Page 22 - grieg-seafood_Neat
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  22        Investor         Grieg Seafood’s ambition is to                       Dividend policy                                                              Grieg  Seafood has  an  objective  to pay  an  annual  dividend  to  its         deliver a high and stable return to its              shareholders. The dividend should normally be in the range of 25-                                                              30% of the proft after tax and adjusted for the effect of biomass         shareholders. The fnancial target of                 adjustments.         the company is to maintain an equity                 Shareholders         share of at least 30%.                               as at 31.12.2010, the company had 1041 shareholders of which                                                              933 were based in norway and 108 were international investors.                                                              See note 27 in the Financial Statement.         Grieg  Seafood  aims  to provide  investors,  the capital  market  and         other interested parties with timely and relevant information in or-         der to enable a correct valuation of the company - and a reduced risk   Analyst coverage         for investors. Company information will be provided to the Stock   There are many leading analysts that follow the Grieg Seafood         Exchange and by public presentations each quarter. in addition, the   stock.  in alphabetical order we will mention Carnegie,  dnB  nor         company web page: will be kept up to date   markets, First Securities,  handelsbanken Capital markets, pareto         with public information about the company, mandatory information   Securities, and RS platou Securities, argo Securities, Fonds Finans,         and general investor presentations.                  Enskilda and nordea markets.         FRESh FiSh TO ThE US, Canada and aSia:         ThE FaRmS may BE LOCaTEd in REmOTE FJORdS, BUT OUR COmpany’S CLOSE pROximiTy TO ThE US, Canadian, and aSian maRkETS aLLOWS ThiS         pROdUCTiOn REGiOn TO diRECTLy SUppLy ThESE maRkETS and EnSURES ThaT ThERE iS nO COmpROmiSE in dELivERinG ThE FREShEST FiSh TO OUR         CUSTOmERS.
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