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Published by fmi, 2018-12-25 10:12:41

2nd Sword of Gilead Interior

The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

In other words, lingam is a penis and so we
can see the idea of sexual lust and penile worship
through various phallic symbols, and so lingam is
not separate from the female genitalia in that the
lingam represented with the yoni (vagina), is a
symbol of the goddess or of Shakti, female
creative energy (sexual). (This, of course, is the
function of Tantric Yoga) The union of lingam and
yoni represents the "indivisible two-in-oneness of
male and female, the passive space and active time from
which all life originates" (Wiki)
In this, it is not hard to see the incubus and
succubus involved under other names. Because
we see these as genuine religions, we miss the
truth that fallen angels, in reality, head them.
Historically it shows that the most erotic
expressions to the point of becoming a religion
have a goddess as the head.
We can see this in 2 Thessalonians 2:4
referring to Satan’s plan, “He will oppose and will
exalt himself over everything that is called God or is
worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple,
proclaiming himself to be God.”
This is a clear warning not to dabble with
pagan religions for any reason no matter who
presents them to us as okay with the Church. In
fact, we should oppose them in the Church, and
evangelise their adherents in their unbelief.

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t becomes clear from what we have discovered
that Satan is not an equal and opposite of God
as claimed by many people! - Just like all the
other angels, God created him and therefore by
definition, he is not God. Satan is a creature as I
have said, and therefore he is subject to God like
all else in heaven and earth and he has no more
rights or power than God allows in spite of the
fact he and his followers would have us believe
Popular (New Age) thought often accepts
and believes in the concept of Yin and Yang and
believe this to be perfect balance and harmony
that brings us peace. The principles of yin-yang
are an important part of Huangdi Neijing (Yellow
Emperor's Classic of Medicine), the earliest Chinese
medical book, written about 2,000 years ago. They
are still important in traditional Chinese medicine
and Feng Shui today.
This Yin and Yang symbol is now in many
products, logos. Even the Eudora Email program

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has a spinning Yin and Yang symbol to indicate a
function running. It is especially sad to say that
even some parishes promote this and use the
symbol openly and thereby introducing another
religion and corrupting parishioners.
However, it is self-evident that this is
erroneous thinking; even the law of physics
testifies to this in that darkness is merely an
absence of light and therefore, unlike light
dispelling darkness, darkness cannot enter light
nor extinguish it. However, it is true to say that a
balance does bring harmony, but when it comes to
darkness and light, evil and good, this does not
apply - They are not equal and opposites as
neither are good and evil, God nor Devil.
The only outcome of a war between good
and evil in this way of thinking is perpetual war
due to the neutralizing effect of this equality.
Hence, there will never be peace with a Yin and
Yang concept or any other New Age or occult
philosophy for that matter, but it does keep
Hollywood in business and all of us suitably
entertained as we see in so many equal and
opposites fighting it out in current supernatural
movies and television programs.
In these programs and films, however, we
see good witches and bad witches, good wizards
and bad wizards battling it out as well as, and
more especially, good demons and bad demons.
Of course, in the programs and films, there might
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well be equals, but there cannot be opposites;
witches are witches no matter white or black and
there are no such things as good demons versus bad
demons; all are fallen angels and irrevocably evil
beyond comprehension as we have seen so far and
with no hope or desire for salvation.
The evidence that Satan is restricted is in
the beginning chapters of the Book of Job that
shows the true inequality very clearly (Job 1:6-12 -
Job 2:1-7) and even though Satan has the effrontery
to enter God's presence with the other angels
(sons), he does so to accuse God's people.
However, you will notice that Satan can do no
more than God allows him to do. "And the Lord
said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power,
only do not lay a hand upon his person" (Job 1:12) and
of course Satan did not because he could not!
When reading the beginning chapters of
the book of Job you might wonder how Satan
could enter heaven amongst the holy angels,
approach the Throne, and speak directly to an all
Holy God demanding he has his way with Job.
The answer relates to the Fall of Adam. God made
a blood covenant with Adam giving him his own
dominion over all things created. This gave Adam
access up to, but not including the Throne of God,
and so through him, blessings came to the earth as
God intended.
When Adam, to whom God had given
instructions regarding the trees, took the fruit
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from Eve, he broke his covenant with God, and by
default, he legally handed that dominion to the
fallen serpent. Satan then became the god of this
world and so he had legal access up to, but not
including the Throne in heaven. This meant that
the sanctuary was defiled and so the curses came
to the earth.
Now we see in Job, that Satan has legal
access to heaven amongst the sons of God (angels)
and so the effrontery and belligerent boldness to
approach God and demand power over Job.
As much as this situation, whereby Satan
pillages everything Job loves including his health,
we see that Satan’s destructive evil bound by
God’s limitations demonstrates again he is not
equal to God. In addition, it also becomes clear
that destruction, death, and disease do not come
from God, but from this evil angel.
The Catholic Catechism says that “Sickness
and disease came from sin in the first place” and so
again, these do not come from God. However, this
causes many dilemmas for people who struggle
with accepting healing from God because of their
As much as the Catholic Catechism refers
to the sin of Adam that brought death into the
world, it also refers to the first sin, which is that of
Lucifer rejecting God at the heavenly rebellion
that also corrupted a third of the angels that fell
with him. Hence, we see that sickness, disease,
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death, theft, violence and destruction, comes from
Satan as Jesus said in John 10:10, where he says,
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I
have come that they may have life, and have it to the
It is now important to read the end
chapters of Job where Satan is defeated and Job
restored seven times greater than his first
situation. - The story of Job shows that if we
remain faithful to God we will and can overcome
all the works of the Devil and become victorious
with total victory over his wiles and put him to
shame in every way.
These are comforting thoughts when we
face such evils as we see in the world today,
especially when it seems as though we are on the
weaker end of things, but because of the New
Covenant in the Blood of Christ, God gives each
Christian authority over all the works of the
In fact, we are commissioned by God to
announce the Good News of the Kingdom and to
bring the captives out of darkness into his
wonderful light, and so in Mark 16:17, we read,
"In my name (Jesus) they will expel demons." and
frankly, we need to rediscover that very fact and
being true for us today.

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ou have heard a lot of talk and opinions
about the New Age Movement, some
debunking and others warning. In our
look at angels, we cannot pass this by because real
or not, it influences a vast portion of the human
race from mom doing her local yoga class to
world governments moving towards a New
World Order.
I think it would be correct to say that all
things have an origin, and this current New Age
does too. The origin of the current movement
dates back to at least 1875 with the theosophical
teachings of occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,
and later in the 1920’s, with the teachings of Alice
Ann Bailey.
The Theosophical Society established and
espoused the abolishment of Christianity,
Judaism, and Islam, promoting the unity of other
world religions. They claimed that spirit or
elemental guides (the Elementals as mentioned earlier)
revealed their teachings to them. These are in fact
demons and so emphasized heavily the evolution

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of a self-deified, master Aryan society and a one
world new age religion and social order.
In 1922, Bailey founded the “Lucifer
Publishing Company”, (Reference: which printed and
distributed their teachings, and the choice of that
business name was not by way of ignorance, but a
full knowledge and understanding of who Lucifer
is and what his demonic purpose is for humanity.
These teachings were complete with their
intent and goals. - Systematically, they plotted the
coming New Age with instructions for the
institution of the necessary New World Order.
Bailey’s teachings established the symbol
of a rainbow as their identification sign, and of
course, they are not the only ones with this
symbol as we see in the Gay Rights Movement
and that is no accident or coincidence. Bailey
discussed extensively, plans for; religious war,
forced redistribution of the world’s resources,
mass planetary initiations, theology for a new
world order, worldwide disarmament, and the
elimination of obstinate religions. She even
discussed the sacredness of the new world
leader’s number, 666. (The number of the Beast)
Today, the New Age movement appears to
be a loose-knit group of innocuous organizations
with ambiguous goals or leadership, but beneath
the surface, there is a definite, organized, secret
leadership and strategy, which guides the vast
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movement. - The main body of leadership resides
in an organization called The Planetary Initiative for
the World We Choose.
One of their most celebrated
demonstrations of unity and public relations
occurred on August 16-17, 1988. Over eighty
million New Agers unified themselves for what
they called "the largest assembly of mass meditation in
history." (Ref:
Widely reported by the news media, the
Harmonic Convergence, also referred to as the
Planetary Surrender, occurred simultaneously in
nearly every nation and major city. Led and
organized largely by 144,000 shamans, witches,
witch doctors and a whole assortment of New Age
mystics, they joined in a period of (Yoga)
meditation in agreement for the release of spiritual
forces, which would bring about their desire for a
one world government and world religion.
Only two years earlier, on December 31,
1986, a slightly smaller gathering of fifty million
New Age adherents joined in meditation for the
purpose to, quote, “after the manner which humanity
understands reality.” In actuality, these gatherings
of meditation were acts of worship and service to
the Devil.
One can only imagine what kind of
demons and evil spiritual forces were unleashed
upon the world as witch doctors, shamans, and
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mystics called upon the powers of darkness to
distort humanity’s perception of truth. Is it no
wonder that evil and wickedness has intensified
in the world since that
In the 70’s and to the late 80’s, censorship
in Australia (and maybe other countries), was
virtually done away with, especially regarding
pornography. With the advent of VHS technology,
it was the first time people could video
themselves in a much easier way due to the ability
to delete content that was not available on the old
V8 film technology. They could record television
shows, but also pop down to the local video shop
and get videos of their choice.
Many of those videos were extreme
pornography from the erotic “The Story of O”, and
movies called “Lolita” to bestiality and everything
in-between. This included (soft) forms of child
pornography that were legal at that time.
I remember going to a local shopping
centre and browsing the video selections
including the adult section not well hidden from
view. There you could find that range as well as
“Snuff Flicks.” These were videos of actual killings
and very popular.
Of course, being legal, people saw nothing
wrong neither with them nor with imitating them,
and so a massive corruption of the moral psyche
began to destroy all the well-established moral
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boundaries. Towards the end of the 80’s, the
current governments began to re-classify
pornography and tightened up once more.
This period of New Age invocation of evil
and unclean (fallen angel) spirits and with
censorship removed, many people were
corrupted. Current reports of sexual abuses, for
example, go back to this 1970’s - 1980’s period of
demonic release upon the earth. This was an
important strategy to break down the moral code
of society and in particular, Christianity, as we see
now over 30 years later by the sex scandals
emerging with an unbalanced focus on the
Catholic Church and her priests and male
religious - This time-period of the 70’s and 80’s, is
no coincidence.
Although needing an update, publications
that list the numerous cooperating groups are the
Spiritual Community Guide, and The New Age
Magazine, with thousands of listings. New Age
adherents claim that all mind science groups are a
part of the new age. (Note: Fr Justin Belitz, Silva
Method of Mind Control and his spiritual alchemy).
They also include various occult groups,
mystic religions, witchcraft organizations, pagan
religions, and ecological organizations, neo-
political and secular organizations. In the U.S. and
Canada alone, over ten thousand (10,000)
organizations are New Age, even such as
Amnesty International.
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When referring to Amnesty, and the New
Age, I was considered a fanatical fundamentalist
when pointing them out over 30 years ago. This
was because, until 2007, the Catholic Church gave
Amnesty massive financial support, as did
Catholic Schools, Colleges and Universities as well
as other organizations. In 2007, when its real spirit
of abortion revealed it, the Church rejected it.
In this list and no doubt surprising for
many people, there is Greenpeace that has the
rainbow logo, and the ship Rainbow Warrior, and
most notably the rainbow flag of the LGBT
movement – Noah’s covenant sign that is God’s
covenant with the earth. Others are The Sierra Club,
Zero Population, The Guardian Angels as well,
thousands of other secular and religious
organizations. Other groups synonymous with the
New Age are, The Age of Aquarius, The Aquarian
Conspiracy, The Human Potential Movement, The
Holistic Movement, Humanistic Psychology and,
a host of others like them.
The modern New Age movement has a
definite agenda as agreed upon by their
constituents. Adopted much after the same
original ideas and values as Alice Ann Bailey, the
manifesto of the New Age movement that will be
familiar to you calls for a new world order,
universal credit card system, world food
authority, world health authority, world water
authority, universal tax, universal military draft
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(UN), abolishing of Christianity, Judaism and
Islam. (They are the only monotheist religions that
have a connection with the covenant of Abraham).
Finally, they want a one-world leader. To
see further into this list, you need a study of the
occult roots of the United Nations that I do not
have space here to explain but you will certainly
be shocked if you do.
After extensive analysis of its teachings
and goals, expert political scientists agree that the
New Age movement parallels the ideals and
philosophy of Nazism of the 1930’s and 1940’s,
and so I can say that this New Age agenda is in
fact, The Fourth Reich with the same agenda but a
different method of achieving it.
New Age writings even claim that leaders
such as Adolph Hitler and Jim Jones were
disciples of the movement. Before the Jonestown,
Guyana massacre, Jones’ Peoples Temple was
listed as a New Age “Spiritual Centre,” in the
“Spiritual Community Guide” a handbook for
New Agers that can be found here -
Regarding the coming Antichrist,
prominent New Agers, David Spangler and
Benjamin Crème in the late 1980’s, (note that date
again) ran full-page ads in many of the world’s
newspapers announcing the soon appearance of
the “Christ.” - It was in the West Australian
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newspapers here in Perth. I remember seeing it
and felt a little excited. I was not a Christian then
but had heard of him, and so the name of this
Christ alerted my instinctive suspicions.
This Christ is named “Lord Maitreya”
alleged to be 'a world-class “messiah” and great
teacher whom they claimed would bring world
peace and solutions to the world’s problems. - The
title Maitreya comes from Buddhism and is their
coming Messiah. To date, Crème and Spangler's
Maitreya has not yet emerged as a celebrated
leader, and may not even though they have
posted photos of him on their website “Share-”
However, the aspirations of Creme,
Spangler and other New Agers are clear. - They
are seeking a man, whether god or devil, who will
be their image of a messiah, coming to save the
planet. - Their HQ, in Findhorn, Scotland, Crème,
and Spangler are mentioned in the Catholic
Church document, “Jesus Christ the Bearer of the
Water of Life: A Christian reflection on the “New
Age.” Pontifical Council for Culture and Pontifical
Council for Interreligious Dialogue, March 2002."
This is a document I strongly recommend
as an excellent source of information and source of
concern for the Church in its pastoral role to it
members to understand the workings of religions
and the New Age Movement.

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What we do know about the New Age
movement so far is this - It is extremely large and
made up of an extensive network of mystic,
occultist figures devoted to the goals of a forced
global government and religion. They have
expressed their rejection and hostility toward
Christianity and other major religions, and they
seek to establish a universal leader who will fulfil
the description of a satanic deity.
For example, Ted Turner (Time Magazine –
The Science of Yoga), founder of the cable news
network CNN, the first 24-hour cable news
channel, gave $1 billion to support the United
Nations, which created the United Nations
Foundation, a public charity to broaden support
for the UN.
Turner served as Chairman of the United
Nations Foundation board of directors. Turner
stated at the United Nations Peace Summit in
2000, that, “Christianity is an obstinate religion.”
Prior to this, Ted Turner was so friendly with the
New Age Movement he has said that America
needs to elect a New Age president if it is to
survive through the year 2000.
There are intricate connections as you can
see with all these things from the fall of Lucifer,
the Nephilim, and the hierarchy of Satan, right up
to current world events in political and spiritual
circles and not the least is the Masons and their
influences inside and outside the Church.
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If there was ever an age where the Church
needed to stand up and exercise its “real and
actual” authority, then it is to do so today. For this
reason alone, as the Letter of Jude talks about,
Catholics in particular need to know the Bible in
line with authentic Catholic teaching to refute the
errors of these lying and perverted angel-spirits
that dominate our world today, and moreover to
realise the spiritual authority bequeathed to it to
combat these satanic forces in every area of

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he authority that the Father gave to Jesus is
given to his Church to act in his name.
Clearly, Satan worship is on the increase
and has been for a long time now, but
hiding in myth is a good trick if he can get away
with it. It suits his purpose when the only ones
who do not believe that he exists are the only ones
who can dislodge him from his strongholds.
His new look is called the New Age as we
have seen. This is just new packaging for a very
old thing - Sorcery. It is selling well at the moment
and it has even crept through to Christians who
have lowered their defences against subtle sales
pitches aimed at a spiritual void.
This void has been the source of so-called
New Age meditation touted as Christian
meditation and mysticism that entered the Church
just after Vatican II where people misinterpreted
its recognition of other faiths, and so the excuse to
introduce Yoga meditation in its many forms and
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forming a false ecumenism and enculturation as
we see in the recently published New Community
Indian Bible that uses the inclusion of verses from
the Bhagavad Gita, a form of Hindu chant, and
references to the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
and much more wherein many of Jesus’ quotes are
replaced with those from the Gita.
Bit by bit, slowly, but surely the doors of
the church were opened ever wider to let in these
false spiritualities. Hence, then, dabbling and
interest in the occult have grown within the
Church often disguised as Catholic mystical
prayer and meditation.
There is much that I could say about the
syncretism with Christianity and Eastern
mysticism but that would take another book.
However, I will take time out here to mention a
very popular spiritual exercise in the Church that
involves guided meditation and if you have been
duped into it, you will recognise it.
The common method used is to get
participants to sit comfortably with a straight
back, turn the palms of the hands upwards, take
deep breaths, and let the head relax and the eyes
relax until they are focussed on the end of the
nose. In the meanwhile, there is gentle (hypnotic)
music as the leader talks the mediators through
the exercises using a mantra or so-called ‘prayer

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Inducing this passive state, the leader
begins a visual meditation asking the participants
to see the words spoken as a concrete vision in the
mind while getting in touch with their emotions
or repressed memories. Guided to visualise Jesus
in front of them, they call on him (the image) to
enter them. Sometimes done using the Spiritual
Exercises of Ignatius, this is also for the so-called,
healing of memories.
Whilst using our imagination is valid as in
Lectio Divina, this technique goes further into
visualisation; a technique that is an entirely
different thing. When used to go back in time to
heal a memory, it is a form of hypnosis and
regressive therapy. - None of these techniques of
so-called prayer is in any form authentic biblical
or Catholic prayer. - This is an adaptation and
mixture of Buddhist/Hindu meditation
visualisation, hypnosis, and psychotherapy - in
short, Shamanism.
These exercises like many of this mix are in
front of the Blessed Sacrament to give it validity,
which of course, it does not - on the contrary, it
blasphemes the Eucharist. - This is simply a ploy
to introduce contrary spirituality into the Catholic
mindset. In fact, the method described here is
Yoga and the leader is the guru leading people on
a visual journey inwards to the inner self.
Of course, these practices are only part of
the demonic influences that the Church suffers
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from. At the time of this writing, a news report
from Rome came to my attention. The report in
the Catholic News Agency (CNA), expresses deep
concern regarding the rise of Satanism in Rome
and the stealing of consecrated Hosts to use in a
Black Mass.
The report by Father Aldo reads as follows
- Rome, Italy, Jul 15, 2004, / 12:00 am (CNA). - Fr.
Aldo Buonaiuto, director of an “emergency
helpline” that assists young people wanting to get
out of satanic cults, expressed alarm this week at
the growth of Satanism, which has created a
“market” for consecrated hosts in Italy.
In statements published in the Catholic
magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Fr. Buonaiuto
explained that “a proliferation of cults exists
which practice black masses, with the profanation
of consecrated hosts, rape and torture. We know
of cases of consensual vampirism, and also the
assaulting of young people who have been
drugged in the course of ritualistic orgies.”
According to Fr. Buonaiuto, “A true
‘market’ for consecrated hosts exists. They sell for
80-500 Euros, depending on the size of the host,
the prominence of the church from which they
were stolen, and who consecrated them. The
highest price is placed on those that are
consecrated in the churches of Rome, above all
those closest to the Vatican.

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They are stolen in two ways: from the
tabernacle, but also at the time of Holy
Communion,” he said. “Some cults perform
rituals with the consecrated hosts while under the
influence of LSD or cocaine, led frequently by ex-
priests who have offered themselves in the service
of Satan," he told Famiglia Cristiana.
According to Fr. Buonaiuto, the
proliferation of these cults is very much connected
with “the loss of the sense of the sacred.” “Man
needs to fill himself with something, and today
the market is full of superficial alternatives,
among them, Satanism,” he concluded.
This might surprise you. However, it is a
common situation in many countries including
Australia where Perth and Fremantle in WA are
considered to be the witchcraft capital of the
world - You just do not get to hear about it. - A
Satanic Black Mass is a foul mockery of the
Catholic Mass and you do not need the details
here so let it be sufficient to say that the way of
desecration of the consecrated Host would make
you sick.
It might be right here to mention the
tabernacle keys. - The whereabouts of these keys
should be in a safe place known only to the priest,
deacon, and, acolyte. This is because, unlike
special ministers, they are ministers at the altar
and thus the Eucharist, and are the only ones
other than altar servers to enter the sanctuary.
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With the advent of special ministers, they too
know the whereabouts of the key in order only to
access the tabernacle if a vested minister is not
available when taking communion to the sick.
Everyone, from priest to special ministers
needs to keep the place of the keys hidden and
kept a tight secret. The simple reason for centuries
is to prevent people stealing the consecrated host.
In addition, thieves cannot easily remove the
tabernacle that is securely attached to the wall.
These security measures are to prevent theft by
Satanists seeking consecrated hosts for their Black
Because communion on the hand is now a
common practice, extra vigilance needs to be in
place to ensure that people do not walk away with
the host. One way is to ensure that the
communicant consumes the host before moving
from the minister, and this has certainly been my
practice as an Acolyte (Sub Deacon).
The upside of this is that Satanists cannot
have a Black Mass without validly consecrated
hosts from a Catholic Mass. This is because
Satanists do not steal from other churches because
they know they are merely bread or crackers.
In addition, their Mass is a mockery of the
Catholic Mass, and so this proves that Satan
believes that the Catholic Mass and the Catholic
priesthood are valid and real and that Christ is
present in the Eucharist. In this way, the Devil,
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that fallen archangel Lucifer, cannot help but give
witness to the fact that the Roman Catholic
Church is the one true Church and the Eucharist
truly the Body and Blood of Christ as claimed.
Out there in the world, fallen angels
influence people in all lifestyles, from the mom in
the kitchen to kings, queens, and governments of
nations. Perhaps one of the most influential evils
and perhaps the most nefarious examples in
recent times is the message of Marilyn Manson's
"Antichrist Superstar."
This album solicits acceptance of Manson
as a saviour. It calls young people to kill their
parents and whomever else they see as their
enemy and then commit suicide. According to
Manson, this is how they gain salvation and
become set free. In addition, Anton LaVey’s
Church of Satan is well established under law in
the USA and possibly elsewhere too.
Television also promotes these beliefs even
more than it ever did in its history through such
programmes as Charmed, Ghost Whisperer,
Supernatural, and a plethora of other witchcraft,
vampire, werewolf, and horoscope programmes
that are very popular with our youth, especially
films such as the blockbuster Twilight series. In
these movies, as with the rest, they present both
good and evil demons.
They have also changed the idea that
vampires cannot live in the light, and as much as
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that might sound trite, it is symptomatic of how
demonic angels deceive and present themselves as
impervious to God if not more powerful. To a
world where Christians suffer ridicule, and
persecution with impunity, this can become
believable to the ignorant.
Television, on the other hand, is more
accessible than cinema, and so it bombards us
more on a daily basis and sadly becomes more
available to the young and vulnerable. However,
let us remember that there is nothing supernatural
in these movies, nor is there anything
supernatural about demons or the Devil - They are
at best, preternatural (Medieval Latin praeternatural,
from Latin praeter naturam beyond nature) since, as
Aquinas says, “God is the only Supernatural being.”
There is no need for me to elaborate more -
you are very much aware of these things popping
up all around you in various disguises that
attempt to make evil look good. As I have said,
there are no such beings as good demons - all
demons by definition and nature are irrevocably
and intrinsically evil emanating from the first evil
itself – Lucifer - And their nature cannot change
even if they appear as light as they are often want
to do in order to deceive.
By now, you could be forgiven for feeling a
little despondent wondering what can be done
and what defences you have, and so I think it time
to turn now to God’s holy angels and how they
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operate in our lives because we are able to call on
the angelic to assist us when we need help.

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long with the Word of God, the power,
and the gifts of the Holy Spirit along with
the Sacraments, and in particular, the
Mass working on our behalf, we also have
countless millions of angels at our disposal in the
same way that Jesus did at his arrest in
Gethsemane. In addition, as he said to Pilate, "Do
you not suppose that I can call on my Father to provide
at a moment's notice more than twelve legions of
angels" (Mat 26:53).
Psalm 91 is worth reading and studying
because it refers to the protection the Father
provides for all His children who find themselves
in dangerous circumstances. It informs us that by
remaining in a close relationship with God, he
promises to rescue us from the snare of the fowler,
the destroying pestilence, the terror by night, the
arrow by day, and from plagues at noon, the
wicked, evil, and affliction.
Then, in verse 11, it says, “For to His angels
He has given command about you, that they guard you
in all your ways." Again, in verse 13, it says, "you

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shall tread upon the asp and the viper; you shall
trample down the lion and the dragon.”
Notice that it says, you will. In addition,
Jesus repeats this in Luke 10: 17-20 where it says,
“The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord,
even the demons submit to us in your name. He replied,
“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have
given you the authority to trample on snakes and
scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy;
nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the
spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are
written in heaven.”
Yes, we do it! - By what power do we do
it? - By the power of God of course and that is our
authority, so let us realise what is on our side - "if
God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom 8:31) It
makes sense that if God is for us everything that is
of God is for us too. - We are never alone as much
as we may think that we are. God's holy angels are
present to help us in all that we do. - In my view,
one holy angel of God has more power than a
hoard of demons.
Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore since we have
so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also
lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so
easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the
race that is set before us.”
The cloud of witnesses is the angels (and
the Saints) that are always on our side. Their
presence allows us the complete liberty to avoid
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sin and achieve the crown of glory that awaits us.
In this race, the author refers to the angels like a
crowd at the Olympics that cheer on the runner
for their country. In our case, our country is the
Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus entrusted us with
here on earth, and so this shows just how much
God wants us to win over all those things in this
life that try to stop us.
Of course, whilst our crowd is cheering,
the other side is booing and will use every dirty
trick to trip us. However, our running shoes have
the light of God and far better than Nike runners
even if they do have little-flashing lights on the
heels, in that he says in Psalm 119; 105, “Your word
is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
As with Raphael appearing in solid form
although only a vision, it is not that uncommon
that we too experience the angelic appearing in
solid human form.
In my early days after my conversion and
often over enthusiasm to talk about God, a man I
had met in passing at my weekly prayer meeting
unexpectedly turned up to my house one
Saturday morning.
I welcomed him and organised coffee. The
fellowship was good and my wife at that time
joined to the conversation. However, because he
was my guest and came to see me I dominated the

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He was only there a short while and said
very little, and then at one point out of the blue he
turned to me and said quietly, “You need to listen to
your wife.” After which he left. These are the only
words I remember, and that was around 30 years
ago now.
After he left I began to feel that there was
something strange about him and his visit – How
did he know where I lived? - I had not met him
before and only said hello and welcomed him at
the meeting a week or more ago, and yet I was
excited that he came to my home.
I have not seen nor heard of him again and
the more I have pondered this strange feeling of
why I was so automatically attracted to him
inasmuch as with someone of importance I had
met an angel who brought that message to me.
Since then, and shortly afterwards, I have
concluded that this man was an angel; he was
right – I did need to listen more. As well, what
Hebrews 13: 2, says about hospitality and
entertaining angels fitted so perfectly in this
St. Thomas Aquinas makes a point of this
whilst explaining about angels encounters with
people. He explains that, as with Raphael, angels
can appear in a solid bodily form, and most
importantly, they come and deliver their message
and leave and only necessary conversation is
entered into; their visits are brief, precise, and
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powerfully received into the soul as it was with
I now have no doubts about angels playing
a role in our daily lives as Hebrews tell us and can
see it as God’s love fulfilling his promises to
protect us and guide us.
I am glad for this experience and the
account of Chris is one reason I want in this book
for readers to realise how dastardly the evil angels
work, but also, and more importantly, how much
God’s holy angels are far more powerful as with
the Sword of Gilead and that no matter the evil
workings of Satan in personal and political lives,
we are surrounded at ALL TIMES by a great
crowd of witnesses (Angels).
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a
great and huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let
us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially
the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with
endurance the race God has set before us.” - Hebrews
Clearly, God wants us to run the narrow
road without tripping, and so with the angels and
the light of the Word as a lamp, we have the shoes
of the Gospel as Saint Paul teaches in Ephesians 6
about the Armour of God. - The whole of
Ephesians talks about a successful Christian life in
all its aspects, and in Ephesians 6: 1-18 on the
Armour of God it speaks of the successful
Christian life as families, parents, employees
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(slaves and masters). It seems to me that if we wore
the whole Armour God we would shine like
angels blinding the Devil and his hoards.
This armour is none other than God
himself and so it must shine brighter than a billion
suns incomprehensible in its beauty. To put on
Christ, the True Light of the world as St Paul says
makes us also the light of the world as well,
destined to show forth his glory dispelling
darkness and vanquishing the dark angels from
our lives and the lives of others.
We can see how the role of angels is there
on all occasions as we journey to our destinations
throughout this life and into heaven’s glory and
our ultimate salvation. Certainly, when we help
and encourage each other as well, this journey is
not a lonely road, and as the old saying goes, “A
burden shared is a burden halved.” - And it is true
that we are surrounded at all times by a great
cloud of witnesses.
Revelations 5: 11, holds a clue to the
countless numbers of angels where it says, “Then I
looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering
thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten
thousand. They encircled the throne and the living
creatures and the elders.” - Again Revelations 9:16,
"Their cavalry troops whose count I heard were two
hundred million in number."
Regarding numbers St Thomas Aquinas
says that the creatures most like God, the angels,
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show forth best the goodness, the majesty, the
glory of God; these are His most perfect images,
and as the ones to be multiplied with divine
extravagance. Heaven and earth are indeed full of
His glory.
Because the angels are bodiless creatures,
pure spirits, it is too often concluded that they are
supernatural beings - they are not, God, says St
Thomas is the only supernatural. The angels are
natural beings - they belong in, and, indeed,
dominate our world. They are creatures as natural
as trees, or sunsets, or birds, or men. To call them
supernatural because they are not like us is a part
of that provincial pride by which a man puts
human nature at the peak of the universe,
primarily because he himself is a man.
To pretend they do not exist because we
do not see them is like pretending that we never
sleep because we have never caught ourselves
sleeping. There would be much more sense in the
angels exiling us from the world of nature based
on a majority vote. We have no monopoly on
nature, not even on free will and intellectual
knowledge in nature; we have big brothers far
outstripping our puny powers, yet nonetheless
brothers, a part-and-parcel of the created world
that is so truly ours. (Summa)
The numbers of angels cannot be
calculated, nor indeed their variety, and so we can
see how easy it is for ignorant people to consider
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them as gods and worship them. As far as the
fallen angels are concerned, to consider them as
gods suits their purpose and so accept, desire, and
welcome the worshipful attention of humans. In
truth, no holy angel of God will ever accept the
worship of man, and so in that simple fact, it is
easy to distinguish an evil angel and a holy angel
no matter how beautiful or helpful and
convincing an angel might seem.
As I have said before. It is a clever trick of
the Devil to convince Christians (who are the only
ones that can dislodge him) that he does not exist,
while others believe and accepts the angelic realm
is real and so dabble in it dangerously. In the
current New Age movement, interest in angels
has grown immensely as we have seen, and a
Luciferic deception has blinded millions eager to
seek knowledge from higher powers.
These powers often called spirit guides or
ascended masters, are in reality fallen angels that
relish the deception they cause in order to lead
people away from the true light of the Gospel and
the true God, Jesus Christ that it proclaims.
In his Summa Theologica, St Thomas says
that angels are immortal celestial spirits created
by God to represent Him and to guard his
interests (Ps.148: 5-6). Angels were created before
God created the world (Job.1:6,). As discussed
previously, angels do not have corporal bodies
but they can manifest themselves in human form.
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An example of this is in the account of Lot and
Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen.19, Acts.10:30, Tobit
What is most interesting about the
encounter in Genesis 19, is that three angels went
to Abraham to inform him of what they intended
to do to Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham gave
homage to the angel in the middle and the angel
accepted it. At first sight, we find this strange in
that no angel of God will accept homage from
man and yet this one did. The following dialogue
wherein Abraham bargained for the people and
his request granted shows clearly that this was not
an angel, but Yahweh himself.
This dialogue takes place due to
Abraham’s covenant, and Yahweh, his covenant
partner, listens and grants his requests.
Amazingly, we find that Sodom and Gomorrah
would have survived had there been the few good
men found there. These huge cities laid waste by
fire included all the inhabitants, and this was an
act of God and his justice, and the reduction
bargained by Abraham was God’s mercy.
Today we are in the midst of another
Sodom and Gomorrah inasmuch as Same-Sex
Marriage is now legal in many western countries
including Australia. Canada and Britain's
experience is a good example of what this can
mean inasmuch as forbidding freedom of

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expression and Christian practice alone and the
sad consequences this brings.
Just look around you and you will just
how much we need angelic help in these latter
days, and so I pray that this book goes at least
some way in to making that happen in realising
what power God has given us and the angelic
assistance he has provided in overcoming the
spiritual war the rages around us – People and
governments are becoming increasingly anti-
Christ, debauched and anti-Catholic and so, anti-
you; a Christian.
However, God has provided all that we
need to handle this anti-Christ age and so let us be
aware of it and be especially aware regarding
what God has bequeathed to you for your good.
In 2Peter 1: 3-4 we find a profound
statement that speaks in the past tense regarding
God’s divine power having being bestowed on us.
He tells us that we are called by God’s own glory
and power.
He also tells us that we share in the divine
nature through receiving the bestowal of all the
“precious and very great promises.” Everything in
these verses is in the past tense and that means we
have them now to work for our good in order to
overcome this age having countless angels
battling on our behalf as well.
Often I wonder if we are in the age of the
7 Trumpet considering the description noted
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there by John in Revelations as well as Jesus’
warnings that describe the days and that are also
repeated in the Epistles.
The book of Revelations presents the
decisive struggle of Christ and his followers
against Satan and his cohorts as already over.
Christ's overwhelming defeat of the kingdom of
Satan ushered in the everlasting reign of God. Rev
11:15, 'Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet. There
were loud voices in heaven saying "The kingdom of the
world now belongs to our Lord and to his Anointed,
and he will reign forever and ever."
Rev 12:10, Then I heard a loud voice in heaven
say: "Now have salvation and power come, and the
kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed.
For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses
them before our God both day and night."
Even the forces of evil unwittingly carry
out the divine plan, for God is the sovereign lord
of history. Rev 17:17, “For God has put it into their
minds to carry out his purpose and to make them come
to an agreement to give their kingdom to the beast until
the words of God are accomplished.” It is this verse
that strikes at the heart of today inasmuch as it
does seem that once Christian countries are
indeed turning their kingdoms over to the beast.
The book of Revelation had its origin in a
time of crisis, but it remains valid and meaningful
for Christians of all time. In the face of apparently
insuperable evil, either from within or from
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without, all Christians are called to trust in Jesus'
promise, "Behold, I am with you always, until the
end of the age". Mt 28:20. Those who remain
steadfast in their faith and confidence in the risen
Lord need have no fear.
Considering the countless numbers of
God’s angels on our side there is definitely no
need to fear this age. However, it behoves us to
become more and more involved in the
experiential knowledge of the Word of God
putting his Word into practice without

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f course, our main source of knowledge
about angels is the Bible as we discovered
following the thread from Lucifer to the
Nephilim and on to various pagan, esoteric, and
mystical religions, and none of them Judaic nor
Christian, and so the Bible gives some amazing
descriptions of angels and their ministry on the
Occasionally angels will appear in all their
celestial beauty and glory. One of the most
beautiful is Gabriel’s appearance to Daniel in
chapter 10:4, that I expanded on previously to
determine that this was, in fact, the Archangel
Gabriel. So let us take a closer look and see if we
can comprehend and imagine what made Daniel
fall in a faint.
“On the twenty-fourth day of the first month,
as I was standing on the bank of the great river, the
Tigris, I looked up and there before I was a man dressed
in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his

waist. His body was like topaz, his face like lightning,
his eyes like flaming torches, his arms, and legs like the

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gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound
of a multitude.”
One can only try to imagine the
stupendous beauty described here. As a
professional artist (my occupation before full-time
ministry), I have long wondered if I dare render a
painting of this, but always drawback due in part
that I could never do it justice. Later, with the
advance of Photoshop and other digital media, the
idea came again, but for the same reasons, I have
never tried.
Maybe sometimes, our imagination might
well be sufficient as we dwell on the description
here, but how do you paint a picture of a man’s
body made of Topaz (Chrysolite) for example.
Pure topaz is colourless and transparent,
usually tinted by impurities. Typical topaz is
wine, yellow, pale grey, reddish-orange, or blue
brown. In addition, it can be white, pale green,
blue, and gold, pink (rare), reddish-yellow or
opaque to transparent/translucent; glowing;
having a glowing appearance, as if light were
coming through. In other translations, it will use
Chrysolite in place of Topaz but they are akin.
Chrysolite is a name with a long history in
the gemstone world. The name itself means "gold
stone," and over time, it has been used to refer to
different gemstones, including chrysoberyl,
peridot/olivine and topaz.

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The term oriental chrysolite was used to
refer to yellowish-green sapphire and Ceylon
chrysolite to olive-green tourmaline. There were
also terms like Saxon chrysolite (greenish-yellow
topaz), cape chrysolite (prehnite) and false
chrysolite (moldavite).
Chrysolite is mentioned numerous times in
the Bible, in the list of gemstones set in the
breastplate of Aaron (book of Exodus), as well as in
the list of foundation stones for the New
Jerusalem (in Revelation). Many of the gemstone
references used in the Bible to refer to stones of a
particular colour rather than specific minerals.
If you look at these jewels, you will be
amazed at the variety and beauty, and having
done so, imagine a living body made of that
variety of topaz, and that is not all. Now, imagine
the brightest white linen garment glowing with
purity and place it over his body of beautiful
Topaz glowing with light coming through it in
various colours, and then placing a belt around
the waist glowing with the purest gold you can
Already one would be in awe of this
beauty, and yet, there is his face. Can you imagine
lightening? Not just a flash, but also a perpetual
white electric explosion of light, constant and
flashing, and then, imagine a bright electric fire
that also has the essence of light shining as eyes

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looking at you directly, piercing your being with
grace and beauty.
As you imagine this, look to his arms and
legs as polished bronze. Bronze is an amazing
metal. - In the Bronze Age, it made everything
from needles, drinking cups, and mirrors to body
armour, swords, and shields.
In the 1959 epic movie, “Solomon and
Sheba” there is a scene where pursued by the
Egyptians who were sent to finish him off,
Solomon devises a plan. - He lines up the
remnants of his army on a hill, prompting the
enemy to charge.
The Israelites, who are facing east, use
their highly polished shields to reflect the light of
the rising sun into the Egyptians' eyes. Blinded,
the Egyptians cannot see the chasm in front of
which the Israelites have positioned themselves,
and the entire army rushes headlong over the
edge and falls to its death. - The shields so
polished became like mirrors reflecting the full
bright sun.
“The voice of a multitude” indicates a
massive crowd, and the nearest we can identify is
a football crowd that even when singing they have
sounded like a rush of wind. In Biblical terms, this
voice of a multitude indicates enormous authority.
I imagine this has nothing to do with volume, but
rather with power - a power that is impossible to

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ignore or resist such as the voice that spoke to me
of the Sword of Gilead.
The Bible gives many descriptions of
angelic beauty and they are overwhelming, to say
the least. Ezekiel 1:7 says that their legs were
straight; their feet were like those of a calf and
gleamed like burnished bronze. We already have
an idea of the beauty of polished bronze, but here
Ezekiel mentions the feet like that of a calf.
I wonder if seeing such a creature with feet
like a young cow would make us wonder if these
are really God’s angels. As we begin to look at
them as described in Holy Scripture and in
particular the Book of Revelations where we find
that God has some amazing and creative ideas
regarding what holy angels look like, and indeed,
what they do even to the human race.
Not one of them looks like obese chubby
babies with little wings that are supposedly a
cherub and far from the Biblical description of a
fiery spinning sword. I have never seen the Sword
of Gilead and have often wondered what would
happen if I did when I consider the many biblical
descriptions of angels such as the ones I have
already mentioned.
Again, in Ezekiel 1:24 he describes the
angel this way, saying that when the creatures
moved, he heard the sound of their wings, like the
roar of rushing waters, like the voice of the
Almighty, like the tumult of an army. When they
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stood still, they lowered their wings. Ezekiel is
describing the Seraphim that each with six wings
and who is the highest in the hierarchy of angels
that minister at the throne of God in heaven.
I wonder if we can imagine what must in
some way, be an inadequate description of the
movement of the Seraphim. The voice of the
Almighty as a tumult of an army refers to either
the war-cry of two large armies screaming terror
as they run toward each other and or the noise of
a huge battle.
Ezekiel 40:3 again recounts that he saw a
man whose appearance was like bronze; he was
standing in the gateway with a linen cord and a
measuring rod in his hand. Again, in Ezekiel 43:2
he says that he saw the glory of the God of Israel
coming from the east. His voice was like the roar
of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with
his glory.
Now, to get a broader picture, let us not
pass the word glory too quickly because it speaks
of God. That is, it means the weighty importance
and shining majesty that accompanies God's
presence. The basic meaning of the Hebrew word
kabod is heavy in weight.
Compare 1 Samuel 4:18; Proverbs 27:3.
Revelations 2:18 "To the angel of the church in
Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God,
whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like
burnished bronze.” - Then in Revelations 10:1 John
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saw another mighty angel coming down from
heaven, robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above
his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs
were like fiery pillars.
One of my favourites is an angel covered
in eyes. Revelation 4:6 also before the throne there
was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as
crystal. In the centre, around the throne, were four
living creatures, and they were covered with eyes,
in front and in back. In Revelation 4:8, it says that
each of the four living creatures had six wings and
covered with eyes all around, even under his
wings. Day and night, they never stop saying:
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was,
and is, and is to come."
I do not know about you, but if I saw, one
of these covered with eyes, I might question if
they are from God, and this seems to be so with
many of St John’s descriptions. As wild as they
seem, it is highly unlikely that he made them up.
It seems certain that they hold some symbolic
meaning, but with no explanation, St John leaves
us pondering their meaning.
The book of Revelations, as well as certain
texts in the Old Testament, speaks of angels that
wreak destruction. Certainly judging by their
actions, it does seem evil in that God’s love is to
save the sinner and that Jesus came not to
condemn those that would believe in him, but that

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people would not perish (with the rest) and have
eternal life (John 3:16).
Of course, this text has a condition in that
it refers to those that would believe in him would
not perish. Whilst God is all merciful and all
loving, he is also a just judge. If there are no
sinners, there is no need for mercy or judgement.
It is however correct to say that Christians are no
longer sinners inasmuch as they do not try to live
a sinful life and as they understand it avoids sin at
all costs.
This does not refer to those that are only
Christians by name for these have not really had a
conversion experience and so have little desire or
ability to avoid sin. In fact, there is no letter in the
Epistles addressed to sinners; they are to the
saints. This means saints with the small “s,” and
not a capital “S” for those that are canonised.
Referring to grace, this is a gift of God
given that we live a righteous life with a renewed
mind and the ability to avoid or overcome sin in
order to fulfil the faith that the Gospel requires in
bringing forth the fruit and works of the
Kingdom. Whilst we are saved and righteous
before God, we are not perfect, and so to this end,
God provides through the sacrifice and blood of
Christ, access to the Throne to obtain mercy and
timely help (Hebrews 4:16). It makes sense that
mercy is not required for the innocent and so in

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our imperfections, we can receive mercy and
This is so for the convert turning to Christ
for they too can approach for their need of mercy
(Hesed) and forgiveness that restores them to
holiness and right standing with God, the just and
merciful judge. It is all by grace we cannot earn
nor purchase let alone, deserve.
At the Crucifixion, Jesus established a new
and better covenant wherein the year of Grace
began so that until Jesus returns to judge the
living and the dead, everyone no matter how bad
they are can accept Jesus as Lord and receive
eternal life and salvation. If they turn to him, God
will accept them as though they had never sinned.
However, what of those who do not repent
of their evil-doing when the warning signs of his
coming begin?
Firstly, even when the tribulations begin,
anyone can still repent and so be saved, but when
Jesus appears at the sound of an archangel's
trumpet, the day of salvation and the time of grace
ends and then only - judgement. (1 Thessalonians 4:

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iving weight to my exposure of the
Nephilim, St Thomas points out those
angels do not marry. In Matthew 22.30,
Jesus says, “At the resurrection, people will neither
marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the
angels in heaven.” This, of course, answers the
question of the Nephilim marrying the daughters
of men as being demonic angels and not God’s
holy angels and so reinforces the truth that neither
demons nor angels can copulate.
Luke 20: 34-36, records Jesus saying that
“The people of this age marry and are given in
marriage. However, those who are considered worthy of
taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the
dead neither will not marry nor be given in marriage
and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels.
They are God’s children since they are children of the
Angels are pure spirits with no need of a
body that by its very composition would hinder
rather than free up the angel. The Bible refers to
angels as a ‘company’ and not a ‘race.’ - Hebrews
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

12:22, says, “But you have come unto mount Zion and
unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,
and to an innumerable company of angels.” - Psalm
78:49, “He let loose on them his burning anger, wrath,
indignation, and distress, a company of destroying
angels.” Luke 2:13 says, “Suddenly, a great company
of the heavenly host appeared with the angel.”
They are a “company”, not a “race” and as
you can see, there are no angels with bodies of
flesh, and of course, any human body they have
appeared in as with Raphael is merely apparent
and not real. To be a race indicates marriage and
breeding, but there is nowhere that God in the
Bible calls them anything other than a company of
In my search for understanding of the
“Sword of Gilead” and discerning his authenticity,
the gift of the discerning of Spirits was essential.
In addition, knowledge of both God’s character
and that of angels as described in Holy Scripture.
In his Summa Theologica, St Thomas
Aquinas conveyed this approach saying that in
our thinking about the angels, we must draw
much more on our knowledge of God than on our
knowledge of men. Angels are finite pure spirits
modelled on the infinite Pure Spirit. We do not
locate God by surrounding him; He is not
contained within the perceptible confines of a
body, a town, a country, but rather He is where
He works and so is everywhere, for nothing can
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

continue to be unless supported by His
omnipotence. Conversely, we cannot locate an
angel surrounding it; an angel is a pure spirit.
To ask where an angel is, means to ask
where it is working - only thus is an angel in
place. Obviously, no place can be too small for an
angel, no place too big, no place too distant; for
with the angels, it is not a question of squeezing a
body into uncomfortable quarters or of spreading
its arms wide to cover more territory, or of easing
it out of a town quietly. No angel is everywhere,
for no angel is God, no angel is omnipotent, but
neither is an angel a human to be circumscribed
by the length of its arms or the horizons of eyes. It
is pure spirit, to be limited in place only by the
degree of the power and perfection proper to the
nature given it by God.
Saint Thomas packs so much into this
short commentary that it is worth opening up
because there are so many very important
concepts that covers much of what I have
explained so far. Not the least is his comment that,
“No angel is everywhere, for no angel is God, no angel
is omnipotent.” - This short sentence effectively
knocks Satan off his perch - he would have us
believe that he is everywhere and so omnipotent
to fool us that he is an opposite and equal of God.
If no angel is everywhere, then Satan
cannot occupy two or more people or places at the
same time. If Satan is possessing Jane for a
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The Sword of Gilead & The Book of Angels

number of months or years, then he cannot be
possessing John at the same time, much less many
people all over the world. The same is so for any
demon angel.
To answer this we turn once more to St
Thomas who in his day he had no real reference to
speed, except that of lightning. This is a good
example of the speed of angelic flight, but even
then inadequate for our purpose because the law
of physics does not bind angels because the
natural laws do not govern their movements.
St. Thomas also compares the flick of an
eye, and yet then, it is still inadequate. He comes
close when he compares the time it takes for your
mind to recall memories from the past and the
rapid speed as your mind travels from New York
to Sydney and then to Paris or anywhere else and
over five, twenty, fifty years. - Such is the speed of
angelic flight and yet, it would be faster than your
mind can travel. This angelic speed opens up a
very interesting situation regarding demonic
Due to this uninterrupted rapid and
instantaneous flight, it can appear that Satan or a
demon is possessing more than one person at the
same time. However, no angel is neither
omnipotent nor omnipresent and cannot be
everywhere at the same time, but this speed, faster
than light, can give that impression and thus,

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