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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 12:47:31

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 6°

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Read 7. Write 8. Speak

(25 minutes) (20 minutes) (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric out loud or
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Put students in pairs. You
▪ Ask students if they know any ask a student to read it.
could pair high achievers with
famous swimmers, either local ▪ Make sure they understand low achievers to balance each
or international. Elicit some pair. Then, assign roles: one
of their names (for example, they have to role-play an student will be the sports
Michael Phelps, Omar Pinzón, interview with a famous star and the other will be the
etc.). athlete. It can be any sport or interviewer.
discipline, as long as it is a
▪ Give students some time to real one. ▪ Ask the sports stars to get

read the text and understand ▪ Point out the Useful ready to answer their partners’
the information. questions.
Expressions box. Students
▪ Students read the sentences write questions similar ▪ Ask them to role-play their
to those in the Useful
below the text and tick True Expressions box. interviews, paying special to
or False. Tell them to make fluency and intonation.
sure that their answers are ▪ Allow enough time for
supported by information in ▪ Go around the classroom
the text. interviewers to prepare
their questions. Make sure monitoring students’ work.
▪ Check the answers with everybody has questions Praise them for the great work
to ask. they are doing.
the class by asking different
students to read each Extra Activity (10 minutes) ▪ Make pairs switch roles and
statement and say if it is
true or false. Invite students to the front of the do the activity again. The
class to read their questions. Tell idea is that they are different
Extra Activity (10 minutes) students to pretend they are a real people in every opportunity,
interviewer on the television. taking advantage of students’
Run a class vote to find out imagination when they choose
students’ similarities or differences their characters.
with the routine described in the
text. Do they wake up early? Do Extra Activity (20 minutes)
they do any sports?
Invite two students to the front
Answer Key of the class to perform their
1. True interview. Tell students to pretend
2. False. First, he has breakfast. they are real interviewers and
sports stars on the television.
Then, he takes a shower.
3. False. He has breakfast at Ask students to vote for their
favourite interview.
4. True
5. False: He usually has dinner at

6.30, but sometimes he is late.


module 2 // Unit 3

Expanding Knowledge » Is that Healthy?

1. Read Answer the questions in the survey about being healthy and tell your

partner your results.

Republic of Colombia School I have a healthy routine. In the
morning, I always have breakfast,
Always Sometimes Hardly
ever I have a shower and I ...

In the morning
1. Do you have breakfast?
2. Do you have a shower and

brush your teeth?
3. Do you have a fruit snack?

In the afternoon
4. Do you watch TV for less

than one hour a day?
5. Do you drink a lot of

6. Do you do exercise?

In the evening
7. Do you eat vegetables?
8. Do you share time with

your family?
9. Do you sleep seven or

eight hours per day?

Understand your results!

7-9 always 3-6 sometimes 5-7 hardly ever
You have a Your routine is not It’s time to make
healthy routine. a change! You’re
so balanced.
not healthy!

43 2. Listen Listen to Luz and Ramiro talking about their routines. Write in blue the
healthy activities and in red the unhealthy ones.

Luz is a student from Ráquira, Boyacá. 21st Century Skills

73 She brushes her teeth three times a day. · Critical Thinking
She likes to drink water. On Fridays, she
sometimes watches four hours of TV. Identifying what is healthy or
She likes to eat hot dogs and burgers with unhealthy helps you to have a
her brothers. On Saturdays and Sundays,
balanced life.

she usually plays sports.

Ramiro’s a student from Medellín.
He always eats burgers or pizza, but he
likes to eat fruit as a snack. He sometimes
goes swimming and runs in the park. He
plays video games on Sundays, sometimes
all morning.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3_OK.indd 73 29/12/16 3:19 p.m.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Read 2. Listen Answer Key

(20 minutes) (15 minutes) track 43 Routines

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. Healthy Unhealthy
▪ Check that students ▪ Students write in blue the activities activities

understand the vocabulary healthy activities and the ▪ She brushes ▪ She
and check any pronunciation. unhealthy ones in red.
her teeth watches a
▪ Allow enough time for ▪ Play the track once so that three times lot TV.
a day.
students to read the survey students get the general idea. ▪ She eats
and write the answers. ▪ She likes to
▪ Ask students to read along hot dogs
Grammar Box drink water. and
Adverbs of Frequency and try to imitate the burgers.
intonation and the pace of the ▪ She plays
We express the frequency of audio track. ▪ He eats
our actions with expressions like sports.
always, sometimes, hardly ever Extra Activity (5 minutes) burgers
and never. These expressions are ▪ He eats fruit or pizza.
called adverbs of frequency and Use a ‘T chart’. This is a chart
they have an invariable position with two columns in which as a snack. ▪ He plays
in the sentence. information is easily recorded and
can be used later. Ask students to ▪ He goes video
copy the following chart in their games.
notebooks: swimming
and runs in
the park.

Person Adverb of Action Audio Script 43
ROUTINES Woman: Luz is a student from

Healthy Unhealthy Ráquira, Boyacá. She brushes her
activities activities
I always drink teeth three times a day. She likes

water to drink water. On Fridays, she

in the sometimes watches four hours of

mornings. TV. She likes to eat hot dogs and

Tell students they will have to burgers with her brothers. On
complete their chart with the
She sometimes reads corresponding information. Saturdays and Sundays, she usually
▪ Ask volunteers to come plays sports.

to the board and write Man: Ramiro’s a student from
their sentences. Ask other
We hardly ever play volunteers to read them and Medellín. He always eats burgers
sports. check pronunciation and
intonation patterns. or pizza, but he likes to eat fruit

21st Century Skills as a snack. He sometimes goes
Critical Thinking
You never eat pasta. swimming and runs in the park.
Knowing what activities
constitute healthy or unhealthy He plays video games on Sundays,
practices helps us to have a more
balanced life. This does not mean sometimes all morning.
that we should control every
▪ Check the answers as a class single activity we do, but at least T73
to understand that there must be
by asking different students to variety and balance of the things
read their results. Provide the we do in our daily routines. Such
following model: balance of life is only possible
when we decide to start making
According to the survey, I have a some changes and follow a
healthy routine. I always … healthier routine.

I’m not so healthy. I sometimes …

My routine is not healthy.
I hardly ever/never …

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

44 3. Listen Listen and complete the chart. Then, write what healthy and unhealthy
4. routines Gina has.

Final task

Healthy activities Unhealthy activities
... ...

Gina has some
healthy routines.
For example, she ...

Speak Describe each picture and say which activities are very good or not so
good for your body.
2.  3. 

swimming eating a burger studying in bed
4.  5.  6. 

going to bed late using dental floss eating fruits and
7.   8.  vegetables


staying in all day drinking fizzy drinks washing your hands

74 5. Speak Say which activities in exercise 4 you do. Say who has a healthy routine
in your group.

I always go swimming on I sometimes eat a burger
holiday. It’s really good on Saturdays. It isn’t so

for me. good for me.

I never go swimming. Yes. And she’s … it’s …
I don’t like it. It isn’t so for your body.

good for me.

In my group, Carla has a He’s swimming. It’s very
healthy routine. good for your body!

She likes to ... and ...

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Listen 4. Speak 5. Speak

(15 minutes) track 44 (15 minutes) (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Check students understand ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students copy the chart in ▪ Before getting students to
the vocabulary.
their notebooks. work, ask four volunteers to
▪ Students write down their read the model provided.
▪ Play the track once, allowing
ideas and then share with ▪ Put students in groups of four
students to take notes of key a partner.
words in each column. or five. They tell their group
Extra Activity (5 minutes) which of the activities they
▪ Play the track again, asking Always provide models for do (or don’t do) and say how
conversation exchange. For often.
students to complete example, for this activity, you
the chart. could use the following model: ▪ After every member of the

▪ Ask students to check their A: Swimming’s good for my body. group has spoken, they should
B: I know! I love swimming. But decide who has the healthiest
answers in pairs. lifestyle.
eating a burger isn’t so good
▪ Allow enough time for for my body. ▪ Ask a student to report their
A: You’re right. And …
students to write down the group’s findings. Continue the
information in their notebooks Extra Activity (15 minutes) activity until all the groups
and finish the exercise by Students follow the model have had the chance to
asking different volunteers provided and give more describe the healthiest person
to read the healthy and information by saying why each in their group.
unhealthy routines Gina has. activity is good (or not so good)
for their body. They will have to
▪ Tell students that ‘unhealthy’ give a logical reason and should
try to recycle vocabulary from
activities are only bad when previous lessons.
they are done a lot. It is fine to For example:
go and have a burger or stay
up late every once in a while, A: Swimming’s good for my
as long as it doesn’t become a body because it helps me to
part of their routine. be strong.

Answer Key Unhealthy B: I know! I love swimming. But
activities eating a burger isn’t so good
Healthy for my body because it has a
activities ▪ She drinks lot of unhealthy ingredients.

▪ She rides a lot of
fizzy drinks.
her bike.
▪ She eats
▪ She plays
a lot of
volleyball or chocolates.
▪ She eats


▪ She eats

a big

Audio Script 44 T74

My name’s Gina. I live in Boyacá,

a little town near Bogotá. I always ride

my bike to school because it’s nearby.

I drink a lot of fizzy drinks because

I’m thirsty all the time. At school, I

sometimes eat a lot of chocolates. At

the weekend, I like to eat pizza with

my family and we go to the park to

play volleyball or basketball. At night,

I sometimes eat a big sandwich. I feel

really hungry at night!

module 2 // Unit 3

6. Speak You’re planning activities for this year. Say the activities that you
can do in the months of the year.

In June, we can
have a healthy


In May, we have
Mother’s Day.

We have lots of fun
activities this year.

Our final class is on
11 November.

7. Write With your class, make a list of important dates. Use a calendar to help you.

Teacher’s Day is Darío’s birthday is on ... 21st Century Skills
on 15 May. · Information Literacy

75 Knowing about important dates helps
you to plan your activities. Are you
familiar with the special days in your
country? When are they?
Do you celebrate them?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 75 01/12/2016 14:08

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

6. Speak 7. Write 21st Century Skills
Information Literacy
(10 minutes) (30 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Knowing about our own history
▪ Ask different students to ▪ Read the rubric. and important dates helps us
▪ Ask students how much they to plan our lives, feel more
read the models and focus proud of being Colombian and
students’ attention on the know about national holidays celebrating our diversity. It is not
words in red. or important dates. Which obligatory to memorize all the
ones can they name? dates in a calendar, but at least
Grammar Box to be familiar with some of them
Prepositions of Time ▪ Ask students to work in (the ones that are relevant for
students’ lives).
When we talk about the month in groups of three and give them
which we do an activity, we use three minutes to make a list of
the preposition in. When we talk important dates in Colombia
about the month and the day in with the exact dates.
which we do the activity, we use
the preposition on, and an ordinal ▪ Ask for a volunteer from each
group to read their sentences.
Month Month and
day ▪ Write a list of all the important

We fly kites There’s a dates on the board and ask
in August. party on 2 students to raise their hand if
August. they celebrate them.

My family My sister Extra Activity (15 minutes)
celebrates celebrates
Christmas in her Tell students to make a big
December. birthday on calendar for the year (or do
6 January. it month per month as the
academic year goes by) with
▪ Go around the class the information of the activity
in English and put it up on one
monitoring students’ work. of the classroom walls. At the
beginning of every month,
they can check what important
activities or celebrations they
have during that month and say
how they will celebrate them.


Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » The Healthy Day

45 1. Listen Listen to a report about the routines of Colombian students.

Complete the diagram. Then, compare with a partner.

How 1.  4.  How
of te n? of te n?
... ...

How 2.  Healthy Unhealthy 5.  How
of te n? routines routines of te n?

How 3.  6.  How
of te n? of te n?
... ...

In Colombia, Aha! But students don’t
students like … like … That’s unhealthy.
That’s healthy.

2. Speak Talk to a partner and describe your healthy/unhealthy routines

at school/home.

I have some healthy I have some unhealthy
routines at school. routines at home.
For example, I … For example, I …

3. Speak Use the information to describe the routine of a Colombian student.

Ramiro is from Bogotá

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

√√ √ √ √
in the in the in the
Watch TV in the in the afternoon morning morning
7 6 afternoon afternoon

Brush teeth √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3 times 3 times 3 times 3 times 3 times 3 times 3 times

Drink water √ √
2 times 3 times

Play video √ √ √ Ramiro sometimes
games in the in the all day watches TV in the
afternoon evening
Do sports √ afternoons, he
√ in the always brushes his
Chat with in the morning teeth three times
friends evening
a day. He …
√ √
in the in the √
afternoon afternoon at night

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 76 01/12/2016 14:08

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Listen Audio Script 45 3. Speak

(15 minutes) track 45 The results of the study of our (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. Ask students
students’ routines by The National ▪ Read the rubric.
if they are familiar with the ▪ Encourage students to pay
general routines of Colombian Ministry of Education are very
students. Are they healthy or close attention to the number
unhealthy? interesting. A lot of our students don’t of times an activity is repeated
because it can make the
▪ Ask students to copy the exercise enough. Our elementary difference between saying
usually or sometimes.
diagrams in their notebooks school students exercise three times
and focus on the information ▪ Students share their ideas
they have to listen to. a week in the break, but the high
in pairs.
▪ Play the track once and allow school students don’t exercise in the
Extra Activity (5 minutes)
students to take notes on break, they often eat snacks and talk.
key words in each part of the Introduce once and twice. Tell
diagram. Students don’t drink enough water. students that once means just
one time and twice means two
▪ Play the track again. Students They drink fizzy drinks about four times. Model with a couple of
examples about yourself, and
complete their diagrams. times a week at school. At home, the then practise with some ideas
from the exercise: I always wash
▪ Go over the model. Students situation is different. Students drink my hair twice a week. I usually eat
pizza once a month.
work in pairs and compare juice or water six times a week. This
their answers.
is much better. Most students go
Answer Key
to bed late two times a week, this
Healthy routines:
1. exercise – three times a week makes them go to school feeling tired.
2. drink juice or water – six times
Students like to wash their hands
a week
3. wash hands before lunch – before lunch every day. As we can

every day see, these results are important. We

Unhealthy routines: have to start promoting healthy habits
4. eat snacks (and talk) – usually
5. drink fizzy drinks – three or in ALL our Colombian students.

four times a week 2. Speak
6. go to bed late – twice a week
(20 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students work in pairs and

describe some of their
healthy/unhealthy routines
both at home and at school.

▪ Go around the class

monitoring students’
work. Make any necessary
corrections and encourage
students to use English as
much as possible.

▪ Check students’ ideas by

asking them to say their
healthy/unhealthy activities to
the rest of the class.

Extra Activity (5 minutes) T76

Ask students about healthy/
unhealthy routines some
members of their families have.

module 2 // Unit 3

4. Write Think about ideas to start healthy routines at school and at home.
Make a list and show it to your class.

Final task At home … 21st Century Skills
activity! I can drink a glass of · Initiative
I can use the stairs. Making a change in your life is
the first step to having a more
At school … balanced life. Are you realistic
I can play a different about your initiatives? Are they
sport in the break.
I can … easy to start today?

46 5. Listen Listen to the description of a health project in a public school in Bosa.
Choose the correct answers, a, b or c.

1. What’s the name of the project? a. The Healthy Project

2. What do students do at the b. The Healthy Week
beginning of the project?
c. The Healthy School
3. Who participates in the project?
a. Make a list of unhealthy habits
4. What activities do they have in b. Speak to friends about unhealthy habits
the project? c. Stop unhealthy habits
a. Students and teachers
5. Does the project work? b. Teachers and parents
c. Students, parents and teachers
a. Change healthy habits
b. Promote healthy habits
c. Explain healthy habits
a. Yes, with no problems
b. Yes, with some problems
c. No, with many problems


Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 77 01/12/2016 14:08

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

4. Write 5. Listen Audio Script 46

(30 minutes) (15 minutes) track 46 Hey! My name’s Arturo and I’m
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Ask students if they know a student in sixth grade at Bosa’s La
▪ Students write a minimum
where Bosa is. How many Estancia School. In our school, we
of three sentences about places do they know in
themselves. Encourage them Bogotá? Can they list ten of have a project called the Healthy
to write more if they can. them?
Week. It consists of some simple
▪ Ask students to read the Extra Activity (5 minutes)
activities to promote healthy habits.
model to see how ideas are Bring a map of Bogotá to class
organized. and show students the areas of At the beginning, we make a list of
the city. Which is the biggest
▪ Allow enough time for area? Where is their school what we think the unhealthy habits
students to come up with are in our school. There are usually
their own ideas, helping them You might want to leave the
when necessary. map on the wall for a few days lots of habits, but we make a top five
and then, in another class, take
▪ Ask different students to it down and see if students can and then we choose a week of the
remember it by trying to draw it
read their texts out loud. on the board. year to do the activities. For example,
Praise them for their great
cooperative work and ▪ Ask students to read the this year we have the healthy week in
continue with other students.
questions and options before October because during Halloween,
21st Century Skills listening to the recording.
Initiative Do they understand all the students don’t eat healthily.
People who want to promote Everybody in the community can
a more balanced lifestyle make ▪ Play the track once allowing
decisions to start healthier take part in the project, because we
routines at home, school or at students to tick the answers
work. The first step is to have the they understood with just one are all responsible for our health. We
initiative and start with simple listening.
steps. One by one, each step will have a campaign to promote healthy
help us the expected outcomes. ▪ Play the track again and
Such initiative is always welcome, habits. We have to promote them and
provided the ideas are logical, ask students to check their
realistic and achievable. previous answers. explain them in each classroom during

▪ Check the answers by asking that week. The idea is to improve

different students to read people’s habits. Sometimes it’s
the questions and their
corresponding answer. The difficult. It’s hard for people to change
rest of the class has to say
right or wrong. their unhealthy habits in a short time,

and it’s just one week in the year,

people forget about the campaigns.

In conclusion, it’s a very interesting

activity in our school. Do you like it?

Answer Key
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. b


Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Write Plan a Healthy Day at your school. Choose one unhealthy habit, the
month, the day and the activities to do that day.

OOuurrHHeeaaltlthhy WWeeeekk We can have our healthy day in
November before the holidays.
MontDh:a .t.e. : Month________
Day: ... Great idea! We can
UnhealthyDhaayb_it_t_o_s_t_o_p_: promote healthy
habits in sports.
... Unhealthy habit to stop
T_h_r_e_e_a_c_t_iv_i_ti_e_s_to__d_o_t_h_a_t_d_a_y_: __ We can have healthy

3 Activities to do that day We can make
posters, too!

7. Speak Present your Healthy Day to the class. Vote for your favourite idea.

Final task activity! Our healthy day is
on ….

We want people
to stop …

First, we plan to …
Then, …
Finally, …

47 8. Listen Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers. Listen to the pronunciation of the

th sound. Practise with a partner.


Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3_OK.indd 78 29/12/16 3:27 p.m.

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Write 8. Listen

(40 minutes) (10 minutes) track 47
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Put students in groups of ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Remind students to focus on
three or four, making sure
there are high achievers and the -th sound at the end of
low achievers in every group. the ordinal numbers.

▪ Students decide on the ▪ Play the track once for

unhealthy habit they want to students to get familiar with it.
▪ Play it again, stopping after
▪ Students choose a day and
each number. Ask students
a month, and discuss what to repeat. Exaggerate the
activities they think could be pronunciation of each ordinal
part of that day. number with your mouth
so that students can notice
▪ Ask students to read the the way the -th sound is
model and follow it.
▪ Get students to work in pairs
▪ Students write their ideas in
reading the numbers out loud
an organized way to be ready and practising pronunciation.
to present them to class.
Audio Script 47
Extra Activity (10 minutes) first
second T78
Tell the teams that everybody third
should know about the Healthy fourth
Day of each group because fifth
anybody can be chosen to sixth
present the information. seventh
Students should practise their eighth
presentations in front of each ninth
other before actually presenting it tenth
to the whole class. eleventh
7. Speak thirteenth
(30 minutes) fifteenth
▪ Read the rubric. sixteenth
▪ Students present their Healthy seventeenth
Day ideas to their classmates. nineteenth
▪ Go around taking notes twenty-first
on students’ performance, twenty-third
noticing any common twenty-fourth
mistakes. twenty-fifth
▪ Students present their ideas to twenty-seventh
the whole class. Ask students twenty-ninth
to vote for their favourite thirtieth
proposal and say why. thirty-first

module 2 // Unit 3

48 Chant

Activities are exciting

Activities are exciting.
What do you enjoy?
Dancing or hiking?
Or playing with your toys?

On Mondays I play basketball.
On Tuesdays I go swimming.
On Wednesdays I draw pictures
And on Thursdays I like singing.

On Fridays I play football,
It´s the start of the weekend.
On Saturdays and Sundays
I go dancing with my friends.

Activities are exciting. …

In the mornings I take care,
I brush my teeth and comb my hair.
Eat healthy food and wash my hands,

Then I´m ready to make plans.

I ride my bike to the school.
I wear my helmet in case I fall.
I wear kneepads and my gloves
And my glasses that I really love!

Activities are exciting. …

I really love to exercise.
When I play football I use my eyes.

I use my elbows and my hands
7 9 To play an instrument in my band.

I use my legs to run up the stairs.
I use my arms to brush my hair.
I play at the playground at my school
And use the laboratory, it´s really cool!

Activities are exciting. …

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 79 01/12/2016 14:08

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

Chant: Activities are exciting

Lesson 4 The parts of the body that soap and water
are included in this chant are: ▪ ready to make plans –
Speak teeth, hair, hands, knee(pads),
eyes, elbows, hands, legs, arms. mime rolling up your
(5 minutes)  sleeves
Listen ▪ ride my bike – mime
Before playing the audio for riding a bike, pedalling
the chant, ask your student (10 minutes) track 48 (sit down for this!)
what they think the chant is ▪ wear my helmet, kneepads
about. Ask them to tell you Play the audio recording of and gloves – mime
which words they can read the chant. Listen through as a putting on a helmet,
that helps them to understand whole group a couple of times kneepads and gloves
the theme of the chant. If before encouraging students ▪ football – mime kicking
there are any items of vo- to adopt actions for some of a ball
cabulary that students don’t the lines, and gradually help ▪ parts of the body (e.g.
understand, see if anyone in them with pronunciation and elbows, hands, legs, arms)
the class can explain it either rhythm to ensure that, after – point to the relevant
in English, or in their own one or two more listens, they body part.
language. are able to chant along with all
the words. Once students are getting
Recap the days of the week Get your students to suggest more confident with the
and months of the year, and actions for the chant them- words to the chant, set them
ask students to shout out all selves, as this will help them different challenges each time
the different activities they to personalise the content and they listen to it. Challenge
can read in the text. memorise the words more eas- them to miss out words for
ily. Here are a few suggestions sports – get them just to mime
At this point, you may also to help you get started: them instead, or challenge
choose to recap the different them to miss out all the verbs.
parts of the body, so an un- ▪ dancing – mime dancing Choose a different category
usual and fun way to start this on the spot each time to keep them
lesson might be to play a game concentrating on a different
with your students where you ▪ hiking – mime hiking aspect of the chant each time.
call out a body part, and they with ski poles up a steep
have to point to it on them- slope T79
selves. To make it more chal-
lenging (and to get a clearer ▪ brush my teeth – mime
idea of how well your students teeth clenched, brushing
know their body vocabulary), your teeth
tell your students to close
their eyes so that they are not ▪ brush my hair – mime
influenced by their neighbours. someone brushing their

▪ wash my hands – mime
washing your hands with

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Speak Match the activities and I use my legs to play football.

corresponding nouns.

1 play football my legs
2 play an instrument my legs
3 run upstairs my arms
4 brush hair my arms
5 play at the playground my arms and legs
6 dancing my eyes
7 watch TV my whole body

2. Read Look at the table. Complete the sentences.

Monday Me Charlie Juana and My mum
Tuesday Helene
Wednesday football sing work in a laboratory
Thursday play guitar in my dance
Friday draw pictures
band ride bikes work in a laboratory
dance with friends basketball work in a laboratory
play in the work in a laboratory

dance with friends work in a laboratory

1. On Mondays, Charlie sings .

2. On , Helena and Juana ride bikes.

3. Mum works in a laboratory .

4. On Fridays, dance with friends.

5. On Tuesdays, play guitar in my band.

6. On , I play in the playground.

80 3. Write When do you do these activities? Write

every day on Mondays on Tuesdays on Wednesdays on Thursdays on Fridays
at the weekend on Saturdays on Sundays in the morning at lunchtime in the evening

football play an instrument run upstairs brush hair play at the playground dance
play with toys hike brush my teeth go to school learn English play in a band

I go to school every day. I learn English on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I play
an instrument after school on Thursdays and play in a band at the weekend.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 80 01/12/2016 14:08

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Speak 3. Write

(5 minutes) (15 minutes)

Activity 1 is a speaking exer- Activity 3 is a creative writing
cise that requires students to activity where students are
match activities and corre- told to write about their own
sponding parts of the body. weekly timetable. Encourage
Divide the class into pairs and students to be as creative as
get each pair to complete the possible with this activity, and
speaking activity together. to make up answers if they
need to (if, for example, they
For students that finish this don’t have any hobbies).
activity quickly, encourage
them to think of different Extra Activity (5 minutes)
sports that don’t appear in the Ask students to reflect on what
chant, and to say what they they have learnt since the start
use to do those sports. of the lesson. Get them to write
down any new vocabulary in their
2. Read notebooks.

For students that finish T80
activity 2 quickly, or as an
additional homework activity,
you can ask students to use
the information in the table to
make questions and answers
sentences about what each
person does, e.g.

▪ What do you do
on Mondays? ~ On
Mondays, I play football.

▪ What do Juana and
Helene do on Mondays?
~ On Mondays, Juana
and Helene dance.

▪ What does mum do
on Tuesdays? ~ On
Tuesdays, mum works in
a laboratory.

▪ What does Charlie do
on Wednesdays? ~ On
Wednesdays, Charlie
draws pictures.

module 2 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Describe your routine using the pictures. Iacnadnpdeersscornibael chaarbeits

Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

2. Write Look at the clocks and write when you
do these activities.
I wake up at ...

aI ncadntheexpdraeyssswthheetnimes
I do activities.

Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

3. Speak Think of a person you like very
much and tell your partners about
8 1 his/her routines.
I can exchange personal
I like Michael Phelps. He information about
starts his day with a big daily activities.
breakfast and then he
goes to the pool … Very well
Quite well
With difficulty

Colombia_Book 6_L6M2U3.indd 81 01/12/2016 14:09

Module // 2 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Speak 2. Write 3. Speak

(15 minutes) (25 minutes) (20 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Allow enough time for ▪ Focus students’ attention on ▪ Give students one minute to

students to look at the the images and ask them if think about the person they
pictures and identify the they know which vocabulary will talk about and organize
vocabulary they need to use. they need to do the activity. their ideas.
Give students two minutes
▪ Students work in groups of to prepare their ideas ▪ Students work in pairs.
individually. ▪ After they finish the exercise,
three and share their routines.
Focus students’ attention on ▪ Students write the times and help them reflect upon their
fluency and intonation, since performance in the exercise
they have already studied this the activities in complete and complete their reflection
vocabulary in the unit. sentences. chart.

▪ After they finish the exercise, ▪ After they finish the exercise,

help them reflect upon their help them reflect upon their
performance in the exercise performance in the exercise
and complete their reflection and complete their reflection
chart. chart.


Module // 2 Review

Battleships Game

pia(n2no tsipnhwltaesey brwe otrihsxn)e seP .qvueutre 5ys ttsiihominpe;s iy foo ynuo tuhh ieat n abs oswhaeirpdr ca(1on rdbr eogcxet tfl yo1,r y peooauicn hct.a sTnhh ifpeir) e.f i Srase tmle picsltas yialee br. o Ptxou atg neadnt 5X

1A. How many teeth do we have? 1I. Do you always have breakfast?
1B. Say what you usually do on Wednesday. 1J. What time do you wake up?
1C. Can a firefighter teach a class at school? If 2A. Name 2 activities you can do in different

not, what can they do? parts of your school.
1D. Name 1 activity you can do in October. 2B. Name 2 unhealthy activities.
1E. Do you like roller skating? What is your 2C. How often do you have a fruit snack?
2D. Name 3 places in your school.
opinion about it? 2E. Do you always brush your teeth?
1F. What are students from your class doing 2F. Name 2 accidents that can happen at

to make a contribution to your school? your school.
1G. Can you play a sport?
1H. Name 2 sports you don’t like doing.

Player 1

82 D

SB6 MOD2 RPE pp82-87.indd 82 02/12/2016 09:57

module 2 // Review

2G. Some people throw rubbish on the 4D. How many feet do we have?
street; what can you do to be better?
4E. Name 2 activities you don’t like doing.
2H. Name 2 healthy activities.
2I. What sports are you good at? 4F. Can a paramedic put out a fire? If not,
2J. Do you like singing? Why or why not? what can they do?
3A. Do you like dolls? What is your opinion
4G. Do you like origami? What is your
about them? opinion about it?
3B. Can you play a musical instrument?
3C. Identify 1 problem you have at school 4H. What do you do in the afternoon on a
normal day?
and say what you can do to help solve it.
3D. What do you do in the morning on a 4I. Name a part of the body that you can
cut in an accident.
normal day?
3E. Name 3 parts of the body that you can 4J. Name 1 activity you can do in May.

hurt in an accident. 5A. Say what you usually do on Saturday.
3F. Do you sleep for 7 or 8 hours per day?
3G. How often do you drink fizzy drinks? 5B. How often do you use dental floss?
3H. What time do you go to bed?
3I. How often do you go to bed late? 5C. Do you like reading books? Why or why
3J. Say what you usually do on Sunday. not?
4A. Name 1 activity that is difficult for you.
4B. Do you always take a shower? 5D. Say what you usually do on Monday.
4C. How often do you eat burgers?
5E. What time do you do your homework?

5F. Name 1 activity that is interesting for you.

5G. Do you like model making? What is your
opinion about it?

5H. Name 2 activities you can’t do at school.

5I. How often do you exercise?

5J. Name 1 activity that is easy for you to do.

Player 2 83


SB6 MOD2 RPE pp82-87.indd 83 02/12/2016 09:57

Module // 2 Review

Battleship Game

(2 players) Each player positions 5 ships on the
board (1 box per ship). Players take turns to
select a box to fire missiles. Every box has a name
given by coordinates, for example 4G. Students
must answer the corresponding question for
the selected box; if they answer correctly, they
can fire a missile. Players get 1 point for every
opponent´s ship hit. Students put an X in the box
every time they hit a ship. The first player to get
5 points wins. Answers may vary, so circulate to
monitor the activity.


Module // 2 Review

Battleship Game Answers

Page 82-83 3F. Answers may vary. T83
3G. Answers may vary.
1A. 32 3H. Answers may vary.
1B. Answers may vary. 3I. Answers may vary.
1C. No, they can’t. Answers may vary. 3J. Answers may vary.
1D. Answers may vary. 4A. Answers may vary.
1E. Answers may vary. 4B. Answers may vary.
1F. Answers may vary. 4C. Answers may vary.
1G. Answers may vary. 4D. 2
1H. Answers may vary. 4E. Answers may vary.
1I. Answers may vary. 4F. No, they can’t. Answers may vary.
1J. Answers may vary. 4G. Answers may vary.
2A. Answers may vary. 4H. Answers may vary.
2B. Answers may vary. 4I. Answers may vary.
2C. Answers may vary. 4J. Answers may vary.
2D. Answers may vary. 5A. Answers may vary.
2E. Answers may vary. 5B. Answers may vary.
2F. Answers may vary. 5C. Answers may vary.
2G. Answers may vary. 5D. Answers may vary.
2H. Answers may vary. 5E. Answers may vary.
2I. Answers may vary. 5F. Answers may vary.
2J. Answers may vary. 5G. Answers may vary.
3A. Answers may vary. 5H. Answers may vary.
3B. Answers may vary. 5I. Answers may vary.
3C. Answers may vary. 5J. Answers may vary.
3D. Answers may vary.
3E. Answers may vary.

Module // 2 Final Task

Final Task

A Visual Campaign to Promote Healthy Habits

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module.

Use the checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
My Body Is an Amazing People Can Do a Lot of My Heath Care Routine

Machine! Things! Lesson 1, exercise 4
Daily routine
Lesson 1, exercise 8 Lesson 1, exercise 4 Lesson 2, exercise 5
Parts of the body Activities people like to do Identification of healthy
Lesson 2, exercises 5 and 7 Lesson 2, exercise 6 and unhealthy habits
Description of accidents Activities people are doing Lesson 3, exercise 4
and injuries for Colombia Proposal of ideas to
Lesson 3, exercise 4 Lesson 2, exercise 8 start a healthy routine
Ways to prevent accidents Description of what leaders are Lesson 3, exercise 7
doing in specific contexts Description of a
Lesson 3, exercise 7 healthy day
Identification of a school
problem and possible solution

We can work on unhealthy No! Let’s work with OK! So our final decision is to
habits at home. unhealthy habits at school! work on unhealthy habits at…

2. In groups of four, choose your context for the task: an unhealthy habit at home or at school.


• Questions about the unhealthy routine
• Questions about the frequency of that

unhealthy habit
• Questions about parts of the body that

can be affected by that unhealthy habit

Module 2 Final Task

A Visual Campaign to Promote Healthy Habits

1. 2.

10 5

minutes Ask students to read the minutes Put students into groups of
name of the module task. five (mix high achievers and
Explore what they think it low achievers).

is about and accept any answers from Students choose one habit they
students. want to fight. It could be at home or
at school. Ask them to tell you their
Explain what the visual campaign final decision so that each group
consists of and check they all has a different idea and there is no
understand it. Make sure they repetition of topics.
understand the purpose of the activity:
they have to promote a campaign
to reduce how often people do an
unhealthy habit/activity. It has to be
visual so everybody must use images.

Remind students that they have
already done some mini-tasks in the
three units of the module which will
help with this final task.

Students look back through the
units and find the mini-tasks they
completed. Use the checklist provided.


module 2 // Final Task

3. In your group, do a survey to get all the possible information about an unhealthy habit.

Include all the possible questions you studied in the module.

4. Hand out the survey and interview your classmates. Collect the answers in your notebook.

Make sure you have all the information.

5. In your group, prepare your campaign to promote healthy habits. Think of a possible idea

to change an unhealthy habit. Be creative!

A Visual Campaign to 21st Century Skills
Promote Healthy Habits · Initiative

Option 1: Do a play that Option 2: Make models to Do you take action for
promotes healthy habits. represent a healthy habit. positive changes in your
home or school? How do
you take the first step?

Make a script for your Present your play Use plasticine, cardboard, Present your model
play. Talk about the and encourage other figures or any other artistic and encourage
unhealthy habit and classes to adopt a element to make a visual other classes to
how to stop it. healthy routine. representation of the healthy adopt a healthy
habit. habit.

6. Follow the steps for your presentation choice. Option 2: A model

Option 1: A play

STEP 1 Using the survey results, STEP 1 Make figures/plasticine
make a script for your play. to show the healthy habit
according to the survey

STEP 2 Choose parts for STEP 2 Explain what parts of the
everyone in the group. body can be affected by
Make sure all members the unhealthy habit.
take part.

STEP 3 Dress up to play your part. STEP 3 Mention the frequency of
the unhealthy habit.

STEP 4 The play has to show STEP 4 Encourage students to
an idea to prevent an STEP 5 write ideas to change the
unhealthy routine and unhealthy habit and promote
promote a healthy one. a healthy one. Stick the ideas
on the model.
STEP 5 Present your play in front
of your class! Put the models in the
classroom and read the
ideas to promote healthy
habits. How can these
ideas become routine?

SB6 MOD2 RPE pp82-87.indd 85 02/12/2016 09:57

Module 2 Final Task

3. 4. 6.

20 Read the rubric. Students 30 Ask students to distribute 60 Students work in groups and
minutes minutes minutes

have to make a survey in work and get ready. They decide who will do what in

which they will find out as have to go around the the task.

much information as possible about classroom asking their questions to Allow enough time for students to
prepare, organize and create the
the unhealthy habit they chose. their classmates and recording the necessary material for their task.

They can ask questions of frequency, information in their notebooks.
reasons, times, days, opinions and
any other type of information they Go around the classroom helping If they choose the play option, tell
consider relevant. students. Do not correct them. them they need to use some visual
aids. Focus their attention on the
Allow enough time for students to Encourage them to make their best suggested steps for the play option.
work on their questions and make sure effort at communicating and making
they are clear. this a fun stage in the process of If they choose the model, tell them
learning. they need to be creative and artistic to
make the model visually attractive and
Make sure they use English in 5 5. focus their attention on the suggested
their groups and practise their minutes steps of the model option.
communication skills.

In their groups, students Make a final round-up session asking
students what they like about the
should select one of the other groups’ tasks. Ensure that they
give positive feedback to the others.
options to make their presentation: a

piece of theatre (no longer than five Individually, each student writes a
short paragraph about how they can
minutes) or a model. do future presentations better and
how they can improve their way of


Module // 2 Evaluation



For questions 1-5, read the clues and fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct word.
There is one example (0).

0. One of the two organs on the face
4 that you see with.

0E Y E 2. The part of the body between the
5 head and the shoulders.

4. The Japanese art of folding paper
into attractive figures.


1. The 1st month of the year,
between December and February.

3. To prepare food.

5. The activity of making things with
your hands.


For questions 6-10, each sentence has one (1) mistake. Find the mistakes and rewrite the
sentences. There is one example (0).

0. I writing an email about my friends.

6. Martha is a firefighter. She cans put out fires.

8 6 7. Samantha eats hamburgers never.

8. They play basketball every day in 6:30 pm.

9. I am not like to play basketball. I don’t understand it!

10. What sport does you play?

SB6 MOD2 RPE pp82-87.indd 86 02/12/2016 09:57

Module // 2 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 86 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. Martha is a firefighter. She can put
out fires.
1. January
2. Neck 7. Samantha never eats hamburgers.
3. Cook
4. Craft 8. They play basketball every day at
5. Origami 6:30 pm.

9. I do not like to play basketball. I
don’t understand it!

10. What sport do you play?


module 2 // Evaluation


Read the following text and match the health advice (11-15) with the photos (A-E).

Why is it important to have a healthy lifestyle? Read these ideas and you will see, feel and
experience the benefits:
• Wash your hands (0): do it before eating and after using the bathroom or playing
outside. This is your first line of defence.
• Exercise regularly (11): this can reduce stress and anxiety.
• Sleep for a minimum of 8 hours per day (12): some of the benefits include better
memory and better grades at school.
• Drink lots of water (13): it helps digestion and prevents headaches.
• Don’t eat fast food (14): it can cause weight problems and acne.
• Brush your teeth after meals (15): you can get white teeth and prevent tooth decay.




For questions 16-20 look at the activities in parentheses. Which ones can you do? Which ones

can’t you do? Which ones do you like? Which ones don’t you like? Write sentences on the lines

87 about yourself. Use the words in parentheses. You can also use other expressions to explain or
give extra information about your statements. There is one example (0).

0. _I__d_o__n_’_t__li_k__e__t_o__m__a__k_e__m___o_d__e__ls__._I_t_h__i_n_k___it_’_s__b_o__r_i_n__g_!_______________(like / make models)
16. ________________________________________________________________________(can / ride a bike)
17. ________________________________________________________________________(can / cook)
18. ________________________________________________________________________(like / martial arts)
19. ________________________________________________________________________(can / origami)
20. ________________________________________________________________________(like / reading)

SB6 MOD2 RPE pp82-87.indd 87 02/12/2016 09:57

Module // 2 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 87 Writing

Reading 16. Answers may vary (positive/
negative and extra information).
11. B Students need to use the words
12. C given.
13. E
14. A 17. Answers may vary (positive/
15. D negative and extra information).
Students need to use the words

18. Answers may vary (positive/
negative and extra information).
Students need to use the words

19. Answers may vary (positive/
negative and extra information).
Students need to use the words

20. Answers may vary (positive/
negative and extra information)
Students need to use the words


Module 3

GreenSustainability Community

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Eco-friendly I Belong to a Every Job Is
Home Community Important

Language Functions Language Functions Language Functions

• Talk about your home and • Talk about places in town • Use vocabulary related

where you live • Describe places to jobs

• Ask about other people’s • Talk about where places are • Talk about actions in

homes Text Types: progress
• maps
88 • Talk about ways to help and • Describe actions in
protect the environment a simple and logical
Text Types: • questionnaire
• signs • Talk and write about daily
• descriptive paragraphs • directions

• guide • interview Text Types:
• poster

• interview • explanatory paragraph

• informative paragraph

• diary

• documentary

• advertisements

L6M3_SB_Module Presentation_AFL_131016_OK.indd 88 14/12/16 10:44 a.m.

Module 3 Presentation

10 • Say the name of this 20 • Students describe the Unit 1
minutes minutes Eco-friendly Home
section of the book – picture. This may be done
• Read the language functions
‘Sustainability’. Students in Spanish as they might students are expected to achieve at
the end of the unit.
repeat the word. not know all the words they
• Clarify vocabulary, e.g. home, protect
• Define sustainability as keeping need. However, encourage the use
nature varied and its resources Unit 2
of L2 as much as possible. I Belong to a Community
• Ask: How are the pictures related to • Read all the items, checking their
• Check the meaning of environment each other? understanding of vocabulary.
by relating it to the natural world: Explain belong (be part of
rivers, oceans, etc. Encourage • Check their understanding of something), signs (boards which give
students to provide more examples the three R’s, especially the information or instructions) and
of these, e.g. mountains, forests, etc. difference between reuse and directions (instructions on how to get
recycle. Encourage students to give to a place)
• Read the title, Green Community, and examples of all three and write them
explain that the concept of green is on the board. Again, the use of L1 • Elicit suggestions for places in town,
not about the colour, but its other may be necessary, but encourage L2 in preparation for unit 2.
when possible.
meaning of ecological, or something Unit 3
• Emphasize the fact that taking Every Job is Important
which helps to take care of the care of the environment involves
everyone in a community and the • Read all the language functions
environment. development of different strategies. and text types, checking any words
students do not understand, e.g. in
• Point out that protecting the • Go over the specific language progress, logical sequence, diary.
environment is vital for our functions and text types of the three
survival and that we need more units.
environmental campaigns in the

• Explain any difficulties students may
have, e.g. the meaning of eco-friendly.


Explore Your Knowledge

Look at the pictures and answer …

• Do you care about the

• What activities do you do to
protect the environment?

• Which places do you

• Are there any activities to
protect the environment in
your community?

Task: A Radio Programme about My Community

In this module you will work in groups to prepare a formal presentation.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

89 1. Understanding data 4. Santiago’s interview with 7. Ramiro’s documentary on Ligia,

(Lesson 3, exercise 1) Mrs Pérez (Lesson 3, the baker (Lesson 3, exercise 1)

2. Survey on classmates’ exercise 1) 8. Documentary about a person

home and eco-friendly 5. Interview with a person from your community (Lesson 3,

activities (Lesson 3, in your neighbourhood exercise 3)

exercise 2) (Lesson 3, exercise 2)

3. Eco-friendly person 6. Advertisement to

interview (Lesson 3, encourage people to

exercise 6) improve their community

(Lesson 3, exercise 7)


Welcome to Our Town

L6M3_SB_Module Presentation_AFL_131016.indd 89 02/12/2016 09:30

Module 3 Presentation

Explore Your Knowledge Final Task

20 10

minutes • Ask students to look at minutes • Explain that in module
the pictures and explain 3 students will prepare a
what they see. radio programme about

• Read the Explore Your Knowledge their community. For that purpose,
questions and elicit some answers in unit 1, they will show that they
from students. Write any new understand data, carry out a
vocabulary on the board and survey on other students’ home
clarify it. You can use examples or and eco-friendly activities and
drawings. interview eco-friendly people. They
will look at and carry out more
• Use the third question as an interviews in unit 2, and produce
opportunity to check if students an advertisement to encourage
know more vocabulary related people to improve their community.
to places in town by making a In unit 3, students will look at a
contribution list on the board for documentary before preparing
the whole class. their own documentary about a
person in their community. Go
• Ask how these places can help to through the chart with students,
protect the environment. eliciting this information by asking
questions and clarifying any
• Remind students that they need to difficulties.
perform a final task for each module,
but that they will work towards • Finally, read the title of this
achieving it during the whole module’s chant Welcome to our
module by accomplishing mini-tasks. town and ask students what they
understand and how they can relate
the content of the units to the title
of the chant.


Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »1 » I can talk about my home and where I live.
» I can ask about other people’s homes.
Eco-Friendly Home » I can talk about ways to help and protect the


In Context » This Is My Home!

49 1. Listen Label the rooms in house. Use the words in the box. Then, listen
and check.

living room
laundry room
dining room

9 0 2. Speak Look at the photos of different homes. Say which one is more similar

to your place. Discuss with your class.
Where do you live?

I live in a house. I live on a farm.

I live in an apartment.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 90 01/12/2016 14:35

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

Unit 1 Eco-Friendly Home

Unit Objectives Exchange information about parts of the house.
Exchange information about common objects in the house.
Basic standards of competences Build simple spoken and written sentences about eco-friendly activities
Grammar Parts of the house;
Objects in the house;
Eco-friendly activities

Prepositions of place;
There’s / There are;
This, these, that and those

1. Listen 2. Speak Extra Activity: (30 minutes)

(40 minutes) track 49 (15 minutes) Bring to class pictures of solar
panels, energy-saving light bulbs
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. and recycling bins. Paste the
▪ Students look at the house ▪ Students look at the photos pictures on the board and write
the words for them. Then discuss
and name the different and describe the different the following questions:
rooms. Point to the basement homes. Which is more similar
and make sure students to the place where they live? How can you make this house
understand its meaning. eco-friendly? (By putting solar
▪ Look at the question and panels, recycling bins, and using
▪ Students listen and write the energy-saving light bulbs.)
sentences provided, pointing
words. out the correct use of the What other actions can you do at
prepositions. home to help the environment?
▪ Check answers as a class. (You can save water and have
▪ Ask some of the students your own vegetable garden.)
Audio script 49
I live in a house with my where they live. Then have Then students draw the house
students ask each other. from activity 1 but with solar
parents and my sister. panels, energy-saving light bulbs,
recycling bins, and a vegetable
There are three bedrooms, a garden. Students describe their
houses and name the rooms.
bathroom, living room, dining room Discuss as a class what they do at
home to help the environment.
and kitchen. There’s a laundry room

in the basement. We have a garage

where my parents park our car.


module 3 // Unit 1

3. Write Look at the house plan and answer the questions.

a. How many bedrooms
are there?

b. How many bathrooms
are there?

c. Is there a garden?
d. Is there a living room?

4. Speak In pairs, look at the house furniture and ask and answer questions

about where you can find them.

table desk sofa shower bed

refrigerator cooker washing machine wardrobe toilet


Is there a desk in Yes, there is.
your bedroom?

Is there a No, there isn’t. There’s a
washing machine in washing machine in the

your garage? laundry room.

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 91 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

3. Write 4. Speak

(25 minutes) (20 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the house ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the photos
plan and identify the different
rooms. and repeat the words. Elicit
other words related to
▪ Explain the use of there’s and common objects in the house
that students may already
there are. know and write them on the
Grammar Box: there’s and there
are ▪ Go over the models provided
We use there is or there are to talk
about the presence of something. and practise with different
There’s goes before a singular
noun: There’s a bathroom in my ▪ In pairs, students ask each
The negative is There isn’t. There other similar questions.
isn’t a garage in my house.
The question is Is there a…? Extra Activity: (60 minutes)
Is there a bathroom in your
house? Students research unusual
N.B. there’s = there is homes from different parts of the
There are goes before a plural world. They label the different
noun: There are two bathrooms rooms, write a short descriptive
in my house. paragraph, draw them and
The negative is There aren’t. present them to the class. You
There aren’t solar panels on my may want to write on the board
house. the model sentence and suggest
The question is Are there …? some of the houses below.
Are there two bedrooms in
your house? Model sentence: People in (name
of place) live in / on a (kind of home).
▪ Check answers as a class.
a. Igloo used by Inuit people,
Northern Canada.

b. Yurt used by Mongolian

c. Nipa huts used by fishermen in

Answer Key
a. There are two bedrooms.
b. There is one bathroom.
c. Yes, there is.
d. Yes, there is.

Extra Activity: (15 minutes) T91
Practise using there’s and there
are by using the illustration from
activity 1 to ask the following

Are there solar panels on this
house? (No, there aren’t.)

How many bedrooms are
there? (There are three.)

How many bathrooms are
there? (There’s one.)

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

50 5. Listen In pairs, guess where the characters in the stories live. Then listen,
and match the houses with the names of the characters.

Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit Hansel and Gretel Shrek and Princess Fiona

That house has a chocolate That green house is beautiful. That house is very big.
door. The roof has cookies. It has a round door and a round There are many windows
There’s a candy chimney too! and doors. There are many
window. There’s grass on
the roof. bedrooms, too.

6. Speak In pairs, design an imaginary house. This house is eco-friendly.
There are…
Then, describe it in groups. There’s…
Does your house have…?
Is there…?
Are there any…?

7. Speak Draw a plan of your home. Then, compare
in groups. Use the following objects.

Study Tip

cooker tables and chairs toilet shower Drawing creatively

helps you to

9 2 remember new words.

sofa bed table door

This is my house. And where’s the
This is the kitchen. dining room?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 92 01/12/2016 14:36

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 1

5. Listen 6. Speak

(25 minutes) track 50 (45 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the names of ▪ Explain that students are

the characters. Do they know going to design an imaginary
them? Can they guess which house. Read the model
houses belong to their stories? provided.

▪ Students listen, read and ▪ Students work in pairs to

match the characters with the design and draw their houses.
homes. Encourage them to include
eco-friendly and fantastic
▪ Elicit other characters they are characteristics.

familiar with and where they ▪ They describe their houses in
live. Students describe the
characters’ houses. (Consider groups. Encourage them to
Batman and his mansion, ask each other questions.
Harry Potter and Hogwarts,
Snow White’s dwarves and Extra Idea (10 minutes)
their house in the woods, etc.) Run a class vote to find out the
favourite house and presentation
Answer key: of the class.
The Hobbit: house with grass
on the roof; Hansel and Gretel: 7. Speak
candy house; Shrek and
Fiona – palace. (30 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
Extra Activity: (45 minutes) ▪ Students look at the icons and
Ask students to make a
newspaper advert to sell one say the words.
of the houses from exercise 5.
Use the advert below as a model ▪ Students design individually a
and then have them create their
own advert in pairs. Encourage floor plan of their homes using
students to be creative. Then, ask the one provided in activity
them to present their adverts. 3 as a model and the icons
Hobbit House for Sale
▪ Go over the model provided
Three bedrooms, two
bathrooms, big kitchen, and practise with some
vegetable garden located in students and their floor plans.
Hobbiton with lovely green
grass on the roof. ▪ Students ask and answer

Call Bilbo at 2445637 questions about their floor
plans in groups.
Study Tip
Explain that drawing helps visual
learners to recall words and is
a useful strategy to remember

module 3 // Unit 1

Expanding Knowledge » I Help the Environment

51 1. Listen Listen and read. Tick (✔) the things that you do at home.

Eco-Friendly Guide
We Can All Help the Environment

Separate the rubbish Use energy-saving Don’t waste water. Collect rainwater.
Use only the water
and recycle. light bulbs. you need. Turn off
the tap.

Walk or use your Turn off the lights Use the air conditioning Use paper bags, not
bicycle when when you aren’t in or heater only when plastic bags.
possible. a room. you need it.

2. Speak In pairs, match the problems with the solutions to help the environment.

1. This light bulb isn’t 2. These bags have rubbish 21st Century Skills
· Creative Thinking
9 3 energy saving. that is not separated!
What can you do at home to
help to save the planet?

3. That air conditioning is on 4. Those lamps are on and
and there isn’t anybody there isn’t anybody in the
around. room.

a. Turn off the lights! b. Turn off the air conditioning!

c. Use energy-saving d. Separate the rubbish!
light bulbs!

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 93 01/12/2016 14:36

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

1. Listen 2. Speak Extra Activity: (30 minutes)

(45 minutes) track 51 (40 minutes) Students discuss in groups the
▪ Read the rubric. questions below. Encourage them
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Students look at the photos and to try to find words to express
▪ Students look at the guide and their ideas. Then write the ideas
describe what is happening. on the board.
guess what it is about. Then,
they read the title and say if ▪ Students read the sentences a. Is there a culture in your region
they agree that we can all help to help the environment?
the environment. and, in pairs, match a solution
with each problem. b. Do you use paper bags?
▪ Using the photos in the guide,
▪ Discuss as a class. c. When do you turn off the
check students understand ▪ Use your hand to indicate that lights?
the words in red.
that and those are used to refer d. What is something you do to
▪ Students listen, read, and say to objects that are far away. help the environment?

if they do or don’t do these Grammar Box: This, these, that T93
actions at home. and those
this, these, that, and these are
Extra Activity (20 minutes) pronouns used to refer to specific
objects or people.
As a class discuss the following
questions (Allow students to use this indicates a singular
L1 as necessary.): object that is near the person
who is speaking: This book is
Why is it important to separate interesting. (I’m holding the
the rubbish? (To recycle and book in my hand.)
avoid polluting the environment. these indicates the plural form,
Rubbish should be separated into and refers to objects that are
organic material, plastic, metal, near the speaker: These books
paper, glass and other.) are interesting. (I’m holding
more than one book in my
How can you use water in an hands.)
eco-friendly way? (You can save that indicates a singular object
water by using only the water you that is far from the person
need, by turning off the tap, and who is speaking: That book is
by collecting rainwater.) interesting. (The book is far
away from me.)
Why is it important to collect those indicates the plural form,
rainwater in closed containers? and refers to objects that
(To avoid mosquitoes breeding are far from the person who
and to prevent dengue, zika, and is speaking: Those books are
chikungunya.) interesting. (The books are far
away from me.)
How does walking and riding your
bike help the environment? (By 21st Century Skills
not using cars, we reduce carbon Read the text and discuss the
dioxide emissions.) question as a class. Highlight that
the activities presented in activity
How can you save energy? 1 are simple and easy ways to
(By turning off the light and help the environment at home.
appliances when you aren’t using

Why is it better to use paper
bags than plastic bags?
(Because plastic bags never fully

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

52 3. Read Read about Earth Day at Simón Bolívar School. Choose the correct word.
Then, listen and check.

Buy green

Everyone at school works together
on different projects. These / This
children are helping to collect rubbish.

Today’s April 22nd. This / Those children are giving
It’s Earth Day. presentations about saving energy.
This / These is my
poster with an That / Those are my friends in the
eco-friendly message. school vegetable garden.

53 4. Listen Listen to Keiko talk about her house and put the pictures in the

correct order. Then, discuss the questions in groups.

organic strawberry farm a. Where does Keiko live?
b. What’s special about Keiko’s house?
c. Where does her family sit?
d. Is their living room similar to the

one in your house?
e. Where do they sleep?

futons solar panels


traditional Japanese

living room

kitchen recycling


Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 94 01/12/2016 14:36

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

3. Read 4. Listen 53Audio Script

(25 minutes) track 52 (20 minutes) track 53 Keiko: Hello! My name’s Keiko.
I live in Japan. I live on an eco-
▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. friendly farm. These are my
▪ Students look at the photos ▪ Students look at the photos parents working on the organic
strawberry farm.
and say what Earth Day at and describe them. What eco- This is my house and those are
Simón Bolívar School is friendly activities do they see? solar panels.
and what activities the We recycle. We separate plastic
students do. ▪ Students read the words and bottles.
My house is a typical Japanese
▪ Students listen and read. look at the photos. Ask: What house. This is the living room.
is a futon? (It is a kind of bed.) There isn’t a sofa and there aren’t
They choose the correct What is a traditional Japanese chairs. We sit on the floor.
answers. Check the answers living room like? (It is a room This is the bedroom. There aren’t
with the class. that has a table and cushions beds. We sleep on Japanese beds
for the people to sit. There called futons. This is my mother
▪ Discuss the following aren’t any chairs. The floor is in the kitchen. The kitchen is
covered with tatami (a straw very small.
questions: mat that forms the traditional
Japanese floor). Extra Activity: (30 minutes)
a. When is Earth Day? (It’s on
April 22nd.) ▪ Students listen and put the Students discuss in groups the
questions below:
b. What are some of the eco- pictures in the order that they
friendly activities students hear about them. What do they grow on
do on that day? (They the farm? (They grow
collect rubbish, work in the Answer Key strawberries.)
vegetable garden, and give 1. organic strawberry farm;
presentations about saving 2. solar panels; What eco-friendly activities
energy.) 3. recycling; do they do? (They grow
4. traditional Japanese living organic fruit, use solar panels,
c. Do you have a similar day and recycle.
in your school? room;
5. futons; What is Keiko’s house like?
Answer Key 6. kitchen (It is a traditional Japanese
This, These, Those, Those. house.)

Audio Script 52 ▪ Students read the questions What is the kitchen like in
Girl: Today’s April 22nd. It’s Keiko’s house? (It is very
and then listen again, take small.)
Earth Day! This is my poster with notes, and then compare their
answers in groups.
an eco-friendly message.
Answer Key
Everyone at school works together a. She lives on a farm in Japan.
b. Her house is eco-friendly.
on different projects. These c. They sit on the floor.
d. Answer will vary.
children are helping to collect e. They sleep on futons.


Those are my friends in the school

vegetable garden.

Those children are giving

presentations about saving energy.

Extra Activity: (45 minutes) T94

Students plan a celebration of
Earth Day in their school. They
should think about what activities
they can do and how they
can work together to help the
environment. In groups, students
take notes and write a plan. Then
they discuss as a class.

module 3 // Unit 1

5. Read Look at the poster and label.

a. That means there are solar panels on
the house.

b. Those vegetables mean there’s a
vegetable garden.

c. That indicates they collect rainwater.
d. That means they use a bicycle.
e. That sign means they recycle

6. Speak In groups, design a similar poster about your ideal eco-friendly house.

Describe the drawing to a partner.

What does that mean? That means they
save water.

7. Speak Play the ‘Eco Inspector’. Use the pictures to ask and answer questions
about what you can do to protect the environment.

plastic bags taps with
running water

TV on in an
empty room

9 5 rubbish that is not separated

What are these? What’s this? What’s that? What are those?

Stop! What are these? Don’t use… Use…!
Turn the… off!

Recycle! Separate the…

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 95 01/12/2016 14:36

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 2

5. Read 6. Speak 7. Speak

(15 minutes) (45 minutes) (25 minutes)

▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric. ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ Students look at the poster ▪ Students design a poster in ▪ Students look at the photos

and describe it. Explain that groups using the one from and describe them.
it shows how people in this activity 5 as a model. They
house are eco-friendly. need card and coloured pens ▪ Explain that they are going to
or pencils.
▪ Students match the play a game in which someone
▪ Explain that the idea of the has broken some rules.
explanations with each of the Students have to say what to
items in the house. poster is to have elements do to help the planet.
that represent different eco-
▪ Discuss as a class. friendly activities. ▪ Review the model provided,

Answer Key ▪ Read the text in speech and tell students to ask similar
the plug in the sun means that questions and use imperatives
there are solar panels in the bubbles. Then ask students to say what the person should
house (a). in pairs to ask and answer or should not do to be eco-
The vegetables in the garden questions about the posters. friendly.
mean that there is a vegetable
garden (b). Extra Activity (10 minutes) Answer Key
The funnel on the roof means Run a class vote to find out which Stop! What are these? These are
that they collect rainwater (c). poster is the class’s favourite. plastic bags. Use paper bags!
The bicycle means that they use a Stop! What is this? This is rubbish
bicycle when possible (d). that is not separated. Separate
The three green arrows is the sign the rubbish! Recycle!
that means they recycle (e). Stop! What is that? That is a TV
on in an empty room. Turn off the
TV! Save energy!
Stop! What are those? Those are
taps with running water. Turn off
the tap. Save water!


Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Respect the Environment

1. Read Look at Cecilia’s notes about her classmates’ homes and answer

the questions.

Santa Rita School in Zipaquirá
• There are 25 students in total
• 14 students live in houses
• 7 students live in apartments
• 4 students live on farms

• 21 students recycle at home
• 15 students use rainwater to wash
• 22 students turn off the lights when

they don't use them
• 20 students try to use paper bags
• 18 students use their bikes

Final task activity! Can we say that… Yes No
most students live on farms?
most students recycle?
one, two or three students reuse rainwater?
all the students use a car to go to school?
most students want to help the environment?

2. Speak In groups, design a survey using the information Final task activity!
from exercise 1. Ask and answer the questions.

96 Question Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Friend 4

a. Where do you live? In a house, an apartment,
or a farm?

b. Do you recycle?

c. Do you … when you don’t
use them?

d. Do you use … ?

e. Do you use your … ?

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 96 01/12/2016 14:36

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

1. Read 2. Speak

(20 minutes) (25 minutes)
▪ Read the rubric.
▪ This activity will help them ▪ Read the rubric.
▪ This activity is part of the
with the Final Task as a model
for activity 2. Final Task, so make sure
students keep it. Students
▪ Students read the notes and read the questions in the
survey and complete it.
decide if it is possible to say
the statements below. How ▪ Each student asks four friends
do they decide?
the questions and writes the
▪ Check answers as a class. answers.

Answer Key ▪ Students make conclusions
no, yes, no, no, yes.
similar to the ones in
Extra Activity: (30 minutes) activity 1. What can they say
Students discuss in groups the about the results?
questions below:
Extra Activity: (30 minutes)
How many students are there in
Cecilia’s class? (25.) Write the results of the survey
on the board and draw a graph
Do the majority of students live in to illustrate them. Ask students
houses? (Yes, they do.) if they think the results are
Do the majority of students
collect water? (Yes, they do.)

Is there an eco-friendly attitude in
Cecilia’s class? (Yes, there is.)

Are the students and their
families saving water and energy?
(Yes, they are. They turn off the
lights when they are not using
them and collect rainwater.)


module 3 // Unit 1

3. Speak In pairs, describe these famous houses in Colombia.

Casa de Nariño Rafael de Núñez’s house Policarpa Salavarrieta’s house
Cartagena Cundinamarca
Where? Bogotá Yes Yes
2 2
Bathroom? Yes Yes Yes
Yes No
Bedrooms? Many No No
Yes Yes
Dining room? Yes

Balcony Yes

Observatory Yes

Patio Yes

4. Speak In pairs, find the differences between the house plans.


There’s one bedroom
in Plan 1. In Plan 2,
there are two.

54 5. Listen Listen and read the diary. Then, draw a plan of the house.

Walden, Massachusetts 21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking
97 I live in the woods
because I want to Do you think you’re an
eco-friendly person?
live a simple life.
Why? / Why not?
My house is small.

There’s only one

room. There’s a

small kitchen.

There isn’t a

bathroom. I bathe in Walden pond.

There’s one bed, a cooker, a table, a desk

and three chairs. I have books and my flute.

Outside there’s a vegetable garden. I grow

my food and respect the environment. I

want to enjoy nature…

Colombia_Book 6_L6M3U1.indd 97 01/12/2016 14:37

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