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Published by rlzachau, 2019-05-11 19:02:42

draft complete

draft complete


The Beta Epsilon Girls are ready and waiting for
everyone to come along and have fun.




Nominate …,,,,,………………………………..of……………………..……………………Branch

for the position of ……………………..………………...on the Queensland State Council of ESA

International for the year 2019/2020.


Accepted:…………………….…..…………………. Date ……………………………..


Positions previously held at State level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., ……………………………………………, ………………,




Positions previously held at District level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., …………………………,…………………, ………………,




Positions previously held at Branch level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., ………………………., …………………, ………………



Please return to Jenny Hendriks, 19 Tullylease Place, Chermside West 4032.


April 2019

April 2019

Inside this issue 3 in hospital with a broken hip. Let’s
4 hope she is feeling much better, and
Chaplain/Jonquil 4 getting physio. We are all thinking
IC President 5 of you, Joyce.
State President 5
ESA Foundation Overseas Director 6 I have been talking to Pat Burns
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 6 and know that having a loving
State Vice President 7 family around you is a real
Branch Education Reports 10 blessing, just to get you over that
Branch Reports 11 feeling of being alone, because you
NCWQ 12 are really, and you have to accept
Message from Pat Burns OAM 13 that, make peace with yourself and
Notices 14 learn to stand on your own two feet.
Easter Memories 15 But we all cope - some better than
Convention Flyer 16 others.
Convention Registration
Flyer for Sunday Night at Convention 17
Nomination form for V-President
I am flying to Brisbane on Tuesday,
Thought for April 2nd. All the family are coming to
celebrate my sister Nell’s 80th
Age is merely Birthday on 3rd April so a big catch-
the number of up will be lovely.
years the world
“May every day of your life bring
has been you fresh Hope for tomorrow---
enjoying you because Hope gives all of us our
reason for living.”


Helen Mathewsen 2nd Alpha Epsilon

Carolyn Neilsen 4th Beta Epsilon
Grace Hurst 5th Alpha Epsilon

Debra Sumpter 12th Alpha Rho

Charlotte Robinson 15th Alpha Pi

Tammy Hurst 16th Alpha Epsilon
Jane Stehbens 21st Beta Epsilon

Cheryl Fritz 23rd Beta Epsil

Judy Jesshope 27th Alpha Rho

ESA Australia We wish you a Wonderful Birthday
with Family and Friends. To all
Thompson ESA members wherever you are,

CHAPLAIN/JONQUIL May the Sun shine upon you
HELLO Everyone! I hope you are all
well. Maybe one isn’t feeling quite and give you Peace.
so chirpy. I don’t know how Joyce of Love in ESA.
Beta Epsilon is. Last I heard she was
Olive ([email protected])

PS Olive has been struck down with shingles
while she was away. Recovering at home.(Editor)

Next Deadline for The Queenslander
May 7

IC President you need to make that happen? Make a list
of the “people” or the WHO to accomplish or
Kummer DO your project. When we think about the

"ESA ~ A Gift" WHO instead of what we need we are drawn
to people. People are also who we need in
Share the Gift.
ESA. Think about the WHO and share the gift
My Dear Queensland ESA Friends,
of ESA. Xoxo – Kim
What would your life look like without ESA?
My house might be cleaner, my schedule less Kim Kummer - ESA IC President
hectic (especially the past couple years), and
healthier meals might be served and my State President
heart… not as full.
I am so thankful for the women that came
together in 1929 for a book club but saw the Neilsen
importance of continuing education,
fellowship and social interchange which Hello to all ESA Members,
evolved into ESA. With Founder’s Day right
around the corner my thoughts fill to those Well, it is hard to believe that it is April, and I
early pioneers. hope that you all have had some welcome
rain. I know that we have had some.
Let’s jump to the late 1980s. Had it not been
for the pioneers of the ‘80s introducing ESA ‘
on College Campuses I may have never joined
this great organization. Whether you have This month, on Saturday, 13th April, I will be
been a member for 60 years or 2 years, take attending Alpha Epsilon’s Changeover with
time to think about those who shared the gift my Alpha Rho sisters, and then on 27th,
of ESA with you. Let them know what an Alpha Rho will be having theirs.
impact ESA is in your life. For me, some are
in another chapter, some have moved out of I would like to thank our Newsletter Editor,
town and some have passed from this earthly Carmel, for the excellent job she has done
world but I think I will write them all a note producing our Directory and our wonderful
thanking them for sharing ESA with me. newsletter; also the time that she spent
designing the cover for both. Thank you so
Founder’s Day or the month of May is the very much Carmel from the bottom of my
perfect time to share ESA with a new member. heart.
I know you have looked under every rock,
asked every neighbour …. But we all know And a special big ‘Thank you’ to each and
there is still someONE we haven’t yet asked. every one of my ESA fellow members for
your excellent work and the hours that you
Think about the age you were when you have put in for the amounts of money you
joined ESA. Do you know someone that age? have raised. WELL DONE.
Why not share the Gift of ESA!!! Too often
we think it is someone else’s responsibility or I hope you all have registered to attend
‘I will do it next year’. I am asking you to do Convention in Bundaberg next month as I
it this year! Let me hear your success stories. know it will be a great weekend.

Tracy Swanson from Headquarters had a This year has just flown by and a big thank
wonderful presentation at the President’s you to all of you for your continued support
Leadership. Think of a project that you love and guidance to make my State President
to do or would love to implement. Who do Year so enjoyable and successful.

To our Incoming President Jenny, and your
Board of Officers, I wish you all the very best
for another successful and rewarding year.

Thank you all.

DaphneTake care until next month,

ESA Foundation Overseas ESA Disaster Fund
Director’s Report Chair’s Report

Marianne Marianne
Steentsma Steentsma

Hello all Members and friends of the ESA Special greetings to all my ESA Members,
Foundation, I cannot believe that the year has gone so
quickly and I am looking back to an
How can you help get ESA Foundation enjoyable year.
Goals out to schools and organisations
in our State? We often put others before ourselves and
spend a lot of our time giving back to others.
1. Urge your Branches to find a worthy The Disaster Fund is established to support
person in your community to receive ESA members whose homes and/or personal
a Humanitarian Award. belongings are destroyed or damaged by a
natural disaster, such as a fire, flood, or
2. Suggest your Branches contact a couple of tornado. Some of our Members have
local high schools and choose an experienced these sad situations and
Outstanding Senior High Youth Award received a helping hand.

3. For those Branches wishing to donate Assistance can also be given when a member
specifically to the ESA Foundation there incurs heavy financial responsibility due to a
is a Stewardship Award which specifically debilitating illness or accident which involves
honours someone who has helped people the ESA member or someone in their
you know in all walks of life. immediate family who resides in the
member’s home. Any active ESA member,
4. The most important concern is the Emily member-at-large, life-active member may
Thomas Memorial Scholarship. This submit a claim to the Disaster Fund, the
scholarship is only open for Australian validity of which will then be determined by
Students, which means the chance of the International Council Disaster Fund Chair
winning $1,000 is rather great. Please in agreement with the International Council
encourage the High School students in your President and First Vice President/President-
areas to apply. Elect. It is a gift and is not expected to be
paid back by the receiver. Please do not
The above are some suggestions to bring the forget to support the raffle at Convention.
ESA Foundation more into the public eyes. Prizes are: First: a $50.00 Woolworths
voucher & Second: a $25.00 Woolworths
Love in ESA, voucher.

Marianne Up to this point I am happy to report that I
have not received a claim form asking for
Old age – the time of your life help during the year and I am very glad all
when you can hide your own our Members have been safe as there have
Easter Eggs and then try to find been some tumultuous weather situations
them again. during the year.
See you all at Bundaberg.

Till next month,

Love in ESA, Marianne

State Vice President Branch Education

2018 - 2019 Lyn BucklReyeports

Jenny Hendriks State Education

Hi everyone. Convention is coming around
fast and while it’s great that we have Branch: Alpha Epsilon
nominations for most of the State Executive Education Officer: Patti Wyllie
positions for 2019-2020, unfortunately we still Theme: Living the Dream
don’t have a nomination for Vice-President. Topic: ‘The English Word’ – ‘Up’
Please consider nominating for this position or
encouraging another member who you think Our Social/Educational Meeting was held at
would be a good Vice-President. You have the local Coffee Farm where members
lots of experience to call on for advice from enjoyed the Whitsunday Gold Coffee with
our past State Presidents. lunch.

According to By-law 2 (d), this is the criteria Our speaker for the day was Pat Mengel, who
for being State Vice President: spoke on “The ENGLISH WORD”. Pat’s talk
“The Vice-President shall have served as highlighted the idiosyncrasies of the English
District Council President for one year, as language.
Branch President for one year and as a
member of the State Executive or General The word for the day was “UP”. This word can
Board, having held one of the following be used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb
positions: Workshop Coordinator, Newsletter and preposition. It has more meanings than
Editor, Merchandise Officer, Education Officer any other two letter word.
or Awards Officer, for one year during her A very interesting programme, which gave us
association with ESA International. The Vice- a good laugh!
President shall have attended at least one
Upcoming events were discussed, including
State Convention.” Alpha Rho’s Handover, the WDC Handover
and our own Branch Handover.
The future of our organization relies on having
a President, so put your thinking caps on, fill A lovely apricot
in a nomination form (Page 17) and send it off flavoured cake
to your chosen nominee. If you receive a was enjoyed by
nomination, don’t think “I couldn’t do that” as all to celebrate
obviously the member who has nominated my birthday.
you, believes in your ability. I would love to Although I did
receive at least one nomination before not feel like
Convention. celebrating my
birthday this
While we can accept nominations from the year, my ESA
floor on Friday night at Convention, it isn’t sisters sang
ideal to have a last minute nomination from
the floor, as it really puts the pressure on “Happy
people to accept on the spot. Birthday” and I did enjoy their company and
Looking forward to seeing many of you at
Convention. Our mystery auction was held with members
being competitive, trying to out-bid each
Jenny other.

Ten members were present. It was a very
enjoyable afternoon.

Pat (for Education Officer, Pattie Wyllie)

Branch: Alpha Pi  dependent on aid agencies for food
Topic: Working with refugee students from and shelter - not enough food and
Iraq and Syria water

Education Officer: Ros Brennan  unsafe at night: raided, targeting
unaccompanied women and 8-9 year
An interesting and thought provoking old boys (kidnapped and forced to
presentation was given by Jenny Hendriks
assisted by Ros Brennan about the EAL/D Finally, Jenny explained how these children
and their families are warmly welcomed into
(English as an our school community and how much
assistance, love and care they are given. It is
Additional such a gift to be able teach and care for these
Language/Dialect ) precious children and their families who have
had to endure so much.
students and their Alpha Pi group was truly grateful to Jenny and
Ros for their enlightening informative
families. Jenny presentation.

mainly focussed on Branch: Beta Omicron
the refugees who Theme: Sometimes we win, sometimes we
come from Iraq and Topic: Australian South Sea Islanders
Venue: Queensland State Library
Syria as the school Education Officer: Sheila Zarri
where Jenny and
Seven members visited the display entitled
Ros teach has ‘Plantation Voices’ on February 15.
South Sea Islanders refers to Australian
approximately 50 descendants of Pacific Islanders from more

students from these countries.

Areas discussed in the presentation:

The TRAUMA AND VIOLENCE that many of
the refugee families have been through
before they leave their countries:

 fleeing their country to survive
 sudden departure – leaving almost

everything behind and only carrying
what they can fit into a bag
 having to walk long distances to a new
country – Iraqis to Jordan, Syrians to a
‘safe’ part of Iraq, Jordan or Lebanon.
If they drive, borders are hostile and
 some have had family members killed
 day to day life is extremely difficult –
fear of going to work, school, etc.
 fear of sleeping at night - bombs.
 so much violence our students and
their families have witnessed

COUNTRY was like for the refugee families:

 some may be housed in rough refugee
camps along the borders in makeshift

 some camps have over 1 million people
in them

 very unsafe: different ethnic and
religious groups crowded together

than eighty islands in the South Seas. Some On the 27th March we held our educational /
of the islands include Vanuatu, New social at the Coffee Farm. My birthday was
celebrated with a delicious apricot flavoured
Caledonia, Fiji, New Island etc. cake. Pat Mengel was the speaker for the day,
delivering amusing information on “The
Today's Australian South Sea Islanders have English Word” - an entertaining talk on the
a special place in Queensland's cultural use of the word “UP”.

diversity and history. They are descendants of Pattie, Robyn, Ivy & Pat enjoy the event
Tammy &
South Sea Islanders brought to Queensland Grace cut
from 1863 to 1904 from 80 Melanesian Islands birthday cake
to work the State's cotton and sugar

plantations. The 62,000 men, women and

children were considered a cheap source of
labour with many being kidnapped. By

1908, many had been deported under the

White Australia Policy.

On display were some very confronting black
and white photographs revealing multiple

layers of Australian South Sea Islanders'

experience during the 19th and early 20th
centuries. Now 150 years on, we realise the

significant contribution of these people to our

collective heritage.

This State Library is amazing - so full of
interesting subjects, a beautiful building and
well worth spending a day there. We stayed a
few hours and had lunch at a very busy
café absorbing all that we had learned.


Branch Reports Lunch was followed by the mystery auction.

Pat (Publicity Officer)

Alpha Epsilon Alpha Pi –
Pat Burns Carmel Mulcahy

At our March meeting, arrangements were At our March meeting Lyn mentioned that her
discussed regarding the planning of our granddaughter Kayla would be the hairdresser
Branch Handover. This will be held on 13th Shaving for a Cure at a nearby school, so we
April at the local “Whitsunday Gold” Coffee opted to give them our support. Lyn
Farm. Branch positions were organised. presented our donation to Reghan Clarke, a
student at Morayfield State School, who
Some of our members are making plans to shaved her hair in memory of a school friend
attend Alpha Rho’s Handover as well as our from Prep who had leukaemia and passed
WDC AGM and Handover. Looks like a busy away. The first photo is Reghan with flowing
month ahead.

hair with her family, the As usual, the
second Reghan has her hair members had
done by Lyn’s fun with the
Trivia Master
granddaughter Kayla, and Michael.
the third
photo is Next week, we’re off to Bunnings for another
Lyn with BBQ. No rest for . . . . maybe a visit from the
Reghan Easter Bunny? Who knows! Or maybe we’re
after the just too wicked.
event. Cheers,

The school Carmel

raised a total of Publicity Officer
$2000, with
Alpha Rho –
Reghan raising Annette

$700. Other Wisnewski

students and Hi Everyone,
teachers had their Well we have recently been having a bit of
quiet time. That is because we are getting set
hair shaved and up for Handover at the Shamrock again. They
look after us, so you stick with what you
coloured. know - Half Yearly, Great Community Car
The hair was collected from every shave and raffle, Mothers’ Day
The girls are still doing their normal weekly
will be sent to Sydney to make wigs. Nothing jobs like Care Kitchen and Meat raffles. We
have also taken some time out by going to the
is wasted. movies.
We recently hosted the Proserpine Branch for
Our Trivia Night, themed ‘A Blast from the the Whitsundays District Committee. That is
Past’, was a huge success, socially and always fun getting together and catching up.
financially. We have donated the profits to I hate to say this, but I don’t have any photos
Give A Child A Chance, a group formed and this month to show as I have been under a lot
funded by St Vincent de Paul, which assists of pressure at work and in my personal life.
needy families with items such as uniforms, Hopefully next time I will have lots of pictures
books, excursion fees etc. to show.
That’s about it for now.
Prizes for the winning table were brown paper Signing off from Mackay.
bags of old
fashioned lollies. Annette

Raffles were well (Publicity Officer)
supported with a
wide variety of
prizes on offer, and
as always, the food
provided by the Alpha Pi members was
plentiful and scrumptious!

Beta Epsilon – President Marg presents
Jane the Bursary to winner
Stehbens Luita Cislowski (R)

Hello Everyone, and donations to
Welcome to a beautiful time of year. After the representatives of local
recent rain everything is green and fresh, the groups.
sky is blue, the weather warm – perfect.

A few of our ladies attended the International
Women’s Day Breakfast at the Bowls Club.
They had a delicious breakfast and enjoyed
the company of some inspirational women.

Rita, Tina Planning continues for
and Cherryl Convention in May,
(the three with the girls working
in the hard to make a
memorable weekend for us.
enjoy the The high school musical for this year is
company at Grease. Sharon was the choreographer when
breakfast they last did the musical so we are all keen to
relive some memories of the school musical.
Our Cancer
night “Sea That’s all for now, stay safe, enjoy life, see
and Sound” you at Convention!
was a great
success. The Hope all is well.
decorations The Beta Epsilon Girls
in the hall
looked Jane
and (Publicity Officer)
Margaret’s vision for the night all came
together for a great night of singing, laughter
and chatter.

Members and guests enjoy
the fun.

Beta Omicron – to compete in the National Swimming Titles.
Kylie has been asked to look after the team
Val Files while they are away, so no rest for the family.
This means that they will be at swimming
Our meeting was a small one yesterday but every day.
we achieved quite a lot.
Marianne and Bill are enjoying a while down
Not a lot of news from Beta Omicron this the coast at the moment, so the weather
month, but I went up to see Marie Adams at should be perfect. They are also going to
Rehab at Greenslopes Hospital, where she has Convention.
been for quite some time. Marie is nearing
the time when she will be home though now. Joan seems to have made the move to her
She has two new great-grandsons. Their son, Russ’ home, over the other side of town,
names are Augie (short for August), and Fin. as she has had quite a number of falls, so we
They are in Melbourne and Wollongong. may not see her as regularly. Joan still has
Though they are a distance away, Marie has some health issues.
had a cuddle.
Our Educational, Plantation Voices, was an
Alba has been involved in a Leukaemia Day at interesting morning.
her Village. They raised a great amount on
the day. They seem to be very involved as a Until next time,
whole when something is on in the village.
Val (Publicity Officer)
Frances’ daughter has moved out of home,
which means that the house is very quiet for National Council of
Frances and Bob, and like all seniors, they
seem to spend quite an amount of time at Women of
doctors’ surgeries.
Margaret and John are overseas at present in
Japan, and I don’t know their schedule, but I Kathy
am sure they are seeing plenty of cherry Cavanagh
blossoms. They are truly a wonderful sight in
full bloom. NCWQ News

Sheila has had quite a few visitors lately, and 2019 Bursary Program
now is expecting more visitors from We are now three weeks into
Switzerland on 9th April, so we don’t think we the opening period of Bursary
will see much of her in the next few weeks. applications, with 34 bursaries
Two teenagers arrive on the following on offer, and about 30
Sunday, and another group from England in members of Team Bursary
May. Sheila’s 40 year old nephew, Rino’s 2019 to manage the promotion, coordination,
brother’s son, and Sarah, will also arrive. I’m selection and other administrative processes.
sure Sheila and Rino will have a great time Applications close on Monday 20 May. With
with family. the requirement for applicants for the ESA
bursary to live away from the South East
Val and Jack are attending Convention in region, I would encourage all members in the
Bundaberg in May. Jack has organised a regional branches to actively work with their
couple of short skits for the Past Presidents’ local cancer groups, as they may well have the
Association, so I hope everyone enters into contacts to assist in identifying female
the spirit of the occasion. The skits are not students within the families they are
terribly long, and shouldn’t impose too much supporting.
trouble. We will be at Bribie soon for about
10 days looking after the cat and house while
our daughter’s family are in Adelaide for Madi

Annual Dinner What a comfort you have all been.

We are delighted that ESA will be represented Thank You.
at the Annual Dinner on Tuesday 30 April,
with the presence of NCWQ Patron His On the 11th March I lost my dear
Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC husband, Turley.
and Mrs de Jersey. Speaker is Brigadier Susan I have been overwhelmed by the
Coyle, CSC, DSM, Commander 6th Brigade wonderful support from my ESA
Australian Army. Our only sibling bursary sisters.
recipients, Madison and Taylor Birtchnell will ALPHA EPSILON and ALPHA RHO
also speak. members formed a Guard of Honour
at the church and they have been so
News of Grant Success supportive to my family and to me.
I wish to thank you all, my ESA
Recent notification of success in our grant members for the flowers, cards, phone
application, has triggered instant action calls, visits and the love and caring
planning. To be used for the re-development that has surrounded us.
of the NCWQ website, the first steps will be to Turley was buried with his “Man of
improve the current ESA” pin on his lapel. He has always
website on mobile phone been a supportive ESA son to my
and tablet platforms. The Mum, Dorothy, and a really helpful
present website doesn’t husband to me over the last 55 years
work well on these devices, of my association with ESA.
and a number of the queries I take re the RIP Turley.
bursaries are on this issue. Further
development will improve the website design Pat
and the ease with which our webmaster can
manage new information. The first planning Pat Burns OAM
meeting takes place before Easter.

Comings and Goings

Acting President Erin Cunningham has taken
leave of absence due to a great temporary
work opportunity but based in Townsville. Erin
has passed on her role in the Young Women’s
sub-committee to three of its members. With
serendipitous timing, NCWQ has welcomed
Chiou See Anderson back to the Management

I wish you a wonderful
Convention, with thanks to
Daphne for her year as
President, and a warm
welcome to Jenny as she
commences her role as


([email protected])

State Credentials Reminder ANZAC Day - April 25,
Hello E.S.A Members,
By now I hope all Branches have At the going down of the
received a letter from me requesting the sun, and in the morning, we
names of the Delegates who will be
voting for their Branch at State will remember them.
Convention to be held at Bundaberg on
the 4th to 5th of May.
If you are voting by proxy fill in Section
1 of the Credentials form or if you have
delegates attending fill in Section 2 of
the form and return to me by the 19th
April 2019
All the branches that have paid I.C.
dues, State Affiliation and Insurance are
entitled to one vote for every ten (10)
Jewel Pin members.

1 – 10 members receive 1 vote
11 – 20 members receive 2 votes
21 – 30 members receive 3 votes
Thank you
Bonnie Spratt
Credentials Chairperson


Just a little reminder to all branches.
Now is the time to order your
President Pins and any merchandise
needed for your Branch and District
Handover Meetings.

I will be ordering pins shortly for
Convention, so any other orders that
are needed may be collected by the
branches at Convention in Bundaberg.
(Saves on postage)

Looking forward to seeing you in
Cheers from

Merchandise Officer

G without complaint, then sit in the cool green light
and open the toys within.
Easter memories - Alex I was woken from my dreams by high voices, the
swishing of legs and sticks through long grass. I
Preston was seized by a sudden surge of panic. I grabbed
the basket of chocolates and darted from my
Novelist and broadcaster, on cover, a pink streak through the meadow. The
children paused briefly, then they were after me,
the mysteries of the Easter Bunny letting out yelps of outraged laughter as they ran.
I galloped wildly towards the house, diving
I first put on the pink bunny suit beneath a fence and leaping a hedge.
when I was 27, the year after I married my wife. I hurled chocolates over my shoulders, as much
Previously it had been the preserve of her older weapons as diversions, and barrelled through the
cousins – the fathers of the children who’d swarm garden. I was thundering between trees frothy
across the long slope of my mother-in-law’s with blossom, the pink and white petals falling
Shropshire garden on sunlit Easter Days. The around me like rain, and I thought I was in the
bunny’s program was simple: hide in a pre- clear, before the tennis court fence reared up out
arranged spot, wave at assorted children, of nowhere. I was cornered. The children
distribute chocolates from a wicker basket. advanced, their eyes on the chocolates left.
After lunch, I made my way to where the I thought of Lord of the Flies and made a
costume was laid out: the pelt pink, the ears desperate charge through their closing ranks.
flopped, the powder-puff tail a grubby grey. I One last frantic sprint to the lawn in front of the
stepped into the legs, pulled on the fluffy arms terrace, where I collapsed. My mother-in-law and
and attached the Velcro of the head with a sense her guests watched as the children fell upon me,
of solemnity – being the bunny was a rite of snatching up the last of the chocolates and
passage for males of the family. I was also leaving me a wheezing, bedraggled bunny, near
keenly aware as I scurried to the traditional tears. Ten minutes later, when she’d finally
hiding-place – a gnarled and ancient oak, hollow stopped laughing, Ary came down with a Ventolin
at the centre – that the suit would always be inhaler and a glass of water. I took off the
associated with Alastair, my wife’s father, who’d costume, rolled it under my arm, and slunk into
died of lung cancer the year before we met. the house through the back door.
Alastair’s presence still filled the rooms of the At the end of the day, we sat on the terrace in
very English home he’d built on the bones of a shawls and jumpers as the last of the sun came
dilapidated farmhouse. My wife, Ary, was 19 pouring down from the Welsh hills. The children
when he died, and even almost a decade later, were inside, exhausted in front of the telly. Ary
as I crouched in the cleft of that tree, his absence and her mother reminisced over Alastair in the
was palpable. I’d never met Alastair, and yet I felt costume on Easter Days past, initially reluctant,
that he’d only just left the room I was in. then increasingly attached to the floppy ears and
It was cosy in my woody hide, and I found myself fluffy onesie. We laughed and drank and watched
drowsy, half-dreaming back to my own childhood the sky fade to a smudge of pink.
Easters, spent in Italy and always sunlit and I had a sudden strong sense of Alastair up there,
golden. My grandparents lived in a rambling looking down on us. The following Easter Day –
hilltop palazzo in Piedmont, and I was packed off March 23 2008 – it snowed, and my son was
there solo for most of my holidays, where I’d be born, and we named him Alastair. As I held him
met by my grandmother or my aunt. It was an for the first time, a sprig of a thing with a
eccentric and ramshackle house with a dozen wizened, old-man’s face, I remember looking
dogs and as many horses, a garden that stepped forward to the moment when he, on pudgy
in unkempt terraces down the hillside. toddler’s legs, would scamper after me as I
On Easter Day, my grandmother would serve up wheezed and scattered chocolates, and then,
overcooked lamb and undercooked new decades hence, to when he’d pull on the suit
potatoes, then I’d be let out into the warm himself, another Alastair in pink velour.
afternoon to search for the Kinder eggs hidden
by my aunt that morning and now slowly melting, CREDIT: COURTESY OF ALEX PRESTON
or being torn open by dogs. Some years I’d find
eggs from previous Easters deep in the bamboo HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
at the bottom of the garden and I’d eat them




Theme for Sunday Night

“Rhythm of the 80’s”

80’s fashion was all about color, size, and
experimentation. We wore blue mascara and yellow eye
shadow, we had hair to the skies and shoulder pads not
far behind it, and the lines between men’s and women’s
fashion blurred. Many of the biggest fashion trends of

the 80s were unisex.

Songs - What’s love got to do with it? Tina Turner
I wanna dance with somebody. Whitney Houston
Beat it. Michael Jackson
Physical. Olivia Newton John

Come dressed for the occasion
ready to enjoy a night of fun.




Nominate …,,,,,………………………………..of……………………..……………………Branch

for the position of ……………………..………………...on the Queensland State Council of ESA

International for the year 2019/2020.


Accepted:…………………….…..…………………. Date ……………………………..


Positions previously held at State level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., ……………………………………………, ………………,




Positions previously held at District level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., …………………………,…………………, ………………,




Positions previously held at Branch level –

Executive ……………….., ………………., ………………………., …………………, ………………



Please return to Jenny Hendriks, 19 Tullylease Place, Chermside West 4032.


May 2019

May 2019

Inside this issue 2 Doctor yesterday, and she gave
3 me a needle and lanced,
Chaplain/Jonquil 3 squeezed, and packed it. It gave
IC President 4 a bit of gyp last night, but it’s
State President’s Annual Report 5 much better now. I have to start
ESA Foundation Overseas Director 5 packing for the train trip to
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 7 Bundaberg for Conference as
Branch Education Reports 10 well as send this report.
Branch Reports 11
NCWQ 16 I have sent a card to Lyn Schmidt
Convention 2019 Feature after the loss of her mother,
Flyer for Beta Omicron Fashion Parade Isobel Alpin, who was State
President of ESA Queensland
Next Deadline for The Queenslander 1979-1980. May she rest in peace

July 7 If anyone has been unwell and I
didn’t know,
Thought for May May the Lord walk beside you
bringing His Healing, Comfort,
Drink coffee. Strength and Peace. Amen.
Do foolish
things faster and “Quality means doing it right,
with more energy
when no one is looking.” Henry Ford.


Donna Suter 4th Beta Epsilon

Karen Rogers 17th Alpha Rho

Margaret Flanders 23rd Beta Epsilon

Hayley Sumpter 28th Alpha Rho


Pat Smith 2nd Alpha Epsilon

Raelene Miller 5th Alpha Epsilon

Joyce Saxby 8th Alpha Rho

Helen Jensen 9th Alpha Rho

ESA Australia Leone Ryan 12th Alpha Pi
Kathy Cavanagh 16th Alpha Pi
Olive Thompson Margaret Carseldine 17th Beta Epsilon

CHAPLAIN/JONQUIL Rae Milford 17th Beta Epsilon
Hello Everyone! I hope you are
feeling well. I seem to be the only We wish you a Wonderful Birthday
one not feeling tip top, though
the shingles are improving, but I with Family and Friends. To all
have just had an abscess under
my right arm. I went to the ESA members wherever you are,

May the Sun shine upon you

and give you Peace.

Love in ESA.


([email protected])

IC President BUSY and don’t ever have enough time to
catch up. ESA members are generous with
Kim their time and philanthropic reports are a
Kummer great indicator to this. I look forward to July
to hear the total hours spent volunteering for
"ESA ~ A Gift" projects. Remember to give the gift of time
to loved ones, friends and to yourself.
Share the Gift.
We recognize May 5th as Founder’s Day but
My Dear Queensland ESA Friends, what we really must recognize is the need for
continued growth of our organization. Take
As a child I loved to deliver May Day baskets time this May to think about who would
on May 1st. I would decorate construction benefit from the Gift of ESA. ESA volunteer
paper, roll it in a cone to hold flowers I picked hours may seem overwhelming to someone
from our yard, and deliver to a couple of new so share the stories of the good works
neighbours with a note. Coming from Kansas accomplished, the good times shared by all
I am sending each of you a May Day bouquet and the good friends that keep you coming
of my favourite sunflowers. back. We love our organization so much but
we forget to share it with others.
As children we can’t W-A-I-T to grow up!
Time moves so slowly when waiting for I wish you a wonderful Convention! Enjoy
holiday breaks or sitting in school. As adults, your time celebrating and
we know that there is never quite enough renewing friendships.
time. Children grow up way too fast, the Good works. Good times.
weekend flies by. Time…is there enough time Good friends.
in a day, in a week, in a year to accomplish all
we desire? XOXO – Kim

I am very fortunate that my parents live within Kim Kummer Happy May Day!
walking distance and I see them frequently. ESA IC President
Due to health issues my father doesn’t get out
much but it was a beautiful Sunday so we State President
went for a drive. We decided to check out the
Veterans’ Memorial Wall. My sisters and I had Daphne
recently submitted paperwork to have his
name added to the stone recognizing his Neilsen
service in the US Navy during Vietnam. As we
drove, my Dad asked what I would be doing STATE PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2019
if I wasn’t with him right then and I gave my
standard reply, working on something for -2020
ESA. I am pretty sure the time with my
parents on that drive was the most productive It is hard to believe that this time last year my
time of my weekend. I will always get my ESA year as State President was just beginning,
duties finished. But the hour spent together with my Installation Ceremony presented by
was a gift of time for both of us. I know my Pat Burns OAM at Mantra Club Croc, Airlie
Dad thinks he took me away from Beach. Where has the year gone? I chose as
accomplishing something but the opportunity my Theme “Everything ESA is Coming up
to see him find his name on the wall, to know Roses.” They say times are good when you
he won’t be forgotten, was valuable to me. are having fun and I certainly agree.

We are all given 24 hours in a day; how we Before I go any further, I would like to say a
use those hours is up to us. I am sure I special thank you to our Newsletter Editor,
squander plenty though I think I am ALWAYS Carmel Mulcahy, for the wonderful design that
appears on our monthly newsletters and the
Banquet Program for tonight.

I have had a busy and rewarding year. May sisters and I would like to say a very big thank
proved a busy month as just after Convention, you to my Alpha Rho sisters for their
I had the privilege of installing the newly continued support throughout the past year to
elected officers of the Whitsunday District make it enjoyable.
Council and then to Gin Gin for the
Installations of the Beta Epsilon and Wide Bay Throughout the year all Branches have been
District Council newly elected officers. A very busy working on their local Philanthropic
special thank you to Judy for travelling with Fundraisers and the charities in their own
me and to Ken and Cherryl for giving us a bed Branches that they support as well as the
for the night, which was greatly appreciated. State Projects listed below along with the
Then in June I travelled to Brisbane for the totals raised.
Installations of the newly elected Officers for
Alpha Pi, Beta Omicron and the South East Queensland Cancer Council Projects raised
Qld. District Council where I had the privilege $12,383.80 and other projects were
of presenting Cheques to the Cancer Council, $12,764.15, with the total monies raised after
the Leukaemia Foundation and other expenses being $25,147.95 to support these
recipients. projects.

While down there, I was also invited to Beta Congratulations everyone on a fantastic effort
Omicron’s Meeting. Kevin came with me and for your tireless hours and hard work to make
he thought he was going to check out the this year a success.
shops in Garden City, but the girls had other
ideas, and they invited Kevin to sit in on the I would like to say a big thank you to my
meeting, which was then followed by a wonderful Executive Officers for their
beautiful lunch. A big thank you to Val and continued support, guidance and help, and
Jack for picking us up and taking us there, and my Appointed Board for carrying out your
to Bill and Marianne for taking us back to duties so well. I am very proud and honoured
Frances and Wayne’s place. It was greatly that you have supported and stood by me to
appreciated. make this to be a great success as it has been.

I received an invitation to attend the National To our Incoming President, Jenny, I wish you,
Council of Women Bursary Presentations at your Executive and Appointed Board Members
the Brisbane Grammar School, and what a all the very best and a very successful year
great night it was with a lot of Bursaries being ahead.
presented. There were two from Mackay but
the most important one was to our Bursary Thank you.
winner, Rebecca Senini who is studying a
Pharmacy degree at the James Cook Daphne
University in Townsville. We were able to talk
to her at our Half Yearly meeting in ESA Foundation Overseas
Rockhampton via Skype. She told us that Director’s Report
when she finishes her studies, she will be
going out west to help those in need. Marianne
While in Brisbane, I attended Alpha Pi’s social
where we visited Old Government House to Hello all Members and friends of the ESA
view old wedding gowns from years ago Foundation,
followed by a scrumptious lunch.
Meet ESAF grant recipient
In June, 2018, and April this year, I travelled Jennifer Louie...
to Proserpine with my Alpha Rho sisters to Here is just one example of
attend Alpha Epsilon’s Changeover what the ESAF Grants can do
Luncheons. I have also attended many for recipients. Through the
functions and fundraisers with my Alpha Rho ESA Foundation's Career

Enhancement Grants program, Jennifer has Branch Education
been a recipient of several ESAF grants. She
is a Violin teacher with a Master's degree in Lyn BucklReyeports
State Education
Our grant last year will enable her to attend
the American Suzuki Institute in July at the Officer
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, to take
Violin Units 9-10. Her goal is to be the only Branch: Alpha Epsilon
violin teacher in the state of Alabama to Education Officer: Patti Wyllie
complete all 10 Violin Units offered by the Theme: Living the Dream
Suzuki Association of the American Teacher Topic: Fake History of Proserpine
Development program.
A brief education program was given at the
Jennifer plans to attend the Foundation's Whitsunday Gold Coffee Farm by Pat Burns on
Annual meeting in Memphis to personally “Fake History of Proserpine.”
thank the Foundation members for the
opportunity the grants have given her to
pursue her goals. We invite you to join us at
the meeting to hear her play.

Love in ESA,


ESA Disaster Fund
Chair’s Report

Marianne It was taken from an article in “The Weekly
World News” and told of a cult of killer
Steentsma crocodile worshippers who sacrificed
hundreds of men, women and children to a
This will be my last note as your Chairman. massive two ton crocodile in the Proserpine
ESA members will tell you that their only right River.
is the right to be of service. This right of It was printed in 1989 and was in newspapers
service is an important cornerstone that forms in Germany, Hong Kong and China and other
the spirit of ESA. Members serve each other, countries.
their communities, and the world at large.
Branch: Alpha Pi
As a result, ESA members are people who Topic: Guest Speakers from ‘Give a Child a
want to make a difference, who welcome Chance’ (GACAC)
challenges, and are gratified by personal Education Officer: Ros Brennan
involvement. Our guest presenters were Bill Heraghty,
Peter and Jenny Gough, Kevin Duffy and Fran
My personal involvement this year was the Murray from Give a Child a Chance (GACAC).
Disaster Fund, to help our members after an This program is a special project of St. Vincent
unforeseen tragedy, either through wild de Paul Society (SVdP), Woody Point/Margate
weather conditions or personal accidents. Conference. They raise funds to support

Thank you for your support during my year as
Disaster Fund Chairman.

Love in ESA,


children from disadvantaged families to meet Branch: Beta Epsilon
costs of education like uniforms, textbooks Topic: Mixed Martial Arts demonstration
and school excursions. Education Officer: Cherryl Fritz
Members gathered at the Gin Gin State School
Their aim is to empower the children from Hall on 9th April. Our instructor for the night
these families to attend school as an equal was John Fleming who is A Dojo instructor
with their peers both socially and Mixed Martial Arts, Karate and Mauy Thai.
academically. Their mission is: “A hand up – Mixed Martial Arts is a full combat sport
not a hand-out.” that allows striking and grappling, both
standing and on the ground. It uses
Bill outlined the history and background of techniques from combat sports and martial
SVdP and how its mission is to promote the arts.
work that Jesus did. He explained that SVdP Karate is used to
was an initiative of Frederic Ozanam, a 20 develop a well-
year old university student in Paris, who balanced mind and
gathered a few friends around him in 1833 to body through training
decide what they could do to assist the poor. in fighting techniques.
Today SVdP remains a lay organisation and
exists in 150 countries around the world and John with
continues to be dedicated to helping the poor Kama weapons
and disadvantaged.
Mauy Thai is a
Currently, GACAC reaches out to 24 schools combat sport from Thailand which uses stand-
covering Redcliffe Peninsula extending to the up striking and various clinching techniques.
Bruce Highway including Deception Bay. They Fists, elbows, knees and shins are all allowed
deal directly with suppliers. Families are given to be used.
vouchers (not money) so they can have the John has two classes each week in Gin Gin
resources required for their children’s and Bundaberg and has a total of 76 students,
educational needs. both young and mature. He has travelled to
China to further his studies and described
Bill explained the costs of ‘free’ education - some funny occasions when his group tried to
e.g. for a high school student - $897.33 a order food. The language was a barrier and
year, for a primary school student - $465.50, drawings didn’t help describe what they
and these costs do not include the students’
IT needs. There are 107 students that have wanted to order, eg.
been helped so far by the GACAC. drawing a chicken and
receiving chicken feet!
They do not have funding support from
government and rely solely on money raised John demonstrating what
from fundraisers (e.g. Bunnings BBQs) and to do if being choked.
local business support. So far, they have
spent over $20,000 YTD. Jan and Tina practising
A $2000 cheque was
presented to the In June John will travel to Thailand to
GACAC organisation continue studies and competition. The
from the Alpha Pi team
to assist them in
continuing the valuable
work that they do!

Colleen presents the cheque to Bill


emblem on his coat shows the “Open House” At the handover we were pleased to have our
meaning everyone is welcome. ESA State President, Daphne, present as well
as other Alpha Rho members and guests.
John suggested yelling “Fire” if in trouble not
“Help.” Sadly strangers are more likely to Sandy Duffy was installed as our Branch
respond if they think there is a fire. John President for the year 2019-2020.
demonstrated how some of the weapons are
used in Martial Arts.

The Arnis was originally a tool for thrashing
wheat in the Philippines. It
is now the name of the
National Sport and Martial
Arts of the Philippines.

The Kama
is a
farming tool similar
to a sickle and is
now used as a

Cherryl Our member in Widgee, Pat Smith, was
thanks coming to Proserpine to celebrate her 70th
John for birthday, so we organized a get-together at
his the coffee farm. Due to torrential rain some
session members were unable to attend, then,
unfortunately, Pat’s plane could not land
Cherryl because of the weather, so she was flown to
Branch Reports
On Saturday the 27th of April 6 of our Alpha
Alpha Epsilon - Epsilon members traveled to Mackay to attend
Pat Burns Alpha Rho’s Handover dinner. It was a really
enjoyable evening. Thank
Our April meeting was held on the 10th, you Alpha Rho.
where we made arrangements for our
handover lunch. With no suitable venues in President Rae presents
Proserpine, we decided to go to the Honorary Membership to
Whitsunday Gold Coffee Farm for the Rogin Taylor whose late wife
handover. Linda was an Honorary Member

Members have been looking
forward to the Convention
weekend in Bundaberg. I am sure it will be a
great event. I cannot attend, but extend my
best wishes to you all.


Pat (Publicity Officer)

Alpha Pi – Alpha Rho –
Carmel Mulcahy Annette
We have had rain!!! Yay! At last! Everything
is now green and it feels so good. Flying into Hi Everyone,
Brisbane from our trip to South Australia and Well we have been busy recently with our
Victoria, which are severely drought-stricken, Handover at the Shamrock. It went very well,
it was wonderful to see all the green. and we even managed to get home at a
reasonable time. Had a nice talk from
Our Bunnings BBQ leading up to Easter was a someone from ‘Volunteer Marine Rescue
success with a wider group of helpers Mackay’ speaking about their boats and how
available on account of school holidays. We well they work as a volunteer organisation.
are looking forward to two more in coming
weeks. Handover function at Shamrock 2019

Janice, Leone, and Ros joined Kathy to attend We have managed to donate about
the NCWQ Annual Dinner on April 30 and were $60,000.00 this year to other charities in
impressed by the event overall, and Mackay and district. What a huge effort!
particularly the guest speakers. The girls are off for Convention, and hopefully
there will be heaps of photos from that. While
(Left) some are at Convention the rest of us are
Janice, Ros, wrapping in Caneland for Mothers’ Day. We
Leone and are also selling tickets in the Great Community
Kathy Car Raffle.
At our last meeting we had a couple of
& birthdays to celebrate.

below, with
Susan Coyle

Six members attended Convention in Debbie Sumpter and
Bundaberg and enjoyed a wonderful Judy Jesshope
weekend, meeting up with the Beta Epsilon Birthday Girls
girls who were the hosts, along with members
from all branches. Our own Jenny Hendriks
was installed as a very worthy State President,
and we look forward to her ‘reign’.

Cheers, We are still doing our normal weekly jobs like
Care Kitchen and Meat Raffles and have taken
Carmel some time out by going to the movies, which
everyone enjoys.
(Publicity Officer)

At our next meeting we are going to get our Beta Omicron –
new Secret Sisters’ names and find out who
our Secret Sister was from last year. Normally Val Files
we do this at Handover but thought we would
change it up this year. Hello Everyone,
That’s about it for now.
Signing off from Mackay. Bob and Frances had three days in Stanthorpe
with the Friendship Group from their
Annette Church. They visited a few wineries, to the
delight of some of the group. Also a chocolate
(Publicity Officer) shop, glass house shop, which made jewellery
out of glass, much to the delight of the ladies,
Beta Epsilon – a cheese and olive shop and even a Christmas
Jane shop. They also visited the old Wallangarra
Stehbens Railway Station. Many purchases were made
at these shops. Frances had a win on Keno,
Hello Everyone, so was able to buy up big. They have now
travelled to Townsville to catch up with their
What a fabulous weekend we all had at the daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.
Convention. Thank you to Cherryl and the While they are there, Frances' great nephew
girls for working so hard to put on a well and his family, from Gordonvale, which is near
organised event. It is so lovely to be part of Cairns, will be coming down to stay. It will be
the fellowship that is shared among the a wonderful family reunion as they hope to
women (and men) at ESA. catch up with Bob’s niece and her family, who
The skies are blue and the mornings crisp, a live in Townsville.
beautiful time of year.
Now that Convention is over it is full swing Margaret and John are back from their Japan
into Handover preparations. trip, and by all accounts, had a marvellous
Carolyn is busy preparing for the Orchid Show time, although we haven't really been able to
in Bundaberg next weekend. catch up with them, but we will during the
We also have our local Show coming up with week when we meet at Probus.
most of us taking our turn helping out in
different areas, so the busy times continue. Marianne and Bill, and Jack and Val had a
‘Til next time great time at Convention as well in
Stay warm! Bundaberg. It must have been the friendliest
The Beta Epsilon Girls Convention, and it was great to catch up with
everyone in fellowship. The meals were great
Jane as was the venue, and the entertainment on
the Sunday night was unbelievable, thanks to
(Publicity Officer) a member of the Gin Gin branch.

It was lovely to be at Jenny's installation
ceremony, which was performed by our
Marianne. I felt that the Past Presidents’
Skits went over very well, if we judge them by
the laughter.

Until next time,

Val (Publicity Officer)

Kathy I had the opportunity of speaking about the
Cavanagh bursary program and introducing sibling
bursary recipients, Madison and Taylor
NCWQ News Birtchnell to speak. They have packed so
much already into their young lives, with
Bursary Program academic achievements and community
With applications closing on 20 May, we are recognition, along with volunteering in so
many different contexts.
starting to see the beginning of the surge of
I look forward to hearing about your
last-minute applications, Convention – I’m sure it will be a Bundy good
although the real thrust of these
is in the last week. I do receive Kathy ([email protected])

some interesting phone calls Mothers’ Day 2019.

about the eligibility of various Whether you are physically a
situations. It is great that the mother, or you have had a
mothering role in some aspect
start of the ‘fixing up’ of our website has of your life, you have changed
lives for the better. You are
already seen the site more user-friendly for worthy. Congratulations!
phones and tablets. One less reason to ring

me up!

Annual Dinner
Our annual dinner was held on 30 April, with
about 60 in attendance. It gave the
opportunity to acknowledge a few long-
standing members who didn’t stand for
nomination on the current Management
Committee, and also some nominees for
national awards.

This was made more special by our patron,
His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey
AC making these presentations.

Avril Kent,, Paula Ivanovic, Kathy Cavanagh, Mrs Kaye de
Jersey, His Excellency, the Governor, Noela O’Donnell, Irene
Cayas and Pat Pepper.

Brigadier Susan Coyle, CSC, DSM,
Commander 6th Brigade Australian Army, gave
an inspiring address about personal
reflections on her career in the Defence
Forces. We were thrilled to congratulate her
on promotion to Major-General on that very
day. She’s not the first woman with that rank,
but she will be the first to undertake her role
in an overseas deployment next year.

Convention 2019

What an amazing 2019 Convention Beta Epsilon hosted on the May long weekend! From the
welcomes on Friday afternoon to the farewells on Sunday night, everything ran like
clockwork, and the friendly atmosphere was exceptional. Congratulations Cherryl and your

and dinner.

Saturday brought serious business, but
there were breaks for fitness and the
formal Banquet in the evening.

Awards were presented
to worthy recipients
for their service

The Banquet Room looked
dramatic and elegant with
its black and gold décor,
and the fresh roses on the
official table were

(L) Guest Speaker Luke
Sinclair, Assoc Vice-

Joyce Fritz D.I.A.N.A. Recipient
Leanne Lawrence
(seated) is introduced by
Jane Stehbens,
is recognised awarded by
President Daphne
for 55 yrs in ESA

Past &
Qld State

Marianne with the new State Executive

Sunday brought
the final part of
the handover

Branch members

Guest speakers - The Wolter family who rode bikes around Australia in 365 days
to raise funds to assist suffers of Motor Neurone Disease told of their adventures.

There was a visit to the Botanical Gardens with afternoon tea a train ride, and a
look at famous aviator Bert Hinkler’s house.

And then there was . . . . .

of the


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