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Published by preda74pop, 2023-01-09 10:24:26

Povratak Timotija Arcera - Filip K. Dik

Povratak Timotija Arcera - Filip K. Dik

Popila sam kafu do kraja i onda sam otišla. Vreme mi se
činilo lepim. Mnogo lepšim. A za ploču možda mogu dobiti
maltene trideset dolara. Već godinama nisam videla
primerak; već dugo je ne štampaju.

Takve stvari morate da pamtite kada vodite prodavnicu
ploča. A to što sam je dobila toga dana bilo je neka vrsta
nagrade: što ću da uradim ono što sam inače nameravala
da uradim. Nadmudrila sam Edgara Berfuta i bila sam
srećna. Timu bi baš bilo drago. Da je živ.



Aeschylus. Agamemnon. Quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar
Quotations, Fifteenth Edition. Boston: Little, Brown, 1980.

Aristophanes. Lysistrata, Jack Lindsay, trans. New York:
Bantam, 1962.

Bible, the. The Jerusalem Bible. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday & Co., 1966.

Büchner, Georg. Wozzeck. Alfred A. Kalmus, trans, by
arrangement with Universal Edition of Eric Blackall and
Vida Harford. 1836.

Cohen, Hermann. In Contemporary Jewish Thought: A
Reader. Simon Noveck, ed. New York: B’nai B’rith
Department of Adult Jewish Education, 1963.

Dante. The Divine Comedy. Laurence Binyon, trans., with
notes by C.H. Grandgent. In The Portable Dante. New York:
The Viking Press, 1947.

Donne, John. “Batter my Heart, three person’d God.”
Holy Sonnet XIV In The Complete Poetry and Selected
Prose of John Donne. New York: The Modern Library, 1952.

Geothe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust: Part Two. Bayard
Taylor, trans. Revised and edited by Stuart Atkins. New
York: Collier Books, 1962.

Hertz, Dr. J.H. The Pentateuch and Haftorahs. London:
Soncino Press, 5729 [ 1967].

Huxley, Aldous. Point Counter-Point. New York: Harper &
Row, 1965.

Jennens, Charles. Belshazzar [text of Handel oratorio].

Kohler, Kaufmann. Quoted by Samuel M. Cohon in Great
Jewish Thinkers of the Twentieth Century. Simon Noveck,
ed. New York: B’nai B’rith Department of Adult Jewish
Education, 1963.

Ménotti, Gian Carlo. Liner notes to Columbia recording
of Menottis The Medium. Undated.

Plato. In From Thales to Plato. T.V. Smith, ed. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1934.

Prabhavananda, Swarni, and Isherwood, Christopher.
The Song of God: Bhagavad-Gita. New York: NAL/Mentor,

Schiller, Friedrich. In The New Encyclopedia Britannica.
Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1973.

Shakespeare. Hamlet. 1601.

Sonnleithner, Joseph, and Treitschke, Friedrich. Fidelio
[text of Beethoven opera], 1805.

Tate, Nahum. Dido and Aeneas [text of Purcell opera].

Tertullian. Quoted in Psychological Types, or The
Psychology of Individuation by C.G. Jung. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1923.

Tillich, Paul. A History of Christian Thought. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1967.

Vaughan, Henry. “They are all gone into the world of
light.” 1655.

Virgil. Quoted in Caesar and Christ by Will Durant. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 19”.

Yeats, W.B. “The Second Coming” and “The Song of the
Happy Shepherd.” The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats.
London: Macmillan, 1949.



Engl. Rubber Soul (Gumena duša), šesti studijski album Bitlsa. (Prim,


Univerzitet u Kaliforniji. (Prim, prev.)


Igra reči – na engleskom reč bishop znači biskup i figura lovca u šahu.
(Prim, prev.)


Konzervativni pojas jugoistočnog dela SAD-a gde je poseta crkvama
izuzetno visoka. (Prim, prev.)


Engl. Grace Cathedral, katedrala Episkopalne crkve u San Francisku.
(Prim, prev.)


Sleng za sekobarbital, lek za nesanicu, u prodaji pod nazivom Sekonal
(Seconal). (Prim, prev.)


Engl. Carl’s Junior, lanac restorana brze hrane. (Prim, prev.)


Američki strip. (Prim, prev.)


Engl. Sticky Fingers (Lepljivi prsti), album grupe Rolingstons. (Prim,


Engl. Sister Morphine (Sestra Morfijum), pesma sa navedenog albuma
Rolingstonsa. (Prim, prev.)


Kerigma (grč. kërygma, vest) je novozavetna poruka, poruka spasa putem
Isusa Hrista. U ranoj hrišćanstvu, kerigma označava propoved, svedočenje
radosnoj vesti, odnosno jevanđelja. (Prim, prev.)


Hipotetička zbirka izreka, fraza koje se pripisuju Isusu, koje su možda bile
u opticaju u vreme nastanka sinoptičkih jevanđelja. Mada verovatno nisu
bile deo mogućeg hipotetičkog/izgubljenog Q izvora (Q dokumenta),
pretpostavka je da su ih prvi hrišćani zapisivali ili usmeno prenosili, (Prim,


Engl. „Vanity, thy name is woman.” U pitanju je aluzija na rečenicu iz
Šekspirovog Hamleta, koja glasi „Frailty, thy name is woman”, odnosno,
„Slabosti, ime ti je žena.” (Prim, prev.)


Marka antacida. (Prim, prev.)


Johan Volfgang Gete, Faust, Deo 2, preveo Branimir Živoj ino vic. Beograd:
Srpska književna zadruga, 1985. (Prim, prev.)


Engl. „Lovely Rita Meter-Maid”, stih iz pesme Bitlsa „Lovely Rita”. (Prim,


Dante Aligijeri, Božanstvena komedija: Pakao, Čistilište, Raj. Preveo
Dragan Mraović. Beograd: Dereta. (Prim, prev.)


U izvornom tekstu je prevod Lorensa Binijona. (Prim, prev.)


Engl. „Yesterday“ pesma Bitlsa. (Prim, prev.)


Izvori koje je Dik koristio tokom pisanja romana. (Prim, prev.)

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