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Published by myravu, 2020-05-22 09:15:41

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

Keywords: School Text Book





Approved by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Curriculum Development
Centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur as an Additional Learning Material.





Dinesh Adhikari
Dilendra Prasad Bhatt

Laxman Adhikari
Shekhar Poudel

Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Published by:

Shubharambha Publication Pvt.Ltd.

Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail: [email protected]

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Authors : Dinesh Adhikari, Dilendra Prasad Bhatt,

Laxman Adhikari, Shekhar Poudel

Layout Design : Ram Malakar

Video Content : Dinesh Adhikari

Language Editor : Krishna Prasad Regmi

Copyright © : Dinesh Adhikari

Edition :First 2076 B.S.

Second 2077 B.S.

ISBN : 9789937579315

© : Publisher

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by means (electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission from the
publisher. Any breach of this condition will entail legal action and prosecution.

Printed in Nepal


It has become a fundamental right of children to get computer education. It is
very essential to get basic to advance knowledge about computer education to
compete the future. Nepal government has prescribed the syllabus and course
outline for the computer education from primary to higher secondary level. But
students are not able to get quality education due to the lack of systematic course
book and the computer system in the school. So we have developed the complete series
of computer science.
Along with the evolution of human beings new thoughts, area of knowledge and
technology also developed together. Among the eruptions, ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) is one which has unquestionably become important part
of human beings. A person is not better than a caged pigeon if s/he is far from computer
technology in this century. New Gateway to Computer Science is a complete package
which obviously supports a lot to the students as this is one of the most useful Text
Book, so far available in the market.
This book is completely prepared considering the level of the students. This text has the
various salient features like it focuses on child psychology, pictorial descriptions, video
tutorials, quiz section, practical sections, etc.

How to get video tutorials?
1. Install QR code reader apps on your mobile device (smart phone) from play store.
2. After installation, open the apps from your device.
3. When you open this apps, a camera will appear.
4. Move your camera over the QR code picture (Scan here for video tutorials) that is

provided in your text book.
5. Now QR code reader automatically scans it and displays the link of related video.
6. Touch on the link and open it in YouTube for video tutorials.
Ensure that you have internet connection before scanning the code from the text

It is impossible to acknowledge all who have directly or indirectly encourage me to
prepare this book on this single page. My special thanks goes to the students and
teachers of different schools for their regular interactions during the preparation of this
Comments and constructive suggestions are highly welcomed from the readers and
professionals to update this text book.

Dinesh Adhikari
[email protected]


Unit 1: Fundamental Knowledge and Skill of Computer 5-161

1. Fundamental Concept of Computer.....................................................6-11

2. History of Computer Development..................................................12-22

3. Generation of Computer....................................................................23-30

4. Types of Computer............................................................................31-40

5. Introduction to Computer Hardware & Software..............................41-51

6. Operating System..............................................................................52-78

7. Word Processing Program-2010......................................................79-108

8. Spreadsheet Software-2010...........................................................109-131

9. Presentation Software-2010...........................................................132-161
Unit 2: ICT, Computer Ethics and Cyber Law 162-211

10. Web Page Designing with HTML.................................................163-175

11. Information and Communication Technology...............................176-181

12. Computer Ethics and Cyber Law..................................................182-189

13. Computer Virus.............................................................................190-197

14. Introduction to Computer Networking..........................................198-211

Unit 3: Computer Number System 212-221

15. Computer Number System............................................................213-221

Unit 4: Computer Graphics and Multimedia 222-252

16. Introduction to Computer Graphics..............................................223-245

17. Multimedia and Application..........................................................246-252

Unit 5: Concept of Computer Programming 253-289

18. Program Designing Tools and Techniques......................................254-261

19. Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Programming..................262-266

20. Computer Programming in QBASIC ...........................................267-289
 Practical Time....................................................................................284
 Specification Grid...............................................................................290
 Model Question.................................................................................291

Fundamental Knowledge and
Skill of Computer



Inside the Unit

Chapter 1 Fundamental Concept of Computer
Chapter 2 History of Computer Development
Chapter 3 Generation of Computer
Chapter 4 Types of Computer
Chapter 5 Introduction to Computer Hardware & Software
Chapter 6 Operating System
Chapter 7 Word Processing Program-2010
Chapter 8 Spread Sheet Software-2010
Chapter 9 Presentation Software-2010

Chapter Fundamental Concept of Computer


Expected Competency
At the end of thTishuisncith,asptutedrecnotsvwerislltbhe afoblleotwo:ing topics:
• describe the working principle of computer.
• tell the advantages and disadvantages of computer.
• explain the basic computer terminologies.


Today is the world of computers as every field is
dependent on it. A computer is a powerful tool developed
by the human. Computers have reshaped our lives at
home, office, school and other various places. The
computer is a basic part of human life. The life of human
is almost impossible without it. The computers have not
only enhanced the efficiency of the user but also have
changed the lifestyle of human. It is a machine that performs calculations and processes
information with amazing speed and accuracy. They can help us in solving many complex
tasks and improving the quality of our lives. It can help in producing actual result, help in
teaching and assist in removing various human errors.

Working principle of computer

A computer is a machine that receives and processes data according to the instructions
given to it, and after the data has been processed, the results of the processing are usually
sent to an output device. The computer system works on the principle of input-process
and output.

6 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


Computer gets data and instruction from the input devices like keyboard, mouse, scanner,
microphone, light pen, etc. Input is the act of entering data and instructions to the computer
for processing.


When a computer gets the input with the help of input devices then it starts to process the
data for the user. The CPU is responsible to do these activities in the computer system.

Input Computer Output
Devices (CPU) Device

Keyboard Monitor
Mouse Backing Storage

Disk drive


After the data are processed they go to the output devices such as the monitor. The main
task of an output unit is to display the result. The output is always meaningful. The output
devices can be a screen (monitor), printer, plotter, speakers,etc.

Quick Learn

 A computer is a powerful tool developed by the human.
 The life of human is almost impossible without computer.
 A computer is a machine that performs calculations and processes information
with amazing speed and accuracy.
 A computer is a machine that receives and processes data according to the
instructions given to it.
 Computer gets data and instruction from the input devices like keyboard, mouse,
scanner, microphone, light pen, etc.
 Input is the act of entering data and instructions to the computer for
 The CPU is responsible to do the processing activities in the computer system.
 The main task of output unit is to display the result.
 The output devices can be a monitor, printer, plotter, speakers, etc.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 7

Advantages and disadvantages of computer

Advantages Exploring Knowledge!
 Computers are 100% accurate
machine. • TYPEWRITER is the longest word that
 Computer is fast and accurate you can write using the letters only on one
 Computer is a versatile machine. row of the keyboard.
• Doug Engelbart invented the first computer

mouse in around 1964 which was made of

 It has high storage capacity. wood.
 Computers can be used in various • The first 1GB hard disk drive was announced
fields for different purposes. in 1980 which weighed about 550 pounds,

Disadvantages and had a price of $40,000.

 It is expensive system so it is not easily accessible for poor people.

 Physical damage may occur at any time.

 It is totally human dependent so it cannot work without human instructions.

 It is creating unemployment problem.

 It is a non-intelligence device.

Basic computer terminologies


Data are the collection of raw facts which do not carry out any specific meaning. Name
of students, number of students, marks secured by the students in their exam, etc. are the
examples of data.


Information is the collection of data presented in a systematic way which has the special
meaning. The information is always meaningful.


Programs are the collection of many instructions together in sequence and in a logical
way to solve the problems. A computer requires programs to function and execute the
program’s instructions in a central processing unit.


Computer hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer system. This
includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts
inside the computer case, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many
others. Computer hardware is what you can physically touch.

8 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Software Exploring Knowledge!

Computer software is a set of programs • T he house where Bill Gates lives, was
and related documentation that tells designed using a Macintosh computer.
the computer what to do and how to
perform a task. Computer software • The first hard disk drive was madein 1979, and
needs hardware to function properly. could hold only 5MB of data.
• The original name of windows was Interface

Commands are the instructions or order given to the computer to do some specific task.
The commands are dependent on programming languages and operating system being


Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or
permanently. Volatile and non-volatile are the types of memory. Non-volatile memory is
a permanent type of computer memory whereas volatile memory is a temporary type of
computer memory.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

It is the internal memory of the CPU for storing data, program and program
result. It is read/write memory which stores data until the machine is working. As soon as
the machine is switched off, data are erased so it is called volatile memory.

Quick Learn

 Computers are 100% accurate machine.
 Data is the collection of raw facts which does not carry out any specific
 Information is the collection of data presented in a systematic way which has the
special meaning.
 Programs are the collection of many instructions together in sequence and in a
logical way to solve the problems.
 Hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer system.
 Software is a set of instructions and related documentation that tells the computer
what to do or how to perform a task.
 Computer software needs hardware to function properly.
 Commands are the instructions or order given to the computer to do some
specific task.
 Volatile and non-volatile are the types of memory.
 RAM is a volatile memory.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 9


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. A computer is a machine that performs calculations and processes information
with amazing ………….. and ……………….

b. A computer is a machine that receives and processes data according to
the……… given to it.

c. The ………is responsible to do the processing activities in the computer system.

d. ……………is the collection of data presented in a systematic way which has the
special meaning.

e. …………….. is the collection of physical parts of a computer system.

f. Computer software needs ………………… to function properly.

2. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. A computer is a powerful tool developed by the nature.

b. Computer gets data and instruction from the input devices like keyboard,
mouse, scanner, microphone, light pen, etc.

c. Output is the act of entering data and instructions to the computer for processing.

d. Computers are 100% accurate machine.

e. Data are the collection of raw facts which do not carry out any specific

f. Programs are the collection of many instructions together in a sequence and in
logical way to solve some problems.

g. Hardware is a set of instructions and related documentation that tells a computer
what to do or how to perform a task.

3. Match the following.

Hardware Set of computer programs

Software Physical parts of the computer

Memory Instructions

Output Storage devices

Command Final result

10 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write down the full forms of the followings.
5. Write very short answer the following questions.
a. Define the term ‘Computer’.
b. What is ‘Input’?
c. What are data?
d. What is the working principle of the computer?
e. Why does a computer need programs?
f. What is Random Access Memory?
g. What are the types of internal memory?
6. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of the computer.
b. Write about the computer hardware and software.
c. What is the computer memory? What is the role of the memory in a computer?
d. What is hardware and software? Write with examples.
7. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. Explain the working principle of the computer with clear diagram.
b. Explain, why the computer is powerful working tool?

Project Work & Activity

a. Conduct a presentation program about the advantages and disadvantages of
the computer.
b. Prepare a definition chart of any five computer terminologies and submit it to your

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 11

Chapter History of Computer Development


Expected Competency

At the end of thTishuisncith,asptutedrecnotsvwerislltbhee afobllleotwo:ing topics:
• explain various mechanical calculating devices.
• define various electro-mechanical calculating devices.
• identify the electronic calculating devices.
• tell the history of computer in Nepal.


The history of computer was started from the Stone Age. Many inventors worked a lot for
the development of different calculating devices. During that time, so many devices were
developed for calculating and to do mathematical calculations. We are living in the age of
computer. Almost our daily activities are not possible without these calculating devices.
It is used increasingly in each and every field of our life. The history of calculations was
started with the abacus but, first such machine having principle of today’s computing
machine was developed by Charles Babbage in 19th century. According to the technology
and concept used on devices, there were three types of calculating devices such as manual
calculating device, electro mechanical and electronic computers.

Mechanical Calculating Devices

Abacus was used by the Chinese people to perform calculations.
It is being used throughout the world. It was made up of wooden
frame in which rods were fitted across with round beads sliding
on the rod. It is divided into two parts called ‘Heaven’ and
‘Earth’. Heaven is the upper part and Earth is the lower part.
The lower parts and the upper parts are divided by the mid bar
so that any number can be represented by placing the beads at
proper place.

12 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Napier’s Bone

John Napier, a Scottish mathematician and politician developed
a machine called Napier’s Bone in 1617 AD. In 1614 AD he
developed the concept of logarithm. He worked on this idea for
almost two decades before the concept of logarithms came into
effect. Napier also made improvements to the idea of the decimal
fraction by starting the use of decimal points; a practice that very
soon became common throughout Britain. John Napier invented the
‘Napier Bones’ which were devices that could be used as calculators. They were called
‘bones’ because they were made out of ivory. Ivory is a hard, white material from the
tusks and teeth of animals.

Slide Rule

It was the invention of William Oughtred which was
introduced in 1620 AD. The slide rule was based on
logarithm. It was a mechanical analog device that was
used for making numerical computations and reading
such as multiplication, division, powers, roots, functions, etc. The slide rule is actually
made up of three bars that are fixed together. The sliding centre bar is sandwiched by the
outer bars which are fixed with respect to each other. The metal “window” is inserted over
the slide rule to act as a place holder. A cursor is fixed in the centre of the “window” to
allow for accurate readings.


Pascaline also called as Pascalene is a calculating machine
developed by Blaise Pascal in 1642 AD when he was of 19
years. This was the first practical calculating device. It is a
numerical wheel calculator which had 8 movable dials. It
worked on the principle of rotating wheels. This machine could
only do addition, subtraction and multiplication by the repeated addition and division
by repeated subtraction. The numbers of calculating capacity of Pascaline was
9,99,99,999. It utilizes a mechanical gear system to add and subtract with as many as
eight columns of digits

Exploring Knowledge!

 Konrad Zuse invented the first computer Z1 in 1936 AD and Z2 in 1939
as the first electro-mechanical computer in the world.

 Blaise pascal was born on June 19, 1623 and died on August 19, 1662 in Paris,

 The first computer mouse was made up of the wood.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 13

Stepped Reckoner
A German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz invented a calculating
machine known as Leibniz’s Wheel (Stepped Reckoner) in 1673 AD. It was used in
many calculating machine till 1970 AD. The Stepped Reckoner expanded on
Pascal’s ideas and did multiplication by repeated addition and shifting. The Stepped
Reckoner was based on a gear mechanism that Leibniz
invented and that is now called a Leibniz wheel. The machine
 add or subtract an 8-digit number to / from a 16-digit number.
 multiply to 8-digit numbers to get a 16-digit result.
 divide a 16-digit number by an 8-digit divisor.

Quick Learn

 Abacus was the first manual calculating device developed by the Chinese
people before 3000 BC.
 Abacus was made up of the wooden frame.
 The upper part of abacus is called heaven and the lower part is called
 Slide rule was the invention of William Oughtred which was introduced
in 1620 AD.
 Slide rule is also called the first analog device.
 William Oughtred also introduced the concept of logarithm.
 Blaise Pascal developed the device called Pascaline in 1642 AD.
 Pascaline was capable to do the calculations up to eight digits only.
 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented Stepped Reckoner in 1673 AD.
 Stepped Reckoner was used in many calculating machine till 1970 AD.

Jacquard’s Loom
Joseph Marie Jacquard, a silk weaver, invented this machine in
1804 AD. This loom was the first to use punched card with
punched holes. Jacquard’s technology was a real boon to
mill owners, but put many loom operators out of work. The
punched cards controlled the actions of the loom, allowing
automatic production of intricate woven patterns. The punched-
card idea was adopted later by Charles Babbage about
1830 to control his Analytical Engine, and later by Herman Hollerith for tabulating the
1890 USA census.

14 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage was a popular mathematician, philosopher,
inventor and mechanical engineer. He was the first person to
develop the concept of modern digital computer which works on
the principle of Input-process-output and storage so, he is known
as the father of computer. Mathematical tables were important in
Babbage’s era for use in navigation, science and engineering. They
were calculated by hand and then compiled into tables. Errors were sometimes made
either in the calculation or in the compiling of the tables. The inventions of Babbage are
given below:

Difference Engine

It was the first invention of Babbage introduced in
1822 A.D. It was big in size. It was powered by the steam. Later on
it was developed for commercial purpose also. It was an automatic
mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
The name is derived from the method of divided differences, a way
to include or tabulate functions by using a small set of polynomial coefficients.

Analytical Engine

It was the second invention of Babbage which was introduced in
1833 AD. The analytical engine was general purpose mechanical
computer. This device contained the following components:

 The store (like a memory)

 The mill ( like a processing unit)

 The input section using punched card

 The output section using punched card.

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace was a daughter of Lord Byron. She was
born on December 1815 AD and died on November 1852 when she
was of 36 years. She was the first to recognise that the machine had
applications beyond pure calculation, and created the first algorithm
proposed to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often
regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of a “computing machine” and the first
computer programmer.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 15

Exploring Knowledge!
 Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1791, and died in October 18, 1871 in

Marylebone, United Kingdom
 Grace Murray Hopper was a U.S. Naval officer, and an early computer

programmer who was the developer of the first compiler for a computer pro
gramming language.
 IBM is an American multinational technology company located in New York,


Hollerith Tabulating Machine
The Hollerith tabulating machine was also known as the tabulating
machine. It was an electrical counting machine invented by
Herman Hollerith. In 1887 AD. He developed the system of
Punched Card tabulating system in data processing. The card had
been used earlier to control patterns in textile looms. He used this
system to process the 1890 census. It was successful, and Hollerith
found the Tabulating Machine Company, which later merged to become a company called
IBM (International Business Machine). Hollerith tabulating machines were widely used
throughout the first half of the 20th century, up to the 1940s and early 1950s.

Quick Learn

 Joseph Marie Jacquard invented Jacquard’s Loom in 1804 AD.
 Charles Babbage is known as the father of the modern computer.
 Babbage was the first person to develop the concept of modern digital
 The first invention of Babbage was difference engine which was developed in
1822 A.D.
 Analytical engine was the second invention of Babbage which was introduced
in 1833 AD.
 Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace is known as the first computer programmer.
 Tabulating Machine Company was developed by Herman Hollerith.

16 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Electro-Mechanical Calculating Devices

Mark I

The Harvard Mark I was the first electromechanical computer
developed by Howard Aiken at Harvard University and built
by IBM in 1937. The computer was 51 feet long, 8 feet high
and weighed 5 tons. It provided vital calculations for the
U.S. Navy during World War II and was the first of a series
of computers designed by Aiken. At the time, it was publicized as the world’s first
programmable computer. The Harvard Mark I was also known as the IBM Automatic
Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC).The Harvard Mark I could perform four
arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and had built-in
programs for processing logarithms and trigonometric functions. The Mark I received
instructions on paper tape and loaded data output on punch cards. .
ABC ( Atanasoff Berry Computer)

The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the electro mechanical
digital computer built in 1942 AD at Iowa State University by
John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. This computer is
also called the first digital computer. It has electronic switching
elements and could perform binary arithmetic. The main
concepts of this computer are given below:
 It introduced the ideas of binary arithmetic, regenerative memory and logic
 It used 18000 valves and other 45 valves for internal logic and capacitors for
storage of electrical charge.
 It used punch cards as secondary storage.

Electronic Calculating Devices

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)

The first electronic computer was the Electrical Numerical
Integrator and Calculator, known as ENIAC. It was designed
by John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly in 1946
AD. ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer,

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 17

though very difficult to re-program. It was primarily used to computer aircraft courses,
shell trajectories, and to break codes during the World War II. It was made up of 17,468
vacuum tubes, 70,000 registers, 10,000 capacitors, 1500 relay and 6,000 manual switches.
It used decimal number system instead of binary number system.

EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)

EDSAC is an early British computer considered to be the
first stored program electronic computer. It was created at
the University of Cambridge in England. John von Neumann
developed it in 1949 AD. It could add two numbers in 1500
microseconds and multiply them in 4000 microsecond. In this
device 3000 vacuum tubes were used. It uses stored program concept for the first time and
also use the binary numbers.

UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)

The UNIVAC I was the first commercial computer produced in the
United States. It was designed principally by John. Presper Eckert
and John William Mauchly in 1951 AD. It was the first commercial
general purpose digital computer. The use of this computer started
from 1951 AD to 1970 AD. This device was 50 feet long and 25
feet wide. It was able to store 12,000 letters only. Magnetic tape were used as an input
and storage.

EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)

John William Mauchly and John Presper Eckert developed this in 1952
AD but the construction was started from 1944 AD. It was the first
computer based on stored program concept. This computer also worked
on binary digits and used stored program concept. It used 6,000 vacuum
tubes and 12,000 diodes which consumed 56 kilowatt power. It was
popularly used upto 1961 AD.

History of Computer in Nepal

The history of ICT and computer in Nepal is not so long. The IBM 1401 belongs to
the second generation computer which was introduced in Nepal for the first time in
2028 BS. This computer was brought on rent and after that another second generation
mainframe computer ICL 2950/10 model was introduced in Nepal. To work with the
technology, Yantrik Sarinikaran Kendra (Electronic Data Processing Centre) was

18 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

established which was later called as National Computer Centre (NCC). After
2039 B.S. microcomputer like; Apple , Vector, Sirus were introduced in Nepal. After
the year of 2039 BS computers have been used in different government sectors like
banking, agriculture, universities, etc. Now there are thousands of computer in states
providing computer education, assembling, maintenance etc. throughout the country. These
days the latest technologies and devices are available in our country.

Exploring Knowledge!

 Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998.
 The World Wide Web Consortium is founded by Tim Berners-Lee.
 Apple introduces the Macintosh with mouse and window interface in 1984 AD.
 IBM created the first floppy disk in 1967 AD.

Quick Learn

 Mark I was the first electromechanical calculating device developed by Howard
Hathaway Aiken.
 Mark I is also known as Howard Mark I. It was built by IBM in 1937 AD.
 The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the electromechanical digital computer
built in 1942 AD at Iowa State University by John VincentAtanasoff and
Clifford Berry.
 ABC is also called the first digital computer.
 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was the first electronic
computer designed by John Prosper Eckert and John William Mauchly in
1946 AD.
 ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer.
 EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) was the first stored
program electronic computer.
 EDSAC was created at the University of Cambridge in England.
 UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was the first commercial
computer developed by John. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly
in 1951 AD.
 EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was developed by
John William Mauchly and John Presper Eckert in 1952 AD.
 EDVAC was the first computer based on stored program concept.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 19


1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is the first manual calculating device?

i. Babbage’s engine ii. Abacus iii. Napier’s Bone

b. Who was the inventor of Napier’s Bone?

i. William Jack ii. John Napier iii. Blasé Pascal

c. Which of the following device was based on logarithm?

i. Slide Rule ii. Abacus iii. Analytical Engine

d. When was Stepped Reckoner invented?

i. 1573 AD ii. 1773 AD iii. 1673 AD

e. What was the first computer based on stored program concept?

i. EDVAC ii. ENIAC iii. ABC

f. Which was the first digital computer?

i. ENIAC ii. IBM iii. ABC

2. . Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. The upper part of abacus is called ….. and the lower part is called earth.

b. …………..was the first analog device.

c. ……………. is known as the father of the modern computer.

d. Analytical engine was the second invention of ……………

e. …………… is known as the first computer programmer.

f. Tabulating Machine Company was developed by……………

g. …………… was the first electromechanical calculating device developed by
Howard Hathaway Aiken.

h. The ………was the electromechanical digital computer built in 1942 AD.

i. ENIAC was the first ………………. computer designed by John Presper Eckert
and John William Mauchly.

j. …………. was the first stored program electronic digital computer.

20 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

3. State whether the following statements are true or false:

a. Abacus was the first manual calculating device developed by the Chinese people.

b. Slide rule was the invention of John Napier which was introduced in 1620 AD.

c. Blaise Pascal developed a device called Pascaline in 1620 AD.

d. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented Stepped Reckoner in 1673 AD.

e. Joseph Marie Jacquard invented Jacquard’s Loom in 1804 AD.

f. Babbage was the first person to develop the concept of modern digital computer.

g. The first invention of Babbage was analytical engine.

h. Mark I is also called the Howard Mark I. It was built by IBM in 1937 AD.

i. Slide rule is also called the first digital computer.

j. ENIAC was the first multipurpose electronic computer.

4. Match the following:

Difference engine First electronic computer


ABC Charles Babbage

ENIAC Howard H. Aiken

First commercial computer First electromechanical computer

5. Write down the full forms of the followings:


6. Write very short answer to the following questions.

a. What was the first manual calculating device?

b. Who is known as the father of the modern computer technology?

c. Who was the inventor of slide rule?

d. What are the devices invented by Charles Babbage?

e. Who is considered as the first computer programmer?

f. Who was the inventor of Stepped Reckoner and when it was invented?

g. Who was the founder of Tabulating Machine Company?

h. How many vacuum tubes were used in the first electronic computer?

i. Which generation of computer was introduced in Nepal for the first time?

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 21

7. Write short answer of the following questions:
a. Describe in short about Abacus.
b. Why is Babbage known as the father of modern computer science?
c. What are the components of analytical engine?
d. Write a few lines about ENIAC.
e. What was the first electromechanical digital computer? When was it invented
and who invented it?

8. Write long answer to the following questions:
a. Explain about the inventions of Babbage.
b. List out the mechanical, electromechanical and electronic computers and explain
them in short.

Project Work & Activity

Name of Device Name of inventor(s) Date of invention
Slide Rule
Napier’s Bone
Stepped Reckoner
Analytical Engine

Divide your class in various groups and conduct a presentation competition on “The
History of Development of the Computer”.

22 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Chapter Generation of Computer


Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsillthbeefaoblleowtoi:ng topics:
• explain the generations of the computer.
• tell the features of each generation of the computer.
• identify the memory component of each generation of computer.


Computers are truly amazing machines. In previous chapter we discussed about the
historical background of the computer. Computer Generation means the change in
technology that the computers were being used. The term 'generation' was used to
distinguish between varying hardware technologies. But nowadays, generation includes
both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system. There
are total five computer generations till date. Based on the period of development and the
features combined, the computers are classified into different generations from first to
fifth generation.

Generation of computer

Each generation has been discussed in detail along with their time period, memory
component and features below:

First Generation

The period of first generation was 1946-1958 AD. First
generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the
basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU (Central
Processing Unit). These tubes like electric bulbs produced a lot of
heat. The vacuum tube was developed by Lee De Forest in 1908
AD. In this generation batch processing operating system were

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 23

used. Punched cards, Paper tape, Magnetic tape were used as input and output devices.
There were Machine code and electric wired board languages used.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator), EDSAC (Electronic Delay
Storage Automatic Calculator), EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic
Computer), UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), etc. were used during this
Feature of the first generation computers
 It uses vacuum tube technology as a memory component.
 It was unreliable.
 It could support only machine language.
 The cost was very expensive.
 It generated more heat and it was very large in size.
 It had very slow Input and Output device.
 It was not portable.

Quick Learn

 The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic
drums for memory, and were often huge, taking up entire rooms.
 LEE DE FOREST was the inventor of Vacuum Tube.
 A vacuum tube is a device generally used to amplify a signal by controlling the
movement of electrons in an evacuated space.

Second Generation
The period of second generation was 1959-1964. The memory
component was transistor of this generation. John Bardeen and Walter
Brattain were the inventors of transistors. These computers were
cheaper, consumed less power, more compact in size, more reliable
and faster than the first generation. In this generation, magnetic cores
were used as primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage
devices. Assembly language and high level programming language like FORTRAN,
COBOL were used during this generation. Batch processing and multiprogramming
operating systems were used in this generation. IBM 1620, IBM 1401, IBM 7094, CDC
1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108 computers were used during second generation.

24 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Feature of the second generation computers

 The memory component was Exploring Knowledge!
 TheCommonBusiness-OrientedLanguage
 It was more reliable than previous (COBOL) programming language was
generation computers. invented. in 1960 AD.

 The size was smaller because of  John Backus & IBM developed the
the use of transistor. FORTRAN Computer Programming
Language in 1954 AD.
 It generated less heat as compared
to the first generation computers.  Remote control was invented by Nikola
Tesla in 1898 AD.

 It also consumed less electricity as compared to previous generation.

 It was faster than the first generation computers. The processing speed was measured
in microsecond.

Quick Learn

 The transistor was invented in 1947 by three scientists J. Bardeen, H.W. Brattain
and W. Shockley.

 A transistor is a small device made up of semiconductor material like germanium
and silicon.

 Second generation computers used the low level language i.e. machine level
language and assembly language.

Third Generation
The period of third generation was 1964-1971 AD. The third
generation of computer is marked by the use of Integrated Circuits
(IC’s) in place of transistors. A single IC has many transistors,
resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC
was invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This development
made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient. In this generation Remote
processing, Time-sharing, Real-time, Multi-programming Operating System were
used. High level languages like FORTRAN II, III, IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1,
BASIC, ALGOL-68, etc. were used during this generation.
IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP(Personal Data Processor), IBM-370/168,
TDC-316 computers were used during the third generation.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 25

Feature of the third generation computers.

 The IC was used as memory Exploring Knowledge!
 TCL/Tk, Visual basic, Visual C++, C# ,
 It was more reliable. Visual basic.NET etc. are the GUI based
computer languages.
 It was smaller in size and generated
less heat.  The development of IC gave birth to a new

 Magnetic disk was used as a field of microelectronics.
storage unit.  ENIAC was the world first successful

 It was much faster. The processing electronic computer which was developed
speed was measured in Nano by the two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and
second. J. W. Mauchy.

 It consumed less electricity.

 It used monitor and keyboard as output and input unit.

 It was able to support high level programming languages.

Quick Learn

 IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby.
 IC is a single component containing a number of transistors.
 Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors,
which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
 Keyboards and monitors were developed during the period of third generation of

Fourth Generation

The period of fourth generation is from 1972 to till date. The fourth
generation of computers is marked by the use of microprocessor
which is made with the help of Large Scale Integration (LSI)
and Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI circuits
having about 5000 transistors and other circuit elements and their
associated circuits on a single chip made it possible to have microcomputers of fourth
generation. Fourth Generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable,
and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to personal computer (PC) revolution. In this
generation Time sharing, Real time, Networks, Distributed Operating System were
used. All the Higher level languages like C and C++, DBASE, JAVA, Visual Basic,

26 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

PHP etc. are being used in this generation. Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS are the
popular operating system used by this generation. DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11,
CRAY-1 (Super Computer), CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer), IBM PC, Apple Macintosh
computers are used in this generation.

Feature of the fourth generations computers

 VLSI technology is used to produce Exploring Knowledge!

a single microprocessor.  Jack Kilby developed the concept of

 It is cheaper and more portable than integrated circuit in 1958.
 The first IC was invented and used
previous generations.
 It is very accurate and versatile. in1961.
 The working speed is upto  Ted Hoff produced the first micro
picosecond and femtosecond. processor in 1971 for Intel.
 Very advanced type of input and  The size of an IC is about ¼ square inch.

output unit are used such as scanner, light pen, touch screen, etc.

 It brings great development in the field of networking.

Quick Learn

 In 1981 AD. IBM introduced computer for the home user and in 1984 AD. Apple
introduced the Macintosh microprocessor.
 Many high-level languages have been developed in the fourth generation such as
 The fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable and

Fifth Generation

The development of fifth generation is started from 1990 which
is still incomplete. In the fifth generation, the VLSI (Very Large
Scale Integration) technology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale
Integration) technology, resulting in the production of Bio
Chips having more than ten million electronic
components. This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI
(Artificial Intelligence) software. AI is an emerging branch in computer science,
which interprets means and method of making computers think like human beings.
We can imagine that this computer will be able to use natural languages like English,
Germany, French and even Nepali for the processing.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 27

Feature of the fifth generation computers
 The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used.
 It will be able to understand various natural languages.
 It will be able to think and decide.
 The operating speed will be faster than the fourth generation computers.
 It will create the advancement in Parallel Processing.

Quick Learn

S.N Name of Duration Memory Examples
generation in AD. ENIAC,EDSAC,
Vacuum Tube EDVAC, UNIVAC etc.
1 First 1946-1958 IBM 1620, IBM 1401, IBM
7094, CDC 1604 etc.
2 Second 1959-1964 Transistors IBM-360series,
3 Third 1964-1971 Honeywell-6000 series,
Integrated PDP, IBM-370/168,
Circuit TDC-316 etc.
DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11,
4 Fourth 1972-till date Microprocessor CRAY-1 etc.
5 Fifth Undergoing Bio-Chips


1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

a. What was the memory component of the first generation computers?

i. Slide Rule ii. Abacus iii. Vacuum Tube

b. What was the programming language used by the first generations of computer

i. High level language ii. Machine Language iii. Assembly Language

28 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. What was the name of programming language used by the second generations of

i. C++ ii. Flowchart iii. FORTRAN

d. Which of the following is the third generations of computer?

i. IBM 360 Series ii. ENIAC iii. IBM 1401

e. Robot is an example of:

i. Second generation ii. Third generation iii. Fifth generation

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. …………….. was the inventor of Vacuum Tube.

b. The transistor was invented in ……………

c. ………. generation computers used the low level language i.e. machine level
language and assembly language.

d. IC is a single component containing a number of ………………….

e. ……… were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors,
which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.

f. The memory component of the fourth generations of computer was …………

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic
drums for memory.

b. A transistor is a small device made up of semiconductor material like germanium
and silicon.

c. IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby.

d. Keyboards and monitors were developed during the period of first generation of
the computers.

e. CRAY –X-MP super computer was developed during the third generations of

4. Match the following.

Vacuum Tube Fourth generation

Bio-Chips Microprocessor

VLSI Fifth generation

IBM PC Machine language

First Generation First generation

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 29

5. Write down the full forms of the followings.
6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What was the memory unit of first generations of computer?
b. Who was the inventor of Vacuum Tube?
c. In which generation were FORTRAN and COBOL used as programming
d. Name any two computers that were used in third generation.
e. In which generation was IC used as the memory component?
f. In which generation the concept of AI will be used?
7. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Name the various computer generations.
b. List out the memory components used by different generation of computers.
c. Write any two differences between the third and the fourth generation of computer.
d. Write any four features of the second generation computer.
e. What is Artificial Intelligence? Explain in short.
8. Write long answer to the following questions.
a. Explain the features of the third and the fourth generation of computer.
b. Explain the memory unit used by different computer generations with their
time duration.
c. Explain about third generations of computers with its features and examples.

Project Work & Activity

• Prepare a computer generation chart including their memory component, example
and time duration.
• Conduct a presentation programme about the computer generations in your class.

30 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Chapter Types of Computer


Expected Competency

At the end of tThhisisucnhita,pstteurdceonvtsewrsiltlhbeefoabllloewtoin:g topics:
• identify the types of computers.
• explain the features of each type of computers.
• describe the types of personal/Desktop computers. Laptop / Notebook
Computer and Handheld computer.


Computers are classified on the basis of their work, size brand and model. People are
using different types of computers according to their requirement. The computers
that are personally used for simple work may not be compatible to the business
and for complex calculations. The computers that you are used at your home and the
computers that are used for film animation and video editing are totally different.
Next example we can take like the computer using at department store and the
computer used at telecommunication office is totally different. The telecommunication
office needs very high range of computer to work as compared to the computer that is
used at department store. The types of computer are classified according to the purpose of
uses such as special purpose and general purpose computer.

Classification of computer

The computer can be classified as below.
 On the basis of work/function
 On the basis of Size/ configuration
 On the basis of Brand
 On the basis of Model
In this class, we are going to explain the types of computer on the basis of work and size

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 31

On the basis of work

There are three types of computer on the basis of work they are analog, digital and hybrid
computer which we are going to discuss below.

Analog Computers

Analog computers are used to process analog data. Analog
data is continuous nature and which is not discrete or separate.
Such type of data include temperature, pressure, speed, weight,
voltage, depth, etc. Analog computers are the first developed
computers which provide the basis for the development of the
modern digital computers. The Speedometer of a car measures
speed, the change of temperature is measured by a Thermometer, the weight is measured
by Weighting machine are the examples of analog device.

The computers which provide us with continuous information are called analog
computer which represent physical quantities in the form of waves or in continuous
form. Analog computers do not require any storage capability because they measure and
compare quantities in a single operation. Output from an analog computer is generally in
the form of readings on a series of dial or a graph on strip chart.

Features of an analog computer
 The speed of an analog computer is high.

 These computers are not reliable and do not display actual data.

 These computers are the base for Exploring Knowledge!
digital computers.
 The Antikythera mechanism was an
 These computers are difficult to ancient Greek analog computer.
operate and use.
 CT-Scan stands for Computed
 These computers are easy to Tomography Scan.

 These computers have small storage capacity or no memory.

Digital Computers

The computers which present physical quantities with the help of symbols or numbers
and provide us discrete information are called digital computers. A digital computer
works with digits to represent numerals, letters or other special symbols. Digital
Computers operate on inputs which are ON-OFF type and then output are also in the

32 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

form of ON-OFF signal. Normally, an ON is represented by a
1 and an OFF is represented by a 0. So we can say that digital
computers process information which is based on the presence
of an electrical charge. A digital computer can be used to process
numeric as well as non-numeric data. It can perform arithmetic
operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and also logical
operations. Most of the computers available today are digital computers.

Features of digital computer

 These computers are easy to use.

 These computers are reliable.

 These computers have large memory and storage capacity.

 Working speed of digital computers is slower as compared to analog computers.

 These computers are divided into different categories such as personal computers,
Mainframe computers and Super computers.

Hybrid Computers

The computers which have qualities of both digital and analog
computers are called hybrid computers. Hybrid computer has the
speed of analog and the memory and accuracy of digital computer.
A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog computers. It
combines the best features of both types of computers. Hybrid
computers are used mainly in specialized applications. The hybrid computer processes
both continuous and discrete data. For example, a petrol pump contains a processor that
converts fuel flow measurements into quantity and price values. In hospital Intensive
Care Unit (ICU) an analog device is used which measures blood pressure and temperature
which are then converted and displayed in the form of digits.

Features of a hybrid computer Exploring Knowledge!
 It has the combined features
of analog and digital computer. • Seymour Cray designed the first Super
 These computers are reliable computer “CDC 6600” in 1964. CDC 6600
and provide accurate result. is known as the first Supercomputer.
 These computers are fast and
more reliable. • Presently, China’s “Tianhe – 2” is the world’s
 It is mainly used in robotics. faster Supercomputer.
 These are the special purpose


New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 33

Quick Learn

 There are three types of computers on the basis of work they are analog, digital and
hybrid computer.

 Analog computers are used to process analog data.

 Analog computers do not require any storage capability because they measure
and compare quantities in a single operation.
 ON is represented by a 1 and an OFF is represented by a 0.
 A digital computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric data.
 A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog computers.
 The hybrid computer combines the best features of both analog and digital
 The hybrid computer processes both continuous and discrete data.

On the basis of size

There are four types of computer on the basis of size. They are super, mainframe, mini
and microcomputers which we are going to discuss below.

Super computer

Supercomputers are the most powerful computers in terms of
performance and data processing. A supercomputer is a computer
that has highest data processing and operational rate which is used
for scientific and engineering applications. These are specialized
computers used by large organizations. These computers are used
for research and exploration purposes. On 29th July, 2015, President of the United States,
Barack Obama, approved the development of an Exascale Super Computer. The examples
of super computers are Cray XMP, CDC Cyber 2003, Cray -1, PARAM, etc.

Uses of Supercomputers

 Space Exploration  Earthquake studies
 Weather Forecasting  Nuclear weapons testing

34 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Mainframe computer

Mainframe computers are not powerful as super computers, but
they are quite expensive. Many large firms and government
organizations use mainframes to run their business operations.
Hundreds of users can work together with this computer system at a
time. Mainframe computers are the fastest computers with large data
storage capacity. It can also process and store large amount of data. Banks, educational
institutions and even insurance companies use mainframe computers to store data about
their customers, students and insurance policy holders. IBM 401, ICL 2950, IBM 7090
are the mainframe computers.

Mainframe computers are ultra-high-performance computers made for high-volume,
processor-intensive computing. They are typically used by large businesses and for
scientific purposes.


Minicomputers are used by small businesses and firms. Minicomputers
are also called “Midrange Computers”. These are small machines and
can be accommodated on a disk. These computers are not designed for a
single user. Individual departments of a large company or organizations
use mini-computers for specific purposes. For example, a production
department can use mini-computers for monitoring certain production
process.K-202, Texas Instrument TI-990, SDS-92, IBM Midrange computers are the
popular mini-computers.

A mini-computer is a type of computer that possesses most of the features and capabilities
of a large computer but is smaller in physical size.

Quick Learn

 There are four types of computer on the basis of size. They are super, mainframe,
mini and microcomputers.
 Super computers are the most powerful computers in terms of performance and
data processing.
 Supercomputers are specialized computers used by large organizations.
 Mainframe computers are not as powerful as supercomputers.
 Many large firms and government organizations use mainframes to run their
business operations.
 Mainframe computers are the fastest computers with large data storage capacity.
 Minicomputers are used by small businesses and firms.
 Minicomputers are also called “Midrange Computers”.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 35


The micro-computers are widely used and the fastest growing
computers. Desktop, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA),
tablets and smartphones are the examples of microcomputer.
These computers are the cheapest among the other three types of
computers. These computers are specially designed for general
proposes like entertainment, education and personal work. Dell, Apple, Samsung, Sony,
Toshiba, etc. companies are producing various microcomputers these days.

Desktop computers, Gaming consoles, Sound and Navigation system of a car, Netbooks,
Notebooks, PDA’s, Tablet PC’s, Smartphones, Calculators are all type of Microcomputers.
A microcomputer is a computer with a central processing unit (CPU) as a microprocessor
designed for individual use; a microcomputer is smaller than a mainframe and a

Here we are going to discuss about some microcomputers.

Personal Computers/Desktop computers

These are small size computers and are used by a single user.
Desktop computers are also called personal computers or PC. We
can use these computers easily in offices, colleges, schools, homes,
and factories for various purposes.

A desktop computer is a personal computer that fits on or under a desk. They usually
consist of a monitor, keyboard, mouse and with a horizontal or vertical casing box. The
casing contains the various computer units like hard disk, motherboard, RAM, ROM,
Central Processing Unit, power switch, etc.

Characteristics of desktop computers Exploring Knowledge!
 These computers have fast speed
and accuracy. • The IBM 5100 is the first portable computer,
 It is small in size and easy to which was released on September 1975AD.
 It is very easy to operate. •The first portable computer or laptop is
 These computers are cheaper considered to be the Osborne I, which was
than other computers. released on April 1981 AD developed by
 We can use desktop computers Adam Osborne.
in a singleuser and multi-user
environment • The first Apple laptop was the Macintosh
Portable which was released on September
1989 AD.

36 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Laptop / Notebook Computer

Laptop computers are another category of personal computers.
These computers are small in size and light packed in. These
computers are moveable because they work on batteries and can
operate without an external power source. Laptop computers are
also called Notebook computers. DEL, HP, ACER, SAMSUNG,
TOSHIBA, etc. are the popular laptop manufacturing companies.
Laptop computer is a portable personal computer powered by a battery or an AC cord
plugged into an electrical outlet.

Handheld Computer

A handheld computer is a portable computer that is small and can
be held in one’s hand. Handheld computers have not replaced
notebook computers because of their small keyboards and screens.
Traditional hand-held computers were PDAs and devices specifically
designed to provide PIM (personal information manager) functions, such as a calendar
and address book. Today Pocket PCs, smartphones and tablets are common consumer
devices. The handheld devices are turn into palmtop and pocket devices. Handheld
computers are typically used for personal information manager (PIM) types of
applications: maintaining schedules, keeping names and phone numbers, doing simple
calculations like smartphones and tablets.

Quick Learn

 The micro-computers are widely used and the fastest growing computers.
 Desktop, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets and smartphones are
the examples of microcomputer.
 Microcomputers are the cheapest among the other types of computers.
 The Micro-computers are specially designed for general proposes.
 A desktop computer is a personal computer that fits on or under a desk.
 Desktop computers are also called Personal computers or PC.
 Laptop computers are another category of personal computers.
 DEL, HP, ACER, SAMSUNG, TOSHIBA, etc. are the popular laptop
and tablet manufacturing company.
 A hand-held computer is a portable computer that is small and can be held in
one’s hand.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 37

Exploring Knowledge!

 Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne are the founder of Apple
Company which is located at USA.

 Intel 4004 was the First microprocessor.
 A tablet is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touch screen



1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is a type of computer on the basis of work?

i. Digital Computer ii. Super Computer iii. Notebook Computer

b. Which of the following computers is used to process numeric as well as digital

i. Digital Computer ii. Hybrid Computer iii. Analog Computer

c. Which computer has the both of the features of analog and digital computer?

i. Digital Computer ii. Hybrid Computer iii. Analog Computer

d. Which of the following computer is called personal computer?

i. Super Computer ii. Hybrid Computer iii. Micro Computer

e. Which of the following is a mainframe computer?

i. IBM 1401 ii. ICL 2950 iii. Both (i) and (ii)

f. Which of the following is a Microcomputer?

i. Laptop Computer ii. Mainframe Computer (iii) Super Computer
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. There are three types of computers on the basis of work they are …………,
digital and …………
b. ……… is represented by a 1 and an ………… is represented by a 0.

38 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. A ……… computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric

d. …………… computer processes both continuous and discrete data.

e. Many large firms and government organizations use ……………. to run their
business operations.

f. …………………… are used by small businesses and firms.

g. …………… are the cheapest among the other types of computers.

h. A ……………… is a personal computer that fits on or under a desk.

i. Desktop computers are also called ………………..

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Analog computers are used to process digital data.

b. A hybrid is a combination of digital and analog computers.

c. There are two types of computer on the basis of size.

d. Supercomputers are specialized computers used by large organizations.

e. Mainframe computers are not as powerful as supercomputers.

f. Mainframe computers are the fastest computers with large data storage capacity.

g. Supercomputers are also called as “Midrange Computers”.

h. Desktop, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets and smartphones are
the examples of analog device.

i. The Micro-computers are specially designed for general proposes.

j. Laptop computers are another category of personal computers.

4. Match the following.

Super Computer Computer manufacturing company

Mini Computer Personal Computer

Analog Computer Used for highest data processing

Laptop Computer SDS-92

DEL, HP Process analog data

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 39

5. Write down the full forms of the followings.
6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name the computers on the basis of work.
b. Which computer has the both combined features of analog and digital
c. Which computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric
d. Which device is used to measure blood pressure and temperatures these
e. Write any two examples of mainframe computer.
f. Name any two popular laptop manufacturing company.
7. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define analog computer with any four features.
b. Write down the features of digital and hybrid computer.
c. What are the computers on the basis of size? Define any two of them.
d. Write any four characteristics of desktop computers.
e. Why are laptop and palmtop computers popular these days?
8. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Define microcomputer. Explain the types of microcomputers in detail.

Project Work & Activity

 Collect at least two pictures for the following devices and paste in a chart paper.
Analog Computer , Digital Computer , Super Computer , Laptop Computer,
Palmtop computer, Analog Thermometer, Digital thermometer, CT Scan machine,
X-Ray Machine.

40 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Chapter Introduction to Computer

5 Hardware & Software

Expected Competency

At the end of tThhisisucnhita,psteurdceonvtsewrsiltlhbeefoabllloewtoin:g topics:
• describe the types of software .
• explain the operating System and its functions.
• write about language translator and its types.
• tell the differences between compiler and interpreter.
• identify utility software.
• tell the types of application software.


Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer. Hardware
includes internal and external components such as the monitor, keyboard, hard drive
disk, mouse, printers, graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips. A
computer needs both hardware and software to work. Computer software is a collection
of computer programs which helps to give instructions to the computer system to perform
some specific task. Anything that can be stored electronically is also computer software.
Computer software is a set of instructions or statements that is carried out by the CPU of
computer. Computer software is also called programs. Without programs, computers are

Types of computer hardware

Input Hardware

An input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is used to provide data
and instructions to the computer system for processing. It is a device that translates data
into a form the computer can process. Normally, it translates into binary code that can be
processed by the computer to translate words, sounds, numbers, and images. The input
computer hardware are keyboard, scanner, pointing devices, Joysticks, and others.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 41

Processing Hardware

Processing hardware is responsible to process all the activities inside the computer from
the data entering stage to output stage. The CPU of the computer is more responsible for
this which is like a brain of human. It is the part of the computer that gives out all basic
instructions to every other component on your computer. The CPU has the following
three sections which are listed below.

a. The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.

b. The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and
executes them.

c. Registers/the Memory Unit, which is a temporary storage areas which are responsible
for holding the data that is to be processed.

Output Hardware

Output hardware are mainly responsible for displaying the processed data which allow
computers to communicate with users and with other devices. Output is the final result
displayed after the processing, which is meaningful. The devices that are used to display
the result to the user are output hardware. The output can be softcopy, hardcopy or even
in audio or visual format. The monitor and printer are the commonly used output devices.
The output displayed by the monitor is called softcopy output and the output displayed
by the printer is called hardcopy output. The softcopy output is changeable and hardcopy
output is not changeable.

Primary and secondary Memory

Computers are used not only for processing the data for immediate use, but also for storing
a large volume of data for future use. In order to meet these two specific requirements,
computers use two types of storage location; one is for storing the data that are being
currently handled by the CPU and the other, for storing the results and the data for future
use. The storage location where the data are held temporarily is referred to as the primary
while the storage location where the programs and data are stored permanently for future
use is referred to as the secondary memory. The primary memory is generally known as
‘Memory’ and the secondary memory as ‘storage’.

Types of primary memory

Random Access Memory (RAM): It is a volatile memory and losses all its data when the
power is switched off. It is the main memory of the computer system that stores the data
temporarily and allows the data to be accessed in any order. RAM is made up of different
ICs, which are mounted on a printed circuit board. RAM is also known as read/write

42 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

memory because it can perform both read as well as write operations. The speed of RAM
is faster than the other memory devices, such as hard disk, floppy disk, etc.

Read Only Memory (ROM): It is the memory that stores the data permanently, i.e.,
it can retain the data even when the power of the computer system is switched off. The
data can be easily read from this type of memory but cannot be changed. ROM is the
most commonly used memory in devices such as calculators, printers, etc. ROM does not
allow the random access of data rather it allows sequential access of data. It is less
expensive as compared to RAM and other storage devices, such as magnetic disk.

Secondary memory

Secondary storage devices have large storage capacity, and they store data permanently.
They can be both internal and external to the computer, and they include the hard disk,
compact disk drive, USB storage device, etc. The secondary memories are also known as
auxiliary storage media.

Quick Learn

 Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer.

 An input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is used to provide
data and instructions to the computer system for processing.

 The CP U of the computer is more responsible for processing activities which is
like a brain of human.

 The devices that are used to display the result to the user are output hardware.

 The storage location where the data are held temporarily is referred to as the
primary memory.

 The storage location where the programs and data are stored permanently for future
use is referred to as the secondary memory.

 RandomAccess Memory is a volatile memory and losses all its data when the power
is switched off.

 Read Only Memory (ROM) is the memory that stores the data permanently, i.e.,
it can retain the data even when the power of the computer system is switched

 Secondary storage devices have large storage capacity, and they store data

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 43

Types of software

The computer software is commonly known as computer programs which consists of
all the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. There are two types of
computer software which we are going to discuss below.

System software

System software is software that is designed to control and work with computer hardware.

It helps to activate the computer system and provide the operating environment for other

application software. The primary work of system software is to control, integrate and

manage the hardware components of the computer system. It provides an operating

environment where user can work with various computer applications software.

Types of system software Exploring Knowledge!

In general, there are four types of • Windows 1.0 was released on November
system software such as operating 20, 1985, as the first version of the
system, language translator, device

driver, etc. which we are gooing to Microsoft Windows.

discussed below. • Windows 3.0, released in May 1990.

Operating System

An operating system is a software program that enables the computer hardware to
communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating
system, the computer and the software programs will be useless. Operating system
software helps to activate the computer system and provide them common platform to
work. Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Linux, UNIX, etc. are popular
name of operating system.

Functions of Operating system

There are many functions performed by the operating system but the main function is to
provide the common interface between the user and the hardware. Some of the important
functions of an operating systems are listed below.

Memory Management

It is an important function of operating system. The memory cannot be managed without
operating system. Different programs and data execute in memory at one time. If there is
no operating system, the programs may mix with each other and the system will not work


It is the process of starting the computer operating systems to work. It checks the whole
computer system and makes it ready to work.

44 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Process Management

CPU can perform one task at one time. If there are many tasks; operating system decides
which task should get the CPU at first.

Storage Management

Operating system controls all the storage operation means how the data or files will be
stored in the computers and how the files will be accessed by the users.

Data security

Data are important parts of a computer system. The operating system protects the data
stored on the computer from unauthorized use, modification or deletion.

Quick Learn

 Computer software is a collection of computer programs. System software is
software that is designed to control and work with the computer hardware.
 An operating system is a software program that enables the computer hardware
to communicate and operate with the computer software.
 Without a computer operating system, a computer and software program will be
 Memory Management, Booting, Process Management, Storage Management,
Data security etc. are the functions of an operating system.

Language Translator

The instructions given by the users are Exploring Knowledge!

the high level language which cannot • The full form of UNIX is Universal Net
be understood by the machine. So it work Information Exchange
must be translated into commands to
understand by the machine. A computer • Shareware is a software that allows a user
language translator is a program that to try all or part of the program for free
translates a set of code written in one before buying it.

programming language into a functional equivalent of the code in another programming

language. The following are the important roles of a language translator.

 Translating the high-level language program input into an equivalent machine
language program.

 Providing diagnostic messages wherever the programmer violates specification

of the high-level language program.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 45

Types of language translator

Compiler: Compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level

language to low-level language. It translates the entire program and also reports the errors
in source program encountered during the translation.

Source Complier Target
Program Program


Interpreter: It is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language
to low-level language. An interpreter translates line by line and reports the error once it
encountered during the translation process. It directly executes the operations specified in
the source program when the input is given by the user. It gives better error diagnostics
than a compiler.

Assembler: An assembler is a translator which is used to translate the assembly language
code into machine language code.

Differences between compiler and interpreter

Compiler Interpreter

It performs the translation of a program as It performs statement by statement

a whole. translation.

Program execution is faster. Program execution is slower.

It requires more memory as linking is Memoryusageisefficientasnointermediate

needed. object code is generated.

Debugging is difficult. Debugging is easy.

C, C++ uses the compilers. Python, BASIC, and Ruby use


Device Driver

A device driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer,
such as a keyboard, mouse, pen drive, etc. A device driver is a small piece of software
that tells the operating system and other software how to communicate with a piece of
hardware.The driver program converts the more general input/output instructions of the
operating system to messages that the device can understand.

46 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Exploring Knowledge!

• The first compiler was written by Grace Hopper, in 1952 AD.
• The first autocode and its compiler were developed by AlickGlennie
in 1952 AD. for the Mark I.
• PL/C was a computer programming language developed at Cornell
University in the early 1970s.

Quick Learn

 A computer language translator is a program that translates a set of code written
in one computer language into another.
 Compiler, assembler and interpreter are the types of language translator.
 The function of a language translator is to translate the high-level language into
machine language.
 A compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language
to low-level language.
 An assembler is a translator which is used to translate the assembly language
code into machine language code.
 Adevice driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer
 A device driver is a small piece of software that tells the operating system and
other software how to communicate with a piece of hardware.

Utility Software

An utility software is a special type of system software used to maximize the utility of
the hardware devices and computer system. We can use utility software for scanning
the hard disk, repair and maintenance of computer system and remove the viruses from
the computer system. Utility software is a system software designed to help analyse,
configure, optimize or maintain a computer. Antivirus, Backup software, clipboard,
compression utility, debuggers; scandisk, and other toolkits are the examples of utility

Application Software

Application software is developed for the specific use. This software is developed using
high level language. An application software is a set of one or more programs designed

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 47

to solve a specific problem of a specific task. This program directs a computer to solve a
user-oriented problem, such as preparing bills, preparing marks ledger, etc.
Types of application softwares
An application software is classified into two types they are packaged software and
tailored software.
Packaged Software
A packaged software is software that is often used together to perform similar functions,
or includes similar features, as a set of software programs. It is readymade software
developed for the general users to perform the particular task. Word Processing, Database
Management, Graphics software package like adobe, multimedia software, etc. are the
examples of packaged software.

Customized Software

A customized software is also known as tailor-made software. This type of software is
specially developed for some specific organization or other user. Software of hospitals,
department stores, bill processing, school management software, banking software, air
ticket reservations, etc. are some customized software. Custom software is developed
for a single customer that can accommodate customer’s particular preferences and
expectations. The custom software is designed according to the needs of the user or an

Exploring Knowledge!
 Schools and colleges can use custom software to keep admission details of

 Custom software are also known as bespoke software.

Quick Learn

 A utility software is special type of system software used to maximize the utility of
the hardware devices and computer system.
 Antivirus, Backup software, Debugger, Scandisk, etc. are the name of popular
utility software.
 An application software is developed for the specific use.
 A packaged Software and customize software are the types of application software.
 A custom software is also known as tailor-made software.

48 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is input hardware?

i. Keyboard ii. Monitor iii. Speaker

b. Which of the following is a processing hardware?

i. CPU ii. Printer iii. Scanner

c. Which of the following is a volatile memory?

i. RAM ii. ROM iii. Hard Disk

d. Which of the following is a system software?

i. Operating System ii. Application Package iii. Graphics Design

e. Which of the following is an language translator?

i. Compiler ii. Interpreter iii. Both (i) and (ii)

f. Which of the following is application software?

i. Packaged Software ii. Customized Software (iii) Both (i) and (ii)

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. An …………. device is a piece of computer hardware equipment that is
used to provide data and instructions to the computer system.

b. The devices that are used to display the result to the user are …………….

c. The storage location where the programs and data are stored permanently
for future use is referred to as the ……………… memory.

d. ………………. is the memory that stores the data permanently.

e. An …………….. is a software program that enables the computer hardware
to communicate and operate with the computer software.

f. The function of …………… is to translate the high-level language into
machine language.

g. ………………. is a translator which is used to translate the assembly
language code into machine language code.

h. A …………. is a small piece of software that tells the operating system
and other software how to communicate with a piece of hardware.

i. Antivirus, Backup software, Debugger, Scandisk, etc. are the name of
popular …………………...

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 49

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