from every
nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the
throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing
white robes and were holding palm branches in their
We do not find mention here about
cultures because they are the outward expression
of an inward belief expressed in religion, art,
theatre, customs, ceremonies etc. For example, if I
asked you what the culture of Saudi Arabia was,
what would you say? Clearly, you would say,
Islam, and again, if I asked what the culture of
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India is, you would say Hinduism, and so it is
clear that we cannot include other cultures, that
are in fact their religion or political beliefs into the
It is for these reasons that whilst I do not
ignore any truth in these religions, nor the good
intentions of their believers, I do not accept the
idea of enculturation into the Catholic Faith due to
its incompatibility and demonic sources involved.
To conclude this idea from the Nephilim
and breeding offspring, we need to look at the
western cultures, where we find another version
of producing offspring from demons in the satanic
worship cults that use black magic similar to that
in Tantric Yoga; the Yoga of magic sex. The ritual is
similar to the ideas in the movie, Demon Seed,
based on the novel of the same name by Dean
It is this black ritual that more clearly
shows the weakness of fallen angels in that they,
unlike God in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word
born in the flesh from the Virgin Mary, as
announced by the Archangel Gabriel, does have a
real human body in heaven right now and his
earthly body was real flesh and blood. Satan,
however, does not have a body, and cannot, and
yet he and all the fallen angels’ lust after sinning
in the flesh, and the most powerful doorway again
is - Sex.

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You might be familiar with movies that
depict the choice of a virgin for sacrifice on the
satanic altar to call forth Satan to impregnate the
young virgin girl in order to bring forth the son of
Satan or the Antichrist. I have met and prayed
with women involved with Satanic Cults who
describe their experience in the same or a similar
way to what we see in these movies.
In my last book, "It's Faith Jim, But not as
we know it" I described at length the true story of
Dana bred solely for satanic rituals. - When only
around eight years old she saw her younger sister
murdered on an altar to Satan and she was used
for sexual magic rituals from birth - and so we can
see that these practices are far more real and
prevalent than we would like to imagine, and in
these times, even more so.
In the ritual to bring forth a satanic
offspring both the incubus and incubi idea is
present. This is because unlike the Word of God,
Satan does not have a human body and so it
seems likely to be that the high priest in a yogic
trance impregnates the virgin with possessed
The idea is that the seed so possessed will
grow, as an offspring possessed of the demon
with all the powers thereof. Hence, the so-called
offspring of the Nephilim in the Old Testament
were not supernatural in reality but merely
believed to be so by human perception.
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

In all the situations here, we can see a
pattern, characteristic, and links back to the
Nephilim as fallen angels (Sons of God) lusting
after women. This spirit of lust flows through all
these religions. In them, you can see how the
wicked and lustful demon Asmodeus in the Book
of Tobit ends up as the god Shiva in India and
then from India, how Yoga has infiltrated the
In fact, a front-page edition of Time
Magazine several years ago headlined Yoga as a
"Science." The idea was to make Yoga, that is a
religion in itself, become void of that and make it
acceptable to the logic of Anaximander that
includes our evolution from the (fish) sea and the
four elements; earth, fire, air, water, and the
Pythagorean mind of the West. Back then New
Ager Ted Turner owned the magazine, I will come
to him later, and you then will see a connection
here as well.
Worship of the Hindu god Shiva is in the
aniconic (not human or animal) form of lingam
(Penis). Described as an omniscient yogi, he lives
an ascetic life on Mount Kailash as well as a
householder with a wife Parvati, and two sons,
Ganesha and Kartikeya. The word lingam means;
mark, sign, gender, phallus, inference or eternal

procreative germ, and is a representation of the
Hindu deity Shiva used for worship in temples.

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