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Published by samyamakolin, 2021-07-28 12:00:48




@ a , b , or c. a @ ther ight verborphra se.

J She drives than her brother. 1 I waste / tose a lot of rime playing games o n my phone.
2 \Ve spend / take a lot of tim e sirti ng in our cars every day.
a faster b more fast c more fastly 3 Can you borrow f iend me 50 dollars?

2 His new boo k isn't as good ___ his la st 4 I'm leaving tonight, and I'm cOl1lillOIcomillB back on Friday.
5 T hi s is Ben. He's reaching / teamill{j me to play rhe piano.
a than b th at c as

3 \Vomen spend ___ time cooking rhan in b \Vrite the oppos ite verb.
rhe past.

a less b litrle c fewer I buy 3 remember 5 reach
2 push 4 pass
4 Friday is ___ day of the week.

a rhe busier b the busiest c the most busy c \Vrire word s for the definitions.

5 It's the ___ road in the world. I cr_ _ (adj) full of people or thin gs

a more dangerous 2 s_ _ _ (adD opposite of dal/{JeTollS

b dangerousesr 3 n _ _ (adj) opposite of quiet (for a place)
c most da nge rou s
4 s (ad j, noun) opposite of nort},
6 Ir 's rhe honest country I've ___ been ro.
5 m ___ (noun) a building w here you can see old things

a never b always c ever 6 p___ (noun) the place where a king or queen lives

7 My sister drinks ___ coffee. 7 m ___ (nou n) a religious building for Muslims

a roo b too much c tOO many 8 b___ (noun) you have 206 of these in you r body

8 T hese jeans are small. Do you have 9 br (noun) the o rgan we lI se to rhink

them one size bigger? 10 sk (noun) it covers th e olltside of you r body

a too b too much c too many

9 You haven't spent ___ on your d Complete the sentences with a preposition.

homework . I My husband's always late. He's never ___ time fo r a nythin g.
2 Are you interested ___ this TV show?
a time enough 3 \Vhen I was a child, I was afraid ___ dogs.
b enough time 4 I'd really like to be good _ _ dan cin g.
5 Eating too ma ny cookies is bad ___ )'ou.
c many time

10 They're playing rea lly badly, They _ _

rhe game.

a want win b won't win c won't to win PRONUNCIATION

11 A My exam is today. a @ thewo rd with a diffe rent sound .
B Don'r worry. ___'

a You'll pass b You pass c You're passing 21~I toO
12 A Ir 's cold in here. B ____ the window. lose po ll uted m uc h
:m3 lot mall)' h ea lthy
a I close b I'm closing c I' ll close won't box lend
13 They met for the first time when they _ _ towel
in Istanbul.

a were livin g b a re living c was living

14 A Haveyou been rotheUS? 4$
B Yes, I ___ to New York last year.

a 've been b went c was going sho\\ e r no\.. sno\\

15 A ___ roday? B No, she's on vaca ti on. 5~

a Does she work re ceive castle mosque active

b Is she working b Underline th e stressed sy llabl e.
c Will she work
1 irn pa tient 2 in teres ring 3 in vem 4 prac tice 5 de cide


ead the text once. Does the journalist think music VIDEO
"J.,J,de him run faster?
ead the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or
F false). 3 22»)) O n t h e street \Vatcb or listen ro five people
and answer rhe quesrions.
The psychologist says that all kinds of music can help
us exercise hencr. lan Welts Jeanna Joanna Anya
He says that exercise is more fun with music.
\len and women prefer different music when they Three years ago lan ___.
- \lusic helped Haile Gebreselassie break a record. a rerired
\Iost top ath letes use music when they run. b had more free ti me
\ lusic can help amateu r runners to run faster. c was working part time
- The journalist chose his music for the marathon.
0\11 the songs helped him fun faster. 2 \Vhen Wells talks about why he loves Paris. he doesn't
memion ___.
,k at the highlighted words or phrases in the text.
....ess their meaning fro III the contexc. Check with a the scenery b rhe culture c the buildings
3 Jeanna ___ junk food .
r teacher or with a dictionary.
a ea cs roo much b doesn't eat any c catS a little
-~ music really make you run faster? 4 Joanna says her friends ___ . Karageorghis, a sports psychologist. calls music a are mostly pessimists
b chink she is a pessimist
's legal drug: He says that exercising with music can c rhink she is an oprimisc
athletic performance by 15 percent. The music must 5 Anya often has bad dreams ___.
'efully chosen so that the tempo or Mbeat~ is synchronized
exercise you are doing. According to Professor a when she's having problems at work
rgh is, music also makes you feel less pain and makes an b after she's had a big meal session less boring and more enjoyable. c when she's having problems w ith her partner
~-.a-n, Fitness First, recognizes the importance of music
outs and plays music in all its clubs. The most popular CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
~or male gym members is Survivor's Eye of the Tiger. while ....
ove Abba's Dancing Queen. Do rhe rasks wirh a partner. Check (.I) the box ifyou
can do them.
_ rarks well with weightlifting, and other repetitive
_ but it can also help with running. The best example oCan yo u ...?
compare two members ofyour family lIsing
:s Haile Gebreselassie, perhaps the world 's greatest adjecrives and adverbs
run ner. who used the techno-pop song Scatman as a
D2 talk about your town using four superlatives (the
_ me when he broke the world 2,000 meter record . But
c ~as so important to Gebreselassie. why do other top biBBest, the best, ere.)
never race with headphones?
03 talk about your diec using (flot) etlOu8" and
}i!'O'ghis says MResearch has shown that for most top
:~ music is less effective. Elite athletes focus more on Itoo much too /fIallY
:_ es, and less on outside stimuli like music.~ So although
can help amateur runners run faster and further. most 04 make three predictions about the future using
.- t es prefer silence.
lViII / won 't
.=-ed to try running with music myself. I was going to run a
Tathon, and a sports doctor gave me the perfect playlist 05 make a promise, an offer. and a decis ion llsing
_ for running. When I did the race, I found that some of
.t4 will / won't
" ke Van Kleet's Walking on Me, made running easier. Short movies Chicago
""! """Iade me want to throwaway the mp3 player. When I VIDEO Wat ch and enjoy the movie.
oIP:. the line, I had beaten my previous personal best by one

nut was it because of the music? To be honest, I felt it
bly because of the extra training.

_ 'I The Times

Online Practice

G uses of the infinitive What do I
V verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc.
P weak form of to, linking need to do?
It's important
not to be late.

1 READING & LISTENING How to ... Su rv ive Meeting
Your GirLfriend's Parents
a Look at the po s ter o f a well-know n movie. Do you for the First Time
know what ic's abo ut? Have you seen it?
It's stressfuL, but thes e t op t ips can heLp you
He finally met the girl ofhis dreams. t o get it right.
Too bad her dad's a nightmare.
o You need to dQ some "homework" before
b W ith a part ner, think o f two pieces o f adv ice fo r
so mebody who is go in g to m eet hi s o r her pa rtner 's you go. Ask you r girlfriend about her parents,
parents for the first time.
Where does her mother work? Does her father like
c Now read an article adapted from the website wik iHow.
Is your advice t here? basketball? Do you have any common interests? If

d Read the a rticl e again and fi ll in the blanks with th e you do this, it will be easy a conversation
verbs in the list .
to answer not to be ffi-OO (x 2) to have to know e with them, the right
to make to say to show not t o t alk Make sure you dress
impression. Don't wear a suit, but don't just wear
e 23 ))) Listen to Nico meeting hi s girl frie nd's pa rents
for the fi rst time. Do es the meet ing start we ll o r bad ly? your old jeans and the Che Guevara T-shirt you
How does it end?
o bought at the flea market. Late for
f Liste n aga in and answer the qu estions. Be punctual. It's very important
I What does he do wrong? o a first meeting.
2 Wh at does he do righ r? When they greet you at t he door shake the
father's hand firmLy (no father likes a weak
g Do you think the advice in the articl e would be good
fo r people in yo ur country? W hy (not)? D o you think handshake!). Ask your girlfriend what kind of
the advice woul d be t he same fo r a girl mee ting her
boyfr iend 's parents fo r th e first t ime? o greeting her mom will prefer.
Call her parents M r. and Mrs . (Smith) untiL they
ask you to call them " Dave~ and "Maria."
et Be ready
questions about yourself! Her

parents wiLL want everything about you

and your ambitions. Make a good impression!

8 If you are invited for a meal, eat everything t hey

give you and say something posi t ive about the

meaL, like "This is absoLutely delicious!" Offer

-:-___ the dishes aft er the meal ( them

that you are helpfuL).

. , Be you r self. and don't be a "yes" man. If they

ask you for your opinion, be honest. How ever,

try about controversial subjects - t his

Isn't the moment to give your views on religion and


8 If the conversation is dying and you can't thin k of

what • ask them what your partne r was

li ke as a child. This is a smart tactic! ALL parents

Love talking about their children. and it shows you

have a deep interest in their daughter.

Adapted from wikiHow

uses of the infinitive weak form of to, linking

\latch se ntences a- d from the article w ith a 26 »)) Li ste n to two sentences. Is to stressed?
rules 1- 4. How is it pro no un ced ?

3. ~ If yo u do rh is, it will be easy to have a I wa nt to come.
conversation w ith t hem. He decided to leave.

== Offer to do the di shes after the meal (to P Linking words with the same consonant sound

show them that you a re helpful). When a word ends in a consonant sou nd and t he next wo rd begins
with the same or a very similar sound , we often link the words
C --..J If rhe conve rsa tion is dyi ng and you t oget her and only make t he consonant sound once. This happens
can't th ink of what to say, ask them
when a verb ends in ·t , or Id/ before to, so want to is pronounced
=what yo ur partner was like as a child.
You need to d o some "homework " /'wonl;).. and decided to is pronounced ldl'sald;,to./.
before you go.
b 27 »)) Li sten a nd wr ite s ix sente nces. Then p rac tice say in g the m .
Lse the infinitive ...
afte r so me ve rbs, e.g., need, want, CK, c Wo rk in pairs. A ask B the first six ques tio ns. B give as much
infor m atio n as you ca n . C h a nge roles fo r the last six quest io ns.
... afte r ad jectives
[0 give a reason fo r doi ng something Have you ever offered to look after somebody's dog

- .frcr a quest ion word, e.g., who, what, how (or other pet)?

_ K>k at the o ther in fi niti "es you used to Do you think it is difficult to stay friends with an
)mplete the a rticle. Which rules a re they? ex-boyfriend/ girlfriend?
Have you ever tried to learn something new and f ailed?
,.. p.138 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn more Do you think it is important to learn to cook at school?
)U[ uses of the in fi nitive a nd prac tice them . How long do you usually spend deciding what to wear in
the morning?
VOCABULARY verbs + infinitive • Do you know how to change a tire on a car?

ithout lookin g back at th e a rtic le, try to • Do you think it's possible to learn a foreign language studying on
~mem be r t he miss ing verb s. your own at home?
Are you planning to go anywhere next weekend?
You to do som e homewo rk before Would you like to work or study in another country?
Have you ever pretended to be sick (when you weren't)?
D U go. Have you ever forgotten to turn off your ceH phone during a class
or concert?
He r pare nts will [0 know What do you think is the most interesting thing to do for a visit or
to your town?
c"erythin g about you an d your ambitions.
>d Communication How to... A p.103 Bp.107. Read and retell two
_ _ _ _ [0 do the di sh es afte r the meal.
m ore HoUl to .. . articles.
- However, not to talk about

controve rsial subjects ...

> p.I S8 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms.

part I (Ve rbs + infinir ive).


W it h a pa rt ne r, w ri te a " H ow to .. ." a rticle. C hoose o ne of the
titles below a nd try to th ink of at leas t four t ips.
H owto...

make a good impress ion on your firs t day in your English class.
• make a good impress ion at a job interv iew.

Online Practice

G uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) What's your idea
of happiness?
V verbs + ge rund
p t he letter ; Making soup.

1 GRAMMAR uses of the gerund

a Ta lk to a pa r t ner. Is there a book, a movie. or
a son g tha t makes you feel happy whenever

yo u read, watch, or listen ro it? \Vhat is it?

W hy does it make you feel happy?

b Read a m agazi ne article where diffe rent
people o n the magazine's staff say what
happiness is for t hem. \Vho do you
think said what? Match the people to the
parag raphs.

Tas ha, Reg ina, Sebastian , IJJJ' ...making soup. I love using leftovers

fashion editor health editor music editor in the fridge. There's something
magical about making something
Kate, Marco , Andre w, deJicious out of nothing.

movie editor food editor travel editor 2 . ..sitting on the sofa on a winter
evening with a box of chocolates,
c Read t he art icle aga in. Is there anybody you watching a feel-good movie,
rea lly agree/don't agree wi th? Compare with preferably one that makes me cry.
a partner.
... Iistening to Don 't Stop Me No w
d Loo k at the highlighted ph rases in the fi rst by Queen. As soon as I hear it, I
pa ragraph. Fi nd a n exa mpl e of a ger un d immediately feel like getti ng up and
(verb + -;118): dancing.

I after another verb ___ _ @] ...getting on the scale- and seeing

2 after a preposition ____ that I've lost a pound even though I
had a big meal the day before.
3 used as a noun
r n ...seeing my suitcase come out first
>-e p.138 Grammar Bank 7B. Learn more
at baggage- cl aim at the airport.
about the uses ofthe gerund and practice them.
r n ...finding a real bargain on sale. I'm

still wearing a Prada jacket that I
bought incredibly cheaply at a sale
ten years ago.

f Wr ite your own continuation for
Happ iness is...

g Work in groups affour. Read the o ther
students' texts. Do YO ll agree w ith their
ideas of happiness?

verbs + gerund
a Ask and answer w ith a partner.
~ p.ISB Vocabulary Bank Verb forms.
Do parr 2 (Verbs + ge rund). 1 \Vhen you are happy do you sometimes feel like sin gi ng?

C hoose five thin gs to talk about from th e 2 Doyou eve r sing... ?
ist below.
in rhe showe r • karaoke
• you don't mind doing around the house • in the ca r • in a choi r o r band
• you like doing with your family
• you love doing in the summer • while you're li sten in g to mu sic, e.g., on an iPod
• you don't feel like doing on weekends
• you spend too much time doing 3 Is there a particu lar si nge r whose songs you like singin g? Do you
• you dream of doing
• you hate doing at work / school have a favorire so ng?
• you don't like doing alone
• you are thinking of doing this weekend b In pairs, say ifyou think se nrences 1-7 aee T (t rue) or F (fa lse).
• you think you are very good (or very bad)
1 Si ngi I1 g is good for your health.
at doing 2 If you want to sin g well, you need to learn to breathecorrec rly.
3 People who sing are usually heav ier than people who don't.
'ork in pairs. A te ll B about th e five thin gs. 4 Nor eve rybody can learn ro sing.
S You need to know how to read music ( 0 be ab le to si ng wel l.
ay why. B ask for m ore inform ation. Then 6 If)'ou make a surprised face,you can sing high nOres ben er.
7 It takes years to lea rn re sing berter.
...hange roles.
c 3 32 ))) Now li sten to an inter view with th e direcror of a singing
- PRONUNCIATION the letter i sc hool and a student who took a class there . \Vere you ri gh t?

,J[ the one-syll able wo rd s below into the d Listen again. C hoose the right answer.
-,;hr column .
When you are lea rning ro sing, you need to __ cor ree dy.
- nd give high kind like milk a sra nd b dress c eat
..., nd miss night right sit skin 2 Si ngin g well is 9S% __ .
•., n time which win with a repeating b li srening e brea thing
3 Molly's class la sted _ _ .
~ a one day b one wee k cone 1110mh
4 Molly has always __ .
iish bike a been good at sin ging b been in a choir c liked si ngin g
5 At first, the students lea rned to __ .
330 )) Lis,en and check. Then look a, 'he a breathe and sing b listen and breathe c listen and si ng
Irds in each co lumn . \Vhar rul es ca n you 6 Ar rh e end ofrhe day, rhey could si ng __ .
a perfecrly b much ben er c a linle ben er
-.ce for the prol1u nciatio n of. ..
e \Vould you like to lea rn to sing (better)? A re t here
i + consona nr + e (but which word is an any tips from rhe listening rh at you could use?
exception ?)
5 33 )) SONG Don't Stop f\1e Now ~
itld a nd i81'
i be tween other co nso nants

331») Li sten and chec k. Practice say ing
sen tences.

m iss spe ndin g ti me with my sister.
le dri nkin g a gla ss of mi Ik at night.

G have to, don't have to, must, must not, can't You don't
V modifiers: a little (bit), really, etc. have to take
P sentence stress

1 GRAMMAR have to, don't have 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
to, must, must not, can't
a 36 »)) Li ste n and write the five sentences.
a Match the sign s to th e rules. b Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the .rhx.thm.

o You have to pay before the end of

the month. 3 READING & LISTENING

02 You don't have to pay to see this.

03 You must not ea t here. a Do you think people from your coumry a re good at learnin g
languages? \Vhy (not)? A re America n peop le good at lea rning
04 You must tu rn off your cell phone your language?

before you come in. b Read about Max, an •
America n journalist who
0S You can't ta lk here. took an imensive Spanish
course. Then cover the article
o® m Tonight's an~ a.nswe r th e questions.
What reputa tion do
Titanic Amer icans have?

Admission f ree 2 W hat ex peri ment d id Max's
news paper wa nt to do?
DJ , .
3 Why did Max choose to
SILENCE learn Span ish?

Exam In progress 4 W here did he take che
course? How long was it?
b Look at the highlighted Nofuod
expressions and answer to be taken into 5 W hat did he find easy and
the questions . difficu lt about Spa nish?
"" lilmuy
6 W hat were th e four tests?
W hich two phrases mea n... ? W hat were rhe ru les?
It is a ru le. There's an obligation to do this.
You have to c 37 ))) Which test do you think was rhe eas iest for Max? Wh ich
do you think was t he most difficult? Listen to Max caking the
2 W hich phrase means.. .? tests in Puerto R ico and check your answers.

It isn't ob ligatory or it isn't necessary. d Listen aga in. Mark the sentences T (tru e) or F (false). Correct t he
false information.
3 Which two phrases mean ... ?
It isn't permitted. Ir is aga inst the rul es. I The waiter did n't understand Max.
2 The bill was six dollars.
c )loo p.138 Grammar Bank 7C. Learn more 3 The drugsrore was o n rhe first Street on the right.
about have to, don't have to, must, must not, 4 The driver und erstood the name of the fo rt.
and ca n't and practice them. 5 Max made a grammar m istake when he left [he

d With a partner, complete four se ntences about voicemail message.
the school where you are learn in g English. 6 Max's final score was eight.
7 Max says you can learn Spanis h in
We have to... We don't have to...
We must... We must not... We can't... a month.

e Compare you r r ules with another pair. W hich
rule do you think is the mOst important?

I will survive 4 VOCABULARY modifiers

(in Spanish)... My pronunciation of the fort wasn't very good.
I was feeling a little nervous at this point.
or will I?
a Complete the chart with the words in the box.
mericans have a reputation for being bad at lea rning a little (bit) extremely fairly not ver·y really ver-y

.anguages. but is it really true? I work for a newspaper Spanish is very difficult.

:1'lat was doing a series of articles about this . As an not very

....,ent. they asked me to try and learn a completely P a little (bit)
a,guage for one month. Then I had to go to the
We only use a little (bit) before negative adjectives
and take some "tests" to see if I could "survive" in and adverbs, •.g., a little (bit) difficult, a little (bit)
?"Cnt situations. I decided to study Spanish because
- like to visit Puerto Rico and other places in Latin
ca in the future. If Igo, I don't want to be the typical b Complete the sentences with one ofthe words or phrases
so that it makes a true sentence. Compare with a partner.
-<an who expects everyone else to speak English.
1 I'm good at learning languages.
a one-mo nth intensive course in Spanish at a school in Washington, D.e. I was a complete 2 I'm motivated to improve my English. but I soon found that some Spanish words
::ry similar to English ones. For example. holD isn't 3 English pronunciation is difficult.
:. &ferent from "hello" and ingJes is very similar
~-; ish," But other things were more difficult. for 4 English grammar is _ _ _ complicared.
:J e the verbs in Spanish change for each person, and
- -eans you have to learn a lot of different endings. 5 I'm worried abollt the next English exa m.
- 3gest problem was the pronunciation. I found it
:fficult to pronounce some letters in Spanish, 6 English is important for my work, stud ies.
-«.ially r andj. I downloaded sentences in Spanish onto
--artphone, and I listened and repeated them again 5 SPEAKING
- again.
a How well do you think you could do Max's four tests in
er my course ended, I went to San Juan, Puerto Rico English? Why?
• 'lOg weekend to take my tests. A Spanish teacher I think I could order a drink and a sandwich fairly well~
ed Nilda came with me an d gave me a score out of 10
~ach test and then a fina l score for everything. b Talk to a partner.

«!Se were the tests and the rule s: HAVE YOU EVER...
spoken to a tourist in English? When? Why?
~E STS had to speak in En glish on the phone? Who to?
What about?
have to ... seen a movie or video clip in English? Which? Did it
ord er a drink and a sandwich in a cafe, ask how have subtitles? How much did you understand?
...,uch it is, and understand the price. read a book or magazine in English? Which one(s)?
ask for directions on the street (and follow them). asked for directions in English in a foreign city?
:ake a taxi to a historical building in San Juan. Where? What happened?
eave a message on somebody's voicemail. used an app or website to improve your English?
Which one?
: • learned another foreign la nguage? How well can
ou can't use a dictionary or phrase book
ou can't speak English at any time

you can't use your hands or mime or write
anything down


>- p.llS Writing A formal email. \Vrite an email asking

for information. H IOnline Practice

At the pharmacy

1 !E~ RUNNING IN 2 VOCABULARY feeling sick
a Match the phrases a nd pictures.
a 3 38») Warch o r li sre n ro Rob and Jenny.
Arc they enj oy ing their run? What's the matter? o I have a tempera:Je

C I have a headache. 'hell!.!l\... D I have a stomachache
::::J I have a cold.
o~ I have a cough. bf
I have the flu. fl u

b 39 ») Listen and check. Cove r rhe phrases and practice with a

0aveWhat's the matte~
a headache.


a 40») Cover th e dialogue and watch o r listcn. @ thecorre


I Rob think s he has a cold / thefill.
2 The pha rmacist gives Rob ibuprofell / pe"icilli".

3 He ha s to rake rhe medi cine everyfour hOllrs I eiB/1t hOllrs.

4 They cost $ 16.99/ $6.99.

b Watch or li ste n aga in and answer rh e
qu est ions.

1 How does Rob say he feel s?
2 What does Jenny say about Central Park ?
3 Is Rob happy he ca me to New York?
4 What is Rob tired of doing?
5 What does Je nny in vi te h im to do?
6 How many mo re times a re they goi ng to

run around the pa rk?

' "atch or listen again. Complete the
You Hear phrases.

0)) You Hea r You Say

Good morning. I'm not feeling very
Can I help you? well. I think I have flu.

What are your I have a headache
symptoms? and a cough.

Jo you have a ? NO, I don't think so.

Are you allergic to I'm allergic to 4 !E~ DINNER AT JENNY'S APARTMENT
any drugs? penicillin.
a 42») \\latch or listen to Rob and Jenny. Mark the sentences
No . This is How many do I have T (true) o r F (false).
.:;'ll make you to take?
I Rob broke up with his girlfriend a yea r before he met Jen ny.
feel 2 Jenny hasn't had much time for relationships.
3 Jenny knew that Rob wasn't feeling well in the morning.
every four hours. Sorry? How often? 4 Rob wantS to go back to his hotel because he's tired.
5 Jenny is going ro call a taxi.
_ every four hours. OK. thanks. How
~ you don't feel better much is that? b \Vatch or listen agai n. Say why the F sentences are false.
n hours, you
c 43») Read the information box about have not. Listen and
should see a doctor.
repeat the phrases.
That's $6.99, please. Thank you.
D have got
You're _ _ _
In British English, have got is sometimes used instead of have to talk
:> American and British Eng lish about possession.

pharmacy = American English (and sometimes I've got a busy day tomorrow.
British English) Have you got any children? Yes, I have. I've got a girl and a boy.

chemist's = British English No, Ihaven't. I haven't got any children.

drugs = medicine in American English >- See appendi x p.165.

drugs = illegal substances in British and d Ask and answer w ith a partner. Use HaveYOIl Bot ... ? Yes, Jhave. ,
- No , Jl!m'etl't. Give more information ifyou can.
American English
A any pets a bike or mororcycle a yard
the flu = American English B any brothers and sisters a car a laprop
flu =British English
Have you got any pets.!.l 0es, I have. I've got two dogs.
341 ») Watch or listen a nd repeat the
You Say phrases. .G.Qpy the r!J}>thm. e Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of
the missing words?
_ ~crice the dialogue with a partner.
Social English phrases
~ _ In pai rs, role·play the dialogue.
Rob That was a lovely _ _. Jenny I'm you're feeling better.
.\ book closed) You don't feel very well.
Decide what symptoms you have. Are YOll Rob That isn't very _ _ for you. Rob Thanks again for a _ _ evening.
allergic to anything?
Rob I'm rH be fine. Jenny time.
B book ope n) You are the pharmacist. You
begin with Ca" I I,elp )'ou? Rob I think I ___ get back to the hotel now.

Change roles.

f 45)) \Vatch or listen and complete the phrases.

g Watch or li sten again and repeat the phrases. How do you say
them in your language?

Can you...?

o describe symptoms when you feel sick
o get medicine at a pharmacy

D talk about possessions with have got

Online Practice

G should You should
t a lk to her.
V get

P 101 and lul, sent en ce st ress

1 READING c Read the problems and advice again . Look
the highlighted verb phrases and guess rhei
a Talk CO a pa rcner. mea ning.

If you have a proble m rhat you need to talk abollt, .do you ta lk to a d Ta lk co a pa nner. W h ic h piece of advice do
fr iend or to a member ofyour fami ly? \Vh)'? YOll agree wi rh mose for each problem? Do
2 Do you thi nk that men fi nd it more difficult than women to talk YOll h ave any orhe r suggesrions?
aboU[ thei r problems? \Vhy (not)?

b Read th ree problems from a weekly anicle in a newspa per. Ma tch
two pieces of advice ro eac h prob lem.


to talk?

Are you a man who finds it difficult to Our readers' advice!
talk about feelings and problems with
your friends and family? D1 This seems like an easy one - go, but try to avoid him where
Send us your problem. and you will get
advice from our readers. possible, and if you can't avoid him, then just smile and don't

Problem A get into a conversation.

Three weeks ago, I asked my girlfriend to marry D2 In my opinion, I don't think it's worth making problems at work.
me - we have been together for 18 months. It
was an impulse, but now I am having second Why don't you suggest that she asks a girlfriend or afamily
thoughts. I am deeply in love with her, but is
this too soon? Please help. member to go with her instead?

Problem B D3 You should tell your wife how you feel. Be polite and, above all, bE

My wife is running her fi rst marathon in Orlando, honest. You do not have to like herfather. ifhe really is difficult,
Florida, a nd she really wants me to go and watch
her. However, there is a business conference in everyone else will already know.
New York the same weekend, a nd my boss would
like me to attend. What should I do? D4 You felt it was right at the time, butfor some reason now you are

Problem C not sure. You clearly love this girl, and I think you should go for
it. I got married afterfour months ofdating, and we celebrated 30
My wife wants us to spend two weeks in Cape
Cod, Massachusetts in the summer w ith her years together this year.
fa mily, but I find her father really difficult to
get along with. Should 1 go and risk having DS You should be there. Maybe this is a once-in-a-lifetime momentfo

arguments all the time or should rsuggest her. You can always keep in touch with co-workers on your phone

separate vacations th is year? DS You shouldn't do anything in a hurry. Set a date 18 monthsfrom

now which will give you time to be sure you're doing the right

thing. And don't plan too much. If you start booking restaurants

and getting clothes for the big day, it will make things worse if you

then change your mind.

Adapted from a newspap


a Fi nd and un derli ne seve n exam ples of should a Look at three sentences fro m the lesson. Matc h the exa mples of
Bet w it h mea n ings a-Co
I shouldn't in the problem s and advice in 1.
a buy / obtain b receive c become
Answer w it h a partner:
W hat do we use should for? Send us your problem, and you will ge t adv ice.

2 How do you make nega tives and questions Ifyou start book ing resta uranrs and ge tting clofh es fo r the
w ith sllOuld? big day...
I'm getting really stressed about it.
>-b p.140 Grammar Bank BA. Lea rn more
>b p.159 Vocabulary Bank get.
about should and practice it.
c In pa irs, ask and answer the questio ns w ith Bet.
1 When was the last time you got a present? What was it?
/u/ and /u/, sentence stress Who was it from?

a 471}) Listen and repeat t he words and 2 Would you like to get in shape? What do you think you should do?
sounds. W hat's the difference between the 3 What website do you use if you want t o get tickets a) to travel
two sound s?
b) for the movies I theater I concerts?
.ti bull good pur should would 4 Who do you get along with best in your family?

boot do soon tr ue yo u Is there anybody you don't get along with?

b 48») A re the pink letters in these words 5 How do you get to work I school?
so und I (/uI ) or sound 2 (/u/)' Listen and
check. W hich consonant is n't pronounced in How tong does it usually take you?
shollld, \Vould, a nd could? 6 What's the first thing you do when you

book could flew food foot look school get home from work / school?
7 Do you have a good sense of direction, or do

you often get lost?
8 How many emails or text messages do you

get a day? Are they mostly from friends?
Do you usually reply immediately?

c 49») Listen and w ri te six sentences. 6 WRITING

d Li ste n aga in and repea t th e sentences. Copy .a .... Read two problems on a webs ire. Write a respo nse to one of them
the iliYthm . giv ing adv ice.

>e Communication What should I do?

A p.103 B p.108. Listen to your parrner's Post your problems here, and you'JJ get advice from all over the world.
problem s and give advice.
My best friend wants to borrow some money to help her buy a car. I have the
4 LISTENING & SPEAKING money, and she says she'll pay me back next year. But I'm worried that it's
not a good idea to lend money to friends. What should I do?
a SOl») Listen to someo ne ca ll ing a rad io
My friend Anna has gone away on vacation for two weeks, and I'm taking
program called What's the Problem? W hat is care of her cat. Yesterday I couldn't find the cat anywhere. My friend is
rhe problem about? Make nmes in the chart. coming home in three days. I'm desperate. Should I call her now and tell
her? What should I do?
problem expert 's advice
caLLer 1

caller 2 P Language for giving advice

r b Co mpa re yo ur notes wi th a pa rtner. What (J think / don't think) you should ... Why don't you...?
do you th ink the man should do? You shouldn't... You could ...

c 51)) Now listen to an expert giv ing adv ice b In groups offour, read your respo nses. W hose adv ice is t he bes t?

. .ec d 52,53»)) Now repeat for ca ller 2.
and make no tes in the ch art. Is it t he same as 7 SS »)) SONG Why 00 I Feel So Sad? J'
YOUts? Is it good advice? Why (not)?

Online Practice

G if+ present, will + base form (f irst conditional) If we change

V confusing verbs lines, this one will
P linking
move quicker.


a Ifyou are wa iting co check in at the ai rport and you change lines. IT ALWAYS
what w ill usua lly happen? HAPPENS!

b Read the first two paragraphs of the article and check. \V ho was If you are in a check-in line and you change
Murphy? W hat is his law? to another line that is moving more

c Now look at the eight examples ofMurp hy's Law in the article quickly, what will happen? The line you were in
and ma tch them w ith semences A- H.
before will suddenly start moving faster. What
A your flight will be delayed. will happen if you take your umbrella because
you think it's going to rain later? It won't rain, of
B you will spill coffee on it. , course. It will only rain if you forget to take your
umbrella. These are examples of Murphy's Law,
C you wi ll find a parking space right in front of it. which says, "If there is something that can go
wrong, it will go wrong ."
o all the traffic lights will be red.
Murphy's Law took its name from Captain
E will have a problem with his or her credit card . Edward Murphy, an American aerospace
engineer from the 1940s. He was trying to
F he or she will already have a partner. improve safety for pilots flying military planes.
Not surprisingly, he got a reputation for
G there will be a hyperactive five·year-old in the seat beh ind you. always thinking of the worst thing that could
happen in every situation. Here are some
H it w ill work when the salesperson tries it. more examples of Murphy's Law.

d Do any of these th ings or thi ngs like this often happen CO you? AIR TRAVEL

2 GRAMMAR if + present, will + base form D1 If you get to the airport early, ..
D2 If you want to sleep on the plane, ..
a In pai rs, cove r A- H and look at 1-8 in the text. How many of the
laws ca n you remember? SHOPPING

b Look at the seme nces again. What tense is the verb after if? 03 If you are in a hurry, the person in front of

W hat tense is the other verb? you ..

>-c p.140 Grammar Bank 88. Lea rn more about the first 04 If you take something that doesn't work

conditio nal and practice it. back to a store, ..

d In pairs, complete these Mur phy's Laws. DRIVING

If you fi nd something in a store that you really like.... D5 If you're late for something important,..
2 If you stop wa iting for a bus and start wal king, ... 06 If you park a long way from a
3 If you call a te lephone compa ny help li ne,
4 If you leave your cel l pho ne at home, ... restaurant, ..
5 If yo u lose a glove and buy a new pa ir, ..
e Compare your laws with other students.
Do you have the same (or simila r)? 07 If you are Single and you meet somebody

at a party who you really like,..

08 If you wear a new white shirt or dress, ..

3 PRONUNCIATION linking The Svanstrom family

p Sound linking

Remember that if a word fin ishes with a consonant and
the next word begins with a vowel, we usually link the
words together, e.g., we'U""' cafe

a 43 ») Li sten a nd repeat the sentences. Try [0 link th e

marked words.

I 1£.....1 see hcr...,1'1I reil her.
2 \Ve'l! go if..Jr doesn 't rain.

3 If ....! get rhere.......early, I'll.......order th e food.

4 They' ll.....arriveJt.....cighr_ifrhcir nighr 's.....on time.
S If you aren' hurry, wecan walk.

b 4 1}) Listen and write five more senten ces.

4 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING c 6»)) Listen ro what happened to Mr. and Mrs.
confusing verbs
Sva nstrom. Mark th eir route o n th e map. What natural
a \Vhar 's the difference between ktlOIV a nd meet, a nd disaster happened in each place?
wear and carry?
d Listen again and answer the questions.
b ~ p.160 Vocabulary Bank Confusing verbs. 1 How long did they have re wait at Munich airport?
2 \Vhat wea ther were they expecti ng in Bali?
c @ rheri ghtverb.Thenaskand answerw ithapartner. 3 \Vhere were rhe streets full o f smoke?
4 \Vhere did they slee p in Cai rn s?
1 \Vha do you look I look like in your family? 5 \Vhy did they fly to Auckland and nOt ro Ch ristchurch
in New Zealand?
2 How many classes have YOlllllissed ! Iost this yea r? 6 What were they doing when the Japanese earthquake
3 What gadgets do you always bring ! rake with you when struck?
7 Where did they go for the last part of their vacation?
you go on vacation? Did anything happen ro them there?

4 Do you think sports people \Vi" I cam roo mu ch money? e Do you think they were lu cky or unlucky? \Vhy?
5 What is the best way to k"olV I meet new friends?
6 Is ir sometimes OK to say I tell a lie?


a With a partner, think of three things th at cou ld go
wrong when you are on vacation.

b Match the words CO their definition s.

1 [I] a monsoon imun\un D5 a blizzard ""hIl7;,nJ

D 02 an earthquake ':lr1:Jk \\ Cl k 6 a flood Il\d

D3 a tsunami h u' nu mi C7 a forest fire

D4 a fj:c1one \alklnon, br~~{ f<:!I~r

A a very bad srerm wit h snow and strong winds

B a very strong wind that moves in a circle

C a big fire that can destroy many trees a nd hou ses

o a very large wave in the ocean

E when it rains very heavi ly for three month s or more

F when there is roo much water in a rive r and it comes
onto the streets or yards

G when the ground sudden i) shakes ver), strongly

E l lOnline Practice

G possessive pronouns You must
V adverbs of manner be mine.
P sentence rhythm
Yes. I'll


PART I a You are goi ng to rea d and li sten to a short sto ry. First
loo k at the picture and answe r the qu es ti o ns.
" I've found where she lives," said the detective
quierly. " Here is the address." I What do the people look like? \V hat are th ey wearing?
2 \V here are they?
Harrley took the piece of paper. On it were the words 3 In wha t centu ry do you th ink th e sto ry takes place?
"Vivienne Arlington, No. 341 East 49th Street."
b 7 })) Read and listen to Part 1. T hen answer th e
"She moved there a week ago," said the detective. questio ns w ith a pa rtn er.
"I can follow her if yOll want. It will only cost you $7
a day and expenses .. ." Wha t did the detective give Har rl ey? W ha t did he
offer to do?
"No, thank you," in terrupted Harrley. " I on ly 2 What d id Harrley do when he got the add ress?
wanted the address. How much is it?" 3 What d id Viv iennc look like?
10 "One day's wo rk," said the detective. "Ten dollars." 4 Why was Har tley angry with her?
5 Why do you th in k sh e di d n't answer his lerrer?
HarrIey paid the man. Then he left the office and
took a tram to Broadway. After walking a short c Look at the fo llowin g words and ph rases in the story.
distance he arrived at the building that he was W ith a partner, guess what they mean .
looking for. Harrley rang the bell. The door opened.
15 He went in and began to climb the stairs. moved (line 5) expenses (line 7) tram (tine 12)
rang the bell (line 14) climb (line 15)
O n the fourth Aoor he saw her standing in an open
door. Vivicnne was about twenty-one. Her hair was d 8 '») Read a nd listen to Part 2.
red gold, and her eyes were sea-blue. She was wearing Then answe r the ques ti o ns with
a white top and a dark skirt. a part ner.
20 "Vivienne," said Har rIey, "you didn't answer my
last letter. It took me a week to find your new address! Why wasn't Vivien n e
Why didn't you answer me? You knew I was waiting sure about acce pti ng
to see you and hear from you." Harrley's offer?
2 How d id Harrley try to
pers uade her?
3 W here did Hartley and
Vivienne first meet?
4 What did Harrley th ink
was the reason why Vivien ne
didn't say yes to his offer?
5 W hat do you thi n k Har rley wa nted
Vivienne to do?
6 W ho do you th ink Heloise is?

P Adverbs of manner

We often use adverbs of manner in writing to show how
the characters are feeling, behaving, or speaking.

e Look at t he hi ghli ghted adve rbs. W ith a partn er, guess
what they mean.

The girl looked out the window dreamily.
"Mr. Harrier," she said slowly, " I don't know what to say a 10l») Lisren ro Parr 3 of rhe

ro you. I understand all the advantages of your offer, and sto ry. Answer the q uest io n s.
<,omcrimcs I feci SUfe that I could be happy with you . Bur,
rhen sometimes I am less sure. I was born a city girl, and \ Vh at d id H a rrley say
I am nor su re that I would enjoy li ving a quiet life in the ab o ut H elo ise?
subu rbs." 2 \Vhar d id Vivienne
prom ise co do?
"My dear girl," said Harder, "'You will have everything
that you wanr. You can come ro the city for the (heater, 3 \Vho do you thi n k the
for shopping, and to visit your friends as ofren as you
want. You can trust mc, can't you?" lady in the w hite dress is?

" I can trust you completely," she said, smiling at him. b 11 ,») Lisren re Pa rr 4 of
~I know you are the kindesr of men, and that the girl who
you get will be very lucky. I heard all abour you when I the story.
was at the Montgomcrys'."
I \Vho was thc lady?
"Ah!" exclaimed Ha rrley, " I remember so well the
evening I first saw yOll at the Momgomcrys'. I will nevcr 2 \Vho was Viv ien n c?
fo rget that dinner. Comc on, Vivienne, promise mc. I 3 \Vho was Heloise?
wam you. obod)' else will evc r give you such a happy
home." c Did the endi n g surpri se you? W h y (not)?

Vivicnne didn't answer. Suddenly H arrley was 4 GRAMMAR possessive pronouns
!>llspiciollS. "Tcllmc, Vivicnne," he asked, "is there - is
there someone else?" a Look at some extracts from the story. Complete them

"You shouldn't ask thar,l\tr. Haniey," she said. "Bur with my, mine,yollr, orYOllrs.
I will tell you. There is one other person - bur I h,wen't
promised him anything." 1 "Vivienne, you d idn 't answer _ _ last letter."
2 " I unde rstand al l th e adva ntages o f _ _ offer."
"Vivien ne," said Hartle)" masterfully. "You must be 3 "Vivienne ... you mustbe __ :'
mine ." 4 "Myanswerisyes.lwillbe _ _ ."

Vivienne looked him in the eye. >-b p.140 Grammar Bank BC. Learn m o re about
"Do you think for one momem," she said calmly, "that I
could come to )'om home while H Cloise is there?" possessive pronouns a nd prac tice them.

2 PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm e 13 ))) Listcn. Say the senten ces w ith a possessive

a i,) 9 ))) Li ste n to the la s t five lines of Pa rt 2. \ V h at tells pronoun .
the s pea kers ... ? my 0's") It'S book.
a where to pause mine.
b in what way re say t he dialogue
5 WRITING using adverbs I
P Reading aloud
a Make adverbs from the fo llow ing adjectives.
Reading stories or poems aloud gives you the opportu nity
to focus on pronunciation, especially sentence rhythm. angry lazy quiet sad serious slow

>b Communica tion Reading dialogue p.l04. Pracr ice b 14 ))) Listen to som e lines from stor ies. Add an

reading the dialogue w ith a partner. adverb from a after "said" to show how the person is
spea king.

I ;'I'm sorry, bur I don't love you," he sa id _ _ .
2 ;'G ive m e back all my lerrers," she sa id _ _ .
3 " I think ... 1have an idea," hesa id _ _ .
4 ;'Don't make a noise. Evetyo ne is asleep," she

sa id _ _ .
5 " I don't feel like doing a nything," he said _ _ .
6 "Th is is a very important matter," sh e sa id _ _ .

c In pairs, write a s hort scen e b etween H art ley 's wi fe a nd
Heioise, when she is te ll ing th e cook to leave. Include at
least t wo adverbs of man ner after said.

Online Practice

GRAMMAR b Complete with a verb from the lisc.
enjoy finish forget hate learn mind promise try

I I need some emails. Don't to turn off the light before you go.

a to answer b answer c answering 2 (wantro to spea k Chinese.
2 The situation is difficult _ __ .
3 Ca n YOll _ _ _ to make less noi se, please?
a for expla in b explain c re explain
3 (don't know what ___. 4 I to pay you back next week.

5 I really ___ making cakes.

a do b re do c that ( do 6 Do you ___ waiting here until I'm ready?

4 I don't really mind housework. 7 My parents are very punc(Ual- they being late.

a do b rodo c doing S \Vhen are you going to ___ using the computer? I need it!

5 is one of rhe best forms ofexercise. c Complete the modifiers.
a Swiming b Swimming c Swim
I A Howareyou? B V___ well,thanks.Andyou?
6 bring our books tomorrow? 2 I was e.x___ lucky. I won 51 00.
a Do we have to 3 She's a 1___ tired. She needs to rest.
b Have we to 4 You're driving r___ fast! Slow down!
c Do wc muSt 5 It's f__- _ cold outside. You should wear a jacket.

7 It 's free. You ___ pay.

a don't have to b must not c haven't to d Complete the Bet phrases.
8 YOUl11ust ___ your grandmother.
\Ve didn't have a GPS in the car, and we got _ _ on the way
a to call b calling c call home frol11 BostO n.
2 1'111 always really hungry when J get ___ frol11 sc hool.
9 You drink so much coffee. 3 She was very sick, but luckily she's getting ___.
4 We got two ___ for the theater to see a show.
a not should b don't should c shouldn't 5 I get ___ very well with my brothers and sisters.
6 They were married for ten yea rs, but six months ago they
10 I think you should ___ to her about it. got __.

a to talk b talk c talking 7 I got a text ___ from Carol. She says she 's going to be late.
(I Ifshe ___•she won't come back.

a goes b went c'lI go
12 If they don't come soon, we _ __ them.

a don't see b won't see c aren't see PRONUNCIATION
13 Ca ll me if you ___ a taxi.
a ~ i~IV the word with a different sound.
a won'c find b don't find c didn't find
14 A \Vhosebookisthat? Bit's

a my b mine book c mine &fi I11lne

15 She forgot his birthday, bur he didn't 2i find r igh t g ive
fo rget ___. fit ch ild th in
cou ld wou ld look
a her b she c hers WII1 impression d i c ti o n a r y sa ndwic h

3~ choose wear lear n hl'<lrd


a@ the r ight verb.

I When did you kilO\\! I meet your husband? ~5 earn
2 Did you reil I say Mark about the party?
b Underline the stressed syllable.
3 If we don't run, we'll miss f lose the train!
I pre tend 3 re mern ber 5qui et Iy
4 I really lIIair I hope she's passed the exam. 2 im por tant 4 sa la ry

S My mother always carries f lIIears a lot



a Read the arricle once. \Vhardoes Michael think is VIDEO
the main reason Americans aren't good at speaking
lan g ua ges? PEOPLE?

b Read the article again and check the reasons why, 415 )) On the street Watch or li sten to five people
according to the writcr, some Americans arc bad and answer the questions.
at languages.
Stacey Heba Ruth Ben James
=:] America ns rarely travel abroad.
I Stacey thinks that happiness is having ___"
02 Engli sh isan international language.
D3 America ns who live abroad often find the local a somewhere nice to live and a lot offriends
b a lotofmoneyalld a close fa mily
language tOO difficult co learn. c a reasonable amount of money and friends and family

04 Americans who live abroad often don't socialize 2 Heba ___"

with the local people. a speaks a little Arabic and a little French
b speaks Arabic and French very well
DS Language teachers in American schools are not c speaks Arab ic well and a little Fre nch

very good. 3 If Ruth has relationship proble ms, she talks [0 _ _ _"

06 Many American middle schools don't have a her friends
b her mother
fore ign. language [cachers. c her mother and her friends

07 American children don 't know enough about their -4- Ben thinks people who have prob lems sleeping
should ___"
own grammar.
a dr ink less coffee and exercise more
DS Americans don't want to waste money learning b do physical work before goi ng to bed
c drink less coffee and try {O relax more
5 James thinks that Americans are bad at learning
c Look at the highlighted words or phrases in the text. languages because ___"
Guess their meaning from the context. Check w ith
your teacher or with a dictionary. a they don't want to learn languages
b they find learning languages roo difficult
Why are some Americans so c they aren't interested in traveling abroad
bad at Learning Languages?
Mtchael Reece has lived and worked in France for
fifteen years. Do the tasks w ith a partner. Check (.r) the box ifyou i.

1ft ome Americans are bad at speaking foreign languages. It's can do them. ,1

' a fact. In any city around the world, you can find A merican oCan yo u ...?
--=-- t ourists asking for the restaurant menu in English. At best , talk about someth in g you wou ld like ro learn ro do,
they will try to say a coupLe of phrases they have Learned from and so meone you rh ink would be interesting
a phrase book, but they will stop making an effort the moment ro meet
they discover the waiter knows a littLe English.
02 talk about three things you li ke, love, and hate doing
I read a survey once that found that only 20 percent of
Ame ricans couLd speak a Language other than EngLish in 03 talk about the rules in your (language) school using
thei r own homes. So why is this? I think La ziness is possibly
the key factor. There is a generaL feeling among Americans must and hm'e to
t hat "everyone speaks English nowad ays, so it's not worth
Learning other Languages.~ In multinationaL companies, 04 give someone advice about learning English using
EngLish is often the official Language of communication with
the company. ALso, Ame rica ns w ho Live abroad can aLways should and should/I 't
find ot her American expatriat es to talk to or to watch
Ame rican TV with-alL reasons for never bothering to Learn 05 remember three ofM urphy·s Laws in Engl ish
the LocaL Language.
06 say two true sentences using mi1le and yours
The sit uation in American schooLs doesn't heLp. In 1997, about
75 percent of American public middLe schooLs offered foreign .~ Short movies learning a language
Languages. Today, that number has gone down to 58 percent. VIDEO Watch and enjoy the movie.
And even the few students who study foreign languages at
schooL don't have as many hours of classes as students in other
count ries. I think it is also a problem that American chiLdren
don't study English grammar any more, which makes it more
dif ficul t for them to Learn t he grammar of anot her Language.

Online Practice

G if+ past, would + base form (second conditional) What would
you do if you
V animals saw a bear?
P word stress

I'd run away.

1 READING & SPEAKING Would you know

a Read the quiz questions and answers. what to do?
Complete each question with an animal
from the li st. We all love seeing animals on TV and
in zoos. But some animals can be
bee bull dog jellyfish shark snake dangerous. If you met one in real life,
would you know the right thing to
b Look at the highJighted verbs and verb do? Read about some common and
phrases. \Vith a partner, try to guess their some less common s ituations .
meaning from the context. Would you know what to do?

c Read the qui z aga in andcE i~!V your In the city

answers, a, b, or c. What would you do...
... if a large aggressive _ _ _ ran toward you?
>-d Co mmunication Would you know what a I would shout "dow n" at it s eve ral ti m es.
b I would put my hands in my pockets and walk
to do? A p.104 B p.IOB C p. II O. Read the
slowLy backward.
answers to one section and tell the others. c I would keep compLeteLy stiLL an d Look at it in its eyes.
Did you all choose the right answers?
2 What would you do...
e Have you ever been in any of these ... if you were driving, a nd a ___ flew into the car?
situations? What did you do? a I would open all the windows and wait for it to fly out.
b I would try to kilL it with a map o r a newsp a per.
2 GRAMMAR c I would w av e my hand to make it go out.

if + past, would + base form

a Look at questions 1-6 aga in . Are they
abo ll t a past situatio n or an im ag ined future

situatio n? \Vhat te nse is the verb after if?

>-b p.142 Grammar Bank 9A. Lea rn more

about the second conditional and practice it.

e Complete the sentences so that they are true
for you. Compare with a partn er.
I If I had five ext ra hours every week ,...
2 I wou ld be ve ry happy if ..
3 If I cou ld live a nywhere in th e world ,.. .
4 I wo uld learn Engli sh more qu ickly if.. .
5 If I won a IQ[ o f money in the lottery,.

3 VOCABULARY animals

>-a p.161 Vocabulary Bank Animals.

b 1)18 »)) Li sten. \Vhich animals ca n you hear?

In the country 4 PRONUNCIATION word stress

3 What would you do... P Stress in words that are similar in other languages

... if a poisonous bit you on the leg. Some words in English, e.g., for animals, are similar to the
same words in other languages, but the stress is often in
and you were more than 30 minutes from the a different place.

nearest town? a Loo k at th e anim al wo rds below. Ca n you remember
a I would put something very cold on it, like a whi ch syll abl e is st ressed? Underline it.

water bottle. ca lmel cro lco ldile doqphin ellelphant
gilraffe kan lgalroo Iil on mO ,squi 'to
b Iwould suck the bite to get the poison out.
b 19 »)) Listen and check. Are any of these words simila r
e I would tie something. e.g.. a scarf on my leg in you r language? Is the stress in the sa me place?
above the bite.
c In pairs, ask and answe r the qu est ions.
.4 What would you do . .. I What's the most dangerous an im al in your coumry?
... if you were in the middle of a field and a 2 If you went on a safari, what animal wou ld you most
_,---_ started running toward you? like to see?
a Iwould run. 3 What's your favorite movie about an animal?
b Iwould throw something (e.g., a hat or a bag) in 4 W hat's your favori te carroo n ani mal?
5 Are there any animal s or insects you are really afra id of?
another direction. 6 Do you (or did you) have a pet? \Vhat?
7 Are you alle rgic to any anima ls or insects?
c Iwould shout and wave my arms. 8 If you cou ld be an ani mal, which ani mal woul d you
like to be?
Inthe water
\Vork in groups of three. Take turns choosing a
5 What would you do... qu estio n and ask the others in the g roup. Then answer
... if you were in the ocean and a ___ stung you? it yourself.

a I would rub the sting with a towel to clean it. What would you do...
b Iwould wash the sting with fresh water.
c Iwould wash the sting with vinegar or ocean water. ... if you saw a mouse in your kitchen?
... if you saw somebody being attacked by a dog?
6 What would you do... ... if a bird or a bat flew into your bedroom?
... if you saw a large spider in the bathtub?
... if you were in the ocean near the shore and you ... if it was a very hot day and you were on a beach that

sawa ? was famous for shark attacks?
... if someone offered to buy you a fur coat?
a I would swim to the shore as quickly and quietly ... if your neighbor's dog barked all night?
as possible. ... if a friend asked you to look after his or

b I would float and pretend to be dead . her cat or dog for the weekend?
c I would shout for help. ... if you went to somebody's house for

dinner and he or she gave you...?
a horse meat b goat c kangaroo

P Talking about imaginary situations

I think I'd (probably)...
I (definitely) wouldn't...
I don't think I'd...

On line Practice

G present perfect + for and since Yes, I've
V phobias and words related to fear been afraid of
P sentence stress

1 VOCABULARY c Read the ex planat io ns aga in. Fi nd in the texts ...
the no un made from the ad jective afraid
phobias and words related to fear
2 one ad jective th at mea ns very afraid
a Loo k at th e pictu re. How ma ny th ings ca n you see th at 3 twO sy nonyms fo r afraid
so me people have a phobia o f?
b Look at the names of five phobias. Match them to
ex planatio ns A-E. a 4, 20 ))) Listen to three people talkin g abo ut their
phobias. Answer ques tio n I fo r eac h person.
acrol2h,Qbia 3 glossophobia 5 arachnop hobia
2 agoraghQbia 4 clau st rophobia 123
1 What is he / she
A0 People with this phobia are terrif ied of spiders.
Rupert Grint, the actor who pLayed Ron WeasLey in afraid of?
the Harry Potter movies, has this phobia, and so does
his character Ron. 2 When did it start?

B0 This phobia can have a severe effect on sufferers' lives. 3 How does it affect
These peopLe are frightened of being in open and his / her life?
public spaces Like stores and busy streets. They often
feel panic when they go out and only feeL safe at home. I

c0 PeopLe with this phobia are afraid of being in closed b Listen again and answer questio ns 2 and 3 fo r each
spaces like eLevators or traveling on the subway. This person. \Vhi ch person do you think is most affected by
phobia can make life very difficult for people who hi s o r her phobia ?
Live and work in cities.
c Ask and an swer with a partner.
o0 People who suffer f rom this phobia are scared of Whi ch of the phobias in thi s lesson do YO ll think is the
heights, and they get very nervous if they have to go most irrational ?
up high, for exampLe on a ski lift or if they are on a
baLcony on the 20th floor. 2 Which do you think makes the sufferers' lives most
E0 People with this phobia suffer from a fear of public
speaking. They get very nervous jf t hey have to speak 3 Do you or anyone you know havea phobia? \Vhen and
in front of other people, fo r exampLe at work or in how did it start? How does iraffecr),our life or his/her life?
class or at a conference. The actor Harrison Ford has My brother is really afraid of flying. He gets
been afraid of public speaking aLL his Life. He even
gets nervous when a character in a movie he is making very nervous before he flies somewhere.
has to make a speech. It started about ten years ago when...

3 GRAMMAR present perfect + for and since 6 READING

a Loo k at th is ex trac t fro m rhe first interview in 2 . A n swer a D o you know of a ny kind s of trcatm em fo r
the qu es ti on s. people w ho h ave phobias?

"How long have you had this phobia?" b Read the text a nd m ark th e sente nces T (true) or
"I've had it for about 40 years . Since I was 12 years old ." F (false).

1 \Vhen did she begin [ 0 be afra id of ba rs? 1 T hirty pe rcent of people have some kind of phobia.
2 Is she afraid of bars now? 2 Doctors have created a new drug to cure phobias.
3 Wh at te nse do we use re ta lk about someth ing that started 3 In exposure therapy, peo ple lea rn to relax when

in t he past and is still tr ue now? they are ex posed to someth ing they a re afraid o f.
4 Co mplete the rul e w ithJor or since. 4 Exposure therapy is always successful.
5 T he dru g affects the way people lear n and
Use _ _ wi th a per iod of ci me.
Use _ _ w ith a point in t ime. remem be r things.
6 T he study showed that the dru g helped people to
>-b p.142 Grammar Bank 9B. Lea rn mo rc about the prese nt
lose thei r fear.
perfecc +fo r a nd since, a nd p rac tice it.
Scared of spiders?
c 1)22 »)) Listen a nd say the phrase w ithfor or since.
Take this pill.
)J) 1984 0ince 1984
There are many different kinds of phobias,
4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
I and they affect at Least a quarter of the
a 23 »)) Li ste n a nd repeat. Copy the £ m .
population. But doctors believe that they may soon
1 for ten years ---7 worked here for ten years have a cure. They have discovered that a drug, which
---7 I've worked here for ten years . is given to patients suffering from tuberculosis, can
aLso help peopLe to overcome their phobias.
2 since 2002 ---7 lived here since 2002
---7 We've lived here since 2002. The normal treatment for people with strong
phobias is some kind of exposure therapy. The
3 known him ---7 have you known him most commonLy used exposure therapy invoLves
~ How long have you k nown him? graduatly exposing peopLe to the object or situation
that produces the fear. For exampLe, if you have a
b ~24 »)) Li sten a nd w r ite fi ve sem ences. dentist phobia, you might first sit in the waiting
room of a dentist, then talk to the dentist, and
5 SPEAKING then sit in the dentist's chair. These exposures are
combined with relaxation techniques.
a Loo k at the qu est io ns below. \Vha t two ten ses are they?
W hat are the missing words? However, exposure therapy does not work for
everybody, and doctors think that the new drug,
have Name which causes changes to a part of the brain that is
live used in Learning and memory, could be used in the
k now I a pet? How long I it? future to make this therapy more effective. Michael
be Davis at Emory University School of Medicine in
I a bike? How long I it ? Atlanta, Georgia did a study with 30 acrophobics-
peopLe who are scared of heights - and put t hem in a
I in a modern apartment? How long I there? gLass elevator that appeared to go up and down. The
peopLe who were given the pill feLt much less afraid
I near this school? How long I there? then those who took a placebo.

I anybody from another country? c \Vith a pa rtne r, guess th e mea n in g of the
How long I him (her)? highlighted words and phrases.

I a fan of a soccer team? d \Vhat stages of exposure therapy do you thin k
How long I a fan? cou ld be use d fo r someone w ith
a) a rachno phobia b) cl au st ro ph obia?
I a member of a club or organization? How
tong I a member? Online Proctice

I married? How long I married?

b M ove arou nd the class and as k oche r scud em s. If they a nswe r
Yes, Ido o r Yes/ I am CO the firs t question , ask the second
questio n. Try to find a d iffe re m pe rson for each question .

G present perfect or simple past? {2}
V biographies
P word stress, brl


biographies, word stress, hrl

a 25 »)) Look at th e hi ghlighted words in the list below. \Vhich
syllable is stressed? Liste n and check.

oEvents in your life o go to college D get divorced
be born
D marry somebody / D Dgraduate from college retire

get married

D Dgo to elementary school separate C fall in love
C die
o 0have children get a job

D go to high school D graduate from high school

b Number the expressions in what YOll think is the most logical
order. Compare with a partner. 00 you agree?

c 26 »)) Listen and repeat the words and sound.

~ horse bo rn divorced four

d Practice sayi ng th ese words. Circle the o nes with the I';)r' sound. LI1o. LI_-.JI He and three of his brothers and

more work world boring door worse Sisters formed a band called The
sports wear form near score word MeLody Makers, and they pLayed at

e 4 27 »)) Listen and check. What rule can you see for words with their father's funeraL
wor + consonant?
I121 He had eLeven children with severaL
'-=-'-_-.J different women. However, he only
a Look atthe photos of Bob and Ziggy Marley and read the
married one of them, Rita Marley in
introd uctio n. H ave you heard their music? Do you like it? 1966.

b Read ten facts about the li ves of the two men. In pairs, decide LI3~1_-.J1 He has been a musician since he
which five are abo ut Bob Marley (BM) and whic h five are about
was ten, when his father bought him
Ziggy Marley (ZM). his first guitar.

c Work in pairs. A reread the facts about Bob Marley. B reread the L14c. L1__I He has lived in Miami for many
ones about Z iggy Marley. C lose your books and tell your partner
what you ca n remember. years with his wife Orty, and they
have three children.
3 GRAMMAR present perfect or simple past? (2)
I151 He has won four Grammy awards for
a A nswer the questions.
L.:::.L_-.J his music, including Best Reggae
Look at the five facts about Bob Marley. \Vhat tense are all the Album.
ve rbs? \Vhy?
2 Look at the five facts about Ziggy Marley. What three tenses are LI6::.J1._......J1He injured his foot playing soccer,
there? \Vhy?
and he later became Sick with
>b p.142 Grammar Bank 9C. Learn more about the difference cancer. He died four years (ater at

between the prese nr perfect and the simple past, and practice it. the age of 35.


a Look at rhe pharos ofanother famolls

father and son, Julio and E nrique , who are

both s ingers. What's their la st name?
\Vha do yo u think is more fa mous?

1 Madrid 1975 - - - - - , 5 "Escape" 2001
2 Miami ------,.~ Kournikova
3 Enrique M,,,tine;, - - - 100 million
4 "Enrique Iglesias" 19'95-- - '

b YOll are going to li sten to a radio program about En ri que . Look at
the information. Before you liste n, guess what the co nnection is

0hink he was born in Madrid in 1975.

c 29 ))) Now li sten and make nores. Compare with a partner.

d Do you think Ziggy and Enrique have been successful because
of their last names, or because they are genuinely talented?
Do you think it's common for children to want ro do the sa me
job as ~hei r parents?


a Think about an older perso n, a fri end or a member of your family,
who is alive and who you know well. Prepare to answer the
questions below about hi s or her life and ro tell your partner any
other interesting info rm at io n about him or her.

[ 7 [ [ He was born in a small village in The past The present
L-"-_-' Jamaica. His father was a captain in Whe re / live now?
When / born? How long / live there?
the British army. What! do? Gob)
Where / born? How long...?
[ e[ [ He was born in Kingston, Jamaica in What / do in (his/ her) free time?
What / do after (he / she)
'-"-'---' 1968, and he was 13 years old when graduate school? (e.g., get
his father died. His father's last a job, go to college, get
words to him were "Money can't married, have children, etc.)
buy you life."
Do you think (he / she) has had a good life? Why (not)7
[9[ 1 His music was very influenced by
'-'--'-----' social problems in his homeland, b Interv iew your partner about his I her person. Ask fo r mo re

Jamaica. infor matio n. Do your two people have any thing in common?

c[l.::.0LI_--,I With hi s band, The Wailers, he I'm going to tell you about my grandmothe~ 0hen was she born?

made eLeven albums. His most >c p.116 Writing A biography. Write a biography of a person YOll
famous songs included No Woman,
kn ow or a famous person.
No Cry, Three Little Birds, and
I Shot the Sheriff 6 30 »)) SONG You're f\.1y #1 JJ

Online Practice

Getting around


a Look at the pictures and complete the ph rases.

I Turn _ __

2 Go ahead.

3 Take the turn on the right.

4 Turn right at rhe lights.

5 Go around the and take the thi rd exit.

b 432 »)) Listen and check.

Am erican and British Eng lish
go straight ahead;: American English; go straight on =
., British English


a 33 ))) Cover t he dialogue and warch or lisren .
Mark Ro b's rou re o n rhe In ap.

-@- A"
-<Ij- '"

a 311)) Watc h or li sten to Rob and Holly. Mark the
sentences T (true) or F (fa lse).

1 Rob has just done an interview.
2 He is in a hurry.
3 He has a nother inte rview in Man hana n.
4 He has anorher coffee.
5 Barbara calls Rob.
6 T he restauranr is booked for 7 o'clock.

P American and Briti sh English

restroom :;;: American English; toilet = British English
the subway;;; American English; the underground =
British English

b \Va rch or liste n aga in. Say why the F se mences are fa lse.

b Watc h or listen again. Complete the You Hear 4 !E~ ROB IS LATE... AGAIN

You Say O »)) You Hear

How do I get t o Go to the subway station at
Greenwich Village on
Prospect Park. the
the subway?
B train to West 4th Street.

How many stops is Six or seven .

OK. And then? From West 4th Street take the

A train, and get at

14th Street.

Could you say OK. From Prospect Park take the
that agai n? B train to west 4th Street, and
then take the A train to 14th
Street. That's only one

Where's the Come out of the subway on
restaurant? Eighth Avenue, go _ _ __

on for about 50 yards and

take the left. That's

Greenwich Avenue.

The restaurant's on the a 35 »)) Wa tch or listen re Rob and Jenny. Is the date
a success?
. It's caUed The Tea Set.

OK, thanks, And don't get _ __ b Wa tch o r listen again and an swer the questions.
See you later.
\Vhat excuse does Rob give for bei ng late?
c 34 »)) Watch o r listen and repea t t he You Say phrases. 2 How long has Jen ny waited for him ?
Copy th e rhvth m. 3 What does Rob suggest they do?
4 What does Jenny say that Rob could do?
d Practice the d ialogu e with a partner. 5 Wh o is Rob intere sted in: Holly o r Jenny?

e In pairs, role· play th e d ia logue. c Look at t he Social English phrases. Can you
A B is at Prospect Park. C hoose a destin ati on on th e remember any ofrhe mi ss ing word s?
subway map. G ive Bdirec tlon s. You start with Go to the
subway statiOl/ at. ... Social English phrases
B Follow A's direc tions, and tell A which subway sto p you Rob I'm so _ _ _ _
have arrived at. Were you right?
Rob I I'm sorry.
f Change roles.
Jenny I don't want to ____ here anymore.
~ke the A train to... Th en...
Jenny I don't ____ like a walk.

Jenny It's been a day.

Jenny I didn't ____ to say that.

d 36 »)) Watch or listen and comp lete the phrases.

e \Vatch or listen aga in a nd repeat the ph rases. How do
you say them in your language?
Can you...?

D give and understand directions on the street

D give and understand dire ct ions f or using

o public transportation

OnUne Practice

G passive I thi nk it was
invented by a
V verbs: invent, discover, etc.
Are you
P flf, ·ed, sentence stress sure?


a Look at the phmos. Five ofthese thin gs were in vented by women.
In pa irs, dec ide which five you think they are.

h 37 )) Now liste n to a rad io prog ram about in vem ions. \Vere you
r ight ? Com plete the se nte nces w ith the invent ion.

1 The was invented b)' Jose phinc Cochranc in 1886.

2 we re invented b)' Ma r)' Anderson in 1903.

3 ______ we re invented by Ma ri on Do nova n in 1950.

4 ______ "'as invented by Ben e Nesm ith Grah am in 1956.

5 T he _ _ _ _ _ was invented b), Sre ph an ie Kwolek in 1966.

c Listen agai n and answer the questions.

1 What happened after Joseph ine Cochrane's din ner pa rr ies?
2 W hat was the prob lem with cars in 1903 when it rained

or snowed?
3 How many disposable diapers are used eve ry da),?
4 W hat was Bene Nesm ith Graham's job?
5 W hat was specia l about the mater ial Steph an ie Kwolek invenred ?

d \Vhich of th e five invem ions do you think was th e best?

2 GRAMMAR passive

a Ma ke five tr ue sentences usin g t he words in the chart.

The dishwasher is caUed white·out today.
Disposable diapers was invented by Marion Donovan.
More than 55 million diapers are protected every day.

Ms. Graham's invention were invented by the bu Uet· proof vest.
are used by an American woman.
Police officers all over
the world

The dishwasher was illVetlted by all A m erica n wo man.

b Look at the two sem ences below an d an swer the q uestio ns.

a An Ameri ca n woman invenred rh e di shwasher.
b T he d ishwasher was inve nted by an Ameri ca n wo man.

1 Do (h e se nte nces have the sa me mea nin g?
2 In which sentence is the foc us more o n the di shwas her?
3 In wh ic h sentence is rhe foc us more o n the woman?

c ~ p.l44 Grammar Bank lOA. Lea rn more about the pass ive and
practice it.

3 READING & VOCABULARY Did you know...7
verbs: invent, discover, etc.
One of the most famous logos
a Ma rch t he ve rbs to the d ictio na ry defi n itions. in the world is the Ni ke logo.
n was 1 _ _ by an American
base design discover invent student, Carolyn David son,
in 1971. Ms. David son wa s
_ _ _ \'crb ro find or lea rn something for the first time, only paid $35 for her design .
e.g., DNA \Vas - ill 1953. However, she was later a_ _
2 verb to make somethi ng lIsing something else a gold ring in the shape of
as a srarc ing pOinr, e.g., This movie is - all a trlle story. the logo and Nike shares.
3 verb to draw a plan tha t shows how ro make
something, e.g., The bllifdifl(j was - by a Bra::ilian architect. Canned food was
4 verb to ma ke or think of something for t he 3 in 1810 in
first ti me, e.g., Wllo - tlte bicycle? Britain by Peter Durand.
Unfortunately, he did not
b Complete th e "D id you know, .. ?" text w it h the past also invent a can opener, so cans were 4_ _
participle of a ve rb fro m th e list. with difficulty using a knife and a hammer.
It wasn't until almost 50 years later that
base call design discover give the American Ezra Warner invented the
invent open play show use can opener.

c Read rhe tex t agai n. O ne ofrh e pieces ofi n fo r marion is When people at toy company Parker
nor t[ue. Wh ich o nc do you th ink it is?

Brothers were first s the

4 PRONUNCIATION If!, -ed, sentence stress board game - Monopoly, they were

a 39 »)) Listen and repeat th e word s and so unds. not interested. They said it had 52

~ d il;hwa sher inven tion fundamental errors, including
shower speci al wa sh ing mach ine
taking too long to play. However,

a few days later, the company

president saw the game and

took it home to try it. He

b W hat four ways ca n you see for spellin g the IfI sound ? stayed up until 1 a.m. to

W hi ch o ne do you think is n o t typ ical? Go to the finish playing it, and the next
Sound Bank p.167 and check .
day he wrote to the inventor,

Charles Darrow, and offered

c How is · ed pro noun ced in these past part ici pl es? to buy it!
Put them in t he right column.
The modern game of golf
bas ed called erelalt ed delsigned dilrec lt ed was invented in Scotland
dislcov lered inlven lt ed painlt ed prolduced used in the 18th century. It was

originally only 6 by men,

'U ~dog tie and was 7 "golf" because

IId/ of the rule Gentlemen Only Ladies

Forbidden. This is how the word golf

entered into the English language.

Botox was first 8 in the early

1980s to correct strabismus (lazy eye) in

d 40 )) Liste n and check. U nd erline the stressed children. The possibility of using it to make people's
syll able in each l11ult i·syll able verb.
faces look younger was only 9 20 years later.
e 411») Listen and w rite s ix sentences. Then listen
aga in and repeat. Copy rhe r.b.xthm . The character Gregory House in the hit TV series
House, M.D. is 10 on Conan Doyle's
detective Sherlock Holmes. Like Holmes, House uses
>- Communication Passives quiz A p.I05 B p.109.
his intelligence and knowledge of psychology to solve
Make sem ences fo r you r p arrner to dec ide if they are
tru e or false. cases. House's relationship with his friend Dr. James

Wilson is similar to that between Holmes and his

friend, Dr. John Watson, and the address on his driving

licence is 221B Baker St., a direct reference to Holmes's


Online Practice

G usedto Did you use
V school subjects
P used to / didn't use to to like elementary Yes, Idid.

school? I used to have a

great time.

1 VOCABULARY school subjects 2 GRAMMAR used to

a Read the report card and match the subjects a \Vhen you were at school, did you get a
and pictures. reporr card at the end of every qu a rter or
year? \Vere they usually good or bad? Did
.5..u..b.lect Grade you always show them to your parents?

D art b Read so me extracts from Could do Better,
a coll ection of famo us people's school
report cards. Are the com ments pos itive o r

Behavlor Sh.e /lllMSt- -tr!j h;
be. lL5$ -e-wt0 -t-itrKaA..
ID, +23::: ... wit-k O&evs.

2,x:HS Princess Diana He VV\G'.y be

b 4 2 ») Listen and check. mother of Princes Willia m
c Loo k at the report card again. What do
and Harry sOVVlewhG'.t ecce"'t....ic.
wades and behavior mea n?
d Did YOll have any other subjeccs in elementary GeorgeBush

o r high school? Which subj ec ts were you... ? politician, US President 1988-1992
a good at b O K at c bad at
I was really bad at ma~ Jack ... can sclolOIM
locate hiS possession s.
P good at
We use at after good and bad to talk about John F. Kennedy
our abilities, e.g., I was really bad at math.
I'm really good at cooking. US President 1960- 1963

c Read the extracts agai n and match the 3 PRONUNCIATION used to / didn't use to

people ro senrences 1-5. \Vrite GB. JL.PO, P Pronouncing used to
IK ,or HF.
When we say used to or (didn't) use to we link the two words
1 __ d id n't lI se re be very organ ized. together. They are both pronounced j 'yU'i(;)/.
2 __ used ro make the other children laugh.
3 __ used ro be a little strange. a 44 »)) Listen and underline the stressed wo rd s. Then li ste n
4 _ _ used (Q use very complicated vocabu lary. and repeat.
5 used to cry a lot at school.
1 He used [0 hate school.
d Loo k atsenrences 1 ~5again.Doesusedto 2 I used to be good at French.
refer to...? 3 They d idn 't use to behave well.
4 She didn't use to wea r glasses.
a the present 5 Did you use re wa lk to sc hool?
b the past
2 a things that happe ned once b 45 »)) Now li sten a nd write six mo re sem ences.
b things that happened repeatedly
>-e p.144 Grammar Bank lOB. Lea rn mo re

about used to and practice it .

+-le. ,s ... '" cA ~v-. " Y'\ a 1)46 »)) Listen to six people talkin g about their memories of
sc hool. W rite./ if they li ked it , ~ if they didn 't li ke it, and'/1 if
01C)"'S So A,,.., VVOl s-te-S they li ked some thin gs but nor orhers.

10 2 0 30 40 50 60

oMe.-r pup-il-;:,' -h·rY\ e. b Listen again and answer the questions.

John Lennon BooooWho...?didn't like being at a sa me- sex school
didn't use ro st udy a lot, but got good grades
musician, member of t he Beatles 1960-69 had a very good physics teacher
hated playing sports
liked one school, but not another
used to read a lot at school

c D, o YOll id entify w ith a ny of th e speakers? Why?


a Think about when you were in ele menta ry or high sc hool. Pre pare
you r answe rs to the questio ns below. Think of examp les you
could give.

Did you use to...? be a good o r a bad student
be disorganized or very orga ni zed wear a uni for m
be late for sc hool o r on time have a teacher you hated
ge t a lot of homework o r a little have a nickna me
have a teacher you really liked

Subject: English b \Vork in g roups of three. A te ll Band C about how you used to be.
Band C listen a nd ask fo r more info rm ation. Then change roles.
Hei(lf/. tfYI.(,,{S !.earn, n~ to Did you have anything in common ?

I.lSe. SU~ Jl.ttwfll"'!/ CallJ",e. ( ~ ~:;d to be very disorganized, for example
':i:!!en left my books or my gym clothes at home.
Helen Fielding
6 47 ))) SONG ABC ""
author of Bridget Jones's Diary

Online Practice

G might
V word building: noun formation

P diphthongs

d 49 »)) Adri a n ca ll s Tin a late r. Whar happen s?

e U nde rline the verb phrases in th e di alo gue with mi811 L
Do we u se th em fo r... ?

I a n obli gati on O R 2 a poss ibility

f ,... p.144 Grammar Bank lOC oLearn more about //li811t
a nd pract ice it.

g Take turns asking a nd answering the questions below.
Use J'm fla t sure. I mi8ht ... and give two poss ibilities
each time.
What are you goi~g ') ( I'fr} ~ot sure. I might go home or I
to do after cla~ ~t go shopping. What about you?

I \Vhar are you goin g to do after cl ass?

... 'l- \Vhat are you goin g to h ave fo r dinn er tOnight?

3 \Vha r a re you goin g to do on Sa turday ni ght?
4 \Vhere are you goin g to h ave lunch o n Sund ay?
5 \Vhere are you goin g re go for you r next vacation ?

1 GRAMMAR might 2 PRONUNCIATION diphthongs

a Do you kno w anybody who is ve ry ind ec is ive? Wha t is a 51 »)) Li ste n a nd repea t the pi cture wo rd s a nd sounds.
he Jshe indeci sive about? b Look at the other word s. Which o ne has a di fferent sound ?

b 48 »)) Cover th e dialog ue and li ste n . \Vh a r does ~ m igh t 5 ~ here ser ious
Adrian decide in the end? b u) engineer
bike sm ile
c Liste n again and complete the dia logue. s ince ear where

Tina Hi, Adrian. 2 ti1 malfai l 6 ~ sure bus
key Eu ro pe

Adrian Oh. Hi, Tina. tr ai n brea k tou ri st curious

T it's Atice's party tonight. Vou are going. aren't you?

A I don't know. I'm not sure. I might , but I might ~ kno\\ 7$ rou nd
not. I can't decide. 3 a lth ough ow l south
bl o u se borrO\\
T Oh, come on. It'll be good. A lot of Alice's friends are

going to be there. You might _ __ _ _ _ __ ph one won't

A Yes, that's true... OK. I'll go then.

T Great. Should we take a taxi there? ~ near ~ rown
th ere
A No, I'll take my car... No, wait. It might _ _ __ 4 wear n oi sy
chair careful enjoy
____ to park. Let's take a tax i, 8

T OK. What time should I get the ta xi f or? 9:307 bo) anno\'

A Yes... No... Listen. I'll take my car. rHpick you up at 9:00.

T Are you sure about that?

A Yes, I'm sure... I think. c 452 »)) Li sten and c hec k.


a Inte r view your pa r tne r w ith the questi onn aire. As k for word building: noun f ormation
mo re in fo rm at io n. \Vh ich of you is more indecisive?
P Noun formation
ARE YOU INDECISIVE? With many verbs you can make a noun by adding -ion.
-sion, or -ation, e.g.,
Do you have problems deciding...? decide - decision imagine - imagination
• what to buy when you go shopping Other verbs change when you form a noun, e.g.,
• what to wear when you go out see (verb) - sight {noun}
• what to eat at a restaurant
• what to do in your free time a \Virh a part ner t ry to com ple re rhe c ha rt.
• where t o go on vacation
Verb Noun (+ -ion, -sion, or -ation)
Do you often change your mind about things? What kind opt option
of things? decide decision
Do you think you are indecisive? imagine imagination
0 0D Yes No I'm not sure elect Noun (new word)
b Read the ar t icle carefully. Com ple te it w ith sente nces organize
A-E. educate
A And it isn 't just in the coffe e shop. Verb I
B But if all this choice is bad for us, what can we do choose
about it~ die
C Buying a cup of coffee isn 't as easy as it used to be. succeed
D People often think that being able to choose from a

lot of options is a good th ing.
E Research shows that we feel happier when we have

less choice.

c Do you agree th at th ere is coo mu ch cho ice in the
following' W hy (oot)'

a in supermarkets d in coffee shops b 53 ))) Liste n a nd check. Unde din e t he st ressed
b oo TV e in reStaurants sy ll able in rhe verbs a nd no un s.
c in clothes stores

____ . Years ago there were only two kinds of coffee - we are worried about making the wrong one. Then
caffeinated or decaffeinated. But nowadays when you go when we choose one thing, we feel bad because we think
we are missing other opportunities, and this makes us
into a coffee shop in the US you are given about twenty dissatisfied with what we have chosen.
different options. Do you want a cappuccino. a latte. a
caramel macchiato. an Americano. or a white mocha? 4 " Professor Mark Lepper at Stanford
University in the US found that people who
_ _ _ _ . In big supermarkets we have to tried six kinds of jam felt happier with their
choose between thousands of products - my local choice than those who were offered 24
supermarket has 3S different kinds of milk! When we to taste.
are buying clothes or electrical gadgets. looking for a
hotel on a travel website. or just deciding which TV 5 . Professor Lepper suggests
channel to watch, we are constantly forced to choose that we should try to relax when we have
to choose something to buy. "Don't take
from hundreds of possibilities. these choices too seriously or it will become
stressful," he says. "If you pick a
_ _ _ _ " However, university sofa from IKEA in 30 seconds, you'll
researchers have discovered that too feel better than if you spend hours
much choice is making us feel unhappy and researching sofas - because you
dissatisfied. The problem is that we have won't know what you're missing."
so many options that we get stressed every
time we have to make a decision, because

Adapted from a newspaper Onl ine Practice

GRAMMAR b ~~the word that is different.

Qa,b,orc. I buttetfly goat fly Illosquiro
2 pig sheep cow lion
I Ifl ___ asnake,I'dbererrified. 3 spider shark jellyfish whale
4 scared afraid frightened fear
a see b saw c seen 5 math grades history biology

2 \Vhat ___ ifa large dog attacked you?

a you would do c Complete with a verb from the lisr in the righr form.
b will you do
base design discover faH retire
c wou Id you do

3 I ___ that bike if! were you.

a wouldn't buy b didn't buy c won't buy 1 In rhe US. most people ___ when they are 65.
2 I ___ in love for the first rime when 1was 1S.
4 I ___ in this house since I was 12. 3 Penicillin was ___ by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

a live b lived c have lived 4 The Lord DJ the Ri1l85 movies were ___ on the books

5 \Ve haven't see n my uncle ___ a long time. written by Tolkien.
5 The first Apple computer was ___ by Steve \Vozniak.
a since b during c for
d ~Vrire the words for the definitions.
6 ___ have you had this car?
I k __ a wild animal that lives in Australia
a How long b How much c How long rime 2 b___ an insect that makes honey
3 cr_ _ a reptile that lives in rivers in Africa and Australia
7 I ___ married for 15 years. I got divorced in 4 b a male cow
2010. 5 t___ very afraid
6 s___ a couple usually do this before they get divorced
a have been b am c was 7 s___ a school subject that includes physics, chemistry,
8 \Vhen _ _ _ John F. Kennedy die?
and biology
a did b has c was 8 r___c_ _ information YOll get from your schoo l at

9 The dishwasher in 1886. the end ofeach quarter that says how you have done

a were invented b was invented c is invemed

10 The first book in rhe series was ___ ten years

a write b wrote c written

11 The Mona Usa was painted _ _ _ cia Vinci.

a for bby ero PRONUNCIATION
a @~the word with a different sound.
12 \Vhen I was a child, I ___ have very long hair.
~ fear near wc're bear
a use to bused ro c used

13 Jack ___ like sports when he was in school.

a don'rusero 2~
b didn't used to
c didn't use to

14 I might ___ Keiko a ring for her birthday. pho bia CO\\ sho\\ h() mework

a buy b to buy c buying 3 at} website children spider migh t
scared there ner vous wear
15 Suc ___ comc ronight. She has to work late. ~4

a might no b nOt might c might not

VOCABULARY 5 yu subject usually used confusion

a Make nouns from the verbs.

eJecr 5 die b Underline the stressed syllable.
2 decide 6 succeed I gi raffe 2 e le phanr 3 be ha vior 4 re tire 5 de sign
3 choose 7 imagine _ __
4 organize _ __


a Read the article once. How did the dolphins protect the VIDEO
swimmers from the shark?
b Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true)
or F (fa lse), 454 »)) O n the str eet \Vatch or listen to five people
and answer the questions.
1 T he swimmers were swimm ing close to rhe beach.
2 The dolphins were doing strange things. Reed Joanna Jeanna Sarah Jane Justin
3 Mr. Howes and Helen were separated from the other
Reed has had for his whole life.
two swimmers.
4 One of the dolphins jumped out of the water. a arachnophobia
S Mr. Howes saw a big fish swimming around the other b agoraphobia
c acrophob ia
two girts.
6 Mr. Howes understood that the dolphins were trying 2 Joanna would like ro see leopards in the wild
to help them.
7 T he dolphins stOpped the shark from attacking them. a they have always been her favorite an imals
S In the end, the swimme rs were rescued by lifeguards. b she saw them before on a safari and loved them
9 An expert said that dolphins often behave in this way. c they are one of the wild animals she hasn't seen yet

e Look at the highlighted wo rds or phrases in the text. 3 When Jeanna was at school ___'
Guess their meaning from the context. Check with
your teacher or with a dictio nary. a she did n't like making friends
b she liked most subjects
Lifeguard Rob Howes, his daughter Niccy, 15, Karina Cooper, 15, c she didn't like marh or science
and Helen Slade, 16, were swimming over 300 feet out to sea
at Ocean Beach in New Zealand when suddenly seven dolphins 4 Sarah Jane has been a teacher ___'
swam toward them.
aThey were behaving really we irdly,~ Mr. Howes said, "swimming a since 2006 b for 6 years c for 16 years
in circles around us, and hitting the water with thei r tails.~ One
dolphin swam towa rd Mr. Howes and Helen, who were about 5 Justin loves the Empire State Building because ___'
65 feet away from the other two, and was trying to push them
:oward the other two girls. a he thinks it's in cxacrly the rig ht place
aThen suddenly I saw another huge fish swimming around me b he loves its height, and the view from the top
and Helen ,~ sai d Mr. Howes. It was in fac t a 9 foot4 10ng great c it's one of the oldest skyscrapers in New York City
Nhite shark .
~It was only about six feet away from us," he said. At that point, CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
I-te realized that the dolphi ns "were trying to herd the four of
us together to protect us." Do the tasks w ith a partner. C heck (v') the box if you
The shark t hen went toward the other two girls. Mr. Howes was
terrified, especially because one of t he swimmers was his daughter. can do them.
Sut the dolphins pushed the four sw immers back together and
circled around them for another 40 minutes. Mr. Howes decided oCan you ...?
!lot to tell the three girls a shark was sharing the water w ith them. say what you would do if..
Fortunately, the shark f inally swam away, and the swimmers all
reached the beach safely. a a dog attacked you
- 1swim with dolphins perhaps three or f our t imes a year, and b you won rhe lottery
have never seen them behave like t hat," said Mr. Howes. c you had more free time
However, dolphin expert Ingrid Visser said that there have been
02 talk about how long you have ...
her reports from around the wor ld about dolph ins protecting
swimmers . She said that, in this case, t he dolphi ns probably sensed a lived where you are now
:he humans were in danger and took act ion to protect t hem.
b had your tap tOP or com puter
c been at this sc hool

03 describe your life sto ry
04 talk about when three things were invented or bu ilt
05 talk about th ree th ings you used to do whe n you

were a child

06 say three th ings you might do next week

.~ Short mov ies MarweU Wildlife
VIDEO Watch and enjoy the movie.

Online Practice

G expressing movement Where did
V sports, expressing movement the ball go?
P sports
It went

over the bar.


a What spores can you see in the phOtos? sports, expressing movement

b 55 )) Look atthe spans in the list. How do you a Put these words in the correct column. Do you
pronounce them in English? Listen and check. and know any other words connected to these sports?
underline the srressed syllable. Do you know the names of
any other sports in Engl ish? bunker corner hole lane lap match point
penalty serve track
au lto ra lcing baselball baslket lball box ling cylcling golf soccer tennis track and field
golf hand lball holckey ruglby so lceer skqing
te lnnis track and field vo llleylball wind lsur lfing b 56 ))) Listen to the sports commentaries. \Vhat
are the four sports?
p Verbs with sports
c Listen again and complete the sentences with o ne
1 We use play for sports with a ball, e.g., / play baseball word. Then match sentences 1-4 with pictures a-d.
at school.
o The ball has gone _ _ rhe lake.
2 With sports ending in -ing (cycling, skiing, wind surfing, etc.),
we usually use the verb, e.g., / cycle on the weekend, or go 2 The ball has gone _ _ rhe bar.
+ sport, e.g., / go cycling on the weekend.
D3 Now they have to run _ _ the track one
3 We use do for martial arts, yoga, Pilates, etc., e.g., I do yoga
twice a week. marc rime.

c Ask and answer with a parrner. G ive and ask for as much D4 That's a very hard return, bur rhe ball has
information as you can.
gone __ !
>-d p.162 Vocabulary Bank Expressing movement.

• Do you do exercise or play any sports?

D DYes. What? Do you enjoy it? No. Why not?

• Did you use to exercise or play any sports? Why did you stop?
• Which sports do you think are the most exciting to watch?

• Which sports do you think are the most boring?
• Are you (or is anyone in your family) a fan of a sports team?

Which one?
• Do you (or they) watch their games?
• What is the most exciting sporting event you have ever seen?

3 GRAMMAR expressing movement

a Complete t he sentences w ith a verb fro m rh e li st.

hit kick run throw

In basketball you have to the ball throu gh a ring

with a ba sket.

2 In socce r yo u have co ___ the ba ll into a goal.

3 In tenn is you have to ___ the ball o ver a net.

4 In an SOD- meter race you have to ___ twice around the track.

b Look at the se nte nce below. Try to think of t h ree different The hardest lesson to learn in spo r t s is how to
verbs you cou ld put in th e bl ank, e.g., wa lked. lose w ith dignity, witho ut blam in g yo ur defeat
on the referees or refusing to shake hands w ith
The man _ _ along the street until he got to the corner. your opp onent. Here are some famous moments
when losing wa sjust t o o hard...
c ... p.146 Grammar Bank l1A. Lea rn more about ex pressi ng
movement and practice it.

cl Look at th e photos in 1. Say what rhe people arc do ing. In 1981 at Wimbledon a young john McEnroe was
0e's hitting the ball over the net. serving. The umpire said that his ser ve wa s l._ _~
but McEnroe thought it was 2_ _ _. He became
4 READING & SPEAKING furious and shouted Myou CANNOT be seriou s!" at the
umpire. He also called the umpire "an incompetent foo!!"
a \Vhen you pl ay a sport o r a game with fa m ily o r fr iend s, how
do you reac t ifyo u lose? A re you a good or bad loser? Are a ny In the 2003 Track and Fie ld World Championships the
of your fa mily members or fri end s bad lo sers? lOO-meter runner, jon Drummond, was disqualified for
a false start. Drummond lay 3_ _ _ on the track and
b Read the text and answer with a name. \Vhich of the bad lose rs... ? began to cry. Two hours later his coach to ld j ournalist s:
insulted the ma rch o ffi cia l MHe's still crying. We're making him drink water because
he's becoming dehydrated."
2 did not wam to do h is job after the match
3 became very emotional when he couldn't take part In the 1982 German Grand Prix Nelson Piquet was
4 tried to h it so mebody winning the race . He was trying to pass El iseo Salazar
5 sa id sorry after the event (who was last in the ra ce), but Salazar didn't let him go
c Read the text aga in and fi ll in t he blan ks with t he ' ___ him, and Piquet crashed into Salazar. Piquet
prepositio ns in t he list. jumped s___ his car and started tryi ng to hit and
kick Salazar (without much success!).
down in out out of (x2) past
South Korean soccer player Ahn Jung-H wan scored
d Look at the highlighted words in the text t hat are all the goal that sent Italy 6_ _ _ the 2002 World Cup
related to spo n s. \Vith a par tn er guess th eir mea ning. when they beat them 2-l. But jung-Hwan also played
for the Italian soccer club Perugia. After the match
e In pairs answe r th e qu es ti on s. the president of the club, luciano Gaucci, announced
I \Vho do YOll thin k was rhe worsr loser? that the player's contract would not be renewed. YThat
2 \Vhose behavior do you rh ink was understandable? gentleman will never set foot in Perugia again ," Gaucci
3 Do YOll know any fa mo lls sportspeop le who are bad lo sers? said. "I have no intention of paying a salary to somebody
who has ru ined Italian soccer." Gaucci later apologized,
5 WRITING but Ahn jung-Hwan left the club and never went back t o
an Italian club.
a Ta lk to a par tne r. Do you think there is toO much soccer o n
TV? W hy (no r)? When England won the Rugby
World Cup in 2003 by beating
b ,... p.117 Writing An opinion essay. Read a model essay about Australia in the last minute of
sportS shows o n T V, and then wri te o ne.
the match, the Australian Prime

minister. John Howard, was so

angry that in the medals ceremony
he almost th rew the medals at the

English players. His behavior was
described by ajournalist as being

6 59 ))) SONG The Final Countdown Jj "like an unhappy five-year-old at a
birt hday party who starts throwing

toys arou nd."

Adapted from a newspaper Online Practice

G word order of phrasal verbs What 's the f irst
V phrasal verbs t hing you do w hen
P linking
you wa ke up?

1 SPEAKING & READING 1 WaaUime dO_VDU get U.{L wl1!m.Jt.Pu 're doing
I get up at 4:45 a.m. and leave the house at 5:20.
a Answer the questions with a partner.
'- - -
1 What time do you wake up during the week?
2 Do you use an alarm clock to wake up? If not, Yes. I usaally set my radio alarm to come on at 4:30 so that I can wake
up slowly as I listen to the world news. I set my phone alarm for 4:45 and
what makes you wake up? leave it on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off!
3 Do you get up immediately after you wake up?
4 When you first get up do you feel...? 3__~-------
It depends - some mornings I feel rested and awake, but other
a awful
b a little sleepy mornings it's hard to get out of bed. It depends on the season.
c awake and energetic I find I need much more sleep in the winter.

b Read an inte rview with Sara Mohr-P ietsch. If I'm slow to get up, then I wait until I'm in the studio before having
Match the questions and answers. breakfast, but most mornings I have a bowl of cereal before I leave the
A Do you choose what you wear the night
before? '- - -

B Do you have anything to eat before you go That depends on the season, too. In the summer I usually wait until
to work? the morning to decide. But in the winter I often leave clothes out the
night before so that I can stay in bed until the last minute!
C Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?
o How do you feel when you wake up?
A car picks me up at 5:20.
E How do you get to work?
F How does this affect your social life? 7
G WtffiHime €le yeu ~et tJj9 .. Refl ,eu'fe deiA§'!
In the winter, any time between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. In the summer,
the she.. ? usually more like 9:00 to 10:00 p.m.
H What time do you go to bed when you 're
'- - -
working the next day?
I Would you like to change your working What social life? I certainly can't go out for a wild night during the
week, but I'm lucky because a lot of my closest friends live near me,
hours? so I can see them in the evenings and still go to bed early.

c Cover the answers and look at the questions. Sometimes I think I would like to have more normal
With a partner remember her answers. working hours, but I love my job so much that
I'd never want to give it up. The buzz of
d Answer the questions with a partner. being "live" on the radio early in the morning
as people start their days is really wonderful.
Wou ld you like to work the sa me hours as
the radio host?
2 In genera l are YOll a morning or evening

2 VOCABULARY phrasal verbs 4 PRONUNCIATION linking

a Look at some sentences from the interview, With a a 4»)) Listen and write the missing words.
partner say what the highlighted phrases mean.
There's a wet rowe l on the noar.
"I leave it on the other side of the room so I have to Please _ _ _ _ __
get up to turn it off!" 2 I can't concentrate with that music 011.
"A car picks me up at 5:20." Please _ _ _ _ __
"I love my job so much that I'd never want to give it up." 3 Ifyou don't know what the word
mcans, ______ .
)C) Phrasal verbs 4 \Vhyhaveyou taken your coat off? ______ !
5 This book was veryexpensivc. Pleasc ______ .
Wake up, get up, turn on / off. give up, etc., are common 6 \Vhy are you weari ng your coat in
phrasal verbs (verbs with a preposition or adverb), here? _ _ _ _ __
Sometimes the meaning of the two separate words
can help you guess the meaning of the phrasal verb, b Practice saying the sentences. Try to li nk the phrasal
verbs and pronouns, e.g.,
e.g., turn off. Sometimes the meaning of the two words
does not help you, e.g., give up.
a Read the questions in the questionnaire and think
b Read the information box. Ca n YO ll think of a phrasal about your answers.
verb that means...?
I to try to find somet hin g you have lost b \\lork in pairs. Interv iew you r partner with rhe
2 to put on clothes in a store to see if they are the questions.
r ight size
3 to have a friendly relationship (with somebody) PHRASAL VERB

>c p.163 Voc abuLary Bank Phrasal verbs. QUESTIONNAIRE

3 GRAMMAR word order of phrasal verbs Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off at
a concert or the movies?
a Look at the piccure and underline the object of the • Do you throwaway old ctothes or do you give them to
phrasal verb in each sentence. other peopLe?
Do you enjoy tryi ng on clothes when you go shopping?
Turn off the..... • Do you often go away on the weekend? Where to?
alarm clock! • Before you go shopping. do you usually write down what
you have to buy? Do you onLy buy what's on the List?
• Do you enjoy looking after small children? Why (not)?
• Have you ever asked your neighbars to turn the TV or
the music down? What happened?
• What's the first thing you turn on after you wake up in
the morning?

b Complete the ru les about separable phrasal ve rbs with
tlOllrl or prOtlOutl.

If the object of a phrasal verb is a ,you can

pur it after the verb + !lp. 011, erc.. OR betwee n rhe

ve rb a nd lip, 0 11 , etc.

2 Ifrhe object ofa phrasal verb isa ,yOll must

pur it b etween rhe verb and tip, Oil, etc.

>-c p.146 Grammar Bank lIB. Learn more about the

word orde r of phrasa l verbs and practice it.

Online Practice

G so, neither + auxiliaries I have a
son named
V similarities
P sentence stress, /o/ and IfJI


Some years ago, two identical twins were born in 1 GRAMMAR so, neither + auxiliaries
Minnesota in the US. They were adopted by two
different families soon after. One brother was a Look at the photos and describe the two men.
adopted by a couple named Lewis in Lima. Ohio. and
his brother was adopted by a couple named Springer in b Read about tbe two men a nd answer the questions.
Dayton, Ohio. By coincidence, both boys were named "Jim"
by their new parents. When Hm Lewis was six years old, I Who are Jim Sp ringer and Jim Lewis?
he discovered that he had an identical twin brother. When 2 \Vhy didn't they know each ot her?
he was thirty-nine. he decided to find and contact his 3 What did Ji m Lewis decide to do whe n he was 39?
brother. Six weeks later. he met Hm Springer in a cafe in 4 How lo ng did it take him ?
Dayton, and they probably had a conversation something
like this... c 5 )) Cover the dialogue. Listen once. Try co
remember three things they have in commo n .

d Listen again and fill in t he blanks.

A Hi! I'm Jim.
B So 1_ _ 1. Great to meet you. Sit down. Are you

married, Jim?
A Yes... well, I've been married t wice.
B Yeah? So 2_ _ 1. Do you have any children?
A I have one son.
B So 3_ _ 1. What's his name?
A James Alien.
B That's amazing! My son's name is James AlIen, too!
A Did you go to college, Jim?
B No, I didn't.

A Neither 4_ _ I. I was a terrible st udent.

B So 5_ _ 1. Hey, this is my dog Toy.
A I don't believe it! My dog's named Toy, too!
B He wants to go outside. My wife usually takes him.

I don't do any exercise at aU.
A Don't worry. Neither 6_ _ 1. I drive everywhere.
B What car do you have?
A A Chevrolet.
B S0 7_ _ 1!
A Hey, let's go and have a hamburger, OK?
B Sure. You know, l ance worked in a hamburger

A Unbelievable! So 8_ _1!

e \Vhich coincidence do yo u thi nk is the mos t surpr ising?

f Look at the dialogue again. Answer the questions with
a partn er.

Find twO phrases that the (wins use..
when they have someth in g ffi in common.
when (hey have something G in common.
2 Why do you think the auxiliary verb changes?

>-g p.146 Grammar Bank lIe. Lea rn morc about so,

neither, etc., and practice them.

2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress, 101and lel 5 LISTENING

a 7») Listen and repeat the words and soun ds. - Facebook coincidence
brings couple together
& mothe r brothe r ne ith er they
a 5 11 »)) Look atthe photo of . couple and
&: rhumb both thirty th row li sten ro a news srory about th em . Wh at is
rhe coincidence?
b 8 ») Add four wo rds to each row. Listen and check.
b Li ste n aga in and a n swer the quest io ns.
although math other there th ing thirsty th rough clothing \Vhy did Kelly H ild ebrandt put her na me
in to Facebook?
c 9 ») Listen and repeat the dia logues. Underline the stressed words.
2 \Vhat d id she discover ?
1 A I like tea. B Soda!. 3 A I don't smoke. B Neit her do I. 3 \\l hat did she do nex t?
2 A I'm tired. B Soam!. 4 A I'm not hungry. B Neither am I. 4 \Vhat ot her thin gs do th ey have in

d 10 ») Listen and respond. Say you're the same. com mon?
0J» I take the bus to work. 5 \Vhy were they worr ied ?
do I. 6 W hat do th ey ca ll each oth er?
7 \Vhat problem d id (hey once have?
3 SPEAKING 8 W hat a re they defi nite ly fl at goi ng ro do?
c Have you ever pur your nam e inro G oo gle
a Co mpl ete the se ntences so they are t rue fo r you. o r Face book? Did you di scove r a nyrhing
interest ing?
Me Who else in the ctass?

I love _ _ . (a kind of music)
I don't like _ _ ' (a drink)
I'm very _ _ , (adjec t ive of personality)
I'm not very good at _ _ . (sport or activity)
I'm going to _ _ after class . (an activity)
I have to _ _ every day. (an obligation)
I don't eat _ _ . (a kind of food)

b Move a round the class say in g your se ntences. For each sentence,

t ry to find someone like you , and w rire dow n his o r her na me.

Respond to orher p eople's sentences. Say So do I am /, o r
INeith er do am I if you h ave somethin g in co mmo n .
0. 0.A Ilove heavy meta!]
Really? 1hate it! So do I.

4 VOCABULARY similarities The two lims looked exactly 1 each

a Read about some mo re simil arities betwee n the two Jims. other when they were younger. They z_ _ __
Co mplete th e tex t w ith a wo rd fro m the list.
liked math and carpentry - but hated spelling.
as both i~tical like ngither IDmilar so
After finishing school they had 3 jobs:
b Complete the sentences about yo u and
your family. Tell your pa rrner. w as a security guard, and Springer was a

I I have the same col or eyes as my ___ ' deputy sheriff. Jim Lew is first married a

2 I look like my ___ ' woman named Linda, and then a woman

3 My personality is simil a r to my ___'s, named Betty, exactly the same names
4 My ___ . nd I both likc ___ ,
S llike ___ and so docs my ___ , ' ____ lim Springer's first and second
6 I don 't Iike ___ and ne ith er does my ___ ,
wives. Even their tastes in sports are 5_ _ __

lim Springer likes baseball and 6,_ _ __

does Jim Lew is. Jim Lewis doesn't like basketball

and 7 does Jim Springer.

Online Practice

Time to go home


THE FUTURE a 13 )) Cover the dialogue and watch or li sten.
Answer the questions.

1 Who does Rob wam to speak to?
2 How many rimes does he have to call?

a 5 12 »)) Warch or lisren ro Rob and Jenny. Mark rhe
senrences T (rrue) or F (false).

I Rob is going home rod ay.

2 He says it will be difficult to stay in touch.

3 Jenny suggests that she could go (0 Lond on.

4 Rob think s it's a good idea.

S They're going ro a resta urant to ni ght.

6 Barbara W<lnts to talk to Jenny.

P American and British English

You just missed him = American English;
You've just missed him = British English

cell (phone) = American English;

mobile (phone) = British English

b \Vatch o r li sten again. Say why the F sentences arc fal se.


b \Varch o r lisre n again. Complere rhe You H ear phrases .

0») You Hear You Say

Hello. Broadway Grill. Oh, sorry. I have t he wrong

NewYork24seven. Hello. Ca n I speak to
can I help you? Barbara Keaton, please?

Just a second. I'll put
you . ... Hello. Hi, is that Barbara?

NO, I'm sorry. She's not Can I leave a message,

at her right now. please? a 5 15 ») Watc h o r listen to Rob and Jenny. Is it a ha ppy
e nd ing o r a sad e nd in g?
Sure. Can you tell her Rob Walker
called? I'll call back later. b Wa rch or li sten aga in a nd a nswe r t he questio ns.
1 Who has so me news?
I'll give her t he -::--:-_ 2 W hat d id Barbara offer Rob?
You could t ry her ceH phone. Yes, I'U do that. Thank you. 3 \Vhat d id Jenny do this mo rn ing?
4 W hat does Je nny ask Barbara ro do?
I'm sorry, I can't take your Hello, Barbara. This is Rob
at the moment. returning you r call. c Look at t he Social E n g lis h ph rases. Ca n you
remem be r any o f the m issing words?
Please ___ a message

after the beep.

NewYork24seven. Hello. It's Rob again. Can Social English phrases
How can I help you? I speak to Barbara, please?

Just a second. Rob You first.

I'm sorry, the line's --:--:--,-,: Jenny That's great _ __
Do you want to hold?
OK, I'll hold. Jenny I'll her.

Jenny I'll explain _ __

Hello. Hi, Barbara. It's me, Rob. Barbara Is everything _ _ _ _ _ _?

Rob, hi! I tried to call What did you want to talk Jenny better.
you earlier. about?

c 5 14 ») \Varch o r li sre n and repea t t he You Say d 16 )) \Va rch o r lis te n a nd com ple te the phrases.

phrases. CQpy rh e ~thm . e \Vatch or li sren again a nd re peat the phrases. How do
you say t hem in your lang uage?
d Practi ce the di a logues with a pa rtne r.
Can you...? ..
e In pai rs. ro le -play the di a log ue.
A (book open) You a re rhe Broa dway Gr ill , the D call somebody and say who you are / who you
rece pt ion ist, erc. Yo u sta rt with Hello. Broadway Grill.
B (book closed) You wa nt to speak [Q Ba rba ra. want to talk to

f C han ge roles. D leave a message for somebody

o respond to news

Online Practice

G past perfect Because a
V verb phrases shark had come
P contractions: had / hadn't
into the pool.


In Sydney, early in the morning, some swimmers were taking a Security guards at Stansted Airport
swim in an outdoor swimming pool that was very close to the were amazed when they saw a dog
ocean. The swimmers were very surprised when suddenly the pool getting off a train and walking on its
assistants started shouting -Get out of the water ! Quickly! " own toward the airport terminal. They
The swimmers immediately got out. Then they caught the dog and took it to the police.
realized that there was a shark at the other Thanks to a microchip in its neck,
end! Fortunately they discovered that its name was
none of the swimmers were hurt and Diesel and that it belonged to a woman
the shark was caught in a net and named Sarah Chapman, who lived in
put back into the ocean. London, 31 miles away. Sarah had
g'One on vacation for a few days and
had left Diesel with some friends.

It had then
gotten on a train and had traveled
31 miles to Stansted Airport,
changing trains on the way. Sarah
said: "I'm sure Diesel went to the
airport to look for me!"

1 READING & SPEAKING b M at ch verbs 1- 10 w ith phrases A- J.

a Read the scori es and loo k at the pi ct ure s. Fill in the blanks wi th [H] ge t into ' out of A on the belt
B a sw im
one of the senten ces below. D2 ge t on / off C vacat ion
03 knock someone o down the street
1 The shark had already attacked three people. 04 realize
2 A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during the night. 05 pur the lu ggage E our
F a train
ENGLAND 6 D goon G a woman
3 Unfortunately, the dog had bitten one of her friends. 7 D take H rhe-·sw+mmi-ng··pool
4 The dog had run away and had gone to the local train station. I with friends
08 leave the dog
THEUS that there was a
5 The robber thought he had taken bags worth a lot of money. 9 ~ chase someone shark in the pool
6 The robber had taken money from armored cars before.
10 :::J belong to
7 The woman had gotten confused at the check·in desk.
S The woman had left her passport at home.

A33-year-o'd Provi dence, Rh ode cl Comp lete the fo llowi ng se nte nces in your ow n wo rd s.
Island man w as arrested for Use the past pe rfec t.
knocking out the dri ver of an
armored car and ta king four bags W hen J got to the check-i n des k, I sudd enly rea lized
ofmonel:! . tha t.. .
However, each ofthe bags 2 When we arr ived bac k from ou r vaca tion. we found
thar. ..
co ntained only $800 in pennies. 3 Wh en the mov ie sta rred , I rea lized immedi ately that .. .
The money bags ea ch weighed 4 I couldn't answer any o f the exa m questions beca use I. ..
5 We spent 20 mi nutes in the parkin g lot loo kin g for the
30 pounds, and the y slowed th e ca r beca use we couldn't remember. .
man down as he tried to get away .
Wh en police officers arrived at t he s cene, t hey chased the e Compare w it h a part ne r. Are your sen tences th e sa me
robber down the street an d ea sily ca ught him with the heav y o r diffe renr?
money bags.
f Work w irh a partner. A reread th e story abo ut
SWEDEN Australia, B reread the sto ry abo ut the US . Und erline
the key wo rds a nd eve m s. The n A (b ooks closed) rerell
Airport workers in the luggage area at Arlanda Airport in the sto ry in your o wn word s. B (books o pe n) help A
Sweden were surprised t o see an old lady Sitt ing on the w he n necessa ry. The n chan ge.
luggage belt next to her suitca se. She
had put her luggage on the belt and t hen had sat down on the cont ract ions: had / hadn't

belt herself. A spokesman at Stoc kh olm's Arland a Ai rport said P Contractions: past perfect

"Unfortunately. she did not und erstand when she In conversation we often contract had in the past
perfect after a subject pronoun (I, you, etc.), e.g.,
was given check-in instructions. She got on the When I got to the airport, I realized that I'd forgotten my
belt together with her bag. Luckily, I suddenly remembered that we hadn't told Sue about
the party.
it wasn't a long ride - only a fe wfeet.n

2 GRAMMAR past perfect cl 5 18 ») Li sten a nd w rite six pas r per fect sentences.
T he n pract ice say ing the se nre nces.
a Look at these high lighted ve rb s fro l11 the Au strali a
sto ry. A nswe r t he questi on s. b ~ Comm unication What had happened? A p.l04
B p.109. Try to guess your pa r tne r's se nte nces.
A Then they realized that there was a s hark at the other end !
B Alarge wave had carried the s hark into the pool during
the night. a 19 ») Li sten to ano th er ne ws sto ry. The n numbe r th e
events in order.
I Wh ich act ion hap pened first. A or B?
2 W hat are the twO parrs o f th e verb in se ntence B? o Joey atracked her.
o Joey sat o n her place.
b Lo ok at the other th ree stories aga in (includ in g the
mi ss ing semences) a nd underline examples oflt ad + D Joey wenr to sleep.
past part ici pl e. Did t hese act io ns h appe n befo re o r D Kar ie came home fro m work .
afte r the ma in parr o f the story?
o Kac ie met her neighbor.
>-c p.148 Grammar Bank 12A. Lea rn mo re about the
b \Virh a pa rtne r, rry to guess wh at you th ink had
past pe rfec t a nd practice it . h a pp e n ed.

c 520 ») Now liste n a nd find o ut w hat h ad h appe ned.
Had anybody guessed right?

. .Online Practice

G reported speech She told
V say or tell?
P double consonants


a Read rhe dictionary definition and then
answer the question s with a partner.

gossip I'gos;)p/ (v and n) to talk aball[ other
people, especially their private life

\Vhar kind of people gossip more?
a people in cities or people in 5111all towns
b young people or o ld people

c men or women

2 \Vha do people most often gossip about?
a their ncighbors
b peop le at work or school
c celebriti es

3 Do you have any friends who gossip a lot?

4 How do you feel when people gossip

b §,l21 1}) Li sten [Q a conversat ion between 2 GRAMMAR reported speech
Rosemary and Iri s. What has happened [Q
Jack a nd Emma? Li sten again and answer a Look at so me extracts from th e conversations. Compare what
the questions. Em ma said (direct speech) with wh at Rosemary says that she sa id
(reponed speech). Underline the words that are different in the
Jack and Emma a re the woman's... highlighted repotted speech.
a Ilcighbors. b friends. c ch ildren.
2 Rose ma ry thi nks she heard them having. 1 What Emma said
a a conversation. I' m going to stay with my mom.
b a party. I won't co me back ...
c an argumem. I've taken the ch ild ren to my sister ...
3 Accordi ng ro Rosemary, Emmasaid she was...
a see ing a norher ma n. 2 What Rosemary and Iris said
b look ing for a new job. She said th at she was go in g to stay with her morher! She told him
c going to stay with her mother. that she wouldn't come back.
4 She said she had .. Ooh , how awful. What about th e chi ldren ?
a left the dog wi th a neighbor. She said she'd taken them to her siste r.
b left the chil dren wi th her sister.
c left the dinner in the m icrowave. b ,... p.148 Grammar Bank 128. Learn more about repo rted speec h
S Iri s is go ing ro ... and prac tice it.
a rei l her husba nd.
b tell her fa mily. c 24 )) Listen to some sentences in direct speech. Say them in
c tell another neighbor. reported speech. Begin with He said ... o r Sh e said...

..c 22 ») ow li ste n to w hat Jac k a nd Emma ») I'm in a hurry. 0he said that she was in a hurry.
really sa id las t night. \Vas Rosemary right
about everythi ng? 0e») I'll write. said that he would write.

3 VOCABULARY say or tell? 6 READING

Co mplete rhe senrences w ith the right fo rm ofsay o r tell.

1 " [ havea problem ," A n ni c _ _ . HERE'S A SECRET:

2 Annie _ _ u s th at she h ad a p ro bl em . Gossip might be good for you

3 Lisa _ _ that she was leavi ng he r husband.

4 He t he teach er that he had left hi S ho m ewor k at home. We aLL enjoy gossiping about people we know,
although sometimes we might feel guilty
5 His teacher th at h e d id n 't believe h llll. about it afterward. However, new research
shows that gossiping might be good for us.
6 Ca n YO ll _ _ Mark t hat I ca n 't mee t h im to nig ht?

7 W h at d id YOll _ _ to h er ?

8 Wh en I was a chi ld , my m o t he r used fO _ _ us no t Professor McAndrew, a professor of psychology,
to _ _ hell o re people we di d n't know, believes that gossiping i s in our genes, and we feeL
pLeasure when we share interesting information.
4 SPEAKING McAndrew says that gossiping is a SOCial skill,
and we need t o learn to do it weLL According
a Wo rk in pairs. A tell yo ur pa rtner t he follow ing. B Listen a nd take to t he professor, gossip can be a positive thing
no tes. Then change ro les . when people use it to build connections with
other people in their so ciaL group. But it can be
so meth ing about your parents or grandparent s a negative t hing when somebody gossips about
a place you have bee n to anot her person only to make themselves feel
som eth ing th at you 're p lanning to do in t he summer more important in the group.
som eth ing th at you did last weekend
The information can be true or invented, but it must Professor McAndrew's research aLso showed that i..,
be interesting!
people were happy to pass on good news but only <
b C hange pa rt ners. Tcll pan ner 2 what pa rt ner I sa id. Dec ide
together whether you think your previous pa rtners we re telling if it was about a friend. They also enjoyed passing /l)
the truth o r had invented the infor m atio n. on negative information about other people when
He told me (that)~ He said (that)~ it was about somebody they disliked. g

Anothe r thing that the new study showed "~-
was that men and women gossip differently.
In generaL, the men in the study shared gossip 0..
with their wives or girLfriends, but not with their
male friends . Women however, gossi ped with i...l..
both part ners and friends.

5 PRONUNCIATION double consonant s-

a Look at five gro ups o f words. Match eac h gro up to a vowel sound . a Read the a rticle and ma rk the sentences
T (tru e) at F (fal se).
401 :-)o'"mH-
a gossip co llege dolla r bot ri e robbe r 1 \Ve sometimes feel bad after we gossip.
b luggage fu nny r u nn er s um mcr bur rerfly 2 Professo r McAndrew says that we are
c wrirrcn m iss birren d iffe rent midd le
d happy marri ed ca bbage rabbit baggage progra mm ed ro gossip.
e letter better message umbrell a tenni s 3 Gossiping can be good or bad - it depends

b 5 25 )) Listen a nd check. o n why we do it.
4 People enjoy sha rin g bad news about people
P Double consonants
they li ke.
The vowel sound before a double consonant is normally short when S Men gossip with t heir fr iends more th an
it is t he stressed syllable, e.g., gossip 0 , luggage ,written ,
happy . iC , and let ter ,1.: . with their family.
Double consonants are pronounced t he same as single consonants.
b Look at the highli ghted wo rd s and phrases.
\Vith a part ner, guess t heir meanin g.

c Do you agree with what th e anicle says
about the way men and wo men gossip?

c How d o yo u thin k you pr ono unce the words below? C heck the 7 526 ))) SONG
pro nun ciatio n and mea ning w ith your d ictio nary.
I Heard It Th ro ug h the Grapevine Jj
kettle waffle pottery slippers supper
Online Practice

G questions without auxitiaries Who painted
V review that picture?
I ca n't

1 GRAMMAR questions without auxiliaries 1 Who painted Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy?
2 How did Caroline de Bendern lose a fortune?
a \ Vit h a partner, see how m any of the qui z questi ons 3 Which airport in Asia has a pet hotel?
you ca n an swer from memory. 4 What does boy toy mean?
5 Whose wedding dress did Lindka Cierach design?
b Now try to fi nd the answe rs you co uldn't r emem ber in 6 What vitamin does sunlight produce?
Files 1- 11. 7 Who plays Dr. House in the series House, M.D.?
8 What did Captain Edward Murphy give his
c L ook at 1 and 2 in the qu iz. A n swer these questions.
name to?
I How is question I di f fe rent from question 2? 9 How many natural disasters did Mr. and
2 \Vh ar is rhe subject of the verb i n question I ?
3 \Vhat is the subject ofrhe verb i n question 2? Mrs. Svanstrom experience on their around-
4 \Vhich other questions in the qui z are sim ilar the-world trip?
10 Who wrote the short story Girl?
grammatically to question I ? 11 Which singer made reggae popular all over
the world?
>-d p.148 Grammar Bank 12C. L ea rn more abour 12 Who invented the dishwasher, a man or a woman?
13 Who could never find his things when he was a child?
questions w irhour au xiliaries and pr actice th em . 14 Who shouted ~You CANNOT be serious!" at a tennis
umpire at Wimbledon?
15 What is Keliy Hildebrandt's husband named?


a ~ Communication General knowledge quiz A p.lOS
B p.lIO. First write the quest ions. Then ask them to
your panner.

b \Virh a panner, make your own quiz. Write two
questions with or withour auxiliaries for each category.
Make sure yOtl know the answers!

c Ask your questions co another pair.





Online Practice


~~a,b,orc. a Complete with a word from the list.

I The golfball ___ the hole, and along down into off out back past toward through up
everybody cheered.
a went on b went c went into I \Ve drove a lot of runnels on our way to New York City.

2 The door opened a nd two men ___' 2 \Vhen ir sta rted to rain, we went a cafe to wait umil it stopped.
a came our b came out of c our
3 She walked ___ the street, looking in all t he store windows.
3 Your rowel's on the floor.
a Pick up ir b Pick up c Pick it up 4 W hen the dog started running ___ me, I was terrified.

4 I've lost my keys. Can you help me ___ ' 5 Go ___ the gas station. and it's the next turn on the right.
a look them for
b look for them 6 You have to rake ___ your shoes before go in g into the temple.
c look after them
7 If you don't know the meaning of a word. look it ___ in rhe
5 A I love rraveling. B ___'
on line dict ionary.
a Sodo l b eirherdoI c Seam l
6 A I can't do this exercise. B ___ . 8 Can you rurn ___ the heat? It 's very hot in here.

a So can I 9 If you don't like the jacket, take it ___ to the store.
b Neither can't I
c Neither can I 10 Can you find ___ what time the movie ends?
7 A I went to the movies last night.
B _ _ _' \Vhar d id you see? b Compic!c the missing words.
a So wem I b $0 I did c So did I
8 I was too late, and when I got to the train l Julia and Jane are i___ twins.
a rhe train has left 2 I live on rhe same Street a___ my sister.
b rhe rrain had left
c rhe train left 3 Her new novel is very s___ to her lasr one.
9 When we got to t he airporr. we remembered
that wc ___ all the windows in our hOll se. 4 Dave isn't very tall. and n___ is his son.
a hadn't closed
b didn't close 5 My parents b love classicall11l1sic.
c haven'r closed
10 Alicia told me that ShC ___ fO marry Berro. c Complete the phrases with a verb frol11 the li st.
a wants b want c wanted
11 Kevin said he ___ back in ten minuces. do get give go leave look put take tell turn
a wou ld be b was c will be
12 My grandfather ___ that he had worked ___ skii ng 6 ___ up the mu sic
in a factory when he was young. 2 ___ on your coat 7 aswlm
a said us b told c told us 3 ___ me a story 8 ___ offrhetrain
13 \Vho ___ in rhe house next door? 4 ___ forward to something 9 ___ up smok in g
5 ___ you r dog with friends 10 karate
a lives b live c does live
14 \Vhere ___ thatdress? PRONUNCIATION
a @~ the word with a different so und .
a you bought b bought you c did YOll buy
15 How many people ___ to go on the [[)] luggage t ugby summer put
w r it t e n m iddle fill
excursion? ...2 ~ fi nd do\\ n through OU t
a do wa nt b does want c want th row noth ing both
l!J3 arou nd together message negative
4 &:
neith er
t5 gossip

b Underl in e rhe stressed sy llable.
1 wind sur ring 2 to ward 3 for ward 4 si mi lar 5 di fferenr


a Read the a rticle o nce. What was the a maz ing PEOPLE?
co incidence?
5 28 ») On the street \Vatch o r listen ro five people
b Rea d the art icl e aga in a nd num ber the eve nts in th e and answer the quest ions.
order they happened
Th e tw in s that James knows __
o Their daughter was bo rn . a have very similar perso nalities
o They both had a hea rt operation in the sa me hosp ita l. b are very simi lar in appearance
o Alisrair had a nOther heart operation. c have the sa me appea rance and perso nality
o They got married. 2 Ruth doesn't mind losing when ___'
o They di scovered that th ey had bee n in the sa me a the person who wins is ben cr than she is
b she has rea lly enjoyed rh e game
hos pital twenty yea rs earl ier. c she thin ks she ha sn't played ve ry well
3 The sport Justin doesn't play anymo re is ___'
o They di scovered they had the sa me heart problem. a baskerball b soccer c baseball
o They met at a swimm ing pool. 4 Andy _ _,
o Alistair asked A lison to ma rry him . a was an evenin g perso n in the pas t
b was a morn ing pe rson in the pase
e Look at th e hi gh lighted wo rd s or phrases in the text. c ha s never bee n good in the morning
G uess th eir meaning fro m the conrexr. C heck w ith S Ah son thi nks th at
your teacher o r w ith a d ictio nary. a wo men goss ip more than men
b men gossi p more than wo men
When Suzanne met Alistair Cotton at a swimming pool c men and wo men both gossip
in 1995, they we re amazed to discover that they
bot h suffe red f rom the sa me extremely rare heart ... CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
condit ion. They started going out together and fe ll in love,
but several months later, they discovered an even bigger Do the tas ks with a partner, C hec k (.I ) rhe box if you
coinci dence . ca n do them.
Almost twenty years earli er when they were child ren Can you...?
(S uzanne was seven and Alistair was fourteen), they had
both had a lifesaving heart operation in the same hospital, 01 desc ribe three things th at you have to do in cerrain
on t he sa me day, perfor med by the same heart surgeon .
After t hei r operat ions, they had spent several days sports using a ve rb and a prepositio n of movement
recovering in the same hospital ward (although they
have no memories of seei ng or speaking to each ot her.) 02 make true sentences with take off, fum d OW II, a nd
They certai nly had no idea t h at twenty years later they
would meet and f all in love with the child in the next bed. look after
Suz an ne, now 43, sai d, "We we re ve ry shoc ked by the
coincidence, We were obvio usly destined to be together." 03 say true things about you - your partner respo nd s
Al ist air co nt inued to have difficulties wi t h his heart, and he
had to have anothe r major heart operation. As soon as he with so (alii I, etc.) and neither (do I, etc,)
woke up aft er the operation, he proposed to Suzanne, and
t he co up le go t marr ied in 2002. 04 continue these sentences with the pas t perfec t:
The following year, Suzanne became pregnant, and baby
Hanna h was born in 2004 and is now a happy, healthy child a I gOt ro the train station, but...
who shows no signs of having inherited any heart problems b \Vhen I saw him , I was su r pri sed because ...
from her parents, Suzanne sa id, "Many heart patients can't
have ch i ld ren or their child ren are bor n with heart proble ms 0S report two thin gs th at so mebody sa id [0 YOll
thems elves, so for our amazing story to have suc h a happy
endi ng is just wonde r ful." yesterday using said or told me

Adapted from a newspaper 06 ask your partner three <jues tions without an

auxili ary ve rb beg inning with W1Io, H ow many,
and Wli ich

.tiIII Short movies Sports in New Zealand

VIOEO Watch and enjoy the movie.

Online Practice

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