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Published by samyamakolin, 2021-07-28 12:00:48





SPELL IT? Student A

~-'-. .. .' .,..~, .; ~- ~
• _./,_ fill ' .-- '..

1 Jesslca 2 _ _ Hughes 3 Bethany _ _

4 Dlxon I 5 Abigail _ _ I 6 _ _ Kelly a Look at YOU f pain t in g fo r a minute.

a Ask B qu estion s co co mplete the mi ss in g in fo rm a tio n . b Desc ri be your pa intin g fo r B to d raw.
~hoto 1 - Wha t 's her last name? How do you spell it?
c Lis te n to B descr ibin g h is I he r paintin g. Try to d raw it.
b A nswe r B 's qu esti o n s.
Do n't loo k at it. Ask B ques tions to help you.
P Asking for repetition
d Now co mpa re your d raw i ngs with th e or igin al
If you don't hear or understand somebody, you can say: painrin gs. Are th ey si mila r?
Sorry? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that?


a Ask B ques tio ns and compl ete the chart for O live r.

b An swe r B's q uestio n s abou t Alexa nd er. 2B AT, IN, ON St udent A
a As k B your questio ns.

I \Vhen we re you born?
2 W here do you usually have brea kfast?
3 W hat time do YOll usually have lun ch?
4 What days of rhe week do YOll usually go out in

the even ing?
5 \V har rime of day do you usually do your English

homewo rk?
6 \Vhen do you usually ta ke a vacat ion?
7 \Vhere do you usually li sten to music?
8 When's your birth day?

b A n swcr B 's qucs tio n s us in g at, in, o r on . Ask W hat
about y ou? fo r each qu es ti on .


Why d id n't Ha n nah see the man who was crossi ng Look at the pic ture for o ne m inute and try to rem ember
rh e st reet? wh at's in it. T hen go to p. 102.
2 Who was the man?
3 W hy did he c ross wi tho ut loo king? SA HOW FAST IS YOUR LIFE?
4 W here d id th ey go after ch at?
5 What did they order? Students A+S
6 W hy wa s Ja mie o n Bridge S t reet?
7 W hat and when was the concen? C heck your pa rtner's sco re and tell hi m o r her. Then read
8 W hat was spec ial a bo ut t he d ay? to see what it mea ns.

lA WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? How to score:
1 point for never
Student A 2 points for sometimes

a Ask B your ques t ion s usi ng gOill(J to. Ask fo r more 3 points for often
info rmat io n. Is your score between 6 and 9? You are living life in

What I you ! do after class? the slow lane. Compared to most people, you take things
What rime! you I get up tomorrow? easy and don't get stressed by modern -day living. You
W here I YOll I have lu nch romor row? are patient, relaxed, and easygoing. Most of the time this
W hat Iyou Jdo on Saturday night? is good news, but sometimes it can be a problem. For
W here I you I go fo r you r nex t vacat ion? example, are you sometimes late for appointments?
I yo u / sru dy English next yea r?
Is your score between 10 and 14? You have a medium
b Answer 8 's qu est ion s. G ive mo re infor mat ion.
pace of life. You are probably somebody who can change
lC WHAT'S THE WORD? Student A the speed at which you live depending on the situation.
Is your score between 15 and 18? You are living life
a Look at the six words or phrases on your card . Th ink in the fast lane, rushing around and trying to do many
different activities and projects at the same time. You
fo r a mi nute how you a re go in g to define t hem. are impatient and you find it difficult to relax. You are
probably very productive, but your relationships and
eJiJJ. . p health could suffer as a result.
, !' Adaptedfrom Richard Wiseman 's Quirkolo8.Y lI'ebsire
photo lazy sneakers
go sightseeing Arrivals passenger

b You have two minutes to communicate your word s
to B . R emem ber you ca n't use any part o r fo r m of th e
words on the card.

c Now listen to 8 's defini tion s. Try to guess the words.



Students A+B a Read about what happened when Tim used rhe three tes ts in
Lond on. Try to remember th e informati o n.
a \Vo rk indi vidu ally. Loo k at the list o f things
Ma x a lways does eve ry morning. Ha s he London
a lready done th em? Try ro remember what
wa s in rh e picture. \Vrire se ntences. The photo test
He's already made the bed.
OR He IIasII 't Ill ade the bed)'et. I wa s near Charring (ross station. I stopped a man who wa s walking
pretty slowly down the street, and I said, " Excuse me, could you
• make the bed take my photo?" The man said, " No, no, no time f or that," and just
• wash his coffee cups continued walking. Then I asked a business man in a gray suit who
• clean up his desk was walking toward the train station. He took one photo, but when I
• pick up his towel asked him t o take another one, he walked away qUickly.
• t ake the dog for a walk
• turn off his computer The shopping test
• put his clot hes in the closet I went to a souvenir store on Oxford Street, and I bought a key ring
• take a shower
• have breakfast and a red bus. The red bus was very expensi ve. The total price wa s
Forty pounds. I gave the man a hundred pounds. He ga ve me Sixty
b Work in pairs. Co mpare your se nten ces with
your parrner. Are th ey the same? Then go pounds bac!_
back ro p.10 I and compare your sentences
with rhe picture. Were you right? The accident test

68 I'LL GAME Students A+B For th is test, I went down into the Tube (the London Underground). As I
went down the stairs, I fell down and sat on the floor. A man immediately
Pl ay the ga me.
stopped and looked down at me. Ithought he was going to help me, but

he didn't-he just said, "Why don 't you look where you're going?"

b In you r ow n word s, reil Band C whar happened in Lo ndo n.

0rst he used the photo test...

c Li sten ro B and C tell you what h appened in Pa ri s and Ro me.

d Togerher decide which of the ciries is the fri endliest so far.



6e DREAMS Student A 7A HOW TO... Student A

a Last night, you dreamed about th ese thin gs. a Rea d the art icle How to survive at a party. Th en without
Prepare to tell B about your dream. lookin g at th e text, tell B the five tips. When you fini sh, dec ide
with B which is the most importa nr tip.
b B is a psychoanalys t. Tell him I her about
yo ur dream. He I she will tell you what How to .•. Survive at a Party
(when you don't know anybody)
it mea ns.
o Don't stand in the corner. You need to be positive.
0st anight, I dreamed about river... Find somebody you think you wouLd like to taLk to and

c C hange roles. Now you are a psychoanalyse. o introduce yourseLf.
Li sten to 8'5 drea m. Number the thin gs Try to ask impersonaL questions like ~Ilove your bag.

below in the o rder he I she talk s about them . o Where did you get it?~ This wiLL heLp to start a conversation.
Don 't dominate the conversation . When you are nervous,
o Ice cream - you will get some money it's very easy to taLk about yourseLf aLL the tim e. Nobody
o (from the lonery or fro m a relati ve) . wants to listen to your life story when they have just met

Long hair - you want to be free. Maybe o you for the first time.
you have probl em s w ith your fa mil y o r SmiLe! Use your body Language to give a positive, friendLy
a partner.
o impression.
D A key -yoll have a probl em a nd YOll are If you need to escape from a reaLLy boring person, say that
you are going to get a drink or that you need to go to the
lookin g for a so lution . bathroom. Don't come back!

C People speaking other languages - YO ll b B w ill tell you fi ve tips fo r How to survive a fi r st date. Li sten,
.... and wh en he or she fini she s, decide together which is the most
think your life is boring and you would important tip.

like to have a morc exci tin g life. BA WHAT SHOULD I DO? Student A

D Traveli n g by b us - you are worri ed about a Read problem I to B. He / she w ill gi ve you some advi ce.

a person who is conrrollingyour li fe. Problems
d Now use the information in c ro inrerpret 1 'don't know what to get my boyfriend / girlfriend for his / her

B 's dream. birthday. It's t omorrow!
2 I have problems going to sleep at night.
P Usefu l language 3 My children want a dog, but my husband / wife is allergic

First, you dreamed about... to animals.
This tells me that... 4 My neighbor's dog barks all the time. and it's driving me crazy!
This means you are going to... 5 My laptop isn't working well - it's very slow.
This represents...
b Thank B and say:
That's a good idea.
OR Thanks, bur that 's nor a very good idea beca use. ..

c Now li sten to 8 's problem 1. G ive him / her advice. Beg in with
o ne ofrhe phrases below.
I think you should... You should n·t. .. I don't ch ink you should .

d Continue w ith problems 2- 5.




a Work w ith a part ner. Fi rst pract ice saying rh e na mes. a Look at the odd numbered se ntences (1, 3, S, 7, 9, a nd
11 ) and thi n k of rh e missin g verb (!±I = affirmat ive verb,
Hartley "hortli' the Montgomerys 'mon'gAmcriz B = negat ive ve rb). Don't w rite any thing yet!
Vivienne 'VIVi:ln'
Heloise /du'iz.,

b Act out th e d ia logue. Use th e ad verbs in pare ntheses to Dia na was very a ngry beca use her husba nd ___ the
help you, a nd remem ber to pause at the commas. di nner. El

H (anxiously) Vivienne, you didn't answer my last letter. It 2 We went back to see rhe ho use whe re we had lived
took me a week to find your new address! Why didn't you when wc were ch ildren .
answer me? You knew I was waiting to see you and hear
from you . 3 He cou ld n't catch the pla ne beca use he ___ his

V (slowly) Mr. Hartley, I don't know what to say to you. I pass port. [±]
understand all the advantages of your offer, and sometimes
I feel sure that I could be happy with you. But then 4 The house was very di n y because nobody had
sometimes I am less sure. I was born a cit y girl, and I am not cleaned it for a lo ng t im e.
sure that I would enjoy living a quiet life in the suburbs.
S We went bac k to rhe hotel where we on our
H My dear girl, you will have everything that you want. You honeymoon .[±]
can come to the city for the theater, for shopping, and to
visit your friends as often as you want. You can trust me, 6 The crocodi le was hun g ry because it hadn't eaten
can't you? anythi ng fo r two days.

V {seriously} I trust you completely. I know you are the kindest 7 After I left the sto re, I suddenly re mem bered that I
of men, and that the girl who you get will be very lucky. I _ __ for t he jacket. El
heard all about you when I was at the Montgomerys'.
8 I ran to t he train station , but the la st t rain had left.
H Ah! I remember so well the evening I f irst saw you at the
Montgomerys'. I will never forget that dinner. Come on, 9 Naom i was sur pr ised to hear that she ___ the
Vivienne, promise me. I want you. Nobody else will ever exam. [±]
give you such a happy home.
(suspiciously) Tell me, Vivienne, is there - is there 10 I did n't wantto lend Ma r ia t he boo k bec ause I hadn't
someone else? r e a d it.

V (defensively) You shouldn't ask that, Mr. Hartley. But I 11 Jac k was angry because 1___ h im co my parry. El
will tell you. There § one other person - but I haven't
promised him anything. 12 They gO[ co rhe movie th eater late, an d the movie had
s tarted .
H (masterfully) Vivienne, you must be mine.
V (calmly) Do you think f or one moment that I could come to b Read sentence 1 to B.l fit's not right, try agai n unril B
tells you "That's r igh t." T h en w rite in t he verb.
your home while Heloise is there?
c li sten to B say sentence 2. [f it's the sa m e as 2 above, say
c C ha nge roles. "That's right." If not, say "Try aga in" until B gets it right .

d Co nti nue taking t u rn s w it h se nte nces 3- 12.

TO DO? Stu dent A
The answer is b. Dogs like to attack any part of you that is movi ng,
a Re ad t he a nswers to In the city. usually hands or arms. It is also dangerous to turn your back on
the dog. You shouldn't look the dog in its eyes because this will
b Tell Band C th e ri g ht an swers and w hy rhe make him angry. Shouting"down" o r "go away" at the dog will not
or her o nes are wrong. work because dogs usually only react to their master's voice.

c Listen to B a nd C tell you about the or her 2 The answer is a . Bees will usually fly out of an open window.
secti o n s (In the country and In the water). but don't wave your hands around as bees follow movement and
C heck your answers. might try to sting you. And you shouldn't hit the bee because this
will make the bee very angry. Of course , as soon as you can you
should sto p the car and open the doors.



a Complete your semences with th e verb in rhe passive Student A
a nd rhe r ight a n swe r.
a Com ple te your questio ns w ith th e ve rb in pa re ntheses
Unti l 1664 ew York _ _ (ca ll ) in the s imple past.
a Ne w Am sterdam
b New Hampshire \Vho ___ the barrle of \Vaterloo in IS I S? (lose)
c New Liberty a Duke of Wellin gton
2 Th e Star Wars movies _ _ (direct) by.. . b Bismarck
a George Lu cas c Napoleon
b 5 reve n Spiel berg 2 \Vhich Span ish act ress ___ a n Oscar in 20 06?
c Stan ley Kubrick (wi n)
3 The noun rhar _ _ (use) m OSt frequendy in a Penelope C ruz
conve rsation is.. b Sa lma Hayek
c Cameron Diaz
a money b rim e c wo rk 3 W ho ___ the mov ie Avatar? (direc t)
4 Penguin s _ _ {find ) ... a Steve n Spielberg
b James Cameron
a at the South Pole c Ridl ey Scon
b at rhe Norrh Po le 4 \V h ich Fo rmu la I d river ___ in 2007, but retu rn ed
c inAlaska to raci ng in 20 1O? (retire)
5 The Italian f lag _ _ (des ign) by... a Fernando Alonso
a Garibaldi b Mu ssolini c apolco n b Michae1 Schumacher
6 The first cell phones _ _ (sell) in .. . c Se bastian Ven el
a 1963 b 1973 c 1983 5 \V hi ch Ro man Emperor ___ ." ca me I saw I
7 Th e politician \Vin sron C hurch ill _ _ (born). " co nquered?" (say)
a on a train b in a rcstroo m C und er a br idge a Augusrus b Nero c Julius Caesar
8 Th e electric chair _ _ (i nvent) by... 6 Who ___ the world record fo r the 100· and 200·
a a tca cher b a de nti st c a politi cian meter race at t he Beijing Oly mpics? (brea k)
a Usain Bolt
b Read your se ntences to B . B w ill tell you i f you a rc right, b Ca rl Lewis
c M ichael Joh nson
c Now liste n to B 's se nte nces. Say if he I she is right . 7 \Vhich painter ___ off parr of his ea r? (cut)
a Picasso b Va n Gogh c Mat isse
B'sanswers 8 \Vho ___ penicilli n? (di scover)
I The Sma rtphone was inve nted by IBM . a A lexander Fleming
2 The Lord ofthe Riflgs m ov ies were directed by Peter b James Warson
c T ho mas Ed ison
Jackso n.
3 The book th at is srole n mos t o ften from libraries is bAsk B your qu es tio n s. G ive your pa rtner one po int fo r
each correct a nswe r.
Th e Gllill11ess Book ofn eco rds.
4 In the world. 16,000 b abies are born every hour. c Answe r B's qu estion s. \Vho go t t he most right
S Chess wa s invemed by the C hinese. a n swe r s?
6 The first Levi jeans we re worn by miners.
7 Soccer was first played by the British.
S In 1962 , the ori ginal London Bridge wa s bought by a

rich American.



SPELL IT? Student B

a Answer A's ques tions.

b Ask A ques tio n s to comple te the mi ssing infor m at ion.
~hoto 1 - What's her first name? How do you spell it?

P Asking for repet iti on

If you don't hear or understand somebody, you can say:
Sorry? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that?

1B ALEXANDER AND OLlVER Student B a Look at yo ur painting for a minute.

a Answer A's questions about Oliver. b Listen ro A describing hi s I her pa inrin g. Try to draw it.

Do n't loo k at it. Ask A questio ns to help you.

c Now describe your paiming for A to d raw.

d Compare your drawi ngs with the or igin al pai ntin gs.
Are th ey si mil ar?

What / do? 2B AT, IN, ON Student B
What / like?
a A nswer A's ques tion s using at, in, or on . Ask What
b Ask A ques tion s and com pl ete rh e chart for A lexa nder. about you? for each question.

106 b Ask A your questions.

\Vhere were you born?
2 \Vhat tim e do you usually get up during the week?
3 \Vhere do you usually have lunch?
4 \Vhat time of day do you usually meet fri end s?
5 V/hen do you usually go shop ping?
6 W here do you usually do your English homework?
7 V/hen do you do housework?
8 \Vhere can YOll rake a n ice wa lk near where yo u live?


a An swe r A's questions. G ive more information. a Read about what happened when Tim used the three
rests in Paris. Try to remember the information.
b As k A your q uestio ns lI s i ng[joill[j to. Ask for mo re
infor mation. Paris

I you f go our this even in g? The photo test
\Vhar I you I have for d inn er ronight? I was standing in front of the Eiffel Towe r and I
What I you I wear tomorrow? asked some gardeners to take some photos of me.
I yo u I go anywhere next weekend ? They couldn't stop laughing when they saw my hat,
\Vhar I you I do next sli m mer? but they took the photos.
When I you / do your En gli sh homework?
The shopping test
3C WHAT'S THE WORD? Student B I bought some fruit in a grocery store. 1gave the
man a lot of euro co ins and he care f ully took t he
a Look at the six words o r phrases on your card. Think exact amount .
for a minute how you arc going to define them .
The accident test
• T~ I fell down in the Champs Elysees. The street was
ve ry busy, but after a minute someone stopped and
a painting generous shorts said to me, "Are you OK?" He was Scottish!

- - - - -"'L.I<;;;I--I'$ b Listen to A tell you what h appened in London.

··_ _ z c In your ow n wo rds, tell A a nd C what happe ned
in Par is.
book a flight Check-in a nurse'" -
0rst, he used the photo test...
d Listen to C te ll you what happened in Rome .
b Listen to A's definitions. Try to guess the words.
e Toget her decide which of the cities is the fr iend lies t
c You have two minutes to commu ni ca te your words so far.
to A. Rememb er you ca n 't use any part or fo rm of the
words on the card.

7A HOW TO.•. Student B { How to ... Survive a First Date (and make a success of it)

a Read the article How to survive a o Think carefully about what to wear for the date. If you are a man, try to
fi rst d ate. dress stylishLy but casually {no suits!}. If you are a woman, it's important
not to dress too suggestiveLy. Don't wear too much perfume or aftershave!
b A wi ll te ll yo u five tips for H ow
to s ur vive at a pa rty. Liste n, • Choose a place that isn't too expensive {you don't know who is going to
and when he or she fini s hes,
decide rogether which is the most e pay}. Try to go somewhere that isn't very noisy.
important tip. Don't be too romantic on a fi rst date. For examp le, arriving with a red rose

c Loo k aga in quick ly at How to o on a first date isn't a good idea!
survive a firs t d a t e. Then without Remember to listen more than you talk. but don't let the conversation
looking at th e tex t, tell A the fiv e die. Silence is a killer on a first date! Be natural. Don't pretend to be
rips. When you fin ish, decide with somebody you aren't.
A whic h is the most imporra nt tip.
. , If you are a man, be a gentleman and pay the check at the end of the evening.
If you are a woman, offer to pay your half of the check (but don't insist!).




a Last 11 iglu you drea med about these thi ngs. a Li sten to A's problem I. Gi ve him ! her advice. Begin w ith o ne of
Prepare to te ll A about your dream. the phrases below.
I thin k you should.. . You shou ldn 't .. I do n't thin k you should ..
b You are a p syc hoa nalyst. Li sten ro A's
drea m. umber the things be low in the b Read your proble m I to A . He I she wi ll give you some ad vice.

o rd er he I she talks about t hem. Pro b l e m s
1 I sha re an apartment with a friend, but he / she never does
D Taking a bath - you have a secret that
the dishes!
nobody knows abo ut. 2 I want to take my boyfriend / girlfriend somewhere realty

o Dogs -you are look in g fo r friends. special on Saturday night.
o Losi ngh a ir -yotl are goi ng to lose some
o money. 3 I need some new clothes for a wedding, but I don't know

Lost luggage - a probl em you have will what to buy.
soon get better. 4 I think I'm getting a cold - I have a headache and a cough.
S My sister always borrows my clothes, and when I want t o
D A river - you are going to be very lucky.
wear them, they're dirty.
c Now usc the information in b to interpret
A's dream. c Thank A a nd say:
T hat 's a good idea .
P Useful language OR T ha nk s, bu t th ar's not a ve ry good id ea because .. .

First, you dreamed about... d Co ntinue wirh problems 2- 5.
This tells me that...
This means you are going to ... 9A WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO?
This represents...
Student B
d C ha nge roles. Now A is a psychoana lys t.
a Read rhe answers ro In t h e cou ntr y.
Tell him I her abollt yo ur drea m. A wi ll tell
In the country
yo u w hat it means.
~ast night, J dreamed about ice-cream. .. 3 Theanswer is c. lfyou tie a bandage or a piece of material above
the bite, this will stop the po ison from getting to your heart too
108 quickly. However, be careful not to tie it too tightly. You shouldn 't
put ice or anything cold on the bite because this w ill make it more
diffic ult to get t he poison out later, and never try to suck out the
poison. If it gets into you r mouth. it might go into your bLood.

4 The answer is b . lf yo u are lucky, the bull will change directi o n
to foLLow the hat or bag and give you t ime to escape. It doesn 't
matter what color the shirt is. Bulls don 't see color-they only
see movement. Don 't try t o run away be cause bulls can run
incredibly fa st, and you shouldn't shout or wave yo ur arms
because this will attract the bull 's attention even more.

b Liste n to A tell you abou t In the city. C heck your a nswe rs.

c Te ll A a nd C rhe right a nswe rs for In the cou n try and w hy t he
other o nes are wron g.

cl Li sten to C reil you about In t h e water. Check your answe rs.


a Complel(, you r ~C11lcnc('s w ith the H~rh in llH,' p3 s~i"" Student B
Jnd the right :I!ISlI'er.
a Look JI thce\"t'n numbe red scnrences(2.4. 6. tl. 10,
The SmarlphOl1e _ _ (invem) by... a nd I 2) and th ink ofI h e rn iss ing ,·cTb (lE " aftl rmali,"!;!
' ·crb, .~ " m:gath·e verb). I1nn't write anylhing re t!

<1 I\pple h "'okia c lijM Diana w3S ,·ery angr ), bl'cau<;e her husband hadn 't

2 TheLfJNo!tht>Rill8Sm,wit's __ (direcr)b> .. . cooked th" dinner.
1 W,· we lll back to ~ the h"u~" we
a 5U,'\'('n Spielht,rg
"hen we wen: .. hiI<Jr ~I1. B::
b lam", CamcrQll

c Pett'r lad:....m J Hc cou ldn·t catch the plane because hI.· had forgulI c n

3 Th.-bookrhal (~t("al)mostoflcnrronl hi. passpn.t.

1ihraric~ is ... .. I he houS{' ...a~\·er) diny IJ.ccau~ nobody it for

a The Killl" a 10Hglime. r+
b Tllr G ,.i,,,,rs.< Hook ofRecords
c rlw L(I.d I)flll<' Ri"lls 5 W,· "'cm back w the hotel where we had stayed on nur

-+ In the world, 10,000 babies _ (born)... honeymoon.
a '''l'ry~cond h c\"c ryhouT <: c\('ryday
/> The c rocodik" as hung.y b.:,·ause i, _ anything

.5 (;h",_. _ ([n\,em) hr·· c the Chint'st for twO days._-
After I left Ill<' Store . I ~udMnl)" .ememlx-r«l thal I
a Ihe egyptialls b the Iml;,ms
hadn' t paid for the jade' .
6 The first Lt'"i icans _ _ (wear) b> .. .
a miners b farmcr~ c cowbo)~ 8Irantothetrain,tation.bu(thelasttrain _ _ •

9 l\aomi \\a~ surpri sed 10 hear Ihal she h a d passed

7 Soccer firSI _ _ <pla»b).,
,a the Br ili~h b the Romans thcc;{JtlI.
lhe Greek~
10 Ididn·, want 10 lend Ma.ia ,h.. book becau<e I __ il. 3
(buy) b~" .
S In 1962. the original London Bridge 11 Jack wa~ ang r)· bl'cansl' I ha tln 't inv it e d him In

a a rich A Illerican mypany.

h a Ilm<CUllI 12 They got to th" movie Ihea"'. lale. and the
c the Ropl family
mo,·ic __ .'l

b Listen 10 A"s sc1lfcn cc~. Say ifh(' f she is right . b Li'lcn 10 A saysemencc 1.lfit·s(hesameas I above. say
-Thar"srigln.- If not, say ~Tr) again- umil A gel~ it right.
A's a ns wers
Lmil166-1 ~t'W York W3~ c31lctl Nc" Arns,eNi3m. c Rcad seme nce 2 to A .lrit"~ nm right.lry again umil
A tells yon -Thal ·~ riglll .- I hen" rile in Ihe verb.
2 The .\/lIT \l'lIrs mo' ies were direCled h} George I .UC3~.
d Continue (a\':ing !Urns wilh sen(enle~ .\- 12.
.3 The noon Ihal i_ used most frl'qul'1l1Iy in conH'rs.nion
.. Pl'ngu ins are found al Ihe SOUl h Pole. Wh )' did,,·, H~""ah ~ce t he man \\"h<> was (Tossi "g
.i The Italian nag was de~igned by NafK'leon. the ,n"e!?
6 Thefirstce1lphoneswcf"soldinl,!IU. 2 What happen,·d?
7 The politician Win_IOn Chu~hilJ wa~ Iwrn J Wh"r~ did she go then and what did she dn?
4 Who arri,ed OIl he. h..u>c tWO hour~ laler?
in a reMTtJ'..un. .l \\·hat ne\\"~ did she ha,·e for Ilannah?
8 The eleCTric chair" as invenled b)· a dl·ruisl.
6 HO', "as Jam ie?
c Read your Sl'tlIe nces to A . A ...iIIlell ,·ou if ,ou 7 \\' ha, did .he tdl H,mna h abo,," (h" ,,;or ~nd the d.i,·cr'
are righT .
8 Whal happened in the end?



QUIZ Student B
a R~ad about what h~ppencu ...h<:11Tim used the three tes tS in
a Compicte your quest ions Wilh f h~ "crh in ROlllt'. Try l<\ rcmembc r tilt' illform~tion.
pa rt'lll h",cs ;n IhI.' si mple paSI.
Who Pn..~i,Jcru Qf lh,- CS d Slu y('ar~
The photo tesl
afe.' r his falher had h«n the LS Ilrl'~ilknl ? I asked a very chic woman who was wearing sunglasses 10 take
some photos. She took a pho to of me witll my hat on and IlIen
(Ix-will,,) wit hout my hat. Then another photo with my sunglasses. Then she

a Kill Clin(on asked me to take a photo of lIer!

b John F. Kcnll('d~' The shopping test
c Gcorgc Bush
I bougllt a newspaper from a ne wstand near tile train station. It
2 Who ___ ,he pan n( lh" mo ll,,:r in Ihe
was three euros. I gave the man four euros, and he didn't give me
11I0\' ie "'""""a M;a? (play) (lny dl(1n ge.
a Mcr yl Slre...p
b )ulin Il(}hcrt~ The aCCident test
I we nt to (I busy street near tile train station. When I f elt down,
0: Sandra Bullo ck about eight people immediately hurried to help me.

.3 Wh ich tenni~ pla)"r Wimbledon five b I . ;~t"n 10 A and 6 ,...11 yOIl "hat hapllc ned in Lo ndon and Paris.

yc;trS in a row between 200.\ and Z007? (" in) c In ),ou r ()\\ n words, ,...11A anu R " hat happened in Rom....
~iI"S f, he used the phot o test_.
a Roger Fedcrcr
b Ra fal.'l t'\ ad al d Together (h:ciue which of ,h.. cili<;,s is ,he friendlies t SQ far.
c Nmak Djokolk
.. Who _ _ [hc~iMincChapel ? {painl)
a Read the an sw~r~ to I n t h e wate r.
a Lco na rdod a Vinci
In the water
b Michclangclo S The answer is c . If a Jellyfish stings you, you shCHJld clean the sting

0: Raphacl with vinegn because this stops the poison. IfyCHJ don't hive any
Vinegar, use oce(ln water. But don 't use fresh water, for example
5 Which In", il' _ __ dCI'Cll (hear.. in water froma tap or miner.t water. because this will make the sting
hurt more. Andyou shouldn't Nb the sting because this will make
ZOO.3? (win) it worse. too. After you hive wnhed the sting, you should clun
off any biU of tentacles that are onyourskin. And take a pain kille rl
a lJ.c KiI(IJ~SI'<·"'}, 6 The Inswer il a , lf you are nur the shore and the shark is not t oo
close, you can probably swim to the shore without attracting it s
b Tlrr QIleell Itte nt ion. Fo r th is reuon it is important to swim smoothly and
0: Th r. R ClUrll llftlre Kil18 not splash 0' m. ke sudden movements. Kee ping st lU Is dange rous
to Who ___ a wooden hor.;,;: 10 enl er Ihe because if the shirk swims in your d irection, it will see you . nd it
will attack you . Don't shout because shouting will provoke thl
cil~' IIf1 TtJ~? (use) shark and it will.luck you.

a Ihe Greeks b Listtn to A and B tell you Ihe a ns wers in rhe mhcr ....,ctinn, ( In
the city a nd In th e cou nt ry). C heeJ.: your an swer •.
b the Romans
c the I'c r.jan. c Tl'tl A and 13 Ih~ ri ght an swe rs for In th", wa t er and "h~ Ihc
'" her onl'S a rt wron 1<.
7 Which l':l lllousboxe r w fi)!luinlhe

Victnam w~r in 1967' (refu~e)

J M uham mad Ali
h JUl' Fradn
( Sugar I~ay Robin,,)Jl

8 WhO ___ lhe Idl'phon e? (inll·m )

a \ ia r<.:on; b Bell ( Slt'ph..n ~

b Ans wc r A\ ques tions.

c As l; A your ,t uc~l i<lns. Gin' yOtJt pannt'T
Olll' pOint for each c,.rTcct an s wer. Who gOt
the mOSt right answers?



a Read Charlic's ('mail. Tht! ctJlIIlllltCr ha s found ten misr<l\a:~.
They art'~, ~, or ~ misrakc~. CJJl YOIl
correct them?

From: Ctlarlit (oa,eacarlo$Ol'>Qlm,il.o:om)

To: L.ucy (]

SUbje~l : Hi tram M.ideo • .
Hi Luey,

My name's Charlie. Well, il's really Carlos , bul everyone calls me Chartie.
I'm (rom Mexico City, and I ~ve a\ home WIth my parents and my dog.

~, and I'm in college. I'm SI.\!SIiQQ physics. I'm in my last year,
and I really like it.

I'm going 10 tell you aooul myself. As you can 5(1(1 irom the 1Q!9:. I have black
hair and bc.QyIQ! eyes. My father always says I have a big nose, but I don't
think so. I think ifs a nice nosel

I think I'm a positive pefSOIl. My ~ say I'm funny and ifs lrue. I fike
making people laugh. But I ~ serious 100 when I need to be!

I d9r!1 have ~ Iree time ~ when I'm not in class. I have 10 do

projects or write rapofts. But when 1can, I like watching TV series. espedally
sclencelicfion series and comec:lies. I watch Ihem in ~ with IWbtitles.
I also like playmg computer games like World 01 Warcralt and $Iarcrafl.

Please write soon and tell me about you and your hfe.

Best wishes.

1LCha-rli_e _ _ ___ ~...~_ __ ._. _ _•

h R~ad thc cmail again from th~ hcginning. Th~n co'·cr it and c Write a similar ~tllajl alx>ut rOil or ;1 pe rson
you know. Write (om parallraphs.
aMwt!r th" 'lUl"tions (rom mtmory.
__ ."Paragraph~1 +~n=amke."l"Ia="t"l:oo'n-a-it-t_y. ag_e, famil0 I
Where'~ Ch;nli .. from~
2 What·s his rtal nam..? Paragraph 2 physical appearance
J WhudO("shcli,·ewilh-
4 Whal d"e ~ h" do ? Paragraph 3 personat,"",-,-_ __
!j Whatdocs he look like?
6 What"s h~ Ill,,? IParagraph 4 hobbies and interests
7 What arc hi s (a,·orite free -tinK· ani\"i1 ies?
d Check your cmail (or mi,takcs (~,
~.and~ ) .

..c: p.7

Writing tU


One of f~vorite photos is this one of me and my
sister, Christy.

My dad took the photo the spring of

2011 when we were vacation with our

f amily _ _ New York City.

We were at a place called 8ryan! Park. tt's a

pretty falllOlA park behind the New York City

Pvblic Library midtown Manhattan. We

were standing in front of the Josephine Shaw

Memorial Fountain, throwing coins in the water

and mak ng wishes. My dold W.H telling us all

about the history of the fountain--it was the

first fou~tain in New York City dedicat ed t o a

woman . When my dad took the photo, my sister

and I werejVS1 jumping im<.l '''''''';ng _ _ the

fountain and being silly.

I love this photo beuuse it's happy, and it
rem inds me of Cl great day in the city.

I have I~e photo a frame and

my computer with other photos

New YCKk City.

a Match the qu"'lions with paragraph, 1-5. e Write aoom you r fa\'orite phuw. Answer (he
que~tions in a in the r ighl order.
L Wha t was happeing when yo u took the photo7
:J Where do you kee p it? d ehI'd: y...ur desc ripti...n for mi stakes
: l Why do you like it? ()I, ..", mar. punctuat io n. and ~rcl lin g).
l.J What's your favoritl! photo7 /\lIach a wpy o f tht' photo if you can. ShU\\
your descripti, ,,, to another -rudcnl.]S Ihe
C Who took it1When7 Where7 photo ..inll lar in a ny way 10 yours?

"fb l.omplt'te the lext with ill. Oil, or QNlltlll/. -0( p.15

P You can keep a photo_

in an album. on the wall. by your bed.
yoor wallet.
your bedroom. a table. J
a frame.
your phone.

- -your computer,


3 AN INFORMAL EMAIL From' Emily Ba,...,]6arnes]
To: KiN...... ]]
a Om:!r is J Studelll from Peru" ho's SlIbtec I: You. trip
going to s'ud~· English in the US. He\
going 10 St 3.), with a family. Read 1ht' cmai1 I~hank comin~1-0'-"-'-'-'you -,m- ail. We're very happy that you're
(rom Mrs. Barncs and complete it whh
cxpn'ssions (rom rhl·li,t. 10 Slay wilh liS thiS summer. arid we're sure you're going to enjoy
your stay With US.
Whal ~me are you arriving al Newar!< Airporl1 1t you send us)'OUr
Best wishes Dear Omar IIIght number and arriva! time. we can all meet you in lhe arrivals
P.S. Looking forward t o he"ring f rom you area. Can you send us your cell phone number, too?

b Rl'ad Ihe email again and an swer The Could you also give us some other inlormation? What day are you
going back to Peru? Is there anylhing you can't eat or drink? Do
qUI'SI iOlls.
you want your own room, or would you like to snare a room With
I When j, OmaT comi ng 10 the US?
2 How is he travcling? another stuclent? Is there anything special you would like 10 do or
] Wh" is going 10 me/'! him allhc airport?
4 [)~s()marha,-closhaream"m? see in the US?
5 Does LookinajoTII'llrd 10 hCIl"lIgfrom ),ou

mean ... ?
a I hup\" you write again SOOll. '---
b I'm going 10 Wrile 10 yOIl again »<Xln .
Emily Bame5
6 Does P.S. mean. ..
• I'm at1aching a photo of lhe family so you can
a This isn', n'ry imponam i nror malion.
recognize us althe airporU
b I filrgvi IQSJ), Ihi s before.
7 Why doe~ ~'I rs. [3arn",s ~nd Om3.

a phOlO?

c Imagine y.J\I arc going to Slay with ,\1 ••.
Barn es. An swer her cmail using yOUT own

informa li.)n. Wrile three pa ragra ph... End
the elllail wit h lies/ willIes :lnd rour name.

I Pllrllgrllph 1 Thank her for her emaii. ~

Paragraph 2 Say when you are arr jvj~

Paragraph 3 I An5wer her other quest iOfl",'c'__

d C heck your email for mi'lah's (gum mar.
pllnCTll<lfion. and ~ pc]] i llg).

-c: p.23


4 DESCRIBING WHERE YOU LIVE c Write a dc~cription of the place where you
live. Write five paragraphs. Answer the
a Read the ttxt ;md complete it with these word,. ques tions in b in the right order, Fir't, make
not{\~ on [he 'juestion, in b_
area city food historiC modern
nature population rivers weather d Check your em~il for mistakes (grammar,
punctuation . and spelling), Show your
b MJtch the (Illestions with paragraphs 1- 5.
description w other students in vnur cbss,
L What's it famous for?
Which place that you read alwur \\'ou ld you
C W h~t 's the weathe r li ke? m"q like to visit?

[ l What's th e best thing ~bout it? Do you li~e living there? ..( p.39

U Wh ~t'5 four hometown li ke? Wha t is there to see there?

D Where do you live? Where is it? How big is it?

I We in Kayseri, which is an important 'city 3 The 6 in Kayseri IS typOcal of the Middle Anatolia

in Central Anatotia in Turkey. It has a 2_ _ __ region, Winters are cold and snowy - great for skiing - and

of over 1,000,000 people, It's near the famous summers are hot and dry_It sometimes rains in tne spring

Cappadocia l ,50 there are a lot of and fall

tourists in the summer, 4 Kayse "i is famous for it5 mountains, Mount Erciyes is the
symbol of the city and it has a weU- known ski resort, and on
2 Kayseri is one of the richest cities in Turkey Mount Ali there are national and iotematw;mal paragliding
because it has a lot of industry, It is a university championships_ It's also famous for its? _ _ _ and has many
town, and there Me also many .,____ local specialities like p(lstirma, which is dried beef with spOce5,
and rronti, which is a kind o f Turkish ravioli,They're delicious!
buildings. for e~ample Kayser; Castle, Hunat

Hatun Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar around

Cumhuriyet Square. with Its famous statue 5 What Ilike best about Kayseri is that we are so close to
8 , When I'm tired of city life, Ican easily get out
of Ataturk. But Kayseri also has 5

residential areas full of luxury apartment and enjoy the mountainS, g waterfalls, and thermal

buildings, shopping malls. and stylish spas, which are only a short distance away,


From; Ryou Yamada [[
To: Beaeon Intensive Language Schooj [
Subject Inlormalion abOut courses

Dear Sir ' Madam.
I am writing to ask lor information about your language
courses. I am especially interested in an intensive course of

IWO or three weeks. I am 31, and I work in the library althe

UniverSIty 01 Tokyo. I can read English Quite well. bul I need
10 improve my ~stening and speaking.

I have looked at your website, but thole is no informatiOn
abou! intenSive courses next summer. Could you please
send me information about dales and pri<:es? I would also
like some informalion about accommodations. If possible,
I would like 10 Slay with a family. My wile is going 10 viSit me
for a weekend w he n I am al the school. COl/Id she stay wilh
me at the same family's home?

I look 100ward 10 hearing from you.

Ryou Yamada

a Re3d Ihl' cmail m .. la nguage .;;,,;hotll. (,hed. (/ ) Iht c Read thc ad, erti~clllcnt~ and ch<lOse a cour..c. Think n(
qUe"j'''b Ihat Ryon w~nrs rhe s(:hool to an""cr. TWO or thr« (Iuntions you wou ld like to ask.

C Ho" much do lhecourSCSCOSl? d Wrire a form~11 cmail asking for infor mat ion.
Wri, ... TWO paragraphs.
\\lhen do llle' ~Ol1h('~ "~n "nd "nd'

U Ilu\\' many ~ r l1dem~ are rhere in a cla«?

o A re Ihcre busim'$S English classc.?

.J Whn" can I ~I ay?

::J Where~relheltachcrsfrom?

h I.ook .lIthe highlighted l'"xpressions. I low would they Iw
di(ferem in an informal cmail (or ll'trcr)~

~<:~:r I Madam. Informal

IlIm writing Paragraph 1 ExplaIn why you ilre wr~'ting.

Iwould like Paragraph 2 and gIve some perS0!l31
Ilook forward to hea ring
from you . Ask your Quest ions. and ask
lhem to send you information.

c CIH'c \.: your tlllail for mistakes (gramma r. punctuation.
and ..pelling).

<01{ p_57


6 A BIOGRAPHY Nora h Jones

a Ke dd 11'l: hiogra phr o(Norah J''''~5 . T hen Nora h Jones IS an America n Singer-songwriter and
co,er t he text and try TU rCIlH'mhcr th ree ac tress She lw.u.bOm_ (b e born) in 1979 in New York
things aoom her. City. Her father is Ravi Shankar. a famous Indian sit ar player.

b I'ullllc verbs in paremheses in the simple and her mother is the concert producer Sue Jones. In 1986.
past or presellt ~ r fcc!.
her parents z (sepui!lte) and later gOt divorced.
P Writi ng a biography ~ use of t enses
If you wTlte Cl bIOgraphy of iI person who is and Norah went to live in Te)(as With he r mot he r.
dead, the verbs will all be in the simpl. pas t .
Norah J _ _ (b e ) interested in music all her life . When
If the person is alive. ell finished actions will
be in the simple pes t (such as the person's she was young. she played the sa Kophone and she was in
early life, e.g" was bom, went to college,
ete.. or specific actions in their life, e.g" got two different choirs. She ~ (go) to the Univer sity
married, moved to another town, etc.).
o f North Texas to study jazz piano. and wh ile she was there
However. you must use the present perfect
for unfinished actIOns that started in the she 5 (m ee t ) Jesse Ham s. She s tarted a band

past and are still true now (and which might wi th him a year later, and since then they ti (wo rk)

dlartge), e.g., She has won nine Grammy together on many d ifferent prOJects.
awards. She has appeared in sever81 movies.
In 1999, s he 7 (move) to
use the simple pres ent {or prese nt
cont inuous] to talk about the present day, New York City. and 10 2001 she

e.g., She lives in New YOfk. She's working on a Signe d a co ntra ct with Blue

new album.

c Write ,1 b i ,,~ rJphr of '<Ome-one ) <>u know. No te Records. Since then she
or ofa fanlOU ~ person. who is s till alil·c.
' _ _ _ (m a ke) nve al bum s.

Wr ite threc pa rag raphs. Mak e not.:-s before and they have all been very

F phlyou begin. successful. She ~ _ _ _

{win} nine Grammy

where and when t hey were awa rds and ha s sold
born. t heir early life
(simple past) over 37 miUlon i!llbu ms

worldwid e . She h as also

Paragraph 2 th eir life as a young adult appeared in several
(mostly simple i»stl
movies. indu ding

pi!lri!lgC,c, cphc,:-i their later Ufe and their life now My Blueberry Nights.

(SImple past. present peffect. She has been in only
on e rela tionship.
L _~,~S,i,m=pntllneupor~'eC's:Je_nt_I preseflt with Le e Alex ander. but
t hey 10__ __ (b re ak
d Check yOll r biography for mist ake s up) in 2007. She still live s
(g ra mmar. punctuat ion. and ~ pdJing). 10 New York. Right now she
Show you r biogn phy to other ~tudent s IS work ing on a new album.
in rh.:- class. W hich of your classmate~'
biographies is the most interc~t i ll g?

...( p.73

7 AN OPINION ESSAY b Read the arlicle again and cnmple!c the blanks
wilh a word or ph ra,... from Ihe list. Use capital
it Read the ;Held\: ,me." 00 yOIl wi lh \\ h:u it says? k1t... r, \\ here n«essa n ·.

Every lime! turn on the teleVIsion. I'm su re 10 find a sports finally firstly fOf example thirdly

show on one of t he channels. If I change channels, there - - -in my opinion instead to contlude
will probably be a sports show or Cl sports report on other
c You are going 10 writr an art icle called ;'Thc rc
channels, too, especial ly on the weekend. lln my opinion there
arc 100 many realit y shu ws un TV", Do yuu
are definitely too many sports shows on TV for the following agree? Wi th a pa rtne r decidr ifyou ag ree or not .
reasons. and Ihi nk of thrc.:: nf four rea~un ~.
2 • If you compare Sports wit h other TV shows,
d Wril'" th... article. Write fnur o r five paragraphs.
sports com pletely domina te . The on ly t ime you can watch
Paragraph 1 Write an introduction. You can
talk shows or game shows or soap operas is on weekday adapt the introduc t ion in the model
article. Say if you agree or not.
mOl'nings or afternoons. This is not fair to people who like
Middle Give your reasons. Begin the
other kinds of TV shows, l _ _ dramas. polilca l shows. par agraphs paragraphs wit h Firstly. secondly.
(Thirdly.) and Finally.
Or documentaries.
Last W,ite a conclusion (this should be 11
Secondly, th e sports shows on TV are nOI only the important paragraph summary of what you wflte in the
games. Every week they show boring games from college and _ _ _ _~ middle paragraCC'" O" C. _ _ _ __

even high school diVISions. e Check you r article for llI i~ l al ...s (gr;l lll mar.
punct uation. and ,p...ll ing). Show your article 10
4 • I also believe that, on the weekend. most nther ..tudents i n the class. 1'10\\ lIIany ufyuu r
people want to relax in front of the televISIon. Many people, classmates agree wit h you? 1(1)\\ many disagree?
including me. don't like sportS. arid prefer to see good
movies or funny comedy shows. --C: p.85

S , I think that even on news programs there
IS too much in form ation abou t sports. It is very
annoying when they talk about sports for hours every
day. especially when there are more important thIngs
happening In Ihe world.

S , I t hInk TV should show fewer sport s
shows. espe<:ially on the weekend. ' .
it should show ot her kinds of shows and more
movies. On news programs t hey should ta lk
aoout importan t thi ngs t ha t are
happening in the world.
nol about spo rts.

Writing 111



14))) ..• ,)00""""" ,h.., 11.... 10 ,.... did,,., 'hink ,hit 'na ..i.~. .,'ion" 'Iwft I gu "" ,·.. I .. an' '~h< 'n",f~...1>1c
rI..Tboo <"' .. h<.... !<"c" ....n"d IQ ..O< ......" '.....
,t.. flrtl kmpt<>...., ..."1<-...,,,,",, ,,'O, ,...,b< ..., .....r>I"~ '" I.. ,,,.;.Io.~ Dd in {..". ,h< ,""pI'-
Il'-" Ji",,<.-.i ("". ,.....1..",.
"""",..u...,bo" ""_,.. f..,."" ..... J!. boo I 'buuj:ht ""<;" ..'" ,"<'r)....1I rooms. TII<...•.......h,ft~

Iw ..... uI&< 11.' .............."Oil ..l~;"~. I ~.II!,· f._, "",ut<"(".1 i.......... I"'JK'.I., • """'''' lOt Hod...... tnu ........., ,...... botng in> ,."..,. """'"....- .. "b

.,.,n;•M ..... hiMl tkw.. .-m........I'""~ ...... b< .he "" ,h", 'hi> ",in'in~. hi'''''''''' _"'bo<t'"""...............'''''' •......,.,~.) ...11
ofl>«.l........... f....i'•. ~he '10"•• " ....'""ful A............ 'h'n_!d~In...,"~ .......... I.... 1I'" ,.try
bo.h '-.:n-JOOd...,....,(""..-. t~ ..orb fO.. T\
r"" .(""poi"""~. \0<0, " ...k" me i0oi< too boo" '.-'n 1'1'/(>. jo_Ioou,. \\ boo" ,..,.,... 'rIl"Cli"ll.l"n "I ,he fun ;,.
........., ....1h< ,old"". "" '" ~ »ori., .""", b"
.......~. H......1"" mo"",<d in r.... ••,""""h",~ ...<m, li,. ,hi. pil;,.,," ...., I"in''''• ..I~,,'ll '''OIh<-, ,,-,<. '<. bu, .... h.o«I ~ ii l ..ll '"
0" ... n ••k died 11,,, .. "'""...""11')' hi. ",,"or In
" M' '" ",d n,u,i<.,od wo ,. ll ",l. 1..>< . 1•.-.." ,I", ,u",,,,", 1"'1"".••!.,d.. lly ....h.T men. \o>J ,he" he
hi< 1,.",lnJ"'" 'p.nm,n'.
Pill .;nll!" how,,"', « , 11, nO> 'W", h ', ".,d ,0 ..'" lTI" " ' in~ I"""<o'! Ilund"d. o(, hem. ht:f)· ,imo

,,'h). lie ..,", "I) "d d" l , ... V<'~$oo.J.I""l: ln~.• OO 26 »)) ,,'....... monum.", he .. id . "G" ••cl ",nd "'.."

.... h..J. D~" ,,",lohol, ''''''0 ju," .....n·. in, c.......i,.. '.' ', I"n take , photo." 11o.,~ ""I"K In r hoo..",
I ju....· 'O'"M' , Iw .jght•. T1.........,D
bn .........,-1 ,<1111< imagi.... go<"It'" I, ""' ..., ...... 'h. \I) ".".... )en"""'i.ll,,·•• ,,,1 "",k in r-.... ""'".'.!..(.,i1o1n. dbii~f ,...~ ""I".h.

,......'" ..-joh him-Iv: ••• fri<n<l ~" , ....... bul no. \ M. 1"", ,he .,.....or .....or of• ""'ll'..... ".Ji<d "">t. ~,. -':""'1:"'''' ,he rdlfi<>n>hip.
)",,'.. _ ",... aton...
"""".bow.',.lo.CI,........ ~ I"", "",... h..,.,.1 v,..."" .....
15 )>> otr.,. '" I ",tdnn '" h'D ,Iw ",,,~,.n' ",,!I,·, ..." "'''''. di..
.i_.Inlft.he ...."'fO'".!,:.&nw!O·C""..... I~ kM,
\\ hen I fir......-Oh,·.., I ,oo..~", .... "'""',-d,,-urn of rn<"<1;DI' " bi,ohnhhid.,.).·_v.i'1'.'.;"..,..'.<...r. ,<\M"' ......n 1nl 35 1))
d,n......... m,
..... (,""",1),,00 """"'., "",,,,,. rhn .'1.10",,",1.. ''-' ~h Li " d. Oh. i, .......'l>n<knul ,..., ioQ. I 10>-..1

I Le ,"'. ",11 .. ilh <J.o" ""'........ i•. • !Id h. h.d Rub \I ·.I~... H"'''rl<(I(,hc ..·ri1<'n "" 'h< I ,....k,n '"""Y minu«1 (.<»,. Ri" i. ju>t' po ..d,.. \\,
.",..inN [,I... ~.« kind ofli", 'h< "", .... R"n
....~,,,.... w. h. dcofic« '<>g«"'"' \\~ ...." did ..·<rythlnll _ "'< ..'<n, "" • Lipl",. """. '" diJ
i",Go.Ii"~. fk ...-" l:i nd of ,h,. , od ~ui<l " I ~"' .i~ln, IO'"C. lid"", Rub 00) , ,h",! H...... fun . 11 kintl, <>if,," "". " ", i"i, i~'.•,od ". 10",1 ""n•
.""'i "~ "",I,. ,",,,I l"" k"",,·...~').""" ")" h..
...... " " .. '''''cd "l l: in~ h. ",I".d.• "d ". r""nd ,0 I.. "'I,h, Ili l ed him .1.... 1,hi". 1.. lik"" '''e ,,,,,,,.
... h.d , ..... 0/ ,b;lg> in,..,." " ",,, ". h."h li k. RI>/> i'n·, ,he ""'" """,·,,..11"""''" in ,he ..<><1<1. bu,
C"", )t,e.;, "I"',,,i,·•• bu, Ididn·, 'hlnk I, .... .
it ..·....).n ,,)'<n';'" "''''ion ...11. I 'hou.....' i,
hnn!< • •nd "",,'I<. II~ .,•• W'.,.""". '''''-"" k_he l•• B'''' ...lI,", \\'. '"' ,,'" him '0 .."0<\; ,... ,h<- ..... r''''~ " .......\010: \\ ••1I1l'-" .luttg ...) .. ,11
....n'«I''''''"' f"""w'",hinA, I.~~I~".,*.."""",, I>..... y""," DLI~""""O< ~""""h,_.nd )oo.~"""'1 'i<>
,n "" ""•,","Cning. \\ Iwft ;, U' ,im<
.!l.N fOr "" _ R...b·,."",ing.G1o.o..·1orLl h<.. ~.I.,. "'1:"'''''''I 'h,"~ I"m JUing ,......IQ<'">< '" )"'....1" ..... , , ....

pIovI>o- ".",I,o<••M ",id 10< .·.111«1 10 ........~>'n. \\" ,,. .."' .... ;,. 1"."."&,,, bot_....,." Oft him 'ViD ,h.., .... "" .... '200.'.... .g>i" """ ,,-It
.',..w'.'" ",n, '"".llnI " ... <of.II<
. 00 i0oi. fO, > 29 )D 0404 1)
.. ,t \ .... 'h.~..,....hin~lo.l'I"".o«I••nd I k_·.Iu.
it ...", iml'0..ibl. ...... ..... ", 11''''''' ..';,h hlm.ll. »id
·~ln. II,':" .nd ' ''''''' """ .I"'"k .... <iB...." ..·n... "." I~""y "".I><1'<')·O'.... ;D:<I... \.".~,", .. .. In \!Or 1%II..... ""'bock,,,I'..... I...'U.,.....

h. I<""Id n,," h,n' ",....f<ieoo "'h<> ..~>. ,",,,k,,. n"b "'.h.l... ' ..... ,.. boo h<-t<. h', ...lI,· .",i,ln~, nfiegMhfilnngi'.;."."."'·,.......,......,..".o"d",.'......r.o..J..i.o.<.•....1'".,.."..,.,,.'.,....1
..." ny"".....,;1 i" I..... "" _I" "",., .""",mu"i«
len ny And""".,,,,... """~I'
I ' hln\' m. ) b< fo, "." .<xi d,,,·!'., ~'''''~ IOCI>oo« r" ...R..b 1... OO<.n , ,,,,,,I,, ... R.., I""..d ,he .'m"'ph<T~, All 'h,
~I)">"mi"..II)' ""'.
I,'"n)' [")~ "(~, h..'e. good "i.", flO'" )'''''' rnnm~ ..""d,,,~, ~" fo~htinglOt ftNdom. for "">.>I..,,,,,,•
,h. m.n "') ,..Jf. Idnn·, 'hlnk ."",,,,", I""",,n ""
n ub I"n ... "'" cfQlh<-, builJi"~', .od 'h< I """h ""'~.. , .•", .. ..,.~' ..."' ••. 0" \I"·,h,,
•••11) .h.",••• ro""'" f,.. )""' 15tb. I..", .... h ,h...". ,.... "".",hcf ,...... "11""'JIk
" ""t ,n 0.."".,.,1"""""", ) m g«,n~ t" """" )"'" ."",nd ,,,,"
204 ))) nU ",,,.nd In<n.oJ.,., ,."" ,he lO.m.

M. fMfI M" Cl.lrlr ....i hN"y l . b~· 1nl" D., ,d Iooki"i fo." ..,1 '" rn,'" in,,_. \'00 ..n","~"'•. \\ ........ ,..I~"." ''''' "d ,.... I'tx. "" .. 1I'''illc-. I
..",,,....... ",. (,inId "",Itt<! me up.<od I..' ....b"
I lod .......M •." ....o.idcr«I '" bot""".~· ,h< Ihl1»". m, 00-.]
....,..Id<"..\"",hcf bo>- ..""...." ...Ik,ng ...." '0 n,
, ......" 8•• i", ",i nti"g,of,,,," ~Ooh ""'.'Y I, Rob Oh .. ".h.<"",
....,.un)'!nt. \'1......-.. n.~ (it ....,. ,bo,i.... ",.,t\<
""","M«I in I'/·I .•...! it". . port •• i, (I(,....,ofhl, f~nnf ~nod ,hen '''''''.n"." ,b",ki"l'houo ~"
\ i<:<DI'" ""'j ,nd boo ,., .. ." ...... · H.,........'" Y"" 'Itn
(,....cb. 0."" Clotl.n<l h" .. ito (.cli,.• ...! , boon ,'", bi<'It.nd ,he ,""'",n. I b,. )'''' 11"' ..... id,.. '''.
Rnb' Rob' .h<- n..g tOr ....1·.nod IQ'" 0 )0,. I bore ..'U 00 much
)""r, 0 ..;,- Cb.1 .o>J ("ell. ,,·ott I.,hion '''' ''S'''''.
R onbn)WI'h,.,".,'$mv"t'"y...l"<."n.,),"). ,i,t"d "I:'''"".h..1",.""n~ 'hat Ididn·, ""'i«.n ,.... pbo<"IIC'I~"'f>.
•nd 'hO" hooo,l . .." ''''co,,(..1,·I<.o<Iw, ,,,... in I.'
T.... ne~, tl",.•h< phoo<o ..."'" ,I" """ ...r n
L"nJ..n. I" ,h. )'/1)<.1•• ,h... d••".<I • ~~ ,.r,h, R " b y".! ,m' bi' \Vh., "m< i< i, no..'1 . !I ",..,11"," ..""'d \\....." ,,')' g..... f.. he".... h. h'
<,,= '"immnl ..,<j, ",,1_"'" "'" 1ft
(,"'''''' 1"'1' "", 01 ,h. , i n". i"duoit"I h. R"'li.~ I<" " y"<II,',·,..n"l,"M" ..·kd'T....hl.., his """... 11<""

',,,n.,,.o>J C.i< 0.1"'"' Rob

I100l "", I""n '" O"i••nd Celi• • f... ,,"""h, ', ,....., o·,.....~ '" 'h< fu...... ' . ",,11)· ... 11)' .n8"·· I "»iJ. ·Th"., ;,1 '"'",....
""ng"'''''''"'" ''''•
,(.... ,IK> ~.... m."i<d in ,hci••p.trl " ..... " r-<1t'ing morn"'~ (or no<

,...." _roomIItU ,n I ,_n. Ho~n.'" ,".".,,.,"n,1""nIi.,.-,.·J1I":.m<dn_ot ,hi,'ll' .......
,n ,I.." I<nn)' I .(, lini'" "''' d" nl.. 1"", .""" '" "'''' ..., bot ","",uo>J ) ..............

b...,.~,," "" I;~"'" ''''' IiJbt ,bm•• rd "" ,h< ,...U.... '"Rob I ~.....)..,.,."'.igh, him ..lill. So. _ '" bt",. h< diod.•M I didn', r<'
""n,,,,p.,boo ...(, of,he "'Indow,,,,, ,an.,.. "'" olblo .....·n
,<"ny '<>. l"Il_,... in ..... "rr."... e....... ,.'h< ."'.....,..... rrumh,~,. ,,,,hing.

" ••"" ".,CUt! ""J "'.... I•• ' ..... "'~ I", ... i"l. mor"i"&- 50 »))

".,rI",.Pl"">"~" '''' 9 r,.... tV ;...-fM... ;.l,. .,od (. f.... 11.010 ",.In.H' H 'rp)" c nd' ''i
Nu..,,,.,...... n .. " ..",.. , .... "'~. H.
'..-rie.l ",,,,h.,• i,,,h•• hi~h. ,.Ik ,......plr" I< nny 1,,10.. 0 )0,. '
.' fi."....," ....,••lnS. d.,\ ,"""t "" H."".I, did,,·, '" hi,"
..... ,he I... 1960" ;, ....>rin'. lon~ cl .. " •• ".1 R"b h',)'<,foCl. !,."hl."n)
I'''''l" ! h"e·.ju" ..n.'''i''~ Q"i, l !) ,h< ru, t\<, roo. "n , he b..k $hc
In f.n ,I.... ., <>1"""i"8' b.b,· .. 'h" ,i" ... H«
R.. b \\h..,'"h,,· "''1"'1...11,,'' In ,In". ~h< ~O, ou' of lw, c... nJ
h",I"",, [",., w<"..i n~ ,n, ,Jw.-,. ",d h,,·, ro"ing
RI<. onbn·,I\r0<,h>.0.,·.,.1.0,<. 1I,.,.,, I''''' tu,.... )"" .~.'n. "-,e<! .. ,he m. n.
hi, (,,' I",.. ,boo,,~. Thi,,. .. he<>u« 1100~"'" h..J
,,"nnr I~.b. l...,.,"." ...... )"". ""'.
• kM ol problr"" l"i"'i"l hi' fN'" ,,,,,Id"·, Ih nn. h Oort·')"" "'".U) lut.ol h« ..... )"" ..,",
,h< ...... ' [.1.....,. b. )....... I did"·, «< ~ u",;)

H"d....,· .....J,h". h" ..", .. i,b 'hi' p.t;n'in~ ..... "l 1.-. ".....,bot b" ..."....

11' ro'''' •he rd.,..,.)o,p bott ..«n ,he '''0 1""'1'1< \I ;. h .."',."'.I.......,IWr, ....' ..... I' .... "wf...lo:. , .." .. .....,," H.,.. Ib""'h. io". "'"
·...J;,io<ulh... hr" • ro''''~' roi.... ...., ri<d
H. nn.b I.m;"\\ h...."'''''w''&hn.' 1.1......,
"",pi. ,Iw .......,•• i••in'.... _'n.Dd ,boo m.,,;, I m<.D! .....,..,j ... g«'" n.,iI. nd...... 1k.....
,hi, ",i"';",."".,hn~ up, In
'h< man [. ,,' ""~.Iod 1101<>" I..',", ,ha Idido', ..,I.,.....n',.. b.. u I. m,«"»>1«...'IU,"b'"o" ......<y'''II_ru' 'll-f".. , ,, .h u, r y. 'o d I
,n.'h, "',,""'" i••",di ng. L ,",Ih ,• • I'"i""n~ ~ . I."" """,,,,"11-
" ,.. "",J coop!. ioe""" "'II'·,h". h", In ,hi. p>in<in8 ... ""', "I......"hir "'i'~ foe· ... od , h. , ..,,, ....

,.d<><.' hO)' . ....p" ' ''<b)". hi~ o)'<n" ju" ,,,,,,,.d "".. differ,n.,,·o "'. !1~ I.. i,."d Ih "nab C...,.. "".Ii .. in !
m, .11 ,h< ,im<. 11, ...·'n'...! """) in .<>n~
"'h kh N."..". H."n.h and l.mi< d",,'o '" 'hc.....,rr••

.)'mOOIi.., , h< ,1;"[1ne< ""' ..wn ,"'·m. Tboo .. h i,. """<-.p 1101101. b.ou,.. .... ,""',~b' ,he "",01,,,.,,, '''''P. TI\<)· •., do"n in ,h. i, u",,1 ...... nd

"" .•i"ln~ ...., .\I . (:tork. iu.,·n,bol"r.ld i,)' h '''''''p<n,h~. I ,iJn', ~~"' .1·,,,. bu, ord"cd ' ''"0 '''p' uf{,of'....·


..w~;, H<... , .... , .... T",,<~f'I'uocd...... Oli, la \',... I"m ....11v lo<>L,o~ ....,.....IIl,.... ";....t,,,11" " 11'd1",,,,,••nd",lo,.ndploy\\":'w
.h~<. I, ~"""re .....-itlni'hr ",,,... IQ. ,hr
Hunah I la m~ Th. nk<. In....·;...·•• \ ... '_f<>ri.n~ ......''''''''''1I'

Hannah \\ ...., .n!(.hlmoooblk...ou. Oh,• .\ Iolllc. 1>«....'" I don', ,['<.~ m...h ~,.n..h tU!li'" 'i......................" ,hrgo.... ,~"""

.........'I.m;" \\ 011. __ didn', kill _. ",...~..'. ,hr 110.. ,,,,,.'"'''''''S '" ~" •••• +l). ho<r<< c.n-<C'<. ",mDb.·I \ """""Df""",ofhim
COlI.", "h.n " •• "n... '" I ""P<' ,h.,', r<IOI&JIb 1(,
liann. h 11", .. 1>0, " .'" ~'J" ,J..,in~ ,., FI,,;l;l< <;O'ft1~ .nd ....."O<do it" P "i '" '1'1«" "" .... "'......
;",,~i'h. ".";" h.>.,.", <m~ni"~....,...~."...,"10-...lI,>n<.. ,........"1"10"" h"r' "
I ,ho.",~t. )'.' ~ "... t.-"" in ,1.«........iling fnr me
J.",i. I ...<'" ,0 ,t.: ,11<'10' '" bu,' ,hOk ,I,·k." [0'"," ;',,'" Ildl. ""'" l"d , n.! h,... ~.... oi.... L<>i. .... ,...o,J,.
",.'.'.'.'.p, ui<«.'"ii),"hroa'Wn lonfl,hbo,.",'Mi ud,,.,o.n..,)h,...,.".,.n.'.,..n......t.;,oI...-r...
fo' d« ~ro\"lni I 0' (' i,l. """... Il"".. ' ....' OH.·i. Th,nk. I"m.m<io " ""'''R,,,be.n,mozlng

\\'.n«d ' ')CO. A<><I io". un 'h< 0<1<....., II'h_ n", .'p«ion,o

~., 0 ..1.,. 0 ... , • .,ni, ...... "" M.llho... 1-""" ....... h,,', . mi"ul<' '.xi "'~"' •• '" .I.i ••
I .., ...·.....·., I [".. \" .. io I "b.... )"" ,oad,"
JH.manin. .h\00(,IuI""n"n"i,,,·c..r.<,,.,;,<1...»..,?,,·,,,.... fi... ,..... 11'.
\h"h. ..· , .. h.O"'. . 1'i>3 1))

- ' "" SUunio•• ",h' IS,h. R.m.."I....' lo' . ..·k ..·.. Whrrt ... ,,,,,goi<>g? 110" \1.n;".I<>Io ..... ,"""' ....·,

"'h.,.H.nn.h G....b.l.m... I<>n', b<-lio." J"" mnombcr ~b"h...· To 'u ....h. ,,,rIc,,,..Marfi..ll<\Ia I ...

'h< .~.. , do<! rom.Inlie' lo".l.<kJ·1 didn', In' ...·\c..... 11w',.1onill,¥bo,A"'I_ll"'ng'0 H ,,,, 0 .... \b";n 'OU ...... ,.. ,' m'c..... 1I<

h" "'" on ,h< .......o M.""''Jh' .",",· .h'0e." .. ' ,,, 'Id...... ,... It·,. po._.."'" oiJ< .."001"II, ...","~ ..... ! It·.

J'mg....n~,Ii""', ..,!. ..~b"in 01::.•"", """'M' I.
h,,,,"O<'~, (0 , ho;pi..l.
lJ51 ))) In .. "' ;''''~' II'h. \[.I_,...?

S.d ending ,boo,M.ub... l'm ~""' ;: ,.,,,·,...k,bcr<. l"m.mQlld • •od 10ra A.l.... ,,,,
w.·.. ~n~' " do. photo fo,. m' ~., ,,,•.
1\.rr.,o. ~uJJ'·nl., a n"n """' " ,,,' h. '"«1 In«" i..... , Th.. _n~••", 11;01:- \\'t..:r, kind "r ,h.\Ia .. in r>.o. n", no... io". ,n.' I"""" who holpoth.
tloc,! " . ........ ,of pition...
11. " ......"'n~. J ..1. ".,. '" H.m,.h didn\.<o ,(.,.0.-..... , .... pn~ ,,, """lel'
h,m .. flf" Q".I.I~ ,hi- r"." h<. foo< "" ,he b"k.
'n"""... ~I.... ~h H...,.h ,,,.d " .. ,h. ..' 1\ 'n'...,·(.,.h... r", .... ,..,."",. 11 '. _"'I'" n'10la Oh"I"""1'1

"""I\\ ,n,,,,, in """.",h. """"...,iI·'l!"'ing 0" t« I''''') M' rlin n... ', '';h<.
""'"",!JR". ~),.. \\Md ,",ruM, 1 It·,. 1'1...,
hir 'he .....n. II.Bn.b,.nrl..l.Sh<J"" .....) .. enJd. Th.,". .. 1»' ...''... 'hm-
I,', ............. bor..."he... ~ hm ,,,,,.....
Irlld,·i.,,·.. or""',... ~·"hrll ",...... l...... ooId •.,,, I>vy 'h,~~
r..' ............1<I \l'l«n.n.. ....i,.....' ,he.<>ff« ,.,.nLoI~ .~ .......,

.hup.I;r"," " ••," ,Iwn. ~h< ,.11nI hi'" bell I." ...u~..... ,ltink .. ', iI"'''~ 'u M! M. " i" , ......... h·. It'. biu«.n.! " ... boo!.1I
.,-11 1...._ ...". ,u.n«! off. l>hr ....iI<d ,." I~ ,"'d.,',.,,10....• r............11, ,Ur<..1_H,o <i()
dog..... r.,I..-n"",, du'ing .1><i.oIJr••, l,o,l. <>f di r'......, ,h i ngl ; for... <'p«;.11y i<>od
""""lo,••minu,.... and Ihm oh< .."'" horn< T.."
ni¥h,. I"'I""'" t ol. I !bk..p]'
,.rr...,H .....i'..d .. H.nn.h·, I.....,... A po>I••:<
In'd' i. ..... 11,11, h',..,.~',ip.",," I>r'f'< ,h. M. .. in y... p><ijoJlr.OK,,,.....dnumbcr3.1....
hoek.J .. ,iI<oo..".
pl"",,"f< r~hulou.' ,I.. ("...."',.d.".,Ihin~ 10". som<ln.,, ~ 'h" .....'" ,."....".) ,h i,,~
p..,l ie. "fr....., G"",I ",·,n in~. "".m M.)_
M."h.... I n. nh.
It.nn.h 0"'1,> no.... ro' fo, "'ling 00 ,....">(...,

H.nnah Y",I.",. 10< ..kmg pho,.,... 11'• • kind ofg.J~<t. F,,~,),"""

1'"l ko "m. ... I'd m. '" ......kro'''''. Con I'u... ;nl I.ily h.......

. ' .....,,' I IH :poll ttnff«. . e. ""'in . ...I ..., " .....·n I"",,·i...,<, F"u ........ d.H"OUh>l·... m in"'.~ L,,'~ AIM,,",,]'
I,·.,""_.;,."'....,l\I.., in Th..·...' \\·onJn"mt....- ~.I'·..n odi«,i'",
on,he><>r. Lih 0 " ......
I n'~'' i...·•• \1 ""............ ~,,~'
1',,1;':* "m.~. ......" .... r,imd oI"l.mio u,_, Lot... lip'>

NH.a"nn.a..b..}»..l.dU.nn.h. til,. T""" I ~...., ... '" ~1a .. ID 10', M. "~L boo,."" ",,11 ."' .. ,,,.1..........

......,"1',,1;':* "m. *. \\".11. rn••f,.id 1""'0 """'" Nd ID'''' i..... \\'h~.« roor ""ng,borr' h.i,.
Lil~ I'm!l"'''Il,,,,,,,,,krrnC<'
..... }""", I", ~,,·i...·.. !>Oio""""""ip tnt, ]/01",,],

Ilun,h II k.,'" Iu.,·,h'pp<n«l?' 'e>. Bm I'm '\'0 !I"'''~ 'O""n <>Id ;, kn.! M. ro'n , ..! 11.".j numl,.., \ h·,.n ,djo(' i'"

p"lie~ Um<~T I_m ... b.J. n. n "I.n' •It.. ''''' ' ''~. i.".,It.",....."".11>, '" .>1.1 ""yi,knd. !Som..,....1 '''',,', I .... ' u.... ,' '0 d.",,;,,,,. pc,"'n .. h<,.

H... ",h Oh It,,! II'h" ""d "r ><d,kn'~ ou' ,,· i,h. "' ••~, ,~"', .. U h, ...ho', 'Iu", " I...ning ,hing>

"", i• • " m ... H, .. .. . "",,,'ing ,It. "re...nd. ca, In' ...·~~"'., \\ 1>• ., did ''''' dc<:i<k 00 m«' " I' "ri,Lol. In"·II, .....,,)

hit him ,h.'p.n' M... in boo, it', <imlb, '0 in,dlig<n' It'.,h<

II.n""h Whm, ." hrn did .10" "'"","~.\n.! ~.""...' Lily \\ .U. "I'I"~'" "I .. ui"d
P"lk.,,/Tku Tb" .......,"" .. S'U, H•• a. I l ~.... h.r"., .. ",l'ng" Unil ,,';,y 1.,,1. 1101",,1']'

'''''>".~ 8."", $0 ..... b< ,hr ,h<..... .bou,. ""'..'" s..n tr.n.l""" .., ......n ohr",,,r...,,,,•••mo M''''n re<. ngho.And ..onJ ""'OO"-"•. ,Io<b........

Ha" ... 1t OIr, ....·H...........' up ~ '11" 1!I'" in ,,,,,,,h .·i,h h i.. "" 0 " I.... ,...... rOf ."mplr. '",,<l1 ,h;"k>'ho I I
polie.o« ..... It.·.in,h.hospi..l.llck... t..d LoI.I\.,ch'
In....·k ...'c. I< h, ~"g to ........ "'" at ,I..- '''1'''"'
in,",,' it> hi. hnd .nd ,,," bw/..... 1.,;•. M.... in \10. 1, ·•• Iu,)""do.hc:<~_fin<>h
U I,' 1....,·.,hinl"'·I;I"' .. ho l _ , '
H.nn.h FI."i.h."",n~'"l>rOK ? .",h.,,~T\ "niSh<
I",~,,' k....,. 11"" tIo .....' ""'1 .b<,ou, ,,1
!'olk. "mce. W."""·o k""",,·, H." in in«".i", ••'" I.ola l:h .. .gn,,,i:oodl
.f,,, ,,,,t<.Uly Pm", "" "..I 10". iI'"""~ '" M .".nl)< m"",in~
lI.nn.1t Oh. no .\nd,bed,i,,,roi,he...? '0M.";,, .'0' (.om,oo· ''''' 00 i, '0 "'" T\' "" ,,.,...
' g"" .11.1..... ,"Qy 11" l>rJ
p"lk.. "ffi«. Sh. didn', >,op.
I n,~,,· i...,., \1011. ""'" h.tek. I'", "'" Y'",''''II'''n~ Lol. Oh.IN""'I?
H." "a h ~h<? M ... in y,,!
,-'" It.,·•• g,~.. , I.... Aoo ~nM ,ho.' ""n'.........
1',,1 it. om. « Y..,,, " .... "'".n.n in • ~'Ioi.. c.. lilJ' Tlu.Dl."" .." ",,,,h. ~ 8 1»)

~~y ...'" ,be...', lie.n", pb,,,. I "'" h.,..,

a ..-\r il.... "",Jick do,,' , ,nu. mo.",' I. ",or,

nu",hr. plo" Xl' Z 3-48S,. ,.lr,"",62 )) 1.00) W.II.I.h'DL ,h.... ~....,·ohinl- 1\ Iu., do ,'OII
,h.nL of,),.. fill i<.~
Han... h l,.._",... ~". 11." H;. Hk iolkft 11.'... Sor" fr..,,·,
lint. 10", ""ill'.n' .In,hn...b",",,,h.. "'" pi....
pol ie. nIT".... Con " .. ,.11 ..... ".hm- "'" ....., c.lI. PIc... Lo..'..........1I'

; !S,h....."""", ' Li ly Hi llo" 1........ 1 ill H''I'''1"",·.. 0'''.I"... ."Iondon.

(] 55 1)) •book", m, n,~", ...! h""I. rm ('MI ine 01\ lennr Oh. be...'. l\;o,b;o.. R..... ,hi. i . FI"...... ,be
"'''''' .....,h. n"~.."".
Ol"·i. S~nJ., ~ T'r :nd - t .""Idn·, g... n;~h' "" ,h.
Bub. .. h ·'~......t 10 fl n.lIv m••' ''''''. R<.>b.
It",. ",,,,,,,.'In" .. i.·...n h,u", m., ..... )''''. fi .. , )"'" BylnK (""'" [JQ.oun "" koFlI....."d t"m
,'",t'no" I, " g""""bthcf<
Oli"i, Y••• >lII. ", i"ing in l>.n r.. n.,i,,·o .. 2 ,~ n I'·nl. 1'" ii<'lni
"""I<k on S."",I..~ •10, S,h k.,·ing .. I LIS p,m Hub... ",h" ••MII I"" ,in... in 1\,,.'
1",,,,·i...,", II'h. . .... 1""gni"~? •I"m " .. i,,~" R"b '1~, ICOl'" h<'" .'hon I"'" .i~h'""". 11.., ....Iy
,he "",",n';"", <n".
Olh' ia lo1\i••r.~"•. ,U... ""'"10'., .I"'d .... HMe! ',klro.,..1\,.U " I'm nn, "c..,I.... ..... cU" •.
In'....i. ..'•• I nr ....""ion' ~"'" pl"<>OO\l_~, bu, i.·< ,,·1·,,· ...·0 ~a.ban 11 .il.! ""1'<" ..... ~ ,n l """,'
mUoClr boo,« 'h".......'
Oli,'I, "o.l·m 11"'''11 i" tIo , ....."........ "'~ I'm r"'."rc~_l_ it.l1lullY""OII ....~·nitCb, I~nn'· 1\;0""... 1"", ~nl '0"'" Rob "'" ,." ..... h
\1",,101 "'" lih ,............ "h u,'
I".".".."·.I.....,'.,u. .\h\ "[0",',",>.1~0.e'l0"'"'''''D" ;J.!:..I.·b....1..~!".."...... ,."" ..·hml ... ' ..... s..-,"" .......,,-l"m ....!1> 1uuL.,,~

"",nI!' fO<"'~1Il ' 0 ._,,~ "'" .~.'n Ib.b"a I'd 1nl.. " .. bu, un,.,,'u .....).1 1>0...
01 .. ,. T'J> " ... n ..11", F".1•. k ........, ~.\ m['"
~2 )) .......'ing .. ono:. $",1"11 .... 1"" I...... ",'",
f""" Mm.~,... mootlng .lth,..... 1, hink
In,." i.,,·c. "'...... 10,'\1 .... )"" pni to 1;0«"".... for' Ho" (;ood.,·.n'n~.L.J ....odll"mkm.n.nd
O li"I, I'm '" b. in [".10 r", '" "«~" a"d lonn1 Th..., ,;~h'
wekome '0 \1 '~",', I~' "'"..s' .\00 ou, fiT>!
.ro.. ,h., !"m [C<>in~ ru ".".1 """,,1<1 1\io; R11~0.1h1 )a' "11<I)'b,I.<. .,..,n'"kR. IfI"hn1,\h. ! k . , ?,,,h <0111<>1'"'' ,nnlilh, . ", ~ ' ",in ."d) 00., Ikllo '0
Rob ,'"
In'".. i,,,'" TI", ........., .m.>..inr. , ..... 1\<\11. . /\T. ''''' " .......,,?
l.';I. lu".Ii"I,

listening 119

11 (11)" lIi, I"m Ilolly, Holly 1),1., . lla"i<l M~' <l>y". p,e,,~ ""',],,, I do,n ,he hou« ' ' '' 'S<d, 'kiin~ ~ ..l<o~1 in, lu,,,,,' hord.

Rob 110110.11011,·. .nd iron ',m I.1", do ,h. ''''''i mg .nd ,he 8""'.')' I>u, m. w<eknd d 'd,,·, "".k<>U' <,,,·,1) •• ,h.,.
I loll)" 1I'0're ~;,g '0 be """kins '''gotl>o::r. shopping, ~])" dad Id, I>mn. (ou, )'.....go. '"
jenny R<.Uy' I>.J pl.n,,«I . S..". " "Ork.d un,ill... <>It Fti,I, )'
IInll)' nOd,,', 11, .1"., ..11 ,'''''' I"nl~OJDg to b.- wo", on "'" o"'n, I ule m)' .i,," '0 school . nd
.><n n~, 11i. offi« ..... on ,1>0:: 12,h f]"",. \l"1... n
Roil', pl>ol"l!'.pll<~ m. I.<,U(<<h.. "') mom;,OK Ib". ",~i><h~'
jm,,) Oh, ~·~II .. ,W..-", ju" S";"S " " lu ".I,. I", fi, i,hn) "' So'dock, h. locled hi,,,(Tw:,, ..,~
Holly C",,]! I C.D <ume .. n h ,"<)U . 1"'0>,. I h,d. m","~" .nn' e,·,ni"..
HI~do~n'","r<,'.vIIu,'(m"din.d1.","k,i.nI~,c,.'r"<''O"f,"U".Iim<co'm. i""got the .1<,'''0. ,.. , ,,J b.- J;Jn ', get "'"
"",h,·ieh ..d ier. '" I ,k,n', "."llu"," B.., Rub H v><
oodl<on ,. lk l,rh"OI-:' Alic< "",iIMvu,J•., ",,,,ni " g'
J<nny Sur<. Sh.·, ,~ , ,,,J ,h.......J, "" h.lp. B", ""n""n,., 1
Holly Sv k, '> ~,,}, co,,',feel.I",1< (Old wh<n 1 go OU' I"".u«" ,h",,,, S,~,.. .pr....d 'ho """"" fi"" 'h< fi,,, Iluor,.nd the
"""<C.,hing. ",do " ..),,,Id 'he
,h.d., "v' ".","" [!Ui"~ down. bu, ,1>0::" i, ""T,....1. I

pro•....-d hu, '0" o~, in. bu, nothing h'PI""<d.!
p,e<....-d ,h••1."" o,oJ .I...".J, bu, fIObod,' h<.,d
,\"d I, ,,,,,,,,i,,,«
m., .'1<>« proP"' h..hl"'KI) ~...... ihOm<o tried '0
h"" .ng'" "'i'h mYKhooI f,iend,. j h<}' <loo', ,••11),'
11))) ,'),"0n0l".".b.0o"0, ,"I>,<!purtobb.•J..mi>u.:-I,. home, All thO)' c. 1I m,·wife. bu, m)' coli pi....'" d <.I,,·t "o,k in ,he
guing QU(.
,.n.! .k, ",or. I<,-", Id.', do .ny,hing. I jU<l "" vn 'h<

Holly Su ,dl ".... R<.>b. II'h., . re you goiog '0 w,i,< Iluiel I lik, "h" 1,k>to...·''' ... l'mhdp;n~ rn' Iluor;,nd hop..d m.y,,", ><>m<bOOy ""00 1,1 ,..,Ii·"

'0 ,,.,,•ho..,' ,h. ""'.",,,,,,.•od r", hclp;"g on)' ,i««,. " 'I,,, had bapl""O«!' BU! on S,,",d.)· ,,>d So,,<la\ .
i,',,imc, Ofc"",.. trur 'hot I,, "'t jlO<>U' much
Rob 11'.11. " 'i,h, ouy 11,,, " ' f"".»io,,,.,f w.,I k,,,w nobo<l) ~(lUld I>< ,h<,o.l.lept ""'" of, hI'

:"J.,,' yort. ''''' kno,,·. ,h< nigh' lir~, 'Il< m",i<. t..<:.u,e I n«d re spend mo« oi my dOlo .. homo. ,i "", '" r",~<o hu~ hun~'" I
I I"" M••"",h i a,. ~".""., wif~. " ... ,...... wo;,in~
,hin~' lik<'h" I >om""m<> S"Out wi,h m" fri.nd•. bu, Idon',

I lnlly A... yo" pI"'nin~ to du "n)' in,.",,,,,"" HI;, I." i"g m) m,,,,n h, h.<>df. 1.1" ,,', ""k.. w.,for hu hu<bond '" co",. h""....

Rub I"d lik<'0,L>o;"" h"" >l'} ,u <):","~n.> ,,,I], ",•• T,., "'", u,c ,h.. I h..·< n'l' coli !,~o,.... I, '''; mom ",,«I> Ib,,, I 'W)' """ i«l " 'h<n h. diJn', ,om.It.on,.
.n,·,hing. 'ho nd I~o N<k ho"", "",kr,.."" F",),} ,,'~o;n~ , .nd I <"uld,,',
11(11)' \\",11 , I know ",m. gr,,., mu,i<i.,,>. nd

Rnb I ]".id."" ,ihn<""".•,•1", ..Ar .,.]J,,,1.....1.,"" • prvbl<on fu, m• . It', just po" of m" lif•. "'h, li , ,·. 11 phun<......n·, ...orkin~. Ic,I].,,1 ,h.,
Ho" 1'",,-.. 00< h JOiD~' ~r..' job. '1h.nh ''''')"
Il o..l,lmr .Y<oounk..""n," . ~v), h,,'< poIi" .•"d ' h.~ h .ol,'d fo, him, bu, 'Il<)' <o"M"',
in ,ho fin.! l im . "y,,'hc,e. 1'ho..~h, "")' be he,.... with
,nu<h "" ""'''''nR "',' h. I"">"'"''
R"b T h" would bc great. "'OI~" " ·omon.
~ 26 ») <"">10 « ..... ~''''
Hvllr MorI>< '.. <.... Id go 100 ,,,,,,,. ,,'" . ftot;nu H". '''''lfl<c,,·i.wc, on 'he 01.,·"", ,he "'hok

could " Il ,,, ,h.. Kt<>fi, .,.~, bough, ..,rn.. hi"~ ....eck,od (,"'" rrod. )' "'<n;ng "n,il ~I"",l.;

R ob 1,••II,·lik.tI,.,id.• . ,h.. )"""'e n.... " ~"'n? JUO,ning. .\, <i~h' ,,'do..... " hen ,h, of.1,c

Wa;.,«. C.n I bri".~}"o" " 'y' hin~ <h<, , \ Ye<. H..n·, ",·o,)"",... ?rr<n,,'ml><, >on>< p"nh <."..,,"o'l' rs ,.,i"cd , 'hey <>11«1th. «n~'g<n'"

J<nn)" Could "'0 h.". 'ho ,h«k.I'''''''? I bought , h.. 1".,·<tnme, num kr. ood "'",el><><ly " ,~I "p.i,«I ,he

Wai,,<» ' ••. m...m. Hcrr·')"OOt,h«k. Int«'·;,,,·.. \\ h., ,... , ,he pmhl<'" ~'i, tr ,h~,,,' .I"'·>l~r,
"or.A Tb.)· ~<f< "" )" 'igh' , bJa< kIc., h., p.a"" ,h.,· Th,nk., [xcus. me. j , hin k ,i>cr<-'. > "'. ",.... S,c,'c ' ..." '<t., h:tpp~ '" got ""', I h><ln', ..,..n

11". h,J 'wo \>0<,1•• of",.,.,. MO ,h,c<:. r bv,,~h, f",on .....ond·h.nd ,,·hcn I ,iIK< Frod. y '(I<. """'n. • nd I "'.. ""~ hun~.)"

W .ilte" Yvu' r< .igh' . 1'", .... ltr "")" 1'...,Of m, "" .<,I""" 20 ),<''>oIJ. I ",m<ml><, ,,·hen I 1t', I""h ,h at I"" n,,' d''''''rophobio bccou;c ,I..
"'.. in ,h••,,,ing rn,,,,, 1'hou~l" 'he) kooI,,,]
d.)' ,<>d.;" I'll g.. )'''''" n,·" "heel, .,,I.,,.,"11u,,',)", 'w",ik"flfO)" ,m.lI, Th. fi .., 'h, ng I di<J " ."
. .) " , h o t l w . , O I - : .
' enn;' 'rh' n~ )"nu , . mui ng, I ,hough, Ilook.d liko Jim Il o,,;'«>n

Ilull)" Ik'n going to h..·o. fun "'M' I,. R,'];' flOm the Doors 1>", when I gO! It.onlO. in 'M U" .. S..,·." ill '<>On 11. ,h< fiue., m. " ;" hi,

Rob r ..h , I thin ~ it', going ' 0 be fon,.,,",. ,I>."oldli~h, ofJ.), [l<.li,.J ,b.. l look<:d more .'·.n i,',offi« - from now"" h,,', );O; n~ '0 ,.k~ ,h....if<

Jenn)" 0 " " in" 'u ~v. ,'-'" 1>.,'. )",or mttting "'i'h lile "n. of wom." 're", Ab/.oo' T h,,'> "h~ I « ..~ d_)" tbough 12 floo".

R••I",. ,,' , ], ' «C. ne"" "WO ,~.." . ~ 42 ~)
Roh Oh)' . . h.ri~h!. ""r2 I n,c"·k,,..r I I." . ,."" ho"~ht.<nm.'hi"g
n.'·.,'hot )'00"'.
22 ))) >."".AY.... ~-orn' In'~"'i,w<T loo..",,"c ,. Ik «) Lt.",,1 R"",c<. ,,·ho·,

,od.,'",," Teon.gef> umfo,m. IdrciJod th.. I ,,'. m«l j;,,,"~,ni'gin'go'~bi,o.o,!.".fbi.o.ut""h,ofwul'0';ps. ""'''''Io'''I~, $11.',

h>l·•• bad r<pu,.t i<>n. Pcnplc tu Jv ~""., , ,,J I >i~","" "P fur 1..".",,.nJ
I"H, ~I" ,10< ,,,,if,,,,,, ~nd ,hot ....'"~" b..1t ~u'
..y ,h.. tlt"'-'f< Lt,}".nd mo><)" ood ,h.. thcy <lo 'h<m I m)' n""o " .. tk<, o<~ nO, ,... <0,..Lu,e! M.' 11 " , ,il' i, >o"'<1hin~ ,h .. i. '"Cr~
.. k~'hele."'n'. son'pl< '0 ho' mo... di'rkult '0 do in p,ao,i<e.
YI", ,h.,~, 1< ,,, ""Ip tb<t' P' <en" .roond IIo<>s• .
Rut ,I..", . ... """. «.o,t.,> f..". • I>..>n' , hi, w.,lnl<",i.wer \I hv"""
11 h" e,,,, )'OU'r< doing. ju« !Tl' to ,Iow""" n .nd
d<",.il~i<> n i, i"" .." ,."."' ,11. A I wo"i.d , h'!>um,Qn. ,,"Quid l o".:l ",)' .nioy tt, li )""" " 0"'olking >om." hor<. , '}" ,,, ~ ,I~

I, i<<<< im".d ,h.. ,h• •c ••• "",... ,h,n I, ~ mill ..,,, ,....,h"",. '''Of< ,Io.,~ I): if )"u .« Jming. m.ko Y""r<df
tc<:n'gor, in the U~ ..'00 h>,-. '" I....k .ft.. >
co,.,m.mbe, of, h.;r f. mily. rhci, modt<, Of iot h.. ...d,i,'. ",,,re <]0"'1)'. ], ,Io<~ ,, ', """« ~ hat ~-ou

.. ,or b""h..o, .i"..,In m.n)' ,h... young I m'~"' i<"'<r 1"10 y"u " ill h,,'e ,h. uni'"",,' doing. cooking , ..k1"g" , I"",'". """bing in ,ho

h.II" " '. Of ·c. ....~i".,,· o.).•", ",1 1«1. 0", ,\ 1'0". L«>kl it on eBo)". ~ym. "" >Jo,. down .nd ..oil),' <nj"r' h< """".n,
,-ou.,,,,1 [n'c"'i~w<, HO" . W< . 11try 10 do '00 mm)' t hiDg> ,hat wo jU<I ,I,,,,',
bough. oo"""hing
h.," """ 10.. So my ..ronJ tip ;' mok•• Ii", of
doing ,tring. lik. i«ding. ""hi n~. , nd ..k i"~ ,h.. "ou'" n..·.. " 'urn'
A ~'''Ii)' i , h,I'I""'" (u ",,. , lv, b«, u,," n .... ,h. 'hrc<: thi,,~' 'hat '''' ""," i"'I'<''''"' f",)"<)U-
<... of (.mily><". as ,,-.11 ., doing ,h.i,
d",h« ,horri"G, ."d 1,><,.~, "~. ,hi"S' 0", Fo, your priori,ie. in life.'lh<n ",h." ;",,,., .. ."J<
.<!wol ""'k
)OU' b" mak. sure du, )'0" .pend ,iou. doi ng
23 ))) cx. mrk I h"". ,hill;m m.' 010,.. no" ,h..

],<" no-'or "'o,n, ')'v,""hi <>g" I_~;m< fOT <""mpie . h.. ,"",
In'H,i''''~T \\·h,.not' J""''',h",. Lhin~, or<
110>1 I<llik '0 ""kom< '0 ,he rros..m 'wo of" ....dong ,.nd proying
,hose «on.gers. .00Iic, .nd U.niol ~'ho.<o I" A \l'dl.l bo"gh, it in. hu,,~ • f." ",,,,,,h. , ~o. 'I"''''·n<n ""~< "'f< ,h•• ~'''.. ,pcnd ."""gh

le'"~ ulJ. • nd" ho but h ,.10 co .. off. mil>· ,hd, h." I put " , ,,,, in ",,,,,10,..,, A I,~ " .... ,im. ~'i'h ),ou, I, mil)·. d,., )'OU h,,< 'p"« ;n your
m<ml><... Ikllu..~Ik<. h<11o D.n;.,l,
1.".,.1,,,,,, i, ",,, . "d lool<o .. ;, . nd I ' t.>uj!h' !ii. for ",.ding. ,,,d ,h, )',," h>l" ,im< to plo,'

M;'''I O. niel H ;, "lI'h,' did I hu,' ,h i,,- It·, ,wful_l'i "k .nd 'PO"' · .... od forg., .hout tryinG '0 do ut I"" ,bingo

Ho.. llho<lo,."u" k.c."of? purpi. <tripe.: And of ' OUT« I didn't h..·• the 'h" "'" don't h"" ,ime for.
Ti], n,mb.-, ,h,...,,, Jon't m ' ' 0 do nl"<> ,h'm~.
i,·,.AI;c< I ule c... of rn" mom.:Sho 1>.• •\I.~ , _ ""'<ip" >0 l cuuldn ', roko it b"l.
di,..... it m.' ''' ,Ii" .h. f...,l> ,i....J.n ,o. ,ime <>n,,,.,.~ Hd'" )'v" «<! bough, ", ' n.. h'"~ ,wn', " .cl., 'h. ...",., inl<, The ,,,"" ,hing ,'u, CO" <lo 1<
"o, ,,?
,',,<ond <he c..t w,lk "<t)' ,,<1 1. A,OJ I.h~ " l . ".,'<t ",ul,i..,k, So (0' ''''''1'''". )'00' emo il
,i,of my young« b,,,,ho, .nd , i<to.. Ho. ."d A A Joi o(,hing" ",u.lly.'I'h, I..,
btu~ " h,"<, ro;o , ,i" t"'''...hilo)"u ..... Ikin~ ,.... f.;'nd "'" 'he phon~,
" ' HU•<l I If )'(IU<k> ,h... )'"'' • ren', re. lIy fll( u ~ Ott
,1' ,on "",rn , ' ...... She h.d. b.d In''''''iewe, \\"h;,t ~ .. ~ r~n~ ~ ith ,,; .""i l'" )'''''' frie nd .nd)..... o«n'. goi "~ 10 f«1
.1..,,or .«id«H """'m .",;r< ,~o "od '" ,·,n·, ",I•. I
,.I.:c <> .. of m)' litt le ,;"." A \\",,11. I bough' il ""hn. 1'",,,," ~.b,,,,., loo, "• •)'. ",1",,1 <I, h<r

h.. <tre>.p d.ok h", ",h." i, ,,,,,'«1, i, Iook.d I1p n,mMr f"u< i, ,'et< ,i mpk un<"< 0 d.,·, "'H'

Ho>! l'..... oo.h do .10' " fhou «,..,,"'. \\ h.. """'I)" complctd,' differen, from wh" i, Iookod d. )". H down ."d d" ,,o,],.,,~ (,,' h,lf.n liouT, .
li l . on ,h': <ompU!.' «'«n .•nd Idecided I
do r<""lo? ,i,ro, ~"'mpl•. go'''' ca f• • "d "u' ,i,k, ut [/L' '0
J;Jn', lil... ;,. So,,',inm"<lo,,"' i"m,Y", I'm
,h.Ali« On, ,""m,1 ,1>y. I~<I up .,,1,. . od I ok.n ,i,, I".l . nd on. bcnch. lurn'offY"'" I~'''''' ""
house ,od I do ,,", i""' i"~. M .. , "'!wol ",."",,".0~,o,",",~,,.tup".<..a.,"",. t,;" m.) b.-111gh. it '0
I ..,m«ime. "k~ m)' m<Hn ,n ,h. <t"" ,,, h.. ,h" ...>bod,' "in conu« )·ou. ond 'Il<n i"" '" ,,><1

"hO< In 'he .'·<TIin~ m)' d. d m,ke' ,h. "'o"h ,~, ""tld S" by. Tb.. " '111 ,.,lIy h<lp .r"u ".

,Iinn« I'm nOl ,.<'" ~ "c",,"ing! But I m. ko ~ 32 ))) oJm\'down.
Fr,""Ho>< 1.>"
'ur<. n,)" b.",Il<••"d , i,h"'" 'h<~ Jin n<! .od ."d0 1\., .\1,' fifth fin.1 'ip. On.. "I' ,he mu"
td. <log 'h in~. Y"" .. n do i, to h< "re" " ,'"' U'
S,.,'<, . bu,in<»",.n frum
,<;.,ml<. wo. iOOki " ~ ''''~ ".1 '0' ,d",; ,,~ , ,,~ "·.n",,""<r. ,,, be on """or, ~o ii)'"OO H,,, ".",
,hen I pu, ,h.m to !>cd.
,i,I.k<o· ""e',"" ' O~ by th. ,i'·«. Of go """'''g,
d•.'·s in ' ho m"",,,. im,. H••"d h ;,,, ;f. h.d

120 listening

li)...... I" ....., . ,t..""••n, go and ," on . be I><...h. 55 1)) .1>000, ml."lo.,..... ",><I< In ,h. ...... , '"" .,,,',
Rdu.nd h'..n In ,Iw ...... nd of ,t.. .. ,,><I,Dd ,be
f«l,.....,.." .. Iou .'iLI Ho lly 11... Rut........... "". K~ ~p.. ' ~'''II'' ,1>0 1"'''' 1be imp"'''''' 'h'''It d 'o,~;nl
I>nd. ,nd ,n,,><I""'" 'n~
"'n', ',,'""'IyRo h ~". I·~•• tH< ,;,...1 ,hi• ....,"ll. ,1>«"'.....00.. ........"" <....10> ,hing. bt"•• .,.,...,nd 'n
do,.. ••• ,I>< ...ln..... go ..... Holly 1'_ i~ 11""<' ""1"" , .. )""/

045 1») Ro b I ~.,.,....ll_·. I 'hiDk l"mt..i"8''''''''''''h H os, 1hanh"",,\~. ",,01 ...... ,....ha>uDOJ<lwo,

"n...Fi.... 1dKl ,11< pIIo<n,..... I .d.....n .."rr~~ ",,11) Ibtu......~ f"""'"''..1Ior. \\ ""'""",, ........ pIo_?

"'ho, .... ~.ri"8 hI< ..".j,.·i<h '" ,.tt. p/>N",,( Rub I, 1><I"~4".1~........1I . I><'i..... ,, l ull< lIi. ~I> ..."",,·,!Wk. Mrrir i. , h;"l
..... H. ".....11, fri<ndl)' and -Oi '''''... I'll 'u"I.... in ",........... ......u..~, •• f< """,,,,u.,,.
/l o ll)' I'""""""do,,,,,,"~h=<c;...
,.1:0 ,"OU. ro<'''''' -WI><D 1,>1.«1 him '0 ul:c """.
Rob 1...lkalo< puo;itl>.. " ...., Like. if)"" h,,,,.n ...n, ,."",,,",,,
"uphoto>, -~.....! pt<JI>J..m'- 1\·..... 1>0 8..·•
11 ,,11 ) \\ .lllnll isn', '''''''gh. Rob. Uo you do • ",I )"" ..," 'hinl mg - I'm ...... ru f. iI: ,""n
..,.. mynmo.. 1>:1<1. . he ..,id, - I·t", . no., d.) ,-
,""h,n~'ul"I'I'i'? ,.....'11 r.iI ,h. " ..". "",...... .,.....1'" rh'"g< ,h..
N..>!. i' ".,,"" ohor,,""i "". I ..·..w, .....~,;,,~
,,,,.. TI,n,,, 5,1"' ....00 Ibough, . n -I 10<-'. r-,,,,,, y",k" K ,," 1.)<Io .. Io,nl·",'"I.""<I<>,, .. ncg.. ;'",IIou~h' '" 'I"";,i.·o 'lInt'gl", I'''' ''''nl

1'·,hl11.nd.l<'M11< ,Id nl. from ,,,.... Jlff,mu p«>ple. ."",,,,,,,101"«' ....1'1,,11)' 50 ..'b)' don', )"" i'" • bi ke h.",' N).....,..,lf-l"U p....-l do, h..."d i, u.,,.lIr ......,.,.
Rob I' m <HIll 1>0 .. fot ok•.
Ig..",h.m ''''' " ,..,h "~'''')', to", 'My booh g... In< H u. , Th,,,k you, lo ll< And"". nex, "Ik. I,
•h...""et dung< I>:i<k. "n"• ." m) "",.1'. n.' ''b. .,/I"" . 1"",,', n«<I
• 10,1.., \Ia,en. H" \1.,,,,,•
F.....lly,~ w.. ,' .... for ,hoac<idc.... "'''. For ,h"
Holly I;'" I.""",', ,<nnil" I"'" ."ft ninll , ll ,loo M....o IlL \Iy,ir,,·. 'p<nd . .... "',;"..
,...... 1..·.'" '" Con...1P.,k.•M I fdl " ...... on ,he 'i ..... IkMot.nd .n.......".k. lI", I j..., ,bink ,10..
",""I"i I. lit" 00 boti"lI- J.....10....""",', ,1>0 fua~ ,..di.~ ,be P"Pf1" or ......<hing ,be n....'.on '1"1'
g"""'" 1unly ~"'''''';, about JO...:ond, b<fun.
R ob I'ur.. I'm ....... rt, l ..... "" 'unni"" I, • ,ho'"'' b..l...-..'••ruJ;, iu" m, k•• ''''' f..,1
.... nca..... '" hdp .... -I.. hl. ,"". <a1DO"'?- bt~ 11,,11)' So .. b,· tlua·, )"" pt.) b.,lrtb.ll ..·.h OIl< ,kl""'~1 1I....,t, boo!..,. li"on 'oy....... f".,."•

-"hlnk.~ """"".- m"'", in.,ud.

.nd m. f,iornd.' 11"", I·hinlu. \brro. \od .... " ...., call<. i,

51 1» Kob OK nw'''vn' id..! Ikn I......·'h..·..ny M""",. MIf...m>
:>.,; ..1.... lIi
..,.b..a.,.."..,.....,..=110" ""' i~ "'" I.., "(,bing> 'hoooght Il ".i "1,,".i........•~....""" I'ou ~.n buy tome
~ fot",..... i. ,ho<.~., fuoJ olly Hn.. Hi. M"",m. Wh..·• ''''If 'if>?

.c, c. n"1"""'. i. """8 '" ,,11 ... "'h)' ".11y i, I>< R ob I. ,b..... '1"""'J>o..,< ..... 1><<<1 ~I iria", M) ,ir" ",.•.,. .. ~ n ..~' .1,., ,,(.11 ,h•

... ".~( H olly ~u ..,'.....·....... ><'("',Io< ... - . RO<)d . biDS' ,h.. h'ppen,d '")''''' I"'" ket:p ,he
[i,.." nb ) ..... in ......, b.g Of iD a """..... and if
I ''.'\I'oWu,<,l"I."•"h..,.r...,.h, .R,.."b..«.".,.I...lo. o. , '"""""'' '' '''''' i y 59 ))) 1""·... f....11,,~ .I K,I< ..~ or ""'P......J.IU,.. ..lot "

w,""....."""""hin~ ,h., h,.:,,L.. I, Rob H;.I,nn) ""' .nd ,..d ". h'lI ID." ) .... (.,..11.."..,
J.nny Oh, hi
n ..d ,,~ few huol<tt..h nn ... H..'.youh.d . g...-..l d.y? l i p. , I h.nk<. M"I.. " ..\"d <ou' I.., ,all ;, ' ,""n
lenny Oh, ,......,,"". M""i"~.' Wh. , . ",""" )'''''?
uf ) . ... _ i... nO' , 1\'I<"od..., in'''n'''''•. " ,.... , "e Mleh..l. II LM i<h..I, Wo',..,li"o"I"1I-
" .... ,., ,h"... ,h.. <"""<'>4t<.li koll"P< i"Ie•. Rob 1""111"'" 1"'0""" 1I,00001)"".nd ""'..,"'"
c,.,,,;n•• n,..,.ld••". In f..,. <"""01."" ha••""" 1<.11) In'....." ..~ J"'OI'I< u'"Mkh.eI I ll. ~ h' 'ip i. '" tr)' '" po';'i'"
bnW""~ "'hen ,..... >p<.k '0 otbe. p«>J>l" I'ou
'h,,,••, ;",id> ,,', ~"P< ju"," ., ....... 'n,loxid••u I.nny "nd).... h.o<J , il'" '" ",>hopptn~, ""'- ~"""'. if,...... f,,,,ruJ h.. , pnobl.m. <Ion', pv -I'm
Rob ""h.. ? Oh )nh. I'•• ju« Ioooog'" ,....,..
••n """et:, ~. ' i-I I" .. III ,,..,..~ to l. h..., di"". ... ""') " .... -010. P""'" )"": "") >Utn<Ch,n~ p""K'"
Ic nny I'<h...... '''''·· m. -non', "'''''')~ f'<I) 'hing" ,I] I>< OK ·Tb..
fl" .. Rull>', Rob ......1."'''......... uh .•n.."".... ot"","'r,.....·11mal< ,I><
).nn) "ICC Wh,did)... b<ty_, k~ I"""'" ' ~",l .........
i....,.,....J~~ y.... buo.•nd'h.i.......
"' ' dooocdot<,:.o"""".",;""id..>",.....""1, ill Rob Ioh,nL I.....:!'''II''' .... 11"....
n'.•II'''" I<any O~. 1'.. imp«...-.I. 1_ ' '''''''.11'' ntnni"lt

..~" mornins in C<'1Ifnl P,"'. posi<ivcl>".bow b;' ... her probk....
Rob Du,,,,,?
dun·...'milk~~"' .. h"H"',......... ,t.... le.",y 1,\ .......u,;rul •• riy ,,, ,1>< ....,.."."g, Why ". . . "w.11.." T~." k l""". \t""",,]. \\ .U.•b..·••11"," ~....
«"'_........, 1><.........all.A_"i ,,1.0]: , )""to.1I "'" ..11<1"" Ln, 1I
J...... "" ,...... '" <l<>n',)"" <no..., .. ;,10 n",?

rcmm""".hoo ........ d..\: c1M>cdoo<;'pod f<>r Rob t..h... J""', \\ h),nco,? " . ., ....l _ ]:',...,lI.. ~.

)..... ~ ,,,,,,uin' , .... '"Gol<>rit., .... if""'.... "wrlcd r"'"I<nnr (;,..,! rII <om, br 1Int,1 ''''''''',..'''..
,,_10.•_...,.,..........,dnfo\ HO ,.... Qn. ... , ...... ,",,'nlng 13 1))
Rob 01(. \\,h.. "",,1
pi««' dn .. """"",. J.nny ~;,f.'...,).fi..• Na.",o. F....I..." h;»~..,"n'..." • .r,... ~,....o
Ro b Si .....?
[' ' ' '.' ' ' oh..'/[0" (;"''' .....,.r....... ~.. ..,,' ,I>< 1<".., ...............................,."iag ,loo
And .,.,... '" ''''')'. nu, TV ;". Too,.. J''''') 101',,'·11... ,
,\Iou,........p>;p<, • .,id. . .....1".). 'cl1;ng'" IIvinR "'''''' ;" c.,."..n"> ","'h..·• huu",. When
"v... ,~I'" 'ha! ,hat ..'. " IIch ,,~, mu, h TV. ,h.. Rob Coa " .....lot it. b... Lo'....? Scar. """'" foo'y.
,hor ""'k"'" ,h. (i"I'I, <<" 'b.r h,nd 5"'0'.
.... '1"'",1 ''''' .,,,,h 'Imo .''''n~ In Iro", o(,h. ;., '0', aM 8" " i. ' 0 (" ..rn.n·. ,i '''', ""I .1....
flf,..,,,J~nny ,.~.. '.."" " ... Rr>b. I .. '.....l. i, on'"" ><n, ,be 10"" '0 t;..rnon. Cor m", w., ' ~'W 42.

I \ aM ,h.. . .......,1., ...~ <k>n', oxorci"''''''''"gIL Rob 01( ",IIl ,n< ...... "i ll ,ing!<,

TI,,,,' . I$O"Y ,I,., .. " . h "'~ TV m. ko. u' .. upid. J.nny £0...11"·,,, s,..,. ".od..,.... C;...n,. n Wlwn I got ,h.I<".. ld,dn·... lI ~,...
Koh r; ..... ,
I, ,hh.1I """ I""y~ I, ,,,.. ,h ..........«h 'itht ....y ,....u.... I ...., ,., ""''''''"" 1lop' pickln8
1I00Iy,Nlhnd.~nni~Rob. you ....... Ita. .
«,..,..To..,. W.II.;,·•• h....... ,Ita,"P ' 1>0 phon< . nd P"" "'~ I, '"'" n.~"n. 1.........
tOO m",h ..k<;....... buc I, proI».biyu,,·, ,,<><,h.. • lot '",no'8Y·
..'.«hio8 fV .... l e. ... ""rtd. I·... ju.. Ilai>l>«! RDb Uh "uh J oda', ...11 him .. 011.11.. I k......., 1h." '" ,,,,L.
....d;a~. bouIo: by a .......... •M... S'....~
,'I....." . (".. ,n..... Iln.11y ""''''' ......!land ~.....
"'" n",,,,.,..It,,·d L..." ........, II<W I. ("0<>04J« r"" «d ,I>< pIo<>r><. H...... 01",,_ ~ l.Dd .1 .....

0 ... ,hin, "" ...... ia hit bouIo:;, ,h" raod«n T\' ",

......... Iilo TIt.....".,....... Uf ''''''.. or ",.J .1,", ... 5,... Irould,,·.btl...... i' ..iorn .... .,II«l.I ,.....
,,,,,.Lo,, .......... in«lI«,,,.II)" ..
<a,., ,Ita,....... 20 ......t". H. ~ ,baD l"\' O<ri<. ,..,.oId""" .... "'".......' botaoc. boo hKkily 1k'1"

,bnc J.o........, pIo<><w nu" .......
,Ita,"",,,plko,..!.<><I ' ....y.m." .nd ,~ I><!pro
to..,....,.No...,,,. ~..,...nd Ca •..,...,.«:l
....L. u, mu", l.,cllIl'''', ·d.,·.I"...f...

110" 11".11. 1,on 1><1""", ,hI!. h", ,,·h., .""'" ","li", 8 1)) 5 ,.. , \\ loo" .... """ it "·.. Ii ~,,. "" ... it. \\'..."
1·10", '!"<Od.or"' 'nri< i. -p<><i';"" ' \\,.,11
,,,,,,,,',,h,, .If ><> 1"'1"'1.. un TI l<>n', boli,,·, . or"" •• b. "'PO" , nd into,,,,,h 0'''''' '' ""'.,
k....,..· 'hi! p<OpI< ,,'ho .... "",,' i"oonjor lif, n""~ W;,hln.JO _ ..."", ,of ...".'''~ " , h o,lw, ,~.I" ~ <
' h" ,"""" "01!"'l'1 f", '"
Tony \1'"II.!o,...,,, I....,,,..........). ,h., ..... <on=n ,Ju,,0.." prvpIo- ..,hu.f< "'1l",I," ,nJ p<»imh.k, B", ...... kl"ing. \\ ', 'oil i n ",,·,.11 """, ,~, i",

I<••n ..,,,,,,,hln8 f....." '.. II'~ , I,.,.., h...).• ,.. ;"",;f~ .. od,.....~..., poooitl'" J'<"I'I< ....1.... Nor•• , o . l . .. "'«l, Iw",,,plc got m.. ,led.
ca., hi. l inJ "fTV ,haw oo,""h ""boo, ~""'I' I? Y<'" .rle, ,b.)' 11.., """
.buu,P<)"~) ho>w p<<>pI< Io<h. ,'o ..'he. 1>..10,,;.., Thq'lI'" 1><".. n...... q~lek ly ...,.,." ,...,. C.."", .. 1"..... 11'" n... " ..... in.1I ,....... )..... Iou,
Ca,,,,,,n.,,,m.".,.,... , hI>......,riod ,..., 1.1""y.I..-J.
,,.,,. .•• in. ~M'p. • .. Jkk••nd ,he) li"o ""'e<', ,\ «<<n' .. od)' h.. N....~' ''r So s....• ,,,d
010<>0'" ,bi! pt'O!>I< ..IIo .... "P';rnistic . nd think
110>1 1'<<11. 'h,n k '''''. T",,), .ntll''''' So"""')"" ""I"'bt... ~,
poo.iIi>..t) Ii>~."" .......'8". nino ~. ... Ion,....,han
k...,... ....... lOdo'h ....·...ln[l- Y""caosi,dooo'nlft IIu, .. ,11 ,"'" l ",p ,...... pwo»i><.?
pn..",I.n"" ...""" So. ..... b." ..."', ''''' ....
f..- '" ,h. T\' " "h. ""'.,(di,k cborol"n.,. [........... ,M,,~. Dv)"" ......ny ....""ol><lp ",I>< 17 »))
_~,,~;n .... Ii>"H!
h,l. n' SO ...... don~m"'n.<Iu<....>

9 ))) D •. I'< rll. fi. ", ,b. ...,,)." ..." •. i>. ,""'r .,(
H.,,, ....ud.... ,.,11,. """r, k:"'~, .... ,"$;' H; "My
I""'PI<. Th .. n... n. . .... ,........ goO"lI '" '....." loo
\\ h.,',)"", ' ip for btin8 posioi'''' otp«>pl<. "hlnk "",,« P"Il ro bt ...........,,'
Apdy 1l~1I0. I'<<il.[,hlnk ;......"·impot"""o!i..
p" i "n' ", .. orl ? ......... 'n.""""•. I,h ,"k·
In ,1>0!HI ...... ,n ,],.. p'''' Don', 'h,,, l n •.
I.............n. .'·""

listening 121

".,ion, Y<>, ,h,", rijl.h" Molly ,\,d~·, "', tI,. e ml or,l" ,b) ,w .. " ...",

Or. I,hink .h.. 1,..Ir'Y n,.."" )....., ><. ge<ng '0 ha,-o, "ngi"g In .1 ..'0<1 p<,(o« h,m,onr _I, ,,'"

k>t"f m...'i"~', no,,·... , Ni<o Did),," w."h ,h. t>i~ ~.m. 'hi' .'·.nin~. 'm>ling, In just Onc d". wc "'0111' "",. mu,h
I·.,io ... IVh.. ,"""
, .he g.>rdon , nd ,h.. 1".It ,,> Th. l.k." .nd ,he l<l,ic._ I, "'' ' ",!ling, u,.l>rtl..
d."",,,,,,., .",,1 '''0In'~" ;~"'.. C ....k1 )'U"
l)Q ,hey "",.n .n~" h;"~' [h d '10. I~idn', ..·...h ;,_ I<Ion'. lik.. b.."',b,lI" ~i'" link

Dr. \ 0._ l'Iow.", "'., po,i",·. ') ",1>01. s.., ,.. .11. I" f.<t, I h... i, Fran<n l "ony Oh,OK _
Nko Oh
fIo" .... ',...'n 'h>l )""" .'. (etl;n~ J"l'i,i,,, ,OOu.
M"n> So, ..~·h.. "")"'" 1'"n~ ,,,down<n ~'QU ~37 1))
n'''',he ru'" re. So mo)'1>o you alro.d!· k _""',u •h;, fini,h ,oHog•• :-;"100'

po..ible promotion' Ni,'" Vh . I.)",,', kt,~" . /-I,,,"10urn,I." I ""i,·...1'h" "irpor' in San lu, n. PUOf'"
Rirn ,,·h.,e I me, '1 ild•. So) \1".<
r"ien' 1'10,1 ,li,I,,·, . Ill" i, ', ,,"', I ,no ''''r h,N'.' rhd I\·h.. >re you "ud!'inG in "'liege?

" "·,,,k.• nd I (""I "or)' J"l';'i," .bout rn" (u'u'" Nion S""i<>Io~', :"ild . LncQ",.J•. So,, ~ilJ~
Do d \\ h,' did "ou .hoos<: socioJog~' > Jo"rn~li>t Nild"ookmc ,om)'ho<d.• ",,!h>l
Ill.. '.n<Kwoo.m'· probl<m' .... M! !,""'km. Nko B,·"u""r,t.ough,;,,,·.. ,,••)
m, ,h,'",,,,,,"i,hm, 1o" .. li;•. Doe,
,,11" . ' Mom h i, in'<f",'in~'
N ico I,", OK , I 'h ... II"hu w>< F",il<' lik." . lin re
,n),hi"s,i,...u"h>l? - . "."i"g " .....n' '0 .... . od i. " '.. ,imo f'" m,-
~i,I, M"inn' IX. )'Ou h".. 'n)' phC.<><ofher> ,, '" ''''- I 10,,110 or"",,. "''''''' i,h "nd , dri';~
Or. M"" y" i, do<• . Y"u'r< .ingk. .,cn', )"<"I'
Mom !'hot". oflmil!" \ cs, Wc h.." , h""SlInd. of ;" H.'-. ,,><! ,I><" .,~ forthHh...l . I ... <Io"'n ..
I'.. ien, Ycs, ",.11, di'<>I"<cd pho'o>, S.... ,,"' 'ho ,ut<>t linl< girl. ",.." ', .h.
a ab"" ."d I "ie,I,o""1<-,, ""I••nd. <hi,""n
Or. 8.",.", ,h. "io!in mu.", ,.11> m.. ,on ".,,' lohn'
,,'n,. "",,,,,,, in )'"'' Iif.. - ).""',, tOul.i" ~ "", Oad Y".,I><",.." ~ I".,u,irllllill l.~ irl, -""d,,,irh_fu,jih''', ~"a ""J"'i':UY"" """""d,,.lo

1"" ,,., I"""'P'? Nioo C." I""somc? drpolJo.
I'a,kn' y,,, y... I .m. In f'" I m.. , wom.n I."
Emil)" Oh, no, pl<'", ""i,.,« [""'auj,l~
mo,uh _ 1rNIl,lil..h.. I ,hinl. I'm in 10" "'i,h undo,,,,,,,,, ",., h<
.\ l "m lolt".•,,, ;ou b'i,,~ ,.... ph",,,,,II.,, ,,,,, noJ"urnali>t T.rri f><'
I,.,. I'm ..,,,",i,,~ h« ,,,ni~h,,
11r« "'"• ..\1) p",n""""'iun ,,·..n·, p<rfo<l, bu, I

Dr. I" ),,,u, d ..,m )'ou "" ,n ",,-I i" , "«,, gm my .oo•• "d on) ",,,,I,, i,-h. I ,~.II" ""io)',d i'-

V.,ion. Yo•. • """",,,,'1 lIu, ,torn ,be nlO'" dlffi,"" 1"'''_ .',~i,,~ for ,h..
, I,,,'L, ,C",;n'".-.?
Or, Thc 0,,'1 I<"p",.en".n "kkr p.."'n_! 'honk
W.i«, ~";.Q"""'"
)",,'11 n....,1 ,,,..I. ,hi. 01,1.., I.....on f,,, h..I)'_
,h;, "'0'\h)'he Journal i« "r.Ii"",?
·n ~Io 'l'c '''' n' i. ~I.yhe )·n. n<od .\\n," L<><>k. •nd ,hi. i,nn< "he" ,h. ,,'>< ,h,c;,

mrhdp? ,·.,,,oId W_i'~T !><;.M...."'• .

p .. ion, Well. )"' .whu I 1<.lh' w. n, '0 know i, D;d And ,hi> i>" I"," " .• w,'n' '0 Di,"o! WorW. ,,',<Jou rnal", Si> nine,}' I u"do"",nd' 'llkla ~"''' Ill<
,i~h' p<>im..-.... ' h~rc... I "e'r h'rp)'" i,h
d.,."hi. p<"on, ,hi> ",,,,mn M< ",.1 Th,,', [mil; .. i,h Mic I...)' . ,," ~Ii",", _\[00"',
18 1)) " ieo <001,. K i, , ,' ,h",- ",,', "" "'.0' '-"', 0" 'h< 5ITOe'- l"<s, """'""
''''''''' ''"'~ io~ for tlir<'<'t~"" ono undots"nding
r., ien, Wdl.)'". "I", I .... 11) ".""o~''''w i. n.~
d"""h i'I..,,,,,,. ,h i,w,,,,,,n , _Im/, ,,,.> ,oc",. We "'~f< ""' ,""u", >""" .•no I had '0
N kn Ye',~""',Jnh",
O r. Iou I<"men,benh" cnd ofyour d",.m' YOU ,rop somOOl1< ."d .. k hi", nr h~, ,-,,, 'n" neo.."
wIT< fo<ling <okP 32 ))) ,Ir"g""'''', tm~f~."','ci4_ I >lopped, "·nn,,n . "

Pat;.n, Y..,m~'f""''' ... wrycolJ ,""·n-i.,..,,, G....,J mo,nin~ ,001"·.k",,,., 0 " ""'I'r,,,,, I ,ll<ln', "",k,,,.rtd .nJ',hing <h, .. id!
D r. \\,,.11. I ,hin~ I""h,p' )"~, ,,,.,d)· t.....,. ,Iw '''''"J""' 1"'0;:" '" "" ',, ."-';n ~ "",11. ,,,,," , .I"~i"g
i'a ..o•. hy S',¥I w,Jow,m-h,,)' I" ><S"ud.. ""II~
an,we, '" )'''U' qu,,, ;,,,,, I", h< "odi<>. ,," h,'" ~r.""n. ,he di"'<t"r of' .11" i:q"i~N", /1"-, U"~f.m"'ti~ '" ,~, C" Ik,
.inging«~ in ~1i.mi.• nd Moll,·.• >I''''.n,,,
I·.. i~ .. , Ynu ,ne '" , h' d"",,, '. 10\" mo_ Jou rna li., I••~.J ,h. "-un,"n ro <p<.k n,nrc
,,,,,, he.[)r. 1\", Idon', ,hink.l(>, I '"ink l"'" will n«J 'u I-<.noo·, ,...h<><>1. G....,J mornin~ to both ofy'~'
~""' I)'
find ,,·oman.l'm ..,rrr. r"h,j'> "'" ,·.n F.. nou I Moll)" G"",I mumi"ll-
find ."m,ono,," ,h. In"",..' I h,,, 1I... rol.-.I". I'..«f-hy Y.-..iad, .....haY 10",' I. "'R"",I,, c~ll.·,,",
"<1), ~ ,,·.b.i,. I n'e,,·ie..... M"' , F,,,,,,o,.. " "'>u ,dl U', wh,' i, i,
i:q"dr-da ILQU1UU.lA,
•~...'" id., ,-", J""~. ,n 1<>,"''0 . ing' . Journali>t IgO! i, ,hi, time_ I .hink. T ho ",oond

Fr.neo F;",. 1>«".," .;nging m.k•• "ou f",,1 g"'-'<i " ....., ul> .h. H •. I f"IIo"'rd ,he dir«,ion • • od
~""; "I..,>TI",,,,,,,,, ""'~>tu,, ,h.... !SOl-on
23 1)) And «condl)". oc<>.« 'in~ing i, 'W)' ~ f", l"'in" '-,nm "lild.
N ioo Hi. ~_",ily.!>orr~· I'm 1.«. Iw»"'",ohing,h<
~""'f hc.lth. R...II,·' In ",, ? lost n.mocr 'hr« , I ..-.,n·, looking fo,,, . ,cl,o
hig gan,o_ ,hi. ono, I h.d '0 "k, . ,ui '0. hi._i,,1 plau i"
I"t<-"'k,, <' "h,,;, ,~, "h.. '0 ; i"g)"" "..,J .0 S." J"",. '1ilillt " ror. olo"'n ,.... n.m. of .hc p40c
[mil)" \\".11 . rom. "" In ~ I",,,, tI", i, '<k· O. '<",n. F.. ncu \1',,11, ..., '" w""". pie« of I"re', I, Ill< ",,,,. of '" ,,1<1 (..,.-,
""i_no.. !h, ocean . We STOp[><d
,hi,"",," ,i,k ,,,"O hr." h«orrw ly. rh . ..,,'o,) 'mpo",n!. Jo urna list U ,llo,,·o.po,fa•..,.·
N ioo Ob ... l,,'1o.
And I'OU ,Iso k.rn '0 ".nd.nd """",.,1>. A"
Mono 'l".,o "'<e' ,ou. 1\;<0. br""'",ul., poople" It<.> .ing "'" u(,rn in
Emily And,hi.i.,j,,·l).d,
.nd ho. I,h'" ,h.n p<opl. ,,1'0 ,100'-"
Dad Ildl<>, f\.i'"Q,
Nio" I '~11o I n'''<>';~'''", "'''' ."co. , <1"",• .-.,1)' for prof«'i",ul T " id,.i,'« iQ"<'il\dtmdc'
O~d Corn,' "" i",n 'he li"i ng "",,m Jo~'''ali .. H<.li.. ,,·,""'.... ,'"~I,,''' ',ri..l,,

FraneO No. not ".11. rhoy',c(u' <,,<,)'bvo.l) . You hUI ho <ti ll didn', und,""nd, I -..-.. d«p<'''' '" I

don-' n«d TO ho,-•• ny <xp<"ri<m-. wi,h ,i"~in~ "id ·fi>r' ,oiJ,....'....:

And W" 00rt', n.....! 'u be ,b"',o , ..Il mu.1< T..,idrh... ;,i/,.'(I .lIOffO.

D.d \\"""Id you lik,. d,ink,l\i<o' Oro ng. ju i". In'~" le,,'., ~o """ do ""U' >1"<1<",.1<,,. '0 Journal;', Fin.II)·~ Nikl. "nl)' ~'" ",. fi", p<>i"I>
""'-'''''"_I ..".1«1 "I' u,in~ Engli,h_ S,ill , "I..." I
."o(Ia' ,in~'
Nico Oh ,,>, I"h"_ r-n h..... , ",,1,. 1'.....", "'»'••""d. ,h. ,ax, lIrh" u'M......."d "h." I"",,,<d
Fran oo Th.,- .... ,,' h)' Ii"<ni"g ,nd "'I'<>ling.
'" go, .1 nd '" '0 ,he fin.1 ,~", I h.d If>
Mom You'", ,,~<o,';.n . ....n" you , '1"0' ,00,,' ,h.~i"gins ",ell i, « , Ity ~5·'41i>"'";ng. n><'''g' in ~r'nish on oo,,-,obody', ,,,,,",,,,iL 1
I"<C "'ioWOI O K. Moll)". ,,11 ", ,-I....
Nico Ye-, I " n. I'<'<o,,,lh' I ,hink oating .nim.l. i. I",,'M
,0<,11) wrong_ Ho"'long did i' . Fro", ,e" I" ,he m"rn ing ' 0 .ix h.d." gi". m)' no"",. 'pell ;".nd ..k,h. p<r<on
"n) Onl) ",,, ,b)
Mum Ahem . w.II "hi>i. \<~",.h"'''''~'''' 1""1.... '0 <>11 m. b",-k, :<:ikl. g"', m.' ,he ""mkt (i' "'''
you li~< i" E"'il),,' D.d n,>de i" in , h<"'<n ing
'me ofh... fr;"",!, n'In«1 I.ourd.,) OM I dul.d. I
In", ,,'io,,'or Could """ .I, rad,' , ing " ..11 brfUh" "',,' ,...Iing ' li" l~ "ef"",,,,, ,hi, I"-~'''' "",'OH"

)',", "..,cd' .. Iki ns on ,h. r""n, in. fore is '' I1ngu.g< i,

Dad An)' m~~I"•• Kit-o' M ull) I'u. no' ",,11. !\ .• ,I" .)" Il k.rl <i"gi"g_lIu, nc''''' '''' ,,,,".,,.,..ok'P...,k w><,01
L"orde. D'1'"
N ico Oh, ul" "'" h,,,l<. [',n ,"" "rr)' hUllsr). 1<>", ",.d mu.i< .•nd I n<"cr 'hough' I sang '"
Emily Tho I"'g'" I. dcliriou" I).d_
M o m Yo<. i, i<. ,'cr<' ,,'oIl Jou, nal i.. Uh . B,,,,,,,,, ~(J(J,." Sm- M o." M • .<.,\1·I\·
O~d Th.nk)""
r,,,,'·;.wOl So "'h.. h.pp<n<d during .h. d " . ,' X.(ih" I''''j,..-()• . l("nw.."'·"'~n'-""h, Oh,
MolI~' Wdl, ", did. M ofli>,,~ , ,,,I )'~... ~ lQ, R:.IO, I 'll \0"''''0', Well . ",) sr.,,,n,",
tor."bin~ ",,,'i,t<...od "e ,.,,,.,,,1<t1",. ",h.,
..."n·, C"''''<t, bu, I left ,he n""""g<_ H,l f" n

Em il)" I"IJ,I",hedL,I..., .\10,,", I""f<~' i"g ,e<h" ;q"~•. hour I.,Of. at oigh, ,hin)-. Lounjc, ,,!"'d me .
Ihd "", I'll"" ,he",_ Ine.,,·ie..-.' \\,h>< <Of" of ,hinS"
S' Kce»! '1ikl. 8"-0 m, eigh' poin"_ ·I'h.. "'..
Molly Well, forcx.mplowole..n.d'h .. i.....,i.r
,h" ..nd of ruy rot" ,..,IS. Kild. was h. pp!' with

f(I ' iog high n",,, if y...... • iug" i.h ••u'pri,.-d m•. My •• ",1 ....-M.. ,,", "," .... . I " .. ''')' b.pp"

10.,,1. on ) '-"" (",-,' ",i,h ,h... So hnw ",,,,h c," ''''' le"" in , ",,,n,h'

In' e r ";." ·' r Oh .... 11,-, Cnuld ,-00 ,1Kw. u, ' Wdl. ofoour«)"", <>n-, 10"" ~p.tni<h i" .
Moll)' \\ cll.I"II "~·
. """ITh , b." )'"" ,'.rt I.... " """ugh ,,, ' .. n-i,-.- if

I n,." -i.,,-,, For ,ho><' of)",,", h"",.. , ! '-'n you'''' 0" "<>li"" " , (~, , 'rip. ~o" I wam '" ~o

prumi.. \011 ,hat Moll) 1",,1..<1 "") <url',i<td . b.o~ '0 \I .. ning'''''. I)'C, .,>Cl ,'Y .n,I I"",,\ , on,.

W.", )OU')' wi,h )'our pr"!l"'" """,,<.;I\Jic,!

122 Listening

38 ))) " nln \ ... "'bon ,he ,h ..... '" u.... '''''''bot ht '''''IW<'ri~g n'i;hl '(I TIt•• r..1><I """._ ,.........
• ,...,~.r.bI,nonlin IOuthG..,...... _, , " , _
IUDY \,...""CJk~ ,I...,." "'l', .hlng> 10 ml-airlr. .."" liL.. - 11 ",,'
nr.,_ .•""", III 100)·....: t..J ,,,"... ""'
11..,.. "c"Nt. ... "",,,... ,tu,_YOIIIooI< ....,;..~ ,ucbl-- or -1 1"... )"'" d.",•.
JennJ h·.b<... ,f~I""..... ;'n) i,~r'~'n~ rb" ;' ~· ""',.. 'hi"".. ....;.-pon-for !~ hou... "".S>-.n"""""""
Sa ......: ,h i"l' lik Ar>d" ben " '.......
f...... "~rb«iD , ... Y.,d" --.\In. S'-' '''' '''IIO -W. joo.. ,,,,,,,,bot
1""" .........)'...k. he. ,,, J."",
Rob 1."h,it",V"u 11 ,,,, \\ h<o rlor> fi... lk' 11'" '0 Th.,~nd.,"'"
H,.. , On._ , hinkhe·.inl""',, ~ h ..... ,
Jen"y l>Ot... 'o il dl",,"e' v. "",h..o~-J_ had. Id.-.". (.........k,.1Iuot Ih" .. " It.. 1.0..
1.:J,.ii'nlfI'd~on1', k""", . bu. I'.,. S«""I ,..IIy " ...,,..,r
Itn"!>"..T.."ren",.' p"u AI ><'= nf,a;n in ,I.. li.... ,h<I·e<>r>1d .... Ih .dn_'
.\>wr ir IIh.,<>nldo? Ilr.. 'u ,j,~ isl.nd ""1010 in 1"""",,,,1.1.' I"'f'UIu

n""" ; ,,~ , 51 I)) ,...." lUn ~''';n.,ion_ \\ 'h<" ,h.....1>-.-.1 In II..rJo

.,C"',Jenny T"l\.~ \ or~,Rob, 11"" \\ <1I. 1e,·..... if....".xp<" c,n h<lr .h.) ....... . ~j>«'fi"g blue , k..., .oo ,un, bu, .. ho,

I,.f.n,."".Rub r •• h,Of,,,,,,..,)'",h.l'l') i". \C"h...,..,' .....1><),11'" ...~.. "",bl< "",mOo"< ,h< ........
, .n n)' Kc.lI) 1 rU" i"" ",-,in~'h ..
eo,h .. 10110. R",· in. H,,·, you ..1\;«1'0 )'''''' """'..,.,"0 '-0' ".,,,, ..,t>. •~I ...~,."" .~m id
Roob No. I,"e, "" ,
~"Ir, ...nd .bQur Ihi. ' M ". S.'anSC'''"' -~.;~ ~ ....'.... ,hi"~ln~. "h..
, "lIIY r"" ""cd In~.. in .h.p<. 11.""
I.: .,'l n "110, I h,,·.n·,. Idon', " -.m S"•• n.... '" 'hlnk .. ,11 h,pp<n n",'-
Ito" Il"",,· I.n" I", .;«cl Qf """11 00 1,,\I rh.
J'mjuiou•. 110.. T~<)' &,'.1«1 "'" '0".,. '" 1101•. bu' ,,, 80
,f.,;"",11 i,"', p<>d 10< nl) r.~",.
C • •h.. in~ "'ell. fo ... 1. h'"l you.bould "Ik '" "'fA""'OI.~"I""'.""_.r,I>iI".,l".,i".b•.".u.'iT.,bTIhh<e.,.,f.),o.,.,Ir,l,t,r..,h..,.',r•II""•<•,rd•.".•"."•."hn.".d.ihn.Ih."".<-'~.(.d".'.0."".'.i"..n"1">h•...•.<afdt
'.""Y Wh,-'h< ",..." ....tJ ...... go "'! don", )·....r
..,....... , l r...-r """' .... 1"«1•• ",1 ",tu,,J.., , hlnks • ..1>-..1 ju.. iD ,i .... ('" (')',Iunr. \ ..1* __ <J ,..,.
''''''''.,.... '0 mJ pi""• •l,er .......l' 1<o.o.IId m.k<
'.D"d11'h.0<..I...t..m. i.".."..j.t.OOM<I"t.'-bi<e-B"<'h". ,h'n~ ,~.~.'....f.i...h.i..
,w,.... """""hi"jt.,.. h..hhi". r h..
11.<>1> lldil<th.,. Thonks.
~b"- If,tu,·... h.. ,J.., 'hlnh.'''''"' Il h.nk
' e nny s.,.";'" do!Oll ,"" ...... ?An:~..... "'""! tu
,.adY1I".~.;n? "'" >hourd " "'1" i,.nd ...tu. ....."..'~",r...:'.<;,IohnocstctI-.-r.:>-rd1O'('thl>io<,lhHt d" ........ Iu.d '0
for .n).h,"\(. hurt.. ,n • ....."....g
R ob Oh ) ..'''", I.: ..-In \\·r....bOIIld Ido,f.he .1"" fon<b it ..h.

[u n)' .\ ... ,.,... ..... ,""·"' 01.' d"';'",I" " b. gnrnmfo,...bIo~ co" .., ... IIh 1.;00","" J>«'I'k

Rub Abw>iuI") C.,h• • ,,,,, ",." Ilbink ,"" ....... Id ,.Il ,,, .... I.on Lould 'b' ,,~.l!""' .n,' ....,..,." h<. ,he) ",,,Id

Jonny 0 .. . \\0"11",,1, I/<>."",n<!,,,,, ..,,,,,,,,,,,... '<lIh,m."', "".• • .,....,<1 friend.bu' ,h.. ,......nd I"" ~..."",.oo. f. ",il. kf' C.i,nund " •• <Ird
"'Of.,..,."n 10 11, .<1>.1,... '" ,'i", (,it..d•. bu, ,Ire c,,) ....
Knb T.. \» Ucclwn'l ~" •• n"" h.". f""'b!.-m." IIh ,I>< .....) he l>eh., ...

l"m ,u... he·II .."" oIoi"~ i" H.', prob.bIy "",'or ",rrrting (,om ,Ire 1looJ, io i" hi.""y
'r.,..~h' i, ...... pr<>bkn•.
42 ;}) ~o Ih<l !.-{, ,"cl i>oo~..I.;,I,,,,, "CkOl'

Rnh T h" W""M~I) ,".,1. rh, "k •. I<"n). " ""'" OK. ,h .n". 1"1I 10 S",-"m. '"nigl" ,0 CI,;i,,, hu,,'h in ~<". Lc .I ""I. KUI i""
btlon: ,hei, ~'"'' kfl 8.,.1>1"•. ",mc '-".,~I.
'~n nr Th,, ',O K, 52 1))
,,,II<J ,h.n. '''''''In" CI".",·nl"en hid I>t<n
,0 ..Rob h', ..tu ~"'" txini In I\.~ Y~.k. )011 \;no..', I'! M' ~ IKI "'" ".." c.lie, i •.\1 i....,b f",,,, I", b) ,n urrhG"'-.<c ."d. 1'')..''1'''' uf'h< <10.
nrr..o..;,"rI.".·.o.ieId...".r.....r. ,n ."",h.,
"(,"""«~. o.l h<,. «m. ><. ,~.~ good d"", 8 'Mklr·". lii, l!i ,,""II...." .. ,1.-,""l',J

Jo nny R".II)" Mit--.nda· Hi c~ y.'\""l], nd

R.,,, r ..~ , r.... Iooki"\': ,,,. """"",hinC """'_ fl..., And ...·h.,·. Y"",f"'.'bkmr Lt ,I.1><I '0. a .. h," , ."" ,I><n '''''1 (I,...,'" f.r",D

Somah,o~~I!T.....", \011 <n. rbeuko "P " 'i,h m, M i.. nda ~h' prr>blem i' '',' bm) b...b.ond·. . . On ~I ..<h I lrh.lht-)- ...t'K ....,·i"l'" rI<h ill ,

,.baul'IV'l(irlfriono.! ar~.. _b. "dOR r...... ~...... him.,",f~. TIt", dh'Orttd fi,,, ,,,......l""- brfurt I """ ". .'.s...n. ..".,....boinkT•..-I..I..,.,·,.,,, bODrn.....l.k,biodjm. .l.yu",".I.)i,.h..,O...J.I.
him. flul <It...illull. le"" """, ...·«k..,
Jonny 011 ,_
Rob W... ~""! ch... . nd of <hr ..... problem in htr- .1"" ........ 01" I.... R, ,....... "".k.nd ...... oi,..,. ........ ,h.......

Jonny Wh.. ~ ....1 r..._.. ith '"',"',........1.. 0)' ••U. hi"'.oo .,hh ,,,, ' .. I.., J;oI"D .'\ r>d .ff<1' 'Ioeu"""...k.-.... .

R,ob , .... _ ...L"iofl. h'('>~ •...- and hclp ....-......DII ....n'mi. k>o-.un...I). M, .ad Mt<.

J.o ny Oh. I"'" tw-n 'OU bu>' I<'«n' l} ID 'hink H "". 0....-. ....., hu,b.l1><I h;r,-."bikl...n .. irh hi. ,r....,~...""....... 1><1 cbild " ..... "'. bu". Th<-,

.""'" <1'l,'.,..""ir" r."'inS ,hi. joI> 11 ,"" ox-... f.? ",r...-.;".c.l.o.d.f.."i,omn.foI "l",·nl '" Chi", ('" ,11< b" 1"" '"
il). ,h,,' didn', h;r... .n, .. .....
tn.OJui".......... 11)' tHg 'h,,,~ ;'" m._ Ill""" ;\1i,ud. 1'.-." r- J",,', h..",.ny child...... Th,, ', ...".",~.I Ji.;u,et'._.."I ,,,..,. ",i,~ fol) I" ",... In

"""Il."Ih..·...kcn "p.1I m) ,imc.1><I ... h,' I ,h,n \; oh< ,1"",1d ,,,}' out '""'" I" .,..

R.,b K", ,h., bo', I''') ~"-">Il for )"'-' . Onl) 'hinLin~ Uo," C.,h.,i "". ""et 10 "-.,, Wh.. do "'., Ihi,, ~ ~,<><UlUlm ~n ;\I>r<h Z~,h , ~ I,. S,·." .. ron, ",..I
Mi ..",l.,r.,..lddo~ . ,
r• bou, "·o, ~ . mo.n, .\t,. s.-a"" ' Om -11 < h.." 1.. ,,,,,I,h.. In lif.~.....
"'Of",. hQ"ld . h" ay"'!"," ,h.
J~n ny \1 h)' .1"ln·,)'O" ..1I ",. )"" ,,'Cl'<"', r.d' .. ~ 53 ))) h", h"I'" furl""
,n,bt" ....1"'. p-''' """I '" b< pr<p....1(," ,hl"lI:
".Illhi, mot"i,,~, \\. did,,', I",. togo fo,. 'un C., h.,ln. Ili, \h,."do. W.ll. fi,.. , h," ).".,

Rob 1""n'~'0Il".I' .... nl«. .""" .. ,,, ~"'" h",bo"" .buo" ,hi,? 10 )))

Jonny W.II. I"m """ )....,.... (<<Iinll "'""0< \\ ""Id ~ I ; ,.nd. '·... 1...,-.. H. Ih,"., i"mbei"ldi.T",,,h 1-'... J
I lcl'<<I._.) f.... hi.ox-.Ir... on hr, _n.•nd
_li'•• "",I><,c".-r...1 r I."I~)' -Hdu; >< "-ill ,,,:
,be doo.n', r...-. ',""'A«.
Ro b 1'<0. , ... .,l , r ,hin \; I "","Id(lOt I»<k 10 ,"" H.,,!.) .ag.ilj·
e., ,,,,.ia, OK. \I •••nd.. do you r.." <10Y m.1t
""".I..,....I-." !!"" «.11y bu.) J.)' _tool .0., H • • olo,. " I h ...,,', r..d.-.r..;r..-il"'-,....,wrm.
f•......r..........."" >re i'''')II>'>d f""nd.!
''''' h.... ,cltrho_ ....mbe. r".. ,n,! "lK' I rn« 11<•. you .... ri~bot. I .,' ......._H..~'"
;\I irand. Y... I h..·u;'irnd".....dBiII \\ ....
,"" ..."'-lo~ nr \·•• h buoll·.n'...h ...... ,"!l"" . c.bon ,.I..m u.. iI" ""...... 1t ....."" )'''' ........ " ...........11
Roh Ob.O R,'h.... boo.. fri<ad......, I "'O• • "''''''/:<''.
8Ol h.......... ,L:
C• •h.nn, ltu,·, f""("'" My ldvi<e i, Ihi" \\·hrtt \'i"i,nn~ -·fIoc..:
".J.nny 1'11>«)'0" io ,"" """'01"1:.'()""',,, fffiiOJl. "'d'Mead",
' ...... ho . bond'. <.·...-if< collo.nd ..bhin. ,....' i,-ion .....
Rub Oh.l"m ..... 1"11 ht fi.... Thonb .~,ill fot. ,"bo)""'''-I · -m) ......-...i.) ..... I ..
'nd «< ...... ",11 B,Il.Dd •••• "l':" ,,, ........nd R,.d" , ~he ""->I..,] in,o h........ nd r I.".". ,,,,,Id
~...... "'"m'''~,
' .nny .... oy"",.. h,,-. 'i""'>""",d.n.....""Ii" ,,, ,he ..,..,.-i••, F,n-y h.r<lI, 1><1..., ... h" It><k. .
H."l.;- -Ptom'« "..:
Rob Goodn'llhl. h"'NOd m.." hi, .. or h.. a r.-...g I'r....... «11 . Road•• ,
Viv.enno -Irromi« ,-
Joo" ,- ~igh, . Roo, ,!w" '00 me<! Kill '" b.", along plto.... «11, ! ,.11

50 ))) ""'" ..., ~ h.... horl,.",;,,~,.nd h.·II«op _"'~ ,,11<,R~.dN "I"'.'.,] Vii-ion"", ..,'(1). A, l!w ,1000- hi>
hi,,, ,u,nc-d .nJ I...-.k"]
Ho.. \\ .1",,,,,, ' 0 ,hi .....,.,ning·••di, ..... ","" 'ha.:. h . p p i l.•,.
.\>ou,,h. probk.., Too.,.. ...'.·.e .. ILing M....,d. I 'hink 'h.... ' g"" irr.-.. Th.". "~wo H..rr.y -I ,,'i 11 _<Im< ('" ...... ,~"""''''''':
f •....,d...
fl ""L.,h<,i,..

.\I><I,r.. "••,e.lkri,..

""I fY"" h..". ptubkm .... i,k ""'" vi)""", f,;.".]" i \ 6 ))) Kud • • r...>ald.

• ",I .' ",,'~ Ii \;. "". I'>l-'t.oIoJi" (' """not "'ail.., PfOl'''''11.,.. '" fool'h ....1l oncLry.lhe VII'lo oo. "T•......,,,,,,,·:
)..... ..,.....d\olu.ju.. ,·.llu... Hloo-;iS5.SSOU
i....rtd.iblo <tOn. ni. ~.. ..r~COIIpIc ,,-tr<o "",M R ••J .. ""''''p<.....r .. ~h ..'''il<. \,,_..nd
Ou, fo,.. ,.. n", """., i. K.. in flOOl .\d..... . .........,>OD.r>d .....w..r nu ko<.....ho.. ........
w"'"(,..... min."". w." H... It~ >I"Pf'<"I off ,I>< ...,n
I"cllo. K...n_ • ..." ...Id'.....,.! i, "Dpp..! in ,1>0 ...""....... nd ...n."" 10."

K" 'in H,. xc!>n , nd lI.',.., h0.5..o-.,.,R,,.".''"- -",,,"" INi. f"", bOII... I'.., .. . rw ......nI ,hedoot .......... D
b.'·..lio>l 1\ "'r
""probI<m ~ """,'h Thoy ...... " ...I, ,,JI. ..n10 hi",_ ~ h>d bLo<lha...nd " ',, ".~"o~

" .. in , .... M,' proI:oI<m i"d,h "'1' b.".d,i<nd. . ·I,b 'h<i'Y""n~"'~ "'''gMet'. n.... ' he)' • ~ .. hil' d...... T~-k;,,~lko<linto

~ bo. \\dl. ,be "''''~'', h<', ....~-. n''''''Il'''ifh fk.,. from ),odi>olm '" '(unit_ Bu, ,,'Ire.. 111< ""',...

'""'It"'.' ~"I{,itnd. ,r- ..,,,..r in M"nio., ,ht-)' """Idn', l!'" ,h..,
110<. bt.. friend 01" ... IIh ''OU< g••lf.itl><lr

Listening 123

1l ~ ..., r,.... I j"" did"', lil. ,""m. bill "'.... ,I>< lonn,' \\.c.II ;"be ...t.....~~
,r." "'Y (~Iing> ...,.. , .....,N '" .....
Pa.. " Rob Ri&h' .\"'·...).,"' ... i"..opprdf<or.b.>u,
In" "";""''' O""'~...... phohi:.. /f«,)""'.hf... ,.." ...y m'DII,.,.1 "ied ,n c,\I "'" ,.........., ""

,ht."...H a«I<y" ,,-If. -Mf """hor I. """"," no..•11' ";1"·1.
Reader ,.n n. ,. nft, 1... bcftlh<tt,.;".,.. ....... ~...,)·f,,<
l: 1'(>1 ....11' Iwc..... luclih I dtoot·, ...
Hude,.'> " ir......., 101><", W•• ;n~ ,n ...If.n buoo. ...'IUII..R..b 11_'. I ..n (rom ,b. ~nJrrg""'n.d ... "'b.....
.. ,hcrt",s.a.. eu.. '" h.... d,n..... boo, ,....) "',.n'
_h;n~ '" Juny y",,'.1.''.''I........p....w.)•. ,,', (11.",..10,,., It'
29 ))) Rob I'm >01',. 1.<""-. "'b)'''''''',,,, ~ 1»<1

H a.. ky -, h>.. """",hi,..1O r<1l ",..: c,«>d ...·.n in~ .nd "·ck.,.,,. ,,, Top ......oIJ. "",< ''''' ",.. . "..n,r
Jenny I .... i''''1 for '" bouT fOr- l"'" I ....... ', ....n' ,n
Rn"", ",;.I H''')of 11,,, b"I",..d """"'h;n~ ,h.....kl'· m"... I"~.m,.,.] "",i~'" ,he foe"...
1ftO{n.,in ht...,. Hi." 1(, ........" •••1. H«
,"1n,. on I... ,,' mu."' .... En.iquc IgIc.i", ..., r,n
.un"inl inl" ,h. ".11, Th< WO""" ><,...,>«1
".in, bu, j. ~ ••• h.p~' .., ..... m -Ih"ound...c. ,h. ""'",n.. l"".1I k""". F"'Iq"" Igle,l., i, , ... "'" of,11< "" ;,....")'",,",0.

"or,"',..,," ~ h".. h.,\Nod 10>.,1 S, .I"K« Jul;o 'Shl.., .. Ix> i,"n' of Rnb M ... "" "'."",,ld .. . ". _ould i" fot. ",.l~ \\.
11."I.y'. w if~ ·Oh.n..... h.,!- .",,«..ful.i n~"'II ."i." "f.lI, i,,,e.
<,.",Id t'i"d . ""';,.. ,.,," u'"''
Cn'~lu' ..... born I" M . d,id. in 19"~ ,onn)' 1don', (..l li l • • ,,·.I k. I, ', be.n. Jo.,nM do)

R..d e r ,,",e.;...I, !"'"11" " .......... i. 1..1><1 r..,...",•.• joum,I", . "d 1\ Ko b OK

11',,1<)", .. if. "\\'h. , do)'K' ,hl"~> \'~'i<nn< i. Iw..., (mm ,... 1'1"11,,,,,":•. \\ lien be .. ,. ,k.~ J''''', S,,, ,10< "iSh[ i, «ill ~ "g. \1""')<><1 """
,;.... '" ".... up "'i,h 11011)' .
"It'"('Un\; be 0,,,"""'" Sh< " ,... c<><>I: rh...... <>Id hi. r>> ~"" di~ on" 10.., "'" ,,,,,,"<11 ,,,
.. ~h rh< """',.....,..... ',. ~I,". png '" be "",,! .. -Rob H.,Jh·?
Mu"" ,,, h.....;,h hi. (........, li...." .... "ud";B~
... nd_.<I<...• Je" " y 1'''':.",ry'.1didn·' ........o ....r ' h"
"",i..... " ,b< Ufti>-n.i" "'''urni. b", lot k(, .1 ,n
R u dr. w",jJ ..... hoolNon~. ....., Iwc.....-"" ....",,..! ,,,h«omc. mu.i""" R n h l olt>n·"luIh
,n k_' >bour h" mu''''
Ibrel.,", ,,-if. ").... m"",,,,,,,,''''l~d''D.nd f!.-dodn·, Wo·.n, hi. (.,.... J~""y h><i<C il. RoI>. :<:"" if)"" dtoot·, ml"". I'd hI«'
....1H.""<cID k ••·• SI.. h,,, ....... drunk .g.... f.""""..........nd ... did"', ",..nolO~" It"
I... R ..b I.""'"'' me.l< n.... I k>l1> "iu>< • ,,~I..~...
• 1101.,_· ft..... ,,, ....."'.u.{ul"" .......... ~M 1'"............
Jenny l ..od forsc1 il ,,'.01>.
20 ll) ""'p '0 ......n,1 ~ """!,,ni«. he.O<"<I , ...... '....

InI on ;",,'• • o.,}"" ....,.. on. p""",,".1 Fn,Oq'" \1."1",,,. ,nJ I>< ..-.:n,u. lh· gu<' ,on, ,"', Rob lo.o.iI ....·'OK. LooI.. 1~ ......·l'm .ho·" .. La..

... h •. I"ml<. "f"...J"fb." .'i,h. \luk ..n ~OnJ 'Dm,,"'y ,..b. n.d,',I ,l..".,"'"'','b"e""''"''"! "I"1m" "" ',"n id",',.,.1.0. ..''"''1, h.., 8",
Ln' ... ;...... Rully' 11.,.. lon~ h".. Y"" had , .... I ........1.. hi, ro . ...lboIm.<>I1<d Eh,.,",laJ<>ioo' in H"I:-.

.bo..,phul.,' in 1995''''''''h "'""hi,,,, G,.n,my. Hc.lotftm' do ' .. n.. ,n " .... Y<>r\ bK.u.. of)<><1. TO. "".,.

A 1'.. h. d" for r....'l ),o...! ~;rK.1 "" I ! ("i" "'"'''',,,',, n.......Ibum" ,nJ ""I,od n"n,' hi.. on ,... I"" ...n I"m in'''''''''''' in;, )'I)u!
.h."" A, fo .... Ion,Iq';. ,.n~ ",.inl~· in
)"'" old.... [ n'l"" 10""1 ..,, h.d • • ~ imm"'~ ~j1."i.h bu, I..~, 10< "~'n ,,,.ing m<>r' ."d ........c In 37 »)
11"" G, ......ft,,"oort .•nd ..·.h,"'.. ,,, ,,,,,,,h..
l....,j.• nd ,h.· ,h,on~i ,,~""""''' ~'cr< in '" u~1 F "~Ii'h'()O.
bu,lding ",:>. ,1,.I'f""'I. On ,h. r",. J,) " ..1;""" "i.\.;~.u TooIlI)'. 0" ""t.y"' P""i"m ....
,h,o,,,,,I><;00I OIl' , • ..:~ ,<>Id~, Ill. f"""h .1I",nl. tv:~P' in 200 I , " .•• hi' ,i"'..... going '0 ..... . "",", "'nmcn in","",,,.. \\ hon
,be", ~'.r<"'''
.,,<1in 11..,. ,h" ....."""kln·' "....... .,."",nd blW" ''''''m«<I.I .....« .. ",d ,ncluded ,11< .... 'h,nkQff....... n'onn u. u. lI, 'hinl
'"" nm, h ' -....., 'boy mi~h' ,"" il~'in8
."""ocI.nd F' in".. "", ... i., ~ho .100 ........ "nv<, onF"'.I".nd 11,...,.•""~ Eogli.h... hk'~ of....n.I""'I'''' lik. ""'"ndo. G..h.,n Boil•

"""'Id"', ,...~ ,,,," ,....10,"11> bee...... , hi, """,Id .... • n.. hll • • 1I "'... ,h< .......Id . nd ",•.1< En'''I'''" . n

''''''n&lIon.I .... <;OM. [hcn be "', m>do- li", (>IM G'ljIlirl"", M.n:oni.1"loum>. Fdi<nn. B", ...

... kc"p ,h. loo, .. \\'~ h><l ... du.~...,,~.. ;.:Uy .lbwoo •• nd .....I"'h.... r... wi"g"""'n ___ w' ,odo, ... ..""ly ..·iIl ,011 .... nl>n) ..., ... , bi"r ' b< ....1. "'"
• ndT\ .t.n..... AI", I. WOI. "'I>rg... do'i"~ ,... I;"'" r ...... i"'''n«"<l~' .._ .

• nd ~.....Iy .. p<><>ibIt, Rn ..... " '~n"i. pL.,......... ", K""••;ko>~. boo, ,hey 5. U, n..,·,.t.onIu,oh· riC'" l ..·,,, l..<,he

"'Ir'I n.~" I. .. or Dod.".' ..... 111 i.." l"'" I.rv< ,..... rclari"...,,'I"-uy pri>'''. Todoy En'Iq'" d"h..·• ."." fOr- ~""",". Th i' .... In'-.:n«"<l

..·.....A :-'O'_h"......... Iu.~.""., ..... ""om:on ...1DO'd I<"<r'linc (.oo:h ...... ...
" f.... .r,"".I"~,",",."iIn.Ln";,;,".I..'.n,,","'".i.c.... POI"'''''
'n,i'•.•..vl."~"..·.. r'..t....l.o"'n·kut.'f~f.., ,,.,.,, life ...m ...of'... """" omil"'" I~H6. ~.....~, ••i<:h .\r1lC'ri<." ..."" ~.... ~"
l,rb.. ~ lo
ofdUI"'" P'''''''' B..."" w.~....",')'" ,h.. her
"",,'ok ..... Yr<. IM.e.. r..1" 'rne,,"'" Of ...." 10 ".n;': .Ib"m.... 10". m.k.. him ....... ks, "'hn~

.tll... ",.11 ,im<, .... . ",. " ..... '" b,ut pU,....nd 11'..":< .......
h.a i,',l><ginning '''~« d..k, '''.t,.. .'Ilr) ........·..)" ng , ... 11... P''',", SU.
ifr.. i)31I)) 'uI<.... ,.."in. docided Ir~ . nd in,,,n,. m"hi...

.. hi<h i......n b,o, "1'1'<".1(l'm ,~'i"g in HOII)' I h" ..... ~ d,," ....u.k , Rob, \"" ""I. ,It.. c<)ll Id ,,· ..h ...... "fr,I.,« • nd ~b, ..., ., r.1y.

'''y )',rd in Ih, " .."ini' I .,",~. ""... ",nni. Ro1b110>r1""in .,«."n·I"; ''o..·n. " ~,...., phn'M. ""', T h")",, App......", , ,,,"1 nobudy .... i'lI"'"i '0

."'ko< ...... if. "" 11",. "".. ,n'. Ic•• proI"" In",,,' • di.It..·..he" ,h. nI .. ill~' Sbe d<lillnod
m..."'f, ",,,dl c.n ',,, ",I, ,n' doe . "",.",)"
.li..." I...........nn luul ., ,hem in r"'-"'" ,h."",<hin... nII ,hoD ,h~ (oo ,od • '''"'pu", tu
! In,... Ie..'« o.,""'''"".n,·pl>ob;'',' h.,.......11)' "ic<.
11 1'0•• 1i<' "'''1 ",d d,.."n.>phobt. n",,,,.«,(f~ ",.k, i,. ,\, r,,,, ""') "",.1••nd ...."" .... "
Ilnll y llun l , Hr). \eo', """gh, Jo>rphin<·.1l<W """bin. I,,,, ,«d.), ,1>0
~nb I duft·, 1...-', I h.". ,,, g<' '" \ta"~.".,,
In, . " 10.... H.....· IotI' 10... J"" It&d ,I>< r""""? diohn,he. i,~!I«! by ",i""'''' of ['<'O!'k .1I",.."
.hou, "'. ....S I' ........" eeI OIl< .......nin~ lIo lly , '"" olt>n., 10.,,, tu '" .igh' _ '.
~' , ..... cwId
""",,!Rob rm ......" .... I"""·' ..·.""obe .....,
• "',. I .... pn~!U ,,000: ..... ,h. ".in.•nd ~ ..·as ~c.. "'osI"'.....'''' "r an..... bu,;, ......
HOlly \\ h,' do).... "'''' rof" toM,..
, ....."""'tkd.I ... " ... ,Iu..k"" ,Iuo i(, ,,,,= ............ ~b" Ande""". ..1>11111 1901 '''"...
Rob ..... p . ~m
..·.;., .n ............,. I'd .......... ¥" 0,,,.1 hod.p''''' Holly .........H·""Iu'... d><.! """ of,,,, boti.t<... rmbkmo'" d.;, i"ll' I n'i' .....
in".'''''''' i, .....i"'",,"ibit f<Jl' d.,,·... ,n'"
."",l.'''] I _, ... f.l, m,lwot" b..'ing '"rtl Rob .IImh"''''
....... ,...., ...."'e"'..... hrn i, ..·....;lIi.,OI"
quickl, ,h.d ,n", o/f,h. ",in. l'IoIly "M .. "h.~'boJ, I ~...-'>
....,... '''11. They h>d 10.."....' bci ... ,nd",,·. 11><
,. ...., i...·.r H"",d<><. )..... , pbnIti.o "T..,[ l"'" Ro..b....1.1'0,,.,",.i,m'n~".."..'."....,.,";.....•,',1.C1I....... ",,",M I
...".. '" "".,", in" ....';oo, \\ ind"'..:1d "'1""',
h(.' .,«lIy ·1h.<""".) An..ti<,a , 111"""'._ ... " ,"'.....'ion ,,,,.Mlni.. .,. imp""'''' 'hr I""
H \\.11. L..n·, .....1"" '''''''do<l ..."".1 n,,,,,, ... million. ofrrot.... "'as d'.po",b... cl"'I"'"

...'" " ..·.1".' ,.. 'ub,,")' bn:,,,,, m)" " ..,,,'"
.1"""i~k' n'''~ """IJ b. if,... , ,,<>w<d i .. "'" I h.. " ....... ;", .."ed ",. . ..,,"U " "'''~ Mu"",
Rob OK,
,"",..:1. I " l '0 .."id 01''''''0''. Wh...1",' u.";.".. ,,. He< r..he. ~nd "nd....... i""",or"
'3"" .1,Oh, 1<'. if 1'", ",.i"8..1 h"'r 10 k.". ,n .i,1c J"nn)" Rnb1
..... I b)' ,... " ""I",,'. Hnlly I, ,h.. ~<... I."nifcr? ,",1..·It.n ,hc h. d ,'""n~ , I,i M., n.•h. ,., do..'n
Jenny Dh.h,HoIly.... .... i.l1.ob,""<01
3 I",.."I.,.,•• Do ,,,.. h..·• any phobia.? I lolly , '., ,, ......., .."",d . Roll! I'nt . n)'bu<I) 11 "".... ...nd i",·~ t«l , d",P'" It" }''''' 'O<1ld~.... ",111.. "

C re•. I "',·r. I"" '1 ""u,••1phobi. r", "'. ...d ,h~.,,·.y. "'n~body ...hoh.. . ..,.. II b..b) ",11

oI"c"""'"" h"h? k"",,· .. 10.. , b,~ diffe..n« di'l"'"bk ,I",,,,..

1".." i...·.r O,,..'n.....U, >H",,' IotIg "',. 'ou Roh Hi.lenn, ....~.. ,,,"", Ii,'~" B~' . hhuugh >he in'''''''''' I,
J.nny /l.ob? A,,, 'OIl ..ill in U.....,&.I,',,?
I...!i,' in 19.>O. i' ..·..n·'unrill961 ,h.. an .\,.,..k.n
RGb ,~.h
C 1... 1wI k ...". .Iun~ ,i"... Si",.1 ,..... ,·~,Id. Jenny Y.... l _· ,be ........,""'" ,be .......""N'. (0["1""1"""gh, M.......·, id..,l'<>l'r. ""'"" ,lun

'"..rvi........ I"... did~"",' nn..., ....."r.". ..~h'.•iJh'> ""ion',!! ...illion di.poAbIo cli,!"","'" u1Cd ...,," cl,,·

C \f..n.I .......""'" I....... "". ",b<>oI «ip'" 'he R ob 111 I>< ,he...'OIl. """ Jo I ,"«0 .and i ........'ion h.. bc<tI mode .......... u·
c'im" .. ~ I",~••ixor ....." ).... <>Id.nd
C.._kb \ ',II"!I' <Kt ,be ",bw>'> botrf.i<ndh'. 'I"" "'" "" ~""blrdiaP'''!

"",1<_ ,,, ..... , ""~<i. .......""". In 1~!6. Boo"

, ....... >o .... .;to.. .,. I ,hough< ,..,. """" _ , '" 35)) , ... ",i,h (; ..h........, ......1 '''f. ............".

••~p;d t:....l ...,.., ""'I:-.f••;.I .,r,lwoo. T..... I R o h I<nn,·'r... berr I i.~.1I ......,ri..., . .... " ..... . ". ",od "'11'"
Jun)' lli
...."'"",h' Ur,."bo"tt.h,d'-'1'i"",S. .v".,n..d...,....'."..."".i.n.t.o''u'''.''·n. Rob I·m ..'''''')' Ih.....~'~I<rMIornon'hr <-.:I"Y f,~,,,.,,,,1 ,od 'RII'Y............ .....s.." 1''''8

f......nd I found I d"'n', lik. being [.,,,. 'h..... "n,lr,g,,,,,nd, mi", k.... In , ho«do,.. if)..........,.... "' ....~•• l_

It..! "... F" ""........... '" I"P'• • nd ..." .s"n
tr",n ,I>< I><ginnlO~ T .... n."" h,d • brm....

24 List ening

kWa...,hi<:h .... t... " ....·hi'e ,,,,••, to !"ttlt ..... fin.I.......,. n"" In r''''''''· TIt",' eII""""",d U" ~.. urd.~ n"ht. K"iotPor-fK,.• _ ... Ma

M'" ....i>l.I:o,. H.. 'n'·..,-'""'" it call~d '" ki'~·ou, ,...,. "",h '0\'.,h.. ,h.) h..! mor-< Ln ,<>m"""', ,h. Dju~ Ih,;, n.",.~ lo<-,'hoopi ..,."'... ht>m<from ...... " . _ ....
,It< b<. oh. • od ,h., iMk ""ll)' on",,' \~,.n«l ,he dnot", ,h. .... 'i.«I ,h.. hot. "', ..,.. ......
rod,)'. \ 11>, Gc.han, ""' . Jh-o<<<d rnn, h... nd ......-,WtJ,ooi:ini' SO"" ,h.) .... 'i"d ,h>< ,h.), ~"r iD rn'•.
hoth., in~ "'''''. ""''11''''. ofbti"lloawJ-
1\<, in,'o",;"" m. do ".. , '''')',kh "'Orn,,, H.. A, 'i ..,.•hey ....., ,m ,h<" milh, be
<t)J« M,. 11. ",,,«I.n.dioK ""'.•..:1 ,...........
..,... Mi k~ E""M'rttn,.i.r.b. .o"Id""n'An.m. a<1r."....,.,...,.,.,...p..o.pp."1."." ,ob,nI, b", ,...". ("",Dd OUt ,h.. ,It<... " •• <>0 f.mily
_h.- ......' ......·nro h... """"'hin" .. <u.""" ,...,..,
... ..
_0' '''' "ble ,1'1<1 ..., "" ""'piu< l'hon "" IarrtpooI
M"" l ...,. ro."",:1'o.", . 11. . .... in !J<KI".. Krll).>i<-d Kclly dMI" ""'" thot floor .,id immt'd'."ty ....... ,.......
I le ""'" .11 "i,oh, . , ""'Ing "H)' ........,. K........Id.·'
Aad fi,,"lI~ po'i<:~nffl.:.". ....!dIn....... ~:~;S ~~';i;::.;·;~,~;,':;·;~:,1 :~;t~h';'':'-'~'''' ~ndc....nd wh., ,h. ""t/Of .... " i'~)-on hot
n.,., beh,.-<d Ii~~ ,h" b.-f"". Ho........" .. b.-,.....
p<>I;.K....' .11 v'" ..... "",Id ... """..:f<'d by ".<C.""n" n.'''''' ofto"
.........,,,,h-.,-,,,.".d';,Shbor ,h. ,... " "",",inl!- , "" m'''«r
"'".... hing th.. "''' ;nl'~.",d ",.• "'·nm." In «>" r",,,,,, <lKe" hen
,i,\,,'~.I'" "'') OOoI..d tr••d
'p<d,'' Q('(' S'<phani< K"', >Ie\ ,,'-no,.d , .. I... . f..... ,h.n 'he "",,,1
m"~''''' ,h....'•• " 'rhjJu- b., incfi"tl,h',' ""-"'g.
,,, m.I«m",," """'I<' ,h.n n....'.Tlti> m.,..b' i, u..-d ,!u,.~n' .1 """" ••",.I«l OIl' " d .. h«._ h.- tbougbl
bul....""""~, St~.m.·. in..n( .... bootin~ """M l . . . .';,b ,""< ... _ .....

",L".k<. 11", t..... ;. ...... , hing.1\a< ,M ...'n Krlh . 20 )))

h.. pmh.>bI) ..,.~ thnu","'" ofl".... • .. ''eT'' dc• • ahnu, - ,fth.. ""," childrtn ,~.

.......11"., '","n l )"" ,...,.""",h. s.'~ ir)"'" ,hootpr. tlrfiDi..I)· won', mm< 'ht'" " .11): \t) .....~hbor ,old "'" ,h...... -...., h"'ln, d'n'.... "'~
n"",'h...·.-e'}, hi,'!: "" im" '" ,hi,," "rH'" ~.. urd " . ~udd,n')' ... "''' ,m' ,.•' f.,.,,'" k
12 ))) Ln t"""ih d.. '~H" I, ~.• • or<" ".<.u .... " ,,'," ho<
4 6 )))
'.nn~· 'e>n·,bdi<.. ;, y,."","",hhcre l.""••1y ,0'" ...,lo~·. And 'he.,.".. ..r' hot l"""pIt 'ri1kd hi. d.i"k
Ho•• O Mlr""" koochoool' "" ,hot n..u.. and "'''~ ""oklng ~ - .......,
",., "·'I-"--",r'$I:. pt<>b.~.• hi"",. Su.U("""......-b<n f''<) J'>' ........
A r-.<>.deiini' oIj "'"
Ro b l~_.r,. h.d.g...u,i""'.,.n.) t'""""'·...<>mpkt.h d,.. nl' , ,ook h,n' ,n,1>< ' ...
. . .,...~, .m" bu, '"'~ i'" fi,.". """.
n"''' "'m.H .... Wh.,? cb .... _ L..... . ....-.~, ,. nny \ ' e ' ''''' h', brnt. .....,",."...;". "'"
Rot. 8u, ..:",",'
A ','idn',jike
""'od...,," h;md ex'n" A,id ,h• ..-or" ,hin, nr j.",,) ""'011" be the ...",•• I,,-n ~",,'rr In I.""""'"
"""'.r<21 )))
'''''.f<,111 w• • I'F. WIt<"" Wen, '0 «,"-">I ,,< ...d '0 ""''- . ''''I'mh.... y"" ,hi. "",,"i,,!!'
' r l. H<llo Rn,." ....,)
'.~by, "gh, " .... lI ob Bu, " '<,II,,iII bc in ' ou<h. y"" ,,,. ,,,i, "'" iD -tu,',R,,><m'<)" H<1I"",i, ,'," fi.... ,h.nk•. bUt )'",,'11
1 U..... I);d r"" l, l ...hod? ......... g _ .. h'pI""N.l><l.nd I.m....
, ",.ion 'nd I " n . """, b>ck ...,., '" __ y.....

R • ""·«Iokm<n..<~ ><b:><>l. bu, 'd;dn', ......1- '. nny'."ill ......."""'..........

' ;l.h,~b_. . '.ItR..b M.N>.it .."",·. ...,.• """'.... up'

11 ".. \\'b~ "",1 ,e n ny \Ia,·b.- ,'"""kI«...,~!u, l f<) l""""" .. ;,b t.lo 0,;01 ,xl ..... r",_ f,om 0><:<, .........' n." , ..~

B \\ oiL n') h,~h ><hooI..-,,,·<t)· '~k .o,d i, "'." )"", "" If"" , ....' ,h• .., 1.> .. " ...~ ••od ,hey Innk«l

k', "',"',,., , ", ,'IOU ofrokl . "d ;"'1"""""'" It ,ook "". "et) lung Rob loo ca.-' dn 'h" '<nn> . ' ''''\'0 a'" , hi.' ,...Ih h.pp"

'''''' her"", I And l"m "'" ,..11,· ""H."' '"Roocm .cy I'< '.""flni,d)""... II..,n"l-.rm
,,,. )' 1<~IC.bu"he "'~"'" .",. "·."....,.'oa.. ,e"") Th.,. " ... TI••) ....... h'.'Df. "",hI< .' ~""..,...
Iood• .,., ............ o.k .. hlch' h..<d Rn" W<II."'>I,IIh,.·, ,,,,,,,, , i.... ,"II'"'h.-. W.'no h i. '10' \\ hm~

Uo., I);.;ho.. tol." hoo." tnin,,,,,, ...... di"....' ,...igl,,· R O'~lIlarr L." ,,~h'..,',., hr,..... ht>m< from

C l:k.~ ... ldid. f<nn)' 1........ I·"'Il"'''II '.. ''k y.... _~ 'M.

11 0"' Wh)? 'don', ...,,,' ..,'''!I'', n;c, 1.,. lI"h"J,J'h..... yl
R,,,ornary W.II,' wu,, ', ""'~' Ii""""~
C ",-,,,'ur' u,;"".,,,,,",, ,,'<f) 'hing "'hen nnb t..ol;."I,,- tin><. I ~" '< Irl. Of."",,.,,,,,,
no" ". Lo'. m)' ,."
11.0..,"''')" 11", I, ""kln'rhe'p 1tc"'''1- ~I-.r I,.,
, "'., litt le. <0 '1;1.«l >l<h.,.,. I><,.u,", I 1<.,,,,",, in..,,';"" in 1'.", 'or-k. b.lit.
. 1><.., """••hi,,!!'" A ,""..,r"""so. , ....... ,,, .... my .. ' l iag '" """")'. • ,.,1 ..,r' ou'''. 'h..."'....
, ~nny OK. ~... )"" I:,t,et .h<n,
.,>i.;.."", ......., Tho "'..... ,hi"lJ I""...... ,I.. ''') ,1t'D.
libu<)" - m) ~ ..... ., .m>lin.lib.-• .,._ 1 Rob II!" 'ri............, did ""'Y ~~
Ibr-b.... I<nny... II ..... h.-"" Rn.una . )"< aid,h...h.- .... pni'o ...)
..... ~...t tn " . ) ,h.-,.. ofoo.-<b" "' .. ,,, "'.... Oh ,onn, ' Ob. '''''' ",It m,,<Od h,m,

"".!~. , "",od "" fI"',.t)'.~'. bu, iI'. lIam.... I ",.'h· n<-<d ," •• 'k'0 h'm.'" tryhim "" hi. " 'i,h her " ....'h.-'I She ,old him 'h" ,h• ......,Id"·'

4 U.... f);,h"" Itk< «h",," (d' phor>< .H.I Iu, RoM 11', 110""... C. n )"" si'''' ,ri, ,h.rom' h1<k,

o ,'1o,.-uih me ...11''1''''',,', "",,,,, king "d lik. ''',,'~ .bot" Oob. ho>w." ful. Wh.. . hoot, child",n'

H .... Why? bt, f«l up 15 ))) RO'om'<r S"" .. id ""''' r.ko ....... "'hct- " ...... I
_,u/'PO>" ....lI •• ke , ...." " 'dh .... in .he ....... """
Ii,,"I) h" ••• boy.' .......,..•od I p . .n)'....,-.' .... fi,. mlnut•• La.... I..... hn Ic..-i"l
wi,h ju," I><;a...."h """.11 .b. 'i.... '."a,Rob ,,,,,,,,.,
.1'\ 11.... DidJ.... Iik<ocbonl' 1I.ob~ 1It.". "",...b,ng ",..,U)'<'O. the hnu", -.. ith , .uit...el
t: Ir...,. .i~h'- s.,.". por" ....... b.-t'C"!" , .... " 't..b ,,,,",-. sornothin, '" 1<11 ~"". ,..... ''''' 11" ,,"",
,h.otl-.r",. of<OIl .....' ThHl...", 'Ii ~<d ,.....11)· IT" 1'<01 \\ '1»' ,k» ..... thlnl.ho". 10" i"~ h,mll....
,tn ny 11".11 I,hough,a"i",bot",,",,'ng'"
dcl'"",kJ on <0.. "'" So fo, ' .. n'I~' ph) ,I,. .«i ng '''OIh.. ",,,,,,.n?
",,,,,,,'Iy.od F.n ~li>h "'0'" i'"'' b.. <hemi..,,. ''''' h;",,,,~, I "n,loll"
,," ', ",-.- /0""""n o;e....)" ldon', ."0,,. Oob.he..'. myt,,,.
Il,ob Mu, )''-'" dun', n<cd '0 "K,..e '0 I..,...."". .,11 11 ... juon from.oe."'"h.-
"..,.., ~h.- ....'.,.. ''''''''lib! , .................. hi"!!
....." ""il>l., I;&..-.I .rot...•".,~ i" f<nn)" "h,.' .......thi"!! "r.m~'''''''' him
''''''''in'or.I ........ _&«<'f.Wod. .. _ .
Rot. Il-arw.,,,,ali«! n....oIic-<.

and 1'", >fill in ,_h .. ith. f<,..of,_ JO)'t'>n ,"nn,- Wbit,""""
r......11.01> ~"'oIJ..,.,<.job, H.... ;n
..,.... '" I ,uppo<e ,h•• ,> ""';';''01 I~nny "h.. !~ Uh .,h,'-' ,re.. ne,,". IM' 22 )))

~ 11..., I)Hl,""Uk ... I~. ~~
",rJF Aetu. U)". I '0 ,ull) 1",-. "-h"",. U .....,
"'i''''''''nu fin• . , nd , .,.. 'l" J;d",,1I Rob loudoo,...""",,) p.... sod. r. r k 11 ;. Fn"". I"mb. ck. \I h"", ... IOU?
F,m m. I'm u","i" i~ ,"" bNroom ,"", 1'" ling
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J.~k Wm" \I he", .... I"" JeOing~
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Listening 125


lA word order in questions questions wi th be

questions wit h dol does! did in simple prese nt and simple past questio n be subj ect adj ec tive, 4 ))
wo rd noun, etc.

question word base fo rm (= ve rb) 3 )) Are yo u hung ry?
Is t he re a bank near here?
Where does you li ve wit h your pare nts? What was that noise?
When d id your sister ta k e a vacat io n last year? Where are you from?
What did you work? were born?
they s t a rt studying Engli sh? you
talk about?

Use t h is word order: Make questio ns w ith the verb be by invertin g the
auxiliary, subjecr, base form , e.g., Did you 80 Ollt last nioht? o r verb and t he sub jecr.
question word, auxi li ary, s ubject. base form, e.g., Wh ere did you80? S h e is a teacher. Is sh e a teacher?

18 simple present ad verbs and expres sions of frequency

1/ yo u / lVe / " IeY hel slle/ it 12 )) We often go out on Friday ni glu. 13 ))
She doesn't u su a lly srudy on wee kends.
G I usually work at home. Holly knows me very well. I'm never sick.
G They don' t live near here. It do esn't often rain here. He's always late fo r work.
[1] Do you s peak French? Does Alice like jazz? 2 She gets up early every day.
We have Engl ish classes twice a week.
00 Yes, I do, / No, I don't, Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

Use dte simple present for things you do every day / week / yea r. or for We often use t he simple present wit h adverbs of
t hings rhar are generally (rue or always happen. frequency (always, IISl1ally, ofre/I. sometimes,
lwrdl;' eve r, /lever).
Use dOl/ 't/doesn't to make negat ive sentences and do/does to make questions.
Adverbs of frequency go l2.clru.e. rhe mai n ve rb.
spelling rules for the 3rd person -s (he, she, it)
Adverbs of freque ncy go ~ be.
base form 3rd person spelling She's never sick . N OT She's sick /I Cl e,.

work works add -s Remember to use a G verb wirh 'l ever.
studies consonant + y ) les
study Itneverraills. NOT {trfoes.. 'tlle.e, ,,,ill .
finish finishes add -es after ch, c, g, sh, s, z, and x.
goes / does add -es 2 Expressions of freq uency (Cl/er)' day, once a week ,
go ldo has change to-s erc.) usually go at t he end of a senrence.


le present continuous: be + verb + -ing spelling rules for the -jog form

base form -ing form i spelling

A What are you doing? 22 )) cook cooking add -;ng
study studying
B I'm sending a message to Sarah.

2 My brother is taking a two-month vacation in rhe US. live living cut the final e and add -;ng

3 In this picrure the woman is standing near the window. run running double the final consonant and
add -ing

Use t he present co ntinuo us: simple present or present continuous?
I for things that are ha ppenin g now, at t his mo menr.
2 for re mporary rh ings [har are happen ing now, this week. etc. A What do you do? B 1 work fo r Microsoft. 23 ))
3 to describe a picture. A What a re you doing? B )'m checkingmyemai l.

you / we / they he / she/it Use t he si mple prese nt for things that are ge nera lly t rue
or always happen.
G I'm working. You 're working. He '5 working. Use the present continuous for an acrion happening now
G I'm not working. We aren't working. She isn't working. or at this moment.
They It \Ve normally use verbs that describe stares or feel ings
(non-act ion verbs), e.g., wallt, need, like, in the simple
- [1]00 Are you working? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. prese nt, not cont inuous.

Is he working? Yes , he is. / No, he isn't .


lA b Pur the words in the right order to make
questio n s.
a Put th e wo rd o r phrase in the ri ght place in the question.
you live where do? Wl,ere do ),011 live?
How old are you? (old) you a do have car ?
I \Vhere do you from? (co me) 2 older is brorher your you than ?
2 \Vhere the train station? (is) 3 often he how to wri te does you ?
3 How often you read magazi nes? (do) 4 th is time star t does what class?
4 \Vhere your friends from? (are) 5 Brazil from is fr iend your?
5 \Vhy you write to me? (d idn't) 6 lan guages how you ma ny do speak?
6 Do you often ro the movies? (go) 7 she born where was ?
7 \Vhat thi s word mea n ? (does) 8 lasr go where you summer did '
8 \Vhat time d id arr ive? (your friends) 9 father doctor your is a ?
9 Does fi ni sh at 8:00? (the class) 10 come bus to you by sc hool did?
10 Where were born? (you)
-c: p.5

18 b Pur the wo rd s in th e right order.

a \Vrite se ntences and questions with the simple present. go movies we often th e to We oJte" BO to
the movies.
mhe I usually get up late He usually Bets lip late. always before go 1 bed 11 :00 to
rnAnna , like music 2 eve r her Kate sees family hardly
3 Saturday never sho pping on go we
2 my sister I have a lot of hobbies ill 4 a ro I dentist year go twice the
5 in they breakfast the sometimes ya rd have
3 I 1get along very well with my parents EJ 6 usually morni ng the we the li sten in rad io [0
7 in day park eve ry Alan the runs
4 my brother I study at school ill 8 after drink I coffee 4:00 never
9 o ften Joh n to go doesn't movies the
5 my nei gh bars I have any chil dre n EJ 10 visit I once my month a 1110111

6 when I th e mov ie sta n [1] -c: p.7

7 he 1go our twice a wee k ill

8 we I often talk about pol it ics G

rn9 how o ften I you email your brother
10 J I go o n Facebook ve ry ofte n G

le b Complete the sentences with the simple presenr or present
cont inuo us.
a \Vrite se ntences wirh the presenr
The girl in rhe painting i5plavit!fJ the guitar. (play)
conti nu o us.
1 My dog's not dangerous. He . (nor bire)
lr I rain G It iSII't ra illillfJ
2 \V hy you su nglasses? It ! (wea r, rain)
1 John I weara sh irt today! ill
3 You can rum off the radio. I to it. (not listen)
2 It 's hot. \Vhy I wea r a coat (1)
3 Anna I sit next to Ja ne today G 4 to go to rhe bank.l any money. (need, nOt have)
4 Hey! You I stand on my foot! ill
5 Be ca refu l! T he baby rhat pen in her mouth! (put)
rn5 what book 1you read
6A you usually on weekend s? (cook)
we ' m6 th ink ofyou right now
B No, we norm ally Out. (ear)
7 she I wear makeup III
8 they 1make a big mistake ill 7 A Whar you here? (do)
9 your mm her 1shop at the mall III
B I for Em ma. She's lare, as usual. (wait)
10 she / Iive with her parents ri ght now G
8 iusually drink rea, but I a coffee today. (wa nt)

9 My sister from 9:00 ro 5:00. She's a secretary. (work)

10 \Ve in Chicago, but we in Los Angeles ri ght

now. (live, stay)

-c: p.B

Online Practice


2A simple past: regular and irregular verbs Use the base fOfm after did,,', for negatives and
Did... ? for quest ions.
regula r irregula r ~ 3 6 )) Remembe r:
I stayed with friends. I\Ve went to Brazil on vacation. auxiliary, subject. base form. e.g.. Did)'011 BO olll
last 'liB/It? or
I didn 't stay in a hotel. We didn 't go to Sao Paulo. quest io n word , auxiliary, subject, base form , c.g..
Where didYOIIOO?
Did you stay for th e weekend? Did you go to Rio?

00 Yes, I did . No, we didn 't. spelling rules for regular verbs

Wh rn Wh ere did you stay? Why did you go there? base form past spelling --~

Use the si m ple past to tal k about fi n ished anio ns in t he past , work worked add ~ed
stay stayed
T he fo rm of t he simple past is the sa me for all perso ns.
like liked add ~d if verb ends in e
To make t he simple past El of regu lar verbs add -ed. See the spelling ru les
study stud ied y) ·ied after a consonant
in the cha rt. -'----'---+
stop stop ped if verb ends in consonant-
Ma ny common verbs are irregular in the El simple past, e.g., BD > Ulc tlt, vowel-consonant, double
the final consonant
see> saw. See Irregular ve rbs p.164.

28 past continuous: was / were + verb + -ing Use the past continuous to describe an action
in progress at a specific moment in the past.
At 8: 451asr Sat urday I was working in my office. 39 »)
We often use the past continuous to describe t he
situation at t he beginning of a story or narra tive.

I wasn't doing anything important.

My friends were having breakfast. They weren't working. si mpLe past o r past continuous?

A Was it raining when you got up? B No, it wasn't.

A What were YOll doing at 11 o'clock last night? B I was watching TV. I was working in l11y o ffi ce when the 40 »)

~ He / She / lt~as working. boss walked in.

You / We / They were working. I was having lunch when my sister arrived.

G 1/ He /She / It wasn't working. You / We / They weren't working. Use the sim ple past for a completed action in the past.
Use the past continuous for an act ion in progress
[1:][2]0 Was he working? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn't . before or at the time of the simple past action.

Were they working? Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.

2C time sequencers connectors: because, so, but, although

because and so

On our first date, we went to the movies. After tbat we sta rred 46 »)

meeting every day. She was driving fast because she was in 47 »)

On Thursday I had an argument with my boss. The next day I decided to a hurry. (reason)

look for a new job. She was in a hurr)" so she was driving fast. (result)

We sat down to eat. Two minutes later the phone rang.

When I came our of th e club, he was waiting for me . Use because to express a reason.
Use so to express a resu ll.
T he acc ident happe ned when I was crossing t he street.

We use rime seque ncers to say when or in what order things happen. but and although

We use wllen as a time seq uencer and a lso to join two actions. She tried to stop the ca r, but she hit the man . 48 »))

I was watchino TV when t he phone rano. (t WO verbs joined by wllen) Although she tried to stop the ca r, she hir the man .
She was very t ired , but she couldn 't sleep.
P then, after that She couldn 't sleep, although she was very tired.

The most common way of linking consecutive actions is with then or Use bllt and alr/lou811 to show a contrast.
after that, but NOT with after, e.g., Igot up and got dressed. Then / AIr/fOII01! can go at the beginning or in the middle
After that I made a cup of coffee. NOT A(-ter I made a Ctlp ef coffee. ofa sentence.


2A b Complete rh e questions in the simple past.

a Purrhe verbs in parentheses in the simple past. Where did you go on vacation last year?
\Ve went to Orlando, Flor ida.
Two su mmers ago we I..QQk (rake) our vacJrion _____________ a good time?

in Va nco uver. We 1 (drive) there from Yes, we had a grea t time.
2 ________________ wi th ?
San Francisco, but our car 2 (break)
I went with my family.
down on the freeway, and we 3 (spe nd)
3 ----------------------------1
the first night in Scan le. \Vhen wc 4 (get) ro Vancouver, We stayed in a hotel.
4 _____ th e plane ticket ______1
we s (nor ca n) find a good hotel-they 6 (be) all full.
It cosr $259.
We 7 (not know) wha t rodo, but finallywc 8 (find) 5 _ __________ the weather like?

a bed and breakfast, and we 9 (stay) there for the week. It was hor and sunny.
6 _______________ at n ight?
We 10 (see) rhe botanical gardens, 11 (go) ro an
\Ve went to cafes and restaurants. ....c:. p.13
arts festival, and we 12 (buy) a lot of souvenirs. We 13_ __

(want) to go to Viccoria, but we 14 (not have) enough time and

it 15 (be) too far away_ The weather 16 (not be) very

good, a nd it 17 (start) raining the day we 18 (leave) .

28 b Pur the verbs into the s impl e past o r past conti nuo us.

a Complete the sentences with a verb in rhe past She arr.i.rm when we were baving dinn er. (a rrive, have)
co ntinu ous.
I my arm whe n I soccer.
I was earing dinner, so I didn't answer the phone. (eat) (break , play)
2 _____ you _____ fast when the police
I rook this photo when my wife in the _____ you? (drive, stop)

yard . (work) 3 It when we the restaurant (snow, leave)
4 I the game because 1_____
2 He met his wife when he in Japan. (live)
(not see, wo rk)
3 They for us when we arrived. (not wait)

4 she a coat when she wem our? 5 W hen you me, I to my boss.

(wea r) (call, talk)

5 T he sun _____ when I left for wo rk. (s hin e) 6 We _____ in the library when we _ _ _ __

6 \Vhat ______ you at 7:30 last night? (do) (study, meet)

7 _____ when you gave the instructions. 7 _____ they -,--____ in Tokyo when they
_____ their first baby? (live, have)
(nor listen)

8 We _____ TV when you called. (not watch) -c: p.14

2C b Complete the sen tences with so, because, but,
or altho!l8h.
a Pur rh e sente nces in the right o rd er.
We couldn 't find a taxi,Hl. we walked home.
0a He told me he was a police officer and that they
_____ it was ve ry cold, she wasn't wearing a coat.
were looking for a th ief.
2 I woke up in the night there was a noise.
0b Then another man tried to do the same.
DJc Onedayin2011 I wassrand inginlineforabus. 3 I ca lled him , ____ his cell phone was turned off.
0d The next day I read the story in a newspaper.
4 she's ve ry nice, she doesn't have many friends.
0e When the seco nd man wem in from of me, I told
5 There was nothin g on TV, I went ro bed.
him to go and sta nd in line.
6 All the cafes were full it was a holiday.
Df A few seconds late r, the first police officer got off
7 She wa nted to be a doctor, ____ she fa iled her exams.
the bus wi th a man.
8 The yard looked very beautiful, I rook a
0g Suddenly a man ran in front of me and gOt on the bus.
0h After that, a police car ca me and rook the men away. phorograph.

9 ____ d1 e team played well, it didn 't win .

-c: p.16

'''jjll 'JAi-Mdg)


3A be going to

I'm going to work fo r an NGO. 57 »))

HeJs going to meet me at th e a ir port .

2 I'm sure our fa vorirc tenni s players are going to lose romorrow.

It's going to rain m ll igh r.

you I we I they he I she lit Use be Boi,1a to + base for m ro talk

G You He work for an NGO. about future plans o r intentions.
She '5 going to
~G I'm going to We 're going to 2 We lIse benoi/l[j to + base fo rm to make
I'm not going to They It a pred ict io n when wc kn ow or ca n see
t hat something is goin g to ha ppen.
You He
She isn't going to work for an NGO. It's willter there, so it's Boiu8 to be colt1.
We aren't going t o Look at tliat ca r! It 's BoinB to erasl, .
They It


Are you going to work for an NGO? Yes, I am. I No, I'm not .
Is he going to work for an NGO? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't .

38 present continuous (future arrangements) P be going to or present continuous?

El ('mseeingafriendron ighr. 64 ))) ..... We can often use either with no difference in meaning,
e.g., I'm going to see Anna on Tuesday. OR I'm seeing
She's arriving at lunchtime. .Anna on Tuesday.

EJ She isn't leaving until Friday. It's very common to use the present continuous with the
expressions tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, et c. and
T hey aren't coming ro rh e pa rty. with verbs describing traveL arrangements, e.g., go, come,
(1] W hat are you doing t hi s eve n ing? leave, arrive.

Is she meeting liS at t he restaurant? I'm leaving on ,vjonday is more common than I'm going to
leave on ,vjonday.
\Ve ofte n use t he present co nt inuous with a future meaning ,
especia lly fo r future arrangements, i.e., fo r plans we have made
at a fixed rime o r place in the futu re. Don't use the simple present

for this. NOT fr,' sa som!:: "!::Jltis fOJliBlit.

3e defining relative clauses with who, that, where Use defining relative cla uses to explai n what a
pe rso n, thing, o r place is or does.
A cook is a pe rso n who makes food. 5 )))
That's the woman who won the lo rrery la st yea r. Use wllo for a perso n, tliat for a th ing, and w/lere
A clock is something that rells the rime. for a place.
Is t hat t he book that everybody'S reading?
A post offi ce is a place where you can buy stamps. P that
T hat 's rhe restaurant where I had dinner last week . You can use that instead of who.
She's the girl who / t hat works with
my brother.
You can use which instead of t hat to talk
about things.
It's a thing which / t hat connects two



3A b Look arrhe pictures. Ma ke senrences with 80;118 to + a ve rb .

a Co mpl ete with BoitlB to + a ve rb. be (x2) love rain

be cook do not go learn 2 Nor rhar one. Ir _____ too
not listen see stay take expe nsive.

\Vhar movie are. you going to 5ee ronighr? 1 \Ve _____ late for work! 3 You _____ thisbook!
_____ yo ur sister _ _ _ __ -C: p.21


2 You _____ in cl ass 3 n cxr year.

3 \Ve campi ng next su mmer.

Wc in a hotel.

4 \Ve a taxi ro the airport.

S a wond erful meal to ni g ht .

6 You can talk, bur I ro )'ou.

7 What you when

you leave school?

38 b Com plece t he d ialogue between two aparrmentmates.

a Read the sentences. \Vrire N for now or F for future. A What areyou dojrl(J (do)?

[f] I'm meetin g Joe at two o'clock. B 1'_____ ________ (pack) my sui tcase.

D I'm liv in g in an apanmenr with two college friends. A Why?
D2 \Ve're com in g back on Monday. B Because J 2._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fly) ro Searrle at

D3 She's moving to Canad a soon. 8 o'clock ron ight.

D4 I'm wa itin g for themail carrier. A Oh,l didn't know. Why 3._ _ _ _ _ (go) to Seatrle?
DS I'm reading a really good book about science.
06 \Ve're meeting Alicia and Kenji for lun ch on Sunday. B 14 (scc) the boss ofVTech
D7 Karl is arriv in g ar 6 o'clock. Solutions romorrow.

D8 I'm srudyi ng for my marh exa m. A Why 5 (meet) him ?

B 16 (work) on a project fo r

him righr now, and I need to discuss it wit h him .

A Oh, well have a good rrip!

-C: p.23

3e b Wr ite sentences with who, that, o r where.

a Complete rhe definitions with who, that, or where. She J rhe woma n Jcatc h the same bus as me
She 's the woman who catches tIle same bus as me.
A mai l carrier is rhe person!rlw. brings you your mail.
t Thar I the dog ' always barks at night
An octopus is an an imal lives in rhe ocean 2 That I th e store ' I bought my weddin g dress
3 That ' rhe acror I was in Glee
and has eight legs.
4 They ' the chil dre n / 1ivc next door ro me
2 A lawn mower is a mac hine cuts rhe grass.
5 This ' the restaurant ' rhey make grear pizza
3 A wa irer is the person serves you in a cafe. 6 That , the sw itch , comrols the air-condit io nin g

4 A changi ng room is a room people try on 7 He f the teacher I reaches my sisrer
clothes. 8 T hat ' the room I we have our meetings

5 A bellhop is th e perso n helps you with 9 This f th e light f is broken

your luggage. -c: p.24

6 Garl ic is a kind of fo od keeps vampi res away. Online Practice

7 A ga rage is a place people fix cars.


4A present perfect yet, already

I've finished my homework. 16 »)) A Have you done your homework yet? ~ 1 7 »))
She's cleaned rhe kitchen. B No,she hasn't. B No, not yee l haven't finished yet.
He hasn't done the dishes. 2 A Do you want to see t hi s movie?
A Has she turned offher phone? B No, I've already see n it three rimes.

We often use rhe present perfect to talk about the rece nt past, nor saying We often use yet and already with rhe presenr
exactly when things happened. perfecr.

We often use the present perfect re give news. I Use )'et in [1J and G sentences to ask if
Mary's had /Ier baby! A packa8e has arrivedfor YOII.
something has happened or to say ifit hasn 't
full form contraction negative past participle happened. Putyet at rhe end gre he sentence.

I have I've I haven't 2 Use alread), in G sentences ro say that
You have You ' v e You haven't
He I She lit has He I She lit's He I She lit hasn't something happened before now or earlier than
We have We've We haven't expected. Pur already ~ the main verb.
They have TheY' ve They haven't
finished the exercise.

Have you finished the exercise? Yes, I have. I No, I haven't .
Has he done the homework? Yes, he has. I No, he hasn't .

For regular verbs rhe pasr parriciple is the same as the simple pasr (+ -ed).
For irregular verbs the past parriciple is sometimes rhe sa me as the si mple
past (e.g., buy. b0l1811l, b01l811t) and somelimes different (e.g., do. did; done).
See Irregular verbs p.164.

48 present perfect or simple past? (1) present perfect or past simple?

A Have you ever been to Mexico? 25 »))
B Yes, I have.
Have you ever been to a costume party? 24 »)) A When did you go there?
She's seen that movie (wice. B I went last year.
I've never met Nina's husband.
A Have you seen hi s new movie?
We often use the present perfect to talk about past experiences
in our lives when we don't specify a time. B Yes, I have .
A What did you think of it?
P been and gone B I loved it.
Compare the present perfect of be and go.
Mike has been to Paris. = He went to Paris and came back. Conversations often begin in the present perfect (with a
Mike has gone to Paris. = He's in Paris now. general question) and then c hange to the simple past to ask for
o r give speCific derails, e.g., \Vhell, what, where, wllo witll, ere.

4C something, anything, nothing, etc. places

people 3 4 »)) ill Let's go somewhere this weekend.
G We didn't go anywhere this Slimmer.
ill Somebody I Someone has taken my pen!
G Ididn't speak re anybody I anyone. o[1] Is t here anywhere to park?
No, nowhere. There's nowhere to park.
rn Did anybody I anyone call?
o No, nobody I no one. Nobody I No one called. Use somebody I someone, somethill8, somewhere with a ill verb

t hings when you don't say exactly who, what, or where.

ill I bought something for dinner. Use atlybody I atlYOIle, anythill8, anywhere in questio ns or w ith
G I did n't do anything on the weekend.
oIII Is there anything in the refrigerarer? 1did,,'t do a"ythi"g/asl night. NOT if didn 't do IIot},j"B'
No, nothing. There's nothing in the refrige rarer.
Use nobody I no one, /lothing, nowhere in short answe rs or in
sentences with a ill verb.


4A b Write sentences or questions with already or yet.

a Write sentences in the present perfect. He I arrive. (already) He's already arn\'ed.

He I clean the ca r ~ He's cleatled the car. I I f have f brea kfast . (al ready)
I She I buy a new jacket G 2 f you f fini,h f your homework? (yet)

2 He f find a job yetG 3 The movie I start. (a lready)
3 I you speak to Mr. Jackson IT! 4 J I not meet f his wife. (yet)

4 We I find a grea t hQ[eI G 5 They Jbuy their math books. (a lready)
5 They f fini, h eatingG
6 You're too late. He Jgo I ho me. (already)
6 Jyou seePeterthi smornin grn
7 Jyou speak Jto him? (yet)
rn7 'you do your homework this week
8 I J notread Jhi ' new book. (yet)
8 We f reply to M,. Jone,', em ail yetG
-< p.29

48 b Complete the dia logue wi th the present perfect o r
simple past.
a Complete with the verb in the present perfect.
A Oh, no! I~ this mov ie before! (see)
Hm!e. you d<uLe. the grocery shopping today? (do)
B Rea lly? W he n 1 it? (see)
_ _ _ _ you ever _ _ _ _ clothes from tha t sto re?
(buy) A 12 to the movies in March,
2 1_____ always _____ a pair of designer
shoes. (wa nt) and it was in the theaters the n. (go)
3 I the newspap er today. (not read)
4 We _ _ _ _ to the ncw sho ppin g mall yet. B O h, never m ind. 13_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to th e
(not be) movies in ages. T he last m ov ie 14._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 your broth er _____ ab road all hi s
life? (live) was Mamilla Mia! (not be, see)
6 They _____ to live in South Amer ica. (go)
7 She _ _ _ _ before. (not fl y) A , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it? (enjoy)
8 Ja mes _ _ _ _ his gi rl friend's fami ly yet. (nor meet)
9 you in this restaurant before? B Of course! 16 it! (love)
c Complete w ith been o r gone.
10 Ja ne _____ ro the gym . She'll be back in an hour.
"Where's Rob" " H e's~ to the ba sketba ll ga me!'
1 The kids a re n't here. They've all out.

2 Haveyouever m the swimming pool in tow n?

3 1haven't _____ ro Sue's new apartment yet.

4 My sister has ro teach in T hailand .

5 Dad's to the grocery sto re. The refrigerator

is full.

-< p.31

4C 7 I bought you rea lly nice for your birthday!

8 I rang the doorbell, but a n swered.

a Complete with so methillg, arlytl,illg, nothing, ete. 9 We went shopp ing, but we didn't buy _ _ __

A re you doi ng auytbilllJ tonight? 10 There's more expen sive than New York City!

I Did you meet last night? b A nswer w ith Nobody. Nowhere, or Nothing.

2 ca lled when you we re Out. They're going to I What did you do last night?
ca ll back later. 2 \Vhere did you go yesterday?
3 Who did you see?
3 I've see n your wallct _ _ _ _ , bur I can't remember
w he re. c Answer the questions in b w ith a complete sentence.
I 1didn'tdo ________________.
4 There's _____ interesting on TV tonight. 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Let's go out.

5 Did _____ ca ll while I was out?

6 Did you go exc iting on the weeke nd ? 3

-< p.32 Online Practice


5A comparatives comparative adject ives: irregular

My brother's older th a n me. 40 »)) adjective c o m p a r a t i ve adjective comparative
It 's more dangerous to ride a bike than to drive. good better stressed more stressed
2 People walk more quickly than in the past. bad worse tired more tired
3 rmless relaxed this year than I was last year. far farther / further bored more bored
4 The serv ice in thi s restaurant isn"ras good as it was.
She doesn't dri ve as fast as her brother. comparative ad verbs: regular irregular

To com pa re [ WO people, places, t hi ngs. or an io ns use: quickly more quickly hard harder
slowly more slowly welt
I com pa rat ive adjectives. badly better

2 compa rative adve rbs (for actio ns). I worse
3 less + adjective or adverb.
P Comparatives with pronouns
4 (IlOt) (IS + adjective I adverb + as. After comparative + than or as... as, we use an object
pronoun (me, her, etc.) or a subject pronoun + auxiliary
comparative adject ives: regular verb, e.g.,

adjective comparative l one syltabte: add -er My brother's taller than me. My brother's taller than I am.
short big g e r one vowel + one consonant: He's not as intelligent as her. He's not as intelligent as she is.
I double final consonant
busy busier
relaxed more relaxed consonant + y: y+-ier

two or more syllables: more +


58 superlatives Iadjective comparative superlative

It's the dirtiest City in the US. 43 ») cold cold er the cold est
the hottest
+:hot hotter
It 's the most popular vacation destination in the world.
pretty ,, prettier ! the prettiest
2 It 's the most beautiful city I've ever been to . beautiful the most beautiful
good more beautiful the best
It 's the bes t mov ie I've seen thi s year.
I better

Use the + superlative adjeccive to say which is the biggest. etc. in a group. bad worse the worst
Afte r superlatives , we use jn + names o f places or singular words for I
groups of people, e.g., far farther / further the farthest / the
It 's ti, e no isiest cit), i" tile world.
2 We o ften use the + superlative adjecci\'e with the present perfect + ever. furthest

5e quantifiers enough ~ 53 »))

too much, too many, too 0 0 you ear enough vegetables?
[ don 't drink enough warer.
['m st ressed. [ have [00 much work. 52 »)) 2 She doesn't slee p enough.
He talk s too much. 3 My refrigerato r isn't big enough.
2 My diet is unhealthy. [ ea t too many cookies. I do n't go re bed early enough .
3 I don't want to go out. I'm too tired.

Use too IIIlIcll , too man)'. too to say "more than is good." [ Use euollah before a noun to mean "a ll t hat is necessary."
I Use lOO mllch + uncountable noun (e.g.. coffee, time) or after 2 Use et/ouah .af!n a verb with no object.
3 Use et/ouah after an adjective or adverb.
a \ferb.
2 Use lOO mauy + countable noun (e.g., cookies, people).
3 Use too + adjective OT ,"m too "well Ii; cd.


SA b Rewrite the se ntences so th ey
mean rhe same. Use as ... as.
a \Vrire senrences with a comparative adjective or adverb
James is stronger than Clive.
+ Ihall. Clive isn't ru....n.rQllfJ a~ lawes,
Adam is shoner tha n Jerry.
New York is more eKpellsive tball M iami. (expensive) Jerry isn'r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Modern compurers arc mu ch _____ rhe early
o nes. (fast) 2 Your bag is nicer than mine.
2 My sister is _____ me. (tall) My bag isn 't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

3 I'm this week last week. (busy) 3 Tokyo is bigger than London.
Londo n isn 't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 San Fra ncisco is from Los Angeles
4 Tennis is morc popular than vol1eyball.
____ San Diego. (far) Volleyba ll isn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 I thought the third Men ill Black movie was 5 Chi ldre n learn lang ua ges faster than adults.
the first two. (bad) Adults don't ________________

6 Manchester Un ited played Arsenal. (good) 6 I work hardcr than you.
You don't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 The history exa m was the math
exam. (bard) 7 The Lakers played berrer than Ihe Knicks.
The Knicks didn't ______________
8 My ncwjob is myoid onc. (boring)
-< p.37
9 My ncw aparrmenr is myoid one. (big)

10 I'm not lazy -I just work you! (slowly)

58 b \Vrite sentences w ith a superl at ive +

a Complete the se ntences wic h the superlative. et'er + the presenr perfect.

Is rh is the biggest city in the world? (big) It I good movie I II see

1 Thais are people I've ever met. (polite) It's the best 11Iovie I\'e et'er seetl.

2 Yesterday was day of the year. (hot) I Ir Ihor coumry 11be to

3 This is rime to drive to the city. (bad) 2 She' unfriendly person ' I , meet

4 She's gi rl at school. (friendly) 3 It I eas), exa m I he I take
4 The)' I ex pensive pants I II bu)'
5 This is part of rhe exam. (importan t) 5 It I long movie 1' 1watch

6 timc to visit New England is the fall. (good) 6 He ' attractive man/ I/ see

7 Ulan Bator is onc of cities in the world. (polluted) 7 It I bad meal I II eat
S He ' interesting teacher / I I have
S I'vc ever fl ow n is to Bali. (fa r) 9 It I exciting job I we I do

9 T hat's definirely mov ie I've ever seen. (fun ny) -< p.38

10 Rob's daugh ters are all prerry. but I think Emily is (pretty)

se b Comp lete the se nrences with (.00, too much, too mallY, or e1l01l81!.

a Grhe correct form. You eat too mllch red meat. It isn't good for you.
How~ mallY milk do you drink?
I'Ill not very fit. I don't exercise _ _ _ __
1 I eat too! too mllch chocolate.
2 I can't wal k to school. It's far.
2 I eat too /fIlleh I too mml)' potato chips.
I3 I don't drink el/oll8h water water e1l01l8il. 3 There are ca rs o n the Streets today.

4 I ca n't come. I am too bllsy ! too fill/ch bllsy. -I- I spend time on rhe campurer - it gives me headaches.

5 You work too mild, ! too mall)'. 5 I don't sleep o nly five or six hours, bur I really

I6 I don't have el10llgh time tilll e ellollBiI. need eight.

7 I don't BD Ollt el/ ouB"! ell01l8h [30 Ollt. 6 I was _ _ _ _ _ sick to go to work yes terday.

S She's too lazy I too mlld,la:)'. 7 There were people at the parry, so it was impossi ble
to dance.

S I always have _ _ _ _ _ work and not _ _ _ _ _ free rime.

-< p.4l Online Practice


6A will / won't (predictions) We often use will I won't + base form for future

A I'm seeing Jane at six. B She'll be late. 4 »)) predictions, i.e., to say things we think, guess, or
know about the future.
The movie's in Fre nch. We won't understand anything.
We often use J think / 1dOli " rllillk + will.
It's a great book . I'm sure you' ll like it.
I think he'llfail the exam.J don't think he'll pass
Idon't think it'll rain tomorrow, theexam. NOT ft.'lj"kft e ",oii'tpass.

lE B P be going to for predictions

II/You/He/Shel '11 be late. I/You/He/Shel We can also use be going to to predict
It/ We I They It/We/ They won't be late. something you know or can see is going to
happen (see 3A), e.g.,
Co ntractions: '1I = will; WOlI't = will rIOt Look at the clouds. It's going to rain.
They're playing very well. I'm sure they're
[i] IZl 0 going to win.

I/you/ I/you/ I/youl

Will he/she/ be late? Yes, he/she/ will. No, he/she/ won't.
it/we/ it/we/ it/we/

t h ey I they they

6B will / won't (decisions, offers, promises) Use will / won't + base form for making dec isions,
offering, and promi sing.
decisions t'll help you with those baBs. NOT f he/pyou.
I won't stay for dinner. I think I'll go home ea rly.
In? sentences with 1and we, shall (and not will)
offers I'll open the door for YOll. is sometimes used to offer to do something or to
I'll help you with your homework. make a suggestion, but this is not a common use.

Shall we gofor a walk?

promises I won't tel1 anybody.
I'll always love you.

6C review of verb forms: present, past, and future

tense example use 19 ))
simple present
present continuous Ilive downtown. things that happen a lways or usually
simple past She doesn't smoke.
past continuous
be going to + base fo rm He's looking for a new job. things that are happening now o r in the near future

will I won', + base form I'm leaving tomorrow. thi ngs that we have arranged for the future

present perfect We saw a good movie last nighr. finished actions in the past
We didn't do anything yesterday.
He was working in Chiang Mai. actions that were in progress at a past rime
What were you doing at 7:00?

I'm going to see Tom to night. future plans
Look! It's going to rain.
predictions when we know I can see what 's going to happen

You'11 10ve New York. predictions

I' ll call her later. instant decisions

I'll help you. offers

I'll pay you back tomorrow. promises

I've finished the book. recently finished actions (we don't say when)

Have you ever been to Iran? past experie nces


6A b Complete with will + a verb from the IiSc.

a Write sentences and questions with will I WOII't. Use ee (2) get like pass snow

cont ractions where you ca n. A Do you think the (raffic~ bad?

E] it ! be easy to pass It won't be easy to pass. B No, because it 's a holiday today.

I G I thin k rhey J lose the game A Do you like thi s band?

2 I1J rhe meeting I be long B Yes, I think they famous one day.
3 G she I get the job - she's nor qualified
4 III you I see him at work later 2 A Is this a good movie.
5 (±] I don't want to go. it I be impossible ro park
B Yes. I'm sure you ir.
6 l:l you I like that book
3 A Do you thin k it ?
7 (±] I (hink she I love the present f bought her
B No, it's not cold enough.
8 El there J bealotoftrafficinthcmorning
4 A What do you think I for my birthday?
9 G you I find a good job, I'm sure
10 El everything I be OK, so there 's no need ro worry B I don't know. \Vhat did you ask for?

5 A I'm so wor ried about the exam!

B Don'r worry. I'm sure you _ _ _ __ ..( p.44

68 A I can't do this crossword.

B you.

a Match the semences. 2 A It's a secret.

lr's hot in here. [Q] A 1'1\ help you with it. B anyone, I promise.
B I'll make you a sandwich.
I'm thirsty. 0 C I'll carry one for YOll. 3 A When wi ll I hear from you again?
D I'll lend you some money.
02 I have a headache. E I'll buy so me on my way home. B I you tonight.
03 T his exercise is hard. F I'll send it by email now.
04 I'm hungry. 4 A Can I borrow $50?
05 These bags are heavy. e I' ll open the window.
B When you me back?
D6 I left my wallet at home. H I'll turn off the music....
, I'll get you a glass of water. 5 A Ir's my birthday next week.
07 I need that phoro urgenrly. B Don't worry. I _ __ _ _
D8 \Ve don't have any milk.
6 A I feel sick.

B I you home.

7 A This chocolate you bought isn't very good.

S Yes, I know. I it again.

buy call forget get Rave help pay take tell 8 A These shoes are too small.
A What would you lik e? B I~ the fish.
S I a bigger pair for you, ma'am .

..( p.46

6e b Put the verb in the right form.

a Complete the questions witb one word. A \Vhat are we dO;"fJ ronight?(do)

B \Ve 1 dinner with Diego and Luz. (have)

Where d.D. you usually have lunch? A But we 2._ _ _ _ dinner with them last week! (have)

I didn't see you at work last week. ~you sick? BYes, but they 3·_ _ _ tO tell us some good news. (want)
I ____ you often remember you r dreams?
A Oh, OK then. 41 _ _ _ _ _ _ some flowers. (buy)

2 you listen to the game on the radio last night? B It's 8 o'clock! Where S'_ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ ? (be)

3 \Vhodoyouthink win the election next yea r? A I'm sorry. When' 6 home, I

4 ____ your brother like rock music? 7 to buy the flowers. And then I

5 What you going to watch o n TV ronight? 8 Mark in the srore ... (walk, srop, see)

6 _ _ __ it snowing when you left? B Well, hurry up. We 9 late! (be)

7 Were yo u at the party la st ni ght? I ____ see you. A It's OK. 110 a taxi, and I'll be

8 you been ro the supe rmarkec? ready in five minutes. (already call)

9 ____ the movie finished yet? ..( p.49

Online Practice


7A uses of the infinitive Use the infinitive:

I need to buy some new clothes. ~ 24 ») after some verbs. e.g.. want. need, would like, etc. See Verb fo rms p.158.

Try nor ro talk about poli tics. 2 after adjectives.

2 Ir'lI be nice to meet your parents. 3 after question words, e.g., what, where. whetl, etc.

It's impo rtant not to be late. 4 to say why you do something.

3 I don 't know wh ere to go or what to do . 1came to this school to learn E1I8iisl!. N OT fVi le", ii English.

4 A Why did you go to rhe party? P Baseform

B To meet new people. Remember that we use the base form after auxiliary verbs (do I
does I didn't) and after most modal verbs (can, could, will, would,
I went to the party to meet new people.
etc.), e.g., Do you live near here? Can you help me? I won 't forget.

What would you do?

78 uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) 28 ))) The gerund is the base fo rm of the verb + i1l8' It ca n be
affirmative (e.g., 80il'8) or negative (e.g. , flot 80ing).
Eating outside in rhe summer makes me feel good. Use the gerund:
My idea of happiness is getting up lare and I as rhe subject o r object of a se ntence.
not going to work.
2 I love reading in bed. 2 after some verbs, e.g. , like,love, hate, elYoy, etc. See Verb
I hate not getting to the airport early.
3 I'm thinking of buying a new car. forms p.158.
He left without saying goodbye. 3 after prepositions.

Remember the spelling rules for rhe -illg form. See 1C p. 126.

7C have to, don't have to, must, must not, can't Use must + verb (base form) to talk about ru les and
have to, don't have to
Use call't I mllst IIOt + base fo rm to say so mething is
El I have ro get up at seven every day. 34 »)
prohibited or to state a ru le.
She has to speak English at work.
The words can 't and must /lot have similar meanings.
G We don'r have to wear a uniform at this school. but cau't is more common in speak ing. You can also
use call/lOt.
He doesn't have to work on Saturdays.
The verbs must I must not are the same for all persons.
[1} Do I have [0 buy a grammar book?
The verb must is nor often used in questions (have lO is
What t ime does she have [0 get up in the morning? more common).

Use have to + verb (base form) to talk about rules and obligations. p must and have to

Use don 't have to + verb (base form) to say that there is no obligation, Must and have to are very similar, but have to is
or t hat something is not necessary.
more common, especially in speaking. Must is
Use do I does to make questions and negatives. D o Ihave to 80? often used in official forms, notices, and signs.

N OT ,'f... e,'toao? must not a nd don't have to
Must not and don't have to have compJet~
Don't cont rac t Iwve o r l!as. 1lla ve to 80. N OT Pt~ different meanings. Compare:
You must not go. :; You can't go. It's prohibited.
must I must not / can't 35 )) You don' t have to go. = You can go if you want to,
but it's not Obligatory I necessary.
m You must do your homework tonight.
Impersonal you
She must clean up her roo m before sh e goes out. We often use have to and must with impersonal

B You must not leave your bags here. you (you:; people in general), e.g.,
You have to wear a seatbelt in a car. You can't take
You can't bring food into th e library. photos in the museum.


1A b Complete the sentences with an affirmative or negative infinitive.

a Match the sentence halves. do not drive go have learn took for not make meet

Be ready [ID "Ill planning~a parry next week.

DDowe need A Hi, I'm Ji Suo
02 In some cQunrries, it 's imporranr
B I'm Rosaria. Nice YOll.
D3 I know you're tired, bur try
2 What do you want tonight?
4 Wewcrc late, so Tomo offered .D
3 I need to the store. I don't have il ny bread or milk.
D5 It's difficult
4 Try a noise. Your father's asleep.
A [0 drive us to th e train stmion.
B tosl.v .. )OU I paSSpO(lulChcck il" 5 I'd really like how to d rive.
C not to fo rget peop le's names in a big class.
6 Be careful toO fast on rhe way home - rhe roads
o to dress correcrly in public.
are icy.
E to change our money at the airport?
F nor to fall asleep during the movie! 7 He's decided a new job.

-< p.S3

18 b Pur rhe verbs in rhe . illB form o r base form .

a Complete the sentences with a verb in the list in the -irl8 form. Ilike liHening ro the radio in the
mornings. (l isren)

be do practice remember study swim teach text travel _____ Pilates is good for your
hea lrh. (do)

I really e njoy ~ yoga . It makes me feci grear! 2 \Ve've decided ,---____ a vacar ion th is

lOne thing that always makes me happy is in the ocean. year. (nor rake)

2 You can't learn to play a musical instrument well without 3 \Ve won't take the car. It 's impossible
_____ regularly. _ _ _ _. (pa rk)

3 My mother's very bad at _____ names. 4 I'm nor very good at ____ maps. (read)

4 teenagers is very hard work. 5 You can borrow the car if you promise
_ _ _ _ slowly. (drive)
S My sisrer spe nds hours o n rh e phone _____ her friends.

6 J hate _____ the first to arrive at parties. 6 Has it stopped (rai n)

7 by train is usually cheaper than by pla ne. 7 I don't mind ,but I don't lik e

S I'll go on for as long as I ca n - I love being a student! ____ rhe dishes. (cook, do)

S Ihate early in the morni ng. (getup)

-< p.S4

1C b9 th e correct form , have to, don't have to, must,

a Complete the sentences with the cor rect form of have to. III lEst not, or can't. Check ./ if both forms a re possi ble.
I dQn't bave to go to school on Saturdays
o We 'don't have to I must 1I0t go to work next week. It's
I Janice ____ study ve ry hard - she has exams SOOI1 .
2 You ____ swp your car at a red li gh t. a holiday.

01 You dou't have to I must lIot rouch the oven . It's hot.

02 Do you l/ave to I must send a phoro wit h you r

3 your sisre r go ro Los Angeles for passport form?

her job interv iew? 03 The concert is free. You do,,'t have to I can't pay.

4 ____ you ____ w fi ni sh [his now? 04 I'm late for a meeting. I hal'e to I must go now.
0S You dar/'t lrave to I must not leave the door open - the
5 \Ve ____ get up early tomorrow. Our night leaves

ar 6:30. dog wi ll get out.

6 Will ____ work roday - h is srore is closed. 6 0 You don't hm'eto/must Ilotcome ifyou don't wanr

7 I go now. Ir's very late. to. I ca n go by myself.

S we go to bed? Ir's on ly 10 o'clock! 07 You call't IdOIl't have to use this computer-i t's broken. -
08 You don 't IIm'e to I ca n't be ve ry tall to play socce r.

-< p.S6 Online Proctice


BA should / shouldn't Use sllOllld I shouldn't + verb (base form) ro give somebody

You should wear a suir to the interview. 46 »)) advice or say what you think is the right thing to do.

I think you should change your job. should I shouldn't is the same for all persons.

I don 't think you should speak to her. We often use I fhinkYOIl should . . or f dOll't tliillkyotl SliOlIld . .
NOT -I tllinkyoil l,'rt'Juldll 'to
He's ve ry stressed. He shouldn't work so hard.
P oughtto
You shouldn't drink coffee in the evening. It'll keep you awake.
You can also use ought to instead of should e.g.,

You ought to wear a suit.

We don't usually use ought to in the negative form.

BB first conditional: if + present, will / won't Use if + present to talk about a possible situation and will I

If! miss the last bus. I' ll take a taxi. 2 »)) WOII ', + base form to ta lk about the consequence.
Ifyou tell her rhe tTuth, she won't believe you.
What will you do ifhe doesn't call you? 2 The ifclause can come first or second. If the ifclause comes
2 Ifyou don't go, she won't be very happy.
She won't be very happy ifyou don't go. first, we usually put a comma before the next clause.
3 Ifyou miss the last bus, takeataxi.
Ifyou miss the last bus, you can take a taxi. 3 You can also use the imperative or call + base from in stead of
will + base form in the other clause.

If I miss the last bus, I'U take a taxi.

BC possessive pronouns Don't use possessive pronouns with a noun . NOT It 's ",iilt: btJok.
Don't use the with possessive pronouns, e.g.. ls a,is yours? NOT {of thiJ rflt: y ol11'S?
Whose coat is it? It's my coa t. 12 ))
It's mine. pronouns and possessive adjectives overview

Whose jacket is it? It's your jacket. subject object possessive possessive
le's yours. pronouns , , pronouns adjectives pronouns
It's mine.
Whose phone is it? It 's hi s phone. I can come. She loves me. This is my seat.
It's his. You I yours
He I you your- his
Whose bag is it? It 's her bag. It 's hers. h~
Whose dog is it? It 's o ur dog. It's ours. She him hers
Whose house is it? It's their house. her ~
It her its
It 's theirs. its I ours
We I our
Use possessive pronouns to talk about their j ~
possession. Is it yours? Yes, it 's mine. They it

Use whose to ill about possession. us

Whose book is it? Whose is fIla! baB? them



SA b Complete the senrences with should or shouldn't + a
verb in the list.

a Complete with should or drive go leave relax spend study take walk wear

You iliQllid srop smoking. Wesl!ould leave early. It 's go ing to start snowing soon.

You work really You a scarf. It's really cold roday.
long hours eve ry day.
2 1____ this afternoon. I have an exam tomorrow.

2 You lose a linle bit of we ight. 3 You alone in that pan ohhe city. Take a taxi.

3 You eat more fr uit and vegetables. 4 She more. She's ve ry stressed.

4 You put so much suga r in you r coffee. 5 You so fast at nighr - rhe roads are dan gerous.

5 You _ _ _ _ start exercising. 6 You ro bed. You look tired.

6 You drink less soda. 7 Parents mo re time wit h their ch ild ren.

7 You drink more water. 8 \Ve a break yet ~ we only sta rted work at J0:00.

S You go to bed so late. -< p.61

SB b Complete with the correct form of the verbs.

a Match the sentence halves. If we iliW walking, the bus will come. (start. come)

If you leave now, [Q I If you me your sec ret, I anybody else. (tel l, not tell)

DJ The ticket will be cheaper 2 If! it down, I it. (nor write, not remember)
D2 If I don'r see you thisafrernoon,
D3 You'll learn more quickly 3 you me if you any news? (ca ll,get)
D4 If you get thar new job,
D5 You won't pass your dri vi ng tes t 4 She you ifyou her nicely. (help, ask)
C6 If I lend you this book,
5 I you if I from Alex. (call, hear)
A if you don't rake enough lessons.
B will you give it back to me soon? 6 You your friends ifyou ro Paris. (miss. move)

C you1Iteateh-the-&ee-ticl+n: 7 !fyou carefully, you everything.

o ifyou travel after 9:00. (listen, understand)

E if you come to eve ry class. 8 The boss very happy if YOll lare for work.
F will you earn more mon ey? (not be, be)
G I'll ca ll YOll this eve ning.
9 I you home if YOll me directions. (drive, give)

-< p.62

SC b Complete the sentences with a pronoun or possessive adjective.

a @ thecorrectform. This isn't my coffee. It's yours. Whcre'sI1.l.i..u..e.?
\Vhose car is that? It's her J~
A Is that her car?
I This isn't my Jmit,e pen. It's Susan's.
2 I thinkthisbookisyol1r /yol1rs. B No, it 's her boyfriend's. is a white Ford.
3 This isn't your su itcase. It's ours / our.
4 Where's Mary? I think these are her J ',ersgloves. 2 Maya has a new boyfriend, but I haven't met ____ yet.
5 T hese keys are mine / the mine.
6 They showed us all theirs / their vacation 3 Look. Here's a photo of Alex and Kim with new baby.

photOg raphs. 4 \Ve've finished paying for our house, so it's ____ now.

7 These sea ts are theirs I tlieir, not ours. We're 5 These are our tickets. Can you give Maria and

ove r there. Marra ?

8 Is thi sYOllrs Iyour bag? 6 We're ve ry lu cky. Our parents bought th is dog for _ _ __

9 This isn't my jacket. It's her Jhers. 7 \Ve berh love gardening. \Vould you like to see _ _ __


8 New York City is famous for tall buildings. -
Online Practice
-< p.65


9A second conditional: if+ past, would / wouldn't P be in second conditionals

Ifa bull attacked me. I'd runaway. 4 16 )) With the verb be you can use were (instead of
was) after 1/ he / she / it, e.g.,
Ifyou didn't go to bed so late, you wouldn't be so tired in the morning.
IfJack was / were here, he'd know what to do.
Would you take the manage r's job if they offered it to you?
Use were (not was) in the expression If I were
2 If! had more time, I'd do more exercise.
"d do more exercise i f! had more time.
We often use this expression for advice,
3 If we weD[ by ca r, we could stop at places on the way. e.g., If I were you, I wouldn't take that job.

Use if + past to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical future situ ation first or second conditional?

and would !wouldn't + verb to talk about the consequence. Compa re the first and second condit io nals.
Use the first conditional for possible future
wOllld I wOllldll't is the same for all persons. situatio ns.
IJI don't have to work tomorrow, I'll helpYOI1.
Contractions: 'd = would (J 'd,yoll'd, he'd. etc.); would,,'t = would IIOr. (= It's a possibility. Maybe I will help you.)
Use the second conditional for imaginary or
2 The ifclause ca n come first or second. If the ifclause comes first. we hypothetical siwations.
IJ I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd help yO/l .
usually put a comma before the next clause. (= It's a hypothetical situation. I have to work, so I
can't help you.)
3 You can also use could + base form instead of would + base form in the
othcr clau se.

98 present perfect + for or since Use the present perfect +for or since to talk about actions and states that started
in the past and are still true now.
A Where do you live now? 21 J») I've lived in Tokyojor twellty years. = I came to live in Tokyo twcnty years ago,
B In Tokyo . and I li ve in Tokyo now.
A How long have you lived there? Don't use t he simple present in this type of se ntence, e .g., NOT (l il t! in Fvkyo
B I've lived th ere for twenty years.
A Where do you work?
Bin an elementary school. Use How loIlB"'? to ask quest ions about the duration ofa n actio n or a state.
A How long have you worked there?
B I've worked t hcre since 2005. for or since?
Usefor + a period of time, e.g. ,Jor two weeks,Jor tell years,jor a 101lg time, ere.
I've 'lad rliis carfor three months.
Use since with the beginning of a period of time, e.g., since 1980, since last Jllne, ete.
I've been afraid ofspiders since I was a child.

9C present perfect or simple past? (2) Use the simple past to tal k about a fini shed period of time in
t he pa st.
A How lon g was Bob Marl ey a music ian? 28 1)) 2 Use the present perfect ro ralk about a period ohime from
B He was a musician for twenty yea rs. the past uncil now.
A How many Grammys did he win?
B He didn't win any. Compare the simple pasr an d present perfect.
2 A How lo ng has Z iggy Ma rley been a mus ician? Jack was marriedfor tell years. = Jack is not married now. He 's
B He's been a mu sic ian since he was ten. divorced or dead.
A How many Grammys has he won? Jack has been marriedfor re" years. = Jack is married now.
B He's won four.



9A b Complete with the correct form of rhe verbs.

a Match the semence halves. IfIftmnd a good job, I would move to th e US. (find, move)

You 'd feel much bener C1J I \Ve the house ifit a ya rd. (buy. have)

DI'd enjoy rhe weeke nd morc 2 If you Ind ia n food. I'm s ure you it. (t ry, like)
D2 Ifir 'ssunnyromorrow,
3 You more if you harder. (learn , work)
03 Wou ld YOll wea r it
04 If we learned Porruguese, 4 If we a car, wc drive up to the mo untain s. (rent. ca n)
D5 I wou Idn 't wo rk
D6 Ifl wenrro li ve in Tokyo, 5 \Ve our so n morc often ifhe nearer. (sec, li ve)

A iFj-oll did SOllle CXClcisc. 6 I to that restaurant if I you - it's very ex pensive.
B would YOll come to visit me? (not go, be)
C if! bough t it fo r you?
7 I you rorheairporrif my tnom the car.
o we could go to the beach.
(take, nor have)
E if ! didn't have ro work o n Sat urday.
8 I really like riding a bike, bur I my bike re wo rk if! a
F we could go a nd work in Brazil.
G if! didn't need the money. car. (not ride, have)

9 you ___ your coumry ifyou ____ a well-pa id job

abroad? (leave, ger)

10 I love li vin g here. I hap py ifl ____ leave. (nor he, have ro)

« p.68

98 b Answer the question s in a . Use the present perfecr +
for or sitlce.
a Write question s with H olV lorlB and the present perfect.

you I he m ar ried HQW lOtiO ha veyolI heel! married? ? I've heel! married (or 20 yea rs. ! was a ch ild.
? I three years.
I you I be frig htened of cl owns ? 2 She a lo ng ti me.
2 your sis ter I have he r ca r ? 3I 1990.
4 He
3 you I live here , 5 elemen ta ry sc hool.
6 It 1973.
4 your dad I be a teacher ? 7 We
5 you I know your best friend ? 8 He about twOyea rs.
6 Britain I be in the EU
7 you I have you r cat «2008. p.71
8 he I work for th e sa me co mpany

9C b Comp let e w it h th e present perfect o r simple past.

a ~ i~ the correct form . A Where does Rob live now?
B In San Diego.
She is l($lle's b ? single since last summe r. A Howlong _ _ _ _ _ th ere? (he / li ve)

I He left I He has left sc hoo l tWO yea rs ago. B For three months. He there in
2 llit'ed I I've fi l'ed in Vancouver for two years, but then I
September. (move)
moved to Toronto.
2 A When ? (Picasso / die)
3 S/l e lives I Slle's lived in Flor id a si nce 2010.
B In 1977, in Pa ri s I think.
4 My sister had I My sister has had her baby yesterd ay!
A How long in France? (he f live)
5 I work in a n office. Jwork I J't'e worked there for 20 years.
B For a long time. He Spai n when he
6 Tile city changed I The city IlOs c1lOtlged a lot since I was a
ch ild. was 25. (leave)

7 They're divo rced now. They were I They have beet! 3 A My broth er and hi s wife ger alo ng very well.
ma rri ed fo r ten years.
B How long married' (they / be)
8 J met I I've met Sandra when I lI'as I hal'e beerJ in coll ege.
A They m arried since 1995. They

_ _ _ _ _ in college. (be, meet) ..

B Rea lly? that in Chicago? (be)
Online Practice
« p.72


lOA passive: be + past participle You can o ften say things in twO ways, in the active or in the passive.

Present: am I is I are + past pa rticipl e 38 ))) Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher. (ac ti ve)
Tile dishwasher w as in vented by Josephille Cochrane. (passive)
G Kevlar is used to make bullet-proof vests. In rhe a ctive sentence, the focu s is more o n Josephine
G White-out isn 't used vcry much roday. Cochrane.
In the passive sentence, the focus is more on the dishwasher.
(1) A re disposable diapers used all over the world? ¥ou ca n also use the passive w hen it isn't known at isn't
important who does or did the action.
Past : \Vas I w ere + pa st participle My car was stole n last week.
Valva ca rs are made it! Swede/!.
G The dishwasher w as invented by Josephine Coch ra ne. Use by m say who did t he aer ion.
G Wi ndshield wipers weren't invented unti l 1903. T he Lord of rhe Rings was writlen by Tolkien.

(1] Whe n was the washing machine invented ?

lOB used to / didn't use to P used to or usually?

G When I was a chi ld, I used to play on the street. 43 »)) used to only exists in the past.

My brother u sed [0 have very long hair. For habits in the present, use usually +
simple present, NOT use to
G C hildren didn't use to watch much TV when my father was young.
Iusually cook in the evenings.
rn My daughter didn't use [0 like vegecables. but nOw she loves them. NOT I-tlse-to-eoek in-the evenings.
Did you use to wear a uniform at sc hool? Yes. I did.

Did you u se to like your teachers? No, I didn't.

Use llsed to I didn't II se to + base form m talk about things tharhappened

repeatedly or were true for a long period of time in the past, but are
usua lly DQt true now, e.g., things that happened when you were a child .

IIsed 10 I didn 't use to is the same for all persons.

Instead of used to, YOll ca n use the simple past with an adverb of freque ncy.

Wlwll was a child, / oft e.n playe.d on tlie street.

10C might / might not (possibility) p may / may not
You can also use may instead of might for
We might have a pic niCromorrow, bur it depend s on the weather. SO l)) possibility, e.g.,
She might come wirh us , but she's not sure yet. We may have a picniC tomorrow.
I might not go m the pa rty. I haven't decided yet. Imay not go to the party.
You might not sec him m day. He's commg home late.

Use mi8ltt I mi!JllIlIot + base form to say that maybe

you will or won't do something.
We milJht I/(/ve (I piCllic I,omorrow. = Maybe we will have a picn ic tomorrow.

mi8l1t / min/It Il ot is rhe same fo r all persons.
l1Ii{j/1l 1101 is nOt usually contracted.


lOA b Rewrite the sentences in the passive, beginning
with the highli ghted words.
a Complete with present or past passive.
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1603.
The Eiffel Tower wa s comuleted in 1889. (complete) Hamlet was writtefl by Shakespeare i11160J.
Jonarhan Ive designed the iPod and the iPhone.
Many offhe things we use every day ~___ by 2 Most Mediterranean countries produce olive oil.
3 Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.
women. (invenr) 4 Barry Sonnenfeld direC[ed the Metl itl Black
2 in the US, most ch ildren in public schools. (educate) 5 David Hackney painted Mr alld Mrs Clarkalld
Percy in 1970- 197 1.
3 Australia by Captain Cook in 1770. (discover) 6 Elvis Presley didn't write Blue Suede Shoes.
7 JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.
4 This morning I up by the neighbor's dog. (wake) 8 They make Hyundai cars in South Korea.

5 Baseball in the sum mer in the US. (play) -< p.76

6 The songs on this album last year. (record)

7 Nowadays a lor ofroys in China. (make)

8 Ca rols are songs that at Christmas. (sing)

9 These birds in Canada. (not usually see)

10 "Romc in a day." (nor build)

lOB b Make sentences w ith used to, didn't use to, o r

a Look at how John has changed. Write five sentences about did ... use to?
how he was IN THE PAST.
myou , have long hair
DidYOII use to have /0118 hair?
He lI$ed to be sl im.
1 ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _~_ long hair. I G my sister ' hate math, but she loves it now
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glasses.
3 _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a beard. m2 where , you , work
4 _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soccer.
5 ~_ _ _~_ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a tie. 3 G I ' like vegetables when I was a chi ld

m4 what , you, do on summer vaca tion when

you were young

5 G Americans I put a lot of ice in drinks

6 G th is building ' be a movie theater

m7 your brother I teach here

8 G 1/ be a New York Yankees fan

9 [l] JeffI have a motorcycle

10 G telegrams , be a way of sending important


-< p.79

10C b Complete th e senten ces w ith miBht + a verb

a Match the sentences.

Take some sunscreen. [Q] A You might fall. be cold be sick be in a meeting ge-te-the-
B It may not be you r size. movies not have time not like it have pizza
0I Let's buy a lottery ticket. C We might get lost.
02 Call the restaurant. D It might be really :SU1I 1I]. I'm not sure what to do tonight. I mill"t aD to
03 Don't sta nd on the fence. E We may not have enough money.
04 Let's take a map. F You might cut yourself. tile woyie$
05 Try the shirt on. G It may be closed on Sundays.
06 Don't wa it for me. H We might win. I Kim wasn't at school today. S he ~_ _ __
07 Be ca reful with that knife! I I may be late.
08 Ask how much it costs. 2 His phone is curned off. He _ _ _ _ _~

3 It's an unusual book. You ~_ _ _ _ _~

4 I don't know ifl'lI finish it. I ~_ _ _ _~

5 I'm not sure what to order. I ~_ _ _ _~

6 Takeajacket. lt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -

-< p.SO Online Practice



11A expressing movement To express movement, use a ve rb of movement, e.g., 80,com e,

rim, walk , ere. and a preposit ion (or adve rb) of movement

e.g., lip, dOVJ/l, away, etc.

58 ))
T he ma n went up the steps and into the chu rch.
in or into? out or out of?
pHe drove out of rhe garage and along the streer.
I ran over t he bridge and across the park.
Remember, use into / out of + noun, or in l out if there

isn't a noun.

Come into the living room. Come in.

He went out of the house. He went out.

See Ex pressing movement p.162.

11B word order of phrasal verbs A phrasa l verb = verb + particle (prepos ition o r adve rb),

What time do you get up? 3 ))) e.g., nct lip, tum Oil, look for.
I Some phrasa l ve rbs do n't have ,I ll object, e.g., net lip, 80 011/.
I don't usua lly go out during the week.
2 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are separable. Wit h
2 Put on your coat. Pm your coar on. Pm it on. these phrasal verbs, YOll can pur the part icle (011, off, etc.)
before ill after the object.
Turn off the TV. Turn the TV off. Turn it off.
When the object is a pronoun (m e. il, him, etc.) it ~ goes
3 I'm looking for my glasses. between the verb and panicle.

Have you found your glasses? No, l'm still looking for them. Here's your coat. Put it 011 . N O T Pttt-on-it:

3 Some phrasa l verbs have an objecr and are in sepa rab le,
e.g., lookJar. With t hese phrasa l verbs, (he verb (e.g., look)
and the particle (e.g.,for) are neve r sepa rated.
I'm lookinn j or my Biasses. N OT I'm laaK;IItJ lily tJ~

See Phrasa l verbs p.163.

11C SO, neither + auxiliaries simple present I don't like classical music. Neither do l.
So am !.
present contin~~~~~ E having a great time.
So can t
A I love classical music. 6 )) can I can't Icanswim. Neither did I.
B So do I. So was !.
A I wenr to a classica l concen last night. simple past I didn't like the movie. Neither would I.
B Sodid I. I was very tired. So have I.
2 A I'm not married .
B Neither am I. would I wouldn't I wouldn't like to go there. --
A I don 't want ro get married.
B Neither do I. present perfect I've been to Brazil.

Use So do 1, Neither do I, etc .. to say t hat you have • Be ca reful with the word o rder.
so meth ing in common w ith somebody.
I Use So + auxiliary + I to respond to affi rmative So do I. / Nei,""do I. NOT So+d& / Nei,herl-do.

sentences. P neither and nor
2 Use Neither + auxi liary + 1ro respond to negative
You can also use nor instead of neither, e.g.,
semences. A 1didn't like the movie.
The auxiliary you use depends on the tense. B Nor / Neither did I.
Neither is usually pronounced "nithr-', but can also be pronounced


11A b Complete the sentences with the correct

a@ rh eco rrectp repoS ition. He jumped i.uJ..Q. hi s car and drove away.

I lost my cell ph one signal when we went across ~a runnel. As I biked under the bridge. a train went
_____ ir.
1 \Ve ran to I dow" the ocean, and jumped itlto I out DJthe water.
2 If you go over I past the bank, you'll see the super market on 2 Come . The door's open.

the right. 3 This is rhe 3rd floor. Go those

3 He walked alof/B! across the stree t until he got to the park. stairs and you' ll come to the 2nd floor.

4 The plane flew 011/ over the row n and then landed. 4 He wal ked _____ the ca fe and o rd ered
5 The dog ran toward /10 me , bur then it scopped.
a coffee.

6 \Ve biked over lout oJ rhe bridge and in I it/to the city. S I like going _____ on a Saturday night.

7 The raci ng cars wenr arollnd / under rhe track 12 times. 6 He took his passport his bag.

8 The little boy sudden ly ran across I throl/B" the road. 7 I'm exhausted. I've just biked -< p.85
_ _ _ _ a huge hill.

11B b Complete the se ntences with it or them and a
word from the li st.

a @thecorrectform. Ifboth are correct, check ./ the box.

Turtl offyour photle I Turn )'ollr phone oJjbefore the movie starts. [Z] back out on «2) up «3) down

0I Tonight I have to look my sister after f look after my sister. I can't hear the radio. Turn tlllp..
02 Let's go out this e\'etlitl[J Igo this evening Ollt.
Your clothes are all over the floor.
03 Tllm dowt! the radio I TUrll the radio dowtl. It 's roo loud . Pick __________

04 My brother is fookitlgJor a lIewjob I looking a lIewjobfor. 2 Here's you r coat. Put ____ __ __
0S You should throwaway those oldjealls I throw those oldjeans away.
3 "What does this word mean?"
6 I don't li ke shoppi ng fo r clothes onl ine - I prefe r ro try them on I "Look _ _ _ _ _ _ __

0try OIl them before I buy them. . 4 To get yo ur passport, there are th ree forms.
07 TakeoJjyour shoes I Take your shoes offbefore you cQme in.
Please fill now.

8 That's my sister-I think you'd rea lly get alOll8IVi1li her f S You remember that money J lent you? When

08et aio1l(J Iter with. can you give ?

09 If it doesn't fit, you should take back it I take it back to the store. 6 Is there anything o n TV? Let 's turn
010 Whartime do you get up it! tile mOrl/j"818et itl the mortlill8 up? __________ and see.

7 You won't remember my address. Write

-< p.87

11e b Respond to A. Say you are t he same. Use 50 ... 1or

Neither.. .I.

a Comp lete 8 's answers w ith an auxi li ary verb. A I don't like cabbage. Neither dQ I.

A I like chocolate. B So ill! I. A I live near the supermarket,

I A I'm rea lly thirsty. B So I. 2 A I'm not afraid of snakes.

2 A I didn't go our last nigh£. B Neither I. 3 A I wenr ro bed late la st night.

3 A I was born in Seoul. B So I. 4 A I haven't been ro Canada.

4 A Idon't eat meat. B Neither I. SAl don't have any pets.

5 A I've been to Istanbul. B So 1. 6 A I can speak three language s.

6 A I ca n't sing. B Ne ither I. 7 A 1always drink coffee in the mo rning.

7 A I'd li ke to go to Ba iL B So 1. S A ('m waiting for the bus to the airport .

8 A I saw a movie last week. B So 1. ..Online Practice
-<9 A I wouldn't like to eat that. B Neither p.88

10 A I can play chess. B So 1.


12A past perfect Use the past perfect when you are already talking about t he

G When I woke up the yard was all white. 17 »)) past and want to talk about an earlier past acrion.

It had snowed during the night, Wll etl 1lVoke up the yard lVasail white. It had sno w ed dl/ring the
lIi8hl. = It snowed ~ I woke lip.
I suddenly rea lized that I'd left my cell phone in the taxi.
Make the past perfect with had I hadtl't + past participle.
G We gO( home just in t ime- the game hadn 't started.
The form of the past perfect is the same for all persons.
When she got ro class, she realized th at she hadn't
Ilad is sometimes contracted to 'd.
rn brought her book.
A I went ro New Yo rk C ity last weekend . J rea lly loved it. P had or would?

S Had you been the re befo re? Be careful: 'd can be had or would.

A No, I hadn't, I didn't know that you'd found a new job. ('d =had)
Ifyou went by taxi, you'd get there more quickly.
('d =would)

128 reported (or indirect) speech • Verb tenses change like this:
Ireported speech
direct speech I

d irect sp eech reported speech 23 »)) WI can help you." He said (that) he could help me.
"I love you." (Simple present) (simple past)
"I've just arrived." He said (that) he loved me.
"We'll come at eight."
She said (that) she had just arrived. "I 'm watching TV.H She said (that) she was watching TV.
" . don't want to go to
t he party." He told me (that) they would (present continuous) (past continuous)

come at eight. "I'll call you." He told me (that) he wouLd call me.
{will) (would)
Jack told Ann a (that) he didn 't
"I met a girl." ~---------------
want to go to t he party. (simple past)
John told me (that) he had met a girl.
(past perfect)

Use reported speech to report (to tell somebody) what another "I've broken my leg." ' Sara said (that) she had broken her leg.
person sa id.
We often introduce reported speech with said o r raid (+ person) (present perfect) (past perfect)
After said or told that is optional. e.g., He said (tha t) li e loved me.
Pronouns often change in reported speech. e.g., I changes to lie P say or tell?
or she.
'"' I'm tired." S he laid me (that) she was tired. You can use said or told in reported speech, but they are
used differently.

You can~t use said with an object or pronoun.

He said (that) he loved me. NOT He..aifIfflefthat) he

loved me.

You must use told with an object.

He told me (that) he loved me. NOT He-ttlld (that) he

12C questions without auxiliaries When tbe question word (Who?, What?, Which?, How
many? etc.) is the ~ of the verb in the question , we
subject verb 27 »))
Who painted Mr atld Mrs Cla rk arid Percy? dwU use an auxiliary verb (do I does I did).
Which singer made reggae popu lar all over the world ?
How many people li ve near the school? W ho p ainted Mr alld Mrs Clark arid Percy?
Who wants a cup of co ffe e? NOT Villo ditipaillt ...?

In most other quest ions in the simple present and past,

we use t he auxiliary verb do I does I did + t he base form.

What music do you like? N OT What musieytnt-like?-
See I Ap.126.



12A b Complete the sentences. Pue the verbs in the simple past and
past perfect.
a Match rhe sentence halves.
We didti 'tget a table in the restauram because we hadn't w ade a
I couldn't get into my house because (g
reservation. (not get, not make)
0I When our friends arrived
I Sonia because she a lot.
D2 I tOok the jacket back because
(nor recognize, change)
03 Jill didn't come with liS because
04 I rurned on the TV news 2 My friend ro reil me that I my wa llet

D5 Fumiko was nervous because in his car. (call, leave)
06 When I got to the supermarket checkout
3 When I the radio, the news _ _ _ __
A she'd made other plans.
B I realized that I'd left my wailer at home. (turn on, already finish)
C I'd itls[ ill} h)S.
4 She me the DVD because she it yet.
o I had bought the wrong size.
(not lend, not watch)
E it was the first time she had flown.
F [0 see what had happened. 5 The store _ _ _ _ _ by the time we (close, arrive)
G wc hadn't finished cook ing the dinn er.
6 When we home, we saw that somebody
_____ the kitchen window. (get, break)
a Write the sentences in reported speech.
7 Luckily, it _ _ _ _ _ snowing when we _ __ __
" I love you." He told herthat heIQved her.
I "I'm hungry." She sa id that she _ _ __ work. (stop, leave)
2 " I don't like sad movies."
-< p.93
He told her he _____
3 ;' 1'11 ca ll thedocror." Hesaid he _ _ _ __ b \Vrite the senrences in direct speech.
4 ;'I've bought a new phone."
He told her that he was a doctor. He said: "1 'trIO doctor"
Paul told us that he _ _ _ __
5 ") live downtown." She said that she was studying Japanese.
She said: ,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
She said that she _____
6 "We ca n't do it! " 2 Tony told me that his car had broken down.
Tony said: "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
They sa id that they _ _ _ __
7 "I saw Eclipse at the movie theater." 3 Yoshi said that he would send me an emai l.
Yoshi said: "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Julie sa id thac she _ _ _ __
4 Sella and Eberto said they were in a hurry.
12C Sella and Eberro said: ',._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a ~;;0the correct question form.
5 He said he hadn't finished his essay yet.
Whatyo/J did /@d YOLl~ last night? He said: "-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I What l/apperted I did l/Gppel/ to you? 6 She told us that she wouldn't arrive on time.
2 \Vhar meatls this word I does this word mea,,? She said: "._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 How many people came I did come to the
7 David said he had JUSt arrived. -< p.94
meeting? David said: "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 WhichbusBoes / does8ototown?
5 W hich movie WO" / did wi,1 rhe Academy b \Vrite the questions. Do you know
the answers?
Award this year?
How many Formu la 1 championsh ips
6 What said the teacher I did the teacher say? did Michael Sc!/II1lIac1ler will?
7 Who made I did make this cake?
(Michael Schumacher / win)
It's delicious!
\Vhen _______________ president of the US?

(Ba rack Obama I become)

2 \Vhich US Stare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the iener"H"? (scare)

3 Which books ? (J.R.R. Tolkien / write)

4 \Vho _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the soccer \Vorld C up in 201O? (win)

5 \Vhich spon ___________ the lightest ball? (use)

6 Where ? (the 2012 Olympics / take place)

7 Which company ? (Steve Jobs / start)

-< p.96 Online Practice

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