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Published by rlzachau, 2019-05-11 19:02:42

draft complete

draft complete

IC President weekend was gathering with many other ESA
members and Charlotte’s family members to
Kummer cheer for her and Phil at mile 26. Their
commitment to the marathon is a gift all in
"ESA ~ A itself: the bond between father and daughter,
Gift" the completion of a goal, the fundraising for
St. Jude. For me though, the gift was being
present, the pride and excitement her family
held for them, watching them run the pace
together and Charlotte’s tremendous smile as
we stood LOUDLY cheering for her.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” - As a child I loved opening the packages at
those are the words that are playing through Christmas and I am pretty sure I always
my head as a sit to put words on paper today. received exactly what I wished for. One year
What makes it the most wonderful time of the my parents made a Barbie house for us three
year? Is it the presents under the tree, the girls. They took a refrigerator box and divided
decorations, the wonderful music, the it into rooms. Using fabric scraps my mom
Christmas Story, the tons of holiday food & carpeted and painted the rooms while Dad
over eating, or the gatherings with family & drew appliances in place. I can remember
friends? The crazy shopping, overboard being so surprised because we never saw them
decorating, stressed out baking, and pressure working on it and how had they kept it a secret!
we place on ourselves that everything is We had so much fun playing with until we wore
“perfect” does not make it the most wonderful it out.
time of the year. I love the holidays and all
that comes with this season but I believe we I wish each of you the merriest of Christmases.
should treat every day as the most wonderful May you find joy in the giving, wonderment in
time of the year; taking each day as a gift the season and fit in a little down time to reflect
presented to us. the gifts around you each day.

I try to find the unexpected in each day seeing Merry Christmas,

Kimit as a gift. Kansas is blessed with much open
space and we have some of the most beautiful

sunsets. I make a point to look at the sunsets State President
each day and the sunrises too. My nieces and

nephews know if I call them outside, I am Daphne
going to point out the cool moon, stars or a

sunset. They think I am goofy but that’s ok. I Neilsen
hope they will always be able to appreciate
the gifts around them, and remember me too.

I have shared my theme this year, ESA – a Hello my fellow ESA Members,

Gift, and the many ways ESA is a gift to This is my last Newsletter Report for 2018.

ourselves, the philanthropies we support and Well, Christmas is just around the corner, so
those we share ESA with, when we ask them where has the past six months gone? I know
to join. Continue to find the gift in ESA this the Alpha Rho girls have been very busy with
year as well as spread it with others. I just their Gift Wrapping at Caneland Central with
returned from Memphis, attending the St. the help of the volunteers from the Central
Jude Marathon. ESA Executive Director, Queensland Rescue Helicopter Service, and
Charlotte Carloni and her father, Phil, ran the proceeds going to the C.Q.R.H.S.
26.2 mile marathon. The best moment of that

Over the holiday period please consider how ESA Foundation Overseas
you can support Jenny when she goes in as Director’s Report
State President at next year’s Convention,
whether it be an elected or an appointed Marianne
position. Steentsma
To any of our members who are planning to
travel or spend time with loved ones this Dear ESA Members,
Festive Season, take care and take time to Just a reminder to promote
relax. the ESA Foundation
Thank you to all my ESA fellow members for Scholarships as reported in the
your support the last six months and I look November nnewsletter.
forward to working with you in 2019. Submit your application before
My husband Kevin and I would like to wish December 15, 2018 to qualify.
you all a very Merry Christmas and a Have a wonderful Christmas Season,
Prosperous and a Happy New Year. recharge your batteries and stay healthy
throughout 2019.

I made a Christmas Wish for you, Marianne
For a holiday full of pleasure,
Friends and Family all around ESA Disaster Fund
And memories to treasure. Chair’s Report

I wish for you a Christmas filled Marianne
With Joyous holiday cheer; Steentsma

I wish you a Merry Christmas, Hello all ESA Members,
And a very Happy New Year! Thank you for your support of the Disaster
Fund through the raffle.
Daphne I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year, God’s blessing and good
Next health for the coming year.


Feb 7 Love in ESA,


Branch Education And, the final product!

Lyn BuRcekploeyrts

State Education Officer

Branch: Alpha Pi The tree in its final form was duly set up at
Education Officer: Ros Brennan the Quota Festival of Trees with wrapped
Topic: Designing and setting up a Christmas Gifts around its base.
Tree for the Quota Festival of Trees.
Members decided to use the Education
Meeting timeslot to design and create a
novel Christmas tree as our entry in the
Quota Festival of Trees. The plan was to
promote ESA and to make the tree
functional by building it from non-perishable
food items which could then be passed on to
Vinnies for their Christmas Hamper appeal.

Members gathered together their donated
food items and the task looked difficult.


Will this work? Branch: Beta Epsilon
Justine & Colleen review Education Officer: Cherryl Fritz
Topic of this Program: Visit to Craft Cottage

Beta Epsilon members visited Lyn’s Craft
Cottage for an enjoyable night of craft
activities. Lyn and her husband renovated the
old building
which they
Qunaba Mill
several years

features of the


The renovations are an ongoing project. Lyn
regularly holds craft sessions using many
different methods and materials.

Each member made a Christmas card delicious meal. We welcomed husbands and
decoration which had a battery operated tea guests.

light displayed in it. Several steps were Ivy and Beryl
needed to make the card. We had to emboss
white card in an embossing machine and use
a hair dryer to set the silver powder sprinkled
over stamps. Then we glued it all together
and decorated with shiny embellishments.

Our finished decorations



Col, Pat
M, Pat B

Lyn demonstrated making a tiny box out of Unfortunately, our member, Ann had to be
Christmas paper and also showed us other taken home before our meal commenced,
crafts she delights in making and selling. due to illness. Consequently, Ann’s daughter-
Everyone agreed it was a friendly and happy in-law, Kay, and sister, Kathleen were also
night and put us in the mood for Christmas. unable to attend. We hope Ann is feeling
much better now, and coping with this
Cherryl terrible heat.

Branch Reports We enjoyed a short Christmas quiz and a

Alpha Epsilon -
Pat Burns

Since our last meeting a few of us were able couple of jokes before we gave out the
to meet with Heather Martin, the secret sister gifts and gifts to our guests. A
Spokesperson for Queensland Rail. Heather small gift was presented to the chef, Kevin,
gave us some brochures and time-tables and and our lovely waitress, Shannon, to show
told us of the benefits of rail travel. We saw our appreciation.
pictures of up-graded train compartments,
buffet cars and lounge rooms. Some of our members will attend Alpha
Rho’s 25th anniversary dinner on 7th
Our main event in November was our December. Our Congratulations to Alpha Rho
Christmas party and “break-up”. This year
we held an evening event at the local
Chinese restaurant, where we enjoyed a

on this milestone – what wonderful things Liz and Lois asssited in set up
these girls have achieved in 25 years. and Chalotte, Sheila, Pat &
Carmel sold refreshments.
We have no venue for Christmas gift
wrapping this year, so hope to enjoy a Members gathered at the North Lakes Hotel
lovely, relaxing Christmas break. on December 1 for the Christmas Party
complete with party hats and Secret Sisters.
On behalf of President Rae and members of
Alpha Epsilon, I wish all our ESA fellow
members a very happy Christmas.
Christmas Cheers !!!


Pat Burns,

(Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie )

Alpha Pi –
Carmel Mulcahy

Our Christmas Fair was well supported by
stallholders, many of whom have expressed
interest in returning next year should we
choose to hold another Fair.

Janice, Leone, Diane &

Kate were stall holders.

Jenny checks out Janice’s

As we move further into this Holy and Festive
Season, we wish you all enough Joy and
Peace to continue throughout 2019.



Publicity Officer

Lyn & John
sold pre-
loved books.

Alpha Rho –

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Bonnie Spratt and Judy Johnson showing how to gift
our ESA Members wherever you are across wrap a unicorn. It’s all fun and games.
Queensland and Overseas.
We had an outing to the University to see
Presently (lol) we are wrapping presents and the stage play ‘Scrooge’ where our sister
are getting busier. We have even been on Hayley Sumpter had a part. It was
the local news recently for our gift-wrapping extremely good, and we are very proud of
services. This year all the proceeds go to CQ Hayley as she also did the booklet photos.
Rescue and no, I had no influence on this -
(lol for those who don’t know, I work at CQ
Rescue). We are having a lot of fun doing
the wrapping and seeing some unusual
presents this year including having to wrap a

Saxby &

CQ Rescue Volunteer Rose and Judy Johnson Joyce, Elwynn, Daphne, Annette, Judy Jesshope,

Judy Ogden, Hayley and Debbie.

We are having our Christmas Party and last
meeting for the year on the 16th December
at Judy Johnson’s place and we are all
looking forward to it. We always have fun.

We also had our 25th Anniversary at
Shamrock but I didn’t go as I had prior
commitments, so Daphne will fill you all in.

Well that wraps (lol) it up for another year. I
wish everyone a fun Christmas and a very
safe one as well. See you all again in 2019.

That’s about it for now.
Signing off from Mackay.

Annette ( Publicity Officer)

Beta Epsilon – Good food Good
Jane President friends
Stehbens Margaret & new Good times
member Tina blew
Hello Everyone, out the candles
Well what an awful week weather wise.
Smoky and stinking hot. We had a beautiful
cooling storm this afternoon that brought
much relief for everyone. Unfortunately,
Carolyn had some storm damage from the
wind and heavy rain.

Follow-up to Half-Yearly -

Cherryl delivers the
Disaster Fund Raffle prize
to President Margaret.

Margaret presents Cherryl won the prize for the
the State Art Union best Christmas outfit
prize to the winner Margot from Gin Gin.
Two teams of eight
Our new member Tina Stehbens was ‘jewel- fought out the
pinned’ at our meeting, Smarties Sorting
then stepped straight Competition
into reporting on her
progress with Margaret Flanders has been busy growing
Convention planning. and selling sunflowers. She held her
A great asset to our first market stall at Tannum Sands
team. Twilight markets last weekend.

The Beta Epsilon The silly
girls came for season
dinner at the Gin has started with
Gin Highway everyone busy
Hotel on December 11 for their Christmas cooking,
Party and 43rd birthday celebrations. cleaning and
planning for

On behalf of the Beta Epsilon girls, we hope Our young Curate at St Barnabas was
everyone has a safe and happy Christmas ordained the same day in the Cathedral on a
with family and friends. xx very hot day, and a service that went for
The Beta Epsilon Girls. more than two hours.

Jane Some of the B.O. ladies have been busy with
Probus commitments, but I haven’t heard
(Publicity Officer) much from our members since our SEQDC
Beta Omicron –
Val Files Our Christmas lunch for Beta Omicron was
held on Friday, 7th.

Hello everyone, Margaret enjoyed the
As the Christmas season bears down upon us party with Marie’s
so rapidly, we rush from pillar to post to try to daughter Glenda, with
keep up with all that is happening. It is an Santa looking on.
enjoyable time but also very stressful.

Our SEQC break-up was held at the Kallangur
Tavern on Saturday, 24th November, and an
enjoyable time was had by all. The decorating
of the large table was tremendous and the
meal served up was very enjoyable. We were
a very jolly bunch. Thanks to Alpha Pi for a
great day. Alpha Pi are extremely lucky to
have somewhere like the Tavern to go to for
functions. Of course, there was a Secret
Santa. Mind you, my gift will never see the
light of day!!

Margaret presented the ESA Margaret and John visited Margaret’s sister
2019 Calendars to a and brother-in-law in Wondai, and also went
representative of Clem Jones to the Lord Mayor’s Concert and Christmas
Nathan Village Morning Tea. Some of us are looking
forward to seeing it soon - it should be
Members are all busy doing their thing enjoyable.
before Christmas. Jack and Val went to their
granddaughter Caity’s Presentation Night for I hope that all our ESA members and families
dancing at the Redcliffe Cultural Centre have escaped the fires which have taken
where Caity danced and collected her hold of our State.
trophy. It was a truly wonderful
night. There are so many events to go to. All the best for the Festive Season, wishing

you all a truly blessed Christmas.

Val (Publicity Officer)

National Council of Christmas Function
Women of The NCWQ Christmas function was held on

Queensland Thursday, 6 December, at Women’s College,
University of Queensland. NCWQ members
Kathy Irene Cayas OAM shared information about
Cavanagh the observance of the Christmas season in
her Greek culture, and Yvonne Matta from
her Lebanese experience. It was interesting
how both had made some adaptations to the
Australian context, whilst maintaining and
passing on their other traditions.

NCWQ News As is NCWQ’s usual custom, one of its

2019 Bursary Program affiliated organisations shared with us aspects
Planning continues with of their work, and received gifts from NCWQ
Team Bursary for the 2019 members and guests at the function. Sandy
Bursary program. The main O’Donohue from the Catholic Women’s
focus at present is with the League spoke of their work, and especially the
sponsors – confirming work she does in conjunction with their Aged
previous sponsors and Care facilities on the Redcliffe Peninsula.

adding some new sponsors to the 2019

program. Noela

CWL with gifts
to be presented
to residents in
aged care
At the 25th facilities.
for Alpha
Rho on
December 7
in Mackay,
ESA State
the ESA On behalf of NCWQ, I wish all ESA members a
Bursary to
2018 Christmas season filled with happiness, fond
winner memories of past Christmases, especially with
Rebecca loved ones no longer with us, and joy, health
Senini and wellbeing in



([email protected])

ALPHA RHO’S 25TH ANNIVERSARY At our celebrations the four original
ESA Alpha Rho was chartered on the 11th cut the
December 1993 at Dolphins on the Dome in beautifully
Victoria Street, Mackay, which is still decorated
there but with a different name. cake, and a
We celebrated our 25th Anniversary at the ‘Thank you’
Shamrock where we had the pleasure of must go to
having Marianne and Bill Steentsma
attend. Marianne was State President our ESA
1993 – 1994 and chartered us and also did Sister,
our very first Installation. We also had Lisa
some of our Sponsor Branch members
attend - Pat and Col Mengel and Grace Zachau,
Hurst. for the

When we were chartered we had seven wonderful job she did in creating our
members. Four of the original members centre piece.
who are still active are Judy Johnson, Fay
Dennien, Olive Thompson and Daphne After the
Neilsen. Now in 2018 we have 23 cutting of the
members, one ELAN and one DESA cake we were
(daughters of ESA members). entertained by
the Choir of
We had more than 100 people attend this Unheard
function. Many of them represented Voices who
Community Groups we have supported. put together a
Over the years we have held various song about our Branch called ‘The ESA 25
fundraisers to donate back into our years Celebration Song’ which was a huge
community. Some of these have been Gift surprise to us all.
Wrapping since 2003 at Caneland
Shopping Centre, raffles, meat trays, and Special thanks must go to the Branches
many more. We have been supporting that sent congratulations and best wishes
Central Queensland Rescue Helicopter for this very special occasion
Service since 1999. Some other community
groups that have benefited from our Our men are great assets to our Branch,
fundraisers have been Dragons Abreast, for whenever we need anything done, they
Prostate Cancer Support Group, Breast are always there to help us.
Screen Mackay and the Oncology Wards at
Mackay Base Hospital. Also on the night a Certificate was
presented to our National Council of
Women Queensland, ESA Bursary

winner, Rebecca Senini by our State This is an enormous result from a small
President, Daphne Neilsen. group of ladies and their helpers.

Speech by Marianne Steentsma, ‘To raise that amount took time and hard
ESA State Past-President work. According to the Australian Bureau of
Statistics, one volunteer hour at the present
‘25 years is longer time is worth $42. I leave it up to you to
than a life sentence work out the hours spent and the uncounted
and yet everyone dollar value to your city.
here tonight is
honouring these ‘Going back 25 years I looked at excited
great ladies and faces, nervous faces, emotional and with
their helpers. anticipation in the faces, but today they all
look proud and satisfied, looking back on
‘Madam Chairman, honoured guests and their achievements.
‘We still have four of the original charter
‘I still remember installing the first executive members among us today and I call on them
members of Alpha Rho, the newly chartered to please stand: Judy Johnson, Olive
branch of ESA International. Thomson, Daphne Neilsen and Fay Dennien.
I thank you ladies for your support of ESA
‘This installation took place at Dolphins on the over the last 25 years. You are the catalyst
Dome and it was an important occasion not of the club. Thank you ladies.
just for ESA but most importantly for Mackay.
How much has your city benefited from these ‘We, the members, are the cornerstone of
ladies? success for our organisation. We, the
members, are at the apex of our
‘Well, let us do a little mathematical exercise. organisational structure. Let us never forget
this structure – the Branch, the District, the
‘I believe last year these ladies donated State Council and the International Council
$69,000 to your community. Multiply this by of ESA.
25 and you get the staggering sum of
$1,725.000. ‘You have shown us that you can make the
impossible a reality for many years to come.’
Alpha Rho!

Pat’s Christmas Joke that Santa doesn't usually take requests from
adults, but she smiled sweetly, so he said,
Three men died on “What would you like for Christmas?’
Christmas Eve and were 'Something for my mother, please,' replied
met by Saint Peter at the Emily sweetly.
Pearly Gates. ‘In honour ‘Something for your mother? Well, that's very
of this Holy Season’, St loving and thoughtful of you,' smiled Santa.
Peter said, ‘you must 'What do would you like me to bring her?'
each possess something Without turning a hair Emily answered
that symbolises Christmas quickly, 'A son-in-law.'
to get into Heaven.’
The Englishman fumbled through his pockets Father Christmas Calls
and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. ‘It’s
a candlle,’ he said. Alex was five; all his Christmas presents
‘You may pass through the Pearly Gates,’ St were always signed, 'from Father Christmas.'
Peter said. A little while after Alex had opened all his
The Scot reached in to his pocket and pulled presents on Christmas morning, we became
out a set of keys. He shook them and said, aware that he was looking quite down in the
‘They’re bells.’ mouth for no obvious reason. 'What's the
St Peter said ‘You may pass through the matter, Al?' I asked.
Pearly Gates.’ 'Ummmm, 'replied Alex slowly, 'I really
The Irishman searched desperately through hoped that you and Mummy would give me
his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of something for Christmas.'
women’s panties. St Peter looked at the
man with a raised eyebrow and asked, ‘And
just what do those symbolise?’
The Irishman replied ‘These are Carols.’

What A Boy Wants For Christmas

Darren remembers accompanying
his father out shopping in the toy
department of a major store one
Christmas Eve. Dad said, 'What a
marvellous train set. I'll buy it.'
The girl behind the counter looked pleased
and murmured, 'Great, I'm sure your son will
really love it.'
Dad replied with a glint in his eye,
'Maybe you're right. In that case I'll take

What A Girl Wants For

The Santa Claus at the shopping mall
was very surprised when Emily, a young
lady aged about 20 years old walked up
and sat on his lap. Now, we all know



There are always memories or more correctly bits of memories that we retain with us for all
our lives. Memories that in some way have meant so much to us that they stick while others
fade. This for me is especially true of Christmas - Christmas with my Mum and Dad and my
three sisters and two brothers in Australia during the sixties and early seventies.

Mum and Dad always made Christmas special, either through the decorations, which were
always up earlier than anyone else’s, or the most wonderful, warm Christmas mornings that I
I will always take as the yardstick by which I judge my own meagre attempts at celebrating

this special time of year. Remember that these memories are in Aussie and if anyone
knows what it is like there, you will know that it is certainly not what we would call

One Christmas Day which has a special meaning to me was what I like to call 'The
Bike Year'. As usual we had all been waiting for the hols to arrive. Hols meant the end of
school and, most importantly, the Big Guy was due his visit. I had been dreaming of having
a bike for months and Trev, my older brother, was the same. When we were talking, (not
arguing that is, which was more normal) he had spoken often about getting a bike for
Christmas. I have a feeling he may have known something that I didn't. We both knew it was
a tough one. Of course we knew the Big Man was just a story, all our friends had told us so
and anyway how do you get a bike in the sack for heaven's sake? But, being who I was, I
never gave up hope.

So anyway the morning arrived. I looked out from underneath my sheet, (the weather being
so warm that was all I needed over me, except for my jammies, of course) and looked out of
the window in our 'boys' room. I had to look over Trev who was in the single bed, under the
window. He was still sleeping (I think) but I couldn't see a thing, it was still too dark. Younger
brother, Ray, was in the bunk above me making his usual snoring noises. (He usually got a
kick from underneath but I was in a generous mood, being Christmas and all).
The dawn seemed to take forever to arrive and once or twice I got my courage together and
got out of bed and crept to the door. Still not light enough for me to dare to go out into the
hallway and down to THE ROOM! I would dart back to my bed. Anyway, slowly the light
arrived so that I could see enough to make out Trevor’s bump under his sheet. All the
shadows changed from my worst nightmares to curtains, clothes and shoes left scattered on
the floor and that door that during the night had floated like some horrid apparition, waiting
for me to dare to move looked, innocently enough, like a door. (Which just shows how the
thought of presents can overcome any fear!)

Now for my next problem how to bring life to the lump, that was my brother, in the next
bed. First I tried whispering very quietly. Then whispered a bit loader. Finally I got out of
bed and shook him hard, racing back so as to leave no evidence of the crime. He must have
been awake because as usual he told me off and said that it was too dark to get up and such
silly talk like that. But he was awake so my courage returned and I got up. Strangely so did


he, without too much argument as well. (He was the big brother so he had to pretend to do
as Dad said, at least while I was around.) Ray was awake too by then so he got up with us.
More correctly, down. We three boys crept into the hallway. We looked around and could
make out the door to the lounge room. We were making our way to it when who should
appear but our Mum from her bedroom with Dad close behind her. He had that look. That
sparkle in his eye that spoke of knowing something that would bring hoots from us and
wonder into our lives. "Go on then, go in but don't touch anything until we are all up and I
have made a cup of tea for everybody". The girls were coming out of their rooms, rubbing
their eyes and pretending they had just woken up. They didn't fool me!

We went in and turned on the light. At first the bike didn't register with me. Trev saw it
straight away though. He went up to it and stared and stared at it. Then I saw it and my
mouth dropped wide open. A gasp was all I could manage. How did they know that it was
all that I had ever wanted. They must have read my mind, (which was quite a worry!) The
bike was second hand but Mum and Dad had done a lot of work on it. It didn't matter, it was
the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.

We spent the morning learning to ride it and arguing on whose turn it was. It was
one of the happiest Christmases I can remember.

It has always amazed me how Mum and Dad did it. There were six of us kids and
no one could ever accuse us of being well to do, but every year they managed to buy us lots
of wonderful things. Having said that, it is not the wonderful gifts I will remember but the
magical atmosphere that they created around our house. And the knowledge that we were
all loved so very much. It is so hard to describe that warmth and that look in Dad and Mum’s
eyes as we opened our presents. It was a time when we felt safe and everything was fun. It
was also so very short. Before we hardly knew it, we were in our own homes with our own
families, trying to reproduce what Mom and Dad made to look so easy.

Desmond Harvey

Family Christmas 1998

The family Christmas Eve Party was held at Jan's place in Seaford.
Jan, Tom and their three girls had done a really fantastic job of setting up the garden for the
party but sadly a sudden thunderstorm descended on their neat little bayside home just as
the guests had started to arrive. Everyone sheltered in the house while nature tore through
the lovely garden, tossing furniture and carefully prepared Christmas decorations about in
terrible spite, while thunder detonated and lightening ripped the evening sky overhead.
The storm passed as suddenly as it had begun and once the havoc out in the garden had
been put back in order we resumed our family celebration. Despite this unfortunate start
everyone had a wonderful time and it will be a Christmas Eve that is destined to go down in
family history as one of the very best and remembered for many long years to come.
The food was great, the garden was absolutely lovely, despite the battering, and the
company could not have been more cheerful. Sleigh bells were reliably reported from many
outlying areas of the garden during the rest of that warm, summer night. A full moon added
to the special magic of a special night and the "Secret Santa" presents proved to be a
wonderful idea that the family has decided must become a regular part of our Family
Christmas tradition.



February 2019

February 2019

Inside this issue 2 the dam spillway never done before,
3 the result of which is unknown. She
Chaplain/Jonquil 3 is above flood level and has a
IC President 4 highset house, but she can walk a
State President 4 short distance to the river which is
ESA Foundation Overseas Director 5 raging. In the light of disasters
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 5 unfolding across our nation -
State Vice President 5 floods in the north and bushfires in
Branch Education Reports 10 Tasmania and Victoria, I am sure
Branch Reports 10 Olive would like us to join in her
Mackay Australia Day Award 11/12 Prayer for those involved.
NCWQ 13 Oh, Lord please put your loving
Valentine’s Day / Lunar New Year 14 arms around all people concerned
Convention Flyer at this awful time. We ask that you
Convention Registration 15 tame the fires down, and ease the
State Nomination Form rain, to bring these tragedies to an
end, so people and the land can
Next deadline March 7 return to normal. We put this into
your capable hands Lord. Amen.
Thought for February

Being creative makes Olive advised that Ann Hiscox,
you a weird little Alpha Epsilon, has moved into
Proserpine Nursing Home for
beast because greater care. We wish her well.
everything seems really
ESA members’ thoughts and prayers
interesting for some are with Colleen Proudlock, Alpha
strange reason. Pi, whose mother passed away in
December. May she rest in peace
and her family be comforted.


7th Pearl Christensen Beta Epsilon
7th Val Files Beta Omicron
14th Pat Mengel Alpha Epsilon
16th Heather Kohring Beta Epsilon
ESA Australia 17th Vicki Maddicks Alpha Rho
Chaplain/Jonquil 22nd Mariannne Steentsma Beta Omicron
22nd Carmel Mulcahy Alpha Pi
Olive Thompson 28th Colleen Proudlock Alpha Pi

CHAPLAIN/JONQUIL We wish you a Wonderful Birthday

Hello Everyone on behalf of Olive. with Family and Friends. To all
She is hoping you are well. She, like
many in Townsville, is very nervous ESA members wherever you are,
about the terrible flooding which is
occurring there with the opening of May the Sun shine upon you

and give you Peace.
Love in ESA.

Carmel (on behalf of Olive)

([email protected])

Flooding near Olive’s home – trees people that I call because I want to hear their
becoming submerged and a structure voice, share in joys and sorrows, people I
under threat. can’t wait to see when I know Convention is
coming. Yes, each piece is important…but
IC President combined, ESA has it all. We are an amazing
organization, one I am glad to be a member
Kim of, and I hope you feel the same way.
Kummer I hope you will plan your holiday to attend IC
Convention in Memphis, TN this July. The
"ESA ~ A Gift" Welcome Party will kick off July 17, workshops
Share the Gift. will fill Thursday, July 18 and the Flag
ceremony and First General Assembly will be
My Dear Queensland ESA Friends, Friday, July 19. Earlier in the week will be
tours to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
As I think about what I want to contribute to There is more information on the ESA website
in the member centre. Anyone who has
your newsletter my eye is drawn to a interest or additional questions please email
me at [email protected].
decorative sign I won. I haven’t decided if I I will think of you when I look in the night sky
am keeping it or gifting it. Regardless, it and see the stars.

makes me think of each one of you as well as Xoxo – Kim

ESA members all over. Kim Kummer
“Good friends are like stars. ESA IC President

You don’t always see them but you *in Kansas, our State project is Heartspring, a
world-wide learning centre for children with
know they’re always there” disabilities. Each Spring, we host a Prom for
There are so many gifts we receive from ESA! the students. Sometimes the students will
dress formally. For the parents, this event is
Have you ever thought about which one is the a gift. They never imagined their child would
be able to attend such an occasion.
best? I know, that is a loaded question and
depends on the day. Education, Service,
Association…I love learning new ideas, State President

sharing information; attending Daphne
workshops…hmm I think education is most
important. Oh but wait, stitching baby Happy New Year to all ESA members and your
blankets to donate to the health department,
volunteering at the St. Jude Marathon, and
It is hard to believe that Christmas has been
Prom at Heartspring* are some of my and gone and that it is 2019. I hope you all
favourite service events. Yes, service is the had a well-earned and relaxing break and are
ready for another great year.
best part of ESA. Good Works ~ Good Times

~ Good People. It is the good people that
make ESA. Because of my involvement in ESA

I have friends from coast to coast. Not just

friends but friends that have become family;

Thank you to the Branches that sent me members, who received help through the
Christmas cards or emails. It was greatly Fund over the years.
appreciated. I spent Christmas with my The purpose of the ESA International Disaster
granddaughters which was a very enjoyable Fund is to assist an ESA member whose home
day. and/or personal belongings are destroyed or
damaged extensively by one of nature’s
I have been busy putting together our causes - fire, flood, etc. Assistance may also
Convention Agenda with Cherryl and I know be given when a member incurs heavy
that the Beta Epsilon girls will be busy putting financial responsibility due to a debilitating
final touches for a great Convention in the illness which may strike them, or an accident.
next couple of months. For my forthcoming project as your current
Chairman I will raffle a $100.00 Woolworths
Please consider support for our Incoming voucher, drawn at State Convention in
President, Jenny, by volunteering to take on Bundaberg. In the coming weeks each Branch
an Appointed position or accept an Elected will receive a book of Raffle tickets for sale
position. They are very rewarding and prior of Convention. I do hope you will support
enjoyable. this raffle.
Love in ESA,
It will not be long before our Workshop
Coordinator will be sending out the report
ESA Disaster Fund
forms, so please return them by the due date Chair’s Report

as it makes it easier for Pat to put the Marianne
workshop book together on time.

Take care until next month

Bloom where you’re planted,
Grow, take root, mature and flower,
Make the place you’re in, right now,

your paradise.


ESA Foundation Overseas Hello All,
Director’s Report
I hope you had a great Festive Season and
Marianne are ready for an exciting year ahead.
Below is some information about this year’s
Happy 2019 to all. scholarship moneys to be paid out. The
This greeting is nearly too late as the first Chairman of the ESAF writes:
month of the year has already passed, but
there are still eleven months left, to shine in “Because of our very generous Endowers, we
ESA. are able to offer 179 scholarships this year. If
As Queensland’s State Council Disaster Fund all scholarships receive an application, we will
Chairman I often think of the numerous ESA be giving US$281,700. This will certainly
make a difference in the lives of many people.
We hope to continue to share the stories of so
many of our scholarship winners. These are
our future leaders and are truly remarkable
individuals. Please help us share the
information about the ESA Foundation

Just a reminder: The ESA Foundation's major then please let me know. My email is
emphasis is service to others, which is [email protected] or phone me on
illustrated in its motto: 0403 024 067.

Serving the World Community . . . . Please do consider taking on a position. We
Because We Care. can’t leave it to “Someone Else” to do as
“Someone Else” may have done a position for
Till next month, many years and would like a break. It is
Love in ESA, healthy to get new faces on our State
Executive and General Board, as everyone
Marianne adds something special to the role.

I look forward to a great year ahead.


State Vice President

2018 - 2019 Branch Education

Jenny Hendriks Lyn BuckRleeyports

2019-2020 STATE EXECUTIVE & State Education Officer
Happy New Year to everyone throughout the As Branches were in recess during January,
State. I hope this is a great year for everyone the Education Report will resume in March.
in their personal lives and for ESA in
Queensland. Lyn

Nomination forms have been sent to each Branch Reports
branch as well as included in this edition of
the Queenslander, seeking nominations for Alpha Epsilon -
our State Executive for 2019-2020. The Pat Burns
positions we need filled are:
I hope everyone has enjoyed a Happy
 State Vice President Christmas and a relaxing recess.
 Recording Secretary First of all, on behalf of President, Rae, and all
 Treasurer our members, a great big
 Parliamentarian

Please consider volunteering yourself for one to Judy Johnson on receiving her award for
of these positions, or nominate other Community Volunteer. What a great
members in your branch and throughout the honour – and very well deserved. Even
State. Taking on an Executive position is a though volunteer work is not done to receive
great way to learn more about ESA and there accolades, it is certainly wonderful to be
are always many people to call on for support recognised and rewarded for work well done
who have done these positions previously. in the community. We are all very proud of
you, Judy!!!
Also, I need to fill my General Board positions,
the list of which is in the Directory. If you
have had a general board position this year,
please let me know if you would like to
continue with the same position next year. For
other members who don’t have a general
board position and you would like to take on
a particular general board position next year,

Our members did not do Christmas gift Robyn, Ivy and Beryl are happy with their gifts.
wrapping last year as no suitable venue was Mrs Claus (Pat Burns) with Turley and Lindsay &
available. Anyway it was good to have “time Robyn Creighton
off”. Pat and Col holidayed on Norfolk Island, and took
time to research a former doctor from Proserpine
Ann Hiscox has now moved permanently to whose grave is there.
the Proserpine Nursing Home. In her nineties
now, Ann is in need of more nursing care. She
has trouble walking as she has fluid retention
which causes her legs and feet to swell. As
she has only one kidney she is unable to take
more medication for this problem.

Pattie Wyllie has been moved from Bowen to
the Proserpine Nursing Home. She cannot
walk and is still in a wheelchair. This is
because she is waiting for a knee
replacement. She is teaching art lessons, with
the help of her friend, Allan, and says she
does not have enough hours in the day to do
everything she wants to do. She says the staff
treat her like a queen. So you can see that
Pattie is still keeping her positive attitude to

Well, we will soon be back into meetings and
events for 2019, so let’s hope we all enjoy a
productive and successful year.

Happy 2019 everyone!


Pat Burns,

(Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie )

Alpha Epsilon Christmas Party

Sandy and

what is in


Alpha Pi – Our first event of the year will be our Trivia
Carmel Mulcahy Night on March 23 and plans are beginning to
fall into place for that. Then there is a
Happy 2019 Everyone, and all good wishes for Bunnings BBQ on April 17, so no rest any time
a vibrant and enjoyable year. soon. Therefore, we continue to encourage
We extend our condolences to our President and support each other to achieve.
Colleen whose mother passed away in Remember: Losers quit when they fall,
December. May she rest in peace and may winners fail until they succeed.
her family share many happy memories. Cheers,
Alpha Pi began the year with a BBQ at
Bunnings on January 12 - a hot one, but very Carmel
profitable. Being on a Saturday, that meant
the some members who normally cannot Publicity Officer
assist because of work commitments were
available and their involvement was greatly Alpha Rho –
appreciated. Annette
Nancy hands over
the apron to Ros Well, here we are again, at the start of yet
while Steve cooks another year of gift wrapping and fun times.
sausages in the We were going to have our Christmas Party
background and last meeting for the year on the 16th
December at Judy Johnson’s place, but it had
Just over a week later 16 members gathered to be postponed until January 17th and I had
for lunch at the new Sebel, Margate to share
stories of their holidays and get-togethers to
with family and friends. miss
it due
to jet

But I


photos to show how
much fun and food

Several members have been cruising and was had on the day.
taking road trips to all manner of destinations. And of course,
We welcomed one prospective new member dessert is our
Jan, (left) at lunch, and another at our first favourite.
2019 meeting.

We had such a busy time at Gift Wrapping Beta Epsilon –
this year that we have made an incredible Jane
amount of $35,000.00 to be donated to CQ Stehbens

Rescue this year. We even got a segment Hello Everyone,
on the Welcome to a great year ahead.
news We are busy planning Convention and our
which Cancer night. We have a new meeting room
was for this year.
Well Welcome back to Jan who has been away for
done a while. Everyone has had lots of little trips
every- away and grandchildren visits over the
one. Christmas break.
We had a cheque hand over on Wednesday
Feb 6th – as you can see in the photo. Although we are hot and muggy and hoping
for rain, our thoughts are with the folk in the

We hope you have all come back happy,
healthy, and recharged for the New Year.

The Beta Epsilon Girls.


(Publicity Officer)

Beta Omicron –
Val Files

I hope that all our ESA sisters in Townsville Christmas has come and gone so quickly and
are managing all right with the flooding and we are once again into the swing of another
that our other sisters in Proserpine don’t ESA year. Happy New Year to all members.
have any problems in the next week or so. Many Christmas parties have also come and
Our thoughts are with you all. gone, and the festivities are now over for
another year.
That’s about it for now. It has been worrying time for members up
north, from Cairns to Mackay.
Signing off from Mackay.
Burnt out
Annette (Publicity Officer) National
Park near

The rain, although welcome in places out has done lots of reading and gardening as
west, has created havoc to properties, and we well.
hope that all members are safe and dry from
the flooding rains. Marianne and Bill had a great time celebrating
Sheila has been catching up with family and the 25th Anniversary of Alpha Rho, Mackay. It
friends from England over the break. She was a great function and the ladies were
attended an 80th birthday for an English fantastic the way they all looked after them.
cousin. Cousin Peter had his children at the Their special thanks go to Judy Johnson, who
function, and Sheila hadn’t seen the children, took them into her home and even showed
who were babies last time, for 50 years! What them the burnt-out hinterland. Well done on
a celebration. the trip, Marianne and Bill! The trip back
We celebrated Marie’s birthday as well at home had to be made by “Double Decker Bus”
Indigiscapes in mid-January. Ten Beta as the train engine showed mechanical faults.
Omicron and partners had a delicious lunch
(and cake) to celebrate. I’m sure that Marie Marianne and Bill’s family all celebrated
enjoyed the occasion. Christmas Eve in German fashion at Heidi’s.
This was a very enjoyable evening and now it
Many Happy Returns to Marie on her birthday! We is full on into 2019.
all enjoyed the celebrations.
Marianne and Bill are again much involved
Alba hasn’t been well over the break, so with Toastmasters, ESA, and the Bremer
wasn’t too active, but we were happy to see Catchment meetings.
her at our meeting on 1st February at Garden
City Library. Jack and Val have had their usual break with
Joan is also now looking well after her health the family at Hastings Pont in January, which
problem. She is waiting for the day when she was a lovely and relaxing time. Ten family
will be moving to the northside to live with members were in attendance. Grandchildren
one of her sons. can make it so enjoyable, especially the new
Marianne’s daughter, Heidi, has been home three year old Mackenzie who came to
schooling her children. Her eldest son, Hastings as well. There was choir and
Matthew, is going to TAFE three days a week. orchestra for church – even a Christmas
Time for another party as Frances and her dinner. With seven or eight parties to attend,
family celebrated her granddaughter’s we are happy that it is all over for a year! Now
engagement party. Family travelled to back to normality going to Bribie each
Toowoomba for the celebration. fortnight and meetings as usual.
Margaret, being a tennis tragic, has been
watching all the tennis over the break. She Val (Publicity Officer)

MACKAY AUSTRALIA DAY National Council of
AWARDS Women of


When ESA member Judy Johnson gets Kathy
behind a cause, she is getting involved Cavanagh
because it is the right thing to do. Judy has
been the backbone of ESA Alpha Rho Gift NCWQ News
Wrapping for the past 15 years, making sure
that the gift tags are complete, and bows and Trusting that the
ribbons are ready, to help raise much needed
funds for the RACQ Central Queensland Christmas and New
Helicopter Service which members have
supported since they started the wrapping Year season was a
Judy has supported the members in time for family,
everything they do in ESA and is also involved
in other worthy causes including Cootharina storing new
and Scouts.
She is a District Scout Leader who helps run memories and
activities for the regional youth. She became
a volunteer in the Scout organization when some ‘reboot’ and
her children were involved.
Judy is described as a true inspiration. She recharging relaxation. It seems incredible that
does everything with integrity and grace and
certainly inspires all her ESA sisters. a month has already passed. The speed from
2018 doesn’t look like changing anytime soon.
Judy is a very Here’s to a time of both personal well-being
and a successful 2019 ESA year.
recipient of
the Lori 2019 Bursary Program

Burgess It is now ‘next month’ that
Community applications for the 2019
Bursary program opens.
Award for Sponsorship is still being
2019. finalised, but we do welcome two bursaries on
offer this year from Quota International, to
Congratulations Judy! We are proud of you. mark their Centenary year. One bursary is for
a student in the field of speech pathology, the
other for audiology.

ESA led from the front as a sponsor from an
affiliated organisation.

The addition of the Quota bursaries increases
the bursaries sponsored by such
organisations from four last year to six in

It is expected that the total number of
bursaries on offer will be similar to the 33 on
offer in 2018.

Senator Claire Moore Function
A great supporter of NCWQ and a bursary
sponsor for the last few years, Senator Claire
is not standing for re-election this year. A
function is being held on Saturday 16
February to honour her work. To be held at
Miegunyah, Jordan Terrace Bowen Hills, in
conjunction with Queensland Women’s

Historical Association, it is already booked heart. Today, over a billion cards are sent out
out, with attendees representing her diverse on Valentine’s Day around the world full of

range of interests. It is expected that one of sweet Valentine’s Day wishes.

the recipients of her bursary will be there to A Valentine is a gift to the heart,
speak. Senator Claire’s bursary is for a a friend to the spirit,
student in the field of special education – a

speciality teaching area that probably touches a golden thread to the meaning of life.

most of us through our families, friends or


Date Claimer: Tuesday 30
April – Annual Dinner

To be held at the United
Services Club, Wickham Terrace, NCWQ
Annual Dinner allows for the networking of
affiliated organisations and members. Details
of the guest speaker and other information will
be available later, but for anyone in Brisbane
at that time, it will be a great function.

Until next time, Take care in our beloved
country of extremes.


Kathy Cavanagh ([email protected]) In the light of Valentine’s Day, some
words of wisdom or not . . .

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and For those of you old enough to remember
caring. Red Skelton, I think you will enjoy this. For
those of you not old enough you will see
It could be platonic love between friends, what you missed. Either way, he was a
family love from a child to a parent or romantic great entertainer. A re-run of great 'one
love between partners. liner's' from the man who was known for his
clean humour. I hope you get a chuckle or
Even if it’s only for a single day, many people two reading them once more.
pull out all stops to share this as a special day
by any means possible. Poetry has been RED SKELTON'S RECIPE FOR THE
exchanged between lovers since the Middle PERFECT MARRIAGE
Ages. For centuries, lovers scribbled love notes
to one another on the Day of Saint Valentine. 1. Two times a week we go to a nice
In the nineteenth century, with the restaurant, have a little beverage, good
establishment of a postal service, more and food and companionship. She goes on
more wishes were sent alongside flowers and Tuesdays, I go on Fridays.
hearts. Even schoolchildren send Valentines.
2. We also sleep in separate beds.
Heart-shaped candies and silly-sweet Valentine Hers is in California, and mine is in
cards are manufactured for the very young at Texas.
3. I take my wife everywhere, but she
keeps finding her way back.

4. I asked my wife where she wanted to
go for our anniversary. "Somewhere I
haven't been in a long time!" she said.
So I suggested the kitchen.

5. We always hold hands. If I let go, Lunar New Year
she shops.
6. She has an electric blender, electric Lunar / Chinese
toaster and electric bread maker. New Year starts on
She said "There are too many gadgets, February 5th of
and no place to sit down!" So I bought 2019 and ends on
her an electric chair. January 25th of
7. My wife told me the car wasn't 2020 and is the
running well because there was water Year of the Pig.
in the carburettor. I asked where the
car was. She told me, "In the lake." Chinese New Year starts on the second or
8. She got a mud pack and looked great third new moon, after the winter solstice
for two days. Then the mud fell off. (depending on the number of new moons
9. She ran after the garbage truck, between the two winter solstices). At least
yelling, "Am I too late for the garbage?" one-fifth of all people celebrate the Chinese
The driver said, "No, jump in!" New Year.
10. Remember: Marriage is the number
one cause of divorce. According to Chinese astrology, the Year of
11. I married Miss Right. I just didn't the Pig allows those born in the Year of the
know her first name was 'Always'. Pig to make full use of their creativity.
12. I haven't spoken to my wife in 18
months. I don't like to interrupt her. Things evolve rapidly and new situations
13. The last fight was my fault though. appear which allow them to shine. They
My wife asked, "What's on the TV?" know what they have to do and they are the
I said, "Dust!” type of people that don’t stop until they
Can't you just hear him say all of accomplish what they have set their mind to.
these? I love it. These were the good
old days when humour didn't have to They manage now to easily find solutions to
start with a four letter word. It was just older problems. They are open to various
clean and simple fun. sources of inspiration and they feel as if they
And he always ended his programs with are living at full capacity again.
the words,

"And May God
Bless You" with a
big smile on his





Nominate …,,,,,………………………………..of……………………..……………………Branch

for the position of ……………………..………………...on the Queensland State Council of ESA

International for the year 2019/2020.


Accepted:…………………….…..…………………. Date ……………………………..


Positions previously held at State level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., ……………………………………………, ………………,




Positions previously held at District level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., …………………………,…………………, ………………,




Positions previously held at Branch level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., ………………………., …………………, ………………



Please return to Jenny Hendriks, 19 Tullylease Place, Chermside West 4032.


March 2019

March 2019

Inside this issue 2 I’m fine, but there are thousands
3 who were not so lucky. There has
Chaplain/Jonquil 3 been a lot of praying going on. We
IC President 4 just need the Insurance Companies
State President 4 to not quibble about it, and pay up
ESA Foundation Overseas Director 5 promptly.
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 5
State Vice President 6 Ann Hiscox has had a nasty fall.
Branch Education Reports 10 Her face and throat are badly
Branch Reports 11 bruised, but no broken bones.
NCWQ 13 Alpha Epsilon is having a bad time
Special Days in March 1144 of it, because Beryl Andersen is
Quips & Reminder notices 15 unwell too with vomiting and
Convention Flyer vertigo.
Convention Registration 16
Flyer for Sunday Night at Convention I ask the Lord to walk beside them
State Nomination Form 17

Thought for March and anyone else who isn’t well,

Just remember bringing His Healing, Comfort,
how special,
how important and Strength and Peace.
how different you
“Let us then approach the Throne of
The world needs Grace with confidence,

you. So that we may receive Mercy and

find Grace, to help us in our time of



Ronda Turner 7th Alpha Rho

Pat Burns 25th Alpha Epsilon

Janice Wood 25th Alpha Pi

Rosaline Brennan 28th Alpha Pi

Judy Joy 30th Alpha Rho

We wish you a Wonderful Birthday

with Family and Friends. To all

ESA members wherever you are,

May the Sun shine upon you

ESA Australia and give you Peace.
Love in ESA.
Thompson Olive ([email protected])

CHAPLAIN/JONQUIL PS Late news – Turley Burns,
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all well! I am OK husband of Pat OAM, Alpha Epsilon,
now. It was a bit dramatic I guess is in Mackay Hospital following a
and takes a lot out of you. serious health event. Please keep
them both in your prayers.

Next Deadline for
The Queenslander

April 7

IC President lake of one of our members. We had plenty
of grass skirts, seashells, pineapple and my
Kim husband was wearing the coconuts. What a
Kummer great memory! Several members joined that
year - some of those members are still active
"ESA ~ A Gift" in ESA. I think it’s time to plan another luau
inviting new people as well as reaching out to
Share the Gift. inactive members, inviting them back to ESA.
Join me during this time to look back at your
My Dear Queensland ESA Friends, ESA journey Then and Now and share your
When I think about the many gifts I can give Include
or have received, the intangible are some of #ESAThenAndNow
the best. It costs nothing to give a smile to a
stranger and even less to friend. Xoxo – Kim

I recently attended the ESA Foundation mid- Kim Kummer
year board meeting; as the chaplain, I was ESA IC President
asked to share an opening and closing
thought. As I contemplated where to start, I State President
looked at my overflowing bookshelf and was
reminded of one of my favourite gifts from my Daphne
mother in law, ‘The Right Words at the Right Neilsen
Time’ - Marlo Thomas and Friends. I opened
up the inside cover and saw her handwriting Hello to all ESA Members,
and the sweet words she shared with me I hope you all have had a great month and
nearly 15 years ago. A gift in a gift. have received much needed rain. As I write
this report, we are having a big thunder storm
Since reading a few of the entries that day, I which has lasted for about three hours with
have thought a lot about words and what a nearly three inches of rain.
gift they can be to someone else. It is easy Thank you to all Branch Secretaries for
to share a compliment with a friend or family sending me your minutes of Branch meetings.
member but what about a complete stranger? It is great reading about the work you all are
I’ve been known to tell a waitress or drive doing and supporting your local communities.
through attendant that they have a beautiful Keep up the good work.
smile and they should wear it every day.
Those few words, that cost nothing, can be a
tremendous gift to someone and we don’t
even know it.


One of my favourite analogies is “words are
like toothpaste”…have you ever tried to
squeeze toothpaste back into the tube.
Always chose your words to be a gift to

ESA is celebrating 90 years! How exciting for
us and our organization. I plan to celebrate
& reminisce all year long especially in the
months up to Convention. Think about some
of the best socials you have had over the
years. How much fun would it be to do it
again using it as a recruitment opportunity? I
am recalling a luau hosted at the home by the

I hope you all have given great thought to know that we are helping others dream more,
supporting our Vice President by volunteering learn more, do more and become more!”

to do an appointed or accepting a nominated Did you know: One does not have to be an
ESA member to become a Member in the
position. It is a very rewarding and positive ESA Foundation? Should you know a
learning experience. Please consider friend or family member who would like
to get involved in the activities of the
attending State Convention in Bundaberg on Foundation, please let me know?

the May Day weekend, as it will be a great Love in ESA,

weekend with decisions to be made and a Marianne
weekend of friendship. I know that our Beta
ESA Disaster Fund
Epsilon sisters have been very busy preparing Chair’s Report

for this great weekend. Marianne

I hope you all have sent your reports to our Steentsma
Workshop Co-Ordinator Pat Cross so she can
put together the Workshop Booklet ready in Hello all hard working ESA Members,
time for Convention.
How are you all? Another month has gone and
Take care until next month, it won’t be long now until Convention in
I hope we did not have any casualties during
Optimism is the faith that the extreme weather conditions during the
leads to achievement. last couple of months. I am not aware of
anyone who had this misfortune.
Nothing can be done without
hope and confidence. To make sure there will be some money in the
Treasure Chest, I am running a raffle at
(Helen Keller) Convention and hope you will be supporting
it. The prizes are two Woolworths vouchers
ESA Foundation Overseas to the value of $50.00 and $25.00. I am sure
Director’s Report that you all can do with a little help when you
go shopping. Members who do not attend
Marianne Convention can give their fellow member
Steentsma attending some money to buy tickets for
Hello all Members and friends of the ESA
Foundation. In anticipation that we will have another
fantastic result I thank you for your support.
It looks as if our Australian students must
have plenty of money, and that they do not Till next month,
need any financial help during their study
time. We had no applications for the “Emily Love in ESA,
Thomas” Memorial Endowment Scholarship
this year. There were five students who Marianne
started applications, but did not complete
them. What could be the reason?

As Rosalee Echele, Chairman of the ESA
Foundation said; “One of the many
accomplishments of the ESA Foundation is
that we have helped so many people through
the Scholarship and Grant programs. We

State Vice President Branch Education

2018 - 2019 Lyn BucklReyeports
State Education
Jenny Hendriks

2019-2020 STATE EXECUTIVE & GENERAL Branch: Alpha Epsilon
Nomination forms have been sent to each Education Officer: Pattie Wyllie
branch as well as included in this edition of Theme: Living the Dream
the Queenslander, seeking nominations for Topic: Life in a Care Facility
our State Executive for 2019-2020. The On February 27, Alpha Epsilon members
gathered at Proserpine Nursing Home, now the
positions we need filled are: residence of Ann Hiscox and Pattie Wyllie for an

 State Vice President

 Recording Secretary

 Treasurer

 Parliamentarian

 Liaison Officer

Please consider volunteering yourself for one Education
of these positions, or nominate other Meeting led by
members in your branch and throughout the Pattie.
State. No one takes on these positions for life.
It is just for one year, and it is surprising how
quickly that year passes.

Taking on an Executive position is a great way In her
to learn more about ESA and there are always informative talk,
many people to call on for support who have Pattie (R) spoke
done these positions previously. of the many responsibilities of an aged care
We have some nominations already received,
but to date there is no nomination for Vice Nurses have to deal with all aspects from
President. To be eligible, the nominee must dementia to physical disability. They must
have served one year as District president, meet the individual needs of each resident,
one year as Branch President, and one year taking into account the liabilities and danger
as Workshop Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, of being sued. They must make sure the
residents are happy to be there. They must
Merchandise Officer, Education Officer or encourage family visits to counteract isolation.

Awards Officer. She must also have attended Following her talk, Pattie answered questions
as an interactive discussion.
at least one Convention.
My email is [email protected] or
phone me on 0403 024 067. Branch: Alpha Rho
Topic: Annette’s trip to Europe
Please do consider taking on a position. If we Presenter: Annette Wisnewski
are to keep ESA vibrant and expanding in our
State, we need forward-looking enthusiastic Annette reports that although Alpha Rho is
people. It is healthy to get new faces on our very busy with projects,
State Executive and General Board, as “Sometimes we even have educational stuff at
everyone adds something special to the role. our meetings.

I look forward to a great year ahead.


“The ladies were very interested to hear about A hub was
my trip to Europe over the Christmas Break, created in
so I bought in photos, books, souvenirs and a Brisbane and
map to show where I went. I was a bit
nervous about it but once I started it went the first store
opened in 1992
well. alongside their
All eyes, Originally
named Bow
all ears. and Arrow they
changed to
Some of
Annette’s Easton Pearson
souvenirs in1998.
and the
map. Their clothing
created bold
Everyone was very interested.
daring patterns
with innovative
Branch: Beta Omicron materials and
Theme: Sometimes you win, sometimes you
learn meticulous
Topic: Easton Pearson Archive
Education Officer: Sheila Zarri techniques.
Seven members attended the first major
exhibition from Museum of Brisbane's Easton Their distinctive
Pearson Archive, located in the City Hall. look created a

cult following with the

label selling in 140 stores in 24 countries.

Their dresses are extraordinarily colourful
with beautiful fabrics and hand sewn
applications from Vietnam and Mumbai, India.
They employed over 300 workers during their
28 year partnership.

We spent over an hour at the exhibition which
was very interesting and enjoyable - well
worth the visit.

Morning tea followed at The Shingle Inn.


Branch Reports

Branch Reports Alpha Pi –

Alpha Epsilon - Carmel Mulcahy
Pat Burns
We have finally reached the end of our
Our first meeting of the year was held on 13th heatwave – more than 40 days with the
February, and we all enjoyed catching up after temperature over 30degC. Thank goodness
our recess. for autumn! In the south east, it has rained
every day for about the last two weeks, but I
Beryl. Robyn, Pat M & President Rae doubt we have had more than 30mm.

On 27th February we held our Social / Jenny and her husband Matt have been
Educational Meeting at the Proserpine Nursing through a worrying time these past two weeks
Home where Ann and Pattie now reside. What with Matt having a raft of tests to determine
a lovely afternoon we had! a possible health problem. Always stressful
Pattie presented the Education programme when a normally healthy person is
which gave us lots of information about the hospitalised. We wish them both good health
various levels of care necessary to run a very from here on.
pleasant care facility.
Seven members attended the Catholic Parish
Sandy & Ivy enjoy the talk Trivia Night on Saturday, with a view to
supporting them, but also promoting our
After Pattie’s talk we enjoyed a lovely Trivia Night on March 23. As is usually the
afternoon tea and then held the mystery case Diane, Kate, and their extended family,
auction. along with Lyn and John were winners,
Ann is looking the worse for wear after having although Sheila, Pat and Carmel’s table came
a bad fall. She has two black eyes and awful second. Go ESA!
bruising on her face and throat.
Beryl has not been well Alpha Pi hosted the SEQDC Meeting on
as she has been February 23 at Northlakes. On account of
suffering with vomiting members with ill health and involvement with
and vertigo. other activities only six AP members were able
to attend and only Frances from Beta
Pat Mengel celebrated her Omicron. We trialled a new meeting room
birthday in February with a which proved to be quite successful.
beautiful cake.
On Thursday March 7, five members attended
It is ESA week next the presentation to Woody Pt Special School,
week. one of the beneficiaries of our Fashion Parade
That’s all for now. last year. Lyn presented the cheque to Gail
and Alison from the P & C in the presence of
Pat (Pat Burns, OAM Publicity Officer) Archie, Tope, Nicholas and Holly.

Then we all got in on the act.

Bonnie and Judy
showing what we
CQ Rescue,
Caneland staff and
some of the

On Friday, March 8, ten members celebrated CQ
International Women’s Day by attending the Rescue
annual Quota Breakfast. CEO Ian
Guest Speaker this year was Rowan
Judy Menary, first woman to and the
hold the position of Executive ESA
Principal of the Queensland Ladies
School of Distance Education.

Plans are well advanced for
the Trivia Night and for two upcoming
Bunnings BBQs.

Until next time, remember: Nothing great
ever came that easily.


Publicity Officer

Alpha Rho – Ian Rowan,
Rose Smith
Annette and the CQ
Wisnewski Meerkat
Hi Everyone,
Well the cheque presentation went well on Now let me
Wednesday the 6th Feb - see more photos of explain
the girls and guys having a well-deserved about the
morning tea after Meerkat
raising Award. It is
$35,000.00 from granted to
Christmas Gift either a
Wrapping. staff
member or
Lovely morning tea volunteer
thanks to Caneland from CQ Rescue who has gone above and
beyond their required duties. It is nominated
by fellow staff and volunteers once a month
and you get to keep the statue for a month.
It is a great incentive to do a bit more than
your actual job.

Well you must think it is all fun and games Pearl has just come back from a week away
here in Mackay but we also do lots of other in Tasmania. Cheryl has been caravanning in
work including meetings. NSW and is back now. Joyce Fritz has had a
fall and is in hospital but doing better today.

Still waiting for rain, but not as much as
people out west or down south, so we are
doing fine.

Hope all is well.
The Beta Epsilon Girls


(Publicity Officer)

Well now it’s back to work for us all. Beta Omicron –
That’s about it for now.
Signing off from Mackay. Val Files

Annette The year is going rather quickly and we are
now back into our ESA Meetings and general
(Publicity Officer) life.

Beta Epsilon – We had our Beta Omicron meeting on 1
Jane March, with six members in attendance. Our
Stehbens Vice President, Bill, ran the meeting as
Margaret was unable to attend.
Hello Everyone,
Margaret and John have had John and Beryl
Plans are full steam ahead for our “Sea and Seymour staying after a visit to King
Sound” Cancer night - a beach theme this Island. They reported lush green grass for
year, with Beach Boys’ songs, fish and chips, the cattle and most delicious cheese platters.
cheesecake and ice cream for dessert. A bit windy with sand blowing everywhere.
We are also planning for Convention and all
plans are coming together. Margaret and John are off on the 25th March
A few of us have had roofs replaced after the to visit Japan for the Cherry blossoms in
big hailstorm in November. Some girls have springtime, and hope to come back with some
been stressed by this, as their watching of lovely photographs.
Netflix has been affected because it has been
difficult to get people to replace the internet Marianne and Bill have been very busy. They
antennae. volunteered at the "Celebration weekend of
Raffle ticket selling has been fun - lots of chats Isagenix" from Friday to Sunday 6am to 6pm,
with friendly faces and people happy to with 5500 present, participating at the
support us. occasion. They are also now preparing for
Wedding anniversaries for Rita and Doug 53 their German visitors who will be with them
years today, Carolyn and Ian married 37 years for the whole month of April.
tomorrow. Congratulations girls.
Frances and Bob's twin granddaughters
celebrated their birthday on 2nd March. They
are now 29, and it only seems like yesterday
Bob and Frances rushed to the hospital to see
these two lovely little girls in their humidicribs,

and they were let hold them. On Sunday they The meeting was held at CUA Business Room
are hosting a family afternoon tea to celebrate at North Lakes Shopping Centre, a new venue
this special occasion. for ESA.

Frances has also had a skin cancer removed Main topic for the agenda was the changeover
recently and is hobbling around with a sore and the program for that day which will be
foot. We hope she soon recovers. hosted by Beta Omicron.

Val felt that she National Council of
should celebrate
her birthday Women of
recently with a
few friends. This Queensland
birthday seemed
significant as it Kathy
was the first
since her heart Cavanagh
problem, and
worthy of celebration. Jack and Val will see NCWQ News
their niece and her husband next weekend
from Cairns, and spend time with them. Bursary applications open on the 25th March,
so the countdown is really happening now.
Alba has had a few health issues, but has also There are still some finalisations being made,
been catching up with her family, eating out, but we have a seventh bursary added to the
list of affiliated organisations –
Our congratulations to a worthy ESA Member, this one by the Queensland
Judy Johnson, from Alpha Rho, on her Mackay Medical Women’s Society
Australia Day Award, the Lori Burgess (QWMS) With the two new
Community Volunteer Award 2019. A great bursaries from Quota, there is a
honour. 2019 addition with quite a medical flavour,
with specialisations in speech pathology,
Until next time, audiology and now medicine. This takes the
bursary total to 34, but I’m not quite through
Val (Publicity Officer) counting them yet.

SEQDC Report Senator Claire Moore Function
The function to celebrate the work of retiring
On Saturday February 23, Alpha Pi hosted the Senator Claire Moore was a great success, but
quarterly meeting of SEQDC. Six Alpha Pi we aren’t to mention the “R” word, as the
members attended along with Frances various organisations with which she has been
representing Beta Omicron. She was associated jostle for more of her time.
accompanied by her husband Bob. Miegunyah, Jordan Terrace Bowen Hills,
home of Queensland Women’s Historical
Association, is an interesting ‘folk museum’ to
visit, with plenty of exhibits that may remind
you of your grandmother’s time, and
knowledgeable guides to shed further light.
The photo shows Senator Moore and
attendees on the steps and veranda of

Senator Claire is front left with Kathy just behind her.

Special Days of March

Annual Dinner March has three days of significance.
As mentioned last month, the
Annual Dinner is to be held on 30 March 1 - St David’s Day
April at the United Services Club. For ESA, this Welsh Saint’s
Since then we have been delighted to hear
that our patron, The Honourable Paul de feast day is significant
Jersey and Mrs de Jersey will be attending. because the floral symbol of
The invitations will be sent out soon, for what Wales is the daffodil, also
will be a special event. the ESA floral symbol.
Another symbol is the leek.
International Women’s Day On March 1, soldiers of every Welsh Regiment
As last year, the NCWQ website wear the leek in their cap badges. However will showcase profiles and many Welsh people outside the army have
photos of some of the bursary recipients. ESA substituted the daffodil for the leek. Not only
recipient Rebecca Senini was one of the first does it look better, it also smells better!
to respond with the information, so look out
for her appearance at No Welsh Flag
doubt many of you will be celebrating the day
locally. Flag of St David

Christmas Thank You The Welsh also
You may remember that our highlighted love their choirs
member organisation at NCWQ Christmas and their Rubgy.
luncheon was the Catholic Women’s League,
with speaker Sandy O’Donohue, who works The History of Love Spoons
with CWL in the Redcliffe area.
Sandy wrote: “We had several people deliver The Welsh custom of giving love spoons dates
these presents to different aged care homes. back to the 17 Century. Love spoons were
I just wish that you could have seen their carved by men in every village to give to their
smiles and the way their eyes just lit up. Some chosen girl as a sign of their love and
of them have out-lived their families so it was affection. The men who carved the spoons
a wonderful day for them to have someone developed their creativity and created
think of them. Some of them said that they intricate carvings with unusual and unique
could not believe that people would be so kind
as do something like this.”
Makes us smile too, doesn’t it?

Kathy ([email protected])

designs. The tradition of giving love spoons The earliest parade was held in the 1760s
shows no sign of slowing with ever more in New York City by
elaborate designs, and the spoons are highly Irishmen serving there in

valued. the British military.
Today, the U.S. has

longstanding traditions
of St. Patrick’s Day

parades, and the

holiday is

March 15 – The Ides of March commemorated by
people of many
The Ides of March is a day on the Roman ethnic backgrounds.
calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was In Ireland, it wasn’t
until the late 20th
marked by several religious observances and
was notable for the Romans as a deadline for that there
settling debts. was an international festival
and parade in Dublin.
In 44 BC, it became There would be many people
who would wince at the
notorious as the date of mention of an Irish favourite
meal – corned beef and
the assassination of cabbage – but they may still
Julius Caesar. wear ‘the green’ or a shamrock
pin on St Paddy’s Day, or sing
“Beware the Ides of
along to a favourite Irish song,
March,” a soothsayer
tells Caesar in and of course, everyone has their best Irish
Shakespeare’s play
Paddy goes to court for
“Julius Caesar.” The ominous phrase has armed robbery. The
worked its way into common usage as a jury foreman comes
out and says “Not
warning of impending doom. Guilty”.
“That’s grand!” shouts
March 17 – St Patrick’s Day
Paddy. “Does that
St. Patrick’s Day observes of the death
of St. Patrick, patron saint mean I can keep the
of Ireland. The holiday has money?”
evolved into a celebration
of Irish culture with
parades, special foods,
music, dancing, drinking
and a whole lot of green.

And with March being named after MERCHANDISE REPORT
Mars, the God of War, and following Just a little reminder to all
the attempts to see if humans can branches. Now is the time to order
live on planet Mars, here is proof . . your President Pins and any
. merchandise needed for your
Branch and District Handover
G Meetings.
I will be ordering pins shortly for
Convention, so any other orders
that are needed may be collected
by the branches at Convention in
Bundaberg. (Saves on postage)
Looking forward to seeing you in
Cheers from
Merchandise Officer


Hello Appointed Officers
By now I hope all of you have
received an email, 6th Feb, from me
requesting your reports for the
Convention Workshop Booklet.
This is just a reminder that your
reports are due back to me no later
than 20th March.
Reports can be emailed to me at:
[email protected]
Many thanks,
Pat Cross
State Workshop Coordinator


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