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Published by fmi, 2018-12-25 10:12:41

2nd Sword of Gilead Interior

The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels


By Edward Russell, FMI. SD.

Second Edition Revised and Expanded.

© Copyright, Edward F Russell FMI. SD.
All Rights Reserved

Published by
Flame Ministries International

Head Office: Site 6, 186 Hay Street
Subiaco, 6008, Perth Western Australia
Postal: PO BOX 8133 Subiaco East, 6008
Telephone: 08 93823668
Email: [email protected]

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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels


Father Mitch Pacwa, SJ
For your doctrinal and theological examination.
Your integrity and recommendations that greatly
assisted me with this work.

Father John Rea, SM
For your uncompromising examination,
comments, and review.

Design art and production

Cover Design and Artwork
Eddies Russell FMI
Book Typography
Eddie Russell FMI

Front Cover Acknowledgments.
Cover Graphic
Believed to be public domain

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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

About the Author

Edward (Eddie) Russell FMI, SD.
is an Officially Inducted and
Commissioned Catholic
Evangelist and Preacher (Canon
300) and an Archdiocesan Acolyte (Subdeacon)
living in Perth Western Australia. He has written
several seminars, programmes, and articles
published in many countries and translated into
several languages.
Eddie is an international speaker who has
at the time of this publication preached by
invitation around Australia, England, Scotland, St.
Lucia, Mexico, USA, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore, Portugal, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
and Uganda where he has preached seminars,
retreats, revival, and healing rallies, conferences
and parish missions.
In 2009 Eddie was nominated for 2009
Australian of the Year Award.
In 2012 Eddie was also invited to join the
Oxford University Round Table UK Symposium
on Religion and Politics.
In March 2013 he received an email saying
that he was made a member of the Oxford
University Round Table in England.

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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

Eddie left school at age fifteen and began a
career as an Airbrush Illustrator and Graphic
Artist. He also played guitar in a popular Rock &
Roll Band in England until he settled in Australia
during 1967. In 1969, he became a partner in a
large Graphic Arts Studio and gained a high
reputation as an Airbrush Illustrator and
considered as one of the top 10 in Australia. In
1971, he became the Managing Director of his own
company, Russell Holdings Pty. Ltd. that dealt in
Advertising, Film Processing, Commercial
Cleaning, Fashion, and Giftware enterprises.
During this time, Eddie became involved
with Eastern Mysticism (Hinduism and Buddhism),
and Theosophy in particular, and dabbled with
the occult and witchcraft when, in 1974, he
experienced a profound conversion to Jesus Christ
by the direct intervention of God while collapsed
and was dying on his lawn after a drinking and
drug binge.
He then began to read the Bible, the
writings of the Saints and the Doctors of the
Church and became a devoted witness for the
Gospel when led by Jesus, he joined the Roman
Catholic Church in 1976 and later in 1978 he
experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. From
then on God stirred him to a deep love for the lost
and suffering and a zeal for the salvation of souls
through the preaching of the Gospel.

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Since 1990 when he founded Flame
Ministries International (a Public Association of
Christ’s Faithful Canon 301/300), Eddie gave up his
career as a top graphic artist as well as his six
companies in various commercial areas and
committed himself to full time ministry living by
divine providence and preaching anywhere in the
world wherever there are ears to hear and hearts
to accept the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Teaching from the Word of God, Eddie is
motivated to see people read, understand, and
experience the Bible as a living and personal
experience in their daily lives. - To date, Eddie has
preached to over 25 million people around the
world and he has seen Jesus working miracles
through his ministry when people and children,
crippled, dumb, deaf, blind, and lame were cured
when praying for them.
One of the most amazing and well-
documented healing was when a Nun died of a
heart attack at one of his meetings at the Cathedral
parish in Perth WA. Eddie commanded her to
return to life and to be totally healed. Over 20+
minutes later and witnessed by over 25 people,
the Nun came back to life. Later, after extensive
check-ups, she was declared free from the chronic
heart disease that killed her and doctors stated
that it seemed she had a brand new heart. In
addition, there was no brain damage. As well,
people have been cured of various diseases
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

ranging from Cancers, Alzheimer's, deafness,
dumbness, cripples walking, restoration of sight,
through to the common cold by Eddie's prayerful
To date, Eddie has written three books
including this one. His first book, "12 Steps to
Divine Healing" now in its second printing has
been published in Croatian, Slovenian,
Portuguese, and German. Readers have also
reported healing and conversion while reading
this book. His second book, "It's Faith Jim But not
as we know it," also in its second edition printing,
was nominated Book of the Year 2007 for the
Catholic Times and Universe newspapers in the
United Kingdom.

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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels


1 - Why this book, and why now - Page 9
2 - The Revelation of the Sword of Gilead - Page
3 - The Flame and the Sword - Page 26
4 - My Angel Epiphany - Page 31
5 - Ministering Spirits - Page 43
6 - Discerning the Lights and the creation of
Lucifer - Page 50
7 - The War in Heaven - Page 58
8 - The Godhead, The Fall, and the rise of the
hierarchy of Lucifer - Page 66
9 - The Nephilim and the current New Age
connection - Page 82
10 - Catholic Saints, Incubus, Zeus, and the Hindu
god connection - Page 89
11 - Putting Satan in his place in a New Age - Page
12 - Angels and the Fourth Reich - Page 107
13 - Satan proves Christ to be fully present in the
Eucharist - Page 117
14 - The Power on our side - Page 126
15 - The Celestial Beauty - Page 138
16 - Proof that Satan is not Omnipotent or
Omnipresent - Page 147
17 - Angelic Knowledge - What is and what it's
not - Page 153
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18 - How our knowledge of the angels helps to
expel demons - Page 156
19 - Guardian angel and the unborn - Page 161
20 - The Nine Choirs and the Sword of Gilead -
Page 164
21 - Angelic worship and what they believe - Page
22 - Angels are messengers of God - Page 176
23 - The Devil and his Strongholds are not in Hell
- Page 183
24 - The Virgin, the Angels, and the Saviour - Page
25 - The Sword of Gilead and Me - Page 192

Bibliography - Page 199

Study References/Glossary - Page 200

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“The whole life of the Church benefits from the
mysterious and powerful help of angels.” ~
Catholic Catechism 334

he Sword of Gilead” sent to exact God’s
vengeance on my enemies came as a shock
that day in 1990 when the Lord spoke to
me and opened a greater insight into the
angelic realms. I have taught on the topic of angels
in our Bible Seminars since 1990 (and in part
through the 1980s), and because even though there
is an increasing amount of information about
angels easily available on the Internet where there
is also a lot of misinformation and reliable sources
are few in number I felt the need to write this
book at this point in time to present an authentic
understanding of these amazing creatures.
My concern is for my Catholic brothers
and sisters who do not read the Sacred Scriptures
and so can be easily misguided on the topic of the
angelic. In addition, Catholics need to be aware of
what angels are in accordance with what God has

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revealed as well as that taught by the Catholic
Throughout this book, there will be a lot of
reference to the Kingdom of Darkness and their
activity. This is because, unlike God’s holy angels,
the fallen angels like to make a show and draw
attention to themselves, and so we know more of
their works throughout history than that of the
Holy Angels. Unless we defer to Sacred Scripture,
where there are many references to God’s angels,
and from where we should draw our conclusions
along with sound doctrine and theology, we will
not get the right picture or accurate discernment,
and so in one way, this is a book of discernment.
The consequence of a lack of reliable
teaching about the angelic world is that people
make up their own conclusions and speculations
to grapple with their experiences, most especially
regarding demonic manifestations, and in
addition, a lack of knowledge causes them to seek
answers from the wrong sources and so more
confusion and more despair is the result as I see it.
One charming little notion that prevails
these days is that when we die we become an
angel and do good things for others. This is
certainly the view of Oprah Winfrey as stated on
one of her shows for example, but I am not sure
where this idea comes from except that I
remember people using it as a way of explaining
what happens after death to young children. In
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any event, it contradicts the Biblical
understanding of the angelic, which informs us
that we will "Judge the Angels."
It would seem that these ideas come from
early Wiccan folklore and fairy tales with roots in
a European pre-Christian era and later with the
Age of Enlightenment. This would no doubt be
the reason why so many Christians have rejected
their existence as childish notions unbecoming of
an intelligent adult, and this would seem to be so
with the advent of psychology into the Church.
On the other hand, this is not the case in
Mormonism where we find the Angel Moroni, not
a name from the Bible, and nowhere can I find the
meaning of the name as with all the other angels.
The only exception being the Greek word "Moron"
meaning; "Fool." To Latter Day Saints, Moroni is
the same one as the Book of the Mormon prophet-
warrior named Moroni, who was the last to write
in the golden plates. The book states that Moroni
buried them before he died after a great battle
between two pre-Columbian civilizations. After he
died, he became an angel, then the guardian of the
golden plates, and eventually directing Joseph
Smith to their location in the 1820s.
Notice that this says that after Moroni
died, ‘he became an angel,’ and so it fits well with
those other New Age beliefs. Because God created
the angels, and man will judge them, it is not
possible to die and become an angel, and we will
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see that clearly as we go on. However, in spite of
this, the angelic realm has become very popular
especially with the advent and increase of the
New Age Movement in particular. - Its adherents
and others often use Christian terminology such
as "Guardian Angels" for example, to describe
consultation with what are actually the dead or
evil spirits.
The angels, to which they refer, were until
recent years, called "Spirit Guides" or "Familiar
Spirits" and in other circles still are, but they are
clearly demonic, pagan, and the occult in origin. It
is perhaps due to a modernistic idea of these
stories as being childish notions that adults do not
notice the authentic occult symbols and words in
such movies as the seemingly innocuous Harry
Potter, Supernatural and other television series as
well as books, games, and movies like them. These
are often virtual catechisms for children as were
many of the fairy tales of old.
A leading example of New Age mix-and-
match ideas about the real spirit world for adults
that appears to be an authentic book about angels
is a recent popular publication called, The Book of
Angels, a work by Kaya and Christian Muller. The
book calls on the Kabbalah and occult teachings
that they claim as hidden due to the Spanish
Inquisition and now rediscovered by them in

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They say in their promotional
introduction, - “The Hidden Secrets revealed in this
discovery lead us to understand that Angels, usually
represented as little children with wings, are in reality
States of Consciousness that inhabit all of us. Once
these Powers are re-activated, they trigger powerful
dreams and Revelations both of our past and future.
The Book of Angels, Dreams - Signs - Meditation, The
Hidden Secrets, transports us to the heart of the
application of spiritual life and allows us to discover
that Angels, normally represented as little children
with wings, are in reality Fields of Consciousness that
inhabit all of us.
Working with the Traditional Study of Angels
- Angelology is very simple in its practice. It is
sufficient to repeat a Name of an Angel, as often as
possible, while meditating, walking, doing daily
activities, etc. When done on a daily basis, this practice
triggers teachings through dreams, signs and powerful
expansions of consciousness that lead us to understand
that Heaven, regardless of the name we give it, is, in
fact, an immense Computer in which we live.”
I mention this book because it is a very
good example. It sums up the erroneous new age
occult beliefs that are calling on demonic angels
masquerading as God’s angels. Even in this
opening commentary, they mention that it is
sufficient to repeat the name of an angel.
Although I will explain this later, suffice to say
here that this is akin to a Hindu mantra used in
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Yoga. The mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning, lit;
magic incantation thus containing the deity, and by
calling the secret name of that entity, it takes
possession of the one meditating thus creating “a
fusion of beings”, and so there is nothing of what
they advocate that can reflect any authentic
Christian belief. I am sure therefore that due to
ignorance of the subject, and most especially by
using Christian terminology and images as they
do, many Catholics would not recognise that.
I have an article about angels on our
website and the most searched for word is
“Gabriel.” I have often wondered why the
fascination with that angel above all others. One
answer, working on the search words and
information from our web tracker could be to do
with the movie titled, “Gabriel.” I saw the movie
and found it to be so far off the truth that one
could only sit, and enjoy the plot and the
adventure for what it was - pure fantasy.
In this movie, the story takes place in
Purgatory, and says, “Since the beginning of time,
heaven and hell have fought over purgatory and the
souls trapped inside it. Each side has sent seven
warriors: archangels from heaven, fallen angels from
hell. They must assume human form to enter
purgatory. Hell has attained control, transforming
purgatory into a dark, seedy city. The last archangel,
Gabriel endeavours to discover what has become of his
comrades and to restore the Light.”
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Of course, I cannot give a complete movie
review, so suffice to say that there is nothing
except the name of the angels and demons that are
anywhere near Biblical or doctrinal reality -
Angels cannot die, and there is a lot of killing
going on. For example, in the movie, the
Archangel Michael impales Gabriel’s chest with a
metal pipe. An impaled Gabriel embraces
Michael, which drives the metal pipe through
Michael’s chest also, and tells Michael that he
forgives him. Both Archangels collapse. Michael
uses the last of his strength to heal Gabriel’s
wound, then dies. Light returns to purgatory. -
Apart from the fact that two holy angels of God
would never fight each other, any angel good or
evil cannot die.
There is another movie where Gabriel is a
girl. In that movie, Gabriel loses her wings and
becomes human. Apart from the fact that angels
cannot become human, there are no girlie angels;
in the Bible, all angels are in the masculine gender
in spite of the fact that there are many such
pictures in art and in cyberspace and so we must
remember that these are only artists' impressions.
Certainly, any angel depicted as a female
comes from a New Age source and indeed these
are the most common images.
It is most likely that due to such distortions
as the movie and those occult books as well as
Gabriel being the angel that Mohammed's first
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wife, a Nestorian Christian named Khadija said
she had spoken to him, that our web page gets so
many hits.
The Bible is the only reliable and primary
source of information on angels, in fact, the only
original source that uses the term, "angels."
Therefore, without reference to the Bible, we only
find the names given by peoples and cultures that
see them as gods by their various cultural names.
Because we believe and know that the God of the
Bible is the one true God, we accept his divine
revelation about angels as the only truth.
Whilst the Torah existed before the
Church, the Roman Catholic Church determined
the Canon of Scripture we have today. - All its
dogma and accepted theology is measured by
that, and especially so the angels in this book. For
this reason, it is essential to measure the
authenticity and credibility of my angel sent by
God, the Sword of Gilead, and all the activities of
the angelic world by those means. You cannot
come to a sound conclusion based on a false
premise, nor find the truth by studying the lie,
and so by studying the truth, especially in Sacred
Scripture, we more easily see the lie.
The Church accepts the reality of angels
and so this approach is imperative to discern this
subject and it is essential for a sound conclusion
on this amazing topic.

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With all this and more in mind, I write
now to clear up these confusions for anyone
interested in an authentic angelology. In so doing,
I hope this book will spread some light on the
reality and truth of God's Holy Angels whose role
is to minister to God and his people. - I hope this
book helps you too so that you now know the real
angels from the false ones, and so discern
falsehood from truth, not only for your own sake
but also for your brethren that yet do not know.
To understand the reality, purpose, and role of
“The Sword of Gilead” with regard to God’s mercy
and justice it will be necessary to start at the
beginning and give some actual accounts of his
(God’s) vengeance that I have not spoken of prior.

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"I am sending you an avenging angel
- He is the Sword of Gilead."

t is important that I begin with this angel
called "The Sword of Gilead" that our Lord
revealed to me in 1990 because many stories
of personal encounters with angels reek of
flights of the imagination, and in most cases, I
would say that would be so. This is most
especially because even though there is a lot of
information about the angels, there seems to be
little reliable teaching on the subject as far as I can
see, and most especially on how to discern the
spirits. - The result is that people pick up all sorts
of ideas from none-Christian and unreliable
sources such as those mentioned in the previous
There are good sources available to help us
properly understand the angelic world and not
the least is Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Augustine and other Saints, the Catholic
Catechism, and of course, Holy Scripture. I will
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call upon these and other Saints as well as my
personal experience because the most important
thing is to discern authenticity according to God
and not according to man's fantasy.
In this process, we cannot ignore the need
of the charismatic gift of the Discerning of Spirits.
After all, this is a divine gift infused by the Holy
Spirit in order that we can know which spirit is in
operation at any given time; human spirit,
demonic spirit, Holy Spirit, or holy angel.
It is these primary sources used to discern
the validity of an angel revealed to be called “The
Sword of Gilead” and so for me, a healthy
scepticism and a lengthy discernment process
began - a process of discernment that will help
you too as you see how it unravelled and
confirmed this angel sent to me. (I encourage you to
ask the Holy Spirit to give you his gift of discernment
as you read this book).
Therefore, in order to establish the reason
for finally accepting the “Sword of Gilead” as
authentic, I need to tell the story within the
circumstances governing the process and regret
that to do so requires me to name certain names
and so only for the sake of truth do so without
malice or prejudice. It is also important to note
that these events have not been made known until
And so my journey began one morning
after breakfast in 1990 whilst praying for my
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newly founded evangelistic organisation, Flame
Ministries International and the St. Mary’s
Cathedral Praise Meeting, when the Lord God
spoke audibly to me saying, “I am sending you an
Avenging Angel.” This not only took me by
surprise, but also scared me a little wondering
what I had done wrong, and yet somehow I knew
in my spirit that the words I had heard were real.
As I walked away from that area of my kitchen,
the voice spoke again saying, “He is The Sword of
Again surprised by this heavenly voice,
the title of the angel sounded familiar - However,
not easily accepting such revelations, I shared this
with my fellow directors of the time who both
acknowledged that the title sounded familiar to
them too and so further investigation began.
Searching in the Bible, I found no reference
to an angel with that name or title. Neither did I
find it among those angelic names accepted by the
Church in the apocryphal books or ancient
Hebrew angelology.
In addition, I knew that any name given to
an angel expresses its work and God’s nature and
character in its relation to God. In spite of this, the
message and the title would not leave my mind - I
knew of the Balm of Gilead, and so that part did not
bother me and so I embarked on a deeper research
and began the discerning process. 1John 4: 1,
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits
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to see whether they are from God, for many false
prophets have gone out into the world.”
My pre-Catholic involvement in Eastern
religions and dabbling with the occult, astrology,
and witchcraft, made me very aware of the
possibility of deceiving spirits. Therefore, I needed
to be sure this important message was from God. -
The word Gilead was no real surprise. - In the
Bible, "Gilead" means a “hill of testimony or mound
of witness” in Genesis 31:21 and it is a
mountainous region east of the Jordan River
situated in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The Aramaic name Yegar-Sahadutha
carries the same meaning as the Hebrew in
Genesis 31:47. - From its mountainous character, it
is "the mount of Gilead" in Genesis 31:25. It is called
also "the land of Gilead" in Numbers 32:1, and
sometimes simply "Gilead" as in Psalms 60:9;
Genesis 37:25. As a whole, it included the tribal
territories of Gad, Reuben, and the eastern half of
Manasseh in Deut 3:13, Num 32:40. Surrounded
on the north by Bashan and on the south by Moab
and Ammon, I found it noted in Genesis 31:21,
and Deut 3:12-17, and so this satisfied me.
It became apparent that the concept of
“witness and testimony” connected with the
purpose and vision of Flame Ministries
International: preaching, teaching, and
evangelisation; which I at that time was praying.
This also resonated strongly with my ministry as a
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Catholic Evangelist. - Every major proclamation of
God was on top of a mountain, so to speak, and
thus this made sense given our mission: to publish
openly the Word of God without compromise.
Satisfied with this, it now left the mystery of the
St. Augustine says about angelic names,
"The name of an angel belongs to his office, not to his
nature. You ask what the name of his nature is. He is a
spirit. You ask what the name of his office is. He is an
I did know that the “The Sword of Gilead”
was not this angel’s name, but his title and the
word “Avenging” was his purpose and ministry.
In my research, it became clear that swords are at
times synonymous with God’s angels, and so now
this made sense of “Sword of” being the “Angel of.”
For example, the archangel Uriel - his name
meaning either "Fire of God", or "God is my Light."
Not named in the scriptures, Uriel is
nonetheless prominent in Hebrew and Christian
angelology. In the Apocrypha, Uriel stands at the
gates of Eden with a huge swirling flaming sword,
preventing anyone from entering the verdant
place. Genesis 3:24, says regarding the banishment
due to the fall of Adam, “After he drove the man out,
he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden

cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth
to guard the way to the tree of life.”

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The “Sword of Gilead” was not the angel
Uriel of course, but my research showed that the
term “Sword” did sometimes refer to God’s holy
angels and it seemed to refer to the cherubim as
noted in Genesis 3:24. - I could now see then, that
the words “Sword of Gilead” meant, “Angel of
Gilead - hill of testimony or mound of witness. -
Considering my calling and ministry as a preacher
evangelist and so the purpose of both Flame
Ministries International and FMI’s outreach now
titled “The Lion of Judah Catholic Praise
Meeting,” “hill of testimony or mound of witness”
made sense and sat right in my spirit.
It now left the word “Avenging” that
needed examination. - This is a very aggressive
term and it bothered me even though I knew that
God had said in Romans 12: 9, “Beloved, never
avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for
it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the
Other scriptures that supported this was
Leviticus 19:13, Deuteronomy 32:25, 1 Samuel 26:10,
11, Psalm 94:1, Proverbs 20:22, Proverbs 24:29,
Jeremiah 51:36, Romans 12:17, Ephesians 4:27,
1Thessalonians 4:6, 2Timothy 4:14, Hebrews 10:30. -
Vengeance is wholly due to the Lord, and so this
was an angel of the Lord sent to do his just
bidding on my behalf.
By now, it became clear to me that the title,
“Sword,” meaning “Angel of,” and Gilead meaning,
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“hill of testimony or Mound of Witness,” and
“Avenging” meaning God’s vengeance, was
authentic, and especially because vengeance
belongs to God to inflict revenge, not man.
This implies that it is improper for people
to interfere with that which correctly belongs to
God. - When we are angry and attempt to avenge
ourselves, we should remember, therefore, that
we are infringing on the sole prerogatives of God
This is no small matter when it comes to
countries and cultures where sectarian or other
religious violence continues through revenge, the
curse of which being unending violence. The
vengeance of man cannot satisfy the justice of God
and in fact, usurps his unique place as the one and
only judge of all the earth. This is a grievous and
mortal sin if we do so.
Although not yet convinced, I could see
the possibility of “Gilead” referring to Flame
Ministries International and perhaps also to the
Cathedral Praise Meeting as ‘Mound of witness”,
and if so, this would mean that anyone attempting
to harm either would face the angel who would
administer God’s just judgement on their behalf.
For the next twelve months, this was my
unspoken position. At the time, we suffered some
rejection by people in the Catholic community and
in the Catholic charismatic renewal and maligned
as fundamentalist heretics. - In those early days,
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the word evangelisation, as well as the word and
function of an evangelist, was a foreign concept to
Catholics and the term Evangelist even more so
because they associated it with fundamentalist
Protestants. - “They are just Catholics trying to be
Protestants” was one particular expression spread
by several people back then.
Others accused me of plagiarism as well as
breach of copyright, heresy, Gnosticism,
impropriety, being a cult leader and Flame
Ministries as a cult that brainwashed people, and
many such accusations. Thankfully, all of
them were dismissed by my Archbishop as untrue
after an investigation.

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y this time, Flame Ministries and the
Cathedral Praise Meeting had begun
inspired by a prophecy received in prayer
on Christmas Eve 1989 and so it is
important to explain the connections and why so
the angel.
Inspired by a prophecy called "Set My
People on Fire", a 15-week draft Bible Seminar
submitted to the late Archbishop William J Foley
for his discernment gave his permission to teach
after consultation with his personal theologian.
It was early into that first seminar that the
Holy Spirit inspired us to begin a charismatic
prayer meeting at the Cathedral parish in Perth,
and so, with the permission and blessing the
Dean, the Cathedral Praise meetings began and I
was unanimously elected as its leader.
Shortly after this, during prayer at home,
the Lord showed me a vision of a flame of fire
with the word “Flame” written on it. I kept this to
myself to discern its authenticity when a little
while later the Holy Spirit revealed the word

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"Flame" as meaning, “Faith, Love, Adoption,
Maturity, and, Evangelisation.”
With the additional vision of an umbrella
above that was symbolic of Flame under which
we should submit. I presented this to the other
authors of the time; Guy Sutton-Mattocks and
Graham Douglas (Now apostate) who accepted it as
coming from God and all agreed to put our works
within the "Set My People on Fire" seminars under
Flame Ministries copyright, relinquishing
ownership as our Lord had asked, and so “Flame
Ministries” began in early 1990.
Shortly after this, the Holy Spirit revealed
to me the word “International” that made no sense
at the time because we had not been to any other
country. Seeking the reason for this, I finally
understood that it did not refer to what we were
doing at the time, but to what we would be doing
in the future.
It was in that sense that the prophecy was
by then accepted as our Commission. Later, the
word “International” added to “Flame Ministries”
gave a sense of vision and purpose, and so “Flame
Ministries International” came into being. – As I
said, it was not so much what we were at that
time, but what we were to become, and today, we
Later, 1991, Archbishop Foley passed
away, and so the Bishop of Geraldton, Barry
James Hickey became the new Archbishop of
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Perth. Shortly after, we met with him and
submitted Flame Ministries International in
obedience to his authority.
Recognising the calling we had to preach
the Gospel, he later formally commissioned us as
“Catholic Evangelists” by the Laying on of Hands
as we knelt before him in his office.
The Archbishop asked if we would like
him to commission us at a formal Mass in the
Cathedral. Not looking for public glory so to
speak, we explained that if God’s anointing is
truly present, people would see its fruit and
accept it, and so we asked his Commission to be in
private. He then asked us to kneel and so formally
inducted us as Evangelists in the name of the
Church with the ministerial office and faculty to
preach, and so began the process of writing our
Constitution with the assistance of Archbishop
Hickey over the next five years.
Due to much confusion for the Catholic
public and some groups and communities who
could not understand nor accept this, and who
continued to malign us, and sadly that including
several priests at that time, we then requested that
it be done at a public ceremony at our Annual
Flame Congress as a public witness. Archbishop
Hickey could not attend at that time and so he
gave the ceremony to the now late Bishop Healey.
At that Congress, he also accepted Vows of

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Obedience from the Senior Directors personally
and on behalf of FMI.
Then on January 17th, 1996, His Grace The
Most Rev, Barry James Hickey, Archbishop of
Perth, Western Australia granted Flame Ministries
International Canonical Status as "A Public
Association of Christ's faithful" under Canon
301/2(p3) entitled to use the name "Catholic"
Canon 300.
This proved to be a far-reaching
acceptance and recognition, so here is what those
Canons said in The Code of Canon Law, and I
quote them here because I believe they are
important to this whole story and the nature of
FMI’s position within the Roman Catholic Church.
Canon 300 No association may call itself
'Catholic' except with the consent of the competent
ecclesiastical authority, in accordance with can. 312.
Canon 301 1 It is for the competent ecclesiastical
authority alone to establish associations of Christ's
faithful which intend to impart Christian teaching in
the name of the Church, or to promote public worship,
or which are directed to other ends whose pursuit is of
its nature reserved to the same ecclesiastical authority.
2 The competent ecclesiastical authority, if it judges it
expedient, can also establish associations of Christ's
faithful to pursue, directly or indirectly, other spiritual
ends whose attainment is not adequately provided for
by private initiatives. 3 Associations of Christ's faithful

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which are established by the competent ecclesiastical
authority are called public associations.
Now formally established, FMI and its
Commissioned Evangelists received the ecclesial
faculty to preach and teach in the name of the
Roman Catholic Church, and with the canonical
status, the same faculty a priest, schools, college,
university, or any other such public teaching body
in the Church.
This also made sense of the name Gilead
and its Hebrew understandings and considering
the tirades of false allegations, rumours, personal
attacks, and slander, one began to see why God
appointed an avenging angel and the protection of
the Church to the ministry and its members most
especially in those early days of formation.

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hroughout this process, there remained a
nagging uncertainty relating to the “Sword
of Gilead” as being an avenging archangel. I
had shared this with the Archbishop who
has never declared it as false, but at that time the
nagging continued. Then one day during prayer,
my epiphany highlighted the word “You.”
As said previously, I was in prayer
interceding for FMI and the CPM (St. Mary’s
Cathedral Praise Meeting). I was the leader of the
CPM at that time and the Founding Director of
FMI and suddenly realised that the Lord had said,
“I am sending ‘you’ an avenging angel.” Stunned by
this, it was clear now that this avenging archangel
was for me, and so the nagging stopped and all
fell into place.
I now understood that as founder, leader,
evangelist, and subsequent author, I would be the
one most under attack as had proved the case for
some years prior. Now, as the founder and only
original of the founding Senior Director remaining
in office, God sending an avenging angel to me
personally makes sense. - This gave a completely

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new perspective, and so the question in my mind
now was “What does this mean for me. How do I
respond? What do I do with this angel?" I certainly
realised that it implied a massive responsibility
just as it did when I thought in terms of Flame
Ministries International and the Cathedral Praise
Meeting but now in a far more personal way.
I began to realise that the attacks on FMI
were in fact attacks on me. For example, “Stay
away from him. He is a lone ranger and cult leader. He
brainwashes his people” and consequently
damaging the work we were doing. In addition,
there were many other painful rumours verging
on slander about me that came to my knowledge. -
Destructive to my public character and work, they
inevitably prevented people coming to Flame
meetings and becoming members of our mission.
It is true to say that anyone in a ministry
like mine would expect to come under attack from
Satan and people for one reason or another, so as
it was nothing new, I had to ask why such an
angel had been given to me, and what to do?
Until now I have not made these
accusations and attacks public - and I only do so
now in all humility in order to establish the reason
for God giving this angel to assist me and hence
FMI and our public praise meetings.
Sadly, these attacks and vilifications were
not limited to the local area of Perth. - They
extended globally with very serious consequences
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to God’s ministry through Flame beyond
One such case of character assassination
was regarding an invitation from the Bishop of
Ljubljana in Slovenia to preach in his diocese.
Organised by my Slovenian publisher to promote
the Croatian and Slovenian edition of my book
“12 Steps to Divine Healing” one of the events was
for a Catholic Charismatic Conference whose
organisers sabotaged my visit by lobbying the
Bishop with lies to cancel the invitation. Sadly,
under pressure, he did so and I have never been
there since.
Later, I discovered from my publisher that
they allegedly wanted complete control of my
book sales as well as the income it earned at their
conferences. My publisher refused, and this
refusal apparently began the false allegations
against me from people I had never met.
I learned afterwards by email from my
publisher that a priest from Queensland was also
part of the same teaching team as me at the
conference, and when told that my book had
Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat they could not refute
my credibility.
Supposedly, the priest told the organisers
that although I had the support of my Archbishop
in Perth they did not accept my book in
Queensland. I have no reason to doubt the word
of my publisher, and in the light of all the
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circumstances, it would seem that a nod and a
wink is good enough sometimes in the right
quarter. The outcome was the cancellation of my
long-planned mission by the Church in Slovenia.
A similar thing happened in Portugal. -
Because our hostess would not let the prevailing
CCR lay movement control our visit, she informed
me they told lies to their bishop and had our host
confined to her parish and prayer group and not
permitted to do any outreach outside the parish.
On another mission, our host priest and
invitee - the Director of the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith in Mexico, informed me that
the national coordinator of the CCR allegedly
contacted every prayer group leader in the
country telling them to stay away from our
conferences because they were not their events.
He did this regardless of knowing that
Cardinal Norberto Carrera officially welcomed us
in a letter read out on national television and
granting his blessing and commission to
evangelise (the whole of) Mexico.
Thanks to the grace of God, it did not stop
great crowds attending our events around the
country. - It was, in fact, a great success in spite of
this and most especially two, two-hour live
television shows all about FMI and its prophetic
vision regarding the “Baptism of Fire” for the
Americas on Clara-Vision and Maria-Vision
broadcast to several million people from the tip of
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South America up to Alaska. We had never met
this man, and so again one wonders why he
would go to such lengths to stop our mission.
These situations are not exceptional, and
sadly, they all come from Catholics that function
is some area of leadership. It makes one sad to the
depths of the soul knowing what Jesus said about
a man’s greatest enemy being those of his own
It was an earlier time in Perth where the
Sword of Gilead came into play, or at least where I
saw the results. - I was severely disturbed in my
spirit for a long time and suffered heart
palpitations that felt like a kind of severe and
constant dread.
It was so disturbing that I finally appealed
to my angel this way, “Sword of Gilead. In the name
of Jesus, I release you against whomever or whatever is
trying to harm me, but do only what is right and just
according to God.” Shortly after this, I received a
phone call to meet with the Archbishop.
By now, I had learned that a call to meet an
Archbishop meant that you were in trouble or
going to be canonised. Well, the latter was not
possible, at least in this life, and so I guessed I was
in trouble. True enough, I was to answer to
twenty-one allegations made against me; the least
of concerns on that list was heresy and
Gnosticism, so you can imagine how bad the
others. Thanks to God, with the whole matter
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discussed in depth, the Archbishop exonerated me
Rightly, he would not tell me the name of
my accuser, but from the nature of the allegations,
I did have an idea of who it was. - This person
was once a very close friend who had been
corrupted by an ex-Flame member.
He was a healthy young man in his late
30’s, but a short while later I heard the sad news
that he suffered a heart attack while riding his
motorbike along a freeway and died. It turned out
that there was in fact nothing wrong with his
heart, and so this hit me with a certain terror and
unbearable grief; he had been a very close friend
whom I loved very much.
Was this a mere coincidence? Yes, it could
be so, except that this kind of result has happened
several times, and in each case, I had not known
what or who was bringing tribulation to my soul
until afterwards.
One other example is with regard to
popular Catholic forum page I found while doing
a Google search for my name. For some time my
soul had been in turmoil with the dreaded feeling
that destruction loomed for me, and so I had
released the Sword of Gilead as before. For a long
time this persisted when one day, I instinctively
searched for my name out of curiosity.
It was not long before I came across a
Catholic Forum and read what the moderator
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wrote. - It was a woman in the USA that I had
never heard of and what she was saying shocked
me. - Her malicious diatribe against me was
frightening and her condemnation of my book as
false doctrine and me a heretic. Sadly, there was
page after page of her forum members spitting
venom against me based on her comments, none
of whom had read the book it seems.
Reading the comments, I was stunned in
disbelief, and so I decided to contact her. When
going through the pages they came to a sudden
halt in the middle of a debate about my false
doctrines and I could find no more. I searched
back and forth many times trying to find a contact
with her but could find nothing; the forum had
closed about a year prior around the time of my
spiritual disturbance and release of my angel.
I was just about to give up when I noticed
a comment from a woman of the same surname
that had a link attached. I clicked and found a
very sad tribute to her sister, the owner of the
forum who had died about a year since she wrote
As I read this sad tribute from a grieving
sister to the forum members, something in me
clicked and identified the time to the exact period
of my distress and the day I invoked my angel. I
fell head down on my desk and wept for a long
time interceding for her soul.

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On another occasion many years ago, my
very close friend, a Deacon, moved to Melbourne
and ordained to the priesthood. This was his
greatest love and his reason for his existence. Over
the years, we kept in touch periodically by phone.
One evening he called me and we chatted about
his ministry when he mentioned his admiration
for Archbishop Emmanuel Malingo.
The name rang a bell and I asked if that
was the same Archbishop silenced by the Vatican
for performing his tribal witchcraft healing
services in his diocese? Upon hearing my
question, my friend flew into a rage, “Curse you for
saying that about this holy man of God!” and
continued his condemnation of me for a while
I put the phone down and wept in fear of
his soul. Everything in me knew he was in danger
of losing his soul and so I wept on and off in my
studio until after dawn when my workday began.
It would be true to say that, I fought my anger at
the insult during those terrible hours.
For about four years, I had a deep
loneliness in my heart for this man. This strange
loneliness persisted until finally, one day recently
I could resist no longer and decided to contact him
and tell him how he hurt me and that I loved him
and forgave him for the curse. I called the
Superior General of the Religious Order to which
he belonged.
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The Superior General knew me from his
time in Perth and told me that my priest friend
had died about four years ago for unknown
reasons. He was only around 35 years of age as far
as I know. Archbishop Malingo later left the
Church, joined the Moonies, and had a girl chosen
for him by Sun Myung Moon and married her in
one of his multi-thousand wedding ceremonies.
There are many more examples I could
relate and not all ended in death, and it cannot be
determined that death is a direct result in real
terms, but the coincidences are amazing, and
never the less, God’s justice did prevail.
In other cases too long and too many to
mention here, people’s plans and ministry
ventures that worked against Flame and me, some
being Judas spirit members, often came to an
embarrassing and uncomfortable end.
As you can imagine, these events are very
disturbing and if there is in fact, any reality in this
avenging angel, then it comes with a great burden
too. Always I have wondered what to do with
this, and each time I have spoken of him with my
Archbishop of the time, he has never told me that
it was not real. - On one occasion, a person
complained to the Archbishop that I had released
this angel against him and that I had split his soul
and dismantled it. Again, I was once more to
answer this accusation.

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I assured the Archbishop that I had not
done such a thing and a conversation about the
angel ensued. I mentioned that this topic had
come up before as he knew, and so I said to him,
“Let us suppose this angel is real and I invoked his
ministry saying, “Sword of Gilead. In the name of Jesus
I release you against whomever or whatever is trying to
harm me, but do only what is right and just according
to God’, and then someone died. Would that be my
fault?” He agreed that it would not and counselled
me to be cautious.
Through these conversations, I learned the
best thing was just carry on with my ministry
regardless; vengeance belongs to God only, and so
it is not my place to take reprisal on my enemies -
that is purely and only an act of God and not man.
Therefore, when a person takes revenge
they take God’s place and inevitably invoke God’s
wrath that as I have understood, is most often a
never-ending war with constant deaths. The Bible
also says in Hebrews 10; 31, “It is a terrifying thing
to fall into the hands of the living God.” Therefore, it
seems to me that this is what has happened in
these cases as well as others less dramatic.
Here, I am not listing the direct demonic
attacks on me that are frequent, but enough said
that they are immediate, malevolent, and
dangerous. Fortunately, I am very aware of the
authority given me by my Archbishop to deal
with an evil entity that manifests in my presence,
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and that includes during public ministry and
those from other people.
Often using the Name of Jesus is sufficient
to dispel these demonic attacks, but other times I
would invoke the assistance of the “Sword of
In this process of discernment, it is
important to note that the “Sword of Gilead” is not
the angel’s name but his ministerial function.
All too often, I hear of people that have
visitations or visions from angels that give them
their names. One such is a popular Catholic
speaker who claims to have an angel named
“Caddy.” This presents a real problem because
angels’ names/titles reflect an attribute of God’s
character and if an angel approaches that claim a
name/title other than those revealed in the Bible or
angelology, it is likely to be a lying spirit.
Caddy is not a name that represents God
unless God plays golf in heaven. In addition, it is a
girl’s name, and there are no girl angels, as we
will see later. - All angels are represented in the
masculine gender in Holy Scripture and ancient
Hebrew angelology, and so knowing this, it is a
good sign that this entity is either a figment of this
man’s imagination or it is real and not from God.
Yes, this account is a lengthy one to
explain, but it is important to establish with you
that caution is the better side of valour in these
matters. - As 1 John 4:1 says, “Dear friends, do not
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believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether
they are from God because many false prophets have
gone out into the world.”
I see myself as privileged that Our Lord
would take such concern for me as well as my
mission of evangelisation as a preacher and
teacher of God’s Holy Word. - It is no small matter
and I do not take it lightly. - Over the 27+ years I
have preached to over 20 million people, and
during this time 1000’s have accepted Jesus as
their Lord and saviour as well as so many that
have been healed of many ailments; just as the
Bible says of Jesus; the blind see, the deaf hear, the
dumb speak, the cripples walk, the dead are
raised, and prisoners set free. – I have experienced
all those things as well as various incurable
diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cancers to a
common cold as well as mental, emotional, and
spiritual healing.
The Devil hates this and so persecution
from his hoards is no surprise, but it does make
sense of an Avenging Angel as well the authority
given by the Church to act in its name.

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y now, it would be understandable to
wonder if this is really a holy angel of the
Lord, and that would be a reasonable
reaction. However, when we look closely at the
role and function of the angelic in the life of man,
we can be mightily surprised, and once
understood, greatly comforted, as I know that
with God on my side, no weapon formed against
me will prosper.
In the case of the “Sword of Gilead”, he
should never be used as my personal weapon to
sling at anything or anyone that might offend or
harm, but rather for God’s justice, as he alone can
impute what is right and just. In effect, this angel
is God’s vengeance, not mine - should there be
any situation or person that would harm me in
any way, be it body, soul, spirit, temporal, or
corporal, and I released this angel, only God, and
God alone determines the outcome.
Psalm 78:49, “He sent upon them His burning
anger, fury and indignation and trouble, a band of
destroying angels.” Most often in Bible
commentaries, destroying angels are evil. I do not
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doubt that inasmuch as they see the receiving end
of God’s justice and the consequences thereof. The
exception for me is accepting that the Sword of
Gilead is indeed a good holy angel of God.
Naturally, if one were at the receiving end of his
ministry he could well appear as an evil entity.
Even God when displaying his wrath could seem
evil if one were the object of his justice, and so this
perspective begs further examination.
One consideration is that fallen angels are
irrevocably rebellious and disobedient regarding
all things with God. Could it be therefore that if
God consigned them to some place or action on
his behalf that they would resist?
Certainly, it would seem that unlike the
holy angels, they would not obey simply because
God asked, and so God would need to exercise his
power and authority to compel them. This is not
so with his holy angels, and so with the Sword of
Gilead as a ministering spirit.
The Bible, in Hebrews 1: 14, calls the
angels "Ministering Spirits" and these have many
varying different roles and functions to assist the
Christian here on the earth. Not only do they
minister to God before the Throne day and night
but they also convey God's messages to his
people. Some angels have specific roles and all
created by God to perform specific tasks such as
the Guardian Angels of countries, territories, and
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In the case of the prophet Daniel, we see
this with profound clarity regarding his vision of a
man in Daniel 10: 1-21 and so I will quote the
whole text. I will then examine its content
regarding the vision, and so to see and
understand what I am explaining, I encourage you
to read it first. - “In the third year of Cyrus king of
Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel (who was
called Belteshazzar). Its message was true and it

concerned a great war. The understanding of the
message came to him in a vision. At that time I,
Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice
food; no meat or wine touched my lips, and I used
no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.
"On the twenty-fourth day of the first
month, as I was standing on the bank of the great
river, the Tigris, I looked up and there before I
was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of fine
gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was
like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like
flaming torches, his arms, and legs like the gleam
of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound
of a multitude.
"I, Daniel, was the only one who saw the
vision; those who were with me did not see it, but
such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and
hid. So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision;
I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale
and I was helpless. Then I heard him speaking,

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and as I listened to him, I fell into a deep sleep,
my face to the ground.
"A hand touched me and set me trembling
on my hands and knees. He said, “Daniel, you
who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the
words I am about to speak to you and stand up,
for I have now been sent to you.” And when he
said this to me, I stood up trembling.
"Then he continued, “Do not be afraid,
Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind
to gain understanding and to humble yourself
before your God, your words were heard, and I
have come in response to them. But the prince of
the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days.
Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to
help me because I was detained there with the
king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you
what will happen to your people in the future, for
the vision concerns a time yet to come.
"While he was saying this to me, I bowed
my face toward the ground and was speechless.

Then one who looked like a man touched my lips,
and I opened my mouth and began to speak. I said
to the one standing before me, “I am overcome
with anguish because of the vision, my lord, and I
feel very weak. How can I, your servant, talk with
you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can
hardly breathe.
"Again, the one who looked like a man
touched me and gave me strength. “Do not be
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afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said.
“Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke
to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my
lord, since you have given me
strength.”Therefore, he said, “Do you know why I
have come to you? Soon I will return to fight
against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the
prince of Greece will come; but first I will tell you
what is written in the Book of Truth. No one
supports me against them except Michael, your
prince.” (End quote)
The first thing we note is that it is very
specific regarding the date, time, and place - the
third year of the reign of King Cyrus, in Persia,
twenty-fourth day of the fourth month, at the
Tigris river. By this, the author is making it clear
that this was an actual event that took place in a
specific place and time in history and not just a
story or parable.
Next, his description of the man is also
very specific in its frightening splendour. From
this description, many have thought this describes
the Lord Jesus. However, there are many clues
that it is not. The main clue is that Daniel calls him
“lord.” If it were Jesus as some speculate, even
though the Hebrew has no distinction, never the
less, the English translations do make a distinction
with capital letters when referring to God and
Christ, and so on this premise the capital “Lord"
would be used here. If this man is not Jesus then
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we must conclude that he is an angelic messenger
sent by God to let Daniel know his purpose.
Judging by the words used and the
purpose of the visitation, it is clear to me that it is
the Archangel Gabriel, and we can know that for
several other reasons. - The name Gabriel means
Might of God or Power of God, and he is, as his name
and ministry here imply, “God’s messenger sent
forth” and as we will see later, he is the angel
serving the Holy Spirit who reveals the mind of
God the Father.
In his conversation with Daniel, Gabriel
reveals a war in the heavenly realms and the
demonic angel that blocks him in the heavens for
twenty-one days is the prince of the kingdom of
Persia where Daniel is. - This is the demonic
guardian angel of Persia and here he battles God’s
messenger. If God’s angel here were a warring
angel or even the pre-existing Christ, then he
would defeat them. As it is, he does not and so he
calls on the Archangel Michael to do this so that
he can get through to deliver the message to
The name Michael means, “Like (unto)
God” and he is the Captain of the Heavenly Host
and the one that cast Lucifer from heaven to the
earth in the angelic war prior to Adam’s creation. -
He is the guardian angel of Israel and ours too.
Again, to establish Gabriel, we see in verse 20 that
he says that when he leaves Daniel to return to the
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heavens that the prince of Greece will come.
Again, this is the demonic angel (Principality) over
Greece. He comes to prevent Gabriel returning
and who will assist the Prince of Persia in the
battle. Clearly, though, these demon angels are
defeated by the Archangel Michael.
The role of the Holy Spirit in the Godhead
is to reveal the mind of God. The Archangel
Gabriel is the ministering angel to the Holy Spirit
and so he, whose name means, Might of God and
or, Power of God, is God’s messenger of good news
as he was to Mary at the Annunciation, and so it is
clear that the man that Daniel describes is the
Archangel Gabriel.
I think one lesson of encouragement for us
here is that if we humble ourselves in prayer, as
did Daniel, God hears us. However, we often
experience delay and think God has not heard.
Well, maybe the delay is not God, but the demonic
angels trying to stop the answer getting through
to you, so what I learn from this is not to give up
and persist as Jesus says, it will surely come and
in its due season.
God is not deaf nor his angels puny, and as
we go on we will see how angels minister and
how magnificent and powerful these creatures are
in our lives too.

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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels




he Sacred Scriptures give only four angels
names from the countless number created.
The named are Gabriel, whose name
means, God is Mighty, Michael, whose name
means, Like God, Raphael, whose name means,
God Heals, and Lucifer, whose name means, Light
Bearer, or, Angel of Light. All the angels - the
countless numbers were all, created good.
"How can Lucifer be good?" you may be
asking. - St. Thomas Aquinas taught that angels
are not supernatural - God and God alone is the
only supernatural being and angels are creatures
no less than you or me. Other than being pure
spirits - just as any living creature that God
created - we see in Genesis that God calls his
creation "good" and that includes the angels who
too are created with free will; a will to choose to
accept their salvation or not.
According to St, Thomas Aquinas, angels
were created sometime before the creation of the
world, and so it may well be that God created the

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