The Rotary Foundation - How we help
494 District Grants funded small-scale short-term,district-sponsored activities that
Rotarians used to address local or international needs.
US $ 25.5 M
1165 Global Grants supported large international activities that had sustainable,
measurable outcomes in Rotary's areas of focus
US $ 76 M
Disease Prevention & Treatment
Number of Grants 378 US $ 27.0 M
Water & Sanitation
272 US $ 18.9 M
Basic Education & Literacy
173 US $ 10.3 M
Economic & Community Development
165 US $ 9.2 M
Maternal & Child Health
93 US $ 6.9 M
Peace & conflict prevention / resolution
84 US $ 3.7 M
John F. Germ
President, 2016-17
T +1-847-866-3025
F +1-847-866-3390
[email protected]
30 January 2017
Dear fellow Rotarians:
The Rotary Foundation is critical to all that we do and all that we hope to do. This is also a truly significant year, as we are
celebrating our Foundation’s centennial. What started with a $26.50 donation has grown into a foundation that has spent over $3
billion on programs and projects to make a difference throughout the world. We’ve done so much good in the first 100 years of
our Foundation, imagine what we can do in another 100.
Now is the time to capitalize on our success and to move Rotary forward to be an even greater force for good in the world. If we
work together, we can show the world that Rotary is made up of dedicated individuals who work together to accomplish great
Our founder Paul Harris once wrote, “Individual effort may be turned to individual needs, but combined effort should be dedicated
to the service of mankind. The power of combined effort knows no limitation.” Through our Foundation, Rotarians have been
able to combine resources to provide extraordinary service to local and global communities.
Thank you for joining me in celebrating The Rotary Foundation Centennial. Because of you, we will be able to continue to
accomplish so much more. Your support is what enables us all to be part of Rotary Serving Humanity.
John F. Germ
2016-17 President, Rotary International
Chair, The Rotary Foundation, 2016-17
President, Rotary International, 2011-12
In this the 100th year of our Rotary Foundation, it's time to take stock of what is it that we do which keeps
us not only going but also, growing.
This book, planned by Director Dr. Manoj Desai for this unique occasion, highlights some of the things
we have been doing in Zones 4, 5 & 6A which are perhaps, the most active areas of the Rotary Foundation
I am sure you will find the book to be not only informative but inspiring and a treasure to keep with you
and to show others.
Enjoy the sights and the insights.
UPL LTD. Kalyan Banerjee
Uniphos House,
11th Road, Nr. Madhu Park, Chair Trustee, Rotary Foundation
Khar (W),
Mumbai 400052
Tel : 022 26468111
M : +91 9820084499
e-mail : [email protected]
March 29, 2017
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
I am pleased to know that Zone 4, 5 and 6A is coming up with an Iconic Project Book of Rotary which is also a dream of RI Director Dr. Manoj
Desai. This book will help the Rotarians to get more resources, more partners and more funds for the humanitarian projects, especially in the
context of Corporate Social Responsibilities.
Rotary is an international humanitarian service organization with a network of 35000 community based clubs in more than 200 countries and
geographical areas comprising of business and professional leaders who volunteer their expertise, compassion, and power to improve communities
at home and abroad.
Rotary’s top goal is to eradicate polio worldwide. Rotary in collaboration with the WHO, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and National Governments, is close to
eliminating Polio with a 99% reduction in polio cases worldwide since 1985. Rotary members have contributed more than US$1.4 billion and countless volunteer hours to help
immunize more than 2 billion children in 122 countries.
Rotary, as a part of community service, focuses, amongst other activities, on providing access to safe and clean water, improve sanitation facilities, improve maternal and child health
promote literacy and education, prevent disease and provide treatment and has offered to render voluntary service through its clubs across the world, to work for the betterment
of community.
After looking at the success of Polio Eradication program, the Rotary Foundation has kick started its pilot project “WASH in Schools” in five countries – India, Kenya, Guatemala,
Belize and Honduras. It is a game changing program which will bring behavioural change in the world. This program is totally aligned with Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan
of Government of India under which we are building segregated toilets, group handwashing stations and safe drinking water in schools.
As it is said “that you educate a girl child, you educate the entire family”, same way you instil the habit of using toilets and group hand washing in the schools and it has been
established that these very children will take these practices to their homes, their siblings, their parents and in the process entire community will start using toilets and will get into
the habit of hand washing before and after their meals and we will achieve our objective of Swachh Bharat. Merely giving money for building toilets is not the guarantee for Swachh
Bharat, the real key is behavioural change and in achieving this behavioural change these very kids will be the instruments of change.
Rotary is also a big driver in India for Literacy, Blood banks, Rain water harvesting structures, Eye hospitals, Gift of Life by providing heart surgeries of kids.
Rotary is looking forward for more partnerships to “Serve the Humanity” in India.
Best wishes,
Sushil Gupta
Trustee, The Rotary Foundation (2014-18)
Director, Rotary International (2003-05)
Chair, WASH in Schools Target Challenge Committee, The Rotary Foundation
My Dear Friends,
We are thankful to you for making the Dazzling Dubai Zone Institute a grand success. It really proved slogan - NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. We really
We all know that Our Rotary Foundation is celebrating Centennial Year. Trustee Chair is our own PRIP Kalyan'da . Trustee Sushilji is a great support to him
to lead from the front. We are thankful to him for starting a new chapter of CSR . We have progressed very well for both the flagship projects - Literacy &
I shared my dream with EMGA Ravi & DDZI Chair Raja of having this book so that year remains etched in our memories and continue to inspire all in 2nd
Century of Service. All the RRFCs, EMGAs & RPICs appreciated and have worked hard in realizing the dream. It has got glimpses of Iconic projects all over
India. I have no doubt that every proud Rotarian will keep it as a treasure chest of DOING GOOD IN THE WORLD.
Lastly I would like to remind you what our great Founder Paul P Harris had said " WHATEVER ROTARY MAY MEAN TO US, BUT TO THE WORLD IT
All the best friends as you go through all the stories, get inspired to do more & make others read - HOW GOOD WE HAVE DONE IN THE WORLD !
Dr. Manoj Desai
RID (2015-17)
Our health is everything. Yet 400 million people in the world
can’t afford or don’t have access to basic health care. We believe
good health care is everyone’s right.
Disease results in misery, pain, and poverty for millions of people
worldwide. That’s why treating and preventing disease is so
important to us. We lead efforts both large and small. We set up
temporary clinics, blood donation centers, and training facilities in
underserved communities struggling with outbreaks and health
care access. We design and build infrastructure that allows doctors,
patients, and governments to work together.
Our members combat diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS,
Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and polio. Prevention is
important, which is why we also focus on health education and
bringing people routine hearing, vision, and dental care.
Disease does not prevent itself. We educate and equip
communities to stop the spread of life-threatening diseases. Rotary
members have hundreds of health projects underway around
the world at any given time.
Rotary Club of Miraj Midtown RI Dist. 3170 is running an ICU Ambulance which is
fitted with the latest equipment for emergency trauma care including a ventilator for
artificial respiration and a multi parameter monitor.
The cancer screening bus to
create awareness and screen
women for cancer was started
by Rotary Club of Madras East
RI Dist. 3230, Tamilnadu with
the support of RI Dist.
5840,Texas, USA. The project
cost is US $ 65,000. Awareness
was created for more than
17,000 women and nearly
3,000 screenings were
conducted in the last two years.
Rotary Club of Madras Central RI Dist. 3230, Tamilnadu has setup a state of the art blood banking
equipment and is collecting more than 20,000 units of blood every year and after converting into
components issues over 50,000 whole blood and blood components to the needy. 200 thalassaemic
patients are provided blood tranfusion every month. The project cost is US $ 90,000.
Free ENT Check-up Camps are conducted every week in the surrounding villages, Factories of Belgaum, Karnataka State. Rotary
Club of Belgaum South RI Dist. 3170, Karnataka has screened more than 1500 patients through free check-up camps with the
help of the Mobile ENT Ambulance Van. This project was supported by Rotary Club of Kelowna RI Dist. 5060, Canada
Rotary Club of Kolhapur RI Dist.
3170, Maharashtra runs the largest
blood bank in Western Mahastra.
The Rotarians conduct more than
200 camps every year and collect
14,000 units per annum for the
benefit of the poor and needy
3170 is running a Multi
Speciality Eye Hospital. The
Hospital caters to 20,000 out
patients every year and
performs 3,000 operations per
Rotarians of Rotary Club of Ambala, Punjab are successfully operating a hundred bed cancer and general
hospital to provide affordable health care. This hospital provides Palliative Care, conducts camps for early
detection of cancer in women and provides various specialised medical facilities. More than 300 of out
patients visit the hospital everyday. The hospital is supported by Rotary Club of Boca Raton, USA.
Rotary Club of Bangalore strives to provide free and subsidized blood components for the
needy through its blood bank. The blood bank collects more than 40,000 units per annum and
supplies nearly 30% of it to Govt. hospitals at zero cost. The project has received funds from
Rotary partners to the tune of more than US $ 175,000.
Rotary Club of Hyderabad Deccan RI Dist
3150, Telangana is operating a full fledged
12 bedded dialysis centre conducting
1000+ dialysis treatment sessions every
month either free of cost or at a low cost
of Rs. 300/- per dialysis. Rotary Club of
Naperville Dist. 6450, USA supported the
project costing US $ 167,000
Rotary Club of Bhusawal Tapti Valley RI Dist. 3030 Maharashtra and The
Rotary Club of Covington RI Dist 6840 have sponsored the Rotary
Mammography Bus which has benefited more than 10,000 women of
all ages from the screening and post screening assistance.
Rotary Eye Institute boasts of
state of art of Infrastructure,
which enables it to provide a
wide array of eye care services
including Cataract, Retina,
Cornea and Glaucoma. Over
the last 33 years, REI has
treated more than 23,25,625
patients, organized more than
11,725 free eye camps. The
institute has 85 bed hospital
and has an eye bank and
mobile spectacle van. More
than 50,000 children were
screened and nearly 30,000
eye balls were collected.
The Rotarians made 12 visits
to Nigeria screening 100,000
+ people, performing
surgeries for 14,000 and
distributed glasses to 12,800.
Rotary Eye Institute has
initiated a permanent Eye Care
Project in Nigeria.
Rotary District 3000 has taken up the Mental Health Mission, 'Rotary Blossom', as signature porject with the
support of Rotary District 2730, Japan and Rotary District 5340, USA. They have opened 6 Mental Health centres
to address the real needs of the society in rural areas, with the financial outlay of USD 114,000.
227 Awareness programmes have been carried out reachingout to 32,227 villagers. 1,737 Mental Illness cases
have been identified and reffered to health centres. 786 persons are undergoing continuous treatment through the
Rotary Club of Bangalore Indira Nagar, RI Dist. 3190, Karnataka State started a free Palliative Care to advanced stage cancer
patients through hospice care and home care and also to take an active role in education and advocacy of Palliative Care in
India. The hospice has 80 beds and supports 1400 patients every year. The project was funded by Rotary Club of Farringdon
UK to the extent of US $ 156,000. Rotary Club of Shrewbury, UK funded and facilitated the training of the nurses. Rotary
club of Darwin, Shrewbury, UK has also supported the project.
Rotary Dist. 3190 dialysis unit has provided help to more than 15,000 patients in
the 22 months of its existence. All the Rotary Clubs in the RI Dist. 3190 were involved
and supported this project and has become a landmark facility in the area.
Rotary Club of Capital City RI Dist. 3220
Srilanka & Maldives has started state of the
art fully equipped mobile audio - visual,
medical screening and prosthetic limb
manufacture and repair facility. The mobile
medical bus will tour the length and
breadth of Srilanka meeting the needs of
the people. The project was implemented
at a total cost US $ 145,000 with the
support of RI Dist. 3141.
600,000 school children of Coimbatore
District of Tamilnadu were benefitted from
the Rainbow Project of Rotary Club of
Coimbatore Central. RI Dist. 3201,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu supported by
Galesburg, USA - Dist. 6440, Cupertino,
USA - Dist. 5170, Dublin, USA - Dist.
5170 with technical support from Sankara
Eye Hospital, Coimbatore. The project
cost is US $ 125,000 and aims to provide
preventive and curative eye care to school
15,000 km were covered in 4 years across Tamilnadu by the Mammo Bus educating
more than 50,000 women in 200 camps helping women to detect early cancer. More
than 6000 women have under gone mammographies. Rotary Dist. 3000, Tamilnadu
through the Rotary Club of Srirangam and with the support of Rotary Club of Rockville RI
Dist 7620, USA have implemented this continuous project costing US $ 70,000.