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Published by samyamakolin, 2021-07-28 12:00:48





Online Practice

Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson


-_'1.Stina Latham-Koenig

- -:e Oxenden

_-= Seligson

and C~ve Oxenden are the original co-authors of OXFORD

! and English File 2 UNIVERSITY PRESS

Grammar Vocabulary Pronuncia

- -- - - - --_- - - - - - --- -_------ .- --_ ..-- .--~: --.. : .---.-...... t:.C:l.'tt\.tt\I:l'f\ \I~t~ ~ma<;.~<;"

8 C Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy present continuous J>pelll~8 ana numbers

- =-=--'-----"-

--- _--. ....",_~~.~~- ---~

ctothes, prepositions of place ;) and ;)r

10 PRACTICA L ENG LISH Episode 1 Hotel problems

12 A Right place, wrong person simple past; regular and irregular verbs vacations regular verbs: -ed endings
14 B The story behind the photo sentence stress
past continuous prepositions of time and
16 C One dark October evening word stress
18 REVIEW AND CHECK 1&2 place: at, in, on

time sequencers and connectors verb phrases

20 A plans and dreams be going to (plans and p~edictions) airports sentence stress and fast
22 B let's meet again speech
24 C What 's the word? present continuous (future
arrangements) verbs + prepositions e.g., sounding friendly
defining relative clauses arrive in

expressions for paraphrasing: pronunciation in a

like, for example, etc. dictionary

26 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 Restaurant problems

28 A Parents and teenagers present perfect + yet and housework, make or do? y and d3-
30 B Fashion and shopping shopping c and ch
32 C Lost weekend present perfect or simple past? (1)
34 REVIEW AND CHECK 3&4 adjectives ending -ed and -ing Ci , on·, and A
something, anything, nothing, etc.

36 A No time for anything comparative adjectives and adverbs, time expressions: spend time, sentence stress

38 B Superlative cities superlatives (+ ever+ present perfect) describing a town or city word and sentence


40 C How much is too much? quantifiers, too, not enough health and the body ,\ , U , 'al , and 'I:

42 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 The wrong shoes

44 A Are you a pessimist? will ! won't (predictions) opposite verbs '11, won't
46 B I'll never forget you
will ! won 't (decisions, offers, verb + back word stress:
48 C The meaning of dreaming promises) two-syllable verbs
adjectives + prepositions
review of verb forms: present, past, the let ters ow
and future



Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

How to... uses of the infinitive verbs + infinitive: try to, forget weak form of to, linking
to, etc.

la Being happy uses of the gerund (verb + -fng) verbs + gerund the letter i

Learn a language in a month! have to, don't have to, must, modifiers: a little (bit), really, etc. sentence stress
must not. cant

Jlll..ACTlCAl ENGLISH Episode 4 At the pharmacy

should get 01 and . u , sentence stress
confusing verbs linking
$ something can go wrong.... if+ present. will + base form
(first conditional) adverbs of manner sentence rhythm

lIfou must be mine possessive pronouns


~t would you do? if+ past, would + base form animals word stress
(second conditional)
phobias and words related to fear sentence stress
Ye been afraid of it for years present perfect + for and since biographies word stress, i:)ri

30mto sing present perfect or simple past? (2)

.....enCAl ENGLISH Episode 5 Getting around

"';"he mothers of invention passive verbs: invent, discover, ete. f, -ed, sentence stress
used to school subjects used tal didn't use to
Could do better might word building: noun formation diphthongs

c . Ind ecisive


A 3ad losers expressing movement sports, expressing movement sports
phrasal verbs linking
! .i:re you a morning person? word order of phrasal verbs similarities sentence stress, ."\} and 0

A hat a coincidence! so, neither + auxiliaries

nCAl ENGLISH Episode 6 Time to go home

Strange but true! past perfect verb phrases contractions: had/ hadn't
reported speech say or tell? double consonants
IS Gossip is good for you questions without auxiliaries review review

t "'"'le American English



126 Grammar Bank 164 Irregular verbs
150 Vocabulary Bank 166 Sound Bank


G word order in questions What do
V common verb phrases, spelling and numbers you do?
P vowel sounds, the alphabet

1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases


• Where you from?

• Where you born?

• Where do you ?

• Do you in a house or an apartment?

• Do you any brothers and sisters?

• Do you any pets?


• What do you .... ?

_ _ _7 • What school / college do you _ _ _ to?
• Doyou _ _ _ yourjob7 • What year _ _ _ you in?

• Can you any other languages? Which?

• Where did you English before?


• What kind of music do you to?

• Do you ___ a musical instrument? Which?

• What TV shows do you ?

• Do you _ _ _ any sports? Which ones?

• What kinds of books or magazines do you ?

• How often do you _ _ _ to the movies?

• What did you last weekend?

a Complete the questio ns with a verb. c In pai rs, ask and answer the ques tio ns. Ca n
YOll find at lea sr o n e rhing fro m each sec tion
b 1 2 »)) Listen and re pea t the Free Time questi o ns. rhar you have in comm o n?
Copy the rhy.thm .
0e inlive the city.
p Sentence st ress
Remember that we usually stress the important words in a sentence
.. (t he ones that carry import ant informat ion) and say t he other words
less st rongly, e.g., Where are you from? What do you do?

2 GRAMMAR word order in questions 3 PRONUNCIATION
vowel sounds, the alphabet
Reorde r the words co make questions.
a 5») Look at the sound pictures. What a re the words
born where you r parents we re ?
1: where fro m teacher our is ? and vowel sounds? Listen and check.
3 name your how you do spe ll ?
4 did last YOll go ni ght out ? 5 16 7
j asI ld~ ? ~ ~1 " 2 ' 3 ' 4
>- p.126 Gramma r Bank lA. Learn more about word &e

order in questions and practice it. >b p.166 Sound Bank. L ook at th e typical spe llin gs o f

e Sta nd up and as k different stud ents the first questi o n these sound s.
unt il somebo dy says yes. Then ask the follow-up
question . Co ntinue with the other qu es tion s, asking c Add these letters to th e circles.
di fferent stud enrs.
Do you drink a lot of cOffee!l 0es, I do.
How many cups af coffee do you drin~ 0ve cups a day. A B c sN
Present K ti1 D Q
, drink a lot of coffee (or rea)? How Olany cups... ? ?V
T aS u
I go to bed ea rly durin g the week? \Vhar time ... ?
I spend a long rime on Facebook every day? How long... ? P

Past &l)

I have a bi g brea kfast toda),? \Vhar ... ? ~
I go somewhere nice on Sa turday? Where... ?

. ,I see a good movie las t week? \Vhat movie ... ? .....

d 16 ») Liste n and check, Pract ice
saying th e letters in each circle,

e Ask and answer with a panller.

Do you usually ger in much w irh your friends by
pho ne. email, o r Facebook?
Do you have an iPod or ~IP3 player? What kind?
Do you often wa tch O\' Os? \Vh ar kind?
Do you wa rch ESP0J, C1\'N, o r \-IT" ?
Do YOll have any friends from the lJS or rhe UK ?

4 SPELLING & NUMBERS e Inrer view your panner and compl ete the fo rm ,
Student information
a 17 ») Listen and wri te six first names. first name
last name
>b Communication What's his name? How do you address

spell it? A p.lDO B p.106. phone number
c How do you say these numbers?

13 30 76 100 150 375 600 1,500 2,000 10,500

d 8») Listen and w rite th e numbers.

Ga te _ __ 3 Tel: _ __ 5 $'- - -

2 miles 4 Population: ____

Online Practice

G simple present I like good
V d escribing people: appearance and personal ity books.
P fi naL-s / -es
He doesn't
1 VOCABULARY describing people like sports.

a 9») Listen ro a man descr ibing h is girlfriend and
check (.I) her picrure.

b Listen aga in. \Vhat two quest io ns does Luke's friend In our weekly experiment, single people who are
ask him? How does Luke answer the second question? looking for a partner ask their mother and their best

P What does she look like? What is she like? friend to help.

What does she look like? = Tell me about her appearance T his week's single person is Charlotte Ramirez.
(Is she tall / short? What calor hair does she have?). a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is
Argentinian and her mother is American. She lives in
What is she like? = Tell me what kind of person she is San Francisco, and she doesn't have a partner right
now. Her mother, Alice. chooses a man she thinks is
(Is she friendly? Is she shy?). perfect for her daughter and her best friend. Kat ie,
chooses anot her. Then Charlot te goes on a date wi th
>-c p.1SO Vocabulary Bank Describing people. each man. Which one does she prefer?

2 READING , , I love going to the movies, but J often feel
like staying at home w ith a good book," says
a \Vho do you think knows you bener, your mother
(or father) or yo ur best friend? \Vhy? Charlotte. " I'm very friendly and sociable and I get
along well with most people. I think I have a good sense
b Read t he int rod uction a nd the fi rst paragrap h of of humor."
the article. "'What kind of men do I li ke? Well, I like interesting
\V har is the idea of the experiment? men who can make me laugh. Physically, I prefer men
2 \Vho is Charlotte? with a really nice smile who are talle r tha n me. And
3 \V ho are Alice and Katie? J don't usually like men with beards! I like men who
4 Whardo Alice and Katie have mdo?Then what happens? are into literature and art. and classical music."

c Now read what C harlotte says. With a pa rt ner guess " I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me.
the meaning of the highli ghted words and phrases. Both my mom and my best friend know me very
well. Maybe Katie cou ld find me a guy who is • •
d Cover the text. Can you remember?
phYSically more compatible, but my mother has "7"7
What does Cha rlotte like doing?
2 What's she like? known me fo r longer!

3 What ki nd of me n does I doesn't she like?

4 \Vho does she think is go ing to choose bener? Why?


3 GRAMMAR simple present 5 PRONUNCIATION final-s / -es

a From memory, try to complete the sentences a 16 )) Listen and repear.
using the simple present.
She li kes cars.
She have a parrner right now. !.nake , He work s with his parents.

2 She on a date with each man. He has brown eyes.
zebra She wea rs jeans.
3 Which onc she prefer?
She relaxes with boxes of chocolates.
4 What kind of men Il ike? He uses glass es to read.

5 usually like men wi th beards. P Pronunciation of f inal -s I -es: verbs and nouns

b In pairs, answer the questions. The final-s is pronounced ~ or 'z. . The difference is small.
The final -es is pronounced 'IZ, after ch, c, g, sh, 5, Z, and x.
\Vhich lener do you add to most ve rbs with
he, sIte, and it? b 17 )) How do you say rhe lie I she I it form o f these verbs and th e

2 How do the verbs below change with he, she, plural of these nouns? Listen and check.
ve rbs: choose cook go live stop teach
watch Istlldy I[Jo Ihave nouns: boy class date friend language parent

3 \Vh ar auxiliary verbs do you use to make
questions and negatives with ... ?

a 1/YOII / lVe / 'hey bile / she / it

>-c p.126 Grammar Bank lB. Learn more

about the simple presem and practice it.

d Can you remember the kind of men 6 SPEAKING & WRITING
C harlotte likes and does n 't like?
a Look at th e form below and prepare to give this info rmation
about your friend.

e Look at the photos o f Alexander and Oliver. Do you have a friend who is looking for a partner?
Help him / her find one!
>-Find out about them. Communicat ion

Alexander and Oliver Ap.l00 B p.106.

Name Personali ty +

Relationship Single


Job Likes


f Which man do you think is better for Doesn't like
C h arlotte? Why?
b \Vork in pairs. Ask and a nswer about your people. Compare the
a 1 14 )) Li sten to Charlotte talkin g about information. Do you think the two people are compat ibl e?
what happened when she met Alexander.
What did she think of him? Does she want 0hat'Shis (her) name?
to see him again?
c ... p.lll Writing Describing a person. \Vrite a desc ripti o n of a
b Listen again and wrire down any adjectives person you know.
or express ions that Charlotte uses to
descri be hi s appearance and personality. 7 18 »)) SONG Ugly JJ •Online Proctice

e llS )) Now repeat for Oliver.

d \Vhar does C ha rlotte decide in the end ?
Do you agree wirh her?

G present continuous What's the
V clothes, prepositions of place woman doing?
P /01 and fori
She's standing
in front of the


1 VOCABULARY clothes 3 GRAMMAR present continuous

a Look at the pictures. \Vhat are the models a Look at the painting on page 9 by arti st Da vid Hockney (1937-).
wearing? Match the words and clothes. In pairs. describe t he man and the wo man .

o boots \Vhat do they look like?
o pants • \Vhat are they wear ing?
o shirt • \Vhat are th ey doing?
o shoes
o skirt b Underline th e correc t for m of the verb, present continu ous or
simple present.
o top
In the pa intin g the man isn't lI'earitlB Jdoesll 't wear shoes.
b ~ p.1Sl Vocabulary Bank Things you wear. 2 In some cou ntri es women often wear Jare wearin8 hats to wedd in gs.
3 In the painting a white cat sits J is sitti1lg on rhe man's kn ee.
2 PRONUNCIATION 1:>1 and l"drl
4 My son usua lly sits I is sittitl8 at the back of the class so th at the
a 1 20 »)) Listen to these word s and sou nd s.
Practice saying them. teacher can't see him.

~ bracelet cardigan c ,... p.126.Grammar Bank le. Learn more about the present
computer jacket necklace
cont inuous and practice it.
v, shirt sk irt T-shirt
d LOQk at the pictures on page 4. What are the people wearing?
2 ~ b ird \Vhar are they doing?

b Look at th e hi gh lighted letters in t he wo rds 4 LISTENING
below. \Vhich sOllnd do t hey have, I or 2?
a 24 »)) Look at the painti ng Mr arid Mrs Clarkalld Percy o n page 9
actor chemistry first painter third and listen to the audio gu id e. Focus on the people and things in
arrive imagine world attr'active t he pai nting as they are mentioned.
instrument problem prefer
b Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) o r F (fa lse).
c 21» ) Listen and check.
Percy is the name of th e car.
d ~ p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical 2 Mr. and Mrs. C lark made clothes
spelli ngs for these so und s.
for famous people.
e Ask and answe r the questions with a panner. 3 The painting shows their living
\Vhat clothes do you usually wear... ?
at wo rk Jcollege Jschool room.
when you go out at night 4 The painting is very smal l.
when you wa nt to relax on th e weekend 5 Celia is pregnant in the painting.
6 Ossie is purr in g hi s feet into the

rug because he is cold.
7 The pos ition of the couple in the

pa inrin g is unu sual.
8 The open wi ndow is a sym bol of

the love between them.
9 T he cat is a sy mbol of infide lity.
IQ Celi a and Ossie later got divorced.
11 Ccl ia doesn't like the painting.
12 Ossie Clark died in 1995.


5 VOCABULARY prepositions of place .6 SPEAKING

3. Loo k at so me sen tences t h at descr ibe the pa inti ng. P Describing a picture (a painting or photo)
Com plete them wi th a word or phrase fro m the list.
When we describe a picture we usually use:
in (x2) on (x2) under in front of behind between There ;s / There are to say what is in the picture, e.g.,
next to on the right on the left in the middle
There is a table and a vase with flowers in it. There are
I T here are two people _ _ __ the room.
two people.
2 T he woman is standing , and the ma n is • The present continuous to say what the people are
sini ng _ _
doing, e.g., The woman is standing and the man is sitting.
3 of the pai nti ng, ____ the man and the • Sometimes we combine There is and the present

woma n, there's an open window. continuous, e.g., There is a woman standing near
the window.
4 A whi te car is sitt ing the man.
>-a Communication Describe and draw A p.lDO B p.I 06.
S T here's a ru g the ma n's chair.
Desc ribe your pi cture fo r your pann er to draw.
6 There's a te lepho ne the fl oor ____ the
b In sma ll gro ups, ask and answe r th e quest ion s.
ma n's chair.
\Vh ic h of th e th ree paintings in thi s lesso n do you
7 the telepho ne there's a la mp. prefer? \Vhy?
2 W har pictu res or pos ters do you have on the wal l in
S the woman there's a table, and a vase with your bedroom or livin g room ?
3 Do you have a favo r ite pai min g? \V har? Can you
fl owers ir. desc ribe it?

b 25 »)) Listen and check. T hen cover th e sentences . .4 Do you have a favor ite painter? \Vho?
and look at t he pai nt ing. Say where the things and
people are. 5 Do you (or did you) paint or draw? \Vhar kinds ofr hings?

Online Practice

Hotel problems \


a Look at the photos. Desc rib e Jenny and Rob.
b 26 »)) Watch or listen to Jenny. N umber the pic[U res

1-6 in the order she mentions them.
c Watch or li ste n aga in and answer th e questions.

1 What does Jenny do?
2 Where d id she go a few months ago?
3 Who's Rob Walker?
4 What did they do together?
5 What does she think of Rob?
6 What's Rob's one negat ive quality?
7 How long is Rob going to be in

New York?




a 27 »)) Cove r th e di alogue a nd wa tch or liste n. W ho
does Rob call? W hy?

b Watch or listen again. Co mplete the You Hear phrases. a 29 ))) Th at even ing Jenny goes to the hoeel to meet Rob,
and they go out for somethin g to eat. Wa tch or listen and
0)1) You Hear You Say ma rk t he sentences T or F.

Hetlo, reception. Hello. This is room 613. 1 Rob says he does n't like the hotel .
2 Jenny is goi ng to show him around the city tom orrow.
How can 1_ _ _ you? There's a problem with 3 Ba rbara is Jen ny's boss.
the air-conditioning. It isn't 4 Rob is hu ngry.
working, and it's very hot in 5 It's four in the morni ng fo r Rob.
my room. 6 T hey're goi ng to meet at eleven.
7 Jen ny thinks th at Rob is go ing to ge t lost.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'll somebody up b Watch or listen agai n. Say why the F sentences
are fa lse.
to look at it right now. Thank you.
c Look at the Social E n g lis h p h rases. Ca n you
Good _ _ _ I reception . Hello . I'm sorry to bother remember any o f the m iss in g word s?
you again. This is room 613.
Social English phrases
How can I help you? I have a problem with the
Wi-Fi. I ca n't get a signal. Jenny Here you at last.

I'm sorry, sir. Rob It's to be here.
I'll you through to IT. Thanks.
Jenny Do you have a view?

c 28 »)) Watch o r liste n and re pea t t he You Say Jenny Barbara's forward to meeting you.
ph rases. Copy the ~thm .
Jenny You be really tired.
o I'll
Rob I guess you're _ __
A There's a problem with t he ai r-conditioning.
B I'lt send somebody to look at it. Rob By the _ __

1'/1 = I will . We use /'1/ + verb to offer to do something. Jenny It's _ _ _ to see you, too.

d Pract ice the d ialogue in 2 b w ith a partner. d 30 ))) Watch or listen and complete th e phrases.

.a~ In pa irs, role- play the d ialogue. e Watch o r listen agai n and repeat the phrases. How do
you say them in you r language?
A (book opcn) You are the rece ptio nist. B (book cl osed)
You are a guesr. You have two problems with your room • Can you ...?
(think abour whar they are). A O ffer to do somethin g
about B's problems. You begi n with Hello, reception. D tell somebody about a problem (e.g., in a hotel)

f Change roles. o offer to do something
o greet a friend who you haven't seen for a long time

Online Practice

G simple past: regu lar and irregular verbs Where did
V vacations
P regu lar verbs: -ed endings

1 VOCABULARY vacations The place is perfect,
the weather is wonderful,
a In o ne minuce, write do wn fi ve things you
like doin g when you're o n vacatio n, e.g., but if you're with the wrong person, a vacation can be a disaster...
reiax illB,Bo j"B to musellms. Then compare
w ith a pa rtner. Joe 28, a flight attendant

>-b p.152 Vocabulary Bank Vaca tions. Last October, I went on vacation to Thailand
for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia.
c In pairs, inter view your partner with th e
vacation ques tionnaire. Ask Why? The vacation began we ll. We spent two
days in Bangkok and saw the Floating
My perfect summer vacation Market and the Roya l Palace. But things
we nt wrong when we left Bangkok. I
Which do you prefer...? wanted to stay in hostels, which were
basic but clean, but Mia said they were
going abroad or going on vacation in your country too uncomfortable. So we stayed in very
expensive hotels. r wanted t o experience
going by car, bus, plane, or train the local atmosphere. but Mia just wanted to
going to the beach or going to a cit y go shopping. I thought I knew Mia well, but you don't know a person unti l
you travel with him or her. It was awful! We argued about everything.
staying in a hotel {or apartment} or going camping
tanning, going sightseeing, or going for walks For our last four days we went to Ko Chang. a beautiful island. It was
hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weat her
going with friends or going with your family

like being in paradise. The weather was bea utiful and the beaches were

wonderful, but we just sunbathed without speaking . We spent our last night

back in Bangkok, and we met some travelers from Australia. They were really

2 READING & SPEAKING friendly, and Mia started flirting with one of the boys. That was the end .

a Wo rk in pairs. A read abo ut Ioe's vacat ion. ee you don't know a When we arrived at O'Hare International
Bread abo U[ Laura's va cation. Find th e
person until you Airportthe next day. we decided to break up.
answers ro qu estio ns 1- 5.
travel with him Itook hundreds of photos. but when Igot
\Vhere did he I she go on vacat io n? or her"
2 Who did he I she go with? home I didn't show them to anyone.
3 Wh ere did he I she stay?
Laura 26, a nurse cc I'd love to go back
4 \Vh at was rh e wea th er like?
Last spring, my best friend Isabelle and to Costa Rica one
5 \V hy didn 't he I she enjoy the vacation? 1booked a vacat ion in Costa Rica. We rented day...but without

b Now tell your partner about the vacat ion a small house for a week. wit h a fantastic view Linda . "
you read. Use qu estion s 1- 5 to help you.
of the ocean . At the last minute another friend,

Linda. asked jf she could come, too. We fe lt sorry for her because she had

problems with her boyfriend, so we said yes.

c Read your pa rtner's text. In pairs, guess Costa Rica was magical and the weather was perfect. but the vacation was
the mean ing of the highlighted words and a disaster for one simple reason: Linda was so cheap! She has a good job so
phrases. \Vh ose vacation do you rhink was she's not poor, but she just didn't want to pay f or anythi ng. When we went
wo rse? \Vh)'?
sightseeing. she didn't want to go on any cruises or do any nature
d H ave you eve r act ivities that cost money. When we went on a zipl ine tour, she
complained that it was too expensive. When we went to have
taken a vacatio n lunch or dinner, she always wanted to go to cheap restaurants
or she bought a sandwich and ate it in the house. But the night
th at you didn 't
I invited her and Isabelle out on my birthday, she chose the
.. enjoy very much? most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was that
What happened? although Isabelle and I paid for the house, Linda never once
bought us a coffee or a snack.

I'd love to go back to Costa Rica one day...but without Linda .

3 LISTENING S PRONUNCIATION regular verbs: -ed endings

a 34 »)) You arc going to listen to M ia and a 37 ») Listen and repear the sentences.
Linda talking about rhei r vacations. First
listen to Mia. Does she ag ree w ith Joc about ~ tie \Ve booked a vaca ti on.
the vacatio n? We walked around the town.
1b dog
b Listen again. What does Mia say about ... ? \Ve su n bathed on the beach.
\Ve argu ed about everything.
1 her relationship with Joe before they went
2 (he places where they stayed \Ve relUed a ho use.
3 talking to other trave lers
4 photos I \Ve decided to break up.
5 goi ng on vaca tion wi th a boyfriend
b Say the simple past ofrhese verbs. In which ones is -ed
c 35 »)) Now listen to Linda. \Vhat's her pronounced IId /?
op inion ofthe vacation? Then li sten again.
\Vhat does she say about... ? arrive ask end invite like love need park start stay

Costa Rica c 38 )) Listen and check.
:2 what they did there
3 the cost of her vacation P Regular simple past verbs
4 her next vacation
Remember that we don't usually pronounce the e in -ed.
d \Vha do you sympathize with most, Jac or The -ed ending is usually pronounced I or ,d . The difference between
\rlia? Lauraor Linda? these endings is very small.

We only pronounce the e in -ed when there is a t or a d before it,

e.g., want ed, ended. With these verbs -ed = Id .

4 GRAMMAR simple past: regular 6 SPEAKING
and irregular verbs
a Look at Your last vacation below. \Vhat are the ques tio ns?
b Think about your answers co the questions.

a \Vh m is the si mpl e past of these verbs? YOUR LAST VACATION
Are they regu lar or irreg ul a r? Check your
answers in Joe's text. 1 WMr<- / !lo?
:L Wh<->1- / !lo?
go _ _ begin _ __ 3 Who / !l0 with?
spend _ __ q. WMr<- / stAY?
leave _ __ 5 WhAt / th<- food Like.?
wa nt 10 WMt / the. weAtMr Lik.<-?
sray _ __ be _ _ I_ _ 7 WhAt / do d....rioy tM dAY?
8 WMt / do At oU!lht?
rhink _ __ q / MVe A!l0od tiWJ.<-?
10 / MVe A>1-Y probLeww?
know argue _ __

sunbathe ___ take

b Now u nde rline the simple pasr ffi verbs in

Laura's text. \Vhat are the base forms?

c Fi nd and unde rline [WO s im ple past G verbs c \Vork in pairs. Ask your parmer about

rnin the [WO texts. How do yo u make B and his I her vacation. Show interest in what
he I she says and ask for more information. Then change roles.
in rhe sim ple past.. .?
P Useful language for showing interest
wit h normal ve rbs I±l Really? Wow! Fantastic! Great! etc.
rnEl Oh, no! How awful! etc.
with was I were Was it expensive? Why? What happened? etc.

with could Online Practice

>-d p.128 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more

aboU[ the sim ple past and practice it.

G past continuous What was
V prepositions of time and place: at, in, on happening?

P sentence stress

1 READING On NQVember 4th, I arrived in Chicago late in the evening. I
wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his fam ily in the
a Look at a photo th at news photog raphe r convention center, but when I got there I discovered that I didn't
Tom Pil sto n took in 2008. \Vhat do you have my press pass and I couldn't go inside. I walked around the park
think is ha ppc nin g? outside the center. Although it was November, it wa s a warm night.
The atmosphere was wonderful. When I took this photo, everybody
b Re ad To m's dcsc riptio n o f wh at happe ned o n was looking at the TV screens waiting for the election results. some
people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were ten se
the night he too k the photo. We re you right? and nervous. They felt that it was their moment. Suddenly, I realized
that this was a better place to be than inside. I was watching Obama's
c Read it aga in and an swe r the qu estio ns. victory through the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese,
white. At about 11 o'clock the results w ere announced, and everybody
Why did Tom Pil sto ll go to Chicago? went crazy. people started laughing, shouting, and crying. But when
2 \Vhy couldn't he take a photograph Obama made his speech they all became quiet and emotional. There
was only one place to be on the planet that night - and I w as there.
of Oba ma?
3 VOCABULARY at, in, on
3 Wh at was the wea th er like?
a W hic h pre posi tion do you use befo re ... ?
4 Wh ere di d he take th is photo?
5 \V here could th e people see the I a dare (e.g., November 4rh) _ _

electi on res ul ts? 2 a tim e (e.g., 11 o'clock) __ _
6 Was he sorry th at he co ul dn't go 3 the mornin g, th e afternoo n, etc. _ _
4 a room o r buildin g (e .g., the conve ntion cente r) _ _
ins id e the ce nter?
7 What happe ned when Obama won? b C heck yo ur an swers to a in the text. \Vhat pre pos iti o n do yo u
lI se w ith ... ?
d Why do you think the photograph er tho ught
hi s ph oto was better than a pho to o f Oba m a 1 a month (e.g.. Janua ry) _ _ 3 ho me. wo rk , sc hoo l _ _
2 th e weekend
him sel f? D o you agre e?
>c p,153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions, D o parr I .
2 GRAMMAR past continuous
d ~ Communication at, in, on A p.lOO B p.106. A nswerth e
a Look at dle hi ghlighted verbs in an ex trac t questio ns w ith a pre positio n and a time or place .
fro m th e text. D o they descri be acrio ns th at
h appened ... ?

a after he rook th e photo

b at the sa me time as he took th e ph oto

When I took this photo, everybod y was
looking at the TV screens waiting f or th e
election results. Some people were quietly
holding hands and smiling - other s were
tense and nervous.

>b p.128 Grammar Bank 2B. L earn m or e

about th e pa st co ntinuo us and practi ce it.

e 41 ))) In pairs, listen to the sounds and
make a se nte nce usin g the pa st continuous
.. and th e sim ple past.

( ,~,~? were playing tennis

~n it started to rain.


a 43 »)) listen and r epea tthe dialogue. Copy the a Talk to a partner. Give more information ifyou cao.

~t hll1. Do yo u h ave a photo YOll really like? \Vha took it?
What was happening at rh e tim e?
A Where were you at six o'clock in the evening? 2 Do you upload photos ro Facebook o r other Internet
B I was at work. s ires? What was the la st photo you upload ed ?
A What were you doing? 3 Do you have a pho to as the sc ree n saver on your
B I was having a meeting with the boss. compu ter or phone? \Vhat is it of?
4 Do you have a favorite photo ofyoursel f as a child?
b In pairs, take turns answering th e ques tio ns about \ Vho too k it ? \Vhat was happen in g when they too k it ?
yes t e r d ay. \Vhar were you wea rin g?
5 Do you h ave any photos in your bedroom o r li ving
6:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. lunchtime 4:00 p.m. room? Whar are rhey of?
6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. midnight 6 Do you know any other famous hisrorical phoros?
\Vh o or w h at are they of?
9:Whe~e were you,at 30 ) ( I was at home.
b ~ p. 1l2 Writing l-1y favorite photo. W r ite a desctipti on
'2--In the mornmg~ of your favo ri re photo.

.!.1What were you dOing Caroline de Bendern was born in 1940. She was the ~
granddaughter of count Maurice de Bendern, a rich
5 LISTENING aristocrat who owned a lot of property in Paris and ~~
Monaco. Although he had other grandchildren, the Count •8~
a Look at a famous photO that was on the decided to leave all his money to Caroline. "I never knew
cover of many magazines around rhe world why," says Caroline. " Perhaps because I was pretty." He paid f'~-"
in the 19605. \Vhere do you think the for her to go to very expensive schools in England, and he
people a re ? \Vh ar do you think is happening? hoped that she would marry well, perhaps a member of a
European royal family. But Caroline was a rebel. She went to
b Read the beginning of a n ewspaper anicl e. New York and worked there for a short time as a model. Then,
\Vhy do you think it is called ;'Tlie imaBe tllat in 1968 when she was 28 years Old, she returned to paris...
cost afortune"?

c 44 )) Now li sten to the wo ma n in the photo
talking abo ut it . \ Vere YOll right?

d Li s ten aga in. C hoose a, b, or c.

In 1968,she __ .
a wasn't interested in politics
b was a communist
c was an anarchist
2 She loved rhe atmosphere because all the
sru denrs were fig hting for __ .
a peace b democra cy c freedom
3 She was sitting on a friend's shoulders __ "
a beca use she was tired
b to take photos
c so that she could see better
4 She was carrying the flag because __ .
a she was a leader in the demonstratio n
b so mebod y gave it ro her
c she brought it with her
5 Ilet grandfather died six __ later.
a days b weeks c months

e Do you think she is sorry that she was
in th at phoro?

Qnlinc Prl!niu~

G time sequencers and connectors Because she
V verb phrases was in a hurry.
P word stress

1 GRAMMAR Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2010.
It was Hannah's 21st birthday, and she and her
time sequencers and connectors friends went to a club. They wanted to dance,
but they didn't like the music, so Hannah went
a 45 »)) Read the story o nce. Then complete it with to speak to the DJ. "This music is awful," she said. "Could
a word or phrase fro m th e box. Liste n to the story you play something else?" The DJ looked at her and said,
and check. "Don't worry, I have the perf ect song for you."

After that The next day One evening in October 1 Two minutes Later he said, "The next song is by Scouting
Suddenly Tue miAI:JEes-ta.fef When

For Girls. It's called Blue As Your Eyes, and it's for a

b With a partner, answer the questions. beautiful girl who's dancing over there." Hannah knew that

1 Why did Han nah go and speak to Jamie? the song was for her. 2 Hannah and her friends
2 Why did Jamie play Bllle As YOllr Eyes?
3 What happen ed when Hannah left the club? left the club. the DJ was waiting for her at the door. "Hi,
4 What wa s the restaurant like?
5 Where did they go eve ry evening after th at? I'm Jamie," he said to Hannah. "Can I see you again?" So
6 What was the weather like th at evenin g?
7 \Vhy was Hannah drivin g fast? Hannah gave him her phone number.
8 Why didn't she see the man?
_ _ _ _ Jamie called Hannah and invited her to dinner.

He took her to a very romantic restaurant, and they talked

, ' all evening. Although the food wasn't very good, they had

a wonderful time. 4 Jamie and Hannah saw

each other every day. Every evening when Hannah finished

work, they met at 5:30 in a coffee shop on Bridge Street.

c From memory, complete these sentences from rhe They were madly in love.
story with so, because, or althou(jh. Then check with
the story. _ _--,._ ' Hannah was at work. As usual she was going
to meet Jamie at 5:30. It was dark and it was raining. She
I She was going very fast ___ she was in a hurry. looked at her watch. It was 5:20! She was going to be late!
2 ___ the food wasn't very good, they had a She ran to her car and got in. At 5:25 she was driving along
BrIdge Street.
wonderful time.
3 He was wearing a dark coa t, ___ Han nah didn't see She was going very fast because she was in a hurry.

him at first. 6 , a man ran across the street. He was wearing

d :.- p.128 Grammar Bank 2C. Learn more about [irne a dark coat, so Hannah didn't see him at first. QUickly, she
sequencers and connectors and prac[ice [hem.
put her foot on the brake...

e Complete the se ntences in your o'\vn words. Then . -. ...... : r,~,~..... - ,,...
compare with a pa rtner. ....
-"".. .,
They fell in love on their first date. Two months later...
2 I went re bed ea rly last night because... ...;, . i,..., ' ,",\
3 The weather was beautiful, so we decided ... . 1"
4 It was really cold that night, and when
# -- / . I'".. / .~,
I woke up next morning...
S Although we didn 't play well in [he ••
.:.. ../...../. ..
final game...
6 I was driving along th e freeway

listening to th e rad io. Suddenly...


P Stress in two·syUable words a Read the story ofHannah and Ja m ie in 1 aga in .

Approximately 80% of two-syllable words are b In pairs, use pic[U res 1-5 to retell the story. Try to use connecto rs
stressed on the first syUable. and the ve rb ph rases in 3 .
Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives are
stressed on the first syUable, e.g., mother,
happy. However, many two-syUable verbs and
prepositions or connectors are stressed on

the second syllable, e.g., arrive, behind, before.

a Underline rh e stressed syllable in these
words fro m rhe sto ry.

alcross al iter alga in allong
at!though aw llul be lcause birth lday
eve lning in lvite per llect selcond

b 49 ))) Li sten an d check.

3 VOCABULARY verb phrases

a Ma ke verb phrases wi th a verb fro m box 1
and a phrase from box 2. A11 the phrases are
from the story.

invite somebody to dinner

1 invite 2 along Bridge Street
have somebody your
drive em ail/phone number
meet a song
give across the street
take in a hurry
wait in a coffee shop
be for somebody
play the club very late
leave someeedy-te-dinnef
run somebody to a restaurant
a wonderful time

b Cover box 1. Try to rem em ber the verb fo r c T here are two d iffe rent endin gs to t he story. Ta ke a cl ass vore. Do
each phrase. you wa nt to listen to the happy ending o r the sad ending?

d 50,51 »)) \Vhat do you thi n k is goi ng to happ en in the end ing
you have chosen ? Li sten o nce and check.

e Lis ten aga in . If you chose th e happy endi ng, an swer the questions
in> Communication Happy ending p.LOl . If you chose the sa d
ending, answe r th e ques ti on s in ~ Communication Sad ending

5 152 ))) SONG Blue As Your Eyes /.I

E lOnline Practice

GRAMMAR 4 A Did you _ _ _ any photos? B 0, I didn 'r.
SA Wheredidyou ___? B In asma llhorel.
@ a . b , or c. 6 Did you ~ your flights on linc?
7 A Let's ~ yourpa remstodin ner. B Good idea.
I any brothers or siste rs? 8 A Are you going to -=...:....- t he re?
a Have you b Do you c Do you have
B No, we're goi ng to take the train.
2 ___ la st night? 9 A Go on! Ask the DJ to ~ our song! B OK.
10 A What time do we need to ~ home tomorrow?
a Where you wem
b Where did you go B About 7:00. Our flight is at 9:00.
c \Vhere you did go
3 My broth er ___ soccer. b Complete with at, in, o r 0 11.

a doesn't like b don't like c doesn't likes 1 The meecing is ___ Marc h 13th .
4 Her paren ts ___ a sma ll business.

a has b haves c have 2 A \Vhere's Mom? B She's the kitchen.
5 to music when I'm work ing.
3 He was born 1989.
a never li ste n b don't neve r li sten c liste n neve r
6 In the picture the woman ___ a blue dress. 4 A Where's the dictionary?

a wears b weari ng c is wea rin g Bi t's ___ the shelf in my room.
7 A \Vhat ___? B I'm looking for my keys.
S Mark's not back yet- he's still ___ school.
a you are doing b do you do c are you doing
8 She's in coll ege. She ___ history. 6 It's a very quiet tow n , especia lly ___ ni ghr.

7 We wem _ _ vacat ion to Bangkok last yea r.

c @thewordthatisdifferem.

a 's sruding b 's st udying c studyin g 1 stra ight long blond beard
9 We ___ ro Ban gkok la st August. 2 smart lazy generous funny
3 friendly cheap stupid unkind
Cl we re b we nt c did go 4 dress skirt rights t ie
5 socks gloves snea kers sa nda ls
10 I saw th e movie, but I ___ it. 6 necklace bracelet ring scarf
7 windy foggy dirty sunny
a didn 't liked b don't liked c didn't like 8 basic dirty uncomfortable luxurious

11 When I got home, my parents on rhe sofa.

a were sirring b was sitting c we re siti ng

12 What at 11 p.m.? You didn't answer my cal l.

a YOll were doing b you was doing c were you doing

13 She cou ldn't see him because she her glasses. PRONUNCIATION

a wasn't wearing b didn't wear c didn't wear in g

14 We went to the movies. ___ we decided to go for a walk. a@ the word with a different sound.

a After b Then c \Vhen ?E G

15 We had a great time, ___ the weather wasn't very good. V
c u r ly
a so b because c although ~ g lass es

~2 shir t shorts wo r k

VOCABULARY 3 'IZI c hooses languages li ve"

a Co mplete th e phrases with a ve rb from the list. 4~ weight heigh t kind n igh t
a rri ve a long actor about
book do drive invite leave 5~
look play stay take wear b U nd erline the stressed sy llable.

A What do yOll ___? B I'm a docrer. 1 ta l ka tive 3 pre fer 5 cornfor ta ble
2 A \Vhat does shc ___ like? B She's tall and slim . 2 mus tache
3 She doesn't usua llY·1 ~ ewelry-only her 4 dis gus ting

wedding rin g.

a Read the newspaper article once. Does the journalist
think that taking pharos in museums is a good thing or 1 53 ») On the street \Vatch or li ste n to five people
a bad thing? and answer the questions.

b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or Justin Joanna Jeanna David Yoni
F (false)
Ju st in ____
The journalist saw rourists raking photographs of
works of art in Rome and New York. a looks like hi s rnorher
2 \Vhen he first saw people taking photos in rhe MOMA, b looks like his father
he didn't understand what they were really doing. c doesn't look like hi s father or his mot her
3 Then he realized that the photographers were not 2 Joanna's favo rite painting is of____
looking at rhe painrings.
4 They were raking phoros because they wanted to look a a landscape b a person c an animal
at the paintings later.
5 Later a couple asked him co take a photo of rhcm in 3 Jeanna's last vacation was
front of a pai nti ng.
6 He suggests twO possible ways ofsolving the problem. a short and stressfu l
b long and fun
c Look at the high lighted words in the text. Guess their c short but good
meaning from the context. Check with your teacher or
with a dictionary. 4 David

a takes a lot of photos
b is in a lot of photos
c has a lor of photos on his phone
5 Yoni sa)'s ____

a he enjoys crying at the end of a movie
b he thinks movies with a sad end ing are more realistic
c he never watches movies with a sad ending

The first time I noticed this phenomenon was a few years CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
ago, in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome - a crowd of people ...
standing around Michelangelo's Pier&., taking photos with Do the tasks with a partnet_ Check (.1') the box if YOll
their cameras and cell phones. Then last week I saw it again
at the Museum of Modern Art (the MO MA) in New York City. can do them.
At first, I wasn't too worried when I saw people photographing
the paintings. It was a little irritating, but that was all. It didn't oCan you ... ?
make me angry. Then the sad truth hit me. Most of the people ask and answer six questions about work I stud ies,
were taking photos without looking at the paintings themselves. family, and free~time activities
People were pushing me, not because they were trying to get
a better view of the art, but because they wanted to make sure 02 describe rhe appearance and personaliry of a
that no one blocked their photo. Was it possible that maybe they
were taking the photos so that they could admire the paintings person you know well
better when they got home? This was very improbable. They
were not there to see the paintings, but to take photos to prove 03 describe a picrure in rhis book and say what is
that they had been there.
happening, what the people are wea rin g, ete.
Then it got worse. Now people were taking photos of their
partners or friends who were posing next to, or in front of some 04 ask and answer three questio ns about a
of the most famous paintings. Neither the photographers nor
the person they were photographing had looked at the art itself, recenr vacation
although I saw that sometimes they read the label, to make sure
that the artist really was famous. At least nobody asked me to 05 describe a favorite photo and say what was
take a picture of them together, smiling in front of a Picasso!
happening when you rook it
I think that photography in museums should be banned , but I
also have a less drastic solution. I think that people who want to 06 say three true sentences using the connec tors so,
take a photo of an exhibit should be forced to look at it first , for
at least one minute. because, and althollBh

Adapted from Marcel Berlln'S article in The Guardian ~ Short movies A photographer
VIDEO Watch and enjoy the movie.

Online Practice

G be going to (plans and predictions)

V airports
P sentence stress and fast speech

I'm going to
teach English.


a \Vhen was the last t ime you were a Look at the three t ravelers in the picrure. Who do you t hink is... ?
at an air port ? Was it to travel goin g to wo,rk abroad for an NCO (= non-governmental orga ni zation)
somewhere (whe re?) or to meet going to see an ex-partner
someone (w ho?)? go in g ro do a phoro shoO[ in an exot ic place

b Look at the airport signs and What are their plans?
match th em ro the words and What are their dreams?
ph rases below.

[J Arrivals .-I
We spent a morning in the departures area last
o Baggage check-in week asking people about their travel plans.
o Baggage claim
b 55 )) Liste n a nd chec k your answers to a . T hen listen aga in and compl ete
o Check-in the chart.
o Customs
Where to? Why? Other information
o DeQ2,[tures
Olivia -- -
D Gates
o ;'levators
CJ Passport control I

o Terminal

o Restrooms

D Cart

c 54 »)) L isten and check. Then
cover the words and look at the
symbols. Remember che words
and phrases.


be going to (plans and predictions)

a 56 J)) Look a t these senre nces fro m the air po rt
im er vicws a nd fill in th e blan ks with a fo rm o f
be [Joi ll8 to + verb. Then li sten a nd check.

1 En gli sh to youn g children .

2 How lo ng there for?

3 It 's w inrer in Aust ra lia now, so _ _ _ _ _ __

pretty cold .

4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you at the air po rt? For many people airports are a nightmare -long lines
when you check in and go through security and an even
5 I'm su re _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 great ti me . longer wait if your flight is delayed. But there are some
airports where you can actually enjoy yourself. All good
b In pairs dec ide if se ntences 1- 5 arc pla ns or predi ctions airports have excellent facilities for business people and
about the futllre. Wr ite PL (pl an) or PR (prediction). children, free Wi~Fi, restaurants, cafes, and stores. But the
best airports have much more...
>-c p.130 Grammar Bank 3A. Learn mo re about
SINGAPORE [HANGI AIRPORT is pa rad ise for flower lovers
beBoillB to a nd prac tice it. beca use it has an indoor orch id garde n! It also has a rooftop
sw imming pool and a free sight-seeing tour for people w ho
4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING have at least five hours to wait for their connecting flight.

sentence stress and fa st speech If you li ke computer games, you 'll never be bored at HONG
KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - there are dozens of free
a 58 »)) Li sten a nd repe a t the se m ences . Copy th e Playstations all overthe terminals! It's also good f or people
with no sense of direction - there are "Airport Ambassadors ~
.r.h.x.t hm . in red coats, w ho help you to get from one place to another.

What m )'ougQing ro do tonight? INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT isthe place to relax. You
2 Are yOll gQing to see a movie? can go to the hairsalon and have beauty treatments or a massage.
3 ['m gQing to cook a meal for you. Sports fans can also play golf atthe airport's 72-hole golf course!
4 I think its gQing ro rain .
S We aren't gQing to have a vacation thi s year. MUNICH AIRPORT helps to keep passengers entertained with
a GO-seat movie theater and non -stop movies. There is also
)C' Fastspeech: gonna -_ free coffee and tea near all the seating areas, and lots of free
magazines and newspapers.
When people speak fast they often pronounce going to
If you worry about your health and like to be near medical
as gonna '''g;)nal, e.g., What are you going to do? sounds services at all times, OSAKA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT in Japan
is the perfect place to wait because it has dentist and doctor
like What are you gonna do? offices. And for people with animals, there is even a pet hotel!

b 59 »)) Li ste n a nd w rit e six se ntences . If y ou don't have time to do your laundry because of your busy
schedule, drop it off atthe VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL
>c Communication What are your plans? A p.IOI AIRPORT cleaners before you have to boa rd your flight. Then
pick up your clean clothes when you get back from your trip.
B p. 107. Ince rview eac h othe r about you r plan s.
c Look at the highlighted word s and phrases related to
5 READING a ir ports and guess t heir meanin g.

a Wh a t is your nea rest a irport? \V hat 's it li ke? \Vhat d Role- pl ay w it h a pa rtner.
ca n you do t here while you're wa iting for a fl ight ?
A im agine YOll are at o ne of t hese airports and your fl igh t
b Read a n a rt icle about tn e top airports in t he world . is delayed for th ree hours. B ca ll s you on yo ur cell phone.
Which is th e best a ir port(s) if you ... ? Tell B where you are and what you are goi ng to do. T he n
change roles. Do the same with other air ports.
have a med ical problem
2 would like to see a mov ie 6 60 )) SONG This is the Life -"
3 want to pl ay a spo rt or exercise
4 need to leave your dog for the weekend Online Practice
5 are worr ied about genin g lost
6 wa nt to wash your clothes
7 woul d like to see the c ity bet ween fl ights

G present continuous (future arrangements) When are
V verbs + prepositions, e.g., arrive in you leaving?
P sounding friendly

1 READING & LISTENING c Read the messages aga in in th e r ight o rder. W hy does
Lily ge t in rouch w it h Ben ? \Vh at are th ey plann ing
a 61 1)) How do yo u s ay these dates? Li ste n and chec k. to do?

May 3 August 12, 2012 December 31 d Match t he highlighted words and ph rases to
6/ 22 2/ 5 July 20, 199B t heir mea nin g.

b Ben a nd Lily a re o ld f riend s fro m coll ege. Rea d their I for a long ti me
Face book messages and nu mber th em in order. 2 defi n ite plan s for rhe future
3 I conti nue to be
_ Home Profile 4 _ _ _ maybe
5 ____ th erwo
Lily Varnell
6 _ _ _ to decide some thing (e.g., a day I date)
D Great. I'm going to book my tickets
tomorrow, and then I can let you know e 62 )}) Lily ca ll s Ben and leaves him a message. Li ste n
my flight time s. and com plete her fli ght info rm at io n.

Ben West Thank you for booking with JetBlue

D OK. Why don't you call me closer to the YOUR RESERVATION N UMBER IS: 15CS2L

date, at the end of April? Then we can set Going out: Flight JBY4587 Date: ____
a day and a time to meet. I know a great
restaurant. .. Depart Boston at 12:10 p.m.

Lily Varnell Arrive Sa n Francisco at

DJ Hi, Ben! No news from you for ages. How are Going back: Flight JBY4588 Date: _ _ __
things? Are you still w orking at the University
of San Francisco? I have a conference there Depart Sa n Francisco at _ _ __
next month, and I thought perhaps we could Arrive Boston at 9:10 p.m.
meet. I'd love to se e you again! Lily.
Hotel rese rva tions:
Ben West
Six nights at Hotel _ _ __
D It depends on th e day. I'm going to
Los Angeles one day that w eek , but it's
not very far - I'm coming back the same
day. I'm su re we can find a time t hat 's
good for both of us.

lily Varnell

D It's from May 3rd to the 7th, but I don't

know my travel arrangements yet. What are
you doi ng that week? Are yo u free any time?

Ben West

D lily! Great to hear from you . Ye s, I'm sti ll

at the uni v ersity here and it 's going really
well - San Francis co is a great city to li ve
in. When exactl y is the conference?

Lily Varnell

D Wonderful! I can't wait!


(future arrangements) sounding friendly

a In pairs, underline five present COminUQll5 a 67 »)) Listen to another dialogue. Then li ste n again and repeat it
\'erbs in the Facebook messages. \Vhich [WO sentence by sentence. Try ro copy the speakers' intonation.
are about now? \Vhar time period do the
othe r three refer to? A Would you like to go out for dinner?
B I'd love to.
b 63 ))) Look at three ext races from rhe A Are you free on Thursday?
message Lily leaves Ben. Ca n yo u remember B Sorry, I'm going to the movies.
the mi ssing verbs? Listen and check. A What about Friday? What are you doing then?
B Nothing. Friday's fine.
1 I'm from Bosto n on JetBlue. A OK. Let's go to the new Italian place.

2 I'm in Sa n Francisco at 2:40 p.m. B Great.

3 1'111 at a hotel near the b Practice the dia logue wit h a panner. Try ro sound friendly.
c Complete your ca lendar with different activities fo r three evenings.
convention center.

>-c p.130 Grammar Bank 38. Learn more

about the present canti nuou s for [mufe Monday Wednesday Fnday Sunday

arra ngements and practice it.

d 65 )) Lily ca ll s Ben when she arrives at the Tueaclay Thursday Saturday
hotel. Listen to the conversation. \Vhar day
do they arrange to meet?

e Listen again. Complete Ben's calendar for d Talk to other students. Try ro find days when you are both free
the week. and suggest doing something. \Vrite it on your calendar. Try to
make an arrangement with a different person for every night.
Sunday ~.__ .. Are you free on Friday evenin~ 0es, I am.

seeing Paul Would you like to go to the moviesQ 0es, I'd love to.

Monday 3 _ _ _.

Tuosday4 _ _ "l VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions
Thursday 6 a Look at things Lily and Ben say. \Vhat are the missing prepositions?
Friday 7
1 Irdepe nds __ rheday.
f Cover the ca lendar. \Vork with a partner and 2 I'm arr ivi ng __ Sa n Francisco at 2:40 p.m.
test your memory. 3 Paul invired me __ dinner ages ago.

What's Ben ~o~ng ') (H~~~ seeing Paul. What's >b p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 2 (Verbs +
on sunda~ ~ doing on Monday?
prepositio ns).
g 66 »)) Listen. \Vhac happen s when Ben and
Lily meec? c Complete the questions with a preposition. Then ask and answer
with a parrner.

\Vhat do you usually ask __ ifyou go to a cafe with fr iends?
2 \Vho do YOll think should pay __ rhe meal on a first dare?
3' Who do you usually speak __ when you're worried __

4 Do you spend more money __ c1orhesor __ gadgets?
5 Do you rhink ir's possible to fall __ love __ somebody withour

meeting rhem face·to·face?


>- p.113 Writing An informal email. \Vrite an email about travel

arrangements. El

Online Practice

G defining retative clauses What's a
V expressions for paraphrasing: like, for example, etc. gym?
P pronunciation in a dictionary



a Do you like play in g wo rd ga mes li ke a \Vhat do you usually do if you're talking to someone in English

Scrabble or doing crossword s? Look at t he a nd yo u don't know a word th at YOll need?

Scrabble letters o n th e page. How many a Look up the translation on your phone.
words of fo ur or mo re lette rs ca n you make b Try to mime rhe word.
in three minutes? c Try re explain wha t you mean usi ng other words you know.

b ~2 )) Listen to the introduction to a TV b 6 )) Complete the useful expressio ns wi th these words. Then
listen and check.
I game show, Wltat's tile Word? How do you
play the ga me? example kind like opposite similar
c 2 3 ))) Now listen to the show. \Vrire down somebody something somewhere

the six words. • --

I Useful expressions for explaining a word that you

2 _ _ __ don't know:

3 _ _ __ I It's I a perso n who works in a hospital.
2 It's I a thing that we use for everything nowadays.
4 _ _ __ 3 It's I a place where people go when they want to

5 _ _ __

6 buy something.

d 4 ))) Li sten and check your answers. 4 It's a ___ ofgadget.

S It's the of dark.

6 Ir 's ____ light, bur you use it to desc ribe hai r.

2 GRAMMAR 7 It's ro intelligent.

defining relative clauses 8 For ,YOll do this to rhe TV. E

a Look at three se ntences fro m What 's tile c Comple te t he defi nitio ns for th ese wo rd s.

Word? and co mplete th em with wlio, rlwt, 1 a DJ It's somebody.. . R
o r where.
2 an art gallery It's somewhere.
It's something people use to speak 3 a camera It's something...

to another pe rson. 4 an elevator I( 's a kind of...

2 It's a place people go when they S s u nbathe For exa mple, you d o thi s... A
6 curly It's th e op posite... I
want to go shoppin g.

3 It's so mebody ____ works in a hospit,aI.

b Read sentences 1-3 aga in. \Vhen do we use 4 SPEAKING
wlio, that, a nd where?
~ Comm un ication What's the word? A p.lOl B p.107. Play a game
>-c p.130 Grammar Bank 3C. Learn more and defin e words for your partner to guess.

about defining relative clauses and

practice them. 0~ ,

U. S, I L E,

,,-- H4

L I ~I


READING .,;;/-

Read rhe articl e. How many ways does it men tio n to 900 new .'. . in 3 months
create new wo rd s? \Vh ar are they?
Everyone knows the English language is changing.
Look at the hi ghli ghted l1 ew word s. Wh at do you think Eve ry three mont hs. the OED (Oxfo rd English
~ey mea n ? M atch the m to t he defi nitio n s below. Dictionary) pu blishes updates to its onlin e dictionary.
One recent update contain ed 900 new words, new
____ 11 a youn g ma n who is goi ng our w ith a much expressions. or new m ea nings for existin g words. But
old er woma n w here do they all com e from?

, _ _ _ _ 11 to se nd a mess age using a cell phone New words are created in many different ways. We can
3 ____ '1 a person who work s in a co ffee sho p make a new word by combin ing t wo words. like gastropub
~ ____ 11 feel ing a ngry because of t he traffi c or (gastronomy + pub) or em otico n (emotion + icon).
Sometimes we put two words togethe r in a new way. for
a nothe r pe rson's d riving examp le. road rage or boy toy.
" ____ ', co ffee wirh hor milk
6 ____ '1 a place whe re YOll ca n also have very We also find that nouns can change into verbs. Ta ke the
word t ext . Text was always a noun (from about 1369,
good food according to the OED), but it is now very common as a
verb, to text somebod y. Other new words al ready ex isted,
c Can you ex pla in th e meaning o f t hese other word s but with a djfferent meaning. For examp le, tweet was the
from the text? noise that a bird makes, but now we use it more ofte n (as a
verb or a noun) for a message tha t peop le put on the socia l
emoticon to tweet iPod to google net working site Twitter.
/tj·Fi ring tone smart phone
Another way in which we make new words is by
PRONUNCIATION "adopting" words from foreign la nguages, like barista or
latte (imported fro m Italian w he n coffee shops beca me
pronunciation in a dictionary really popular in the US in the 1990s).

.a Look at twO d icti on ary ex tracts. \Vh at do the A lot of new words come from the names of brands or
J:bb reviarion s mean ? compa ni es, for example, we play music on an iPod and we
google information . We also need more ge ne ral words to
.arch Is;)rtf v look ca refully because describe new technology or new gadge ts: Wi· Fi, ri ngt"n" ,~
I'OU are trying to find sb or sth and smartphone are some rece nt examples.

busy I'bl zi, adj ocupado The invention of new words is not a new ph e nome no n.
The word brunch (breakfast + lunch) first appeared in
I ,. 3 sb 1896. newspa per (news + pape r) in 1667, and English
, adj _ __ 4 sth speakers sta rted to use the wo rd cafe (from Fre nch) in
the late 19th century. The differe nce now is how quickl y
Look at th e pho ne tic transc riptio ns in a . How do you new words and ex pressions enter the languag e and how
p rono ll nee t he wo rd s? quick ly we start to use and und erstand them.

P Checking pronu nciation in a dictionary

This symbol {I) shows stress. The st ressed syllable is the
one after t he symbol.

The Sound Bank on p.166 can help you to check the
pronunciation of new words.

2 7 »)) Look ca refu lly at the pronunciatio n o f t he word s
below. Practi ce say in g th em correc tly. Li sten a nd
c hec k. Do yo u know w hat th ey m ean?

YouTlI be '!y utuh 4 gadget ilgred30t ,

.2 key board l! kibJrdl 5 message Pmcsldy

3 zoom Izum l 6 h acker ·" hrekar

Restaurant problems


Take the restauranr quiz with a partner.


What do you calL?
1 the book or list that tells you what food there is
2 the three parts of a meal
3 the person who serves you
4 the piece of paper with the price of the meal
5 extra money you leave if you are happy with your meal or with

the service

What do you say...?
1 if you want a table for four people
2 when the waiter asks you what you want
3 when you are ready to pay


a 28»)) \Varch or listen. Mark the sentences T 3 !E~ AT THE RESTAURANT
(true) or F (fa lse).
Th e New York office is sma ll er than the
London office. a 29 »)) Cover the dialog ue and wacch or listen. A n swer the
2 Barba ra is the designer of rh e magazi ne. ques t ions.
3 Rob has never been [0 New York before.
4 Barbara is goi ng ro have lunch with Rob \Vhar do rhey order?
and Jenny. 2 Whar probl ems do th ey have?

5 Holly is go ing to work with Rob.
6 Holly wams to go to the res rauranr

because she's hun gry.

Watch o r li sten again. Say why
the F sentences are false.

b \Va tch o r lis tcn agai n. Complete th e You Hear phrases. 4 !E~ HOLLY AND ROB MAKE FRIENDS

0)) You Hear You Say

Are you ready to ? Yes, please.

Can I get you something No, thank you. I'd like the
to with? tuna with a green salad.

And for you , sir? I'll have the steak, please.

Would you like that w ith

fries or a baked ? Fries, please.

How would you like your

steak? Rare, , or Well done.

well done? Nothing for me.

_______O_K.Andto ======~?~w~a~t~e~"~p~le~a~s~e~. ___________

_____ or sparkling? Sparkling.

The tuna for you ma'am, and I'm sorry, but I asked for a

the steak f or you, green salad, not fries.

No problem. I'll it . Excuse me. a ?,Ill )) Watch o r listen to Rob, Holly, a nd Jen ny. Do
they enjoy the lu nch?
Yes, sir? Sorry, I asked for my steak
well done and this is rare. b \Vatch or listen aga in and answer the quest io ns.

I'm really sorry. I'll it I \Vhat 's Rob goi ng to write about?
2 How does Holly offer to help h im with interviews?
back to the kitchen. 3 \Vhat doe s she say they could do o ne evening?
4 \\l har's the problem with the chec k?
o America n and Brit ish English 5 \V hy does Jen ny say ir's time ro go?
6 Do you thi nk Jenny wanted Holly to co me ro lunch?
(French) fries = American English
chips = British English o American and British English
check = American English
c 10 »)) Watch or listen a nd repea t the You Say ph rases. bill = Brit ish English
!:&py th e rh):th 111 .
c Look at the Social E n glish p hrases. Ca n yo u
d Prac ti ce th c dia log ue w it h a partner. remember any of the m issing words?

e In pa irs, rolc~pl ay th e dia log ue. Social English phrases

A You are in rh e resta ura nr. Order a stea k o r tuna. Holly ___ tell me, Rob...
S You are the wai ter/wa itress. Offe r A fries, a ba ked
Rob Well, to with...
potato, o r sa lad with the stea k o r tu na. You beg in with
Are),ou ready to o rder? Rob Do you have any ?
A T here is a problem wit h your order. Explain it to the
wa iter/wa itress. Rob That would great.
S Apologize, and t ry to so lve th e problem.
Jenny we have the check (bill), please?
f Cha nge roles.
Jenny Excuse me, I think there's a

Jenny OK, to go.

d 12 ))) Watch o r li sten and complete the p h ra ses.

e \Va tch o r listen again and repea t t he ph rases. How do
yo u say them in your langua ge?

Can you.,.?

D order food in a restaurant
C explain when there is a problem with your food ,

the check, etc.

C ask what somebody is going t o do today

Online Practice

G present perfect + yet and already Have you
cleaned up your
V housework. make or do?
P Iyl and Id?! roo m yet?


a Look at the definition of reellaBer. How do you housework, make or do?
pronounce it? Do you have a similar word in your
language to describe a person of that age? a Look aga in at th e highlighted phrases from
the text. \Vhich three are connected with
teenager I'tincld3Jr,' a person who is hou sework ?
between 13 and 19 years old
b ~ p.1S4 Vocabulary Bank Housework,
b Read the article about some annoying habits.
\Vrite P if you think th e sentence is a parent make or do?
talking about teenagers, or T if you think it
is a tee nager talking about h is I her parents. present perfect + yet and already

Teenagers have annoying habits - Follow • 2 15)) Look .tthe pictures. What do you
think the people a re arguing about? Listen
but so do their parents! tr I io and check.

Josh Lopez 1

They come into my room without knocking and then are

surprised to see things they don't really want to know about

Rachel Black

They just keep on texting when I'm telling them
....._~ something really important and they say, "Yeah , yeah I

heard you ." Of course they didn't.

0LJ Anthony Smith ..

They always pick up the remote and change the channel

when I'm watching something really interesting.

'""'"~-- Isla May
They leave their room in a terrible mess and then roll

....... their eyes when I ask them to clean it.

Mike Donovan )f'

They never pick up dirty clothes or wet towels from the
floor. They think some elves come later and pick them up!

Sarah Vine

They say no before I've even finished explaining what I
want to do.


They tell me to do the dishes and then complain
that I put things in the wrong place in the dishwasher.


Whenever I need to call them , their cell phone is either
turned off or the battery is dead.


c Compare with a partner. Do YOll agree?

d Look at the highli ghted verbs and ve rb phrases. With a parmer,
say what you think they mean.

e Do any of the parents' or teenagers' habits annoy you? W hich ones?

I Lisren again and complete the dia logues 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING Iyl and Id:J
\\ ieh a past parriciple from the list.
a ~ 19 ») Listen and repeat th e picture words and sounds.
asked done dried
~njshed looked seen 'r~i9'.

1 A Have you seen my yellow sweater? yacht jazz
I can't f ind it.
b ~ 20 ») Put the words in the right column. Listen and check.
B No, I haven't. Have you _ _ _ _ in your Then listen and repeat the words.

ctoset? Just yet college yellow change teenager
use uniform year yoga enjoy
A Of course I have. What's that under your beautiful jacket young bridge arg ue

B Oh, yes. I remembe r now. I borrowed it.

2 A Why aren't you doing your homework?

B I've already it.

A Really? When? c Practice sayi ng these sentences.
Jim has joined a judo class.
B I did it on the bus this afternoon. Have yo u worn ~ our new u niform yet?

3 A Have you ____ yet? >cl Communication Has he done it yet? p.IOI.

B Almost. e g) 211)) Lisren. Say whar's happened.
A I need the bathroom now.
B But I haven't _ _ _ _ my hair yet.
A Well, hurry up then.

4 A I've already you to get a plate 5 LISTENING

for that sandwich. I just cleaned the floor, a 22 ») Listen to rhe firsr part of a
radio program abourreenage
you know. caregivers. Answer the quest io ns.

B OK. Cops - too late. Sorry! 1 'W hat rep utation do teenagers have?
2 How many teenagers have to look
c Look at th e first two questions in dia logue 1.
-\retheyabout... ? after a fa mily membe r?
3 \Vhat kinds of res pons ibilities do
a a specific rime in rhe past
b a no n·specific time (Le., so metim e between rhese yo un g helpers have?

the past and now) b ~ 23 »)) Now lisren ro rhe resr of rhe
program. In what way are the two
d Underline the sentences wi th yet and already teenagers unusual? Do they feel positive
in dialogues 2-4. What do you think or negative about their lives?
they mean?
c Listen again and answer with
,.. p. 132 Grammar Bank 4A. Learn more A (Alice). 0 (Dan iel), or
B (borh of rh em).
about the present perfect and practice it.
e 218)) Listen and make the !±l sentences
1 takes care of his/her mother
negative and the El sentences affirmative. 2 takes care of his/her brother and sister
0~ I've finished. 3 does a tot of housework
haven't finished. 4 can't cook
5 doesn't live with his/ her father
0 '5)) /t hasn't rained.rained. 6 gives his/her mother a massage
7 is sometimes angry with his/ her friends
8 never goes out without his/ her phone

d Do you know any teenagers like Alice
and Daniel? \Vhat do they do?

J E lOnline Practice

G present perfect or simple past? (1)

V shopping
P candch

1 READING c Read the interview. Fill in the blanks with A-F.

a \Vith a partner, write down the names of A I absolutely hated dressing as a man.
t hree fas hion designers. \Vhat nat ionality S I really understand how women want to feel.
are they? Do they des ign more for men o r C ~y boyfriend at t hat time was very lucky.
for wome n? What kin ds of thi ngs does [heir
company make? o My feet were killing me!

b Read th e int rod uctio n to an inter view and E The on ly things I enjoyed there were art and sewing.
look at the pharos. Do you like the clothes? F They are so chic, and their sense of color is so natural to them.

d Look at th e highlighted wo rds and phrases re lated ro fa shion and
shopping, and guess their meaning.

LI NDKA Cl ERACH is a fashion designer. She makes very e~clusive

clothes for women . She has made clothes for many celebrities including

members of the British royal family. for example Kate Middleton and Sarah
Ferguson. whose wedding dress she designed, and actresses like Helen Mirren.

Not at all! ' \'hen I was at sc hool I had PARTY? WEARING VERY HIGH HEELS?
problems reading, and later I was
diagnosed as dyslexic. 1_ _ After school I hate costume parties. But 1 can I've never fallen , but once I had to take off 111)
remember onc, when I was ten. shoes in the middle ofa reception at the Hou
I took a secretarial course and then I gO{ of Lo rds! 5_ _
ajob at Vogue magazine. I loved it, and WHAT DID YOU GO AS?
there I realized that what I wanted to do l\.jy moth er made me and my younger WHAT DID YOU DO?
was design clothes. I walked Out into the st reet in bare fect and
sister dress as a bride and bridegroom jumped into a taxi!
WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE LIKE YOUR I was the bridegroom! 4_ _
Being a female designer has many HAVE YOU EVER MET SOMEONE WHO Yes, I have.
advantages. 2_ _ )' ly customers lean WAS WEARING EXACTLY THE SAME
lhe st udio feeling like a million doll ars! OUTFIT AS YOU? WHEN WAS In
l\"ever, thank goodness! h was when I was studying at the London
WHAT NATIONAlITY DO YOU THINK HAS College of Fashion. I designed my first men's
THE BEST FASHION SENSE? 1'm lucky because wcar collection - shirts, pants, and leather
Probably the Italians. 3_ _ I can choose from a jackets. 6_ _ He didn't need to buy any
large selection of our clothes that year!
collection each season!

bride I bride g room a woman I
man on the day of her I his weddin

The House of Lord s the second
house of the British Parl iament

present perfect or simple
a How is c prono un ced in th ese wo rd s? Put them
.. Look at the last four qu estion s in th e right row.
in the inrer view. A nswer wi th
3 parrne r. acc ount auctio n city click clothes
credit card customer decide nice
\Vhich questions are about proceed receipt
exper iences so metime in
Lindka's life? <f' key
... \Vhich questions are about a
specific moment in Lin dka's past? ~ snake
3 \V hat does ever mea n in the
quest ions t hat begin w ith Have you b 30»)) Listen and check. \Vhen is c pronounced /s/?

~ p.132 Grammar Bank 4B. Learn c 31»)) How is ch usually pro noun ced ? Listen
more abou t th e present p erfecc and and ~ the two words where ch is pro nounced
...imple past and practice them. differently. How is it pro no unced in the se wo rd s?

3 LISTENING change cheap checkout
chemistry ch ic choose
a 2 26»)) Li sten to four people answering th e quest ion Haveyou
cl Practice say in g th e wo rds in a and c.
el'er bought sometlt ill8 thatyou've never IVO rll ? W hat d id th ey

buy? \Vrite 1- 4 in the boxes. (There is o ne item YOll don't need.)

~ o osome sports clothes aski rr 6 SPEAKING

..........J a CQa t a Co mpl ete th e qu es tio n s w ith the past participl e
of the verb.
~ some pams D a shin
Have you ever _ _ (b uy) or _ _ (sell)
Liste n aga in. Wh at was the problem with th e clot hes? W ri te anything on e Bay? V/ hat? Did you pay or get
1-4 in th e boxes. a good pri ce?
2 Have you ever _ _ (buy) something on lin e
This person... and had a probl em with it ? \Vhat was it ?
\Vhat did you do ?
:J bought somethin g o nlin e, but didn 't like the clot heS when
3 Have you ever _ _ (have ) an argument with
they arrived. . a salesperson? W hat wa s it about?
o bought the clothes [00 quickly and later didn 't like them .
o wamed (Q look lik e a famou s sin ger, but loo ked like 4 Have you ever _ _ (try) (Q exch ange
so mething without the recei pt? Were you
another. successful ?

.=:J sudd enly didn 't need the new clothes anymore. 5 Have you ever accid entally _ _ (take)
somechin g from a store without pay ing?
c Have you ever bought somethin g th at you've never worn? \Vhat did you take? \ Vhat happened ?
ny \V hat was it?
6 Have you ever _ _ (buy) shoes without
>u s trying them on? Did th ey fit?

4 VOCABULARY shopping 7 Have you ever _ _ (Bet) to the superm arket
checkout and th en fo und you didn 't have
a 27»)) Li sten to some se ntences from the liste nin g. enough mon ey? \Vh at did you do?
Fi ll in th e blan ks w ith o n e word. W ith a partner, say what the
h ighlighted phrases mea n. 8 Have you ever _ _ (lose) you r credit ca rd?
Where did you lose it? Did you get it back?
I remember wh en I was in the room I thought they

looked amaz in g.

2 I it on eBay. things on.


3 I hate clothes shoppin g, and I never

4 I didn 't have the rece ipt, so I could n't it back.

S \Vell , I bought it fro m a website that has b Ask other students qu esti o n 1. Try to find

cheap dea ls. somebody who says Yes, l have. Th en ask him o r

lin g b ~ p.155 Vocabulary Bank Shopping. her th e sim ple past quest io ns. Do the sa me for -
qu es tions 2 - 8.
m Online Practice

G something, anything, nothing, etc. Did you do
V adjectives ending -ed and -ing anything on the

P 'cI,IouI, and 'Ai weekend? No, nothing.
I didn't do

1 LISTENING 3 PRONUNCIATION le!, Iou!, and It·./

a ~32 »)) Li ste n ro a news srory a bo ut Steve.
How did he spend his weekend?

b Li ste n aga in and a nswer the quest io ns .

egg phone li p

What does Steve do?

2 \Vhat fl oor was hi s office on? a \Vh at sound do the pink let ter s ma ke? \Vrite a , b, o r c.

3 \Vhat ha ppened when he fi rst I ~ Nobody kn ows whe re he goes.

I Dpressed the elevator button? 2 ~ Somebody's com ing ro lu nch .
4 How did he try ro ge t help?3 I never sai d anything.
5 \ Vhere did Sreve's w ife think
4 I've done nor hing since S unday.
0he was? 5 Don't tell a nybody about the message.
06 How did Steve get our o f rhe 6 T here's nowhere to go exce pt home.

1 =:Jelevator on Monday mornin g?
H ow did he feel? b 35»)) Lis ten a nd check. Prac t ice saying th e sentences.

7 \Vhar is Steve goin g ro do every

day now? c 36») Liste n a nd an swe r the ques tio n s.

c H ave you (or h as a nyone you kn ow) ever had ,» What did you buy? ~othing. Ididn't buy anything.

a similar exper ie nce? \V hat ha ppened ?


2 GRAMMAR a Read the art icl e o nce. \Vh a t is the best s umm a ry?
something, anything, nothing, etc.
a People who answered th e sur vey have borin g weekend s.
a 33»)) Look at th ree se nte nces from th e b People who use Face book have more exc itin g weekend s.
sro r)'. C an YOll re me mbe r th e mi ssi ng c People sometim es don't tell th e truth abollt the it weekend.
wo rd s? Lisren and c hec k.
b Rea d the art icle aga in . \V ith a pa rtn er, c hoose a. b, or c.
I pressed the button again. but _ __
happened. T he survey has show n th at 2 5% of people...
2 The poli ce couldn 't find him ___' a have ve ry exci tin g wee kend s.
3 They ca lled the emergency number and b Iie about their wee kend .
___ came and repaired the elevaror. c go out on a Sa turd ay night.
2 30% of the people they illle r viewed ...
b Com plete the rule w ith people, places. o r a needed to go to work o n the weekend .
things. b had a ve ry tirin g week.
c didn 'r wa nt to go out on the weekend.
I Use somethil'B, atly fhill8, a nd lI olh i ll8 3 Some people don 't tell the trut h abou t their weekend beca use
fo r ___. a the ir rea l weekend is very boring.
b they don't wa nt ro make th eir friends jea loll s.
2 Use somebody, al/ybody, a nd nobody c they fo rget what th ey have done.
fo r 4 Social networking sires make people .. .
a spend more tim e on th e co mputer.
3 Use somewhere. anywhere. and lIowl/ere b try to ma ke their li ves see m more exc it ing.
fo r _ _ _ . c be mo re truth ful about th eir lives.

c ,.. p.132 Grammar Bank 4C. Learn more
abo llt somethill8 , ally th i" B. tlothil'8, erc. a nd
prac tice the m .

c Do you think a sur vey of yo ur friends, family, and schoolmates

wo uld have simil a r results?

a Look at th e questions in b. Plan your answers. Answer
- e next time a friend or co-worker tells you about them truthfully, but in vent one answer to make your
weekend sound more exciting.
r amazing weekend, wait a minute before you
~ feeling jealous - maybe they are inventing it all' b 1nterview each ot her with the questions. Try to g uess
which answe r your partner invented.
Asurvey of 5,000 adults has shown that one person In
four invents details about their weekend because they LAST WEEKEND
want to impress their friends. When they are asked,
you have a good weekend'" they don't like to say that Friday
Just stayed at home and watched TV because it sounds
'flg. So they invent the details. The most common lie that • Did you go anywhere exciting on Friday night?
'VIe told was "I went out on Saturday night," when really
didn't go anywhere. Other common lies were "I had a Saturday
rTtantic dinner," "I went to a party," and "I went away for
eweekend ." Did you do anything around the house (cteaning, etc.) on
fact, in the survey, 30% of people who answered the Saturday morning?
esbons said that they spent their weekend sleeping or Did you work or study at all?
ng because they were so tired at the end of the week. What did you do on Saturday night?
other 30% said that they needed to work or study on Sunday
, weekend. Psychologist Corinne Sweet says that people Did you go anywhere nice on Sunday?
en don't tell the truth about their weekend "because we What did you have for lunch?
"t want to feel that everyone else is having a better time Did you do anything relaxing in the afternoon?
an us, if we have had a boring weekend doing housework,
_-oerwork, or just resting after a tiring week at work." She also 6 VOCABULARY

!eves that networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter adjectives ending -ed and -ing
;:ry be encouraging us to invent details about our social lives.
People can create an illusion of who they want to be and the a Look at these two adjectives in the text: tired in line 13
and tirin8 in line 19. Which o ne describes how you
they want to live," says Corinne, "and of course they want feel? Which one describes things and situ at ions?
la life to seem exciting."
b 3 7») <.Ci rcI9 the right adjective in questions 1- 10.
Listen and check . How do you say the adjectives?

I Do you think Sundays are usually bored I boring?
2 Are you bored Iboring with your job or studies?
3 Whar kind of weather makes you feel depressed I


4 Why do you rhink rhe news is often depressed I


5 \Vhat activiry do you find mos t relaxed I relaxing?
6 Do you usually feel relaxed I relaxing ar rhe end o f the

weekend? Why (not) ?

7 Whar is rhe most imerested I inte resting book you've

read recently?

8 \Vhat sportS are you interested I interestinl] in?
9 Are you excited I exciting about your next vacation?
10 What's the most excited I exciting sporting event you've

ever watched?

c Ask and answer the qu estio ns with a partner. Give
more informa ti on ifyou ca n.

7 38»)) SONG
If You Love Somebody Set Them Free J'

Online Practice

GRAMMAR b Complete with make or do.

Qa,b,orc. \ ___ the dishes
2 a mistake
I How long ___ [0 sray in Turkey? 3 an exerCIse
4 _ _ yoga
a do you go b are you going c you are going 5 a noise

2 I think ___ rain tonight.

a it's goi ng b it goes to c it's going to

3 They to get married until next year. c Complete the missing words.

a aren't going b don'tgo c nor going I Dinner's ready. Could YOll please s___ the table?

4 to the movies after class this evening. 2 \'11 cook ifyou do rhe d

I a go b am going c going go 3 Where are the changing rooms? I want to tr_ __
o this sweater.
I 5 A What time tomorrow? B At 8.00.

a you leave b do you leaving c are you leaving 4 Ifyou wane (0 take something back (0 a store, you neec
to have the r_ __
6 He's the man lives next doorto Alice.

a who b that c where 5 These shoes don'( f me. They're (00 small.

7 Is that the srore sells Iralian food:.> 6 The flight to Miami is now leaving frol11 g 12.

a who b that c where 7 Ifyou have a lot of luggage, you can find a c___ ove'

8 A ___ your bed? B No, I'm going ro do it now. there.

a Have you Illade 8 First, you need re go re the ch___,i___ desk

b Have you make where YOll get your boarding pass.

c Has you made 9 International fliglus depart from T 2.

9 A HasAnnearrived ? 10 There are e to the second and rh ird floors.

B No, bur she's on her way. d C§~ rhe right adjeceive.

a yet b almost c already I This exercise is really bored I barilla_

10 already seen this movie! Let's change channels. 2 I never feel relaxed, relaxill£j the day before I go on

a We're b \Ve haven't c We've vacation.

\\ A ___ been to Africa? B No, never. 3 It was a very excited I exciti1l£j game.
4 Jack is depressed I depressitl£j. He lose his job.
a Have you ever b Did you ever c \Vere you ever 5 Are you illterested I j1lterestj1l£J in art?

12 A \Vhen rhose shoes? B Last week.

a do you buy b have you boughr c did YOll buy

13 I've never ___ rhis's too small. PRONUNCIATION

a wear b worn c wore Qa the word with a different sound.

14 There's ___ at the door. Can you go and open it, please? rn just

a something b someone c somewhere

15 I don't wanr ___ to eat, thanks. I'm nOt hungry. Monday sOlnerhing socks

a nothing b anything c something 2~ nowhere cl othes wo rry go
search chemistry cheap
VOCABULARY 3~ choose

a Complete with a preposition. 4~ cusremer center city nice
jacket change en joy ) er
We arrived ___ San Diego at 7: 15. 5 :~
2 I'm coming! Wait ___ me.
3 \Vhat did you ask ___, meat or fish? b Underline the seressed syllable.
4 A Are you going to buy the apartment?

B I don't know. It depends ___ the price. a rri vals 3 teen ag er 5 arrange ment

5 How much did YOll pay _ _ those shoes? 2 0 ppo site 4 de li ve ry


the article. What were thieves stealing in PEOPLE?
t!den b) Denmark? A nswer the questions below.
2 39 })) On the street Watch or listen to five people
_re did the first robbery take place? and answer the questions.

were the thieves and what did they stea l? Paul Gurjot Ellie Etise Justin
helped the police to solve rhe cr ime?
Paul went to rhe airport
long does it take ro get from Malma to
a ro get a plane to London
nhagen? b ro get a plane to Frankfurt
c to meN a friend from Frankfurt
\\ ere robberies taking place in both cities? 2 TonightGurjotis ___o
~he police catch the thieves?
a seeing a movie
is it easier ro stcal from many srores these days? b going to a Chinese restauranr
i" it not a solution to ask Danish shoe shops to c meeting an old friend
3'" the left shoe?
3 ElJie ___ ironing.
i rhe highlighted words or phrases in the text.
-heir meaning from the context. Check with a hates b doesn't mind c likes
t:acher or with a dictionary.
4 The shoes Elise bought on lin e ___0
oe stores discover
atching crimes a were the wrong size
b never arrived
..h fictio nal d c tCClivcs like Wa lla nder a n d c were a beautiful color
'lh Sala nder are fa mous worldwide. But recc nliy
!-life Swedish police we re comple tely puzzled by 5 Last weekend Jusrin ___o
us crime. Somebody was stea ling expensi\'e
a went to a pa rty
()es from shoe stores in Sweden - but not pairs of b bought a movie online
the left shoes, th e o nes that were on d isplay. c relaxed at rhe beach

)bbery took pl ace in a shopping mall in Malma, CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
rhird-Ia rgest city. Staff at a shoe store saw two men
their boutique. They escaped with sevcn left shoes Do rhe rasks wirh a partnero Check (.I) rhe box ifyou
paired with the right shoes - were worth $ 1,400.
can do them.
Id, it was sto re's sa lcspeopl e who pointed th e
the right direc tion - to De nm a rk, whe re stores oCan you ... ?
ally d is pl ay the right shoe in t heir store windows. talk about three plans you have for next month
'cd that le ft shoes we re disappearing in the using8oirl[J to, a nd make three predictions
\\c neve r caught th e thieves," sa id a sa les perso n.
"C know that Dani sh stores display the ri ght 2 say three arrangements you have for tomorrow
Iho ughtth a t t he matchin g shoes were pro babl y using the present continuous
aring as well in stores in Den ma rk." Ma lma, ho me
hoe stores, is only a 30-m inute t ra in ride away 03 explain what rhe following three words mean,
lpen hage n, whic h has several hundred stores, a nd
ands are sold in both cities. using expressions for paraphrasing:
a a thief b a shopping mall c a shoe
\, police finally a nno unced tha t t hey had a rrested
responsible fo r th e ro bbe ries. But Ms. J oha nsson, 04 say three things you have already done or haven't
.Jl ..hoe store owne r, fea rs th at shoe store robberies
re-ase this year. "Shoes are a ttractive to steal - they done yer roday
to m ove and easy to se ll a nd th ey have become ve ry
-e la te ly. Also ma ny sLo res have cut the number o f 05 ask a partner three questions about his/her
)ple t hey employ:'
experiences using ever. Answer your partner's
\ Ialmo ha\'e thought of asking Da nish shoe stores questions
display the le ft shoe. But this won't work . All t he
..... ill have to do is move to Germa ny - where they 06 say rhree sentences using sometllillB, anywhere,
play the right shoe...
and nobody

. . . Short movies Shopping in the UK
VIDEO Watch and enjoy the movie.

Online Practice

- Are we Living
G comparative adjectives and adverbs,
V time expressions: spend t ime, et c.

P sentence stress faste r?

Yes, we need

to sLow down,

1 READING & VOCABULARY time expressions

a Read a n arricle abo ut living faster and m atch the hea d ings to th e b Read rhe article again . O ne paragrap h
co ntain s a n inve nted piece of in fo rmatio n
paragraphs. o More time on the road \Vh ich o ne is it?
o No time for Van Gogh
o No t ime for Snow White c Look at the highlighted rime ex pressio ns
o No time to write o No time to stop and guess their mean in g.
o No time to wait
d In pa irs. cover t he text a nd loo k at t he
, ° °ng faster, pa rag ra ph hea din gs in a . Ca n you rememl
Il!!ti°vi°ng the info r matio n in the text? Have yo u
- ...,.... ~ better? no ticed any of these things happenin g wh.
you li ve?
e Lo ok at a quest io n na ire about li ving fastel
People in cities around the world walk 10 percent more Quickly than In pairs, ask a nd answe r rh e qu estio n s.
they did twenty years ago. Singapore, a world business center, is at A nswe r w it h often, so m et im es, o r l1 eve r an(
the top of the list for fast walkers. give mo re info rm atio n.


In the US, there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for How fast is your life?
chiLdren . These are shorter versions of traditional stories, especially
written for busy parents who need to save time. Do people tell you that you talk
too quickly?
3 2 Do you get impatient when other
people are taLking?
People aren 't as patient as they were in the past . If the elevator takes 3 Are you the first person to finish at
more than 15 seconds to arrive, people get very impati ent becau se mealtimes?
they think they're wasting time. It's exactly the same when an "" When you are walking along a street. do
Internet page does not open immediately. you feel frustrated when you are behind
people who are walking more slowly?
4 5 Do you get irritable if you sit for an hour
without doing anything, e.g., waiting for
Written communication on the Internet is getting shorte r and shorter the doctor?
and using more and more abbreviations, like BRB (be right back) or NP 6 Do you walk out of stores and restaurants
(no problem). Twitter only allows you to use 140 characters, and now a if there is a line?
new SOCial networking site has a limit of just ten words.
f ~ Commu nica t io n How fast is your /ife?
5 p. IOI . Read the resu lts. Do you agree?

Even in our free time we do things in a hurry. Twenty years ago wh en
peopLe went to art gaLLeries, they spent ten seconds looking at each
picture. Today they spend much less time - just three second s!


Our cars are faster, but the traffic is worse, so we drive more sLow ly.
The average speed of cars in New York City is 9.3 mites per hour.
We spend more time than ever sitting in our cars, feeling stressed
because we aren't going to arrive on time.

'UI'<AJ,..MAR comparative adjectives 4 SPEAKING
- adverbs,
a Think about how your life has changed over the last 3-5 yea rs.
. 3.[ the fo llow ing words from rhe text, Read the questions below and think about your answers.
ll:te~ adjecc ives, adverbs, o r bo th?
Do you spend m o re or less time o n t hese t hings? Say w hy.
~ fast busy patient
slowly stressed working or studying sLeeping
~the right form . Check (.I ) ifborh getting to work I school shopping
ea t ing
- 'lTecr. sitting in traffic using your phone
using you r computer
eisfascer / morefasl than before. taLking to friends
_ "r...Hk in cities is rI/ore bad / worse than it was.
meeting f riends
erybody is bllsyer I vl/sier than they were bei ng online

e~'ea rs ago. 2 Do yo u have more or less free time? Why?

e are more stressed I stresseder than OUT 3 What don't yo u have time for nowadays? What wo uld yo u
like to have more time for?
_ :lndpa ren ts were.
e do everything morc quickly Ifaster. b Answer th e ques tion s with a partner. Whose life ha s changed
mo re ?
)ple aren't as paticllc as I as patietlt thall th ey
c::re before.
a You're going ro li sten ro an ex pen talking about how ro li ve
.,.. p.134 Grammar Bank SA . Learn more about your life more slowly. Look ar her five m ain tips (= good ideas).
Guess what the missing wo rd s are.
paratives and as ... as and practice them.
\Vhatever you are doing, JU St try to _ _ _ _ and enjoy it.
PRONUNCIATION sentence stress Exam ple:
2 Makealisrofthreethingsthatare _ _ _ _ _ _ for you.
,.- ~ sound Exam ple: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Don't try ro do ______ at the same ti me.
_..,ember! unstressed words like a, as, and than Example: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- e the sound !~ , and "er is pronounced i;,r ', 4 Sir down and do ___ for half an hour every day.
_ Example: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
41 ~) Listen and repeat the se nrences. Copy the 5 Benear ___.
-,hm and try co ge t the /';)/ sound right.
Examp le: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
"m busier th an a year ago.
\1\ life is more stressful t han in th e past. b 42») Listen and check. Then listen again and write one
work harder than before. exa mple for each tip.
- ,walk and talk faster.
.:: -'m not as relaxed as I was afew years agQ. e Are there any rips that you think you might use? \Vhy (not)?

Je any of the se nrences true for you?

G superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) What did you
V describing a town or city think of Rio? It's the most
P word and sentence stress
beautiful city J've
ever been to.

1 GRAMMAR superlatives (+ ever + present perfect)

a Look at th e pho tos of fi ve US cities. Wh at do you know about them?
Have you been to any of them?

b Read th e article. With a partner guess wh ich city from a goes in each blank.

Travel survey gives its verdict on American cities.

New York City is the dirtiest city in the US, says a " Travel really can
survey by travel website, Travel and Leisure, but it transform your life, and
is the most stylish city and it has the best musicals. these are a few of the
According to the survey, travelers say that.. . tri ps that can make it
happen," says a Travel
1 has the best museums. and Leisure editor.
2 _ _ _ _ is the friendliest city.

3 has the most aggressive drivers.
4 has the best architecture.
5 is the clean est city.

c Look at 1-5 in the sur vey in b . Think abollt your counrr y o r conrinenr.
\Vhi ch cities wo uld you choose?

d Loo k ar rh e bold superl ati ve adjec ti ves in the sur vey. Ho w do you make the
superlati ve of... ?

I a one-syllab le adj ective 3 a three-sy ll able adjec ti ve

2 a two-syll able ad jective rhar ends in -y 4 Hood and bad

>e p.134 Grammar Bank sB. Learn mo re about superl atives and practice them.

2 PRONUNCIATION word and sentence stress

a Underline the st ressed syllable in the bold adj ectives.
1 \Vhat's the mosr beautiful city you've eve r bee n to?
2 What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
3 Who's the most impatient person you kn ow?
4 Who's th e most generou s person in your famil y?
5 \Vhat's rhe mOS t frightening movie you've eve r see n?
6 \Vhar's the mos t exciting sport you've eve r played?
7 What 's the most inceresting book you've read recc nrly?
8 What 's the mos t romantic restaurant you've ever bee n ro?

b 44)) Listen and chec k. Lisren again and repeat the qu estio ns. Copy the
rhJthm . \Vhich wo rd s are stressed?

c \Vork w ith a parmer. A answer questio n 1 w ith a sentence. B ask for more
in fo rm ario n. C han ge rol es fo r ques tio n 2, erc.

The most beautiful city I've ever been to is Rio de Jane;rc::.2 0hen did you go there?


article. In pai rs, an swe r th e ques tio n s. a 45»)) Now listen co Tim Moore talking about
.ire rhe three rests? what happened in New York C ity. How well does
New York C ity do in each test?
(hink they are good ones?
b Li ste n again and answer the questions.
city do you th ink wi ll be th e fr iend] iest I
The photo test
~ unfriendly? I \Vho did he ask?
2 \Vhat did the person say?
1big cities are 3 \Vhat happened when he asked for more photos?
friendly -
The shopping test
r are they? 4 \Vh ere was the souven ir score?
5 \Vhat did he buy?
ci[ie~ often have a 6 How many people did he buy souvenirs from?
.--" ,~,'utation for being 7 Did he get the right cha nge?

I ,~",... unfriend ly The accident test
to lurists. Journalist 8 \Vhe re did he use the accident test?
went to four 9 Did anyo ne help him?
" Rome, Paris, 10 \Vhat did th e man say?

City, to c Think abo ut the neare st big city to w he re you live.
,his is true. He Imagine you used the three tests there. What do you
!JI:d as a foreign think would happe n? Is it a fri endly city?

d u....ed three 5 VOCABULARY describing a town or city
..oenrific!) tests
\Ch CilY had a Think about how to a nswer th ese questi on s about
""Xt..l,,",'[ and most w he re you live. Co mpare with a partner.

T he • Do you live in a village,
..... were: a town, or a city?

oto test • Where is it?

~= people on the street to take his photo (not • How big is it?

e photo, but several - with his hat, without • What's the populationf
~ ..-:-
etc.). Did he find someone to do it? • What's it like?

shopping test >b p,156 Vocabulary Bank Describing a town or city,

_ .Jgh t something in a store and gave the 6 WRITING
erson too much money. Did the person
> p,1l4 Writing Describing where you live, Write a
_ .aek the extra money?
description of the place where you live.
- e accident test
n7 49»)) SONG Nobody Does It Better
·.tended to fall down on the street, Did anybody
• and help him?

> Communication The friendliest city A p,102

3 0.107 C p.llO. Read abo ut what happened in
L ndon , Paris, and Ro me.

Online Practice

G quantifiers, too, not enough Iwatch too
V health and the body much TV.
P l,v, l ul, lau, and /cl


a Wirh a parrner, answer rhe questions below. a Read rhe article o nce. Does ir chan ge whar you rhink
abour your answers ro rhe quesrionnaire?
bRead rhe article again. Look ar rhe highlighred words
1 Do you drink coffee? How many cu ps do you drink a day? related to health and rhe body. March rhem to a picrur,
What kind of coffee? Whal time do you drink your last cup or definirion.
of the day?
2 How much time do you spend a day in the sun...? 3
a in the winter 4 1101111 it covers the outside of a person's body
b in the summer 5 \'erb to stop something from happening
c when you're on vacation 6 /lOUII something that makes you unwell
00 you always wear sunsc reen? 7 adj feeling worried or nervous

3 00 you play a lot of video or computer games? What are Everything BAD
your favorite games? How much time do you spend a week is MI!I] I] for you
playing them?
COFFEE We all know that a cup of coffee helps to wake yo
4 How often do you eat chocolate? What kind of chocolate
do you prefer - milk, white, or dark? up in the morning, but several studies show that drinking coffee
helps to prevent some illnesses like diabetes and Parkinson's
5 How many hours a day do you watch TV...? disease. Experts say that you can safely drink three cups of
a during the week espresso during the day, but jf you drink too much coffee it can
b on weekends make you feel anxious or keep you awake at night.
What kinds of TV shows do you watch regularly?
SUNLIGHT Spending a long time in the sun is dangerou,
b Do you think any of your habits are unhealthy?
and can give you skin cancer. But on the other hand, not
spending enough time in the sun is also bad for you because
sunlight helps us to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is important
for strong bones and a healthy immune system, and it also make
people feel happier. Nowadays, many people don't get enough
sunlight because they wear sunscreen all the time, especially on
their faces. However, don't spend too long in the sun - 15 minute
a day without sunscreen is a healthy amount, and not at midday.

COMPUTER GAMES You probably worry about hov

much time you or your children waste playing computer games.
But in fact some studies show that these games can help us learr
important skills. It seems that computer games stimulate the
brain and that people who often play them are probably better

at solving problems and making quick decisions. But don't
spend too many hours in front of the computer - not
more than about two hours aday.

c 50»)) Listen and check. Practice sayi ng the words. 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING
lA!, lul, lall, and le!
I d ~ow cover the text. Can you remember... ?
what is good abour coffee, sunlight, and com pmer a Cross out the word with a different pronunciation.
ga mes
2 wha t you need to be careful about rn up enou gh much no ne busy

e 51 »)) With a partner, decide in what ways you think aEr boot few should too food
chocolate and watch ing T V could be good for you.
Listen to a rad io program and check your answers. &l5 bike try diet lirrle li ke

r Listen aga in. Answer the questions. 1 egg ma ny any healthy water

What does chocolate have in common with grape juice? b 54»)) Liste n and check. Practice say ing th e words.
2 What kind of chocolate is a) good for you b) nO[ good
c Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Say why.
for you?
3 How are TV series different from the ones 20 years Do you think _l...'l ') ( .No.t really. I only read school
you read enou~ ~bOOks, not for pleasure.
ago? Why is thi s good fo r us?
4 What ca n we learn from reality TV shows? Do you think you".?

g Do the article and the radio program make you feel • read enough
hap pier about your lifestyle? • eat enough fruit and vegetables
• play enough sports or exercise enough
3 GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, not enough • drink enough water
• have enough free time
~ C an you remember how to use much, many, etc? In • eat too much fast food
pairs, choose the correct word or phrase for each • spend too much time online
sente nce. Say why the other one is wrong. • spend too much money on things you don't need
• work or study too many hours
1 How much I many cups of coffee do you drink a day? • have too many clothes
2 I don't spend muc" I many time in the sun. • do too much housework
3 I eat a lot ofI many chocolate.
4 Drinking afew I a little grape juice can be good for you. get too much homework
S I only have afew I a little computer games.

6 My parents read a lot I a lot of

b Look at some sentences from the reading and listening.
Match the bold phrases in 1 and 2 to meanings A and B.

Don't eat too much chocolate or too many sugary
snacks if you don't want ro gain weight.
Don't spend too long in the sun.
2 Nowadays, many people don't get enough sunlight.
We are not active enough.
A less than yo u need or than is good for you
B more tha n you need or than is good for you

c Look again at the sentences with enough.
W h at's the pos ition of erwugha) with a noun
b) w ith an adjective?

>d p.134 Grammar Bank se. Learn more

about quanti fiers, too, and not ellol1(jh
and practice them.

Online Practice

The wrong shoes


Do the quiz w ith a part ner.


1 What four letters do you often see in clothes that tell
you the size?

2 What do the letters mean?
3 What's the name of the room where you can try on

4 What's the name of the piece of paper a salesperson

gives you when you buy something?
5 How do you say these prices?

£25.99 75p $45 15C €12.50

a 255 ») \Va rch 01" listen to Rob and Holly and answer 3 !E~ TAKING SOMETHING BACK TO
the qu estio ns. A STORE

I \Vhar reason does Rob give for why he isn't in shape? a ~S7 )) Cover rhe di a logue and warch or li sren. An swe r
2 Vv' hy does he find it difficult to eat less? the quest io ns.
3 How does he keep fir in London ?
4 W hy doesn't he do the sa me in New York? W hat 's rhe prob lem with Rob's sneake rs?
5 How does Jen ny keep fi t? 2 W hat does he do in the end?
6 \Vhar does Ho lly thi nk about thi s?
7 \Vhar does Ho lly sugges t th at Rob coul d do?
8 \Vhat does Rob need to do fi rst?

P American and British English

sneakers = American English; trainers ;: British English
store;: American English; shop ;: British English


b 256 ») Look at the box on mak ing sugges tions. Liste n
a nd repeat the p hrases.

o Making suggestions with Why don 't y ou.••?

A Why don't you get a bike?
B That's a good idea, but I'm only here for a mont h.

A Why don't you come and play basketball?
B That's a great idea!

c AI Practice ma kin g suggesti o ns with a partner.

A You have probl ems rememberi ng Engli sh vocab ulary.
Tell B.

B Ma ke twO suggestions.
A Respond . If you don'r rhin k it's a good idea, say why.

d C hange ro les.

B You are a fo reigner in A's coum ry. You have prob lems
meeting new peo ple.

..[ch or listen again. Complete the Yo u H ea r phrases. 4 !E~ ROB DECIDES TO
») Vou Hear Vou Say V

Can I help you, sir? Yes. Do you have these in an

Just a _ _ _ , I'll go and check.

-Iere you are, these are an eight. No, thanks. I'm sure they'll be
Jo~YI"0,,u:~w,:a~n~t~t~o-===~t~h~e~m~o~n?~~fi~n,::e. How much are:...t:.h....e::,-Y_?. _ __

They're $83.94. Oh, it says $72.99.

Yes, but there's an added ----

Oh, OK. Do you take MasterCard?

sales tax of %.


Can I help you? Yes, I bought these about half
an hour ago.

Po remember. Is there a ? Yes, I'm afraid they're too small. a ~59 »)) \Vatch or listen and ~i~the

What are they? They're an eight. But I take a UK r ight answe r.
I Rob went to Bost011 f Brooklyt!.
'1ght. Yes, a UK eight is a US nine. Do you have a pair?
2 He SIIOWS ! doestl 't sholll Jen ny hi s
I'll go and check. Just a minute. new sneakers.

___ , but we don't have these Uh...I'U take this pair then, 3 Jen ny goes runn ing every tllOntitlBI e\'elliIlB
a nine. But we do have these and please. in Central Park.
,'re the _ _ _ price. Or you can
4 She wants to go ru nnin g wirh him at
have a refund. 6:45 /7:45.

No problem. Do you have Yes, here you are. , 5 Rob think s ir's too early I late.
the ? 6 T hey agree to meet at 6:45 ! 7: 15.
7 Holly think s Ro b has I doesn't have
a lor ofenergy.
A pair
b Look at the Social Englis h phrases. Can
:le often use a pair to talk about plural clothes, e.g., a pair of shoes, you remember any of the missi ng word s?
sneakers, boots,jeans, pants, etc.
Social English phrases
Rob Have you a good day?
258 1)) Watch or li sten and repeat the You Say phrases.
Jenny Oh, you . Meetings!
~py the~t hrn .
Jenny Why ___ you come with me?
"'ractice th e dialogue wit h a partner.
Rob Can we it a bit later?
_ In pa irs, role-play the dialogue.
Rob , seven forty-five?
-\. You're a cUStomer. You boughr some jeans yesterday.
They're roo big. Jenny make it seven fifteen.

B You're a salesperson. You don't have the same jea ns in A's size. c g,60 ») Watch or listen and complete
Offe r A a different pa ir or a refund. You beg in wi th Catl l help YOIl , the phrases.

sir I ma'am? d Watch or listen again and repea t t he phrases.
How do YOll say them in YOllr lang uage?
Cha nge roles.
• Can you ...?
B You're a customer. You boughr some boots yesterday.
They're too small. D make suggestions to do something
C take something you have bought back to
A You're a salesperson. YOLl don't have the same boors in B's size.
Offer B a d iffe rent pai r or a refund . You begin with Ca t!! help you , the store

sir I ma 'am? D arrange a t ime t o meet somebody

Online Practice

G will / won 't (predictions) I'm tak ing
V oppo site verbs my driving test
P '11, won 't
You'll fail.

1 VOCABULARY opposite verbs 3 PRONUNCIATION '11, won't

a With a parrner, w rite the o pposites of rhese verbs. a 5 )) Listen and repeat the contract io ns. Copy the
rhy.t h m .
buy _ __
win _ __ start remember _ __ I'll I'll be late I'll be late for work.
turn on / You 'll You'll break You'll break your leg.
She'll She'll miss She'll miss the train.
>-b p.157 Vocabulary Bank Opposite verbs. It'll It'll rain It'll rain tomorrow.
They'll They'll f ail They'll fail the exam .
2 GRAMMAR will ! won't (predictions)
b 6 )) Listen. Can you hea r the difference?
a Look at the ca rroon.
Wh ich fish is a n ..'.m' -(.... clock wa nt I wa nt ro pass.
o ptimi st? W hy?
Are you an o pt im ist ~ pho ne won't Iwon't pass.
or a pessimist?
c 7 ))) Listen and w ri te six sentences.

b Look at the ph rase book app. Read the You Say 1 We 're having Ihe party = It'll@in
phrases. Then w rite the A Pessimist Says respo nses. In the yard.

He won't pay you back. They'll be late. You won't pass. 2 I'm taking my driving =
ft!H-faift: They'll lose. You won't understand a word . test this afternoon.
You won't find a parking space. You'll break your leg.
3 I'm taking my first =
c 3 )) Listen and chec k. Repea t the respo nses. skiing lesson today.

d Practice in pairs. A (book open) read the You Say 4 I've lent James some =
phrases. B (book dosed) say the A Pessimist Says money.
res po nses. T hen change roles.
5 I'm gOing to see a movie =
e Look at the A Pessimist Says phrases aga in . Do they tonight in EngliSh.
refer to the prese nt o r the future?
6 Our team is playing in the
f ,... p.136 Grammar Bank 6A. Lea rn more about
=champion ship game tonight.
will I wo n't and prac ti ce them.
7 We 're meeting Anna =
g Im ag in e now that you are an o ptimist. With a parrner and Daniel at 7:00.
make affirm ative predictions to respond to the You
Say sentences in the phrase book. 8 We 're going to drive to =
1 It 'll be a great evenin~ the city tonight

... CD
::: The Pessimist s Phrase Book


ead an a rticle about rhe actor Hugh Laurie. a 8 1)) Li ste n to the introdu ct io n to a rad io progra m .
hat [WO thin gs do Hug h Laurie and Dr. Ho use \Vhy is posit ive thinkin g good for you ?
3.\'e in common?

b Try to guess the mi ss ing wo rd s in the se callers' tips.

Ca ll e r I Live in the _ ___• not in the _ _ __

Ca ll e r 2 T hink though ts, not negative o nes.

Ca ll er 3 Don't spend a lOt of ti me readin g the _ _

or watch ing th e o n TV.

Ca ll er 4 Every week ma ke a li st of all the _ _ __

____ rh at hap pe ned to you.

Ca ll er 5 Try to use ____ when you

spea k to ot her people.

c 9 )) Listen and chec k.

d Li ste n agai n. Wr ite dow n a ny ex tra info rm at ion you
hea r. W hi ch t ip s do you think a re useful ? D o you h ave
any tips of your own?

....~ '..:_lamous for being a e Ask a nd an swe r w ith a pa r m e r. Use a phrase from rh e
But it is not only House who is a pessimist. box and say why. W h ich o f you is more oprimi stic?

laurie, the actor who him, is 0 pessimist, too. ARE YOU A POSITIVE THINKER?

never thought that House, M.D. was going 10 be a Do you think...
.ccess. Even cher seven seasons, he still feels pessimistic
ataout it. He said in 0 recent interview, Nlf we do a bad + you'll have a nice weekend?

.... next week, they'll soy, 'Thot's it. No more.' It'll just + you 'll pass your next ~~~'--

*'P. I om, of course, someone w ho is constantly expecting English exam?

:Wane to drop on my head. if not tod ay then tomorrow."

c.e Dr. House, Laurie is olso a talented musician and + you'lI get a good (or

:)Qssionate about the blues. He recently went to New , better) job in the future?
.... eans to record an album in which he plays 15 of his
+ you'll get an interesting email or
..orile songs. But of course, he doesn't think that people
ike it. message from someone
ton ight?
en he was asked on 0 TV show why he was so
:es.simistic about li fe, l aurie sa id it was because he is + you'll meet some new
:.catfish . "I definitely think that's where it comes from. "
friends on your next
:.e:ouse of his rep utation as a pessimist, people always va cation?
c . to him abou t positive thinki ng . He says that complete
""Ong ers come up to him on the street and soy, "Cheer + you'll li ve t o be lOO?
_c it'll never happenl "
+ you'll get to the end
of this book?

Read [he a rticle again . M a rk the sentences T (tru e) P Responding to predict ions

.r F (fa lse). Say why. I hope so. / I hope not.

• Hugh Laurie always thinks the worst will happe n. I t hink so. / I don't t hi nk so.
""' He thinks they will ma ke ma ny mo re seasons of
I doubt it .
House, M.D. Maybe. / Perhaps.
3 He doesn't th ink h is alb um will be successfu l. Probably (not).
4 He think s that Scon ish peo ple are optimisti c. Definitely (not).

People often try to make him feel happier. Do you think you'~_ ..." ') ( I.~~pe 50. 1think the weather
have a nice week~ ~e good and...
Have you seen any e pisodes of House, M. D.?
Do yo u like. ..?
a the character b the actor

Online Practice

G will I won 't (decisions, offers , promises) It's a secret.
V verb + back OK, Iwon't tell

P word stress: two-syllable verbs

1 GRAMMAR 1 A That's two burgers, an extra-large order of French
will / won't (decisions, offers, promises) fries, and two ice cream sundaes. Anything else?

a Look ar the ca rtoon s. \Vhar do you rhink the mi ssi ng B Yes, , please.
phrases are?

b 310 1») Li sten and fi ll in the blank s.

cLoa k ar th e ca rtoo ns aga in. In whi ch o ne does
so mebody. .. ?

D promise to do somerhin g
D decide ro have someth ing

D offer ro do somerh in g

>-d p.136 Grammar Bank 6B. Learn more abour making

o ffers, pro mi ses , and decisio ns and pracrice rhem.

>-e Communication /'/1 game p.102. Play the ga me.

2 PRONUNCIATION 2 A Do Iwant to go back to the previous version? Do I press
Yes or No?
word stress: two-syllable verbs
B I need to do my homework now. _ _ _ _ __
P Stress in two-syllable verbs when I finish.

Remember that most two-syllable verbs are stressed
on the second syllable.

a Look at the two -syllable verbs below. Which syll ab le
are th ey stressed o n? Put them in rhe right col umn .

algree alrrive borrlow comlplain delcide deipend
forlget halppen imlpress inlvent inlvite 0 fter

prac!tice pre!fer pro!mise re~ceive relpair sunlbathe

1st syllable 2nd syllable

b 3 12») Listen and check.

3 A _ _ _ _ _ _ ! I promise!
B Well, hurry up. I can't wait much tonger.
A Just one more kiss ...

3 SPEAKING & LISTENING I won't tell 4 VOCABULARY verb + back
;a Look arthe se ntences. Talk to a partner. a Loo k at the sente nces. What 's the difference
When do you think people say them? I'll do it later. between BD and BO back?
I'm going to work. I'm going back to work.
.:! \Vhar do you think they all have in common ?
b CompiNe the dialogues with a phrase from
11 pay you I'll come back I'll text the li st.
and finish the job
back. ~ you when I We'll build new
get there. schools and
/ '\ tomorrow. hospitals.
call you back come back give it back
This won't -....... pay me back send it back take it back

hurt. .t=."--

1 A The shirt you bought me is too small.

B Don't worry. I'll to the store

Loo k at the rirle of a newspaper anicl e. D o you think it 's another and exchange it. I still have the receipt.
promise that peo pl e often break?
2 A Hi, Jack. It's me, Karen.
I'll never forget you B I can't talk now, I'm driving -I'll

in 15 minutes.

3 A Could Isee the manager?
B She's at lunch now, Could you

in about half an hour?

4 A That's my pen you're using!
B No, it's not. It's mine,

S A Can you lend me 50 dollars, Nick?

B It depends. When can you ?

6 A I bought this jacket on the Internet. but

it 's too big.

B Can't you ?

Steve Smith from Devon in the UK met Carmen Rui z- Perez from c 3 14 ») Li ste n and check. In pairs, practice
Spain 17 years ago when they were bmh in the ir 205. Carmen ,vas the dialogues.
studying English at a language school in Stcve's town,"'<forbay.
d Ask and answer in groups. Ask fo r more
ey fell in love and got engaged. But a year latcr, Carmen moved to information.
clnce for work, and the long-distance relationship first cooled and
n ended. \Vhen someone leaves you a message on
your ph one, do you usually ca ll them back
ew years later Steve tried to get in touch with Carmen again, 8. im mediately?
2 If you buy something online that is nor
t she had changed her address in Paris. So he sent her a letter to .~ exactly what you wanted, do you always
se n d ir back?
mother's address in Spain. In the letter, he asked her if she was ~ 3 Have you ever lent somebody mon ey and he
or she didn't pay you back?
drried and ifshe ever thought of him. He gave her his telephone ~'11 4 When you come back after a vacation, do
mbe r and asked her to get in touch. But Carmen's mother N you usua lly feel berrer or worse than before?
n'{ send the letter to her daughter and it fell down behind the 5 When you borrow a book or a DVD from a
~~pJace, where it stayed for ten years... !':;: friend, do you usually remembe r to give it
back? \Vhat about if yo u lend something to
Read the article and answer the questions. your friends?
6 If you buy somet hing to wear fro111 a store
\Vha rwe re Car men and Steve doing in Steve's town? and th en decide YOll don't like it, do you
\Vhy didn't they get married? usually take it back?
\\' hy didn't Steve's lerrer get to Ca rmen?

3 13 ») Now li sten to part of a news program and answer
'he questions.

hat happened...? 4 when they mer a few 5 IS })) SONG
when the wo rkers found the lerrer days later
when Ca rmen got the lerrer Reach Out I'll Be There tJ
when Ca rm en ca lled Sreve 5 last wee k
Online Practice

G review of verb forms: present, past, and future 1dreamed
V adjectives + prepositions about a
p the letters ow

1 READING & LISTENING c Listen aga in a nd fill in th e blanks with a verb in th e co rrect fo rm

a Do you often remember your drea ms? D o Dr. Alien So, teU me, what did you dream about?
you think drea ms ca n tell us anythin g abo ut
the future? Patient I was at a party. There were a lot of people.

b 16 ))) Listen to a psyc hoanalyst ta lkin g Dr. What were they 1 ?
to a patient about hi s drea m s. Number the
pictures 1- 5 in the correct o rder. P They were talking and 2_ __

Dr. And then what happened?

P Then, suddenly I was in a garden. There 3 a lot of flowers..
Or. Flowers, yes, yes ... what kind of flowers?

P 14 really see - it was dark. And I could hear music -

somebody was the violin.
Dr. The violin? Go on. an owl, a big owl in a tree...
P And then 16

Dr. How did you 7 ? Were you frightened of it?

P No, not frightened reaUy, no, but I 8 I felt very cold.

Especially my feet - they were freezing. And then 19_ __

Dr. Your feet? Mmm, very interesting, very interesting indeed. Were

you 10 any shoes?

P No, no I wasn't.

Dr. TeU me, have you ever 11 this dream before?

P No, never. So what does it 12 , Doctor?

d What do you think the pati ent'Sdream mean s? Match four of tht"
things in hi s drea m with interpretations 1- 4.

llldprstanding 1I0U dreams

You dream... me n

that you are at a party. you are going to be
about flowers. very busy.
that somebody is pla ying
the violin. 2 you're feeling positive
about an owl. about the future.

3 you want some romance in
your life.

4 you need to ask an older
person for help.

e 17 ))) Li sten to Or. Alien interpreting t he patient'S dream.
C hec k your an swers to d.

f 18 )) Or. Alien is now go ing to ex plain what picture 5 mea ns.
\Vhat do you think the meaning could be? Listen and find out.

GRAMMAR review of verb forms 4 PRONUNCIATION the letters ow

L()()k at the se ntences below. Whi ch o ne is the present P Pronunication of ow
""IIf'rfecr? M a rk it PP. The n look at the oche r sente nces.
Be careful: ow can be pronounced ,ao.', e.g., flower or -''(lO ,
' hat time do they refer to? M ark them P (th e past), e.g., window.
P R (the prese nt), o r F ( the future).
a 20 )) Listen and repeat th e tWO word s and sounds.
...--, I was dr inkin g coffee.
Maybe you'll have a meeting wi th your boss. ~

--, ph on e
---I I saw an owl.
b Write the wo rds in the list in the right columns.
..... Yo u a re feel ing positive.
:;: You're goin g to meet a lot of people. blow borrow brown crowded
down how know low
-=You work in an office. now show shower snow
I'm meeting her roni ght. throw t owel t own
--' Have you eve r had thi s drea m before?
c 21 ')) Listen and check.
.. p.136 Grammar bank 6e . Rev iew all the verb fo rm s
'U'\'e studied in Files 1- 6 and prac tice them . d Practice saying the sentences.
Show me th e flowers.
- SPEAKING Th e town is very crowded now.
Do n't throw snow at the wind ows.
~ Comm u nication Dreams A p.l03 B p.lOB. How do you kn ow?
\Ie·play inrerpreting your parmer's drea m . Ca n I borrow a towel fo r th e shower?

merviewa partner with the questio nn aire. 5 VOCABULARY adjectives + prepositions
.... Iu>ose two que stio ns fro m each g roup .
P Adjectives + prepOSitions
.;. . fo r mo re info rmatio n.
Some adjectives are usually followed by certain
-E .'IEW QUESTIONNAIRE prepositions, e.g., Were you frightened of the owl?lt's
useful to learn the prepositions with the adjectives.
Where do you usually buy
your clothes? a Fill in the blanks with a prepositi o n.
What do you like doing on the
weekend? 1 Are you afr aid _ the dark ? 1
Are you watching any TV series right now? 2 Do you th ink chocolate is good _ you?
Are you studying for an exam right now? 3 Is your [Own full _ tourists in the summer?
4 \Vhat is yo ur country famous _ 1
Where did you go on vacation last year? 5 At sc hool, what subjects were you bad _ 1
Did you do anything exciting last Saturday night? 6 Are you good _ dancing?
Where were you at 10 o'clock last night? What were 7 Do you often get angry _ your famil y? What _
you doing? 8 Are people in your country ver y different _
Were you sleeping when the alarm clock rang this
morning? A merica n s.
9 Are people in your country nice _ [Ourists?
Have you ever had the same dream again and again? 10 Are you interested _ politics?
Have you ever dreamed about something that then
happened? b Ask and answer the qu estions with a partner. Say why.

Are you going to learn a new foreign language next
Are you going to do anything exciting next

Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow?
Do you think your country's soccer team will win

the next World Cup?
What are you doing tonight?

Online Practice

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