Poster Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Effect of Short-Term Protein Supplemention on Ovulation Rate
and Live Weight of Goats
Nur Hafizah Mohammed, Nurul Izza AB Ghani, Christina Yong Seok Yien,
and Mashitah Shikh Maidin*
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Seventeen of matured female crossed-Boer goats with aged 2 to 3 years
old were used to determine the effects of high protein intake on ovulation rate and
live body weight. The does were divided into two groups; 1) Control group
received maintenance diet (commercial pallet and napier grass) and 2) Treatment
Group received double maintenance diet (commercial pallet-2M and napier grass).
The feeding treatment was started 10 days prior to CIDR removal (Day 0) and last
for 21 days. All the does were weighed every two weeks throughout the
experiment. All does were synchronized with CIDR for 18 days (Day -18 to Day
0). On Day 16, ovaries were examined by ultrasound and ovulation rate were
calculated by presence number of corpus luteum. Results showed that does
supplemented with high protein intakes does not affects their live weight and
ovulation rate (P>0.05). Therefore, we concluded that protein supplement on goat,
does not give robust effect on the ovulation rate and live body weight.
Keywords: protein supplement, Boer goat, ovulation rate, body weight
The relationship between nutrition and reproduction has been widely
reported particularly on sheep, but sparse in goats (Martin et al., 2004; Scaramuzzi
et al., 2011). Furthermore, literature suggested that focus feeding also known as
―flushing‖ able to manipulate growth and development of follicles, thus increase
ovulation rate (Scaramuzzi et al., 2006; Somchit-Assavacheep et al., 2013).In
sheep, flushing with high protein intake prior to mating is associated with energy
balance and reproductive performance.Live body weight and body condition score
are also related with reproduction performance such as ovulation rate (Rekik,
2007; Garcia-Garcia, 2012). It has been reported that undernutrition ewes, the
hypothalamic secretion suppressed thus affect their reproductive performance
including ovulation. In sheep, the ovulation rate increase parallel with increase in
live weight (Downing and Scaramuzzi, 1991; K. Nedelkov et al., 2014).Therefore,
we hypothesis that short-term supplementation of high protein will increase live
weight and ovulation rate of female goats.
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 628
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Experimental animals
A total of 17 matured crossed-Boer female goats with an average initial
live weight of 26.47± 0.8kg and aged 2 to 3 yearswere used in this study. They
were allocated to Control (n=9) and Treatment groups (n=8) andall does were kept
in individual pens. During oestrus synchronization (habituation period), all does
were fed daily according their maintenance diet and water was provided ad
libitum.Using a mix of 70% napier and 30% commercial pallet, the Control does
were each individually offered an amount calculated to meet their MEm to ensure
maintenance of live weight. The Treatment group was fed to about twice their
MEm by feeding extra pallet. Feeding treatment started 10 days prior to CIDR
removal (Day 0). The bucks were introduced to the groups on Day 2 and last for 4
days. On Day 16, does were scanned by using transrectal-ultrasound (SSD-900;
Aloka, Tokyo, Japan) to determine the existence of corpus luteum (CL) and the
number of CLs were recorded. Their live weight was recorded every two weeks.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS software version 22.
Ovulation rate was compared using the chi-squared test and live weight over time
wasanalyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). All data were
presented as mean ± standard error (SE).
Results and Discussion
Short-term of high protein intakes does not increase ovulation rate and live
weight on crossed-Boer female goats (P>0.05; Table 1). This agreed with
previous research in goats that no clear evidence of an increase in ovulation rate
with focus feeding (Zarazaga et al., 2005; Shikh Maidin et al., 2014). It seems that
the high protein supplementation does not able to induced the follicles to growth
and develop more in treated does (Control does = 1.00 ± 0.2; Treated does = 1.25
± 0.2). The increases of ovulation rate require extra follicles to become dominant
and this are well documented in sheep (Viñoles, 2003).While for live weight
results, at the start of the experiment, the live weights varied widely among
animals, ranging from 23 to 30 kg in the Control group and 20 to 36 kg in the
Treatment group. The average live weights did not differ between Control and
Treated groups (Control = 27.06 ± 0.8 kg; Treated = 25.81 ± 1.7 kg).
Regarding the ovulation rate, although present results showed that the number of
CL is higher in Treatment group compared to Controls, but as mentioned earlier
the increment of CLs in Treatment group is not strong enough to evoke the
ovulation rate. There are some literature reported that the increases of ovulation
rate by supplementation are not related with live body weight of animals (Oldham
and Lindsay, 1984). In addition, it is more likely to presume that focus feeding
acts at intracellular level through endocrine and metabolic pathway (Meza-Herrera
et al., 2013).
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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Table 1. Presence of corpus luteum (CL), ovulation rate, initial, final and average
live weight on Control and Treatment groups
Parameters Control group Treatment group
Number of does with no CL 21
Number of does with CL> 2 23
Ovulation rate (Day 16) 1.00 ± 0.2 1.25 ± 0.2
Initial LW (Day -23) 27.06 ± 0.8 25.81 ± 1.7
Final LW (Day 20) 25.41 ± 0.7 25.33 ± 1.5
Average LW (43 days) 25.61 ± 0.7 24.95 ± 1.5
There were no significant differences on ovulation rate, initial, final and
average live weight (LW) between Control and Treatment groups (P> 0.05) and
data were presented in mean ± SE.
Although the basic reproductive biology is similar between sheep and
goats, it seems that short-term supplementation respond differently at their
intracellular level and ovarian physiology. Thus, we suggest that direct
comparisons of the two species are needed.
Downing, J. A. & Scaramuzzi, R. J. (1991). Nutrient effects on ovulation rate,
ovarian function and the secretion of gonadotrophic and metabolic
hormones in sheep. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 43, 209-227.
Garcia-Garcia, R. M. (2012). Integrative Control of Energy Balance and
Reproduction in Females. ISRN Veterinary Science.
Meza-Herrera, C. A., Vargas-Beltran, F., Vergara-Hernandez, H. P., Macias-Cruz,
U., Avendaño-Reyes, L., Rodriguez-Martinez, R. & Veliz-Deras, F. G.
(2013). Betacarotene supplementation increases ovulation rate without an
increment in LH secretion in cyclic goats. Reproductive biology, 13(1), 51-
Martin, G. B., Rodger, J. & Blache, D. (2004). Nutritional and environment
effects on reproduction in small ruminants. Reproduction, Fertility and
Development, 16, 491-501.
Nedelkov, K., Todorov, N., Simeonov, M. & Girginov, D. (2014). Use of the
―dynamic effect‖ of flushing to increase the fertility rate of ewes from
Pleven Blackhead breed. Analele IBNA, 30.
Oldham, C. M. & Lindsay, D. R. (1984). In "Reproduction in Sheep", Editors
D.R. Lindsay and D.T. Pearce. (Australian Academy of Science and the
Australian Wool Corporation., Canberra).
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Poster Presentation – Ruminant Nutrition
Rekik, M., Lassoued, N., Ben Salem, H. & Mahouachi, M. (2007). Interactions
between nutrition and reproduction in sheep and goats with particular
reference to the use of alternative feed sources. Options
MÈditerranÈennes, 74.
Scaramuzzi, R. J., Baird, D. T., Campbell, B. K., Driancourt, M.-A., Dupont, J.,
Fortune, J. E., Gilchrist, R. B., Martin, G. B., McNatty, K. P., McNeilly,
A. S., Monget, P., Monniaux, D., Vinoles, C. & Webb, R. (2011).
Regulation of folliculogenesis and the determination of ovulation rate in
ruminants.Reproduction Nutrition Development, 23, 444-467.
Scaramuzzi, R. J., Campbell, B. K., Downing, J. A., Kendall, N. R., Khalid, M.,
Muñoz-Gutiérrez, M. & Somchit, A. (2006). A review of the effects of
supplementary nutrition in the ewe on the concentrations of reproductive
and metabolic hormones and the mechanisms that regulate folliculogenesis
and ovulation rate. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 46, 339-354.
Shikh Maidin, M., Blackberry, M. A., Milton, J. T. B., Hawken, P. A. R. &
Martin, G. B. (2014). Nutritional Supplements, Leptin, Insulin and
Progesterone in Female Australian Cashmere Goats. APCBEE Procedia, 8,
Somchit-Assavacheep, A., Campbell, B. K., Khalid, M., Kendall, N. R.&
Scaramuzzi, R. J. (2013). The effect of short-term nutritional
supplementation of ewes with lupin grain (Lupinus luteus) on
folliculogenesis, the concentrations of hormones and glucose in plasma
and follicular fluid and the follicular levels of P450 aromatase and IRS-1,-
2 and-4. Reproduction, 145(4),319-333.
Vinoles, G., C.(2003). Effect of nutrition on follicle development and ovulation
rate in the ewe. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences, Uppsala
Zarazaga, L. A., Guzmán, J. L., Domínguez, C., Pérez, M. C. & Prieto, R. (2005).
Effect of plane of nutrition on seasonality of reproduction in Spanish
Payoya goats. Animal Reproduction Science, 87(3),253-267.
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“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
Effect of Herbal Feed Additives on Egg Cholesterol Level and
Habaragoda1, H. S .Y., Jayaweera1 ,B.P.A and Liyanage2 D.N
1Department of Livestock and Avian sciences, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and
Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP), Sri
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Cholesterol concentration of egg has been a major concern of consumers.
Herbes are used inindigenous medicine to reduce cholesterol level in human. This
study was conducted to identify the effect of herbal feed additives on egg
cholesterol level and quality. Experimental diets consisted of standard layer diet
(T1) added with 1% freeze dried leaf meal of Desmodium triflorum (T2), Psidium
guajava L. (T3) and Murraya koenigii (T4). Lohmann white hens (N=40) were
allocated into four experimental groups and eggs were collected continuously for
analysis. Egg cholesterol level was tested and internal and external egg quality
parameters such as shell thickness, egg weight, albumen height, yolk height, yolk
color, albumen width, yolk diameter, Haugh unit, albumen index and yolk index
were calculated. Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in egg weight,
albumen height, yolk diameter and shell thickness among treatments. Egg weight
was significantly (p<0.05) higher in T2 than in T1. Yolk index was significantly
different (p<0.05) and the highest yolk index was found in T4 compared to T1.
The Cholesterol levels were not significantly different (p<0.05) among treatments.
Overall egg quality was affected but difference of albumen index, Haugh unit,
yolk color, yolk height and albumen width were not significant (p<0.05). Selected
herbal feed additives at 1% level had no significant (p<0.05) effect on egg
cholesterol level but improves egg quality parameters such as egg weight,
albumen height, yolk diameter, shell thickness and yolk index.
Keywords: yolk cholesterol, herbal additives, egg quality
Eggs are nutritionally rich and highly digestible food source for
human.However eggs are considered to be an important contributor to high serum
cholesterol levels and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (Simcicet al.,
2009). Per-capitaEgg consumption has been declining in many countries because
of concerns associated with cholesterol (Suk and Park, 2001). Herbal plants have
been used in traditional healthcare system throughout human history and are
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 632
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“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
considered as a source of healthy human life. In indigenous medicine, it is
believed that herbal plants such as Murraya koenigii, Psidium guajava L and
Desmodium triflorum leaves have cholesterol lowering effect. Murraya koenigii
has diverse role in traditional medicine and is known for its stomachic properties.
Studies have shown that the fatty acid composition of egg yolk lipids is fairly easy
to change with dietary additives (Milinsket al, 2003, Baucellset al. 2000,
Basmaciogluet al. 2003).Some herbs may possess ability in lowering yolk
cholesterol level while increasing egg quality. Information is lacking on the effect
of respective herbal plants as feed additives on layers. Therefore the objective of
the present study was to identify the effect of herbal feed additives on egg
cholesterol level and quality.
This study was carried out at the poultry unit of Department of Livestock
and Avian Sciences, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba
University of Sri Lanka. experimental procedures were carried out according to
the Local Experimental Animal Care Committee, and approved by the ethics
committeeof the institution.Lohmann White hens of 50 weeks of age (n=40) were
assigned into four groups, with two replicates, managed in deep litter
system.Experimentaldiet was formulated with Poultry Ration Builder® 1.0 to
meet nutrient NRC recommendation of layers (table 1).Standard layer diet was the
control (T1) and experimental diets consisted of standard diet supplemented with
1% freeze dried leafy meal of Desmodium triflorum (T2), Psidium guajava L.
(T3) and Murraya koenigii (T4).
After two weeks of flushing up time, data were collected to investigate the
effect of herbal feed additives on egg Cholesterol level and quality by measuring
egg weight, shell thickness, albumen height, albumen width, yolk height, yolk
diameter and yolk color. Yolk cholesterol level was calculated using stanbio
cholesterol liquicolor® analyzing kit. Haugh unit, Albumen index and Yolk index
were calculated and data were analyzed using analysis of variance in SAS 9.2.
Results and Discussion
The results of egg quality parameters of the experiment are presented in
Table 1. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) among egg weights of the
experimental diets. The maximum egg weight was recorded as 62.493±1.436 g in
T2 with the additive of Desmodium triflorum and the second highest was in the
control diet. In T3 and T4 treatments egg weight had no difference. Albumen
heights were significantly different (p<0.05) among treatments but the highest
height was reported in control diet (T1). There were no significant differences
(p<0.05) in albumen width, yolk height, yolk color, Haugh unit and albumen
index. Yolk color mainly depends on diet‘s carotenoids content (Hernandez et al.
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Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
2005). Yolk color was same in each treatment due to the same ingredients in each
treatment and only difference was the herbal additive.
Table 2.Effect of herbal feed additives on egg quality parameters
Parameter Control (T1) (T2) (T3) (T4)
Egg weight (g) 59.55±1.211b 62.49±1.436a 56.93±1.474c 57.09±1.359c
Albumen height (mm) 6.70±0.275a 6.34±0.358b 5.92±0.270c 6.51±0.352d
Albumen width (cm) 10.13±1.004a 10.25±0.532a 9.91±0.860a 10.35±1.046a
Yolk height (mm) 15.51±0.717a 15.07±0.872a 14.72±0.503a 15.13±0.946a
Yolk diameter (cm) 4.45±0.089a 4.44±0.122a 4.23±0.107b 4.26±0.111b
Shell thickness (mm) 0.455±0.010b 0.472±0.016a 0.475±0.012a 0.464±0.014c
5a 5a 5a 5a
Yolk color 81.69a 78.24b 77.15b 81.21a
Haugh unit 66.00a 61.85b 62.93b
Albumen index 59.75c 35.54a
34.83b 33.95b 34.78b
Yolk index
Cholesterol level 13.345±1.379a 13.750±0.140a13.817±0.243a13.675±0.106a
(mg/g of yolk)
Mean ± SD, values in same row with different superscripts are statistically
different (P<0.05). SD= standard deviation
Shell thickness was significantly different (p<0.05) among treatments
compared to control. In a good quality egg, shell thickness should be more than
0.33mm (Stadelma, 1986). Yolk index was significantly different (p<0.05) in T4
compared to all the others. According to the results of egg yolk cholesterol level
(Table 1), there was no significant difference (p<0.05) in cholesterol levels among
treatments. Reported cholesterol levels of all treatments and control in this study
were higher than the standard yolk Cholesterol level (USDA, 2016). Although
theyolk cholesterol levels of this studywere lower than Bair and Marion (1978)
which found the average yolk cholesterol level as 14.0 mg/g of yolk among
various lines of chicken. These findings agree with several other studies (An et al.
1997, Ferrier et al. 1995, Milinsket al. 2003, Millet et al. 2006) where no dietary
effects were found on the cholesterol level in egg yolk. Basmacioglu et al. (2003)
found that the concentration of cholesterol in egg decreased with increasing age of
the hen.
This study concludes that 1% level of herbal feed additivesin layer diet
had no effect on egg cholesterol level however it had significant effect on some
egg quality parameters such as egg weight, albumen height, yolk diameter, shell
thickness and yolk index. Further experimentation using higher levels of herbal
feed additives and different aged groups of hens is suggested.
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Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
An, B.K., Nishiyama, H., Tanaka, K., Ohtani, S., Iwata, T., Tsutsumi, K. and
Kasai, M. 1997. Dietary safflower phospholipid reduces liver lipids in
laying hens. Poultry Science, 76:689-695.
Basmacioğlu, H., Çabuk, M., Ünal, K., Özkan, K., Akkan, S. and Yalçin, H. 2003.
Effects of dietary fish oil and flax seed on cholesterol and fatty acid
composition of egg yolk and blood parameters of laying hens. South
African Journal of Animal Science, 33(4):266-273.
Bair, C. W. and W. W. Marion, 1978. Yolk cholesterol in eggs from various avian
species. Poultry Science, 57 (5): 1260-1265
Baucells, M.D., Crespo, N., Barroeta, A.C., López-Ferrer, S. and Grashorn, M.A.
2000. Incorporation of different polyunsaturated fatty acids into
eggs.Poultry Science, 79:51-59.
Ferrier, L.K., Caston, L.J., Leeson, S., Squires,J., Weaver, B.J. and Holub, B.J.
1995. α-Linolenic acid- and docosahexaenoic acid-enriched eggs from
hens fed flaxseed: influence on blood lipids and platelet phospholipid
fatty acids in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
Hernandes J.-M., Beardswort P.M., Weber G. (2005): Egg quality – meeting
consumer expectations. International Poultry Production, 13 (3): 20–23.
Milinsk, M.C., Murakami, A.E., Gomes, S.T.M., Matsushita, M. and de Souza,
N.E. 2003. Fatty acid profile of egg yolk lipids from hens fed diets rich in
n-3 fatty acids. Food Chemistry, 83:287-292.
Millet, S., de Ceulaer, K., van Paemel, M., Raes, K., de Smet, S. and Janssens,
G.P.J. 2006. Lipid profile in eggs of Araucana hens compared with
Lohmann Selected Leghorn and ISA Brown hens given diets with
different fat sources. British Poultry Science 47(3):294-300.
Simcic M, Stibilj V and Holcman A (2009). The cholesterol content of eggs
produced by the Slovenian autochthonous Styrian hen. Food Chem. 114:
Stadelma, W. J. 1986. Quality identification of shell eggs. In: Egg science and
technology, W. J. Stadelma and O. J. Colteria (eds.). 3rd Edition AVI
publishing co. Inc Westport Connecticut, p. 39-42.
Suk YO and Park C (2001). Effect of breed and age of hens on the yolk albumen
ratio in two different genetic stocks- poult. Sci. so: 855-858.
United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database for standard
Reference 28 (2016) ( Accessed: 5th of July
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Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
The Effect of Phytase Supplemented Virgin Coconut Poonac on
Performance And Carcass Quality of Broiler Chicken
Kularatne R. M. S. S. A. and Jayaweera B. P. A.
Department of Livestock and Avian Sciences, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries
and Nutrition
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,Makandura,Gonawila, Sri Lanka
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Virgin coconut poonac is the residue left from virgin coconut oil
extraction. The effect of replacement of expensive protein sources with phytaze
supplemented virgin coconut poonac as alternative protein source on the
performance and carcass quality of broiler birds was investigated in the study.
Cobb-500 (n=150) chicks were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments (T)
in a completely randomized design. Control diet (T1) and four test diets were
prepared with inclusion of virgin coconut poonac at 10% (T2), 15% (T3), 20%
(T4), 25% (T5). Feed intake, live weights were measured and percentage of
carcass recovery, major meat cuts, organ to carcass ratio, feed conversion ratio
(FCR), broiler performance index (BPI), and broiler efficiency index (BEI) were
calculated. SAS 9.2 and SPSS 16.0 were used to analyse data. Virgin coconut
poonac was found to contain 22.8% protein, 1820 kcal/kg of energy and 2.9% fat.
This study revealed that there is no significant difference (p>0.05) of body weight
gain among birds of different treatments. But, all the inclusion rates of virgin
coconut poonac improved the growth performance and carcass yield of broiler
chicken compared to control. Broiler performance index of T1, T2, T3, T4 and
T5 are recorded as 1.1, 14.4, 20.9, 17.5, and 17.4 respectively. According to
broiler performance index, T3 was the most effective in improving growth
performance of broiler chicken. This study concluded that replacing coconut
poonac and soymeal with phytase supplemented virgin coconut poonac has
beneficial effects on the performance, carcass quality of broiler chicken and cost
of production.
Keywords: broiler performance, carcass quality, inclusion rates, virgin coconut
Poultry industry in Sri Lanka has shown a phenomenal growth over the
past three decades. Broiler sector is the most important poultry sub sector, in
relation to income generation and meat production. (Chang, 2003). Broiler
industry suffers heavily in feed cost and protein supplements are the most
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Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
expensive ingredients. The feed cost is the major determinant of profitability in
poultry production accounting for 70- 80% of total cost of production and Sri
Lanka is no exception (Premasiri and Jayaweera, 2014). Hence, research to
finding alternative feed ingredients available in Sri Lanka, where protein
supplements is a major challenge, is particularly important (Samli et al., 2006,
cited in Mutucumarana et al., 2010). Virgin coconut oil is among the newly
emerging value added export oriented products from coconut. Virgin coconut
poonac (VCP) is the residue left from the extraction of virgin coconut oil. It is a
protein rich feed ingredient which can be used to formulate feed for domestic
animals (Neela Satheesh and Prasad 2012). There is a paucity of information
regarding the use of oil cake of virgin coconut oil in the diet of broilers.
Considerable amount of virgin coconut poonac is available as feed ingredient.
This study was designed to investigate the impact of virgin coconut poonac on
performance and carcass quality of broiler chicken and to estimate the nutrient
composition and inclusion rate.
Day-old broiler birds (n=150) of Cobb-500) were randomly allocated in
completely randomized design (CRD) pattern for five dietary treatments, (T1-T5)
with 10 birds per cage in three replicates per treatment. VCP was used as an
alternative protein source for the preparation of broiler feed at the inclusion rates
of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% levels in the starter and finisher diets by
replacing normal coconut poonac and soymeal in the experimental diets T1, T2,
T3, T4, and T5 respectively. Feeds were formulated according to NRC
recommendation using Poultry Ration Builder® (2011).
Day old birds were brooded in floor brooder up to 10 days, fed ad-libitum
and raised in the rest of growing and finishing stages with the standard
management practices in deep litter house. The feed intake and live weights of the
birds were recorded. Body weight gain (BWG) and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)
were calculated according to Del Carmen et al(1999). Broiler performance index
(BPI) was calculated according to Premasiri and Jayaweera (2014). Two birds
from each replicate of treatment were tested for carcass quality. Dressing
percentage and Whole sale cuts, organ and inedible portions were separated and
Results were expressed as mean values and data was subjected to a one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significance difference between means at
5% was determined by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Average live
weight per bird (LW), Survival rate of the flock% (SR), Live weight price (LWP),
Feed cost(FC), effective cost factor (f), FCR, and Age at marketing(AM) were
considered to assess herd performance and economic feasibility of broiler flocks
through Broiler Efficiency Index (BEI) according to Premasiri and Jayaweera
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Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
Results and Discussion
The composition analysis revealed that the VCP was high in protein and
energy compared to normal coconut poonac. (Table 1).
Table 1. Nutrient composition of virgin coconut poonac
Nutrient Content reported Reference range*
Dry matter % 94.3 88.5 - 95.4
Moisture % 5.7 4.6 - 8.5
Protein % 22.75 19.5. - 24.9
Fat % 2.81 5.2 – 8.7
Fibre% 13.2 10.1-19.7
Ash% 7.9 5.7 – 8.0
Energy(ME kcal/kg) 1820 2077-2200
* Source: Heuzé et al (2015)
The variability in nutritive value of copra meals from different sources or
the methods used in processing the coconuts (drying, oil extraction), has been
reported. The resulting oil meal from fresh coconut flesh and parings is considered
of higher value than copra meal: it contains a protein of higher biological value
than that of coconut meal because it is not heat processed and it has more vitamins
(Grimwood et al., 1976). When formulating diets, phytase was incorporated
(0.5g/1kg of feed) in all the experimental diets. Phytase can help in improving the
availability of phytate bound phosphorus and reducing phosphorus levels in
excreta from intensive livestock operations (Omar and Sabha, 2009).
Table 2. Growth performance of the finisher phase broiler birds fed with diets
containing different level of VCP
Experimental Feed Intake Body weight Final body Body weight FCR
(g/bird) at 4th week (g) weight(g) gain(BWG)
T1 3340 917 1829 61.31 1.73
T2 3329 937 1842 60.78 1.72
T3 3321 991 1891 60.39 1.67
T4 3277 967 1853 59.42 1.68
T5 3314 957 1862 60.72 1.69
Performance parameters of the starter phase revealed that the final body
weight (FBW) and the body weight gain (BWG) were significantly different (p<
0.05) with the control diet The control (T1) showed significantly lower FBW and
BWG than the T2, T3, T4 and T5. T3 recorded the highest FBW and BWG. Feed
conversion ratio (FCR) and feed intake of birds of T2, T3, T4, and T5 were
significantly higher than T1 in finisher phase up to 42 days of age (Table 2). A
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significant difference was not reported in any treatment compared to control in
final body weight, FCR or weight gain. However, the T3 was found to be having
the best FCR and body weight. The highest percentage of breast cut was observed
in T2 and the lowest was observed in T3.
Table 3. Carcass characteristics and Broiler performance index (BPI)
Character T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
76.02 76.87 77.42 75.76 71.55
recovery %
Wing %* 11.05 11.91 12.51 12.59 11.97
Breast* 27.67 28.83 24.42 26.09 25.09
Back* 10.7 11.95 12.21 11.43 12.74
Thigh* 17.77 16.17 17.65 17.61 17.65
BPI % 1.14 14.35 20.91 17.53 17.35
Mortality% 1 0 0 0 0
*Percentage of carcass weight (PCW)
The chickens were healthy throughout the experiment, with a mortality of
less than 1% that was unrelated to dietary treatment. The best value of broiler
performance index (BPI) of 20.91% was reported in T3. Higher rate of return on
investment of 27.4% 28.4%, 27.1% were reported in T3, T4 and T5 respectively
and highest broiler efficiency (BEI) was reported in T3. Higher profits and broiler
efficiency index and the highest BPI were an indication of overall better flock
Present study revealed that VCP contains 22.75% crude protein, 2.89% fat
and 1820kcal/kg of metabolize energy. VCP at 15% inclusion rate in the poultry
diet as a protein source gives better broiler performance, carcass characters and
economic benefits. VCP could be an alternative plant protein supplement in
broiler diets.higher levels of herbal feed additives and different aged groups of
hens is suggested.
Chang, H. (2003) .Overview of the World Broiler Industry . Implications for the
Philippines. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 4(2),pp 68-82
Del Carmen,J.,Gernat, A.G., Myhrman,R.and Carew,L.B.(1999).Evaluation of
raw and heated velvet beans (Mucuna pruriens) as feed ingredients for
broilers. Poult.Sci.,78, pp 866-872
Grimwood, B. E. ; Ashman, F. ; Jarman, C. G. ; Collab Little, E. C. S. ; Dendy, D.
A. V., (1976). Coconut palm products: their processing in developing
countries. Plant Production and Protection Papers, 7, FAO, Rome
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Heuzé V. Tran G.,Sauvant D.,Bastianelli D., 2015. Copra meal and coconut by-
products. Feedipedia, a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO
http// Last updated on May 11, 2015, 14:32
Mutucumarana, R. K., Samarasinghe, K., Wijeratne, A. W., Wickramanayake, D.
D., & Lanka, S. (2010). Poultry Offal Meal as a Substitute to Dietary
Soybean Meal for Japanese Quails ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ):
Assessing the maximum inclusion level and the Effect of Supplemental
Enzymes.Tropical Agricultural Research 21(3), pp 293–307
Neela Satheesh, and Prasad., N.B.L. (2012) Production of Virgin Coconut Oil
from Dry and Wet Methods of Induced Fermentation and its
Characterization. Journal of lipid science and technology, 44(2): 4753.
Omar, J. M. A. and Sabha, R. (2009). Effects of Phytase on Broilers Performance
and Body Status of Phosphorus. Hebron University Research Journal 4(1),
pp 55-66
Premasiri, M.A.D.D and Jayaweera, B.P.A. (2014) Identification of broiler
efficiency index to asses herd and economic performance. Proceedings of
the research symposium ―URES‖ 5th November 2014, Faculty of
Livestock fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
2014, 2:34
Sundu, B., Kumar, A., & Dingle, J. (2006). Response of Broiler Chicks Fed
Increasing Levels of Copra Meal and Enzymes.International Journal of
Poultry Science 5(1), pp 13–18
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Effect of Mannase Enzyme as A Feed on Percentage Carcass,
Abdominal Fat and Internal Organ of Broiler Chickens
Yuli Frita Nuningtyas1, Osfar Sjofjan1, Nourma Afdilla Hasan2, and Eko
1 Lecturer of Animal Nutrition, Animal Husbandry Faculty, University of
Brawijaya, Malang- 65145, Indonesia
2 Student of Animal Nutrition, Animal Husbandry Faculty, University of
Brawijaya, Malang- 65145, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The aim of this research to identify percentage of carcass, abdominal fat,
and internal organ of broiler that given mannase enzyme as a feed. The materials
used were 100 Day Old Chick (DOC) broiler chickens. The treatment was in the
form of adding mannase enzyme with 5 treatments and 4 replicated into the basal
feed for P0=0 %, P1=0,1 %, P2=0,2 %, P3=0,3%, and P4=0,4 % feed. The chick
were plotted into 20 plots, each plot contained 5 broilers of 35 days old. The feed
used consisted of broiler corn, soybean meal, fish meal, pollard, rice bran, coconut
cake, coconut oil, and CaCO3 with mannase enzyme. The variables observed
during this study were the percentage of carcass, abdominal fat and internal organ.
The data obtained were the analyzed through ANOVA of Completely
Randomized Design (CRD). In case of a different influence existed during the
treatment, the analyses was continued by using Duncans‘s Multiple Range Test.
The result of this study showed that the addition of mannase enzyme into the feed
for broiler did not improve the percentage of carcass, percentage of abdominal fat,
and percentage of internal organ. It was concluded that addition mannase enzymes
can not increase percentage of carcass, percentage of abdominal fat, and
percentage of internal organ of broiler, but had atendency to decreased the
percentage of abdominal fat.
Keywords: Keywords: mannase enzyme, broiler, percentage of carcass,
abdominal fat, internal organ
Development of livestock production has increased, due to the community
demands of animal livestock product such as egg and meet. Breeding farm
growing rapidly in order to fulfill requirement of meet.Broiler production are
eficient to converting feed into the meet. Feed is responsible for about (65-70%)
of overall poultry production costs, led to an increase number of studies on
alternative dietary products that improves broiler performance and lower
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production costs. Increasing of body weight followed by abdominal fat and
Coconut cake has a high compuound of protein about 23,38% (Sinurat et
al.,1998) furthermore it has high fiber, less of essential amino acid such as lysin,
lower palatability and aflatoxin. Therefore, galactomanan and manan on coconut
cake can be hydrolyzed using an manase enzyme to be used as a source of
prebiotic. Prebiotic is a source of energy and bacterial substrat fermention on the
intestinal mucosa to produce vitamin and antioxidant. Mannase oligosaccharides
(MOS) derived from the yeast cell wall have high binding affinity, providing a
competitive binding site for oligosaccharide-specific bacteria. The benefits of
MOS are based on properties that include changes in the intestinal flora, a
reduction in mucosa turnover rate, and the modulation of the immune system in
the intestinal lumen (SIMS et al., 2004).
The experimental was carried out at the Jiwut Village, Nglegok Sub-
district, Blitar Distric and proximate analyses were carried out at Nutrition
Laboratorium in Brawijaya University. The experiments were lasted long
continued for 35 days. One hundreed (100) broiler chickens Strain Cobb, CP 707
produced by Charoend Pokpand Jaya farm were divided into 5 treatments in
which each treatment had 4 replications with 5 broiler chickens per replication.
Tweenty (20) flocks were used and equipped with feeder and bottle drinker. In
this experimental were used 5 treatments, consist of control (basal diet), P1 (basal
diet + 1g/kg of mannase enzyme), P2 (basal diet + 2 g/kg of mannase enzyme), P3
(basal diet + 3 g/kg of mannase enzyme), P4 (basal diet + 4 g/kg of mannase
enzyme). All treatments were measured into analysis carcas percentage, fat
abdominal percentage, and internal organ percentage of broiler chickens. The data
was analyzed by GLM (General Linear Model). Duncan‘s multiple range test was
used to detect the differences (P˂0.05) among different group means.
Results and Discussion
The data result of the the addition mannase enzyme on carcass percentage,
abdominal fat percentage, and internal organ percentages consisted of liver,
heart,gizzard, and spleen were presented in table 1.
Different level of mannase enzyme has not improved carcass percentage
(P > 0.05). Results showed that the control group has the higher carcass
percentage compared the treatments. Agreed with statement Sulistyoningsih
(2014) that carcass percentage around 55-70 % from live weight. The addition of
higher mannase enzyme decreased carcass percentage.
Different level of mannase enzyme has not improved abdominal fat
percentage (P > 0.05). Results showed that the control group has the higher
abdominal fat percentage compared the treatments. The addition of different
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mannase enzyme into the feed has not differences to abdominal fat percentage.
According Tarigan etc., (2013) that the fat percentage on feed almost the same
between treatments, therefore percentage of abdominal fat were not different in
the treatments.
Table 1. Average of carcas percentage, fat abdominal percentage, and internal
organ percentage (liver, heart, gizzard, spleen)
Treatment Carcass Abdominal Liver Internal Organ Spleen
fat Heart Gizzard
P0 66,18±1,61 1,43±0,25 2,30±0,31 0,51±0,04 1,58±0,21 0,10±0,01
P1 63,31±2,87 1,10±0,13 2,39±0,64 0,53±0,02 1,71±0,31 0,09±0,01
P2 65,39±9,97 1,38±0,59 2,46±0,29 0,53±0,11 1,47±0,24 0,10±0,06
P3 64,84±2,57 1,07±0,31 2,50±0,38 0,53±0,01 1,63±0,19 0,07±0,03
P4 63,03±6,75 1,03±0,30 2,56±0,24 0,55±0,06 1,75±0,20 0,10±0,03
The effect of different levels of mannase enzyme on internal organ broiler
chickens has not significally improved (P > 0.05). The addition of different
manaase enzyme into the feed has not differences to liver weight percentage.
According Putnam (1991) that liver weight percentage were 1,70 – 2,80 %. It was
shown the normally heart weight percentage on the treatments. The addition of
manaase enzyme increased liver weight percentage.
The addition of different mannase enzyme into the feed has not differences
(P > 0.05) to heart weight percentage. According Putnam (1991) that heart weight
percentage were 0,6 – 1,30 %. The addition of mannase enzyme has not negative
effect on the metabolism system of broiler chickens.
The addition of different mannase enzyme into the feed has not differences
(P > 0.05) to gizzard weight percentage. According Putnam (1991) that gizzard
weight percentage of 35 days broiler chickens were 1,30 – 2,00 %. The addition of
grit and fiber into the feed were influenced heart weight percentage.
The addition of different mannase enzyme into the feed has not differences
(P > 0.05) to spleen weight percentage. Body weight and blood volume were
improved spleen weight on broiler chickens (Resnawati,2010).
The addition of mannase enzymes can not increase carcass percentage,
abdominal fat percentage, and internal organ percentage of broiler chickens, but
had atendency to decreased the abdominal fat percentage.
Putnam, P.A.1991. Handbook of Animal Science. Academic Press. San Diego.
SIMS, M.D. et al. Effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharide, bacitracin
methylene disalicylate, or both on the live performance and intestinal
microbiology of turkeys. 2004.Poultry Science. 7 (83): 1148-1154,
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Sinurat,A.P.,T.Purwadaria, A.Habbibie, T.Passaribu,H.Hamid,J.Rosida,
T.Haryati, and I.Sutikno. 1998. The Nutritional Value of Coconut cake
Fermented on Laying Ducks using Different Phospor. J. Animal Science
and Veteriner 3:15-21.
Sulistyoningsih, M., A. Nurwahyuni., and M.A. Dzakiy. 2014. Optimalization
broiler production through herbal supplementation on carcass percentage
and blood triglyceride levels. FPMIPA IKIP PGRI Semarang. Bioma 3
(1): 78-93
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Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
Enzyme Activities and Retention of Ca and P of the Small
Intestinal Digesta of Broilers Fed Papua Foxtail Millet Containing
Siska Tirajoh1, Osfar Sjofjan2 and Eko Widodo2
1 The Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology (AIAT), Jayapura, Papua,
2 Animal Nutrition Department, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of
Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Evaluation of nutritional and anti-nutritive value of Papua foxtail millet
(Setaria italic sp) in broiler feed showed that it can be used as an alternative to
partially replace corn in the feed. It has, however, anti-nutritive compounds that
need particular attention when it is used in large amounts. Biological test is
performed to determine retention of calcium, phosphorus and activity of enzymes
(protease, lipase, amylase) in the small intestinal digesta of male broilers fed
Papua foxtail millet containing feed. Twenty four male broilers of 6 weeks old
were randomly allotted to 4 treatments of T0 = basal feed (100%); T1 = 90%
basal feed + 10% Papua foxtail millet; T2 = 80% basal feed + 20% Papua foxtail
millet; T3 = 70% basal feed + 30% Papua foxtail millet. The results showed that
the level of 30% Papua foxtail millet in the diet significantly (P<0.05) increased
the activity of amylase in the small intestinal digesta of broilers, but at that levels
of Papua foxtail millet in the diet did not significantly (P>0.05) affect the activity
of protease and lipase as well as the retention of calcium, phosphorus of broiler
Keywords: Papua foxtail millet, enzyme activity, calcium, phosphorus
Papua Province is very rich plant species diversity as a source of
carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, taro, sago, yams, Papua foxtail millet or
pokem and of course there are many more types of local plants that have not yet
been identified. One of the plants of energy source that has long been cultivated as
the local food of Papua people is Papua foxtail millet (Setaria italica sp),
especially those people who live on the island of Biak Numfor, in District
Numfor. The main purpose is to strengthen food security and if possible to be used as
animal feed.
Corn is the most often used as energy source in poultry feed, but the
availability of corn as a feedstuff often at certain moments is difficult to obtain.
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So, replacement of corn is necessary to maintain productivity of poultry. Results of
a study conducted Tirajoh et al (2012) for 2 variety of Papua foxtail millet of yellow and red
indicated that yellow variety tended to have higher calcium but in the form of
phytate which function as antinutritional factor in the broiler feed. On the basis of
protein content, Coulibaly and Chen (2011) reported that the total protein content of
foxtail millet was 11.9%. On the basis of protein content Papua foxtail millet has
higher protein than corn. Other research by Boroojeni et al (2011) related to the
value of protein digestibility, crude fiber, nitrogen retention and metabolizable
energy of foxtail millet have been determined, however, the retention of calcium
and phosphorus as well as the activity of the enzyme such as amylase, protease
and lipase for small intestine digesta in broilers is not known yet. Therefore, the
objectives of this study were to determine as the retention of calcium and
phosphorus of Papua foxtail millet as well as the activity of the enzyme amylase,
protease and lipase in the small intestine digesta of broilers.
Research was carried out in field Laboratory in experimentation belongs to
Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang. Analysis of the
availability of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), feed ingredients, and excreta were
conducted at the Laboratory of Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya. Analysis of enzyme activity assay included amylase,
protease and lipase, were conducted at the Laboratory of Biochemistry of the
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Brawijaya Malang.
Basal diet in this study followed Tirajoh et al (2013). The basal feed was
formulated to meet requirement of NRC table of standard (1994) as presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Composition and calculated nutritional contents of basal feed
Ingredient Composition (%) Nutrient Content
Yellow corn 50.00 Metabolizable energy (Kcal/kg) 3032.30
Rice polishing 15.00 Crude protein (%) 6.04
Soybean meal 11.00 Crude fat (%) 1.13
MBM 5.00 Crude fibre (%) 0.16
Fish meal 8.00 Ca (%) 1.12
Coconut meal 8.00 P (%) 0.22
DL-Methionine 0.15 Na (%)
Coconut oil 2.00 Cl (%)
DCP 0.35 Lysine (%)
Salt 0.15 Methionine (%)
Premix 0.35 Tryptophane (%)
Total 100.00
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The materials were Papua foxtail millet (Setaria italica sp) obtained from
farmers in Biak Numfor, Papua, 24 Cobb cockerels of 6 weeks old, metabolic
cages equipped with waterer and feeder, and tray to collect excreta. Twenty four
male broilers of 6 weeks old were randomly allotted to 4 treatments, namely P0 =
basal feed (100%); P1 = 90% basal feed + 10% Foxtail millet; P2 = 80% basal
feed + 20% Foxtail millet; P3 = 70% basal feed + 30% Foxtail millet. Each
treatment used 6 chickens. Each chicken was kept in an individual metabolic cage.
Collected excreta was dried in an oven for 24 hours at 60 oC. Analysis of crude
protein, crude fibre and energy were followed a standard procedure of AOAC
(1998), so did for analysis of calcium and phosphorus. Retention of calcium and
phosphorus was determined by using the method of Sholeh et al, (2012).
Digesta collection for measurement of the activity of the enzyme (amylase,
protease and lipase) was done by slaughtering the chicken, obtaining the small
intestinal digesta. For analysis, ± 1 g sample was weighed and added to ice cold
physiological saline solution (PBS) of 8 ml, homogenized and left for 1 h at 4°C.
After centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes (using the centrifuge temperature
of - 4°C), the supernatant was collected. The supernatant obtained was then
underwent analysis for the enzymatic activity of amylase, protease, and lipase
according to the procedure of Bergmeyer et al., (1981).
Data were tabulated using Microsoft Excel program, processed and
analyzed by analysis of variance based on Completely Randomized Design in 4
treatments and each treatment was repeated 6 times. If significant effect existed,
then it is being tested by using Duncan Multiple Range Test (Steel and Torrie,
1993). Statistical data calculation was by using GENSTAT program 14th Edition.
Results and Discussion
The result indicated that the effect of various levels of Papua foxtail millet
in feed toward enzyme activity (protease, lipase and amylase) of the small
intestinal digesta of male broilers of 6 weeks old were presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Mean of the enzyme activity (protease, lipase and amylase) on intestinal
digesta of male broilers
Treatments Enzyme activity (unit/g)
Protease Lipase Amylase
16.83 ± 1.18 a
T0 5.48 ± 1.76 168.41 ± 11.45
167.21 ± 12.34 18.19 ± 0.93 b
T1 5.50 ± 1.34 164.25 ± 9.71 18.60 ± 1.03 b
T2 5.55 ± 1.51 159.38 ± 14.88 18.82 ± 1.22 b
T3 6.09 ± 0.94
Superscript (a-b) in the same colomn indicates significantly different (P<0.05)
Results of analysis of variance showed that the use of various levels of
Papua foxtail millet in feed that does not give effect (P> 0.05) on the activity of
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the enzyme protease and lipase but it significantly improved (P<0.05) the amylase
enzyme activity.
Increased Papua foxtail millet in feed might substantially increase the
carbohydrate content of feed, so it is then logical that amylase enzyme activity
significantly increases. Enzyme activity of protease Papua foxtail millet ranged
from 5.48 – 6.09 unit/g, but statistical analysis showed no significant different.
Similarly, enzyme activity of lipase was also not significantly different. Enzyme
activity of lipase was between 159.38 – 168.41 unit/g. With a previously mention
that the use of Papua foxtail millet might slightly increase protein and without
changing in fat content might be the reason behind invention of no significant
activities of protease and lipase in the current research.
Increased absorption of nutrients of Papua foxtail millet especially
carbohydrates will result an increase in the amylase enzyme secretion. Mechanism
of action of endogenous amylase enzymes found in the small intestine is able to
degrade or breakdown starch contained in Papua foxtail millet into glucose that
can be utilized by the body. Piliang and Djojosoebagio (2006) states that the
amylase will outline the starch into maltose and maltose is converted into two
molecules of glucose by maltase secreted in the succus entericus.
Retention of calcium and phosphorus determined by the use of male
broilers of 6 weeks old fed Papua foxtail millet (Setaria italica sp) as substitute of
corn is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Mean of retention of calcium and phosphorus in 6 weeks old male
Treatments retention of calcium (%) retention of phosphorus (%)
T0 58.55 ± 11.90 43.41 ± 4.55
T1 62.14 ± 4.98 46.00 ± 6.77
T2 65.88 ± 2.65 50.67 ± 5.87
T3 67.14 ± 4.46 52.34 ± 6.60
The retention of calcium ranged from 58.55 – 67.14%, while that of
phosphorus the values ranged from 43.41 – 52.34%. However, the data of either
calcium and phosphorus retention tended to increase as the level of Papua foxtail
millet in the feed increase. Results of analysis of variance showed that the
treatments did not give a significant difference effect (P>0.05) on the values of
calcium and phosphorus retention.
Results of the proximate analysis of protein content of feed when Papua
foxtail millet used at 30% also indicated to have higher crude protein content than
other treatments. But, it is needed to be clarified whether higher protein content in
feed relates to higher retention of calcium and phosphorus. This is due to the
possibility that phosphorus in the Papua foxtail millet might also be bound by
phytic acid, as common for cereals. Piliang (2007) stated that protein has a role in
the absorption of calcium, of which high protein content in the feed will correlate
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with an increase in the absorption of calcium. The balance of calcium and
phosphorus in the feed is also important when the level of calcium is exceeded the
balance it will reduce its absorption in the body.
The use of Papua foxtail millet could replace corn up to 30% in poultry
diet, due to an increase in the activity of amylase in the small intestinal digesta of
broilers, though it did not increase the activity of protease and lipase as well as the
retention of calcium, phosphorus.
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Bergmeyer, H,U., J. Bergmeyer and M. Grab. 1981. Methods of Enzymatic
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Boroojeni, F.G., A.H. Samie, M.A. Edriss, M. Khorvash, G. Sadeghi, A. Van
Kessel and J. Zentek. 2011. Replacement of Corn in the Diet of Broiler
Chickens Using Foxtail Millet Produced by 2 Different Cultivation
Strategies. Poult Sci. 90: 2817 – 2827.
Coulibaly, A and J. Chen. 2011. Evolution of Energetic Compound, Antioxidant
Capacity, Some Vitamins and Minerals, Phytase and Amylase Activity
During the Germination of Foxtail Millet. American Journal of Food
Technology. 6(1): 40 – 51.
Piliang, WG dan S, Djojosoebagio. 2006. Fisiologi Nutrisi Vol. II. Edisi Revisi.
ISBN 979-493-034-2. IPB Press.
Piliang W,G, 2007. Nutrisi Mineral. ISBN 979-493-047-4. IPB Press.
Sholeh, T., W, Sarengat dan U, Atmomarsono. 2012. Pengaruh Perbedaan Lama
Periode Pemberian Pakan dan Level Protein Terhadap Laju Pakan,
Konsumsi Protein, dan Kecernaan Protein Ayam Pelung Umur 1 Minggu
sampai 11 Minggu. Animal Agricultural Journal. 1 (1): 133 – 142.
Steel, R, G, D dan J, H, Torrie. 1993. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Suatu
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GM: Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Terjemahan dari: Principles
and Procedures of Statistics.
Tirajoh, S., Achmanu, O. Sjofjan and E. Widodo. 2012. Nutrient Composition of
Two Different Varieties of Papua Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica sp) and
Their Potential Use as Poultry Feed Ingredient. International Conference
on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology, Cisarua 1th – 4 st
Tirajoh S, Achmanu, O. Sjofjan, and E. Widodo. 2013. Digestibility and
Metabolizable Energy of Papua Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica sp) when
Included at High Level in the Broiler Diet. Proceedings the 2nd Animal
Production International Seminar. Malang. Indonesia.
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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
Effect of Using Probiotic Powder as Feed Additive on Carcass
Quality Duck
Osfar Sjofjan1) , M. Halim Natsir 1) and Tri Ardyati2
1Lecturer at Animal Nutrition and Feed Department, Animal Husbandry Faculty,
Brawijaya University, Malang.
2 Lecturers at Microbiology Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty,
Brawijaya University, Malang.
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The research was conducted to know the effect of addition of
Lactobacillus sp. Probiotic powder as feed additive on weight of carcass,
percentage deposition of breast meat and percentage abdominal fat. The material
used were 200 duck. The ducks were reared until 50-days old. The method was
used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and four
replication. Feed were used comercial concentrate and Lactobacillis sp. Probiotic
powder. The treatment were consisted of T0= basal feed without Probiotic, T1=
basal feed + 0,2% Probiotic, T2= basal feed + 0.4% Probiotic, T3= basal feed +
0,6% Probiotic and P4= basal feed +0,8% Probiotic. The variables meansured
were weight carcass, percentage deposition of breast meat and percentage
abdominal fat. The data were analyzed by Anova and continued by Duncan‘s
Multiple Range test (DMRT). The result showed that the addition of Lactobacillus
sp. Probiotic powder as feed additive in the feed had significant effect (P<0.01)
on weight carcass, but gave no significantly different effect (P>0.05) on
deposition of breast meat percentage and abdominal fat percentage. The
conclusion of this research are the addition of Lactobacillus sp. probiotic powder
at level 0.8% in feed gave best result on weight carcass and deposition of brest
meat percentage but did not give effect to percentage abdominal fat.
Keywords: feed additive, quality of carcass, duck
Duck is poultry meat producer considerable potential in addition to
chicken. Excess duck is more resistant to disease than the chicken so that its
maintenance is not much to risk. Duck meat is a source of high quality protein,
because it is directed towards the development of meat production are numerous
and fast enough to meet consumer demand. Guaranteed continuity. Another issue
that dilemma in the world of farming is the large dependence on the use of
antibiotics. The use of antibiotics both derived from drug and feed additive
improper feeding can cause problems residue. The use of antibiotic growth
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 650
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
promoters (Antibiotic Growth Promoters, AGP) on farms began developing in the
1950s. Production of antibiotics, when it has begun to economically efficient so
that it can be used for breeding. AGP can improve livestock productivity, reduce
the death rate and improve feed efficiency. AGP been absorbed nutrients and
accumulate in meat, eggs or milk, thus indirectly consumers also get antibiotics in
low numbers (Kompiang, 2009). The negative impact of the use of AGP, the
researchers advocate to ban the use of AGP. In some developed countries, the use
of AGP is already prohibited. Efforts to find a replacement focused on natural
materials, such as microbial metabolites and the results in the form of organic
acids. The use of natural materials is expected to reduce or eliminate the negative
impact of livestock without degrading performance. Groups of beneficial
microorganisms are named probiotics. Probiotics are micro-organisms that can
enhance growth and feed efficiency of cattle without causing the absorption of the
components of probiotics in animal body, so there is no residue and no mutations
in cattle. In lieu of nutritionists recommend farmers use antibiotics as additives
probiotics. The function of the additive is not much different from the antibiotics
that regulate the composition of microflora in the digestive tract. According
Sjofjan (2003) probiotics as live microbes or spores that can survive or thrive in
the intestines; and it can benefit the host, either directly or indirectly from the
metabolites. One example of probiotics that can be used as a feed additive that is
probiotic Lactobacillus sp. Lactobacillus is a lactic acid bacterium group, which
has a characteristic form lactic acid as an end product of carbohydrate
metabolism. Giving probiotic Lactobacillus sp. can help to digest food absorption
and suppress unfavorable microbes (pathogens). (Suherman, et al., 2014).
Probiotic administration can be via the feed or drinking water. According
Sjofjan et al (2014), states that the use of probiotic. Probiotics in powder because
it is more durable, not easily broken and easy storage. Whereas if administered in
liquid form, then use depends on the drinking water when the water is used or
given dirty result in animal health itself. Probiotics are easily contaminated liquid
form, easily damaged and are not resistant to heat. In addition, most farmers in
their drinking water is added chlorine functioning kill bacteria or microbes so that
when probiotics are added in the drinking water probiotic it will not work. Powder
in the diet can increase the percentage of carcasses, internal organs weight, chest
meat deposition, as well as lowering the percentage of abdominal fat and
cholesterol content of meat in broilers. But things are different proposed by
Akhadiarto (2009), that the use of probiotics in drinking water showed no
significantly different effect on broiler performance, i.e. feed consumption, body
weight gain and feed conversion. The use of probiotics in the form of starch in the
diet can increase the percentage of carcasses, internal organs weight, meat
disposition chest and lower abdominal fat percentage.
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 651
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
The material used in the study include broiler ducks age of 15 days, the
probiotic Lactobacillus sp. basal feed such treatment, Table composition and
nutrient content of forage basal broiler ducks can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Composition and nutrient content of Basal Feed ducks
Ingredients (Total (%)
Kebi (broken rice) 40
Waste plant in the form of peanut snack shanghai 40
Blood meal 20
Total 100
Content *
Dry Matter 84,12
Crude Protein 20,38
Crude Fiber 15,41
Crude Fat 2,12
Ash 6,94
ME (Kkal/kg) 4015,50
The method was used field experiment using a completely randomized
design (CRD) with 5 treatments 4 replications, each cage containing five ducks.
Maintenance done at age 15 days to 45 days of age.
The weight of carcasses
Carcass weight is thanks to that obtained after deducting part of the body
with the head, feet, feathers, blood and other organs (Akhadiarto 2010) The
percentage of abdominal fat
The percentage of breast meat disposition was separated meat in the chest
with a further bone weighing is done. (Selle, Huang and Muir, 2003)
The formula used to calculate the percentage of breast meat disposition is as
X 100%
The percentage of abdominal fat
The percentage of abdominal fat is fat obtained from fat in the abdomen or
lower chest (Setiawan, 2010): The formula used to calculate the percentage of
abdominal fat was as follows:
X 100%
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 652
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
Results and Discussion
Effect of Treatment of Carcass Weight
The mechanism of increase in the digestibility of feed due to the addition
of probiotics in feed is as follows probiotics into the intestines will stick to the
intestinal wall forming lactic acid bacteria mengambat improve the growth of
pathogenic bacteria and non-pathogenic bacteria, thereby increasing the
digestibility of the feed in the small intestine. This is in accordance with the
opinion of Fuller, (1992) that probiotics are classified as functional feed, where
the feed material contains components that can improve the health of livestock by
manipulating the composition of bacteria in the digestive tract of cattle. The use of
probiotics as an additional feed material to increase the body weight gain, feed
conversion and animal health is a safe alternative for activities in support of the
development of beneficial bacteria and suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria
in the digestive tract. Also stated by Seifert and Gessler (1997), and Akhadiarto
(2010), that the use of probiotics in cattle aimed to improve the condition of the
digestive tract to suppress the formation reaction of toxins and metabolites that are
carcinogenic, stimulates the enzyme reaction that can neutralize toxic compounds
that are ingested or produced by the digestive tract. This is consistent with the
statement of Jin et al. (1997) which states that probiotics improve digestive
enzyme activity so that decomposition and absorption of food becomes more
perfect. The food was well absorbed can be utilized by livestock for tissue growth
and increase in body weight. Added by Feliatara et al. (2004) explains that the
basic principles of probiotics is exploiting the ability of microorganisms to break
down or describe long chain carbohydrates, proteins and fats that make up the
feed given. This ability is obtained due to special enzymes which is owned by the
microbes to break the bonds of probiotics in poultry can provide beneficial effects
such as stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and vitamins and
antimicrobial substances that improve the health status of its host. Reinforced by
the opinions Laksmiwati (2006), that the probiotics in the digestive tract of
poultry produce bacteriocins that suppress pathogenic bacteria, so that normal
gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestinal mucosa and intestinal villi which
serve to feed nutrient absorption. Consequently it will speed up the absorption of
nutrients into the larger, more will impact an increase in body weight, followed by
an increase in carcass weight. Candinegara (2006) states that the use of probiotics
is focused on improving the ecological status of the digestive system, so
beneficial that increase productivity, health and development of the digestive
system. Added by Budiansyah (2004), one of the mechanism of action of
probiotics that compete for food and produce antimicrobial substances. Probiotic
microbes inhibit pathogenic organisms to compete. Carcass weight is influenced
by live weight. Live weight is influenced by the content of the nutrients in the
feed. Food that has a high protein content will increase feed intake and live weight
of ducks. According Brake et al. (1993) carcass percentage associated with sex,
age and body weight. Carcasses increase with age and body weight. The
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 653
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
percentage of carcasses produced in this study is still in the normal range by an
average of 68-78%. Donald et al. (2002) reported that the percentage of broiler
chicken carcasses varies between 65-75% of the live weight.
Effect of the Treatment of Breast Meat Percentage Deposition
Statistical analysis showed that probiotic powder as feed additive does not
give real effect to the breast meat disposition pesentase so it can be concluded that
the addition of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. in feed can not increase the percentage
of breast meat broiler ducks disposition. The differences are not real is because
due to the growth and development of a well proportioned chest duck thighs or
other parts. In addition, the same muscle growth in ducks in each treatment due to
using the same basal feed that has the same protein that is equal to 20.38%. High
protein content in the feed can provide the development of breast meat. This is
comparable with Sari (2009) states that the development of breast meat was
mainly influenced by the protein content instead of the energy content in the feed.
But the result has a tendency of increasing the level of addition of probiotics. This
is comparable with the statement Prisma (2015) that the percentage of breast meat
deposition in line with the increase in carcass weight and live weight. The amount
of breast meat of broiler chickens, because of a large muscle which is a
component of carcasses were scattered around the chest (Prisma 2015). From the
research disposition percentage of breast meat which had percentages varying
between 23.51% to 23.91% is not much different than the results of the study Sari
(2013) which states that the disposition of breast meat is strongly influenced by
carcass weight, carcass weight higher if the percentage disposition of breast meat
will also increase. Based on the percentage of carcass chest peking duck 8 weeks
old chest percentage obtained by averaging 27.25 ± 1.54%, which ranged from
25.37% to 30.13%. The results of the study tended to slightly lower percentage of
breast meat disposition due to the age factor that crop at the age of 6 weeks. The
older age of the duck carcass weight will be higher, followed by the percentage of
breast meat disposition.
Effect of the Treatment of Abdominal Fat Percentage
Statistical analysis showed that the addition of probiotic Lactobacillus sp.
in feed does not give a significant influence (P> 0.05) against abdominal fat
nyata.perbedaan not the differences are not apparent in the treatment allegedly
because the additives in the probiotic Lactobacillus sp. not shown significant
results to reduce the percentage of abdominal fat, broiler ducks at the age of six
weeks is still in its infancy so it is not too much fat is formed. In the growth phase
of nutrients absorbed by the body is still used for growth and yet there is excess
energy can be stored as fat. Moreover, because the weight of the harvest of ducks
are still too small to see the formation of oanen an average of 1386.5 g / head. The
average weight of the harvested fat is formed not so visible. The results are
consistent with those reported Afriani (2002) that the addition of probiotics in
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 654
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
broiler feed did not show significant results of the fat content of meat obtained.
Furthermore Owings et al. (1990) reported that several studies on probiotics do
not always get a positive result. The difference results of these studies are caused
by several things including different types or strains of probiotic bacteria used, the
dosage of the livestock, the level of resistance of bacteria to these extreme
conditions both in the digestive tract of cattle as well as the storage environment.
The results showed that high fat percentage ranging from 2.14% to 2.36%
compared with Anthawidjaya research and Raharjo (1997) that the percentage of
abdominal fat ducks are 0.5% to 0.89%. and Sari (2013) bahwapersentase
abdominal fat duck with the addition microphylla and Lemma Polyrhiza is 0.99%
to 1.32%. The high percentage of abdominal fat that can be influenced by age
tenak increasingly host domestic poultry fat that is formed will be increasing as
The using of probiotic powder as feed additive can increase the broiler
duck carcass weight but did not increase the breast meat and abdominal fat
percentage. The addition of probiotic broiler as feed additive broiler ducks can
using 0.8%.
Afriani, H. 2002. Dose Effect of culture Bacillus spp. And Saccharomyces
cerevisiae as probiotic Against Performans, fat content and cholesterol
Carcass of Broiler Chickens. Thesis. Padjadjaran University. Bandung..
Brake, J., G.B. Havesten, S.E. Scheideler, F.R. Ferket and D.V. Rives. 1993.
Relationship of sex, age and body weight to broiler carcass yield and ofal
production. Poult. Sci. 71: 1137-1145.
Candinegara, T. 2006. Utilization of Feed and Feed Additive Latest Supplement.
Presented at the Meeting Academician Department of Animal Nutrition
and Feed Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of Hasanuddin.
Donald, D., J.R. Weafer and W. Daniel. 2002. Commercial chicken meat and egg
production. 5th Ed. Kluwer Academic Publisher. California
Fuller, R. 1992. Probiotics : The Scientific Basis. 1st Ed. Chapman And Hall.
London. New York.
Hayse, P. L. and W. Morion. 1973. Eviscerated Yield, Component Parts, And
Meat, Skin and Bone Ration In The Chicken Broiler. Poultry Science.
Jin, J., N. Abdullah, M.A. Ali and S. Jalaludin. 1997. Effect of Adherent
Lactobacillus Cultures on Growth, Weight of Organs and Intestinal
Microflora and Volatile Fatty Acids in Broiler. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech.
70(3): 197 – 209.
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 655
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Non-Ruminant Nutrition
Laksmiwati, N. M. 2006. Effect of Starbio and Effective Microorganism- 4 (Em-
4) As Probiotics Against Male Age Appearance Ducks 0-8 Sunday.
Journals. Department of Animal Production Faculty of Animal Husbandry
University of Udayana. Denpasar.
North, M.O. and D,D. Bell. 1992. Commercial Chicken Production Manual. 4th
Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York.
Owings, W. J., D.L. Reynolds, R.J. Hasiak and R. Ferket. 1990. Influence of
dietary supplementation with Streptococcus faecium M-74 on broiler body
weight, feed conversion, carcass characteristics and intestinal microbial
colonization. Poult. Sci. 69: 1257-1264.
Prisma. H. W. Busono. dan E. Widodo. 2015. Effect of Addition of Whey Cheese
with Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Pediococcus pentosaceus in Feed on the
Quality of Broiler Carcasses. Thesis Faculty of Animal Husbandry
University of Brawijaya. Malang
Sari.F.S., Roesdiyanto, dan Ismoyowatti. 2013. Influence of Azolla microphylla
and Lemma Polyrhiza in Feeding Ducks on a Different Level Against
Percentage Weight and Carcass and Parts of Carcasses. Scientific Journal
of Animal Husbandry. 1 (13): 914-923.
Setiawan. E. 2010 Final weights, carcass percentage and abdominal fat harvested
Broiler Chickens at Different Age. ISBN: 978-602 - 95808-0 - 8: 553-567.
Faculty of Anima Husbandry Padjadjaran university. Bandung.
Sjofjan, O Halim, M.N and Tri Ardiyati. 2013. Effect of probiotic "Probiss" as a
feed additive on Broiler Peformance Poduction. Researh Report.
Silitabmas Higher Education. Jakarta.
Sjofjan, O Djunaidi.I.H and Trisnasari, A., 2014. Effect of Probiotic Powder
Addition in Feed Broilers on Carcass Quality. Faculty of Animal
Husbandry University of Brawijaya, Malang.
Suherman, A. F., O. Sjofjan,. M. H. Natsir. 2014. Effect of Lactobacillus
Probiotic Plus Addition flour Shape For Against Feed Additive Production
Form Quail. Thesis. Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya.
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 656
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
Local Desmanthus Virgatus, Potential Species for Beef Cattle Stall
Feeding And Grazing in Dryland and Dry Climate of East Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia
Debora Kana Hau and Jacob Nulik
East Nusa Tenggara Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology
Corresponding author : [email protected]
Beef cattle farming in East Nusa Tenggara, was mainly relied on +
800,000 ha native grasslands, which only have reasonable quality during the wet
season, having some native legume species in small quantities. Among the
companion native legumes Desmanthus virgatus intermittently found spreads and
grazed by the grazing animals. The shrub legume has been well recognized for its
drought and heavy grazing resistant in the tropics, has high quality and
palatability. Considering its positive capacities, the species should therefore be
further studied and promoted to be developed for use in the region, by conducting
more researches e.g. in the aspects of seed production, cultivation, as well as in
grazing and cutting management to provide a new source of high quality fodder
available all year round, to improve the quality of the native grasslands.
Keywords: Native grasslands, Shrub legumes, Desmanthus virgatus, East Nusa
Tenggara, Grazing.
Beef cattle farming in East Nusa Tenggara, relied on native grasslands.
The significance can easily be seen in Sumba, which has more than 200,000 ha of
native grasslands (BPS NTT, 2012). However, with the increase of land use and
conversion as well as ruminant population, lacking of fodder supply became a
classical problem in the dry season, worsen by grassland annual fires. Besides the
well known potential use of Leucaena leucocephala, the local shrub legume
Desmanthus virgatus would also has the potential for cut and carry or for grazing.
D.virgatus has a benefit over L. leucocephala in terms of cutting managements. L.
leuccephala would some time need to be cut down to the grazing height (every 3-
4 years), while D. virgatus would always be at reachable height by the grazing
animals. The local D. virgatus is observed to be very resistant to the dry condition
of NTT (Kana Hau and Nulik, 2014) and to the annual fire, free grazing animals
or slash and burn agriculture practices by the local farmers, as the species also has
reasonable deep and strong roots system to withstand drought, frequent cutting,
and heavy grazing. The following paper will explore and discussed its potentials
and to recommend further detail studies and uses in the region.
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 657
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
This is a review paper, based on literature records and the author
experiences and observations working with forage legumes in the region of East
Nusa Tenggara province since 1994 to the present time.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of Desmanthus virgatus
Desmanthus spp has been used widely in many countries as fodder and in
mixed pastures for direct grazing and well proved to survive grazing and
competition with companion grasses, such as seen in Chinchilla Australia in stable
mixture with Cenchrus cilliaris and Panicum coloratum (Bambatzi Grass) for
more than 10 years (Dr. Lyndsay Bell, Personal Communication and
Observation). When grazed down closed to the soil surface, the remaining plants
able to develop lateral branches prostrated to the ground surface which produced
abundand high quality seeds and thus improve its regenaration ability to survive
grazing in monoculture or mixture with native (Bothriochloa pertusa) and
introduced (Cenchrus cilliaris) grasses. When grows undefoliated, the legume
was observed to loose leaf during the dry season and produces more stem than
leaf, however when it was regularly preunned, it will produce fresh leaf even in
the dry season because of its deep-rooted habit, enable it to reach the soil moisture
at depth. Rangel (2005) found that even fire may increase the number seedlings
emergences of Desmanthus virgathus, and thus would be suitable to the Eastern
Nusa Tenggara native pastures which annually experiences fires.
Local Desmanthus virgatus in East Nusa Tenggara
Beside its perennial growth habit, the species is easily to regenerate during
the wet season from the abundance of seed produced each year. The species in
the nature started to produce green pods in April onwards in West Timor. In the
months of March to April the species has the best growth performance with robust
and dense leaf (Figure 1), however, entering the dry season (May to June) the
plant appeared to increasingly produce more proportion of stems, and loosing
most of the leafs in the peak of the dry season and thus having overall low quality
of fodder. This might be overcome by regular cutting or grazing to encourage
green leaf growth, especially at the end of the wet season while soil moisture is
still available.
Production and quality of Desmanthus virgatus vs Leucaena leucocephala
The species can produce up to 13 t DM/ha/yr, but would typically
produces in average 7.6 ton DM/ha/yr in (Cox, 1998). It was also recorded to
produce up to 70 tons of fresh forage at Kununurra, NT Australia, and is not toxic
to the animals (Sukkasame and Phaikaew, 2005). The local one in West Timor
may be similar to the one measured in NT Australia at it was a tall variety at 1.5 to
Proceeding of The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar (3rd APIS) & 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference 658
on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
“Improving the Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production”
Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
2 m. The species has been found to have good protein content (Table 1.) when
harvest during the wet season, with > 20% crude protein (Sukkasame and
Phaikaew, 2005; Kana Hau and Nulik, 2014).
Figure 1. Road side growing plants of Desmanthus virgatus arround Amarasi Sub-
District of Kupang, pictures taken in early April 2016, showed formation of green
pods (right end).
Table 1. Nutritional content of local Desmanthus virgatus and Leucaena
Species water CP C.F Fat Ash GE DM/ha
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Kcal/kg
D. virgatus* 8.87 21.73 18.18 3.41 6.92 4281 7.6-11+
L.leucocephala** 8.00 24.90 14.20 - 11.40 2574 13-22++
Sources: *) Kana Hau and Nulik, 2014; **) Ayssiwede et al., 2010; +) Cox.
1998 ; ++) Ferraris, 1976.
Desmanthus virgatus was performing quite well in grazing in pasture
mixture with grasses such as Panicum coloratum, Urochloa mosambicensis, as
well as in the native grasslands of Timor and Sumba Islands dominated by native
grasses such as Heteropogon contortus, H. triticeus, Sorghum nitidum, Themeda
triandra, Apluda mutica, Bothriochloa pertusa, and others (Nulik, 1987; Nulik
and Bamualim, 1998).
By considering the capacity and ability of local Desmanthus virgatus for
its adaptability to the dry land and dry climate region of East Nusa Tenggara,
resistance to heavy grazing and frequent pruning, drought resistant, high quality
forage, able to compete with compation grasses of native and introduced species
and prolific seed producer, the species should suite for development into native
grassland for improving its quality and carrying capacity. There should be more
detailed research conducted on agronomic aspects (cultivation, dry matter
production, seed production) as well as in cutting and grazing management (to
determine carrying capacity and cutting interval) and suitable companion grasses
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Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
(native and introduced), and compare the local species or cultivar to the adapted
introduced species identified from the current adaptation trial in East Sumba
(Nulik and Praing 2016, unpublished).
Ayssiwede, S.B., A. Dieng, C. Chrysostome, W. Ossebi, J.L. Hornick, and A.
Missohou (2010). Digestibility and metabolic utilization and nutritional
value of L.leucocephala (Lam.) leaves meal incorporated in the diets of
indigenuous Senegal Chickens. International Journal of Poultry Scince,
9(8): 767-776.
Cox, K. G. (1998). A Study of Seed Production in Desmanthus (Desmanthus
virgatus L). PhD. Thesis, Massey University, New Zealand. 427 pages.
Ferraris, R. (1976). Productivity of Leucaena leucocephala in the wet tropics of
North Queensland. Tropical Grasslands Vol.13(2): 20-27.
Kana Hau, D and J. Nulik (2014). The potential to use local herbaceous legumes
in East Nusa Tenggara. Proceedings of 16th AAAP, Jogyakarta, Indonesia.
Nulik, J. (1987). Evaluation of exotic grasses and herbaceous legumes for use in
pastures in eastern Indonesia. M.Rur.Sc. Thesis, The University of New
England, Australia. 185 pages.
Nulik, J and M. Bamualim (1998). Pakan Ruminansia Besar di Nusa Tenggara.
Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Naibonat, bekerja sama dengan
Eastern Islands Veterinary Services Project. 127 Pages.
Rangel, Jose Henrique de Albuquerque (2005). Agroecological studies of
Desmanthus – a tropical forage legume. PhD Thesis, James Cook
University, Australia.
Sukkasame, P., and C. Phaikaew (2005). Utilization of Desmanthus virgatus as
Protein Supplement for Fattening Cattle in Southern Thailand. In:
Integrated Crop-Livestock Production Systems and Fodder Trees, pp.157-
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Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
Productivity of Herbaceous Legume in Dry Land Area of East
Nusa Tenggara
Sophia Ratnawaty1, Hartutik2, Siti Chuzaemi2
1) Institute for Agricultural Technology East Nusa Tenggara
2)Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Study of herbaceous legume productivity was held at Experiment Station
of Institute for Agricultural Technology East Nusa Tenggara from July to
December 2011. Materials used were eight kinds of herbaceous legume in four
group using Randomized Complete Block Design based on soil fertility. The
variables observed were herbaceous legume productivity which consist of biomass
production (DM, OM, CP) and nutrition value (nutrient value of (DM, OM, CP,
NDF, ADF, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, tannin, and also digestibility of DM,
OM, CP). The highest productivity at 120 days after planting was S seabrana
while the lowest was LP cv. Highworth. kind of herbaceous legume gave
significant effect (P<0.05) at 90 days after planting and also very significant effect
(P<0.01) at 120 days after planting on DM digestibility and OM digestibility.
There was no significant effect (P>0.05) on CP digestibility in both 90 days and
120 days after planting. In conclusion, herbaceous legume was potential as
nutrition source on dry land of East Nusa Tenggara.
Keywords: dry land, herbaceous legume, productivity
In order to improve forage production and quality, there are introduction
of several herbaceous legumes such as Clitoria ternatea Q5455 (CT Q5455),
Clitoria ternatea cv.Milgarra (CT cv. Milgarra), Centrosema pascuorum
cv.Bundey (CP cv. Bundey), Centrosema molle (C.molle), Macroptilium
bracteatum cv.Juanita (MB cv. Juanita), Macroptilium bracteatum cv.Cadaarga
(MB cv. Cadaarga), Lablab purpureus cv. Highworth (LP cv. Highworth) and
Stylossanthes seabrana (S seabrana). Based on Budisantoso et al. (2006) and
Ratnawaty (2008), biomass production of 3.3 tons Dry Matter (DM)/hectares of
Centrosema pascuorum and 1.8 tons DM/hectares of Clitoria ternatea can be used
as source of nutrition for Bali Cattle at Dry Season and also can be used to
fertilize savanna. Based on the information, the aims of study are to know
productivity of eight herbaceous legumes planted on dry land.
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Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
This experiment used Randomized Complete Block Design of 8 treatments
and 4 replications. The treatments were 8 different herbaceous legumes used as
treatment and soil fertility as replication.
Variable measured were biomass production and nutrition value. Nutrition
value were measured based on Dry Matter (DM), Organic Matter (OM), Crude
Protein (CP), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF),
cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, tannin, DM digestibility, OM digestibility, and
CP digestibility. Measurement of DM, OM and CP based on AOAC (2011). CP
was measured using Kjeldahl method, while ash was using furnace burning. DM
was identified via drying oven with 105ºC temperature for 24 hours. NDF and
ADF content were analyzed using Van Soest and Goering (1970) while tannin
content identified using Burns method (Sabita et al, 1990).
The investigation results were analyzed using Analysis of Variance with
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) based on Steel and Torrie (1991).
If there were a significant different result, it would be further analyzed using
Duncan test.
Results and Discussion
Potentiality of Herbaceous Legume Production
The average herbaceous legume production harvested on 90 Days After
Planting (DAP) and 120 DAP can be seen at table 1.
Table 1. Average Production of Herbaceous Legume on 90 DAP and 120 DAP
Herbaceous Production Production
Legume 90 DAP 120 DAP
kg kg OM/ kg CP/ kg kg OM/ kg CP/
DM/hectare hectare hectare DM/hectare hectare hectare
3783.7c 3296c 723.6c 5690.9d 4892.8bc 1028.9d
CT Q 5455
CP cv. ± 389.3 ±352.9 ±73.4 ± 294,0 ± 437.1 ± 68.6
1074.4a 996.4a 198.4a 3923.8bc 3689.5b 712.6bc
Bundey ±563.4 ±518.4 ±103.6 ± 601.3 ±732.8 ± 141,0
LP cv. 3139.3bc 2746.7bc 577.3bc 1293.6a 1156.9a 242.3a
Highworth ±396.4 ± 362.3 ± 72.9 ± 148,0 ± 180.1 ± 35.8
MB cv. 1864ab 1674.9ab 358.6ab 2528ab 2276.8a 451.3ab
Juanita ±343.5 ± 306.9 ±66.1 ±286.1 ± 328.7 ± 65.9
MB cv. 1901ab 1698.3ab 359.2ab 1476.9a 1343.3a 273.1a
Cadaarga ±478.4 ±426.5 ±90.4 ± 262.2 ± 309.4 ± 62.6
CT cv. 4577.6c 4124.8c 847.7c 5327.9cd 4879.7bc 971.8cd
Milgarra ±1052,0 ±939.6 ±194.8 ± 127.9 ± 167.3 ± 30.1
C. molle 783a 719a 151.1a 2272.8a 2116.3a 408.0a
S. seabrana ±102.6 ± 89.1 ± 19.2 ± 308.1 ± 371.5 ± 71.4
886.6a 792.4a 156.6a 6739.2d 6120.1c 1224.5d
±529.7 ± 473.7 ± 93.5 ± 774,0 ± 902.6 ± 181.6
Description: a-d Different superscript on the same column describe high significant different
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From table 1, it can be seen that kind of herbaceous legume give very
significant different effect (P<0.001) on DM, OM, CP for both 90 DAP and 120
DAP. There is consistency of production inclination showed by several kinds of
herbaceous legume on table 1. From eight kinds of herbaceous legume, CT
Q5455, CT cv. Milgarra, CP cv. Bundey, MB cv. Juanita, C. molle and S.
seabrana have stable production inclination for both 90 DAP and 120 DAP. On
the other hand, LP cv. Highworth and MB cv. Cadaarga are declining at 120
DAP. This condition happens because soil condition does not match with
regrowth after harvesting at 90 DAP and also herbaceous legume morphology
such as plant weight, rooting, etc.
Nutrition Content of Herbaceous Legume
Nutrition content (proximate and fiber) from eight kinds of herbaceous
legume harvested on 90 DAP and 120 DAP is showed on table 2.
Table 2. Nutrition content from eight kinds of herbaceous legume harvested on 90 DAP and 120
Herbaceous DM Nutrien (% DM) Fiber (%)
legume (%) OM Ash CP CF NDF ADF Lignin
90 DAP
CT Q 5455 26.5 92.44 7.56 18.38 32.99 51.42 37.33 11.74
CP cv. 27.5 90.14 9.86 18.52 35.23 56.36 36.45 11.14
Bundey 31.2 87.36 12.64 18.39 27.65 47.65 31.23 10.47
LP cv. 31.5 89.88 10.12 19.24 38.32 52.27 35.49 11.21
Highworth 28.3 89.51 10.49 18.89 35.82 53.84 38.31 11.78
MB cv. 29.6 92.05 7.95 19.29 32.43 51.53 35.96 11.40
Juanita 34.2 87.00 13.00 18.86 28.76 53.98 31.44 10.20
MB cv.
CT cv.
C. molle
S. seabrana 34.9 89.43 10.57 17.65 30.20 47.49 34.10 11.50
SEM 1.08 0.68 0.68 0.19 1.30 1.09 0.92 0.20
CT Q 5455 22.3 93.84 38.03 51.42 37.33 11.74
120 DAP
6.16 18.16
CP cv. 29.2 90.80 9.20 18.24 38.34 56.36 36.45 11.14
Bundey 13.8 92.16 7.84 18.73 32.49 47.65 31.23 10.47
LP cv. 20.3 90.62 9.38 18.49 41.27 52.27 35.49 11.21
Highworth 21.0 89.60 10.40 17.85 41.06 53.84 38.31 11.78
MB cv. 21.3 93.13 6.87 17.95 37.24 51.53 35.96 11.40
Juanita 27.2 85.26 14.74 18.08 34.51 53.98 31.44 10.20
MB cv.
CT cv.
C. molle
S. seabrana 25.1 90.93 9.07 18.17 38.23 47.49 34.10 11.50
SEM 1.68 0.93 0.93 0.10 1.06 0.80 0.73 0.46
T test SN tn tn tn SN SN SN SN
90 vs 120
Description: SN P<0.01 tn P>0.05 SEM= Standar Error of Mean
Source: Analysis result from Feed and Nutrition Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry,
University of Brawijaya, 2011.
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Table 2 showed that DM and CP from eight kinds of herbaceous legume is
very significant different (P<0.01) on 90 DAP and 120 DAP, but no significant
different (P>0.05) on OM, This is due to sample collection at 120 DAP which
composition of leaf is higher than stalk. NDF, ADF, and lignin content of eight
kind of herbaceous legume harvested at 90 DAP is very significantly different
(P<0.01) from 120 DAP. The highest NDF content come from CP cv. Bundey
harvested at 90 DAP which indicate it has high digestible content for cattle. At
120 DAP, NDF content increases consistently in eight kind of herbaceous legume,
specifically in lignin content. Lignin content from 120 DAP is higher than 90
DAP because of high ADF. ADF content is nutrition which undissolved in acid
detergent which reduce digestibility. As additional information cellulose
degradation is affected on rumen microbe population, lignin, silica, and
crystallized bond of lignocellulose.
Anti-nutrition content from eight kinds of herbaceous legume is measured
in order to identify tannin can be seen on table 3.
Table 3. Tannin content of eight herbaceous legume
Herbaceous legume Tanin (% DM)
CT Q5455 15.87
CP cv. Bundey 12.96
LP cv.Highworth 16.48
MB cv.Juanita 11.77
MB cv.Cadaarga 10.38
CT cv. Milgarra 15.99
C. molle 12.87
S seabrana 21.10
Source: Analysis result from Nutrition Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry,
University of Gajahmada, 2012
Method: Burns (Sabita et al., 1990)
Table 3 shows that S. Seabrana has the highest tannin content, while MB
cv. Cadaarga has the lowest. This is allegedly because of higher stalk
composition than its leaf and also small form of leaf on S. Seabrana. Tannin
content has both advantage and disadvantage. Commonly, feed which has high
tannin content, give low average daily gain, digestibility, and efficiency on cattle
tested using in vivo.
Based on Soebarinoto (1986), tannin content of legume trees such as
Gliricidia, Erythrina, Leucaena, Sesbania and Calliandra is 0.07% to 1.58%
below this investigation. The high percentage of tannin on this study is happen
because low fertile soil characteristic where herbaceous legume grows. This
problem makes herbaceous legume produce higher secondary metabolite such as
tannin. Other reports from Waghorn et al (2002), Woodward et al (2002), and
Pinares et al (2003) showed that ruminant feed which contain tannin can reduce
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methane gas such as Hedysarum coronarium 2,7 to 6,8% tanin, red clover
(Trifolium pretense: 0,3% tanin), big trefoil (lotus pedunculatus: 5,3 % tanin), and
Serica despedeza (Lezpedeza cuneata: 17,7% tanin)
In-vitro digestibility of herbaceous legume
Average of in vitro digestibility of herbaceous legume harvested at 90
DAP and 120 DAP can be seen on table 4.
Table 4. Average in vitro digestibility of herbaceous legume from 90 DAP and
120 DAP
herbaceous in vitro digestibility (%) in vitro digestibility (%)
legume 90 DAP 120 DAP
CP cv. Bundey
LP cvHighworth 65.92a 66.35ab 59.77a 61.05a 63.28c 60.53a
MB cv.Juanita 68.67ab 66.47ab 56.72a 64.25a 60.60bc 70.62a
MB cvCadaarga 74.85c 74.37c 56.72a 74.17b 74.65d 57.74a
CT cv.Milgarra 67.85a 64.80ab 61.28a 64.60a 62.98c 62.79a
C. molle 66.05a 63.10a 61.92a 67.10a 64.78c 62.93a
S seabrana 67.42a 65.72ab 66.53a 59.90a 55.80ab 67.52a
67.67a 66.02ab 61.15a 64.70a 61.92bc 62.16a
73.85bc 70.45bc 58.95a 60.98a 53.73a 59.96a
Keterangan: a-c: Different superscript on the same column describe high significant different
Source: Analysis result from Feed and Nutrition Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry,
University of Brawijaya, 2011.
Based on table 4, kinds of herbaceous legume harvested at 90 DAP gives
significant different effect (p<0.05) on DM digestibility and OM digestibility, but
give no significant different effect (p>0.05) on CP digestibility. On 120 DAP,
herbaceous legume shows high significant different effect (P<0.01) on DM
digestibility and OM digestibility, but still give no significant different effect
(p>0.05) on CP digestibility.
The investigation result is lower when compared with Ginting et al (2005)
that said DM, OM, and CP digestibility of Centrosema pubescen were 73.3%;
74.2%; and 89.9%. the high digestibility of OM from LP cv. Highworth is
allegedly influenced by lower ADF content. It was reported by Van Soest (1994)
and Jung et al (1995) that ADF had more correlation with feed digestibility than
The average DM and OM digestibility of LP cv. Highworth are higher
than the others at both 90 DAP and 120 DAP because LP cv. Highworth has more
equal ratio for leaf and stalk and also wider leaf and tick than the others. This is
consistent with lower ash and CF on LP cv. Highworth. Even so, LP cv.
Highworth has lower CP digestibility on both 90 DAP and 120 DAP because LP
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cv. Highworth has high tannin content (16.48%) second from S. seabrana
(21,10%) which shows similar problem with S. seabrana. Mlay et al (2006)
reported that OM digestibility herbaceous legume Macroptilium atropurpureun cv
Siratro was 65.8% almost similar with this study.
There are three herbaceous legumes which have high cumulative
production for both 90 DAP and 120 DAP, CT cv. Milgarra, CT Q5455, and S.
seabrana. The highest both DM and OM digestibility is found in LP cv.
Highworth, while the highest CP is found in both CT Q5455 and CT cv. Milgarra.
The highest anti-nutrition content is come from S. seabrana, while the lowest is
MB cv. Juanita
AOAC. 2011. Official Method of Analysis. 13th Ed. Association of Official
Analytical of Chemists. Washington, D.C.
Anonymous, 2010. A Guide to Anova and Design in GenStat: GenStat Release 12
Reference Manual Supplement. VSN International, 5 The Waterhouse,
Waterhouse Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 1ES, United
Kingdom. Diakses tanggal 19 Oktober 2011.
----------------.2011. Agricultural Statistics in East Nusa Tenggara. Central Bureau
of Statistics. East Nusa Tenggara Province. Kupang.
Budisantoso. E., P. Th. Fernandez dan J. Nulik. 2006. Integrating Short Term
Legume Leys into the Maize Cropping Systems in West Timor, Species
Adoption Evaluation. Prosiding Seminar Nasional, Komunikasi Hasil-
Hasil Penelitian Bidang Tanaman Pangan, Perkebunan dan Peternakan
dalam Sistem Usahatani Lahan Kering. Balai Besar Pengkajian dan
Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian (BBP2TP) Bogor.
Cox. Ch., A.Whitbread and B. Pengelly. 2003. Establishing Grass-Legume
Pastures on Rundown Cropping Soils of the Western Downs in Southern
Queensland.‖Solutions for a Better Environment‖. Edited by Murray
Uncovich and Garry O‘leary. Proceedings of the 11th Australian
Agronomy Conference, 2-6 Feb.2003, Geelong, Victoria.
Ginting.S.P. and A.Tarigan. 2005. Nutrition Quality of Several Herbaceous
Legume on Goath: Consumption, Digestibility, and N-Balance. JITV 10
(4) : 268 – 273.
Jung, H.G. and M.S, Allen. 1995. Characteristics of Plant Cell Walls Affecting
Intake and Digestibility of Forages by Ruminants. J. Anim. Sci.
Mlay.P.S., A. Pareka, E.C. Phiri, S.Balthazary, J.Igusti, T.Huelplund, M.R.
Weisbjerg, J. Madsen. 2006. Feed value of selected tropical grasses,
legumes and concentrates. Vet.Archiv 76: 53-63.
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on Animal Production (3rd ARCAP), Batu, Indonesia, October 19 - 21, 2016
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Pinares. P. C.S., M. J. Ulyatt., G.C.Waghorn., K.R. Lassey., T.N. Barry and C.W.
Holmes. 2003. Metane Emissions by Alpaca and Sheep Fed on Lucerne
Hay or Grazed on Pastures of Perennial Ryegrass/White Clover or
Bridsfoot Trefoil. J.Agric. Sci. 140:215-226.
Ratnawaty, S. 2008. Recovery of Land Carrying Capacity with Planting
Management (Chase Study on Corn Productivity after Herbaceous
Legume ). Thesis. Natural Resource and Environmental Management
Study Program. Post Graduate Program, Nusa Cendana University,
Soebarinoto. 1986. Several Legume Tree as Protein Source for Cattle. Disertation.
Post Graduate Program. IPB. Bogor.
Steel, R.G.D., and J.H. Torrie, 1991. Statistic Principle and Procedure, a
Biometric Approach. Gramedia, Jakarta. Page: 48-233.
Van der Meer, J.M.1980. Determination of the In vitro Organic Matter
Digestibility Coefficient of Feeds for Ruminant. Document Report no.67.
IVVO. Lelystad.
Van Soest, P.J. 1967. Development of a Comprehensive System of Feed Analysis
and its Application to Forages. J. Anim. Sci. 26 : 119-128.
-------------,. 1982. Nutrition Ecology of the Ruminant. Comstock Publishing
House PVT,LTD. New Delhi.
--------------., 1994. Nutritional Ecology of The Ruminant. Second Edition.
Comstock Publishing Associates A Division of Cornell University Press.
Ithaca and London.
Waghorn, G.C., M.H. Tavendalle and D.R. Woodfield. 2002. Metanogenesis from
Forages Fed to Sheep. Proc. N. Z. Grassland Assoc. 64:167-171.
Whitbread.A.M, B.C. Pengelly and B.R. Smith. 2005. An Evaluation of Three
Tropical Ley Legumes for Use in Mixed Farming Systems on Clay Soils
in Southern Inland Queensland, Australia. Tropical Grasslands (2005)
Volume 39, 9–21 9. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems/APSRU,Brisbane.
Woodward, S.L., G.C. Waghorn, K.R. Lassey and P.G. Laboyrie. 2002. Does
Feeding Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium) Reduce Methane Emission from
Dairy Cows? Proc N Z Soc Anim Prod 61:23-26.
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Effect of plant growth regulator with activated Carbon MS
Medium on Growth of Napier Grass (in vitro)
Mansyur1, Iin Susilawati1, Anas2, dan Ali Husni3, Pancadewi MHKS4
1Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran
2Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran
3BB Biogen
4Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agriculture University
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The aim of reseach was to know the effect of plant growth regulator with
activated carbon MS media on growth of napier grass (in vitro). A completely
randomized design was used in the research, each treatment were replicated ten
times. The plant growth regulator were 2,4 D, NAA, Picloram, and thidiazuron.
Obeserves parameters were shoots proliperation, length of plantlet, roots number,
length of roots, and fresh weight of plantlets. Data was analyzed by variant
analysis and followed by Duncan multiple range test. The result showed that plant
growth regulator significant effected on shoots proliferation, long of roots, and
roots number of napier grass. Using of 2 ppm NAA shows the number of root,
shoots proliperation, and length of roots were higher than others.
Keywords: Keywords: plant growth regulator, napier grass, in vitro medium
Grass is a complex crop and its value for agriculture must be assessed in
terms of the quantity and quality of downstream livestock products (milk, meat
and wool). In addition to being a natural low-cost feed for ruminants, grassland
protects soil and water resources and enhances the landscape. A key element in
the efficiency of all grassland systems is to optimize the protein/energy balance of
forage and value it in a similar way to other livestock feeds. Grasses are rich in
energy comprising structural and non-structural carbohydrates while forage
legumes are rich in protein (Humprey, 2005). The one of popular grasses is Napier
Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum K. Schum.) is one of the most
important forage in tropical region. Napier grass is very popular for farmer as
main forage for ruminant, such as dairy cattle and beef cattel supply feed in
humid region, Indonesia. Production of Napier grass is very high during the rainy
season, but the production is very low during dry season. Production in dry season
is only 20% of the production during rainy season (Mansyur, 2007). It is
unbeneficial in the process of livestock production, animal production will decline
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due to the low availability of forage. Therefore, cultivars of Napier grass that are
resistant to drought is required to ensure the availability of forage throughout the
Forage crops breeders are expected to answer the challenge to produce
drought-tolerant forage quickly, because through conventional breeding would
take a long time. The adoption of new technologies such as plant tissue culture
and recombinant DNA may help in achieving some of the goals to increase food
production. There is a great potential of cell and tissue culture techniques in plant
improvement, provided plants can be readily regenerated in large numbers (Jain et
al., 1998).
The tissue culture is influenced by various factors, such as explants,
media, vitamins, plant growth regulators, amino acids, and others. Presence and
amount of plant growth regulator substance effects on plant propagation in vitro in
each phase of regeneration. The plant growth regulators are ussually used for
tissue culture, such as thidiazuron (TDZ), α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 2,4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), Picloram, and 6-benzyladenine (BA). This
study aims to determine the effect of plant growth regulator subtances on growth
of Napier grass through tissue culture.
Napier grass cv Taiwan were used, and eksplant were taken from the
results of the induction of callus which has become the plant. For callus induction
using explant derived from young stems meristerm.
Explants were cultured in 150 x 30 mm test tubes, containing 20 ml of
medium solidified with agar (7g.l-1). Media were adjusted to pH 5.7 (before
autoclaving for 20 minutes). Cultures were incubated under a 24 h photoperiod
(2000 lux) at 26±1°C. Individual shoots (30 mm long) were cultured on a basal
medium of MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) and vitamins for MS medium,
supplemented with 0,3 ppm BA, 2,5 gram/liter activated carbon, and 250 mg/liter
casein hydrolisate.
Shoot proliferation was assessed after 30 days by counting the number of
induced shoots per explant. Average height, fresh weight, and length of roots, and
root plantlets numbers were obtained per explant.
A completely randomized design was used in this research. The treatments
were supplementation of plant growth regulators substances, namely 2 ppm TDZ,
2 ppm NAA, 2 ppm 2,4-D, and 2 ppm picloram for T1, T2, T3, and T4,
respectively. Each treatments were replicated ten times. Data were analyzed
variants, and to find out mean differences between treatments were analyzed by
Duncan multiple range test (DRMT).
Results and Discussion
The number number of shoots per explant were significantly affected (P
<0.05) by suplementation of growth regulators substances (Table 1).
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Supplementation of 2 ppm NAA showed highest number of shoots compared to
other growth regulator substances. Some research suggests that a combination
addition of NAA and BA provides the best shoot growth.Concentration of NAA
dan BAP (6-benxyl amino purine) individual as well as in combination had
different effect on differen stage of tissue culture (Shafiq Ahmad and William
Spoor, 1999). Full strength MS supplemented with 2.0 mg/l NAA and 0.5 mg/l
BA was found to be optimal for plant regeneration (Preveena and Girri, 2012).
The length of shoots and fresh weight was not affected (P > 0.05) by plant
growth regulator substances (Table 1). This was due to the low concentration of
each plant growth regulator substances (2 ppm). Some studies showed that
concentration of plant growth regulators for optimal growth of plant regeneration
required greater than 2 ppm.The combination of 11.3-45.0 ppm 2,4-D and 15.0 or
45.0 ppm BA produced optimal results on switchgrass (Denchev and Conger,
1999), and the combination of 4.5 ppm 2,4-D and 18.2 ppm TDZ also produces
optimum plant regeneration of switchgrass. However, the combination of 2-D 2.4
ppm and 0.3 ppm BA provides optimum results for callus induction of Napier
grass (Mansyur, et. al. 2016).
Table 1. Effect of plant growth regulator with activated carbon MS media on
growth of napier grass (in vitro)
Observed parameters 2 ppm Tdz 2 ppm 2,4D 2 ppm NAA 2 ppm Pic
Shoot proliferation 1.00 a 1.22 ab 1.33 b 1.00 a
Length of shoot (cm) 17.33 a 18.33 a 19.88 a 16.44 a
Fresh weight (g) 0.27 a 0.31 a 0.29 a 0.25 a
Roots number 2.72 a 3.88 b 3.06 ab 3.33 ab
Length of roots (cm) 3.86 a 6.33 ab 8.22 b 6.15 ab
Means followed by different letters in the rows are different (P<0.05) by DMRT.
The number number of roots per explant dan length of roots were
significantly affected (P <0.05) by suplementation of growth regulators
substances (Table 1). Supplementation of 2 ppm 2,4-D showed highest number of
shoots compared to other growth regulator substances, and to root length,
supplementation 2 ppm NAA provides the highest results. The combination of
auxins with cytokinines is effective for plant regeneration; higher concentrations
of cytokinin and lower auxin levels are commonly used as excellent stimulators of
shoot and root development (Lee, et. al. 2012). Addition of 2 ppm 2,4 D were still
below potential as inhibiting root formation.
The induction of rhizogenesis usually requires an adjustment in the levels
of auxins and cytokinins. Rhizogenesis is usually achieved by treatment with
auxin alone. The NAA as auxin hormone were required for growth of roots.
Auxin-induced root formation is thought to require, or induce, the promotion of
polyamine synthesis (Friedman et al., 1985) The addition of 2 ppm NAA were
quite effective for elongation renewing the roots
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Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
There are differences in the number of shoots, root length, and number of
roots as the effect of plant growth regulators on the growth of elephant grass in
vitro. The addition of 2 ppm NAA provides the number of root, shoot number and
length of roots were higher than other growth regulator substances, such as
Thidiazuron, 2,4 D, and picloram.
Dutta Gupta S, & Conger BV (1999) Somatic embryogenesis and plant
regeneration from suspension cultures of switchgrass. Crop Sci 39:243–
Dutta Gupta S, & Conger BV (1998) In vitro differentiation of multiple shoot
clumps from intact seedlings of switchgrass. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant
Friedman R., Altman A. & Bachrach U. 1985. Polyamines and root formation in
mungbean hypocotyl cuttings.II. Incorporation of precursors into
polyamines. Plant Physiol. 79, 80-83.
Humprey, MO., 2005. Genetic improvement of forage crops – past, present and
future. Journal of Agricultural Science (2005), 143, 441–448.
Jain, S.M., D.S. Brar & B.S. Ahloowalia 1998. Somaclonal variation and induced
mutations in crop improvement. Kluwer Academic Publishers, UK.
Lee, Jeong-Eun, Sang-Gyu Seo , Bong-kyu Kim, Seong-Min, Bon-Cheol Koo,
Tae-Ho Park, Yong Pyo Lim & Sun-Hyung Kim. 2012. Induction of
somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in the reed grass
(Phragmites communis Trin.) African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.
11(8), pp. 1904-1911, 26 January, 2012. DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.1597
Mansyur, Indrani NP, Susilawati I, & Dhalika T. 2007. Pertumbuhan dan
produktivitas tanaman pakan di bawah naungan perkebunan pisang.
Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Sapi Perah Unggul
Indonesia yang Adaptif pada Kondisi Agroekosistem Berbeda untuk
Meningkatkan Daya Saing. Puslibangnak. Balitbang, Bogor. 99 – 106
Mansyur, Mustofa, KM, Anas, & Susilawati, I. 2015. Pembentukan Tanaman
Pakan Hijauan Toleran Kekeringan melalui Teknik Pemuliaan Mutasi
untuk Pengembangan Domba. Laporan PUPT. Univeritas Padjadjaran.
Murashige T, & Skoog F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays
with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15: 473–497.
Preveena, M., & Girri, C.C., 2012. Plant regeneration from immature
inflorescence derived callus cultures of salt tolerant kallar grass
(Leptochloa fusca L.) Physiol Mol Biol Plants. 2012 Oct; 18(4): 345–
356. DOI: 10.1007/s12298-012-0134-6
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Poster Presentation – Forages and Treatments
Shafiq Ahmad & William Spoor, 1999. Effect of NAA and BAP on callus cullture
and plant regeneration in curly kale (Brassica oleraces L.) Pakistan Jurnal
of Biological Sciences. 2: 109 – 112. DOI : 10.3923/pjbs.1999.109.112
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Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding
Sexual dimorphism and identification of single nucleotide
polymorphism of growth hormone gene on Muscovy duck
Ismoyowati1, Purwantini D2, Mufti M1, Tugiyanti E1
1Poultry Production Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman
University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
2Animal Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman
University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
This research was aimed to investigate the growth rate and to identify
growth hormone gene polymorphism in male and femaleMuscovy duck. Two
hundred Muscovy day old ducks consisted of white plumed male and female
duck, black and whiteplumed male and female duck with dominant black plume.
Primer design used Custal X, based on database from GeneBankCairinamoschata
GH gene, partial cds (AB158762).The result showed that male Muscovy duck
produced higher average body weight gain and relative growth than those of
female. The sequencing PCR product obtained nucleotide polymorphism. AA
genotype was observed at 136 nt of black female, CC in black and white male,
and white female Muscovy duck. GG genotype at 137 nt was observed in black
female but not in other ducks. Conclusively, body weight gain of old male was
higher than female duck and GH gene polymorphism was observed in Muscovy
Keywords: Muscovy duck, sexual dimorphism, growth hormonpolymorphism
Different body weight between male and female fowl is called sexual
dimorphism. Water fowl such as male Muscovy duck at slaughter age (12 weeks)
is 40% heavier than the female and even 65% heavier in adulthood. In contrast,
male and female chicken has lower body weight difference (15-20), therefore the
body composition differs (Mignon-Grasteau et al., 1998).In Muscovy, significant
difference in male and female body weight is observed from 3 weeks old and
constantly increases. Several endocrine factors interact to control fowl growth and
development. Thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine and thyroxin), growth hormone
(GH) and growth factors such as insulin (IGF-I and -II) are the main regulator
(Baeza et al., 2001).
Several studies identified molecular genetic variation based on SNP using
growth hormone (GH), but to date, no study on identifying gene polymorphism in
Muscovy duck in Indonesia has been conducted. This research was aimed to
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Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding
investigate the different growth and growth hormone gene polymorphism between
male and female Muscovy duck.
Two hundreds day-old Muscovy consisted of white-plumed male and
female, black and white-plumed male and female with dominant black. Broiler
feed rationed from 1-14 days contained 12% water, 3000 kcal/kg metabolic
energy, 19% crude protein, 5% crude fat, 6.5% ash, 1.1% calcium and 0.95%
phosphor. From 15 days old, ducks fed with 35% cornmeal, 45% ricebran and
20% duck concentrate containing 15% crude protein, 2800 kcal/kg metabolic
energy, 2.035% calcium and 1.604% phosphor. DOD body weight was measured
and weight gain was recorded weekly. The average growth rate over a period of
time is calculated by dividing the increase in weight over a particular time period
by the length of that period (w2 - w1/t2 - t1). The relative growth rate is calculated
as the increase in weight over a period of time divided by the initial weight ([w2 -
w1/w2]x 100%) (Warris, 2000). The obtained data were subject to T Test.
Blood sample, 3ml was taken from vena axillaries, put in tube filled with
anticoagulant (ETDA) and stored in fridge. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) total
genom was extracte from blood sample and isolated with DNA Isolation Kit
(Geneaid). DNA isolation result was examined using 1% agarose gel
electrophoresis. Primer design used Clustal X program with Cairina moschata GH
gene for growth hormone and partial cds (AB158762) database from GeneBank.
Primer base sequence of GH genewas forward/sequence: 5‘-
CTGGGGTTGTTTAGCTTGGA-3‘ and reverse/sequence:5‘-
TAAACCTTCCCTGGCACAAC-3‘. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
comprised several steps, namely DNA pre-denaturation at 94oC for 5 min, DNA
denaturation at 94oC for 30s, annealing at 58oC for 45s and elongation at 72oC for
1 min. final extension was performed at 72oC for 5 min. PCR conducted 35
cycles. PCR products were subject to electrophoresis test with 1.5% agarose gel.
PCR product was carried out by Genetika Science Indonesia Ltd.
Sequencing result was nucleotide sequence and electrophoregram graphic with
colored peaks to differ nitrogen bases (nucleotide) in that green for Nucleotide A
(Adenine), black for nucleotide G (Guanine), blue for nucleotide C (Cytosine) and
red for nucleotide T (Thymine). The DNA sequences were aligned by using
BioEdit version 7.7 for identification of the single nucleotide polymorphism.
Results and Discussion
Different growth of male and female Muscovy duck
Muscovy ducks belong to waterfowl with sexual dimorphism, or different
body weight between the male and female. Result showed that at the same age,
male Muscovy had higher average body weight gain and relative growth than the
female (Fig 1 and 2). The optimum body weight gain was at three weeks old (Fig
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Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding
1), then the growth rate decreased at 4 four weeks old (Fig 2). It was in line with
Mignon-Grasteau et al. (1998); Ba´eza et al. (2001) that male and female
Muscovy had relatively similar early hatching weight and growth rate, but from 4
weeks old males Muscovy was higher than the female.
High body weight gain in male Muscovy is due to dimorphism in
Muscovy duck, that is the different growth rate because of different growth
hormone concentration in male and female duck. Different concentration (insulin-
like growth factor I) IGF-I was very significant between male and female duck,
namely higher in male at 7, 12 and 14 weeks old. Different GH and IGH-I level in
male and female duck caused higher growth in male than female, or commonly
known as sexual sexual dimorphism (Baeza et al., 2001). Seksual size dimorphism
is found in the weight of tibia bone and tarsometatarsol in male ostrich was
heavier and longer than those in female (Charuta et al., 2013).
Figure 1. Muscovy Body weight gain Figure 2. Muscovy Relative Growth
Gen growth (GH) hormon polymorphism
Nucleotide polymorphism at 136 nt was derived from sequencing PCR
products.AA genotype was observed at 136 nt in black female Muscovy, CC in
black and white male Muscovy and white Muscovy. GG genotype at 137 nt was
observed in female Muscovy, but not in other ducks (Fig. 3), assumedly due to
inversion. Polymorphism was apparent in that position. Polymorphism was also
investigated from electropherogram result, where nucleotide difference was found
between black female Muscovy, black and white male Muscovy and white female
Muscovy at 136 nt. The difference was AA genotype in black Muscovy Muscovy
and CC in black and white male and white female.
Figure 3. GH gene nucleotide sequence of Muscovy
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Different genotype was due to an error in duplicating genetic information
(replicating) that caused mutation in DNA molecules. The mutation was
accumulated from generation to generation; hence, the farther genetic relation
between two individuals, the bigger mutation difference carried by the DNA
Sudoyo, 2004). Hai et al. 2007 reported three SNPs, 230 (C → G), 244 (C → A)
at 5'-UTR and 3 701 (C → T) in 4 exons of growth hormone gene in various
native Chinese ducks such as Peking duck, Xihu Mallards, Cherry Valley meat
ducks, Jinding duck, Shan Partridge duck, Shaoxing duck and Partridge Jinyun
related to several productive traits in duck. Further analysis on the relation or
association between GH gene in Muscovy duck in Indonesia and growth traits.
Body weight gain of male 3 week old Muscovy duck was higher than the
female, while the highest relative growth of male duck was obtained at an early
period of 0-2 weeks old, after which the growth rate was relatively steady. GH
gene polymorphism, showed different genotype in black-plumed female duck.
Further analysis is required on GH gene polymorphism and Muscovy duck growth
Hai XS, Bin BW, Hua CJ, Jun H, Hongxiao Z, Hong CG. 2007. Polymorphism
Analysis on Coding and Regulation Regions of Growth Hormone Gene
in Duck. Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 38(9): 907–
Mignon-Grasteau S, Beaumont C, Poivey J-P, de Rochambeau H. 1998.
Estimation of the genetic parameters of sexual dimorphism of body
weight in ‘label‘ chickens and Muscovy ducks. Genet. Sel. Evol. 30:481-
Baéza E, Williams J, Guémené D, Duclos MJ. 2001. Sexual dimorphism for
growth in Muscovy ducksand changes in insulin-like growth factor I
(IGF-I), growth hormone (GH) and triiodothyronine (T3) plasma
levels.Reprod Nutr Dev. 41(2):173-9.
Warriss, P. D.2000. Meat science : an introductory text. CABI Publishing,
Wallingford. UK.
Charuta A, Dzierzęcka M, Pierzchała M, Cooper RG, Poławska E, Horbańczuk
JO. 2013. Sex-related differences of morphometric, densitometric, and
geometric parameters of tibia and tarsometatarsal bone in 14-month-old
ostriches (Struthio camelus). Poultry Science 92 :2965–2976.
Badyaev AV. 2002. Growing apart: an ontogenetic perspective on the evolution of
sexual size dimorphism. TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution,17(8): 36-378
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Poster Presentation – Animal Reproduction and Breeding
Reproductive Performances of Aceh Cows Kept by Farmers in
Aceh Province
I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Tri Satya Mastuti Widi, Endang
Baliarti, Hendra Koesmara, Alek Ibrahim
Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The study was conducted to identify management and reproductive
performances of Aceh cows kept by farmers in three different sub-districts of
Aceh Province. A total of 162 farmers and their cows in three different sub-
district were interviewed and measured. The interviews were consisted of
reproduction management done by farmers while measured were conducted on
reproductive performances of Aceh cows. The result showed that majority of
farmers (47.22%) had a good performance on heat detection, and mostly (70.9%)
apply natural mating method. Weaned was done after more than 8 months. Post
partum estrus and calving intervals was significantly differs amongst sub-district,
cows kept by farmers in Nisam sub-district had the shortest post partum estrus
(105.65 days) and calving intervals (12.61 months). It is concluded that farmers in
three sub-district had a sufficient reproduction management and Aceh cows kept
by farmers in Nisam sub-district had the best reproductive performances.
Keywords: Keywords: Performances, Reproductive, Aceh cows, Aceh Province
Aceh cattle is one amongst seven of native/local cattle breed appeared in
Indonesia (ILRI, 1995 cit Abdullah, 2008; Sari, 2011). The majority of farmers in
Aceh province keep their cattle in a traditional way, cattle are allowed for grazing
during the day and housed in the night with a simple housing (Abdullah, 2008), on
average each farmers has 2-5 head of cattle (Avicenna, 2014). With a simple
management, the performance of cattle is generally low, including reproductive
performances. Poor management is a key difficulty cattle herds (Mayne et
al., 2002; Mee, 2004). Reproductive performance of cows is mostly depends on
management of reproduction applied by farmers. Harjosubroto (1994) stated that
first mating age of cow kept on good management, ranged from 14-16 months,
while in traditional system, first mating is done when cows reach 2-3 years old.
Mayne et al. (2002) and Mee (2004) stated that in farmers level, average estrus
detection rates have been estimated to be approximately 70%. Increased
intervals from calving to first estrus are associated with reduced conception
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