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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 12:47:31

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Module // 1 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 47 Writing

Reading 16. hair
17. up
11. F 18. doesn’t
12. F 19. has
13. T 20. takes
14. T
15. T


Module 2


Healthy Habits

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

My Body is an People Can Do a My Health
Amazing Machine! Lot of Things Care Routine

Language Functions Language Functions Language Functions

• Identify the main parts of • Create short, simple • Describe habits and

the body and their features sentences about interests personal care routines

• Understand short, simple and likes • Talk about the time

descriptions of body • Describe what you and and days when you do

48 problems other people can/can’t do activities
• Create short, simple • Ask and answer questions • Exchange personal

sentences about about what people are information about daily

recommendations to doing activities

protect our bodies Text Types: Text Types:

Text Types: • explanatory paragraph • informative paragraph

• descriptive paragraph • informative paragraph • lists

• informative sentences • descriptive paragraph • survey

• interview

• report

• recommendations

L6M2_SB_Module Presentation_AFL_131016_OK.indd 48 14/12/16 10:42 a.m.

Module 2 Presentation

10 • Explain that this second 20 • Students look at the Unit 1
minutes minutes My Body is an Amazing Machine!
section of the book is pictures. Ask what
• Read the language functions
about health. Then, ask activities the people are students are expected to achieve at
the end of the unit.
students to repeat the doing. Encourage the use
• Clarify vocabulary, e.g. amazing,
word. of L2 as much as possible. machine, recommendation, protect,
etc. Use body language or mime the
• Elicit a definition of health: ‘a • Ask students if they think words to help students understand.
state where your body is in good sportspeople take care of their
bodies and elicit some ways in which Unit 2
condition.’ they think they do. Write students’ People Can Do a Lot of Things
suggestions on the board.
• Check the meaning of habit by • Read all the items, checking
encouraging students to provide • Elicit the other activities shown understanding of vocabulary like
examples of activities they do every in the pictures. Discuss how they interests, likes and explanatory. Elicit
day. Allow L1 as they might not might help you to keep healthy. For examples of students’ interests,
know the vocabulary. You can draw example, painting might help you likes and dislikes to help to explain
stickmen on the board to illustrate to relax; performing (or watching these concepts.
the activities. a performance) can stimulate your
brain, etc. Unit 3
• Read the title and explain the My Health Care Routine
concept of healthy habits.
• Read all the language functions
• Point out that looking after our • Go over the specific language and text types, checking any word
bodies is very important for being functions and text types of the three students do not understand, e.g. care
healthy and it is our responsibility. To units. and daily.
do this, we need to develop healthy
habits. If we do some exercise and • Explain any difficulties students may • If you did a drawing at the beginning
spend some time every day taking have. of the module presentation, show
care of ourselves, our bodies will be students the stickmen on the board
healthy. • Point out that asking questions to illustrate everyday routines.
and exchanging information about
daily activities gives students more
ideas about how to develop healthy


Explore Your Knowledge

Look at the pictures and answer …

• What activities do you like

• Do you eat healthy or junk food
during the break?

• Do you eat healthy or junk food
at home?

• Do you do any sports during
the break?

• Do you do any sports at home?
• Do you think an athlete needs

a special routine and a special
diet? Why?

Task: A Visual Campaign to Promote Healthy Habits

In this module you will work in groups to prepare a formal presentation.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

49 1. Parts of the body 4. Activities people like to do 8. Daily routine (Lesson 1, 49

(Lesson 1, exercise 8) (Lesson 1, exercise 4) exercise 4)

2. Description of 5. Activities people are doing 9. Identification of healthy and

accidents and injuries for Colombia (Lesson 2, unhealthy habits (Lesson 2,

(Lesson 2, exercises 1, exercise 6) exercises 1–5)

3 and 6) 6. Description of what leaders 10. Ideas to start a healthy routine

3. Ways to prevent are doing in specific contexts (Lesson 3, exercise 4)

accidents (Lesson 3, (Lesson 2, exercise 8). 11. Description of a healthy day

exercise 4) 7. Identification of a school (Lesson 3, exercise 7)

problem and possible solution

(Lesson 3, exercise 7)


Activities Are Exciting

L6M2_SB_Module Presentation_AFL_131016.indd 49 01/12/2016 14:26

Module 2 Presentation

Explore Your Knowledge Final Task

20 10

minutes • Ask students to look at minutes • Explain that in module 2
the pictures and explain students will be working
what they see. Ask students: on a visual campaign

Can you think how the pictures relate to promote healthy habits.
to each other? Do you believe athletes For that purpose, they will be
need to sleep or eat well? Do they need identifying parts of the body,
to go to the doctor? describing accidents and injuries
and suggesting ways to prevent
• Read the Explore Your Knowledge accidents in unit 1. In unit 2, they
questions and elicit some answers will find activities people like to do
from students. Write any new and activities people are doing for
vocabulary, e.g. junk food, check-up, Colombia, describe what leaders
on the board and clarify it. You can are doing in specific contexts,
use examples or drawings. To check identify a school problem and
their understanding, you can invite suggest a solution. Finally, in unit 3,
students to act out some of the they will discuss their daily routine,
vocabulary. identify healthy and unhealthy
habits, suggest ideas for starting
• Use the questions as an opportunity a healthy routine and describe
to check if students know more a healthy day. Go through the
vocabulary related to activities, chart with students, eliciting this
sports or healthy routines by information by asking questions
making a contribution list on the and clarifying any difficulties.
board for the whole class. You can
use the list on the board from earlier • Finally, read the title of this module’s
in the module presentation as a chant, Activities are exciting, and ask
starting point for discussing healthy students what they understand and
routines. how they can relate the content of
the units to the title of the chant.
• Remind students that they need to
perform a final task for each module,
but that they will work towards
achieving it during the whole
module by accomplishing mini-tasks.


Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »1 » I can identify the main parts of the body
My Body Is an and its features.
Amazing Machine
» I can understand descriptions of
body problems.

» I can write simple recommendations to
protect our bodies.

In Context » From Head to Toe

28 1. Listen Camila’s having a check-up with the school doctor, Ms Romero. Listen and
tick (✔) the parts of the body the doctor checks.

• arm
• leg
• eye
• ear
• stomach
• head
• back
• foot

2. Speak Label the pictures (1–8) with the words in the Word Bank.
Practise the pronunciation with a partner.

50 Word Bank
1. … 2. … 3. … 4. … stomach neck knee
shoulder back leg
5. … 6. … 7. … 8. … arm elbow

Study Tip

Make a word list
to remember the

you learn.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 50 01/12/2016 12:35

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

Unit 1 My Body Is an Amazing Machine!

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Identify phrases and expressions related to parts of the body and their
Vocabulary Produce simple sentences about ways to protect our bodies from accidents.
Grammar Exchange information about problems of the body.

Parts of the body; Adjectives to describe parts of the body; Problems of different
parts of the body

Regular and irregular plural nouns; Personal pronouns; Present simple; Wh- questions

1. Listen Audio Script 28 2. Speak
Doctor: Hello, Camila.
(15 minutes) track 28 (15 minutes)
▪ Say the title of the unit and Girl: Hi, Doctor Romero.
▪ Read the rubric.
discuss as a class what it Doctor: Let’s see how you are today. ▪ Students check they
Let’s start with your head. Please, understand the vocabulary
▪ Read the rubric. in the Word Bank before
▪ Students say if they know look at me … OK. Your head’s fine. labelling the pictures.

where to go if they have an How about your stomach? Do you ▪ Students label the pictures
accident at school. What
should they do? Who is have a problem if I touch it? with the words.
responsible for contacting
a child’s parents if there is a Girl: No, I don’t, doctor. ▪ Pair students and make them
medical emergency? What
other number can they call? Doctor: Now … I want to check your practise the pronunciation of
the words. Monitor their work.
Extra Activity (10 minutes) back. Let me see ... All right! It’s
Students talk about emergencies. ▪ Check the answers.
Ask: What’s the number for perfect.
emergencies in Colombia? (123)
What’s the number for the police? Girl: I’m very healthy.
(112) What’s the number for the fire
department? (119) Doctor: You are! And finally, I want

▪ Play the track. Students tick to check your leg. Mhhhh … no

the words they hear. problem. OK, Camila. You can

▪ Play the track again so that go now. You are in a very good

students can check their physical condition. Answer Key
answers. 1. back
Girl: Thank you, doctor. Can I go to 2. knee 5. arm
Answer Key 3. neck 6. stomach
head, stomach, back, leg play now? 4. leg 7. elbow
8. shoulder
Doctor: Sure! Bye, Camila!

Girl: Bye!

Extra Activity (10 minutes) Study Tip T50

Check the pronunciation of the Remind students that they
parts of the body, especially have already studied this tip
the ones students tend to in Module 1. When they are
mispronounce: eye /ai/ (not / learning new words making lists
ei/), ear /iər/ (not /ear/), stomach with a logical structure helps
/’stəmək/ (not /stomaə/), head / them to remember vocabulary in
hed/ (not /head/), foot /fət/ (not an easier way. Ask them to label
/fə:t/). You must emphasize the the group of words ‘parts of the
correct pronunciation of specific body’ and draw the part of the
vowels and consonants. body in front of each word or
cut pictures from a copy and
then paste them. They should

have a vocabulary section
in their notebooks just for
vocabulary work.

module 2 // Unit 1

3. Speak Match the parts of the body with the

correct number. Then, check with the class.

Word Bank Part of the body Number We have one mouth.
mouth 10 We also have two hands.
Regular plurals hands 1
one finger - - ten fingers toes 10 We have 32 teeth.
one ear - - - - two ears teeth 2
fingers 2
Irregular plurals feet 32
one foot - - - two feet eyes 2
one tooth - - - thirty-two teeth nose 1

4. Speak Play with a partner. Ask your partner a question. Give your partner

How many fingers one point for a correct answer. We have ten fingers. Now
do we have? it’s your turn. How many

… do we have?

Study Tip

You can learn adjectives by
knowing their opposites. It
can help you to remember.

big ≠ small
weak ≠ strong
short ≠ long

5. Read Match the pictures (1–6) with the descriptions (a–f).

1. … 2. … 3. …

4. … 5. … 6. …
a. Luisa does gymnastics.
b. José loves exercising at the c. Ramiro plays basketball in
Her legs are quite short.
park. His body looks very the school team. His arms
d. Martha likes to plant trees
in the school garden. Her strong. and legs are quite long.
hands are really small.
e. Johnny doesn’t do much f. Antonio catches the ball
exercise. His body's really often. His hands are
weak these days. very big.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 51 01/12/2016 12:36

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

3. Speak 4. Speak 5. Read

(25 minutes) (20 minutes) (25 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students practise the words ▪ Students practise asking How ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Before matching the pictures
for numbers (previously many …? questions.
studied in Module 1) and parts with the descriptions, explore
of the body. Grammar Box the vocabulary. If students
Questions for Countable Nouns are not familiar with the
Extra Activity (15 minutes) vocabulary, encourage them
The question for countable to use dictionaries.
Go to the school library (or use nouns is always the same. The
the computer laboratory, if only words that change are the Grammar Box
available) and get students to look auxiliary and the subject. Using Adverbs with Adjectives
for information about the number
of teeth that humans have. Do Write on the board: An adverb can add extra
animals have the same number information to an adjective.
of teeth? This activity could also Question Answer
be done in one of the students’ Write on the board:
other classes (Biology, Physical
Education, etc.). How many We have two Adjectives Emphatic
hands do we hands. adverbs
▪ Students match each I have one My arms are My arms are
How many head. strong. quite strong.
part of the body with its heads do you
corresponding number. have? His body is His body is
weak. really weak.
Grammar Box ▪ Present the model with a
Regular and Irregular Plural Her neck is Her neck is
Nouns student. long. very strong.

In English, we usually add -s (or ▪ Allow enough time for ▪ Allow enough time for
-es) to the noun to make the
plural form. However, there are students to work in pairs. Go students to read, work on
some irregular plurals that do not around the class monitoring
follow this rule. their work and help them with the vocabulary and match
any pronunciation or grammar
Write on the board: difficulties they may have. each picture with the correct

Irregular ▪ Check the answers with description.
the class by asking pairs of ▪ Check the answers by asking
students to ask and answer a
question. different students to read

Study Tip them out loud.

Regular plurals Explain to students that knowing
the opposite meaning of a
one finger one foot word (antonym) will help them Answer Key 5. e
ten fingers two feet to improve their vocabulary. 1. f 3. d 6. a
They can make a list with the 2. c 4. b
adjectives they have seen in
one ear one tooth the unit and write down their
two ears 32 teeth opposite. If there are any

▪ Check the answers with the words they are not sure about, T51
they can check them in a
class, asking different students dictionary.
to follow the model. Praise
their good work and when
they pronounce each word

Answer Key fingers 10
mouth 1 feet 2
eyes 2
hands 2 nose 1

toes 10

teeth 32

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

29 6. Listen Look at the Wall of Honour. Listen and label the pictures with the

correct names.
Wall of Honour: Johanna Ramiro Giovanny Manuel Lina

… …… … …

7. Write Use the pictures on the Wall of Honour to describe each person.
Write three things about each person.

Giovanny plays
basketball. His
legs are really

Johanna is a …

Final task activity!

8. Write How many sentences about your body can you write in one minute?

Write them on the board.

My arms are strong. My head’s small, but my nose is big. My ears are
small and my eyes are small, too. My legs are . . . and my head is . . .

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 52 01/12/2016 12:36

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

6. Listen 7. Write Extra Activity (10 minutes)

(15 minutes) track 29 (30 minutes) Do a peer-assessment session.
▪ Read the rubric. When students have written their
▪ Read the rubric or ask a sentences, tell them to exchange
Extra Activity (5 minutes) their notebooks and assess their
student to read it out loud. partner’s ideas. The following
Check the vocabulary before the Make sure they understand criteria can guide the students’
listening task. Ask students if they have to write three assessment process: Are the
they can name each sport in the different sentences about sentences complete? Is their spelling
pictures. Play a spelling game to each person. correct? Are the sentences separated
see if they know how to spell the by a full stop?
words correctly. Ask students ▪ If you followed the suggested
what other sports they can play Extra Activity (20 minutes)
in their school and make a list model to check the answers
on the board. Run a class vote to in the previous exercise, Ask three or four students to
identify which is the most popular tell students that sentence go to the board and write their
sport. number one has already sentences in exactly one minute,
been done. They just have to as if they were playing the ‘Stop’
▪ Play the track once and pause copy it and write two extra game. Then, assess students’
sentences. work with the whole class. Praise
after each number. Students each student for their effort, no
▪ Allow enough time for matter the number of mistakes
label the pictures with the they make. Then, repeat the
students to write them down activity asking three or four
names. and go around the class different students to write their
monitoring their work. sentences on the board.
▪ Play the track again for students
▪ Students go to the board and
to check their answers.
write some of their ideas.
▪ Check the answers with the
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
class. Use the following model:
Ask two or three students
In Picture 1, ... practises .... to write their sentences on
the board simultaneously.
Answer Key First, ask them to write their
sentences about Johanna, for
From left to right: example. Then, check their ideas
highlighting the fact that all
1. Manuel 4. Ramiro possibilities are correct. Make
any necessary corrections and
2. Lina 5. Johanna continue with the next group of
students to write sentences about
3. Giovanny another person in the exercise.

Audio Script 29 8. Write
Girl 1: Hello, Martha. What’s
(10 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric and give
Girl 2: It’s the Wall of Honour for the
students time to study the
Physical Education class. These are model provided.

the best students in the class. For ▪ Students use the model and

example, look at Johanna. She’s write information about
themselves and their body.
a cheerleader. Her legs are short,
▪ Put students in groups
but she jumps with her pompoms
of three. They read their
and everything. sentences to each other.

Girl 1: Oh, yeah! She jumps a lot! ▪ Students write their ideas on

What about this one? Ramiro? the board. T52

Girl 2: He does gymnastics. He’s really

strong! I mean … REALLY STRONG!

Girl 1: Hey! I know this boy. His

name’s Giovanny. He plays in the

basketball team. Wow! His legs are

really long!

Girl 2: Of course! He’s a basketball

player. Manuel, he’s the opposite.

His arms are short, but that’s not

a problem for him. Look! He can

stand on his head! And here you

have Lina. Her legs are quite long.

She does beautiful jumps.

Girl 1: It’s true! I want to be on this

wall! Let’s go to the school gym

and start practising. We can be the

next stars on the Wall of Honour.

module 2 // Unit 1
Expanding Knowledge » Protecting Our Bodies

1. Read This is a report from the Ministry of Education about accidents at school.

Read out loud with a partner.

Typical accidents You can fall You can hit your 21st Century Skills
at school! head. · Collaborating

For example, You can cut your You can break your Work with your
You can hurt finger. arm or leg. classmates to check
your arm.

2. Speak With the class, make a list of the parts of the body that you can hurt in

an accident.

You can cut your finger. Study Tip

You can hit your head. upcdvnroioeifmtfvcseaimRohrbeeueuucnslnlpytailcscewrlaysyiantsofeygorusoni.ntmso/


30 3. Listen Listen to the report. Make a top five of the accidents. Report to the class.

Here we have the top five typical
accidents in Colombian schools.
I position number 5, is ... In posi-

tion number 4, is ...

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 53 01/12/2016 12:36

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

1. Read ▪ Draw a big circle on the board ▪ Play the track once. Students

(20 minutes) and write the word ‘Accidents’ take notes of key words.
▪ Read the rubric. in it. Add other circles to the
▪ Make sure students diagram. Ask students to say ▪ Play the track again so that
short sentences and include
understand the instructions. them in the diagram. students can check their key
words and add them to their
21st Century skills You can notes. Then, allow some time
Collaborating cut a for them to copy the chart with
The ability to work in groups finger. the information in the audio.
and help each other to reach a
common goal is very important. You can Accidents You can ▪ Check the answers with the
In this case, students have the fall. hit your
chance to read out loud and peer- class, starting with number
assess their pronunciation. In head. 5 and then numbers 4, 3, 2
order to make the activity really and 1.
meaningful, make sure they are You can
familiar with the pronunciation break your Answer Key
of most words before reading 1. Students hurt their legs and
the text. arm.
▪ Allow some time to explore Extra Activity (10 minutes) 2. They hit their heads.
Ask students to include the 3. They cut their fingers.
the vocabulary and check the place of the school in which the 4. Students/They fall.
pronunciation of any new accidents can happen. 5. They can break an arm.
words. Take dictionaries to
class or use an online one. Audio Script 30
In Middle School, students
▪ Allow enough time for
usually have accidents because
students to read and work
together. Go around the they’re not careful. Here we have the
classroom monitoring their
work. top five school accidents. In position

▪ After reading the report, number five, is an accident students

ask students the following 3. Listen have when they play – they can break
question: What types of
accidents happen at school? (15 minutes) track 30 an arm. In the next position, number
Discuss the answers as a class. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Tell students that this report is four, we have a common situation –
2. Speak
a ‘real’ report which describes when students fall. In position number
(20 minutes) the most common accidents
▪ Read the rubric. students have at school. three, we have a simple problem
▪ Go over the model provided
Extra Activity (5 minutes) students have with paper – they cut
and make sure students Ask students for examples of top
understand what they have fives. Then, ask: Who is the tallest their fingers. In position number two,
to do. student in the classroom? Which
rooms are the biggest in the school? we have the typical accident that
Study Tip What songs are the most popular
Make students aware that the these days? Then, write top fives happens when students don’t pay
vocabulary of the previous for the answers to the questions
lessons can help them to on the board. attention – they hit their heads on
complete this activity. They can
combine the new vocabulary of Extra Activity (3 minutes) walls, windows or doors. And finally,
accidents with the parts of the Students predict which accident
they think is in number 1. Elicit in position number one, we have the
body to make full sentences, some ideas and tell students they
as shown in the example. will have the chance to check most typical accident in Colombian
their predictions.
schools – students hurt their legs and

arms. In every school, we always have

a minimum of five students who hurt

themselves every week!


Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Speak Look at the pictures (1–7) and name the places. Use the Word Bank.

hallway stairs kitchen Word Bank classroom playground
toilets laboratory

Number 1 is ...
Number 2 is ...

1. … 2. … 3. …

4. … 5. …

6. … 7. …

5. Speak Make a list of different places in your school. Present your list to the class.

We have a school


There are ten

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 54 01/12/2016 12:37

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Speak Extra Activity (20 minutes)

(15 minutes) Students work in groups and
make a floor plan of their school.
▪ Read the rubric. If there are different floors, give
▪ Explore the vocabulary each group a floor. Students
draw the floor plan and label the
before doing the exercise. different places.
Students do peer-assessment
to monitor each other’s ▪ Allow enough time for
students to prepare their
▪ Students match the places sentences and get ready to
present them to the class.
with their corresponding
name. Then, check as a class ▪ Check with the class by asking
by asking for volunteers to
read the answers following different students to say a
the model provided. sentence each.

Answer Key 5. toilets
1. stairs 6. kitchen
2. hallway 7. classroom
3. laboratory
4. playground

5. Speak

(20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students write down their


Extra Activity (15 minutes)
Play a game and reuse the
content and grammar studied
in the previous lesson. Ask:
How many kitchens are there in
the school? Then, take students
around the school so they can
name the different places. After
ten minutes, students return to
class and say the names of the
places. Write them on the board.


module 2 // Unit 1

31 6. Listen Listen and match the sentences (1–4) with the photos (a–d).

1. You can break your arm if you fall a.
down the stairs.

2. You can hurt your leg if you fall in b.
the playground.

3. You can fall if you run in the hallway. c.

4. You can cut your finger on a piece of d.
paper if you don’t pay attention.

7. Write Look at these types of protection. Complete the sentences (1–4)
with the words in the box.

wears knee pads wears a helmet wear gloves wear safety glasses

1. This boy goes skateboarding, 2. Students work in a laboratory,

55 so he wears kneepads. so they …

3. The staff do the cleaning, 4. Jessica rides a bike,

so they … so she …

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 55 01/12/2016 12:37

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

6. Listen Audio Script 31
Girl: You can break your arm
(10 minutes) track 31
if you fall down the stairs.
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Check that students know all Man: You can hurt your leg if you fall

the vocabulary. Students use in the playground.
a dictionary for words they
don’t know. Boy: You can fall if you run in the

▪ Play the track twice so that hallway.

they can check their work. Woman: You can cut your finger on

a piece of paper if you don’t pay


Grammar Box 7. Write
Connecting Ideas with if
(25 minutes)
We join two ideas using the
word if to talk about the result of ▪ Read the rubric.
something happening. ▪ Check that students

Write on the board: understand the vocabulary
before doing the activity.
Result Connector Action ▪ Allow enough time for
students to write their
You can if you run sentences in their notebooks.
break in the ▪ Students compare their
your arm hallway. answers with a partner.
▪ Check the answers with the
You can if you play class by asking four different
hurt your rugby. students to read a sentence
leg each.

▪ Check the answers with the Answer Key
1. wears kneepads
class. 2. wear safety glasses
3. wear gloves
Extra Activity (10 minutes) 4. wears a helmet
Ask students for ideas of their
own. Ask them to follow the
model and tell you two or three
extra sentences of possible
accidents they can have at school
or at home. Accept any logical

Answer Key
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b


Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Safe Schools

1. Speak Look at the graph about accidents at middle schools. Then, answer
the questions.
per week in  Hallway accidents
Public Middle 4 15  School playground 21st Century Skills
accidents · Information Literacy
Schools 6
8  Classroom accidents Using and understanding
numbers helps you to
5  Sports accidents learn about the world
around you.
 Stair accidents

0 5 10 15 20

a. How many accidents happen per week?
b. Where do a lot of accidents happen?
c. Do you have to be more careful inside or outside

the classroom?

2. Speak Work in pairs. Say how you can have an accident at school.
Make sentences using the vocabulary in the chart.

we run too fast in the Final task activity!
school hall.
arms we don’t use the
necessary protection.

hit hands we don’t follow our
teacher’s suggestions.
hurt fingers
We can cut our legs if we don’t pay attention
when we walk.

break faces we jump on the

56 stomachs school stairs.
we don’t look in front
of us.

we push our
classmates in a game.

We can hit our heads if we
don’t look in front of us.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 56 01/12/2016 12:37

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

1. Speak ▪ Ask a student to read the Suggested answers:
We can hurt our legs if we run
(25 minutes) heading on the left of the too fast in the school hall.
graph and check their We can cut our fingers if we don’t
▪ Read the rubric. understanding. use the necessary protection.
▪ Ask students if they are We can hurt our backs if we don’t
▪ Students work in pairs and follow our teacher’s suggestions.
familiar with graphs like We can hit our faces if we don’t
the one in the exercise. answer the questions. Tell pay attention when we walk.
What information does them that they have to read We can break our arms if we jump
the graph show? Why are the questions carefully and on the school stairs.
colours important? Do they find the information in the We can hit our heads if we don’t
understand the information in graph to answer them. look in front of us.
the graph? We can hurt our hands if we push
▪ Go around the class our classmates in a game.
21st Century skills
Information Literacy monitoring their work and T56
providing help if necessary.
The internet and social networks
manage a great amount of Answer Key
information about people, a. In total, 38 accidents happen
characteristics, animals and many
more categories. Therefore, per week.
sometimes information is b. A lot of accidents happen in
organized in groups of numbers
and presented using graphs like the school playground.
the one in the exercise. Usually, c. You have to be more careful
a graph includes information (for
example, students, accidents, outside the classroom.
animals, sports, etc.) in a specific
context. Identifying the graph 2. Speak
in which the information is
presented and the relation of (20 minutes)
numbers helps us to be much
more informed about the world ▪ Read the rubric.
around us and have a more solid ▪ Students combine words from
opinion about it.
each column and make logical
Extra Activity (15 minutes) sentences about accidents in
Check students’ understanding
of the graph by asking them to ▪ Ask a student to read the
think of another possible context
in which a graph can be used. model and have the student
For example, a graph showing point to what expressions
the number of students and were combined to make that
computers in a school, soccer sentence. Point out that more
teams in Colombia and the than one combination may be
number of goals, etc. Elicit some possible.
ideas from students.
▪ Encourage students to be as

creative as possible and enjoy
the activity.

▪ Check the answers with the

class, accepting that there are
many possible answers.

Extra Activity (5 minutes)
Elicit from students the grammar
studied in previous lessons and
check the use of the connector if.
Remind them of the order of the
words and ask students to make

module 2 // Unit 1

32 3. Listen Listen to an interview with Ms Román. Tick (✔) true (T) or false (F).


1. Ms Román is a Mathematics teacher.

2. Students usually have accidents
because they don’t pay attention.

3. Students often cut their fingers.

4. Sometimes a student can push
another student by accident.

5. The stairs and the hallways are typical
places where accidents happen.

6. For Ms Román, attention is the best
way to prevent accidents at schools.

4. Write Write how we can prevent accidents at school. Share your ideas

with a partner.

To prevent accidents in the classroom Use f u l
it’s important to pay attention. Ex pre s s io n s
And to prevent accidents in the stairs
it’s important not to jump ... To prevent
It’s important to
It’s important not to

5. Speak Interview your classmate and

record the answers.

Good afternoon, Camila. Fine, thanks. 21st Century Skills
How are you? · Social Skills

57 Working in groups helps you
to give and receive feedback

about your speaking skills.

What accidents can happen In my class, students
in your school? sometimes . . .

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 57 01/12/2016 12:37

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

3. Listen Ms Román: They hurt themselves 5. Speak
because they run too fast and
(20 minutes) track 32 they don’t look in front of them. (40 minutes)
Sometimes also because students
▪ Read the rubric. push other students by accident. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students read the sentences ▪ Students plan what questions
Man: Aha! Any other accidents?
before listening and check Ms Román: Well … there’s another they will ask and write them
their understanding. down.
common accident. Students hit
▪ Play the track once. Students their heads or legs on the chairs or ▪ Students write four questions
the tables in the classrooms, and
tick the sentences. also the chairs in the playground. to ask a classmate. Check
Again, this usually happens because their work.
▪ Play it again and students students don’t pay attention when
they walk or run. ▪ Pair students and tell them
make sure they have ticked Man: OK. Well, dear listeners, this is
the correct sentences. another story from a Colombian to interview each other and
school. We’ll be back later with write down their answers.
▪ You may need to play the another interview. Ms Román, You could let them use their
thank you very much for your time. mobile phones to record their
track again. Then, check the Ms Román: Thank you. And interviews.
answers with the class. remember, it’s very easy to prevent
accidents at school. Pay attention! Extra Activity (10 minutes)
Extra Activity (5 minutes) Students plan the interview
4. Write and do it with a student from
Students correct the false a different class (same level, of
statements by writing the correct (30 minutes) course).
information. Then, listen again
and check. ▪ Read the rubric. 21st Century skills
▪ Go over the model and Social Skills
▪ Get students to compare their Read the information and
draw students’ attention to highlight the value of group work
answers. the Useful Expressions box. in class. Students can always
Point out the word order (To help each other in a positive way
▪ Check the answers by prevent usually goes at the because learning is a cooperative
beginning of a sentence and activity. Instead of criticizing, they
asking different students to It’s important to/It’s important can make constructive comments
not to can go in the middle of on both positive aspects and
read each sentence and say the sentence). things to improve. In this way,
students can reduce their natural
whether it is true or false. ▪ Read the model again (out anxiety in class and get better
Answer Key 5. F loud) and show students how
1. F 3. F 6. T to organize their ideas.
2. T 4. T
▪ Allow enough time for
Audio Script 32
Man: Hello, everybody! students to write their
own sentences. Provide
Welcome to our ‘Safe Schools’ any necessary help with
programme. Today we’re here with
▪ Check the answers by asking
Ms Román, a Physical Education
different students to write
teacher who works at Puerto de their ideas on the board.

Buenaventura School in Cali. How

are you today, Ms Román?

Ms Román: Hello. I’m fine, thank you.

I’m very happy to be here.

Man: Tell us, Ms Román, what are the

typical accidents students have in T57

your school?

Ms Román: Well … students usually

have simple accidents because

they don’t pay attention or don’t

follow the rules when they play

sports. For example, one of the

most common accidents I have in

my classes is when students hurt

themselves, especially their elbows

and their knees.

Man: Why does this happen?

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

6. Write Write a report with the information you have from the interview
in exercise 5.

This is Andrea. Accidents can There are
She’s 12 years old. sometimes happen … accidents in …
For example, she …
She’s in 6 C. and in …

To prevent In conclusion, … Final task activity!
accidents we can …

and we can …

7. Speak Present your report to the class. Use your favourite visual option to
present information. Vote for the best presentation.

This is Andrea. She’s 12 years old. She’s in 6 C. She says that
accidents can happen … For example …

21st Century Skills
· Technology Literacy

You can use interesting ideas
to present information to class.
You can use a collage, a digital

presentation or a video. Use
your imagination!


8. Speak Listen to the poem. Then, read it out loud. Emphasize the
pronunciation of the -s/-es sound in the plural words.
I have one head. My parents have two heads.
I have one nose. My parents have two noses.
I have two ears. My parents have four ears.
I have ten fingers. My parents have twenty fingers.
I have thirty-two teeth. My parents have … I don’t know!

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 58 01/12/2016 12:37

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

6. Write 8. Speak

(30 minutes) (20 minutes) track 33
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Play the track once and repeat
▪ Go over the model and
the plural words. Emphasize
tell students to check the final -s/-es sounds in the
the information in their plural words.
interviews. Ask: How can
you present the information in ▪ Play the track again and ask
a creative way? Can you use
paper or an electronic device students to repeat as a class.
to organize the information?
Encourage them to use their ▪ Let students work individually
and practise the poem. How
▪ Allow enough time for fast can they read it?

students to write down their Extra Activity (5 minutes)
ideas. Make sure they include Students memorize the poem and
as much information as say it out loud. Give points for the
possible from the interview. best recitals.

7. Speak Audio Script 33
I have one head. My parents
(30 minutes)
have two heads.
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Follow the model with a I have one nose. My parents have two

student. noses.

▪ To save time, get students I have two ears. My parents have four

to work in groups of four. ears.
They will have to give their
presentations to their group I have ten fingers. My parents have
and they will then vote for
their favourite presentation. twenty fingers.
Why is it their favourite?
What things did they like I have thirty-two teeth. My parents
about it?
have … I don’t know!

21st Century skills T58
Technology Literacy

Remind students that technology
offers a lot of possibilities to make
interesting and visually attractive
presentations. Encourage them
to use alternative ideas, not
always paper and pencil. They will
be surprised to see the level of
creativity of their classmates.

module 2 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Write the parts of the body. Then, describe the girl.

Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

2. Read Read and complete the text with the words in the Word Bank.

Word Bank Soisssoouowmmtmoheeefettstniitmmhuaeedeccssehl…ntaihltsdtseshrriherouaihonrvemseleata.gdoAcssoc,.ttifIydhatp’esesinticprtaaosanlsriadnsmci…bacsinl,deTadehntnhedtayt Idpcerasoncbrulienpmtdieso.rnsstaonf dbody
break some children … their arms because Very well

tshoemyehtiitmtehse…grtohuenirdf.inFginearlslyw, chheinldtrheeny’re Quite well

59 in the school laboratory or at home in With difficulty
the kitchen.

34 3. Listen Listen and write a recommendation for Irpecraconotmewcmrtioteeunrsdiabmtoipdolineesst. o
each situation. Very well
Quite well
Situation 1 It’s important …
Situation 2 It’s … With difficulty
Situation 3 …

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U1.indd 59 01/12/2016 12:37

Module // 2 Unit // 1 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write 3. Listen

(25 minutes) (10 minutes) track 34
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Play the track once so that
▪ Allow enough time for
students can write down the
students to copy the picture words they hear.
of the girl in their notebooks.
▪ Play the track again and
▪ Students write the parts of
students write their answers.
the body and label the picture.
▪ After they finish the exercise,
▪ Students write sentences
help them reflect upon their
about the girl. performance in the exercise
and make them complete their
▪ After they finish the exercise, reflection chart.

help them reflect upon their Suggested Answers
performance in the exercise 1. It’s important to run slowly/
and make them complete their
reflection chart. It’s important not to run too
2. Read 2. It’s important to pay attention.
3. It’s important not to push your
(15 minutes) classmates.

▪ Read the rubric. 34Audio Script
▪ Students complete the
Boy: Mum! Mum! Look at my elbow.
sentences with the words in I always fall in the park when I run
the Word Bank. too fast.

▪ Set a time limit. Girl: Doctor, I don’t pay attention
▪ Check the answers. Ask when I’m doing my art homework
and I usually cut my finger. Is it OK?
different students to read
sentence by sentence. The Doctor: Don’t worry, Ana. It’s just
class has to say whether the a small cut. You just have to pay
answer is right or wrong. more attention next time.

▪ After they finish the exercise, Man: Mhhh ... Those students have a
problem again. When they play in
help them reflect upon their the playground, they push their
performance in the exercise classmates too hard.
and make them complete their
reflection chart. T59

Answer Key
Some students have accidents
in and out of the classroom. A
typical accident is when a child
runs too fast and falls. They
sometimes hurt their legs, their
arms, and sometimes their heads.
It’s possible that some children
break their arms because they
hit the ground. Finally, children
sometimes cut their fingers when
they’re in the school laboratory or
at home in the kitchen.

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »2 » I can create short, simple sentences
People Can Do a Lot about interests and likes.
of Things!
» I can describe what other people
can or can’t do.

» I can ask and answer questions about
what people are doing.

In Context » That Is Interesting to Me!

1.   Speak Look at the noticeboard from the Quiroga Community Centre.
Ask and answer with a partner.

Which courses Quiroga Community Centre. Courses for everyone!
do you think are
In my opinion,
interesting? football isn’t so
interesting. I like
cDaonytomeuaalcikkheeytdohouellhms?o!wWteo Do you like walking? Learn how to play working with
Join the walking club the accordion and paper, so origami's
chFirlederecno,utreseenssfaornd vallenato music! interesting to me.
adults! and make friends!
interesting Roller skating.
to me. I like You can be a
playing football. champion!

Free origami oTpheenfoeovetbryalwl secehkoeonl dis!

2.   Speak CyloausstifoySrinteugmdweymoTrbdiepsrivnotocagbruoluaprys.helps

Make a list of activities. Then, ask
6 0 questions to learn your partner’s opinion.

ACTIVITIES SPORTS Do you like …? Yes, I do.
making dolls football I like + -ing …

origami roller skating

play a musical … No, it isn’t.
instrument … I don’t like
+ -ing …

Is … interesting
for you?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 60 02/12/2016 09:53

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit 2 People Can Do a Lot of Things!

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Identify phrases and expressions related to activities people do in their free time.
Vocabulary Produce simple sentences about characteristics of activities and hobbies.
Grammar Exchange information about ways to help the community be a better place.

Vocabulary related to sports and hobbies; Vocabulary related to actions to help the

Expressing likes and dislikes; Expressing ability with can/can’t; Questions with can;
Present continuous; Questions in the present continuous

1. Speak ▪ Students work in pairs and Grammar Box
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
(20 minutes) ask and answer the questions.
Draw their attention to the To express likes and dislikes we
▪ Say the title of the unit and words in red, which indicate use like + -ing, like + object and
an opinion of the activity don’t like + -ing, don’t like + object.
discuss as a class what it and their interest in specific The activity, sport or hobby
means. activities. comes after like /don’t like /doesn’t
▪ Tell students they are going ▪ Students listen to each other
Write on the board:
to learn about hobbies and and assess each other’s work.
activities they can do in their Likes Dislikes
free time. 2. Speak
I like music. He doesn’t
▪ Read the rubric. Ask students (20 minutes) like school.
▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
if they know where Quiroga You like We don’t
neighbourhood is. How students understand the writing like playing
familiar are they with Bogotá, instructions. poems. volleyball.
or the city they live in?
▪ Look at the vocabulary in the My mother He doesn’t
Extra Activity (5 minutes) likes dancing. like reading
list. Are students familiar with books.
Play a game. Students make a list all the activities? What about
of neighbourhoods in their city. the sports? ▪ Pair students and ask them
The winner is the group (or pair)
that has the highest number of Study Tip to practise the model in the
neighbourhood names. Classifying words into groups with book. Then, they can continue
common characteristics is a great using the words in their list of
▪ Ask students what a way to help students organize activities.
and remember more vocabulary.
community centre is. What They can classify the new words T60
activities can they do there? according to their personal
Why are those centres so
important for communities? criteria, as long as it is a logical
Do they know where their way of understanding the
community centre is? words in the group.

▪ Students read the ▪ Ask students to write more

noticeboard. Do the courses words in the list. Encourage
sound interesting to them? them to use dictionaries, if
Would they like to take any? possible.

▪ Point out the words in red.

What do they indicate? Ask two
students to read the model.

module 2 // Unit 2

35 3.   Listen Listen to Manuela, Juan Pablo and Matías talking about their favourite
activities and sports. Tick (✔) the activities they like.

Manuela Juan Pablo Matías

reading books swimming volleyball basketball model making painting
model making drawing
martial arts

4.   Speak Talk with a partner about what activities you like and don’t like.
Use the Useful Expressions.

Reading books I like playing Likes
is interesting tennis. I’m It’s easy for me!
very good at I’m very good at it!
to me. It’s
fascinating! it! It’s exciting!

I don’t like tennis. I don’t like drawing. Dislikes
I don’t understand it! It’s difficult for me! It’s difficult for me!
I don’t understand it!

It’s a bit boring!

5.   Write Look at the list of popular activities 21st Century Skills
and explain why you like or don’t like · Communicating
them. Tell the class.

Sport/Activity Like Don´t like Why? Giving your opinions in a respectful
because … way helps you to have good

relationships with other people.

riding a

6 1 bike

Final task activity!



Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 61 02/12/2016 09:53

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

3. Listen Juan Pablo: Great! That’s my sport! disagreement, but we should
How about you, Matías? Are you always be respectful and
(10 minutes) track 35 interested in sports? understand that people have
different opinions in order to
▪ Read the rubric. Matías: Not really, Juan Pablo. I’m build more solid relationships
▪ Get students ready for the more of an artistic person. I like with our family, classmates and
painting, drawing and doing things friends.
listening task by looking at with my hands.
the pictures first and checking ▪ Students practise in pairs. Go
that students know the Manuela: Do you like doing origami
meaning of the words. and things like that? around monitoring students’
work and making any
▪ Play the track once. Students Matías: Yes, I do. I like making model necessary corrections.
aeroplanes, too. I’m good with my
tick the activities that they hands. 5. Write
Juan Pablo: Model aeroplanes? Wow! (25 minutes)
▪ Play the track again for them That sounds interesting! ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the list of
to tick any answers they Matías: Yeah! It is interesting.
missed. Then, ask them to activities and tick what they
compare answers in pairs. 4. Speak like or don’t like.

▪ Check the answers as a class (20 minutes) ▪ Students think about why they

by asking different students. ▪ Read the rubric. like or don’t like the activities.
▪ Tell students this activity helps
Extra Activity (5 minutes) Extra Activity (5 minutes)
them to practise what they Remind students of the use of
Play the track again and ask have studied in the lesson. connectors in their sentences.
students to focus on the way Write on the board: don’t like
the students in the conversation ▪ Use the model with a student drawing because it’s difficult for me.
express their interests. They are Then, ask students to give more
good with their hands, they prefer and point out how people sentences using because.
sports or they are artistic. Run a express their opinions.
class vote and ask students who ▪ Allow enough time for
they are similar to Manuela, Juan Grammar Box
Pablo or Matías. This poll will Likes and Dislikes students to write their reasons
be a good transition to the next and help them use as much
activity. When we talk about our likes and vocabulary as possible from
dislikes, it is possible to give more previous activities.
Answer Key information about why we like or
Manuela: She likes reading books don’t like specific activities. ▪ Check the answers by asking

and she likes martial arts. Write on the board: some students to read their
Juan Pablo: He likes volleyball sentences out loud.
Like/Dislike Reason
and basketball. Extra Activity (25 minutes)
Matías: He likes model making, I like It’s easy for Ask students to make a similar
painting. me. chart on a piece of cardboard and
painting and drawing. to include three or four different
I don’t like It’s a bit activities in the first column.
35Audio Script doing martial boring. Then, ask students to paste their
arts. charts on the classroom. Students
Manuela: Look at this bulletin walk around the classroom. Then,
board! They have a lot of courses! ▪ Point out the Useful shout ‘stop!’ Students then write T61
For example, the reading club. I their opinion on the closest chart.
like reading fantasy books! Expressions box and check They should tick the activity that
students understand what the they like or don’t like and write
Juan Pablo: The reading club? No expressions mean. their reason. Continue the activity
way! That’s too boring for me. I until all the charts on the wall are
don’t like sitting on a chair and ▪ Ask two volunteers to practise complete.
reading for hours. I prefer sports.
using the model. They should
Manuela: I like sports, too. I like try to use some of the
martial arts. Do you like martial expressions.
21st Century Skills
Juan Pablo: Not really. Martial arts Communicating
are not so interesting. I like team
sports, for example, volleyball or In everyday conversation we have
basketball. the chance to express our honest
opinions about things we like and
Manuela: Hey! There’s a basketball things we don’t like. This can create
team here!

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

36 6.   Listen Listen and choose the correct answers, a, b or c.

In Ukraine, students are very good at gymnastics, swimming and sewing
athletics. We like doing sports because they help people to be more
disciplined and healthy. We also like doing other things that are
different from sports. For example, sewing’s an exciting activity in many
schools in Ukraine. It’s very difficult for me. My sister’s really good at it,
but she doesn’t like it. She likes dancing. She likes salsa, the Latin dance.
It’s a bit hard for her, but she practises every day.

1. Ukrainian students are good at … 2. For Dimitri’s sister, salsa’s …
a. swimming and cooking. a. a bit difficult.
b. athletics and gymnastics. b. really easy.
c. football and watching TV. c. boring.

3. In Ukraine, students do sports to be … 4. For Dimitri, sewing’s …
a. strong and fast. a. very difficult.
b. disciplined and healthy. b. exciting.
c. interesting and fascinating. c. very easy.

7.   Write Write about some activities students do in your country/department/
community. Follow the model to complete your text.

In …, students are very good at …, … Study Tip
and …. We like doing these activities
because …. We also like … and …. mRoIetdmheelesblmpwesbthtyeeeorrnuttoyetoxofuotwslw.lorirwtiete.
In my opinion, … is fascinating.
… is a bit difficult for me, but I
practise every day.

8.   Write Read a partner’s text. Make corrections. Finally, write a positive comment.

62 very good at like doing 21st Century Skills
· Collaborating
In Puerto Gaitán, Meta, students are very

good running and swimming. We like do these Making positive comments about

activities because they’re traditional activities. other people’s work helps them to

We also like dancing and playing the piano. In my be more confident.

opinion, the harp is fascinating. Dancing Joropo’s

a bit difficult for me, but I practise every day.

Natahly: your text is very interesting. Congratulations.
The ideas are incredible. I especially like the part about
dancing and playing the piano because I like dancing, too!

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 62 02/12/2016 09:53

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Listen 36Audio Script 8. Write

(20 minutes) track 36 Dimitri: In Ukraine, students are (20 minutes)
very good at gymnastics,
▪ Read the rubric. swimming and athletics. We like ▪ Read the rubric and give
▪ Locate Ukraine on a map. Tell doing sports because they help
people to be more disciplined and students time to study the
students that they will learn healthy. We also like doing other model provided.
about the customs of young things that are different from
Ukrainians. sports. For example, sewing’s an ▪ Tell students to exchange
exciting activity in many schools
▪ Play the track once. Students in Ukraine. It’s very difficult for papers/notebooks with
me. My sister’s really good at it, a partner and read their
listen and read. but she doesn’t like it. She likes partner’s text. If possible,
dancing. She likes salsa, the Latin make corrections by circling
▪ Play the track again for dance. It’s a bit hard for her, but the error and indicating the
she practises every day. correction.
students to read along with
again and further undersatnd 7. Write ▪ When students finish, they
the text.
(30 minutes) should write something
▪ Students read the questions ▪ Read the rubric out loud or positive about the text,
following the model provided.
and choose the correct ask a student to read it.
answers. ▪ Allow enough time for
▪ Students should write about a
Extra Activity (5 minutes) students to do the peer-
real activity that is common in assessment activity. Help
In case you have high achievers their region. them with corrections and
who finish the exercise quickly, encourage them to write
ask them to indicate in the text ▪ Read the model provided and positive comments about their
where they find the answer classmates’ work.
to each. This helps students read the information in the
to identify specific pieces of Study Tip. 21st Century Skills
information. If they can do it well, Collaborating
ask them to help their classmates Study Tip
who need help. This peer-help Following models is a strategy Learning is a process that takes
exercise helps to create stronger to have better results not only time and effort, and we always
bonds among classmates. in writing, but with many other need some supporting words to
skills in the classroom. Using a keep working hard. When we
▪ Check the answers with the model helps to give students make good comments about each
other, we are promoting a culture
class. Ask different students confidence, too. of respect and tolerance, and this
to read the questions and the will give people confidence and
corresponding answers. will help them to perform better.

Extra Activity (10 minutes) ▪ Allow enough time for

Run a class vote to find out what students to write their ideas
students like and don’t like:
gymnastics, swimming, athletics, and provide help as necessary.
salsa dancing and sewing. Ask
students why different activities ▪ Go round and monitor
are more or less popular in
different countries (the weather, students’ work.
the tradition, the religion).

Answer Key 4. a
1. b 2. a 3. b

module 2 // Unit 2

Expanding Knowledge » We Can Do Great Things!

1.   Speak Some programmes offer many options to public schools in Colombia.
Talk about what you can and can’t do.

English classes for public Theatre’s interesting Really? I can’t act.
schools in Colombia to me. I can act in It’s a bit boring to
front of people. me. But I can play

the guitar.

dance painting

crafts performing arts

drama instrumental music Wow! I can’t play an
instrument, but I can …

2.   Write Ask five questions with Can you …? to a different 21st Century Skills
partner. Write the answers and report to your class. · Critical Thinking

QUESTIONS YES NO Yes, I can. Do you know your
1. Can you do crafts? school rules?

Do you follow them?

2. Can you play a sport? No, I can’t. Yadira can do crafts.
3. Can you …? She can play the piano.
4. …? Can you do
5. …? craf ts? She can’t …


3.   Speak With your class, make a list of the things you can or can’t do in different
parts of the school. Use the Word Bank.

Word Bank We can eat in the We can play in the playground,
eat play cafeteria, but we can’t but we can’t play in the library.
run arrive late eat in the classroom.
yell speak loudly

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2_OK.indd 63 16/12/16 10:22 a.m.

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Speak Extra Activity (5 minutes) 21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking
(20 minutes) Students explore what extra- School rules are very important
curricular activities they can do in because they include the
▪ Read the rubric. their school. Students write down things students can and can’t
▪ Ask students what activities what they know and share their do at school. Sometimes, we
ideas with the class. might think that those rules are
they can do in the programme. unnecessary, but rules are a social
How long have they been part 2. Write agreement that make living and
of it? What is their favourite learning with other people more
activity? (20 minutes) enjoyable. Knowing the rules of
the school is an essential aspect
▪ Go over the vocabulary and ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure to ensure everyone gets along
at school.
check pronunciation. students understand that they
have to ask five questions to 3. Speak
▪ Go over the model and draw five different classmates, i.e.
one question per person. (15 minutes)
students’ attention to the ▪ Read the rubric.
words in red. ▪ Read the model, focusing ▪ Tell students that in this

Grammar Box students’ attention on the way activity they will talk about
Expressing Ability with Can/Can’t the questions are asked. what they can/can’t do but in
a different context: school.
We express our ability to Grammar Box
do different things with the Questions with Can ▪ Go over the model and ask
expressions can or can’t. We use
an action after can and the action Can appears at the beginning of students to use the school
is in the infinitive form. the question. vocabulary studied in previous
Write on the board: Write on the board:
▪ Remind students to use
Ability Reason
expression connectors such as but.

I can sing It’s Question Answer Reason ▪ Check students understand
karaoke. interesting
to me. Can you Yes, I I like the vocabulary in the Word
dance? can. dancing Bank.
I can’t draw. It’s very much. Extra Activity (5 minutes)
difficult Play a game. Students work in
to me. Can you No, I It’s very groups of three or four. You say a
speak can’t. difficult place in the school and point to a
Italian? for me. group. They have two minutes to
▪ Make students work in pairs say as many sentences as possible
▪ Students write five questions about the activities they can/ T63
using the information in the can’t do there. The group with the
in their notebooks in a similar highest number of answers wins.
chart to the one in the book. ▪ Go around monitoring
▪ Go around monitoring
▪ Students stand up and students, helping them with
students’ work, especially the the vocabulary.
ask their questions to five
use of can/can’t.
▪ Encourage students to use
▪ Once students finish asking
some of the expressions
the questions and recording
from the previous lesson, e.g.
the answers, check with the
boring, hard, easy, interesting.
class. Ask volunteers to read

their answers, expanding

if they can.

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

37 4.   Listen Listen and read about a Colombian person who’s making an important
contribution to the world. Then, practise reading aloud with a partner.

Adriana Ocampo’s a Colombian scientist. Right now, she’s
working for NASA on a project to explore Jupiter, a planet in
our solar system. She’s coordinat ing the project called ‘New
Horizons’. In that programme, a spaceship is travelling across the
solar system and is going to Jupiter. The ship’s collecting rocks
and analyzing Jupiter. Adriana’s controlling the process and she’s
making Colombia famous.

5.   Speak Look at the names (1–4). Use the pictures to help you talk about what
these people are doing. Use the Word Bank.

1. Diana Uribe 2. Colombian football team Word Bank
play jump sing
talk about history

Number 1 is Diana Uribe.
She’s talking about history.

3. Caterine Ibargüen 4. Monsieur Periné Yes! Number 2 is the
Colombian football team.

They’re …

6.   Speak Make a list of people who do things for Colombia. Work with
another pair and ask and answer questions.

What are Bomba They’re singing in 21st Century Skills
Estéreo doing? different countries. · Leadership

64 He’s playing in a Leaders are people who influence and
football team. motivate others to get involved in
What’s Juan José
Cuadrado doing? the achievement of a particular task.
You can recognize a leader’s work by
discussing their contributions to their


Final task activity!

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 64 02/12/2016 09:54

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

4. Listen 37Audio Script they have to do. Focus their
attention on the words in red
(15 minutes) track 37 Adriana Ocampo’s a Colombian in the questions.
▪ Read the rubric. scientist. Right now, she’s working
▪ Tell students that the text for NASA on a project to explore Grammar Box
Jupiter, a planet in our solar system. Questions in the Present
is about a real person from She’s coordinating the project called Continuous
Colombia. ‘New Horizons’. In that programme, a
spaceship is travelling across the solar Question Answer
▪ Play the track once. Students system and is going to Jupiter. The
ship’s collecting rocks and analyzing What’s your She’s
listen and read. Ask them if Jupiter. Adriana’s controlling the brother doing studying to
they understood the general process and she’s making Colombia these days? be a doctor.
idea of the text. famous.
What are They’re
▪ Play the track again and tell 5. Speak your parents working
doing? hard.
them to try to understand (15 minutes)
more this time. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Ask students to write down T64
▪ Look at the names before
Extra Activity (5 minutes) the names of five or six people
Prepare this activity in advance doing the exercise. Are from Colombia.
and get some pieces of cardboard students familiar with the
(or slides, if you have a computer people 1-4? What do they do? ▪ Students work in pairs and ask
in your room) to make vocabulary
flashcards of any of the words ▪ Ask a student to read the and answer questions about
in the text. On one side of the the five or six people they
card, write the words. On the model and focus students’ wrote down.
other side, draw or stick a picture attention on the use of
of the word. After listening to the -ing form to express ▪ Go around monitoring
the text, read the text out loud something that is happening
and stop after the words you now. students’ work.
have flashcards for. Show the
flashcards to students and keep ▪ Check students understand Extra Activity (10 minutes)
on reading.
the meaning of the words in Ask students different questions
▪ Students read out loud the Word Bank. about people they know, e.g.
What’s Mr/Ms (principal’s last name)
in pairs. Go around the ▪ Students talk with a partner doing now? What’s your sister doing
classroom and help students now? What are the policemen doing
with pronunciation. about the pictures. Go around right now? Encourage students to
the classroom and monitor raise their hand to answer and
Extra Activity (15 minutes) students’ work. praise their good work.
Play a pronunciation game in
which students read sentences Answer Key ▪ Check with the class by asking
from the text. Prepare some Number 1 is Diana Uribe. She’s
reading comprehension questions talking about history. Number 2 different students to say one
(appropriate for the students’ level). is the Colombian football question and another student
team. They’re playing football. to answer it.
▪ Ask students to focus on the Number 3 is Caterine Ibargüen.
She’s jumping. Number 4 is 21st Century Skills
words in red: What do they Monsieur Periné. They’re singing. Leadership
indicate? What is the common
characteristic they have? (They 6. Speak Leaders are people who make
are all in the -ing form.) important decisions for different
(20 minutes) people. Usually, leaders are
Grammar Box ▪ Read the rubric. recognized by communities
Present Continuous ▪ Ask if students know other and sometimes their work goes
We use the present continuous beyond the local context. There
for things happening now, at the Colombian people who are are many anonymous leaders, and
moment of speaking. doing some positive things. the only way to recognize their
work is by talking about what
Write on the board: ▪ Follow the model with a they are doing and its impact
on the community. This makes
She’s reading a book. student and make sure leaders more visible.
We’re cleaning the house. students understand what
I’m teaching class now.

module 2 // Unit 2

7.   Write Think about a leader who’s doing something important for your
community/city/country. Complete the information.

My aunt Carla’s Name:
working for my What’s he/she doing?
community. She’s
painting murals with
the children of my

8.   Speak Work in groups of three. Share your information about your leaders.
Say what information is interesting to you. Talk to your classmates.

My brother’s a leader in my Great! Is he
community. At the moment, he’s working alone?
helping children eat healthy food.
Wow! That’s really

No, he isn’t. He’s Final task activity!
working with a team.

6 5 9.   Speak Say if you have personal goals. Tell a partner.

I want to be an excellent
student this year. I’m doing all
my homework these days. I’m
checking my lessons at home.

I’m not using the internet
very much.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 65 02/12/2016 09:54

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

7. Write 8. Speak 9. Speak

(30 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure ▪ Read the rubric. Make sure
▪ Students think of a person
students understand what students understand the
who is doing something to do. activity.
important. It should be a real
person. ▪ Read the model before doing ▪ Give students enough time

▪ Read the model provided the exercise. to think about one goal they
have (a real one) and come up
and point out the -ing forms. Extra Activity (5 minutes) with two or three sentences
Do students understand the related to that goal.
model? Is it clear what they Make a list of expressions students
have to do? can use to indicate their opinion. In ▪ Ask students to share their
the model, the students use Wow!
▪ Allow enough time for That’s interesting! Show students goals with the class. Praise
three or four extra expressions students for their effort.
students to write their ideas. they can use. For example, write
Go around providing help as on the board: That’s great! That’s Extra Activity (5 minutes)
necessary. amazing! That’s perfect! Encourage
students to use the right intonation Use some of the expressions
Extra Activity (10 minutes) when using the expressions (point from the previous exercise and
Do this activity in pairs. Students out the exclamation marks at the encourage students to use them
ask and answer questions about end of each expression). when reacting to their classmates’
the important things people are goals.
doing to help other people. ▪ Allow enough time for

students to share their ideas
and express their opinions.

▪ Check students’ ideas by

asking them to read out their
sentences. Then, ask other
students to react using the


Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » What Can I Do to Help?

38 1.   Listen Listen to how these people are helping the community. Match the
conversations with the pictures. Then, check with a partner.

police officer paramedic firefighter

Number one is a No! Number one is …
police officer.

39 2.   Listen Listen and write what each person can do.

People I can … I can also …
police officer

3.   Speak Let’s play. Ask your partner questions and guess who they’re thinking of.
Use the model.

6 6 Does he/she put No, he/she doesn’t.

out fires?

Does he/she help Yes, he/she does.
people in the street?

Are you talking about Yes, I am!
a police officer?

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Listen Extra Activity (5 minutes) 3. Speak

(10 minutes) track 38 Ask students if they think the (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Ask students jobs are easy, difficult, interesting ▪ Read the rubric.
or boring. Run a class vote and ▪ Practise the model with
if they are familiar with the check students’ answers on
people in the picture. the board. Which was the most another student.
popular job?
▪ Play the track once. Students ▪ Students work in pairs. Go
Answer Key I can
match the pictures and the People I can … also … around the classroom and
answers. monitor students’ work.
police help check
▪ Play the track once again to officer people the cars Extra Activity (5 minutes)
in the follow Students work in different
check their work. street the rules pairs. You may want to pair low
achievers with high achievers.
▪ Read the model. Students give
paramedic take medicine
work in pairs and compare people to
answers. to the patients
Answer Key teach
1. firefighter students
2. paramedic how to
3. police officer prevent
a fire
Audio Script 38 firefighter put out
1. Woman: Please leave the a fire

building. We need to go upstairs to

control the fire. Go … go … go out!

2. Woman: OK. The patient’s OK.

Let’s put her in the ambulance and

go to the hospital.

3 . Man: Hey, guys, you can cross the

road now. Audio Script 39
Police officer: Hi! My name’s

Bob and I’m a police officer. I help

2. Listen people in the street. I make sure

(20 minutes) track 39 that everyone can cross the street

▪ Read the rubric. safely. I can also check that the
▪ Play the track once. Students
cars are following the traffic rules.
match the person with the
activity. Paramedic: How’s it going? I’m Joanna

▪ Play the track again and ask and I’m a paramedic. In my job, I

students to write down key take people to the hospital so they
words about each person. Play
the track again if necessary. can get medical care. I can also

▪ Before checking answers with give the patients medicine.

the class, students can check Firelighter: Hello! I’m Kayla and I’m a
their answers in pairs.
firefighter. I put out fires all over
▪ Check the answers with the
the city. We’re really quick at it!
whole class.
I can also teach students how to

prevent a fire. Stay safe!


module 2 // Unit 2

4.   Write With two other classmates, choose someone from your school and
describe what he/she does to help others.

The teacher’s an
important person. He

likes to help us. He
teaches us English.
At the moment, he’s
preparing us to take
exams. He’s giving us
some recommendations.

5.   Speak Some members of your community can act in bad ways. In groups of three,
say what they can do to be better.

1. She’s driving and texting. 2. He’s crossing the street on 3. They’re leaving a campfire

a red light near trees.

4. He’s throwing rubbish on 5. They’re drawing on the 6. He’s saying bad words to
a classmate.
the street. school desks.

Texting in the car Yes, it’s really dangerous. To be better,
is dangerous. you can text when you aren’t driving.

6.   Read Match the problems (1–5) with the solutions (a–e). Check with a partner.

67 a. You can listen to others with patience.
1. Car accidents

2. Rubbish on the street b. You can pay more attention to other people’s space.

3. Fights in the street c. You can give other cars more space.

4. Arguments with a person d. You can put the rubbish in a bag and take it home.

5. People pushing other people e. You can ask about the problem and suggest a solution.

For car accidents, Yes! And for arguments with
you can … other people you can ...

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 67 02/12/2016 09:54

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

4. Write 5. Speak 6. Read

(30 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the model. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the model. Point out the ▪ Put students into groups ▪ Before matching the actions

use of punctuation, tenses of three. Go around the with the possible solutions, go
and the ‘tone’ of the text. classroom monitoring over the vocabulary. Be ready
their work. to explain using synonyms.
▪ Students work in pairs and
Extra Activity (10 minutes) ▪ Students read the text again
think of a person. Then, they Ask students to rate the bad
have to write some sentences, actions where number one is the and match the corresponding
helping each other with most serious and six the least. ideas.
vocabulary and grammar. Give them a couple of minutes
to write a number next to the ▪ Check the answers. Ask
▪ Students should write a sentences. Run a class vote and
write the results on the board. volunteers to read their
minimum of three sentences. answers.

▪ Ask different pairs to read Answer Key 5. b
1. c 3. e
their texts out loud. Praise 2. d 4. a
them and continue with
another pair.

Extra Activity (15 minutes) Answer Key
1. To be better, you can text when
Students write their sentences
on pieces of card and stick them you aren’t driving.
around the classroom. 2. To be better, you can cross the

street on a green light.
3. To better, you can put the

campfire out before you leave.
4. To be better, you can throw

rubbish in the bin.
5. To be better, you can draw on

6. To be better, you can be

friendly with your classmates.


Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7.   Write Complete with possible things you can do to help solve a problem
in your school.

The problem … I like to help
in my school!
I can do something
I can … Final task activity!
I can …
I can …

Iʼm doing this!
Iʼm …
Iʼm …
Iʼm …

8.   Speak Present your ideas to the class. Listen to the other groups’ ideas and vote
for your favourite.

I like Andrea’s group’s idea. I prefer Pedro’s group’s idea. A problem in our
Let’s vote for her group. school is ... We can …

Congratulations! I like
Andrea’s group’s idea.


9.   Listen Listen to the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation of can and
can’t. Practise in pairs.


I help at school and I help my family. We can all help.

My parents say I can’t go to bed late and I can’t eat chewing gum!

She can speak Spanish, but she can’t speak Japanese.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 68 02/12/2016 09:54

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7. Write 8. Speak 9. Listen

(30 minutes) (20 minutes) (10 minutes) track 40
▪ Read the rubric. Point out the
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students work in groups of ▪ Ask groups to read their ideas pronunciation of can and can’t.

three and choose a problem in and make sure the others are ▪ Play the track once.
their school. They write down listening. ▪ Play it again, stopping after
the problem.
▪ When all the groups have each line. Ask students
▪ Students work together to to repeat.
presented, focus their
think of possible solutions to attention on the model ▪ Students work in pairs and
the problem. provided and ask them to
vote for their favourite group read the text out loud.
▪ Ask students to assess each presentation. They cannot
vote for themselves. ▪ Ask for volunteers to read the
other’s work.
▪ Run a class vote and find out text out loud. The rest of the
▪ Allow enough time for class has to evaluate how well
which was the most popular it was pronounced.
students to write their ideas. presentation. Praise the
groups for their work. Extra Activity (5 minutes)
Extra Activity (10 minutes) Students memorize the sentences
Extra Activity (10 minutes) and say them out loud. Give
Students write a problem on a points for the best pronunciation.
piece of paper and exchange it Write numbers 1 to 5 in a list on
with another student. The other the board. Each number represents 40Audio Script
student writes a possible solution. a different group. Students clap
Students then give their opinion loudly if they liked the group’s Girl: I help at school and I help
on the suggested solutions. presentation. Write the results of my family. We can all help.
the class vote on the board. The My parents say I can’t go to bed
winner should be the group that late and I can’t eat chewing gum!
received the loudest clapping. She can speak Spanish, but she
can’t speak Japanese.


module 2 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1.   Write Write sentences about the activities that asI encndatnleikcnercese.asteabsohuotrti,nstiemrepsltes
people in your family do or don’t like doing. Very well
Quite well
My mother likes … She doesn’t like …
My father likes … He doesn’t like … With difficulty
My grandma likes …
My brother …
My sister …

2.   Speak Look at the pictures and say what each
person can or can’t do.

I can describe what other
people can or can’t do.

Chung Mi Magdalena Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

41 3.   Listen Listen to the questions.
Write the answers.
1. …
6 9 2. … I can ask and answer
questions about what
3. … people are doing.
4. …
5. … Very well
Quite well
Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U2.indd 69 With difficulty

02/12/2016 09:54

Module // 2 Unit // 2 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write Answer Key Answer Key
Chung Mi can play volleyball and Suggested answers:
(20 minutes) he can play the guitar. He can’t 1. He/She’s teaching a class.
paint and he can’t do karaoke.
▪ Read the rubric. 2. Yes, I am. I’m studying hard./
▪ Allow enough time for Magdalena can do sudoku and
she can dance. She can’t do No, I’m not. I’m not studying
students to write down the origami and she can/can’t
information. roller-skate. hard.

▪ Students write what different 3. Listen 3. Yes, she is/No, she isn’t.

members of their family like (10 minutes) track 41 4. I’m … (answers will vary).
doing or don’t like doing. ▪ Read the rubric. 5. Yes, I am. I’m … (answers
▪ Play the track once. Listen to
▪ After they finish the exercise, will vary).
the questions and take notes
help them reflect upon their of key words. Audio Script 41
performance in the exercise 1. What’s your teacher
and make them complete their ▪ Play the track again and allow
reflection chart. doing now?
enough time for students
2. Speak to write their answers 2. Are you studying hard these days
(15 minutes) to pass your school exams?
▪ After they finish the exercise,
▪ Read the rubric. 3. Is your mother watching TV right
▪ Give students two minutes help them reflect upon their
performance in the exercise now?
to prepare their ideas and make them complete their
individually. reflection chart. 4. What are you doing to help your

▪ Students then work in pairs community?

and share their sentences. 5. Are you doing something to help
They can work in pairs
and peer-assess their your school?

▪ After they finish the exercise,

help them reflect upon their
individual performance in
the exercise and make them
complete their reflection


Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can describe habits and personal care
My Health Care routines.
» I can express the times and the days when
I do activities.

» I can exchange personal information
about daily activities.

In Context » On a Normal Day, I ...

1. Write Put the days in the correct order and choose which activities you want to do.

Community Centre
Healthy Week Programme

Tue s day We dne s d ay ArFeryoiudsaleeyping Sunday Thursday
How to eat well? Cooking class!
h e a l t hi l y? Let’s run Games day at
together! Saturday the centre!

I want to Taking care Mo t i v at ion
do ‘Let’s run together!’ of ourselves
on Wednesday. I want Monday

to run fast!

2. Speak Match the pictures with the daily routines. Then, tell a partner.


drink brush do cook comb your hair spend time sleep well
water teeth exercise healthy food with your


In the morning, he In the afternoon, he In the morning
brushes his teeth. spends time with In the afternoon
In the evening
his family.
At night

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 70 01/12/2016 14:07

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit  3 My Health Care Routine

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Identify phrases and expressions related to habits and personal care routines.
Produce simple sentences about times and days when people do activities.
Vocabulary Exchange information about ways to start a healthy routine.
Days of the week and months of the year; Ordinal numbers; Telling the time

Adverbs of frequency; Prepositions of time

1. Write ▪ Read the model. 2. Speak
▪ To check the answers, run a
(20 minutes) (25 minutes)
▪ Say the title of the unit and class vote to find out which
were the most common ▪ Read the rubric.
discuss as a class what it means. answers. ▪ Look at the vocabulary under

▪ Read the rubric. Extra Activity (15 minutes) each picture. If students do
▪ Ask students if they remember not understand it, use your
Play a pronunciation game. Who body language to help them
what a community centre is can say the correct pronunciation with the exercise.
and what it is for. of each day of the week? Pay
special attention to the ones ▪ Students match the pictures
Extra Activity (5 minutes) students usually mispronounce.
Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/, Tuesday / with the corresponding
Ask students if they remember ˈtuːzdei/, Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/, routine. Then, in pairs, they
the courses offered by the Thursday /ˈθɝːzdei/, Friday / describe what the man does
Quiroga Community Centre at ˈfraɪdeɪ/, Saturday /ˈsætə̬ rdei/, every day.
the beginning of Unit 2 (without Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/. Make sure you
looking in their books). Which drill these words as many times ▪ Point out the model and
of those courses were related to as possible.
sports and physical activities? the Useful Expressions box.
Answer Key Tell students that we say on
▪ Students put the days of the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday (without the). We use
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, in the with phrases, such as in
week in the correct order and Sunday the morning, in the afternoon
then discuss which activities and in the evening; however,
they want to do. the exception is at night. T70

Extra Activity (20 minutes) ▪ Students work in pairs.
Play a Days of the Week game.
Organize students in groups of Monitor their description of
four or five. Then, say ‘Monday’. the man’s daily routines. Make
You point to a group and the sure they use the correct
first student has to say the first phrases and prepositions, and
letter of the word ‘Monday’. Then, recycle the correct tenses
the student next to him/her has (present simple).
to say the second letter of that
day. Then, the third student says ▪ Check the answers with
the third letter, etc. If a student
makes a mistake, point to another the class by asking different
group. The other group has to students to tell you one
start spelling from the beginning activity the man does and the
of the word. corresponding time of the day.

module 2 // Unit 3

42 3. Listen Listen and put the activities in the correct order.

Valerie Castagna
She meets her friends.
She eats vegetables, cereals and fish.
She jumps on the floor.
She goes to the gym.
She goes home.
She combs her hair.
She jumps on trampolines.
She reads magazines.

4. Speak Tell your partner what you do on a normal day.

Final task activity! On a normal day, in the
morning, I usually … In the

afternoon, I always …

Study Tip

You can recycle
vocabulary from

earlier units.

5. Write Make a list of different activities your family does during the week.

Tell your class.


swimming On Saturdays, we
class usually go to a swimming
class together. On Tuesdays,
Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 71
we sometimes … On
Wednesdays, we always …

01/12/2016 14:08

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

3. Listen Extra Activity (5 minutes) 4. Speak

(15 minutes) track 42 Teach students that, when we (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Ask students what they know describe a routine, we can start ▪ Give students some time to
with the word first, continue
about a gymnast’s routine: prepare their ideas and look
Where do they train? How long with ordinal numbers (or use for the necessary vocabulary.
do they train a day? Where are alternative expressions like then, Have some dictionaries to
the most famous gymnastics after that, after), and to express hand in case students need to
champions from? check any words.
the final action we usually use
▪ Allow enough time for the word finally. This indicates we ▪ Point out the adverbs of

students to copy the have finished the actions we were frequency. Students can use
sentences in their notebooks. these to talk about something
describing. that happens very often.
▪ Play the track once and let
Answer Key ▪ Ask a student to read the
students make a note of any First, she goes to the gym.
key words. Second, she meets her friends. model and get them to work
Third, she eats vegetables, cereals in pairs. Go around the class
Extra Activity (5 minutes) and fish. Fourth, she jumps on the monitoring their work.
trampolines. Fifth, she jumps on
It is always useful to tell students the floor. Sixth, she gets home. ▪ Ask a couple of volunteers to
that when they have to do Seventh, she reads magazines.
listening activities, they should Eighth, she combs her hair. tell the class their routines.
keep focused even if they miss
some information. They can leave Audio Script 42 ▪ Tell students that this activity
a ‘space’ in their notebooks if they
miss something and keep Hey! I’m Valerie Castagna and will help them to have better
on listening. ideas for their final task.
I’m a gymnastics champion.I want
▪ Play the track again. Students Study Tip
to do well in all my competitions, so
complete the exercise. Help students remember the
You might need to play the my routine is very important. I wake vocabulary they studied in
track again. previous units and lessons, and
up at 5.30 and have breakfast: lots that it can be recycled to make
▪ Before checking with the the exercise more interesting.
of fruit gives me the energy I need Are there any sports or hobbies
class, ask students to compare they do with their families?
their answers in pairs. Then, for exercise. Then, I brush my teeth, Encourage students to recycle
ask different students to tell the vocabulary they need,
you the order of the activities take a shower and get ready to go or even to look for new
using the ordinal numbers.
to my gym. I arrive at my gym, meet vocabulary as needed in the
Extra Activity (30 minutes) dictionary.
my friends and get ready to do my
Ask students to find out about a 5. Write
famous gymnast. exercise. We work hard. I run a lot,
(25 minutes)
Ask students the following phew, it’s exhausting! I have lunch at ▪ Read the rubric.
questions: ▪ Go over the days of the
What is his/her name? 12.30. I eat lots of vegetables, cereals
Where is he/she from? week in the calendar and tell
Which competitions does he/she do? and fish. In my lunch hour, I can students that this time they
What do you think is his/her daily will have to describe routines
routine? take a break to get ready for the last that people in their family
exercises. First, I jump a lot using the
▪ Give students enough time to
trampolines, and then I do my jumps
write down their ideas.
on the floor. I also get on the bars, so
▪ Check the answers by
I need to be strong. After that, I go
asking students to read their
home and have a big dinner with my sentences.

parents; my parents’ food is delicious!

Finally, I read my favourite magazines,

comb my hair and go to bed at nine to

get ready for the next day. I want to T71

be the best for a long time, so I

work hard!

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Read Read the routine of a Latin American swimming champion. Tick (✔)
true or false.

I wake up at 4.30 every day. I arrive at the pool at 5 a.m. Then, I swim
for two hours. After I finish, I go home. I have breakfast before I take
a shower. I go to school at 7.45 and I finish at 2.45. After school, I go
swimming again. I usually arrive home for dinner at 6.30. Sometimes I’m
late because I swim more.

True False

1. He wakes up very early every day.

2. First, he takes a shower. Then, he has breakfast.

3. He has breakfast at school.

4. He goes swimming before and after school.

5. He always has dinner at 6.30.

7. Write Interview a sports star. Write four questions. Use the Useful Expressions.

Final task activity! What time do you wake up?
What sport do you do?
Do you do your sport in the afternoon?
What do you do after practice?

8. Speak Role-play. Be a sports star and an interviewer. Ask and answer questions.
Vote for your favourite interview in class.

What sport do I play football.
you do?

When do you I practise every day.
play football?
I usually practise
72 at 5.30 p.m.

What time do I always take a
you practise? break and then
eat something.
What do you do
before practise?

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