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Published by soedito, 2017-08-04 05:11:20



Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

rate to first service, indeed, prolonged post-partum an-estrus is a major
limitation of reproductive efficiency in cow herds (Lane et al., 2013). Much
work has been done on nutritional and management effects on cows
reproductive, however there is limited information on the reproductive
management and performance of Aceh cows. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
evaluate the management and reproductive performances of Aceh cows kept by
farmers in three different sub-districts of Aceh Province.


The research was conducted for ten months in three different sub-district
namely Muara Batu, Sawang and Nisam, North Aceh district, Aceh Province. In
total, 162 farmers and their Aceh cows were involved in the study. The farmers
were interviewed using a semi structured questionnaire to evaluate reproduction
management done by farmers, while the cows were measured and recorded for
their reproductive performances, including: first estrus and calving age, post
partum estrus, estrus cycle, service per conception (S/C), pregnancy length and
calving intervals. One way analysis of variance were used to analyze different
mean and continued by Duncan‘s new multiple range test (DMRT) for significant
differences amongst the sub-district.

Results and Discussion

The result indicated that farmers usually mated their cows after the cows
reach at least 25 months old, with the earliest (P<0.05) mating was in Muara Batu
sub-district (Table 1). It is in line with Hardjosubroto (1994) who stated that under
traditional systems, cows are mated after 2-3 years old. The ability of farmers in
three different sub-district on detecting estrus is mostly good, however there is a
tendency that farmers in Muara Baru sub-district had the poor performance on
detecting estrus cycle. This finding also supported by Mee (2004) that estrus
detection rates have been estimated to be approximately 70%. Others study
stated that he accuracy of estrous detection at the farmers levels was
questionable (White and Sheldon, 2001; McCoy et al., 2006).

Most farmers also apply natural mating to mate their cows, on average less
than 30% farmers mate their cows with artificial insemination (Table 1). The fact
that farmers kept the cows on grazing base during daylight could be the reason for
high percentages of natural mating. There was a significant difference on post
partum mating (PPM), cows kept by farmers in Nisam sub-district had the shortest
PPM compared to cows in other sub-district.

Reproductive performances of Aceh cows kept by farmers in three
different sub-district of Aceh district is presented in Table 2. The majority of
reproductive performances were showed no significant differences amongst the
sub-district, except for post partum estrus and calving intervals, cows kept by
farmers in Nisam sub-district had the shortest post partum estrus (105.65 days)

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 678
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

and calving intervals(15.09 months) (P<0.05). The average of first estrus age was
27.25 months, while first calving age, estrus cycle, service per conception (S/C),
and length of pregnancy were 38.10 months; 19.57 days; 1.14 times; 9.19 months
respectively. Other study found that PPE of local cows was 107,4±11,7 days
(Setiawan, 2012). The high PPE in this study could be caused by late of weaning
age (Table 1), as stated by Toelihere (1985) and Hafez (1993) that calf milking
activity will increase prolactin secretion, it will reduce the activity of follicle
stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Low levels of both hormones
causing low growth of follicle and prolonged the an-estrus period.

Table 1. Reproduction management of Aceh cows done by farmers

Parameters Muara Batu Sub-district Nisam Average
Number of farmers 39 75 48 27.52±4.12

First mating age (months) 18.75
a. Malens 34.03
29.00±7.01 35.00±5.63 32.00±6.93 47.22
25.41±4.80b 28.54±4.00a 27.52±3.48a 0.00
b. Female
Estrus detection (%) 23.40
a. Poor 39.39 18.18 4.44 134.88±77.82
b. Ample 24.24 28.79 48.89
c. Good 36.36 53.03 46.67 8.48±1.07

d. Excellent 0.00 0.00 0.00

Mating method (%)

a. Natural 60.61 65.08 86.67

b. AI 27.27 30.16 11.11

c. Mixed 12.12 4.76 2.22
129.00±89.16a.b 156.84±93.33a 110.87±28.19b
PPM (day)

Weaning age 7.75±2.05 8.52±1.78 8.20±0.84

Keeping length (year)
a. Malens
b. Femalens 2.44±1.51 4.09±3.34 4.00±0.00

8.32±1.01 8.76±1.40 8.27±0.56
a,bDifferent superscript at the same rows denote significant differences (P<0.05).
nsNon significant.

Service per conception (S/C) in this study was quite good, other study in
local cows revealed that S/C was 1.5 (Angkasari, 2009) while normal S/C was
1.6-2.0 times (Toelihere, 1985), the grazing system and natural mating applied by
the farmers in Aceh could be reason for this achievement. This study also found
that calving intervals (15.09 months or 452.63 days) of Aceh cows kept by
farmers was shorter than other local cows such as Pesisir cows (545 days) and
Bali cows (500.63 days) kept by traditional farmers in Pesisir Selatan district,
West Sumatera (Yendraliza, 1999).

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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Table 2. Reproductive performances of Aceh cows kept by farmers

Parameter Muara Batu Sub-district Nisam Average
Sawang 27.25±3.94

First estrus age 26.08±3.37 27.68±4.46 27.39±3.50 38.10±5.22
First calving age 37.57±4.24 39.66±6.10 39.07±4.58
(month)ns 115.00±78.84a.b 138.42±61.78a 105.65±19.74b 19.57±1.82
Post partum estrus 1.14±0.34
(day) 18.75±2.49 19.75±2.00 19.79±1.23 1.36±0.49
Estrus cycle (dayi)ns 1.23±0.40a 1.17±0.37a.b 1.04±0.21b 9.19±0.20
S/C (time) 1.09±0.29 1.11±0.32 1.03±0.16
a. S/C-natural matedns 1.62±0.51a 1.26±0.45a.b 1.17±0.41b 15.09±3.74
b. S/C-AI

Pregnancy length 9.16±0.17 9.21±0.24 9.19±0.17
(month)ns 14.32±3.76b 17.11±3.65a 12.61±1.72c
Calving intervals

a,bDifferent superscript at the same rows denote significant differences (P<0.05).
nsNon significant.

Based on the study, it can be concluded that farmers in three sub-district

had a sufficient reproduction management and Aceh cows kept by farmers in
Nisam sub-district had the best reproductive performances, in terms of post
partum estrus and calving intervals.

Abdullah, M.A.N. 2008. Karakteristik genetik sapi Aceh dengan menggunakan

analisis keragaman fenotipik, daerah D-loop DNA mitokondria dan DNA
mikrosatelit. Disertasi Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor,
Avicenna, M., 2014. Karakteristik eksterior dan ukuran tubuh sapi Aceh di
Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur dan Balai Pembibitan
Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Sapi Aceh, Indrapuri. Skripsi
Sarjana Peternakan. Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Hafez, E.S.E., 1993. Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th ed., Lea and Febiger,
Hardjosubroto, W. 1994. Aplikasi Pemuliabiakan Ternak di Lapangan. PT.
Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia. Jakarta.
Lane, E.A., M.A. Crowe, M.E. Beltman, S.J. More, 2013. The influence of cow
and management factors on reproductive performance of Irish
seasonal calving dairy cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 141:34– 41.

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 680
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Mayne, C.S., M.A. McCoy, S.D. Lennox, D.R. Mackey, M. Vernre, D.C. Cat-
ney, W.J. McCaughley, A.R. Wylie, B.W. Kennedy, F.J. Gordon,
2002. Fertility of dairy cows in Northern Ireland. Vet. Rec. 150,

McCoy, M.A., Mackey, D.R., Gordon, A.W., Kennedy, B.W., Edgar,
H.W.J., Mayne, C.S., 2006. Fertility results after do-it-yourself and
commercial company artificial insemination in dairy herds in
Northern Ireland. Vet. Rec. 159, 119–121

Mee, J.F., 2004. Temporal trends in reproductive performance in Irish dairy
herds and associated risk factors. Ir. Vet. J. 57, 158–166.

Sari, E.M., 2011. Keragaman genetik hormon pertumbuhan (gh) dan
hubungannya dengan kualitas karkas pada Sapi Aceh. Disertasi. Sekolah
Pasca Sarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.

Toelihere, M.R. 1985. Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak. Penerbit Angkasa.

White, M., M. Sheldon, 2001. Accuracy of oestrus detection in cattle in Northern
Ireland. Ir. Vet. J. 54, 287–288.

Yendraliza, 1999. Performans reproduksi sapi Pesisir dan sapi Bali di daerah
inseminasi buatan Kecamatan Bayang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Jurnal
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultas Syarif Kasim.
Pekanbaru. 36-40.

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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Sperm Quality of Different Breeds of Rabbits Available in

Bayu Dewantoro P Soewandi1, Y.C. Raharjo1 and Mudawamah2

1Indonesia Research Institute of Animal Production (IRIAP). Ciawi-
Bogor. Indonesia.

2 Islamic University of Malang. Malang. Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]


One among many potentials of rabbits is its high reproductive ability,
including the males to produce a high number of offspring. Such ability is highly
dependent on their sperm quality. A preliminary study on the sperm quality of
various breeds of rabbits available in Indonesia was carried out. Six breeds of
rabbits, hybrids of New Zealand White (Hycole, Hyla), Rex, Satin and Reza and
NL were used. Each breed used 7 – 12 individual animals as replication. The
quality of sperm, including jelly presence, volume, sperm concentration, alive
percentage, and abnormality were measured. The data of sperm characteristic
were subjected to the ANOVA. Results showed that jelly ejaculates were a
presence in most breeds, except in Hyla and NL. Hycole produced highest
ejaculate volume, while NL, Rex and Satin were comparable. However, sperm
concentration was highest from Satin and lowest from the Rex. In all breeds,
rabbit sperm indicated very active motility and percentage alive were about 70 –
84 % and highest were from Rex and Satin breed. Abnormality of sperm were
about 26 – 39 % and was worst in Hycole and NL. These results suggested that
irrespective of their variability in sperm quality parameters, these breeds of rabbits
showed to have good quality of sperm. Sum of the measured sperm parameter
showed that best sperm was from Hycole, Hyla and Reza. Between the two
hybrids, Hycole had higher volume and percentage of sperm alive but was less in
sperm concentration and in sperm normality than the Hyla.

Keywords: Keywords: sperm quality, rabbit breed


One of many potentials of rabbits is its high reproductive ability, including
the potentials of the males to produce a high number of offspring (Brahmantiyo &
Raharjo 2009). The quality of the males is related to its sperm quality and ability
to breed (Rachmawati et al. 2013). According to Saacke (1982), the test on semen
evaluation can be used to predict the male fertility. Semen evaluation includes
volume, concentration, mortality and mass motility of the sperm (Pamungkas et
al., 2008). Sperm quality differs between breeds of animals (Rachmawati etal.,

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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

2013) and that may apply also to the rabbits. Information on semen quality of
various breed is necessary, theoretically or practically, to determine the animal
production (Bodnar etal., 2000).

Various breeds of rabbits including New Zealand White (NZW), Rex,
Reza, Satin, Flemish Giant (FG), English Spot, ‗Local‘ and fancy rabbits are
available in Indonesia. FG, NZW, ‗Local‘ and their crosses are the most raised by
the farmers. The growth and reproductive ability of various breeds in Indonesia
have been reported elsewhere. However, very few if any information on their
sperm quality available. This research is aimed at providing information on sperm
quality of some rabbit breeds raised in Indonesian Research Institute for Animal
Production (IRIAP) in Bogor.


This research was conducted at the rabbit station of IRIAP, Ciawi-Bogor,
in 2016. Sperm of 6 breeds of rabbits, i.e. hybrids of New Zealand White (Hycole,
Hyla), Rex, Satin and Reza (Rex x Satin) (Raharjo and Prasetyo, 2007) and NL (a
cross of New Zealand White x Local breeds) were collected. Depending on the
breed (Table 1), sperm were collected from 7 – 12 individual rabbits. Sperm
quality was evaluated from each individual rabbit. Body weight, the presence of
gel, volume, concentration, motility, percentage of alive and abnormality of sperm
were measured. The data of sperm characteristic were subjected to the ANOVA
and differences among means were tested by Duncan using the SPSS IBM 20

Results and Discussion

Table 1 showed that body weight (BW) of hybrids and NZW (Hycole and
Hyla) and NL were significantly heavier than those of Rex, Satin and Reza. This
is not surprising as Hyla and Hycole are the meat rabbit of medium-heavy weight
class, while Rex, Satin and Reza are fur-producing rabbit of medium light weight.
Surprisingly that NL attained the ‗medium-heavy weight class. Oyegunle et al.
(2015) reported that cross of NZW breeds was heavier than Rex, Ducth and
Californian breeds. There was no correlation between body weight and sperm
quality, except for Hycole, which produce higher volume than other breeds.
Sperm volume was highest from Hycole breed (1 ml) than other breeds (0.44-0.67
ml). However, part of it contained gel. Sperm gel, at different volume, was found
in four rabbit breeds (Hycole, Rex, Reza, Satin). The presence of gel in rabbit
sperm was not preferred as it may affect the quality negatively (Fallas-Lopez et al.
2011). Sperm concentration and its motility were comparable among rabbit
breeds, they were in the range of 405-484 x 106/ml and motility, respectively.
Farrell et al. (1993) reported that total of sperm needed for fertilization in rabbit is
at least 90.000 sperms. Therefore sperms found in these breeds of rabbits in

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 683
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Balitnak is highly good quality. Not only it is high in concentration, but also is
active in motility.

Table1. The quality of sperm of various rabbit breeds in Balai Penelitian Ternak.

Measurement Hycole Hyla Breed Reza Satin
NL Rex
N 9 9 7 12 9 3182 b ±452
3959 a ±241 3992 a ±522 3646 a ±457 3011 b ±362 2838 b ±279 0,49 a ±0,47
Body Weight (g) 1,00a±0.71 0,58 a ±0,46 0,44 a ±0,35 0,49 a ±0,41 0,67 a ±0,35
Volume (ml) 484 a ±68

Gel (%) 33,33 0 0 16,67 11,11 ++
Concentration (x 106 /ml) 444 a ±131 463 a ±114 418 a ±48 405 a ±132 412 a ±130 84,20 a ±7,90
26,30 a ±8,50
Sperm Motility ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
81,70 a ±9,40 77,30 a ±20,20 69,86 a ±91,18 84,10 a ±8,80 80,20 a ±10,70 155
Alive (%) 38,00 a ±17,40 29,60 a ±17,80 39,10 a ±12,60 30,00 a ±12,00 26,10 a ±12,10

Abnormality (%)

Overall quality 362 207 128 139 197

Percentage of alive sperm was highest in Satin breed and was lowest in
NL breed, although was not different significantly (P>0.05). Akpa et al. (2012),
however, reported that breeds in rabbit had significant effect on the alive sperm
percentage. Furthermore, Viudes-de-Castro and Vicente (1996) showed that at
the sperm concentration of 267 x 106/ml and alive percentage of 80%, the
fertilization rate could reach 81%. Sperm abnormality was surprisingly high in
these breeds of rabbits, i.e. 26.1% (Reza) to 39.1% (NL). The percentage of
abnormality could be caused by inbreeding levels and heat stress (Bodnar et al.
2000). The sum of measured sperm characteristics (volume x gel x concentratin x
alive x abnormality) showed that Hycole breed produce the best sperm quality and
then followed by Hyla and Reza. This is in line with results from Akpa et al.
(2012), that New Zealand White breed had the highest of sperm concentration


This research showed that sperm quality was not affected by the breed of
rabbits, which was caused by the high variability (Sd) among individual rabbits
within breed. Among the measured breed, However, Hycole and Hyla, which
were hybrids of NZW produce showed better quality. Nevertheless, most of the
breeds produce sufficienly good quality sperm for fertilization..


Akpa GN, Yahaya HK, Martin UC. 2012. The Effects of Age , Breed , Sire, Body
Weight and the Ejaculate Characteristics of Rabbit Bucks. Int J Anim Vet
Adv. 4:191–194.

Bodnar K, Szendro Z, Nemeth EB, Eiben C, Radnai I. 2000. Comparative
Evaluation of Abnormal Spermatozoa in Pannon White, New Zealand
White and Angora Rabbit Semen (short communication). Arch Tierz
Dummerstorf. 43:507–512.

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 684
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Brahmantiyo B, Raharjo YC. 2009. Karakteristik Karkas dan Potongan Komersial
Kelinci Rex dan Satin ( Carcass Traits and Commercial Cut of Rex and
Satin Rabbit ). Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternak dan Veteriner 2009.
Bogor: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan; p. 688–692.

Fallas-Lopez M, Rodriguez-De Lara R, Barcena-Gama R, Sanchez-Torres
Esqueda MT, Hernandez-Sanchez D, Martinez-Hernandez PA, Aguilar-
Romero O. 2011. Rabbit Sexual Behavior, Semen and Sperm
Characteristics When Supplemented With Sprouted Wheat. Anim Reprod
Sci. 129:221–228.

Farrell PB, Foote RH, Simkin ME, Clegg ED, Wall RJ. 1993. Relationship of
Semen Quality, Number of Sperm Inseminated, and Fertility in Rabbits. J
Androl. 14:464–471.

Hassanien HHM, Baiomy AA. 2011. Effect of Breed and Parity on Growth
Performance, Litter Size, Litter Weight, Conception Rate and Semen
Characteristics of Medium Size Rabbits in Hot Climates. Egypt Poult Sci
J. 31:31–45.

Oyegunle OO, A.B. A, O.J. B, C.A. C. 2015. Genotype Effect on Body Weight of
Different Rabbit Breeds and Their Crosses. J Bilogy, Agric Healthc. 5:59–

Pamungkas FA, Mahmilia F, Eliezer S. 2008. Perbandingan Karakteristik Semen
Kambing Boer Dengan Kacang. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternak dan
Veteriner 2008. Bogor: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan; p.

Rachmawati L, Ismaya, Astuti P. 2013. Level of Testosterone , Libido , and
Sperm Quality of Bligon , Kejobong , and Etawah Cross-Bred Bucks.
Anim Prod. 15:76–82.

Raharjo YC, Brahmantiyo B. 2006. Plasma Nutfah Kelinci sebagai Sumber
Pangan Hewani dan Produk lain Bermutu Tinggi. In: Lokakarya Nasional
Pengelolaan dan Perlindungan Sumber Daya Genetik di Indonesia :
Manfaat Ekonomi untuk Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional. Bogor:
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan; p. 257–265.

Viudes-de-Castro MP, Vicente JS. 1996. A Simple Method for Freezing Rabbit
Semen with Successful Results on Fertility and Prolificity. Anim Reprod
Sci. 44:195–201.

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 685
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Quality of Semen and Production Frozen Semen of Different
Breed and Individual Beef Cattle

Trinil Susilawati1, Herni Sudarwati 1, Muhammad Dedi 2dan Mita Ayu
Rahmawati2 and Aulia Puspita Anugrayekti1

1Animal Housbandry Faculty, Brawijaya University Indonesia
2 Student of Animal Housbandry Faculty, Brawijaya University Indonesia

Corresponding author: [email protected]


This study aims to determine differences in the quality of semen and
semen production capabilities in various breed of Beef cattle. This study is based
on secondary data Artificial Insemination Centre Lembang West Java, Indonesia.
The material used is a Brahman cattle = 12 head, Ongole cattle = 11 head, Angus
cattle = 5 head, Limousin cattle = 55 head. Simental cattle= 56 head, Madura
cattle = 5 head and Aceh cattle = 4 head. Semen Collecting is done routinely
starting in July 2014 till July 2015.Semen Collection amount depends on the
number of cattle that are capable of producing a minimum of 11 times as much
semen collection. The parameters measured were volume of semen (ml),
percentage of progressive motility (%), Concentration (million), Total of sperms
motility and the amount of straw are produced every semen collection
(straw/collection). Results showed sequentially in Brahman cattle, Ongole cattle,
Limousin cattle, Simental cattle, Madura Cattle and Aceh cattle. Volume of semen
is = 7,17 + 2,18 ml; 6,07 + 1,09 ml; 7,24 + 1,70 ml, 6,96 + 1,09 ml, 6,78 + 1,12
ml, 4,88 + 0,53 ml, and 4,30 + 0,71 ml, there is no significant difference (P>0,05)
of difference Breed but there are significant differences between individuals
within the same breed (P<0,05). Average Progressive motility is 63,88 + 9,72%;
66,22 + 5,66%; 54,88 + 18,43%; 62,15 + 6,82%; 61,22 + 9,51%; 64,11 + 5,66%;
55,22 + 1,35%. There is significant difference (P<0,05). Concentration sperms is
1116,96 + 317,94 million/ml; 1005,51 + 199,73 million/ml; 1068,83 + 116,24
million/ml; 11,41,96 + 190,65 million/ml; 1098,79 + 225,30 million/ml; 1053,25
+ 239,41 million/ml; 856,05 + 136,85 million/ml. There is significant difference
(P<0,05) and There are significant differences between individuals within the
same breed (P<0,05). Total motile spermatozoa is 5.162,82 + 2.261,61
million/ejaculation; 5005+1565,88 million/ejaculation; 4.090+1.088,22
million/ejaculation; 29.486 + 20.147,79 million/ejaculation; 5018 + 1.529,57
million/ejaculation; 3.370,66 + 624,29 million/ejaculation 3.494,95 + 769,73
million/ejaculation. There is significant difference (P<0,05) and there are
significant differences between individuals within the same breed (P<0,05).
Number of straw per day collection is 312,78 + 105,17 straw/day collection,
305,90 + 82,42 straw/day collection, 277,93 + 8,48 straw/days collection, 317,66

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 686
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

+ 60,77 straw per day collection, 324,56 + 69,37 straw per day collection, 206,36
+ 22,39 straw per day collection, 217,25 + 52,76 straw per day collection. There is
significant difference (P<0,05) and there are significant differences between
individuals within the same breed (P<0,05).

Keywords: sperms motility, concentration, number straw per day collection


Artificial Insemination (AI) is most important single technique devised for
the genetic improvement of animals, because a few select male produce enough
sperm to inseminate thousands of females per year (Ax et al, 2008b). AI in the
broadest sense is the use of a technological process involving semen collection for
the obtainment, processing , and deposition of male gametes in the female genitals
to fertilize the oocyte (s), thereby by passing semen deposition by natural mating.
The driving force behind commercial AI is to disseminate superior genes with
genetic merit in to population at an affordable cost. The important genetic traits,
depending on the species, include the rate of mucle production and milking gains
(Hopkins and Evans, 2003).

Artificial insemination has been proven to improve the productivity of
cattle, so that artificial insemination is applied at the level of the livestock industry
and farm people in Indonesia. Artificial Insemination Centre in Indonesia there
are 2 that the national level is in Singosari Malang and Lembang, West Java. Bull
in Artificial Insemination Centre Lembang consists of various breed namely Local
cattle consisted of Brahman cattle, Ongole cattle, Madura cattle, Bali cattle and
Aceh cattle, while imported beef cattle consisting of Limmousin cattle, Simental
cattle and Angus cattle.

Semen production is influenced by body weight has a positive correlation
with the circumference of the scrotum, because most testicular volume contains
tubules seminiferi which function to produce spermatozoa, but it is also
influenced libido which affects the volume of seminal plasma that produced
(Hafez , 2008) and (Garner and Hafez,2008).

Semen volume, motility individual and frozen semen production in cattle
Limousin, Simental, Ongole and Brahman conducted in the Central Artificial
Insemination Ungaran show differences (Zamuna, Susilawati, Ciptadi and
Marjuki, 2016). Continued by Nyuwita, Susilawati and Isnaini (2015) The study
was conducted in the same place the increasing age of 3.4 years 7 and 8 in cattle
Simental will increase semen volume, but the motility and concentration descend.

Bali cattle as one of the indigenous cattle breeds raised in many villages of
Indonesia have good adaptability and high fertility. However, the genetic
performance of Bali cattle is still low, so that their productivity have not
maximum yet (Sumadiasa et al , 2015) This study aims to know the differences

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 687
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

semen quality fresh and frozen semen production in different breed beef cattle and
and in different individuals at the same breed


Collection and preparation of semen: Fresh semen was obtained from the
center of Artificial Insemination located in Lembang west Java. Several provision
from standard of SNI are the individual motility shout be at least 70%, the
minimum mass motility should be 2+, spermatozoa were stored at a concentration
5 x 106 The material used in this study is the breed beef cattle semen, which is the
breed Angus cattle = 12 head (359 semen collection), Limousin = 11 head (4335
semen collection), Simmental = 5 head (4406 semen collection), Aceh cattle = 55
head (236 semen collection), Brahman cattle = 56 head (789 semen collection),
Madura cattle =5 head (465 semen collection) and Ongole cattle = 4 head (832
semen collection ). Semen collection using Artificial Vagina with semen
collection frequency 2 times a week.

This research used records semen Volume, sperms Motility, sperms
concentration, total motile sperms and the amount of straw that can be produced,
records obtained from July 2014 until July 2015. The method used is the method
of randomized block design experiment

Results and Discussion

Volume semen
The quality of semen consisting of semen volume, percentage motility, sperm

concentration and total motile spermatozoa. The average volume of semen that
most are Angus cattle (7,24 ± 1,70 ml) followed by a Brahman cattle (7,17 ±
2,18 ml), Limousin cattle (6,85 ± 1,09 ml), Ongole cattle (6,73 ± 1,09 ml),
Simental cattle (6,63 ± 1,12 ml) , and the least is the volume of cattle Aceh (5,10
± 0,71 ml). Semen volume Angus cattle are most, but not statistically significantly
different from the Limousin, Simental, ongole and Brahman cattle and
significantly different (P<0,05) with Madura and Aceh cattle. Between
individuals semen volume cattle of Angus, Aceh, Madura, and Ongole indicated
significant differences (P<0,05). Based on these results indicate variation in
volume between breed and between individuals is very large. Results were almost
the same as research Zamuna et al (2015) doing research in AI Ungaran the data
in 2014 for the breed Limousin cattle, Simental, PO and Brahman there is a
difference, Result research Sumeidiana, et al.(2007) the average volume of semen
inter-breed Simental , Limousin and Brahman cattle did not show any differences

Motility of sperms
The average percentage motility most of the largest cattle Ongole (65,74 ±

5,66%), followed by Aceh cattle (65,39 ± 1,35 %), Madura cattle (64,11 ± 5,66
%) , Brahman cattle (63,90 ± 9,72%), Limousin cattle (63,20 ± 6,82%) ,

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Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding

Simental cattle (61,03 ± 9,51 %) the least was Angus cattle (54,88 ± 18,43%).
Statistical analysis of sperms motility indicates no significant difference (P>0,05)
. to each and every individual in the same nation showed significant differences
(P<0,05). Results were consistent with the results of research Zamuna et al(

The concentration of spermatozoa
The average concentration of spermatozoa which most is in Simmental

cattle (1.165,47x106 ± 225,30 ml), followed by Limousine cattle (1.127,83x 106
± 190,65 /ml) , Brahman cattle (1.116,96 x 106 ± 317,94 /ml) , Ongole cattle
(1.086,37x 106 ± 199,73 /ml) , Angus cattle (1.068,83 x 106± 116,24 /ml),
Madura cattle (1.054,25x 106 ± 239,41 /ml), Aceh cattle (960,66 x 106± 136,85
million /ml) . Statistical analysis sperms concentration the breed different cattle
indicate a significant difference (P< 0,05), The concentration of spermatozoa as
well as among individuals in each breed showed significant differences (P <0.05).
The data is still within the normal ranges are in accordance with the opinion of Ax
et al (2008a) Sperm concentration ranges from 2 X 108 sperm/ml in young bulls
to 1,8 X 109 sperm/ml in mature bulls.

Total Motile Spermatozoa
The average total motile spermatozoa were Limousin cattle (29.486,33 x

106 ± 20.347,79) , Brahman cattle (5.162,82 x 106 ± 2.261,61), Simental cattle
(5.018,14 x 106 ± 1.529,57), Ongole cattle (5.004,99x 106 ± 1.565,88 ), Angus
cattle (4.090,05 x 106 ± 1.088,22), Aceh cattle (3.493,95x 106 ± 769,73 ) and the
lowest Madura cattle (3.370,66 x 106± 624,29 ). Statistical analysis total motile
spermatozoa indicate a highly significant difference (P<0,01), Total motile
spermatozoa between individuals in each breed showed significant differences

Based on the numbers on these results do not different from the results of
research Zamuna et al (2015) The average total motile spermatozoa in Simental
bull is 5.532,9x 106 + 2314,2; Limousin bull = 7.908,9x 106 + 3.851,2; Filial
Ongole bull = 5.651,6 x 106 + 2.418,4, Brahman Bull = 3.053,3 x 106+ 4.356,6.
An average of these parameters did not show significant differences in various
breed cattle. Ahmed et al. (2014) Indicates that the total spermatozoa different
cattle breeds are substantially different

Total motile spermatozoa is affected by body weight and age research
results Nyuwita et al (2015) The average total motile spermatozoa Simental cattle
at the age of 3 years = 8341.8x 106 + 1.282,5; age 4 years = 7471.7 x 106 + 845.6 ;
age 7 years = 8.857 x 106 + 662,7 and 8 years = 7.820.3 x 106 + 2.229.4 Results
of analysis of variance showed that age give real effect to total motile
spermatozoa Simmental cattle.

Ax et al (2008b) The bull can be collected twice daily for optimal sperm
out put . The average to strive for is a total of 30 billion sperm cells. Akhter, et al.

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(2013) that there are differences in the number of motile spermatozoa between
breed cattle on the number of motile spermatozoa fresh semen.

Number of straw produced per semen collection
Number of straw every collection semen that most is on the Simmental

cattle 324,56 ± 69,37 straw/collection, continued Limousine cattle = 317,66 ±
60,77 straw/collection, Brahman cattle = 311,78 ± 105,17 straw/collection;
Ongole cattle = 305,90 ± 82,42 straw/ collection; Angus cattle = 277,93 ± 8,48
straw/collection, Aceh cattle = 217,25 ± 52,76 straw/collection and the least
amount is Madura cattle = 206,35 ± 22,39 straw/collection. Number of straw each
collection showed no significant difference (P>0,05)


The quality of sperms which consists of the percentage of progressive
motility, concentration, total motile spermatozoa as well as the number of frozen
semen straw produced per day there are differences between breeds of beef cattle
and also between individuals within the same breed, only the volume of semen
that there are differences among the cattle.

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Poster Presentation – Animal Health and Veteriner

Microencapsulation of Anti Escherichia coli Enterotoxigenic
Colostrums for Passive Immunity Against Diarrhea caused by

Colibacillosis in Calves

Anita Esfandiari1, Sri Murtini2, Sus Derthi Widhyari1, Retno Wulansari1

1Department of Veterinary Clinic, Reproduction, and Pathology,
2Department of Veterinary Diseases and Public Health,

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University
Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]


Oral administration of IgG facing a serious constrain since IgG is very
sensitive to gastrointestinal tract environment. Microencapsulation technique may
protect colostral IgG against peptic and trypsin digestion and acidicity (low pH) in
the stomach. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the morphology of
microcapsule coated by chitosan-alginate for passive immunity against diarrhea
caused by colibacillosis in calves. Pregnant cows were injected subcutaneously
with E. coli vaccine consist of whole cell ETEC. Colostrum samples were
collected immediately after parturition. Bovine colostrum samples were prepared
for defatting and decaseinated. Purification of IgG was done by salt presipitation
method. The microcapsules were made by extruction method. The microcapsules
obtained were freeze-dried. The particle size and the surface morphology of the
microcapsules were analyzed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results
of this experiment indicated that the diameter of IgG-loaded chitosan-alginate
microcapsules were approximately 2000 µm, larger than blank chitosan-alginate
microcapsules (1000 µm) and no microphore at the surface of microcapsules.

Keywords: bovine colostrums, chitosan-alginate, ETEC K-99, microencapsulation


Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) K-99 is by far the most common
cause of enteric colibacillosis in neonatal calves (1 week of age). The use of
antibiotic for treatment of diarrhea due to colibacillosis in calves remained
unsuccesful. The case of diarrhea to contribute to calves mortality is still very
high. Various experiments reported that Escherichia coli K-99 from calves show a
ressistence to antibiotic used in the field (Supar 1986). Therefore the approach
through passive immunization of calves using hyperimmune colostrum could be
an alternative way out in controlling diarrhea due to ETEC.
Oral administration of colostrums facing a serious constrain since colostral IgG is
very sensitive to gastrointestinal tract environment in neonatal calves (1 week of

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age). The activity of IgG may be destroyed by stomach environment condition,
particularly due to such enzymes (pepsin and trypsin) and low pH (Esfandiari et
al. 2014; Kovacs-Nolan and Mine 2005; Murtini et al. 2014), so colostral
antibody may not be effective in controlling diarrhea in calves (1 week of age).
Therefore, it is necessary to find a method to preserve the therapeutic value of IgG
during gastric passage. Chitosan-alginate microencapsulation may effectively
protect colostral IgG from gastrointestinal tract environment, so colostral IgG may
perform its function effectively. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate
the morphology of microcapsule coated by chitosan-alginate for passive immunity
against diarrhea caused by colibacillosis in calves.


Hiperimmune colostrum was produced by vaccinated pregnant cows in the
last trimester of pregnancy. The cows were injected by whole cells of Escherichia
coli enterotoxigenic (ETEC) K-99 emulsified with an equal volume of complete
Freund‘s adjuvant. Bovine colostrum samples were prepared by modification of
Zarrilli et al (2003) methods, for removing the lipid and casein fraction to produce
whey. The supernatant (whey) were collected for IgG purification. Precipitation
method was used to concentrate IgG using 40% ammonium sulfate. The
precipitate was dissolved and dialysis.

Blank chitosan-alginate microcapsules (BCAM) and IgG-loaded chitosan-
alginate microcapsules (IgG-CAM) were prepared by modification of Li et al
(2007) methods. The microcapsules obtained were filtered and rinsed with
distilled water and were freeze-dried. The particle size and the surface
morphology of the microcapsules were examined using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) (HITACHI S-4300SE/N).

Results and Discussion

The microcapsules formed obtained were transparent rounded mass
(spherical), smooth with jelly-like consistency. The particle size and the surface
morphology of the microcapsules were examined using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM).


Figure 1. Whole blank microcapsules (A), surface of blank microcapsules ( B
and C)

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According to the SEM analysis, the mean diameter of BCAM was
approximately 1000 µm. However, upon freeze-drying, the spherical structure of
microcapsules was disrupted as visualized using SEM (Figure 1A). The SEM
micrographs of fine surface structures of BCAM formed were shown in Figure 1
(A-C). The outer surface of microcapsules formed was apparent, where
microphores showed a smooth and wrinkled surface.


Figure 2 Whole IgG microcapsules (A), surface of IgG microcapsules ( B and C)

After loading with IgG, the size of the microcapsules retained was
changed as compared to BCAM. The diameter of microcapsules were
approximately 2000 µm. The BCAM size were generally smaller if compare to of
those microcapsules consist of IgG (IgG-CAM). The microcapsules size
depended on nozzle diameter and the distance between the needle and
encapsulation medium (Krasaekoopt et al. 2003). The SEM micrographs of fine
surface structures of IgG-CAM formed were shown in Figure 2 (A-C). It was
observed that the IgG blended into the alginate and there were no microphories in
microcapsules (IgG-CAM) as compared to corresponding the BCAM.


This study demonstrated that the diameter of IgG-loaded chitosan-alginate
microcapsules (IgG-CAM) were approximately 2000 µm, larger than blank
chitosan-alginate microcapsules (1000 µm), and no microphore at the surface of


Esfandiari A, Kwitan F, Murtini S, Widhyari SD. 20014. Effect of pH on the
Stability of Anti H5N1 IgG from Colostrum of Cows Vaccinated by
H5N1. Proceeding of 5th Annual Meeting of SEAVSA. IPB International
Convention Center (IICC) Bogor, Indonesia, October 13th – 15th, 2014.

Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2003. Evaluation of encapsulation
techniques of probiotics for yoghurt. Int Dairy J. 3:3-13

Kovacs-Nolan, Mine Y. 2005. Microencapsulation for the gastric passage
andcontrolled intestinal release of immunoglobulin Y. J. Immunol.
Methods. 296 : 199–209.

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Murtini S, Amalia F, Esfandiari A, Widhyari SD. 2014. The Effect of Pepsin and
Trypsin Enzym on Anti H5N1 IgG Titer of Colostrum from Bovine
Vaccinated with H5N1 Vaccine. Proceeding of 5th Annual Meeting of
SEAVSA. IPB International Convention Center (IICC) Bogor, Indonesia,
October 13th – 15th, 2014.

Supar. 1986. Penggunaan Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) untuk
Deteksi Antigen Pili K99, K88 pada Escherichia coli dari Anak Sapi dan
Anak Babi Diare. Penyakit hewan 17:159-168.

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Poster Presentation – Animal Health and Veteriner

Mastitis infections condition of dairy cattle in West Java

N.D. Yanthi1, Muladno2, R.Damayanti2, A. Anggraeni3andS.Said1

1. Center of Biotechnology Reseach – Indonesian Science Institutes
2. Bogor Agriculture University

3. Research Intitute Animal Production
Corresponding author: [email protected]


This study aims to evaluate the condition of mastitis infection on dairy
cattle in West Java using the California Mastitis Test (CMT). This technique is
very commonly used to detect mastitis. Mastitis is a major disease that can affect
the quality and quantity of milk, it can be transmitted to other individuals. Sample
milk obtained from small holder farm and commercial farm or government
agencies in West Java, including Bandung, West Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Garut,
Sumedang, Subang, Sukabumi and Bogor. The second-fourth lactation dairy cows
were tested in this study. The results showed that subclinical mastitis infection of
dairy cows in West Java are very high (91.73%). The pattern of infection in small
holder and commercial farm do not differ, the highest CMT results were the range
of possitve 2 and 3. The udders die on small holder farm are higher than
commercial farms.

Keywords: subclinis mastitis, CMT, Dairy Farm, West Java


West Java is known as one of the milk-producing areas in Indonesia, after
East Java. This condition is supported by the cool mountain topography, has
fertile soil, high rainfall and forage grow well, so that farmers are not too difficult
to get a fiber-rich feed resources. Therefore, dairy cows can develop optimally.
Dairy cows as a major milk producer has a sensitivity to the disease and
environment. One of the most common diseases in dairy cows is udder
inflammatory disease known as mastitis.

Mastitis was a major disease can affect mammals during lactation and the
disease can be transmitted. In dairy cattle, this condition can affect milk
production and quality, so that a very large economic impact on the company.
Mastitis can lead to decreased quality of milk. If allowed to continue nipple will
die, and the amount of milk production is reduced. Dairy cows will be culled
early, so the economic impact were quite large.(Seegers, H. et al. 2003; Van den
Borne, Bart H. P. 2010; J.W. Schroeder. 2012)

Detection of udder health in the field is done by using the method
California Mastitis Test (CMT). This method can be easily applied by farmers in

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the field. This method is known as the indirect method. The CMT reagent binds to
the external membrane of somatic cells, ie membrane lipoprotein. The number of
somatic cell count (SCC) was indicated by the viscosity of the gel, the more
viscous showed higher SCC (Shitandi and Kihumbu. 2004). Resulf of
observations CMT classified based on the level of viscosity. (Akers. 2002).
Therefore, it was necessary to investigate the condition of mastitis infection in
dairy development center area of West Java, so that stakeholders can take
preventive and treatment for mastitis disease.


This study was conducted in eight districts of West Java, namely Bandung,
Bandung Barat, Sumedang, Subang, Bogor, Tasikmalaya, Sukabumi, Sumedang
and Garut. Sampling was carried out from small holder farmer, commercial farm
or government agency. The number of dairy cows were taken at ranges 12-30
heads each farm.Sample observation process is divided into four stages. First, the
udder is cleaned with soap, then rinsed with water, dried. Furthermore, milk was
collected as many as 10-15 ml into CMT plate for each udder. Third, CMT
solution is mixed with the proportion of 1: 1. Lastly, observations CMT results
based on changes in the viscosity of milk. Viscosity is classified into five groups,
namely clean, positive one, 2, 3, and 4. The data obtained were analyzed

Results and Discussion

Table 1 showed that the conditions of mastitis infection in dairy cattle in
two types of farm, namely small holder farm and commercial farm. Infected
udders approximately 91.73%, and udders of dairy cows are not infected only
8:27%. This indicates that most of the dairy cattle in West Java infected with
subclinical mastitis. The condition of dairy cows in West Java can be said to be in
an emergency mastitis.

Table 1. Infection Condition of subclinical mastitis in West Java Dairy Farm

Criteria Udder

Anterior Posterior CMT Status

Left Right Left Right


Clean 4.03 6.45 9.68 12.90 8.27

Positive 1 19.35 19.35 20.16 20.16 19.76

Positive 2 25.81 33.87 29.03 30.65 29.84

Positive 3 35.48 28.23 29.84 20.97 28.63

Positive 4 8.06 6.45 8.06 8.06 7.66

Died 7.26 5.65 3.23 7.26 5.85

Subclinical mastitis cows as much as 91.73% was distributed in the
various categories of SCC. One certainty is that the udder is infected by

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Poster Presentation – Animal Health and Veteriner

microorganisms that cause mastitis. when the udder as a milk producer is
damaged, it will affect the production and quality of milk. In cattle. mammary
glands present in the udder consisting of a nipple, ducts, alveoli containing
secretory cells, and supporting tissues. Udder is divided into two parts consisting
of four mammary glands, each of which contains glands which function to secrete
milk. The alveoli are the functional units of the mammary gland that synthesize
and secrete milk (Akers, 2002). Milk produced from milk fat of healthy tissue
should produce good milk, but milk fat tissue in the udder damage, the milk is
also carrying material of bacteria that reduce the quality of milk. This condition
will get worse if no immediate treatment, milk quality and milk production will
decrease. The worst case is the loss of the nipple or nipple off, so that the udder
will no longer produce milk. Cows will be quickly culled.

The highest incidence rate of subclinical mastitis is at positive 2 (29.84%).
This condition is a very reasonable for field conditions. Where the condition of
subclinical mastitis is very difficult to detect directly by farmers, because it is not
physically different compared to the healthy milk, such as color and texture of
milk. According SNI 01-3141-1998 about milk quality and microbial
contamination, maximum total content of microbial contamination 1,000,000
CFU/ml, Salmonela content should be negative, Escherichia coli (pathogen)
should be negative, Coliform not more than 20 CFU/ml, Streptococcus group B
should be negative, Streptococcus aureus is not more than 100 CFU/ml. (Michael
McFadden. 2011; Adriani 2010).

Table2. Infection Condition of subclinical mastitis in Smallholder Farm (%)

Criteria Udder

Anterior Posterior CMT Status

Left Right Left Right

Negative 5.08 5.08 11.86 11.86 8.47

Posisive 1 27.12 25.42 30.51 32.20 28.81

Positive 2 25.42 42.37 30.51 27.12 31.36

Posisive 3 23.73 15.25 16.95 11.86 16.95

Positive 4 6.78 5.08 8.47 8.47 7.20

Dead 11.86 6.78 1.69 8.47 7.20

Table 3. Infection Condition of subclinical mastitis in Commercial Farm or

Criteria Goverment Agency (%)

Negative Udder
Posisive 1
Positive 2 Anterior Posterior CMT Status
Posisive 3
Positive 4 Left Right Left Right
3.08 7.69 7.69 13.85 8.08

12.31 13.85 10.77 9.23 11.54

26.15 26.15 27.69 33.85 28.46

46.15 40.00 41.54 29.23 39.23

9.23 7.69 7.69 7.69 8.08

3.08 4.62 4.62 6.15 4.62

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Mastitis infection can occur due to two factors, namely genetic and
environmental factors. Genetic factors influence on the immune system of cattle
against microorganisms. This factor became a concern of interest to researchers.
Environmental factors that have a role in the spread of mastitis management is
housing managament, ie sanitary and water availability. In Table 2 shows the
condition of subclinical mastitis infections on farms. Status negative CMT reaches
8:47%. This value is higher than the number of cows negative CMT status in
West Java. This is because a large part of farmer still do not understand good
farming practices, so cows that infected subclinical mastitis is still very high. It
can be seen from the teat dead porsentase reaches 7:20%. Actually die of tear
start from subclinical mastitis conditions, followed by an attitude of ignorance,
indifference, or economic considerations that make the status of subclinical
mastitis was change into clinical mastitis, then acute and eventually teat dies. The
large proportion of positive 1 and 2 was 28.81% and 31.36%, respectively, due to
the milk was similar to healthy milk.

Conditions mastitis infection can still occur, although on the good
management practices as on commercial farms or government agencies. This can
be seen in Table 3. Conditions udder clean or healthy udder were 8,08 %,
subclinical mastitis were 91.92%, consisting of 87.3% of subclinical mastitis and
4.62% of teat dead. The positive 3 were highest, followed by possiteve 2, positive
1, and positive 4, with value of 39.23%, 28.46%, 11:54% and 8.08%, respecively.
Despite the positive 4 was the worst level, the cows were taken samples in
commercail farm and government agencies did not show signs of swelling, red
and hot of udder. Cows are still considered a subclinical mastitis. Treatment of
subclinical mastitis cows were by isolating and given antibiotics.


Infection of Subclinical mastitis of dairy cows are very high (91.73%) in
West Java. The pattern of infection in small farm and comercial farm do not
differ, and the highest CMT results were the range of possitve 2 and 3. The
udders die on small holder farm are higher than commercial farms.


Adriani. 2010. Penggunaan Somatik Cell Count (SCC), Jumlah Bakteri dan
California Mastitis Test (CMT) untuk Deteksi Mastitis pada Kambing.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, Vol. XIII, No. 5

Akers. R. M. 2002. Lactation and the Mammary Gland. Blackwell Publishing

J. W. Schroeder. 2012. Bovine Mastitis and Milking Management. North Dakota
State UniversityFargo, North Dakota.

Michael McFadden. 2011. California Mastitis Test and Milk Quality. Michigan
Dairy Review. Vol 16. No. 2

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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
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Poster Presentation – Animal Health and Veteriner

Seegers, H., C. Fourichon and F. Beaudeau. 2003. Production effects related to
mastitis and mastitiseconomics in dairy cattle herds. Vet. Res. 34. 475–491

Shitandi. A and G. Kihumbu. 2004. Assessment of the California mastitis test
usage in smallholder dairy herds and risk of violative antimicrobial
residues. J. Vet. Sci. 5(1). 5–9

Van den Borne, Bart H. P. 2010. Impact of bovine subclinical mastitis and effect
of lactational treatment. Dissertation Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Utrecht University, Utrecht. The Netherlands.

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Poster Presentation – Animal Health and Veteriner

Leukocytes Profiles of Friesian Holstein Bulls Supplemented by

Sus Derthi Widhyari1, Anita Esfandiari1, Ietje Wientarsih1, Gerard Yaga2

1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University,Bogor, Indonesia
2 SKH, Student at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University,

Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]


Zinc is a micro mineral that plays an important role in the immune system.
Zinc deficiency increases susceptibility to diseases. The objective of this
experiment was to study the effect of zinc supplementation in Friesian Holstein
(FH) bulls on total and differential leukocytes. Ten healthy Holstein bulls, 16-18
months old, were divided into two groups, consisting of five bulls, i.e. with no
added Zn (control) and 60 ppm of Zn supplementation, respectively. Zinc was
administered daily for four months. Blood samples were taken from the jugular
veins and anticoagulated with disodium ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid
(Na2EDTA) to determine the total leukocyte values and differential leukocyte.
Results of this experiment showed that supplementation of Zn 60 ppm tended to
increase the total leucocytes and lymphocytes, and decrease the monocytes,
eosinophils and neutrophils counts. However, the values were in the normal range.
Zinc supplementation of 60 ppm in bulls for four months showed no effect on
total leukocyte and leukocytes differentiation.

Keywords: Zinc, total leucocytes, differential leukocytes, Friesian Holstein bull


The use of bulls as a source of protein is not optimal. Therefore the use as
a source of animal protein production can be increased. Management
improvement especially on the quality and quantity of the feed will affect the
health, production and reproduction of livestock. Zn deficiency will affect various
physiological functions of the body, such as metabolism, hormonal synthesis and
action of various enzymes. Severe Zn deficiency is characterized by decreasing
immune cell function and increasing the incidence of infection. Zn mineral is an
inorganic element that cannot be converted from other nutrients, therefore this
mineral must absolutely be present in the feed, although the amount needed is
relatively small. Zn need in dairy cows is between 40-60 ppm (Scaletti et al.
2004). Zn is needed in bulls for the improvement of reproductive status and of the
quality of sperm. Information on the effects of zinc supplementation on the health
status of the bulls by examining the total and differential leukocytes is very

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limited. Therefore a research on the effects of Zn supplementation on the health
status of the bulls should be done.


This research was carried out at a dairy farm in Ciawi Bogor, and at
Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Clinical, Reproduction and Pathology
Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agriculture Institute. Ten
healthy Holstein bulls, 16-18 months, were divided into two groups (control, and
group 1). The dietary, environmental, and husbandry factors were similar in both
groups. Zinc (60 ppm) was added to concentrate of group 1, but no zinc sulfate
was added to the diet of the control group. Blood samples were collected from the
jugular veins before Zn supplementation (Pre Zn) and four months after the
supplementation (Post Zn). Blood (10 mL) was collected with disposable syringes
containing disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Na2EDTA), from jugular
veins. Blood was analyzed for the total and differential leukocyte counts. Total
leukocyte values were determined by a hemacytometer, and differential leukocyte
count was made from stained blood smears by May Grundwald-Giemsa.

Results and Discussion

The total of leukocytes circulating in the peripheral blood is strictly
regulated within certain limits, and it changes if there is an inflammatory process.
Leukocytes, which are partially formed in the bone marrow and partly in
lymphoid tissue, are an active unit of a body's defense system. The total of
leukocytes in cows ranged between 4000-12000 cells/L. Lymphocytes,
neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophiles in the blood normal range are
between 45-75%, 15-45%, 2-7%, 0-20%, and 0-2% respectively. The values of
leukocytes in bulls with or without Zn supplementation can be seen in Table 1.

Supplementation of Zn (60 ppm) tended to increase the total leucocytes and
lymphocytes, and decrease the monocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils counts.
This study showed that total leukocytes increased slightly at the end of the
observation but the value was still in the normal range. The results of this study
indicate Zn supplementation did not affect the total of leukocytes. Widhyari
(2005) reported that the role of Zn is not to increase production of leukocytes or
leucopoiesis, but the role of Zn is on the improvement of leukocyte cell function.
Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are produced in the bone marrow,
are an essential part of the body's immune system to fight off invading cells and
bacteria, keeping our bodies healthy and infection-free. They move throughout
our bloodstream, attacking any foreign bacteria, fungi, or viruses. During an
infection, an increasing number of leukocytes can be found in certain areas of the

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Table 1. Total and percentage of leukocytes in bulls for four months

Parameters Leukocytes count (%)

Pre ( 0 month) Post ( 4 month)

Control (No add Zn) 7.07±1.80 7.41±2.81
Leukocytes (x103/µL)

Neutrophils (%) 34 ± 1.4 22±2.9

Eosinophils (%) 6±3.8 5±3.5

Monocytes (%) 7±1.3 4±2.2

Lymphocytes (%) 53±5.5 69±5.0

Basophiles (%) 0±0 0±0

Supplemented Zn 60 ppm

Leukocytes (x103/µL) 6.86±1.34 7.76±1.47

Neutrophils (%) 34±3.91 22±6.6

Eosinophils (%) 9±1,1 2±1.3

Monocytes (%) 5±0.5 3±2.1

Lymphocytes (%) 52±5.3 73±5.6

Basophiles (%) 0±0 0±0

This condition indicated that giving of Zn supplemented too long period of
time (4 months) did not give a better effect. In contrast to previous results
showing the number of lymphocytes markedly increased in two months after 60
ppm Zn supplementation on calf growth period (Widhyari et al., 2014). This
experiment showed that lymphocytes for the Zn 60 ppm group were higher than in
the Zn0 group (Table 1). Zinc supplementation increased cytokine production by
lymphocyte T helper, so that lymphocytes proliferated and differentiated. Zinc can
increase the production of interleukin-1 by monocytes. Interleukin-1 serves to
increase the production of interleukin-2, which acts as a stimulant in the
proliferation of B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. According to that Guo and
Wang (2013), patients with hemodialysis who received zinc supplementation
showed lymphocyte cell counts were significantly higher than patients without
zinc supplementation. Zinc is an essential cofactor for thymulin, a hormone
produced by the thymus. Thymulin serves to regulate the differentiation of T
lymphocytes of young and adult T lymphocyte function and modulate the release
of cytokines by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Helge and Rink 2003).
Winarsi (2004) reported that giving Zn for premenopausal women improved the
amount of lymphocyte cells to produce catalase enzyme and dismutase superoxide
enzyme (SOD). Increasing the activity of these enzymes would increase the
ability of cells for proliferation and differentiation (Rink and Kirchner, 2000).

The neutrophils decreased in both groups, indicating that Zn
supplementation did not affect to the neutrophils. The emergence of stress will be
accompanied by changes in blood cell picture dominated by neutrophil cell and
low lymphocyte cells. The administration of corticosteroid preparations would

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cause lymphopenia and increased number of neutrophils in the circulation. Pinna
et al., (2002) state that Zn supplementation does not affect the counts of
neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes in the circulation, but it effects the
superoxide production by neutrophils cells and the secretion of interferon by
monocytes. Giving Zn in vitro at concentrations of Zn 500 mol/L can generate
chemotactic activation of neutrophil granulocytes cells (Helge and Rink 2003).


Results of this experiment showed that supplementation of Zn 60 ppm
tended to increase the total leucocytes and lymphocytes, and decrease the
monocytes, eosinophil and neutrophils counts. However, the values are still within
the normal ranges. Zinc supplementation of 60 ppm had no effect on the total and
differential leukocytes.


Guo CH, and Wang CL. 2013. Effect of zinc supplementation on plasma
copper/zinc ratios, oxidative stress, and immunological status in
hemodialysis patients. Int J Med Sci. 10(1):78-8

Helge, K. and L. Rink. 2003. Zinc-altered immune function. J Nutr. 133: 1452S –

Scaletti RW, D.M.A. Phillips, R.J. Harmon . 2004. Using nutrition to
improve immunity against deseases in dairy cattle : copper, zinc, selenium
and vitamin E. Departemen of Animal Sci.
http://www.Ca.Uky.Edu/Agc/Pubs/Asc/Asc154/Asc154.htm. [7 April

Pinna K, D.S.Kelley, P.C.Taylor, J.C.King. 2002. Immune functions are
maintained in healthy men with low zinc intake. J Nutr. 132:2033-2036

Rink, L and H. Kirchner. 2000. Zinc-altered immune function and cytokine
production. J Nutr 130: 1407S-1411S.

Winarsi, H. 2004. Respons hormonal dan imunitas wanita premenopause
terhadap minuman fungsional berbahan dasar susu skim yang
disuplementasi dengan isoflavon kedelai dan seng [disertasi]. Institut
Pertanian Bogor, Bogor

Widhyari, S,D. 2005. Patofisiologi sekitar partus pada kambing peranakan
etawah: kajian peran suplementasi zincum terhadap respons imunitas dan
produktivitas [disertasi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor

Widhyari, S.D., A. Esfandiari, A. Wijaya, R. Wulansari,S. Widodo, L. Maylina
2014. Efek Penambahan Mineral Zn Terhadap Gambaran Hematologi
pada Anak Sapi Frisian Holstein. JIPI 19(3):150-155.

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Poster Presentation – Technology of Livestock Products

Evaluation of standardized beef dendeng processing procedures
based on rendemen, moisture, pH and water activity

Tuti Suryati, Irma Isnafia Arief, Zakiah Wulandari, Devi Murtini, Yuanita
Nurul Astri

Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science,
Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
[email protected]


The objective of this study was to evaluate standardized beef dendeng
processing procedures. The procedures covered beef and other ingredient
preparation, formulating, marinating, drying using oven, precooking treatment and
frying process as product preparation before consumption.All of procedures were
standardized based on previous study. Quality variables determined
wererendemen, moisture, pH value, and water activity (aw).Data were analysed
using coeficient variation to evaluate production concistency, and analyses of
variant as well as Tukey test to evaluate effect of frying period treatment. The
result showed that procedures of beef dendeng processing in this study produced
concistence dendeng quality including rendemen, moisture, pH value, and water
activity. Soaking and shortly frying process increased moisture and aw of dendeng
(p<0.05). There were no differences of moisture and aw between frying for 1.5 or
2 min. It is concluded that procedures of beef dendeng processing used in this
study are well standardized.

Key words: beef dendeng, processing, standarization


Dendeng as an Indonesian dried meat product have produced
commercially by some industries. Sweet dendeng was produced widely by home
industries in Java and sold in market with many brand. Formulas and procedures
of dendeng making are varied. The variation of formula and procedure could
produce different taste, performance and self life. Every producer has specific
formula and procedure dendeng making, though the general procedure of dendeng
making include slicing or sheet forming of dendeng, marinating, and drying
(Suryati et al., 2012).
Besides as dried meat product, dendeng is also categorized as intermediet
moisture meat product indicated by moisture ranged from 15% to 50% (Huang
dan Nip,2001), and water activity (aw) ranged from 0,60 to 0,91 (Fernandez-
Salguero et al., 1994; Huang dan Nip, 2001). Neverthales moisture of intermediet
meat should not be over than 45% with aw must be ranged from 0.7 to 7.5 to

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control microbes growth on product (Huang dan Nip,2001). Other parameters
needed to evaluate in dendeng production are rendemen and pH. Rendemen
reflects the weight loss of product during drying which affected economic value,
and low pH was need to control microbes growth on product. After soaking and
frying process moisture and aw could be changed (Suryati et al., 2012; Suryati et
al., 2014). This study conducted to evaluate the standardization of beef dendeng
making procedures (from preparation raw material until frying as preparation
before consumption) based on rendemen, moisture, pH value and aw.


Dendeng Making Procedures and Sample Preparations
Dendeng ingredient formula and its making procedure used in this

research based on Suryati et al. (2014) method with little modification in drying
duration. The procedure covered preparation of ingredient and spices grilling,
slicing beef with 0.5 cm of thickness, incubation of meat in spices mixture for 12
h, and drying at 60oC for 3 h, continued at 70oC for6h. Dried dendeng was
exposured at room temperature to decrease its temperature, and then it was packed
in sealed plastic and stored in freezer (-10 to -18oC) until raw dendeng
sampleswas ready to be analyzed or prepared as fried dendeng samples. Fried
dendeng samples were prepared according to Suryati et al. (2014). Dendeng was
fried in oil at 150oC for 1.5 min after soaked in potable water for 5 min and
drained for 15 min. Dendeng samples making were replicated ten times to
evaluate consistences of processing.

Some quality variables were determined to evaluate concistency of

processing technique used in dendeng production including: rendemen, moisture,
water activity and pH. Rendemen was determined based on ratio of product (raw
dendeng) weight compared dough of dendeng and multiplied 100%. Moistures
were analysed using oven drying procedure (AOAC, 2005). Water activities (aw)
were measured using aw meter. All ofvariables were analysed on raw and fried
dendeng, except the rendemen was only determined on raw dendeng.

Data Analysis.
Data was analysed with compared the standar deviation on average value

to get the percentage of coeficient variation, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Tukey test.

Results and Discussions

Dendeng making procedures used in this study resulted concistence
product quality showed by some variables measured as quality indicators. All of
quality indicators, i.e. rendemen, moisture, pH value and water activity had low

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Poster Presentation – Technology of Livestock Products

standard deviation and low coeficient variation (Table 1). This means that
procedures dendeng making in this study could produced concistence dendeng
quality. The concistence dendeng quality indicated that formula and procedures of
dendeng making used in this study were well standardized.

Table 1 Rendemen, moisture, pH value and water activity of dendeng

Variables Raw Dendeng Treatments Fried Dendeng
(2.0 min)
Fried Dendeng
(1.5 min)


Average ± SD 41.56 ± 2.39 - -

CV 5.74 - -

Moisture (%) 14.48 ± 1.71b 24.51 ± 4.83a 23.47 ± 3.12a
Average ± SD

CV 11.50 19.69 13.28

pH Value

Average ± SD 5.18 ± 0.14 5.33 ± 0.18 5.34 ± 0.16

CV 2.67 3.33 2.94

Water Activity 0.57 ± 0.03b 0.71 ± 0.04a 0.70 ± 0.03a
Average ± SD

CV 4.69 5.87 4.33

Note: SD = standar deviation; CV = coeficient variation. Different superscripts in the same row


different (p<0.05).

Rendemen of raw dendeng ranged from 36.65% to 44.79% (based on total
dough weight). Weight loss from dendeng dough was over than 50% due to
drying process. Drying process resulted low moisture of raw dendeng (ranged
12.66% to 17.86%) and also low aw of raw dendeng (ranged 0.53 to 0.60). pH
value resulted in this process was consistence ranged from 5.01 to 5.44. The lower
of moisture, aw and pH value were the crucial factors for stability of raw dendeng
during storage. The lower pH on dendeng was caused by seasoning usage on
dendeng process (Suryati et al., 2014).

Moisture and water activity of fried dendeng either fried for 1.5 min or 2
min were significantly (p<0.05) higher than raw dendeng. This fact was caused by
soaking process for 5 min and continued by draining for 15 min before frying
functioned as rehidrating of raw dendeng to prevent from burnt flavor forming of
dendeng during frying. The frying process of dendeng was held sortly also to
prevent over cooking on dendeng that could result undesireble flavor and taste.
The higher moisture in fried dendeng compared to raw dendeng indicated that
water absorbed in soaked dendeng was not removed totally from dendeng during
frying because of short frying time (Suryati et al., 2014). Water activity and
moisture in beef dendeng could affect nonenzimatic browning or Maillard
reaction (Lertittikul et al., 2007; Matiacevich et al., 2010) and oxidation reaction

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(McClements and Decker, 2000) played role on browning intensity and flavor
formation on dendeng.


The concistency of beef dendeng quality in this study (rendemen,
moisture, pH, and aw) indicated that procedures used to produce dendeng samples
were well standardized. Soaking before frying and short frying process either 1.5
or 2 min increased moisture and awof dendeng.


This research was funded by Ministry of Research, Technology and
Higher Education, Indonesia through Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi
(PUPT) Program 2016.


AOAC. 2005. Officialmethods of analysis of AOAC International (18th
ed.)Maryland: AOACInternational.

Fernandez-Salguero, J., R. Gomez, and Miguel A. Carmona. 1994. Water activity
of Spanish intermediate-moisture meat product. Meat Sci., 38:341-346.

Huang, T. C. and W. K. Nip. 2001. Intermediate-moisture meat and dehydrated
meat. In: Meat Science and Applications. Y. H. Hui, W.K. Nip, R. W.
Rogers, & O. A. Young (Edits). Marcel-Dekker, Inc., New York.

Lertittikul, W., Benjakul, S., and Tanaka,M. 2007. Characteristics and
antioxidative activityof Maillard reaction products from a porcine plasma
protein–glucose model systemas influenced by pH. Food Chemistry, 100:

Matiacevich, S. B., Santagapita, P. R., and Buera, M. d. P. 2010. The effect of
MgCl2 on thekinetics of the Maillard reaction in both aqueous and
dehydrated systems. FoodChemistry, 118: 103–108.

McClements, D. J., and Decker, E. A. (2000). Lipid oxidation in oil-in-water
emulsions:Impact of molecular environment on chemical reactions in
heterogeneous foodsystems. Journal of Food Science, 65(8): 1270–1282.

Suryati, T., Astawan,M., Lioe, H. N., and Wresdiyati, T. 2012. Curing
ingredients, characteristics,total phenolic, and antioxidant activity of
commercial Indonesian dried meatproduct (dendeng). Media Peternakan,
35(2): 111–116.

Suryati, T., Astawan, M., Lioe, H. N., Wresdiyati, T., and Usmiati, S. 2014.
Nitrite residue and malonaldehyde reduction in dendeng – Indonesian
dried meat – influenced by spices, curing methods and precooking
preparation. Meat Sci., 96(3):1403-1408.

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Poster Presentation – Technology of Livestock Products

Blending of Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii), Fish Gelatin and
Chicken Feet Gelatin to Improve Quality of Chicken Sausage

Babji, A.S¹., Ramachandran, R². and Ismail, N.H³.

School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan

Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
M.Sc. Student, Postgraduate Program, School of Chemical Sciences and Food

Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Corresponding author: [email protected]


This study was carried out to investigate the effects of the adding seaweed
(Kappaphycus alvarezii), fish gelatin and chicken feet gelatin on quality
characteristics of spent hen sausages. Response surface methodology (RSM) was
used to investigate the main effects and interactions of Kappaphycus alvarezii (0–
10%), fish gelatin (0–5%), and chicken feet gelatin (CFG) (0–30%) on cooking
loss, water holding capacity (WHC) and texture profile analysis (TPA) of spent
hen ball. Two optimum formulation T1 (10% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 3.81% fish
gelatin, 7.63% CFG) and T2 (2.57% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 5% fish gelatin,
7.63% CFG) were analyzed and the quality characteristics were evaluated against
control sausage (C). The quality of spent hen sausage was based on shelf life
study (WHC, peroxide value, TBA value). The shelf life study was carried out
during 3 weeks of chill storage at 4 ± 1˚C. Cooking loss for T1 and T2 were
significantly different (P<0.01) compared to C. Lower WHC, PV and TBA values
were recorded for T1 and T2 in comparison to C during storage time. This study
showed that addition of Kappaphycus alvarezii, fish gelatin and chicken feet
gelatin mixture at optimum level produced better quality chicken sausages.

Keywords: kappaphycus alvarezii, fish gelatin, chicken feet gelatin, sausage,


The demand for nutritious food products have increased in recent years
because of changes in life style and eating habits. Most industry faces many
challenges in producing quality products that meet consumer needs, comply with
environmental legislation and maximizing profitability (Babji, 2010).

Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is an effective and powerful
optimization tool to find the optimum levels of physicochemical properties in a

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Poster Presentation – Technology of Livestock Products

variety of food products (Murphy et al. 2004). Spent hens were defined as layers
which over the due productivity period and have very low commercial value.
Spent hens have a great potential to produce meat products (Babji, 2010;
Ilayabharathi, Sheriff & Manohar, 2012) However, spent hen with its low fat
content and tough meat nature is not suitable in producing emulsion type products
such as sausages unless fat and emulsifier are incorporated in the formulation
(Kondaiah & Panda 1992). Hydrocolloids from vegetable and animal sources have
high economic value because competitive gelling agents and elastic properties of
gelatin gels. However the uses of combination between edible seaweed with fish
gelatin and chicken feet gelatin as an additive in meat products have given less
attention. Chicken feet rarely use as food due to the presence small bones and
cartilage with no muscle. According to Cho et al. (2006) study, chicken feet was
suitable to replace the cowhide in Korean traditional gellied foods (known as
Jokpyun). Gelatin was produced from hydrolysis of collagen and soluble protein
compound obtained by partial, the main fibrous protein constituent in bones,
cartilages and skins (Schrieber & Gareis 2007). By mixing a few hydrocolloid can
improve the quality of meat product. Therefore, the present study was undertaken
to determine the blending of Kappaphycus alverazii, fish gelatin and chicken feet
gelatin in improving quality of spent hen sausage.


Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to study the simultaneous
technological effects and optimised formulations of different amounts of
Kappaphycus alvarezii (0–10%), fish gelatin (0–5%) and chicken feet gelatin
(CFG) on quality characteristics of spent hen ball. Tempered spent hen meat was
chopped and mixed with other ingredient in a homogenizer (K55, Ditosama,
France). The sausages were cooked in a temperature controlled convection oven.
The samples were packed in vacuum packaging and stored under chilled condition
(4 ± 1ºC) up to 3 weeks. The samples were analyzed at regular interval (0, 1, 2
and 3 weeks) for different characteristics. Cooking loss was estimated as the
weight loss (%) that occurred during cooking of the sausages (Tobin et al. 2013).
The water holding capacity (WHC) was calculated as a percentage of bound water
(Ramírez et al. 2007). The extraction of fat was determined by the methodology
according to Kinsella et al. (1977). Peroxide value (PV) was determined according
to the AOAC International (1999). TBA value was measured according to Buege
& Aust (1978) using spectrophotometer (ELISA). Data were analysed using SAS
9.3 for one-way ANOVA.

Results and Discussion

On this study, two optimum formulation, T1 (10% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 3.81%
fish gelatin, 7.63% CFG) and T2 (2.57% Kappaphycus alvarezii, 5% fish gelatin,
7.63% CFG) were determined and these were evaluated against control sample

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Poster Presentation – Technology of Livestock Products

(C). Figure 1 presented the effect of seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii), fish gelatin
and CFG on WHC, cooking loss, PV and TBA value.

In the present study cooking losses were appreciably affected by seaweed,
fish gelatin and CFG addition (P<0.05) which showed significantly higher
compared to control. This may be as a result of the high water content present in
CFG. Pietrasik & Li-Chan (2002) reported that replacing the meat proteins with
non-muscle proteins worsened the hydration properties of gels, resulting in
significantly higher cooking loss. Statistical analysis showed in figure 1(b) that
sample T1 and T2 are significantly lower (P<0.01) in WHC compared to sample
C over the storage period. The addition of seaweed, fish gelatin and CFG can hold
water and maintain the juiciness of sausage due to interior micelles formation in
sausage. Soluble dietary fibers in seaweed (Elleuch et al., 2011) and interaction
between gelatin and myofibrillar protein (Pietrasik & Li-Chan, 2002) demonstrate
the ability to increase binding properties.

The peroxide values (PV) of the chicken sausage were shown in figure
1(c) increased (p<0.05) in all chicken sausage treatments for the initial storage
and generally starts to decrease at the first week due to hydroperoxide
decomposition in secondary peroxidation product. This correlated with the result
reported by Boselli et al. 2005.

(a) Cooking loss (b) WHC

(c) PV (d) TBA value

Figure 1. Shelf life analysis of (a) cooking loss (b) WHC (c) PV and (d) TBA

value of optimized formulation (T1and T2) and control sausage (C). (♦ C) (■ T1)


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TBA values were shown in figure 1(d) increased significantly (P<0.01) for
all samples over time indicating an increase in lipid oxidation. T1 (0.2539 mg
malonaldehyde/kg sample) was least susceptible to lipid oxidation compared to
T2 (0.3204 mg malonaldehyde/kg sample) and C (0.6491mg malonaldehyde/kg
sample), evidenced by lowest TBA values throughout 3 weeks of storage time.
This study showed that T1 formulation has potential to be inhibitor against lipid
peroxidation and can be used as food preservatives to prevent spoilage. TBA
value for T1 and T2 below the critical value of 0.5mg malonaldehyde/kg sample
recognised for the production of rancid odour and taste in meat (Maiorano et al.


This study showed that addition of Kappaphycus alvarezii, fish gelatin and
chicken feet gelatin mixture at optimum level produced better quality chicken


Babji, A.S. 2010. Sains Daging Terproses. Second Edition. Penerbit Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia. Bangi, Malaysia.

Murphy, S.C., D. Gilroy, J.F. Kerry, D.J. Buckley, and J.P. Kerry. 2004.
Evaluation of surimi, fat and water content in a low/no added pork sausage
formulation using response surface methodology. Meat Sci 66:689–701

Ilayabharathi, D, F.R. Sheriff, and G. Raj Manohar. 2012. Shelf-life of spent
chicken sausage and its organoleptic qualities. Tamilnadu J. Vet. & Anim
Sci 8 (2):60-67.

Kondaiah, N. and B. Panda. 1992. Processing and utilization of spent hens. W
Poul Sci J. 48:255-268

Cho, S. H., Jahncke, M.L., Chin, K. B., and Eun, J. B. 2006. The Effect of
Processing Conditions on the Properties of Gelatin from Skate (Raja
Kenojei) Skins. Food Hydrocolloids, 20: 810-816.

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 711
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

Evaluation on Technical Aspects of Raising Dairy Cattle by Small
Dairy Farmers Towards Good Dairy Farming Practices

E. Mariana

Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Corresponding author : [email protected]


Increasing livestock productivity can be achieved through genetic
improvement, feeding, management and environmental modification. This study
was aimed to evaluate various technical aspects in raising dairy cattle under semi
intensive management at small dairy farmers in Pondok Ranggon (PR), East
Jakarta. Some technical aspects evaluated provided breeding, reproduction,
feeding, management and health services. The methods used were by in such
ways of survey, observation and direct measurement. Data were analyzed
descriptively then completed by tabulation frequencies to describe any
characteristics of breeding decision, technical skills, daily management and
health services. Evaluation on the considered technical aspects, compared to
average values of Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDF) showed that PR small
dairy farmers in this study were categorized quite well. The highest average value
of GDFP was for management aspects, whilst the lowest one was for health
services. It was concluded that PR small dairy farmers should be brought for
better management improvement.

Keywords: technical aspects, HF dairy cattle, GDFP


National milk demand is increasing every year needs to be balanced by an
increase in national milk production. In an effort to increase national milk
production, the population and dairy cattle business scale should be increased.
Almost dairy cattle farm is concentrated in highland areas, such as Pangalengan,
Lembang, Baturaden, Batu, Pujon and Nongkojajar. However, it doesn‘t mean
dairy cattle farm have no opportunity to thrive in the lowland areas. One of milk
production centers in the lowlands is Pondok Rangoon (PR) area in East Jakarta.
PR is relocating area of dairy farm with altitude 90 to 200 meters above sea level.
Opportunities for dairy cattle farm development in lowland areas to do, if various
obstacles that block it can be overcome. One of the obstacles is high ambient
temperature who affect to the dairy cattle production ability (Esmay and Dixon,
1986; Phillip, 2001). To address the decline in milk production caused by the
effects of heat stress, adjustment of various environmental factors such as
microclimate modification and improvement of feed as well as maintenance

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management conducive. Aspects of maintenance management holds the most
important role in increasing the productivity of livestock (Costa et. al., 2013).
PR dairy cows productivity is generally very low (5 to 10 liters/day). The low
livestock productivity is affected by lower maintenance aspects, low availability
of forage and limited farm land. Study to evaluate the technical aspects of
maintenance of dairy cows in PR area necessary to know the actual farm
conditions. The results of these assessments become guiding in efforts to increase
the livestock productivity.


This research was conducted from June to July 2015 at PR small dairy
farm. Comparative data was obtained from PR DD station. Samples are farmers in
the PR area who have more than 20 dairy cows. Some technical aspects evaluated
provided breeding, reproduction, feeding, management and health services. Data
colection by survey, observation and direct measurement. Data were analyzed
descriptively with tabulation frequency to describe the technical aspects of dairy
cattle management qualitatively and quantitatively.

Results and Discussion

The achievements of the dairy farm can be seen from the technical
knowledge and skills of cattle raising. Knowledge of the technical aspects of dairy
cattle maintenance covers five aspects: breeding and reproduction, feed and water
management, management, cattle pen and equipment, as well as health service
(Ditjennak, 1983; FAO, 2004). Observations related knowledge and farmers skills
of technical aspects in PR area presented in Table 1.

The value of dairy cows maintenance technical aspects are based on the
GDFP standard in PR small farm was 2:28 and included in the enough category.
In contrast, the application of GDFP maintenance aspects on PR DD station which
reaches 3:50 and included in good category. The Highest value of maintenance
aspects is on breeding and reproduction (3.14), while the lowest is service health
aspects (1.17). Mean of breeding and reproduction aspects are included in good
categories, management and feeding aspects of feed is enough while health
service and equipment are bad.

Breeding and reproduction aspects had good value because farmer had
enough knowledge of the estrus signs and use services of the cooperative in the
implementation of AI. Feed management aspects had low value, this is because
concentrate provision not consisten and farmers used low quality forage. Farmers
generally been observing environment sanitation and post-harvest handling
properly to maintain milk quality. Recording implementation limited in the milk
production because farmers assume no recording required. Cattle pen are built
close or unite with residential, drainage system is too narrow and unavailability of

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sewage treatment unit. In general the low aspect of the environmental conditions
due to limited land area in PR.

Table 1. Value recapitulation of dairy farm performance based on GDFP at PR area

Aspect PR Small Daity Farm PR DD Stasion

% Value Category % Value Category

Breeding and Reproduction Aspect

Breed of cattle 2.15 Not good 3.5 Good

Selection method 3.75 Good 4 Good

Mate method 3.15 Good 4 Good

Knowledge of estrus 3.82 Good 4 Good

Age when giving birth 3 Enough 3 Enough

Mated of postpartum 3.18 Good 3 Enough

Calving interval 2.93 Enough 3.5 Good

Means 78.57 3.14 Good 89.29 3.57 Good

Feed and Water Manajement Aspect

Foragge administration 3.67 Good 4 Good

Total of Forage Provision 1.33 Not good 3 Enough

Forage feeding frequency 2.18 Enough 4 Good

Concentrate administration 2.83 Enough 3 Enough

Total of concentrate 1.27 Not good 3 Enough


Concentrate feeding frequency 2.75 Enough 3 Enough

Water 2.46 Enough 3 Enough

Means 60.71 2.43 Enough 82.14 3.29 Good

Management Aspects

Cattle cleaning 3.45 Good 4 Good

Cattle cleaning method 3.55 Good 4 Good

Cattle pen cleaning 3.82 Good 4 Good

Dairy milking method 2.82 Enough 3 Enough

Post harvest handling 2.91 Enough 3.5 Good

Calves- and doves Maintenance 1.17 Not good 4 Good

Drying lactating cows 3.94 Good 4 Good

Recording 1.25 Not good 3 Enough

Feses and waste treatment 1.16 Not good 3.5 Good

Means 66.67 2.67 Enough 91.67 3.67 Good

Cattle pen and Equipment Aspects

Cattle pen layout 2.15 Enough 4 Good

Cattle pen contruction 1.48 Not good 3.5 Good

Drainage system 1.87 Not good 4 Good

Septic tank 1.15 Not good 3.5 Good

Cattle pen equipment 2.85 Enough 3.5 Good

Milk equipment 2.5 Enough 3.5 Good

Means 50.00 2.00 Not good 91.67 3.67 Good

Health Service Aspect

Knowledge of disease 1.25 Not good 3 Enough

Prevention of diseases 0.50 Bad 3 Enough

Treatment of diseases 1.75 Not good 4 Good

Means 29.17 1.17 Not good 83.33 3.33 Good

Means of GDFP total value 57.02 2.28 Enough 87.62 3.50 Good

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Animal health aspects at the PR small farm overall is still very poor.
Farmers Awareness to take steps to disease prevent through vaccination, keep
environment cleaning, treatment for worms at regular intervals, and the provision
of vitamins also needs to be improved.


The results of the technical evaluation is based on the average value of
Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) on Pondok Ranggon dairy farm
categorized quite good (2:28). The highest GDFP average value currently on
breeding and reproduction aspects 3:14 (good categories). The lowest value was
in the health service aspects (bad category). Pondok Ranggon small dairy farm
need to maintenance improve, especially on health service, recording, calf
management and waste management aspects.


Costa, C.H.J., Hotzel, J.M., Longo, C., Balcao, F. L., 2013. A survey of
management practices that influence production and welfare of dairy cattle
on family farms in southern Brazil. J Dairy Sci. 96(1):307–317.

Ditjennak ( Direktorat Jendral Peternakan). 1983. Pengembangan Usaha
Peternakan Melalui Peningkatan Koperasi. Rapat Kerja Tahun 1982/83.

Esmay, M.L., J.E. Dixon. 1986. Environmental Control for Agricultural
Buildings. Connecticut: AVI Publishing Company Inc.

(FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004. Guide to good dairy farming
practice. International Dairy Federation Food And Agriculture
Organization Of The United Nations, Rome.

Phillip, J.C.J., 2001. Principles of Cattle Production. CABI Publishing,

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Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

Supply Chain Management of Beef Cattle in East Nusa Tenggara
Province - Indonesia

Ulrikus R. Lole

Faculty of Animal Science University of Nusa Cendana Kupang, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]


The aims of this research were to : 1) analyze potency of national cattle
market to develop cattle in NTT, 2) analyze supply chain management of beef
cattle in NTT and its efficiency, and 3) provide local government‘s role to develop
cattle. Primary data‘s based on questioners were obtained from farmers,
marketers, and companies. Secondary data‘s were obtained from legal documents
and publications. Potency cattle market analysis used tendency model, and
marketing ways used structure-conduct-performance and marketing efficiency. In
conclusion, 1) beef cattle in NTT is potential commodity to be marketed, and is
the fifth position nationally, 2) beef cattle marketing in NTT is efficient in terms
of the price. 3) Local government policy worked to optimize the beef cattle farm
in order to optimize the livestock potency for society prosperity, domestic
earnings, economic growth and change of economy structure and its

Keywords: beef, cattle, market structure, efficiency, NTT


East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province can supply beef cattle for national
need, especially during occasion days 90% cattle can be provided from NTT.
Supply cattle from NTT to Jakarta, South Sulawesi and Batam are to stabilize
national price. According to data from Animal Husbandry Directorate, national
beef cattle production in 2008 could supply only 64.9% from consumption need;
therefore import policy still occurred. Potency of beef cattle market in Indonesia
can be utilized as the beef producer zone. Data BPS NTT 2006, most of cattle of
NTT spread widely in Regency of Kupang and South East Timor. From total
544.482 of cattle, noted 260.406 reside in both of regency. Thus, assessment that
focused at potential regency is an important step, in order to speeded up progress
of region economy development through development of potential resources,
specially beef cattle. Local government policy relates to beef cattle development
is discussed according to need. The aims of this research were to : 1) analyze
potency of national cattle market to develop cattle in NTT, 2) analyze supply
chain management of beef cattle in NTT and its efficiency, and 3) provide local
government‘s role to develop cattle.

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The research was conducted in Kupang regency because there were
representative samples purposively, and also there was developing beef cattle
marketing, and some facilities to support beef cattle improvement. The method of
the research used survey method via interview with farmers, marketers and related
institutions. Primary data‘s based on questioners were obtained from farmers,
marketers, and companies. Secondary data‘s were obtained from legal documents
and publications. Potency cattle market analysis used trend model, and supply
chain management used structure-conduct-performance, calculated the cost and
marketing efficiency.

Results and Discussion

In this research, price analysis and marketing margin from marketing chain
was conducted. The results of the analysis are in Table 1. It can be seen that sold
price variation in farmers was higher than sold price from the others. This is
because of farmers could sell cattle to different level of market chain with
different illegal price. Besides that, price of the cattle in farmer level determined
by estimating or weighing. Generally, farmer in deciding the price was under
pressure of bargaining position from seller. On the other side, price of cattle
between sellers was based on table price which is agreed by marketers. So, in this
level, variation of price of beef cattle per kilogram body weight was relatively

Table 1. Price Analysis and Marketing Margin of Cattle Fattening in Regency of Kupang (2008)

Marketing Chains Price (Rp) MC MP Share
Pessimistic Moderate Optimistic Average Rp % (%)
Rp %
I Farmers 3,555,325 3,999,600 4,454,825 4,003,250 - - -- 61.56%
546,698 8.41% 69.97%
Local Assemblers 4,043,556 4,541,213 5,065,075 4,549,948 130,000 2.00% 1,244,790 19.14% 89.11%
430,513 6.62% 95.73%
Inter-insular Traders 5,170,244 5,791,088 6,422,881 5,794,738 700,000 10.76% 277,750 4.27% 100.00%
Whole Sale Receivers 5,558,325 6,221,600 6,895,825 6,225,250 75,000 1.15% -
Butcher Jakarta 5,808,700 6,499,350 7,200,950 6,503,000 50,000 0.77% 1,513,738 23.28% 65.83%
430,513 6.62% 89.11%
Cons. Jakarta - - - - -- 277,750 4.27% 95.73%
II Farmers 3,805,700 4,277,350 4,759,950 4,281,000 - - --
-- -
Local Assemblers 5,170,244 5,791,088 6,422,881 5,794,738 700,000 10.76% 277,750 5.91% 85.22%
416,625 8.87% 91.13%
Inter-insular Traders 5,558,325 6,221,600 6,895,825 6,225,250 75,000 1.15% -- 100.00%

Whole Sale Receivers 5,808,700 6,499,350 7,200,950 6,503,000 50,000 0.77% -- -
555,500 11.83%
Butcher Jakarta - - - - -- 88.17%
-- 100.00%
III Farmers 3,555,325 3,999,600 4,454,825 4,003,250 - -
Local Assemblers 3,805,700 4,277,350 4,759,950 4,281,000 130,000 2.77%

Butcher Kupang 4,181,263 4,693,975 5,217,638 4,697,625 50,000 1.06%

Cons. Kupang - - - --

IV Farmers 3,680,513 4,138,475 4,607,388 4,142,125 - -

Butcher Kupang 4,181,263 4,693,975 5,217,638 4,697,625 75,000 1.60%

Cons. Kupang - - - - --

Source: Primary and secondary data , 2008

Table 1 shows that the price of the product increased when the number of
marketing chain institution increased. This is because of a lot of management
product involved, such as transportation, transfer, marketing information and
expense. Furthermore, process of selling products affected by product price in

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every level of marketing chain. Therefore, selling price alternative which was
chosen by both parties in every marketing chain should gain profit both by farmer
and marketing institution.
The highest marketing price occurred in inter-insular traders, because the products
had done several main marketing functions in this level, especially transportation
(land and sea) start from livestock collection in production places, transport inter
islands and distribution to the consumers. Also, there is other expenses, such as :
clinic inspection, quarantine, feed and water, energy of livestock control,
insurance, and loading.


Conclusion: 1) Beef cattle commodity in NTT and Regency of Kupang is
potential commodity to be commercialized out of the region, where NTT occupies
fifth position as supplier of cattle livestock. Up to 2006, the amount of cattle that
released from NTT was 61.279 which was 54.59% from Kupang. Livestock and
beef import is big opportunity for NTT to improve potencial region; 2) In general,
cattle marketing system in Regency of Kupang was efficient. This was indicated
from its cost that was fair. Other Indication is shares marketing for farmer was
high compared to to product price that paid by final consumer. Efficient
marketing mechanism is impeller energy for intensification effort, extensification,
and diversified development of livestock subsector; and 3) Local government
programs included production, productivity, and marketing management is to
optimize livestock potency to increase income, society prosperity, economic
growth and economic structure. The changing of marketing structure of livestock
commodity and beef cattle is people desire in this region in order to obtain better
quality and to increase livestock production in the farm.


BPS NTT, 2007. NTT in Numbers 2006, Kupang
Livestock Agency of NTT, 2006. Livestock Statistic of NTT Year 2006, Kupang.
Directorate General of Livestock Department of Agriculture, 2007. Livestock

Statistic of Indonesia Year 2007, Jakarta.
Lawalu, F.H., A.A. Nalle, U.R. Lole, I G.N. Jelantik, and Y.U.L. Sobang, 2008.

Study on Cattle Fattening in East Nusa Tenggara (Case Regency of
Kupang). Joint between Central Bank Indonesia, Office of Kupang with
Research Institute of Undana, Kupang.
Talib, Ch., 2008. Strategies to Improve Genetic of Bali Cattle in Eastern
Indonesia. Indonesia Center of Research and Development. Paper is
presented in ACIAR One Day Seminar in Fapet Undana, Kupang.

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Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

Financial Analysis of Fattening Beef Cattle from Individual and
Partnership Patterns in West Java

Ulrikus R. Lole

Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production, Ciawi
Corresponding author: [email protected]


Sufficient efforts from beef cattle production still continues to be
encouraged by the government and farmers of Indonesia. Excitement farm
communities found in beef cattle fattening from patterns of individual and the
partnership is still considered to provide added income families. It was conducted
the survey "purposive sampling" to the individual farmer who used privat budget
(pattern B) and the farmers group who contract with the partnership system
(pattern A) on fattening beef cattle in West Java which aims to observe the
contribution of production factors and the total of financial acceptance from the
two patterns. Pattern A is characterized by limited scale beef cattle (<3 heads),
the dominant capital from partners, contract, low risk, grups and fattening 10
months per period. Pattern B, the scale beef cattle is varied, equity, high risk, and
fattening 6 months per period. Beef cattle fattening business is still profitable for
the two patterns, and the contribution of the highest costs in the purchasing feeder
cattle (74.8-80.2%), then of the feed (10.2-18.2%). The pattern of A produce the
value of revenue of IDR 216,000, -/head/ month, B / C ratio: 1.3, with an initial
investment of IDR 8,101,000, - /head. The pattern of B generates the value of
receiving IDR 524,620, -/head /month, B / C ratio : 1.4, with the value of initial
capital of IDR 7,852,000, - /head.

Keywords: fattening, cattle, financial analysis


Currently the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing a program to self-
sufficiency in beef, because it is one of the livestock sector is strategic (Kementan,
2014). Beef cattle, is one that attracted many cattle ranchers and maintained still
profitable (Wibowo et. al., 2013), in addition to broiler meat, so the dynamics of
the beef cattle business continued demand by farmers. Demand beef cattle in the
Greater Jakarta area continues to increase, so fattening beef cattle in West Java is
also increasing because of the distance which is also close to consumers in
The social role of cattle is also for the needs of a cow sacrifice on the day Idhul
Ahda that the number of needs and increasingly expensive. The increase in the
price per medium-size cattle about IDR 2 millions / head in Bogor, where in the

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price of beef in 2014 was IDR 12-12.5 millions / head, to IDR 14-14.5 millions /
head in 2015. The traditional beef cattle Fattening and more desirable commercial
farmers with the cost of private and partnership, because the value of the business
profit is better than the beef cattle breeding business.

Fattening beef cattle breeders have put the base values of the dominant
profit-oriented businesses, although some variables still shaped noncash inputs,
such as labor and the use of the grass family. The purpose of this paper is to
determine the economic value added breeder of beef cattle fattening private
capital and partnerships.


I wass conducted interviews with survey means "purposive sampling"
private capital to individual farmers (pattern B) and a group of farmers with
contracts partnership system (pattern A) on fattening beef cattle in West Java in
2013. Interview respondents with a structured questionnaire, the point to seek
input-output information in fattening beef cattle pattern A and B. Analysis of the
financial results of the two patterns of information refers to the pattern Pervaiz (1989), namely: Gain (Z) is the total income (TP) minus total cost (TB).
Mathematically it is:

Z = TP - TB
Z = 0 means no profit and no loss (break even) or B / C ratio = 1
Z = is positive means to gain or B / C ratio> 1
Z = a negative value means to obtain damages or B / C ratio <1.

Results and Discussion

Fattening Profile of Beef Cattle
Pattern B: cattle feeder, forage plus concentrates and cultivated its own.

Selection of Limousin cattle, Simental for reasons of rapid growth, the same thing
was reported by Utomo S and Nur Rasminati (2015). While the Pattern A:
concentrates, feeder cattle provided / determined by the partners. In dehead both
the business profile can be summarized in Table 1.

It appears on Table 1, that the real difference of the two patterns are
located at: sources of funding, business scale, the process of obtaining cattle, and
the sales price of cattle harvest and profit-sharing. In Pattern B, the funding source
is fattening their own and also no deposit funds from others. Because farmers are
traders and keepers of cattle, the business scale of cattle that are pretty much (27
animals). Feeder cattle gained around Sumedang or from Central Java with
estimated weights of cattle. A pattern of cattle sales accommodated by partners,
the selling price of cattle has been agreed in the initial contract. A pattern, beef
cattle fattening business partnerships in Subang Jabar is 12 farmers groups (KP)
(represented by a group of Seventeen) with PT. Pelindo II (P II), the guarantor PT.

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SAF (Sindoro Andini Farm) main aims for economic growth of rural communities
and the expansion of employment. Liabilities partners are: PT. P II as investors,
while PT. SAF provides a means cattle, feed concentrates, coaching a group of
farmers, and accommodating sales of cattle. While liabilities KP: repayment of
capital, no collateral, to maintain the quality of activities, registration of
businesses in an orderly manner, prepare and submit financial reports and
business activities to P II-quarterly.

Table 1. Profile of fattening of beef cattle in West Java

Parameter Profile Fattening Pattern of Beef Cattle

Location Cattle rearing Group ―Tujuh Congreng Kulon vilage,

Sebelas ― Congreang district,

in Babakan Simpar, Sumedang regency

Cipunegara, Subang

Scale (head/family) 2-3 10-20

Sex, age (year) Male, 1,5 Male, > 1.5, weight 160-200


Total cattle PO, 51 heads (17 reares) 27 heads ( PO 6 , Limosin 6,

Simental 10, Brahman 5)

Weight gain (kg/head/day) 0.6-0.8 0.7-1.0

Time fattening (month/period) 9-10 5-6

Cattle type PO, Bali Limousin, Simental, Brahman

Capital Source Dominant Partners Private

Business patterns Partnership contracts -

Benefit Profit sharing -

Starting price of purchase IDR 6,5 millions/head be pondered : IDR 27


Selling price of cattle Average IDR 10,5 Between IDR 11-14

millions/head millions/head

Yields 90% reares, 10% investors -

(from the value of benefit)

Feed : Tofu pulp, rice straw Tofu pulp, Bran, cassava

Concentrate, pulp of beer waste, rice straw

Drugs and Vitamins IDR 450 thousands/ head / -


Labor - Family Family and Labor : 1 people

Price of Labor - IDR 1,5 millions/head/month

Cost Structure and Financial Analysis of Cattle Fattening
Cost of production of each input and the amount of the second reception

pattern fattening beef cattle above are listed in Table Table 2. Structure of costs
and revenues per period Fattening cattle.

Pattern A, the average input cost is Rp 8.101 million, - / head, the largest
contribution is purchasing feeder cattle (80.02%), then the cost of feed (10.2%),
and others are still low. The average of the sales of cattle is Rp 10,500.000, - /
head, gross revenue breeder Rp 7.199 million, - / 3 heads / 10 months or Rp 2.399
million, - / head / 10 months or net income (90% of gross revenues) USD 216,000

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/ head / month. Benefit Cost (B / C) ratio was 1.3. Pattern B, the average input
costs Rp 7.852 million, - / head and contributes most is the provision of feeder
cattle (74.8%), the cost of feed (18.2%), and others are still low. The average of
the sales of cattle is Rp 11,000,000, - / head, so the farmer's income of Rp 3.148
million, - / head / 6-month or Rp 524 620 / head / month. Benefit Cost (B / C)
ratio was 1.40. Cattle fattening business both patterns are favorable and in line
resulted by Wibowo (2015) and Wahyuni (2015).

Table 2. Cost of production of each input and the amount of the second reception
pattern fattening beef cattle

Pattern A Pattern B

Information Vol. IDR 000 IDR(000)/ % Vol. IDR 000 IDR(000)/ %
head head

Cost :

Fattening Period 10 6


Feeder Cattle 3 19,500 6,500 80.2 27 158,625 5,875 74.8


Feed : 2,475 825 10.2 38,686 1,433 18.2

a. Forage (ton) 0.0 - 121.5 12,150 450 5.7

b. Consentrat (ton) 3.5 2,475 825 10.2 44 26,536 983 12.5

Labor/period - 6 9,000 333 4.2

Drugs/Vitamins - 450 150 1.9 - 2,700 100 1.3

Value of Losses 500 167 2.1 3,000 111 1.4

cage and


Total Cost : 22,925 7,642 94.3 212,011 7,852 100.0

Services 6% of the 1,376 459 5.7

loan capital

Total Cost + 24,301 8,101 100.0

Services 6%

Revenue :

Sale cattle 3 head 31,500 10,500 27 head 297,000 11000

Benefit : 3 head 7,199 2,399 27 head 84,989 3,148

B/C Ratio 1.3 1.40

Income /head / 2,160 *) 3,148


Income /head 216 524.62


Note: *) 90% of the profits point 7, according to the contract


Beef cattle fattening business is still profitable for the two patterns, and the

contribution of the highest costs in the variable purchase feeder cattle (74.8-
80.2%), then the cost of feed (10.2-18.2%). A pattern generating revenue value of
IDRp 216,000, - / head / month, B / C ratio: 1.3, with an initial investment of IDR

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8,101,000, - /head. Pattern B generates revenue value of IDR 524 620, - / head /
month, B / C ratio: 1.4, with the value of initial capital of IDR 7,852,000, - /head.


Kementan. 2014. Pertanian – Bioindustri berkelanjutan, solusi pembangunan
Indonesia masa depan. Buku Strategi Induk Pembangunan Pertanian 2015-
2045. Jakarta.

Pervais A and H.C. Knipscheer.1989. Conducting On-Farm Animal Research :
Procedur and Economic Analysis. Winrock International Institute. USA
and IDRC-Canada.

Utomo S dan Nur Rasminati. 2015. Produktivitas Sapi Potong di Lereng Merapi
Kecamatan Dukun, Magelang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional ―Teknologi
dan Agribisnis Peternakan (seri III)‖. Fakultas Peternakan. UNSOED.

Wahyuni R., Hendri Y, Bamualim Y. Peningkatan Nilai Jual Sapi Lokal Berbasis
Limbah Sawit. 2015. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan
dan Veteriner. IAARD press. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Hal 242-248.

Wibowo B dan Sumanto. 2013. Peran Pengolahan Limbah Kandang Dalam
Usaha Pembibitan Sapi Potong Secara Intensif Di Subang. Prosiding
Seminar Peternakan Unpad 2013. Fakultas Peternakan Unpad.

Wibowo B dan Sumanto. 2015. Kinerja Kelompok Usaha Sapi Potong Pola
Pengembangbiakan dan Penggemukan Berbasis Open Managemen SMD
Di Kabupaten Subang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan
dan Veteriner. I

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 723
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

The Role of Farmer Group In The Dissemination of Agricultural
Knowledge In Merangin District

Isyaturriyadhah, Mainif Sepfera and Gusni Yelni

Faculty of Agriculture, Muara Bungo University, Jambi, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]


This study aims to determine ; the role of farmers in Tanjung Sehati
farmer‘s group in the dissemination of agricultural knowledge to its members and
to determine the factors that affect farmer role in the dissemination of
agriculture knowledge. The research was carried on in Merangin district with the
case study methode in the farmer‘s groups (Tanjung Sehati) in Merangin district
in Jambi Province. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis with
scoring techniques and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed
that the role of farmer in Tanjung Sehati farmer‘s group at the high category.
Factors that affect the role of the farmers are a leadership group of farmers, farmer
motivation to achieve success, the extension role, education, activities in
agricultural extension , knowledge of agricultural innovation and group
cohesiveness. The conclussion : The role of farmer in Tanjung Sehati farmer‘s
group at the high category and the highest progression factor of farmer group is
farmer motivation to achieve success (X2) with the regression coefficient velue is

Keywords: farmer group, dissemination and agricultural


Development of agricultural extension expected to encourage farmers
(farmer groups) to enhance its capability including ability to participate,
prejudiced, creativity, and ability to make decisions so the independence of farmer
groups to manage farming activities and organizing will be better (Hariadi S.S.,
1998 ; Hariadi S.S., 2004).

The main problem of farming is narrowness of farmland. With this
conditions, it is impossible of small farmers to increase their welfare/income. In
an effort to increase their welfare/income, the farmers have tried using other
production factors as well as possible (Mardikanto T., 1993).
Factors affecting the adoption of new practices in agriculture relate to the
characteristics of the new practise and to farmer beliefs, values and social systems
(Barr and carey, 2000 ; lockie, 2000).

The progress of farmer groups are important things that need attention
(Kartasapoetra A.G., 1991). Therefore necessary identification of the level of

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 724
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

advancement of existing farmer groups (Van den Ban A.W. dan Hawkins H.S.,
As an effort to determine how far the level of progress the farmer groups specially
the organizational structure to support their farming activities, also the progress of
farmer groups factors.


The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method : a
method to examine the status of human groups, an object, a set of conditions, a
system of thought or an event in the present. The techniques of research carried
out using survey techniques which have the characteristic that the data collected
from respondents using questionnaires.

This research was conducted in the Merangin district as the population in
this study is a group of farmers in the Merangin district with a total membership is
three hundred (300) people, and samples were taken 10% of the total population
so that the sample will be interviewed numbered thirty (30) people.

Data collection: Primary data were collected using questionnaires; Record
data, data collection to record relating data on relevant agencies to obtain
secondary data; Literature, searching the literature relating to research, the
theories and to gather information from previous studies.

The Measured Variable : a leadership group of farmers, farmer motivation
to achieve success, the extension role, education, activities in agricultural
extension , knowledge of agricultural innovation and group cohesiveness.

Data analysis : 1). Analysis of the affect factors of the farmer groups
progression (Dajan, 1986) :

Y= a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + b6X6 + e

Y : Progressivity variable of farmer groups
X1 : Variable of group leadership
X2 : Variable of farmer motivation to achieve success
X3 : Variable of group cohesiveness
X4 : Variable of the extension role
X5 : Variable of the government role
X6 : Variable of the merchants role
a : Intercept
b1-b8 : Regresion coeficient
e : error term.

Results and Discussion

Data of the regression analysis of the progression factors of farmer group in

Merangin district were presented in Table 1.

Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 725
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

Shown in Table 1. The highest progression factor of farmer group is farmer
motivation to achieve success (X2) with Regression Coefficient (0.449) and than
The extension role (X4) is 0.340 and the lowest progression factor of farmer
group is the government role (X5) is 0.229. While the merchant role (X6) of
farmer group progression not significance at the level of 5% error (NS) with
Regression Coefficient value 0.483.

The average of farming activities progression shown good results. it shows
some groups have good regularity. While others activities also affect to the
progression factor of farmer group in Merangin district such as education,
activities in agricultural extension and knowledge of agricultural innovation .

According S. Weir. (1999), Education may enhance farm productivity
directly by improving the quality of labour by increasing the ability to adjust to
disequilibria and through its effect upon the propensity to successfully adopt
innovations. Education is through to be most important to farm production in a
rapidly changing technological or economic environment (Shultz 1964 : 1975).

Table 1. The results of the regression analysis of the progression factors of farmer

group in Merangin district

X Variable Regression F count Error (p)


Group Leadership (X1) 0.246 2.184 0.040**

Farmer Motivation to Achieve Success (X2) 0.449 0.870 0.394**

Group Cohesiveness (X3) 0.237 2.759 0.011**

The Extension Role (X4) 0.340 3.926 0.001**

The Government Role (X5) 0.229 2.126 0.045**

The Merchant Role (X6) 0.483 0.558 0.582 NS

Y : The Progression of farmer group in Merangin district

Constants : 53.729

R2 : 0.989

F count : 335, 077

** : Significance at the level of 5% error

Ns : Not significance at the level of 5% error

Source : Primary data analysis (2016)


The role of farmer in Tanjung Sehati farmer‘s group at the high category

and the highest progression factor of farmer group is farmer motivation to achieve

success (X2) with the regression coefficient velue is 0.449.


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Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 726
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

Poster Presentation – Social, Economy, and Animal Production Systems

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Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 727
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”

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