Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
McDonald P, R. A. Edwards, J. F. D. Greenhalgh, and C. A. Morgan. 2002.
Animal Nutrition. 6th Ed. Ashford Colour Pr. New York.
Mulyawati, Y. 2009. Fermentabilitas dan kecernaan in vitro biomineral
dienkapsulasi. Skripsi. Fakultas Peternakan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Ogimoto, K., and S. Imai. 1981. Atlas of Rumen Microbiology. Japan Scientific
Societies Pr. Tokyo.
Pipit. 2009. Respon produksi susu sapi Friesian - Holstein terhadap pemberian
suplemen biomineral dienkapsulasi. Skripsi. Fakultas Peternakan.
Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Steel, R. G. D., dan J. H. Torrie. 1993. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu
Pendekatan Biometrik. Edisi ketiga. M. Syah, penerjemah. Gramedia
Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.
Sutardi, T. 1979. Ketahanan protein bahan makanan terhadap degradasi oleh
mikroba rumen dan manfaatnya bagi produktivitas ternak. Prosiding
Seminar dan Penunjang Peternakan (Waktu pertemuan tidak diketahui).
Lembaga Penelitian Peternakan. Bogor.
Tarmansyah, U. S. 2009. Pemanfaatan serat rami untuk pembuatan selulosa.
www.dephan.go.id [9/4.2009]
Tilley, J. M. A., and R. A. Terry. 1963. A two-stage tehnique for the in vitro
digestion of forage crops. Journal British Grassland Society 18: 104-111.
Tjakradidjaja, A. S., B. Bakrie, dan Suryahadi. 2007. Aplikasi teknik enkapsulasi
dalam pembuatan suplemen biomineral sebagai stimulan produksi susu.
Laporan Penelitian. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Tjakradidjaja, A. S., Suryahadi, B. Bakrie and Z. Permana. 2009. Nutrient
potential of biomineral supplement for dairy calf produced from tumen
fluid - byproduct of slaughter house. Proceeding of International Seminar
of Dairy Cattle, Improving Productivity of Dairy Cattle and Dairy Product
Using Natural Sources. (eds. E. Nurdin,
Rusfidra, M. Zein, S. N. Aritonang and Rusmana WSN). June 2 - 3, 2009.
Faculty of Animal Science. Andalas University. Padang.
Windschitl, P. M., and M. D. Stern. 1988. Evaluation of calcium lignosulfonate –
treated soybean meal as a source of rumen protected protein for dairy
cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 71: 3310-3322.
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Effect of Packaging Medium on Survival of Napier Grass Stem
Jusoh, S., H. Yaakub and N. H. Hussein
Department of Animal Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor,
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is a species of perennial grass that
has been used as ruminant feed because of high dry matter yield and most suitable
for cut and carry to feed the animals. The napier stem also being traded among
farmers and the planting materials has been sending via transportation and post.
The problem begin when the purchased Napier grass stem cutting has to be hold
for inspection and holding purpose. The plant can be wilt and half dead due to
longer time before reach the customer‘s hand. The present study was conducted to
generate new information regards on the best medium to be used for packaging
plant stem cutting for postage and transportation purpose. The objective of the
study is to identify the survival rate of Napier grass cutting after being pack in 5
different types of medium and keep for 1 month, where 100 mature Napier stem
cutting, which consist of 50 samples of upper part and 50 samples of lower part in
5 different medium which are sawdust, paper wrapping, plastic wrapping, vacuum
plastic and short immersion into fungicide. The entire packed Napier grass stem
cuttings are then being postage and kept in the box for 1 month, and after 1 month
of storage, the packed stem cutting was open and observed for the survival rate.
Keywords: packaging, medium, survival, napier grass, stem cutting
Transporting of living plants materials by mail requires careful preparation
and right packaging method of materials. Mailing garden plants across the country
is fairly easy to do, but the best way is to choose the fastest method for the plant
to travel, because some country have a very strict laws and limitations. Knowing
how to ship the packed alive plant and the best way to pack them up for trading
experience will enrich the supplier and receiver at the end of the line. Sending
living packed plants through postage successfully depends upon careful packaging
as well as acclimating the plant and sending it with enough water to survive for
several days. Plants that get sent to hot regions or are shipped in winter will
benefit from some insulation. So, the best packaging method and medium will
determine the best arrival and least breakage along the way. There are four basic
guidelines for postage living plant materials. First step is to prepare the plant, pick
the best packaging method and medium, packing the plant, labelling and choosing
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a shipping company and speed are the primary important aspects to shipping the
plants. The post office does a good job posting the plants.
The key is to find out and choose the best company that do it fastest and
safest. For the postal service, choose priority mail at the very least. Also a good
note to remember that many posting services do not deliver on Sunday and
possibly not on Saturday; depending on the service that being choose. To make
sure that the packaging spends as little time as possible in the box, plan on posting
early in the week, such as Monday or Tuesday. This will ensure that packaging
does not languish unnecessarily in the box over the weekend.
Other than that, do not forget to check the weather in both location, the
supplier‘s current local weather and the one that packaging are posting to. If the
location are about expecting extreme weather, wait to posting the packaging. It
would be a shame to lose a plant simply because it got stuck in the broiling
posting truck or because it death freezing. Then again the problem was detected
when alive Napier grass stem cutting was packed and postage, especially the one
that have to stay for quite in the packaging. This might happen when the
packaging was postage across the border and country, where the immigration in
some areas have a very strict laws and limitations, they will hold any living or
alive postage material for further inspection.
Therefore, this study was to generate new information regards on the best
medium to be used for packaging of Napier grass stem cutting for postage purpose
by using five different selected media.
Experiment Location and treatments
The mature Napier grass used in this research study was harvested from
Malaysia Agriculture Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS). The condition of
Napier grass was mature enough and it is 8 weeks old. The length of each stem
cutting was 1 meter long and then divided into two part which is upper part and
lower part. Each Napier grass stem cutting at least consist of 3 nodes. For storage
purpose, all the packed sample was stored in normal room condition with standard
room temperature for 1 month.
The study consist of five treatments of packaging medium that was used to
pack the Napier grass stem cutting. The treatments were (1) packed in vacuum
plastic, (2) packed with sawdust, (3) packed in paper wrapping, (4) packed after
short immersion of fungicide and (5) packed in plastic wrapping. The harvested
mature grass stem cutting was divided into two part which is upper part and lower
part and then wrapped and packed with respective treatment and each treatment
have 20 replicate, 10 replicate for upper part and another 10 replicate for lower
part stem cutting. All the wrapped sample were posted and kept for 1 month time.
After that, the packaging was open and stem cutting was counted the survival rate.
Statistical Analysis
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All the data was analyzed by using 2-ways ANOVA. The significance
difference between the means was analyzed by using Duncan‘s Multiple Range
Test at p<0.005. The analysis was carried out using Statistical Analysis Software
(SAS, 2011).
Results and Discussion
The survival rate of napiergrass stem cuttingwas made by observation
once the packaging is opened. The upper and lower part of Napier grass stem
cutting was packed using 5 different medium, postage and stored for 1 month in
the room temperature. Below showed the result for survival rate of Napier grass
stem cutting in different packaging medium.
The effect of different packaging medium (TR1, TR2, TR3, TR4, TR5) on
the survival rate of Napier grass stem cutting was no different for the upper part
stem cutting, as shown in Figure 1, there are significant different (p<0.05)
between the survival rate of upper part and lower part of stem cutting by different
packaging medium. The best survival rate for both upper and lower part of Napier
grass stem cutting is by using sawdust (TR5) as the packaging medium. This is
because all 20 samples for both upper and lower part of Napier grass stem cutting
are survived during the 1 month storing period
For plants to develop properly and survive, programmed cell death is an
important response strategy to various internal and external cues.
Morphologically, a key difference between programmed cell death of plant cells
and apoptosis in animals is the absence of engulfment by neighboring cells in
plants (Lam, 2004).
Plants emit a diverse array of phytogenic volatile organic compounds
(VOCs). The production and emission of VOCs has been an important area of
research for decades. However, recent research has revealed the importance of
VOC catabolism by plants and VOC degradation in the atmosphere for plant
growth and survival (Oikawa & Lerdau, 2013).
Based on the analyzed data result in the previous chapter, there are no
significant different (p<0.005) of different packaging medium on the survival rate.
From the aspect of different stem part, there are significant different (p<0.005)
between different treatment on the survival rate of Napier grass stem cutting,
where the lower part of Napier grass stem cutting showed more promising result
as compared to upper part stem cutting. This is due to the higher energy content
that was stored in lower part of stem cutting, and this energy was then being
reserved and stored until the stem cutting was replant back. The upper part stem
cutting did not store energy as much as lower part stem cutting as the energy that
being supplied was utilized in the growing of new tiller, shoot and leaf. So when
the upper part of Napier grass stem cutting was cut and stored, it will slowly wilt
and become dead if the storage period is too long, where there are no more energy
in the stem to maintain the survival (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Diagrammatic illustration of the survival rate of Napier grass stem cutting upon
different packaging medium
The research study indicates that different packaging medium used for
Napier grass stem cutting give no significant different on the survival and growth
Lam, E. (2004). Controlled cell death, plant survival and development. Nature
Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology, 5(4), 305–315. doi:10.1038/nrm1358.
Oikawa, P. Y., & Lerdau, M. T. (2013). Catabolism of volatile organic
compounds influences plant survival. Trends in Plant Science.
Tudsri, S., Jorgensen, S. T., Riddach, P., & Pookpakdi, A. (2002). Effect of
cutting height and dry season closing date on yield and quality of five
napier grass cultivars in Thailand. Tropical Grasslands, 36(4), 248–252.
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Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Effects of Rumen Mechanical Stimulating Brush Administration
on Eating Behavior and Dry Matter Digestibility of Brahman
Cross Steers Fed with Low Forage Diet
S. Nurmeiliasari1, R. Priyanto2, D.A. Astuti3*, Salundik2, J. Takahashi4
1Graduate School Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural Univ.,Bogor
2Departement of Animal Production and Technology Bogor Agricultural Univ.,
3Departement of Animal Nutrition and Technology Bogor Agricultural Univ.,
4Graduate School of Animal Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of Rumen
Mechanical Stimulating brush (RMS brush) administration on production
performance and eating behavior of Brahman Cross (BX) steers. Twenty
Brahman cross steers 267.50±3.456 kg live weight were randomly distributed into
four pens. There were two control pens without RMS brush and two RMS brush
pens. A video surveillance unit was set up in each pen to record daily time spent
for eating, drinking and ruminating. Eating behavior data were taken for a month
(24h/d) started at the second month of the experiment. Animals had access to
high concentrate (94.5%) and low fiber diets (5.5%) containing 18.2 % crude fiber
and 12.24% crude protein. All steers were fed based on 3% dry matter of average
body weight. Allowance of the concentrates was offered to all animals twice a
day at 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. Results showed that RMS administration caused a
significant increase in rumination time (P<0.05). On the other hand, it
significantly decreased eating and drinking time (P<0.05). Dry matter intake
(DMI) and dry matter digestibility (DMD) were not affected by the application of
RMS brush (P>0.05). It can be concluded that synthetic physical dietary fiber
supplementation affected eating behavior of the BX steers fed with low forage
diet without giving adverse effects to DMI and DMD throughout the fattening
Key words : rumen mechanical stimulating brushes, Brahman crossbred steers,
eating behavior, dry matter intake, dry matter digestibility
In order to improve efficiency of feed energy utilization as well as
reaching optimal production performance, high grain feeding strategies are well
adapted. O'Kiely (2011) mentioned that an ad libitum concentrate feeding in
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finishing steers showed the highest carcass weight compared with maize and grass
silage. However, the ability of the animal to buffer the rumen is minimal because
of limited mastication and rumination, these led to insufficient salivary secretion
(Carter and Grovum, 1990). Furthermore, a decrease in rumen motility (Slyter,
1976) and DMI (Forbes, 1992). Therefore, the inclusion of physically effective
fiber in the diet could minimize the adverse effects of high concentrate with less
effect on production performance (Yang and Beauchemin, 2006).
Our experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of RMS brush
administration on eating behavior, DMI and DMD of Brahman crossbred steers.
It was hypothesized that an administration of three units of RMS brush will
improve motility of rumen wall as well as rumination activity to increase saliva
production. This will support optimal microbial activity to increase nutrient
absorption and utilization.
Animal care and ethic committee of Bogor Agricultural University
reviewed and endorsed the animal use and research procedures (No. 01-2015
IPB). This study was located in Catur Mitra Taruma Feedloter co. Bogor, West
Java, Indonesia. Twenty brahman crossbred steers with an average initial body
weight of 267.50±3.456 kg distributed into four pens of five steers each (2m wide
x 2 m deep), defined as two control groups (without rumen mechanical
stimulating brush) and two RMS brush groups. The insertion of three units of
RMS brushes per steer was conducted by a professional using particular
equipments. Feeding strategies applied were high concentrate diet consisting of
94.5% concentrate and 5.5% maize stover. Amount of feeding given is based on
3% dry matter of body weight with 18.72 % crude fiber and 13.20% crude protein.
Allowance of the concentrates was offered to all animals at 7 a.m. and 12 p.m;
while maize stover was given at 12 pm. Water was served ad libitum. Closed
circuit television (CCTV) units connected with digital video recorder (DVR) and a
unit of television was used to monitor eating behavior of individual steer in each
pen. The time spent for eating, drinking and ruminating were recorded. Focal
animal sampling method was used to record the variables (Altmann 1974). A
twenty four hour per day eating behavior data were taken for 28 days.
Feed intakes of concentrate and forage were measured daily. The refusal
was collected and weighed daily. Fecal samples were collected from individual
steers for digestion coefficient nutrient determination. Acid insoluble ash (AIA)
technique was used as an internal marker determining digestibility (Van Keulen
and Young, 1977).
Results and Discussion
An observation on eating behavior of RMS brush administered steers
found significant results in eating behavior parameters (P<0.05) (Table. 1). Our
results showed that units RMS brush in the rumen had affected the motility of
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rumen wall which resulted in an increase in rumination (P<0.05). An increase in
rumination time is attributable to an increase in saliva secretion; thus, facilitates in
buffering rumen environment. Steers with RMS brush administration spent less
time eating and drinking (P<0.05). A similar result was reported by Matsuyama
et al. (2004). Interestingly, even though the animals spent less eating time, DMI
was not significantly affected (P>0.05; displayed in Table 2). However,
inconsistent results were reported by Horiguchi and Takahashi (2002) that
reported insignificant effects of RMS brush administered Holstein steers fed with
low organic cell wall content and various length of straw(P>0.05). Differences in
dietary source, type and ratio of concentrate and forage in those researches may
result in different results on feeding behavior parameters.
Table 1. Effects of RMS brush administration on eating behavior of BX steers
Item Control RMS brush
Standing 316±100.94 209±19.03
Laying 206±60.12a 350±37.35b
Eating (min/d) 243.02± 6.20 a 172.80±29.39 b
Drinking (min/d) 8.60±0.48a 4.50±1.10b
Ruminating (min/d) 409.93±17.07a 497.20±22.19b
n=10, Each of value ± SEM
Means with different subscript letters in the same column differ significantly
Results of coefficient digestibility are displayed in Table 2.
Administration of RMS brush to BX steers did not give significant effect on DMI
and DMD of diet. Similar results were reported by (Matsuyama et al. 2002).
However, orally dosed RMS brush Holstein steers fed with high concentrate diet
and inclusion of brewer grain silage showed a highly significant effect on
digestibility (Matsuyama et al. 2004). The role of RMS brush to enhance
rumination time to support rumen for optimum digestibility is not known.
Table 2. DMI and DMD of RMS brush administered steers
Item Control RMS brush
DMI (Kg/day) 9.71±1.02 9.72±1.1
DMD (%) 84.27±0.54 84.40±0.20
n=10, Each of value ± SEM
Means with different subscript letters in the same column differ significantly
Our results showed that RMS administered Brahman crossbred steers had
normal intake and digestibility. Thus, in this research dietary factors such as
source and processing may be one of determinant factors of DMD.
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Results of this study showed that synthetic physical dietary fiber
supplementation affected eating behavior of the steers. It facilitated increases in
rumination and may promote an increase in salivation which supports an optimal
rumen work. The RMS brush administered BX steers spent less time for drinking
and eating without adverse effects on DMI and DMD.
Altmann, J.1974. Observation of study behavior: Sampling methods. Behavior
DeVries, T.J., K.A.Beauchemin, F.Dohme, K.S.Schwartzkopf-Genswein. 2009.
Repeated ruminal acidosis challenges in lactating dairy cows at high and
low risk for developing acidosis: feeding, ruminating, and lying behavior.
J Dairy Sci 92, 5067-5078.
Horiguchi, K-i., and T. Takahashi. 2002. Effects of ruminal administration of
mechanical stimulating brush on rumination time and on ruminal fluid
passage rate in Holstein steers fed concentrate and rice straw. Nihon
Chikusan Gakkaiho, 73 (4): 495-501.
Matsuyama H, K. Horiguchi, T. Takahashi, T. Kayaba, M. Ishida, S. Shioya, M.
Nishida, K. Hosoda, E. Bayaru. 2004. Effects of ruminal dosing of
mechanical stimulating brush on chewing activity, ruminal contraction,
ruminal passage rate and ruminal fermentation in holstein steer fed high
concentrate diet. Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho 75(4):535-541.
Matsuyama H, K.Horiguchi, T.Takahashi, T. Kayaba, M. Ishida, S. Ando S,
T.Nishida. 2002. Effects by ruminal dosing of mechanical stimulating
brush on digestibility, nitrogen balance, energy balance and rumen
characteristics in holstein steer fed diet containing mainly rolled barley.
Horiguchi K and T.Takahashi. 2002. Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho
O'Kiely, P., 2011. Intake, growth and feed conversion efficiency of finishing beef
cattle offered diets based on triticale, maize or grass silages, or ad libitum
concentrate. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 189-207.
Slyter, L.L., 1976. Influence of acidosis on rumen function. Journal of Animal
Science 43.
Van Keulen, J., Young, B., 1977. Evaluation of acid-insoluble ash as a natural
marker in ruminant digestibility studies. Journal of Anim. Scie. 44, 282-
Yang, W.Z., K.A. Beauchemin. 2006. Increasing the physically effective fiber
content of dairy cow diets may lower efficiency of feed use. J. Dairy Sci.
89, 2694-2704.
Slyter, L.L. 1976. Influence of Acidosis on Rumen function. J.Anim. Sci.43, 910-
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Forbes, J.M., and J.P. Barrio. 1992. Abdominal chemo-and mechanosensitivity in
ruminant and its role in the control of food intake. Exp. Physiol.77, 27-50
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Biological Status and Conservation of Anoa (Bubalus
depressicornis) in Tropical Forest of North Sulawesi
B. Tulung, J.F. Umboh, K. Maaruf, A.F. Pendong, and Y.L.R. Tulung
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, Sulut 95115, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Anoa is classified as Endangered (EN C1 + 2a) on the IUCN Red List
2008 and listed as Endangered on the US Endangered Species Act and is fully
protected under Indonesian law. Anoa is one of the endemic biodiversity of
Sulawesi which is currently being very worrying population. The present study
was designed to reveal habitat conditions, biology, feed resources, and nutrition.
Study was conducted in the tropical rainforest of North Sulawesi, where lowland
anoa (Bubalus depressicornis H. Smith) and may be mountain anoa (Bubalus
quarlesi H. MacKinnon) are still extant in tropical rain forest of northern part of
Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, at Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi.
Lowland anoa inhabits areas of dense forest with diverse rattan. In general,
species composition and community structure observed in the location illustrated
that there was no particular plant species which is more dominant than others at
each plant level. It can be concluded that reproduction rate of anoa (Bubalus
depressicornis H. Smith) is very low with a litter size of just one calf. Habitat of
lowland anoa being a primary forest with no dominant particular species at the
plant‘s level. Forest environment as a habitat of anoa in Bogani Nani Wartabone
National Park is suitable for the development of each plant species to ensure the
availability of anoa feed.
Keywords: Lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis H. Smith), social behavior,
MacKinnon (1979) categorized anoa in two species: mountain anoa
(Bubalus quarlesi H. MacKinnon) and lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis H.
Smith). Anoa is one of the endemic biodiversity of Sulawesi which is currently
being very worrying population. Today, the animal is in the category of
endangered species and is feared to become extinct due to habitat destruction,
poaching, predators, and diseases (Mustaki, 1996). These animals are considered
Vulnerable (VU A2cd) in the IUCN Red Data Book (IUCN, 2008). Although
anoa can be domesticated, but it is still not known whether this animal can be
developed and handled in a large group. A constraint that must be addressed is the
lack of scientific information on the net of anoa life (biological). Scientific
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information for these constraints will be helpful in supporting conservation of
anoa in the native habitat.
The present study was designed to unveil anoa habitat conditions,
morphology, and anatomy, as well as complementary biological apparatus, feed
resources and nutrition, feeding behavior including reproduction and breeding that
support anoa adaptive life as one trophic level in the food chain. Thus, this
research can be used as the data base for wildlife conservation programs of anoa,
in relation to the welfare and safety of animals (animal welfare), either through
forests and wildlife management in their natural habitat (in situ), or in particular
habitat (artificial) for the nature conservation purposes.
The present research was conducted in the tropical rainforest of North
Sulawesi, where mountain anoa (Bubalus quarlesi H. MacKinnon) and lowland
anoa (Bubalus depressicornis H. Smith) still extant. The variables of observation
were: general condition of babirusa habitat, identifying the source and type of feed
and nutrient substances, morphology, and physical character of anoa. The
diversity of vegetation and the data of fauna were collected. Primary and
secondary data were taken from authorized and competence sources (private,
public, NGO, goverment, as well as poachers and/or ex poachers). Some other
data and information were found by direct observation and screening in the forest
accompanied by experienced poachers and guides. Data were compiled, analyzed,
and discussed descriptively.
Results and Discussion
Topography of the Park is hilly and mountainous with an elevation of 35-
95%. Much of the forest is at comparatively low attitudes and correspondingly
rich in fruit bearing plants and trees. Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park is an
area of ecological uniqueness.
Temperature and relative humidity around the research location were 18.5
– 29.5°C (65°F to 85°F) and relative humidity level was about 85-95%,
respectively. The highest elevation of observed location was around 750 – 1.000
m above sea level. Water source found along the research location of Bogani Nani
Wartabone National Park as was observed being the biggest source of water (and
maybe mineral sources).
Feed potential of vegetation composition was found in the original of anoa
habitat, as indicated by relative density, relative frequency, relative dominance,
and of importance value index (IVI) data (Soerianegera and Indrawan, 1988). The
types of plant communities in the flora constituent around observed area were
approximately 22 species, which were strongly considered as feed sources of
anoa, namely ferns, herbs, shrubs, and trees (leaves and fruits). Among plant types
identified are as follow: rattan shoots (Calamus sp.), pandan hutan (Pandanus
tectoriu Boechni.), forest banana leaves (Musa paradisiaea Forsk.), UK-wood
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(Eucaliptus deqlupta), pangalo grass (E. indica), woka young leaves (Livistonia
rotundifolia), pinang hutan (Areca vestaria), buah piong (Eugenia deqlupta Miq.),
banga fruits (Arecaceae Sp.)
In general, species composition and structure community illustrated that
there was no particular plant species which dominant at the level of plants. It can
be said that the condition of the forest environment as a habitat of anoa in Bogani
Nani Wartabone National Park is suitable for the development of each plant
It was observed that anoa licking on stones (rocks) or compacted ground
(soil) around sleeping or resting area where available. It is thought that licking on
stones as a mean of fulfilling minerals requirements, as also practiced by another
exotic wild babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa celebensis). Anoa requires minerals
such as sodium and chloride (NaCl) as pointed out by Tikupadang and Misto
(1994). When available, anoa searches for rotten and wet wood (log) in order to
find minerals. By doing this, anoas do not have to visit beaches to find saline
water because it is too dangerous for them to take a risk on predator, especially
poachers and hunters. Whitten (1987) reported that anoa often coming down the
hilly area in the night time just to find saline water on the beach.
Lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis H. Smith) spend most of their time
alone (unlike most wild cattle) but are sometimes found in pairs or very small
groups of a pair and one calf. They are most active during the early morning and
early evening, where the ambient temperature is low. Anoa does not like hot
environmental temperature. They are excellent swimmers and often wallow in
mud or water where available, using shaded and swampy areas to keep cool
during hot days.
The elusive anoa appears to be a solitary animal, although suggestions that
monogamous pairs remain together have been made, and there is evidence that
females form herds when giving birth. Breeding is continuous throughout the
year, with one calf born from each pregnancy lasting 270 to 320 days. Weaning
has been assumed to take place at six to nine months, a similar length of time as
for the lowland anoa and mountain anoa. Lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis
H. Smith) is ready to mate at 2-3 years of age. There is not known (lack of
information) on their breeding season, but females are in heat for 24 hours in
every 22-23 days. Gestation is about 10 months and usually results in (litter size)
one calf, although twins have been born in zoos (Dolan (1965). It is therefore
important to control the population in the habitat by propagating females‘ anoa
and considering female: male ratio.
Lowland anoa help control forest undergrowth by feeding on grasses and
plants. They use their sharp horns for protection, but can also hold them against
their backs when crashing through forest undergrowth to avoid becoming
entangled. Although they look like goats, they are a small species of buffalo.
Roaming area of anoa in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park is about as
big as the area of this National Park, about 193,600 ha (2,871.15 km² =
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1,108.56 mi²). Factors such as: feed and water requirement, predator pressures,
and uncontrolled hunting were all contributed to why roaming area is getting
bigger and bigger.
Reproduction rate of anoa (Bubalus depressicornis H. Smith) is very low
with a litter size of just one calf. Habitat of lowland anoa being a primary forest
with no particular plant species which is dominant at the plant‘s level. Forest
environment as a habitat of anoa in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park is
suitable for the development of each plant species.
Dolan, J.M. 1965. Breeding of the lowland anoa in the San Diego Zoological
Garden., Zeitshrift Saugetierekunde., 30 (4) : 241 – 248.
Grooves, C.P. 1969. Systematics of the Anoa (Mammalia, Bovidae)., Beaufortia,
17 (223) : 1 – 12.
IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Babyrousa celebensis.
www.iucnredlist.org/details/...) (accessed 25 October, 2012)
MacKinnon, J. and K. MacKinnon. 1979. Animal of Asia. The Ecology of the
Oriental Region. London.
Mustaki, A.H. 1996. Population of Lowland Anoa (Bubalus Depressicornis
Smith) in Tanjung Amolengu Wildlife Reserve Southeast Sulawesi,
Indonesia., Media Konservasi. vol. V. No. (1) : pp. 1 – 3.
Soerianegara, I dan A. Indrawan, 1988. Ekologi Hutan Indonesia. Jurusan
Manajemen Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. Bogor.
Tikupadang, H., dan Misto. 1994. Beberapa Aspek Ekologi Satwa Langka Anoa.
Makalah Penunjang Pada Seminar Sehari Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam
dan Ekosistem Wallacea.Tgl. 4 Desember 1994 di Manado. Sulawesi
Wallace, A. R. 1860. Journal The Proceedings of The Linnean Society.
Zoology.Vol. IV. London: Longman, Green, Longmans and Roberts, and
Williams and Norgate. 1~60.
Wallace, A.R. 1869. Malay Archipelago. The Land of the Orang-utan, and the
Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, With Studies of Man and
Nature.Vol. I. MacMillan and Co. London.
Whitten, A. J., M. Mustafa and G. S. Henderson. 1987. The Ecology of Sulawesi.
Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.
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Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
The Nutritional Value Evaluation of Ammoniated Rice Straw and
Fermented Sago Dregs in Complete Feed on Performances of
Ongole Cross Breed Cattle
R.A.V. Tuturoong 1) , Y.L.R. Tulung1) dan A.F. Pendong 1)
1) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado – Indonesia
Corresponding author:[email protected]
This study aimed to obtain the best performances (i.e. nutrients
digestibility, body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion) of ongole cross
breed cattle (PO) that fed a complete feed using a combination of ammoniated
rice straw (ARS) and fermented sago dregs (FSD).
In the early stages, studies were performed to obtain the best nutrient value
of the two sources of feed materials, both of ammoniated rice straw and
fermented sago dregs. The best ammoniated rice straw was of which ammoniated
by urea 6% with 21 days incubation period, while, the best of sago dregs was of
which fermented during the 30-days of incubation period, in which both of the
process feed materials were then used in the formulation of complete diet for PO
cattle. The complete diet was formulated refers to isoprotein of ± 12% (all-in-one
ration) by adding 50% concentrate (C), hence the treatment diets were as follows:
R1 = 50% ARS + 0% FSD + 50% C; R2 = 37.5% ARS + 12.5% FSD + 50% C;
R3 = 25% ARS + 25% FSD + 50% C; R4 = 12.5% ARS + 37.5 FSD + 50% C;
and R5 = 0% ARS + 50% FSD + 50% C.
This study was conducted for three months. Twenty five male PO cattles,
approximately 1.5 years of age were used in this experiment. The animals were
grouped in 5 groups and confined in separate semi-permanent individuals pens,
with four animals in each group. The experiment was arranged using a
randomized block design, consisting of 5 treatment diets and 5 cattle groups. The
variables measured were dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter
digestibility (OMD). Body weight gain per day (BWG) and feed conversion.
The results shows that treatment diets were affected significantly (P<0.01)
on nutrient digestibility, body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion. The use of a
combination of 25% ammoniated rice straw and 25% fermented sago dregs in
complete treatment diet (R3) resulted in the best biological value on PO cattle, viz
63.88% DMD and 65.21% OMD, 0.81 kg/head/d BWG, and the best feed
efficiency (FC value of 5.03).
Key word: Ammoniated rice straw, fermented sago dregs, PO cattle.
As a waste product of rice straw, the availability of rice straw is abundant.
The utilization of rice straw as ruminant feed without a processing treatment is
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limited, because of the high content of lignin and silicate as well as lower crude
protein content. According to Zulkarnaini (2009) as reported by Antonius (2009),
that rice straw without the processing containing 4.55% crude protein, 7.46%
lignin, and 11.45% silica. One of practical solution, economical, and easy to apply
to overcome its limiting factor is through ammoniation treatment, namely
chemical treatment using urea and ammonia gas. Ammoniation product quality is
determined by the urea level and duration of incubation (Tuturoong, 2013). Sago
dregs is the waste product from the process of making flour from sago
(Metroxylon). In the process of making sago flour, the materials obtained are sago
flour and sago dregs in a ratio of 1: 6 (Rumalatu, 1981). According to Harsanto
(1986) in the conditions of wild, sago plants can reach 40 to 60 stems/ha/year,
with an estimated, the potential of sago dregs as feed ranges from 203 ton/ha/year.
Tisnowati (1991) explained that the sago dregs contains of 86.65% dry matter
(DM), 3.36% crude protein (CP), 25.41% crude fiber (CF), 87.40% neutral
detergent fiber (NDF), 42.11% acid detergent fiber (ADF), and also cellulose and
hemicelluloses, 29.52% and 45.29%, respectively. The utilization of sago dregs as
ruminant feed is not maximized because it is limited by the high crude fiber
content (Preston and Leng, 1987), so it needs a touch of bio-technology treatment.
Fungus pleurotus ostreatus has an advantage in degrading crude fiber and lignin
components from agricultural waste feed sources.
This study aimed to obtain the best performances towards nutrients
digestibility, body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion of ongole cross breed
cattle (PO), that fed a complete feed using a combination of ammoniated rice
straw (ARS) and fermented sago dregs (FSD).
Early stages experiments: conducted to select the best nutrients content
both of ammoniated rice straw and fermented sago dregs.
Ammoniation treatments on rice straw were the level of dissolved urea
concentration consisted of: 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6% combined with incubation
duration, i.e. 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. The experiment was arranged by completely
randomized design (CRD) with 4 x 4 factorial pattern. Meanwhile, sago dregs was
fermented by fungus pleurotus ostreatus, where the incubation period of
fermentation was to be the treatments, consisted of 0, 20, 25, and 30 days. This
experiment was also arranged by CRD. The variables were measured, includes:
DM, OM, CP, ADF, NDF, and lignin. Both of the experiments data obtained were
analyzed by analysis of variance with a further HSD test (Steel and Torrie, 1991).
The best nutrients content both of ARS and FSD were then used in formulating of
complete diets for biological trials (Table 1).
The biological trials of this study were conducted for three months.
Twenty five male PO cattles, approximately 1.5 years of age were used in this
experiment. The animals were grouped in 5 groups and confined in separate semi-
permanent individuals pens, with four animals in each group. The experiment
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was arranged using a randomized block design, consisting of 5 treatment diets and
5 cattle groups. The treatment diets (Table 1) were fed ad libitum, where the diet
offered and diet leftovers were weighed every days. The fresh water was available
all times during the whole experiment. The variables measured were dry matter
digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD). Body weight gain per
day (BWG) and feed conversion. Total collection was the method used for
measuring digestibility, and it was conducted in 5 days at the end of the trials.
Table 1. Treatments Diet Composition
Feed Composition R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
(% DM) (% DM) (%DM) (% DM) (% DM)
Ammoniated rice straw (6% U x 21 d) 50 37,5 25 12,5 0
12,5 25 37,5 50
Fermented sago dregs (30 d) 0 50 50 50 50
100 100 100 100
Consentrate 50
45 45 45 45
Total 100 25 25 25 25
20 20 20 20
Concentrate feed ingredients : 10 10 10 10
100 100 100 100
- Corn 45
11,43 11,39 11,35 11,31
- Rice bran 25 25,26 22,62 19,97 17,33
37,83 34,79 31,76 32,60
- Coco cake 20 7,17 6,34 21,52 28,70
2118,40 2568,51 3018,62 3468,73
- Fish meal 10
Total 100
Nutrients composistion of treatments diet :
Crude Protein 11,46
ADF 27,91
NDF 40,86
Energy 1668,30
Results and Discussion
Ammoniated rice straw (ARS) and fermented sago dregs (FSD)
The results shows (Table 2), the ammoniation treatments interaction using
6% urea level with 30 days incubation period on rice straw, could increase the
nutrient content of rice straw and it was better than other ammoniation treatments.
Meanwhile, sago dregs fermented by fungus pleurotus ostreatus with an
incubation period of 30 days (R4) have the best levels of nutrient content,
although along with increasing fermentation time the DM degradation of sago
dregs was still continued, resulting in increased levels of water content which
tends to lower DM content.
Dry matter digestibility (DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), body
weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion (FC)
The experimental results feed the treatment of dry matter digestibility
(DMD), organic matter digestibility (OMD), body weight gain (BWG) and feed
conversion (FC) of PO cattle, were laid out in Table 3.
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Table 2. Nutrients composition of NARS, the chosen ARS (6% urea and 21 d
incubation period), NFSD and the chosen FSD (30 d incubation period ).
Feed types Nutrient components (%)
NARS 43,40 4,93 73,92 50,61 7,32
ARS 45,96 8,97 72,06 50,40 5,81
FSD* 75,10 2,89 56,06 32,59 9,87
74,09 5,27 53,56 31,54 54,49
*) Animal Feed Lab, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, UB Malang, 2013. NARS : non ammoniated
rice straw; ARS: the chosen ammoniated rice straw (urea level 6%, with 21 days incubation
period); NFSD: non fermented sago dregs; FSD: fermented sago dregs (30 days incubation
Table 3. The treatments effect on DMD and OMD, BWG, and FC.
Variables Treatments diet R5
R1 R2 R3 R4
DMD (%) 62,90 64,12 65,88 63,13 62,14
OMD (%) 63,75 65,77 67,21 65,05 5,51
BWG (kg/head/day) 0,66 0,74 0,81 0,71
FC 5,05 5,31 5,49 5,03
The highest DMD and OMD were obtained on R3 treatment, i.e. 65.88%
and 67.21%, respectively. Meanwhile, the lowest digestibility was obtained on R5
treatment, i.e. 60.31% and 62.14%, respectively. The low value of the feed
digestibility, presumably because of the high content of acid nucleat mushroom
Pleurotus ostreatus are difficult to digest.
The highest value of BWG was obtained from R3 treatment, i.e. 0.81
kg/head/day. While lowest oen was on R5 treatment (0.64 kg/head/day). The
increase of BWG was along with the increase in DMD and OMD. Sangaji (2009)
reported that the use of 30% field grass feed, 30% FSD and 40% concentrate on
Bali cattle reach a highest BWG of 0.655 kg/head/day.
Feed conversion is the amount of feed consumed to produce one unit of
livestock production. The lower the value of the conversion, the more efficient use
of feed. These results indicates that treatment of R4 gives the lowest feed
conversion value, i.e. 5.03 followed by R1, R2, R3, and R5, namely 5,05. 5.31
and 5.49, and 5.51, respectively. Based on feed conversion data, it was showed
that the use of fermented sago dregs in complete diets was more efficiently than
the use of ammoniated rice straw.
The use of a combination of 25% ammoniated rice straw and 25%
fermented sago dregs in complete treatment diet (R3) resulted in the best
biological value on PO cattle, viz 63.88% DMD and 65.21% OMD, 0.81
kg/head/d BWG, and the best feed efficiency (FC value of 5.03).
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Antonius. 2009. Utilization of Fermented Rice Straw as Substitution of Elephant
Grass in Cow Feed. JITV 14(4): 270-277.
Harsanto, P. B., 1986. Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan Sagu.Kanisius. Jogjakarta.
Preston, T.R. and R.A. Leng, 1987. Matching Ruminant Production System with
Available Resources in The Tropics. Penambul Books. Armidale.
Rumalatu, F.J., 1981. Distribusi dan Potensi Pati Beberapa Sagu (Metroxylon, sp)
di Daerah Seram barat. Karya Ilmiah. Fakultas Pertanian/Kehutanan yang
Berafiliasi dengan Fateta IPB. Bogor.
Sangadji. 2009. Mengoptimalkan Pemanfaatan Ampas Sagu Sebagai Pakan
Ruminansia Melalui Biofermentasi dengan Jamur Tiram dan Amoniasi.
Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Steel, R.G.D dan J.H. Torrie. 1991. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistik, Suatu
Pendekatan Biometrik. Terjemahan. Judul Asli: Principles and
Procedures of Statistic, A Biometrical Approach. Penerjemah: Bambang
S. Gedia. Jakarta. Hal: 48-233.
Tisnowati. 1991.Kecernaan In vitro Ampas sagu Metroxylon yang Diperlakukan
Secara Biologis. Skripsi. Fakultas Peternakan IPB. Bogor.
Tuturoong, R.A.V, Hartutik, Soebarinoto and Kaunang 2013 Nutritive Evaluation
of Ammoniated Benggala Grass and Fermented Sago Waste. Scientific
Papers. Series D. Animal Science. Vol. LVI: 102-106. Bucharest,
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Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Potential Source of Feedstuffs from Oil Palm Plantation Areas for
Development of Cattle Production in Indonesia
D. Bakti1, Y. L. Henuk1, Rosmayati1, E. Purba1, D. Siahaan2
1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, North Sumatera,
2Visiting Faculty Member at HKBP Nommensen University, North Sumatera,
Corresponding author: [email protected]
There are around 12 million ha of palm plantations in Indonesia and that
always progressively increase every year. Vegetation forage among the oil palm
trees are weeds and they must be weeded regularly used cattle as biological
cultivator (‗bio lawnmowers‘). This integration gives mutual effect
(complementary) which is converted by livestock forage into meat and oil palm
plantation growers can save 25-50 % of weeding costs and increase the production
of fresh fruit yield 16.7%. The combination of oil palm plantations with cattle
business in Indonesia has been introduced in 2011 through a program of ―Sistem
Integrasi Sapi - Kelapa Sawit‖ (SISKA) or "System Integration Cattle – Oil Palm
Plantations". Cattle and/or buffalo can be used as a labor of transporting TBS,
organic fertilizer, and weed eater. They can also take advantage of plantation
waste and palm oil industries as animal feed to produce meat. Therefore, cattle
fattening business in the areas of oil palm plantation can suppress the
development of weeds up to 77% so as to save the cost of weed control in oil
palm plantations. In addition to producing CPO as the mainstay, the palm oil
industry also produces several types of by-products potential to be used as animal
feed, namely palm press fiber (PPF), mud palm sludge (PS), oil palm frond (OPF)
and palm oil trunk (POS) obtained from palm oil plantations.
Keywords: feedstuffs, oil palm plantation areas, cattle production, Indonesia
Vegetation forage among the oil palm trees are weeds and they must be
weeded regularly used cattle as biological cultivator. This integration gives mutual
effect (complementary) which is converted by livestock forage into meat and oil
palm plantation growers can save 25-50 % of weeding costs and increase the
production of fresh fruit yield 16.7%. The combination of oil palm plantations
with cattle business in Indonesia has been introduced in 2011 through a program
of ―Sistem Integrasi Sapi-Kelapa Sawit‖ (SISKA) or "System Integration Cattle–
Oil Palm Plantations". Cattle and/or buffalo can be used as a labor of transporting
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TBS (Photo 1), organic fertilizer, and weed eater. They can also take advantage of
plantation waste and palm oil industries as animal feed to produce meat (Setiadi,
2011). Without doubt, fattening cattle on grass grown under oil palm plantations
was one of the world‘s most efficient beef production systems, because the
presence of cattle which have been able to introduce an effective biological
control, called the cattle ‗bio lawnmowers‘. The system has lead to 68% reduction
in weed control costs in oil palm plantations, because the cattle like to eat fronds
so they can be processed them into rations. Over 300 days of feeding, growth rate
of cattle goes as high as two kilograms a day (Goodwin, 2016). This paper
reviews literature which identifies potential source of feedstuffs from oil palm
plantation areas for development of cattle production in Indonesia.
Photo 1. The introduction of SISKA Program in Indonesia (Setiadi, 2011).
Development of Cattle Production Under Oil Palm Plantation Areas in
Cattle development in Indonesia is constrained by the supply of quality
feed for increasingly limited land for grazing and planting forage as a source of
feed for cattle. Therefore, the Government through SISKA Program encourages
the breeding business people can be integrated with plantation agriculture or food
agriculture/horticulture. This strategy is important because agriculture non farm
produce waste or biomass potential as raising cattle palm oil – cattle manure as
fertilizer for crops – cattle as a labor of transporting results waste garden or the
processing plant as feed for cattle feed source for livestock, one of them derived
from oil palm plantations (Matondang and Talib, 2015 ). In general, cattle farm
in an oil palm plantation started in the form of grazing free to take advantage of
the availability of forage in the form of weeds at the bottom of the oil palm
plantations. Therefore, cattle fattening business can suppress the development of
weeds up to 77 % so as to save the cost of weed control in oil palm plantations
(Purwantari et al., 2015; Table 2).
In other words, ruminant-oil palm plantation integration is one of
agricultural practices, which commonly applied in Indonesia since the
introduction of a ―Sistem Integrasi Sapi - Kelapa Sawit‖ (SISKA) or "System
Integration Cattle –Oil Palm Plantations" in 2011. Up to now, there are around 12
million ha of palm plantations in Indonesia and that always progressively increase
every year (Martaguri et al., 2016). System integration of ruminant-oil plam
plantation is one form of implementation of crop livestock integration system. In
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this system, oil palm waste is used as cattle feed. While cattle manure, solid or
liquid, used as fertilizer for palm trees. The implementation of this system in
addition to increasing the cattle population, and also can improve soil fertility are
planted with oil palm trees (Figure 1).
Table 2. Weed species in several oil palm plantations in Indonesia
Cattle - Cattle used as weed eater (‘bio Oil Palm
Production lawnmowers’) plus transporting TBS Plantation
- Cattle manure used as fertilizer
Oil palm plantation waste and palm oil
industries as animal feed
Figure 1. Sustainable cattle-oil palm plantation integration in Indonesia.
In addition to producing CPO as the mainstay, the palm oil industry also
produces several types of byproducts potential to be used as animal feed, namely
palm press fiber (PPF), mud palm sludge (PS), oil palm frond (OPF) and palm oil
trunk (POS) obtained from palm oil plantations (Elisabeth dan Ginting, 2004).
Ruminant-oil palm plantation integration is one of agricultural practices,
which commonly applied in Indonesia since the introduction of a ―Sistem
Integrasi Sapi - Kelapa Sawit‖ (SISKA) or "System Integration Cattle –Oil Palm
Plantations" in 2011. In this production system, grasses species in oil palm
plantation are potential forage source for development of cattle production in
Indonesia. Up to now, there are around 12 million ha of palm plantations in
Indonesia and that always progressively increase every year. System integration of
ruminant-oil plam plantation is one form of implementation of crop livestock
integration system. In this system, oil palm waste is used as cattle feed. While
cattle manure, solid or liquid, used as fertilizer for palm trees. The implementation
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Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
of this system in addition to increasing the cattle population, and also can improve
soil fertility are planted with oil palm trees.
Elisabeth, J. and S.P. Ginting, 2004. Pemanfaatan Hasil Samping Industri Kelapa
Sawit sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak Sapi Potong. Prosiding Lokakarya
Nasional Kelapa Sawit – Sapi. Badan Litbang Pertanian. Bogor. Pp. 110-
Goodwin,S.2016. Palm oil game‘s cattle opportunities.
opportunities/?cs=4770#!. Accessed on 13 June 2016.
Matondang, R.H. and C. Talib. 2015. Model Pengembangan Sapi Bali dalam
Usaha Integrasi di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. WARTAZOA, 25 ( 3):147 –
Purwantari, N.D., B. Tiesnamurti, and Y. Adinata. 2015. Ketersediaan Sumber
Hijauan di Bawah Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit untuk Penggembalaan Sapi.
WARTAZOA, 25 ( 1):47 – 54.
Martaguri, I., P.D.M.H. Karti, K.G. Wiryawan, R. Dianita, and L. Abdullah.
2016. Carbon Storage and Nutrient Capacity of Forage
Native Grasses Growing in Oil Palm Plantation at
Commercial and Transformation Forest Ecosystem in
Jambi, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied
Research (IJSBAR), 25 (2: 297-30.
Setiadi, B. K. Diwyanto, W. Puastuti, I.G.A.P. Mahendri, and B. Tiesnamurti.
2011. Peta Potensi dan Sebaran Areal Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di
Indonesia: Sistem Integrasi Sapi-Kelapa Sawit (SISKA). Pusat Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Peternakan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian. Jakarta.
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Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Methane Reduction Strategy With Fat Supplementation for
Development of Sustainable Ruminant Livestock Production
Nur Hidayah
Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agricultural, University of
Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Bengkulu-38119, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Methane emissions from ruminant livestock is one of the contributor
greenhouse effect which affects global warming. It is not only related with
environmental problems, but also reflects the loss of some energy from livestock
being used for the production process. Many strategies from feed nutrition sector
is developing to reduce methane emissions. There are increasing feed concentrate,
supplementation of ionophor, probiotics, secondary metabolites (tannin and
saponin), and fat. Supplementation of fat is very high potential to reduce methane
emissions in commercial farm because fat is a natural materials source that‘s
better than chemical source. Fat supplementation, especially saturated fat, can take
hydrogen gas in rumen, which is the subtance is needed by methanogane bacteria
to produce methane. Nevertheless, the fat supplementation in diet can decreased
feed intake and fiber digestibility, that‘s affect ruminant livestock performance.
Based on that case, this paper aim to review how potential fat supplementation
can reduce ruminant methane emissions to development of sustainable ruminant
livestock production.
Keywords: fat, methane, ruminant
Methane emissions (CH4) is produced by microbial fermentation of feed
components in anaerobic condition. Methane is produced in the rumen (87%) and
the large intestine (13%). Methane in the rumen released through eructation
process (Boadi et al., 2004). Feed material was conversion to CH4 by
methanogenic bacteria in rumen fermentation. Besides methane, others generate
products from the conversion of feed material is volatile fatty acids (VFA), CO2,
H2, N2, and H2S gases. Acetate, propionate and butyrate are the main products of
the VFA, which can be absorbed and used by ruminant. Acetate and butyrate
produced H2 gas and propionate used H2 gas (Boadi et al., 2004).
C6H12O6 + 2H2O → 2C2H4O2 (Acetate) + 2CO2 + 8H
C6H12O6 + 4H → 2C3H6O2 (Propionate) + 2H2O
C6H12O6 + 2H2O → C4H8O2 (Butyrate) + 2CO2 + 4H
CO2 + 8H → CH4 (Methane) + 2H2O
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Hydrogen (H2) gas products didn‘t accumulated in the rumen. This gas is
used by bacteria (especially methanogenic bacteria) to produce methane gas
(Boadi et al., 2004). There were various kinds of methanogenic bacteria such as
Methanobrevibacter ruminantium, Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanosarcina
mazei, Methanobacterium formicicum and Methanomicrobium mobile. The
amount of methane production can describe the loss of part ruminant energy that
can‘t used for the production (Jayanegara et al., 2008). That‘s negative effect for
ruminant livestock productivity. In that case, reduction of hydrogen gas
production in the rumen can indirectly reduce methane emissions.
Biohydrogenation process is one of natural strategy to elimination hydrogen gas.
Existence of biohydrogenation activity is due to fat contained in the ration,
especially unsaturated fatty acid. Mechanism of fat supplementation to decrease
Methane Emissions
Biohydrogenation process in rumen. Fat supplementation on diet is a good
choice to reduce methane emissions. Fat can replace some of the energy sources
derived from carbohydrates (maximum 10% fat in rations) and has positive effect
to reduce methane emissions. Methane production reduce because there are
biohydrogenation process in rumen. Biohydrogenation due to when ruminant
livestock consume diet with unsaturated fatty acids, then the unsaturated fatty
acids took hydrogen gas to convert to be saturated fatty acids. This process is a
microbial detoxification mechanisms that aim to avoid the bacteriostatic effects of
unsaturated fatty acids that may compromise the integrity of cells and inhibit
microbial growth (Maia et al. 2010). The biohydrogenation process effected
hydrogen gas decrease for methanogenic bacteria so that the methane production
decreased (Lovetta et al, 2003).
Strategy to reduce methane emissions can due to decreased organic
materials fermentation in rumen (a low concentration, low consumption of organic
matter), lowered fiber fermentation (as well to reduced digestibility), decreased
activity of methanogenic bacteria and protozoa number hydrogenated unsaturated
fatty acids to saturated fatty acids (Machmuller et al, 2000). Saturated fatty acids
(medium chains, C10-C14) can reduce methane emission in rumen. Increased
saturated fatty acids (long or medium –chain) can decreased solubility that affect
to inhibited productivity of methanogenic bacteria and efficiency methane
Generally, fat supplementation should has no more than 5% of feed (dry
matter basis) because it may lead to suppression of consumption dry matter (Bhatt
et al., 2011). Boadi et al. (2004) reported that the supplementation of fat on diet
can reduce methane production more than 33% and it was very easy to
implementation, but can increased costs feed.
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Some sources of lipids to reduce methane emissions:
a. Supplementation of fumaric acid, essential oil, and canola oil
Table 1 and Table 2 reported Beauchemin and McGinn (2006) research:
this study compared 3 kinds of fat (fumaric acid, essential oil, and canola oil) can
reduced methane emissions on beef cattle. Fumaric acid is a metabolic precursor
to produce propionate and alternatives to accommodate hydrogen gas in rumen.
The addition of canola oil (4.6%) in high forage rations reduced methane
emissions until 32% per day and 21% of gross consumption energy (GE).
Beauchemin and McGinn (2006) reported that decreased feed
consumption, low dry matter and fiber digestibility can reduced methane
emissions. Dohme et al. (2000) reported that the addition of canola oil at 5.3%
DM on in vitro reduced 20% methane emissions. Canola oil consist of 54% oleic
acid, 22% linoleic acid and 11% linolenic acid. Biohydrogenation of mono- and
polyunsaturated fatty acid that took H2 gas and lowering CO2 in rumen reduced
methane production. However, the addition of fats decreased feed intake and
digestibility in rumen. Consumption of fat can directly made a rumen full,
decreased the digestibility of fiber and acetate: propionate ratio. Beauchemin and
McGinn (2006) showed that addition of fumaric acid (175 g/day or 50 mM)
increased propionate concentration but didn‘t reduced methane production of beef
cattle on in vivo. Carro and Ranilla (2003) stated that addition of fumaric acid
acid at 0-10 mM on in vitro reduced 5% methane production, increased VFA
concentration, decreased acetate: propionate ratio. The same result was reported
Bayaru et al. (2004) that the addition of fumaric acid (18 mM) reduced
23%methane production.
b. Supplementation of coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the oil that be categorized in saturated fatty acid.
Coconut oil supplementation reduced 26% methane emissions (Machmuller et al.,
2000) compared with control diet (without oil). The addition of coconut oil
reduced VFA concentration and small acetate:propionate ratio. This indicated that
coconut oil addition disturb fiber degradation in rumen. Lovetta et al. (2003)
reported that the addition of coconut oil (350 g/day) reduced 33, 8% methane
emissions in all of ratios but not affected on average daily gain in finishing cattle
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Charolais cross heifers. Methane emissions per unit of livestock products was
significantly reduced by the low of forage: concentrate ratio. The addition of
coconut oil not only reduced methane emissions but also improved feed
conversion efficiency (FCE). Limit maximum of addition coconut oil at 5% in the
concentrate ration (Bhatt et al., 2011).
Reduction of methane emissions to improve feed efficiency for
development of sustainable ruminant livestock production can use unsaturated
fatty acids (sunflower oil, canola oil, essential oils and fumarate acid) and
saturated fatty acids (tallow and coconut oil). Maximum addition of oil is
preferably 5% on concentrate ration. The addition of fat can improve the feed
efficiency, daily gain and positive impact on environment, but also increase cost
of feed on commercial farms.
Beauchemin, K. A. dan S. M. McGinn. 2006. Canola oil, fumaric oil Methane
emissions from beef cattle: Effects of fumaric acid, essential oil, and
canola oil. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1489–1496
Bhatt, R.S., N.M. Soren, M.K. Tripathi, S.A. Karim. 2011. Effects of different
levels of coconut oil supplementation on performance, digestibility, rumen
fermentation and carcass traits of Malpura lambs. Anim. Feed Sci.
Technol. 164: 29–37
Boadi, D., C. Benchaar, J. Chiquette, dan D. Massé. 2004. Mitigation strategies to
reduce enteric methane emissions from dairy cows: Update review. Can. J.
Anim, Sci. 84:319-335
Carro, M. D., dan M. J. Ranilla. 2003. Influence of different concentrations of
disodium fumarate on methane production and fermentation of concentrate
feeds by rumen microorganisms in vitro. Br. J. Nutr. 90:617–623.
Dohme, F., A. Machmueller, A. Wasserfallen, dan M. Kreuzer. 2000.
Comparative efficiency of fats rich in medium chain fatty acids to suppress
ruminal methanogenesis as measured with RUSITEC. Can. J. Anim. Sci.
Jayanegara, A. 2008. Reducing methane emissions from livestock: nutritional
approaches. Proceedings of Indonesian Students Scientifi c Meeting
(ISSM), Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS) European
Chapter, 13-15 May 2008, Delft, the Netherlands: 18-21.
Lovetta, D., S. Lovella, L. Stacka, J. Callana, M. Finlayb, J. Conollyb, dan F.P.
O‘Maraa. 2003. Effect of forage/concentrate ratio and dietary coconut oil
level on methane output and performance of finishing beef heifers. J.
Livestock Prod. Sci. 84:135–146
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Machmuller, A. , D.A. Ossowski, dan M. Kreuzer. 2000. Comparative evaluation
of the effects of coconut oil, oilseeds and crystalline fat on methane
release, digestion and energy balance in lambs. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.
85: 41-60
Maia MRG, Chaudhary LC, Bestwick CS, Richardson AJ, McKain N, Larson TR,
Graham IA, Wallace RJ. 2010. Toxicity of unsaturated fatty acids to the
biohydrogenating ruminal bacterium, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens. J. BMC
Microbiol. 10(52): 1-10
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Nutritional Responses on The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian
Axis on Female Goats
Mashitah Shikh Maidin
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Livestock production efficiency depends greatly on nutritional
management for reproductive efficiency (‗focus feeding‘), as embodied in the
concept of ‗clean, green and ethical management‘. As reported in sheep studies,
changes in the levels of nutrition primarily affect a range of blood-borne
metabolic factors that appear to exert direct and indirect effects on reproductive
performance through actions on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. The
similarities between sheep and goats in their basic reproductive biology suggest
that the same responses would be seen in female goats. However, there has been
little experimentation in goats compared to sheep, so we know almost nothing for
goats about the effects of nutritional supplements on the feed-forward-feedback
loops in either the reproductive axis or the metabolic homeostatic systems. Thus,
it is important to understand the fundamental of reproductive physiology that
could alter the reproductive performances in goats.
Keywords: goat, nutrition, reproduction
Several environmental factor such as photoperiod, stress and dietary
intakes, could alters the reproductive system of female goats. These factors are
primarily affect follicular development, ovulation rate and successful of
pregnancy. In small ruminants, the potential to improve reproductive performance
through nutritional supplementation is well known on sheep but sparse in goats
(Scaramuzzi et al., 2011; Shikh Maidin, 2011). Focus feeding known as
―flushing‖ is short-term high nutrient intake that is focused to increase prolificacy
of sheep and this refined system embodiment with concept of ‗clean, green and
ethical‘ management (Martin et al., 2004).
In small ruminants, nutrition appears to reproductive performance via
metabolic hormones and hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. For example, in
sheep overfed ewe could have negative embryo-maternal communication, thus
predominantly affect the establishment of pregnancy but this was not seen in goats
(Parr, 1992; Shikh Maidin, et al. 2014). There are several factors linked with
sustainability of pregnancy, including, energy balance from feed intake and
reproductive hormones. Thus it is important to understand physiological
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mechanisms underlying those responses so that it could improve reproductive
performances of goat industry, particularly in Malaysia.
Endocrine regulation on ovarian activity
Female reproductive activity in goats, as in other animals, is regulated
primarily by complex hormonal interactions among the hypothalamus, pituitary
gland and ovary. The primary driver of the process is the hormones in the
hypothalamic-pituitary system: gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH),
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). The primary
contributions from the ovary are progesterone, inhibin and oestradiol. These
hormones are linked by feed-forward processes (hypothalamus to pituitary gland
to ovary) and feedback processes (ovary to hypothalamus and pituitary gland), as
demonstrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The oestrous cycle is regulated by the inter-relationships between hypothalamic
(GnRH), pituitary (LH and FSH), follicular (oestradiol and inhibin), luteal (progesterone and
oxytocin) and uterine (prostaglandin F2α) hormones. Nutritional inputs, the focus of this thesis,
are thought to affect these systems by acting on sites in the central nervous system and the ovary.
These endocrine relationships are thought to be similar in goats and sheep, although very little is
known about inhibin in goats. Redrawn after Scaramuzzi et al. (1993).
During follicular phase, recruitment of growth and development of
follicles is initiated by frequency of LH and FSH concentrations. These
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gonadotrophin hormones are linked closely with intensity of oestradiol.
Ultimately, the Graafian follicles that appear during the follicular phase
determines ovulation rate (Scaramuzzi et al., 2011). Luteal phase begins from the
time of ovulation. In sheep, the intensity of GnRH pulses could affect the number
of corpus luteum. Progesterone reflects the secretory activity of the corpus luteum.
Feed intake and reproductive performance in female goats
The responses of supplementation a vary on reproductive performance,
mainly in ovulation rate, pregnancy, embryo survival and kidding rate. Decades
have been reported in sheep; high protein and energy supplementation increase
number of follicles to ovulate but continued feeding increase embryo mortality.
Changes in ovarian activity in response to changes in nutrition and this response
could be explained by the actions metabolic hormones and clearance of
progesterone concentrations. Insulin directly stimulate folliculogenesis and
increase ovulation rate and this seem apply to goats (Haruna et al. 2009; Meza-
Harrera et al., 2008; Vinoles et al., 2005). In addition, metabolic factors are also
initiated by changes in expression of secretion at brain and pituitary.
As mentioned earlier, in sheep, embryo mortality increased in overfed
ewes, which is led to the reduction of progesterone concentrations during luteal
phase (Parr et al., 1982; 1993). There are many possible reasons to progesterone
clearance during early pregnancy; 1) feed-forward-feedback loop between ovarian
secretion and pituitary stimulation, 2) metabolic factors and 3) stress.
Supplements and restricted feeding are able to suppress GnRH secretions and
responsiveness of luteal cells.
It is important to understand the differences between species in their
reproductive responses to nutrition because the outcomes strongly influence the
rate of production of offspring and may help avoid reproductive failure. This is
particularly important in countries such as Malaysia where the goat industries
contribute heavily to the domestic economy.
Haruna S., Kuroiwa, T., Lu, W., Zabuli, J., Tanaka, T., and Kamomae, H. (2009).
The effects of short-term nutritional stimulus before and after the
luteolysis on metabolic status, reproductive hormones and ovarian activity
in goats. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 55: 39-44.
Martin, G. B., Rodger, J., and Blache, D. (2004). Nutritional and environment
effects on reproduction in small ruminants. Reproduction, Fertility and
Development. 16: 491-501
Meza-Herrera, C. A., Hallford, D., Ortiz, J. A., Cuevas, R. A., Sanchev, J. M.,
Salinas, H., Mellado, M., and Gonzalez-Bulnes, A. (2008). Body condition
and protein supplementation positively affect periovulatory ovarian
activity by non LH-mediated pathways in goats. Animal Reproduction
Science. 106: 412-420.
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Parr, R. A. (1992). Nutrition-progesterone interactions during early pregnancy in
sheep. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 4(3): 297-300.
Parr, R. A., Cumming, I. A., and Clarke, I. J. (1982). Effects of maternal nutrition
and plasma progesterone concentrations on survival and growth of the
sheep embryo in early gestation. Journal of Agricultural Science. 98: 39-
Parr, R. A., Davis, I. F., Miles, M. A., and Squires, T. J. (1993a). Feed intake
affects metabolic clearance rate of progesterone in sheep. Research in
Veterinary Science. 55(3): 306-310.
Scaramuzzi, R. J., Baird, D. T., Campbell, B. K., Driancourt, M.-A., Dupont, J.,
Fortune, J. E., Gilchrist, R. B., Martin, G. B., McNatty, K. P., McNeilly,
A. S., Monget, P., Monniaux, D., Vinoles, C., and Webb, R. (2011).
Regulation of folliculogenesis and the determination of ovulation rate in
ruminants. Reproduction Nutrition Development. 23: 444–467.
Scaramuzzi, R. J., Adams, N. R., Baird, D. T., Campbell, B. K., Downing, J. A.,
Findlay, J. K., Henderson, K. M., Martin, G. B., McNatty, K. P. McNeilly,
A. S., and Tsonis, C. G. (1993). A model for follicle selection and the
determination of ovulation rate in the ewe. Journal of Reproduction and
Fertility. 5: 459–78.
Shikh Maidin, M. (2011). Nutritional control of reproduction in female goats
(Thesis of PhD), University of Western Australia, Australia.
Shikh Maidin, M., Blackberry, M.A., Milton, J.T.B., Hawken, P.A.R., and Martin,
G.B. (2014). Nutritional Supplements, Leptin, Insulin and Progesterone in
Female Australian Cashmere Goats. APCBEE Procedia, 8: 299-304.
Vinoles, C., Forsberg, M., Martin, G.B., Cajarville, C., Repetto, J., and Meikle, A.
(2005). Short-term nutritional supplementation of ewes in low body
condition affects follicle development due to an increase in glucose and
metabolic hormones. Reproduction. 129: 299-309.
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In Vitro Dry Matter Degradation Kinetics of Some Ruminant
Rudi 1*, Suryahadi2 and Anuraga Jayanegara2
1) Graduate School of Nutrition and Feed Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Bogor, Indonesia
2) Departement of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Bogor Agricultural University,
Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
This study aimed to observe degradation kinetics of some ruminant feeds.
A total of five feedstuffs were tested, namely, napiergrass, concentrate, tofu by-
product, cassava peel and soybean meal. Parameters measured were feed soluble
fraction (a), insoluble but degradable fraction (b), degradation rate of fraction b
(c) and effective degradability (ED) in vitro. The experiment was conducted using
a randomized complete block design with 5 treatments and 3 replicates based on
different batches of rumen fluid. Results showed that soybean meal had the
highest value in the percentage of dry matter degradation, the degradation rate of
potentially degradable fraction, effective degradability, ammonia concentration
and dry matter digestibility than the other feeds.
Keywords: ruminant feed, dry matter degradation kinetics, effective degradability,
in vitro.
Most of agro-industrial byproducts used as feed materials havedifferent
fiber contentsand therefore their degradation kinetics in the digestive tract of
ruminants are also different (Pangestu, 2005). Not the entire fiber can be degraded
by microbes in the rumen, depending on the fraction of the constituent fiber and
its attachment to lignin. Evaluation on degradation kinetics of various feeds is
typically assessed by using in sacco technique, but seldomly performed in vitro.
Since facility to perform in sacco experiment in Indonesia is limited, it is
necessary to develop an in vitro degradation kinetics as an alternative to the in
sacco technique. This study aimed to evaluate feed soluble fraction (a), insoluble
but degradable fraction(b), degradation rate of fraction b (c) and effective
degradability (ED) in vitro of five different feeds that commonly used for
ruminants in Indonesia.
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The in vitro procedure was performed according to Tilley and Terry
(1963). Rumen fluid was obtained from three fistulated Ongole crossbred cattle.
Fermentor tube was initially filled with 0.5 g, added with 40 mL of McDougall‘s
buffer and then 10 mL of rumen fluid. Each tube wascovered with ventilated
rubber, put into a water bath maintained at 39 °C, and fermented for 2, 4, 8, 12, 24
and 48 h. After each incubation period, rubber cap of the tube was opened and the
content was centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for 10 min. The precipitate was analyzed for
dry matter degradability, while the supernatant was subjected to
NH3measurement using Conway microdiffusion technique (General Laboratory
Procedure, 1966). For measurement of dry matter digestibility, the residue
obtained after centrifugation was added with 50 mL of 0.2% pepsin-HCl
andincubated for another 48 h.
The experimental design used was a randomized complete block design
with 5 types of feeds, i.e. napiergrass, concentrate, tofu by-product, cassava peel
and soybean meal,and three replicates based on different batches of rumen fluid.
Parameters measured were degradation kinetics of dry matter, effective
degradability (ED), ammonia concentration and dry matter digestibility. Dry
matter degradation kinetics was approximated by an exponential equation of
Orskov and McDonald (1979) as follow: D = a + b (1 – e–ct), while ED was
calculated using the equation ED = a + (b × [c/(k + c)]), assuming that the rate of
passage (k) is constant at 0.05. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and a
post-hoc test namely Duncan‘s multiple range test when the effect was significant
at p<0.05.
Results and Discussions
Chemical composition of feeds used is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Chemical composition of feeds (% dry matter)
Feed Composition
SBM 94.61 7.35 44.68 2.31 3.07 37.20 3708 91.10 18.78 8.34 na
NG 87.82 9.69 14.57 19.39 0.79 43.38 4389 79.11 65.55 24.10 na
C 80.31 16.3 10.28 33.71 0.74 19.27 2833 64.93 48.40 41.80 12.58
TB 53.18 1.63 8.64 17.00 2.62 23.29 2421 54.83 5.54 3.98 0.36
CV 47.11 4.84 4.31 5.81 1.29 30.86 1850 43.88 4.12 3.22 1.00
DM=dry matter; CP=crude protein; CF=crude fiber; EE=ester extract; NFE=nitrogen free extract;
GE=gross energy; TDN=Total digestible nutrients; NDF=neutral detergent fiber; ADF=acid
detergent fiber; SBM=soybean meal; NG=napier grass; C=concentrate; TB=tofu by-product;
CV=cassava peel; na=not analised
Soybean meal had the highest percentage of degradation of dry matter and
followed cassava peel, concentrates, tofu by-product and napier grass (Figure 1).
The high percentage of dry matter degradation is affected by the constituent cell
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contents are easily digested and readily soluble such as starch, protein, fat and
minerals are soluble, crude fiber and ADF were lower (Table 1.) Organic
materials soluble helpful in increasing rumen microbial activity so feed can be
degraded properly. Orskov (1992) states that the degradation of the feed in the
rumen is influenced by rumen microbes and feed composition.
Figure 1. Kinetics of dry matter degradability of soybean meal, elephant grass,
concentrates, pulp and peel cassava.
Mean dry matter degradation, effective degradability, ammonia consentration
dry matter digestibility of soybean meal, napier grass, concentrates, tofu by=product
and cassava peel were presented in Table 2.
Table 2.Mean dry matter degradation, effective degradability, ammonia consentration
dry matter digestibility of soybean meal, napier grass, concentrates, tofu
by=product and cassava peel
Treatment a B a+b u c ED NH3 DMD
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%/jam) (%) (mM) (%)
31.63b 35.29a 0.183b 59.27d 75.58c 93.09e
SBM 17.45a 58.36c 66.92 33.08 0.033a 39.44a 24.95ab 61.50b
NG 28.58b 38.14ab 75.81 24.19 0.043a 45.12b 11.34ab 55.28a
C 24.85ab 53.43bc 66.72 33.28 0.030a 43.91b 31.65b 81.13d
TB 22.48ab 55.95c 78.23 21.72 0.053a 51.37c 9.10a 74.02c
CV 78.43 21.57
P-value 0.048 0.035 0.262 0.262 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Description: different superscripts in the same column indicate significant differences (P <0.05);
a=soluble fraction; b=insoluble but degradable fraction; c=degradation rate of fraction b;
u=undegradable; ED=effective degradability; NH3=NH3consentration; DMD=dry matter
digestibility;SBM=soybean meal; NG=napier grass; C=concentrate; TB=tofu by-product;
CV=cassava peel
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Table 2 shows that soybean meal has the highest effective degradibility
value (59.27%) than the other feeds. The high value of effective degradability due
to the high soluble fraction (a) in soybean meal and degradation rate of fraction b
(c). In accordance with the opinion of Orskov et al. (1982), that the high value of a
fraction degradation (soluble or easily degradable) and the fraction b (or
potentially degraded insoluble) causes a high degree of degradability of feed
material. Van Soest (1994) adds that the nutrients which include crude protein
(CP), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE) and minerals (ash) can affect
the degradability of a feed material.
NH3 is a major product overhaul the result of feed protein in the rumen by
rumen microbes into microbial protein. The results showed that the highest NH3
generated by soybean meal amounted to 75.58%. This is because the soybean
meal had the highest protein content of 44.68% (table 1) and highest degradation
value. According to Haryanto & Djajanegara (1993) NH3 concentration is affected
by the protein content, rate of protein degradation and protein solubility feeds.
Table 2 also showed that the highest dry matter digestibility of soybean
meal. Dry matter digestibility in soybean meal is very high because of the
chemical composition, soybean meal had a crude fiber and ADF were low,
resulting in soybean meal is easily digested by rumen microbes. Factors affecting
dry matter include the chemical composition, speed of travel of feed in the
digestive tract and the nutrients in the feed material. Based on the digestibility
results obtained in this study can be seen that the digestibility value is higher than
the value of degradation. This is due to the incubation time required to obtain a
dry matter digestibility value longer than the incubation time required to obtain
the value of the dry matter degradation so that the residue obtained less on
digestibility parameters but high-value materials.
The highest dry matter digestibility with the highest value of dry matter
degradabilitywasowned by soybean meal.
Haryanto B, Djajanegara A. 1993. Pemenuhan kebutuhan zat-zat pakan
ruminansia kecil dalam produksi kambing dan domba di Indonesia. Solo
(ID): UNS Pr.
Orskov, E. R. & I. McDonald. 1979. The estimation of protein degradability in the
from incubation measurements weighted according to rate of passage. J.
Agric. Sci. 92: 499-503.
Ørskov, E.R., F.D. Deb. Hovell and F. Mould. 1982. The use of the nylon bag
technique for the evaluation of feedstuff. Paper first presented at the third
Annual Conference on Tropical Animal Production Merica. Merica. Trop.
Anim. Prod. 5 : 195 - 200.
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Orskov ER. 1992. Protein Nutrition in Ruminant(2nd Ed.). Harcout Brace
Jovanovich Publisher, London (UK): Academic Pr.
Pangestu, E. 2005. Evaluasi Serat dan Suplementasi Zink dalam Ransum
Berbahan Hasil Samping Industri Pertanian pada Ternak Ruminansia
(Disertasi). Bogor. Program Pascasajana. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Tilley JMA, Terry RA. 1963. A two-stage technique for the in vitro digestion of
forage crop. J British Grassl Soc.18: 104-111.
Van Soest, P. J. 1994. Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant. 2nd Edition. Cornell
University Press Ithaca.
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The Effects of Phenolic Compounds in Brown Propolis Extracts
on Rumen Methane Production (in vitro)
Sh. Ehtesham1, A.R. Vakili2*, M. Danesh Mesgaran3
1 student of Animal Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, International
Campus, Mashhad, Iran
2* and 3 Vakili, A.R. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The aim of this study is to determine the chemical composition of brown
propolis (BP) extracts and to show flavonoids and phenol effects on rumen
methane production (in vitro). To this study one diet with concentrate: forage ratio
as 80:20 (HC: high concentrate) with different BP extracts were used. The
treatments were HC(control), HC+BP 25%,HC+ BP 50% and HC+BP 75%. The
results of this study showed that in HC ration adding BP 25% did not reduce
(p>0.05) CH4 production in comparison with the control, while BP 50%
significantly reduced (p<0.05) it. Furthermore, BP 75% statistically decreased
(p<0.05) CH4 production compared to the other treatments.
Keywords: Brown propolis, rumen methane production, phenolic compounds.
Nutritional strategies to improve the production of ruminants have
attracted the attention of nutritionists for several years. Making use of some
additives such as antibiotics and probiotics in the diet signifies a remarkable
reduction of methane production in the ruminants (McGuffey et al., 2001)
Because of the using chemical substances the risk of residue transmission into
milk and meat (on the one hand and the prohibition of utilizing antibiotics by
European Union in 2006 on the other hand made the researchers exploit natural
products to manipulate rumen fermentation (Nisbet et al., 2009). Propolis is
pastey and sticky and can be found in yellow, green, and red or brown
(FERNANDES et al., 2007). Bee workers, over three weeks of age collect the
plant cell sap from leaves, buds and plants and mixed it with Beta-glucosidase
enzyme secreted by them (Castaldo and Capasso., 2002; El-Bassuony et al.,2009;
Zia et al., 2009).The existence of phenol and flavonoid composition in propolis
extract caused the improvement of rumen fermentation, reduction of NH3-N
(Ozturk et al., 2010) and methane ( Oskoueian et al., 2013). The objective of this
study is to determine the chemical compounds of brown propolis (BP) extracts
and to show phenolic compounds in brown propolis extracts on rumen methane
production (in vitro).
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Origin of Propolis
The brown propolis (BP) was collected from north east Iran (37° 37'
31.07'' N,58° 43' 49.74'' E), a mountainous region with relatively warm weather
(3°C and 27% humidity) in Khorasan Razavi, from Ehtesham Apiary in October
Preparation of propolis extracts
For this study three extracts of BP (25%, 50% and 75%) were provided.
Propolis extraction was performed according to Sforcin et al (2000).The ethanol
was removed in a rotary evaporator (Heidolph laborota 4000, Germany) at 42 °C
for 30 min.
Total phenolic compounds of Brown Iranian Propolis
Total phenolic compounds of Brown Iranian Propolis were measured by
Swain et al (1959).
Experimental diets and Treatments
Experimental samples were including one diet with different concentrate:
forage ratio (80:20 with four treatments and eight repeats as control diet 80:20
without BIP,80:20 diet with 25% BIP,80:20 diet with 50% BIP and 80:20 diet
with 75% BIP.Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets are
showed in table 1.
Table 1. Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diet.
Ingredients (% DM) Diet 80:20(concentrate: forage)
Alfalfa 5
Corn silage 15
Wheat straw 0
Barley 27.2
Corn 24
Soybean meal 6.4
Sugar pulp meal 4
Cotton seed 9.6
Wheat bran 8
Calcium carbonate 0.24
Salt 0.16
Chemical Composition (%)
Dry Matter 88
Crude Protein 15.28
Ether Extract 14.80
Neutral detergent fiber 35.10
Acid detergent fiber 16.42
Organic Matter 92.24
Ash 7.76
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Chemical analysis
Dry matter content of feeds samples was determined by drying the oven-
dried samples at 65 °C to a constant weight (AOAC 2005, method 934.01). Ether
extract (EE) (AOAC 2005, method 920.39) and ash content was determined after
3 h of incineration at 550°C in a muffle furnace (AOAC 2005, method 942.05).
Crude protein (CP) (Kjeldahl N ×6.25) was measured by the block digestion
method using copper catalyst and steam distillation into boric acid solution
(AOAC 2005, method 2001.11) on a 2100 Kjeltec distillation unit. Neutral
detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were analyzed by the
Fibertec System (1010 Heat Extractor, Tecator, Sweden) according to Van Soest
et al. (1991) and were corrected for ash. Sodium sulfite and heat-stable α-amylase
(Sigma A3306; Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) were used during NDF
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed ANOVA of a completely randomized design by the
GLM procedure of SAS 9.1. Means among treatment were compared by Tukey
Results and Discussions
In vitro rumen methane production is showed in table 2.
Table 2. Effect of different concentration of BP on rumen methane production.
Items HC diet
Control 20.89ab±0.57
BP 25% 18.65b±0.57
BP 50% 14.99c±0.57
BP 75%
SEM 0.99
P value <0.0001
SEM: Standard Error of the Mean.
CH4: methane gas
a-c means in the same row followed by different superscripts differ (P<0.05).
Values are means ± SD, n=8
BP: brown propolis
HC: high concentrate
The results of this study showed that in HC ration adding BP 25% did not
reduce (p>0.05) CH4 production in comparison with the control, while BP 50%
significantly reduced (p<0.05) it. Furthermore, BP 75% statistically decreased
(p<0.05) CH4 production compared to the other treatments. The research
concluded that the BP existing in ratio led to the significant decrease of CH4
compared with that in control group. The higher decrease of gram positive
bacteria in proportion to gram negative bacteria (Mirzoeva et al.,1997;Padmavati
et al., 1997) can be the possible cause of adding BP to the ratio. Furthermore there
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is a possibility that the antiprotozoal effect of BP (Rispoli et al., 2009; Kreuzer et
al., 1986) causes the decrease of protozoa population and subsequently hinders the
production of CH4 by changing the reducing equivalents of CH4 to propionate
synthesis in the rumen. The above mentioned conclusions verified the findings by
(Patra et al., 2006; Tavendale et al., 2005).
The BP makes rumen methane production decrease. This may help the
improve environment.
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), 2005. In: Official Methods
of Analysis eighteenth ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Maryland,
Castaldo, S., Capasso, F., 2002. Propolis, an old remedy used in modern
medicine. Fitoterapia 73, S1-S6.
El-Bassuony AA. New prenilated compound from Egyptian propolis with
antimicrobial activity. Rev Latinoamer Quím 2009; 37(1): 85-90.
Fernandes, F; Dias, A; Ramos, C; Igekaki, M; Siqueira, A; Franco, M (2007) The
"In Vitro"Antifungal Activity Evaluation Of Propolis G12 Ethanol Extract
On Cryptococcus neoformans. Rev.Inst.Med.trop.S.Paulo 49: 93-95.
Kreuzer M, Kirchgessner M, Müller HL (1986): Effect of defaunation on the loss
of energy in wethers fed different quantities of cellulose and normal or
steamflaked maize starch. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 16, 233-241.
McGuffey RK, Richardson LF, Wilkinson JID (2001):Ionophore for dairy cattle:
Current status and future outlook. J Dairy Sci, 84 (E. Suppl.), E194–E203.
Mirzoeva, O. K.; Grishanin, R. N.; Calder, P. C. Antimicrobial action of propolis
and some of its components: the effect on growth, membrane potential
and motility of bacteria. Amesterdam, v.152, p. 239-246, 1997.
Nisbet D. J., T. R. Callaway, T. S. Edrington, R. C. Anderson,and N. Krueger,
―Effects of the dicarboxylic acids malate and fumarate on E. coli O157:H7
and Salmonella enteric typhimuriumpopulations in pure culture and in
mixed ruminal microorganism fermentations,‖ Current Microbiology, vol.
58,no. 5, pp. 488–492, 2009.
Oskoueian E., Norhani A., Oskoueian A. (2013): Effects of Flavonoids on
Rumen Fermentation Activity, Methane Production, and Microbial
Population. BioMed Research International.Volume (2013), Article ID
349129, 8 pages.
Ozturk, H.; Pekcan, M.; Sireli, M. and Fidanci, U. R. 2010. Effects of propolis on
in vitro rumen microbial fermentation. AnkaravÜniversitesi Veteriner
Fakültesi Dergisi 57:217-221.
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Padmavati, M.; Sakthivel, N.; Thara, K. V.; Reddy, A. R. Differential sentivity of
rice pathogens to growth inhibition by flavonids. Phytochemistry, Oxford,
V.46, p. 499-502, 1997.
Patra A. K., D. N. Kamra, and N. Agarwal, ―Effect of plant extracts on in vitro
methanogenesis, enzyme activities and fermentation of feed in rumen
liquor of buffalo,‖ Animal Feed Science and Technology, vol. 128, no. 3-
4, pp. 276–291, 2006.
Rispoli TB, Rodrigues IL, Martins Neto RG, Kazama R, Prado OPP, Zeoula LM,
Arcuri PB (2009): Ruminal ciliate protozoa of cattle and buffalo fed on
diet supplemented with monensin or extracts from propolis. Pesqui
Agropecu Bras, 44, 92-97.
Tavendale M. H. , L. P. Meagher, D. Pacheco, N. Walker, G. T. Attwood, and S.
Sivakumaran, ―Methane production from in vitro rumen incubations with
Lotus pedunculatus and Medicago sativa, and effects of extractable
condensed tannin fractions on methanogenesis,‖ Animal Feed Science and
Technology, vol. 123-124, pp. 403–419, 2005.
Zia M, Mannani R, Mahmoodi M, Bayat M, Mohaghegh F. The Effects of
alcoholic extract of propolis obtained from Iran bee hives on the growth of
trichophyton mentagrophytis,trichophyton rubrum and trichophyton
verrucosum. J Isfahan Med Sci 2009; 27(95): 232-24.
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Prediction of feed metabolizable energy and metabolizable protein
contents from their chemical constituents
Anuraga Jayanegara1,*, Sari P. Dewi2, Muhammad Ridla1, Erika B. Laconi1,
1Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor
Agricultural University, Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor, Indonesia
2Graduate School of Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science,
Bogor Agricultural University, Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
This research aimed to predict feed ME and MP contents by their chemical
composition. A total of 134 feeds from various categories (dry forage, fresh
forage, silage, energetic concentrate, proteic concentrate and by-product) from
BR-CORTE Brazil were integrated into a database.Values of TDN and CP were
regressed against ME and MP, respectively. The value of ME was predicted from
NDF, NFC, EE and CP whereas MP was predicted from RDP and RUP. The RDP
to RUP ratio was regressed to MP in order to obtain optimum value of the ratio.
Results showed that TDN and CP could predict quite accurately ME and MP by
explaining 78.2% and 92.7% of their total variations, respectively. ME was
accurately predicted by NFC, NDF, EE and CP, whereas MP was accurately
predicted by RDP and RUP.Lower RDP/RUP led to a higher MP percentage to
Key words: metabolizable energy, metabolizable protein, total digestible nutrient
Current feed formulation system for ruminant livestock in developed
countries such as USA (NRC), UK (AFRC), Australia (CSIRO), France (INRA),
Netherland (VEM-DVE) and Brazil (BR-CORTE) is based on metabolizable
energy (ME) and metabolizable protein (MP) supply. In Indonesia, however, our
feed formulation is still based on an old system, i.e. total digestible nutrient
(TDN) and crude protein (CP) to represent feed energy and protein supply,
respectively (Riswandi et al., 2015; Yantika et al., 2016). This system has to be
evaluated against the current system to decide whether we need to improve our
system or we keep the old one. An approach to evaluate the system is through
predicting ME and MP by feed chemical constituent, i.e. TDN and CP,
respectively. The accuracy of prediction may provide important information to
make such decision. This research therefore aimed to predict feed ME and MP
contents by their chemical composition.
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Data used in the present study were originated from the Brazil system BR-
CORTE (Filho et al., 2010). A total of 134 feeds from various categories (dry
forage, fresh forage, silage, energetic concentrate, proteic concentrate and by-
product) were integrated into a database. The chemical constituents recorded were
dry matter (DM), ash, organic matter (OM), lignin, neutral detergent fiber (NDF),
ether extract (EE), non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC), TDN, ME, CP, rumen
degradable protein (RDP), rumen undegradable protein (RUP) and MP.
Values of TDN and CP were regressed against ME and MP, respectively.
Regression equations, P-values and coefficient of determinations (R2) were
recorded for both relationships. Root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) was
calculated between the observed and predicted valuesaccording to Jayanegara et
al. (2015). The value of ME was predicted from NDF, NFC, EE and CP whereas
MP was predicted from RDP and RUP. Additionally, RDP to RUP ratio was
regressed to MP in order to obtain optimum value of the ratio.
Results and Discussions
It was observed that TDN and CP could predict quite accurately ME and
MP; 78.2% and 92.7% total variations in ME and MP could be explained by TDN
and CP, respectively (Figure 1). The RMSE between observed and predicted
values of ME and MP were 0.31 and 2.83%, respectively. It may suggest that our
old feed formulation system is sufficient and can be continued especially in the
case of CP. However, it has to be noted that our TDN values are usually obtained
by estimation from chemical composition (e.g. Zahera et al., 2015), and not by
experimentation. This may create bias since to date such estimation has never
been validated regarding its accuracy. Development towards a more sophisticated
feed formulation system is advisable when adequate resources are available.
Figure 1. Relationships between total digestible nutrient (TDN) and metabolizable
energy (ME) and between crude protein (CP) and metabolizable protein
ME = –0.057 (±0.111) + 0.039(±0.002) TDN (P<0.001; R2 = 0.782)
MP = –0.711 (±0.589) + 0.701 (±0.026) CP (P<0.001; R2 = 0.927)
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Both ME and MP are accurately predicted by feed chemical constituents
(Table 1). Carbohydrate, both structural (represented by NDF) and non-structural
(represented by NFC), EE and CP contribute to energy supply for livestock. The
MP is originated from microbial protein that use RDP and by-pass protein.
Microbial protein and by-pass protein that can be digested and absorbed in the
small intestine is regarded as MP (Pfeffer et al., 2016). Therefore RDP and RUP
are very accurate predictors of MP.
Table 1. Regression equation of ME and MP prediction R2
Dependent Equation P-value
ME –0.296 + 0.032 NFC + 0.018 NDF + <0.001 0.914
0.068 EE + 0.044 CP
MP –0.001 + 0.577 RDP + 0.880 RUP <0.001 0.999
ME, metabolizable energy (Mcal/kg); NFC, non-fiber carbohydrate (%DM);
NDF, neutral detergent fiber (%DM); EE, ether extract (%DM); CP, crude protein
(%DM); MP, metabolizable protein (%DM); RDP, rumen degradable protein
(%DM); RUP, rumen undegradable protein (%DM)
Relationship between RDPto RUP ratio and MP is presented in Figure
2.Lower RDP/RUP led to a higher MP percentage to CP. It is apparent that
RDP/RUP ≤ 4.0 is important to maintain MP ≥ 60% CP, which is equal to
maximum 80% RDP (or minimum 20% RUP).
Figure 2. Relationship between rumen degradable protein (RDP) to rumen
undegradable protein (RUP) ratio and metabolizable protein (MP).
The TDN and CP and other feed chemical constituentscould predict quite
accurately ME and MP. Lower RDP/RUP led to a higher MP percentage to CP..
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Filho, S.C.V., M.I. Marcondes, M.L. Chizzotti and P.V.R. Paulino. 2010. Nutrient
Requirements of Zebu Beef Cattle. 2nd Edition. Federal University of
Vicosa, Brazil.
Jayanegara, A., H.P.S. Makkar and K. Becker. 2015. Addition of purified tannin
sources and polyethylene glycol treatment on methane emission and rumen
fermentation in vitro. Med. Pet. 38:57-63.
Pfeffer, E., J. Schuba and K.H. Sudekum. 2016. Nitrogen supply in cattle coupled
with appropriate supply of utilisable crude protein at the duodenum, a
precursor to metabolisable protein. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 70:293-306.
Riswandi, A.I.M. Ali, Muhakka, Y. Syaifudin and I. Akbar. 2015. Nutrient
digestibility and productivity of Bali cattle fed fermented Hymenachne
amplexiacalis based rations supplemented with Leucaena leucocephala.
Med. Pet. 38:156-162.
Yantika, S.M., Alamsyari, D. Evvyernie, D. Diapari and K. Winaga. 2016.
Performance, carcass production, and meat quality of Sumba Ongole bulls
fed ration supplemented velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens). Med. Pet. 39:20-
Zahera, R., I.G. Permana and Despal. 2015. Utilization of mungbean‘s green
house fodder and silage in the ration for lactating dairy cows. Med. Pet.
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Effects of Long Transportation Preceded by Short Periods of
Deprivation on the Intake and Nutrient Digestibility of Bos
sondaicus bulls
C.L.O. Leo-Penu1,2, W. Ndaumanu1, J. Widu1, D.R. Tulle1, J.A. Jermias1,2,
U.R. Raya3, I.G.N. Jelantik2, G. Maranatha2, Y. Manggol2, T. Lapenangga1,
A.Ch. Tabun1, A.J. Parker4
1Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic, Indonesia
2Research and Development Centre for Timor Cattle, Nusa Cendana University,
3Faculty of Political and Social Science, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
4Department of Animal Science, Ohio State University, US
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The long duration transportation with short periods of feed and water
deprivation were studied using four Bos sondaicus bulls where two of the animals
were fistulated. The animals were assigned in a 2 x 4 cross-over design with two
treatments: first treated group offered feed and water ad libitum (control) then
transported for 8 hours (the longest land transportation time in West Timor,
Indonesia) and second treated group offered no feed and water for 12 hours
followed by offering feed and water ad libitum for 4 hours (farmers custom before
selling their cattle) then transported for 8 hours. Intake, rumen pH and nutrient
digestibility were recorded during the study. Data were compared between groups
using T-test method in SPSS software. Animals having long duration
transportation preceded by short period of feed and water deprivation have higher
DM intake (2.65 v 2.07 ; P=0,001) compared to bulls offered feed and water ad
libitum before long transportation. Whereas, the control bull tends to have higher
DM intake (3.99 v 3.54; P=0,01) compared to another group. However, both
groups did not differ in DM digestibility pre (2.39 v 2.29) and post (1.06 v 1.41)
long transportation with short periods of feed and water deprivation. Also rumen
pH did not differ between groups pre and post transport. These results indicate
that long duration transportation preceded by short period of feed and water
deprivation did not have a negative effect on the DM intake and digestibility of
Bos indicus bulls.
Key words: Cattle, Short periods of deprivation, Long transportation, Rumen pH
It is wellknown that Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) province is one of the
Bali cattle producer to fulfil demands of live cattle from the highest consumption
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areas of Jakarta and West Java, Indonesia. The distance between the island of
Timor and Jakarta as the consumption centre is great. The cattle must endure land
and sea transportation that can take greater than or equal to 5 days in transit.
These activities result in many stressors on cattle which lead most commonly to
appetite and body weight loss (McVeigh et al., 1982). The average amount of
body weight loss from cattle transported from West Timor to Jakarta has been
reported to be 12.60% (Leo-Penu et al., 2010). Unfortunately, this loss is passed
back to farmers in the form of a reduced price paid for live cattle.
It common to farmers in West Timor to deprive their cattle from feed and
water for 24 hours before let the cattle back to access to feed and water for at least
few hours before they selling the cattle. They believe that the practical activities
can help to increase the live weight of the cattle. Consequently, they can geerate
more money from selling the cattle. The research was conducted to investigate the
effect of the practical activies on DM intake and digestibility of the cattle.
Experimental Design
Four fistulated Bos sondaicus bulls or Bali cattle (201.5 ± 4.5 kg BW;
mean ± SEM) were used in this study. Throughout the study, the bulls were
allocated to one of two treatment groups: 1) control bulls (T1) offered Sorgghum
plumosum var. Timorense hay ad libitum without deprivation before transport and
deprived bulls (T2) offered no feed and water for 24 hours followed by offering
Sorgghum plumosum var. Timorense hay for four hours before transport. The
treatment was mimicked the cattle transportation and practical activities of
farmers before selling their animals in West Timor, Indonesia. Experimental
animals were transported for 8 hours as the longest practical cattle land
transportation in West Timor. Both animal groups were then offered feed ration
ad libitum once arrived in penns after transportation.
Table 1. The chemical composition of experimental feed offered to Bos
sondaicus bulls before and after transport.
Feed Ration Sorgghum plumosum
var. Timorense hay
Dry Matter (DM), % 89,61 90.54
Ash, % 22.89 6.67
Organic Matter (OM), % 83.87 66.72
Crude Protein (CP), % 20.18 5.44
Gross energi, cal/g 3264 3908
Statistical Analysis
The student‘s t test was undertaken to compare DM intake and
digestibility means between treatments on specific days. SPSS version 22 (IBM
Corp., US, 2013).
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C u m u la tive D M in tak e (k g /h ea d ) Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Results and Discussion
During pre deprivation, there were no differences between the deprived
group (T2) and the control group (T1) for DM intake. After transport on day 0, the
intake of the deprived cattle was the same as the control group. However, the
deprived group had a higher (P=0.005) DM intake on the morning of day 1 (3.00
± 0.15 kg) and day 2 (2.37 ± 0.28 kg) compared to the control group (1.95 ± 0.35
kg; 2.00 ± 0.31 kg, respectively).
This higher intake contributed then to the cumulative DMI of the deprived
cattle being higher than the control group for the remainder of the re-feeding
period. This results is different compared to the longer period of feed and water
deprivation in previous studies (Cole and Hutcheson, 1985a, Fluharty et al. 1996).
They reported that the depression in DMI often extends to the first 7 to 10 days
after feed and water deprivation. Fluharty et al. (1996) stated that the DMI of
calves deprived of feed and water for 48 or 72 hours was less than their control
calves at day 1. The cattle used in the present study demonstrated a similar DMI
to the control animals on day 0 after transport. However, the deprived group
subsequently increased their DMI on day 1 and 2 then showed a similar DMI to
the controls for the rest of the study. Our study also found that the DM
digestibility did not differ between both groups of the animals during pre-
deprivation (2.39 kg/head v 2.29 kg/head) and post-transport (1.06 kg/head v 1.41
kg/head). It is likely that the practical activities of farmers depriving their animals
for short period of time before selling their cattle in West Timor tends to have a
positive impact on DM intake.
6 0 T 2 : d e p riva tio n fo r 2 4 h
-11-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 1. Cumulative DM intake (means ± SEM kg/head) of animals treated: (T1)
control bulls offered Sorgghum plumosum var. Timorense hay ad
libitum without deprivation before 8 h transportation and deprived bulls
(T2) offered no feed and water for 24 hours followed by offering
Sorgghum plumosum var. Timorense hay for four hours before 8 h
transportation on day 0.
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 176
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Oral Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
These results indicate that long duration transportation preceded by short
period of feed and water deprivation did not have a negative effect on the DM
intake and digestibility of Bos indicus bulls.
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Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 177
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”