The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels
Classical world, there were four elements: fire,
earth, air, and water. This paradigm was highly
influential in medieval natural philosophy, and
Paracelsus evidently intended to draw a range of
mythological beings into this paradigm by
identifying them as belonging to one of these four
elemental types.
Elementals of Air, Earth, Fire and Water - In
mysticism, magic and alchemy, an elemental is a
creature (usually a spirit) that is attuned with or
composed of, one of the classical elements: air,
earth, fire and water. - The elements balance each
other out through opposites: water quenches the
fire, fire boils water, earth contains air, air erodes
earth. The concept of elementals seems to have
been conceived by Paracelsus in the 16th century,
though he did not, in fact, use the term
"elemental" or a German equivalent. (Paracelsus,
"Liber de nymphis, sylphis, pygmaeis et salamandris et
de caeteris spiritibus." in "Philosophia magna, de
divinis operibus et seretis naturae. V. 1." Date
unknown, but thought to be a later work.)
Paracelsus gave common names for the elemental
types, as well as alternate names, which he seems
to have considered somewhat more proper. He
also referred to them by purely German terms
which are roughly equivalent to "water people,"
"mountain people," and so on, using all the
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels
different forms interchangeably. The Paracelsian
elementals were: Of these names, "gnomus",
"undina", and "sylph" are all thought to have
appeared first in Paracelsus' works, though
"undina" is a fairly obvious Latin derivative. The
other names are traditional terms, though the
Paracelsian usage is thought to be novel. - He
noted that undines are similar to humans in size,
while sylphs are rougher, bigger, longer, and
stronger. Gnomes are short, while salamanders
are long, narrow, and lean.
In his influential "De Occulta Philosophia" of the
same period, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa also
wrote of four classes of spirits corresponding to
the four elements, though he did not give special
names for the classes. Agrippa did, however, give
an extensive list of various mythological beings of
this type, although without clarifying which
belongs to which elemental class.
Asmodeus evil spirit, prince of demons, from
Latin. Asmodaeus, from Greek. Asmodaios, from
Talmudic Hebrew. Ashmeday, from Avestan
Aeshma-dæva, "Aeshma the deceitful," from aeshma
"anger," daeva- "spirit, demon."
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels
The King James Bible uses the words "witch",
"witchcraft", and "witchcrafts" to translate the
Masoretic ףשכ (kashaph or kesheph) and םסק
(qesem); these same English terms are used to
translate φαρμακεια (pharmakeia) in the Greek
New Testament text. Verses such as Deuteronomy
18:11–12 and Exodus 22:18 ("Thou shalt not suffer
a witch to live") thus provided scriptural
justification for Christian witch hunters in the
early Modern Age (see Christian views on
The precise meaning of the Hebrew kashaph,
usually translated as "witch" or "sorceress", is
uncertain. In the Septuagint, it was translated as
pharmakeia or pharmakous. In the 16th century,
Reginald Scott, a prominent critic of the witch-
trials, translated kashaph, pharmakeia, and their
Latin Vulgate equivalent veneficos as all meaning
"poisoner", and on this basis, claimed that "witch"
was an incorrect translation and poisoners were
intended. His theory still holds some currency
but is not widely accepted, and in Daniel 2:2
kashaph is listed alongside other magic
practitioners who could interpret dreams:
magicians, astrologers, and Chaldeans. Suggested
derivations of Kashaph include mutterer (from a
single root) or herb user (as a compound word
formed from the roots kash, meaning "herb", and
hapaleh, meaning "using"). The Greek pharmakeia
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels
literally means "herbalist" or one who uses or
administers drugs, but it was used virtually
synonymously with Mageia and goeteia as a term
for a sorcerer.
The Bible provides some evidence that
these commandments against sorcery were
enforced under the Hebrew kings. - And Saul
disguised himself and put on another raiment,
and he went, and two men with him, and they
came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray
thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and
bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.
And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou
knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off
those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards,
out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare
for my life, to cause me to die? - Note that the
Hebrew word ob, translated as a familiar spirit in
the above quotation, has a different meaning than
the usual English sense of the phrase; namely, it
refers to a spirit that the woman is familiar with,
rather than to a spirit which physically manifests
itself in the shape of an animal.
Chinese Elementals
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels
Seven spirits
Ordo Templis Orientis
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
Knights Templar
United Order of the Golden Cross and many
Other works by the same author
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels
"12 Steps to Divine Healing"
Second Edition Revised and Expanded.
ISBN/EAN13: 1497531284 / 9781497531284
152 Pages 5.25" x 8" Amazon Create Space
"It's Faith Jim. But not as we know it"
Second Edition ISBN 0-646-44975-3
277 pages 5.25" x 8"
"Divine Healing in the Jubilee Year"
Kindle Edition eBook 103 Pages (estimated)
The Flame Ministries International
Catholic Bible College On-Line
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So to God be all the Glory.
Flame Ministries International
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