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Published by myravu, 2020-05-22 09:15:41

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

Keywords: School Text Book

To insert a blank table Scan Here

 Place the mouse over the diagram squares to select the
number of columns and rows in the table.

 Click and drag the mouse. The table will appear on the

 You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the
table to add text.

To move a table:

 Place the cursor over the edge of the table. The cursor
will turn into a cross with arrows .

 Click and drag the table to the desired location.

 Release the mouse button to drop the table in the new

 You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table
to add text.

Modifying tables

To resize a table: For video tutorials

 Place the mouse over one of the sizing handles located around the edge of
the table. The cursor will become a pair of directional arrows .

 Click, hold, and drag your mouse to make the table larger or smaller.
 Release the mouse. The table will be resized.
To add a column or row:
 Place the insertion point in a cell adjacent to the location where you want to add a
row or column.

150 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select the Table Tools Layout tab, and locate the Rows & Columns group.

 If you want to insert a new row, select either Insert Above or Insert Below. If
you want to insert a new column, select either Insert Left or Insert Right.

 A new row or column will appear.

To delete a row or column:
 Select the row or column by placing the insertion
point in any cell in that row or column.
 Select the Table Tools Layout tab.
 In the Rows & Columns group, click Delete. A
drop-down menu appears.
 Select Delete Rows or Delete Columns.

Modifying the table style

To apply a table style:
 Click anywhere on the table. The Table Tools tab will appear on the Ribbon.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 151

 Select the Table Tools Design tab, and locate the Table Styles.
 Click the More drop-down arrow to see all of the table styles.
 Place the mouse over various styles to see a preview.

 Select the desired style.

Inserting Audio

You can add sound to your presentation. You can add background music to one slide, a
sound effect to another and one narration or commentary to a few slides.
You can either add an audio file from your computer or browse PowerPoint’s collection
of clip art audio. You can edit the sounds as required.
152 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

To insert audio from a file on your computer:

 Click on Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow from media group and

select Audio from File. Scan Here

For video tutorials

 Locate and select the desired audio file, then click Insert.

 The audio file will be added to the slide.

To insert clip art audio:
 From the Insert tab, click the Audio drop-down arrow from the media group.
and select Clip Art Audio. The Clip Art pane will appear on the right.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 153

 Enter keywords in the Search for: field, then click Go.
 The results will appear in the Clip Art pane. To preview an audio file, right-
click the file and select Preview/Properties.

 A dialogue box will appear, and the audio file will start playing automatically (it
may take a few seconds to load). To play it again, press the Play button.

154 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 When you finished previewing the file, click on Close.

 Once you have found the audio file you want to use, click it to insert it into the

Recording your own audio

You can record the audio and directly place into a presentation. For that you must have a
microphone that must be compatible with your computer system. Many computers have
built-in microphones or ones that can be plugged in to the computer.

To record audio:

 From the Insert tab, click on the Audio drop-down
arrow from media group and select Record

 Type a name for the audio recording.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 155

 Click the red Record button to start recording.

 When you are finished recording, click on the Stop button.

 To preview your recording, click on the Play button.

 When you’re done, click on OK. The audio file will be inserted into the slide.
To trim the audio:
You can trim some part of your audio. To do this you can use the following step.
 From the Playback tab, click the Trim Audio command.

 The Trim Audio dialogue box will appear.
156 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Use the green and red handles to set the start time and end time.
 To preview the audio file, click the Play button.

 Adjust the green and red handles again if necessary, then click OK.
To add a fade in and fade out:
 On the Playback tab, locate the Fade In and Fade Out fields.
 Type in the desired values, or use the up and down arrows to adjust the times.

Audio options

There are other options that you can set to control how your audio file plays. These are
found in the Audio Options group on the Playback tab.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 157

Volume: This changes the audio volume.

Start: This controls whether the audio file starts automatically or when the mouse
is clicked.

Hide During Show: This hides the audio icon while the slide show is being played.

Loop Until Stopped: This causes the audio file to repeat until it is stopped.

Rewind After Playing: This causes the audio file to return to the beginning when

finished playing.

Quick Learn

 A chart is a tool that you can use to communicate your data graphically.
 The data series consists of the related data points in a chart.
 The legend identifies which data series each colour on the chart represents.
 You can also add sounds in a slide.
 To insert Clip Art audio, you can go to insert tab.
 You can record the audio and directly place into a presentation.

Lab Activity 1
 Open an existing PowerPoint presentation.
 Select a slide and apply a transition.
 Change the transition duration.
 Add a sound effect to the transition.
 Apply this transition and its settings to all slides.
 Apply a different transition to one slide.
 Remove the transition.

158 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Lab Activity 2
 Open an existing PowerPoint presentation.
 Insert a new chart.
 Change the chart layout.
Apply a chart style.

Lab Activity 3
 Open an existing PowerPoint presentation.
 Insert an audio file from your computer.
 Preview the audio file.
 Trim the audio file.
 Add a fade in and fade out.
 Add a clip art audio file.
 Change the picture for one of the audio files.
 If your computer has a microphone, record some audio into a slide.
 Experiment with the different audio options on the Playback tab.


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. PowerPoint is a ………………..program.

b. The presentation is made up of a series of ……….

c. To check spelling you can go on ……………tab.

d. Red wavy lines indicates the …………….errors.

e. A theme is a ……………….combination of colours, fonts and effect that
can be applied to the presentation.

f. To change the theme colour you can use ………….tab.

g. You can change the ……………..colour and texture by choosing a different
background style.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 159

h. The …………consists of the related data points in a chart.
i. A table is a ……….of cells arranged in rows and columns.
j. You can …….the audio and directly place into a presentation.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. PowerPoint is a spread sheet program.
b. PowerPoint presentations work like slide shows.
c. You can modify themes by combining the colour, fonts and effects from
different themes and you can customize them.
d. You can change the background colour and texture by choosing a different
background style.
e. A table is a tool that you can use to communicate your data graphically as a
f. The vertical axis is known as legend.
g. The horizontal axis is also known as the x axis.
h. You cannot place the audio in the slide.
i. To record an audio you can click on home tab.
3. Write down the proper steps for the followings.
a. To change theme effects.
b. To insert a chart.
c. To change the chart layout.
d. To insert a blank table.
e. To add column or rows.
f. To record your own sound.
4. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Can we work with spelling and grammar checking options in power point? If
yes, which tab can be used?
b. What is the use of ‘ignore once’ in spelling check dialogue box?
c. Which function key is used to view presentation?
d. Which tab can be used to insert chart in presentation?
e. What is the use of CTRL + C and CTRL + V shortcut key?
f. What are the other three options available with Audio drop down list?

160 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

5. Write short answer to the following questions.

a. What is PowerPoint? For what purpose can you use PowerPoint?

b. Write down the common features of PowerPoint.

c. What indicates grammar and spelling errors in PowerPoint?

d. Define theme. Write down the steps to create a new theme colour.

e. Write down the steps to change the background style.

f. Define chart and name some types of charts.

g. Write down the Name of the parts of a chart.

h. Can you insert an audio in a presentation? If so, write the steps to add it in a

6. Write long answer to the following questions.

a. What is theme? Explain the ways to change the theme colour, theme fonts and
theme effects.

b. What is the purpose of inserting an audio in a slide? Write down the step to insert
clipart audio and recording own audio.

c. Explain the types of chart with its various parts.

Lab Activities

 Design some slides to explain about your school by using the
following slides:
 Title slide
 Bulleted list slide
 Column slide
 Slide with inserting table
 Slide with inserting chart
 Slide with organization chart
 Apply some design template on above slide.
 Create a pie chart on power point (you can make a list of male and
female teachers of your school in a chart.)
 Make a slide and record your voice and place on your slide.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 161

ICT, Computer Ethics and
Cyber Law



Inside the Unit

Chapter 10 Web Page Designing with HTML
Chapter 11 Information and Communication Technology
Chapter 12 Computer Ethics and Cyber Law
Chapter 13 Computer Virus
Chapter 14 Introduction to Computer Networking

Chapter Web Page Designing with HTML


Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsillthbeefaobllleowtoi:ng topics:
• define the various terminologies
• list out the features of HTML and explain the HTML Tags.
• identify the structure of HTML document and Prepare HTML document.
• work with paragraph alignment and work with HEADING TAG.
• change the font colour size and face.
• work with various HTML tags.


Internet is the basic tool for human in this 21st century. Human life is almost
incomplete without the internet these days. It is used for various purposes like for
education, health, sports, entertainment and so many other fields. All types of information
on the internet are stored on web server which can be viewed with the help of web site.
The website is the collection of web pages which can be created by using some web
page designing applications. We can say web design is the process of creating websites.
It includes different aspects, including web page layout, content production, and graphic

Basic terminology

Web page

A web page is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML)
that is accessible through the Internet or other network using an Internet browser. A web
page is accessed by entering a URL address. With the collection of web pages we can
develop the web site.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 163

Hyper Text Mark Up language was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990 AD. HTML is
the standard mark-up language for creating web pages and web applications. Hypertext
is the method by which you can move around the web page by clicking on special text
called hyperlinks.
Web browser
A web browser is application software used to access and
view websites. We can also define web browser as a software
program that allows a user to locate, access, and display web
pages. Web browser is also called “browser.” Browsers are
used mainly for displaying and accessing websites on
the Internet, as well as other content created using Hypertext
Mark-up Language (HTML) and Extensible Mark-up Language (XML). Opera, Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. are the popular web browsers.
Search Engine
Search engines are used to view the web documents based on
keyboards. It is a web-based tool that enables users to locate
information on the World Wide Web. Popular examples of
search engines are Google, Yahoo!,, etc. A dictionary
meaning of search engine is “a computer program that
searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for
a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in
which they are found.”
Simply hyperlink means linking with multiple pages. Hyperlink is a word, phrase, or
image that you can click to jump in a new document or a new section within the current
document. Hyperlinks are found in all Web pages. A hyperlink is an element in an HTML
document that links to either another portion of the document or to another document.

Working with HTML

In this class, we are going to discuss the HTML. We are going to learn some basic tags
used by HTML.

Features of HTML

 It helps to create a web page with the help of various tags.

164 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 It helps to create a link between or among the documents.
 It helps to create data in a tabular format.
 It helps to insert pictures and symbols.
 It helps to create a form.

Quick Learn

 Internet is used for various purposes like for education, health, sports,
entertainment and so many other fields.
 All types of information on the internet are stored on web server.
 The website is the collection of web pages which can be created by using some
web page designing applications.
 A web page is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Mark-up Language
(HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network using an Internet
 Hyper Text Mark Up language was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990 AD.
 A web browser is application software used to access and view websites.
 Search engines are used to view the web documents based on keywords.
 Hyperlink means linking with multiple pages.
 A hyperlink is an element in an HTML document that links to either another
portion of the document or to another document.


HTML tags are the hidden keywords within a web page that define how your web browser
displays the content. Most tags must have two parts, an opening and a closing part. For
example, <html> is the opening tag and </html>is the closing tag. The closing tag has the
same text as the opening tag, but has an additional forward-slash ( / ) character. <HTML>,
<HEAD>, <BODY>, <B> etc. are the examples of HTML tag. There are two types of
HTML tags.

Container Tag : This tag has both starting and the ending tag which are enclosed with the
help of angular bracket (<>). In container tag, we must use slash (/) to close the tag as</
B>. For example <U> tag start the underline and </U> close the underline.

Empty Tag: This tag does not have the ending tag but it has starting tag. For example
<BR> code does not have ending tag.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 165

Structure of HTML document

<title> Tile of the web page </title>
Content of the document that you want to display…

 <html></html> : This basically defines the document as web page. It also
identifies the beginning and end of the HTML document. All other tags must
fall between the html tags.
 <head></head>: The header contains information about the document that does
not appear on the actual page, such as the title of the document, the author.
 <title></title>: The title tag defines the title that will appear in the title bar of
your web browser. The title must appear between the head tags.
 <body></body>: The body tags contain all the information and other visible
content on the page. All your images, links and plain texts must go between the
<body> and </body> tags.

Preparing HTML document

With the help of HTML tag, we can create HTML documents. To write HTML tag we
can use the text editor program like Notepad. We can save the notepad file with .html
extension and view it with the help of web browsers.

Starting Notepad

 Press windows key and R at the same time (Windows key + R) from the keyboard.
 A Run dialogue box will appear.
 Type Notepad in the box and press enter
 Now you can view the notepad screen as below.

166 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Use various HTML tags as required.

 Save this file with .htm or .html extension in your required location of storage.

 After it, use any web browser to view the page as a web page.

Text formatting tags in HTML

 <B> text </B>: This tag is used to make the text bold and close it.
 <I> text </I>: This tag is used to make the text italic and close it.
 <U> text </U>: This tag is used to insert the underline in the required text and close
 <SUP> text < SUP>: This tag is used to convert the text in superscript format.
 <SUB> text <.SUB>: This tag is used to convert the text in subscript format.
 <P>: This tag is empty tag used to change the paragraph.
 <BR>: This tag is used to break the line.

Lab Activity

<Title> This is the first sample. </title </HEAD>
<BODY><B> code is used to make the text bold.</B><BR>
<I> code is used to make the text italic. </I><BR>
<U> code is used to insert underline in the text.</U><BR>
We can use formula in HTML as given <BR>
A<sup>2</sup> + 2ab + b<sup>2</sup> as to display in superscript and H<sub>2</
sub>SO<sub> 4 </sub> as subscript.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 167


Changing the paragraph alignment

<P> Tag
This option is used to move the text or paragraph or an image to the centre, left or right
part of the screen. We can also justify the text with paragraph alignment tag.
 <P align = “Center” | “Left” | “Right” | “Justify”>text </P>
Open NOTEPAD and type the below text and display the result.

Lab Activity

<Title> this is second sample. </title </HEAD><BODY>
<P align = “Center”> This is our second sample <P><br>
<P align = “left”> This is our second sample <P><br>
<P align = “right”> This is our second sample <P><br>
<P align = “justify”> This is our second sample on HTML. <br> We can use HTML
for writing the tags.
<br>We can apply formula and others in HTML. <br> We can also work with table
and so on. <P><br>

168 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


Heading tag

<Hn> Tag
You can use different sizes for your headings. HTML has six levels of headings, which
use the elements such as<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>. While displaying any
heading, browser adds one line before and one line after that heading.
<H1> …………….</H1>
<H2> …………….</H2>
<H3> …………….</H3>
<H4> …………….</H4>
<H5> …………….</H5>
<H6> …………….</H6>
Where H1 is the largest heading and H6 is the smallest heading.

Lab Activity

<Title> this is heading sample. </title </HEAD>
<H1> This is heading 1.</H1><br>
<H2> This is heading 2. </H2><br>
<H3> This is heading 3. </31><br>
<H4> This is heading 4. </H4><br>
<H5> This is heading 5. </H5><br>
<H6> This is heading 6. </H6><br>

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 169


Font colour size and face

<Font> Tag

There are three different ways of defining a colour. The easiest way is to name the colour
in English. For example: black, white, red, green and blue. We can also use colour code
as below in HTML.

Colour Hexa Colour Hex Colour Hex Colour Hex
aqua #00FFFF green #008000 navy #000080 silver #C0C0C0
black #000000 gray #808080 olive #808000 teal #008080
blue #0000FF lime #00FF00 purple #800080 white #FFFFFF
fuchsia #FF00FF maroon #800000 red #FF0000 yellow #FFFF00



Here, size is used for setting the absolute values ranging from 1 to 7. Colour is used for
changing the font colour and face is used for changing the font name.

Lab Activity

<Title> this is font colour size and face sample. </title </HEAD>
<FONT COLOR = #008000 size = “7” face = “Arial Black”>we all are Nepali and
we are proud to be Nepali. </FONT>

170 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

In the given tag #008000 is the colour value for green, 7 is the size of the font and Arial
Black is the name of the font which is also called font face. You can change the font
colour, size and face as your requirement.


Marquee Element

<Marquee> Tag

This element is used to make the text or picture movable. You can move the text or picture
centre part, left part, right part, upwards, down wards, scroll and alternate. on the screen.

Where, behavior enables you to set the movement of the marquee, direction specifies the
direction in which the text will scroll, bgcolor set the background colour for the marquee
with a colour name or value.

Lab Activity

<Title> this is marquee sample. </title </HEAD>
<FONT COLOR = #008000 size = “7” face =”Arial Black”>
<marquee bgcolor = “red” behavior = “alternate”> We are learning the HTML. </

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 171

Working with image

<IMG> Tag
We can insert various types of pictures in HTML document. Before inserting the picture
you have to identify the extension of picture as it is .JPG, .GIF, .JPEG, .TIF or .BMPpicture.
Where, src used to specify the source of image, align aligns text around an image in word
wrap style, width specifies the width of the image in pixel and height specified the height
of the image in pixels.

Lab Activity
<Title> this is image inserting sample. </title </HEAD>
<P align = “center”><IMG SRC = “child.jpg” width =”300” height =”500”

Hyperlinks and Anchors

<A> Tag
Hyperlink is essential in each web document. When you click on this link, you can view
or open the new page.
<A HREF = “NAME OF THE WEB SITE”> Text ….. </A>

172 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Lab Activity

<Title> this is hyperlink sample. </title></HEAD>
<A HREF = “”> Visit our web page </A>

Quick Learn

 HTML tags are the hidden keywords within a web page that define how your web
browser displays the content.
 There are two types of HTML tags, they are Container Tag and Empty Tag.
 Text formatting tags are used to format the text.
 Marquee element is used to make the text or picture movable.
 You can move the text or picture centre part, left part, right part, up wards, down
wards, scroll and alternate, etc. on the screen.
 We can insert various types of pictures in HTML document.
 JPG, .GIF, .JPEG, .TIF or .BMP, etc. are the extension of pictures.
 Hyperlink is essential in each web document. When you click on this link, you can
view or open the new page.


1. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

a. Who was the creator of the first web page?

i. Babbage ii. Tim Berners Lee iii. Lady Ada

b. What is the extension of HTML file?

i. .HTML ii. .DOC iii. .JPEG

c. Which of the following is a web browser?

i. Opera ii. Google iii. Facebook

d. Which of the following is a search engine?

i. Opera ii. Google iii. Facebook

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 173

e. What is the meaning of hyperlink?

i. No any link ii. Link with in single page iii. Link with multiple pages

f. What is the name of the starting page of any web pages?

i. File page ii. Home page iii. Insert page

g. Which of the following tag is used to place the text to the center align?

i. <P Align = “Center”> ii. <P Align = “Right”> i ii. <P Align = “Left”>

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. The web site is the collection of ………………. which can be created by
using some web page designing applications.

b. Hyper Text Mark Up language was developed by ……………in 1990 AD.

c. ………… are used to view the web documents based on keyboards.

d. A ……… is an element in an HTML document that links to either another
portion of the document or to another document.

e. There are two types of HTML tags they are Container Tag and ……………

f. ……………. element is used to make the text or picture movable.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. All types of information on the internet are stored on web server.

b. A web page is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Mark-up
Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network
using an Internet browser.

c. A search engine is an application software used to access and view websites.

d. Hyperlink means linking with only single page.

e. Text formatting tags are used to format the pictures.

f. Hyperlink is essential in each web document. When you click on this link,
you can view or open the new page.

4. Match the following. Tag to insert picture
Google Adding horizontal line
Firefox Search Engine
<HR> Web Browser

174 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

5. Write down the function of the following HTML tags.
6. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name any two web browsers.
b. Name any two popular search engines that you know.
c. When was the first web page created?
d. What are the types of HTML tag?
e. Which tag is used to make the text italic and close it?
f. Which colour code is use for green colour in RGB colour format?
g. Can we use space at the beginning or middle of the tag?
7. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define web browser and search engine.
b. What is HTML? Write down the features of HTML.
c. What is HTML tag? Explain its types.
d. Define hyperlink with its examples.
e. What is the default background colour of the web page?

f. Which tag is used to make the text movable?

8. Write long answer to the following question.

a. What do you mean by text formatting in HTML? Explain some text
formatting tag with its syntax.

Project Work & Activity

• Prepare a web page using HTML tag where you can describe about your
family and school.

• Prepare a web site by describing about your locality.

• Conduct a speech competition on the topic “Social media and its impacts”.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 175

Chapter Information and Communication

Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsilltbhe afoblleotwo:ing topics:
• tell about the ICT with its advantages and disadvantages.
• write the application areas of ICT.


The Information and Communication Technology is making dynamic changes in the
society in this 21st century. ICT has a great impact in our daily lives. ICT not only
covers about the computer but also all the technological devices that people are using
all over the world. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to all the
technology used to handle telecommunications, media, management systems, audio-
visual processing, and network-based control and monitoring functions. ICT has become
an integral part of everyday life for many people. It increases its importance in people’s
lives, and it is expected that this trend will continue, to the extent that ICT literacy will
become a functional requirement for people’s work, social, and personal lives.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has an important role in the world
since we are now in the information era. With ICT, the company can make the business
easier to happen with the client, supplier and the distributor. It is also very important in
our daily lives. The lack of appropriate information at the right time will result in low
productivity, low quality research works, and waste of time to pursue information and
even to do research which actually others had done in other countries. ICT is one of the
economic development pillars to gain national competitive advantage.

It can improve the quality of human life. It also provides wider knowledge and can
help in gaining and access the information.

176 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Advantages and disadvantages of ICT


 It is massively used in the educational sector.

 It has great impact in the field of communication.

 It is used to promote e-commerce. Exploring Knowledge!
 It is used in distance learning
and online health service. Information technology is the technology
used to store, manipulate, distribute or create
Disadvantages: information. It is a set of tools that can help
to provide the right people with the right in-
formation at the right time

 It has increased the piracy of data and information.

 More chances of spreading viruses.

 Increasing the viewers of pornography.

 A great threat from the hackers.

 People are depending on other resources which may decrease the efficiency.

Quick Learn

 The Information and Communication Technology is making dynamic changes
in the society in this 21st century.

 ICT not only covers about the computer but also all the technological devices
that people are using all over the world.

 ICT has become an integral part of everyday life for many people.

 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has an important role in the
world since we are now in the information era.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 177

Application of ICT

The major application areas of ICT are explained below.

ICT in education

The use of ICT in education is rapidly increasing day by day.
The various ICT tools are used in school and colleges for
the effective learning activities. A teacher can use ICT tools
for teaching activities like laptop, projector, smart board,
educational software, tablet, mobile and others. During
teaching learning activities students can listen and watch various audio and video clips
with the help of the internet. Nowadays, distance learning, online education, online
exams etc. are possible due to the use of ICT tools. A student should not depend upon a
teacher these days, they can use different web site and browse the related information at
anytime from anywhere.

ICT in Health

ICT tools are being used at hospital for CT-Scan, ultrasound,
endoscope, ECG, X-Ray to do the investigation of the patients.
ICT tools are also used to keep the records of doctors, hospital
staff, patients, doctor’s duty schedule, etc. Telemedicine and
online medical advisees are also possible with the help of ICT
tools. Telemedicine can be defined as the use of electronic communication technology to
exchange patient information and provision of health care services at remote locations. To
sum up, ICT in health sectors are used for the followings.
 Health and Education
 Hospital Management System
 Health Research
 Electronic Medical Record

ICT in Banking

Information and Communication Technology plays an important role in the development
of banking industry. In fact, ICT has made the banking sector more competitive

178 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

because of advancement of information and communication
technologies. ICT allows the banks to effectively cater the
needs of the consumers by strengthening internal control
systems which are backed by the effective communication
mechanisms. The wide spread use of smart cards, ATMs,
mobile banking, electronic banking, telephone banking,
twenty four hours service, the overall quality of services, expanded portfolio of products
and services, better customer relationship management with the use of advanced tools
and variety of products has enabled banks to better serve their customers with the advent
of ICT.

ICT in Communication

The world is very small due to the use of ICT in communication.
You can connect with the people of the world with in a very
few seconds. ICT tools are decreasing the distance between or
among the people of the world. You can collect and transfer
the information all over the world with in a few minutes.
Nowadays, the use of e-mail, voice mail, web chat, uses of social media like Facebook,
twitter, Viber are rapidly increased to have a communication effectively which are also
the tools of ICT.

Exploring Knowledge!

Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation
and sharing of information, ideas, interests and other forms of expression through vir-
tual communities and networks

ICT in E-Commerce

E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce which is used to
buying and selling the goods over the internet. We can do online
shopping and also promote the business. E-commerce refers to
the purchase and sale of goods and/or services through electronic
channels such as the Internet. E-commerce was first introduced
in the 1960s via an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on
value-added networks (VANs). E-commerce is subdivided into three categories:
business to business or B2B like Cisco, business to consumer or \B2C like Amazon, and
consumer to consumer or C2C like eBay.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 179

Quick Learn

 A teacher can use ICT tools for teaching activities like laptop, projector, smart
board, educational software, tablet, mobile and others.
 ICT tools are popularly used at hospital for CT-Scan, ultrasound, endoscope,
ECG, X-Ray to do the investigation of the patients.
 Telemedicine and online medical advice is also possible with the help of ICT
 ICT allows banks to effectively provide all services accurately.
 The world is very small due to the use of ICT in communication.
 You can connect with the people of the world with in a very few seconds.
 ICT tools are decreasing the distance between or among the people of the world.
 E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce which is used to buying and selling
the goods over the internet.


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. The ……………………. are making dynamic changes in the society in this
21st century.
b. ICT has become an ………………….. of everyday life for many people.
c. A ………………… can use ICT tools for teaching activities like laptop,
projector, smart board, educational software, tablet, mobile and others.
d. ICT allows the ………………. to effectively provide all the services of bank.
e. ICT tools are …………………. the distance between or among the people of
the world.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. ICT not only covers about the computer but also all the technological devices
that people are using all over the world.
b. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has an important role
in the world since we are now in the information era.

180 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. ICT tools are popularly used at bank for CT-Scan, ultrasound, endoscope,
ECG, X-Ray to do the investigation of the patients.
d. Telemedicine and online medical advice are also possible with the help of ICT
e. The world is very small due to the use of ICT in communication.
f. You can connect with the people of the world with in a very few seconds.
g. E-Mail stands for electronic commerce which is used to buying and selling the
goods over the internet.
3. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What is the full form of ICT?
b. Are laptop and desktop computers related to technology?
c. Is it possible to use ICT tools in education?
d. Name any three ICT tools that can be used at your school.
4. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. Define ICT with its advantages and disadvantages.
b. What is the role of ICT in education? Describe in short.
c. What types of services can we get with the help of ICT tools at hospital?
d. What is the role of the ICT tools in communication these days?
e. What is E-Commerce? What are the different categories of E-Commerce?

Project Work & Activity

• Conduct a speech competition on the topic “Role of ICT tools for education
and communication in 21st Century.
• Collect various ICT tools from different newspaper and paste in your chart
• Take an interview with your school principal about the various ICT tools
that are being used and record an audio then present it in your classroom.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 181

Chapter Computer Ethics and Cyber Law


Expected Competency
This chapter covers the following topics:

At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• define computer ethics and its provisions.
• tell about the cyber crime.
• write about cyber law and its area.
• explain the cyber law of Nepal.


The history of computer ethics was started
from 1950 AD. It is a branch of applied
science. Computer ethics deals with how
the computer experts should make decision
regarding the social and professional
behaviour while working with the computer
tools and technology. It also deals with
the procedures, values and practices that
govern the process of consuming computing
technology and its related disciplines without
damaging or violating the moral values of
any individual, organization or entity. Every
society has its rules about whether certain
acts are ethical or not. These rules have been established as a result of consensus in
society and are often written into laws.

182 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Computer ethics address the following things.

 Accountability Exploring Knowledge!
 Responsibility
 Liability Cyber law is the law that includes a variety of
 Intellectual Property Right issues related to the internet and other com-
 Obligation munication technology, including intellectual
property, privacy, freedom of expression, and

 Quality of system and quality of life

There are ten provisions of computer ethics defined by the Computer Ethics Institute.

a. Do not use a computer to harm other people.

b. Do not interfere with other people’s computer work.

c. Do not snoop around in other people’s files.

d. Do not use a computer to steal.

e. Do not use a computer to bear false witness.
f. Do not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
g. Do not use other people’s computer resources without authorization.
h. Do not appropriate other people’s intellectual output.
i. Do think about the social consequences of the program you write.
j. Do use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect

Cyber crime

Cybercrime is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer and computing
tools. Cyber terrorists use computer tools to steal the personal information, spread
viruses, hacking the website and blogs to earn the money. The growth of the internet is
increasing in the volume of cybercrime activities. These days people are also using
social media like facebook and others to commit criminal activities so that some
countries are restricting the use of social media. Cybercrime is committed by individuals
or small groups, as well as by criminal organizations that are often spread around
the world and committing crimes on an unprecedented scale.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 183

Quick Learn

 The history of computer ethics was started from 1950 AD.
 Computer ethics is a branch of applied science.
 Computer ethics deals with how the computer experts should make decision
regarding the social and professional behaviour while working with the
computer tools and technology.
 Cybercrime is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer and
computing tools.
 Cyber terrorists use computer tools to steal the personal information, spread
viruses, hacking the web site and blogs to earn money.
 The growth of the internet is increasing the volume of cybercrime activities.
 These days people are also using social media to commit the criminal activities.
 Cybercrime is committed by individuals or small groups, as well as by criminal

The following are the crime related to computer


Piracy is the unauthorized distribution, theft, reproduction, copying, storage, or other use
of intellectual property protected under copyright law. In computing, software piracy is
a global issue. When a software program is illegally copied, downloaded or installed, a
pirate commits an act of theft. Pirates engage in any activities like using, distributing or
copying software illegally, uploading or downloading online music illegally, etc.


A hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer system and networks
to gain access. Hackers are the computer programmers with knowledge of computer
security. A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses his/her technical
knowledge to overcome a problem.

Cyber terrorism

Cyber terrorism can be explained as internet terrorism. With the beginning of the internet,
individuals and groups are misusing the privacy to threaten individuals, certain groups,
religions, ethnicities or politics. Cyber terrorism is defined as attack against a computer
system, computer data, programs and other information.

184 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Cyber stalking

It is a criminal practice where an individual uses the Internet to systematically harass
or threaten someone. This crime can be perpetrated through email, social media, chat,
messaging and any other online medium. Cyber stalking is one of several cybercrimes
that is enabled by the Internet.


Spam is an e-mail sent to thousands or millions of people without prior approval. The first
spam e-mail was sent by Gary Thuerk on May 1, 1978. Spam is an electronic junk mail
or junk newsgroup postings. A spammer typically sends an email to millions of email
addresses, with the expectation that only a small number will respond or interact with the

Cyber Law

Cyber law is the part of the legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and
their respective legal issues. Cyber law is a term that captures the legal issues related
to use of the computer and internet technology. Cyber laws prevent or reduce the
damage from cybercriminal activities by protecting information access, privacy,
communications, intellectual property (IP) and freedom of speech related to the use of
the Internet, websites, email, computers, cell phones, software and hardware, such as data
storage devices. Social media related cybercrime in Nepal includes using pornography
content in social media or creating fake profiles to intentionally harm someone with the
use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any social media platform.

Area of cyber law

Computer Crime law

Computer crime law deals with the board range of criminal offenses using a computer
or any computing devices. Most of the computing related criminal activities are being
increased with the massive uses of internet. Computer crime is an illegal activity carried
out by the use of computers and computing devices. To stop such types of criminal
activities, computer crime law is important.

Intellectual Property law

Intellectual properties are the works done by the own creativity of an individual or the
creation of mind, such as inventions, literary , artistic works, designs and symbols,
names and images, etc. Intellectual property law deals with the rules for securing and

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 185

enforcing legal rights to writers, Exploring Knowledge!
inventors, designers, artists, etc.
This law protects ownership of Cyberspace is the electronic medium of
personal property or organizational computer networks, in which online
property. It includes copyrights, communication takes place. Cyberspace is
patents, trademark and industrial a very wide term that includes: computers,
design. computer networks, the Internet data software,

Data Protection and Privacy Law

Data protection and privacy means the proper maintenance of security of information
or data from being theft or from the unauthorized access. This law helps the people to
maintain the proper security of data and punish those people who enter into other’s system
without permission or authority.

Copyright law

Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection provided by the law. Copyright
protection is available for original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form,
whether published or unpublished. The copyright act prevents the unauthorized copying
of a work of authorship or others. Nepal government also use this law as a part of cyber

Trademark law

A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular manufacturer or
seller’s products and distinguish them from the products of other. Trademarks make it
easier for consumers to quickly identify the source of a given goods. For example instead
of reading the print on a coke bottle, consumers can look for the Coca-Cola trademark.
Trademark law is also included in cyber law.

Telecommunication law

Telecommunication is the way of exchanging the information over significant distances
by electronic means and refers to all types of voice, data and video transmission. It
includes a wide range of information transmitting technologies such as telephones (wired
and wireless), microwave communications, fibre optics, satellites, radio, television
broadcasting, internet, etc. The use of telecommunication services are rapidly increasing
day by day. People may commit criminal activities with the help of telecommunication
services. To stop such types of criminal activities, telecommunication law is introduced
in cyber law.

186 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Cyber law in Nepal

The first cyber law of Nepal was introduced on Bhadra 30, 2061, which was named as
Electronic transaction and digital signature act ordination- 2061. In 2063 BS “electronic
transaction act 2063” and in 2064 BS “electronic transaction regulation 2064” was
launched. Nepal is a developing county. The ICT sector is also in developing phase like
other sectors. Nowadays the business sector, government sector and public sector are
using ICT as a major tool to support all types of business process and providing services
to the public. It is very essential to legalize the digital activities like online work to make
it useful and standard. Computer users, and the growth of technology has resulted the use
of computers for cybercrime. Most Nepalese use computers and internet for entertainment
purpose and are not aware of the risk they are involved in. They probably do not have the
knowledge of cyber security.

Quick Learn

 The history of computer ethics was started from 1950 AD.
 Computer ethics is a branch of applied science.
 Computer ethics deals with how the computer experts should make
decision regarding the social and professional behaviour while working with the
computer tools and technology.
 Cybercrime is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer
and computing tools.
 Cyberstalking is a criminal practice where an individual uses the
Internet to systematically harass or threaten someone.
 Spam is an e-mail sent to thousands or millions of people without prior
 Cyber law is the part of the legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace,
and their respective legal issues.
 Computer crime law deals with the board range of criminal offenses using a
computer or any computing devices
 A trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular
manufacturer or seller’s products and distinguish them from the products of

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 187


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. Computer …………… is a branch of applied science.
b. …………… is a criminal activity committed with the help of computer and
computing tools.
c. These day people are also using …………… to commit the criminal activities.
d. ………… is the unauthorized distribution, theft, reproduction, copying,
storage, or other use of intellectual property protected under copyright law.
e. …………are the computer programmers with knowledge of computer security.
f. A…………. is any skilled computer expert that uses his/her technical knowledge to
overcome a problem.
g. …………… it is a criminal practice where an individual uses the Internet
to systematically harass or threaten someone.
h. ………….. is the part of the legal system that deals with the internet, cyberspace,
and their respective legal issues.
i. A ………………… is a word, symbol, or phrase, used to identify a particular
manufacturer or seller’s products and distinguish them from the products of
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The history of computer ethics was started from 2000 AD.

b. Cyber terrorists use computer tools to steal the personal information, spread
viruses, hacking the web site and blogs to earn the money.

c. The growth of the internet is decreasing in the volume of cybercrime activities.

d. Cybercrime is committed by individuals or small groups, as well as by criminal

e. A programmer is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer
systems and networks to gain access.

f. Cyber Crime can be explained as internet terrorism.

g. Spam is an e-mail sent to thousands or millions of people without prior approval.

188 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

3. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. When was the history of computer ethics started?
b. Write any one commandment of computer ethics.
c. Is cybercrime a criminal activity?
d. Who are called hackers?
e. When was cyber law introduced in Nepal?
f. Write any one area of cyber law.
4. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What do you mean by computer ethics?
b. Write any six provisions of computer ethics.
c. What is cybercrime? Is hacking is a cybercrime?
d. Explain about Cyber terrorism.
e. Define cyber law with its area.
5. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain the area of cyber law in detail.
b. What are various crimes related to computer? Explain each of them.

Project Work & Activity

• Conduct a presentation competition about the cyber law of Nepal and its
• Prepare a chart paper with the provisions of computer ethics defined by the
Computer Ethics Institute.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 189

Chapter Computer Virus


Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsillthbeefaobllleowtoi:ng topics:
• define computer virus and its types.
• tell the symptoms of virus infection, protection mechanism.
• write about the anti virus program with examples.


A computer virus is a manmade destructive computer program that can copy itself and

infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the user. It is also called program

or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs

against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. When the virus is executed, it

spreads by copying itself into or over data files, programs, or boot sector of a computer’s

hard drive. Most of the computer viruses will Exploring Knowledge!
delete data, overwrite information, display

messages, and add itself to other files on the The term ‘computer virus’ was first

computer. Almost all computer viruses only formally defined by Fred Cohen in

damage the data contained on the computer 1983

and do not physically harm the computer or

its hardware.

I love you, Code Red, Melissa, Sasser, Zeus, Conficker, Mydoom, CryptoLocker,
Flashback, etc. are the popular computer viruses. The common types of computer viruses
are listed below.

Types of viruses

The various types of computer viruses are explained below.

190 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Macro Virus

These are the particular type of file virus written in the macro language used to damage
the software applications like word processors. A macro is a series of commands that
automatically triggers a specific function within a software program. An example of this
type of virus is the Melissa Virus from 1999. The macro virus is initially embedded in
one document or a few documents, but it can spread to other documents within the same

computer, as well as reaching out to other computers through shared documents.

Boot Sector virus

A boot sector virus infects the boot sector on hard disk, floppy disk and also bootable
media such as CD and DVD. Bootable and non-bootable media can spread a boot sector
virus. Once the infected computer successfully boots, the boot sector virus stays in
memory and infects storage media when they are written to by the infected computer.
These viruses infect the master boot record, they are very difficult to remove. C-Brain,
Stone, Disk killer, Polyboot, etc. are the examples of boot sector virus.

File infector virus

File infector virus is also known as parasitic Exploring Knowledge!
virus that usually infects memory and
executable files. It is a type of computer The Creeper virus was first detected
virus that inserts its malicious code into on ARPANET, the forerunner of the
executable files on a system. When the Internet, in the early 1970s. Creeper was
infected file is opened or used, the virus an experimental self-replicating program
may overwrite the file and cause permanent written by Bob Thomas in 1971.

damage to the content of the overwritten file. This type of virus targets a large range of

operating systems, including Macintosh, UNIX, DOS, and Windows. Once they are in

system they remain for a long time. Jerusalem, cascade, etc. are the examples of file

infector virus.

Polymorphic virus

A polymorphic virus is a computer virus that affects data types and functions. It is a
self-encrypted virus designed to avoid detection by a scanner. The polymorphic virus
duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly modified, copies of itself. The first
known polymorphic virus (1260) was written by Mark Washburn in 1990. Polymorphic
viruses change with each infection. Polymorphic viruses are complicated computer
viruses that attack computer data types and functions. Each polymorphic virus duplicates
itself into millions of copies. Evil, Elkers, Stan Bug, etc. are the examples of polymorphic

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 191

Multipartite virus

A multipartite virus is a fast-moving virus Exploring Knowledge!
that uses file infectors or boot infectors to
attack the boot sector and executable files In March of 1999, hackers released
simultaneously. The multipartite virus can the Melissa Virus, which was very
affect both the boot sector and the program powerful that it forced Microsoft and other
files at the same time. A multipartite virus companies to completely turn off their
infects computer systems many times email systems so they could destroy it

and differently. The first multipartite virus was the Ghostball virus. It was discovered

by FridrikSkulason in 1989. To sum up, we can say that multipartite viruses have dual

capabilities and typically infect both system sectors and files.

Script virus

These types of viruses are created with the help of scripting languages such as VB Script,
Java Script, etc. Script viruses use email to send themselves to others is also a form of
worm. A Script Virus usually comes from web page advertisements, so it can spread
very fast. Almost all Script Viruses have these common features: attaching itself script
and being written via a scripting language such as Java Script. A Script Virus is spread
via web pages and has several properties such as being easy to program, malicious, and
highly transferable.

Stealth virus

A computer virus that actively hides itself from the antivirus software and create a copy
of itself in another location on the drive are stealth virus. A stealth virus will hide itself
in the system memory every time when a program scanner is run. It employs various
techniques to hide any changes so that when the scanner looks for altered sections, the
virus redirects it to any area that contains the clean, uninfected data. A more advanced
anti-virus program can detect a stealth virus by searching for evidence of changes within
system sectors along with areas that are more susceptible to attack, regardless of how it
is booted.

192 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn

 A computer virus is a manmade destructive computer program

 Most of the computer viruses will delete data, overwrite information, display
messages, and add itself to other files on the computer.

 I love you, Code Red, Melissa, Sasser, Zeus, Conficker, Mydoom, Crypto Locker,
Flashback, etc. are the popular name of computer virus.

 A macro is a series of commands that automatically triggers a specific function
within a software program.

 A boot sector virus infects the boot sector on hard disk, floppy disk and also
bootable media such as CD and DVD.

 File infector virus is also known as parasitic virus that usually infects memory and
executable files.

 The polymorphic virus duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly modified,
copies of itself.

 The first known polymorphic virus (1260) was written by Mark Washburn
in 1990.

 The multipartite virus can affect both the boot sector and the program files at the
same time.

 A script virus usually comes from web page advertisements so it can spread very

 A stealth virus will hide itself in system memory every time a program scanner is

Symptoms of virus infection.
 Computer will be slow down and does not respond properly.
 Computer will restart itself.
 Unwanted error message appears on the display screen.
 Programs and files may disappear from the computer system.
 Disk and drive may not open properly.
 Antivirus program may not work properly or may disappear from the system.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 193

Protection from computer virus
 Always use antivirus program on your computer system and update it regularly.
 Scan removable storage media with antivirus before using it.
 Use firewall system.
 Do not download unnecessary software and data from the internet.
 Do not open unwanted and junk emails.
 Give priority to use genuine software programs.
Routes of virus transformation
 Email attachment and web documents
 Removable storage devices like pen drive, memory card, etc.
 Fake websites
 Bluetooth, Xender, etc.

Antivirus software

Antivirus programs are utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices. Most antivirus programs include both automatic and manual scanning
capabilities. The automatic scan checks the files that are downloaded from the Internet,
discs that are inserted into the computer, and files that
are created by software installers. The automatic scan
also scans the entire hard drive on a regular basis. Some
special functions of antivirus software are listed below.

 It scans specific files or directories for any malware
or known malicious programs.

 It allows us to schedule scans to automatically run.

 It allows us to initiate a scan of a specific file, storage media or computer at anytime.

 It removes malicious codes that are detected.

Some popular antivirus programs

 Norton antivirus  Kaspersky antivirus  McAfee antivirus
 NOD 32 antivirus  AVG antivirus  Panda antivirus

194 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn

 When your computer is affected by the virus, it will slow down and
does not respond properly, restart itself, unwanted error message appears and
programs and files may disappear from the computer system.
 To protect the computer system from the virus always use antivirus program and
update it regularly, scan removable storage media with antivirus and use firewall
 Email attachment, web documents, removable storage devices like pen drive,
memory card, etc. and Fake web sites are the routes of virus transformation.
 Antivirus programs are utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices.
 Most antivirus programs include both automatic and manual scanning
 Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee, NOD 32 antivirus, Avira, A-vast are the popular
antivirus programs.


1. Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is destructive computer program?

i. Virus ii. Antivirus iii. Both (i) and (ii)

b. Which of the following is a computer virus?

i. Code Red ii. I Love you iii. Both (i) and (ii)

c. Which of the following is a boot sector virus?

i. C-Brain ii. Script Virus iii. Mydoom

d. Which of the following is a symptom of virus infection?

i. Computer restarts time and again

ii. Errors messages appear on the desktop iii. Both (i) and (ii)

e. Which of the following is an antivirus program?

i. McAfee ii. Presentation Program iii. Mydoom

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 195

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. A …………... is a series of commands that automatically triggers a specific
function within a software program.

b. File infector virus is also known as ……………. that usually infects memory
and executable files.

c. The first known polymorphic virus was written by …………….. in 1990.

d. The …………….. can affect both the boot sector and the program files at the
same time.
e. When your computer is affected by ……………….. it will slow down and
does not respond properly.
f. Email attachment, web documents, removable storage devices like pen drive,
memory card, etc. and fake websites are the ………….. of virus transformation.
g. Most ……………. include both automatic and manual scanning capabilities.
h. Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee, NOD 32 antivirus, Avira, A-vast are the popular
……… programs.
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. A computer virus is a manmade destructive computer program.
b. Code Red, Conficker, Crypto Locker, Flashback, etc. are the popular names of
computer antivirus.
c. A file infector virus infects the boot sector on hard disk, floppy disk and also
bootable media such as CD and DVD.
d. The polymorphic virus duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly
modified, copies of itself.
e. A boot sector virus usually comes from web page advertisements so it can spread
very fast.
f. A stealth virus will hide itself in system memory every time a program scanner is
g. To protect the computer system from the virus always use antivirus program and
update it regularly.
h. Antivirus programs are utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices.

196 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write down a single technical term for the following.
a. These are the utility tools used to detect and remove the virus from the
computing devices.
b. It is a series of commands that automatically triggers a specific function
within a software program.
c. A type of computer virus that inserts its malicious code into executable files
on a system.
d. These types of viruses are created with the help of scripting languages such
as VB Script, Java Script, etc.
e. The virus can affect both the boot sector and the program files at the same time.
5. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Name any three computer viruses.
b. Write any two examples of file infector virus.
c. Name any two routes of virus transformation.
d. Does computer virus affect computer hardware?
e. What should be installed in your computer system to protect it from computer
f. Name any two antivirus that you know.
6. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is a computer virus? Explain with examples.
b. What are the types of viruses? List out them .
c. What are the symptoms of virus infections?
d. What are the routes of virus transformation?
e. Define antivirus with some examples.
f. Explain the ways to protect your computer system from the viruses.
7. Write long answer to the following question.
a. Explain the types of computer viruses.

Project Work & Activity

• Conduct a presentation competition about the symptoms of computer virus
and protecting mechanism.

• Use any antivirus software that has been installed in your computer system
and scan D: drive of your hard disk.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 197

Chapter Introduction to
Computer Networking

Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsillthbeefaoblleowtoi:ng topics:
• define compuetr network with its advantages and disadvantages.
• identify the components required for networking.
• explain the types of computer networking.
• tell about network topology.
• write about network architecture.


People need to communicate electronically in today’s
world. They need to exchange data and information with
one another. A good communication system is a must for
every individual and organization. Most of the organizations
depend on interconnected networks of computers to service
their processing needs. A computer network is a group of
two or more than two computers that are linked together to
share the information and resources. Generally, computer
network is any arrangement where a sender transmits a message to a receiver over a
channel consisting of some type of medium. A computer network is a set of computers
connected together for the purpose of sharing resources.

We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols and operating system to
establish a computer networking.

Uses of computer networking
 Resource sharing like file, data, storage devices, hardware, software and some
application programs.
 It is used for providing high reliability.

198 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 It can provide a powerful communication medium like e-mail, messaging, VOIP, etc.
 It is very cheaper system.

Advantages of networking Exploring Knowledge!
 It enhances communication and
availability of information. Computer networking is an act of
 It allows for more convenient resource connecting or joining two or more
sharing. computer devices like the desktop,
 It makes file sharing easier. laptops, tablet PC, smartphones, etc.
 It has a highly flexible working together to share files and resources,
condition. working remotely to achieve targeted
aim and purpose.
 It increases cost efficiency

Disadvantages of networking
 It is difficult to establish
 Trained person is required to handle.
 It has less privacy.
 More chances of spreading viruses.

Components for computer networking

Computer: It is the most essential component to establish networking system. A
computer can act as a server, host or client in the networking system. It is almost
impossible to establish computer networking without the computer system.

Network Interface Card (NIC): Network Interface Card is also called as LAN (Local
Area Networking) card. It connects the computer to the cabling, which creates links with
all of the computers on the network together. Each computer on a network must have a
network card. The network interface card is built in with motherboard in every desktop
and laptop computers.

Communication Media: Guided and unguided media are used in networking as a
communication media. Guided media use wire or cable technology and unguided media
use wireless technology like WIFI to create networks.

Exploring Knowledge!

Port can be referred as logical channel through which data can be sent/received to
an application. Any host may have multiple applications running, and each of this
application is identified using the port number on which they are running on.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 199

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