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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 12:47:31

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

3. Speak 4. Speak Extra Activity: (30 minutes)
Students discuss in groups the
(20 minutes) (20 minutes) questions below:

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. What’s Thoreau’s house like?
▪ Students look at the names ▪ Students look at the floor (It’s small and there’s only
one bedroom and a kitchen.)
of the famous houses in plans and name the different
Colombia. Do they recognize parts of the house. Is there a bathroom in the
any of them? house? (No, there isn’t.)
▪ Practise the model with a
▪ Show students the model and Where does he bathe? (In the
student and then students pond.)
the table and elicit some more compare the two house plans
examples using the prompts. in pairs. Does he respect the
(new line and bullet) Ask if environment? How? (Yes. He
they can guess what ‘balcony’ Answer Key produces his own food.)
and ‘observatory’ mean. There is one bedroom in plan 1.
In plan 2, there are two What does he do in the
▪ Students describe these bedrooms. There is one bathroom house? (He enjoys nature.)
in plan 1. There are three
places in pairs. bathrooms in plan 2. There is a You may want to include more
dining room in plan 2. There isn’t details about Thoreau’s life:
Answer Key a dining room in plan 1.
Casa de Nariño is in Bogotá. It’s Henry David Thoreau was
the Presidential Palace. There’s 5. Listen an American philosopher
a bathroom and there are many and writer. He was born in
bedrooms. There is a dining room (45 minutes) track 54 1862. He decided to build
and a balcony. There’s also an ▪ Read the rubric and look at a house and live there only
observatory (in the garden) and a with essential things and
patio. the picture. to grow his own food. He
lived there for two years to
Rafael de Núñez’s House is now ▪ Elicit the format of the text: prove his theory of simplicity.
a museum in Cartagena. There’s While there, he wrote his
a bathroom and there are two it is a diary. Discuss as a class book ‘Walden, or Life in the
bedrooms. There is a dining room what a diary is (a text in which Woods’.
and a long balcony. There isn’t an a person records his/ her daily
observatory but there is a patio. activities or thoughts.) Explain 21st Century Skills
that this is the diary of Henry Discuss the questions as a class.
Policarpa Salavarrieta’s house is David Thoreau, a famous Are they an eco-friendly person?
now a museum in Cundinamarca. American philosopher and Why/Why not? Was Thoreau
There’s a bathroom and there are writer. an eco-friendly person? Why/
two bedrooms. There is a dining Why not?
room but there isn’t a balcony. ▪ Students listen and read the
There isn’t an observatory but T97
there is a patio. diary and then look in the
dictionary for the meaning of
Extra Activity: (40 minutes) the words in red.

Students research a famous ▪ Students draw a plan of the
house from another part of the
world. In pairs, have them draw it house and discuss where
and describe it to the class. You everything will go.
could suggest one of the famous
houses below: ▪ They draw the objects

a. 10 Downing Street, mentioned in the diary in their
London: residence of the sketches.
UK’s Prime Minister

b. The White House:
residence of the President
of the United States of

c. The Imperial Palace:
residence of the Japanese

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

6. Write Write questions for an interview with an eco-friendly person.

Work in pairs.

Final task activity! QUESTION ANSWER
a. What are … ?
Those are solar panels. They create energy
from the sun.

b. … ? These are recycling bins. I separate all
the rubbish.

c. … ? This is my vegetable garden. I grow
organic food.

d. … ? That’s eco-friendly air conditioning.
It doesn’t use much energy.

7. Speak Play Headbands using words from the unit.

1. Write as many words as you can 2. Put them face down and choose one.

from the unit on different pieces of The player sticks it on their forehead

paper. Include: parts of the house, and asks questions to guess what the

furniture, and eco-friendly elements. object is.

kitchen lamp Is it an
object in
solar panel chair the living

No, it isn’t.

55 8. Speak Pronunciation. Say the following eco-friendly slogans. Pay special
attention to the pronunciation of the s.


Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 98 01/12/2016 14:37

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

6. Write 7. Speak 8. Speak

(20 minutes) (35 minutes) (10 minutes) track 55
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students practise the /s/, /z/,
▪ This activity is part of the ▪ Students play a ‘Headbands’
and /ɪz/ sound of the letter
module’s final task. Make sure game. They need paper and s by listening and repeating
students save it. tape to play this game. different messages related to
eco-friendly activities.
▪ Students read the answers ▪ Students play in groups and
▪ Students listen and pay special
and write the questions write on separate pieces of
in pairs. paper as many words as they attention to these sounds.
can from the unit. Then, have them repeat.
Extra Activity: (15 minutes)
▪ The categories are: parts of Extra Activity: (35 minutes)
Students learn some interviewing
techniques. the house, furniture, and eco- Students design a brochure
friendly elements. with a set of eco-friendly
Explain that in an interview, the messages similar to the ones
interviewer usually greets the ▪ Then, they should put the in the Pronunciation activity in
person and presents the topic groups. They need cardboard
of the interview. Elicit what the words face down and shuffle and markerpens. Students then
presenter could say to introduce them. present their posters.
this particular interview. (An
example is: Hello, ladies and ▪ One of the players picks up Audio Script 55
gentlemen. Today we have an Narrator:
interview with an eco-friendly one of the pieces of paper
person!) and, without looking at it, Reduce, reuse, recycle
sticks it to his/her forehead Save water
Tell students that the presenter so that everybody can read The world is in our hands
usually makes comments such as the word.
That’s very interesting. Can you tell
us more? ▪ The player has to ask

Elicit other questions that can be questions, such as the one
asked in this interview. (Are you provided in the model, and try
an eco-friendly person? Do you to guess the chosen object.
save water?)

▪ Students role-play the

interview and then switch

Answer Key
a. those
b. What are these
c. What’s this
d. What’s that


module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Read Read about the house and label the rooms.
56 2. Say if this is your perfect house.
I can ask about
You want to buy a other people’s homes.
house. Your ideal home
isn’t too big. There’s Very well
one bedroom, one Quite well
bathroom, a kitchen, a With difficulty
living room and dining
room, and a space for
studying. You don’t
have a car, so you don’t
need a garage.

Is this the house
for you?
Yes No Why?

Listen Listen and tick (✔) the objects that you
hear. Then, describe the things that
Joanna has in her room with a partner. IacnadnwtahlekraebIoliuvtem. y home

Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

99 3. Speak In pairs, ask and answer questions about

ways to help and protect the environment . I can talk about ways
to help and protect
the environment.

a. What can you use to create energy from Very well
the sun?

b. What can you use to separate rubbish?

c. Where can you grow organic food? Quite well

d. What are the most eco-friendly ways to go With difficulty
to school?

e. What can you use instead of plastic bags?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 99 01/12/2016 14:37

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Read 2. Listen 3. Speak

(15 minutes) (10 minutes) track 56 (10 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the house ▪ Students complete the
and name the objects.
plan and describe it. questions first.
▪ Students listen and tick
▪ They label the rooms and read ▪ They ask and answer the
the objects that are in
the text about the house they Joanna’s room. questions in pairs.
want to buy.
▪ Students compare their ▪ After they finish the exercise,
▪ They decide if this is the ideal
answers. help them reflect upon
house for them and say why their performance in the
or why not. ▪ After they finish the exercise, exercise and complete their
reflection chart.
▪ After they finish the exercise, help them reflect upon their
performance in the exercise Answer Key
help them reflect upon and complete their reflection a. solar panels
their performance in the chart. b. recycling bins
exercise and complete their c. in a vegetable garden
reflection chart. Answer Key d. eco-friendly air conditioning
bed, lamp, wardrobe, sofa.
Answer Key doesn’t use much energy
(from top left to bottom left) small e. paper bags
space for studying, dining room,
kitchen; (middle) living room: Audio Script 56
(right), bedroom, bathroom. Girl: Hi, my name’s Joanna,
(possible answers) Is this the
house for you? Yes, it is. It is and this is my room. I like it very
not too big; there is only one
bedroom. There is a bathroom, much! There’s a bed, of course,
a kitchen, a living room, a dining
room, and the small living room a lamp and a wardrobe. There
can be an area for studying.
isn’t a desk and there isn’t a TV,

and there aren’t any chairs. There’s

a sofa.


Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »2 » I can talk about places in town.
I Belong to » I can describe places.
a Community » I can talk about where places are.

In Context » This Is My Neighbourhood

1. Speak Look at the map of Kaitlin’s neighbourhood in New Jersey, USA, and answer
the questions.

Department Store Bookshop Cinema 21st Century Skills
Restaurant Bakery · Initiative
Chestnut Street
Do you know where key places
near your house are?

Church Bank Hospital

Hill Avenue a. Where can you buy groceries?

School Pine Street You can buy groceries at the …
b. Where can you play basketball?
Public Library Square Fire Station
Park You play basketball at the …
River Avenue c. Where can you buy medicine?

Police Station You can buy medicine at the …
d. Where can you get money?
Supermarket Oak Street
You can get money at the …
100 e. Where can you buy books?

You can buy books at the …
f. Where can you see a film?

You can see a film at the …
g. Where can you buy bread?

You can buy bread at the …

2. Speak In groups, discuss if you have these places near your house.

Yes, there is.

Is there a pharmacy in
your neighbourhood?

No, there isn’t.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 100 01/12/2016 16:11

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit 2 I Belong to a Community

Unit Objectives Exchange information about places in town
Build simple sentences about neighbourhood activities
Basic standards of competences
Vocabulary Places in town;
Grammar Being a good citizen;
Giving directions

Prepositions of place;
Wh- questions

1. Speak ▪ Locate emergency places on 2. Speak

(20 minutes)  the map. (The police station’s (15 minutes)
on River Avenue / Oak Street. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. The fire station’s on Pine ▪ Go over the model and
▪ Students look at the map. Street. The hospital’s on Hill
Avenue.) practise with some students.
Can they name some of the
places? Write them on the Answer Key e. bookshop ▪ Students ask similar questions
board. Which places are there a. supermarket f. cinema
in their neighbourhoods? b. park g. bakery in groups.
Which places do they c. pharmacy
visit often? d. bank

▪ Students use the dictionary to Extra Activity (15 minutes)

find the definition of the words In pairs, students write the
groceries and film. names of different places in their
neighbourhood and say where
▪ Go over the different names they are. (For example: Fresh
Bread Bakery. It’s on 2nd Avenue.)
of the streets on the map. Then they share their answers as
Provide an example, such as a class.
Where’s the school? It’s on River
Avenue. Then ask students T100
other similar questions.

▪ Students ask each other

questions and then share
answers as a class.

21st Century Skills

Discuss which places are
key (important) in case of an
emergency (the hospital, the
police station, etc.). Ask students
if they know the location of these
places in their neighbourhood.

module 3 // Unit 2

3. Read Look at the map of Michael’s neighbourhood and read the directions.

Then, point to the places.

Department Store School Bookshop

Cinema Third Avenue

Bank Pharmacy


Second Avenue First Avenue Bak e r y

a. The bank’s b. The cinema’s c. The school’s d. The pharmacy’s e. The bakery’s

next to the opposite between the café behind the in front of the

hospital. the bank. and the bookshop public library. restaurant.

57 4. Listen Listen to Michael talk to Kaitlin about his neighbourhood and point to
the places on the map in exercise 3. Then, listen again and complete
101 Word Bank the sentences.
Michael: So… this is the map of my neighbourhood. Here’s the
behind hospital a. Second Avenue. It’s b. the
in front of
next to bank. c. the bank is the cinema, and d.
the cinema is the department store.
Kaitlin: Where’s your school?

Michael: The school’s e. the café and the bookshop. My
mum always goes to that café. It’s on Third Avenue.
Kaitlin: Where’s the bakery we always go to?
Michael: The bakery’s right here on the corner of First Avenue,

f. the restaurant.
Kaitlin: And your house?

Michael: It’s on Third Avenue, g. the pharmacy, h.
the public library. Let's go to the bakery and get some

Kaitlin: Sure!

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 101 01/12/2016 16:11

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

3. Read Give more practice using the 57Audio Script
map from exercise 1 to locate
(20 minutes) the different places. Ask the Michael: So… this is the map of
questions below: my neighbourhood. Here’s the
▪ Read the rubric. hospital on Second Avenue. It’s
▪ Students look at the map and Where’s the café? (It’s next to the bank. Opposite the
between the pharmacy and bank is the cinema and behind the
name the places. the department store.) cinema is the department store.

▪ Ask On which street or avenue is Where’s the school? (It’s next Kaitlin: Where’s your school?
to the public library.) Michael: The school’s between the
the hospital/bank/bookshop?
Where’s the park? (It’s in front café and bookshop. My mum
▪ Students read the directions of the fire station.) always goes to that café. It’s on
Third Avenue.
and locate the places paying Where’s the restaurant? (It’s Kaitlin: Where’s the bakery we always
special attention to the words behind the hospital / next to go to?
in red. the bakery.) Michael: The bakery’s right here on
the corner of First Avenue, in front
▪ Use objects in the classroom of the restaurant.
Kaitlin: And your house?
and place them in different Michael: It’s on Third Avenue, next to
locations to practise the the pharmacy, behind the public
different prepositions. library. Let’s go to the bakery and
get some cupcakes!
Grammar Box: Prepositions 4. Listen Kaitlin: Sure!
of place
Students have already seen the (20 minutes) track 57
prepositions: at, in, on.
There are other prepositions to ▪ Read the rubric.
describe where something is. ▪ Students listen to the track as
These include: behind, between, in
front of, opposite, next to many times as necessary to
The order of the words in a locate the places on the map.
sentence with a preposition is:
▪ They listen again and
subject + verb + preposition +
object complete the script.

For example: The restaurant is in ▪ In pairs, students ask each
front of the bookshop.
other similar questions.
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
When students feel confident, ▪ Check answers as a class.
ask the following questions about
the map in exercise 3: Answer Key e. between
a. on f. in front of
What‘s behind the cinema? b. next to g. next to
(The department store.) c. Opposite h. behind
d. behind
What‘s next to the school?
(The café.) Extra Activity (40 minutes) T101

What‘s opposite the café? Have students work in
(The public library.) groups to create a model of a
neighbourhood using recycled
What‘s behind the cinema? items such as bottles, used boxes,
(The department store.) etc. If you want, you can have
students paint the boxes and
containers and write the names of
different places in town. Tell them
to locate the places and describe
where they are. You can have
students from different groups
say where a place is located in
another group’s neighbourhood.

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

5. Speak In pairs, look at the photos and say where the places are.

Street 1 Street 2

school pharmacy bookshop bakery café

supermarket re s t au ra n t

The supermarket’s The bakery’s…
between… the café.

58 6. Listen Listen to some students talk about their favourite places in the
neighbourhood and complete the table. Then, compare with a partner.

Place: Place: Place: sypToeauuyckniotifdnioucegSfwritonnsuactfodnaoutyntresmTdstooi.aphnteitolhpnes
Location: Location: Location:
102 Why: Why: Why:

7. Speak In groups, ask and answer questions about your favourite place in your


What’s your Where is it?
favourite place in your Why do you like it?


Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 102 01/12/2016 16:12

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

5. Speak 6. Listen 7. Speak

(20 minutes) (25 minutes) track 58 (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Review the models as a class.
▪ Students look at the streets ▪ Students work in groups and
and say what the places are.
and name the places. talk about their favourite
Study Tip place in their neighbourhood.
▪ Follow the model provided Explain that taking notes as
they listen helps them to focus Extra Activity (10 minutes)
and have students say where on the important information Run a class vote to find out the
the places are on each street. they need. students’ favourite places. Which
was the most popular place?
▪ Students talk about their ▪ Students listen and take notes.
▪ They listen again and compare
street and describe the places.
their answers.
Answer Key
Street 1: The supermarket’s ▪ Discuss the kind of place
between the school and the
pharmacy. The pharmacy is next where these places might
to the supermarket. be (a big city, a small town, a
Street 2: The bookshop’s village, etc.)
opposite the café. The restaurant
is next to the café.

Extra Activity (20 minutes) Answer Key
a. Place: bakery, location:
Have students bring to class a
map of their town. In groups, between the café and the
have them tell everyone about bookshop, why: the bread is
the different places using the delicious.
vocabulary they have studied. b. Place: park, location: in front of
the girl’s house, why: there is a
basketball court.
c. Place: public library, location:
next to the school, why: he
loves reading.

Audio Script 58
Girl: What’s your favourite

place in your neighbourhood, Jeff?

Jeff: Well, I think it’s the bakery.

Boy 2: Where is it?

Jeff: It’s between the café and the

bookshop. The bread’s delicious

and I love eating! What about you?

Girl: I love the park. It’s in front of my

house. There’s a basketball court

and I love playing basketball. T102

Boy 2: My favourite place in the

neighbourhood is the public

library. It’s next to the school so

it’s easy to go to. I love reading!

module 3 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » I’m a Good Citizen

1. Read Take the test and learn if you’re a good citizen.

A Good Citizen Knows This!

1. Do you recycle and keep your 2. Do you make noise that makes 3. Do you know the
neighbourhood clean? your neighbours unhappy? emergency numbers in your
a. Always ❏ a. Always ❏ neighbourhood?
b. Sometimes ❏ b. Sometimes ❏ a. Yes ❏
c. Never ❏ c. Never ❏ b. No ❏

4. Do you say hello to your 5. When you walk your dog, do you 6. Do you respect public
neighbours and people in your keep your park clean? spaces and objects such as
community? a. Always ❏ bins, benches, bus stops,
a. Always ❏ b. Sometimes ❏ playgrounds, etc.?
b. Sometimes ❏ c. Never ❏ a. Always ❏
c. Never ❏ b. Sometimes ❏
c. Never ❏
Question 1: a = 5 points, b = 3 points, c = 1 point 20–30 points: You’re a good
Question 2: a = 1 point, b = 3 points, c = 5 points citizen! Good job!
Question 3: a = 5 points, b = 1 point 10–20: You try to be a good citizen.
Questions 4, 5 and 6: a = 5 points, b = 3 points, c = 1 point. Continue trying!
6–10: You aren’t trying to be a
good citizen. You can do it!

103 2. Read Match the signs with the instructions.

1. 2. 3. 4.

a. ‘Please recycle.’ b. ‘This area is c. ‘Clean up after d. ‘Don’t make noise.’

protected by police.' your dog.’

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 103 01/12/2016 16:13

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Read 2. Read

(30 minutes) (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the signs
▪ Students look at the photos
and describe them. Are
and describe them. Then read there signs like these in their
the title as a class and discuss neighbourhoods?
what the text might be about.
▪ Students read the four
▪ Students use a dictionary to
instructions and match them
check the meaning of the with the signs.
words in red.
Answer Key
▪ Students read and answer the 1. c. 2. a. 3. d. 4. b.

test. Then they add up their Extra Activity (30 minutes)
score and check how they can In groups, students design
improve and become better a street sign to encourage
citizens. people to be better citizens.
First, they identify a problem in
Extra Activity (20 minutes) their community. Once they’ve
decided, encourage them to
As a class discuss the following design their sign creatively. The
questions and make notes on the message should be clear. Have
board: each group present their signs.

What can you do if a T103
neighbour is noisy? (You can
try talking to this person, and
if that doesn’t work, you can
call the police.)

Do you know the emergency
numbers off by heart? Is it
important to know them?

Where’s a good place
to keep the emergency
contact numbers? Why? (It
is important to have these
numbers within easy reach in
case of an emergency. A good
place is on the fridge or on a
table that everybody sees.)

What other aspects are
important to be a good
citizen? (Helping others,
reporting suspicious
activities, etc.)

Are you a good citizen?

What can you do to be

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

59 3. Listen Listen to people talk about their community and answer the questions.

Mr Gómez The Parra Family Jennifer and Raúl and his friends

a. What does Mr Gómez do to help his community?
b. What does the Parra family do?
c. What do Jennifer and Michael do?
d. What do Raúl and his friends do?

4. Read Look at the signs, stand up, walk around the classroom and follow the

directions your teacher gives.

Turn right Turn left Go straight ahead

5. Read Look at the map and read the directions. Say where Mr Gómez is going.

Park Avenue Leaf Avenue a. Walk straight
Café ahead to
Restaurant Creek Avenue
and turn left
Sun Street there.
May Street
Bak e r y Supermarket

104 b. Turn right on
May Street.

Creek Avenue

Bookshop Tree StreetBank Study Tip
Rose Avenue Rain Street saauynwtLrooderauoarrseueribgnanoeniddncfsiogmynhmoghaeusoepl.prwss
c. The place is
opposite the

Mr Gómez is here

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 104 01/12/2016 16:13

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

3. Listen Extra Activity (40 minutes) 5. Read

(30 minutes) track 59 Bring old magazines or (35 minutes)
newspapers, cardboard and ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. markerpens to class. In groups, ▪ Students look at the map
▪ Students look at the photos students choose a picture of a
person or a group of people from and, using the prepositions
and describe the people. the magazines or newspapers learned in lesson 1, say where
How old are they? How do you and invent who they are, where some of the places are (for
think these people help their they live and how they help their example: The bank is opposite
community? community. the bookshop. The restaurant is
behind the supermarket, etc.)
▪ Students read the questions Then they present and discuss as
a class. Study Tip
and then listen and take notes. Highlight the importance of
reading and interpreting maps.
▪ Students discuss their answers Learning to read a map helps
people to become familiar with
as a class. their surroundings and can
encourage them to take more
Answer Key 4. Read interest in their neighbourhood
a. Mr Gómez says hello to
(15 minutes) and their community.
everyone and works in the
community garden. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Make sure students identify
b. The Parra family recycle and ▪ This exercise introduces some
teach others how to recycle. the starting point on the map
c. Jennifer and Michael clean directions through physical (It is at the point marked
after their dog. They also have movement. Mr Gómez). They follow the
a sports group in the park and directions to discover where
everybody can participate. ▪ Students look at the signs and Mr Gómez is going.
d. Raúl and his friends help to
clean the park and carry Mr read their meanings. Answer Key
Gómez’s groceries. Mr Gómez is going to the
▪ They stand up and walk supermarket.
Audio Script 59
Mr Gómez: I live in a flat by around the classroom
following the directions you
myself. I love my community. Every say. (Go straight ahead. Turn
right. Turn left.)
morning I go to the bakery and say
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
hello to everyone. My neighbours
Students work in pairs. One
are all very friendly. After that, student wears a blindfold and
the other student gives the
I go and do some work in our blindfolded student directions.
They must try to guide their
community garden. partners to a different desk and
be sure not to bump into any of
Parra Family, mother: We live in a the other students in the class.

house. I think it’s very important to

help in the community.

Little Girl: Yes! We recycle!

Little Boy: And we teach others how

to recycle.

Father: That’s right!

Jennifer: Michael and I live in an

apartment. We have a dog and we

always clean after it when we go

for a walk in the park! T104

Michael: We’re also in a group that

does sports in the park. Anyone

can take part and we’re always

looking for new people!

Raúl: My name’s Raúl. My friends and

I love our community, too! We help

to clean the park. We also help Mr

Gómez to carry his groceries.

module 3 // Unit 2

6. Read In pairs, read the directions and use the map in exercise 5 to say
where you arrive.

1. You’re at the café on 1. You’re at the 1. You’re at the bank
Leaf Avenue. Walk restaurant on Park on Rain Street. Walk
straight ahead and Avenue. Walk straight straight ahead and
turn left on Sun Street. ahead on May Street. turn left on Creek
Turn left on Creek Avenue.
2. Turn right on Creek Avenue.
Avenue. 2. Turn right on May
2. Turn right on Rain Street.
3. The place is on the Street.
corner of Creek 3. The place is opposite
Avenue and Rain 3. The place is opposite the supermarket.
Street. the bookshop.
Place: Place:

7. Speak In groups, use the map in exercise 5 and give directions.

Walk straight
ahead on Rose Avenue.

Turn left…

8. Speak Look at the community's strategy to make their neighbourhood better

and discuss the questions in groups.

service at church:
organizing events

for charity

105 Recycle at
home and
a. Does everybody in public Community Park
work together in your cleaning and
neighbourhood? areas maintenance

b. What strategies are there Teach All
to keep the neighbourhood something you neighbours are
clean? know: dancing, reponsible for

c. What strategies are there arts and security
to include others in your crafts

d. Is a good community the
responsibility of everybody?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 105 01/12/2016 16:13

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

6. Read 8. Speak

(15 minutes) (30 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students read the directions ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Go over the mind map as a
and find the places on the
map in exercise 5. class and discuss the following
▪ Make sure students notice
a. What do you think a
that the starting point is volunteer service is?
different in each case. (It’s working without
payment in order to help a
▪ Students share their answers community.)

as a class. b. What does ‘maintenance’
mean? (It means to keep
Answer Key things in good condition.)
bookshop, bank, bakery
c. What strategies are there
7. Speak in the mind map to help
the community? (Volunteer
(20 minutes) service, park maintenance,
▪ Read the rubric. being responsible for
▪ Go over the model and security, sharing people’s
abilities and recycling.)
practise with a student.
▪ In groups, students
▪ In pairs, students use the map
think about their own
from exercise 5 to give each neighbourhood and discuss
other directions. the questions in the exercise.

▪ Remind them to have a clear Extra Activity (25 minutes)

starting point on the map In groups, students create a
before beginning. similar mind map about their
communities. What strategies are
Extra Activity (15 minutes) there in their community to make
Students work in pairs. One it better? How do people help?
student gives directions and Give students time to work on
the other student imagines they their mind maps and help them
are walking through the school. with vocabulary. Then have each
Where does the first student tell group present their work.
the other to go?


Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » For a Better Community

60 1. Listen Listen to Santiago interview a person from his neighbourhood
in Armenia and complete the questions.

Final task activity!

a. live? I live in downtown, Armenia.
about your I like my street. There are
b. lots of shops. There’s a
neighbourhood? in your supermarket, a bookshop, a
department store, everything!
c. places do My favourite place in my
neighbourhood? neighbourhood is the square
where the San Francisco
d. church is. There’s also a park
you like? there where I take my dog.
Another place I like is Café de
la Merced. I always go there
with my friends for coffee!

2. Write Interview a person in your neighbourhood. Write the Final task activity!

106 questions using the words below. Then, write the answers.

Question Answer

a. Where / live?
b. What places / are there?
c. Is there a bakery / pharmacy / bank?
d. What / like / about neighbourhood?
e. What’s / favourite place?
f. Do / like / your community?
g. What / do / to help in the community?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 106 01/12/2016 16:13

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Listen Audio Script 60 2. Write
Boy: Hello, Mrs Pérez. How
(30 minutes) track 60 (60 minutes)
are you?
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the pictures Lady: I’m fine. I’m very happy to help ▪ This exercise is part of the

and describe Mrs Pérez. How you in this interview. final task, so make sure
old do they think she is? students keep it.
Boy: Mrs Pérez, tell me: where do
▪ Discuss what an interview ▪ Students read the prompts
you live?
is and what it’s for. (It’s a and write the questions. Then
conversation between two Lady: I live in downtown Armenia. they compare in pairs.
people where one asks the
other questions to learn Boy: What do you like about your ▪ In groups, students think of a
about his/her life, interests, or
knowledge.) neighbourhood? person in their neighbourhood
they would like to interview.
▪ Students read the answers to Lady: I like my street. There are lots
▪ Remind students of the
the questions and guess what of shops. There’s a supermarket,
the questions are. importance of greeting and
a bookshop, a department store. encouraging the person and
▪ Students listen to the thanking him / her for the
Everything! interview.
interview and complete the
questions. Then they compare Boy: That’s great! What’s your ▪ After they have done the
their answers.
favourite place in your interview, have them present
▪ Students practise the their findings to the class.
interview both as the Extra Activity (40 minutes)
interviewer and as the person Lady: My favourite place in my
being interviewed. Students work in pairs. One of
neighbourhood is the square them is the interviewer and the
Answer Key other imagines he/she is one
a. Where do you where the San Francisco Church is. of the following people in their
b. What do you like community:
c. What’s your favourite place There’s also a park there where I
d. What other a. a mother or father of three
take my dog. small children

Boy: What other places do you like? b. a retired person

Lady: Another place I like is Café de la c. a teenager

Merced. I always go there with my The interview should be about
how this person helps his/her
friends for coffee! community. Have students
write the questions and role-play
Boy: Thank you, Mrs Pérez. Nice the interview.

talking to you.

Lady: Thank you!

Extra Activity (15 minutes)
Students listen again and discuss
the questions below:

Does Santiago greet Mrs
Pérez? (Yes, he does.)

Does Mrs Pérez explain her
answers clearly? (Yes, she

Does Santiago use words to
show he’s interested in what
Mrs Pérez is saying? (Yes, he
does. He says ‘That’s great!’)

Does Santiago thank Mrs
Pérez at the end of the
interview? (Yes, he does.)


module 3 // Unit 2

3. Read In pairs, look at the list of things to do. Say where you need to go in
your neighbourhood.

Things to do: We need to buy
• Buy milk, bread, eggs
• Buy medicine for grandpa
• Buy a new adventure book
• Visit Emma who is sick
• Play volleyball with Matthew
• Do volunteer work at church

We need to
go to the…

4. Write In groups, design a map of your neighbourhood. Label the different

places and take turns to ask for and give directions.

What places There’s a
are there? supermarket, a
cinema, a park …

I want to go to To go to the park,
the park and I’m walk straight
ahead ….
here …

5. Speak In groups, look at the following community ad. Say what it’s about and if

you think it can work.

Our neighbourhood park We want it to look like this! 21st Century Skills
looks like this… · Leadership
How can you help to improve
your community?

Come with your family this Saturday and help us clean it and
fix the playground.

Together we Can Build a Better Community!

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

3. Read 4. Write 5. Speak

(20 minutes) (45 minutes) (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the ad and
▪ Students read the list and ▪ Students design a map of their
describe the two parks. What
discuss what they need to do. neighbourhood in groups. is wrong with the first one?
They label the places and
▪ Go over the model. Students the streets. ▪ They read the ad and discuss

have a similar conversation ▪ Go over the model and in groups if they think the
and say where they need ad is good and can persuade
to go. practise with some students. people to come and to
improve the community’s
▪ Students role-play their ▪ Remind them to choose a park.

conversations. specific starting point. Extra Activity (10 minutes)
As a class, discuss the following
Answer Key ▪ Students give each other questions:
We need to buy groceries. We
need to go to the supermarket. directions to get to different Why is it important to show
We need to buy medicine for places. the two photos?
grandpa. We need to go to the
pharmacy. Extra Activity (30 minutes) Do you think people are going
We need to buy a new adventure to help?
book. We need to go to the In groups, students draw their
bookshop. maps on large pieces of paper Are there ads like this in your
We need to visit Emma who or card. Stick their maps on the community?
is sick. We need to go to the wall. Students vote for their
hospital. favourite map.
We need to play volleyball with
Matthew. We need to go to the 21st Century skills
We need to do volunteer work Talk about the question and elicit
at church. We need to go to the ideas on how students can help in
church. their communities.

Extra Activity (20 minutes)

In pairs, students write a Things-
to-do list. They exchange their
lists with other groups and say
where they need to go to do the
things on the list.


Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Speak In groups, number the neighbourhood problems in order of importance

and discuss what you can do to help. Use the words in the box.

repair rubbish  crime
paint  noise  unkindness
call emergency services  traffic  vandalism
be friendly
put signs up That’s right. We
talk to the police can repair the
run a campaign
have a neighbourhood meeting benches.

We can paint the
rubbish bins.

The problem
we have is vandalism in

our public spaces.

7. Write In groups, make an ad to encourage people in your community to solve

61 8. the problems in exercise 6.

108 a. Is your ad visually

attractive? Yes No

b. Does it give the message Final task
you want? Yes No

c. Does it give solutions to the

problem? Yes No

Speak Pronunciation. Listen and practise asking the following questions.

a. Do you like your neighbourhood?

b. What’s an important place in your

c. Do you know the emergency numbers?

d. Where’s the police station?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 108 01/12/2016 16:13

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Speak 7. Write 8. Speak

(40 minutes) (45 minutes) (40 minutes) track 61

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students read the list of ▪ This exercise is part of ▪ Students practise the

problems and discuss their the module’s final task, so intonation of yes/no and Wh-
meaning. Do they have any students should save it for the questions.
of these problems in their end of the module.
community? ▪ Students read the questions
▪ In groups, students choose
▪ In groups, students number and guess the intonation.
one of the problems from
the problems in order of exercise 6 and think of a ▪ They listen and check their
importance (where 1 is the creative and effective ad to
most important and 6 is the improve the problem. answers. Then listen again
least important) and discuss. and repeat.
▪ They review the checklist and
▪ Go over the model and ▪ Ask students to write different
make sure they have all the
practise with two students. elements in the ad. questions and repeat them
using the correct intonation.
▪ Review the meaning of the ▪ Students present their ads.
Audio Script 61
expressions in the box and Extra Activity (10 minutes) a. Do you like your
have students match solutions
with the problems. Run a class vote to find out neighbourhood?
students’ favourite ad.
Extra Activity (35 minutes) b. What’s an important place in your

Students research a current world neighbourhood?
problem in the news. In groups,
they discuss what can be done c. Do you know the emergency
to solve it. Use exercise 6 as a
model. As a class, decide which numbers?
the best solution is.
d. Where’s the police station?


module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Look at the map of a different neighbourhood I can talk about
places in town.
and ask and answer the questions.
Very well
Department Store Cinema a. Where can you Quite well
Apple Avenue buy shoes? With difficulty

Bank b. Where can you
Police Station Pear Street buy an aspirin?
Peach streetLemon Avenue
c. Where can you
Café Hospital watch a film?
Bookshop d. Where can you
buy fruit?
Bak e r y Supermarket
Strawberry Avenue e. Where can
you report an
Public Library Church School emergency?

62 2. Listen I can talk about
where places are.
Ted’s helping Harry find his way in the neighbourhood.
Listen and follow the directions on the map in exercise 1. Very well
Say where Harry goes. Quite well
With difficulty
a. The first place is the on
 . on

b. The second place is the

3. Speak In pairs, ask and answer questions about your neighbourhood.

109 a. What places are there in
your neighbourhood?
I can describe
b. What’s your favourite place? places.
Where is it?
Very well
c. Do people in your community Quite well
help each other? How? With difficulty

d. What do you like about your

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U2.indd 109 01/12/2016 16:13

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Speak 2. Listen 3. Speak

(15 minutes) (10 minutes) track 62 (10 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the map and ▪ Students listen and follow the ▪ Read the questions as a class.
▪ Students ask and answer the
name the places. directions to find the places
on the map from exercise 1. questions in pairs. Go around
▪ They also say the names of the class monitoring their work.
▪ Students listen again and
the streets where some of the ▪ After they finish the exercise,
places are. confirm their answers.
help them reflect upon their
▪ They practise saying where ▪ They compare their answers. performance in the exercise
▪ After they finish the exercise, and complete their reflection
some of the places are with chart.
respect to other places. help them reflect upon their
performance in the exercise
▪ They answer the questions and complete their reflection
and compare their answers.
Answer Key
▪ After they finish the exercise, public library on Strawberry
Avenue, pharmacy on Peach
help them reflect upon their Street
performance and complete
their reflection chart. Audio Script 62
Harry: Hi! I’m Harry. I’m new
Answer Key
a. at the department store in the neighbourhood.
b. at the pharmacy
c. at the cinema Ted: Hi! I’m Ted. Nice to meet you.
d. at the supermarket
e. at the police station

Harry: I’m looking for this place…

Ted: Sure! We’re on the corner of

Peach Street and Apple Avenue.

So, walk straight ahead. Turn

right on Pear Street. Then, turn

left on Lemon Avenue and cross

Strawberry Avenue. The place

you’re looking for is next to the


Harry: Thank you. I also need to go


Ted: OK. We’re on the corner of

Peach Street and Apple Avenue

right now. So turn right on Peach

Street. The place you want

is between the café and the



Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can use vocabulary related to jobs.
» I can talk about actions in progress.
Every Job Is Important » I can describe actions in a simple and

logical sequence.
» I can talk and write about daily activities.

In Context » Different Jobs

1. Speak Look at Joyce’s neighbourhood map and describe the people that
live there.
Who’s she?
She’s Cynthia. What does she do?
Name: Cecilia
Job: Cook Name: Cynthia Where does
Place: Fresh and Job: Nurse she work?
Yummy Restaurant Place: Shield Hospital

Name: Lynn Name: Luis Name: Christopher
Job: Baker Job: Sales clerk Job: Teacher
Place: Corner Bakery Place: Green Place: Lakeside School
Name: Delia
Job: Hairdresser She works at She’s a nurse.
Place: Celia's Salon Shield Hospital.

Name: Ron Name: Mary Anne
Job: Pharmacist Job: Police officer
Place: Blue Pharmacy Place: Police station


2. Speak Discuss with a friend if you know people with these jobs in

your community.

Do you know a baker Yes, I do.
in your community? His name’s José.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 110 01/12/2016 16:32

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit 3 Every Job Is Important

Unit Objectives Exchange information about different jobs.
Build simple spoken and written sentences about action in progress.
Basic standards of competences
Vocabulary Sequence connectors
Present Continuous

1. Speak ▪ Elicit other jobs students 2. Speak

(20 minutes)  know and write them on the (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. board. Ask them where the ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the pictures people work. ▪ Go over the model and

and say which jobs they know. ▪ Review the model and practise with some students.

▪ Point out each of the practise with a student. ▪ Students ask similar questions

characters presented and have ▪ In pairs, students ask and in pairs.
students say their job and the
place where they work. answer questions about the Extra Activity (40 minutes)
different characters. In pairs, students draw a map
Extra Activity (20 minutes) of their street and locate the
As a class discuss the following Answer Key different places. Then they say
questions and make notes on the Cecilia is a cook. She works at who works there and what they
board: the Fresh and Yummy Restaurant. do using sentences similar to the
Christopher is a teacher. He ones in exercises 1 and 2.
What does the cook do? (She works at Lakeside School. Luis
cooks and prepares food.) is a sales clerk. He works at the
Green Supermarket. Mary Anne
What does the nurse do? (She is a police officer. She works
helps sick people.) at the police station. Ron is a
pharmacist. He works at the Blue
What does the teacher do? pharmacy. Delia is a hairdresser.
(He teaches and works with She works at Celia’s Salon. Lynn is
students.) a baker. She works at the Corner
What does the sales clerk
do? (He sells and organizes T110

What does the police officer
do? (She helps to protect
people in a neighbourhood.)

What does the pharmacist
do? (He gives different
medicines and treatments.)

What does the hairdresser
do?) (She cuts people’s hair.)

What does the baker do? (She
makes bread and pastries.)

module 3 // Unit 3

3. Write In pairs, look at the photos and write what these people
do. Use the Word Bank.

actor builder farmer mechanic

doctor engineer artist accountant

Word Bank 21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking
builds houses takes care of people acts in a play
fixes cars designs buildings and streets checks accounts What do you like about
grows fruit and vegetables paints these jobs?

63 4. Listen Listen to Joyce talk about her sister’s job and guess what job it is.
Then, compare your answers with a partner.

e. Yes No

111 a. Joyce’s sister works in an office.
b. Jane works with computers.
c. Jane works with children.
d. Jane gets phone calls.
e. Jane grows fruit and vegetables.

5. Write Write about a member of your family with the words given.

Then, share your information in groups.

My is a .
He/She works at a .
He/She works with children/

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 111 01/12/2016 16:32

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

3. Write 4. Listen 5. Write

(30 minutes) (25 minutes) track 63 (40 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Students read the statements ▪ Go over the model and

and read the words. Using so that they know what to provide information about a
vocabulary they know, listen for. member of your own family.
students say what the people Write the information on
do in their jobs. ▪ Students listen to the track the board.

▪ Go over the Word Bank and and tick Yes or No. ▪ Students think of a member

use the photos or actions to ▪ They listen again and confirm. of their family and write about
explain the meanings. ▪ Students compare their his/her job.

▪ Students use the Word Bank answers with a partner. ▪ They share their paragraphs in

to say what the people do. Extra Activity (20 minutes) groups and then as a class.
Highlight the –s or –es ending As a class discuss the following
of the third person singular in questions and make notes on Extra Activity (20 minutes)
the present simple tense. the board: As a class discuss the following
questions and make notes on
21st Century skills What elements are important the board:
Discuss the question as a class. in Jane’s job? (Books and a
Talk about the interesting aspects board.) Who in your family did you
of the jobs presented in exercises 1 write about?
and 3. Encourage students to think Where does she work?
about many aspects of the jobs. (At a school.) What’s interesting about this
person’s job?
Answer Key What does she do?
An actor acts in a play. A builder (She prepares classes and What aspects aren’t very
builds houses. A farmer grows organizes school events.) interesting about his/her job?
fruit and vegetables. A mechanic
fixes cars. A doctor takes care Does she like her job? Would you like to have this
of people. An engineer designs (Yes, she does.) job?
buildings and streets. An artist
paints. An accountant checks Answer Key
accounts. a. no c. yes e. no

b. no d. no

Extra Activity (25 minutes) Audio Script 63
Students imagine they have one Joyce: My sister’s name’s
of the jobs in exercise 3 and
write about it using the questions Jane and she works with children.
She uses books and a board.
What’s your job?
She works at a school.
Where do you work?
She prepares classes and organizes
What do you do in your job?
school events.
What’s interesting about your
job? She works a lot, but she enjoys it!

What isn’t interesting about T111
your job?

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Speak In pairs, choose a character and ask and answer questions about their job.

Does she work in a Study Tip
restaurant? qPutttishroemtaesrrcteueltiasciomsntnieunegsrmumoesarbesagd.vekeeerinrragl

Is she wearing a hat? No, she doesn’t.
Yes, she is.

7. Listen Match the photos with the sentences. Then, compare with a partner.


64 2. 3. 4.

1. ¨ ¨ ¨


a. In this photo, she’s b. Here, she’s helping c. Here, my sister’s d. Here, she’s
reading a story. the children. doing exercise with painting.
They’re playing the children.
with blocks.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 112 01/12/2016 16:32

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Speak 7. Listen Extra Activity (15 minutes)

(40 minutes) (20 minutes) track 64 In pairs, students make a list in
two columns of different jobs
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. they like and don’t like.
▪ Students look at the pictures ▪ Students look at the photos
What’s interesting about the jobs
and describe the characters say what the person’s job is. they like?
and their jobs.
▪ Students listen and match the What isn’t interesting about the
▪ In pairs, students choose one jobs they don’t like?
photos with the sentences.
of the characters without Then, compare answers. What does this list tell them about
telling their partner. what they want to do in the future?
▪ Make students notice
▪ Go over the model Discuss their conclusions as
the form of the present a class.
provided and practise with continuous and explain that it
a student first. is used because these actions
are happening in the photos.
▪ They ask questions about the
Answer Key 3. a. 4. b.
character’s job and physical 1. c. 2. d.
appearance and try to guess
which character it is. Audio Script 64
Joyce: I think my sister’s job
▪ Then switch roles. They can
is great!
do this three or four times.
Girl: She’s a teacher, right?
Study Tip
Joyce: That’s right. It’s a fun job.
Remind students that the more
they use the language, the Boy: Tell us about it.
more they will feel confident
about asking and answering Joyce: Look, here I have some photos
of Jane working with her students.

Here, my sister is doing exercise

with the children.

Boy: That is fun!

Joyce: And here, she’s painting.

Girl: What is she doing here?

Joyce: In this photo, she’s reading a

story. Her students love stories!

Boy: And here?

Joyce: Here, she’s helping the

children. They’re playing with


Girl: You are right. Being a teacher

looks really fun!

Boy: Yeah!


module 3 // Unit 3
Expanding Knowledge » What Are You Doing Right Now?

1. Read Read the diary and say what Andrea’s doing on each day. Then, answer

the questions.

June 20th June 24th

Dear diary, Dear diary,
It’s fun to Today’s
be a 6th Wednesday
grader while and I’m with
everybody my dad. He’s
else is working! My mother’s a cook and she a pharmacist
works in a restaurant. Right now, I’m at the and works at a pharmacy in town. Right now,
restaurant with her. She’s cooking lots of food he’s talking to a customer. While he’s working,
and I’m helping her to prepare a sauce. I’m doing my homework!

June 26th June 27th

Dear diary, Dear diary,
Today I’m with my Today’s
sister, Julia. She’s a Saturday and
salesperson. She works I’m home while
in a shop. Right now, all my family’s
we’re organizing the working. I’m
products in their place. doing my favourite activity in the world! I’m

a. What does Andrea’s mother do? e. What does Andrea’s sister do?
b. Where does she work? f. Where does she work?
c. What does Andrea’s father do? g. What’s Andrea’s favourite activity?
d. Where does he work?

113 2. Speak Look at the photos and say Word Bank
what the people are doing right run talk eat play

now. Use the Word Bank.

They’re… She’s… He’s… They’re…

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 113 01/12/2016 16:33

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Read ▪ Also explain the use of while 2. Speak

(45 minutes) as connectors between (20 minutes)
sentences. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the photos
▪ Students look at the photos Answer Key
a. She’s a cook and, using the words in the
and describe them. What are b. She works in a restaurant Word Bank, say what the
the people’s jobs? Where are c. He’s a pharmacist. people are doing.
they? What are they doing? d. He works at a pharmacy.
e. She’s a salesperson. ▪ Students compare their
▪ Make students notice the f. She works in a shop.
g. Painting answers in pairs.
format of the text. What is
it and what is it used for? (A Extra Activity (20 minutes) Extra Activity (20 minutes)
diary is used to record daily Have students bring photos of Bring as many pictures as possible
experiences and activities.) members of their families doing of characters doing different
Does anybody in the class a specific action (doing a sport, activities and place them on the
have a diary? opening a present, etc.) and ask board. Have students say what
questions about them using the the characters are doing.
▪ Students read and answer the present continuous tense. This
can also be done with pictures Answer Key
questions in pairs. from magazines. They’re eating. She’s talking.
He’s playing the piano. They’re
▪ Review the present running.

continuous tense and write
examples on the board. Make
students notice that this
structure is used when the
action is happening at the
moment of speaking.

Grammar Box: The present continuous

The present continuous is formed with the verb be and the -ing form of another verb. It’s used to describe actions
that are happening at the moment of speaking.

Affirmative sentences: Negative sentences:

I am I am

You are You are

He/She/It is running in He/She/It is not running in
the park. the park.

We are We are

They are They are


Am I running in the park? Yes, I am. / No. I’m not. T113
Are you Yes, you are. / No you aren’t.
Is he/she/it Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn’t.
Are we Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Are they Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Speak Look around the classroom and take notes about what’s happening.

Then, share your ideas in groups.


Is somebody drinking water right now?
Is somebody writing?
Is somebody listening to music?
Is somebody jumping?
Is somebody eating?

4. Write Write a diary entry about what the people in your family are doing now.

Right now my mum/dad/brother is…
My cousins are…
While my mother/sister is…. I’m…
What’s your sister doing right now?
What do you do while they’re…?

65 5. Listen Listen and read about what an Word Bank
actor does. Use the Word Bank perform learn practise
to complete the sentences.
Then, compare with a partner.

Secondly, we have to learn

First of all, the director gives the lines. Here, I’m with the

My name’s Oscar and I’m an me my role. I have to read other actors. We

114 actor. It isn’t an easy job! the text of the play. our lines!

Thirdly, we have to practise Then, we do the play in the Finally, after all that work,
and practise. Here, we here’s the audience clapping!
theatre. Here, I a
a scene.
play by Shakespeare.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 114 01/12/2016 16:33

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Speak 4. Write Audio script 65
Oscar: My name’s Oscar and
(30 minutes) (40 minutes)
I’m an actor. It isn’t an easy job.
▪ Read the instructions and ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the photo and First of all, the director gives me
questions as a class.
say what the people are doing. my role. I have to read the text
▪ On separate pieces of paper
▪ Bring a picture or drawing of the play. Secondly, we have
write the actions ‘drink water’,
‘write’, ‘listen to music’, ‘jump’, of your own family doing to learn the lines. Here, I’m with
and ‘eat’ and give them to some different activities and write on
students. Tell them to do these the board what they are doing the other actors. We are learning
actions when you tell them. using the model sentences.
our lines. Thirdly, we have to
▪ Give a sign to the students who ▪ This exercise can be done as
practise and practise. Here, we are
have to perform the actions. homework or in class.
practising a scene. Then, we do
▪ The rest of the class take ▪ At home, students have to
the play in the theatre. Here, I am
notes and write the names observe their family on a busy
of students who are doing day and write, using a diary performing a play by Shakespeare.
the actions and then say the format, what everybody is
sentences. doing at that moment. The Finally, after all that work, here’s
next day they share their
▪ Do this again with other verbs diaries in class. the audience clapping.

and other students. (You can 5. Listen ▪ Make students notice the
include ‘sing’, ‘run’, ‘cry’,
‘sleep’, etc.) (35 minutes) track 65 words in red. What do they
indicate? (They indicate the
▪ Students write the sentences ▪ Read the rubric. sequence in which
▪ Students look at the photo actions occur.)
using the present continuous.
and guess what the man’s job Extra Activity (20 minutes)
Extra Activity (70 minutes, is and what the people are Discuss the following questions:
10 minutes each day for 7 days) doing in every photo.
What does Oscar do?
Students write an Observation ▪ Students read and complete (He’s an actor.)
Diary for one week. They have Is it an easy job? (No, it isn’t.)
to go to a park or look outside with the present continuous
their window at home and write tense using the verbs in the Number the actions in the order
about what’s happening at that Word Bank. Oscar mentions them:
specific moment. They should
write the date and say where they ▪ Students listen and confirm The actors practise the
are. Students read their diaries in play. (3)
class. They can draw pictures too their answers. The director gives him a
if they want. role. (1)
Answer Key The actors perform the play in
are learning, are practising, am front of an audience. (4)
performing. The actors learn their lines. (2)


module 3 // Unit 3

6. Read Read about Jane’s typical day as a violinist and put the sentences in the
correct order. Then, compare with a partner.

First of all, I wake ¨ Then, Jane practises with
up at 6:00 a.m. and her teacher.
get ready for work.
I’m a musician. ¨ Finally, Jane and the
I play the violin orchestra perform for an
in an orchestra. audience.
Secondly, I arrive
at the conservatory ¨ First of all, Jane wakes up
and begin to study. Then, I practise on my own. Here early.
I’m playing a piece. Later, we have lunch with the
other musicians. After that, we practise for two hours. ¨ After lunch, she practises
Sometimes we have a performance at night. It’s usually with the orchestra.
a busy day, but I love my job!
¨ Later, Jane eats lunch with
other musicians.

¨ Secondly, Jane goes to the
conservatory and studies.

7. Write Write the names of different jobs and choose one. Then, act it out and

ask your classmates to guess your job.

What are you doing? Are you a dancer?
Are you dancing?

8. Speak Choose a job and draw different activities you have to do for your job.

Then, share in groups.

I’m a…
Here I’m…
At the minute, I’m… and…
While I do this, my colleagues…
What’s your job?
What are you doing here?

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

6. Read 7. Write 8. Speak

(20 minutes) (20 minutes) (35 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the photo ▪ Each student makes a list of as ▪ Students look at the photo

and say what Jane’s job many different jobs as he/she and name the jobs.
is. Would they like to be can think of.
musicians? What do they ▪ They choose a job and draw
imagine musicians have to do ▪ Each student chooses one of
in their jobs? different activities the people
the jobs. do in that job. They should
▪ Students read the text and include at least four drawings.
▪ Go over the model and explain
think about the order in which ▪ Review the model sentences.
Jane does the activities. that they are going to guess
the different jobs. Then, have students show
▪ They order the activities and their drawings and ask each
▪ Each student acts out other about the activities they
compare with a partner. are doing in each picture.
his/her job.
▪ Students share their answers
▪ The other students ask
as a class.
questions and guess.
Answer Key
First of all, Jane wakes up early. Extra Activity (35 minutes)
Secondly, Jane goes to the
conservatory and studies. Then, Students look at the job adverts below. What are some of the jobs? What do
Jane practises with her teacher. they have to do? Which job seems interesting to them? Discuss as a class.
Later, Jane eats lunch with other
musicians. After lunch, she Job Offer: Job Offer: Job Offer:
practises with the orchestra. Teacher Cook Mechanic
Finally, Jane and the orchestra
perform for an audience. To work in a high To work at a hotel To work in a garage.
school. Has to teach restaurant. Has to Has to repair
▪ Point out that the sequence maths, history, know international cars, trucks and
geography and art. recipes and work from motorcycles.
connectors indicate the order 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
in which events happen. For
example first of all is action Job Offer: Job Offer: Job Offer:
number 1 and finally indicates Hairdresser Engineer Accountant
that it is the last action.
To work at Linda’s To work for a To work in an
Salon for Dogs. Has to construction office. Has to check
like dogs and company. Has to build accounts, and work
be patient. bridges and buildings. with computers.

Extra Activity (20 minutes) T115

Discuss the following questions:

What does Jane do?
(She’s a violinist in an orchestra.)

What time does she wake up?
(6:00 a.m.)

Where does she go?
(To the conservatory.)

What do you think you need to
be a good musician? (You need to
be happy to practise a lot.)

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » I Know the People in my Community

66 1. Read Listen and read Ramiro’s documentary about the job of a baker.
Then, answer the questions.

This is Ligia.  1. 2.

She’s a Secondly, Ligia bakes the
bread. The bread goes in 
baker. She the oven.
works at

Grandma’s The first thing that Ligia does 
Bread in the morning is prepare 
Bakery. the ingredients. Here’s Ligia 

making the dough.


This is my
do c ume n t ar y.

Thirdly, the bakers make other Here, Ligia’s putting plastic 
different breads and cakes. At  on some bread rolls.
this moment, they’re making 
bread rolls.


Finally, when everything’s 
ready, Ligia and the other 
bakers sell the bread.

a. Where does Ligia work? c. What’s she doing in picture 1?
b. What’s the first thing she does in d. What’s she doing in picture 2?
e. What’s she doing in picture 4?
the morning?

116 2. Speak Look at the photos and say who works at the places.

There are
doctors in the
hospital. They
help people.

Hospital in The Sydney School in
Zapatoca, Opera House Cabo de la Vela,
Santander in Australia

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3_OK.indd 116 29/12/16 15:35

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Read Audio Script 66 2. Speak
This is Ligia. She’s a baker.
(40 minutes) track 66 (15 minutes)
She works at Grandma’s Bread ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the photos
▪ This exercise is important Bakery.
and describe the places. What
for the Final Task because it The first thing that Ligia does in the are they?
familiarizes students with a
documentary format. morning is prepare the ingredients. ▪ Use the model provided.

▪ Students look at the photos Here’s Ligia making the dough. Students say who might work
in each place.
and describe Ligia’s job as a Secondly, Ligia bakes the bread. The
baker. What are some of the Answer Key
activities that she does? bread goes in the oven. Doctors and nurses work at
Zapatoca hospital. Actors, singers
▪ Discuss what a documentary Thirdly, the bakers make other and dancers work in the Sydney
Opera House. Teachers work at
is. (A set of pictures and different breads and cakes. At this the school in La Guajira.
interviews with real people
on a particular subject.) moment, they’re making bread rolls. Extra Activity (35 minutes)
Explain that the boy in the In pairs, students make a poster
photo, Ramiro, has made a Here, Ligia’s putting plastic on some about an important building
documentary about Ligia’s in their town and write who
working day. bread rolls. works there. They need card and
coloured pens. Students draw
▪ Students use a dictionary to Finally, when everything’s ready, Ligia the building and write, using the
model provided in exercise 2 as
find the meaning of the words and the other bakers sell the bread. a guide. Students present their
in red. buildings.
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
▪ Go over the questions so that Discuss the following questions:

students know what to look What activities does Ligia do on a
for in the text. normal day?

▪ Students listen and read. Then What order does she do the
following activities?
they answer the questions.
She puts the bread in the
▪ Check answers as a class. oven. (2)

Answer Key They sell the bread. (4)
a. She works at Grandma’s Bread
Ligia prepares the bread
Bakery. dough. (1)
b. She prepares the ingredients.
c. She’s making the dough. The bakers make different
d. She’s making bread / talking to breads and cakes. (3)

another baker. Is Ligia’s job fun and interesting?
e. She’s putting plastic on bread
What are some aspects you don’t
rolls. think are interesting?


module 3 // Unit 3

ty 3. Write In groups, choose a person from your community and create a
documentary about his/her job. If possible, take photos or draw the

activities he/she does.

This is . Then, he/she
He’s/She’s a

He/She works at a .

The first thing Later, he/she
he/she does is
Here he’s/she’s . Final task activity!

. Here he’s/
she’s .

At this moment, Finally,
he’s/she’s . .

4. Speak Look at the flow chart and write the corresponding job for each need.
Then, discuss in groups.

In our community people

need good health services.

We need .

We need to buy things. People need education.

We need . We need .

People need security. We need food.

We need . We need .

People need .

We need .


5. Write In groups, choose a person from your community to be Person of the

Month. Explain why.

This is Rocío Pérez. She’s the 21st Century Skills
Community Person of the Month. · Leadership
She’s a nurse. She’s very kind.
She helps everybody in the How do people with other jobs
community when they are sick. help your community?
She makes people feel better.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 117 01/12/2016 16:33

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

3. Write 4. Speak 5. Write

(80 minutes) (20 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ This exercise is part of ▪ Students look at the flow ▪ Students look at the photo

the module’s final task, so chart and, in groups, complete and say what her job is. Then
students should save it for the with the jobs corresponding read the text and discuss the
end of the module. to each need. questions below:

▪ In groups, students think of a ▪ Discuss as a class. Why’s her job important?
(She’s a nurse and helps
person in their community for Answer Key many people.)
a documentary. (clockwise from the top) doctors
and nurses, teachers, farmers, What’s Rocío like? (She’s kind.)
▪ Explain that they need to answers will vary, police officers,
sales clerks/salespeople Why’s she the Community
interview this person about Person of the Month?
his/her job and take photos, (She helps everybody in
or draw about his/her daily the community.)
activities at work.
▪ In groups, students think of
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
Ask students what types of a person in their community
questions they could ask in an who can be Community
interview: Person of the Month and
write a paragraph similar to
What is your job? the model. If possible, tell
them to include a photo of
Where do you work? this person.

At what time do you begin ▪ Students present their
and finish your work?
Community Person of the
What is the first thing you do? Month to the class.

What do you do next? 21st Century Skills
Discuss the question. How does
▪ Students imagine an interview everybody’s job contribute to a
with the person and then,
in class, complete the Extra Activity (45 minutes)
documentary with photos and In groups, students research the
pictures and texts, explaining courses offered at their nearest
what the person is doing in university or technical institute
every photo. and write a list of the options
available. Have them write some
▪ Share as a group. of the names of the courses and
what jobs can be done after
studying them. Which ones T117
interest them? Students share
their information with the class.

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Speak Read and say whether the sentences are true for you. Then, say what job’s

a good choice for you.

Yes No

I like working with computers.
I like working with children.
I like working with animals.
I like working with plants.
I like designing things.
I like cooking.
I enjoy working outdoors.

You like working with You can be an artist or an
children. You‘re creative and art teacher.

like art and music.

7. Read Read quotations about work and match them with the explanations.

1. Every body’s 2. Work is victory.
work in literature,
or music, or Ralph Waldo Emerson
architecture or (1803–1882) American
anything else, is
always an image philosopher and poet
of themselves.
3. We create our own
Samuel Butler (1612–1680) fortune and are the
British poet children of our own works.

Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616)
Spanish novelist, dramatist and poet

a. You choose your b. People usually choose jobs c. If you work hard, you see the

destiny and you related to things that interest results of your work.
1 1 8 decide what them. Their choice shows

you are. what the person’s like.

67 8. Speak Pronunciation. Listen and practise asking the following questions.

a. What do you do? î
b. Do you like your job? ì
c. What activities do you have to do in your job? î
d. Is your job difficult? ì

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 118 01/12/2016 16:33

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Speak 7. Read 8. Speak

(25 minutes) (25 minutes) (10 minutes) track 67

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Elicit a list of jobs and write ▪ In groups, students read the ▪ Students practise the

them on the board. quotations. Help them to intonation of yes/no and Wh-
understand the quotations questions.
▪ Students read the statements and match them with their
corresponding explanation. ▪ Students try to use the correct
and mark Yes or No. They
compare in pairs. ▪ Discuss the questions below: intonation.

▪ Go over the model and have a. Do you agree with the ▪ They listen to the questions.
first quotation?
students tell each other They listen again and repeat.
possible jobs they can do in b. Is working a good
the future according to what experience? Why? ▪ They practise in pairs.
they like.
c. Do you agree with the third Audio Script 67
quotation? What do you do?

d. Do the decisions we make Do you like your job?
every day decide our
future? What activities do you have to do in

your job?

Is your job difficult?

Answer Key
1. b. 2. c. 3. a.

Extra Activity (35 minutes)

Students research a quotation
about work. In groups, they
debate what it means and write
an explanation.


module 3 // Unit 3

68 Chant

Welcome to our town

Welcome to our town,
We like to keep it clean!
We take care of the environment,
Our parks are very green.

We turn off all the lights
And we always use our bikes.

Welcome to our town.
Let me show you around!

There’s a church and a café,
And a square where people meet.
There are lots and lots of restaurants

Where people like to eat.

There’s a doctor healing people,
And the bakers love to cook,

There are builders building houses,
And a library full of books!

Welcome to our town, …

Come and see my house,
My bedroom’s really cool!

Turn left, then right,
It’s opposite the school.

My house has two bathrooms,

119 A kitchen and a garden!
In my room I have a desk,

And a bed where I can rest.

Welcome to our town, …

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

Chant: Welcome to our town

Lesson 4 ▪ church – mime a church
with a steeple (tips of
Welcome to our town. fingers in a triangle)

Speak ▪ café – mime drinking a
cup of coffee
(5 minutes)
▪ people like to eat – mime
Before playing the audio for eating some pasta
the chant, ask the class what
the chant is about. Get them ▪ healing people – mime
to identify key vocabulary taking someone’s pulse
items that point to the topic,
and ask them to identify any ▪ builders building houses
words or phrases that they – mime hammering
don’t understand or aren’t something into a wall
familiar with. Ask other
students if they can supply the ▪ books – mime opening a
meanings. Don’t spend too book
long on detailed
understanding, as listening to ▪ turn left, then right –
the chant itself will help a lot mime turning to the left,
with students’ comprehension. then turning to the right

Listen ▪ where I can rest – mime
sleeping (hands pressed
(10 minutes) track 68 together to the side of
your head, and close
Play the audio through a eyes, as if lying on a
couple of times and get pillow)
students to listen. Gradually
introduce actions to assist Gradually get students to sing
comprehension. Here are along with the words, paying
some examples to help you get particular attention to the
started: rhythm and punctuation. Play
the audio as many times as
▪ welcome to our town you need in order to ensure
– wave to welcome that students feel confident
someone to the town with the words and rhythm.

▪ turn off all the lights – T119
mime pulling down on a
light chord

▪ we always use our bikes –
mime pedalling on a bike

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Speak Do you find these nouns in a house or in a

town? Ask and answer with a partner.

bedroom kitchen church café parks room square restaurants garden houses
bed library school desk

In a town In a house
Where do you find a bedroom? bedroom

You find a bedroom in a house.

2. Read Match the words to make sentences.

1 We build in my room.
2 Books are green.
3 The bakers cook food.
4 The builders have houses.
5 Libraries rest in the library.
6 Parks heals people.
7 The doctor use in the square.
8 People meet the lights.
9 We are our bikes.
10 I turn off books

3. Write Write answers in complete sentences.

120 1 What do the people of the town take care of? 6 What does the doctor do?
7 What do the bakers do?
They take care of the environment.
2 What do people turn off?

3 Where do people meet? 8 What is in the library?

4 How many restaurants are there? 9 Where is the speaker’s house?

5 What do people do in the restaurants? 10 How many bathrooms does the house have?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 120 01/12/2016 16:33

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Speak If students find this activity Extra Activity (35 minutes)
challenging, you can As an additional fun activi-
(10 minutes) encourage them to complete ty, and particularly for more
the activity working advanced students who might
For activity 1, tell students to backwards from the third finish
cover the chart complete this column. They will need to use early, get students to rewrite
task from memory, if they can. their logic and reasoning, as the chorus of the chant from
They are required to well as be able to understand the point of view of a town
understand the meaning of the words in the chant. that is not very good at caring
various nouns that appear in for the environment. Use the
the chant, and be able to 3. Write following as an example, but
categorise them into two encourage students to be
groups. The answers all (10 minutes) creative with their answers.
appear in the chant but
students should also be able The final activity is the most Welcome to our town,
to place most of the nouns challenging in this unit. It We don’t keep it clean!
into the correct column in the builds on the understanding We don’t take care of the
table. This checks their of the topic and knowledge environment,
understanding of the target of vocabulary that students Our parks aren’t very green.
vocabulary in this unit. have been developing whilst
reciting the chant, and in the We turn on all the lights
After pairs have completed the preceding exercises. It is And we never use our bikes.
exercise, go round the class important that they have a Welcome to our town.
taking it in turns for a good understanding of the Let me show you around!
different pair to ask and chant and associated
answer the questions for each vocabulary, but they will also
of the nouns listed. need to be able to formulate
simple, yet grammatically
2. Read correct sentences in order
to respond accurately to the
(10 minutes) questions that are posed.

Activity 2 is a reading and T120
matching exercise. Students
will need to re-read the chant
carefully and identify the
sentences that are included
in the text. It is important
that students understand the
meaning of the words
rather than being able to copy
it word-for-word from the

module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Look at the descriptions and write the names of rIeclaanteudsetovjoocbasb. ulary
Very well
the jobs. Quite well

1. This person makes food and works in a kitchen. With difficulty
2. This person meets customers and sells products
3. This person makes houses.

2. Write Look at the photos of different jobs
and say what the people are doing.

iIncparnotgarleksasb. out actions

She’s . He’s . Very well
Quite well
Need help

He’s . She’s . siInecqaaunseidmnecpselce.riabnedalcotgioicnasl

69 3. Listen Listen to Jim talk about his typical day Very well
and put the sentences in order. Quite well
Need help
Thirdly, he collects the First of all, Jim arrives at

ingredients. the restaurant.

Finally, Jim decorates Then, he prepares the

the plates. Now the soups.

food’s ready! After that, Jim prepares

Secondly, he checks the the more complicated
1 2 1 menus of the day.

4. Speak Imagine you have a job. Tell a friend what I can atacltkivaitnidesw. rite about
you do on a typical day.
Very well
I’m a… I work at a… Quite well
The first thing I do is… With difficulty
Secondly, I…
After that… / Then…

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U3.indd 121 01/12/2016 16:33

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write 3. Listen 4. Speak

(15 minutes) (10 minutes) track 69 (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students read the descriptions ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students read the instructions ▪ Students imagine they have
and decide the name of the
job for each one. Then they and the sentences. a job they like and use the
compare with a partner. words and phrases to create
▪ They listen to the track at sentences about their job.
▪ Discuss as a class which of
least twice and number the ▪ In pairs, they tell each other
these jobs interests them sequence.
and why. Discuss the questions: what they do on a typical day
Where does he work? in their job.
▪ After they finish the exercise, (At a restaurant.)
When does he arrive at the ▪ After they finish the exercise,
help them reflect upon their restaurant? (Early in
performance and complete the morning.) help them reflect upon their
their reflection chart. Does he like his job? (Yes, performance in the exercise
he does.) and complete their
Answer Key reflection chart.
cook, accountant/salesperson, ▪ They share their answers.
builder ▪ After they finish the exercise,

2. Write help them reflect upon their
performance in the exercise
(10 minutes) and complete their reflection
▪ Read the rubric. chart.
▪ Students look at the photos
Answer Key
and name the jobs. First of all, Jim arrives at the
restaurant. Secondly, he checks
▪ They write what each person the menus of the day. Thirdly, he
prepares the food. After that, Jim
is doing. prepares the more complicated
dishes. Then, he prepares the
▪ They compare their answers. soups. Finally, Jim decorates the
▪ After they finish the exercise, plates. Now the food’s ready!

help them reflect upon their 69Audio Script
performance in the exercise
and complete their reflection Man: My name’s Jim and I’m a
chart. cook. I work at a restaurant.
First of all, I arrive at the restaurant
Answer Key early in the morning. Secondly,
teaching, talking, painting, playing I check the menus of the day.
the piano Thirdly, I collect all the ingredients
for the recipes. After that, I
prepare the more complicated T121
dishes. Then, I prepare the soups.
Finally, I decorate all the plates,
and the food is ready to be served!
It’s a busy day but I enjoy cooking
very much!

Module // 3 Review


hcy(2ooig-nu4hsreepasclntausystwceivoreesrr),omysoaeurkag(seOqtu1oarrpeXo)aininntd. tTahhneesswtqeeuaramrteh/.epIlfqayyuoeeurstwhioaitnvh.eItf3he

1. How many chairs are there in your dining 16. What places are there in your
room? neighbourhood? Name 3.

2. Complete (use the verb in parentheses): 17. Does your house have a garage?

My mother is an architect. She ——— (work) 18. Complete: When you walk your dog, it is
right now. important to ——— up after it.

3. Choose: —Is—t—h—er—e—/ —ar—e—th—e—re— a desk in your 19. What is your favourite place in your
bedroom? neighbourhood?

4. Complete: Don’t u—n—h—apnpoyis. e that makes 20. Complete: What ——— he do? He is a baker.
your neighbours 21. Where can you buy bread?

5. Is there a TV in your living room? 22. Complete: She is an ———; she designs
buildings and streets.
6. Do students in your school use a car to go
to school? 23. Complete: He is a ———; he takes care of
7. Choose: —T—h—at—/—T—h—os—e children are working
on a recycling project. 24. Complete (use the verb in parentheses):
While I am studying at school, my dad
8. Choose: What —is—th—a—t—/ a—r—e—th—o—se—? They are ———(make) lunch.
solar panels.
25. What do you like about your
9. Where can you buy groceries? neighbourhood? Name 2 things.

10. Complete: ———, I arrive at school and 26. Complete: The pharmacy is in ———of the
begin to study. Then, I have a break and bookshop.
play with my friends.
27. What does your father do?
11. How many bedrooms are there in your
house/apartment? 28. Complete: ———do you live? I live in
122 12. Complete (use the verb in parentheses): At
the moment I ———(do) my homework. 29. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

13. Complete: Walk straight ahead and ———— 30. Complete: First of all, Sam arrives at the
left on Creek Avenue. bakery. ———, she prepares the ingredients.
Thirdly, she bakes the bread.
14. Do you separate rubbish and recycle?

15. Cwhoorkossea:t—WR—ehp—eúr—eb—/li—cWa—h—dae—t Cdooleosmsbhiea work? She

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