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Published by myravu, 2020-05-22 09:15:41

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

Keywords: School Text Book

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. A computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer.
b. The storage location where the data are held permanently is referred to
as the primary memory.
c. A random access memory is a non-volatile memory.
d. Computer software is a collection of computer programs.
e. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs
will be useless.
f. Compiler, Assembler and Interpreter are the types of language translator.
g. A compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in machine-level
language to low-level language.
h. A device driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your
computer system.
i. An application software is developed for the specific use.
j. A custom software is also known as designing software.

4. Match the following. Input Hardware
RAM Secondary Storage
ROM Volatile Memory
Mouse Processing Hardware
Hard Disk Non-Volatile memory

5. Write down the full forms of the followings.


6. Write down the single technical term for the followings.

a. A computer memory which contains lost when the computer system is turned

b. A computer memory which can store the data and programs for the long time.

c. A computer hardware that is responsible to process all the activities inside the
computer system.

d. A system software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate
and operate with the computer software.

50 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

e. It is the process of starting the computer operating systems to work.
f. It is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-level language
to low-level language.
7. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. What are the two types of input hardware?
b. Name any two output hardware.
c. Which of the computer memory is called volatile memory?
d. What is booting?
e. Name any two language translator.
f. Name any two utility software.
8. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is computer hardware? Define input, output and processing hardware
in short.
b. Why RAM is called volatile memory?
c. What are the types of system software? Write about Operating System.
d. What are the functions of operating system?
e. What is language translator? Why it is needed in computer system?
f. Define utility software with its examples.
g. What is an application software? Write its types.
9. Write long answer to the following questions.

a. What are the types of computer hardware? Explain in details.

b. Explain about system software. What are the functions of an operating system?

Project Work & Activity

• Visit your computer lab and prepare a list of application software, system
software, utility software, device drivers that are used in the computer system.

• Conduct a presentation on “The role of operating system in the computer and in
other computing devices”.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 51

Chapter Operating System


Expected Competency

At the end of tThhisisucnhita,psteurdceonvtsewrsiltlhbeefoabllloewtoin:g topics:
• explain the functions of operating system and its types.
• describe about the booting and its types.
• tell about MS -DOS and types of DOS commands.
• write about the windows operating system.
• identify the various desktop icons.
• list out some special features of window.


Operating system is a master controlled computer program which controls and coordinates
with all the activities of the computer system. A computer is nothing without operating
system. The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a computer
system. An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer
hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. It acts as an
interface between the user and the computer hardware and controls the execution of all
kinds of programs. Some popular operating systems are Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS,
OS/400, AIX, z/OS, etc.

Functions of operating system

Memory Management

Memory management refers to the management of primary memory or main memory.
Main memory is a large collection of words where each word has its own address.
Processor Management
An operating system does the different activities for processor management which are
given below.

52 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 It keeps tracks of processor and status of process.
 It allocates the processor (CPU) to a process.

 It de-allocates processor when a process is no longer required.

Device Management Exploring Knowledge!

An Operating System manages The purpose of an operating system is
device communication through their to provide an environment in which a user
respective drivers. can execute programs in a convenient and
efficient manner.
File Management

A file system is normally organized into directories for easy navigation and usage. An
Operating System does the following activities for file management.

 Keeps track of information, location, uses status, etc.

 Decides who gets the resources.
 Allocates the resources.


With the help of password and some other techniques operating system prevents the
computer from unauthorized access.

Quick Learn

 Operating system is a master controlled computer program which controls and
coordinates with all the activities of the computer system.

 An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer
hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.

 An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and
the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.
 Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS, OS/400 are the examples of popular operating
 Memory management refers to the management of primary memory or main
 An Operating System manages device communication through their respective
 A file system is normally organized into directories for easy navigation and usage.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 53

Types of operating system

There are various types of operating systems. The types of operating systems are classified
on the basis of user and interface.

Types of operating system according to user mode

Single user operating system

Single user operating system is Exploring Knowledge!
developed to fulfil the requirement of
a single user. A single user operating Real-time operating systems are used in
system provides the facilities to be environments where a large number of events,
used on one computer by only one user. mostly external to the computer system, must
In other words, it supports one user at be accepted and processed in a short time or
a time. However, it may support more within certain deadlines.

than one profile. Single keyboard and

single monitor are used for the purpose of interaction. The most common example of a

single user operating system is a system that is found in a typical home computer. A single-

user operating system is a system in which only one user can access the computer system

at a time. MS-DOS, mobile operating system, windows 95, windows 98, etc. are the

examples of single user operating system.

Multi User operating system

A multi-user operating system is Exploring Knowledge!
designed for more than one user to Multitasking operation is accomplished
access the computer at one time.
Mainframes and minicomputers work by scheduling processes for execution

on multi-user operating systems. These independently for each other.

operating systems are complex in

comparison to single user operating systems. Each user is provided with a terminal and all

these terminals are connected to a main computer. Multi-user operating system allows more

than one user to access a computer system at one time. Time-sharing systems are multi-

user systems. Most batch processing systems for mainframe computers are also multi-

user operating system.

Types of operating system on the basis of interface

Command User Interface

A CUI is a user interface to the computer’s operating system or an application in which
the user responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a specified line, receives
a response back from the system, and then enters another command. A CUI is an
interface which allows the user to interact directly with the computer system by typing in
commands into a screen.MS-DOS, Windows command line, Terminal, and the Linux are

the command user interface.

54 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Graphical User Interface

Graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface that enables a person to communicate with
a computer through the use of symbols, visual metaphors, and pointing devices. For
example, all the versions of Microsoft Windows utilize a GUI aspect in MS-DOS. GUI
based operating systems are more user-friendly and easier to use. We can use mouse, light
pen, touch pad and other latest types of input devices on GUI interface.

Quick Learn

 A single user operating system provides the facilities to be used on one computer
by only one user.
 A single-user operating system is a system in which only one user can access the
computer system at a time.
 MS-DOS, mobile operating system, windows 95, windows 98, etc. are the examples
of single user operating system.
 A multi-user operating system is designed for more than one user to access the
computer at one time.
 Mainframes and minicomputers work on multi-user operating systems.
 Multi-user operating system allows more than one user to access a computer
system at one time.
 A CUI is an interface which allows the user to interact directly with the computer
system by typing in commands into a screen.
 MS-DOS, Windows command line, Terminal, and the Linux are the command
user interface.
 Graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface that enables a person to communicate
with a computer through the use of symbols, visual metaphors, and pointing


Booting is the process of starting or Exploring Knowledge!

restarting the computer system or even Microprocessor technology evolved to
other computing devices. It is a process the point that it becomes possible to build
of operation that loads and starts the desktop computers as powerful as the
computer system from the starting mainframes of the 1970s.
point when a user switches on the

power button. In the booting, system will check all the hardware and software those are

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 55

installed or attached with the system and this will also load all the files those are needed
for running a system. All the files that are stored into the ROM Chip will also be loaded for
running the system. During this process the system will read all the information from the
files those are stored into the ROM Chip and the ROM chip will read all the instructions
those are stored into these Files.

Types of Booting

There are two types of booting which are explained below.

Warm Booting: It is a method where the operating system is restarted without switching
it off after a computer locks or crashes. This type of booting is faster and helps the OS
recover from errors easily. It is also the process of starting or restarting the computer by
pressing the restart button of the system unit or by pressing the CTRL + ALT + DEL key
at the same time through the keyboard.

Cold Booting: It is the process of starting a computer after switching it off. When the
system start from the starting or the initial stage that is a cold booting. Cold booting is a
start-up process that begins with turning on the computer’s power button. A cold boot is
typically performed by pressing the power button on the computer.

Booting Process

A booting process is a number of actions the system goes through to make sure that all

the required files and hardware are ready to perform user task. Below are step by step

procedures the system follows:

 Once the power button is pressed, the computer signals the motherboard to start

including the CPU.

 Once power supplied is sufficient, Exploring Knowledge!
the computer sends another signal
called “Power OK” to the BIOS  MS-DOS was a standard operating
which starts the booting process system for IBM-compatible personal
computers. The initial versions of DOS
by initializing the POST (Power were very simple and resembled another
operating system called CP/M.
On self Test) process.
 POST checks whether devices  In 1987 AD Microsoft released Windows

have enough power, all devices and 2.0.
interrupts are identified and

properly initialized.

 POST hands control back to BIOS to continue with booting.

 BIOS look for a Boot sector also known as Master Boot Record (MBR) which is

an image from the floppy disk, hard drive or DVD.

56 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 If BIOS finds the right boot sector, it loads the image in memory and executes it.
 If BIOS fails to get a valid boot sector, it halts execution and generates an error
message “Disk boot failure”.

Introduction to MS-DOS

It is a single user single tasking operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation
of USA. MS-DOS was originally called 86-DOS. DOS is based on CUI in which user
can use the commands to perform the task. MS-DOS was written by Tim Paterson and
introduced by Microsoft in August 1981 AD.

Basic terminologies


File is a collection of related information. It is a collection of data stored in one unit,
identified by a filename. It can be a document, picture, audio or video, data library,
application, or other collection of data. Files can be opened, saved, deleted, and moved to
different folders. They can also be transferred across network connections or downloaded
from the Internet.


It is like a folder which can hold many files. It is also called a cabinet for a file. A directory
is another name for a folder. File systems use directories to organize files within a storage
device, such as a Hard Disk Drive. For example, system files may be located in one
directory, while the user files may be stored in another.


A command is an instruction given by a user telling a computer to do something.
Commands are generally issued by typing them in at the command and then pressing the
ENTER key. Command is also an instruction written in a computer acceptable language
that user types on the DOS prompt.

Quick Learn

 A booting is the process of starting or restarting the computer system.
 A booting is a start-up sequence that starts the operating system of a computer
when it is turned on.
 Warm Booting and cold booting are the types of booting.
 MS DOS is a single user single tasking operating system developed by Microsoft
Corporation of USA.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 57

 MS-DOS was written by Tim Paterson and introduced by Microsoft in August
1981 AD.
 A file is a collection of related information. It is a collection of data stored in one
unit, identified by a filename.
 A directory is another name for a folder.
 A command is also an instruction written in a computer acceptable language that
user types on the DOS prompt.

Types of DOS command

Internal Commands

Internal commands are used for performing basic operations on files and directories which
do not need any external file support. The internal commands are those commands that
are automatically loaded in the memory. Some commonly used DOS internal commands
we are going to discuss them.

This command is used to clear the DOS working screen
Syntax: CLS
Example: C: \>CLS <enter>: It clears the screen.

This command is used to display and change the system time as per the requirement.
Syntax: TIME [Time]
Example: C: \>TIME <enter>: It changes the system time. You can press enter key without
typing the time if you do not want to change the system time. The time should enter in
HH:MM:SS format.

This command is used to display and change the system date as per the requirment.
Syntax: DATE [Date]
Example: C: \>DATE<enter>: It changes the system date. You can press enter without
typing the date if you do not want to change the system date. The date should be entered
in MM-DD-YY format.

58 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Exploring Knowledge!
 Windows NT (New Technology) is a 32-bit operating system that supports

pre-emptive multitasking.
 There were two versions of Windows NT. They are Windows NT Server and

Windows NT Workstation.

This command is used to display the current DOS version of your windows.
Syntax: VER
Example: C: \>VER<enter>: It displays the current MS-DOS version number.

This command is used to display the volume label and volume serial number of the disk.
Syntax: VOL [drive]
Example: C: \>VOL D:<enter>: It displays volume label and serial number of
drive D.

This command is used to create a new DOS text file.
Syntax: COPY CON [File name]
Example: C: \>COPY CON NEPAL<enter> : Type the text that you want to insert in the
file named Nepal and press F6 or CTRL + Z to save it.

This command is used to display the content of the existing file.
Syntax: TYPE [Previous or created file name]
Example: C: \>TYPE NEPAL <enter>: It displays the content of the file.


This command is used to display the files and subdirectories of the current drive with the
help of different wild card characters.

Syntax: DIR [drive:] [Path][File name][/p][/W]

 C: \>DIR <enter> : It displays all the files and directories of drive C.
 C:\> DIR/P <enter> : It displays all the files and directories of drive C with page

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 59

 C:\> DIR/W <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
width wise.
 C:\> DIR/O <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
alphabetical order wise.
 C:\> DIR/P/W <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
page wise and width wise.
 C:\> DIR/P/W/O <enter>: It displays all the files and directories of drive C with
page wise, width wise and alphabetic order wise.
 C:\> DIR *.* <enter>: It displays all the files of drive C with having any file
 C:\> DIR *.doc<enter: It displays all the files of drive C with having .doc as an

This command is used to change the existing file name with new file name.
Syntax: REN [drive:] [Path] <old file name><new file name>
Example: C: \>REN NEPAL HIMAL<enter>: It changes the existing file name NEPAL
into new file name HIMAL of drive C.

This command is used to delete the existing text file.
Syntax: DEL [drive:] [Path] <file name>
Example: C: \>DEL HIMAL <enter>: It deletes the existing file name HIMAL of drive C.

This command is used to make a directory.

Syntax: MD [drive:] [Path] < name of directory>

Example: C: \>MD KAMAL <enter>: It creates a directory named KAMAL in drive C.

This command is used to select an existing directory.

Syntax: CD [drive:] [Path] < name of created directory>

Example: C: \>CD KAMAL <enter>: It selects the existing directory in drive C.

Result: C:\KAMAL>

60 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

This command is used to remove the directory. Be sure that if the directory is not empty,
you cannot remove the directory.
Syntax: RD [drive:] [Path] < name of directory>
Example: C: \>RD KAMAL <enter>: It deletes the existing directory KAMAL of drive

External Commands

These commands help to perform some specific tasks. These are stored in a secondary
storage device. External command is DOS command that is not included in command.
com. External commands are not memory resident commands. Some of the external DOS
commands are explained below.

This command is used to edit or change the DOS file.
Syntax: EDIT [drive:] [Path] < name of text file>
Example: C: \>EDIT HIMAL <enter>
 A new edit window will appear.
 Change the text as required and save it.
 After saving it, close these windows from the file menu.
 Now check it by using TYPE command in DOS prompt.

This command is used to format a disk. If we are going to use any new disk, we can
format it with the help of FORMAT command from DOS.
Syntax: FORMAT [drive:] [/V] [:label] [/Q]
Example: C: \>FORMAT A: It formats a disk in drive A.

This command is used to give or change the volume label for the specified disk.
Syntax: LABEL [drive:] <label name>
Example: C: \>LABEL D: It helps to give new label name of the drive D.

This command helps to check the disk of specified drive and corrects the errors.
Syntax: CHKDSK [drive:]
Example: C: \>CHKDSK D: It checks the disk in drive A.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 61

Quick Learn

 The internal commands are those commands that are automatically loaded in “the
 Some commonly used DOS internal commands are CLS, DIR, TIME, DATE,
 A CLS command is used to clear the DOS working screen
 A VOL command is used to display the volume label and volume serial number of
the disk.
 A COPY CON command is used to create a new DOS text file.
 A REN command is used to change the existing file name with new file name.
 A EDIT command is used to edit or change the DOS file.
 A FORMAT command is used to format a disk.
 A LABEL command is used to give or change the volume label for the specified
 A CHKDSK command helps to check the disk of specified drive and corrects
the errors.

Introduction to Windows 7

Windows operating system is a system program that
controls the operations of the computer system. It was
developed by Microsoft that provides an interface, known as
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for computers. Before the
release of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft users used the single-
task command line operating system MS-DOS. The first version
of Microsoft Windows was windows 1.0 and it was released in
1985.Windows acts like the intermediary between a user and the
computer hardware. It has two major objectives, first is to activate the hardware devices
and second is to provide an interactive interface to the user and interpret commands.
Windows provides a graphical user interface (GUI), virtual memory management,
multitasking, and support for many peripheral devices.

62 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Features of operating system

The primary features of Windows 7 are listed below.
 It has new start menu which provides the primary access point for programs and
 It has the taskbar and notification area which contains three main components, the
Start button, the Task/Quick launch bar and the System Notification Area.
 It has Windows Snipping Tool which helps to capture, save and share “snipped”
 It has Windows Explored Libraries so that you can collect and track documents on
your computers that are related to one another.
 It manages the hardware such as printers, scanners, mouse, digital cameras, etc.

Introduction to the Desktop

The windows desktop is the first screen that appears when you operate a computer with a
windows OS. The below is the desktop screen that we see at first after opening a computer.

You can see some pictures on your desktop, these are called icons. To access the program
you can use the icons. To open an icon, you can double-click on it by using the left mouse
button. Some of the common desktop icons are explained below:

Explanation of some desktop icons

Users document

It is the default storage location (folder) for your files that you create.
When you save or open a file, Microsoft Windows first opens the user
dialog box. You can also manually select the desire location and store
the documents.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 63

It displays the information about your computer, such as the contents
of your computer drives and other peripherals devices like pen drive,
camera, mobile or other storage. It also allows you to find, view and
organize files in a systematic way.
Recycle Bin
This is a place where the deleted items from windows get stored. Your
computers data and files should be tidied up regularly. You can delete
any unwanted files from the system. The files that you delete from your
computer system will be placed first in the Recycle Bin.
Internet Explorer
With the help of the Internet Explorer you can search and view
information on the web site. You can search the information about the
various topics, download music, copy graphics, etc. with the help of this
The Taskbar
The taskbar is the long horizontal bar located at the bottom of the screen. The taskbar is
always visible. It has three main sections.

The Start button: It helps to open the Start menu.
The middle section : It shows you which programs and files you have opened. It
helps to quickly switch between the programs.
The notification area : It includes a clock and icons that communicate the status
of certain programs and computer settings.

The notification area
The notification area is located at the far right side of the taskbar, includes a clock and a
group of icons.
These icons communicate the status of something on your computer or provide access to
certain settings. The set of icons you see depends on which programs or services you have
installed and how your computer manufacturer set up your computer. The various icons
of notification area are listed below.

64 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Volume icon : It shows the current volume level of your computer. You can also change
the volume with the help of this icon.

Network icon : It displays information about
whether you are connected to a network or not
and also the connection speed, and the signal strength. You can double click on this icon
in the notification area to open the program or setting that is related to it.

USB input icon : It displays information when you attach storage device to your system.
You can click the close button in the upper-right corner of the notification to remove it.
If you do not do anything, the notification will fade away on its own after a few seconds.

Changing the New Account (New User)

In Windows 7 you can create your own account so that each person Scan Here
that uses your computer can have their own user account. It allows For video tutorials
each person to have their own settings, and it allows you to set up
Parental Controls to limit the access with your computer system.
Here, you will learn to create new user accounts and change the
account settings.

Setting Up Multiple User Accounts

There are two types of user accounts control which are discussed below.

Standard: Standard accounts are the basic accounts that you use for normal
tasks. As a Standard user, you can do just about anything you need to do, such
as running software or personalizing your desktop.

Administrator: Administrator accounts are special accounts used for making
certain changes to system settings or managing other people’s accounts. They
have full access to every setting on the computer. Every computer will have
at least one administrator account. Administrator accounts are more powerful
but for the same reason, standard accounts are safer, so they are generally
better for everyday use.

Access user Accounts

 Open Control Panel from the Start Menu or from the desktop icons.
 You will get the dialogue box as below.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 65

 Click on user accounts.
 The Manage Accounts pane will appear. You will see all of the user accounts
here, and you can add more accounts or manage the existing one.

Creating a new account

 From the Manage another account button, click on the Create a new account.

 Type an account name.

 Select Standard user or Administrator.

66 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Click on the Create Account.
 Now your account will be created as in the given dialogue box.

Changing an Account’s Settings

Once you have created a new account, you may want to add a password or make other
changes to the account’s settings.

Creating a Password

Password is a secret word or phrase that prevents the computer system from the
unauthorized access. The following are the ways to protect computer with the password.
 From the Manage another account button, click the account name or picture.

 Click on Create a password

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 67

 Type a password in the New password field and retype it in the Confirm new
password field.

 If you want, you can type a password hint to help you remember your password.
 Click on the Create password.
 To go back to the Manage another account button, click on the Manage another

Note: Account passwords are case sensitive, which means that capital and lowercase
letters are treated as different characters.

Changing Your Account Picture

You can also change the picture for any account. This picture appears next to
the account name and helps you easily identify the account.
 From the Manage Accounts pane, click on the account name or picture.

 Click on the Change the picture. New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select a picture, or click on the Browse for more pictures to select as you required.
 Click on the Change Picture.

Setting up Parental Controls

 Go to your Control Panel from the Start Menu.

 Click on the parental controls for any user.
 Click on any user Account.
 Click on the on, enforce current setting.

 Now you can click on theTime limits, Games orAllow and block specific programs to set
the Parental Controls.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 69

Setting Date and Time

The date and time is located at the right most side (Notification
Area) of the taskbar. When you place the mouse pointer on the
Date and Time indicator, it displays system date as Friday, August 10, 2018 . If the current
system date and time is incorrect you can change it with the help of given steps.

 Click on Date/Time indicator in the taskbar.

 Click on change date and time setting option.

 A new dialogue box will appear.

 Again click on change date and Scan Here
time button.

 You will get next windows,
change it as required and click on
ok to apply it

Use of Snipping Tool For video tutorials

The easiest way to make a copy of something is to take a snapshot of your screen. You
can use snipping tool to do this work. You can save it in the picture format and insert in
any part of the document.

There are various options with this tool which you can get
from New option.
 Free-form Snip: Draw a free-form shape around an
 Rectangular Snip: Drag the cursor around an object to
form a rectangle.
 Window Snip: Select a window, such as a browser
window or dialog box, that you want to capture.
 Full-screen Snip: Capture the entire screen.
After you capture a snip, it will automatically copied
to the Snipping Tool window. From there, you can insert, save, or share the snip. The
following procedures explain how to use Snipping Tool.

70 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Opening snipping tool

 Click on the start button.

 Type Snipping in the search box then you will
see the list of results.

 Click on Snipping Tool to open it.

Capture a snip

In Snipping Tool, select the arrow next to the New
button, choose the kind of snip you want, and then
pick the area of your screen that you want to capture.

Capture a snip of a menu

 After you open Snipping Tool, open the menu
that you want a picture (Press Esc before opening
the menu.)

 Press Ctrl + PrtScn.

 Select the arrow next to the New button, choose the kind of snip you want, and
then pick the area of the screen that you want to capture.

Annotate a snip

After you capture a snip, you can write or draw on or around the snip by selecting the Pen

Saving a snip

 After you capture a snip, select the Save Snip

 In the Save As box, enter a file name, location, and
save as type then click on Save.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 71

Quick Learn

 An operating system is a system software that controls the operation of a
computer system by activating its components and provide operating
environment for other software.
 Basically, there are two types of interface of OS. These are command
interface and graphical interface.
 Popular OS are Microsoft Disk Operating system (MSDOS), Windows System,
Linux and Unix, etc.
 There are different versions of windows. These are Windows 98, Windows 2000
Server, Windows XP, (XP is experience), windows Vista and Windows 7.
 GUI (Graphical User Interface) system is user-friendly than CUI (Command User
 Windows 7 has new starts button which provides the primary access point for
 The various items of desktop are called icons.
 The task bar is a long horizontal bar located at the buttom of the desktop.
 The notification area is located at the far right side of the task bar.
 Standard accounts are the basic accounts that are used for normal task.
. Password is a secret word or Phrase that prevents the computer system from
unauthorized Access.
 The date and time is located at the right most side of the task bar.

Creating a file in desktop

 Right click the mouse button on the
blank area of desktop.

 Select the New Option.

 A list will appear, choose Microsoft Office
Word Document.

 An icon will appear with document name.
Rename the document name as
required and double click on it to view
the document windows.

72 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Renaming a file or folder

 Right click over the name of file or folder .
 A list will appear as in the right dialogue box.
 Choose the Rename from the options list.
 Type new file name as required and press the enter

Deleting a file or folder

 Right click over the name of the file or folder.
 A list will appear as in the right dialogue box.
 Choose the delete from the option.
 Now your file will delete and move to the
recycle bin.

Changing the desktop background

 Right click on the blank area of desktop.
 A list of options will appear, select personalize option.
 Click on desktop background from the bottom left side.
 Select the required background option.

Scan Here

 Click on save changes to apply the setting. For video tutorials
New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Changing the screen saver

 Right click on the blank area of desktop.
 A list of options will appear and select
personalize option.
 Click on screen saver from the
bottom right side.
 A new screen saver windows
will appear.
 Click on down arrow and choose 3D text or
other required option.
 Click on apply and click on OK button to apply.

Changing desktop theme

 Right click on the blank area of desktop.

 A list of options will appear, select personalize
 Choose the required theme from theme options and
press right mouse button over the theme.
 Click on save theme and type the name for the

Scan Here

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 Click on the save to save the current theme.
74 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Introduction to Windows 8

A windows 8 is a latest and updated version of operating system popularly used in desktop,
laptop and other handheld devices. This operating system was launched on October
2012 for general use. It is different in user interface than windows 7. This interface was
specially designed for the touch screen devices. Nowadays mobile and some tablets are
also using windows 8. On October 18, 2013 Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a next
version of windows 8.

Requirement to use windows 8

 1 GHz processor or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit or 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit
 16 GB of hard drive space for 32 bit or 20 GB for 64-bit
 DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher.

Quick Learn

 A window 8 is a latest and updated version of operating system
popularly used in desktop, laptop and other handheld devices.
 Windows 8 was launched on October 2012 for general use.
 On October 18, 2013 Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a next version
of windows 8.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 75


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. ………………… is a collection of programs that manages computer hardware
b. A ………… operating system is a system in which only one user can access the
computer system at a time.
c. A ……….. operating system is designed for more than one user to access the
computer at one time.
d. Mainframes and minicomputers work on …………… operating systems.
e. A ………. is an interface which allows the user to interact directly with the
computer system by typing in commands into a screen.
f. ………….. is the process of starting or restarting the computer system
g. …………. is a collection of related information.
h. A ………….. is another name for a folder.
i. In …………………….. Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a next version of
windows 8.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. An application software is a master control computer program which control
and coordinates with all the activities of the computer system.
b. An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and
the computer hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of programs.
c. Linux, Windows, OS X, VMS, OS/400 are the examples of popular utility
d. The operating system manages device communication through their respective
e. A single user operating system provides the facilities to be used on one computer
by multi user.
f. A multi-user operating system allows more than one user to access a computer
system at one time.
g. A character user interface is an interface that enables a person to communicate
with a computer through the use of symbols, visual metaphors, and pointing
h. A booting is a start-up sequence that starts the operating system of a computer
when it is turned on.
i. Cold booting and warm booting are the types of operating system.
j. Windows 8 was launched on October 2016 for general use.

76 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

3. Match the following.

GUI Single user operating system

Multi User Functions of an operating system
Firmware Windows 10

MS-DOS Multi user can work at a time

Memory Management Software written on ROM

4. Write down the full forms of the followings.


5. Write down the function of the following DOS commands.


c. C:\> DIR/W/O/P d. C:\> MD KAMAL

e. C:\> FORMAT A: f. C:\> COPY RAM.TXT D:

g. D:\> EDIT RAMESH h. D:\> DIR *.*

i. C:\> LABEL D: j. D:\> TIME

6. Write down the function of the following DOS commands.



7. Write down the proper steps for the followings.

a. Changing the desktop background.

b. Changing the desktop theme.

c. Creating a word file in windows desktop.

d. Setting date and time from the notification area.

e. Creating password in your user account.

8. Write very short answer to the following questions.

a. Write any one function of operating system.

b. Name any two popular operating systems.

c. What are the types of booting?

d. Name any two internal DOS commands.

e. What was the first version of windows?

f. Name any two components of windows desktop.

g. Where is the default location of taskbar on desktop?

9. Write short answer to the following questions.

a. What is an operating system? Write its types and describe in short.

b. Explain the functions of an operating system in short.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

c. What are the types of an operating system? Define one of them.
d. Define GUI and CUI with some examples.
e. What is internal and external DOS command? Define any two of them.
f. What is a windows 7? Write any two features of it.
g. Explain the types of booting.
10. Write long answer of the following question.
a. Explain the types of OS on the basis of user mode and on the basis of
user interface.
b. Explain all the components of the notification area.

Lab Activities
a. Create a file in windows desktop with your name.
b. Use any type of picture as your desktop background.
c. Create a new folder name named ‘Computer 8” in windows desktop.
d. Create user account with your name.
e. Create password in your account.
f. Remove password from your user account.
g. Change the system date and time from DOS and desktop.
h. Open windows explorer and list out its components.
i. Create a file with your name on MSDOS.

j. Copy file in DOS.
k. Rename file in DOS.
l. Delete file having extension name DOC.
m. Make a directory with your Roll No.
n. Remove directory.
o. Take snip of your desktop background.

Project Work & Activity

• Make a list of devices and operating system softwares installed in your lab’s
• Make a list of any five operating system softwares.
• Make a list of internal and external commands.

78 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Chapter Word Processing Program-2010


Expected Competency

At the end of tThhisisucnhita,pstteurdceonvtsewrsiltlhbeefoabllloewtoin:g topics:
• define work processing with its features.
• work with formatting of word documents.
• work with header and footer.
• work with charts.
• work with Tables.


Microsoft Office Word 2010 is a word processing program,
designed to create professional documents with various document
formatting tools. It is one of the latest versions of Microsoft office
word. We can use it to prepare documents more efficiently. It has
more powerful editing and revising tools. We use this for creating,
editing and modifying the documents. Most of the features it has
are same as previous versions of office but there are some new
features, which are listed below.

 We can edit and modify the documents easily.

 Easy way to work with paragraph and document formatting.

 It helps to create browser, pamphlet , catalogue with some readymade samples.

 It has more features for picture, graph and chart editing.

 We can insert various styles of document themes

 It has various options for document printing.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 79

Starting Word 2010

 Click on the Start button and select All Programs options.
 Select Microsoft Office and click on Microsoft Office Word 2010.
 Now we will get the windows of word 2010.

Understanding the First Screen

File Tab
This tab holds the information related to file like save, open, new, print, etc. It also displays
the information about the document. It is one the most important features of Office 2010.

80 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

The ribbon holds all the information in a more visual stream line manner through a series
of tabs. There are various ribbons with various tabs which are listed below.
Home Tab
This is the most useful tab in Microsoft word. It is mostly used for text formatting. We can
work with fonts, paragraphs, styles and document editing with this tab.

Insert Tab
This tab helps you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip arts,
tables and header and footer options.

Page Layout Tab
This tab has commands to adjust page elements such as margins, orientation, inserting
columns, page backgrounds and themes.

Reference Tab
This tab has commands to use when creating a Table of Contents and citation page for a
paper. It provides many features such as Update Table, Insert Caption, Insert Endnote and
Footnote, Bibliography, etc.

Mailing Tab
This tab allows you to create documents to help when sending out mailings such as
printing envelopes, labels and processing mail merges.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 81

Review Tab
This tab allows you to make any changes to the document related to spelling and grammar
issues. It also holds the track changes feature which provides to make notes and changes
to a document of another person.

View Tab
This tab allows you to change the view of the document. You can use document view,
zoom, show, macros etc with the help of this tab.

Format Tab

This tab gets active when you click on any picture element of word document. We can
apply the different picture Properties with the help of this tab like brightness, contrast,
Wrap text, shadow effect, cropping etc.

Creating a New File using Design Template

Design templates are the ready made features of word which you can use directly. You can
use various built-in templates from a wide selection of popular Word templates, including

resumes, agendas, business cards, etc. These are inbuilt with Microsoft office word 2010.

Creating a template Scan Here
 Click on the File tab then click on New.

For video tutorials

82 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 You can see various Available Templates options as in above dialog box.

 To use one of the built-in templates. Click Sample Templates, again click on
the template that you want, and then click Create.

To reuse a template that you have recently used.

1. Click on file an click on new.

2. Click recent templates, click the template that you want to add and then click on
create‑ button.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 83

3. To find a template on, under Templates, click the template
category that you want, and click Download to download the template from Office.
com to your computer. (Be sure your computer is connected with internet)

4. Once you have selected your template you can modify it in any way to
create the document that you want.
5. Finally, you can save it for your further use.

Opening a document

1. Click the File tab, and then click Open.
2. In the left pane of the Open dialogue box,
click the drive or folder where you saved your
3. In the right pane of the Open dialogue box,
open the folder that contains the document
that you want.
4. Click the document and then click on Open

Formatting the text

It is the way of changing the font size, font face, etc. We can do lots of editing task with

the help of formatting text option. Scan Here

To change the font face Shortcut: CTRL+ SHIFT + F

 Select the required text.

 Click on home tab and move on font group.

 Click on the arrow of font name box.

 Click on the required font name from the list. For video tutorials

84 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

To change the font size Shortcut: CTRL+ SHIFT + P
 Select the required text.

 Click on home tab and move on font group.

 Click on the arrow of font size box.

 Click on the required font size from the list to increase or decrease the size of font.

To highlight the text.
 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on the arrow of text highlight colour
 Now the text will highlight as your selection.

To change the font colour
 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on the arrow of font colour tool.
 A list of sample of colour will appear.
 Click on the required font colour to apply.

Bold, Italic and Underline
 Select the required text.
 Click on home tab and move on font group.
 Click on ‘B’ to make the text bold, ‘I’ for italic and ‘U’ for
underline as required.

Copy the formatting

If you want to apply the same formatting to the 85
document as you have done in previous, you can use
this option. It means you can copy formatting from
one place and apply it to another place.
 Place the mouse or select the text which has
already formatted.
 Click on home tab and move on clipboard group.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Click on format painter tool.
 Select the text or paragraph that you want to apply.
 Now the text will change into its previous setting.

Quick Learn

 Ms-word helps to create, edit and format the text for the document
 File tab holds the information related to file.
 The ribbon holds all the information in a more visual stream line manner
through a series of tabs.
 Design templates are the ready made features of word, which we can use directly
in the document.
 Formatting the text means changing the font size, colour, face, etc.
 Format painter option is used to copy the previous format of text and apply it for
the new text or document.

Inserting symbols

We can insert various symbols in the document with the help
of given steps. .
 Place the cursor where you want to insert the symbol.
 Click on insert tab and move on symbols group.
 Click on more symbols to select various symbols.
 Click on the required symbol to insert in the document.

Typing Formula Scan Here

 Place the cursor where you want to

insert the formula.

 Click on insert tab and move on

symbols group.

 Click on equation button. For video tutorials

 Click on insert new equation to select the type of formula

that you want to insert.

 Now, you can use the design tab to insert the required
formula or equations

86 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Inserting page number 87

 Click on the insert tab.
 Click on the page number button in header and
footer group.
 A list of options will appear.
 Choose the top of the page or button of the page as
 Click on the required number style to apply it.

Inserting border and shading

 Click on page layout tab
 Click on page border button in the page
background group.
 A next page boarder and shading dialogue
box will appear.
 Select different types, styles, colours or other
as required.
 Click on the OK button to apply it.

Adding watermark

Watermarks are text or pictures placed behind the
text in your document. You can add text watermarks,
such as Draft or Confidential, to your document.
Word has a gallery of watermarks to choose from, or
you can create your own custom watermark.
 Click on the page layout tab
 Click on watermark button in the page background
 Click on the required watermark style to apply it.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Scan Here

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Working with spelling and grammar check

Spelling and grammar check are the most important
features of word processing program. In word
document the spelling mistakes of word or letters are
underlined with red line and the grammar errors are
underlined with green lines.
 Click on the review tab.
 Choose spelling & grammar buttons.
 A next windows will appear.

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 Select the correct spelling from the suggestions area and click on change to apply the

88 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Working with mail merge

Mail merge is used to create multiple
documents at once. These documents have
same layout, formatting, text, and graphics. Only
specific section of each document varies and is
personalized. The documents word can create with
mail merge include bulk labels, letters, envelopes,
and emails.

 Click on the Mailing tab in the ribbon.

 Click on the start mail merge button and click
on letters.

 Click on the select recipients option.

 Click on the type new list if you do not have
existing records.

 Click on the customize columns button.

 Choose the necessary field name from
the list. You can delete the unnecessary
fields if needed.

 Click on the ok button after selecting the
field name.

 Now, a list of selected field name will appear in new window.

 Type necessary data such as name, address, phone, email, etc. 89
 Save the data source file with suitable name.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Now, type the letter or document and click on insert mail merge field.
 Click on preview result to see and confirm whether the main document is
merged to data source or not.
 Click on finish merge button and again click on edit individual document.
 Now, the documents are ready to compose.
 Print the merged document if required.

Quick Learn

 Watermarks are text or picture placed behind text in the document.
 Ms word has some readymade watermark options like DO NOT COPY,
 Mail merge is used to create multiple documents at once.
 In word document, the spelling mistakes of word or letters are underlined
with red line and the grammar errors are underlined with green lines.

Working with Paragraph Formatting

This is a special feature of word. You have to press the
enter key to change the paragraph on word. Paragraph
endings are marked by a character that is usually hidden.
You can display these and many other hidden characters.
Displaying Hidden Characters
 Open the Word 2010 document.
 Click on the home tab and go on paragraph area.
 Click the Show/Hide icon on the ribbon.

90 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Paragraph endings will be indicated by the ¶ symbol as in above dialogue
box. You can see other hidden characters such as tabs and blank spaces.
 Click the same icon again to turn off hidden characters.

Paragraph Spacing Options

You can use the paragraph spacing options to adjust the amount of space before
paragraphs, after paragraphs and between each line in a paragraph.

To Adjust Paragraph Spacing
 Prepare a document with a paragraph and select it.
 Click the Paragraph dialogue box icon in the ribbon as shown below.

 The paragraph dialogue box will appear.

Scan Here
For video tutorials

 In the spacing section you can adjust the paragraph spacing options.

 Click on the up arrow next to the Before option until the box shows 12pt
like the example above

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 91

 Do the same for the After option so that there will be 12 points of blank space
before and after the paragraph.
 Click OK to make the change. There will be additional space before and after
the paragraph as below.

 Increase the spacing after the paragraph to
18 points.
 Change all the paragraphs with the dot points
so that each of them has 18 points of space
after the paragraph and 12 points of space

Adjusting Line Spacing

 Click on the home tab and move your mouse
on the paragraph area.
 Click on the line and paragraph spacing
 Change the Line Spacing option to 1.5 Lines.
 Click on blank area after change. The lines of
text will have more space between them.
This can also be done using keyboard and
toolbar shortcuts.

92 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Press [Ctrl] [2] to change the paragraph to double line spacing.
 Press [Ctrl] [1] to change the paragraph to single line spacing.
 Press [Ctrl] [5] to change the paragraph to 1.5 line spacing.

Auto Line Spacing
 Click the arrow next to the Line Spacing icon on the ribbon.
 A list of line spacing options will appear.
 Click on 1.0 to change the spacing to single line spacing.

Alignment and Indentation

The paragraph formatting dialogue box contains options for aligning text and indenting
text. In both cases, the formatting can be changed in the
dialogue box itself, or by using additional shortcuts.

Changing Paragraph Alignment

 Right click in the paragraph, a list will appear.
 Click on paragraph option.
 The Paragraph formatting dialogue box will appear.
 You will see a drop-down list next the Alignment.
Select Centered from the list.
 Click on OK to make the changes.

You can also change the alignment options using

 Change the paragraph to Right alignment by
clicking on the icon or by pressing [Ctrl] [R].
The text in the paragraph will be arranged to
the right of the page so that it lines up with
the right page margin.

 Change the paragraph to Centered alignment by clicking on the icon or by
pressing [Ctrl] [E].

 Change the paragraph to Justified by clicking on the icon or by pressing

[Ctrl] [J]. The text in the paragraph will be evenly spaced so that both sides of the

paragraph will line up with the left and right page margins.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 93

 Change the paragraph back to Left alignment by clicking the icon or

by pressing [Ctrl] [L]. The text in the paragraph will be arranged to the

left of the page so that it lines up with the left page margin.

Changing Indentation Options

 Make sure the insertion point is in the first paragraph of
the document.

 Click the Increase Indent icon on the toolbar.

 The paragraph will be indented by a small amount.

 Click the Decrease Indent icon to return the paragraph to its normal position.
These shortcuts can indent a paragraph from the left of the page.
Explanation of indentation option.
The Left and Right options allow you to change how much the paragraph is indented
from the left page margin and right page margin. The remaining options affect only the
first line of the paragraph. The Special option allows you to choose a first line indent or a
hanging indent. The By option specifies how far the first line will be indented by.

To display the above dialogue box we can use the following steps.
 Click on home tab and move your mouse to the paragraph group.
 Click on paragraph option button.
 Change the indentation as required.
 The left and right sides of the paragraph will be indented 1cm from the page margins.
The first line of the paragraph will be intended by a further 1cm.

94 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Click the Undo icon or press [Ctrl] [Z] to return the margins to their previous state.
 These margin changes can also be made more directly by using the markers on the
 If the rulers are not visible on your document, click the View Ruler icon at the top of
the scrollbar to turn them on.

Page Break

Page breaks help to specify where a new page will begin in a document. You can create
page breaks by manually inserting a break where you need. You can also specify breaks
in your paragraph formatting so that a particular paragraph, such as a heading, will always
begin on a new page.

 Place your insertion point at the beginning of the
word Save.

 From the Insert tab click Page Break.

 Scroll to the previous page to see the page break

 Click the Undo icon or press [Ctrl] [Z] to remove the page break.

Quick Learn

 Paragraph endings are marked by a character that is usually hidden.
 You can use the paragraph spacing options to adjust the amount of space before
paragraphs, after paragraphs and between each line in a paragraph.
 Press [Ctrl] [2] to change the paragraph to double line spacing.
 The paragraph formatting dialogue box contains options for aligning text and
indenting text.
 Page breaks helps to specify where a new page will begin in a document.
 You can create page breaks by manually inserting a break where you need.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 95

Page Headers & Footers Scan Here
For video tutorials
Headers and footers help to have similar information,
such as page numbers or document titles, repeated
at the top or bottom of every page. The footer at
the bottom of each page shows the filename of this
document and the page numbers in the document.

Adding Headers & Footers
 Open the word document
 From the Insert ribbon tab, click on the Header icon.
 A list of header templates will appear.
 Click on the first option blank.

 A blank header will appear at the top of the page with a placeholder as below:
96 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

The words type the document title text show where your text will appear. Notice
that while you are editing the header, a new header and footer tools tab appears
on the ribbon. Under this tab, you will see many icons for working with headers and
footers that can add useful elements like date and page numbers.

 Click on the Go to Footer icon on the Navigation
ribbon group.
 You will be taken to the footer at the bottom of
the page.
 Click on the Quick Parts icon on the Insert group of the
 When the list of AutoText options appears, click on
The field dialogue will appear.
 From the list of field types on the left
choose author. The options in the
middle allow you to select how the
author will appear for the selected

 Click on the OK to insert the Author name as selected in the above dialogue box.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 97

 Now the author name will be inserted in the right part of the footer as shown below.

 Click on the close button to exit from header and footer dialog
Modifying the Header
 Select the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
 Choose the header icon and then choose
edit header from the bottom of the menu.
 Click after the text [Type the Document
Title/ Type here].
 Press the [Tab] key twice to move the
cursor at the right side of the header.
 Click on the Date & Time icon from the
Insert group on the ribbon.

 Select the second date format in the list.
 Check on the Update Automatically box.
This will ensure that the date will update each
time you open the document.
 Click on OK to add the date.
 Click on the Close Header and Footer icon.

98 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Modifying the Footer

 Move your mouse over the footer at the bottom of the page.

 Double-click to edit the footer.

 When the Header and Footer Tools tab appears on the ribbon, click
on the Page Number icon and then select format page number from
the menu that appears.

 Change the number format to the roman numerals
option as given and click on OK.

To change the format for the total number of pages click on
the total page number so that the field is highlighted. Then
right click on the total page numbers and select Edit Field

 Select the roman numerals format from the list in the
middle of the Field dialogue and click on OK.

 Move your mouse over an area of the page outside the
footer area and double-click.

 Save changes and close the document.

Quick Learn Increase paragraph indent
(Some Shortcuts) Decrease paragraph indent
Single line spacing
 Alt Shift  Double line spacing
 Alt Shift  1.5 line spacing
 Ctrl 1 Centre align paragraphs
 Ctrl 2 Justify aligns paragraphs
 Ctrl 5 Left align paragraphs
 Ctrl E Right align paragraphs
 Ctrl J Insert a page break
 Ctrl L Insert a line break in a paragraph
 Ctrl R
 Ctrl Enter
 Shift Enter

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 99

Click to View FlipBook Version