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Published by rlzachau, 2019-05-11 19:02:42

draft complete

draft complete

Alpha Rho - We also did Daffodil Day this year and soon ran
out of them and no bears left for me, ☹ I
wanted one for my office.

Wisnewski Daffodil Day
Hi Everyone,
Well things are good up here in Mackay, the
weather is nice (no rain though) and the local
produce is fabulous. You say ‘what do you mean
Annette?’ Well just look at the following photos
of one of our outings recently.

Sitting under the marquee waiting for coffee. Bonnie and
Joyce selling


loves her


Having a picnic and We are also keeping up with having some fun
needed a photo by going to the movies again and thanks to
Elwyn who sure can pick a good movie. Then
Everyone else went it’s off to Macca’s for a discussion and a coffee.
to the Orchid
House in Queen’s However, it’s not all fun as we also have our
Park and had some ordinary fundraising activities like our Meat
nibbles as well. I Raffles and helping out with the Care Kitchen.
didn’t go as I had stuff to do and I therefore I And we are gearing up for the Christmas
didn’t have any photos. period and our Gift Wrapping. Ahhhh! it is not
that far away now.

That’s about it for now.

Signing off from a warmer Mackay.


Publicity Officer


Beta Epsilon – Some exciting news from Carolyn - her son
Jane Stephbens Raymond announced his engagement and
wedding plans are underway.

Hello everyone, Until next time, enjoy the Spring!

We attended ‘Walk With Me’. This - The Beta Epsilon girls.

Janewas a walk organised to raise awareness about
Autism and to showcase services that are Publicity Officer
available for our community members who have

Autism in their lives.

A few Beta Omicron –
of us Margaret

Members still meet in the

Garden City library but we have moved to the
renovated new site which is spacious and lovely.
and walked We had our usual 3 days of selling for the CCQ
for an Daffodil Day in August. The flowers were the
hour. best we have seen for years and lasted well but
Money as there was no new articles for sale our money
raised was is down considerably. Maybe this is telling us
given to that Daffodil Day may soon be just a memory!!

the school to buy swings for the sensory gym. Art Union ticket sales are continuing and
This gym has been set up at the primary school Marianne has a delightful 'raffle' for the Disaster
to provide sensory stimulation to students at the Fund - beautiful handmade toys made be
school. Research has proven that even as little Marianne herself - look for these tickets soon.
as 15 minutes of vigorous activity can help
children to concentrate at school. Education Day in July was about Smart
Pups/Assistance Dogs and held at the Village
Our where Alba and Sheila live. These smart
puppies/dogs are 'medi alert' dogs that warn of
held a Senior’s oncoming attacks in children suffering from
Expo and a autism, medical seizures, mobility problems and
few girls went many other health issues for young kids. Every
along to beat child in Australia should experience the security
the Beta these Smart Pups give. This was a very

Epsilon drum. interesting morning and maybe we should

Our Ladies’ Lunch was a great success with 70 repeat it so more people are aware of this help.
ladies attending. The guest speakers were
outstanding and everybody had a wonderful Beta Omicron hosted the SEQDC Meeting last
afternoon. We are already planning for next Saturday - what a day to have to go out into the
year. dust storm which lasted most of the day! Plans
were spoken about for the Christmas Meeting in
We are busy planning for Girls’ Night In and November this year - we are trying to get in front
taking numbers for Half-Yearly in of all those parties!!
This morning our dear friend Val Files is
Ticket sales are going great. undergoing heart surgery. It was a shock to


hear this news from Val. We wish her a return
to good health in the near future, and our love
and prayers are with her today. We look forward
to Val returning to our meetings, happy and


Margaret Saturday morning we walked down to the little
village area, checked out the museum, some
Margaret Kortbaek enjoyed a coffee, some a cider, and some went
(Acting Publicity Officer in Val’s absence) on a bush walk.
As usual for an ESA get together we didn’t
Social Report starve - each member bought a dish to share -
lovely soup, curry, pasta and lamb, plus slice
Branch: Alpha Pi and cake.
Venue: Bunya Mountains
What a wonderful weekend! Our numbers Saturday
dropped to only six but we didn’t let that stop night we
us from enjoying ourselves. started on a
jigsaw but
Bunya time beat us
Mountains is on that one
such a pretty and the rain
place and the set in which
house we
rented was just unfortunately meant we couldn’t do the horse
wonderful - and cart ride Sunday morning - next time!
well set out Cheers


and the fire place SEQDC Report
certainly kept us
wonderfully warm. Members of Alpha Pi and Beta Omicron were
hosted by Beta Omicron for the SEQDC Meeting
Liz & Lyn, the on Saturday September 1.
The meeting was held at Sunnybank
Saturday afternoon Community & Sports Club, 470 McCullogh St.,
out on the patio Sunnybank.

enjoying a wine and feeding the birds was so


Those present were informed of Val Files’ ill [Names, (L-R) in the photo are Irene Cayas OAM; Kathy
health and all expressed the hope that the Cavanagh; Erin Cunningham, V/P; Amy Henderson,
surgery to follow in the coming week would be President; Noela O’Donnell AM, Recording Secretary;
successful and that Val will soon be well again. Pat Pepper, State Coordinator; Paula Ivanovic,
Treasurer. [Avril Kent, Secretary, absent.]

Discussion took place on the recent Daffodil Day A booklet of reports from affiliated organisations

about which members expressed a level of was available along with the Annual Report –
disappointment with the lack of new items of thank you Daphne for ESA’s representation

merchandise. Customers were looking for the in the booklet.

‘new’ bear, the ‘new’ badge etc. but they weren’t Bursary Fundraising Morning Tea and
available. Fashion Parade
To be held on Tuesday 4 September at
Plans were confirmed for the Christmas Lunch Tattersall’s - I will be able to report on this
and meeting to be held on November 24 at function in the next Newsletter. As usual, a
Kallangur Tavern at 10:45am, with the meeting bursary recipient will speak, this year being
commencing at 11:00am, and Lunch at 12 noon. Madison Birtchnell. Madison has the distinction
Secret Sister gifts this year are to be something of a couple of “firsts” – a 2017
funny with cost between $5 -$10

recipient, along with her sister,
National Council of Taylor – the first occasion siblings
have been recipients. And in the 2018 program,
Women of Madison was successful in receiving a different

Queensland bursary – the first time a person has received
two bursaries.

Kathy This year, Madison and Taylor have managed
NCWQ Facebook page.

This was especially important during the period
for the bursary applications being open.

NCWQ News Bursary Program

AGM The Bursary Coordinators’ team will be meeting
The 113th NCWQ AGM was held on 20th August at the end of October to review
2018. In addition, some resolutions to the By- the 2018 program, and to start
Laws were passed to streamline some of the planning for 2019. We especially
administrative processes, including a reduction want to set the timeline, which
in the size of the Management Committee. It requires Easter and school
also facilitates all having an area of
responsibility. Mine continues to be that of the holidays to be factored into the decision. Watch
this space as details come to hand.

Bursary Program Coordinator. Kathy

Kathy Cavanagh
([email protected])


As Half Yearly is fast approaching, I hope 1. ARBITRATOR - A cook that leaves Arby's to
everybody is busy selling their Art Union work at McDonald's.
Tickets as there are plenty more to be
2. BERNADETTE - The act of torching a
sold. mortgage.
If you need more, please contact Judy
3. BURGLARIZE - What a crook sees through.
Johnson on Mobile 4. AVOIDABLE - What a bullfighter tries to do.
0409 517 877 5. COUNTERFEITER - Workers who put
and I will get them back to you as soon
together kitchen cabinets.
as possible. 6. LEFT BANK - What the bank robbers did
Thank you
when their bag was full of money.
Judy Johnson 7. HEROES - What a man in a boat does.
8. PARASITES - What you see from the Eiffel
ESA Intl.
Qld State Council & Branches Inc Tower.
9. PARADOX - Two physicians.
4th September 2018 10. PHARMACIST - A helper on a farm.
As Workshop Coordinator, I am requesting
you to please send your Reports for the 11. RELIEF - What trees do in the spring.
Workshop Booklet for Half-Yearly Meeting
to me by October 1st. 12. RUBBERNECK - What you do to relax your
This will give me sufficient time to compile wife.
the booklet and have it printed before our
Half-Yearly Meeting. 13. SELFISH - What the owner of a seafood
Reports may be emailed to me at: store does.

[email protected] 14. SUDAFED - Brought litigation against a
government official.
Thank you in in advance.
Yours in ESA, Religious Humour

Pat Cross

ESA Qld State Workshop Co-ordinator.

Phone: 07 3203 6355
Mobile: 0428 188 879
Email: [email protected]

Workshop Coordinator 2018-2019


Letter from Lisa Zachau That being said, as you know I have been
attending the ESA International
Dear best friends Down Under. I am Convention these
going to make a couple of past 2 years and
announcements to you. hope to continue to
go for years to come.
I’ve had a life change that I have been
slowly progressed over this welcomed as an
year and want to share my honorary member over the last year and
news with you. I opened the a half with Zeta Tau in Baytown, TX. You
doors to my business “HDPE Fusion” on would love these ladies. They have just as
August 20, 2018. This business sells much spirit and love in their hearts as
machinery and products related to the you do. Their die-hard commitment to
HDPE market. The fantastic news about ESA mirrors yours. So I feel right at home
it is that the equipment is manufactured amongst them. Since I am unable to be
in Victoria by the name of WorldPoly. a member of 2 branches, and I really
They have entrusted in me to be the first want to work up the ladder within ESA
North American distributor. Needless to International, I had to put in my
say, I will have a better chance at coming resignation from Alpha Pi and move my
over to visit than before this venture membership to Zeta Tau. Wow . .
started. Don’t be surprised if I come that was hard to type, let alone say
knocking on your door with my bags out loud.
and, of course, a bottle of wine (or 2) to
share. It’s a work in progress, and I’m You really brought so much into my life
learning so much in this corporate and made me a better person. During
world. More than I want to at times. those scary times in another country
where customs and laws are different,
My second announcement is hard for me you were always there to help me cope,
make me laugh, and sometimes share a
to share. Since I left you in April 2014, I tear. What will help me cope with this
decision is to know that I still have many
have faithfully and proudly called myself beautiful and inspiring friends that
could never disappear from my life. I
an Aussie member of ESA. I had every know your arms are always open as you
will find mine are, too. We may be
intention to remain for life while being a physically 10,000 miles away, but each
and every one of you are always in my
member of a US branch. Unfortunately, heart.

I’ve been informed that ESA doesn’t allow Whenever you have a chance to go North
Bound, I’ll be here for you. As I learned
double membership anymore. That was from all of you in April 2015, this isn’t
Goodbye, it’s just Hooroo!
OK at the time, since we have been
moving almost as much as we did while
Zeta Tau
in Queensland. So I never worried about with
Lisa, 4th
being a member due to all the travel. from R

Besides, Ron and I still never gave up

hope on being welcomed back to work

toward residency. My first

announcement may allow us to revisit

that plan, depending on how successful

the business becomes. But in the

meantime, I believe we will remain in

USA to see where this roller-coaster takes



ESA International Qld State Council & Branches Inc. - Half Yearly Convention

Centre Point Convention Centre; 131 George Street; Rockhampton Qld 4700
Phone 07 49278844

SATURDAY 3rd November & SUNDAY 4th November 2018

NAME: ………………………………………………….BRANCH: ………………………………

ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

PHONE: (H)…………………………………… (M) ………………………………………………

DELEGATE……………..Yes/No OBSERVER……………..Yes/No

Meals Cost ……………..
Saturday ……………...
Per Head
Lunch $ 19.00 ……………....
$ 22.00
$ 19.00


Total cost of meals $……………....

Any special dietary requirements: ……………………………………………………………………………


Saturday morning& afternoon tea & Sunday morning tea provided complimentary by Alpha Rho

REGISTRATION by 6th October 2018 & MEALS MONEY TO BE PAID BY 6th October 2018

Cheque made payable to: E.S.A. International – Alpha Rho Mackay Branch

P O Box 6560 Mackay Mail Cetre Qld 4740

Direct Deposit: ESA International Alpha Rho Mackay Branch Inc.
Auswide Bank - BSB: 645 646 Account #: 600305198


I will arrive in Rockhampton on Friday 2nd or Saturday 3rd

by bus…………………..., train…………………. or plane……………………

at approximately …………………...…..A.M. or ………………………….P.M.

Do you need to be picked up and transported to Centre Point? YES…………NO………..….

I will depart from Rockhampton on Sunday 4th

by bus………………..... train………………. or plane……………………….

at approximately ……………………....A.M. or ………………………….P.M.

Do you require transport to your departure point? YES……………….NO……………….

Judy Jesshope – Alpha Rho Mackay – Phone: Home- 07 49420616 / Mobile – 0412 795783

Email: [email protected] or
Judy Johnson – Alpha Rho Mackay – Phone: Home 07 49534204 / Mobile – 0409 517877

Email: [email protected]


October 2018

October 2018


Inside this issue 2 Ray Smith, husband of Alison, passed
3 away on 2nd September. I sent a card
Chaplain/Jonquil 3 from us all.
IC President 4
Invitation Val Files had a heart attack and a
State President 4 bypass, and everything went well
ESA Foundation Overseas Director’s 4 fortunately. As that is a major
5 operation, it will take some effort but
Report 7 will be worth the time. Then she will
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 11 be a new woman.
Branch Education Reports 11
Branch Reports 13 Debbie Sumpter, Alpha Rho, lost her
Daffodil Day Report – Val 14 Mum two weeks ago. I have sent a
NCWQ 15 card.
Notices 17
Transcript of Emily Thomas report 18 Sheila Zarri had an operation last
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 19 Tuesday. I have not heard how she is,
Half-Yearly Registration Form but I am sure she is fine.
Letter from Credentials Chairperson
Proxy Delegate Form

Thought for October May the Lord walk beside each of you,
bringing His Healing, Comfort,
Those who give Strength and Peace in Jesus name.
generously, Receive Amen.
more, but those who
“Be who you are and say what you
are stingy with what is
appropriate, will feel, because those who mind don’t
grow needy.
matter, and those who matter don’t

mind.: (Dr Seuss.)


Daphne Neilsen 1st Alpha Rho

Courtney Spratt 1st Alpha Rho

Fay Dennien 2nd Alpha Rho

Heidi Conway 2nd Beta Omicron

Olive Thompson 11th Alpha Rho

Bill Steenstma 16th Beta Omicron

Margaret Kortbaek 18th Beta Omicron

Judy Ogden 21st Alpha Rho

Pat Cross 24th Alpha Pi

ESA Australia May you have a Wonderful Birthday
with Family and Friends.
Olive Thompson
To all ESA members wherever you are
May the Sun shine upon you and give

you Peace.

Love in ESA.

Olive ([email protected])

Hello, Everyone! Next
How are you all? Ok, I hope. deadline
I missed someone last issue as I had
sent in my report before it happened. Nov 7


IC President right now…life happens that way. When it does,
remember to take time to breathe. I am not sure
Kim I have done that lately so I find it funny that I
Kummer am suggesting to you to take time to breathe. I

"ESA ~ A guess that is what I am doing right now as I
Gift" share a few words with you. I am breathing. I
am so thankful for ESA. ESA is one of my happy
places, whether I am fundraising, home alone
working on agendas or gathered with a group of
friends. If I am doing something for ESA life is
better. I hope you find that peace in ESA!

I am so excited!!! Random fact about Kim – An author I’ve read:
CHOCTOBER is here! I love this theme Alexander McCall Smith – I am reading two
especially since there are so many things that different series of his, 34 Scotland Street and
can be done from outrageously silly to simple the #1 Ladies Detective Agency. Both are
and tasteful. great series reads.
xoxo, Kim
We all belong to an ESA chapter… some are “just
right” as they are and others could use a new Share your gift,

Kimmember or two to re-energize. Whatever
chapter you belong to, please share the gift of
ESA with someone new.

I’ve always liked the concept of pledging a new Half-Yearly 2018
member that is the age you were when you
joined ESA. Hmm, for me that would be 19. You are invited to join
Who do I know? I’ve got a couple of nieces, and Alpha Rho Members
kids from youth group, and … the list goes on. on
Think about who you could contact. Friday Nov 2
for Dinner at
Recruitment of new members into ESA can
involve the chartering of a new chapter too. Do Rockhampton Leagues Club
you know a group of women that share a at
common interest who would benefit from the gift
of ESA. Not sure where to start? Have some 6.30pm
chocolate and think about it…chocolate always The Courtesy Bus will pick
helps me think better. You can also look to the everyone up from the Motel at
ESA website that is full of Choctober party ideas
as well as other party and recruitment tools. I approx. 6.00pm
look forward to hearing your Choctober stories If you would like to join us please
and seeing our membership numbers increase!
let us know when you return
Along with the excitement of Choctober, watch the registration form.
your mailbox for the JOURNEY Magazine. You
will love the redesign of our ESA magazine. It is Urgent message
a beautiful recruitment tool as well. I look Registrations
forward to hearing your thoughts. Let me know
your favourite thing about the JOURNEY. for
This is such a fun and exciting year for me as
ESA IC President. I have already had several close
opportunities to share ESA with others and there October 6
are many on the horizon. My work life is
consuming more of my time then I would like


State President ESA Foundation Overseas
Director’s Report

Daphne Marianne
Neilsen Steentsma

Hello my fellow ESA Members,

It is hard to believe that it is October already and Dear ESA Members,
Half-Yearly is just around the corner. Where has There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you
the time gone? want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If

I know that the Rho girls are planning a fun filled you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
night on Saturday for Half Yearly and those If you want happiness for a year, inherit a
members arriving on the Friday are most fortune. If you want happiness for a
welcome to join us for Dinner at the Leagues lifetime, help somebody.” For centuries, the
greatest thinkers have suggested the same
On Tuesday, 11th September, I had the honour thing: Happiness is found in helping others.
of presenting the Emily Thomas Scholarship Being a part of the ESA Foundation surely gives
cheque to Hayley Sumpter out at the University one the opportunity to experience the type of
Campus at Ooralea. Hayley is studying Bachelor happiness found in helping others.

of Digital Imaging. Eleven of her Alpha Rho If you were able to attend the Annual Meeting in
sisters along with her Mum and Dad, were Phoenix in July, you met three remarkable
invited to witness this
people who were helped by the ESA Foundation
very special occasion
either through a scholarship or grant. These
and the Uni staff scholarships and grants were made available by
provided a very
YOU, the dedicated members of the ESA
scrumptious lunch.
ESA had great
coverage through our It can truly be said that the ESA Foundation
Local Newspaper, and members know that “Happiness is found in
I will take a copy of it helping others.” (Taken from the ESA
to Half-Yearly. Foundation Newsletter)

Hayley is certainly a very worthy recipient. by See you in Rocky.
At Half-Yearly, we will be having a talk Love in ESA,
MarianneFrancois Gallais, the Deputy Director from the
Rockhampton University, on Saturday afternoon.
On Saturday night we are hoping to have a link ESA Disaster Fund

up with The NCWQ 2018 ESA Bursary winner, Chair’s Report
Rebecca Senini.

I hope by now all Branches have sold nearly all Marianne
their Art Union tickets. If you are having trouble

selling them all, please contact Judy Johnson so Steentsma
that they may be returned for the Mackay girls
to try to sell. Congratulations to all members

who have been selling these tickets. Dear ESA Members,

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as PURPOSE of the Disaster Fund
possible at Half Yearly. And have a safe trip. The purpose of the ESA International Disaster
Daphne Fund is to assist an ESA member whose home
and/or personal belongings are destroyed or


damaged extensively by one of nature’s causes Susan was six when the family sailed out of

- fire, flood, etc. The need for assistance Southampton for Australia. For many people it
occurred in the current year from June 1 to May was a huge culture shock and many returned

31. Assistance may also be given when a home.

member incurs heavy financial responsibility due Susan and her brother quickly embraced their
to a debilitating illness or accident, which new country. Their mother at 26 suffered
involves the member or their spouse or terrible homesickness and their father
immediate family who reside/s in the home due contracted polio in the first year.
to physical or mental impairment, whom they
have legal guardianship over and are legally Eventually the family moved to a peaceful river
responsible for. town called Mannum. They had got used to the
spiders and snakes.
Following is part of a letter from Sandy
Alexander (this year’s International Disaster Susan’s mother started a theatre company at
Fund Chairman). age 32 and had no desire to move back to the
UK. Like millions of migrants from 1945 to the
I have attached the three documents you will late sixties who had left a broken UK and Europe
need as State Disaster Fund Chair. Please read and settled in Australia, they found the
the ESA Disaster Fund Guidelines thoroughly opportunity to build a safe new life.
when considering an application. These
Susanguidelines are very specific and will help you
(July report on behalf of Patricia Wyllie)

determine the validity of the claim before August Education: Living the Dream

forwarding the claim to the IC Disaster Fund Topic: Internet fraud
Chairman. The ESA Website is being updated
with these documents as well. Rogin Taylor gave a very informative talk in
regard to internet fraud, particularly about
Of course we want to continue helping our ESA letters sent by overseas companies stating they
Family in their time of need, so would you
please consider having a fundraiser in your had ‘a large sum of money to forward to you’.
State. This is the greatest “Gift” we can give to
our members in ESA. Discussed:
 Banks, Australia Tax Office and other
It looks like we are on the right track with our
raffle at Half Yearly in Rocky. Government Departments do not ask

See you all at Rocky. for personal information by internet or
over the phone.
Love in ESA,
 Check monthly bank statements for any
Marianne irregularities.

 Not to open emails that you are unsure

Branch Education of.
 Not to give personal bank details.

Reports Topic: Mixed Quiz (September)
Education Officer: Robyn Creighton
Lyn Buckley

State Education Officer It was my turn to be the Education Officer for

this month so I decided to organise a quiz.

Branch: Alpha Epsilon Ten members attended and it was lovely to see
Education Officer: Patricia Wyllie Ann Hiscox in present with us.

Topic of this Program: Living the Dream One question was “What 1950s singer and
Topic: Susan Davis - Memories of migrating film star’s birth name was Alfred Arnold
to Australia
Another question- “What was Elvis
Susan reflected on her memories of migrating Presley’s middle name?”
to Australia, of leaving behind a big family of

aunts, uncles, and grandparents, most never to We now know that:-
be seen again.


Edmund Barton was Australia’s first Prime upbeat songs, popular show tunes and jazz are

Minister. in their repertoire.
Charles Kingsford Smith made the first flight
across the Pacific from California to Brisbane in Members say singing the satisfying sounds of a
1928. barbershop harmony provides a rich rewarding
The Australian Senate (the Upper House) has 76 experience. They invited us to sing along with
Senators – 12 from each State and two from the them as they sang “I am, you are, we are
mainland Territories. Australian”. We tried not to drown out their
There are approximately 755 species of snakes beautiful harmony and it would have helped if
in Australia. we knew all the words.

Feeling full of information, we then had our The chorus is a member of the Southern Cross
mystery auction which is always a lot of fun with Region of Sweet Adelines International, a highly
rigorous bidding and then the unwrapping of respected worldwide organisation of women
some wonderful goodies. singers. This gives them access to a range of
resources and highly qualified visiting trainers.
It was then off to the kitchen for some afternoon The chorus must perform at one of their

tea and a chance to catch up with our sisters. Conventions.

Answers: Mario Lanza and Aaron. (Did you
get them correct?)

Did you know?
In the late 1700’s, many houses consisted of a

large room with only one chair. Commonly, a

long wide board folded down from the wall and
was used for dining. The head of the household

always sat in the chair while everyone else ate

sitting on the floor. Occasionally a guest, who

was usually a man, would be invited to sit in this Rhythms of the Reef Chorus
chair during a meal. To sit in the chair meant

Robynyou were important and in charge. They called The ladies made us feel very welcome and

the one sitting in the chair the “chair man.” obviously enjoyed their singing and
Today in business, we use the expression or title companionship. Singing may reduce stress,
“Chairman” or “Chairman of the Board”. lower blood pressure, boost the immune system
and provide other health benefits.

They encouraged

us to join their
chorus but sadly
Branch: Beta Epsilon we had to decline.
Education Officer: Cherryl Fritz
Theme for the Year: Lifelong learning with I’m not sure if
there is any
Topic of this program: Rhythms of the Reef musical talent in
Chorus our branch!!

14 Beta Epsilon members visited the Rhythms of We then enjoyed
the Reef Chorus in Bundaberg on 18th a meal at the
September. These very clever ladies sing in ‘a “Across the
cappella’ barber-shop style. They have no Waves” Club.
musical accompaniment and at least half the

Cherrylladies cannot read music although they sing in

four parts – lead, alto, tenor and bass. They rely
on sound and pitch to perform. Ballads,


Branch: B eta Omicron Branch Reports
Education Officer: Sheila Zarri
Topic of this Program: South Bank Festival,

Brisbane Treasury Arcadia & Queensland Art Alpha Epsilon -

Gallery. .

Three members browsed along the Treasury Pat Burns
Arcadia where the main items of interest were

the House of Mirrors and Séance. Members of our branch are still selling tickets in

\ the annual linen hamper. This raffle is doing very

Most of the exhibits were open at night, so to
get out of the sun we made our way to the Qld well. Our usual business meeting was held on
Art Gallery. We viewed various pieces of art, the 12th September. Three members, Rae, Pat M
blown glass, carvings, Indigenous art and some and Ivy, attended the Meals on Wheels AGM on
very modern art which left us feeling perplexed. Saturday the 15th September.
We were sorry to hear about Val Files’ surgery
and we wish Val a speedy recovery.

At our meeting we were very pleased to
welcome our associate member, Sonia Grevell.
Sonia has had a short holiday in Proserpine so it
was lovely to welcome her to our meeting and
catch up with her news. She has now returned
to her home in Toowoomba.

I am sending this report early, as I will be leaving
for a short break in Brisbane immediately after

our Social / Educational meeting on the 26th. On
Sheila sends her apologies as she goes in for that day our programme will be hosted by
surgery on Robyn, and I believe it will be in the form of a

September 25. quiz. Sounds like fun.
We all wish her
a speedy . until Christmas Girls! Can you
Not long now
believe it?

Well, that’s all for now.



Pat Burns,
Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie )

Alba (acting education officer) Alpha Pi –
Carmel Mulcahy
Take time to smell the roses.
How lovely are these early Spring days!
(Proverb) Redcliffe Peninsula looks spectacular as we cycle
around the foreshores keeping up our fitness
Our annual Fashion Parade was a great success.
Staff at the Tavern excelled themselves in décor
transforming the Function Room with floral


centrepieces and jewels on the tables.

The President of Compere Rosa with
Woody Point Special Janice & Pat in the
School which will Elegant Lady
benefit from our parade

profits brought along
a display of the
children’s work and
spoke of the

All our models pose in the finale

challenges their community faces in fundraising As we move through all that lies ahead, we will
as parents are so totally consumed and at times continue to Encourage, Support and Achieve.
overwhelmed by the high needs of their children. Cheers,


Publicity Officer

Alpha Rho -

Hi Everyone,
Well it has been a bit quiet this month in
comparison to other months recently.

Leone looks stylish Myrna & Ros have fun We are keeping up our weekly meat raffles,
State Art Union Raffle and Care Kitchen duties.

Sales were high so we benefited from extra cash We also had a sausage sizzle, our movie night
donation from our clothing provider, Rosa. and a very special celebration.


Beta Epsilon –

Daphne Neilsen, our State President handing a Hello everybody,
cheque to Hayley Sumpter for the Emily We are having crazy weather up here - hot
Thomas Memorial Scholarship at CQ University. during the day, cold and windy at night. You

cannot go
without a
coat. A big
storm hit

with lots


destructive winds

and hail. Luckily,

we missed the
winds and

damaging hail.

The rain was
patchy. We only

had nine mls at

our house but others had up to 50ml. Still

something is better than nothing and it did put
Write up in the Daily Mercury (copy further on in newsletter) some water back into the tanks.
Rita’s granddaughter had a beautiful 21st
We are so proud of our Hayley and her mother birthday party. My children were coming from
Debbie, for supporting Hayley in her many
interstate for the one night. My third child
endeavours. managed to fall off his motorbike and break his
arm that afternoon so I missed the party and
We are presently getting ready for Half Yearly only said ‘Hi’ to my other two. He is all good now,
Convention in Rockhampton on 3rd and 4th but his brother and sister think that he will do
November and for Christmas Gift Wrapping anything for attention.
starting on the 10th November so we are all busy
at home curling ribbons while watching TV or is Cherryl is away.
that just me.

That’s about it for now. We are planning our Girl’s Night In movie night
and cent sale.
Signing off from a warmer Mackay.
We all went to see
Annette the Rhythm of the

Publicity Officer Reef singers from

Bundaberg. These
talented ladies sing

using the ‘a

cappella’ style of

singing. They are
extremely talented


and were practising for a competition to be held

later in the year. The girls went out to dinner Beta Omicron –
afterwards and had a lovely social night.

I got to hold the Margaret

Melbourne Cup

when it came Kortbaek
through on its

promotional tour. It Hello everyone,
is made from gold
Val is home and recovering well - very ably
mined at Mt Perry looked after by Jack. The last time I visited Val
gold mine just north
she was still surrounded by beautiful flowers.
of Gin Gin.
This week we have another of our members in
JaneWe have six excited members heading off to the hospital. Sheila has finally been given a date for
her visit to Mater hospital, third time lucky! She
Half-Yearly in Rockhampton. Tina, our newest has been waiting and promised a time for over a
member, is going along as well. year. I heard that she is in the ward and
The Beta Epsilon Girls. recovering. We wish both Val and Sheila a good


Dear ESA Sisters, Alba has been on the move this month. She
has been on a trip to Port Macquarie and then
I'm happy to report that I am up to Tin Can Bay with friends. In the middle of
feeling a lot better at this time. this her daughter Carol and husband Murray
To be fully okay will take more arrived from Invercargill N.Z. During the time
time as the Doctors suggested, they were here the family celebrated five
but I know each day I will be a birthdays with lunch on the Kookaburra Queen.
little better. I'd like to thank Murray turned 65 so there was a special cake
the branches, districts and for him. Vicky made an early Christmas Dinner
friends who have sent me cards as Carol hasn't been with the family for years at
to cheer me up. Thank you to Christmas time. Carol's school friend Marita
Olive our Chaplain for her came down from Northern Territory to meet
wonderful card and words. I with the family. I think Alba is looking forward
have taken strength from the to some quiet time now.

Frances and Bob have been to Toowoomba
staying with grand-daughter Louise and visiting
extended family in Warwick. The weekly visits
to the Wig and Turban Rooms at the CCQ keep
Frances busy. Most times there are many ladies
there to be assisted with choosing a 'hairstyle'.
Good work Frances.

many people praying for me, We usually see Marie and Joan at our meetings.
the prayer groups, friends, etc. It is becoming difficult for them to come to
and Jack said there were too other activities but we love to catch up when
many praying for me for they are there with us.
things to not work out.
Marianne and Bill had a few days at the coast
with friends.

My grateful thanks, . Margaret, well ..... selling Art Union tickets
seemed to be my outing! This is a disaster for
Val us here at Brisbane South. It seems we are
invisible when we are there with tickets in hand.


The people have a great desire to look in the catching the eyes of all who passed by.

shop windows opposite where we are, Our daffodils this year were truly lovely. They
waiting, with smiles and pens ready. came out of St Barnabas' cold room and as they

Frances and I did go to Toowoomba with our opened, made a beautiful display.

Probus Club to see the Carnival of Flowers. The

Valcompeting gardens were so beautiful but the
rest of the city is bone dry and looking very sad.

We hope for the rain to come very soon and help

out the graziers and farmers and our own home

Margaret (Acting Publicity Officer for Val Files)

Daffodil Day Report – Val National Council of
Women of
On Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th, and Saturday
25 August, members of Beta Omicron were at Kathy
Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown selling Daffodils Cavanagh


and merchandise Bursary Fund-raising Morning Tea and
for Daffodil Day.
Fashion Parade
It was a little The 2018 Bursary Fund-Raising Morning Tea
strange not was the biggest and best ever! Over 200 women
having new – and a couple of men – added a buzz to the
merchandise this ambience of Tatts’ for this annual event.
year, but we did
The theme of Women in Sport was followed for
the Lucky Door Prizes, along with snippets of
information about the success of women in sport
– some in our recent memory, others surprising
facts about women’s football teams in the

Entertainment was

provided by Jo Davie,

the best we could a graduate of the
with our stock. Conservatorium of
Music. With self-

Bill, as our new accompaniment on
member, was the guitar, Jo showed
busy selling with the versatility of her
Marianne, and singing prowess, with


songs ranging from Over the Rainbow, Big making her the first double recipient. Her long
Yellow Taxi and Imagine. list of achievements for a just-turned 18-year-
old formed convincing evidence of why. The
Soubrét Pink, Mt Gravatt, again provided the morning tea provides a wonderful opportunity
fashions, showing off the trends for Spring with
over-riding comfort, easy-to-wear and travel to showcase the value of the bursary program
friendly factors. and its inspiring recipients. The success of the
function means that the funds for the NCWQ-

sponsored bursaries for the 2019 program are

assured – a real “Win-Win” – a delightful way of
achieving the desired outcome.

Young Women’s Group

As with many organisations, attracting new and

younger members can be a challenge. Vice-
President Erin Cunningham is driving this

initiative, as are many of the other states of the

Women’s Council. Several initial meetings have
been held, and we look forward to this group’s


National Conference

Madison Birtchnell, Bursary recipient, spoke. I will be attending the National Conference in
Madison has a couple of firsts – last year she was Canberra in October. There is a full program of
a recipient, along with her sister Taylor – our first speakers for me to report on next month.

Kathysibling recipients. This year Madison applied for
a different bursary – again successfully, ([email protected])


ESA Intl.
Qld State Council & Branches Inc

4th September 2018

As Workshop Coordinator, I am requesting you
to please send your Reports for the Workshop
Booklet for Half-Yearly Meeting to me by
October 1st.

This will give me sufficient time to compile the
booklet and have it printed before our Half-
Yearly Meeting.

Reports may be emailed to me at:

[email protected]

Thank you in in advance. Choctober is back!

Yours in ESA, October is recruitment month and
Ch Choctober is our favourite! Host a
Pat Cross
ESA Qld State Workshop Co-ordinator. chocolate-themed recruitment party
and welcome new members to ESA
Phone: 07 3203 6355 in October.
Mobile: 0428 188 879 Choctober-themed party ideas,
Email: [email protected] invitations, mixer games, and recipes
are available when you click the GET
Workshop Coordinator 2018-2019 MORE button on line.

REMINDER FROM View additional recruitment
resources on the member centre

As Half Yearly is fast approaching, I hope
everybody is busy selling their Art Union
Tickets as there are plenty more to be .

If you need more, please contact Judy

Johnson on Mobile

0409 517 877

and I will get them back to you as soon as
Thank you
Judy Johnson


Report from ‘Uni Talk’ printed in Mackay Daily Mercury on September 18, p16.

ESA gives back to CQUni Student

The international women’s Foundation Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA) has
awarded CQUni student Hayley Sumpter with a scholarship towards her
Bachelor of Digital Media studies.
ESA State President Daphne Neilsen said that Hayley was the third CQUni
student recognised with the prestigious Emily Thomas Scholarship
($1000) since its inception in 1997.
‘ESA International offers many scholarships and grants each year for
students to enable them to further their studies after finishing secondary
school and it’s also a very great pleasure to pass this scholarship on to
Hayley who is one of our very own devoted members,’ Mrs Neilsen said.
As a lifelong member of the Mackay chapter, Hayley doesn’t actually
recall her first ESA meeting although her mother Debbie does. ‘Hayley
was only four months old and in my arms when we attended our first ESA
meeting together. I joined to make friends and give back to my
community and, in so doing, Hayley has enjoyed the ESA network
alongside me,’ she said.
Hayley said her fellow members were ‘like family’. ‘I’ve fundraised
alongside the ESA now for 20 years but I never expected to be awarded a
scholarship to encourage me with my tertiary studies – this is a real
Now in her third year of study at CQUni Hayley is putting her Digital
Media skills to use teaching her ESA members (most of whom are aged
60 years and over) how to use iPhones and computers, and how to save
and send photos.
‘We used to produce an annual scrapbook of photos from throughout the
year, but now Hayley helps us create a digital version that we store on a
USB; we are all very fortunate to be able to learn from Hayley’s university
teachings,’ Mrs Neilsen said.
ESA is dedicated to the promotion of continuing education and to
altruistic activities that make a positive difference in the world
For more information about the foundation and its annual scholarships,
visit the website at http//

(Ed note: I am sure all members will agree that this is a very positive news report for ESA.
Thanks to Mackay Daily Mercury for this good publicity.)




ESA International Qld State Council & Branches Inc. - Half Yearly Convention

Centre Point Convention Centre; 131 George Street; Rockhampton Qld 4700
Phone 07 49278844

SATURDAY 3rd November & SUNDAY 4th November 2018

NAME: ………………………………………………….BRANCH: ………………………………

ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

PHONE: (H)…………………………………… (M) ………………………………………………

DELEGATE……………..Yes/No OBSERVER……………..Yes/No

Meals Cost ……………..
Saturday ……………...
Per Head
Lunch $ 19.00 ……………....
$ 22.00
$ 19.00


Total cost of meals $……………....

Any special dietary requirements: ……………………………………………………………………………


Saturday morning& afternoon tea & Sunday morning tea provided complimentary by Alpha Rho

REGISTRATION by 6th October 2018 & MEALS MONEY TO BE PAID BY 6th October 2018

Cheque made payable to: E.S.A. International – Alpha Rho Mackay Branch

P O Box 6560 Mackay Mail Cetre Qld 4740

Direct Deposit: ESA International Alpha Rho Mackay Branch Inc.
Auswide Bank - BSB: 645 646 Account #: 600305198


I will arrive in Rockhampton on Friday 2nd or Saturday 3rd

by bus…………………..., train…………………. or plane……………………

at approximately …………………...…..A.M. or ………………………….P.M.

Do you need to be picked up and transported to Centre Point? YES…………NO………..….

I will depart from Rockhampton on Sunday 4th

by bus………………..... train………………. or plane……………………….

at approximately ……………………....A.M. or ………………………….P.M.

Do you require transport to your departure point? YES……………….NO……………….

Judy Jesshope – Alpha Rho Mackay – Phone: Home- 07 49420616 / Mobile – 0412 795783

Email: [email protected] or
Judy Johnson – Alpha Rho Mackay – Phone: Home 07 49534204 / Mobile – 0409 517877

Email: [email protected]



Bonnie Spratt
P O Box 6560
Mackay Mail Centre Qld 4741

24th September 2018

Dear Branch Corresponding Secretary and ESA Members

As your State Credentials Chairperson I am writing to you request that you advise me before 14th
October, the name/s of your Delegate/s who will be casting your votes at Half Yearly in

The dates of Half Yearly are the 3rd November and 4th November 2018

All Branches who are in good standing i.e. I.C. Dues, State Affiliation fees and insurance are paid
in full, are entitled to one vote for every ten members or fraction thereof.

THEREFORE: 1 – 10 Members receive one (1) vote
11 – 20 Members receive two (2) votes
21 – 30 Members receive three (3) votes


We the Branches do hereby give/do not give permission for my proxy Delegate to vote on all issues
raised at Half Yearly without prior notice.

This permission must be in writing or on the forms provided, not by phone, as this will not be

Hoping to see you in Rockhampton

Bonnie Spratt
Credentials Chairperson

Form can be email to: [email protected] by the 14th October 2017


SECTION 1: To be returned only if your Branch appoints a


Branch: …………………………………………………. Number: ……………………………….
I …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………….

Being a member of the above named Association, Hereby appoint
…………………………………………………….. of …………………………………………………

Or failing her …………………………………….. of …………………………………………………

As my proxy to vote on my behalf at the Half Yearly Meeting of the Association to be held on the
3rd and 4th November 2018 and at any adjournment thereof.

We the Branch here by give or do not give (circle) permission for my Proxy delegate to vote on all
issues raised at Convention without prior notice.

Signed this …………………………………….. day of ………………………………………… 20

Signature ………………………………………………………………………

SECTION 2: To be returned only if your Branch has a delegate/s attending the
Half Yearly on the 3rd and 4th November 2018


Please fill in the appropriate details:
Branch: …………………………………………………
Number of Members: …………………………………

Names: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Observers: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Thank You
Bonnie Spratt
Credentials Chairperson

Form can be email to: [email protected] by the 14th October 2018


November 2018

November 2018


Inside this issue have sent a card from us all.
Apparently Clem lived beside her son.
IC President 2 In the news from America, Cathy
State President 3 Lyons has passed away. I have sent a
ESA Foundation Overseas Director 3 message of sympathy to their
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 3 Chaplain, also told them about
Branch Education Reports 3 Clem.
Branch Reports 4
WDC Report 5 My only other news is from Alpha
NCWQ 8 Epsilon. Beryl Andersen bumped her
Half-Yearly Convention 9 head got a nasty gash on her
Lunch with Girlfriends 9 forehead and bad headache.
Aging Girlfriends 10
Life Mantra 11 The weather has been very hot the
The first computer 11 last few days, a forecast of what’s to
Cancer Council Queensland Report 11 come. A nice bit of rain wouldn’t go
Wig and Turban Report 12 astray. We had 38mls about 3 weeks
NCWQ Invitation 13 ago.

God grant that I may fish until my
Thought for November dying day,
And when it comes to my last cast, I
When you look at a humbly pray,
field of dandelions, When in the Lord’s safe landing net,
you can either see a I’m peacefully asleep,
That in His mercy I may be judged
hundred weeds or a good enough to keep.
hundred wishes

Robyn Creighton 3rd Alpha Epsilon

Judy Johnson 4th Alpha Rho

Beryl Andersen 4th Alpha Epsilon

Vicki Shields 9th Beta Epsilon

ESA Australia Sandy Duffy 9th Alpha Epsilon
Jenny Hendricks 16th Alpha Pi
Olive Thompson
Lyn Buckley 20th Alpha Pi
Elsie Magee 25th Alpha Rho
Hello, Everyone!
How are you all? I’m sure most of Sharyn Finlay 27th Beta Epsilon
you are ok, as I am here.
May you have a Wonderful Birthday
It is with sadness I have to report
that we have lost Clem Kelly, who with Family and Friends.
passed away on the 15th October. I
To all ESA members wherever you

are May the Sun shine upon you

and give you Peace. Next

Love in ESA.


([email protected]) deadline

Dec 7


IC President ESA Foundation Overseas
Director’s Report
Kummer Marianne
"ESA ~ A
gift, Gift" Dear ESA Members,
Share your
Kim Scholarships and Grants – Reminder.
State President
The applications for 2019-20 academic year

scholarships are open. Submit your

application before December 15, 2018 to
qualify for one of three Early Bird

Daphne scholarships. Applications are due February

Neilsen 1, 2019 (11:00 pm MT). All students will be
notified whether or not they received a
Hello my fellow ESA Members,
scholarship for the 2019-20 academic year in
Where has the time gone? Half-Yearly has
been and gone, and what a great weekend it May 2019. Sign up for reminders when
was. Thank you to those members who scholarship application deadlines are
attended. It was a shame that more members
could not attend.
When you speak to students please give them
On Saturday night, we were able to have a
Facebook link up with our National Council of the website below. Here they will find all
Women Bursary winner, Rebecca Senini. necessary information when applying for a
Members asked many questions. Judy Johnson
had some great games organised and a fun scholarship.

night was had by all.
It was sad to hear that one of our Life
members, Clem Kelly, passed away, she will be The ESA Foundation has awarded more than

missed by all. $3 million in scholarships and continues to
award numerous scholarships annually. You do
I did my last President’s Visit to Alpha Epsilon.
Thank you to my ESA sisters for a beautiful not have to be an ESA member to apply for a
lunch and they held a mini auction. Bidding
was very fierce and a great time was had. scholarship, and our application process is

Thank you to all Branches for supporting our 100% online. View a list of last year's
State Art Union and a very special ‘Thank you’ scholarship winners.
to the Alpha Rho girls for selling all the unsold
ones to make it very successful. Love in ESA,

Thank you to all Branches for keeping me up to Marianne
date on what is happening in your Branches.
You all have certainly been busy. Keep up the ESA Disaster Fund
great work. Chair’s Report

Daphne Marianne

Hello all ESA Members,
As I said in my July report, “Time has begun to
think about filling the coffers for the Disaster
Fund”. We just did that. You supported the


Disaster Fund to the value of $428.00. I say a for an event they are holding in November. It
big THANK YOU to all who bought or sold the was very interesting to see how they
tickets. rehearse. We then went on a tour of the Lyric
The winners of the individual toys are: Theatre, where the acoustics, air conditioning
One doll’s cot – Margaret Flanders (Beta Epsilon) and seating organisation were explained. After
the doll – Joan Honor (Beta Omicron) that we went back-stage to see the costumes
the white cot – Julie A (ticket sold by Heidi and props for "Priscilla" including the bus! We
Conway Beta Omicron) also listened to a choir practising - I don’t
the wooden truck – Tamara (ticket sold by Alpha remember which one. All fascinating.
Epsilon member); We then moved on to the ABC studios. This
the hobby horse – Sharyn Finlay (Beta Epsilon) was also very interesting - a little bit of waiting
and around at times,
the wooden game – Fay Dennien (Alpha Rho). but certainly
Now I have to plan something for Convention worth it. We had
to keep on gathering the so important dollars our photos taken
to be able to help our members when in in front of the
trouble. ABC news
Love in ESA,
backdrop, and we
Marianne were photographed
with Bananas in
Branch Education Pyjamas, Giggle and
Hoot, and Humpty
Lyn BuckRleeyports and Jemima from
playschool. All entertaining while in the line.
State Education Officer We met presenters Craig Zonca, Katherine
Feeney, Kelly Higgins-Devine, Loretta Ryan,
Branch: Alpha Pi Jessica Van Vondren and Jenny Woodward.
Education Officer: Colleen Proudlock in the
absence of Ros Brennan A great day was enjoyed by all who attended.
Topic: Brisbane Open House
For our October Education meeting we joined Branch: B eta Omicron
the Brisbane Open House weekend. This year Education Officer: Sheila Zarri
we visited two buildings - the Australian Topic of this Program: Preparation of 2019
Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) studios and Calendars for residents at Leukaemia & Cancer
Queensland Performing Arts Centre villages
(QPAC). Jenny, Frances, Janice and Colleen
were joined by our latest prospective member, On 31st of October four members were invited
Justine. to the home of Marianne and Bill Steentsma to
attach over 135 ESA International Labels to the
First up was QPAC, which was very exciting. Calendars donated by Beta Omicron Brisbane
We listened to a Chamber Orchestra practising South. We had a lovely morning tea followed
by labelling the Calendars after which time we
settled down to an enjoyable lunch. We had a
good day and arrived back in Brisbane at about
3 pm.


The calendars will be delivered to Leukaemia that time – and many lifelong friendships
Villages - Mincom, ESA and Clem Jones at made. After lunch we had our usual Mystery
Nathan - by Margaret. The calendars will also Auction, which became quite competitive, but
be delivered to the Cancer Council Lodges - was a lot of fun.
Charles Wanstall and Ellis Lodge at Herston -
by Francis. We have been providing the As a memento of her visit, Daphne was
calendars by for many years. presented with two beautiful rose bushes and
a roses calendar to match her theme -
Sheila “Everything is coming up Roses”.

Branch Reports Pat M and Col attended a surprise barbeque for
Chris Patrick on 28th October, as
Alpha Epsilon - representatives of our branch. Chris was the
Pat Burns Convenor of the Proserpine Entertainment
Centre until Cyclone Debbie, after which Chris
Our branch hosted the Whitsunday District lost his job.
Council (WDC) meeting on 14th October, where
we welcomed our sisters from Alpha Rho. We hope all members attending the Half-Yearly
meeting in Rockhampton have a wonderful
time and enjoy the company of our sisters from
other parts of the State.

Well, that’s all for now.



Pat Burns,

(Acting Publicity Chairman (for Pattie Wyllie )

The workshop was about some of our ESA Alpha Pi –
history, from 1980 when the ESA International
Convention was held at the Chevron Paradise Carmel Mulcahy
Hotel at Surfers Paradise This revived a few
memories. As usual we enjoyed a pleasant Somewhere along the line, we seem to have
meeting with four Alpha Rho members present skipped Spring! Having travelled to Hawaii for
as well as some of our Proserpine members. 16 days where it was almost unbearably hot
and humid, I have come back to weather more
We were very pleased to welcome our ESA like December than late October. However, I
hear there was some worthwhile rain in the
State President, southeast in my absence.

Daphne, to our Members made the most of Brisbane’s Open
branch for her official House by visiting venues not usually accessible
by the public and really enjoyed the learning
visit. We enjoyed experience.

lunch together and Plans are well in hand for our Christmas Fair to
be held on November 17 at Redcliffe CWA Hall.
Daphne gave an More than 20 stall holders have booked with a
educational wide variety of offerings from plants to
jewellery and many crafts. We look forward to
programme on her raising some worthwhile funds for our local
charities at this time of very high needs, and
journey through ESA
as a member of Alpha

Rho for 25 years.

Such a lot of
wonderful things

have happened in


for that we hope to attract a large crowd of Daphne, Barbara, Joyce &
eager buyers. Bonnie

We look forward to welcoming our fellow Daphne, Judy O & Fay cut the
members from Beta Omicron for our SEQDC cake
Meeting and Christmas Celebration on
November 24. It is always lovely to meet up We also love to
with our nearest ESA neighbours. celebrate birthdays
(any excuse for cake).
Next on our list is another Bunnings BBQ on In October we had three.
November 28 which we hope will be productive Well we have another Half-Yearly Convention
so close to Christmas. done and dusted, and fun was had by all - at
least that is what the photos show but I think
Then there will be our own Christmas Lunch on they even got a bit of work done as well.
December 1 - and suddenly 2018 is almost As we know last month we gave Hayley
gone! Oh my stars! Where has it gone? Sumpter a scholarship for University and we
decided that we should do that every year, so
Very sad news regarding the passing of Clem we have set up for two scholarships worth $500
Kelly. I only met Clem a couple of times, but each with the University. We wanted to give
she radiated a gentle presence which was most something back to young students trying to
engaging. May she rest in peace. complete their degree. We also got to have a
tour of the Mackay Campus to give us a bit of
As we move further into this busy season, we insight to what the Uni is like.
will continue to Encourage, Support and Some of our members went to a concert held
Achieve. by a group called ‘Unheard Voices’ to whom we
gave a donation this year at Handover. They
Cheers, were great and yes, we heard them. Lol!
Bonnie, Daphne and Joyce went to the Scope
Carmel Friendship Dinner as well this month. Some of
our other members went to the Eisteddfod and
Publicity Officer some movies this month. Our entertainment
person keeps us busy.
Alpha Rho - We were so busy we forgot to put in the
Annette paperwork so we missed out on getting into
Wisnewski Global Grooves to sell our lucky envelopes. Oh
well, we can’t do everything.
Hi Everyone, We are all looking forward to our break after
We have been busy getting ready for Christmas Christmas when wrapping is all wrapped up.
Wrapping, Half-Yearly and our 25th That’s about it for now.
On 7th December we are celebrating our 25
years in Mackay. What a milestone that is! Publicity Officer
There are not a lot of businesses that can say
they lasted 25 years and with a lot of the
original staff members. And
before you say ‘business?’,
yes we are a business - a
business of raising money to
distribute our funds to other
worthy local charities.

In October we had a new
inductee into our ranks.

Barbara accepting her pin from Joyce


Beta Epsilon – Beta Omicron –

Jane Val Files

Stephbens Hello everyone,

Hello Everyone, It is a privilege to once again be back to writing
the monthly report for Beta Omicron. Our lives
The weather is terribly hot and sweaty but are taken for granted, but by the grace of God,
hopefully we will have a reprieve soon. we are all still here. Thank you to Margaret for
sending in the report, etc. while I was in
Success again – Gin Gin won the money! (State hospital.
Art Union) We made our presentation to a very
happy Margo Cox at our last meeting. We were saddened to hear of the passing of
our dear friend Clem Kelly. A truly remarkable
Lots of fun was had at Half-Yearly. Tina has lady, and one who will be missed.
been ‘broken in’ and can now put faces to
names that we talk about. Thanks to the Alpha Our branch has had its share of health issues
Rho branch. lately. Frances is just out of hospital (day
surgery I believe), for a bronchial problem.
I have just returned from two weeks in Perth She has also had morning tea with her
visiting my daughter. We had a wonderful trip grandchildren.
and visited many places and drank a lot of
wine. I can highly recommend a wine tour. Sheila was operated on for four hours by a
robot. How remarkable!! Apparently the
We have represented ESA at the Bendigo Bank operation could only be performed by the
Information Night and we provided the supper. robot. Both these ladies seem well at the
We are also providing supper again for the moment, and made the meeting today. Of
Bendigo Bank AGM. These catering gigs help us course, I had my open heart by-pass surgery
with our ‘Ways and Means’. and have recovered well in the past six weeks.

Our Girls Night In was a big success. We saw For Alba’s birthday recently, she was taken by
the movie ‘Temple Grandin.” I can highly relatives to see “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”.
recommend this movie, which told us about an Not exactly what she expected.
inspirational woman who has autism. It told the
story of her journey through high school and Marie Adams has a new great-grandchild,
university. She is now an American Professor of called Augustus. Some of us will never have
Animal Science. She consults to the livestock GREAT grandchildren, I’m sure.
industry on animal behaviour.
Margaret has had family down, and celebrated
Marg is looking forward to sharing her Disaster her birthday and Jack’s in the month of October
Raffle prize with her grandchildren. with an afternoon tea. Always on the move.

Lots of discussion tonight about Christmas Val has had family from out west down for the
parties and dates when we can party. funeral of her sister-in-law’s mother, and even
though it was a sad time for all, it was
Until next time wonderful to get back in touch with relatives.
The Beta Epsilon Girls. They took her brother to the airport on the way
home, as he had been up to Cairns barramundi
Jane fishing, so only interrupted his fishing
competition for one day, and flew back to

We have secured labels to our 132 calendars
for Cancer and Leukaemia Villages for this year,


and now there is just the delivery in time for The DIANA Award winner, Odessa Davis of
Christmas. Texas, (New Mexico State Council) and first
runner-up, Louisa Toogood of Australia, were
We hope that all arrive safely in Rockhampton introduced to the membership.
for Half-Yearly and enjoy the experience, and
have fun. Disaster Fund Chairman, Judy Rittiman stated
that $52,807 had been received in donations
Val during 1980-81 with 49 claims in the amount
of $56,950 dispersed.
(Publicity Officer)
Philanthropic Chairman Martha Hewitt reported
Whitsunday District that she had heard from 36 out of 38 ESA
States with 937 chapters which had contributed
Council Report 537,261 hours and raised $2,702,532 for
HoldWorkshop - High
the ESA members learned that through the Circle
Torch of Life campaign, their sorority had raised
$929,584 for St Jude Children’s Research
Presenter: Pat Burns OAM Hospital by June 30, 1981.

‘What seemed like a dream when the On Saturday evening, ESA members watched
membership cast its vote for the 34th another first - the first time a slate of
International Convention became a reality in international officers was installed in a
July 1981 at Chevron Paradise Hotel, Surfers ceremony not just outside the United States
Paradise, Queensland Australia,’ wrote Lisa but in another ESA international country.
Kolstad, 1980-81 recording secretary.
Past Presidents Judy Lester and Lois Printz
Most of the 313 sorority sisters arrived for pre- wrote the ceremony. Past IC President Judy
convention activities on Monday July 20. Rittiman and SERC President Frankie Poore
Statesiders toured and shopped in the conducted the installation.
afternoons and attended a mixer party and President Lou Wolfe,
luau in the evenings. First Vice-President/President Elect
Betty Sanders,
This historical IC Convention officially opened Second Vice- President Pat Hansen,
on Wednesday. Along with the 313 ESAers in Corresponding Secretary Betty Stegall,
attendance, there were one honorary member, Recording Secretary DeEtta Charpie,
Australian Senator Kathy Martin, 13 Treasurer Martha Hewitt,
Queensland men, 40 American men, two ESA Parliamentarian Peggy Waymire, &
staff members, plus guests from Australia, the Workshop Coordinator Corrine Milburn
United States, and Japan, totalling 410 had the honour to be installed in Australia.
In her President’s Message, Lou Wolfe said,
As US and Australian members got to know one ‘With this Convention we are adding a new
another and rolled up so many special chapter to the ESA story – just to have the
memories, President Carol Ann Rathmann Convention in Surfers Paradise lends a new
presented service pins to Ardyce Moore of dimension to Epsilon Sigma Alpha as an
Oregon, 25 years, Billie Jean Farnham and Elda international sorority.’
Mae Martin of Colorado, 30 years, Sue Scherer
of Illinois and Hazel Knapp of Oregon 35 years, President Wolfe stressed continuing education
and Harriett Blandor of Michigan and Irene Fife and service through the second stage of
of Colorado, 40 years. Outreach Seminars and member involvement
in the total organisation.

ESA members left Australia ready to continue
caring and sharing in ESA’s vast reserve of love
and charity.


National Council of Half Yearly Convention
Women of Rockhampton 2018

Queensland Members representing all Branches gathered at
Rockhampton for the Half-Yearly Convention of
Kathy Queensland ESA on the first weekend in
Cavanagh November. This proved to be a very friendly
and most productive weekend.
Members and some husbands gathered for dinner on
Planning for 2019 Bursary Program the Friday night.
Initial planning has commenced
for the 2019 bursary program,
with the following key dates:

Applications open

Applications close

Selection Panels meet

Presentation Lindsay Creighton, Bill Steentsma and Col Mengel
enjoyed some yarns.
National Conference
The Canberra Triennial National Conference Guest Speakers were Francoise Gallais, from
went well, with a variety of speakers, ranging University of Central Queensland who spoke to
from the pollies (equally balanced in their the delegates regarding bursaries, and
representation), to the CEO of the Girl Geek Rebecca Senini winner of NCWQ ESA Bursary
Academy. We learnt that the ‘in’ buzz word is who joined the Convention via Skype. She
intersectionality – a new way of saying that spoke of her studies at James Cook University,
there are generally multiple layers of factors Townsville, and answered many questions
which interact with each other in social issues. concerning her course.
Patron Lady Cosgrove and Sir Peter had time
out from their royal duties to attend the The Workshop on Sunday morning enabled
conference dinner. those present to learn more about the Duties
of Officers and everybody seemed to
Christmas Function appreciate the presentation.
The NCWQ Christmas function is at noon, on
Thursday 6 December, Women’s College, Our brochure was discussed in detail and a new
University of Queensland. Full details in the more streamlined design has been developed
invitation on the back page of this issue. The and adopted.
Catholic Women’s League, an affiliate of
NCWQ, will be featured, with gifts collected for
distribution through their aged care homes.

This is a great venue, steeped in tradition, and
is a lovely function for the Brisbane ladies to
consider. I hope to see some of you there.

Kathy ([email protected])


One feature of the weekend was the drawing Lunch With Girlfriends
of the State Art Union. This year the lucky By Kathy O’Malley
winner was a lady who bought her ticket from
Beta Epsilon members and who was very Elaine’s vertigo has never been worse
excited about her $1500 win. The wonderfully Kay can’t recall where she left her purse
made wooden toys made by Marianne were Rhonda’s about to replace her knees
also presented to the lucky winners with funds Linda’s breathing is tinged with a wheeze
being sent to the Disaster Fund which supports
members in time of need. Details are in Donna's left boob has a troublesome lump
Marianne’s Disaster Fund Chair’s report. Diane’s on her third trip to take a dump
‘Fun-night’ Saturday night was most enjoyable Lorraine’s husband can’t remember a thing
with Judy Johnson organising the evening. We Nine years a widow, Marge still wears her
also celebrated the November birthdays of (from ring
left) Judy, Jenny, Sharyn and Robyn, with cake,
of course. Marlene is dealing with another UTI
Sally’s giving a hearing aid another try
judy Marie has decided she can’t drive at night
Sharon still wears clothes two sizes too tight
The venue was good, and the food excellent.
Overall, a really good weekend. Thanks to They’ve been through divorces, babies and
Alpha Rho for their organisation and planning. wakes,
Well done! They do for each other whatever it takes
They’ve already buried Marcia and Kate
Congratulations Alpha Rho! And truthfully, Lizzie’s not looking so great

So whenever they can, they get out to eat
Open bottles of wine and forget their sore
There’s laughing and crying and letting down
And when the bill comes, there’s ten credit

So here’s to the waiters who keep orders
And to the places that let lunches run three
hours late
And here’s to the girlfriends, those near and
those far
Here's to the girlfriends, you know who you


Aging Girlfriends Life Mantra

A group of 40 year old girlfriends discussed Compliment people wherever you
where they should meet for dinner. Finally it go.
was agreed that they should meet at the
Ocean View Restaurant because the waiters Praise every single thing you see.
there had tight pants and nice bums. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone

10 years later, at 50 years of age, the group you meet,
once again discussed where they should meet and make their day better for
for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they
should meet at the Ocean View Restaurant having seen you.
because the food was very good and the wine Say “Thank you” at every turn.
selection was good also. Walk, talk, think, and breathe

10 years later, at 60 years of age, the group appreciation and gratitude.
once again discussed where they should meet When you do this, your outer life
for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they
should meet at Ocean View Restaurant will change
because they could eat there in peace and to reflect your inner state of being."
quiet and the restaurant had a beautiful view
of the ocean. —Rhonda Byrne

10 years later, at 70 years of age, the group
once again discussed where they should meet
for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they
should meet at the Ocean View Restaurant
because the restaurant was wheel chair
accessible and they even had an elevator.

10 years later, at 80 years of age, the group
once again discussed where they should meet
for dinner. Finally it was agreed that they
should meet at Ocean View Restaurant
because they had never been there before.



The Cancer Council Queensland

ESA International Scholarship

Income and Expenditure Statement

From 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018

Funds provided by ESA International 271.00 164,491.00
Brought forward as at 31 March 2018 200.00
411.23 882.23
Additional funds provided
Daffodil Day 5,000.00
Lodge - Gluyas Rotary -4,117.77
Interest 160,373.23


Wig and Turban
Total Expenses to date

Surplus/Deficit for the period

Funds provided by ESA International carried forward as at 30
September 2018

Queensland Ongoing provider of funding for the Wig & Turban Service
Cancer Council Liaison Officer - Frances McKenzie (Beta Omicron)

“It was a lifesaver for me – what a truly wonderful service to have available and the support of the team
at such a vulnerable time of your life.” ESA Wig and Turban recipient.

Dealing with hair loss is a very individual experience; some people like to wear a wig while others find hats,
scarves and turbans to be more comfortable and attractive. Deciding what is right for you is the most important

Cancer Council Queensland ESA Wig and Turban Service aims to assist individuals with the side-effects of
hair loss as a result of their cancer treatment, through the provision of wig loans and turbans, at no cost.

Wig and turban loan libraries are located in all Cancer Council Queensland offices and accommodation
lodges across Queensland. Each library has a range of wigs including long and short styles, in a variety of
colours. We also stock a variety of turbans which are kindly sewn by our volunteers. The libraries are staffed by
fully trained volunteers with days and hours of operation specific to each location.

All bookings are by appointment only. Phone 13 11 20 or email [email protected]




December 2018

December 2018

Inside this issue happened to me a long time ago.

Chaplain/Jonquil We had no insurance, so had to pay
IC President
State President 2 for the phone and meters as well.
ESA Foundation Overseas Director 3
ESA Disaster Fund Chair’s Report 3 So, I ask you to join with me in a
Branch Education Reports 4
Branch Reports 4 Prayer for everyone involved.
SEQDC Christmas Party 6 Oh, Lord please put your loving
Alpha Rho 25th Anniversary 11
Christmas Jokes & messages 12 arms around all the people
The Christmas Bike 13
Family Christmas 15 concerned at this awful time. We
Advent Kindness 16
17 ask that you tame these fires down,
so the fire-fighters can bring this

tragedy to an end .Then the people

and the land can return to

normal. We put this into your

capable hands Lord. Amen.

I only have one person ill at this

Thought for December time - Ann Hiscox, Alpha Epsilon.

Remember, if Christmas The heat is very bad right now. It
isn’t found in your
heart, you won’t was 44 degrees earlier this week in
find it under a tree.
Proserpine. Up here in Townsville,
Charlotte Carpenter.
it has been 40 or more every day,
ESA Australia
Chaplain/Jonquil and I can’t eat so I will be a bit

Olive Thompson lighter I guess.


Hello, Everyone! Annette Wisnewski 2nd Alpha Rho
How are you all? I guess as well as
can be expected, with all this Ann Hiscox 5th Alpha Epsilon
terrible heat and bushfires. So
many Queenslanders are going Diane Northey 21st Alpha Pi
through shocking times at this
moment. Unfortunately I know BIRTHDAYS FOR JANUARY
what you feel like when you arrive
home and find a black mess, as it Joyce Fritz 2nd Beta Epsilon

Alison Muir 4th Alpha Pi

Amanda Waha-rai 4th Alpha Pi

Frances Johnson 6th Alpha Pi

Susan Davis 7th Alpha Epsilon

Margaret Carseldine 9th Beta Epsilon

Rita Maughan 9th Beta Epsilon

Colleen O’Loughlon 15th Alpha Rho

Amanda O’Brien 18th Alpha Rho

Jan Tobin 20th Beta Epsilon

Marie Adams 24th Beta Omicron

We wish you a Wonderful Birthday

with Family and Friends. To all

ESA members wherever you are,

May the Sun shine upon you

and give you Peace.

Love in ESA.

Olive ([email protected])

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