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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 12:47:31

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

module 3 // Review

1 234 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 123
26 27 28 29 30

SB6 MOD3 RPE pp122-127.indd 123 01/12/2016 17:38

Module // 3 Review


(2-4 players)
Players/teams choose a square and answer the
question. If the answer is correct, the player/
team puts their mark (O or X) in the square. If
they have 3 consecutive marks (3-in-a-row),
they get 1 point. Explain that players must
get 3 adjacent squares, either horizontally,
vertically or diagonally. The team/player with
the highest score wins. Some answers may vary,
so circulate and monitor the activity.


Module // 3 Review

3-in-a-row Answers

Page 82-83 16. Answers may vary.
17. Answers may vary.
1. Answers may vary. 18. clean
2. is working / ’s working 19. Answers may vary.
3. Is there 20. does
4. make 21. Answers may vary.
5. Answers may vary. 22. engineer
6. Answers may vary. 23. doctor / nurse
7. Those 24. is making / ’s making
8. are those 25. Answers may vary.
9. At the supermarket 26. front
10. First of all / First 27. Answers may vary.
11. Answers may vary. 28. Where
12. am doing / ’m doing 29. Answers may vary.
13. turn 30. Secondly
14. Answers may vary.
15. Where


Module // 3 Final Task

Final Task

A Radio Programme about My Community!

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module.

Use the checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Eco-Friendly Home I Belong to a Community Every Job Is Important

Lesson 3, exercise 1 Lesson 3, exercise 1 Lesson 3, exercise 1

Understanding data Santiago’s interview with Ramiro’s documentary
Mrs Pérez on Ligia, the baker
Lesson 3, exercise 2
Lesson 3, exercise 2 Lesson 3, exercise 3
Survey on classmates’
home and eco-friendly Interview with person in Documentary of person
activities your neighbourhood from your community

Lesson 3, exercise 6 Lesson 3, exercise 7

Eco-friendly person Ad to encourage people to
interview improve their community

2. Read and match the sentences with the parts of a radio programme. Then, practise in groups.

1. Good 2. Today 3. Now, 4. Thank 5. And now, 6. Thank you
morning, we have an we have a you! Now we an advert very much.
ladies and interesting survey about have another break. See you
gentlemen. interview. our school section on our tomorrow
This is Radio community. programme: a with another
1! documentary. interesting

124 a. This b. This c. This d. This e. This f. This
finishes the indicates that introduces introduces an introduces a introduces a
show. there are ads the radio interview. survey. documentary.
in the show. show.

Module 3 Final Task

A Radio Programme about My Community

5 1. 15 2.
minutes minutes
• Go over the title of • Read the instructions

the Final Task. What’s a of the exercise as a class

radio programme? (It’s a and discuss the following

programme on the radio in which questions:

people present and discuss a variety • During a radio programme, does the

of topics.) Do they listen to the radio? presenter greet the audience? (Yes,

Which radio programmes are their he/she does.)

favourites? • Does the presenter use special

• Students go over the checklist and expressions to change the topics?
make sure they have all the materials
they’ve done throughout the module. (Yes. He/She uses transitions.)

• Students read the expressions a
radio programme presenter may say
and match them with their meaning.

• Discuss as a class.

• Students practise in groups saying
the different expressions

Answer Key

a. This introduces the radio show.
b. This introduces a section of the
show: an interview.

c. This introduces another section in
the show: a survey.

d. This introduces another section in
the show: a documentary.

e. This indicates that there are
commercials in the show.
f. This finishes the show.


module 3 // Final Task

3. In your group, prepare a Radio Programme. Choose Option 1 or Option 2 and start organising

the information.

A Radio Programme about My Community 21st Century Skills
· Communicating

Option 1: Make a live Option 2: Make a recorded Learning to express
broadcast. radio programme. your ideas clearly is very
important. Use precise
words and say what you
mean so that you are clear.

Practise the survey, Present your show. Practise the survey, Listen to the radio
interviews, ad break and interviews, ad break programme.
documentary to make and documentary, then,
your live show. record it!

4. Follow the steps for your presentation choice.

Option 1: A live broadcast

Pre-Production Production On Air Post
a. Get your material c. Choose two presenters. e. Present
ready: prepare your Decide in groups what each of your f. In your
interviews, survey, ad and everybody is going to say parts to the group, say if
documentary. and when. Use the language class. you think it
in exercise 2. went well and
b. Prepare an introduction how it could
to the programme. Say d. Practise until everybody be better.
that it is a show about your feels that they know the
community. Say where material.
it is and the name of the

Option 2: A recorded radio programme

125 Pre-Production Production On Air Post
a. Get your material ready: d. Choose two f. Prepare the recording
prepare your interviews, presenters. Decide equipment (mobile h. In your
survey and documentary. in groups what phone, recorder, group, say
b. Use the ad you made in everybody is going computer, etc.) and if you think
Unit 2, Lesson 3, exercise 7 to to say and when. other elements, such as it went well
make a radio ad. Use the language music, for the ad. and how
c. Prepare an introduction to in exercise 2. g. Record the show. it could be
the programme. Say that it is a e. Practise until Because it’s recorded, better.
show about your community. everybody feels you can change some
Say where it is and the name that they know parts you think could be
of the neighbourhood. the material. better.

SB6 MOD3 RPE pp122-127.indd 125 01/12/2016 17:38

Module 3 Final Task

21st Century Skills 30 4. 45 5.
minutes minutes
Communicating • Students review the • As a class read the

People who want to promote a exercises from the units different stages of a radio
more balanced lifestyle make
decisions to start healthier mentioned in the chart and programme. Discuss the
routines at home, school or at
work. The first step is to have the discuss the questions in groups. questions below:
initiative and start with simple
steps. One by one, each step will • They share ideas as a class. What’s the pre-production stage?
help us the expected outcomes. (The stage in which the programme
Such initiative is always welcome, • Give students time to plan their is prepared.)
provided the ideas are logical, radio programme.
realistic and achievable.
What’s the production stage? (It’s
when the script for the programme
is written and practised.)

What’s the ‘On Air’ stage? (It’s
the moment in which the radio
programme is recorded or

30 3. What’s the post-production stage?
minutes (It’s when the team gets together
• Students choose one of and discusses what worked well in
the show and what they can do for
the two options of the Final it to be better.)

Task: one is making a live

broadcast and the other is recording • Students follow the instructions
according to the option they chose.
the show. The first option means that

students have to role-play the show • For option 1, students follow
the instructions for each stage.
in front of the class, and the second They prepare the introduction and
transitions, decide what everybody is
option involves having access to going to say and practise.

mobile phones or tape recorders.

• Students present their radio show
to the class.

• After that, students discuss what
they could have done better.

• If students chose the second option,
they follow the instruction for this

• During the pre-production stage, T125
students collect their material and,
using the ad from Unit 2, lesson 3,
exercise 7 as a model, they invent
their own ad.

• Then they decide what everybody
is going to say, and choose two main

• They practise until they feel

• Students record their radio
programme and play it to the class.

• The team gets together and decides
what could have worked better.

Module // 3 Evaluation



For questions 1-5, match the words and the definitions. Write the correct letter in the box.
There is one example (0).

0. Baker A This person’s job is to design and build engines, machines, roads,
1. Cooker bridges, etc.
2. Pharmacy
3. Greet B a shop that sells medicines and also other types of products, for
4. Bedroom example cosmetics
5. Engineer
C a person who bakes and sells bread and cakes

D a room for sleeping in

E to say hello to somebody or to welcome them

F an appliance for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or
electric rings on top



For questions 6-10, read the conversation and complete the sentences by choosing the correct
word. Write your answers in the box. There is one example (0).

126 0. What do you do/are you doing right now?
6. My sister and I are play/playing outside, in the garden.
7. Wow! There are/is a garden at your house! Please, send me a picture.
8. What are that/those objects on the house?
9. They are solar panels. What/Where do you live? In a house? In an apartment?
10. I live in an apartment. There is/are 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.

0 are you doing

SB6 MOD3 RPE pp122-127.indd 126 01/12/2016 17:38

Module // 3 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 126 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. playing
7. is
1. F 8. those
2. B 9. Where
3. E 10. are
4. D
5. A


module 3 // Evaluation


For questions 11-15, read the directions / locations and put a ✔ next to the ones that are correct
according to the map. There is one example (0).

Supermarket Church Library
Café Hospital
Main Street

1ST Avenue
2ND Avenue

Bakery Central Street Bank


0. To go from the supermarket to the library, go straight down Main St. on to 2nd ✔
Avenue. It’s at the corner of Main St. and 2nd Avenue, on the left.

11. The bookshop is on Central St. opposite the park.

12. To go from the café to the bank, just cross the street. The bank is opposite the café.

13. To go from the park to the church, just cross the street. The church is at the corner
of Main St. and 2nd Avenue.

14. The hospital is on 2nd Avenue. It is next to the church.

15. Where is the library? It’s at the corner of Central St. and 1st Avenue.


127 For questions 16-20, think about different ways to be a good citizen and build a better community.
Use the words to help you write five (5) ideas for a campaign. There is one example (0).

0. greet __A__l_w__a_y__s__g_r_e__e_t__p_e__o_p__l_e__i_n__y_o__u_r__n__e_i_g_h__b__o_u__r_h__o_o__d__. _______________________

16. recycle ________________________________________________________________________________

17. clean up after pets ________________________________________________________________________________

18. be friendly ________________________________________________________________________________

19. rubbish ________________________________________________________________________________

20. noise ________________________________________________________________________________

Module // 3 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 127 Writing

Reading 16. Answers will vary. Students need
to use the words given.
11. ✔
12. ✗ 17. Answers will vary. Students need
13. ✔ to use the words given.
14. ✗
15. ✗ 18. Answers will vary. Students need
to use the words given.

19. Answers will vary. Students need
to use the words given.

20. Answers will vary. Students need
to use the words given.


Module 4

GlobalizationAround the World

128 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

One World Weather Changes Let’s Celebrate!

Language Functions Language Functions Language Functions

• Talk about nationalities • Describe weather • Describe celebrations and
• Describe places conditions traditions
• Identify cultural
• Understand details about • Talk about traditional
characteristics the weather in short, spoken foods
• Ask for and give information texts
• Describe people, places
about your town • Describe clothes and customs
• Compare traditional clothes
Text Types: • Compare customs
from different regions and
• form, informative paragraph, countries Text Types:
descriptive paragraph,
advertisement, newspaper Text Types: • descriptive paragraph,
article informative paragraph,
• descriptive paragraph, story (narrative text)
poem, scientific paragraph,
fable (narrative text)

L6M4_SB_Module Presentation_AFL_151016_OK.indd 128 14/12/16 10:47 a.m.

Module 4 Presentation

10 • Point out to students 20 • Draw students’ attention Unit 1
minutes minutes One World
that this fourth module to the pictures and ask
• Read, or ask a student to read, the
of the book is based on them if they recognize any different items, clarifying any new
vocabulary, such as nationalities,
globalization. of these landmarks. If they characteristics, town.

• If necessary, explain that, in this do, ask them if they know where • Tell students they will learn about
case, globalization refers to the fact different nationalities and how to
of opening up to other international they are located (the Great Wall of describe places and people in terms
cultures but understanding of their culture.
Colombian culture first. China, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the
Unit 2
Houses of Parliament in London, Weather Changes

Machu Picchu in Peru, etc). • Read all the items, checking their
understanding of vocabulary like
• Read the title, Around the World, • It would be useful to have a world weather, clothes, scientific, fable.
and elicit from students examples map in the classroom to help
of different countries and cultures students locate these places. A • Explain that students will discuss
joining together, such as sporting brief warm-up activity could be for weather conditions and clothing
events, scientific research, students to point out the location related to different places.
ecological projects, etc. they think is correct. The student
closest to the right answer scores a

• Go over the specific language
functions and text types of the three

Unit 3
Let’s Celebrate!

• Read all the language functions
and text types, checking any words
students do not understand, e.g.
celebration, traditions, customs, story.

• Tell students that they will find out
about celebrations and traditions
from different cultures, including
food and clothing. You can use the
picture of indigenous people to help
them to understand the concept of


Explore Your Knowledge

Look at the pictures and say …

• Which places do you

• Which animals do you

• Which products do you

• Which regional things can you

Task: A Regional Exhibition

In this module you will work in groups to prepare a formal presentation.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

129 1. Pablo’s presentation 4. Drawing of the traditional 5. Chart about a festival in your

of his town (Lesson 3, costume of your region region (Lesson 3, exercise 4)

exercise 1) (Lesson 3, exercise 5) 6. Information about typical foods

2. Factsheet about your from your region (Lesson 3,

Department (Lesson 3, exercise 6)

exercise 5)

3. Plasticine map of your

Department (Lesson 3,

exercise 6)


Where are you from? 

L6M4_SB_Module Presentation_AFL_151016.indd 129 02/12/2016 09:11

Module 4 Presentation

Explore Your Knowledge Final Task

20 10

minutes • Ask students to look at minutes • Explain that the task
the pictures and explain for module 4 is a Regional
what they see. Exhibition. In order to

• Read the Explore Your Knowledge develop this presentation, in unit
questions and elicit some answers 1, students hear someone talking
from students. Write any new about their home town and create
vocabulary on the board and a booklet about their department,
clarify it. You can use examples or together with a plasticine map
drawings. showing its features. Students
draw the traditional costume of
• Students may find vocabulary a their region in unit 2 and, in unit
problem, so allow the use of L1, but 3, students make a chart about a
encourage L2 as much as possible. festival or celebration that takes
place in their town, department or
• For the first question, students region and they also present two
may mention the landmarks in the typical foods from their region.
introduction: Great Wall of China,
Eiffel Tower, Houses of Parliament, • Go through the chart with students,
Machu Picchu, etc. Help them with eliciting this information by asking
this vocabulary if they do not know questions and clarifying any
it and write it on the board. difficulties.

• For the second and third questions, • Finally, read the title of this
when students are familiar with the module’s chant Where are you from?
new words, ask them to describe the Ask students what they understand
pictures with simple sentences like by this title and how they can relate
‘There is a llama in Machu Picchu.’ the content of the units to the title
of the chant.
• For the final question, elicit answers
and ask students where these T129
regional things come from (coffee:
Colombian coffee region, such as
Quindío, Caldas, Risaralda; bananas:
Colombian coastal departments,
such as Magdalena; cotton: the
south-eastern region of the United
States and the Sinú region of
Colombia). Also mention that the
bald eagle in the picture (Big Ben)
is the national bird of the United

• Remind students that they need to
perform a final task for each module,
but that they will work towards
achieving it during the whole
module by accomplishing mini-tasks.

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »1 » I can talk about nationalities.
» I can describe places.
One World » I can identify cultural characteristics.
» I can ask for and give information about

my town.

In Context » I’m Colombian!

70 1. Listen Listen and read about an Intercultural Encounter in Medellín.

Come and meet new Youth Intercultural Encounter
friends! Celebrate Medellín, Colombia
every culture and
exchange ideas and
opinions for a better

Paola’s from Colombia. Kenji’s from Japan. Josh’s from the United Mei-Li’s from China.

2. Read Match a–f with the names of the countries.

130 Mexico the United States Japan a f
Colombia China Canada c e
Brazil the United Kingdom Argentina
Australia France Peru b American
3. Write Complete the form. d

Second Youth Intercultural Encounter

Your name: Your country: Your age:

Some friends I want to meet are:

Australian Chinese Colombian Peruvian Mexican

Japanese Brazilian Canadian English French

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 130 02/12/2016 08:42

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

Unit 1 One World

Unit Objectives Identify information related to specific characteristics of different countries and
Basic standards of competences Use vocabulary related to characteristics of people in oral and written texts.
Describe the physical and personality traits of people.
Vocabulary Answer personal questions regarding age, nationality and address, with the help of
Grammar repetition when necessary.

Countries and nationalities; Descriptive adjectives


1. Listen Grammar Box: Adjectives Answer Key d. Argentina
a. Mexico e. Australia
(30 minutes) track 70 In most cases nationality b. Colombia f. China
adjectives are formed by adding c. Brazil
▪ Read the rubric. -n, -an or -ian to the name of the
▪ Say the title of the unit and country: Colombia – Colombian; 3. Write
Mexico – Mexican; Brazil – Brazilian.
discuss as a class what it (10 minutes)
means. Keep in mind some exceptions
that will appear later in the unit: ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the title of the brochure ▪ Explain that at Intercultural
Switzerland – Swiss
and ask students what an Germany – German Encounters people complete
Intercultural Encounter means. Sweden – Swedish forms about themselves.
Peru – Peruvian
▪ Talk about similar events such France – French ▪ Have students fill in theirs and
England – British / English
as national and international Ireland – Irish compare in pairs.
scouts encounters, or Scotland – Scottish
international language Japan – Japanese
exchanges in which students China – Chinese
go to other countries to
experience a different culture 2. Read
and learn a language.
(15 minutes)
▪ Students read and listen to
▪ Read the rubric.
the audio. Ask: What are some ▪ Students look at the map and
of the nationalities participating
in this event? Would you like to identify the countries marked
participate in this event? on the map. Can they name
the nationalities of these
▪ Make students notice that countries?

nationalities are always ▪ Students name the other
countries mentioned in the list
Audio Script 70 and name the nationalities. T130
Welcome to this year’s Youth

Intercultural Encounter, Medellin,

Colombia. Come and meet new

friends! Celebrate every culture and

exchange ideas and opinions for a

better world! Where is everybody

from? Paola’s from Colombia. Kenji’s

from Japan. Josh’s from the United

States and Mei-Li’s from China.

module 4 // Unit 1

71 4. Listen Listen to children at the Second Youth Intercultural Encounter and
complete the answers.

a. Where’s Paola from? d. What’s Josh’s nationality?
b. How old is she? e. How old’s Mei-Li?
c. Which city’s Kenji from?

72 5. Listen Listen to a radio programme about the Intercultural Encounter in Medellín
and tick (✔).

bagels China The Great China
the USA Wall the USA

The Heaven China noodles China
Temple the USA the USA

The Statue China
of Liberty the USA

72 6. Listen Listen again and complete. Use the words in the box.
Compare with a partner.

big active organized interesting beautiful disciplined

1. Mei-Li says the Great Wall of China and the Heaven Temple are

and .

2. Mei-Li thinks Chinese people are and .

3. Josh says New York is a city.

4. Josh thinks people in New York are very .

7. Speak In groups, write about your country and town. Use the Word Bank

1 3 1 to help you. Then, tell your class.

My country: My town: Word Bank
An interesting place in quiet
my country: kind

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 131 02/12/2016 08:42

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

4. Listen 5. Listen Josh: We have bagels, of course!
Paola: How can you describe people
(30 minutes) track 71 (20 minutes) track 72
in New York?
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. Josh: I think we’re very active because
▪ Students read the questions. ▪ Ask students to look at the
we’re often busy going to different
Check they understand the pictures and describe what places around town…
meaning of them all. they see. Paola: Thank you, Josh! This is Paola
talking about different countries.
▪ Students listen at least three ▪ Play the audio and have We will continue later…

times and compare their students tick where the items 6. Listen
answers. are from.
(20 minutes) track 72
▪ Tell students that they do not ▪ Play the audio once more so ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Go over the words in the
need to understand every that students can check their
single word when they are answers. box and make sure students
listening or speaking. understand their meaning.
▪ Ask if they can think of Take advantage of cognates
Answer Key such as ‘interesting’,
a. She’s from Colombia. any other foods, places ‘organized’, ‘active’, and
b. She’s 13 years old. or landmarks from these ‘disciplined’.
c. He’s from Tokyo. countries.
d. He’s American. ▪ Play the audio. Students listen
e. She’s 14 years old. Answer Key
bagels – the USA, again and take notes on what
Audio Script 71 The Great Wall – China, the characters say.
Colombian girl: Hello, The Heaven Temple – China,
noodles – China, ▪ Check answers as a class.
The Statue of Liberty – the USA
Answer Key
everybody! And welcome to 1. interesting, beautiful
2. disciplined, organized
the Second Youth Intercultural Audio Script 72 3. big
Paola: Hello, we’re in the 4. active
Encounter. Welcome to Medellin!
7. Speak
Welcome to Colombia! My Second Youth International
(20 minutes)
name’s Paola. I’m 13 years old. Encounter in Medellin. My name’s ▪ Go over the words provided in

I’m from Envigado, Antioquia. I’m Paola. We’re visiting the different the Word Bank.

Colombian. Here are some of the stands. First we’re here with ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students use some of the
students from different parts of Mei-Li! She’s Chinese. Hello,
words to talk about their
the world. Mei-Li. How are you? Tell us about country and town. They
also mention an important
Japanese boy: Err… Hi! My name’s your country. landmark. They may also use
words from the previous
Kenji. I’m from Tokyo, Japan. I’m Mei-Li: Hi, Paola… Well, yes, that’s exercise.

Japanese. I’m very happy to be right, I’m Chinese. China’s a very ▪ Students exchange their ideas

here. big country. There are many and say if they agree with the
characteristics mentioned.
American boy: Hi, everyone! My people in China.

name’s Josh. I’m from New York in My city is Beijing, the capital of

the United States. I’m American. China. We have the Great Wall

Chinese girl: Good morning! Uh… My of China and the Heaven Temple.

name’s Mei-Li and… I’m Chinese… These places are interesting and

I come from China… I’m 14 years beautiful!

old. Paola: How can you describe Chinese


Extra Activity (20 minutes) Mei-Li: I think that we’re very

As a class, play the audio again disciplined and organized. T131
and discuss the following
questions: Paola: What about special food?

What part of Colombia is Paola Mei-Li: Food in China’s delicious! My
from? (She’s from Envigado.)
favourite Chinese food is noodles.
How does Kenji feel about being at
the encounter? (He’s very happy.) Paola: OK. Now, we’re with Josh, from

Where’s Meili from? (She’s from the United States. Hello, Josh! Tell
us about your city.

Josh: Hi, Paola… so… I’m American.

I’m from New York. It’s a big city

and there are many things to do!

We have the Statue of Liberty!

Paola: What about a typical food in

New York?

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

8. Speak Look at the sportspeople. Ask and answer questions with a partner.

Nationality: Swiss Nationality: Jamaican Nationality: Nationality: Japanese
Sport: Tennis Sport: Track and Field Colombian Sport: Figure Skating
Special characteristic: Special characteristic: Sport: Cycling Special characteristic:
strong fast Special characteristic: agile

9. Write Choose three international sportspeople and complete. Then, ask
and answer questions with a partner.

Name: Name: Name:
Country: Country: Country:
Characteristics: Characteristics: Characteristics:

10. Read Read and complete the diagram with information from the text.

My name’s Luciana and I’m from Peru. I’m 13 years old and I
love swimming. I swim every day from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
and then in the afternoon from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. I think
that to be a good athlete, it’s important to be disciplined. I
1 3 2 think that friends and family are very important too. Thanks
to them I feel strong and motivated. I also think it’s very
important to balance sports with school and family. I enjoy
swimming competitions.

To be a good

Important characteristics Other important things:
, and

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 132 02/12/2016 08:47

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

8. Speak Extra Activity (50 minutes) T132
Have students research and
(20 minutes) present information about
famous scientists, artists, writers
▪ Read the rubric. or other prominent international
▪ Students look at the album figures.

of the sportspeople. Ask 10. Read
them if they know their
names and what they know (45 minutes)
about them. (Roger Federer, ▪ Read the rubric.
Veronica Campbell-Brown, Nairo ▪ Go over the diagram with
Quintana, Mao Asada.)
students, then they read the
▪ Students look at the flags text and try to identify the
characteristics mentioned.
and name the countries
the sportspeople are from. ▪ Students complete the
(Switzerland, Jamaica, Colombia,
Japan) diagram in pairs and exchange
ideas with other groups.
▪ With a student, model the
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
questions students should ask: As a class discuss the following
Where is he/she from? What is questions:
his/her name? What sport does Where is Luciana from? (She’s
he/she play? What is his/her from Peru.)
special characteristic? How old is she? (She’s 13.)
What does she do during the
Extra Activity (15 minutes) day? (She swims.)
How does she feel about
Discuss as a class other competing in an international
characteristics that the swimming event? (She enjoys
sportspeople in exercise 8 have swimming competitions.)
(disciplined, motivated, organized, Is it important to have a balance
busy, active, etc.). between studies and free time?
(Yes, it is. It helps you have a
9. Write full life.)
Is it important to be disciplined
(30 minutes) and organized? Why? (Yes, it is
because these characteristics
▪ Read the rubric. help you to become a good
▪ Bring photos of different athlete and organize a balanced
famous sportspeople (e.g.
Usain Bolt, Lionel Messi, Answer Key
Serena Williams, Mariana Important characteristics: to be
Pajón, etc.). disciplined, strong, motivated.
Other important things: school
▪ Students look at the photos and family.

and say what they know
about these sportspeople
(nationality, the sport they
play, etc.).

▪ In pairs, students think of

three sportspeople they
admire and write their names,
research and write the country
and different characteristics
they have.

▪ Students use the information

to ask and answer questions
about these sportspeople.

module 4 // Unit 1

Expanding Knowledge » I’m from Cali

1. Speak Look at a map of Colombia and be a tourist. Ask and answer questions

in pairs.

Where’s It’s in Chocó.

San Andrés Island

Tayrona Park


Villa de Leyva



La Lindosa Park

Coffee National

Tatacoa Desert Leticia

133 2. Write Choose a place in exercise 1 and draw a picture of it.

Then, make notes and tell a partner.
A place in Colombia I like is ... It’s in the Department of ...

3. Speak Ask and answer questions in groups.

What’s the name of your department?
What is a famous place there?
What other places can you visit in your department?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 133 02/12/2016 08:47

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

1. Speak 2. Write 3. Speak

(30 minutes) (25 minutes) (25 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Have students look at the ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students choose a place from ▪ Go over the model and
the map in exercise 1 and practise the questions with
Extra Activity (20 minutes) draw an outline map of it. some students.
Students look at the map and
discuss the following questions: ▪ Students write about ▪ Students ask and answer the

Which places do they recognize? this place and exchange questions in groups.
information with a partner.
Have they visited any of these ▪ Explain that the purpose of
places? ▪ Discuss other characteristics
learning a new language is to
Which ones would they like to these places have (interesting, communicate. In this sense,
visit? beautiful, etc.) and what it is OK to make mistakes
activities can be done there as long as they express the
▪ Go over the model provided (swimming, hiking, watching message.
the stars, etc.).
and practise with some Extra Activity (20 minutes)
students. Extra Activity (45 minutes)
Students work in pairs and
▪ Have students ask and answer Have students do a similar practise their spelling by spelling
exercise by choosing a place the name of their department
the question in pairs about the in a different country. Suggest and famous places there. Their
different places on the map. the places below or let students partners must write down the
research their own place. letters that they hear. Then,
▪ As a class, make a list of other compare answers.
The Great Canyon in Colorado,
interesting and beautiful the United States; the beaches
places in Colombia. Where are in Cuba; Iguazu Falls in Argentina
they located? and Brazil; Grey Glacier in Chile.

▪ Make students notice that the

names of places are always

Answer Key T133
Where is the Tayrorna Park? It’s in
Where is the San Andrés beach?
It’s in San Andrés.
Where is Barichara? It’s in
Where is Villa de Leyva? It’s in
Where is Zipaquirá? It’s in
Where is La Lindosa Park? It’s in
Where is Leticia? It’s in
Where is Tatacoa Desert? It’s in
Where is the Coffee National
Park? It’s in Quindío.

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Write Look at the tourist ads. Then, design one about a place in your town or city.

Old-Fashioned? Yes! Modern? That too!

Visit San Andrés.
It’s beautiful and relaxing!

Visit Bogotá: Always fun.

In Zipaquirá, live In Leticia…
an interesting and enjoy exciting
peaceful experience. activities. It’s
never boring


5. Write Look at the words. Then, write your own word using a

special style. Share it with a friend.

Happy Study Tip
You can learn
vocabulary by drawing
pictures of words.

6. Speak Ask your classmates questions about their town.

Then, complete the chart.

Question Friend’s name Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Is your town fun?
134 Is your town boring?
Is your town old-fashioned?
Is your town modern?
Is your town stressful?
Is your town noisy?
Is your town quiet?
Is your town crowded?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 134 02/12/2016 08:48

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

4. Write Grammar Box Extra Activity (35 minutes)
Descriptive adjectives
(60 minutes) Descriptive adjectives (boring, Have students create a postcard
interesting, exciting, etc.) are used to a friend about a place they’re
▪ Read the rubric. to describe an object, a place or visiting. Tell them to describe and
▪ For this exercise students a person: draw the place. Use the model
text below.
need cardboard, markers and The film is interesting.
pencils. Draw Dear ____________,
The adjective can come at the here
▪ Bring to class some end of a sentence or before a How are you? I’m
noun: fine. Right now I’m
advertisements from in _____________.
magazines and put them on The house is beautiful. It’s a _____________,
the board. It’s a beautiful house. _____________ place.

▪ Ask students what the 5. Write Please say hello to
advertisements are about, (15 minutes)
what colours there are, and if ▪ Read the rubric. Love,
they would like to buy or try ▪ Students look at the words. ________________
any of the products. Discuss ▪ Discuss how they are
as a class that the idea of an 6. Speak
advertisement is to make a illustrated to express their
product, a place or a concept meaning. Is the word ‘exciting’ (30 minutes)
appealing to the public. exciting?
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the ▪ Students work individually. ▪ Go over the adjectives in

advertisements in the They choose one of the the questions and make sure
textbook. What are they about? adjectives presented in students know their meaning.
Are they colourful and is the lessons 1 and 2 and write it Use pictures and gestures to
message clear? What words do with a design that reflects its represent the meaning of new
these ads use? meaning. vocabulary.

▪ Highlight the words ▪ Students share their work with ▪ Practise asking some students

and expressions in the a partner and then as a class. two or three of these
advertisements. Clarify questions.
meaning by using movements, Study Tip
pictures, and taking advantage Explain that drawing pictures ▪ Students walk around
of cognates. of words or writing them in a
meaningful way is useful to the classroom asking the
Extra Activity (20 minutes) learn words, because writing questions and taking notes.
and drawing stimulate the
Students discuss the following visual memory. ▪ Discuss the results as a class.
questions: ▪ You may want to include other
Do all the words in the adjectives such as ‘interesting’,
advertisements in exercise 4 ‘beautiful’, ‘busy’, ‘organized’,
have a positive meaning in this and ‘quiet’.
context? (Yes, they do.)
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
Do they transmit the message
vividly? (Yes, they do.) Write the results of the students’
questions and then ask students,
Which words could have a in groups, to draw a chart/graph
negative meaning in a different to illustrate the results. Then, ask
context? (boring, old-fashioned) questions, such as: Which question
did most students agree with?
▪ Have students work in groups

and design an advertisement
about a place in their town.
They should use some of
the descriptive adjectives

▪ Each group presents their


module 4 // Unit 1

7. Read Read a newspaper article. Discuss in groups if you Study Tip
agree or disagree with the article.

The Problem of Living in a Big City:
How Can Citizens Help?

• Respect traffic signs.
• Report dangers.
• Use buses.
• Recycle rubbish.
• Respect others.

Living in a big city can It can also be positive.
be a problem: traffic, A big city has libraries,
crime, noise, rubbish … museums, restaurants,
parks and sports centres.

Your city’s your
responsibility, too! Help
to make your city the
place you want it to be!

73 8. Listen Listen to students talk about their towns and take notes.
Then, give your opinion.

21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking

What are the positive and
negative things about your


1 3 5 1. Andrea’s from… She likes her town. / She
doesn’t like her town. Her town is ….

2. Jason’s from… He likes his town. / He
doesn’t like his town. His town is…

3. Ricardo’s from… He likes his town. / He
doesn’t like his town. His town is…

I like / don’t like my town. My town is…

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 135 02/12/2016 08:48

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

7. Read 8. Listen Extra Activity (20 minutes)

(30 minutes) (30 minutes) track 73 Have students write a similar
▪ Read the rubric. newspaper article about their
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Have students look at the town or city. Use the text below
▪ Discuss with students as a template for students to
photos and guess where the complete. Explain that their
what kind of text this is (a people live. Is it a rural or an article should have a title and
newspaper article). Students urban place? photos or drawings.
look at the photos and
describe them. ▪ Go over the question so that ____________ Help!
• ____________
▪ They read the article’s students know what to listen (Title) • ____________
for in the audio. • ____________
title. What are some of the Living in a big You can help
problems of a city? ▪ Students listen at least twice city can be your city!
a problem:
▪ Ask how they can contribute and take notes. Then, compare ____________.
their answers in pairs.
to make their city better. It can also
▪ Students write and express be positive.
▪ Ask students to use the ____________
their own opinion about their
dictionary only to find the town. T135
meaning of necessary words.
Otherwise, they should try to 21st Century skills
understand the context. Critical Thinking
Discuss as a class the positive and
▪ Ask additional comprehension negative aspects of their town.
What can they do to help?
Answer Key
a. What are some of the a. Andrea is from Ráquira in
problems of living in a
city? (noise, crime, traffic, Boyacá. She likes her town.
rubbish) Her town is beautiful.
b. Jason is from San Gil,
b. What are some of the Santander. He likes his town. It
positive aspects of living in is big and it’s never boring.
a city? (There are libraries, c. Ricardo is from Cali. He likes
museums, parks, and sports his town. It is interesting.
73Audio Script
c. Do they agree with the
suggestions provided? What Andrea: Well, I’m from Ráquira
else can they do? in Boyacá…

d. Is it true that their city or Jason: Do you like your town?
town is their responsibility Andrea: Yes, I do. It’s beautiful, but
there are a lot of tourists!
▪ Students read the text again Jason: I’m from San Gil in Santander.

and underline the actions they We also have a lot of tourists.
do to help their city. Then Paula: And do you like San Gil?
compare in groups. Jason: Sure! I do a lot of activities

Study Tip outside. The town’s never boring!
Ricardo: I’m from Cali. It’s a big city.
Explain that when reading Andrea: Do you like it?
a text it is not necessary to Ricardo: Yes, I do. There are a lot
know every single word but
to understand the idea. The of restaurants. It’s stressful
dictionary is valuable tool to sometimes, but it’s an interesting
clarify the main idea of a text. place.

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » I Know My Town

74 1. Listen Listen and look at Pablo’s presentation of his town.
Then, ask and answer questions with a partner.

My city, Popayán a. Does he present a map?
Yes ✔ No
by Pablo Talero Velasco, grade 6th
b. Does he talk about his town?
Where is it? It’s in Cauca. Yes No
Description: peaceful, interesting
Favourite place: Humilladero Bridge c. Does he say his favourite place?
Something special: I can buy fruit on Yes No
the street.
The people: kind and happy d. Does he say what he likes?
Yes No
Final task
e. Does he talk about people in his town? activity!
Yes No

f. Does the presentation have pictures?
Yes No

2. Speak In groups, play charades.

136 busy crowded fun hard-working

organized modern noisy kind Study Tip

old-fashioned Using physical
movement helps you to
remember new words.



Box of Words

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 136 02/12/2016 08:51

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

1. Listen 2. Speak

(35 minutes) track 74 (35 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Explain that students ▪ Review the words and make

are going to listen to a sure students know their
presentation. meaning.

▪ Have them look at the images ▪ Divide the class into groups

and discuss the following and have them write these
questions: words on separate pieces of
paper. You can include other
a. What is the presentation words such as ‘active’, ‘quiet’,
about? ‘noisy’, ‘exciting’, ‘relaxing’ and
b. Do you think Pablo’s
materials for the presentation ▪ Explain that to play ‘Charades’
are appealing?
they can only use movement
c. Do Pablo’s visual materials and gestures.
reflect the contents of the
notes? ▪ A student picks a word and

▪ Explain that students are reads it without showing it to
the rest of the group.
going to evaluate Pablo’s
presentation and check if he ▪ The student acts out the
has all the information in the
questions. meaning of the word and
the rest of the group tries to
▪ Quickly review the questions guess. If they guess, they get
a point.
and clarify any language.
▪ The group with the most
▪ Students listen to the
points wins.
presentation two or three
times and check the questions Study Tip
in pairs. Explain that physical movement
is another way to learn and
▪ Students discuss the remember words.

questions in the checklist in Extra Activity (20 minutes)
groups. Explain that at the end Practise this vocabulary by giving
of the module they are going students a list of the words
to make a similar presentation written in a ‘secret’ code. Have
about their department, and them work in groups and ‘crack’
that this exercise can be used the code as fast as they can, using
later on as a model for their the clues. Example:
own presentations.
25 12 15 6 11 4 (boring)
Answer Key e. Yes.
a. Yes. c. Yes. f. Yes. The code is
b. Yes. d. Yes.
a=24, b=25, c=26,
Audio Script 74 d=1, e=2, f=3 etc. T136
Pablo: OK… So… Hello… My

name’s Pablo and I’m from

Popayán, Cauca. Here’s Cauca…

and here’s my city, Popayán. I

like my town. It’s peaceful and

interesting. My favourite place in

Popayán is Humilladero Bridge. It’s

beautiful. Something special that

I like about my town is that I can

buy fruit on the street. People in

Popayán are kind and happy.

module 4 // Unit 1

3. Speak Look at the places and describe them.

Pereira, Risaralda Turbo, Antioquia Manizales, Caldas

Pereira’s interesting but
very busy. Turbo is…

4. Read Read about Serranía de la Macarena and complete the flow chart.

Serranía de la Macarena

Five Colours River Serranía de la Macarena is in the department
of Meta. There are mountains here and there
are lots of different animals: anteaters, deer,
monkeys, jaguars and many species of birds
and insects.

Anteater You can explore the famous River of Five
Colours, the Caño Cristales River. It’s beautiful.



Place: There are I can visit This place is

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 137 02/12/2016 08:51

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

3. Speak 4. Read

(20 minutes) (20 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the photos. ▪ Students look at the photos

Do they recognize any of the in the brochure and read the
places? title. What kind of place is
this? Do they know these
▪ Go over the model provided. animals?
▪ Discuss the positive and
▪ Go over the titles in the flow
negative aspects that each
place may have. chart so that students know
what to look for in the text.
▪ Students use the same
▪ Students read the text and
technique to describe their
own town. complete the flow chart.
Discuss the answers as a class.
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
Answer Key
Students work in pairs. One Place: Serranía de la Macarena
student describes a place (this There are: mountains, animals,
could be one of the places in birds and insects
exercise 3 or another place I can visit: the River of Five
in their country or another Colours and the Caño Cristales
country). The other student has River
to guess the place their partner is This place is: beautiful

Extra Activity (60–90 minutes)

In groups, students choose and
research a Colombian national
park and design a brochure similar
to the one in exercise 4. Tell them
to include drawings or pictures
and to use the structures and
vocabulary studied throughout
the unit. Then, have each group
present their brochures.


Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

5. Write In groups, research your department and complete the chart. Final task

My department is: This is the flag of my department:

Some towns in my department are: An important product in my department is:

An important person in my department is: A typical animal in my department is:

6. Write Make a map of your department in Colombia. Show and tell.

1. Draw the 2. Cover the map
map on with plasticine.
some cardboard.

3. Create the 4. Make signs to Ibagué
mountains or indicate where
any other things your town or
you think other important
are important. places are
5. Present your map.
This is the Department Final task
138 of Tolima. Some activity!

important places are…

75 7. Speak Say the tongue twister. Who can say it faster?

In my country there are treasures, treasures and
parks, mountains, rivers and stars in the dark.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 138 02/12/2016 08:51

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

5. Write 6. Write 7. Speak

(60 minutes) (120 minutes) (20 minutes) track 75

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ This exercise is part of the ▪ This exercise is also part of ▪ Through this tongue twister

module’s final task. For this the module’s final task. Make students begin to recognize
reason, it is important that sure students save it for their the different pronunciation of
students save it until the end final presentations. the /s/ sound.
of the module.
▪ Students trace the silhouette ▪ Students listen once and then
▪ Students work in groups and
of the map of their read the tongue twister aloud
complete the chart. department on the cardboard. slowly.

▪ Students show it to the class. ▪ Then, they put plasticine along ▪ They listen again until they

the borders and geographical feel confident with the words.
features of the map (for
instance, use green plasticine ▪ Students take turns trying to
for any forests or fields, yellow
for deserts and blue for bodies repeat the tongue twister as
of water). fast as they can.

▪ Students model mountains Audio Script 75
In my country there are
and other particular traits of
their department. treasures, treasures and parks,

▪ Making flags, as indicated mountains, rivers and stars in

in the instructions, students the dark.
mark important places of their
department. Extra Activity (10 minutes)

▪ Check the model provided Play a game. Use the tongue
twister in exercise 7, or find
and have groups present their another from the internet, and
maps. time the students as they try to
say it. The student who says the
Extra Activity (10 minutes) tongue twister the quickest is the
Run a class vote to find out
students’ favourite model and


module 4 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Read and describe to a partner.

b. El Chicharito is .
SHAKIRA: An actor from c. Taylor Swift
She sings, Hong Kong who d. Jackie Chan .
dances and helps to build .
helps children. schools.

SWIFT: OR 'CHICHARITO': nationalities.

The singer who A football player from Very well
wants to stop Mexico who works Quite well
bullying. with UNICEF.

76 2. Listen Listen and complete.

a. Lucía’s from . With difficulty

She likes her city. She doesn’t like her city. I can describe places.
Very well
Lucía thinks her city is . Quite well

b. Hernán’s from . With difficulty

He likes his town. He doesn’t like his town.

Hernán thinks his town is .

c. Lorena’s from .

She likes her city. She doesn’t like her city.

Lorena thinks her city is .

3. Speak Write and tell a partner about your town.

139 I’m from . It’s in the Department of .
My town’s and . I can identify cultural
My favourite place is .
Very well
In my opinion, people in my town are Quite well
. With difficulty

I can ask for and give information about my town.

Very well Quite well With difficulty

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U1.indd 139 02/12/2016 08:52

Module // 4 Unit // 1 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Speak 2. Listen 3. Speak

(20 minutes)  (10 minutes) track 76 (15 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Bring to class different ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students listen twice to the ▪ Students work in pairs, take
magazines and ask students
what the magazines are track, take notes and compare notes and use them to talk
about, who appears in them, their answers in pairs. about their town.
etc. What is the presentation
about? ▪ After they finish the exercise, ▪ After they finish the exercise,

▪ Students look at the magazine help them reflect on their help them reflect on their
performance in the exercise performance in the exercise
article and say if they and complete their reflection and complete their reflection
recognize any of the stars chart. chart.
Answer Key
▪ Students read the article’s a. Lucía is from Bogotá. She

title. What is about? What likes her city. She thinks it is
kind of information will interesting and busy.
probably appear? b. Hernán is from Guatapé. He
likes his town. He thinks his
▪ They read the texts and town is fun.
c. Lorena is from Pasto. She
complete the sentences doesn’t like her city very much.
with the nationalities of the She thinks it is old and cold.
76Audio Script
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
Talk about other famous people Lucía: My name’s Lucía and I live
and their good work. in Bogota. I like my city. I think it’s
an interesting and busy city. There
Some additional examples are are lots of things to do. You can
Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt who visit museums and there are good
help with UNICEF, and Emma places to eat.
Watson who fights for women’s
equality. Hernán: My name’s Hernán and
I’m from Guatapé. Guatapé is a
▪ After they finish the exercise, beautiful town. I like my town
because it’s fun. You can go
help them reflect on their swimming in the lake or go on a
performance in the exercise boat.
and complete their reflection
chart. Lorena: My name’s Lorena and I live
in Pasto. My city’s OK but it’s very
Answer Key old. I prefer modern cities. It’s
a. Colombian. also quite cold. I always wear a
b. Mexican. sweater.
c. American.
d. Chinese.


Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »2 » I can describe weather conditions.
» I can understand details about the
Weather Changes
weather in short, spoken texts.
» I can describe clothes.
» I can exchange information about my

home city and country.

In Context » What’s the Weather Like Today?

77 1. Read Listen and read.

It’s sunny. It’s snowing. It’s raining. It’s windy.

It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s stormy. It’s cloudy.
2. 3.
2. Speak Look and describe.

140 1.

What’s the weather
like in picture 1?

It’s sunny and
it’s hot.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U2.indd 140 02/12/2016 08:55

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit 2 Weather Changes

Unit Objectives Exchange information about characteristics of people and places through questions
and sentences.
Basic standards of competences Produce simple sentences, orally and in writing, about places and their weather.
Grammar Weather and seasons; Clothes

Adjectives to describe the weather; Present continuous to describe what one is

1. Read 2. Speak Extra Activity (60 minutes)

(20 minutes) track 77 (30 minutes) Students make their own
‘weather painting’ using
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. cardboard and poster paints or
▪ Students look at the pictures ▪ Students look at the paintings watercolours. Have students
work individually. Tell them to
of different types of weather. and read the titles, authors give their work an evocative title.
and dates. Have them present their paintings
▪ Play the audio once and and describe the weather or
▪ Students say how they feel you can make an art exhibition
have students repeat each and have the class describe the
sentence. when they look at these weather in the paintings.
paintings (happy, nervous, sad,
▪ Check students’ pronunciation. worried, etc.)

Audio Script 77 ▪ Review the model and
It’s sunny.
It’s snowing. practise with a student.
It’s raining.
It’s windy. ▪ In pairs, students ask each
It’s hot.
It’s cold. other questions about the
It’s stormy. paintings. Then, switch roles.
It’s cloudy.
Answer Key
1. It is sunny.
2. It is stormy, windy, and rainy.
3. It is rainy.

Extra Activity (20 minutes)

Ask students to say what the
weather is like today and then
tell them to work in pairs and ask
each other what the weather is
like in different countries.


module 4 // Unit 2

3. Read Mark whether the weather is good (✔) or bad (✘) to do the activities.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

play football fly a kite do arts and crafts run play chess

4. Write Complete the chart. Then, tell a partner.

Monday Antonio Nariño Middle School Friday 21st Century Skills
Weather Integration Week Weather · Collaborating

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Does your school have an
Integration Week?
Weather Weather Weather
Do you participate in it?

It’s Activity: Activity:

Activity: Activity: Activity:
watch TV

5. Read Read and describe the weather.

The flowers dance 21st Century Skills
1 4 1 after the rain.
Image · Creative Thinking
It’s green. It’s green.
To come
The grass smiles
after the rain. What words are used in these
It’s clean. It’s clean. poems to describe
the weather?

I watch the clouds: I can’t play today.

an elephant there, I can’t. The wind

a bear. They now blows hard. It’s dark.

become grey and I watch the rain

black, a tiger in pour down.

the sky. I can’t play today.

I can’t.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

3. Read 4. Write Answer Key T141
Clues to the weather in each
(40 minutes) (40 minutes) poem (1: clouds and the fact that
▪ Read the rubric. there are many shapes, indicate
▪ Students look at the weather ▪ Read the rubric. that it is cloudy. 2: after the rain,
▪ As a class, elicit activities green, smile, clean indicate a
icons and read the words sunny day after raining. 3: can’t
underneath. students would like to do play, wind blows, darkness,
during an Integration Week at pouring rain indicate a stormy
▪ Students practise the meaning their school. day.)

of the weather icons by using ▪ Students work in groups and 21st Century skills
body movements and sound Creative Thinking
(for instance, you can shiver write an activity and draw a Read the text and questions.
to explain the word ‘snowy’, or weather icon for each day. Highlight some of the words that
you can blow and move your are used to describe the weather
arms to clarify the meaning of ▪ They think of weather (e.g. elephant, bear, tiger, dance,
‘windy’). smiles, clean) and ask students
conditions that will be perfect to suggest why the writer chose
▪ Students look at the weather for each activity or that won’t these words. Students suggest
interfere with it. alternatives to the words used.
and say if the conditions are
good for the activities. ▪ Discuss as a class and decide Extra Activity (60 minutes)
Students write their own weather
▪ Students rearrange the which activities are the most poem using the Word Bank
popular. below:
activities to match the
weather conditions. Extra Activity (20 minutes) Word Bank
Students read the title of the
▪ Use questions such as: Why bulletin board and discuss the blow, fall, see, pour, shine
following questions:
can’t you play football on cold, hot, fresh, new, tired
Monday? What can you do What’s an Integration Week? (A
instead? week of different activities so sky, flower, leaf, mountain, river
that students interact with each
Answer Key other.) Use pictures and gestures to
Monday: not good make the words clear. Then,
Tuesday: good Who participates? (All students of divide the class into groups
Wednesday: good the school.) and explain that they are going
Thursday: good to write a poem similar to the
Friday: good What are other events that help ones in exercise 5. The idea is to
students to interact with each other? write about the weather without
Grammar Box (A sports week, a reading week, a explicitly saying what the weather
Adjectives for describing weather field trip, etc.) is like. They can use the words
Remember that the words rainy, in the Word Bank if necessary
windy, cloudy, snowy, sunny, and 5. Read but they can also use other
stormy are adjectives and can be vocabulary they know. Groups
used as follows: (45 minutes) read their poems to the class;
the other groups guess what the
Today is a rainy day. ▪ Read the rubric. weather is like.
It’s rainy. ▪ Students look at the pictures

Extra Activity and describe them. What’s the
(10 minutes x 5 days) weather like?
Students keep a weather journal
for one week. They write the name ▪ Read the poems as a class.
of each day on a piece of paper, ▪ Make students pay special
and draw and write a weather
icon for each day. Each day, have attention to the way some
students describe the weather. of the lines are formed.
For example, in the first
poem, there are incomplete
sentences. This is fine in
poetry and strengthens
images or ideas.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

78 6. Listen Listen to the weather forecast and match the places with the weather.

a. Pasto b. Armenia 21st Century Skills
· Communicating

What can you do when it’s
sunny? What can you do

when it’s raining?

c. Riohacha d. Bogotá

78 7. Listen Listen again and write the temperatures.

Pasto: Useful Words
Riohacha: 11 eleven 21 twenty-one
Armenia: 12 twelve 22 twenty-two
Bogotá: 13 thirteen 30 thirty
14 fourteen 40 forty
15 fifteen 50 fifty
16 sixteen 60 sixty
17 seventeen 70 seventy
18 eighteen 80 eighty
19 nineteen 90 ninety
20 twenty 100 one-hundred

8. Speak Describe today’s weather.

142 Good morning! This is the weather.

Today in… the weather is…
The temperature in… is…
Today in… We have a… day.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U2.indd 142 02/12/2016 08:55

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Listen 7. Listen 8. Speak

(15 minutes) track 78 (10 minutes) track 78 (40 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Play the audio from exercise 6 ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ If possible, bring to class a ▪ Students look at the image
map of Colombia and highlight and discuss the following
the cities. ▪ Students listen again and questions as a class:
a. What does a weather
▪ Students look at the weather focus on the temperature in
each city, then compare their presenter do?
icons and describe the answers with a partner. b. What’s the weather like in the
Answer Key cities presented?
▪ Play the audio. Students listen Bogotá 16°, Riohacha 31°,
Armenia 22°, Pasto 14°. ▪ Go over the models provided
and focus on the weather for
each city. Extra Activity (30 minutes) and practise with a student.
Play bingo. Prepare cards
▪ Explain that it doesn’t matter with six different numbers or ▪ Students work in pairs and
temperatures (from 11 to 100).
if they can’t understand all the Call out different numbers. The prepare their own weather
information. The objective is first student to cross out all of report.
to get the information they their six numbers, calls out ‘Bingo’
are looking for. to win the game. ▪ Students present their

▪ Check answers as a class. forecast to the class.

Answer Key Extra Activity (10 minutes)
Bogotá: stormy. Riohacha: sunny.
Armenia: cloudy. Pasto: rainy. Run a class vote to find out
students’ favourite weather

78Audio Script

Woman: Good morning! This is
Colombian News. First, we take a
look at the weather. Here’s Wilson
with the weather forecast for
today. Good morning, Wilson.

Man: Good morning, Piedad. Today,
it’s stormy in Bogotá. It’s also
raining today. The temperature is
16 degrees. In Riohacha, it’s sunny
and the temperature is 31 degrees.
In Armenia, it’s cloudy today and
the temperature is 22 degrees.
In Pasto, it’s raining and the
temperature is 14 degrees. That’s
all for the weather news, now back
to you!

21st Century skills T142

Read the text and questions. Talk
about the importance of enjoying
each day no matter what the
weather is like. There are many
activities that can be done on a
sunny or rainy day.

module 4 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » What Are You Wearing Today?

1. Speak Imagine a trip to one of these places in Colombia. Say what clothes

you will take.

Tunja Guatapé Cali Santa Marta
Temperature: 13°C Temperature: 18°C Temperature: 15°C Temperature: 25°C

shirt sweater underwear trousers socks t-shirt scarf

blouse jacket shorts skirt shoes hat dress

I want to go to Tunja…
In Tunja, it’s cold… In Tunja, you

wear a sweater or a jacket…

143 You don’t wear shorts because
it isn’t hot!

What do you wear in…?

2. Write Complete the paragraph. Then, tell a partner.

In general, the weather where I live is with a

temperature of degrees. Today is

I usually wear .

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U2.indd 143 02/12/2016 08:56

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Speak Grammar Box: 2. Write
Present continuous
(50 minutes) (20 minutes)
We use the present continuous ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. to say what we’re doing now. To ▪ Students practise the
▪ Students read the title of the describe how we are dressed at
the moment of speaking, we say vocabulary related to clothes
lesson. Explain its meaning by ‘I’m wearing’. and personalize it with
describing and showing what information related to the
you are wearing today: Today, Remember that the present weather in their own town.
I’m wearing a shirt and trousers, continuous is formed with the
etc. present form of the verb to be, ▪ Students work individually.
as an auxiliary verb, and the ▪ They share their paragraphs
▪ Students imagine they are continuous form of the verb (-ing)
form. in pairs.
going on a trip. Ask: What is
important to consider before I am/’m Extra Activity (10 minutes)
a trip? (The destination and You are Run a class vote to find out
its weather, the clothes they He/ She/ It is/’s wearing a students’ favourite paragraph.
are bringing, where they are Each student presents their
staying, etc.) We jacket. paragraph and the students vote.
They are/’re
▪ Elicit ideas and write them on are/’re

the board. T143

▪ Students look at the photos

and discuss if they know
where these places are.

▪ Students look at the weather

icons and describe the
weather in each place.

▪ Review the model and

questions and give examples.

▪ In groups students choose one

of the places and decide what
clothes they have to bring
according to the weather.

Suggested answers
If you go to Tunja, you need
underwear, a shirt/blouse,
trousers, socks, a scarf, a jacket,
If you go to Zapatoca, you need
underwear, a t-shirt, trousers /
skirt, socks, shoes, a jacket.
If you go to Villavicencio, you
need underwear, a t-shirt, shorts/
skirt, a dress.
If you go to Cucunubá, you
need underwear, a shirt/blouse,
trousers, socks, a scarf, a jacket,

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

3. Write Complete the chart with what your friends are wearing today.

Friend’s name Clothes

4. Speak Read and answer the questions.

What’s the weather like in the different seasons? What clothes are the people wearing?
Which weather is more similar to the weather in your hometown?

Other Useful spring


hot cold


warm cool winter

5. Read Describe the weather for each season.

Spring: In spring, the weather is . Summer: In summer, it is .
It can be too. The temperature is . It can be too. The temperature is .

Autumn: In autumn, the weather is and . Winter: In winter, the weather is
The temperature is . and the temperature is very .

144 6. Read Read and tick (✔) true (T) or false (F).

We have seasons because the Earth moves around the sun. When certain parts of the
Earth are close to the sun, they are warm.

The Earth moves, so when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere, it’s winter in the
southern hemisphere.

Some regions of the Earth do not have the four seasons; for example, the areas in the
poles and the areas in the middle. Colombia does not have the four seasons because it
is in the Equatorial zone of the earth. In Colombia, the weather depends on the altitude
and each region has a relatively permanent temperature during the year.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U2.indd 144 02/12/2016 08:56

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

3. Write ▪ Students discuss which 6. Read

(25 minutes) weather is more similar to (35 minutes)
the weather in their town ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Before doing the exercise, and what clothes they usually ▪ Students read the text and
students describe what a use a dictionary to find the
friend is wearing today. (If Suggested answers meaning of the words in red.
your school has a uniform, In spring the weather is warm. Discuss them as a class.
students draw themselves The mother is wearing a hat,
wearing their favourite clothes trousers and a blouse. The girl is ▪ Go over the sentences as a
and then do the exercise as wearing a blouse and trousers.
follows.) In summer the weather is hot. class.
They are wearing swimsuits.
▪ Read the rubric. In autumn the weather is cool. ▪ Students read the text again.
▪ Students practise the The children are wearing jackets, ▪ In pairs, they decide if the
sweaters, and trousers. One girl is
vocabulary related to clothes wearing a hat and a scarf. sentences (a–e) are true or
by describing what their In winter the weather is cold. false.
classmates are wearing today. The girl is wearing a jacket, a hat,
gloves, a scarf and trousers. Answer Key
▪ They walk around the a. F, b. T, c. T, d. F, e. T.
5. Read
classroom asking three friends Extra Activity (40 minutes)
and taking notes. (15 minutes) Students make a collage about
▪ Read the rubric. the four seasons. They can do
▪ Students report back their ▪ Students do this exercise this in pairs or groups. They
need magazines, newspapers,
answers. individually or in pairs. cardboard and marker pens. Have
students divide the cardboard
Extra Activity (40 minutes) ▪ They read the sentences using into four sections, one for each
season. Then, have them find
Have students research the the images as cues. pictures that reflect the weather
typical costumes of another and clothing of each season.
country. They find a picture and ▪ Students share their answers They cut them out, stick them
draw the costume, then describe on the board and write a short
the clothes. You may want to as a class. description. Have students
consider the following traditional present their collages to the class.
costumes: Answer Key
a. Japanese kimono In spring the weather is sunny. It T144
b. The traditional Bavarian can be rainy too. The temperature
is warm.
costume from Germany. In summer it is sunny. It can be
c. The traditional Inca costume stormy too. The temperature is
from Peru. In autumn the weather is windy
and rainy. The temperature is
Students present their drawings cool.
to the class. In winter the weather is snowy
and the temperature is very cold.
4. Speak
Extra Activity (20 minutes)
(25 minutes) Students write a text similar
to the one in exercise 5. They
▪ Students read the instructions describe each season using similar
logos. They then read their texts
of the exercise first. to a partner. The other students
must guess which season they are
▪ Students look in groups at describing.

the photos and describe the
weather and the clothes the
people are wearing.

▪ Go over vocabulary in the

Useful Words box to describe
the temperature during each
season (for example: ‘In spring,
the weather is rainy and cool.’)

▪ Students read the questions.

module 4 // Unit 2

True False

a. Colombia has four seasons.
b. The seasons depend on the Earth’s movement around the

sun and on itself.
c. When a region in the Earth is close to the sun, it is warm.
d. Colombia is in the polar zone of the Earth.
e. In Colombia, the weather depends on the altitude.

79 7. Listen Listen to some children from around the world and complete the chart.

Name: Name: Name:
Place: Place: Place:
Weather: Weather: Weather:
Clothes: Clothes: Clothes:
Month: Month: Month:

8. Speak Look and be one of the people. Talk about the clothes you’re wearing
and describe the weather.

145 Natalie Jocelyn

Fernando Dhruv

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U2.indd 145 02/12/2016 08:56

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

7. Listen 8. Speak

(25 minutes) track 79 (30 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Students look at the flags and

and describe the clothes the identify where the children in
children are wearing. Can they the photos are from.
guess the season?
▪ Students work in groups of
▪ Play the audio. Students listen
four and write notes about
and take notes. each child using the notes
from exercise 7 as a model.
▪ Students compare their
▪ They pretend they are one of
answers in pairs.
the children in the photos.
Answer Key
Angie: Australia, sunny, t-shirt, ▪ Encourage students to be
December. Susan: Chicago,
windy and cool, hat and sweater, creative and include extra
October. Yoshi: Japan, sunny and information.
cool, sweater, April.
Suggested answers
Audio Script 79 My name is Natalie. I am from
Australian girl: Hello! My the United States. I am American.
I am wearing a hat and a jacket.
name’s Angie and I live in Australia. The weather is cold and snowy.
It’s winter.
It’s December now and it’s sunny My name is Fernando. I am from
Brazil. I am Brazilian. I am wearing
and very, very hot! I wear a T-shirt a t-shirt and a shirt. The weather
is cloudy and windy.
every day. My name is Jocelyn. I am from
New Zealand. I am a New
American girl: My name’s Susan. I live Zealander. I am wearing a dress.
The weather is rainy.
in Chicago. Right now, it’s October. My name is Dhruv. I am from
India. I am Indian. I am wearing a
The weather’s windy and cool. I’m t-shirt. The weather is sunny.

wearing a hat and a sweater.

Japanese boy: Hi! My name’s Yoshi

and I’m Japanese. It’s now April in

Japan. It’s sunny and cool. I wear a

sweater every day!

Extra Activity (30 minutes) Extra Activity (35 minutes)

Students listen to the audio Students look at a world map
again and discuss in groups the and choose another country.
questions below: They research the weather and
pretend they are living there for
What month does Angie mention? a time. They take notes and then
(December.) describe the weather and the
clothes they have to wear.
What season is it? Why? (It’s
summer, because Australia is in the T145
southern hemisphere.)

According to Angie, what’s summer
like in Australia? (It’s very hot.)

What month does Susan mention?

What’s the season? (It’s autumn.)

What month does Yoshi mention?

What’s the season? (It’s spring.)

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » What’s the Traditional
Costume in your Region?

1. Speak Look at the pictures. Discuss where the people are from and what
they are wearing.

Colombian Festival

2. Speak In pairs, discuss the questions. 21st Century Skills
· Communicating
146 a. What’s the weather in your region like?
b. What’s the traditional costume in your region? Do you ever wear the traditional
c. What’s the name of a traditional dance in costume of your region?

your region?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M4U2.indd 146 02/12/2016 08:57

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Speak 2. Speak

(50 minutes)  (20 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Discuss with students what a ▪ Students discuss the

festival is. (An event in which questions in pairs. Students
an aspect or different aspects talk about the weather, the
of a culture are celebrated.) traditional costumes, and
a traditional dance of their
▪ Students look at the photos region.

and say where the people ▪ If they don’t know the
might be from.
answers, students research
▪ Students look at the photos and find out more about a
traditional costume and dance
and describe the clothes. of their region.

▪ Discuss the answers as a class. ▪ Students share ideas a class.

21st Century skills Extra Activity (45 minutes)
Have students research one
Read the text and questions. of the dances presented in
Students discuss in groups the exercise 1. If possible, have
questions below: them watch a video about it
Are there any festivals where and try to imitate it. This can be
they live? a fun activity done in groups.
What do people usually wear? You can also give each group
What do they do and eat? one of the dances and, using
Is there a special music during the the corresponding music, have
event? each group dance. Students also
describe the clothes they need
for each dance.


module 4 // Unit 2

3. Write Label the clothes. Then, compare with a partner.

Traditional Dress For Joropo In Los Llanos Orientales

Word Bank ___________________________


___________________________ ___________________________

80 4. Speak Look, listen and compare. Word Bank

5. Speak Draw the traditional costume of your region. Label the clothes and
describe them.

147 The traditional costume of
Final task activity! my region is…

The woman wears… and the
man wears…

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