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Published by samyamakolin, 2021-07-28 12:00:48



Describing people VOCABULARY BANK


a March the sentences and pictures. a Match the adjectives with the definitions.
Whar's he like? What's she like?
What does he I she look like?
friendly :'ff£ndlj, funny "f.'\ni generous ,I'd3Endf:J'> kind kamd
She has Qlily red hair.
She has long straight hair. lazy "Ielzi; shy iJaT smart smart talkative !'t;)blTvi
She has big blue eyes.
She has dark wavy hair. Adjective Opposite
He has a beard and a musrache.
He's bald. A person who is open and warm is -(ri erldly
He's very tall and thin . 2 A perso n who talks a lot is
He's shorr and a litt leQverweight.
He's ~diu m height a nd slim . 3 A person who likes giving people
b lO })) Listen and check. things is

p thin or slim? fat or overweight? 4 A perso n who is friendly and good re
other people is
Thin and slim are both the opposite of fat, but
slim = thin in an attractive way. 5 A person who does n't want re work is
Fat is not very polite. It is more polite to say
someone is (a little) overweight. 6 A person who makes peop le laugh is

Using two adjectives together 7 A person who is quick at learning and
understanding things is (synony m
We often use two adjectives together illtelliBellt)
(without and) to describe hair or eyes,
e.g., She has long curly hair or He has big 8 A person who can't talk easily to
brown eyes. Adjectives go in this order:
size ) style >color noun. people he I she doesn't know is

b Complete the Opposite column with an adjective from the list.

cheap Ifip extrovert "ck'>tr;}v:Jrt
hardworking "hurdw;)rkll) quiet "k\l.'a l:Jt serious l'sl ri:J'>
stupid 'stup:Jd unfriendly IAn'fn:ndli unkind 'ln'kamd

c 11 ))) Listen and check.

d In pairs, ask and answer about a member ofyour family or
a good friend.

A What does your sister look like..:2

~ She's tall and she has short dark hair.
A What's she lik~

P nice; funny or fun?
Nice is a very common I±l adjective of personality, e.g., He's a very
nice person. Nice describes a person who is friendly and kind.
A person who is funny makes you laugh. A person who is fun is a
person who you have a good time with.

« p.6

Things you wear VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the words and p ict ures. -@]
C lothes /'
cardigan 'kor(lig;Jnl
coat lout P wear, carry, or dress? -
dress /dn::s,'
jacker '!'d3CCkJL Use wear f?r clothes and jewelry / glasses, etc.
jeans Id3inzl She's wearmg a hat. He's wearing sunglasses.
pan ts Iprent Si
shi r t ,J:Jfi Use carry for bags, briefcases, etc.
sho rts 1J:'lrt s
skirr .sbrt She's carrying a bag.

5ui r 'sUl Use. dress .(with no object) to describe the kind of clothes people wear.

swea rer l'swCl:)r. TV Journalists dress very well. Jane always dresses in black.
top Ilap
T-shirt l'tJ~rt
warm- up suit I'wxm Ap ':.utl

boors 'OUl'.
fl ip-flops I'fhp flops
sandals /"-ixndlzl
shoes .Tuz'
sneakers l'snik;,rzi

belt belL
cap krep,
gloves /gLwz'
hat 'h<£{,
leggings j'h::.gl1Jz
scarf Iskorf'
socks Isoks
tie 'tal/
tights lalls!

bracele t "brel,;I;'1
ea rrings l'IrIO/
necklace i l nck1;)s!
ring TII)

b 119 »)) Li ste n and check.

c Cover the words a nd look at the pictures.
Test yourself or a partner.

-c: p.B



a Match the phrases and pictures. a Complete th e verb phrases.

'.L- J book buy have rent spend
stay sunbathe take
."" I
Hay in a holli l at a campsite I with friends
go abroad
_ _ _ _ J2hQtos
! go away for rhe weekend _ _ _ _ £Q.Yvenirs
_ _ _ _ on the beach
go by bus Icar I plane I rrain ____ a good rime

gOldlillping _ _ _ _ illQllcy I time
go for a walk _ _ _ _ an alNLImenr I ahicycle I sk is
go on vacation ____ flights I hoIcl> o nUM
go our at night
go .s.ighrseeing b 3 2 ») Listen and c heck.

go iliing Iwalking Ihlking c Test yourself. Cover the verbs. Remember the phrases.
go lliimming I sailing I £J..[fing
b 3 1 ») Listen and check.
a Match the questions and answers.
c Cover rhe phrases and look at the pictures. Test \Vhar was the weather like ? It was ...
yourselfor a partner.
2 \Vhar was the hotel like? It was..
3 \Vhar was the tow n like? It was ...
4 What were the peop le like? T hey were ...
S \Vhat was the food like? It was...

[B comfo rrable, lu.lU!.Iious
G hi.sic, rurr)'. uncomfortable

G l:Jfriendly,!2ful unfl:krully,!2ful

0 lliYtiful, nice G nois)', crowded
[B delicious G oorhing ~cia l , disg.JJ..S.ting

[±J warm, Elnn)' G very windy, fuggy, £l2.udy

b 33 ») Listen a nd ch eck.

P General affirmative and negative adjectives
G::J nice, wonderful, fantastic, great
O~ not bad alright
G awful, horrible, terrible

« p.12



a Co mplete the chan with (It, ill, o r OIL a Complete the Prepositions column with a word from the list.
about at for in of on to with

1 Countries and cities Months

Peru, Lima February, June

Rooms Seasons
the kitchen
(the) winter

Buildings Years
a store, a museum
Closed spaces
a park, a yard Times of day
the morning,
a car the afternoon, the
evening (not night)
2 Transportation Dates I arri ved New York City on Friday ni ght.
a bike, a bus, a train, March 1st 2 I was very tired when Iarr ived the hote l. ~
3 I hate wairi ng people who are lare.
a plane, a ship (not ear) Days 4 A \Vhat are you goi ng CO do the weekend?

Tuesday, New Year's B I don't know. It depe nds the wearher.
5 I'm so rry, but I rea lly don 'r agree you.
Day, Valentine's Day ~ I asked a chicken sa ndwich, bur this is tuna!
7 Lee's invite Debbie and T im the party.
A surface the weekend 8 \Vho's going CO pay the mea l?
the floor, a table, 9 I need co spea k Martin th e meetin g.
;~ 10 I don't spend much money food .
a shelf, the balcony, 11 Are you go ing to write him soon?
the roof, the wall 12 Don't worry the exam. It isn't very hard .
13 She fe ll love a man she met on the
3 school, home, work, Times
college 6 o'clock, two thirty, 14 You're nor li srenin g! \Vhar are you thinkin g ?
15 A \Vhardoyourh ink Shakira ?
the airport, the train 7:45
B I rea lly like her. I th ink she's grear.
station, a bus stop night, midnight,

a party, the daor lunch

b 42 J}) Listen and check. b 68 »)) Listen a nd chec k.

c Look ar the chan for a few minutes. Th en c Cover the Prepositions column. Say the sentences.
test a partner:
A Say a place or time word, c.g., Lima, Tuesday. P arrive in or arrive at?
S C lose your books. Say rhe preposition (at, Remember we use arrive in + cities or countries
ill, or all) . and arrive at + buildings, stations, etc.

C han ge roles. -c: p.23

-c: p.14

Housework, make or do? VOCABULARY BANK


a Match the verb phrases and the pictures. a Write make or do next co
the pictures.
~d",,Q ,-_ a crosswo rd

~_ _ a mistake

_ _ _ an exercise I ho mework

___ anoise

___ a phone call


_---;._ housework

___ friends

clean the floor ___ lunch I dinner
clean your room
do the dishes _ _ _ yoga
do the ironing
do the laundry _ __ plans
do the shopping
make lunch b 14 ») Lisren and check.
make the beds c Cover the phrases and look at the pictures. Say the phrases.
pick up diny clothes (from the floor) d Talk to a parrner.
pur away your clothes
set th e table (opposite clear) What housework d o YOll us uall y do? \Vhar have you done today?
take out the garbage \Vho does the most housework in your family?
Do you argue about housework in your family? Give examp les.
b 13 ») Lisren and check. What hou sework d o yo u hare doing? \Vhar don'r you mind doing?
Is there any housework you like doing?
c Cover the phrases and look at the pict ures.
Say the phrases. -c: p.28



a Match the words and pictures.
fitting rooms

shopp in g cart I basket

take something back
try something on
b g) 28 ))) Lisren and check.

c Cover the words and look at rhe pictures. Say the words.

P fit or suit?
If clothes don't fit you, it means they are the wrong size
(e.g., too big, too small, too tight, too loose),
If clothes don't suit you, it means they don't look good
on you .


a Read the text about shopping online. Then co mplete it
with words fr0111 t he li st.

account ,J'J,;aUllt auction ",)kJn cart "'un

checkout 'IJckaot delivery ,,,h'hvJr i item 'all~m/

payment 'pc l m;'Jllt size \.\11: website '\\Ch\illll

Shopping online

When you are shopping online, first you go to the lwebsjte.

The first time you use a site, you usually have to create an

_ _ _ where you give your personal information. You then

choose what you want to buy and c lick on each 3_ __

If you are buying clothes, make sure you get the right

4 ! Everything you buy goes into your shopping bag

or 5 , usually at the top right of the page. When you

are ready to pay you click on "proceed to 6 ." You then

have to give your 7_ _ _ address where you want them

to send your things and give your 8._ _ _ information,

for example your credit card number and expiration date.

Many people today also buy and sett things online at 9_ __

sites like eBay.

b 29 ))) Lisren and check.

« p.31

Describing a town or city VOCABULARY BANK


a Look at the map. Then read the description
of Reading and@thecorrecrwords
or phrases.

Reading is a city in the east / west of the state of

Pennsylvania in the US, on the 5chuykiU River /

in the mountains. It is about 60 miles east /

west of Philadelphia. It is a small / medium /
large city, and it has a population of about
SS, is famous for its discount outlet
shopping malls, which were the first in the US.

b ~ 46 ,)) Listen and check.

2 WHAT'S IT LIKE? adject ives to 3 WHAT 15 THERE TO SEE?
describe a town or city
a Put the words in the right column.
a March the adjectives and sentences 1-6.
eastte 'I(&sl' cathedral 'k;}'eidrall church itJartJI
boring 'bJTII} Opposite
department store id l'purtm;)nt ~tJr market ;'marbt mosque /musk!
excjtjng museum 'myu'ziJm palace 'piel;:'!.... shopping mall "fupll) m;'lV
statue flst,ctfu temple 'templ town hall "taon h:'ll

crowded 'krauddd! Religious buildings Places where you can Historic buildings and
da ngerous 'dcmd3:JT;,)<';
modern {' mod:Jrn buy things monuments
no isy 'n:lIzii
polluted "p:J'!UllU castle

There are a lot of restaurantS and clubs b 48 ')) Listen and check.
with loud m usic .
2 T he air is very dirry. c W h ich ofe he places in a a re t he re I aren't there in your cit y?
3 T he re are too many people.
4 T he buildi ngs we re a ll bui lt very recently. ( !.h~re's a cathedral and some churches.
5 There's nothing to do. ~re isn 't a castle.
6 You have to be carefu l, especia lly at night.
-c: p.39
b Match these adject ives with their opposites

in a .

clean klill' empty "cmpti
exeit-ffig Ik'saltll] interesting .'~mtr~stIlY
old 1001& quiet i'kwalat safe iself..'

c 47 »)) Listen and c heck your answe rs to a
and h .

d Cove r t he wo rds a nd look at the sem ences.
Remember the adject ives and their

Opposite verbs VOCABULARY BANK
File Edit View
a Match the ve rbs and pictures.


arrive (early) i;)' ra lVi leave

brea k ()'our alasses) brclkl

buy (a hOllse) (ba"

find (yollr keys) Ifalnu,

forget (a /lame) If;}r'gct

lend (m otl ey to somebody) 'lcnd/

mi ss (a trail! ) Imls!

pass (atl exam) Ipxs

push (tile door) pur

se nd (atl em ail) ;\cnd/

srarr (a race) 'stort

teach (EIIB/ish) It itJ!

[urn o n (the TV) ,tarn 'on '

win (a Bame) 'Win

b Find the o ppos ite ve rbs in the list.
Write them in the Opposite column.

borrow (from somebody) I'OOroo'

catch IklCtf/
fail /fed i
fix I repair Iflksi In'pcrl
get / receive Igctlln\ivl
learn Ibrni
leave 11ivl
lose «2) 'lul'
pull poU
reme mber In'mcmbar
sell i'icll
st op / finish istopi /'flmf,
turn off ,tarn 'off

c 2 »)) Listen a nd check.

d Cove r the verbs and look at the picrures.
Remember the verbs and their opposites.

« p.44



a Complete the to + verb column w ith to + a verb from rhe lisc.

be bring buy catch drive find get married
ge (x2) help pay rain see turn off

to + verb

I decide \Ve've decided to France for our vaca tion. ll1.iJ"------
2 forget Don't forger all the lights.

3 hope We hope you again soon.

4 learn I'm learning . My driving test's next mo nth .

S need I n eed to rh e s uper ma rker. \Ve don't have a ny milk .

6 offer He offe red me w ith my resu me.

7 plan They're plan nin g soon.

S pretend He pretended sick, but he wasn't really.

9 promise He's pro mi sed me back when h e gers a jo b.

ID remember Remember your dictionaries to class mmor Tew.

11 start It was ve ry cloudy and it sta rted

12 try I'm trying a job, bm it's very hard.

13 want I wam the six o'clock train.

14 would like I'd like a new car next month.

b 25 )) Li sten and ch eck.

c Cover the to + verb column. Say the sentences.

--c: p.53


a Complete th e gerund column with a verb from the list in the gerund.

be cook do have make rain reacl talk clean up wake up work


I enjoy I enjoy in bed. readjl![J

2 finish Have you finished your roo m?

3 go on (= conrinue) I want to go on until I'm 60.

4 hate I hate late when I'm meeting someone.

S like I like breakfast in a ca fe.

6 love I love on a sunny mo rning.

7 (don ' t) mind I don 't mind rh e ironing. It's very relax ing.

S spend (time) She spend s hours on the phone.

9 start* It sta rted at 5:30 in the morning.

ID stop Please stop that noise. I can't think.

11 feel like I don't feel like today, Let's go out fo r lu nch, _ _ __ c Cover the gerund column. Say
[he sentences.
* start can be used with a gerund or infinitive, e.g., It started raining. It started to rain.
--c: p.55
b 29 )) Li sten and check.



Pg_t III
get is one of the most common verbs in
English. It has several diff erent meanings,
e.g., arrive, become, and can also be used with
ma ny prepositions or adverbs with different
meanings, e.g., get up, get on with.

a Match the phrases and the pictures.

(Jet = become (+ adjective I pas t participle)

get angry
get divorced
get in shape
get losr
get marr ied
get nervous

(Jet = becom e (+ comparative)
get berect
get colder
get wo rse

Bel = buy I o bta in

get a job
get a newspaper
get a ticker

(Jet + preposition (phrasal ve rbs)
get along (well) w ith

get on Ioffa bus

get up

8el (to) = arrive

ger home

get (Q sc hool
get ro work

(Jet = receive
get an ema il
get a present
get a (rcxr) message

b 3 54 )) Liste n a nd check.

c Cover rhe phrases a nd look at the pictures.
Test yourself or a pa rrner.

-< p.61

Confusing verbs VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the verbs and pictures.

wear {werl carry /' kre r i
clothes a baB
a baby

wi n /wln/ earn /~rn l
a medal
a prize a salary

know /noo! meet /mit
somebod)1 well somebodyfor thefirst time
something at 11 o'clock

hope Ihoupl wait /welt!
that somethitlB fora bus
good will happert for a /0118 time
to do somethinB

watch /wolf look at Iluk retl
TV a photo
your watch

look Ilokl look like /lok lalk '
your mother
happy a model

about 25years old

miss /m lsl lose Ilu zl

the bus QBame
a class
your Blasses

bring /brrol rake Itclk
your dictiorlary an umbrella
somethinB back your childrerl

from vacation to school

look for Iluk brl find Ifarnd i

your Blasses your Biasses

ajob ajob

say /sC lf tell Ildl

sorry ajoke

hello a lie

somethillB to somebody somebody sometliillfJ

lend Ilend; borrow "beroul
money to somebody mOrle)'from somebody

b 5 )J) Liste n and check. P hope and expect
hope = to want something to happen and think it will happen,
c Work with a par mer. A say a ve rb, B say a always for positive things, e.g., I hope I'll pass the exam.
possible continuation. expect = to think something wilt happen, usually for a reason
(not necessarily a positive thing), e.g., I expect I'll fail because I
A Wait~ ~ for a bus haven't worked very hard.

..( p.63 look and look like
After look we use an adjective or an age.
After look like we use a noun.


a Match the words and piccures. -
bee 'bii
burrerfly 'h"t~rflal
fl y f lml
mosquito 'm;l'skitoo/
spide r l'sp'lId;)]'i

bull oul
chicken j'lJlbn
cow 'kau:
goat IYOOI
horse Ihxs'
pig 'p lg'
sheep ,'fip;

bat 'brei
bear ibcr'
bird ,b;udl
camel /'ka::m l
crocodi le /'!..rubda ll
dolphin "dolf;:ml
elephant 'cl;}bn t
giraffe 'd3J'racr
jellyfish fd3Cliflfi
kangaroo 'kacIJ9;'l'ru
lion l'la l ~n
monkey "m.\ljh
mouse (plura l mice) im~IUSi
rabbit " racb;)t
shark ifark
snake snclk,
tige r I'ta lg::>rl
wha le 'wCII,'

b 171») Lisren and check,

c Cover the wo rd s and look at
the pictures. Test yourselfor
a partner.

-c: p,68

Expressing movement VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the words and pictures.
under (the bridge) '\nddf'
along (tile street) /a'bl)/
around (tile lake) l;l'raund.
throug h (th e tlJllnel) llru
inro (tile store) 'ml U
across (th e road) la'kr:."l<"
ove r (the bridge) 'Ol.Jv~r
up (tile steps) \pi
past (tire c1lUrch) px...t
roward (tIle lake) /'to(J~rd.
down (the steps) idnon
o U[ of (the store) flaot ovl

P in(to) and out (of)

After a verb of movement we use either
inl out or into! out of+ place, e.g.,

Come in. Come into my office.
He ran out. He ran out of the room.

b 57 )) Listen and check.

c Cover the words. \Vhere did Snowy go?
0 e went down the steps...

P away, off, and back

We use away to express movement to
another place, e.g., Go away! I don't want to
speak to you. The man ran away when he saw
the po/ice officer.

We use back to express movement to the place
where something or somebody was before,
e.g., After dinner we went back to our hotel.
Their dog ran away and never came back.

We use off to express movement down or
away, e.g., Get off the bus at the train station.

The man ran off when he saw the police


-< p.84



a Match th e sentences and the pictures. p Type 1 ::; no object
The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated.
The game will be over at about 5:30. I get up at 7:30.
I need to give up fast food.
Don't throwaway that letter! Type 2 ::; + object
Turn down the music! It's ve ry loud . The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) can be separated.
Turn up rhe TV! I can't hear.
He looked up the words in J dicrionary. Turn the TV on. OR Turn on the TV.
Could you fill out this form?
I want to find out about hotels in Mexico C ity. Type 3 ::; + object
It 's bedtime - go and put on your pajamas.
Could you take offyour boors. please? The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated.
My sister's looking after Jimmy for me today. Look for your keys. NOT L-ook yOUf-keys (Of;
I'm really looking forward to the holidays.

b 52 )) Liste n and check.

c Cover rhe sentences and look at the pictures.
Remember the phrasal ve rbs.

d Look at these ochcr phrasal verbs from Files
1- 10. Can yo u remember what they mean?

get up
come on
go aw ay (fo r the weekend)
go o ut (ar nighr)
stand up
sit dow n

turn on (r he T V)
turn off(rhe TV)
try on (clothes)
give back (somethi ng you've borrowed)
take hack (something to a sro re)
call back (lare r)
pay back (money you've borrowed)
write down (the words)
put away (e.g., clot hes in a closer)
pick up (something on the floor)

look for (somet hin g you've lost)

get on l off(a bus)

get along with (a person)

-< p.87

Irregular verbs

29 )) Present Simple past Past participle
learned /1~rnd '
Present SimpLe past Past participle learn lI~rn l left lcft learned
leave liv/ lent I lenl l left
be Ibi! was /w':Jz/ been Ibm/ lend Iknd let lent
were / w';Jrl letllet lost I b stl let
become Ibl'kAml become lose lu ti lost
begin Ibl'gml became 'bl'kclm; made /mcldl
break ibrelkJ begun Ibl 'gAnl make /mc]" met fm!:l f made
bring Ibrll)1 began 'bl'gren' broken I' brouk:ml meet mitl met
build Ibll dl broke brouk brought paid Irelol
buy Iball brought i}JD\' built pay fpel put paid
built bliL bought put put put
boughtlhot read !red/
read rid rang /ra::1)1 read In:dl
can Ika:nl could 'kud, - ring 'no! ran /rren/ rung IrAQI
catch Ika:tJI caught 'kot caught run
choose Itfuz/ chose lIoozl r U{l~An said Ised/
came kClm chosen I' tJouzn f saw Is:x said
come IkAml come say i<:;CII sold /souldl seen /sin/
cost see isil sent I<:;enll sold
cost Ibstl cost sett Is£l/ shut sent
cut IkAt l cut send Isend, sang Isa::l)/ shut
cut shut j'At sat '<jret sung ISAl)f
sing 'sui slept Islept l sat
do Idul did idld! done IdAn sit Islt! spoke Ispook/ slept
drink IdnlJkl drunk /drAl)k sleep l'lip! spent Ispcnt l spoken !'<:;poubnl
drive /dralv/ drank IdncQki driven "dn vnf speak /spikl stood istud/ spent
drove Idrouv/ spe nd spendl stole /<;toul stood
stand 'strend/ swam /swi:£m/ stolen J'stou];)n/
eat lit! ate lel! eate n I' itn steal 'stil i swum IswAml
swim /swlml took ltuk,
fall /foV fell :fcl fallen I'blan taught ;I>tl taken I'te l bnl
feel lfill felt take tClk ' told IIQoldl taught
find Ifamdl found ifaondl found teach I itS' thought lfJotl told
fly /flail flew Iflul flown Ifloon! telltd threw IOrUi thought
forget If;)r'gct l fo rgot Ibr'gotl forgotten If;)r'gatnJ t hink910kl thrown ~rounl
throw IBrool understood
ge t l g e t l got Igol l gotten /'901nl IAndor 's tud / understood
give Iglvl given I'gl vnJ understand
go 19001 gave igclv/ gone Iganl /Andor'sta::ndl woke /wook / woken /'wookonl
grow Igrool went Iwentl grown /9l"Ounl wore /w';)rl worn !wjrnl
grew Igru, wake welk won !wAn/ won
w ea rwcrl wrote 'rout/ written !'ntn!
have Ihrevl had !hredi had wi n /will
hear Ih lrl heard IhordJ heard w rite tall
hitlhill hit hit

keep Ikipl keptlkeptl kept
know Inool knew f nu! known Inoonl

164 Irregular verbs Online Practice


have got

I've got a brorher and two s isters. 44 )) You can use have BOI.instead of have for
possession in rhe present.
I have n'r got any pets.
I've Bot a bike. =I h ave a bike.
She's got a beauti ful house.
H aveyolllJota car? = Do you h ave a car?
He has n't gOt ma ny friends.
We also use /wve 80t to talk about family
Have th ey got a ny ch ild ren? No, t hey haven 't. and sicknesses, a nd to describe people.

Has the hote l got a swimming pool? Yes , it has. I've Bot two sisters. He's Bot a cold.
Sh e's got /0118, browl! hair.
fuUform contraction negative J
I haven't got have Bor is not used in the past. For past
I have got I've got You haven't got a car. possession use hacl.
He / She / It hasn't got
Vou have got You've got We haven't got I liad a pet cat whell Itvas a dd/d.
Vou haven't got Did you lfave a pet?
He / She / It has got He / She / It's got They haven't got
Ilwve ... I Do YOIl/wve ... ? is more
We have got We've got
common than I 've got JHal'eYOIl801 ... ?
You have got You've got in co nversario n in the US .

They have got They've got

III 0 0

Have I got a car? Ves, I have. I haven't.
Have you got
Has he / he / it got you have. you haven't.
Have we got
Have you got he / she / it has. he / she / it hasn't.
Have they got
we have. No, we haven't.

you have. you haven't.

they have. they haven't.

rna Write G, G, and sentences wit h the cor rect fo rm o f b Co mpl ete t he senre nces wit h t he right for m of have Bot.

have BOt. T hey love an imals. Th ey~ two dogs and five cats.

they I big house G They 've Bot a biB house. I I hope it doesn't rai n -I my umbrell a today.
I she I any brothers B
2 ____ your phone ____ a good ca mera?
rn2 you I big apa rrmenr
3 ____ a new iPad. Do you wa nt to see it?
3 we I a lot of work rad ay G
4 Sorr)' ki ds, I enough money to buy ca ndy.
rn4 your sister ' a sma rcphone
5 Ja ne ____ 50 pai rs of shoes - can you beli eve it?
5 Roger and Va l , a beautiful yard G
6 I can't ca ll him now - I ____ an)' se rvice for
6 I f a rea lly good teac her G
my phone.
7 My brother I a job r ig ht now G
8 they I the sa me color eyes G 7 )'ou ____ you r keys? 1can't fin d mine.

rn9 we I a meeting today 8 Ma ri a's so lucky - she ____ beauriful , cu rly hair.

10 he f ma nyfriendsarwork G 9 O ne more ques ti on, Mr. Jones. ____ you _ _ __

any exper ience?

10 We might have problems gett ing there because we
____ aG PSinou r ca r.

« p.S9

Appendi x 16

Vowel sounds SOUND BANK

usual spelling ! but also I! but also -

usual spelling

cc fee l tee t h people mach ine ~ A ve ry unu sual sound. plur al
Europe furious sure
ea teach mea n kc\ niece

e she we taxi receive

tTCe rour isr

thin lips English wo men rn u sunny must come does
up funny run so meone enou gh
h istory kiss busy decide lucky cut you ng touch
if since gym bui ld
co mputer
fis h

[!J eer cheers engineer serious I
ere here wc're
ear near fear Many differenrs pellin gs,
usua lly un stressed .
a ha nd ha t ilQVous a rrive polite agree suggg.£r
terrible problem
back catch
v, er person ver b earn work
carry match ir d irty shirt world worse
cat ~ ur nurse [Urn pic[U re
erJorpainter writer
1 e spe ll lend fr ie ndly hea d bird (u nstressed) inve nror snow throw
sme ll se nd swea rer a ny although
vcry red sai d sa\ s [!J ou shout around shou lder
mou th blou se
egg their there
wear bear ow crowded dow n
[ID air airport stairs where ow l
fair hair
arc square care ful [! I0* open ho pe
oa wo n't so
coa t goa l

'm- ,--------------------~ ar far arm s hea rt
o top ro ck yacht scar f dar k
'H 4I
socks coll ege qua lity
cl o ck
hot box

a fat he r

al wal k tal k bought thought a* face wa ke brea k stea k
ai brai n fai l great eight
aw aw ful draw abroad Au gust ay awa\ pa) th ey

sa\,.' augh caugh t daugh ter I ra\ buy eye s
heigh t
[ ! ] or boring worn four o i coi n noisy
ore more score boi lin g
oor door fl oor
~----------~----------~ oy toy enjoy
boor 00 sc hoo l choo se do sui t jui ce i* sm ile bite
bull y sh) wh)
u* rude use shoe lose igh migh t sigh ts

ew new knc\\ th rough

u pu ll push Iwould should
00 foor boo k
wo man
loo k roo k

o ovowels diphthongs
vowel s followed by /r/

• especially before consonant + e

Consonant sounds SOUND BANK

usual spelling but also usual spelling but also

[!] :p promise possible th th ing th row
copy fli p -flops healt hy south
opposite appeara nce math both

wr:s ~r -b-----b-e-I t--b-Od-)-'------~------------~ ~ 'h neith er the
. bb probab ly job cab ch clothes sunbathe
bag ra bb it robbed mo th er th at with

[!] ~k camping across school stomach ch icken ch iId questio n
skin k ind ch em istry acCou nt beach
chcckout pid catch march

[IJ :g----------------------------
grow goat guest spagherri jacket just generous teenager
June e njoy g iraffe age
forget begin d ge bridge judge

foggy leggings

r- - - : -
[!] f enough laugh
~ ph find afraid safe little less
ff elepham nephew I
off d ifferent plan incredible
[]Jflowe r ~r -v-------\-i-d-eO---\ -is-i-t -------~. O--f-- wi ll si lly
" 100e invent
o ve r r iver , I written wro ng I

' ase (f) r really rest
rr pract ice try
~ :, t ry tell wa lked dressed righ t re borrow ma rr ied
Start la te we're here
ben er sin ing
Vw website tw ins one o nce
wh worr ied \\ In ques ti on
witch why wh ich wh ale
[ G}l 1r--------L-----~
d d id dead . loved tired [ ~ 1)' yet year
you ng yoga
~ ha rd told before u usefu l u ni form

dd add ress midd le

dog ,

~ s stopS fa ster science a nswer 8l m Imountai n m ode rn col umn
ss miss mess age psychology mm
d Ice place c ircle remem ber e mali comb
c cem City cycle summer swi mm ing

'make (befo re e , i , y) ~ ---n need neck lace know knock
none a ny
l.00 la7Y free z ing nn funn y d inner
reaso n lose
'l cbra has tocs

JlI sh sh ut shoes sugar sure ~ ng ang ry ring th in k than k
a long t hing
sh ower wash fini sh mach ine bring going who whose
who le
ti (+ vowel) moustache

pati ent infor mati on I si n ge r

ci+a spec ial mu sician GIJ h hat hate
ahead pe rhaps
..~ An unusual sound.
Asi a decisi o n confusio n usually garage h ire helpful

te lev isi o n o unvoiced Online Practice

o voiced

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• English File Pronunciation app

OXFORD ISBN 978-0-19-477616-5

UN IVE R SI T Y P R ESS English Sounds Pronunciation Chart basec tr.'..: . . . . CiI!8
and design by Paul Seligson and CarrrlI!rl!);;z.

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