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Published by rlzachau, 2019-05-11 19:02:42

draft complete

draft complete

ESA Australia QLD State Council & Members Newsletter


Carmel Mulcahy


July 2018


Inside this issue ESA Australia
Chaplain/Jonquil 2

IC President 3
State President 3
ESA Foundation Q State Councillor’s
Report 4 Olive Thompson
ESA Foundation Overseas Director’s Report

ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 4 Hello Everyone!
Branch Education 5
Branch Reports 7 How are you all going? I hope you
NCWQ 10 are all well, but I know there is

News Article on ESA Past President 10 always someone who isn’t.
Fun Facts 11 Unfortunately, there are quite a

Convention Wrap up 12 few from Alpha Epsilon in that
Changeovers – State and District 16 category. First is Pat Wyllie who was
Branch 17
our Chairman at Convention. She
had a fall and broke her hip. After

Next a time in Mackay Hospital, Pat has
been transferred to Bowen Aged
Aug 7 Care Facility. Pat is in good spirits,

so when her computer is up and
running we will be able to keep in


Pat Smith is recovering after a back
operation and is having physio.

Thought for July Pat Mengel has an infected leg.
Anne Hiscox and Rae Miller are

rather unwell. Only consolation is
Robin Creighton is looking and

feeling much better, though still on


Sometimes you will Lord, we ask you to walk beside these ladies
never know the
value of a moment bringing your Healing, Comfort, Strength
until it becomes a
and Peace in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Memory Dr seuss
“Nobody can go back and start a new

beginning, but anyone can start today,

and make a new ending.” (Maria Robinson.)


Bonnie Spratt 17th Alpha Rho

Ann Gauld 25th Beta Epsilon

Diane Forbes 28 h Alpha Pi

Frances McKenzie 29th Beta Epsilon

Patrica Wyllie 30th Alpha Epsilon

May you have a Wonderful Birthday with Family

and Friends. To all ESA members wherever you are

May the Sun shine upon you and give you

Love in ESA.

Olive ([email protected])


IC President State President

Kim Daphne
I always love the beginning of a Dear ESA Members
new year, whether it is January 1st, counting lawn What a great Convention it was with many
mower sales at work or the start of a new ESA decisions made and fellowships renewed.
year. This ESA year is especially exciting for me It’s hard to believe that two months have gone -
serving as the International Council President. where has the time gone? They say ‘Time waits
for no one!’ How true.
I joined ESA as a collegiate when a new chapter As my year begins as your State President, I have
was chartered at the community college I made a commitment to visit all Branches if
attended. As an 18 year old, I was just excited to possible.
belong to an organization, make friends and be I was able to visit the Beta Epsilon girls in May to
involved. The idea of serving as IC President conduct the Installation of the newly elected
never crossed my mind. For that matter, being Officers of the Branch and of the Wide Bay District
active within the State level did not show on my Council. What a great evening of friendship and
radar either. a beautiful dinner! A very special thank you to my
driver, my ESA Sister Judy Johnson for taking me
Time went on and after much encouragement and down, and to Cherryl and Ken Fritz for giving us
people seeing something in me that I hadn’t seen beds for the night. It was greatly appreciated.
in myself, I realized that by serving on the Kansas At the end of May, Kevin and I travelled to
State Council, I could give back to an organization Brisbane by train, (what a cheap way to travel)
that I had grown up in and grown to love. I felt for the Installations of the two Branches and the
the same way when serving on the IC board. South East Qld. District Council newly elected
Someone will always step forward, but if I stepped officers. I also attended the monthly meeting of
forward, I could give back once again. Beta Omicron, and Kevin was invited to attend
also. This was followed by a scrumptious lunch at
ESA is a part of who I am and by leading the the Garden City Shopping Centre.
International Council as President, I can do my On Saturday, 2nd June I attended the Annual
best to promote new ideas as well as develop ESA Changeovers of Alpha Pi, Beta Omicron and the
programs, encourage membership growth, and South East Qld. District Council. It was a great
share my gifts with others. honour to be able to lead the Installation of Beta
Omicron, with the first male member being
I view ESA as a gift - a gift we receive as members installed as Vice President. Congratulations Bill,
and a gift that we give through our good works to well done. Congratulations to all the newly
our philanthropic projects and to others when we elected officers.
invite them to join ESA. I encourage you to share Also that afternoon, I was able to present our
your gifts with others this coming year. It can be State Project recipients with their cheques. I also
as easy as a smile or an encouraging word. I had the privilege of meeting our Dorothy Banks
know you will continue to do great things for the Bursary winner, Midori Nakagaki, who gave a
Leukaemia Foundation sharing your gifts of time wonderful talk on her career and what she has
and financial support. achieved through winning this prestigious award
which enabled her to travel to Portugal and
Remember to invite someone new to join you in England to continue her studies. She is now
your fun and good works so that we can maintain leading the field in Haemotology and is going to
the tradition of ESA in Queensland. I look forward publish her achievements. What a worthy
to sharing more with you in the coming year and recipient!
hearing from you as well. I have also attended with my Alpha Rho sisters,
the Alpha Epsilon Branch’s Installation of their
Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; 3
Good leaders raise the bar for others;
Great leaders inspire others to raise their own
(Orrin Woodward)

Share your gift,


new officers and what a beautiful lunch which was to the extent that participants at IC Convention
enjoyed by all. can claim three nights’ accommodation expenses.
Thank you to the Branches who have sent me a This is a huge plus. Membership fees and personal
copy of their minutes. donations to the Scholarships are also deductable.
Until next month, take care and keep up your This is just some information about the American
good work. Tax system in relationship to the ESA
Daphne Have a fantastic month.
Love in ESAF
ESA Foundation Q State
Councillor Report Marianne

Daphne ESA Disaster Fund
Neilsen Chair’s Report

Update on Emily Thomas Scholarship. Marianne
At Convention, I announced that Lainey Wilson Steentsma
was our 2018 Scholarship winner. Unfortunately,
Lainey suffered some issues beyond her control Time has begun to think about filling the coffers
and has withdrawn from University and is thus for the Disaster Fund.
declining her scholarship. I have started to make two or three wooden toys
Because of this situation, the Foundation offered for the raffle at Half-Yearly Meeting at
the Scholarship to the Runner-up, and I am Rockhampton. This is a wonderful chance to win
delighted to let you all know that the lucky student a handmade toy for your children, grandchildren
is Hayley Sumpter from Mackay, who has or great grandchildren as a Christmas Present.
accepted the scholarship. Hayley is a member of In the next newsletter I will enclose a couple of
Alpha Rho. photos. This will give you the opportunity to see
Hayley has also agreed to work on our ESA the finished article.
Brochure when the Branches have submitted their It is great fun for me to go into our Men’s Shed
ideas, as this is the field of her study at Central here in the Village and work on the grinder, the
Queensland University. saw and various other machines cutting out the
shapes of the toys.
Daphne I must go back to work.
Till next time,
ESA Foundation Love in ESA,
Overseas Director Report
Steentsma IC President Kim’s Theme:

Hello and a great start to all Australian ESA-ers. ESA – A Gift
I hope you all have recovered from the wonderful
Convention we had at the beginning of May. All 4
Branches have changed leadership and are in the
full swing of things.
I am anticipating submitting a short article about
the work the ESA Foundation is involved in.
First of all, in America, all money spent in the
name of the Foundation is Tax Deductable, even

Branch Education Overall the eight members and three guests
agreed it was a great day and a most appetising
Lyn BucRkelpeyorts meal was enjoyed. It was also beautiful weather
to sit and take in the spectacular view over
State Education Officer Moreton Bay from our table.

Branch: Alpha Pi Ros
Education Officer: Ros Brennan
Topic of this Program: History of Redcliffe Education Officer
On Saturday 30 June, members and guests took
the opportunity to deepen our thirst for Branch: Beta Epsilon
knowledge and visit the Redcliffe Historical Education Officer: Branch members
Museum. We were treated to a truly fascinating Venue: Bundaberg Riding for the Disabled
insight into the rich heritage and culture of Centre (RDA)
Redcliffe. Bundaberg RDA Inc is a volunteer-managed, not-
for-profit organisation founded to provide horse-
Gathering based therapeutic
activities for people
with disabilities.
Clients can be aged
from 3 to 80 years.
Horseback riding has

Inspecting and numerous benefits
learning including stretching
and exercising
There was a range of building core muscles, improving
displays, audiovisuals strength. balance,
and artifacts Volunteers work coordination,
showcasing Redcliffe’s history from Indigenous under the confidence and
beginnings and early convict settlement to a supervision of activities tailored to
popular seaside destination. It was especially nationally qualified individual rider needs.
fascinating to listen to the stories of residents who coaches who develop Each disabled rider
recall the famous days of Redcliffe as a well- needs a volunteer to
known tourist stop. lead the horse, two
Our day was perfectly completed with a visit to
the Redcliffe RSL’s beautiful new Gallipoli Grill
Restaurant overlooking Moreton Bay for a
delicious lunch.

volunteers to balance
them in the saddle and
an instructor. Each
lesson is approximately
one hour long.


The lessons are eagerly anticipated by the This organisation was established by their founder
disabled riders. The children we saw riding were and CEO in 2011.
laughing and Palm Lake supplied morning tea with raffles at a
enjoying themselves cost of $10. Many very interesting items were for
sale to help with advertising of Smart Pups etc.
while exercising and This very interesting presenter and trainer
appreciating the answered our questions with enthusiasm and
sunshine on a winter’s information. She was very happy to receive our
day. donation of over $700. We all had a great morning
tea and informative talk.
Beta Epsilon President 2nd Education Event:
Marg (L) presented Venue: Museum of Brisbane
the RDA President Topic of this Program: Life in Irons
John and Publicity The Moreton Bay Penal Colony was established
in1824 by the British Government "to reinstate
Officer Megan with a transportation as an object of real terror to all
donation to help with classes of society. It was originally at Redcliffe but
the running expenses was
of the organisation. moved
The trailers used to up the
transport the horses Brisbane
cost $35,000. River to
Riders learn balance on where
a wooden horse, named Pepper. William
St is
Branch: Beta Omiron today due to resistance from the local Aboriginal
Education Officer: Sheila Zarri
Theme for the year: Sometimes you win, people.
Harsh conditions were
sometimes you learn. intended to instil fear in 3000
Venue: Palm Lake Resort, Carindale prisoners under guard of 800
1st Education event: soldiers. The worst of military
Topic of this Program: Smart Pups commandants was the
Assistance Dogs
At 10.30 am Presenter Robi O'Keefe from Smart Captain Patrick Logan, whose
Pups gave our brutality is enshrined in ‘The
Palm Lake Village Ballad of Moreton Bay’.
residents - This prison was so isolated and
approximately all were unhappy including prisoners, soldiers and
seventy people - a the traditional owners. It was a very cruel and
wonderfully dismal place.
informative talk The five members who attended had access to
regarding this personal stories of some of the prisoners which
organisation. offered some sad and brutal descriptions of life in
this prison during 1825 to 1839.
It receives no government We visited this extremely interesting yet sad
funding, and its goal is to display of life in Moreton Bay Penal Colony with
improve the quality of life lots to think about during our midday lunch at the
of children living with Shingle Inn Tearoom. So much more to write
Autism or Seizure-related about this Education Day but was worthwhile the
Syndromes. visit to the museum.
Their Smart Assistance
Dogs have been placed with families right across Sheila (Education Officer)
Australia. It costs around $25,000 to train each
and every Smart Pup. 6

Branch Reports PS Pat Smith had back surgery on 15th June. It
was a 7 hour operation, and after 12 hours she
Alpha Epsilon - was able to have a little walk. She expects to be
Pat Burns in hospital for 10 to 15 days. After that she will
require 4 weeks of physiotherapy, 4 days a week.
We are sad to report that our member, Pattie Pattie Wyllie has had an operation for her broken
Wyllie, has had a fall at the Proserpine Airport and hip and has now been moved to a Bowen nursing
broken her hip. After an operation in Mackay she home - Cunningham Villas, Bowen, Q 4805.
was later moved to Proserpine, but unfortunately, Although she is in a lot of pain she is her usual
on Wednesday morning Pattie was taken to a cheery self. She said she is SO LUCKY to be there.
Bowen nursing home, as she can no longer care It is like a 5 star hotel and the staff are wonderful
for herself without help. to her. Her unit in Proserpine was cleaned out
On Friday 15th Pat Smith was to undergo back yesterday and her daughter is taking to her the
surgery._____ So, our thoughts and prayers are computer and craft essentials.
with our two sisters and we wish them both a By the way, please change Pattie's phone number
speedy recovery. in the directory. It should be 0422 085 421.
The main event we have had since the last I know Pat and Pattie would love to hear from any
Queenslander, was, of course, the State ESA sisters
Convention. We really hope all attendees enjoyed Pat B.
themselves. Alpha Epsilon members were so
excited to have you in our “Tropical Paradise.” Alpha Pi –
On 12th May President Pat Mengel, Grace Hurst, Carmel Mulcahy
and Pat Burns attended the Whitsunday District
Council (WDC) meeting in Mackay at Judy That travel bug has a good grip on Alpha Pi
Johnson’s lovely new home. This meeting included members this year. Lyn, Liz, Lois and Janice had
the AGM and installation ceremony.
Congratulations to Bonnie for being installed as a wonderful time in
the new WDC President. As usual we enjoyed a Japan with a
great day with our Alpha Rho sisters. pyjama party and
Our Alpha Epsilon Branch Handover was held on dressing up in
Saturday the 9th June at the Grand Central Hotel kimonos.
in Proserpine. We were pleased to welcome five Meantime, Charlotte
visitors, as well as our Qld. ESA State President, has returned from
Daphne and four other members of Alpha Rho.
A lovely lunch was followed by the installation her trip to
ceremony, where Raelene was installed as our America and now
branch President for 2018 –2019. We exchanged has spent a week
secret sister gifts and received our new secret in Singapore
sisters for the next year. with former work
At present we are preparing our annual linen colleagues.
hamper to raffle. We still have more raffle tickets Leone is still
to sell in the ESA State Art Union, so a roster will exploring Europe
be drawn up for ticket selling duties. and Carmel has
Well, that’s all for now. just returned from Singapore on Wednesday.
Cheers, However, work has been done amongst all this
travel frivolity. The AGM has taken place for
Pat. Branch and District and, with State President
Daphne in attendance, all new office bearers have
Pat Burns, been installed.
Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie ). A Bunnings BBQ raised some much needed funds
and another of these is booked for September.


Members gathered on Saturday June 30 to view fundraising activities going with the Care Kitchen,
the expansion of the Redcliffe Museum followed Meat Raffles, and Community Raffle tickets to win
by lunch (of course!) a car from North Jacklin.

Plans are well underway for our ‘Spring Elegance’ Daphne, our State
Fashion Parade on September 16 at which we President, is never one
hope guests will outdo themselves in stylish dress. to let an opportunity of
having some fun go
Members are looking forward to attending a by. Here she is at
display of wedding gowns and evening wear over Mackay Show trying
the ages during Daphne’s upcoming visit, along
with a Trivia Night hosted by the Redcliffe
Historical Society.



Publicity Officer

Alpha Rho - on some American Indian
Annette head-dresses from a
Wisnewski nearby stall!
How amazing does she look!
Hi Everyone,
We have now completed two annual shows, That’s about it for now.
Pioneer Valley Show at Finch Hatton and Mackay Signing off from Mackay.


Publicity Officer

Show. Beta Epsilon –
We had Jane Stephbens
lots of fun
selling Hello everyone,
lucky What a great winter so far. One cold day and it
envelopes was on the weekend, so slippers could stay on!
and giving It was our first meeting back and lots of chatter
out prizes about the Convention. The girls that attended had
to the lucky a wonderful time. They loved their train ride and
winners. hope the Proserpine girls are well rested after
We have such a big effort.
also got our Last month we had a lovely handover – Marg
Flanders is our new President. Thank you to
ordinary Daphne and Judy for coming down and sharing
this event with us.


Some exciting news for Marg Carseldine - the long ladies came back with opals in rings, earrings,
awaited second grandchild has arrived - a necklaces, etc. Some spent more than others.
beautiful princess named Jemima. Val’s church has just finished celebrating its 100th
My son made it through Navy Recruit School and Anniversary and there was a week of celebrations
we were able to go to Melbourne to see him march – a great time for all.
out, which was amazing to watch and to marvel We were happy to have Daphne and Kevin in
how they can get mostly teenagers to all jump to Brisbane for a few days. Daphne did our
attention at the same time. Perhaps I need some changeovers at The Hub at Redcliffe. There were
tips for my classroom. quite a few people present, and Alpha Pi did a
Once again we had our local Show on the tremendous afternoon tea. Bev Mirolo was
weekend. The weather was spectacular and lots present, (with her hair just beginning to grow
of us helped out in the kitchen, pavilion or back – courageous lady!) as well as
wherever we were needed. Last year was a record representatives of all the Associations that were
Show and we beat it again this year. Slowly people
are coming to see that the country Shows are the presented
place to be. with
Until next time
Stay warm. cheques,
Jane - The Beta Epsilon girls. received.

Publicity Officer Beta
Beta Omicron – numbers
Val Files totalled 7,
What a great Convention we had at Airlie Beach Bill Steentsma, who attended for the first time,
from Friday May 4. All our sisters go with the and a photo to attest to that.
intent of meeting up once again, sitting down to Daphne also attended our Beta Omicron
the meetings, and in general enjoying the time meeting.
there to catch up with their ESA sisters. Beta Omicron had a stall at the Mt Gravatt
Margaret and I travelled together, but I thought I Serving Community Day on Sunday 27th May.
would be fined for my baggage being overweight.
The Gods must have been smiling on me, for I We have also
skipped on the plane with a happy heart as I was participated the year
not challenged at all!!, although with my sore before. It was a
shoulder I was very fortunate that a young man good opportunity to
picked up my bag and carried it up the long ladder be out there and
to the plane, as I was laden down on both sides. meet with the
Chivalry is not dead! Margaret also had a sore community and tell
knee from a fall, but neither of us spilt the wine!! wanderers through
Our meeting for May was held a week later than just what ESA is
usual so all members could be informed of the about. L.ESA our
events of Convention. It was pretty special to promotional doll was
have Bill sitting near Margaret in the meeting and there, and there was
taking it all in. We even have a photo of Bill very
engrossed in a craft time. Bill was also present at 9
our Beta Omicron Meeting on Friday, 11th.
Margaret and John and Val and Jack went on an
incredible bus trip to Lightning Ridge from
Wednesday, 16th May to Sunday, 20th with a total
of 39 people. What a great trip. I think a lot of

a prize donated by the Rotary Club of Salisbury organisations – including ESA, thank you Daphne
of $50 for the person who guessed the name of – have sent through their reports
the doll, and answered a few short questions on More news in August,
ESA. Hopefully we are able to participate again
next year. There must be prospective members Kathy
out there somewhere!
[email protected]
Until next time,
Article from ‘Queensland Times’,
Val Ipswich Newspaper

Publicity Officer

National Council of Silkstone resident Marianne Steentsma has
Women of always been passionate about her community,
and has always had a strong sense to give back.
Queensland The long term Ipswich resident loves her city so
much that she worked at the library at St Mary’s
Kathy Cavanagh College for a number of years before being asked
to teach their music classes.
NCWQ News She also taught students how to sing with
private lessons and was also involved with the
2018 Bursary Ipswich Orpheus Chorale.
Program Along with her husband Bill, she has also been
The selection processes are concluded; the phone heavily involved with the Ipswich Toastmasters
calls made to the successful and recently they expanded out into Springfield
recipients; the emails sent to to establish the Springfield Toastmasters’ Group.
all the other applicants; But one organisation which she loved to be part
arrangements being made for of was ESA International.
the presentation function on ESA International is a worldwide organisation
25 July. which fosters personal achievement through
It is unfortunate that the ESA education, service to the community and
recipient is not able to attend, but I’m sure you association. She helped to establish an Ipswich
will have the opportunity to meet her at some ESA Branch but due to low numbers, the group
stage. folded.
And the power of Team Bursary! I have been Keen to continue making a positive difference in
sidelined with pneumonia, so members of the the lives of others, Mrs Steentsma became
team have stepped up and it has all still happened. involved in the Brisbane Branch and worked her
High Tea way up to become the President of the
The High Tea at Clear Mountain was a very Queensland ESA International Group. This is a
successful occasion – lovely surroundings, role which she held until recently when she
scrumptious food, networking, and a presentation stepped down.
by Gina Masterton, a lawyer and PhD student
working on the issues of The Hague Convention, 10
which impacts on child custody of children
overseas, but whose safety may be at risk.
20th August 2018 is the date for the NCWQ AGM.
This will enable some current “Acting” positions
to be confirmed. Many of the affiliated

‘Whatever I have done in my life, I have always  * Room temperature is defined as
done it with passion and the desire to help between 20 to 25C (68 to 77F)
others,’ she said.
‘ESA Queensland has made a big difference in  * An octopus pupil is rectangular
the lives of many as they run the ESA Wig and  * The hyoid bone in your throat is
Turban Service. This was to help people who
were diagnosed with cancer,’ Mrs Steentsma the only bone in your body not
said. attached to any other
We raised money so people who had lost their  * The Australian aircraft carrier
hair due to chemotherapy can go in and get a QANTAS stands for
wig or a turban. For many people, losing their Queensland And Northern
own hair caused embarrassment, and they didn’t Territories Aerial Service
feel comfortable in going out, but through the  * Months that start on a Sunday
Wig and Turban Service, they could feel good will always have a Friday the
about themselves.’ 13th
‘All the money we raise, we try to spread as  * There are only 4 words in the
much as possible to different organisations which English language which end in
will benefit Queenslanders,’ Mrs Steentsma said. 'dous' (they are: hazardous,
horrendous, stupendous and
Under photo: KIND HEART: Mariannne tremendous)
Steentsma has helped thousands of  * The oldest word in the English
Queenslanders over the years after being part of language is 'town'
ESA International Queensland Branch.  * Cats can't move their jaw
Fun Facts  * Grapes explode when you put
them in the microwave
  * It is physically impossible for
pigs to look up at the sky
 * There are 22 stars in the  * Your most sensitive finger is
Paramount studios logo your index finger (closest to
your thumb)
 * In a deck of cards the king of  * ‘Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping'
hearts is the only king without a are the only 2 words in the
moustache English language with three
consecutive double letters
 * Black on yellow are the 2  * Venetian blinds were invented
colours with the strongest in Japan
 * The safest car colour is white
 * The most commonly forgotten

item for travellers is their
 * Coca Cola launched its 3rd
product Sprite in 1961
 * Apples are more effective at
waking you up in the morning
than coffee

Convention 2018

Serious business of the meetings





Congratulations DIANA recipient Monica (below)





State and District Handovers
ESA Queensland State Executive

South East Queensland District Whitsunday District
Council Council

Bonnie Spratt, Grace
Hurst, Daphne Neilsen,
Pattie Wyllie, Pat Mengel,
Judy Jesshope, Pat Burns,

Joyce Saxby, Judy Johnson,

Wide Bay District


Branch Handovers and Celebrations


Midori Nakagaki, Dorothy Banks
Scholarship winner, speaks at SEQDC
changeover about the opportunities
winning the bursary have provided. She
is about to publish her results of studies
which will make bone marrow
transplants both more comfortable for
patients as well as more successful.

Congratulations to all incoming Executive Officers and
best wishes for a most productive year as you see that

‘Everything ESA is Coming up Roses’


August 2018

August 2018


Inside this issue 2 ESA Australia
3 Chaplain/Jonquil
Chaplain/Jonquil 3
IC President Olive Thompson
State President 4
ESA Foundation Overseas Director’s 4 CHAPLAIN/JONQUIL
Report 6 Hello, Everyone!
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 9 I hope you are all well, and the
Branch Education 10 Dreaded Flu Bug hasn’t got you.
Branch Reports 11 After so many ill last month, I’m
NCWQ 12 glad to say we only have one this
NCWQ Bursary Presentation Report 12 month. Kathy Cavanagh has been
Notices 13 very ill in Hospital. I do hope you
Charlotte meets Laura 15 are feeling so much better Kathy.
Do not regret growing older . . . 16
Update from DIANA – Betty Lord, we ask you to walk beside Kathy
Alpha Pi Fashion Parade Flyer bringing your Healing, Comfort, Strength
Registration Form - Half Yearly and Peace in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thought for August We have had a very queer year,
weatherwise. It’s been very cold in
A Wise person is Townsville, very windy, and
hungry for warmer in the afternoons. Today is
knowledge, while the first day I have worn a short-
the fool feeds sleeved top for two months without
on trash. Freezing.

Next “We are all gifted with the opportunity to
deadline succeed, but you get further if you extend
the hand of Friendship.’’ (Jimmy Little.)
Sep 7

Elwyn Cameron 5th Alpha Rho

Gale O’Brien 7th Alpha Rho

Lois Aitchison 11th Alpha Pi

Alison Smith 11th Beta Epsilon

Yvonne Davis 13th Alpha Epsilon

Ivy Hickman 15th Alpha Epsilon

Joan Honor 26th Beta Omicron

Alba Mason 29th Beta Omicron

May you have a Wonderful Birthday
with Family and Friends.
To all ESA members wherever you are

May the Sun shine upon you and

give you Peace.

Love in ESA.


([email protected])


IC President State President

Kim Daphne
Kummer Neilsen

"ESA ~ A Dear ESA Members

Gift" It is hard to believe that it is August already. I
hope you all are enjoying this wonderful weather.
I am so excited as we begin a new ESA
year. Where do we begin? Right where we I had the privilege of being invited to attend the
are at...”just do it”, as Nike says. Jump in and National Council of Women Queensland Bursary
get started. Get started with an open mind, Presentations on the 25th July. What a wonderful
open ears and visions of the great gifts we can night it was,
all share. September 1st is the first day of a where 32
new 30 day chapter. Make something Bursaries were
happen! presented to the
International Convention was a great week Recipients.
for all in attendance. I was so happy to share
the week with my ESA family as well as my Our ESA Bursary
husband and sisters. I also enjoyed sharing was won by
time with my aunt and cousins who live in Rebecca Senini
Phoenix. We had a great time while trying our from Mount
best to win at Trivia...things we discovered Pelion, just north
during the event: always go with your first of Mackay, but
answer, don’t doubt yourself or overthink she was unable to attend, so I will be presenting
things and listen to your teammates. Good her Bursary the next time she is home from
advice for many situations and in ESA. University.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing While I was in Brisbane I went to one of Alpha Pi’s
all the good works and good times you will socials, where we visited Old Government House
experience. Wear your ESA clothing and to see ‘The Bowerbird and the Bride’, which was
jewellery on Wednesdays (or more Bridal Wear from the 1800’s to the 1900’s.
often). Post on social media. Share the gift of Afterwards we had lunch at a small Café.
ESA with someone new. And if you need
anything I am just a phone call or email away. I attended a Trivia night with some of the Pi girls
- plenty of laughs. Boy, some of the questions
I know the last few months have flown for me were hard, but we did come fourth, which we
and I want to savour everything this ESA year thought was pretty good.
holds. Join me in taking time to enjoy the
moments and relish the gifts Will not be long before we are thinking about
shared. Remember to breathe, don’t take attending Half-Yearly which will be in
yourself too seriously and leave Rockhampton hosted by the Alpha Rho girls.
procrastination behind.
Congratulations to our Newsletter Editor for tying
Share your gift, with Texas to win First Place. All your ESA Sisters
are so very proud of you Carmel. Well done.
Thank you to the Branches who have sent me
(Ph) 620-617-7208 their Minutes. I enjoy reading them to see what
the Branches have been doing.

So till next month, keep up the good work.



ESA Foundation Overseas During the next few days I will send the raffle
Director’s Report tickets with some display photos to the branches
and I do hope that you dig deep and think that in
Marianne buying the tickets you will win a beautiful present
Steentsma for your children, grandchildren or even great
Dear ESA Members, Once everything is
It is scary another month has flown by and time ready you are
is running out for Christmas thoughts. As I looking at a total
promised you during this year I will try to give you prize of about
some information of the ESA Foundation. I $250.00.
thought a good start would be the mission of the
foundation. Till next time,
The ESA Foundation is dedicated to the promotion
of continuing education and to altruistic activities Marianne
that make a positive difference in the world
community. Voluntary contributions of time and Branch Education
money from ESA members, ESA Foundation
members, and friends of the Foundation are the Lyn BucRkleepyorts
ESA Foundation’s sole sources of support. As a
non-profit, tax exempt corporation, the ESA State Education Officer
Foundation supports the service and leadership
programs and the philanthropic projects of Epsilon Branch: Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha International. Topic of this Program: My Life – Living the
Till next month stay healthy and happy. Dream
Love in ESA, Speaker: Beryl Anderson
Since the proposed guest speaker for the June
Marianne Education meeting was unable to attend,
everyone decided to be educated by our own
ESA Disaster Fund members. This series of talks is entitled ‘My life –
Chair’s Report Living the Dream’ in keeping with the President’s
Theme for the year.
Marianne First speaker was Beryl Anderson. Beryl spoke of
Steentsma her varied experiences from her date of birth,
through schooling to employment. She then
This is just a little window display outlined her successful efforts to develop water
of the Disaster Fund aerobics for the elderly and the disabled, and a
raffle at Half- walking club. As well as these endeavours, Beryl
Yearly has completed many hours of charity work with
Rotary and, of course, ESA.
Convention. I The seven members present agreed that Beryl’s
still have to talk was very interesting. Many have known Beryl
make the toy for for up to 40 years, but they all learnt many
the boy. surprising snippets from her life and work in the
community. Everyone is looking forward to the
next presentation by Susan Davis for the July
Beryl’s talk was followed by a spirited mystery

Pat (Pat Burns – acting Publicity Chair for Pattie Wyllie)


Branch: Alpha Pi why the school needs to reach out to the wider
Education Officer: Ros Brennan community for financial support. The school is
Topic of this Program: Guest Speakers from desperate to raise funds to buy iPads and
Woody Pt Special School interactive whiteboards because the school relies
At one of our Fundraising barbecues at Bunnings, heavily on technology. At the moment, there is
the ESA team was approached by a member of only one iPad available per class. We were
the P&C Association from Woody Point Special informed of the costs involved for the school to
School and asked if ESA would be able to purchase the equipment they require to fulfil the
financially support the school. school’s technology needs.
At our Thursday 19 July 2018 Education meeting,
we welcomed Gail Taylor (President of Woody At this point, our President, Colleen Proudlock,
Point Special School P&C) and Alison Philippe
(Secretary of the P&C) to our group to learn about presented a cheque of $200 to Gail and Alison and
Woody Point Special School and its specific needs.
We heard Gail’s story about her grandson who is promised that half the proceeds of our Fashion
on the autism spectrum and has both physical and
intellectual impairments and Alison’s story about Parade in September will go to the Woody Point
her son who is also autistic, diagnosed with
intellectual disability, ADHD and is non-verbal, Special School as well. Gail and Alison were invited
henceforth uses sign language. Both of the
children attend the Woody Point Special School. to bring a
Alison’s son attended a mainstream school for two
years, but was unable to cope in such an display with
environment and continued to go backwards in his
learning. She outlined how his progress improved information
a great amount since he has attended the Woody
Point Special School, as his specific needs are about their
being addressed.
Gail and Alison could not speak highly enough of Woody Point
the school and how it supports the children and
their special needs. They explained that each Special School
student has an individualised curriculum plan. The
school has small classrooms with a maximum of to put up at
eight students in a class. As well as the teacher,
there is at least one school officer with each class. the Fashion

It was explained to us that it is very difficult to rely Parade to
on parents to help with fundraising as they have
so much to cope with already and that is advertise who they are and what they do, so

people understand where our fundraising is going.

Gail’s and Alison’s presentation was most
informative and it was very interesting to learn
about the requirements of the Woody Point
Special School in order to cater for the needs of
their very special students. It was good to know
that we are able to help such a worthy cause.


Branch: Beta Epsilon
Education Officer: Cherryl Fritz
Theme for the Year: Lifelong learning with
Topic of this program: Genealogy – Ronwyn
Ronwyn described her journey of discovery to
investigate not only her family history, but the
history of her husband as well, and has had to
purchase another book shelf to store all the
Ronwyn travelled on a tour which was arranged
by the Bundaberg Regional Council to local
cemeteries at South Kolan, Currajong Farms,
Boolboonda, the Dingle’s property at
Moolboolaman and Gin Gin Cemetery.


James Kelpyn, one of Ronwyn’s forebears, died on Mr Peter Andresen, Rita’s grandfather, was a
27/4/1879 at the age of 34 years as a result of a Bundaberg tea merchant with premises in Curtis
buggy accident. His baby daughter Ann was Street. He purchased the cottage in 1917, had it
injured also and died later. She is buried in the placed on high stumps and with additions built,
Bundaberg Cemetery. James was buried at the 30 the cottage became a home for his family. Rita
Mile Stop between Bundaberg and Mt Perry. The recalls living in the house as a child.
lone grave is in a cane field at Tirroan just outside The house in those days was surrounded by a
Gin Gin. mixed farm incorporating a small orchard. Fresh
Ronwyn and her sister Marg Flanders (Beta fruit was supplied to many of Bundaberg’s hotels.
Epsilon President) have visited the grave. When Peter’s son, Mr Stan Andreson recalls how
Ronwyn stood behind the head stone a whirlwind gleefully he used to welcome rain when he was a
flew around her. She has taken this as a sign lad. Washaways close to the house frequently
James was happy with her research and caring exposed sovereigns.
Recently it is said a jar of bright gold coins was
about him. unearthed near the house. Mr ‘Adam’ is slowly but
In another unusual event Ronwyn discovered that surely losing his buried fortune.
Rita Maughan’s (member) grandfather bought a
house, known as ‘EBENEZER GARDEN’ in Avoca Ronwyn (R)
that was later sold to Ronwyn’s parents. Neither pictured with
family knew about each other until Ronwyn did
her research. Cherryl
It is not stretching an anecdote concerning following the
‘EBENEZER GARDEN’ too far by saying that this presentation
house sits on the top of a gold mine.
The original building on this site was a small Cherryl
cottage owned by a man whose Christian name
(or was it surname?) was Adam. The year in Branch Reports

which the cottage was built is as vague as the Alpha Epsilon - Pat
man’s name. Burns
Mr ‘Adam’ is fated to be remembered as a man
who dropped sovereigns through the cracks in the I had sent our branch news in
floorboards of his cottage when he was ‘in his early last month, so had not
cups’. (ie drunk) mentioned our June educational
programme. Here it is now.
Firstly, because our Educational director, Pattie
Wyllie is in Bowen since her hip surgery, members
have decided to take turns presenting the
programme. We hope to tie in our talks with our
Branch President’s theme, “ Living The Dream”.
So, in June, Beryl spoke on her life-history and
achievements, and revealed many facts about her
life. In July our speaker was Susan with her life
story. Wow, both of these talks were so
interesting. We are learning lots of fascinating


snippets about our own members. Great work As well as this, around 10 members are travelling
Beryl and Susan. to the Bunya Mountains for the weekend of
August 25 & 26, in the chilly heights of the South
We have received a beautiful crochet rug from our Burnett. BRRRR! Log fires and all!
associate member, Sonia, which we are using as
second prize in our annual linen hamper raffle. As During the month we
well as selling tickets in the linen hamper we are have had the
doing well with selling tickets in our ESA State Art pleasure of Daphne’s
Union. company as she
attended a Trivia
Pat Mengel and Ivy attended the CWA AGM and
President Rae and Sandy attended the opening of Night with some
a new wing at the Proserpine Nursing Home. members. Their
team came 4th.
Rae and Pat Mengel also attended the Lions/ Daphne also came
Lionesses AGM at the Grand Central Hotel with us to ‘The Bower-bird and The Bride’ display.
This was held at Old Government House in
On the 29th July, four of our members and Col Brisbane and showed wedding gowns and
Mengel went to Bowen to visit Pattie Wyllie. This
was a surprise visit for her birthday, so we took assorted
up a gift, cards and morning tea. treasures
from 1880s
At the July social we also had a guest, Nadia, who to 1970s.
wanted to talk to us about starting a group for
“Mums, Bubs and Grans”. We hope to be able to The
give her some help when she has her plan up and exhibition
running. was put

That’s all for now, together
Cheers by Marion
Boyce who
Pat is responsible for the clothing in the Miss Fisher
Murder Mysteries TV show. Glam all the way.
Pat Burns,
Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie )

Alpha Pi – As we move through all that lies ahead, we will
Carmel Mulcahy continue to Encourage, Support and Achieve.

Most of our wandering members have now Cheers,
returned from whence they came and we had an
excellent roll-up at our August meeting last week. Carmel
We are now full steam ahead for several up-
coming events - Daffodil Day on August 23, Publicity Officer
‘Dinner with Betty’ (2015 DIANA awardee) on
August 31, SEQDC Meeting on September 1,
Bunnings BBQ on September 5, and our annual
Fashion Parade on September 16. Check out the
amazing flyer Lisa has done at the back of this
newsletter. If any members are within reach on
the 2nd weekend in September, please come along
and enjoy a wonderful afternoon of bright new
fashion ideas. We would love to see you.


Alpha Rho - We are also starting to have some fun things to
Annette do and we have gone to the movies a few times
Wisnewski now. It makes it more fun when you go with a
group. Then it’s off to Macca’s for a drink.
Hi Everyone,
Wow, what a very busy time we have had lately At the Cinema
up here in Mackay. Our normal meeting last
month was fun as we all decided to have At Macca’s
Christmas in July (I couldn’t make it) but the
photos show that the girls (and guys) had a
wonderful time and lots of food to be eaten.

Christmas in July We are soon going to the Strawberry Farm with a
picnic lunch to follow - we might be too full of
Engineering Wine and Food Festival. We were strawberries to want to eat anything else. Then,
kept busy after our meeting this month we are going to the
selling our Orchid house.
lucky However, don’t forget we also have our ordinary
envelopes fundraising activities going with the Care Kitchen,
at the Meat Raffles and Community Raffle tickets to win
Mackay, a car from North Jacklin.
Sarina, That’s about it for now.
Pioneer Signing off from a very busy Mackay.
shows Annette
and also
at the Publicity Officer
Beta Epsilon –
While we sold lucky envelopes we also had our Jane Stephbens
Art Union Raffle available.
Hello everyone,
What fabulous winter weather we have had. So
lovely to sit and enjoy the glorious days we have
been having.
We welcomed a new sister, (who happens to be
my sister-in-law) Tina Stehbens.
Vicki welcomed a new grandson.
We are busy planning our 50 Ladies Leader Lunch
and are very excited by the number of ladies
wanting to attend.


Jan’s ‘woodchopping’ at Caloundra, leaving home at Bribie at 4.15am
grandsons were and Caity dances at Kallangur. With Dean away,
featured in the Courier it makes it pretty difficult, so we provided the
Mail to advertise the other car and did some transporting. We are also
EKKA. going up this week to look after the girls while
Rae is in Japan and is their parents have a well-deserved five day break
due home soon. away.
Sheila has a great nephew, called Spencer, born
Until next time, stay just a few weeks ago. Congratulations, Sheila and
warm. Rino!
Beta Omicron members have been treated to Bill
Jane - The Beta Epsilon girls. Steentsma running our last two meetings, with
Publicity Officer overseas.
Bill is our
Beta Omicron – Vice
Val Files President
so he
There’s lots of social news from Beta Omicron this chaired
past month. Frances recently had a family the two
reunion. Her sister celebrated her 83rd birthday, meetings, and did a great job. Here is a photo
with 70 people present. Quite a number of of Bill below in “business mode”, with Marianne
relatives were together celebrating the birthday at sitting beside him, keeping an eye on the
the Community Centre at Warner. proceedings!
Marianne and Bill’s daughter, Heidi, is performing Until next time,
in a Seniors’ Concert on 26 August - Heidi being
the baby of the group - with ages ranging up to Val
83. The groups are performing at the Lord
Mayor’s Gala Performance, and quite a few Beta Publicity Officer
Omicron sisters will be going along as an
Educational. Heidi belongs to a group called The National Council of
Sparklers. She had to audition for the part. We Women of
are looking forward to the performance and the
“sparkles”. Queensland
Alba and her family are celebrating four birthdays
on the Kookaburra Queen soon, and Palm Lake Kathy
Village is holding a Market Stall, where Alba will Cavanagh
be heavily involved.
It is certainly the month for birthdays, as Joan’s NCWQ News
youngest son, Ted, is turning 60, with the
celebrations being carried out in a couple of Due to my continuing to deal with pneumonia, Lyn
weeks. This seems unbelievable! We believe that Buckley has kindly written about the bursary
in the distant future Joan will be moving across presentation held on 25 July. Yes, I was more
the river to live with her son. We will miss her than disappointed at not being there! Thanks, Lyn
presence when she finally makes the move. for bringing the function alive for us all. It was
Val and Jack have spent quite a few days up at great that Daphne could be there.
Bribie helping their daughter Kylie with AGM
transporting Madi and Caity to their various 20th August 2018 is the date for the NCWQ AGM.
locations. Madi trains six days a week at the pool Thanks to Lyn Buckley and Jenny Hendriks for my
nomination on behalf of ESA to the Management


Committee, with my anticipated role in continuing NCWQ Bursary
as the Bursary Program Coordinator. Details are on Presentation
the NCWQ website for any of the Brisbane-based 2018
girls wishing to attend.
The presentation of the
Bursary Fundraising Morning Tea and NCWQ bursaries on 25th
Fashion Parade July was an evening of
This annual event is to be held on Tuesday 4 inspiration. Thirty-two
September. Held at Tattersall’s, it is always a great bursaries, sponsored by
way of spending a morning, enjoying a silver- individuals, Councils,
service high tea; fashion parade provided by Members of Parliament
Soubrét Pink, Upper Mt Gravatt; hearing from past and community
bursary recipients; and helping to raise the funds organisations, were
for the NCWQ-sponsored bursaries.
This year the theme is Women in Sport, so come
along and hear about achievements of women
across a range of sports over time.

presented on the night.

Full details are available on the The applicants’ stories were inspirational ranging
website Cost is $47.00 from refugees who have come to Australia to
escape war and persecution and who are now
And my thanks to State Jonquil Olive for thinking making significant contributions, to a young
of me in sending a Get-Well card. It did give me a mother who has escaped domestic violence and is
boost. a role model for her children, teaching her sons to
More news in September, be better people and have respect for women.

Kathy We heard from the young lady who is attending
university at 15 years of age and is passionate
[email protected] about aged care and speaking up for our elderly
citizens, and from the women who are working
Friendship is the breathing rose with globally in the environment, engineering and
sweets in every fold. international law fields. There are so many other
stories. Our future is in good hands.
(Oliver Wendell Holmes)
The ESA Bursary winner is Rebecca Senini from
Mount Pelion where her family have a cane farm.
Rebecca is in her first year at James Cook
University studying a Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Rebecca’s father was diagnosed with prostate
cancer in February this year and her aunt (her
Dad’s sister) was diagnosed with breast cancer
nine months earlier.

Rebecca said in her application ‘This has been one
of the most frightening times for my family, as my
father works both on the family cane farm and as
a dozer/drill operator at the mines to support and
afford my sister’s and my education. Therefore


this bursary would be a huge help to relieve the REMINDER FROM
financial burden my family is currently facing, PHILANTHROPIC OFFICER
especially after his operation when he will be As Half Yearly is fast approaching, I hope
unable to work.” everybody is busy selling their Art Union
Rebecca was unable to attend the presentation Tickets as there are plenty more to be
due to her University commitments, so we look
forward to hearing about Rebecca’s progress as sold.
If you need more, please contact Judy
well having the
opportunity to Johnson on Mobile
meet Rebecca 0409 517 877
at an ESA and I will get them back to you as soon as
Daphne possible.
attended the Thank you

Bursary Judy Johnson
with members Half-Yearly 2018
of Alpha Pi.
Daphne spoke You are invited to join
on ESA’s Alpha Rho Members
commitment to on
the Bursary Friday Nov 2
program and being able to help rural families in for Dinner at
their time of coping with a cancer diagnosis.
I am writing this report on behalf of Kathy who is Rockhampton League Club
very ill with pneumonia. Kathy wasn’t able to at
attend the presentation night, but she has said
that she is improving slowly. We send Kathy our 6.30pm
best wishes as her health continues to improve. The Courtesy Bus will pick
everyone up from the Motel
Lyn Buckley (Alpha Pi)
 approx. 6.00pm
If you would like to join us
Golf for beginners please let us know when you

your registration form.


Charlotte meets up opportunity in comedy so he built the hospital
with a US ESA Sister to give thanks for the opportunities he had
been offered. The hospital requires a billion
In April of this year I was lucky to meet Laura dollars a year to run effectively.
Bein in Chicago. Laura is an incredible young Laura has been involved in many fund raising
woman who has been heavily involved with activities. She is currently organising a 5km
ESA in her home town of Chicago. walk
Laura is 37 and she first joined ESA when she and is hoping to raise $500000 this
was at University where there were 200 September. Last year she raised $425000 on
members. Today this number is more like 400 the walk so is hoping to improve on this.
members. Across the US, ESA raised 19 million dollars
Laura began her own chapter with her mum for St Jude.
Judie. Laura is the immediate past President Laura explained that most chapters were
for the State of Illinois. small but if you need anything, ask the ESA
Laura has recently had some significant women and you will get it done.
changes in her life. She is married and has It was a privilege and a pleasure meeting
acquired her dream job. She is now the Laura and I hope to catch up with her again
administrator for fund raising for St Jude next time I am in Chicago or perhaps she will
Children’s Research Hospital. She continues to visit me in Australia.
live in Chicago while working for the hospital
which is in Memphis. Charlotte (Alpha Pi)
In the US, all ESA chapters raise money for St
Jude. ESA is the largest third party fundraiser 12
for St Jude. This supports children with cancer
and unlike all other hospitals in the US it is
free. No family ever pays for travel, housing
or treatment.
St Jude Children’s Research Hospital was built
by the comedian Danny Thomas. He had a
wife and young family and his career in
comedy did not seem to be going anywhere.
He was wondering if he should work in a more
stable field so he prayed to St Jude, the
patron saint of lost causes. He landed a great

Ed. Note: Betty Coutanceau, our 2015 DIANA recipient because of her humanitarian work in Nepal,
continues that work. This is her latest update. On August 31, Alpha Pi members will attend a fund-
raising dinner at her home - Betty will cook for us, and we will donate towards Betty & Maurice’s work.


Note: MPG is Maurice Paul Guitars. Further info at



ESA International Qld State Council & Branches Inc. - Half Yearly Convention

Centre Point Convention Centre; 131 George Street; Rockhampton Qld 4700
Phone 07 49278844

SATURDAY 3rd November & SUNDAY 4th November 2018

NAME: ………………………………………………….BRANCH: ………………………………

ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

PHONE: (H)…………………………………… (M) ………………………………………………

DELEGATE……………..Yes/No OBSERVER……………..Yes/No

Meals Cost ……………..
Saturday ……………...
Per Head
Lunch $ 19.00 ……………....
$ 22.00
$ 19.00


Total cost of meals $……………....

Any special dietary requirements: ……………………………………………………………………………


Saturday morning& afternoon tea & Sunday morning tea provided complimentary by Alpha Rho

REGISTRATION by 6th October 2018 & MEALS MONEY TO BE PAID BY 6th October 2018

Cheque made payable to: E.S.A. International – Alpha Rho Mackay Branch

P O Box 6560 Mackay Mail Cetre Qld 4740

Direct Deposit: ESA International Alpha Rho Mackay Branch Inc.
Auswide Bank - BSB: 645 646 Account #: 600305198


I will arrive in Rockhampton on Friday 2nd or Saturday 3rd

by bus…………………..., train…………………. or plane……………………

at approximately …………………...…..A.M. or ………………………….P.M.

Do you need to be picked up and transported to Centre Point? YES…………NO………..….

I will depart from Rockhampton on Sunday 4th

by bus………………..... train………………. or plane……………………….

at approximately ……………………....A.M. or ………………………….P.M.

Do you require transport to your departure point? YES……………….NO……………….

Judy Jesshope – Alpha Rho Mackay – Phone: Home- 07 49420616 / Mobile – 0412 795783

Email: [email protected] or
Judy Johnson – Alpha Rho Mackay – Phone: Home 07 49534204 / Mobile – 0409 517877

Email: [email protected]


September 2018

September 2018


Inside this issue ESA Australia
Chaplain/Jonquil 2
IC President 3 Olive Thompson
Invitation 3
State President 4 CHAPLAIN/JONQUIL
State Vice President’s Membership Report
ESA Foundation Overseas Director’s
Report 5 Hello, Everyone!
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 6 I hope that most of you are well, though I
Branch Education 6 know that some certainly are not. Val
Branch Reports 8 Files has had a heart attack. I believe
Social Report 11 that Val is going into theatre on Tuesday
SEQDC Report 11 4th to have some remedial work done.
NCWQ 12 Please join me in a prayer for both Val
Notices 13 and Jack:
Clever Words/Religious Humour 13 Lord, we ask that you walk beside them
Letter from Lisa Zachau 14 both each and every day bringing your
Registration Form - Half Yearly 15 Healing, Comfort, Strength & Peace, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thought for September Susan Davis has a bad dog bite on her
hand, and though she has stitches, it will
YESTERDAY I WAS take some time to heal. Ron Hurst is in
CLEVER SO I WANTED the Townville Hospital - I believe his
sugar is up. Ron will go back to
TO CHANGE THE Proserpine when it has levelled out.
WORLD. Today I am We ask that the Lord walk beside each
one in their hour of need.
wise so I am
changing myself. Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss
you’ll land among the Stars.(Brian Wittrell.)


Alison Geisel 6th Beta Epsilon

Jenny Ellard 10th Alpha Pi

Bev Pelling 15th Beta Epsilon

Ellen Haydon 17th Beta Epsilon

Thelma Bartlett 19th Beta Epsilon

Lisa Zachau 21st Alpha Pi

Elizabeth Von Dohren 21st Alpha Pi

Sheila Zarri 21st Beta Omicron

Next Sonia Grevell 29th Alpha Epsilon|
May you have a Wonderful Birthday
Oct 1!!!
with Family and Friends.
Please note change for this month!
To all ESA members wherever you are

May the Sun shine upon you and give

you Peace.

Love in ESA.

Olive ([email protected])


IC President community. Plan a small chapter event serving
chocolate milk and cookies. There is no right or
Kim wrong event - the important thing is to do an
Kummer event. It is a wonderful opportunity to share

about ESA, the good works you do and
chocolate! Let me know what you do!
[email protected]

Today, (September 5, 2018), I had a once-in-a-

"ESA ~ A lifetime opportunity. I travelled to Wichita, KS

Gift" (386 km round trip) to attend the ground-

As I wrote the article for last breaking for a St. Jude Dream Home. This will

be the 4th Dream Home built in Wichita and I
month’s newsletter, I was preparing to spend may have other opportunities to attend a ground
time in Wyoming at the Rocky Mountain breaking but not when I am the International
Regional Round up with ESA members from Council President. It was wonderful to see
Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico and builders, suppliers, painters, workers and media
Utah. My good friend and corresponding all join together to celebrate. What really
secretary, Maureen Wells and I drove from touched me was seeing people from different
Kansas. Along the way we picked up Terri walks of life come together sharing their gift to
Olson, first vice-president. Maureen drove, I help someone else. It’s wonderful it was for St.
was the navigator from the front seat and Terri Jude but it could have been any organization.
handled the snacks from the back seat. As you The gift of ESA allows us as members to come
can imagine, there was a lot of chattering together, share our gifts and talents, to benefit
between us. So much so, that when we should others.
have turned west we continued north. At the
point I discovered my “lack of navigating” we Take time to enjoy those moments!
were almost equal-distance to back track or xoxo
continue on the road ahead and loop back. How
Share your gift,

Kimdo you handle situations when things don’t go as
you have mapped out? We proceeded forward
and encountered a beautiful drive through the (Ph) 620-617-7208

Big Horn National Park. We DID NOT see any

big horn sheep or other animals along the way

but we made a memory and had a lot of laughs
about it once we finally arrived at our

destination. Sometimes it’s the detours that

make the trip! Embrace the detours that you Half-Yearly 2018
may encounter, it sure makes life easier to
handle, not to mention stories to make you You are invited to join
laugh. Alpha Rho Members
October is rapidly approaching and I encourage
you to consider hosting a Choctober recruitment Friday Nov 2

event. I know I am guilty of thinking ‘someone for Dinner at
Rockhampton Leagues Club
else can pledge a new member this year it’s not
my job’. But it is my job and your job too. We at

all love this organization, the friends we have 6.30pm
The Courtesy Bus will pick
next door and the friends from across the world,
everyone up from the Motel at
not to mention the good works that we do. We
must share ESA with everyone! Plan your approx. 6.00pm

Choctober event as a fundraiser for the If you would like to join us please
let us know when you return
Leukaemia Foundation or a local cause in your
the registration form.


State President State Vice-President’s

Membership Report

Daphne How great it was that Queensland won the award at
International Convention for the greatest percentage of

membership growth! It’s been a while since we’ve had

a positive membership growth, so let’s keep it going and
get even more members this year. Those of you who
Dear ESA Members,
know me well, will not be surprised that I am advocating
I hope everyone is well, and enjoying the this membership promotion idea with you all -
beautiful weather that we are having at present.
Please keep Val Files from Beta Omicron in your Choctober!!

prayers for a speedy recovery after she has heart October is recruitment month in ESA so let’s
celebrate Choctober and combine everyone’s
surgery on Tuesday 4th September.
favourite delicious indulgence with ESA fun to
I hope you are all selling our State Art Union welcome new members to your branch. Get the
tickets and all is going well. party planner, invitation ideas and more, then

Members should by now have received the get a chocolate-themed recruitment party on
Registration Form for our Half-Yearly in your calendar.
November and be planning to attend.
Let the chocolate fountains flow! Host a
Congratulations to all Branches for participating scrumptious chocolate-themed ESA recruitment
in Daffodil week. I heard it was very successful. party during the month of October and invite

On the 11th September, I will have the privilege guests to pamper themselves with a “delish”
of presenting our Emily Thomas Scholarship array of indulgent chocolate treats plus some fun
cheque and certificate to winner, Hayley and frivolity, ESA style – games, movie, etc.
Sumpter, at the C Q University Ooralea Campus. Then, invite them to sweeten their lives by
They are organising a special Lunch for the joining ESA. Envision the impact hundreds of
new members would have on ESA – more of us
to do the things we love so much! Have a ball
I received an email from the Deputy Director and help insure ESA’s future by inviting new
of the CQ University in Rockhampton who has members to join ESA during Choctober.
organised a meeting with me while he is in
Mackay this month as he wants to promote the Here’s s few ideas to get you started:
scholarships available to students so that he can Pamper:
post them on all their University Campuses. Chocolate facial masks, sugar scrubs with a milk
Hopefully, this means we will receive more chocolate foot soak, & a cup of hot chocolate
seems like the perfect night of pampering. There
are several websites full of chocolate pampering

Thank you to the Branches for your minutes. I recipes for facials, foot soaks, chocolate masks
thoroughly enjoy reading them and keeping up or Bon Bons for the body.

with what you are all doing. Keep up the good Movie Night with chocolate:

That is all for this month Chocolate fondue and strawberries is perfect if
you desire a more intimate eating experience or
Daphne consider grabbing your favourite movie snacks –
Maltesers, M&Ms, popcorn, chocolate almonds,

etc. - anything that you can feed yourself one at
a time or in a handful is without a doubt the best

movie snack.


Give Me 5 & I’ll Give You 50 YOU’RE INVITED!

Members to fill in five names in each category Celebrate CHOCTOBER with ESA
to invite to your chocolate party: Friends are Life’s Dessert
50 Prospects in 5 Minutes
5 Friends This October, ESA is celebrating
5 Relatives friendship… with Chocolate!
5 Co-Workers
5 Neighbours You deserve a treat! Join us for food
5 Church Goers and fun at our
5 People I Do Business With
5 Spouse’s Co-Workers Choctober Party.
5 Contacts through My Children
5 Previous Co-Workers or Neighbours Enjoy a well-deserved time of sweet
5 Social Group Contacts indulgence.

Have fun and have a chocolate or two for me! When________________________

Jenny Where ____ ____ _

Jenny Hendriks, Friendship & chocolate - what could
Vice President/Membership Chairman be more perfect?

SAMPLE INVITATION IDEAS Let us know today that you’ll be able to
join us.

RSVP (or for more information)


PS. If you know someone else who’d
love to join us as we celebrate
friendship with chocolate, please share
this invitation - the more the merrier!
RSVP for as many friends as you like.
After all, friends are life’s dessert!

Choctober is sponsored by MEaSriAanFnoeundation Overseas
members of ESA, a premier service SteentsmDairector’s Report

and leadership organization. We Dear ESA Members,
volunteer, visit new places, learn new At this year’s IC Convention the Foundation
things, meet inspiring people, and Board has decided to publicise the Life Active
become our best selves together. Membership of the Foundation.
This month, we are celebrating
Friendship with friends like you at
our Choctober party.


Investment returns on the Life Active

membership dues are used to fund the Career
Enhancement grants, which allow recipients to

further their education allowing them to grow in Till next month,

their careers. Love in ESA,

MarianneLife active membership dues are $500. This
donation may be paid in full or in two

instalments of $250. Due to the ongoing ESA Branch Education
website updates, our on-line donation form is

not yet operational. If you are interested in Lyn BuckRleeyports
joining our growing group of Life Active
Members, please print the paper form and mail State Education Officer

it to the ESA office or call Headquarters with
your credit card information.

The contribution form is available on the website Branch: Alpha Pi
at: Education Officer: Ros Brennan
Topic of this Program: Dinner with Betty
On Friday August 31, 10 ESA members with
Have an enjoyable two months until we meet at partners and friends attended a beautiful dinner
Half-Yearly in Rocky.
and an amazing presentation for the purpose of
Love in ESA, fundraising for Betty & Maurice Coutanceau,
who do incredible missionary work in Nepal.

Education for us, fundraising for them. (Betty has

ESA Disaster Fund been Queensland’s DIANA recipient. Ed. note)
Chair’s Report
Maurice is an anaesthetist and Betty is a GP.
They began to do mission work in Nepal in 1999.

Their first visit was for two years with their three

Marianne children aged 11, 14 & 18 .


Dear ESA Members,
How are you all? After a beautiful weekend it
turned cool again and looking toward the sky, it
looks promising to get a drop of rain.

Did you all receive the tickets for the disaster

fund raffle? I do hope this raffle will be a
financial success. We never know what the

future will have in store for us. If we do not

have money in reserve we cannot ask for
financial help. ESA International is very
Maurice explained the history of Nepal and that
generous when help is needed.
it has a population of over 26 million people. As
The ESA Disaster Fund exists to provide missionaries, their work led them to many
support to members in times of catastrophic life remote areas where they set up medical camps.
events. At first, they were separated while Maurice
worked at the Gendaki hospital, and Betty
Here are two pictures of travelled (either by foot, 4WD or by helicopter)
the wooden truck, which to remote medical camps.
is one of the toys for the


Maurice explained how many of the operations growing fish in tanks. The water is recirculated

were often done on the floor of the operating from one to the other.
room, which repeatedly had 3 operations going
at once. The hospital was always extremely busy A wonderful evening was had by all, with a
delicious meal shared and an eye-opening
and no one was ever turned away. presentation of the remarkable work that

Maurice and Betty do in Nepal.

Branch: Beta Epsilon
Education Officer: Cherryl Fritz
Theme for the Year: Lifelong learning with
Topic of this program: 50 Ladies Leadership

At the annual 50 Ladies Leadership Lunch, Beta
Epsilon presented two guest speakers who
All the equipment (which was often archaic addressed the gathering.
because they had to improvise with materials

they could find, to create the medical

equipment) was always reused and washed
overnight, some equipment being sterilised in a

pressure cooker. There was no electricity in the

hospital and everything was run on batteries.

Recovery for the patients was in the hallways or
outside on the grass, weather permitting. Yet

not one life was lost.

In the remote medical camps, they and other

doctors would see up to 1200 patients in 8 days.
About 10% of these people were operated on.

Betty explained that the majority of surgeries are

gynaecological with a lot of the operations being
for prolapsed wombs because the ladies either

had babies very young or because of the heavy

weights they often have to carry. They were: Taryn Gollschewsky -
Commonwealth Games Discus Thrower, and
Maurice and Betty are involved in many projects Gillian Lawrence - Visitor to Democratic
to help the people of Nepal, some of which Republic of Congo.
include: making guitars; buying chickens, goats,
sewing machines, looms, etc, to help people Taryn was an avid
become self-reliant; they offer assistance with Little Athletics
education and tuition; accommodation for the
elderly; medications and food for people with competitor and fell in
love with the discus
Leprosy, to name but a few.
event before she was
Maurice also shared a story about a man who 10 years old.
sold his own home and cashed in his
superannuation in order to set up a fish- She went on to
farm/aquaponics so that people there can represent Australia at
become self-sufficient by growing their own the World Youth

vegetables on the roofs of their houses, while Games, World

Juniors, the World


University Games, the Commonwealth Games avoid being caught up in them. This was very

and the World Championships. enlightening.

Gillian was born Members are still hard at work selling tickets in
in Cleveland our state art union, as well as in our linen

south of Brisbane hamper. The latter is to raise money for local

and grew up on a charities.
crops farm at Susan Davis received a nasty bite from a dog
and had to have stitches in her hand. Ron Hurst
nearby has had a stay in hospital, so we wish Susan and
Thornlands. She Ron a speedy recovery.
was a primary
teacher for seven We are enjoying lovely winter days up here in
years in country Proserpine.

schools. Well, that’s all for now.

In 2006 Gillian Cheers
and Byron felt

PatGod wanted them to help on a Mission in the

Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa where Pat Burns,
they worked for three years returning Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie )
intermittently another four times for three or
four month stints.

58 Guests joined 12 members for this annual Alpha Pi –
event and all agreed that the speakers were both Carmel Mulcahy
excellent, speaking on completely different

Cherryl What an amazing month we are having!

Not only did we have Daffodil Day at Deception

Bay Shopping Centre, and the Education Meeting

Branch Reports with Betty and Maurice, but six of the ladies had
a wonderful weekend at Bunya Mountains. We
are holding a Bunnings BBQ on Wednesday, and
Alpha Epsilon - our Fashion Parade is
still to come on
Pat Burns Sunday week. As the

I am sure all branches have been busy selling cricket
daffodils for Daffodil Day. We sold them on 24th commentators say,
August at 3 sites – Proserpine, Whitsunday Plaza ‘It’s all happening!’
and Whitsunday Shopping Centre. As usual the
daffodils were really beautiful. Since Ros has given
us a comprehensive report on the Education
Our lovely member, Ivy had her 88th birthday on Meeting, and Elizabeth has provided a great
the 15th of August. summary and photos of the weekend away, I will
leave it at that for this month.

The Social / Educational meeting was held on As we move through all that lies ahead, we will
the 22nd of August. Sandy Duffy arranged for continue to Encourage, Support and Achieve.
Rogin Taylor to attend as our guest speaker.

Rogin delivered a very informative talk on Cheers,
internet scams – how they work and how to

Publicity Officer


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