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New Gateway to Computer Science 8

New Gateway to Computer Science 8

Keywords: School Text Book

Connecting devices: To establish a computer in a computer network, we must have
network connecting devices such as hub, switch, router, repeater, etc.

Network Operating System(NOS): It is an operating system used to make the
computers participate on the network. It creates a working environment between the user
and networks. Windows 2000, windows XP, windows 7, windows 8, Linux, etc. are the
network operating systems.

Protocol: It is a set of rules that must be followed by the sender and receiver while
communicating with each other over a network. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol)
, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), IPX/SPX (Internet Packet Exchange / Sequence Packet
Exchange are the examples of network protocols.

Quick Learn

 A computer network is a group of two or more than two computers that are linked
together to share the information and resources.
 We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols and operating
system to establish a computer networking.
 Network Interface Card is also called as LAN (Local Area Networking) card.
 Guided and unguided media are used in networking as a communication media.
 Guided media use wire or cable technology and unguided media use wireless
 Network Operating System(NOS) is an operating system used to make the
computers participate on the network.

Types of computer networking

There are several types of computer networks. Computer networks can be categorized
by their size as well as their purpose of use. The size of a network can be expressed by
the geographic area that they occupy and the number of computers that are part of the
network. Networks can cover a single room to millions of devices spread across the entire
 Personal Area Network (PAN)
 Local Area Network (LAN)
 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)

200 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Personal Area Network

A personal area network, or PAN, is a computer network
organized around an individual person within a single building.
This could be inside a small office or residence. A typical PAN
would include one or more computers, telephones, peripheral
devices, video game consoles and other personal entertainment
devices. If multiple individuals use the same network within
a residence, the network is sometimes referred to as a home area network, or HAN.
Intercom phone system is the best example of PAN.

Local Area Network

A Local Area Network consists of a computer network at a
single site, typically an individual office building. A LAN
is very useful for sharing resources, such as hardware and
software. LANs can be built with relatively inexpensive
hardware, such as hubs, network adapters and Ethernet
cables. The smallest LAN may only use two computers,
while larger LANs can accommodate hundreds of computers.
A LAN typically relies mostly on wired connections for increased speed and security, but
wireless connections can also be part of a LAN. High speed and low cost are the defining
characteristics of LANs.

Advantages of LAN
 It is a reliable networking suitable for very small area.
 Adding and removing the computers is easy.
 Data transfer rate is very high.
 Easy to share hardware resources like printer, CD/DVD, etc.

Metropolitan Area Network

A metropolitan Area Network, or MAN, consists Branch office 1 Factory3
of a computer network across an entire city or Warehouse 1
small region. A MAN is larger than a LAN, which
is typically limited to a single building or site. Factory1 Central Warehouse 3
Depending on the configuration, this type of network Office
can cover an area from several miles. A MAN is
often used to connect several LANs together to Factory2
form a bigger network. Warehouse 2 Branch office 2

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 201

Advantages of MAN

 It is larger than LAN and smaller than WAN.

 It is faster than WAN but slower than LAN.

 Centralized administration is required to handle.

Wide Area Network

A Wide Area Network, or WAN, occupies LAN
a very large area, such as an entire country
or the entire world. A WAN can contain WAN
multiple smaller networks, such as
LANs or MANs. The Internet is the best
example of a WAN. Computers that are
connected to a wide-area network are often
connected through public networks, such
as the telephone system. They can also be
connected through satellites. The largest
WAN in existence is the Internet.

Advantages of WAN

 It is larger than LAN and WAN. It means it can cover large geographical location.

 Data and information can spread all over the world in a few minutes.

 It is used to promote the business and services.

Quick Learn

 Computer networks can be categorized by their size as well as their purpose of
 A Personal Area Network, or PAN, is a computer network organized around an
individual person within a single building.
 A LAN is very useful for sharing resources, such as hardware and software.
 A MAN is larger than a LAN, which is typically limited to a single building or
 A Wide Area Network, or WAN, occupies a very large area, such as an entire
country or the entire world.

202 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Networking Topology

A network topology is the arrangement of computers in the networks. Network Topology
refers to layout of a network. How different nodes in a network are connected to each
other and how they communicate is determined by the network’s topology. Topologies
are either physical layout of devices on a network or the way that the signals act on the
network media.

Types of topology

Bus topology

Bus Topology uses the single main cable as a backbone
of network which has terminators at the starting and
ending points. All the other nodes like workstations,
peripherals, etc. are connected to this main cable. This
type of topology is widely implemented in LANs as it is
easy to install and does not cost much. It also does not
require much cabling as in the case of some other topologies like star and mesh. The main
disadvantage of this topology is that the entire network is dependent on the main cable. In
case some problem occurs in the main cable, the whole system gets affected.

 It is easy to set-up and extend bus network.
 The cable length required for this topology is the least compared to other networks.
 This topology costs very less.
 It is mostly used in small networks.
 It is suitable for LAN.

Disadvantages Exploring Knowledge!
 If the main cable is broken down,
whole system may stop to work. MAC (Media Access Control) Address
 It is difficult to detect and troubleshoot is also known as physical address, which
fault at individual station. is the unique identifier of each host and
 It is not suitable for networks with is associated with the NIC.MAC address
heavy traffic. is assigned to the NIC at the time of
manufacturing. The length of the MAC
 It has less security. address is : 12-digit/ 6 bytes/ 48 bits.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 203

Star topology

Star topology is a networking topology which uses the
centre connectivity device to work in a network. This central
connectivity device can be either of a hub, router or a switch.
This central hub also works as a repeater for data flow. A
point-to-point connection is laid between the devices and
the central hub. Thus, all nodes are connected to each other
only by the assistance of this central hub. Installation and wiring is easy of star topology.
The functioning of the star topology depends on the central hub. This type of network is
suitable for school, college, hospitals, department store, small office, etc.

 Easy to install and maintenance.
 Easy to add or remove the nodes in the network.
 If a node stops to work, other nodes keep on working.
 No disruptions to the network when connecting or removing devices.

 If a central connectivity device like hub or switch stops to work, the entire
network will stop to work.
 More cable length is required.
 It is more expensive than other topology.

Ring topology

In ring topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other
in such a way that they make a closed loop. Token ring
technology is used to implement this type of topology. It
can be used for handling high volume of data. All devices
are given the same importance in this topology. It is in a
shape of a ring, in which every node is connected to only
two neighbours. In case of any cable or device breaks
away from the loop, then it can be a serious problem for
the entire network.

 It is very easy to identify the problems in the network.
 Fewer chances of data lost while transmitting.
 There is no need for a network server to control the connectivity between work

204 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 An additional component does not affect the performance of the network.
 Every computer has equal access to resources.

Disadvantages Exploring Knowledge!

 Difficult to add and remove the OSI stands for Open Systems
computers. Interconnection. It is a reference
model that specifies standards for
 If a single computer fails to work, the communications protocols and also the
entire network stops to work. functionalities of each layer.

 More computers cannot involve in this

Quick Learn

 A network topology is the arrangement of computers in the networks. Network
topology refers to layout of a network.
 Bus topology uses the single main cable as a backbone of network which
has terminators at the starting and ending points.
 Star topology is a networking topology which uses the centre connectivity
device to work in a network.
 Hub is the centre connectivity device for star topology.
 In ring topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other in such a way that
they make a closed loop.

Networking Architecture

Network architecture refers to the layout of the network, consisting of the hardware,
software, connectivity, communication protocols and mode of transmission, such as wired
or wireless. It is a framework for the specification of a network’s physical components
and their functional organization and configuration.

Types of Network Architecture

Peer to peer architecture

Peer-to-peer architecture is a commonly used computer networking
architecture in which each workstation, or node, has the same
capabilities and responsibilities. There is no master or controller or
central server in this computer network. Peer to peer relationship
is suitable for small networks having fewer computers on a single
LAN. In a peer to peer network each computer can act as both a server and a client.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 205

Client Server architecture

Client-server architecture is architecture of a computer
network in which many clients (remote processors) request
and receive service from a centralized server (host computer).
Client computers provide an interface to allow a computer
user to request services of the server and to display the results.
Servers wait for requests to arrive from clients and then
respond to them. A server provides a standardized transparent
interface to clients so that clients need not be aware of the specifics of the system.

Introduction to internet

Internet is a network of networks. The Internet contains
billions of web pages created by people and companies
around the world. Internet is also a telecommunication
network that uses telephone lines, cables, satellites and
wireless connections to connect computers and other
devices to the World Wide Web. All modern computers can
connect to the internet, as many mobile phones and some
televisions, video game consoles and other devices.

Uses of internet
 To access a huge information from the millions of websites around the world.
 To send and receive email messages.
 To share photographs and video clips with everybody.
 To buy goods and services (E-commerce, E-business).
 To use online banking system like e-banking.
 To establish better communication services.
 To play games with other people online.

Basic terminology on internet


The World Wide Web (WWW) refers to the collection of Websites connected to the
Internet worldwide, together with the client devices such as computers and cell phones that

206 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

access its content. The WWW is just one of many applications
of the Internet and computer networks. It is based on three
technologies; they are Hyper Text Mark-up Language, Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol and web servers and browsers.

Web browser Exploring Knowledge!

A web browser is an application program Opera is a web browser for Windows,
used to access and view websites. Microsoft mac OS, and Linux operating systems
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla developed by Norwegian company
Firefox, and Apple Safari, etc. are the Opera Software AS. It uses the Blink
popular web browsers. The primary layout engine.
function of a web browser is to render
HTML, the code used to design or “mark
up” web pages.

Web server

A Web server is a computer system that hosts websites. Most Web servers are
connected to the Internet via a high-speed connection or faster data transmission rates.
A fast Internet connection allows Web servers to support multiple connections. Any
computer can be used as a Web server, as long as it is connected to the Internet and has
the appropriate software installed.

Web page

The web page documents are written in HTML (hypertext Mark-up language) and are
translated by Web browsers. Web pages can either be static or dynamic. Static pages
show the same content each time they are viewed. Dynamic pages have content that
can change each time they are accessed. These pages are typically written in scripting
languages such as PHP, Perl, ASP, or JSP.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 207

Quick Learn

 Network architecture refers to the layout of the network.
 Client computers provide an interface to allow a computer user to request services
of the server and to display the results.
 Internet is a network of networks.
 Internet is also a telecommunication network that uses telephone lines, cables,
satellites and wireless connections to connect computers.
 The World Wide Web (WWW) refers to the collection of Web sites.
 A Web server is a computer system that hosts websites.
 The web page documents are written in HTML (hypertext Mark-up language) and
are translated by Web browsers.


1. Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is a component of computer networking?

i. NIC ii. NOS iii. Both (i) and (ii)

b. Which of the following is a Local Area Networking?

i. WAN ii. MAN iii. LAN

c. Which of the following networking system is larger than LAN ?

i. MAN ii. WAN iii. Both (i) and (ii)

d. In which topology is hub is used?

i. BUS ii. Ring iii. Star

e. Which is the patterns of computers in Network?

i. Router ii. Topology iii. MAN

f. Which of the following is a network topology?

i. Bus ii. Star iii. Both (i) and (ii)

208 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a. A ……………….. is group of two or more than two computers that are linked
together to share the information and resources.

b. Guided and ……………… media are used in networking as a communication

c. Guided media use ………………. technology and unguided media use wireless

d. A …………… is larger than a LAN, which is typically limited to a single
building or site.

e. A………………… occupies a very large area, such as an entire country or the
entire world.

f. …………………. uses the single main cable as a backbone of network
which has terminators at the starting and ending points.

g. ………………………. is the centre connectivity device for star topology.

h. …………………………. provide an interface to allow a computer user to
request services of the server and to display the results.

i. The web page documents are written in HTML (hypertext Mark-up language) and
are translated by …………………..

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. We need sender, receiver, communication channel, protocols and operating
system to establish a computer networking.

b. Network Interface Card is also called as MAN (Metro Area Networking) card.

c. Network Operating System(NOS) is an operating system used to make the
computers participate on the network.

d. A Personal Area Network, or PAN, is a computer network organized around
an individual person within a single building.

e. A network topology is the arrangement of computers in the networks.
Network Topology refers to layout of a network.

f. A bus topology is a networking topology which uses the centre connectivity
device to work in a network.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 209

g. In a star topology, all the nodes are connected to each-other in such a way that
they make a closed loop.

h. Network architecture refers to the layout of the network.

i. Internet is a network of networks.

j. A Web browser is a computer system that hosts websites.

4. Write down a single technical term for the followings.

a. A group of two or more than two computers that are linked together to share
the information and resources.

b. It is a set of rules that must be followed by the sender and receiver while
communicating with each other over a network.

c. A network, that consists of a computer network across an entire city or
small region.

d. Arrangement of the computers in the network.

e. A network topology that is widely implemented in LANs as it is easy to
install and does not cost much.

f. A commonly used computer networking architecture in which each
workstation, or node, has the same capabilities and responsibilities.

g. An application program is used to access and view websites.
5. Write down the full form for the followings.


6. Match the following.

WWW Star Topology


Network topology Metro Area Network

Hub Google

Search Engine World Wide Web

7. Write very short answer of the following questions.

a. Name any two components required for networking.

b. Name any two protocols.

c. Is LAN larger than WAN?

210 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

d. Name any two networking topology.

e. What are the types of network architecture?

f. Which network topology places hub at the centre?

8. Write short answer to the following questions.

a. Define computer network with its uses.

b. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of computer networking.

c. Define network operating system.

d. What are the types of computer networking? Write down the advantages of

e. What is MAN? What are the advantages of MAN?

f. Define ring topology with its advantages.

g. Define web browser and web server.

9. Write long answer to the following questions.

a. What is Network architecture? Explain its types in details.

b. Write about protocol. What is the internet? Explain its uses.

c. Explain the types of computer networking in details.

Project Work & Activity

• Draw a neat and clean diagram of different networking topologies in a chart paper
and submit your teacher.
• Take an audio interview with your school principal or subject teacher or IT person
about the networking system that is being used in your school.
• Visit nearby places like bank, department store, IT office, telecom office or any
government offices and collect the information about their networking

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 211

Computer Number System



Number Systems

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

Inside the Unit

Chapter 15 Computer Number System

Chapter Computer Number System


Expected Competency
At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsillthbeefaobllleowtoi:ng topics:
• define number system with its types.
• convert the number system.
• perform the binary calculations.


The history of numbers starts from the ancient time when there were no any counting
systems or any devices. Number systems are the techniques to represent numbers in the
computer system. Decimal number system was developed by Hindu philosophers, since
then people are using it as their daily activities. Binary number system was developed by
Francis Bacon in 1623 AD. A set of values used to represent different quantities is known
as Number System. The digital computer represents all kinds of data and information
in binary numbers. It includes audio, graphics, video, text and numbers. The number of
digits used in a number system is called its base or radix. The base is written after the
number as subscript such as (10101)2.

Types of number system

Number Systems

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 213

Binary Number System

Binary number system uses only two digits that are 0 and 1. All the computers and
electronic devices are using it for their internal processing. The base of binary number
system is 2, as it has only two digits. So, it is also called the base 2 number system. It can
be written as (101010)2.

Octal number system

Octal number system has eight digits from 0 to 7. Since 8 digits are used, it is also called
the base 8 number system. Every number (value) represents with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 in
this number system. The base of octal number system is 8 because it has only 8 digits. It
can be written as (76401)8.

Decimal number system

This is the most popular number system for user. Decimal number system has only ten
(10) digits from 0 to 9. Every number (value) represents with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8 and 9. The
base of decimal number system is 10 because it has only 10 digits. So, it is also called the
base 10 number system. It can be written as (9801)10.

Hexadecimal number system

A Hexadecimal number system has 16 alphanumeric values from 0 to 9 and A to F.
Every number (value) represents with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F. The base of
hexadecimal number system is 16 because it has 16 alphanumeric values. It is also called
base16 number system. In this number system , the value for A is 10, B is 11, C is 12, D
is 13, E is 14 and F is 15. It can be written as (961)16, (DAF1)16, etc.

Quick Learn

Number Base Used digits Example
Binary 2 0,1 (110011100)2
8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (562)8
Octal 10 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (9801)10
16 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F (ABC1)16


214 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Conversion Table

Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
0000 0 0 0
0001 1 1 1
0010 2 2 2
0011 3 3 3
0100 4 4 4
0101 5 5 5
0110 6 6 6
0111 7 7 7
1000 10 8 8
1001 11 9 9
1010 12 10 A
1011 13 11 B
1100 14 12 C
1101 15 13 D
1110 16 14 E
1111 17 15 F

Conversion of numbers

Decimal Number System to Other Base

To convert Number system from Decimal Number sytem to any other base, we have to
follow the following two steps:

Step 1: Divide the Number (Decimal Number) by the base of target base system (in
which you want to convert the number: Binary (2), octal (8) and Hexadecimal (16)).

Step 2: Write the remainder from step 1 as a Least Signification Bit (LSB) to Step last as
the Most Significant Bit (MSB).
Decimal to binary
Convert the decimal number.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 215

(55)10 into binary ( ? )2 Decimal to Octal

Rem Example

2 55 1 Convert the decimal number.

2 27 1 (110)10 into Octal( ? )8

2 13 1 Rem
8 110 6
2 6 0 8 13 5
8 1 1
2 3 1 0
Thus (110)10= (156 )8
2 1 1

Thus (55)10= (110111 )2
Decimal to hexadecimal


Convert the decimal number (128)10 into Hexadecimal( ? )16 .

16 127 15 (F)

16 7 7

Thus (128)10= (7F )16
Other Base System to Decimal Number Base

To convert number system from any other base System to decimal number system, we can
use the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the base value of source Number System (that you want to convert),
and also determine the position of digits from LSB (first digit’s position – 0, second
digit’s position – 1 and so on).

Step 2: Multiply each digit with its corresponding multiplication of position
value and base of source number system’s base.

Step 3: Add the resulted value.

216 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Binary to Decimal
Convert the binary number (100111)2 into decimal( ? )10 .

Binary 100 1 1 1
number 2
1 0
Positional Weight 5 4 3
1× 21 1× 20
Conversion 1× 25 0× 24 0× 23 1× 22 1× 2 1×1
Multiply 1×32 0 × 16 0×8 1× 4
2 1
32 0 0 4

= 32 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 39

Thus, (100111)2 = (39)10
Octal to Decimal


Convert the octal number (435)8 into decimal( ? )10.

Octal number 4 3 5
1 0
Positional Weight 2 5× 80
5× 1
Conversion 4× 82 3× 81 5

Multiply 4×64 3× 8 2
256 24 0
2 × 160
= 256 +24 + 5 = 285 2×1
Thus (435)8= (285)10
Hexadecimal to Decimal


Convert the hexadecimal number (DA2)16 into decimal( ? )10.

Octal number D A

Positional Weight 2 1

Conversion 13 × 162 10 × 161

Multiply 13 × 256 10 × 16

3328 160

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 217

= 3328 +160 + 2
= 3490
Thus (DA2 )16= (3490)10

Binary Arithmetic

Binary arithmetic is an essential part of all the digital computers and much other digital
system. We can perform four basic arithmetic operations in a number system. They are
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Binary Addition

Truth table for binary addition

Input (A) Input (B) Output (A+B)
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 10

0 0 ( 0 with carry over 10)

Add (101011)2 and (10101)2
1 1 1 1 1 Carry
1 0 1 0 1 1
+ 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Thus: (101011)2+ (10101)2= (1000000)2
Binary Subtraction
Truth table for binary subtraction

Input (A) Input (B) Output (A-B)
1 0 1
0 1 1

1 1 (Borrowing 1 from left column)
0 0 0

218 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Subtract: (1110011)2- (10111)2
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 (Minuend)
- 1 0 1 1 1 (Subtrahend)
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 (Difference)
Thus: (1110011)2- (10111)2= (1011100)2

Binary Multiplication
Truth table for binary multiplication

Input (A) Input (B) Output (AX B)
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 0 0

Multiply: (11001)× (101)2
1 1 0 0 1 Multiplicand
× 1 0 1 Multiplier
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 -
+ 1 1 0 0 1 - -
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Product

Thus: (11001)2X (101)2= (1111101)2

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 219


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. There are ……….types of computer number system.
b. The base of binary number system is ………
c. (101010)2 is an example of ……………
d. Octal number contains the digits from o to ………….
e. The base of hexadecimal number system is …............
f. In hexadecimal number system, F represents the number ...........
2. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. The base of octal number is 8.
b. Binary number is the combination of 0 , 1 and 2.
c. Addition is related to binary arithmetic.
d. In addition of binary number: 1 + 1 is 2.
e. The decimal number system is combination of 0 to 9 digits.
f. The number system having base 16 is hexadecimal number system.
g. In hexadecimal number system, B represents the number 12.
3. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Which number system has the base value 8?
b. What are the four types of the number system?
c. What is the base of the hexadecimal number?
d. What is the base of the octal number system?
e. What is the sum of the 0 + 1 in binary addition?
f. What is the difference of 1-1 in binary subtraction?

220 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

4. Write short answer of the following questions.

a. What is computer number system? Write down the types of computer number

b. Define binary number and decimal number with examples.

c. What is octal and hexadecimal number system?

d. Draw a truth table for binary addition.

e. Prepare a truth table for binary subtraction.

5. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary number.

a. (105)10 b. (580)10 c. (957)10 d. (7786)10 e. (1123)10
6. Convert the following decimal numbers into octal number.

a. (205)10 b. (463)10 c. (211)10 d. (4213)10 e. (1245)10
7. Convert the following decimal numbers into hexadecimal number.

a. (100)10 b. (215)10 c. (679)10 d. (1000)10 e. (4560)10
8. Convert the following binary numbers into decimal number.

a. (111)2 b. (1101)2 c. (11001)2 d. (10101)2 e. (101100)2
9. Convert the following octal numbers into decimal number.

a. (42)8 b. (105)8 c. (602)8 d. (1234)8 e. (6712)8

10. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into decimal number.

a. (999)16 b. (1AC)16 c. (DAD)16 d. (ABC)16 e. (FA1)16
11. Add the following binary numbers.

a. (101010 + 11111) b. (1100011 + 11111 + 111) c. (1100+111+10)

12. Subtract the following binary numbers.

a. (101010 + 1010) b. (101010101 - 11111 ) c. (11001100-111)

13. Multiply the following binary numbers.

a. (101 × 10) b. (1010 × 11 ) c. (101010 × 101)

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 221

Computer Graphics and



Inside the Unit

Chapter 16 Introduction to Computer Graphics
Chapter 17 Multimedia and Applications

Chapter Introduction to Computer Graphics


Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsilltbhee afoblleotwo:ing topics:
• define computer graphics with its applications.
• describe photoshop.
• work with various photshop tools.
• work with layers.
• write about adobe In Design.


The term graphics generally refers to the images generated by a computer or similar type
of computing devices. It is the way of presenting various information in the pictorial or
visual format. Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc. using
computers with the help of programming or various software applications. Computer
graphics is made up of number of pixels where pixel is the smallest element of graphical
picture. There are two types of computer graphics they are Interactive Computer Graphics
and Non Interactive Computer Graphics. Interactive Computer Graphics involve two way
communications between the computer system and the user. Non-interactive computer
graphics is the computer graphics in which a user does not have any kind of control over
the image. Computer graphics are any image media, usually movies and pictures, which
are created through the use of hardware and software.

Applications of Computer Graphics
 In illustration and designing programs
 Animation software
 Desktop publishing
 Web page designing
 Drawing and painting programs

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 223

Understanding Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics application software used to edit and manipulate digital
images. Photoshop was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John
Knoll. Photoshop was originally conceived as a subset of the popular design software
Adobe Illustrator. Photoshop became integral to many industries, including publishing,
web design, medicine, film, advertising, engineering, and architecture. The demand for
Photoshop rose as computers improved and digital photography technology advanced.
Photoshop uses a layer-based editing system that enables image creation and altering with
multiple overlays that support transparency. Shadows and other effects can be added to
the layers.

In 2003 Adobe included Photoshop in their Adobe Creative Suite, which bundled the
program with Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat, and the next year, it renamed the program
Photoshop CS. Adobe Photoshop CS3, introduced in 2007, offers features that give users
greater control over their digital images.

Photoshop actions include automation features to reduce the need for repetitive tasks.
There are various versions with Photoshop such as Photoshop 7, Adobe Photoshop CS,
CC etc. Here, we are going to discuss about Photoshop CS.

Photo Editing

Photoshop is an excellent tool for editing photos. If a designer is preparing a digital or
scanned photograph for use in a project, whether it can be a website, brochure, book
design or packaging, the first step is often to bring it into Photoshop. Using a variety of
tools within the software, a designer can:
 Crop photos
 Resize photos
 Adjust and correct colours
 Touch-up photos, such as “erasing” a blemish or removing a tear or fold
 Apply a large selection of filters such as “watercolour” for special effects and
 Optimize photos for the web by choosing file formats and reducing file size
 Save photos in a variety of formats for use in print projects

224 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Starting Photoshop in Windows 8

 Press the windows key and type Adobe Photoshop CC in search box and press
enter key to open the Photoshop CC.

 The Photoshop windows will display as below.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 225

Tools of Photoshop

Photoshop has various tools for the picture creating and editing. The tool is always
appearing at the left most side of the window. Let’s identify the tools of Photoshop.

1: Rectangular marquee tool: Make the image square or
2: Move tool: Move the picture or image.
3: Lasso tool: Free selection with the help of mouse.
4: Quick selection tool: Quick selection from the brush tool.
5: Crop tool: Crop the image in required size.
6: Eye dropper tool: Select the colour from the image.
7: Spot healing brush tool: Remove the spot from the image.
8: Brush tool: Paint the image.
9: Clone stamp tool: Make clone and duplicate in the selected

10: History brush tool: Apply synapse paint
11: Eraser tool: Remove any part of the image.
12: Gradient tool: Fill gradient from one colour to another
13: Blur tool: Make image dim by deducting the pixel
14: Dodge tool: Bring lightness on the image.
15: Pen tool: Edit point location and draw any type of shape.
16: Type / Text tool: Type the text, symbols or characters.
17: Path selection tool: Select an export of any part of image to other application.
18: Rectangle tool: Draw rectangle shape.
19: Hand tool: Move the image to the desired area.
20: Zoom tool: View the image in larger or smaller size.
21: Toggle tool: Set the opposite colour.
22: Foreground colour tool: To apply the foreground colour.

23: Background colour tool: To apply the background colour.

226 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn

 Computer graphics is a way of presenting various information in the pictorial
or visual format.
 Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels where pixel is the smallest
element of graphical picture.
 There are two types of computer graphics they are Interactive Computer Graphics
and Non Interactive Computer Graphics.
 An interactive Computer Graphics involve two way communications between the
computer system and the user.
 A non-interactive computer graphics is the computer graphics in which the user
does not have any kind of control over the image.
 Photoshop was developed in 1987 by the American brothers Thomas and John
 Photoshop became integral to many industries, including publishing, web design,
medicine, film, advertising, engineering, and architecture.
 Photoshop uses a layer-based editing system that enables image creation and
altering with multiple overlays that support transparency.
 There are various versions with Photoshop such as Photoshop 7, Adobe Photoshop
CS, CC, etc.

Working with Photoshop Tools

Crop Tool

It is a way of removing portions of a photo or image to create focus or strengthen the
composition. We can use the Crop tool to crop and straighten photos in Photoshop.
 Select the required part of the image.
 Click on crop tool from the tool box.
 Click and drag on the required area of the image.
 Double click the left mouse button or press enter to

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 227

Lasso tool

This tool is used for free selection on the image as required.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the lasso tool from the tool box.
 Click on the picture and drag the mouse to select the
required area.

Eraser Tool

Eraser tool is used to remove certain area or part of the image.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the eraser tool from the tool box.
 Click and drag the mouse to erase the required portion of
the image.

Gradient Tool

This tool is used to fill colours horizontally. We can use this tool to create banners.
 Open the required image.
 Select the part of the image.
 Click on the gradient tool from the tool box.
 Drag the mouse across the image.
 Move towards left or right or as your desired location to
apply it.

Blur Tool

You can also blur portions of your image to emphasize and focus on a particular element.
It is used to reduce the extra pixel contrast and make the image dim.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the blur tool from the tool box.
 Choose the required brush from the present picker.
 Drag the mouse pointer over the part of the picture and
release the mouse.

228 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Zoom Tool

This tool is used to enlarge the size of the image. This tool is like a magnifying glass.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the zoom tool from the tool box.
 Press CTRL + (+) for zoom in [Larger View] and CTRL + (-) for zoom out
[smaller view] of the image.

Hand Tool

This tool is used to move the image horizontally or vertically on
the screen.
 Open the required image.
 Click on the hand tool from the tool box.
 Click on image then drag it as required.
 Drag the mouse pointer over the part of the picture and
release the mouse.

Text tool

We can use this tool to type the text, symbols, characters and sentence on the selected
area. We can also type the text over the image as well.

 Create a new blank canvas or open any picture file.
 Click on text tool from the tool box.
 Drag on the location where you want to type the
 A cursor will appear, type the text as required.

Clone Stamp Tool

Clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image onto another area of an image.
 Open an image.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 229

 Click on clone tool from the tool box.
 Keep on pressing ALT key and click on the area of the
 Click on the new area of the image to apply the effect.

Dodge Tool

This tool is used to apply more lightness on the image. We
can use the given steps to apply this.
 Open the image in which you want to apply the
 Click on the Dodge tool from the tool box.
 Click on image then drag it as required

Spot Healing Brush Tool

The spot healing brush is the default healing tool in
Photoshop. It can be used to clone areas from an image
and blend the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area.

 Select the Spot Healing Brush tool from the toolbox.
 Choose a brush size from the option bar.
 Choose blending mode from the mode menu.
 Choose Replace to preserve noise, film grain and texture at the edges of the
brush stroke.
 Click on the area where you want to fix, or click and drag over a larger area.

Magic Wand Tool

This tool is sued to select a larger area of image having similar colour, pixel and groups

 Open the required image.

 Select the Magic Wand tool . (If the tool

isn’t visible, access it by holding down the Quick

Selection tool .)

 Click on the area of an image to select.

230 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn

 Cropping the picture is a way of removing portions of a photo or image to create
focus or strengthen the composition.
 Lasso tool is used for free selection on the image as required.
 Eraser tool is used to remove certain area or part of the image.
 Gradient tool is used to fill colours horizontally. We can use this tool to create
 You can also blur portions of your image to emphasize and focus on a particular
 Zoom tool is used to enlarge the size of the image.
 Hand tool is used to move the image horizontally or vertically on the screen.
 We can use text tool to type the text, symbols, characters and sentence on selected
 Clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image onto another area of an
 Dodge tool is used to apply more lightness on the image.
 The spot healing brush tool can be used to clone areas from an image and blend
the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area.
 Magic Wand tool is used to select a larger area of image having similar colour,
pixel and groups together.

Setting Brightness and Contrast

We can change the brightness and contrast of an image as required.
 Open the image in which you want to apply the brightness or contrast.
 Click on image menu and select adjustment option.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 231

 Click on Brightness / Contrast option.
 A brightness / contrast dialog box will appear.
 Change the value of brightness and contrast as required and click on OK to apply it.

Flip or Rotate the Image

This option helps to rotate or flip the image either horizontally or vertically.
 Open the required image that you want to rotate.
 Click on image menu and select image rotation option.
 A list will appear, choose the required rotation option

If you select the option as 900 Clockwise, the normal image looks as the right figure of
the above.

Saving the Image in Different Format

You can save your drawing in different formats like .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .TIF, BMP, etc.
The following are the ways of saving the Photoshop image in different format.
 Prepare an image in a Photoshop.
 Click on the file menu.
 Choose save or save as option.
 Type the file name on the file name box.
 Click on save as type drop down option to view various file formats as below.

232 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select the required file format.
 Finally click on the save button to save the file.

Importing an image

You can import the pictures in Photoshop from the internet or even from your mobile
phone, camera, scanner, etc. Importing images from the internet and other devices is
different. You need to attach your device with the computer system to transfer the pictures
or videos.

Importing picture from mobile phone or camera is very easy, for this you have to connect
your device with the computer system then you can open the mobile or camera drive
from windows explorer. Just copy and paste the image on your computer system from the
folder of mobile or camera where the pictures are stored. Here we are going to learn how
to import the pictures from the scanner.

Importing from scanner
 Make sure that your scanner is connected properly with the computer system.
 Place the image that you want to scan on the scanner.
 Click on file menu.
 Choose import from the list of options.
 Choose the Pre-installed scanner name.
 Click on preview button then a preview of
image appears on the screen.
 Adjust the size if required and click on Scan

 Now, your system will start to scan the image.

 Finally, close the scanning dialog box and save the image with required picture

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 233

Working with Layer

Layers are the most powerful features as they are
individual slices of information that can be moved to
create your image composition. With layers, you can
draw, edit, paste, and reposition elements on one layer.
The layer panel lists all layers, layer groups and layer
effects in an image. You can use the layer panel to show
and hide layers, create new layers and to work with group
To Show or Hide Layers
To show
 Click on windows menu.
 Click on Layer from the list of options.
To hide
 Click on windows menu.
 Select remove the tick sign from
the list of options.
To add new layer
 Click on layer menu.
 Choose new from the option .
 Again, click on Layer.
 A new layer box will appear.
 Type the name of the layer in Name box and click on OK.
 Now, the layer will add in the layer palate as you see below.

234 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Opacity and Fill

The Opacity and Fill commands allow you to change the
opacity (or transparency) of a layer. In the circles shown below,
notice that the Opacity change affects both the fill and stroke
of the circle and the Fill change affects only the fill and not the
stroke of the circle. Opacity and Fill changes can drastically
change the appearance of a layer and are recommended when
trying to blend objects or make adjustments more subtle.

Locking Layers

Locking the layers can be a handy tool when working in
Photoshop. There are several ways to lock the layer or layer
contents. Each layer can be locked by selecting the layer, and
then selecting the type of lock. Below are the types of locks.

Layer Buttons

There are several buttons that are located at the bottom of the
layers palette. Many of these buttons perform actions that can
be found in other locations within the program.

Link layers: Select two or more layers and click this button to link them together.
Linking means that they will all move together.

Add a new layer style: This button allows you to add a new layer style without

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 235

going to Layer and selecting Layer Style in the menu. Add layer mask: Clicking this will
add a new layer mask to the selected layer.

Create new fill or adjustment layer: This button allows you to add a new layer
style without using the Adjustments Palette.

Create a new group: Click this to create a new group. Drag layers into this group
to organize them.

Create a new layer: Clicking this will create a new, empty layer.

Delete layer: Select a layer or multiple layers and click this button to permanently
delete them.

Raster Image

A raster graphics image is a dot matrix data structure, representing a generally rectangular
grid of pixels, or points of colour, viewable through a monitor, paper, or other display
medium. Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats. The photos taken
by the digital camera are the raster images which contains a large number of pixels. We
can store the raster images by using .bmp, .tif, .jpg, etc. file extensions.

Vector Image

Vector graphics is the creation of digital images through a sequence of commands or
mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a given two-dimensional or three-
dimensional space. This graphics required more space than the bitmap images. The file
are generally stored in .ai , .eps, .drw, .svg, etc.

Page Layout

In graphic design, page layout is a process of placing and arranging text, images, and
graphics on a software page to produce documents such as newsletters, brochures, books,
website, etc. Page layout takes all elements of the page like the page margins, blocks
of text, positioning of images and so on. Page design can be modified in page layouts
applications such as Adobe InDesign.

Adobe InDesign

InDesign is a page-layout desktop publishing software application for creating flyers,
brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. It is advanced more than the previous

236 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

designing software like PageMaker, Photoshop, etc. Projects created using InDesign can
be shared in both digital and print formats. InDesign is used by graphic designers, artists,
publishers, and marketing professionals. It is developed and produced by Adobe Systems.

Starting Adobe InDesign CS6
 Click on start and select all program folder.
 Choose Adobe InDesign CS6 from the list of options.
 Now the InDesign CS6 windows will appear as below.

Creating new document

 Click on the File menu and select New and choose Document.
 A Document Setup dialog box will appear as below.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 237

 Set up the correct page size, margins, and page columns for your document and click on
OK button.

The more options are explained below.

Number of Pages

Type a value for the total number of pages for this document.

Facing Pages

Select this option to make left and right pages face each other in a double-page spread.

Deselect this option to let each page stand alone, such as when you plan to print on both
sides of a sheet of paper or want objects to bleed in the binding.

Master Text Frame

Select this option to create a text frame the size of the area within the margin guides,
matching the column settings you specified. The master text frame is added to the master.

Page Size

Choose a page size from the menu, or type values for Width and Height. Page size
represents the final size you want after bleeds or trimming other marks outside the page.
There are presets for common sizes such as letter, legal, and tabloid.
Click the Portrait (tall) or Landscape (wide) icons. These icons interact dynamically with
the dimensions you enter in Page Size. When Height is the larger value, the portrait icon
is selected. When Width is the larger value, the landscape icon is selected. Clicking the
deselected icon switches the Height and Width values.
After clicking More Options, the bleed area is used to align objects that you want to
extend all the way to the trim line of your printed document.
After clicking More Options, the slug area is used for instructions to the printer, sign-off
forms, or other information related to your document. The slug area is discarded when the
document is trimmed to its final page size.

InDesign CS6 tools

Some tools in the toolbox have additional tools linked to them. These tools have small
black triangles in the right-hand corner. To view the additional tools click and hold down
on any tool that has a black triangle in the corner.

238 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

1. Selection Tool (V, Escape) 1 2 16. Gradient Feather Tool (Shift+G)
2. Direct Selection Tool (A) 3 4 17. Note Tool
3. Page (Shift +P) 5 6 18. Eyedropper Tool (I)
4. Gap (U) 7 8 19. Hand Tool (H)
5. Content Collector Tool (B) 9 10
6. Content Placer Tool (B) 11 12 20. Zoom Tool (Z)
7. Type Tool (T) 13 14 21. Fill X
8. Line Tool ( \ ) 15
9. Pen Tool (P) 22. Stroke (click to activate)(X)
10. Pencil Tool (N) 17
19 16

23. Default Fill and stroke (D)

18 24. Formatting affects container (J)
20 25. Formatting affects text (J)

11. Rectangle Frame Tool (F) 21 22 26. Apply colour (,)

12. Rectangle Tool (M) 23 27. Apply None (Num /,/)

13. Scissors Tool (C) 24 25 28. Normal (W)

14. Free Transform Tool (E) 26 27 29. Preview (W)

15. Gradient Swatch Tool (G) 28 29 30. Apply Gradient (.)

Inserting the text

 Select the Type Tool from the Toolbox.

 Click on your document where you want
your text, drag a box with your mouse, and
begin typing in the box.

Note: If you can’t read your text as you start
typing, go to the View menu and Zoom In, or
change the font size.

 To move a text frame, select it by clicking on it once with the Selection
(Pointer) Tool (the black arrow located in the Toolbox). Once it is selected, click and
hold, then move it to the new position and release the mouse button.

 To resize a text frame, select it by clicking once with the Pointer. Click on the “handles”
on the border of the text block and drag until you have the correct new size.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 239

 To change font, colour, etc., highlight the text and make the desired changes in the
Options Palette at the top of the screen (under the menus)

Importing the picture and placing

We can insert various types of pictures in Adobe InDesign. The following are the steps to
import the pictures and place in the InDesign document.
 Click on file menu and choose the Place
 A Place dialog box will appear.
 Choose the picture location and click
on open option.
 Click on the document where you want
to place the picture.
 Click on select tool from the tool box
and click and drag on the picture to
move it.
 Change the size of the picture by
clicking on its any corner then rotate it
as required.
 Apply the necessary changes for photo

Wrapping text

You can wrap the text around the objects.
When you apply a text wrap to an object,
InDesign creates a boundary around the object
that repels text. We can use the given steps for
wrapping the text.
 Insert the object that you want to wrap with
 Click on window menu and select Text
 A dialog box will appear as below.

240 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

 Select or highlight the object to apply Text Wrap.

 Select the Wrap Style from the option panel.

Printing the InDesign document

Printing the documents means creating hard copy of it. We can use the given steps to print
the InDesign document.

 Open the required document that you want
to print.

 Click on file menu and select print option.
 A print dialog box will appear.
 Select the option default from the combo box
print preset.
 Now, select the name of the printer that you
have installed on your system.
 Select the required page or page range.
 Click on Print to print the document.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 241

Creating PDF for InDesign document

We can save the InDesign document in PDF format. To save the InDesign file on PDF
format we can use the given steps.
 Save your document.
 Click on File and select Export.
 A dialog box will appear
which ask you to save.
 Type required file name on
file name box and choose
Adobe PDF (print) from save as
type box.
 Another dialog box will
appear in which you can apply
other required settings.

 Finally click on export button to create PDF.
242 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Quick Learn

 To import the images you need to attach your device with the computer

 Layers are most powerful features as they are individual slices of information
that can be moved to create your image composition.

 You can use the layer panel to show and hide layers, create new layers and to
work with group layers.

 The opacity and fill commands allow you to change the opacity (or transparency)
of a layer.

 Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats.

 The photos taken by the digital camera are the raster images which contain the
large number of pixels.

 Vector graphics is the creation of digital images through a sequence of
commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a given
two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.

 In graphic design, page layout is the process of placing and arranging text,
images ,and graphics on a software page.

 InDesign is a page-layout desktop publishing software application for creating
flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books.


1. Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.

a. Which of the following is a graphics program?

i. Ms-Word ii. MS-Excel iii. Photoshop

b. Which of the following is a photo editing software?

i. Photoshop ii. PowerPoint iii. Accounting program

c. Which tool is used to crop the image in required size?

i. Eraser tool ii. Crop tool iii. Line tool

d. Which tool is used to remove the certain area or part of the image?

i. Eraser tool ii. Hand tool iii. Line tool

e. Which menu can we use to show and hide the layers?

i. File Menu ii. Insert Menu iii. Windows Menu

f. Which menu can we use to create PDF in InDesign Program?

i. File Menu ii. Insert Menu iii. Home Menu

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 243

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
a. There are two types of computer graphics. They are Interactive Computer
Graphics and ……………………… Computer Graphics.
b. …………tool is used to remove the certain area or part of the image.
c. ………is used to move the image horizontally or vertically on the screen.
d. Dodge tool is used to apply …………………… on the image.
e. You can use the ………………. to show and hide layers, create new layers
and to work with group layers.
f. The photos taken by the digital camera are the ………………….. images
which contains the large number of pixels.
g. ………………… is the creation of digital images through a sequence of
commands or mathematical statements that place lines and shapes in a
given two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.
h. ……………… a page-layout desktop publishing software application
for creating flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books.
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels where pixel is the
smallest element of graphical picture.
b. Interactive Computer Graphics involve two way communications between
the computer system and the user.
c. Photoshop was developed in 1950 by the American brothers.
d. Copying the picture is the way of removing portions of a photo or image to
create focus or strengthen the composition.
e. Lasso tool is used for free selection on the image as required.
f. Hand tool is used to fill colours horizontally. We can use this tool to create
g. Move tool is used to enlarge the size of the image.
h. Clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image onto another area
of an image.
i. Layers are most powerful features as they are individual slices of information
that can be moved to create your image composition.
j. Vector images are stored in image files with varying formats.
4. Write very short answer to the following questions.
a. Who were the inventors of Photoshop program?
b. Name any two computer graphics software.
c. Write any two tools of Photoshop.
d. Which tool can be used to blur portions of your image?

244 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

e. If you want to set the brightness and contrast, which menu can you use?
f. Name any two layer buttons.
g. Can we save InDesign file in PDF format?
5. Write short answer to the following questions.
a. What is a computer graphics? Explain its role in designing.
b. List out the application areas of Photoshop.
c. What is the use of Crop and Lasso tool?
d. Write down the steps to set the brightness and contrast in the image.
e. What are layers? Write down the steps to show the layers.
f. For what can we use opacity and fill command?
g. Define raster image and vector image in short.
h. What is Adobe InDesign? What is the main application of it?
i. List out the name of any six InDesign CS6 tools.

6. Write long answer to the following question.

a. Explain any ten Photoshop tools that you know.

b. What do you mean by importing the image? Write down the proper steps to
import the image from the scanner.

Lab Activities

 Bring your image, scan it and use the following tools to apply

the effects. Save each time when you apply the effects.

• Spot Healing Brush Tool • Gradient tool • Blur tool

• Hand tool • Text tool • Clone stamp tool

 Setting brightness and contrast

• Collect some advertisement samples from the daily newspapers and design
them as same in Photoshop.

• Prepare a birthday card with the help of your teacher.

• Design a format of greeting card of the festival that you like most.

• Design an advertisement for your school about the “Admission Notice” and
print it.

New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8 245

Chapter Multimedia and Applications


Expected Competency

At the end of thTihsiusnciht,aspttuedrecnotvsewrsillthbeefaoblleowtoi:ng topics:
• define multimedia with some multimedia terminology.
• explain the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia.
• identify the elements of multimedia.
• write down the application areas of multimedia.


Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that allow
people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print elements. We can
say multimedia is a combination of multiple media such as text, audio, video and image.
Multimedia technology applies interactive computer elements, such as graphics, text,
video, sound, and animation, to deliver a message. Multimedia is usually more enjoyable
and informative than text.

Basic terminology

Multimedia file: A multimedia file can be any computer file that plays audio and video,
audio only, or video only. Some examples of popular multimedia files include the .mp3
audio file, .mp4, video, avi video, and wmv files.
Multimedia software: Multimedia software is a software that is capable of playing or
recording audio files or playing or recording video files. Windows Media Player, VLC
player, Quick time player and MP3 player are the popular multimedia software.
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP):It is an advanced port designed for Video
cards and 3D accelerators developed by Intel and introduced in August of 1997, AGP
introduces a dedicated point-to-point channel that allows the graphics controller direct
access to the system memory.

246 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8

Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC): The MPC was developed in 1990 AD. MPC
computers are capable of running programs that combine video, animation, audio, and

Windows Media Player: Windows Media Exploring Knowledge!
Player is a media player and media library
application developed by Microsoft that is In 1954 George Devol invented the first
used for playing audio, video and viewing digitally operated and a programmable
images on personal computers. robot called the Unimate.

VLC media player (VLC): It is a free and open-source, portable and cross-platform
media player and streaming media server written by the Video LAN project in 2001
AD. It supports a wide variety of operating systems like Windows, iOS, Linux,
Android, Solaris, etc. VLC supports a wide range of file formats including: Audio
formats (mp3, AAC, AC3, RealAudio, WMV), Video Format (AVI, FLV, QuickTime
File Format, MP4, WAV, MPEG, WMV) and Subtitles (DVD-Video, SVCD, DVB,
MPEG-4 etc.)

Advantages of multimedia

 It is a very powerful tool for the teaching learning activities so that learning process
is becoming easier.

 It is used to prepare an interesting and eye catching advertisement to promote the

 It can be used for a variety of listeners, ranging from one person to the whole group.

 It helps to create interesting types of video games, movies and cartoons.

 It is used to develop an interactive web page.

Disadvantages of multimedia
 It is expensive system to establish.
 Trained person is required to work with this.
 The multimedia files are difficult to attach within an email because it has a large
file size.
 It may not be suitable for every user.

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Quick Learn

 Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that
allow people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print
 Multimedia technology applies interactive computer elements, such as graphics,
text, video, sound, and animation, to deliver a message.
 A multimedia file can be any computer file that plays audio and video, audio
only, or video only.
 A multimedia software is software that is a capable of playing or recording
audio files or playing or recording video files.
 A Windows Media Player is a media player and media library application
developed by Microsoft.

Elements of multimedia

Multimedia is completely meaningful because of its some elements which we are going
to discuss below.


Text has the most impact on the quality of the multimedia interaction. Generally, text
provides an important information. Text acts as the keystone tying all of the other media
elements together. Text in multimedia systems can express specific information, or it can
act as support for information contained in other media items.

Image or Graphic

It is a visual multimedia element which represents such as a photo, illustration, 3D or
diagram. In the computer, a graphic is a file such as JPEG or GIF, there is graphic formats.
Graphic is a picture image in the computer. We can use computer graphic to design a
picture, flash or game. We can make more effect in the picture, make a flash video or
make a game by using graphic software.


Audio is one of the multimedia elements. Audio is sound within the audio range available
to humans. Commonly we can hear many audio from Internet, Radio, MP3, Computer
and so more. Now, we can listen music or download music from website.

248 New Gateway to Computer Science Book-8


Video is another multimedia element. It is the technology of electronically capturing,
recording, processing, storing and transmitting of images that show scenes in motion.
We can find many video from the Internet. Some people make a flash video and upload
to website to share with others. We also can use video conference to communicate with
friend or family. We can watch movie from online or download the movie.


Animation is one of the multimedia elements. Animation is a visual technique that provides
the illusion of motion by displaying a collection of images in rapid sequence. When the
images are viewed rapidly, your eye fills in the details and the illusion of movement
is complete. We can animate images by using the software programs. The purpose of
animation is to make entertainment to everyone.

Components required for multimedia
 A high range of processor and motherboard.
 Sound card and graphic cards with larger capacity.
 Larger memory and storage devices.
 A good display unit with high resolution and size.
 Digital camera and movies camera to capture the pictures and videos.
 A high resolution of scanner.
 Overhead Projector.

 Multimedia software

Application of multimedia

Multimedia plays a vital role in every sector. Some of the popular application areas of
multimedia are explained below.

Education Exploring Knowledge!

There is a great impact of multimedia in A humanoid robot is a robot with
the field of education. The students do its body shape built to resemble the
not entertain with the traditional types of human body. The design may be for
learning activities. The use of multimedia functional purpose, such as interacting
in education can make more changes with human tools and environments.
in the teaching and learning activities.
The interactive CD for different subjects

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