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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 12:47:31

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Speak 7. Write ▪ Allow enough time for

(15 minutes) (30 minutes) students to say at least six
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. sentences about their famous
▪ Tell students this exercise ▪ Give students time to copy characters. Go around the
class helping them with the
helps them to reinforce the the information in their vocabulary and monitoring
grammar in the unit, along notebooks and think about their sentences.
with the vocabulary. They the answers.
can use the Study Tip of 21st Century Skills
using colours to identify the ▪ Check the answers with Communicating
grammar points.
the class. Ask volunteers Listen again to the audio about
▪ Make students work in pairs to read each sentence and Alina, the girl from Russia. The
praise them for their correct weather in Russia is very cold,
and go around the class answers. so maybe people do not take a
monitoring their work. shower every day because of that.
Answer Key Make the connection with the
▪ Finish the activity by eliciting Tom Calvo’s a footballer. He information in the box and elicit
wakes up at 5.15 every morning. a couple of ideas from students
answers from the whole He eats eggs and bread for regarding different activities
class. Praise volunteers when breakfast. He doesn’t eat people do in different cities/
they raise their hands to chocolate. He plays football from countries. Finish the activity by
participate. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. He highlighting the importance of
eats a lot of food and drinks a knowing some basic information
Answer Key lot of water. In the evening, he about different contexts that
She doesn’t take a shower. She doesn’t watch TV. He reads and define the type of activities
studies in the morning/in the goes to bed at 10. people do or don’t do.
afternoon. She does exercise.
She watches TV. She doesn’t do 8. Speak Extra Activity (20 minutes)
homework. She doesn’t help with
breakfast/lunch/dinner. (20 minutes) If your class is divided into rows,
▪ Read the rubric. play a game. Tell the students
Extra Activity (15 minutes) ▪ Model with the examples in sitting at the front of each row to
get a piece of paper and a pen.
Play the ‘Who’ game with the the book. Students should say Then, give them the name of a
class. Everybody stands up. at least six sentences about famous person. The first student
Then, ask a question related to each character (make sure has to write a sentence about
a specific routine, like this: Who they use both positive and that person and pass the paper
wakes up early? Who helps with negative forms). to the student behind him/her.
breakfast? Who does homework The second student has to write
every day? Those who do remain Extra Activity (5 minutes) another sentence and pass the
seated. Those who don’t have to paper to the student behind.
sit down. The idea is to find out If you feel your class needs extra Continue the activity until the
who the most dedicated student help with the present simple, last student in each row writes a
is (the one who remains standing). write the information on the sentence. Collect the papers and
You can adapt this game to board and leave it there for read them aloud to the class. Give
different grammar topics or students to use as a model. This is a point for each correct sentence
structures in other lessons. especially useful for students who on each paper. You could use
need extra support. this activity to correct students’
mistakes and reinforce grammar T22
awareness. The group with the
most points wins.

module 1 // Unit 2

Expanding Knowledge » At What Time?

14 1. Listen Emilio’s the director of Teenagers Today magazine. This is his diary for
Saturday. Listen and complete.

Saturday 7.30 dinner.

8.30 Have breakfast 9.15 Club with my
with sister. friends

10.00 Check email. 12.45 .

12.15 Have
with Luisa.

3.00 Watch a movie.

6.45 Have coffee with

2. Speak Match the numbers to make times. Then, practise with a partner.

12 15 four thirty

3 25 twelve forty-five

6 00 eleven o’clock

4 30 nine twenty-five

9 45 three fifty

23 1 50 six twenty

11 20 one fifteen

3. Speak Draw times on the clocks. Ask your partner what the time is.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U2.indd 23 02/12/2016 08:35

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Listen 2. Speak 3. Speak

(10 minutes) track 14 (20 minutes) (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Explain that the diary ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Give students some time to
▪ Use 12.45 as an example.
belongs to the director of draw the clocks and the times
the magazine mentioned in Then, students match the in their notebooks.
Lesson 1. hours and the minutes, and
write down the information in ▪ Get them to work in pairs.
▪ Look at the vocabulary before their notebooks. ▪ Students ask their partners

playing the track. ▪ Introduce the model with the the time.

▪ Play the track twice, making question and the answer. Extra Activity (15 minutes)

sure students have enough Grammar Box In order to practise how to ask
time to write down the Asking and Telling the Time and give the time, you can carry
answers. out a peer-assessment activity.
Copy the following examples on Prepare slides or pictures of
▪ Check the answers with the board. clocks with different times on
them. Ask students to write the
the class. Question for Answer time on each clock, but without
time writing their names. Then, collect
Answer Key the clocks and hand them out at
12.15 have lunch with Luisa What time It’s 12.45. random again. Check the answers
7.30 have dinner is it? of the exercise and students will
12.45 get home have to evaluate their partner’s
Audio Script 14 ▪ Students check their answers
These are my plans for today.
in pairs.
At eight thirty I have breakfast
▪ Check with the class. One
with my sister. Then, at ten o’clock
student asks the question,
I check my emails. At twelve while another gives the
answer. Praise them for their
fifteen I have lunch with Luisa. good work.

At three o’clock there’s a movie. Answer Key
4.30 four thirty
In the evening, at six forty-five, 12.45 twelve forty-five
11.00 eleven o’clock
I have coffee with mum … That’s 9.25 nine twenty-five
3.50 three fifty
every day! Dinner is at seven 6.20 six twenty
1.15 one fifteen
thirty. At nine fifteen it’s the club

with my friends. Finally, I get home

at twelve forty-five. Phew! What a

busy day I have today!


Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

4. Speak Tell your partner what Lina does every day.

What time does Lina’s typical day
Lina wake up?

She wakes up at
five thirty a.m.

She ... at … a.m.

Great! What
time does she ...?

15 5. Listen Vincent and Lucía have a magazine survey. Listen and complete
the information.

What time do you ... Vincent Lucía
1. watch TV?
2. check your email?
3. play sports?
4. read magazines or books?

6. Speak Ask and answer the questions in the survey from exercise 5.

What time do I watch TV at 7.30 a.m. Study Tip
you watch TV? I wake up early. You can recycle
vocabulary from
2 4 What time I ... at ... previous lessons to
make the exercise
do you ...? more interesting.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U2.indd 24 02/12/2016 08:35

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

4. Speak 5. Listen 6. Speak

(20 minutes) (10 minutes) track 15 15 minutes
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Show students how to say the ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Model how to make a
▪ Point out that the survey
questions and the answers for question, making students
this exercise. is from the magazine they use the question for specific
used in exercise 1. Before activities (changing the
Grammar Box playing the track, look at the subject and the auxiliary).
Asking and Answering vocabulary with students.
Questions about Times Study Tip
▪ Play the track twice to make Explain to students that the
The question to find out the structure of the question is
time that specific activities sure students get most similar to the one in activities
happen is different from simply answers right. 2 and 3 on the previous page.
asking what time it is. We use They only need to check
the present simple instead of the Answer Key the auxiliary that goes with
verb to be. Write on the board:
What time Vincent Lucía the subject.
do you …
▪ Allow enough time for
watch TV? 6.15 7.30
students to ask and answer
Question Answer check your 6.45 12.00 the questions in pairs.
What time He makes
does he make breakfast at play sports? 7.20 10.45
breakfast? 9.45 a.m.
read 9.30 8.40/
magazines 8.45
What time She studies or books?
does she at 6.15 a.m.

Audio Script 15

▪ Make sure students Girl: Look! Some questions! OK …

understand the difference question number 1. What time
between What time is it? and
What time does she …? do you watch TV?

▪ Go around the class Boy: Oh, no! I’m not sure! I guess I

monitoring students’ work. watch TV in the evenings, at about

6.15. That is when my favourite

programme starts.

Girl: That’s OK. I usually watch TV at

Answer Key night. I watch TV at about 7.30 p.m.

Q: What time A: She wakes You can learn a lot on the TV news!
does she up at 5.30
wake up? a.m. ha, ha, ha. Let’s continue. Question

number two. What time do you

check your email?

Q: What A: She has Boy: I check my email very early. At
time does breakfast at
she have 6.10 a.m. 6.45 a.m., after breakfast. And

Girl: I check my emails at twelve, after

school. Now … question 3. What

Q: What time A: She goes to time do you play sports?

does she go school at Boy: That’s easy! I swim every day T24

to school? 6.50 a.m. at 7.20.

Girl: Wow, Vincent. You are a sports

Q: What time A: She studies star, huh? I play volleyball in the
does she at 8.00 a.m.
study? school breaks, so that’s at 10.45.

Final question, number four. What

Q: What time A: She time do you read magazines or
does she watches TV
watch TV? at 2.00 p.m. books?

Boy: Hey! I love to read. I read at 9.30

at night, before I go to sleep.

Q: What time A: She plays Girl: I read a lot of magazines, usually
does she the guitar at
play the 3.00 p.m. after TV time. At about 8.40 or 8.45.

module 1 // Unit 2

7. Write Teenagers Today magazine has some incorrect information about this pop star.
Make questions to correct the information.

• She lives in Florida. (✖) New York Does she live No, she doesn’t.
• She works in her music studio every in Florida? She lives in New

day. (✔) York.
• She sings rock and metal. (✖) pop
• She has children. (✔) Does she
• She has three cats and three dogs. work every day in

(✖) one dog her studio?
• She does yoga and takes dancing and

singing lessons. (✔)

Yes, she
does. She
works …

8. Speak Think of a famous person. Ask and answer questions with your partner.

Does he play any Rigoberto
sports? Urán

Yes, he does.

Does he drive No, he doesn’t.
a car?

Does he Yes, he does.
ride a bike?


9. Write Complete this survey for Teenagers Today magazine. Make questions to
complete the names in the chart.

Find someone who likes ... Do you like
Do you like dogs? fizzy drinks swimming books
Name Name Name No, I don’t.
Yes, I do.
Perfect! dogs bachata cats Oh, no! Do
I have one! Name Name Name you like ...?

bicycles pasta cooking
Name Name Name

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U2.indd 25 02/12/2016 08:35

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

7. Write Answer Key 9. Write
Q: Does she live in Florida?
(30 minutes) A: No, she doesn’t. She lives in (30 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Point out the model provided New York. ▪ Read the rubric.
Q: Does she work in her studio ▪ Show how to ask a question
and help students to identify
the word order. every day? using the answer in each
A: Yes, she does. She works in box. Students have to find a
Grammar Box person who answers yes to
Yes/No Questions in the Present her studio every day. one question and write his/
Simple Q: Does she sing rock and metal? her name in the corresponding
A: No, she doesn’t. She sings box. Then, they ask another
The order of the words in yes/ person to complete another
no questions in present simple pop. box and continue.
is usually the same: Do/Does + Q: Does she have children?
A: Yes, she does. She has ▪ Allow enough time for
person + verb + complement?
children. students to copy the chart in
Question Answer Sentence Q: Does she have three cats and their notebooks and get ready
to work.
Does Yes, he He drinks three dogs?
he drink does. water A: No, she doesn’t. She has three ▪ Have a prize for the first five
water? every
day. cats and one dog. students (or ten, depending on
Q: Does she do yoga and take the number of students you
Does Yes, she She have) who complete the chart
she does. watches dancing and singing lessons? with names.
watch car– A: Yes, she does. She does yoga
TV? toons. Extra Activity (5 minutes)
and takes dancing and singing
Does No, he He plays lessons. To make the activity more
he play doesn’t. basket– interesting, set a time limit to do
soccer? ball. 8. Speak the activity, as well as clear rules
to carry it out: they can ask just
Does No, she She reads (30 minutes) one question per person and then
she doesn’t. child– ▪ Read the rubric. they have to change roles.
listen to ren’s ▪ Help students to follow the
music? books. Another variation of the activity
model and do the exercise. is to complete a line (horizontally,
Point out that the structure of the vertically or diagonally) first, but
▪ Go around the class checking always with different names. It is
question is similar to the question the same idea as a bingo game:
their work. students can complete the entire
of time for specific activities, but chart or just some lines.
without the wh- word. Extra Activity (5 minutes)

▪ Students do the exercise in To make the activity a little more
challenging, especially for high
pairs. Go around the class achievers, limit the number of
questions to find the secret
monitoring their questions person. Twenty questions is a
good number. The idea is to
and answers. make the activity interesting,
challenging and motivating for all
▪ Check their answers by asking the students in your classroom.

a student to ask a question T25

and another student to give

the answer. The rest of the
class should say Right! or

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » I Never Do That!

16 1. Listen Listen and read.

Dear Makena!
How are you? It’s very cold here in Finland.
I usually go to school at 7 a.m. I like school.
Sometimes I go to the cafeteria for my lunch.
I always eat fruit and vegetables. I never eat
chips! Do you like the food at your school?

17 2. Write Complete the letter with the words in the Word Bank. Then, listen and check.

Dear Lotte,

It’s very hot here in Rwanda.

I have lunch at home with my family.

I drink water because it’s really hot

here. I drink some soda, too.

After school, my friends play volleyball,

Word Bank but I play sports. I don’t like sports.
usually Love,
always Makena


3. Write Read one of Makena’s poems. Follow the model and write a poem.

I always start my day I always start my day 21st Century Skills
· Social Skills
2 6 By seeing the Kivu shores
Exchange poems with
My friends and I have great fun My friends and I have great fun a partner. Make some
We swim, we row and we run
comments on it!
It’s hard for me to get It’s hard for me to get
Why our elders fight so much Your poem
Our families and our cities is beautiful.
Suffer the impact of war Congratulations!
I especially like
I can only hope I can only hope the part of ...
That we never forget the past
No matter; hutu or tutsi
We have to rebuild as one.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U2.indd 26 02/12/2016 08:36

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Listen Extra Activity (10 minutes) 3. Write

(20 minutes) track 16 After listening to the audio, ask (40 minutes)
students to read the text aloud.
▪ Read the rubric and ask Read the first sentence and after Extra Activity (5 minutes)
each full stop say a student’s
students to locate Finland on name. He/She reads the next To maximize time, bring copies
a map. sentence and, after the full stop, of the poem template and hand
says another classmate’s name. them out to the class. Make sure
▪ Ask students to look at the The activity continues until the every student gets one template
letter is read. Repeat the activity to complete.
picture next to the letter. allowing as many students as
What can they see? Make a possible to read at least one ▪ Read the rubric.
list of two or three things that sentence aloud. This is a nice ▪ Tell the class that poems are
students can relate to Finland way to check your students’
using the picture. awareness of basic pronunciation. a way of expressing feelings
and that sometimes follow a
▪ Tell students that the letter is 2. Write rhyme or structure.

from a student who reads the (30 minutes) track 17 ▪ Read the poem aloud putting
Teenagers Today magazine. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Tell students that this letter emphasis on intonation.
▪ Play the track and encourage
is a reply to the letter in the ▪ Focus on the poem written
students to read the text in previous activity.
silence as they listen to it. by Makena and discuss it as a
▪ Help students to locate class.
▪ Focus students’ attention on
Rwanda on the map. Extra Activity (5 minutes)
the red words. Depending on your class level,
explain in very simple terms In pairs, students practise
Audio Script 16 that Rwanda was in a civil war reading the poem aloud. Don’t
Girl: Dear Makena! in the 90s. worry about pronouncing every
word correctly, but try to keep a
How are you? It’s very cold here ▪ Students write what they ‘reading pace’ (typical of poems).

in Finland. think the answers will be ▪ With the help of a dictionary,
before listening. Then, listen
I usually go to school at seven. I and check. ask students to write their
poems following the model.
like school. Sometimes I go to the ▪ Allow enough time for Tell them to write basic ideas
in each gap.
cafeteria for my lunch. I always eat students to write down the
answers and then play the 21st Century Skills
fruit and vegetables. I never eat chips! track once. Social Skills

Do you like the food at your school? ▪ If necessary, play it again to Tell students that sharing their
work is key to creating a more
Love, check their answers. comfortable atmosphere among
friends and classmates. Therefore,
Lotte Answer Key they will have to read their
usually, always, sometimes, never partner’s poem. Then, they need
Grammar Box to make a comment following the
Adverbs of Frequency Audio Script 17 model. Ask them to use simple T26
Girl: Dear Lotte, words and to highlight the part
We can use the expressions they liked the most. Recognizing
always, usually, sometimes and It’s very hot here in Rwanda. I usually and praising the work of others
never to say how often or is an excellent way of becoming
regularly we do something. These more tolerant and respectful of
adverbs usually go before the differences (which, in the end,
verb. is one of the objectives of this
We always study English.

He usually watches TV in the

They sometimes drink water at

I never write poems.

have lunch at home with my family. I

always drink water because it’s really

hot here. I sometimes drink soda, too.

After school, my friends always play

volleyball, but never play sports. I don’t

like sports.



module 1 // Unit 2

4. Read Complete the survey. Then, compare with a partner.

What kind of student are you?

1. Do you go to school on time?
Always Usually Sometimes    Never

2. Do you play sports during the break?

Always Usually Sometimes    Never

3. Do you read books at school?

Always Usually Sometimes    Never

4. Do you do your homework on time?
Always Usually Sometimes    Never

5. Speak Practise with a partner. Who has the best study habits?

Do you always Yes, I do. I 21st Century Skills
go to school always go to · Critical Thinking
on time? school on time.
Does your school have
No, I don’t. facilities to get better results?
I never …
Which are those?

6. Speak Makena’s school principal, Ms Bohasa, has a diary. Ask and answer
questions about her activities.

How often does Ms Bohasa Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
have lunch with students? Talk to Check school Visit the

teachers evaluations school

2 7 She sometimes checks Talk to Play soccer Write a school Study Engligh
teachers report at home
school evaluations.

How often does she …? Talk to Play volleyball Have lunch Study English Visit the
teachers with at home school
She always/sometimes/ students
usually/never ... Talk to Have lunch Check school
teachers Study English with evaluations
at home students
Talk to
teachers Play basketball

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U2.indd 27 02/12/2016 08:36

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

4. Read 6. Speak ▪ Help students to identify the

(20 minutes) (25 minutes) frequency of Ms Bohasa’s
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. activities by looking at the
▪ Tell students that the survey is ▪ Make sure students whole month, not just one day
or one week.
from Teenagers Today. understand the model before
doing the activity. ▪ Get students to do the activity
▪ Allow enough time for
Grammar Box and then go around the class
students to copy the chart in Questions with Adverbs of monitoring their work.
their notebooks and answer Frequency
the questions. ▪ Check their answers as a class
We use How often do/does …? or
5. Speak When do/does ...? to ask how often by asking a student to ask one
we do something or to say how question and another student
(20 minutes) regularly something happens. to give the answer.
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Model the activity. We include an adverb of Answer Key
▪ Go around the class and frequency in the answer. Q: How often does Ms Bohasa

monitor students’ work, Question Answer have lunch with students?
making any corrections if A: She sometimes has lunch
necessary. How often / I always drink
When do you water in the with students.
21st Century Skills drink water? morning. Q: How often does she check
Critical Thinking
How often / He never school evaluations?
Explain to students that it can be When does plays tennis. A: She sometimes checks school
possible to develop good habits your father
when a place, such as a school, play tennis? evaluations.
meets minimum standards to Q: How often does she talk to
implement these habits. For How often We
example, we need the internet to / When do sometimes teachers?
do homework. Ask: Do you have we study study English A: She always talks to teachers.
access to the internet at your school? English? on Fridays. Q: How often does she play
What other possibilities does your
school offer to develop better habits? sports?
Make a list with the class, helping A: She usually plays sports.
them with the vocabulary. Q: How often does she visit the

school library?
A: She sometimes visits the

school library.


Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7. Write Complete the diagram with the activities you do and don’t do at school.

I never study during the Final task activity!
break. I don't like it!

I sometimes watch too I usually ...
much TV and I don't
read my books.

8. Speak Present your diagram to your class. I always do my
homework on
In our group, we usually
drink water at school time.

because we need to control I always check my
our temperature. notebook because I like

to review my classes.

We never go to the library! I sometimes use the
We’re lazy and we don’t internet, but Andrea
like to do that!
always uses it.


9. Listen Read the poem and practise the times with a partner.


Seven fifteen, time to clean
Nine forty, time for a story
Eleven fifty-five, time to drive
Twelve o’clock, time to stop.

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7. Write 8. Speak 9. Listen

(30 minutes) (30 minutes) (10 minutes) track 18

Extra Activity (10 minutes) ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Divide the class in groups of ▪ If you feel it is necessary, read
To maximize time, bring the task
template to class so that students four. Students compare their the poem aloud first using a
do not have to copy the diagram charts and prepare a diagram nice rhythm and intonation.
in their notebooks. Remember to show the results of the Emphasize the rhymes at the
this task requires, at least, A4- group. end of each line.
size paper or cardboard for each
student, so make sure you have ▪ Students present their ▪ Play the track twice to make
the material ready.
diagram to the class. sure students can repeat the
▪ Read the rubric. poem.
▪ Show students how diagrams Extra Activity (10 minutes)
▪ Students work in pairs and
help to identify the frequency Using the model provided in their
of their activities at school. books, help students notice how practise the poem.
many elements from previous
▪ Get students to write their lessons/units are used. For Audio Script 18
example, the connector because Seven fifteen, time to clean
sentences in the correct part is in some of the examples; also, Nine forty, time for a story
of the diagram. Make sure the connector but to contrast Eleven fifty-five, time to drive
they use all the adverbs of two different ideas. Encourage Twelve o’clock, time to stop.
frequency in each level. students to use the model and
use the connectors. Additionally, Extra Activity (10 minutes)
▪ Allow enough time to make you could mix high achievers with
low achievers in each group, so Ask students to memorize the
an attractive poster by using that they can help each other poem and then say it aloud to the
some coloured pens or with the task. rest of the class. You could even
clippings from magazines (or ask for students to say it in the
even drawings). next class without opening their
books. How many students can
memorize it?

Extra Activity (10 minutes)

Challenge students’ imagination
by asking them to use a different
action in each level of the


module 1 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

19 1. Listen Listen to an American student. I can describe
Complete the information. daily routines.

Activity Yes/No How often/What time Very well
Make breakfast Yes No Quite well
Take the school bus Yes No With difficulty
Have lunch at school Yes No
Do homework Yes No I can ask and answer
Go to sleep Yes No questions about daily
routines and the time.
2. Write

Make a list of your good and bad habits at school. Very well
Use expressions of frequency to describe your routines. Quite well

With difficulty

3. Write Listen to your teacher’s hI
Very well
questions and answer them.
Quite well
4. Write Write sentences. Use expressions With difficulty

of frequency or times. I can describe the
frequency of activities.
III Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U2.indd 29 02/12/2016 08:36

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Listen Audio Script 19 1. What time do you usually
I’m Samantha, from Texas. wake up?
(15 minutes) track 19
I usually wake up early to take a 2. How often do you use the
▪ Read the rubric. internet?
▪ Remind students that, shower. I never make breakfast
3. How often do you play
depending on the place, because I don’t cook! I always take sports?
people have different routines.
the school bus at 7.00 and start 4. What time do you usually
▪ Students listen to the routine do your homework?
school at 7.30 a.m. I sometimes have
of an American girl and check 5. What time do you start
the answers in the chart. lunch at the school cafeteria. At your classes?

▪ Play the track twice so that 3.45 I get home and I always do my ▪ After students finish the

students can write down their homework. I always play with my dog. exercise, help them reflect
answers in their notebooks. upon their performance in the
At 8.45 I go to sleep. exercise and the background
▪ Check the answers as a class. knowledge they needed. Make
▪ After students finish the 2. Write them complete their reflection
exercise, help them reflect (20 minutes)
upon their performance in the ▪ Read the rubric. 4. Write
exercise and the background ▪ Elicit adverbs of frequency
knowledge they needed. Make (10 minutes)
them complete their reflection students have studied ▪ Read the rubric.
chart. throughout the unit. ▪ Make sure students

Answer Key ▪ Allow enough time for understand they have to write
real sentences for the pictures
Activity Yes/No How often/ students to write their and use adverbs of frequency.
What time sentences. They should
include good and bad habits ▪ Allow enough time for
Make □Yes □No She never and use a frequency adverb
for each one. students to write each
breakfast makes sentence.
▪ After students finish the
breakfast. ▪ After students finish the
exercise, help them reflect
Take the □Yes □No She takes upon their performance in the exercise, help them reflect
exercise and the background upon their performance in the
school bus the bus at knowledge they needed. Make exercise and the background
them complete their reflection knowledge they needed. Make
7.00. chart. them complete their reflection
Have □Yes □No She 3. Write
lunch at sometimes
school has lunch at (20 minutes)
the school ▪ Read the rubric.
cafeteria. ▪ Read the following questions

Do □Yes □No She always twice – clearly and at a normal
pace. Allow enough time
homework does (her) for students to answer each

Go to □Yes □No She goes
sleep to sleep at


Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can ask and answer questions
about families.
My People.
» I can talk about people’s feelings.
» I can understand information about

people’s physical appearance.

In Context » Family Life

20 1. Listen Listen to Andrea describing her family album. Complete the names.

This is my father. This is my brother.

His name’s . His name’s .

My name’s Andrea.

This is my sister. This is my mother.

Her name’s . Her name’s .

2. Speak Complete with some of the Word Bank
words in the Word Bank. Then,
practise with a partner. father son sister
mother daughter

3 0 Andrea is Rosa and

Antonio’s daughter .

Yes! Antonio is

Andrea’s .

Right! Jairo is

Andrea’s .

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 30 01/12/2016 13:53

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit  3 My People

Unit Objectives

Basic standards of competences • Identify phrases and expressions related to my family and other people’s families.
• Produce simple sentences about people’s feelings.
Vocabulary • Exchange information about people’s physical description through questions and

Members of the family; Feelings; Physical description words; Personality words

Possessive adjectives; Present simple affirmative, negative and question forms

1. Listen Audio Script 20 ▪ Read the example and
Hello, everybody! My name’s
(15 minutes) track 20 elicit the answer from the
Andrea and I live in Medellín. class. Make sure everybody
▪ Say the title of the lesson and understands the answer.
I’m 11 years old. This is my family.
discuss what it means as a ▪ Allow enough time to
class. This is my father. His name’s
students to complete the
▪ Read the rubric. Antonio and he’s 42 years old. This rest of the answers in their
▪ Ask students how many notebooks. Help by answering
is my mother. Her name’s Rosa. questions or correcting
people there are in their spelling mistakes, if necessary.
families: Who has the biggest She’s 38 years old. This is my brother
family in the class? ▪ Students compare their
Jairo. He’s 16 years old and he helps
▪ Use the picture and ask how answers in pairs.
my parents every day on the farm.
many people there are in Answer Key
Andrea’s family. Students say That’s my sister. She’s 14 years old. Antonio is Andrea’s father.
where they think the family is Jairo is Andrea’s brother.
from. Do they know families Her name’s Liliana.
from that part of Colombia?
Are families big or small 2. Speak T30
there? Is their family similar to
Andrea’s? (25 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Play the track once. Students ▪ Tell students that the activity

identify the family members. is about Andrea’s family.
Students close their books
▪ Play the track for the second and ask questions about the
names of Andrea’s family
time and check answers as a members. Practise spelling.
Grammar Box
Answer Key Possessives to Express Family
This is my father. His name’s Relations
This is my mother. Her name’s Tell students that we use an
Rosa. apostrophe (’) next to the
This is my sister. Her name’s Liliana. person’s name and the relation
This is my brother. His name’s in the family to show the
Jairo. possessive.

Think of a famous family, like the
Simpsons. Write on the board:

Bart is Marge and Homer’s son.

Lisa and Maggie are Marge and
Homer’s daughters.

Homer is Bart, Lisa, and Maggie’s

Marge is Bart, Lisa, and Maggie’s

Use colours to help students
understand the grammar rule.

module 1 // Unit 3

21 3. Listen Maya’s from Silvia, a little town in the Department of Cauca.
Listen and read.

4. Speak In pairs, describe Maya’s family. Hi! My name’s Maya
Itimay. I have t wo sisters.
Lorenzo is Maya’s father. Their names are Yolanda
and Morela. Yolanda’s 24.
Her son’s Alberto. His last
name’s Camijoi. Morela’s 16.
Our parents are Guambiano

people. Their names are
Lorenzo and Sashkay.
This is their picture.

Yes! His last name is ...

Yolanda is Alberto’s mother. No! Her mother is ...

5. Speak Describe Oriana’s family members.

• Angelino (dad) • Manuel (brother)
• 50 years old • 25 years old
• play chess • play soccer

3 1 • Romina (mum) • Oriana (daughter)
• 15 years old
• 45 years old • running
• read books

• Cristina (sister)
• 16 years old
• play video games

Oriana’s father is Her brother and sister are …
Angelino. He’s 50 years They’re…and…years old.
Their hobby ...
old. His hobby is …

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 31 01/12/2016 13:53

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

3. Listen Audio Script 21 5. Speak

(30 minutes) track 21 Girl: Hi! My name’s Maya Itimay. (30 minutes) 
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Ask questions about the I have two sisters. Their names are ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Ask questions: How many
place in the picture. Are Yolanda and Morela. Yolanda is 24.
students familiar with the members are there in Oriana’s
Cauca department? What Her son is Alberto. His last name is family?’ Where are they from?’,
is its capital? Where is it in ‘Is your family similar to
Colombia? Students locate Camijoi. Morela is 16. Our parents Oriana’s?
the department on a map.
Then, ask them to find are Guambiano people! Their ▪ Ask a student to read the
Silvia on the map.
names are Lorenzo and Sashkay. model sentences.
▪ Play the track once. Students
This is their picture. ▪ Pair students. Students
listen and read. Then, play the
track again for students to 4. Speak describe Oriana’s family
notice pronunciation patterns. members. Go around and
(20 minutes)  monitor students’ work,
Extra Activity (20 minutes) ▪ Read the rubric. especially regarding their use
▪ Read the model. Highlight of possessive adjectives and
To practise pronunciation possessive apostrophes.
patterns, play the track and the use of the possessive
pause it after every sentence adjectives and the ’s. If Extra Activity (20 minutes)
in the text. Students repeat the necessary, write on the board:
sentence trying to imitate the Divide the class into groups of
pronunciation and intonation. Extra Activity (15 minutes) three and tell them that they will
Continue with the other need a piece of paper and a pen/
sentences. Ask for volunteers to Use the Simpsons family tree to pencil. You will say the name
read each sentence. drill similar sentences to the ones of a member of Oriana’s family,
presented in the model. Use as and students have to write three
Grammar Box many possessive adjectives as sentences about that member.
Possessive Adjectives possible and change the subjects Tell students that you will look
and the ’s so that students at the answers from the first
We can also express possession understand the changes they four groups who give you their
with possessive adjectives. Write have to make when they do the papers. Then, read each sentence
on the board: exercise. and give a point if it is correct
or, if it is incorrect, use it to raise
Maya’s sisters are Morela and ▪ Check as a class. You may like awareness of typical errors.
Yolanda. Give papers back to groups and
Her sisters are Morela and to ask for volunteers to go continue the activity, naming
Yolanda (her is the possessive to the board and write their another member of Oriana’s
adjective that replaces the word examples. family. Praise groups that have
Maya’s). correct sentences and encourage
the others to get points in the
Alberto’s last name is Camijoi. next round.
His last name is Camijoi (his is the
possessive adjective that replaces T31
the word Alberto’s).

Morela, Yolanda and Maya’s
parents are Guambiano people.
Our parents are Guambiano
people (our is the possessive
adjective that replaces the words
Morela, Yolanda, and Maya’s).

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Speak Draw your family tree. Ask and answer questions with a partner.

Is he your brother? Yes, he is. His name’s ...

Is he a student? No, he isn’t. He works.

What’s his hobby? Study Tip

He always plays cowaiPmnmitrsmhapwcruyetooinrvsiuineecragayptsoqiaokuurintrennsogsetkriaraiolntllnsods.
video games and …

7. Read Look at Oriana’s brother’s selfies. Match each
photo with a feeling from the Word Bank.

Word Bank
happy sad bored tired excited hungry

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

8. Speak Take photos or draw pictures of your 21st Century Skills
family and friends. Tell a partner about · Social Skills

how they’re feeling. When someone is upset or
angry, are you respectful and
3 2 This is my friend. This is my brother.
His name’s Raúl. help them?
Her name’s Lorena. In this In this picture, he’s happy.
picture, she’s sad.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 32 01/12/2016 13:54

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Speak 7. Read 8. Speak

(30 minutes)  (30 minutes)  (20 minutes) 
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric and check
▪ Allow enough time for ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Give students time to look understanding.
students to draw their family
trees and make questions at the vocabulary and make Extra Activity (5 minutes)
to their partners. Go around sure they understand the
the classroom monitoring adjectives. Ask students to take pictures
students’ use of grammar and of their family members and
vocabulary. ▪ Students match the pictures organize them in a collage or
a digital presentation. Then, in
Extra Activity (10 minutes) and the adjectives. the next class they can show
the pictures and describe their
If you feel comfortable doing ▪ Check with the class by families following the model.
so, draw your family tree.
Alternatively, draw the Simpsons modelling like this: ‘In 21st Century Skills
family tree again on the board picture number 1, he is …’. Social Skills
and use it as a model for the Ask volunteers to read each
activity. Ask students to use the sentence and praise them Introduce this section by telling
model and ask questions about for their correct work. students that we usually have
one member of the family. good and bad days. Then our
Extra Activity (5 minutes) emotions may depend on what
Study Tip happens during those days. When
Present two or three extra we see people showing specific
Help students read the adjectives appropriate for the emotions, we can always ask if
information in the tip and level. Write the word on the they are you OK, and tell them
emphasize the importance of board and use body language (or that everything will be OK. In
asking questions and answering face gestures) to help students this simple way, we can show
them in class all the time. This identify its meaning. Then, our support and offer help when
will help students improve allow them to write that extra necessary; this demonstrates we
their oral skills, feel more vocabulary in their notebooks. feel empathy with the people
comfortable and help their Suggested extra words: thirsty, around us.
classmates with difficulties in scared, serious, relaxed.

class. Making questions and
answers is part of the
routine of the classroom
and promotes positive
relations among classmates.


module 1 // Unit 3
Expanding Knowledge » We Are All Different!

1. Read Read the Kansas School Newspaper article about the volleyball team.
Complete the chart.

Name Position Physical
in the team characteristics

Neil Patrick


This is the school volleyball coach
team. The captain, Neil Patrick, is the guy on the left.
His hair is short, curly and black. The libero is Harry
Jones. He’s tall and blond. Ms O’Hara,
the woman with long, straight, black hair is the coach.

22 2. Listen Listen and read. Then, write the names of the people in the photo.

33 Harry Jones William Blunt Neil Patrick is Josh Samir is
rleivyMsmootcuaeSinakmltbeeuobuadarerlydanwrerT.tyroihptredo is really tall. He is tall. His hair medium-height. short and thin.
is really short, He has short, He has short,
has straight, curly and black. wavy, fair hair.
blond, short He has brown black, curly
hair. He has hair. His eyes are His eyes are
green eyes. e ye s . blue.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 33 01/12/2016 13:54

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Read 2. Listen Audio Script 22
Hello, everybody! I’m Ellen
(20 minutes)  (15 minutes) track 22
Darril, and I’m here at the volleyball
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Before reading the text, ask ▪ Play the track once. Students court. Look! Here come the boys from

how many students in the listen without completing the the school volleyball team. Do you
classroom are in a sports names.
team. Have they participated remember Harry Jones? He’s really
in any school competitions? ▪ Play the track again. Students
Did they win? tall. He has straight, blond, short
complete the names.
▪ Students look at the hair. He has green eyes. Oh… look!
▪ Check answers with the class
vocabulary and then read That’s William Blunt. He’s tall. His
the text. by asking different students to
read each description and say hair is really short, curly and black. He
the correct name.
has brown eyes. Then… oh, yes! The

captain, Neil Patrick. Neil is medium-

height. He has short, black curly hair.

His eyes are brown. Finally, we can

see Josh Samir. He’s short and thin.

Extra Activity (5 minutes) He has short, wavy fair hair. His eyes

Ask students to check the Grammar Box are blue. Let’s go and say hello. Hello,
vocabulary in a dictionary. It Physical Descriptions
is always a good idea to have guys! This is an interview for the
dictionaries to hand to help We can describe people using
students with vocabulary. three specific models. Write on Kansas School Magazine.
Alternatively, if you have access the board:
to the internet in your classroom, Study Tip
allow students to check the Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
words they do not know on the Help students realize the
internet. John He has His hair is importance of recording
is tall. green long, curly vocabulary in an organized way.
▪ In pairs, students read to their eyes. and black. In this case, physical description
contains too many words to
partners. They can assess their Andrea She has Her eyes be memorized in just one
partner’s pronunciation and is black are brown. opportunity. Therefore, they can
fluency. short. hair. make lists of words in a special
section of their notebook
▪ Present the chart and check Sometimes more than one word to remember the important
can be used. For example: He has
students understand the short, brown hair = His hair is short vocabulary. They can make
information they must groups of words to make
complete. Use the model and brown. shorter lists. For example,
provided in the chart and vocabulary related to hair,
allow enough time for Answer Key eyes and body.
students to complete it. From left to right: Neil Patrick,
Harry Jones, Josh Samir, William
▪ Check answers with the Blunt

whole class.

Answer Key

Name Position Physical
in the characteristics

Neil captain short, curly, T33

Patrick black hair

Harry libero tall and blond

Ms coach long, straight,
O’Hara black hair

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Speak Ask and answer questions about the Kansas School basketball team.
Use the Word Bank.

Ling Shoshana Word Bank

Physical Description


black brown blond dark
long wavy
short curly


tall short medium-height

Alexa EYES

Clara Louisa brown green grey blue

Does Alexa have No, she doesn’t.
short hair? She has long hair.

Does Ling have … eyes? Yes, she does.
Is Louisa short? She has … eyes.

4. Read Match the pictures with the descriptions. Yes, she is. She’s
1. 2. 3.


Mr Morales Ms Rashid is very Mr Kuchynsky is tall Ms Simonson is
is young and short and slim. Her and thin. He has very short. She wears
very tall. He has hair is black and long. glasses. She’s the
short dark hair. She’s the mentor of short hair. He has swimming coach.
He coaches the the volleyball team. brown eyes. He trains
basketball team.
the tennis players.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 5 02/12/2016 11:23

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Speak ▪ Allow enough time for Answer Key
1. Ms Simonson is short. She
(30 minutes)  students to ask questions and
▪ Read the rubric. answer them. Go around the wears glasses. She’s the
▪ Give students some time to classroom monitoring their swimming coach.
work, making any necessary 2. Mr Kuchynsky is tall and thin.
look at the vocabulary and the corrections. He has very short hair. He
model. has brown eyes. He trains the
4. Read tennis players.
▪ Students look at the Word 3. Ms Rashid is very short and
(20 minutes)  slim. Her hair is black and
Bank and check they ▪ Read the rubric. long. She’s the mentor of the
understand the vocabulary. ▪ Students read silently and volleyball team.
4. Mr Morales is young and very
Extra Activity (15 minutes) match each picture with its tall. He has short, dark hair. He
description. coaches the basketball team.
Ask students to study the models
provided and notice the order of ▪ Check answers with the class. Extra Activity (5 minutes)
the words. Then, elicit students’
answers. They might be able to Extra Activity (15 minutes) Wrap up the activity by asking
identify two types of questions students whether any of their
in the exercise: yes/no questions Extend the activity by asking teachers at school are similar
with to be, and wh-/information students to practise reading aloud to the teachers in the pictures.
questions in the present simple. in pairs (or put students in groups It is always fun to find some
Ask students to remember the of four, so that each student similarities between the book
order of words in each type of reads one description each). This content and students’ real life.
question and compare that order type of activity can promote
with the model provided. peer-assessment in a friendly


module 1 // Unit 3

5. Speak In groups, describe someone in your class.

He’s tall. He’s tall and he
has short hair.

Julian’s tall. 21st Century Skills
· Social Skills

We’re all different. Physical
differences make us special.
Differences make the world awesome!

6. Speak In pairs, choose a teacher from your school. Ask and answer questions.

Is it a man or a It’s a woman.
No, she isn’t. She’s
Is she tall? really short.

Does she have Yes, she does. She
green eyes? has green eyes.

Is it Ms Torres? No, it isn’t.

7. Write Work in groups. Write about people in your country.

In La Guajira, people
35 are often short.

Some people are slim
and some people
aren’t slim. We often
have straight dark
hair and brown eyes.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 6 02/12/2016 11:23

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

5. Speak 21st Century Skills 7. Write
Social Skills
(30 minutes)  (30 minutes) 
▪ Read the rubric. Ask some questions to reflect
▪ Model with a student. upon the different physical ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Allow plenty of time for characteristics people have ▪ Ask students questions about
in different contexts. For
students to drill the models example, people who live by the the region mentioned in the
and the vocabulary with coasts usually have particular text. How much do they know
their classmates. Go around characteristics that can be about it? What is its capital?
providing the necessary help. very different from the people Where is it in Colombia?
who live in the mountains. This
Extra Activity (5 minutes) ‘mosaic’ of characteristics is what ▪ If necessary, read the
makes the world a great place
Tell students to play in pairs and to live. To wrap up, tell students model aloud and use
choose a person in class. They that they will have the chance to different intonation patterns
have to take turns saying one describe people in their countries to highlight important
sentence without stopping. If one in exercise 7. vocabulary.
of them takes longer than five
seconds to say another sentence, 6. Speak ▪ Students write about people
he/she loses a point and the
other wins one. (20 minutes)  in their country. Go around
▪ Read the rubric. monitoring their writing
Extra Activity (10 minutes) ▪ Students think of a teacher process and providing any
help with vocabulary.
Play with the classroom rows. Tell in the school and keep his/
each row that they will need a her name secret. They work in Extra Activity (30 minutes)
piece of paper and a pen. Say the pairs and ask questions to find
name of a student in class, and out who their partner’s secret Try to promote some cultural
the last person in the row writes teacher is. awareness of students’ region/
one sentence about that person. city and its people. Ask students
Then, he/she passes the paper to ▪ Make sure students follow the to work in groups. They choose
the person in front, who writes a specific population. They
another sentence. Continue model provided. will have to draw or include a
until the first person in front of picture and describe the physical
each row has written a sentence. ▪ To make the activity more characteristics of that population.
They cannot repeat any of their Ask students to put their work on
classmates’ ideas! Collect papers challenging for everybody, tell a wall of the classroom and invite
and read them aloud. Give one students that they can ask a other classes to come and read
point for each correct sentence. maximum of 12 questions. the descriptions.
The group with the highest
number of points wins. ▪ Allow enough time for

students to ask and answer
the questions in pairs.

▪ Students guess who their

partner is talking about.


Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » People I Admire

1. Speak Look at the picture of the British Royal Family.

In groups, describe the people.

FAME MAGAZINE Prince William’s
confident …
All about famous people
Queen Elizabeth II is short and has
grey hair. She’s very responsible.

She has to speak to important
people around the world.

Meet the Royal Family … and all their secrets! Catherine, Duchess of Word Bank
An exclusive interview! Cambridge, has long, black
responsible caring
and straight hair. She’s confident   creative   kind
really kind. She visits sick

adults and children.

23 2. Listen Listen and complete. Favourite person Description




3. Write Think of your favourite person and say why you like them.

An An
important important
person does
36 good things for person accepts
other people. opinions.

An An 21st Century Skills
important important · Leadership
person loves person is a
nature and role model Can you be a good leader and
animals. for others. do things that make others feel
Final task activity!
comfortable and happy?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 36 01/12/2016 13:54

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Speak Answer Key 3. Write

(20 minutes)  Favourite Description (30 minutes) 
▪ Read the rubric. Ask students person
▪ Read the rubric.
to locate Great Britain on a Jeena Kim She’s beautiful ▪ Students describe what makes
Kardashian and famous. a person important and write
▪ Students look at the magazine. this on post-it notes (or in
She has long, their notebooks).
What can they see on the
cover? Do students know the dark hair and ▪ First, ask students to think
British Royal Family?
brown eyes. of a person they consider
▪ Students look at the words in important in their lives.
Robert Camilo He has short,
the Word Bank. Are there any Villegas dark hair and ▪ Then, ask students to
words they don’t know? brown eyes.
He’s confident think about the specific
▪ In groups, students describe and he’s a good characteristics that make that
player. person unique.
the different members of
the Royal Family. Go around Sasha Adele Her songs are ▪ Ask them to write about their
monitoring students’ work and beautiful and
check they use the words in her style is favourite person. Go around
the Word Bank. relaxed. She the classroom helping with
has a beautiful vocabulary. Keep students
Extra Activity (10 minutes) voice. focused on the activity by
asking them to write short,
To make sure students have Audio Script 23 simple ideas, keeping them
some basic information about the Jeena: Well … I really like relevant and true.
Royal Family, prepare a simple
family tree and draw it on the Kim Kardashian. She’s so beautiful ▪ Ask students to write their
board. Include the names and the
relations of the people in the tree. and famous! She has long, dark sentences on the post-it notes
and stick them on the board.
Extra Activity (10 minutes) hair and brown eyes. How about You could also divide the class
into groups and stick their
Students use the vocabulary list you, Robert? ideas on the wall behind them.
they have been working on in
previous lessons and add new Robert: I’m not sure … let’s see … ▪ Ask students to read their
vocabulary to it. Remind them
to use a heading to group the Oh! I know! I really love Camilo notes aloud. Praise students
new vocabulary (e.g. Personality for their ideas about people
words). Villegas. He’s a golf player. He has they admire.

2. Listen short, dark hair and brown eyes. 21st Century Skills
(30 minutes) track 23 He’s confident and a good player.
▪ Read the rubric. Explain to students that a leader
▪ Play the track once. Students Sasha: Mhhh … I have a different idea. is a person who makes important
decisions, always looking to
take notes. To me, a very important person is benefit everyone. It does not
mean a leader of a group has
▪ Play the track again. Students Adele. Her songs are beautiful and to be a perfect person. Some
of the people they have written
complete the chart. her style is so relaxed. She has a about may be leaders. Encourage
the students to say which ones
▪ Ask students to compare their beautiful voice as well. and why. Maybe one day your
students will be leaders to other
answers in pairs and then people. Leaders are necessary in T36
check them as a class. history!

▪ Ask volunteers to say

the name of the person
mentioned and some
characteristics about him/her.

module 1 // Unit 3

4. Speak Describe your favourite people.

Who is a person you admire in ...?

Music Cinema

Sports Other (Technology, Artist,
Science, etc.)

My favourite person in science is Rodolfo Llinás. My favourite person in sports is …
He’s short and his hair’s grey. He studies the brain. She’s … and her hair’s …

5. Speak Write the top five people that your classmates like.

Who’s your favourite I like Ciro Guerra.
person in Colombia? His film Embrace of the
Serpent is really interesting.

His movie’s amazing! TOP FIVE FAVOURITE

3 7 PEOPLE IN 37


1. Rodolfo Llinás
2. Ciro Guerra
3. Mariana Pajón
4. Goyo, Tostao

y Flow
(ChocQuib Town)
5. Fernando Botero

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 37 01/12/2016 13:55

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

4. Speak 5. Speak Extra Activity (20 minutes)

(30 minutes)  (30 minutes)  As a variation of this activity,
ask groups to write their lists on
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. posters and present them to the
▪ Students have to think of their ▪ Do this activity as a class class. Each group goes to the
board and takes turns to describe
favourite people in different or in small groups. the top five Colombian people.
areas. The pictures may give Make sure each student talks
them some ideas. ▪ Tell students to check their about one character. Encourage
the other students to clap after
▪ Allow enough time for them classmates’ favourite people each presentation and praise
and list how many are from them for their effort.
to think of ideas about who Colombia. Then, find out how
they want to talk about. Read many students chose the
the model provided and tell same people and rank them.
students they can adapt it to
their own person. ▪ Ask students to write their

▪ Share the information as a lists in their notebooks and be
ready to report to the class.
class or in little groups. Make sure they have at least
one piece of information
▪ Make sure students’ ideas about each person.

are clear. A few mistakes
are OK. You do not want to
make students feel frustrated
because their ideas are not
completely accurate in terms
of form.


Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

24 6. Listen Listen and complete. Use the Word Bank.

Lorena’s favourite person

Word Bank Name
boring Physical
famous description
generous Why does she like

7. Write Choose a relative, a celebrity or a 8. Speak

friend. Complete the mind map. Present the person you
admire to your class.
Final task activity! Name Family

de s cr i p t io n


Reasons I The person I admire is Oscar
admire him/her Figueroa. He has…hair…I
really like his…

9. Listen Listen and circle the sound th. Then, listen and repeat.



Family is mother

Family is father

Family is sister, brother

Like family … there’s no other!

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 38 01/12/2016 13:55

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Listen Audio Script 24 8. Speak
Girl: My name’s Lorena.
(15 minutes) track 24 (30 minutes) 
The person I admire is Will Smith. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Put students in groups of four.
▪ Ask students if they know He’s a famous actor.
They present the person they
who the person in the picture He’s tall and has short, black hair. He admire using the mind map in
is: Where’s he from? What does exercise 7. Encourage groups
he do? Why is he so famous? has brown eyes. to help their partners and clap
after each presentation.
▪ Look at the Word Bank I admire Will because I think he’s a
Extra Activity (10 minutes)
and make sure students very good actor. He’s in interesting
understand the words. Help students notice how, in the
films, like I, Robot and Men in Black. model provided in their books,
▪ Play the track once and many elements from previous
They’re never boring! He’s also very lessons/units are recycled. For
students take notes of key example, the physical description
words they understand. funny. I think he’s a generous person. vocabulary and the reasons why
you admire a person. Encourage
▪ Play the track again and He gives money to a charity to help students to use the model and
use the content of the unit.
students complete the poor people. Additionally, you could put high
information in the chart. achievers with low achievers in
He has a son and a daughter. His each group so that they help each
▪ Give them some time to other to complete the task.
wife’s name is Jada.
organize their ideas in the 9. Listen
chart before checking the 7. Write
exercise. (30 minutes) track 25
(30 minutes)  ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Check answers as a class. ▪ Make sure students
▪ Bring a template of the mind
Accept any piece of understand the instructions
information that is correct, map to class so that students and play the track once.
even if it is a little incomplete. do not have to copy it in their
notebooks. Remember this ▪ Allow students to circle the
Answer Key task requires A4-size sheets
of paper or cardboard for each th sounds and play the track
Lorena’s favourite person student, so make sure you again. Drill the pronunciation
have this material ready. of the sound th and encourage
Name Will Smith students to imitate you.
▪ Read the rubric.
Physical He’s tall and has ▪ Show students how the ▪ Finally, play the track again
description short, black hair. He
diagrams help to organize the and pause after each line for
has brown eyes. important information about students to repeat.
their favourite people.
Family He has a son and a Extra Activity (10 minutes)
daughter. His wife’s ▪ Allow enough time for
name is Jada. Students memorize the poem
students to choose their and then say it to the class.
Why does He’s a very good person and write the Ask for students to say it in the
she like actor. He’s in information in their diagrams. next class without opening their
him? interesting films, like books. How many students could
I, Robot and Men in Extra Activity (10 minutes) memorize it?
Black. He’s very funny. T38
He’s a generous If you have access to the
person. He gives internet, allow students to check
money to a charity to information about their chosen
help poor people. person (information about
their families – provided such
information is available online).
If students choose people who
seem to be known just by them,
make sure they include some
basic information in the diagram.

Audio Script 25
Family is mother
Family is father
Family is sister, brother
Like family … there’s no other.

module 1 // Unit 3

26 Chant

Good morning everyone

Good morning everyone,
How are you today?

Please raise your hand
If you have something to say!
I´m your teacher, nice to meet you.
Let’s work in pairs of two.
Get your papers and your pen
And open your books on page ten.
Now everyone listen to me.
Let´s learn about our families.
Look at the picture on the board.
Look at the dad, he looks bored.
He is short and very strong.
His hair is blond and very long.
He has two sons, they are tall.
He is responsible and he loves them all.

Good morning everyone,
How are you today?

Please raise your hand
If you have something to say!
Look at the sister on the chair.
She has blond and curly hair.
She looks tired and very sad.
She is small, just like her dad!
Her mum is caring and very fun.
She has dark hair just like her sons.
They are an interesting family.
One, two, three, now rap with me!

Good morning everyone,
How are you today?

Please raise your hand
If you have something to say!
39 Look at the grandmother on the chair.
She has grey and curly hair.
She looks tired and quite sad.
She is small, just like her dad!
Her mum is caring and very fun.
She has dark hair just like her sons.
They are an interesting family.
Now come on everyone, rap with me!
Good morning everyone, …

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3.indd 39 01/12/2016 13:55

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

Chant: Good morning everyone

Introduction to chants There is one chant in each module. Chants are great activities for improving
confidence and accuracy of pronunciation. Specific guidance and ideas on how best
Pre-class preparation for to use the chants in your class are included in the notes for each section.
module 1 (5 minutes)
Associating actions with key vocabulary items helps students to memorise the word
and associate it with the movement, and is a powerful learning tool. A lot of students
enjoy these activities, and they often make for fun and creative lessons.

Activities based on chants gradually increase in complexity and difficulty as the
module progresses, so it is best to teach activities in the order in which they are
presented in the book. If you have time for an additional classroom activity at the
end of the lesson, often there are further activities for more advanced students.
These additional activities are often slightly more complex than others within the
unit and demand some creative thinking from students. It is also opportunity for
them to include vocabulary from other lessons and topics.

Most chants don’t require advance preparation. The chant in module 1 is an
exception, and requires just 5 minutes’ preparation before the class starts.
Line 11 in the chant refers to a picture on the board. Before the class begins, you
should prepare this image if you can.

If you don’t have time to prepare the image before the class, you can make drawing
the picture as a whole class activity directly after the first listening of the chant,
by calling one student to the front of the class and asking the rest of the class to
instruct them what to draw in the picture.

The key for this is as follows:

▪ dad – looks bored, short, strong, responsible, loves his family
▪ daughter – long hair
▪ two sons – tall
▪ grandmother – sitting on a chair, grey, curly hair, looks tired and sad, she’s


▪ mum – caring, fun, dark hair.


Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Speak There are nine instructions in the chant. Work with a partner
to find them all.

Pyoleuahseavraeissoemyoeuthrihnagntdoisfay! Yes, that’s right. The next
one is …

2. Read Read the chant again and look for the words.

1. Underline all the imperative verbs.
2. Circle all the nouns for people.
3. Draw a box around all the adjectives.

3. Write Answer the questions. Use full sentences.

1 Where is the picture? 5 What do the sons look like?

The picture is on the board.

2 What does the dad look like? 6 Where is the sister?

3 What does the daughter look like? 7 What does the sister look like?

4 How many sons are there? 8 What is the mum like?

4. Write Write about your family. Use words from chant, the

4 0 phrases provided and your own ideas.

curly caring interesting strong tall My dad/my mum is …
responsible blond long sad small My brother/sister is …
fun dark short tired We are …
My family is …

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3_OK.indd 40 29/12/16 15:02

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

Lesson 4 ▪ He looks bored – mime a 3. Write

Good morning everyone. bored-looking expression (15 minutes)

Speak ▪ Strong – mime flexing your In activity 3, students are required
to write answers to a series of
(5 minutes) biceps comprehension questions about the
second half of the chant. The focus
▪ One of the key learning ▪ Hair is long – mime brushing of this activity is on ‘family’. Particular
focus should be paid to the correct
outcomes from this module your hair as if it were very grammatical structure of sentences.
is classroom instructions, so long.
activity 1 is particularly helpful 4. Write
to this end. Once students ▪ He loves them all – put both
have completed this activity, (10 minutes)
bring them back to a whole your hands on your heart.
class and play a game of The final activity in this section is
‘Simon says’. 1. Speak another writing activity that is ideal
for homework.
Listen (10 minutes)
(10 minutes) ▪ One of the key learning

Play the chant a couple of times for outcomes from this module
students to get used to the rhythm is classroom instructions, so
and pronunciation. Ask students to activity 1 is particularly helpful
suggest actions to indicate that they to this end. Once students
understand the content. Here are have completed this activity,
some examples to get you started bring them back to a whole
(there’s lots of potential for creativity class and play a game of
with this exercise, so encourage ‘Simon says’.
students to be inventive too and
adopt actions suggested as a whole ▪ The rules to ‘Simon says’
are as follows: if they say
▪ Good morning everyone – an instruction prefixed with
‘Simon says’, the students
mime a friendly-looking wave must mime the action. If they
to everyone in the class. say an instruction as a normal
command and not prefixed
▪ Please raise your hand – mime with ‘Simon says’, the rest
of the students should not
raising a hand as if to ask a move. Assign one student
question in class as the leader, invite them
to the front of the class to
▪ I’m your teacher – gesture give instructions to their
classmates. The students
to yourself, as the teacher. then do the actions that their
(When you ask students to classmate tells them.
mime this with you, encourage
them to point to you rather 2. Read
than pointing to themselves
as the teacher, as this will help (10 minutes)
them to differentiate between
‘I’ and ‘you’.) Activity 2 is a reading activity that
requires students to analyse the
▪ Get your papers and your pen grammar of some of the words in the
chant and categorise them correctly.
– mime gathering together Once students have completed
a book of papers and a this activity, revise each item of
pen, getting ready to write vocabulary with them to ensure
something. thorough comprehension.

▪ Open your books – mime

turning to a specific page in a

▪ Listen to me – mime ‘listening’

by cupping a hand to your ear.

▪ Look at the picture on the

board – gesture to the picture
on the board

module 1 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Answer the questions. I can ask and
answer questions
1. Is Mary Jack’s about families.
Very well
2. Who’s Peter?

3. Is Mark Alex’s Quite well
cousin? With difficulty

4. Is Jack Elizabeth’s

5. Who are Juliet and

6. Who are Jack’s

2. Speak Describe the pictures. Talk about Ipceaonptlea’lskfaebeoliuntgs.

each person’s feelings. Very well
1. 2. 3. Quite well
4. 5. 6. With difficulty

4 1 The person in picture The person in picture
number 2 is …
number 1 is …

27 3. Listen Listen and match the people with the names.

Iipnacepfaoopnrpeumlaenra’dsateniporchnseyt.aasbincodaul t
Very well

Liliana Darío Silvia Matías Juan Quite well
With difficulty

Colombia_Book 6_L6M1U3_OK.indd 41 29/12/16 15:03

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Speak 2. Speak 3. Listen

(15 minutes)  (10 minutes)  (15 minutes) track 27
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Elicit words to express ▪ Play the track twice so that
▪ Allow enough time for
emotions. students have time to write
students to write the answers and check their answers.
to the questions. ▪ Allow enough time for
▪ Check answers with the whole
▪ Students compare their students to read their
sentences. To make it more class.
answers in pairs, paying meaningful, pair students at
special attention to the random. Answer Key
correct pronunciation of the From left to right: Juan, Matías,
members of the family. Suggested Answers Liliana, Darío, Silvia
The person in picture number 1
▪ Check their answers as a is excited. ▪ After they finish the exercise,
The person in picture number 2
class. Help students reflect is angry. help them reflect upon their
upon their performance in The person in picture number 3 performance in the exercise
the exercise and make them is sad. and make them complete their
complete their reflection The person in picture number 4 reflection chart.
chart. is bored.
The person in picture number 5 Audio Script 27
Answer Key is happy. Boy: Hello, everybody.
1. Yes, she is. The person in picture number 6
2. Peter II is Peter I and Lucy’s is tired. My name’s Matías, and I’m

son. ▪ After they finish the exercise 10 years old. I’m short and thin
3. No, he’s not. Mark is Alex’s
and they check their answers, and I have short, fair hair. My
husband. help them reflect upon their
4. No, he’s not. Jack is Elizabeth’s performance in the exercise mother is Liliana. She’s short.
and make them complete their
grandson. reflection chart. Her hair is brown and straight.
5. They’re sisters. They’re Justin
My father’s name is Juan. He’s very
and Angelina’s daughters.
6. Jack’s parents are Lucy and tall and thin. He has short, black

Peter. hair. My sister’s medium-height

and her hair is very long. It’s fair.

Her name’s Silvia. My teacher’s

name is Darío. He’s short.


Module // 1 Review

START Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Go back G1 ospbaacceQk u
FINISH 1 space
Question 4

Question 30 Review Race
Go back 2

Question 29 Tcs[Uqohurperaetfriocertss4,t.sDpptallTcs[oaaUyqohyyourpoeerranrretfsraiocte]rtnotshsT4,st.eagwsDppketsealletqoaayrtyuytowouoeearrnrrhtnseahta]tsn.oethTIstfieagFwottkeIsshNeretqaoerItyutlSwoluasaHtnrrhtihnenhsases.wetqeItdfeiuaFotirctaIeshNhrriasoeaeIysnlSiwlaqsndHtnuciihnnsmoasewsrrqeo.erdeuav.ircaceIfhrtiseat,thshnmiwqneediucisnnamoasunsrrao.ermsev.wtbceIufetert,rtnrhhmi.oeseifsnasunamswtbueerrnr i.osf

Question 28 1. Complete: I ——— always happy.
2. Name 5 physical description words.
Miss a turn 3. Give 3 greeting expressions.
4. Describe your mum’s routine.
Question 27 5. Give 3 expressions teachers use in the classroom.
6. What time do you get up?
Question 26 7. Name 5 colours.
8. Describe your daily routine.
Bonus 9. Say the name and age of two classmates.
10. Talk about your family.
go to the finish 11. Give 3 good habits at school.
42 12. Name 4 frequency expressions.
13. Talk about a person you admire.
Question 25

Question 24

Bonus Question 23 Question 22 Go back Question 21 Bonus Bonus
1 space
roll again exchangeexchanQguee
places places

SB6 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 42 01/12/2016 12:28

module 1 // Review

ceQk uestionQ5uestion 5 Miss a turn Question 7 Question 8 Bonus

roll again

Question 6

Question 9

Question 10

14. Complete: This is ——— book. These ——— some dictionaries. Question 11
15. Spell the names of two classmates.
16. Describe your father’s routine. Bonus
17. Complete: This is ——— eraser. This is ——— chair.
18. Give 2 bad habits at school. move forward
19. Name 5 classroom objects. 2 squares
20. Ask two classmates what time they go to bed and
Question 12
report it to your group.
21. Say 3 words to describe people you admire. Question 13
22. Introduce yourself and your team to the class. Miss a turn
23. Give 2 expressions to ask about routines.
24. Talk about your habits at school. Question 14
25. Say the name and age of your parents, and where they
come from.
26. Tell the time. move forward
27. Say the numbers: 13, 30, 60, 70 3 squares
28. Give a physical description of your best friend.
29. Name 5 parts of the body.
30. Say the days for yesterday, today and tomorrow.


us Question 19 Question 18 Bonus Question 15
Question 16
QgueestionQ2u0estion 20 move forward Question 17
s 1 square

SB6 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 43 01/12/2016 12:28

Module // 1 Review

Review Race

Pairs or small groups of up to four students
play the game. They must take it in turns
to roll the die and move their counter the
corresponding number of squares. When they
arrive at a square, players have to answer
the question or do what it says there. If they
answer correctly, they stay on the square. If
they answer incorrectly, they return to the
previous square. The first team to get to the
FINISH is the winner. Since most answers will
vary, circulate and monitor the activity.


Module // 1 Review

Review Race Answers

Page 42-43 17. This is an eraser.
This is a chair.
1. I am always happy.
2. Answers may vary. 18. Answers may vary.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary. 19. Answers may vary.
5. Answers may vary.
6. Answers may vary. 20. Answers may vary.
7. Answers may vary.
8. Answers may vary. 21. Answers may vary.
9. Answers may vary.
10. Answers may vary. 22. Answers may vary.
11. Answers may vary.
12. Answers may vary. 23. Answers may vary.
13. Answers may vary.
14. This is a book. 24. Answers may vary.

These are some dictionaries. 25. Answers may vary.
15. Answers may vary.
16. Answers may vary. 26. Answers may vary.

27. Students pronounce the
numbers indicated: thirteen,
thirty, sixty and seventy.

28. Answers may vary.

29. Answers may vary.

30. Answers may vary.


Module // 1 Final Task

Final Task

The Wall of Honour

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module.
Use the checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
What’s New! What Do You Do? My People

Lesson 3, exercise 5 Lesson 1, exercise 8 Lesson 1, exercise 5
Introducing another Description of a Description of a person’s
person person’s routine. family.
Lesson 3, exercise 5 Lesson 3, exercise 9 Lesson 2, exercise 5
A classroom directory Description of frequency Description of a person’s
of activities physical appearance
Lesson 3, exercise 8
Description of a person
you admire.

2. Make groups of five people. Write the names of the five classmates your teacher tells you.

3. In your group, do a survey to find all the possible information about each classmate.
Include all the questions you studied in the module.

• Questions about personal

• Questions about routines
• Questions about family

4 4 • Questions about the

person he/she admires
• Other interesting questions

4. Interview your classmates. Collect the answers in your notebook.

Module 1 Final Task

The Wall of Honour

5 • Ask students to read the 5 1. 20 3.
minutes name of the module task. minutes • Have them take a look minutes • Read the rubric.

Explore what they think it is through the whole module • Focus students’ attention
and check which of the mini- on the model provided and
about and accept any answer tasks they have developed by using the tell them they can use any content
checklist provided. studied in the Module.
from students.
2. • Encourage students to write as
• Explain what the Wall of Honour many questions as possible to find out
consists of and check they all 15 information about their partners.
understand it. Make sure they
understand the purpose of the activity. minutes • Put students in groups of • Make sure they use English in their
five (either at random or you groups.
• Remind them they will have collected can give students a minute
or done some of the mini-tasks in the 4.
three units of the module in order to to make the groups as they want).
carry out this final stage. Have a class list to hand and go group
by group giving them the names of five
of their classmates. Students write the 30 • Ask students to share the
names in their notebooks. minutes

work and get ready. They

will have to choose one of

the people in their list and ask him/

her the questions prepared in the

previous activity. The answers have to

be written down for the task.

• Go around the classroom helping
students. Do not correct them.
Let them use their compensation
strategies to come up with the
language they need to express
meaning. Encourage them to do their
best at communicating.


module 1 // Final Task

5. In your group, prepare your Wall of Honour. Choose Option 1 or Option 2 and start
organising the information.

6. Follow the steps for your presentation choice. 21st Century Skills
· Technology Literacy

The Wall of Honour You can use your
technological skills
Option 1: Option 2: to make your digital
Make a video presentation for Show and present your presentations more
each student. work on a classroom wall. interactive and interesting.

Use the information Show your video Use all the material you Present your
collected in the activities to the class. created in the module poster.
from the module to make and make a poster.
your video.

Option 1: A video presentation Option 2: A poster

STEP 1 Record a short video of STEP 1 Include a photo of your
yourself talking about classmate.
your classmate. Show his/
her picture!

STEP 2 Show and describe your STEP 2 Draw your classmate’s
classmate’s family tree. family tree.

STEP 3 Talk about your STEP 3 Make a collage of
classmate’s routines and images related to your
favourite activities. classmate’s routines and
favourite activities.

4 5 Show a picture/video

STEP 4 of the person he/she STEP 4 Include a picture of the
admires and talk about person he/she admires.

why your classmate likes


STEP 5 Present! STEP 5 Present!

SB6 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 45 01/12/2016 12:28

Module 1 Final Task

5. 6.

5 • In groups, students select 40 • Students work in groups.
minutes one of the options to make minutes • Allow enough time for

their presentation. students to prepare, organize

and edit the necessary material for

their task. If they choose the video

21st Century Skills option, tell them they need some visual

Technology Literacy aids to accompany the video. They can

In the new millennium, emergent use their school tablets (if available),
software and technologies have
made it possible to make incredible their phones (if available), or even the
academic presentations without
much effort. Encourage groups school video cameras (if available). If
who choose the video option to use
any kind of tech tool they know to they choose the poster, tell them they
make the video more interesting.
This use of new technologies usually need to be creative and artistic to
makes people more interested in
the information and the way it is make the poster interesting.
• Since this task is planned during the
academic term, tell groups that they
will have to do their presentations at
the beginning of each class. To make
sure all groups present, plan a schedule
in which one (or two, depending on
the number of groups you have) group
presents and have that schedule visible
to all groups. In that way, you can
remember what groups should present
in coming classes and get everything

• Make a final round up session asking
students what they like about the
other groups’ presentations and give
positive feedback to the others.

• Individually, each student can write
a short reflection paragraph about
how they can help their own groups in
future presentations or how they can
improve their contribution, be it at the
procedural level or linguistic one.


Module // 1 Evaluation



For questions 1-5, circle the word or phrase that does not belong in each group.
There is one example.

0. Feelings: A. happy B. upset C. surprised D. always
1. Classroom objects: A. board B. chairs C. hello D. ruler
2. Routines: A. architect B. do homework C. wake up D. go to bed
3. Family members: A. blond B. father C. son D. mum
4. Physical A. tall B. wavy C. daughter D. dark

description: A. responsible B. dictionary C. creative D. caring
5. Personality:


For questions 6-10, organize the sentences and rewrite them on the lines. There is one
example (0).

0. three brothers. / Hi! My name / I have / is Sandra.

6. my brother / This is / Steven.

7. blond hair. / He / has / curly,

8. work / Does / ? / he

4 6 9. he / Yes, / does

10. arrives at school / on time / He always

SB6 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 46 01/12/2016 12:28

Module // 1 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 46 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. This is my brother Steven.
7. He has curly, blond hair.
1. C 8. Does he work?
2. A 9. Yes, he does.
3. A 10. He always arrives at school on
4. C
5. B time.


module 1 // Evaluation


Read the text below. Then, choose the correct statement True (T) or False (F). There is one
example (0).

A teacher’s typical day

Some people think that a teacher’s day is easy. Teachers usually get up at 4:00 or 5:00 am,
because they start class at 6:30 am. They are always on time for class. They always prepare
their classes and check school evaluations at home. During the break, they sometimes talk
to parents at school or write school reports. They never have lunch at home; they usually
have lunch at school with students. After school, they sometimes have extracurricular
activities, sports or conversation clubs. A teacher’s typical day is very busy!

True False

0. Some people think that a teacher’s typical day is easy
11. Teachers are usually on time for class.
12. Teachers always talk to parents after school.
13. Teachers never have lunch at home.
14. Teachers sometimes write school reports during the break.
15. Teachers usually get up early.


For questions 16-20, complete the following text with words from the box. Write your answers
in the answer box. There is one example (0).

doesn’t hair takes has up has

Hi! My name is Patrick, and I’d like to talk about my brother Erick.

47 He is 35 years old. He’s very tall and he (0) has

short, dark (16) .

He is very responsible and respectful. His wife’s name is Linda.

She is a teacher. She always gets (17)

at 5:00 am because she starts class at 6:30 am. Erick (18)

get up early. He sleeps late every day. He

(19) breakfast, (20)

a shower and goes to work at 10:30 am. He is a businessman and

sometimes travels to different cities around Colombia. I love my


SB6 MOD1 RPE pp42-47_OK.indd 47 29/12/16 15:10

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