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Essential Kanji 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters Systematically Arranged For Learning And Reference

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Published by johntss124, 2021-05-20 20:20:15

Essential Kanji 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters Systematically Arranged For Learning And Reference

Essential Kanji 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters Systematically Arranged For Learning And Reference


177; 2/4. se, sei, yo world, age, reign

=[shih 1 • I: orig. three tens thirty (years)

one generation]

—seken no jimoku public attention/
_ —interest the world

y no naka e deru go out into

178; 69/9. shin, atara(shii) ara(ta na), nii- new

&R[hsin 1 •
ax P*]
—shinpin new article
#F —shinbun newspaper

# 179; 140/9. yo, ha leaves, foliage

[yeh4 • I: the growth 1-3 on [thirty (see 177)

=4-8] trees leaves; P*] (mid 8th-century)

—Man’yd jidai the Man’ydshii period
—atarashii kotoba new word

180; 149/6. wa “ speak talk, story

&[hua4 • I: words 1-7 tongue (see 878) 8-13;
—sewa aid, care, charge
—tsukuri-banashi made-up story, fabri-


181 ; 36/3. ta, d(i) many, plentiful

[to1 • I: evening 1-3 (see no. 734) after evening

= day after day many; P*]

—tasho to some extent, somewhat
_ —tera no di Kydto Kyoto, where

there are many temples

182; 196/0. cho, tori bird

D R[niao3 •
: big/longtailed bird (cf. 1 72 : small/

short-tailed bird); P*]

—yachd wildfowl
—kotori small bird

183; 4/9. to, 5/r/wo island

[tao3 • I : a bird 1-7 rests on a mountain (in the
—hantd peninsula
1 —shimaguni island country l_sea) ; P*]

184; 116/3. ku, sora sky; a(keru/ku) empty; kara

&R[k’ung 1 4 . l(no) empty
hole P*]
—kuki air, atmosphere
—soramimi hearing (non-existent) things,

pretending not to hear



185; 13/4. do, ona(ji) same

[t’ung2 • I : call 4-6 together into one place (cf.

=1338) 1-3 be united -> same; P*]

—ningen ddshi human beings all of a
—Kind, fellow men time as working

hataraku to ddji ni at the same

186; 105/4. hatsu emerge, issue

R &[fa 1 •
both feet P*]
—shuppatsu suru depart, set off
—hatsumei suru invent

187; 13/6. shu, mawa(ri) circuit, rotation

— _ _[chou 1 • I: ricefields 1-5 in a fixed area 6-8; P*]
isshu a circuit/lap
—enshu circumference

188; 162/8. shu* week

&R[chou 1 •
proceed P*]
—senshu last week
_jisshQkan (k.) 10 weeks

189; 187/4. eki* station

R &4

[i ,
yi4 • horse P*]

—ekichd station master
Shinagawa ekimae de in front of

Shinagawa station

190; 149/4. yaku* translation; yaku(suru) trans-

late; wake reason, meaning, circumstances


R &[i
yi4 • words P*]
—yakusha translator

wake ga wakaranai incom-

prehensible, unreasonable

191 ; 8/7. hen, ka(erulwaru) change; hen (na),

R &[pien4 • Ika(watta) strange
rap P*]

——— henka —— change, variation
hendo change, fluctuation

192; 162/6. so, oku(ru) send

_ —&R[sung4 •
1 proceed P*]

sokin suru send/remit money
— —*5 [mi] okuru see (someone) off/home



193; 170/8. riku * land

• Rhill&P*

rikugun gunjin
tairiku continent
— —[lu4 an army man

194; 162/8. shin advance

Rchin4 • I: advance 9-11 like a bird 1-8 (see


172); P*] advance, progress

——— shinkd suru
—kdjiosusumeru advance/press

on with construction work

195; 9/4. go katsu a(waseru/u) fit/put together
, ,

&[ho2 • I: lid 1-3 container 4-6 on which it

fits; P*]

— —tsugo
one's arrangements/convenience
toi-awase inquiry, application

196; 111/3. chi shi(ru) know, learn; shi(raseru)

inform 6-8 of one who knows; P*]

—[chih1 • I: the arrowlike 1-5 (see 1335) speech
shuchi common knowledge
—shiriai an acquaintance

,197; 125/2. K kanga(eru/e) think, consider
& =R• old P * mature consideration]
[k ' ao3
—kdkogaku archaeology
—shikd sayd thought process

198; 85/6. katsu life, activity

—[huo2 • I: a watery/moist 1-3 tongue 4-9; P*]
kappatsu na lively, active
—katsudd activity

199; 42/8. jo , tsune no normal, regular, continual;

toko- unending

R &[ch’ ang 2 •
cloth 9-11 P 1-8 (cf. 1843); P *]
—seijo na normal, regular
—nichijd seikatsu daily life

200; 115/2. ri* interest (on money), advantage;


] ki(ku) be effective

=[li4 • I : cutting 6-7 grain 1-5 gain, profit; P*]

—rikd cleverness
——— riyd suru utilize, make good use of




201 ; 62/7. tsu, tsu, td(su/ru) pass through/along;

&kayo(u) go to fro
[t’ung 1 • R proceed & P *

—Kotsu traffic
—tdrimichi passage, route

202; 27/8. gen origin; hara moor, field
[yuan 2 • I: a spring 3-10 (= 915) below a cliff

= source -* level ground P*]
—kogen plateau
nohara field, moor, plain

203; 113/3. sha association; yashiro Shinto shrine
[she4 • I: god 1-4 of the earth 5-7 his

——— kaisha business company Lsnrme; P*]
—shakai society, the public

204; 2/4. shin, mo(su) (dep.) say

D =[shen 1 •
: lightning expression of the gods
declare, say; P*]

—joshin suru submit a report

— _naishinsho (school, etc.) report/record

205; 113/5. shin, jin, kami god

—[shen 2 • I: god 1-4 of lightning (see 204)
jinja Shinto shrine j_any g d P*]

kamikaze divine wind

206; 180/0. on, in, oto, ne sound

=[yin 1 • S: vrt. of 43 with line inside mouth

actual sound; P*]

—hatsuon pronunciation

asnioto footstep

207; 78/2. shi* death; j/h die

&R[ssu3 , szu 3 • I : disintegrate man 5-6]

—hanshi hanshd no half dead
_ _shinigami the god of death. Death

208; 44/5. kyo, i(ru) be (present), reside

[chu1 • R &bent figure P*]

:ife —ddkyo suru live together
—igokochi ga ii be comfortable,

feel at home



209; 9/5. ju,su(mu) reside/live (in)

[chu4 • I : a man 1-2 is master 3-7 where he

—lives; P*] home, house, address
—— jusho
—sumai/jukyo home, house, address

210; 9/6. shi, tsuka(u) use

—[shih 4 • I : one who serves 3-8 (see 1 684), who is
taishi ambassador |_used P*]
—shieki suru ;

employ, put to work

21 1 ; 147/9. shin, oya parent; shita(shimu/shii) feel

close (to) take pleasure (in)

R &[ch’in 1 •
see P*]

shin'yu good friend

—shinsetsu rta kind

212; 9/4. zen, matta(ku) completely, entirely
[ch'uan 2 • I:P*]

—IK zen’yaku complete translation
anzen safety

213; 85/5. ho*, hatsu-, hotsu- law, doctrine,

method the law; P*]

[fa3 * 4 • I: to wash 1-3 away 5-8 wrong through
—hdhd method
6 Major Laws
—roppo zensho a Compendium of [the

214; 85/5. ji, chi, osa(meru/maru) rule over,

pacily; nao(su/ru) cure

R &[chih4 •
f water P*]
— &chian public peace order
' —seiji politics, government

215; 2/5. ko, tnu(keru/kau) turn, face; mu(ku)

face, be suited (to/for); mu(ko) opposite

[hsiang4 • D: a high window 4-6 under the

_ —roof 1-3 facing the light; P*] able for the town
hdkd direction
—toshi-muki no shina goods suit-

216; 149/7. setsu* view, theory; zei, to(ku) ex-

R &[shuo1 • Lplain, propound
words P*]
—setsumei explanation
—shdsetsu a novel, fiction


2 17-224

,217; 42/3. K hika(ru) shine; hikari light, ray

[kuang 1 • I: a torch 1-3 (= 15) carried by a
man 4-6; P*]

—nikko sunshine, sunlignt; pn.
_ —hakkd suru radiate, emit light

218; 40/5. tei, jo, sada(merulmaru) decide, fix

[ting4 • I: put things right 4-8 (= 123) in the

—house 1-3; P*]
teikyu regular/fixed holiday/closing-day

teisetsu established/accepted theory

219; 12/2. ko, dyake public it public; P *

—[kung 1 • I: open up 1-2 a place 3-4, and make
Kogen open declaration/profession
_Nihon Kotsu Kdsha Japan Travel

Bureau [lit. . .Public Corporation]

f 220; 154/4. ka goods, money

€ [huo4 • I: money 5-11 changed/changeaole 1-4

&Rinto other things; also shell/money P*] dis-

— —kamotsu o hassd sum

patch goods

—jisshinhd tsiika decimal currency

221 ; 9/2. i with, by, (pref.) -ward from

3 • D: a man 4-5 holding something 1-3 ->

'using, with; P*] —shushd ika no seijika

^ politicians from the Prime Minister down weeks

—goshukan inai ni within 5

222; 173/5. den lightning, electricity
[tien4 • I: lightning 9-13 (= 204) from the sky

1-8; P*] relectricity

—karyoku denki thermal/steampower
—denwa dehanasu talk on the phone

223; 59/4. kei, gyo, katachi, -gata form, shape

R &[hsing 2 •
light rays P*]
—chdhdkei rectangle, oolong (shape)
— —gydsd features, look, aspect

224; 62/2. sei, jo na(ru) turn (into), be completed/

formed (from); na(su) do, achieve

R &[ch’eng2 • lance P*]

—seiritsu establishment, formation

seicho growth



% 225; 180/4. I* mind, will, heart, meaning


• I : a person’s sounds (= words) 1-9 spirit/

— *iken opinion
Lfeelings 10-13; P
—y i preparation, arrangement

226; 32/4. sei, sho, koe voice

[sheng 1 • I: a man 1-3 waiting at the door 4-7

will use his voice; P*]

—onseigaku phonetics
—shdnen no koegawari a boy’s

change/breaking of voice

227; 30/3. go* pen-name; issue/number (of periodi-

[hao4 • R mouth & P*] Leal)

—kdtsU shingd traffic signals
_ —nengd era name, year period (of reign)

228; 120/4. kyu* rank, class

&R[chi2 •
thread P*]
_ —kokyu high rank/class
——— shinkyu suru be promoted

229; 25/7. ten* point, mark

R &[tien3 •
fire P*]
—juten main point, emphasis
—shuppatsu-ten departure point

k 230; 85/4. ketsu, ki(merutmaru) decide

&R[chueh2 •
water P*]
—ketsui determination, resolve
—kettei suru decide, determine

231; 149/7. go* word; kata(ru\ri) tell, relate

[yu3 • R words &P*]

—kogoyaku colloquial-language trans-

—gairaigo lation/version words

words from abroad, imported

232; 115/9. shu kind, sort; tane seed
[chung3- 4 • I: grain 1-5 piled up 6-14, all one

—kind of seed; P*] tation
jinkd henshu artificial variety/mu-
—tanegire ni naru run out of



233-240 233 ; 40/5. jitsu* truth, reality; mi nut, fruit; mino-

M R_ & —[sfflH 2 •
roof P*] i(ru) bear fruit
tonin no jitsuwa actual account

—from the person concerned out an idea
kangae o jikkd suru carry

234; 30/2. kei, kyo, ani elder brother

[hsiung1 • I : a man 4-5 who can speak 1-3 with

some authority; P*]

—jikkei one’s (own/true) elder brother
_ &fukei father elder brothers, guardians

235; 53/5. ten, mise shop
[tien 4 •
&R lean-to P*]

_hyakkaten (department) store
—Kdbe shiten Kobe branch (shop/


236; 40/4. kan completion

[wan2 • R roof & P*]

kanzen perfection

_kansei completion

237; 170/7. in institution

[yuan4 • Rhill&P*]

—bydin e kayou attend a hospital
—jiin Buddhist temple

238; 4/4. shitsu, ushina(u) lose

[shih 1 • D: a hand 1-4 (cf. 37) dropping/losing
something 5 ; P*]

_shissei misrule, misgovernment
_ —shitsui disappointment adversity


239; 15/4. ji, shi, tsugi (no) next; tsu(gu) be next/

rank second (to) 3-6; P”

—[tz’u4 • I: the second 1-2 (= 2) open mouth
mokuji table of contents
—jiten second mark/points, runner-up

240; 12/4. kyo, tomo together, both

&R[kung4 •
eight P*]
—kyotsu no common, joint
—kyddd ddsa combined/cooperative



241 139/0. shoku, shiki, iro color, passion

*P[SE 4 • I ; change color

& ——— henshoku suru
—iroiro na various, all kinds of

242; 167/5. tetsu* iron

R &[t’ieh3 •
metal P*]
_ —tetsudd kdgaku railway engineering
_ —kokutetsu national railway

243; 31/3. dan group, troupe; ton
[t’uan2 • I: a closed circle 1-3 with its own rule

4-6; P*] living
—dantai seikatsu group/community
—Kddan-hd Public Corporation Law

244; 123/7. gi* justice, integrity, loyalty; (pref.)

-in-law, artincial

R &4

• sheep P*] sister-in-law

— — &giri
gikei to gishi elder brother-
duty, obligation

' 245; 149/13. gi debate, consider


R &[i
• words P*]

—gikai national assembly, the Diet
— —^: fushigi na strange, unaccountable

K 246; 1/4. min, tami people, populace

&R[min 2 •
clan P*]
—minshu shugi democracy
—jUmin no iken residents’/inhab-

itants* views

247; 66/7. kyo, oshi(eru) teach

—[chiao4 • I: teach piety 1-7 (see 865) by raps
sekkyd sermon 8-1 1 ; P*]
—kydgi doctrine, dogma

248; 40/5. shu, so founder, sect, religion

—[tsung1 • I : a roofed shrine 1-3 with its god 4-8
shQkyd religion P*j
—soke (head of a) main family/house



/a 249; 9/2. butsu*, hotoke Buddha; futsu France

[fo2 • R man & P*]
—Bukkyd Buddhism
—Nichi-Futsu Gakuin Japanese-French

4 250; 32/9. jo, ba place
R &[ch’ang 2 . 3 • factory
earth P*]
— _baai
kdbalkdjd de hataraku work in a
case, circumstances

251 ; 44/6. oku, ya house; -ya shop/store (keeper)

[wu 1 • a man bent &in sleep 1-3 room 4-9 (=

278) ->• home, house; P*]

—yaoya greengroceK’s shop)
—kaoku no baibai dealings in houses

/buildings/real estate

25Z 53/6. do degree, limit; tabi time, occasion;


[tu4 , to4 • I: to measure 1-7 with the hand
_maido every time
—tabitabi often, frequently L8-9; P*]

253; 1/4. ka* good, right: possible

[K’O3 K’E 3 • R mouth & P *

kaketsu suru pass/approve (a bill)

fukabun na indivisible, inseparable

254; 9/5. ka, nani, nan what, how many
[ho 2 •
R man & P*]

—nandemoya Jack-of-all-trades
—nando mo any number of times

255; 140/7. ka, ni burden, baggage

R &[ho2 •
grass P*]
—nyuka tsuchi goods-arrival notice
—rtimotsu no mekata weight of


256; 76/10. ka poem; uta(u) sing; uta song

&R[ko1 , ke1 •
open mouth P*]
—koka school song
ing voice
_utaigoe ga ii have a good sing-



23/; 165/5. ban* ones turn guard) duty; number
-[fan 1 • I: separate 1-7 fields 8-12 turn by
—bangd number
—koban police box Lturn P*] ;

A 258; 32/3. zai* outskirts, country; (pref.) resident

in; a(ru) be, exist

R &[tsai4 •
earth P* 1-3 (vrt. of 574)]
—zaika goods on hand/in stock
—zaiseichu during one’s life

259; 9/3. fu, tsu(kerulku) attach, stick

[fu4 • R man & P*]

_ fukin vicinity

rishi ga tsuku yield/bear interest

260; 53/5. fu* urban prefecture; center, office

[fu 3 R &• lean-to P*]

—seifu government
—fu-chiji (urban) prefectural governor

261 ; 111/7. tan, mijika(i) short as a
[tuan3 • I: an arrow (see 1335) as short
bean (see 1044); P*]

—fe tanka Japanese 31 -syllable poem
—tanto short sword

262; 146/3. yo* main point, necessity; i(ru) be

[yao1 4 • I; P*] Lneeded; yd(suru) need
—ydten main point, gist
—juyd na important, weighty, main

263; 58/7. ki, kae(ru) return, go home

[kuei 1 • I P*]
kikoku returning to one’s country
—kaeri-jitaku ( -shitaku) prepara-
tions for one's return (home)

264; 140/5. ku* suffering; kuru(shii painful

R &[k’u3 •
grass P*] Iniga(i) bitter
—kueki [imprisonment with] hard labor
—nigate weak point, tough opponent



265; 9/7. ben* facilities excreta; bin* post, mail,

opportunity; tayo(ri) news

&R[pien 4
p’ien 2 • man P*]

— —kdtsu fuben de communications

being inconvenient being near
_chikakute benri
convenient in

266; 130/8. sho, ka(tsu) win (against); masa(ru)

be superior (to) powerful 1 1-12 who win; P”

[sheng 1 4 • I: flesh 1-4 is cut 5-10 by the
^ — —jplj shdri victory
—kachi-tdsu win right through, be

267; 130/2. •yu, u, a(ru) exist, be held/owned
[yu 3 . 4 •
R moon & P”


—yUslUjidai historical period

268; 123/3. bi* beauty; utsuku(shii) beautiful
[mei3 • I: a sheep 1-6 (see 1326) that is big 7-9;

—toshi bika urban beautification
— —yQmei na bijin a famous beauty

269; 102/4. kai world

[chieh4 • I: what is between 6-9 (see 941) fields

= R &1-5 boundary -> sphere; also P*]
—sekai-ichi no first/foremost in the


—shakdkai social/fashionable world

270; 162/2. hen*, ata(ri), -be vicinity

R &[pien 1 •
proceed P*]
—kinpen vicinity
it —shuhen outskirts, perimeter

271; 57/1. w,hi(ku/ki) pull

[yin 3 — &• I: a bow 1-3 (see 1419) string 4]
inka to hakka ignition
— —hikidashi drawer com -


272; 87/4. ju, u(keru) receive; u(ke) reception,

popularity, receptacle from a hand 7-8; P*]

—[shou 4 • I: claws 1-4 receiving something 5-6
kogitte no juri acceptance of a

cheque a proposal

—mdshi-ire o ukeru accept


n 273-280

273; 148/0. kaku* angle, square; kado (outside)
corner; tsuno (animal) horn

—[CHIAO3 , CHUEH 2 3 • D]
kakudo angle
—kadomise corner shop

274; 19/5. ro* work, labor

R &[lao2 • strength P*]

—rddd rippd labor legislation
—kurd trouble, hardship

275; 155/0. seki, shaku, aka, aka(i) red

[CH ’IH4 • I P*]
Red Cross Society
_ —kekijUji-sha
—akaji o dasu run into the red,

produce a deficit

276; 60/6. go,* nochi after(wards) ko, ushi(ro)

back, behind; ato behind, after, remainder; oku-

(raseru/reru) make late Tafter 7-9]

—[hou4 • I: footsteps 1-3 trailing 4-6 (= 113)
g g afternoon back face wrong way
—ushiro-muki ni naru turn one’s

277; 115/3. wa peace, harmony, Japan yawa-

(ragerulragu) nago(mer"lmu) soften nago(yaka
, ;

na) amiable, genial peace; P*]

[ho2 - 4 _ —• I: grain 1-5 in the mouth 6-8 brings
waka nishu two Japanese poems
—heiwa kaigi peace conference

278; 40/6. shitsu* room; muro cellar, outhouse
[shih4 • I: a house’s 1-3 inner reaches 4-9 (cf.

725); P*]

—washitsu Japanese-style room
_ —Muromachi jidai the Muromachi

period (1336-1568)

279; 172/4. shu, atsu(meru/maru) , tsudo(u) (vi.)

[chi2 • I; small birds 1-8 on a tree; P*]

—shudan shinri group/mass psychology
—Ko/cinwakashU the Kokinshu

poetry anthology

280; 61/5. sei* sex, nature; sho temperament

&R[hsing4 •
heart P*]
_ —M/wez' [by] one’s nature
—aisho no ii compatible, congenial




281 3/4. hitsu, kanara(zu) without fail, inevitably

my[pi4 • I : ‘Cross heart ’ P*]
—' hitsuyd necessity ..

_hisshi no frantic, desperate

282; 163/8. bu part, section; copy (of publication)

[pu 4 R &• city P*]
—buburt part
ii: faculty
_shakai-gakubu sociology department/

283;184/0. shoku* food; “


eat r(cf. 586) underneath; P*]

[shih 2 • I: lid of food dish 1-2 with good things
—jUbunnashokuji good/substantial
_teishoku set/fixed meal

284; 75/3. zai* timber, material, talent

R &[ts’ai2 •
tree P*]
—shdsetsu o kydzai to suru

—treat a novel as teaching material

shirtbun no shuzai newspaper sub-

ject matter/material

285; 154/3. zai*, sai money, wealth
ts’ai 2 •
R shell/money & P*]

—zaikai no chUshin center of the

financial world

—zaisei [public] finance financial affairs

286; 203/0. koku, kuro, kuro(i) black

[hei 1 • I: village 1-7 (see 101) fires 8-11 make

J smoke & soot; P*] right & wrong
— &&kokubyaku black white, good bad,
;/ > \ —kurobikari black luster

287; 70/4. ho, hana(tsu) hana(su) set free, release

[fang4 &R• rap P*] cast
— —kaigai hdsd overseas/foreign broad-
— —hoka suru set fire to, commit arson

288; 18/5. betsu* distinction, separate; betsu (ni)

separately, (H- neg.) (not) particularly; waka(reru)

[pieh 2 • I] L(vi.) part (from)
arate post
—kubetsu distinction
—betsubin de okuru send by sep-



289; 169/6. k an, 5^/ barrier

&[kuan 1 • R gate P*]

—Kansai pn.
—sekisho barrier, checkpoint

290; 28/3. dai* a stand, unit for counting vehicles,

machines, etc.; tai

&[t’ai 2 • I : top base P*]
—daidokoro kitchen
—taifu typhoon

291 ; 72/8. sai, motto (mo) most

R &[tsui4 •
say P*]
—saishin no the latest

_ —saiKO no highest, maximum

tt —292; 3/12. gyo* occupation, study, industry; go*
karma; waza deed, act 10-13 all mean work]

[yeh4 • I: plants growing 1-5, sheep 6-11, trees

—jukogyd heavy industry
_ —Shitsugyd Teate-hd Unemploy-

ment Allowance Law

293; 8/9. sho, akina(u) trade/deal in

[shang 1 • I: to stand -4(= 72) at a curtained

&stall 5-8 talk 9-11; P*]

—shdgyd ydgo business terminology
—hiki-au shdbai a paying busi-


294; 118/6. to class, grade; hito(shii) like, equal
[teng 3 • R bamboo & P*]

—tokyu class, grade, rank
—byddd equality

295; 32/9. ho* report, recompense muku( iru/i)

give reward/recompense (for)

[PAO4 • I;P*]

—hdchi suru report, inform
—denpd telegram

296; 30/4. koku, tsu(geru) tell, report

[kao4 • I: come forth 1-4 from the mouth; P*]
—kokuhatsu suru prosecute, indict,
—hokoku report, statement




297; 2/4. yu, yu, yui, yoshi report, means, reason

[YU2 • D; P*]

_riyu reason

jiyu freedom

298; 85/5. yu, abura oil

&R• water P*]

sekiyu kdgyd oil industry
aburamushi cockroach
_ — _[yu2

299; 19/11. sei, ikio(i) power

[shih4 • I: layers of earth 1-8 and balls/spheres

9-11 _(see 922) have strength 12-13; P*]
zei de in great strength/numbers
—taisei de being the general trend

—jisei (the trend/conditions of) the times

300; 86/11. netsu* heat, fever; nes(suru) heat,

become hot P*j

[jo4, je4 • I: strongly 1-1 1 (=299) aflame 12-15;

—netchu suru be mad (on) /engrossed
— —^! netsubyd fever

301 ; 149/3. ki, shiru(su), ki(su) record, writedown

R &[chi4 •
words P*1
—kigo mark, sign, symbol
—fcdki postscript

&302; 120/5. shu, o(waru) (vt. vi.) end; o(wari)

end; o(eru) (vt.) end

_&[chung 1 • R thread P*]
Nakano ga shUten desu
—Nakano is the terminus.
saishu densha the last (electric) train

303; 53/2. ko, hiro(i) wide, extensive; hiro(geru\

garu) spread; hiro(maru) be spread

R &[kuang3 •
lean-to P*]
—kdkoku advertisement
—Hiroshima-de no shin’yQ a good

friend who comes/hails from Hiroshima

304; 24/6. choku, jiki, nao(su/ru) repair, correct;

ji(ki ni), tada(chi ni) immediately

D &[chih2 • S: an eye 3-8 (= 22) looking

angled triangle
—straight ahead 1-2; P*]
—— cnokkaku sankakukei right-
—shdjiki na honest



305; 85/6. yo ocean, the west

&[yang 2 • R water P*] Western food
_washoku to ydshoku Japanese &
—seiyd bunmei Western civilization

306; 130/4. fuku* [Western] dress/clothes

[fu2 • I : a body 1-4 kneeling 5-6 (before mirror)

is dressed by hands 7-8; P*] Western dress
—wafuku to ydfuku Japanese &
—fukueki suru serve time/a term

307; 162/4. hen, kae(su) give back ; kae (shi return

gift, change, response also R proceed & P*]

&[fan 3 • I: return 1-4 (see 42) proceed 5-7;

—futatsu henji immediate/eager reply
—henshin’yd hagaki reply postcard

308; 2/7. hyo* table, list; omote outside, front;

arawa(su) show, reveal, express

&R[piao3 •
clothes P*]
—hydon jibo phonetic alphabet

daihyd representation

309; 75/10. yo* likeness, manner; sama Mr., Mrs.,

Miss, form, state

&R[yang4 •
tree P* : tree-sheep -water]
—shittda mo ddyd the same/as

—good as dead Michiko Ueda

Ueda Michiko-sama Mrs. /Miss

310; 96/0. 6* king

=[wang2 • D: big ax authority; P*]
—d-sama King
—hdd the Pope

311 ; 4/5. so, araso(uli) compete for, dispute

[cheng 1 • I: use strength 1-2 (= 53) in contest

3-6; P*] —rddd sdgi labor dispute throne
—i arasou contend for the

k 312; 4/8. jo, no(seru/ru) give ride to, carry
[CH’ENG 2 • I: P*]

—jdba-fuku horse-riding clothes

nori-ai riding together, joint undertaking



313; 38/8 fu woman

& &[fu4 • I : woman broom; also R woman *P]

—fujin-kai women’s/iadies’ world/sphere
_shufu no kai housewives’ society

314; 137/5. sen, ship

boat P *
R &[ch’uan 2 •
—senshitsu cabin
—noriai-bune ferryboat

315; 78/6. zan, noko(sulru/ri) leave behind, let
[ts’an 2
& *R• disintegrate P Lremain
—zangyd teate overtime allowance
_nokori-oi regretful, regrettable

316; 9/6. nen* thought, idea, wish

R &[nien4 •
heart P*]

_ —zannen regret issue
kinen-gd commemorative number/

317; 117/6. san* childbearing, product, wealth;
u(mu) give birth to

—[ch’an 3 • R birth &P*]
fuddsan real estate
—kokyd zaisan public property/assets

318; 40/5. kan* government (service)

= &[kuan 1 • I : roof building community 4-8-^

public affairs; P*] mental, semiofficial
—hankan hanmin no semigovern-
—gaikdkan diplomat

319; 184/8. kan building

&R[KUAN 3 •
eat P*]
—taishikan embassy
——— bekkan annex, detached building

320; 124/5. shu, nara(u) learn

[hsi2 • I: fluttering their wings 1-6 (= 967) by

—themselves 7-11 (= 60), birds learn to fly; P*]
shUji o narau learn calligraphy

* — —joshu usage custom, habit



321 ; 1 /6/0. men- face, surface, mask, aspect; omo-

(te), tsura lace, surface

3b D &[mien 4 •
: space enclosing 3-4 9 the eyes 5-8

below the hair 1-2 (cf. 138)]

—memnoku face, dignity, pride
_ —nyomen surface

322; 75/9. gaku* music; raku* comfort; tano-


[le4 • D: musical fittings 1-9 on wood base; P*]

—kydkai ongaku church music
—rakutenka optimist

kr 323; 140/13. yaku, kusuri medicine, chemicals

1| R &[yao4 •
grass P*]
—yakuhin medicine
—kusuri-gui nutritious eating

324; 61/9. so* thought, ideas; so

&R[hsiang 3 • P*]
—risd ideal
| —kiisd daydream, fantasy

%r f 325; 154/8. SHITSU* quality, nature; shichi* pawn;
inquire into, check

R &[chih2 4 • shell/money P*]

—seishitsu character, nature
—smchiya pawnshop/ pawnbroker

326; 162/10. en, on, td(i) distant

&[yuan 3 • R proceed P*]

—ensoku excursion, outing
—:^ mimi ga tdi be hard of hearing

327; 31/10. en, sono garden

a &R[yuan2 •
enclosure P*]
—ddbutsu-en animal park, zoo
—gakuen seikatsu campus life

//L 328; 140/4. ka, hana flower

grass P *
&R[hua 1 •
—kadai flower-vase stand
——— hanazono flower garden



329; 85/7. ryu* (artistic) school; ru, naga(su/reru)

set adrift, wash away; naga(re) current

[uu 2 &R• water P*]
—shiryu trioutary
_saishin ryukd latest fashion

330; 61/5. kyu* sudden, steep iso(gaserujgu}

hurry anxiously 6-9

—[chi2 • I: struggle 1-5 (cf. 311) against time,
kyuryu swift current, rapids
—kyuhen sudden change, emergency

331; 174/0. sei, sho, ao, ao(i) green, blue, im-

mature by moonlight 5-8; P*

[chi’ing 1 • I: color of plants 1-4 (vrt. of 67)
_seinen youth, young man/generation
—aozora ichiba


332; 57/8. kyo, go, tsuyo(i) strong; shi(iru)

[ch’iang 2 • I] Lcompel, force

_kydnetsu intense heat
—kyddo no strong, intense

333; 61/9. kan*, kan(ji) feeling; kan(jiru) feel

R &[Kan 3 •
heart P*] sensitive
—kanjusei no tsuyoi
—karts d thoughts, impressions highly

334; 61/8. jo*, sei, nasa(ke) (fellow-) feeling

[ch'ing2 • I: feeling 1-3 blue 4-11 (see 331);

&Ralso heart P*1

—j na obstinate
—kanjd feelings, emotions

335; 70/6. ryo, tabi journey

[lu3 • I: a flag 1-6 (cf. 601) followed by many

people 7-10] world trip

— —ryokan round-the-
sekai isshU ryokd
Japanese-style inn

1 336; 8/6. ya, yoru, yo night

[yeh4 • I: a man 3-4 under a shelter 1-2 at

— —night moon 5-8 (= 13); P*]
yahan midnight, dead of night

i —yoddshi all through the night



,337; 85/9. K minato harbor

&[chiang3 • R water P*]
_nyuKo suru
— _ ai rport enter harbor

338; 12/14. ko, oko(su/ru) raise, revive; kyo*


& &[hsing 14 • hands
legs on each side 1-4

—11-16 lifting something in unison 5-10 (= 185)]
kdgyd performance, entertainment

— —koshinjo detective agency

339; 30/5. mi, aji taste

[wei4 • R mouth & P*]

—kyomi interest
—yakumi spices, flavoring

340; 60/8. toku* profit gain; gain,

—[TE2 TEI3• I] [obtain
tokui one’s forte, client elation
——— etoku suru understand, comprehend

341; 120/5. kei longitude; ky6* sutra;

spend (time), pass through

[ching 1 R &• thread P*] via Shanghai
—Shanhai keiyu denpd telegrams
—shinkeishitsu nervous temperament

342; 27/2. han anti-; tan* unit of land/cloth

measure; hon, sofrasu/ru) bend, warp

&R[fan 3 •
right hand 3-4 P*]

— —hankan antipathy, animosity
tanmonoya drapery/dry-goods store

343; 32/4. han, saka slope, hill

R &[fan 3 •
earth P*]
—kyuhan steep slope
——— noborizaka uphill road, upgrade

344; 143/0. ketsu, chi blood
[hsieh3, hsueh4 • I: a dish 2-6 overflowing 1
with sacrificial blood]

—nai-shukketsu internal bleeding
—chi-no-ke no di full-blooded,



m345-352 345; 122/8. chi, o(ku) put, place

ilL R &[chih 4 •
net 1-5 P*]
m —hdchi suru leave alone, let be
—ichi position, place

3p 346; 19/5. jo, tasu(kerujkaru) help, rescue

R &[chu 4 •
strength P*]
—josanpu midwife
_ —tasukebune lifeboat, help, rescue

347; 85/7. shu, sake rice-wine, alcoholic drink

&[chiu3 • I: water 1-3 a wine jug; P*]
— &Nihonshu to ydshu rice-wine

—Western drink

Sake wa hyakuyaku no chd

Rice-wine is the best of all medicines.

-348; 120/6. kyu provide, supply
[kei3 chi3 • I: join 7-12 (see 195) thread

supply (new thread); P*]

—sakaba no kyuji— waiter/waitress
sukunai gekkyu, small (month-

ly) salary

349; 56/3. shiki* ceremony, -style, -type

R &[shih4 •
work P]* hall
—shikijd place of the ceremony, reception
— —^: keishiki form, formality

350; 113/1. rei*, rai salutation, thanks

&R[li3 •
god P*]
— —L shitsurei rudeness

reishiki etiquette, manners

351 ; 9/7. ho, tamo(tsu) keep, preserve

[pao3 • I : a person 1-2 carrying a child 3-9 ->

care for, preserve] security
—hoan preservation of (public) peace/
—hobo governess, mother's help

352; 40/3. shu, su, mamo(ru\ri) defend, protect,

uphold; mori guard, protector

&[shou3 • I: roof rule; P*]

—hoshu seiryoku conservative forces
_ —shusei o toru go/stand on the




353; 175/0. hi wrong; (neg. pref.) un- non-, etc.

D &[ fei 1 • S: the wings of a flying bird -> oppo-

site _ Mneg. P*]
/»•- illegal
^ ^ —hijo no baai extraordinary/unusual


354; 149/6. shi kokoro(mirulmi) tame(su) try,
, ,

R & —[shih4 •
words P*] Ltest

hikdshiki shiai unofficial match/


—shikinseki touchstone, test (case)

355; 187/8. ken gen effect; test, examine

R &[yen4 •
horse P*]

shiken examination rience
—' keiken ga hiroi have wide expe-

356; 170/8. ken kewa(shii) steep, fierce

—[hsien3 • Rhill&P*] expression
hoken insurance
_ ——— kewashii hydjd
fierce /severe

357; 149/2. kei (suf.) -meter; haka(ru) measure

chi4 &• I: words ten (= number) -> count; P*]

[ —sdkei na hasty, ill-considered
—yakd-dokei luminous watch

358; 42/8. do* hall

&[t’ang2 • I: lofty 1-8 (vrt. of 1843) earth

= a lofty/exalted place; P*]

—kdkaidd public [meeting] hall
—shokudd dining room/hall

m it 359; 120/6. ketsu musu(bu) tie, conclude; musu-

(bi) knot, conclusion; yu(u) dress (the hair)

R &[chieh2 • together
thread P*]
—danketsu suru unite, stand/band
—shuketsu suru terminate, conclude

360; 118/5. dai grade; pref. for ordinal numbers

&[ti4 • I : bamboo sequence 7-1 1 (ab. of 446)

a counter; P*] mediately
—shidai order, reason, circumstance, im-
‘ — —anzen daiichi safety first



361; 83/0. shi (lit. suf.) Mr.; uji family (nameX

R[shih4 • clan; P*] Llineage
—shimei full name
—ujigami patron god

362; 120/4. shi, kami paper

R &[chih3 • covered book
thread P*]
—kami-bydshi no hon paper-
— &shihitsu paper writing brush

363; 54/6. ken, kon build, set up;

-date -stories up laws; P*]

&[chien4 • I: writing 1-6 Court (=1417)— set

——— kengi suru propose, move, submit
—dodd-taru tatemono imposing/

majestic building

364; 9/9. ken, suko(yaka na) healthy

[chien4 • R man & P *
‘ —hoken (maintenance of) health, hygiene

—kydken robust health

365; 172/6. zatsu*, zo miscellany, roughness
[tsa 2 . I : nine (=many) trees full of birds 7-14]

—zatsuon (unwanted) noise, interference

^w/w’ wood of mixed trees

366; 170/9. tai* unit, squad, group

R &[tui4 •
hill P*]
—guntai the forces/military, an army
—butaichd unit/squad leader

4a 367; 115/2. shi, watakushi I personal matters

&[szu 1 ssu 1 • I: grain 1-5 private [enclosure]

6-7; P*] municipal establishment
— &shiritsu to shiritsu
—shizai private funds/money private

368; 162/9. ka />« overdo, pass (time);

ayama(tsu\chi) mistake

&R[kuo4 •
proceed P*]
—hard overwork
—kashitsu error, negligence



2 a J69; 4/4. h6 Asw,jw(ww wrap; • parcel

[pao 1 • I: womb 1-2 with fetus 3-5; P*]

— —1 hocno kitchen knife, cooking
— —kamizutsumi paper parcel

370; 67/3. tai * opposing, against; tsui a pair

tui 4 &• I: literature 1-4 (see 71) rule (see 1045)
—hantai opposite

—ittsui one pair L= opposites; P*]

371 ; 1 15/7. tei hodo extent, degree; -hodo about

R &ch ’ eng 2 •


grain P*]
extent, limit
—seisan no katei production process

372; 106/3. teki (adj. suf.); mato target, mark

R &[ti 2 ’ 4 •
white P*]

—jitsuyd-teki practical

mokuteki aim, object

373; 162/9. un * luck, fortune; hako(bu) transport
[yun 4 • I: an advancing 10-12 army 1-9 (see

&100) needs luck transport; P*]

han-seifu undo antigovernment


———unsd hoken freight/shipping insurance

I =374; 30/7. in personnel, member
&[yuan2 • I : a mouth to feed 1-3 money

employee; P*]
shop assistant, clerk
—giin assemi)lyman. Diet member

375; 2/7. ka hata(su) fulfill; hate result, end

D &kuo3 • S: the fruit 1-4 on the tree, P*]

: —kajitsu

kekka result, effect

376; 149/8. cho shira(beru) investigate; shira(be)

tone, investigation; totono(eru/u) prepare, supply,

&R[tiao4 •
words P*- Larrange
—chdshi tone, condition, way
—henchd change of tone, irregularity



377; 140/55. ei splendid, England

R &[ying 1 •
grass P*]
—eisai [person of] brilliant talent reader
—Eigo tokuhon English-language

378; 149/8. dan talk
[t’an 2 •
—I: fiery 8-15 words; P*]

sddan suru consult (with)
—hi-lcdshiki taidan

formal dialogue/talk

379; 167/6. gin* silver

R &[yin 2 •
metal P*]
—Daiwa Ginkd The Daiwa Bank
—suigin no jikken mercury experi-


380; 120/6. e*, kai picture

R &[hui4 •
thread P*]
—Yamato-e painting in old Japanese
—abura-e oil painting

381 ; 42/6. ken* prefecture
[hsien4 • S: vrt. of 138 'head* inverted ->

—downward from the top (national) level; P*1
Chiba-ken Chiba Prefecture
—to-dd-fuken the administrative
&regions (Tokyo, Hokkaido the prefectures)

382; 85/9. on, atata(kai), atata(ka na), atata-

(merulmaru) warm

&[wen 2 • R water P]

—ondokei thermometer at body heat
—chddo taion no mizu water just

383; 162/7. ren group; tsu(reru) take along;

Aw/f re companion; vi.) range

R &[lian 2 •
proceed P*]
—rengd union, association, alliance
—renshd a run of victories

384; 24/8. shin, ma truth; ma-, matsu-, man-

(emp. pref.) human truth; P*]
& —[chen1 • I: correctness 1-8 (cf. 304)
—shinKu vacuum
—massao na ashen, deathly pale



385; 115/4. ka* section, branch, course

—[k'o 1 k'e 1 scalpel
, surgical knife,
• I; P*]

gekayd kogatana
—kyokasho textbook

386; 86/8. mu, bu, na(i), na(shi) (lit.) be not

R &[wu2 •
fire P*]
—muri na unreasonable, impossible
— —L burei rudeness

387; 9/6. mei* order, command; myo, inochi life

& &[ming4 • I: mouth 4-6 order 1-3 7-8 (=

_ —seimei hoken life insurance
—unmei fate

388; 31/4 zu* plan, sketch, table; to, haka(ru)

[t’u 2 —• I] Lplan/scheme for/against
chart, diagram
—toshokan library

389; 120/9. sen* line
[hsien 4 •
R thread & P*]

—tdkdsen chizu contour map
—chokusen o hiku draw a straight


390; 3/8. tan single

D[tan1 • : a single weapon, with forked end 1-3
—tan’i unit
—tansen tetsudd single-track railway

391 ; 162/9. tatsu, tas(suru) reach, attain

[ta2 • I: the ground 1-3 is reached by the


sheep’s 4-9 fleece as it advances 10-12]

—kagaku no hattatsu development/

—tomodachi advancement of science


' 392; 140/6. cha*, sa tea

[ch’a2 • I: type of tree 6-9 plant 1-3 used by
—bancha coarse tea
—sadd, chadd tea ceremony [_man 4-5



393; 72/14. dai* topic, subject, title

R &[t’i 2 •
head/page P]
—daizai tneme, subject matter
—mondai problem, question

394; 161/6. no agriculture
[nung2 • I bend 1-6 (see 715) to cut grass

—with a shell 7-13; P*]
ndgyd agriculture
—ndsanbutsu agricultural products

395; 130/8. cho, asa morning

&[ch'ao2 • I: rising sun 3-6 amid grass 1-2

7-8, seen with the moon; P*]

_ —Heian-chd Heian court/period
—myocho tomorrow morning

396; 4/6. hei*, hyo soldier

[ping 1 • I : a war-ax 1-4 held in both hands 5-7
_heieki military service
—heitai soldier, troops (_P*]

't 397; 147/5. kaku, obo(eru) remember, under-

stand sa( masu/meru) awake

R &[chueh2 •
see P*]
_kankaku sense, sensation, feeling
———jikaku suru be aware of, realize

398; 30/12. ki, utsuwa vessel 7-9 vessel]

&[ch’i4 • I: for many mouths 1-6 10-15, a big

—heiki arms, military weapons
— —dennetmki electric heater/hot plate

399; 62/9. sen, tataka(uli) fight, struggle; ikusa

war, battle P*]

&[chan4 • I : forked weapon 1-9 (see 390 lance;
—senso war
membrance] Day
_KyUsen Kinenbi Armistice [Re-

400; 109/3. gu* tool, equipment

&[chu4 • I: tools need a good eye 1-5 two
—kagu furniture
Lhands 6-8; P*]
—gutaiteki concrete, tangible



m 401; 85/10. kan* [Han] China, (suf.) man

* — &R[han4 •
water P]

kanji Chinese character
—kango Chinese word

A. 402; 53/7. tei, niwa garden

R &[t’ing 1 2 •
lean-to P*]
—okujo teien roof garden
—niwasaki de in the garden

M 403; 123/6. chaku, jaku, ki(ru) wear; tsu(ku)

11 arrive, [chao12 che2 cho2 • I : the wool of the
sheep 1-7 (cf. 1326) is worn, the eye 8-12

sees arrivals] one) [in a kimono]
—kimono o kiseru dress (some-
—chakujitsu na steady, sound, solid

404; 183/0. m,to(bu)^y

[fei1 • D: a flying bird]
—yakan hikd night flight
—muchakuriku hikd

landing ->>] non-stop flight

405; 39/3. zon, son exist; zon(jiru) (dep.) think,
[ts’un 2
R &• child P*j Lknow
—zanson suru survive, still exist
—zonbun ni to one’s heart’s content


Ws 406; 149/8. ron* argument, thesis
[lun2 - 4 •
k R words & P*]

—ketsuron ni tassuru arrive at

—a conclusion logic

kigdteki ronrigaku symbolic

407; 78/2. retsu* row line

[lieh4 • I: cut into pieces 1-4 with a knife 5-6
-> put in a row; P*]

—rettd archipelago

chokutsii ressha a through train

t 1 408; 4/8. sho* government ministry; sei, kaeri-

(miru) reflect (on oneself); habu(ku) omit

&R[sheng3 hsing 3 •
eye P*]
—Monbushd Ministry of Education
—hansei suru reflect, consider


409-416 409; 159/9. yu transport

f & R[shij 1 • I cart 1-7 transfer 8-16; also cart

& P*] &imports exports

—yunyUhirt to yushutsuhin
—Un’yushd Ministry of Transport

410; 119/4. ryo materials, fee
[liao4 • I: a measure 7-10 of rice 1-6; P*]

—rydri cooking, preparation of food
—genryo raw materials

411; 93/6. toku special

R &[T’E4 •
ox P*]
—tokubetsu ressha special train
—shinnen tokushUgd New Year

special issue

412; 102/5. ryO ru, bring to a stop,

&R[liu2 • P*] Lfasten
— —ryugaku suru study abroad
_rusu absence (from home), being out

413; 41/6. sen, moppa(ra) solely, mainly

—[chuan 1 • I ; P*] specialist
—scnyd dcnwascn exclusive-use/

private telephone line

414; 9/4. nin* duty, task; maka(seru) entrust/
[jen 2 . 4
• R manic P*] (_leave (to;
—ninmei suru appoint, nominate
—sennin no riji [sole appointment

->] full-time director

' 415; 75/12. ki occasion, machine; hata loom

R &[chi1 •
tree P*]
—kikai opportunity
—hikdki airplane

416; 28/8. no* ability, N6 drama

D _[neng2 •
-> P*] organic function
kikan no kind
—fukano na impossible



417; 64/8. setsu, ses(suru) touch, adjoin; tsu(gu)
[chieh 1
• I join hands 1-3 with a standing 4-8
chokusetsu no
—kansetsu no indirect

418; 80/4. doku* poison
[tu2 • plants 1-4 (vrt. of 67) which should not

5-8 be touched P*]


chudoku poisoning

_ — —dokuyaku poison

419; 79/6. satsu, sai, setsu, koro(su) kill

[sha 1 - 4 , shai4 • I: animal 1-2 in a tree 3-6 is

clubbed to death 7-10] (kill by) poison
murder/death ray
—dokusatsu sum
—satsujin kosen

420 75/11. ken authority; gon deputy;

&R[ch’Dan2 • tonomy
tree P*]
/ — right of self-government au-
—shinken parental authority

if 421 ; 140/4. gei* arts, artistic skill

i YI4

[I ,
• I;P*]

bungei literary arts
—mingeikan folkcraft museum

422; 44/4. kyoku* bureau, office

R &[chu2 •
bent figure P]
—kyokuin bureau/post-office staff
—yakkyoku chemist’s, drugstore, dispensary

423; 113/6. sai, matsu(ru) worship, deify; matsu-

(ri) festival offered to the gods 7-1 1 ; P*]

[chi4 • I: flesh 1-4 (= 533) in the hand 5-6

—saijitsu festival day
_ —sairei festival [rites]

m 424; 170/11. sai* occasion; kiwa edge

— —[cm4 • Rhill&P*]
kdsai friendship, association

kokusai kydsan-shugi inter-

national communism


425-432 425; /5/6. kon* perseverance; ne root

i% R &[ken 1 •
tree P*]
—konjo spirit, nature
—ycrne roof

426; 9/7. kei, kaka(ru) hang, depend (on), cost,

affect kakari person in charge

&R[hsi4 •
man P*]
——— keisd contention, dispute
—kankei connection

427; 38/5. mai, imdto younger sister

_ — —_ &[mei4I:notyet 4-8 (see 626) a also

shimai sisters w man P*]


gimai (younger) sister-in-law

%i 428; 4/18. gan, nega(u/i) request

R &[yuan4 • head/page P*]

_shiganhei volunteer soldier
—nengan cherished wish/desire

429; 66/9. su, su, kazu number; kazo(eru) count

[shu3- 4 shuo4 su 4 • I: the rice woman 1-9 taps

10-13 the abacus beads as she counts; P*]
_sugaku mathematics
decision/ vote
— —^£ kahansQ no giketsu majority

i% 430; 164/3. hai, kuba(ru) distribute

R &[p’ei4 •
wine jug P*]
_haitatsu suru distribute, deliver
—'^' —— shinpai suru worry

A 431; 120/12. shoku, shiki o •

weave o (Vi

R &[cfflH1 • Lweave, fabric
thread P*]
—jidd shokki automatic loom
* —orimono cloth, textiles

432; 128/12. shoku* employment, post

R &[chih2 •
ear P*]
—shokugyd profession
—kyushoku temporary retirement, suspen-



433; 77/4. ho, bu, fu, aru(ku), ayu(mu) walk
[pu4 • I: a walk in which stops 1-4 (see 552) are

_few 5-8 (see 129); P*]
hodd pavement, sidewalk
_ —buai percentage, commission

434; 40/6. kyaku* kaku guest

R &[k o4 K E4 • roof P*]
—kyakuma drawing/hotel room
— kyakuin associate/guest member

a 435; 131/0. shin retainer, subject

[ch’en2 • D: an eye watching out (cf. 22)

lookout retainer]
—daijin government minister
—Eikoku shinmin British subject

it 436; 170/9. kai* story, floor, level

it R &[chieh1 •
hill P*]
— —kaikyu social class, rank
—onkai musical scale

437; 8b/8. zen, nen correct, however; -zen (suf.)

[jan 2 &R• fire P*] Llike, resembling
_ —shizen no bi the beauty of Nature
_hitsuzen no inevitable necessary

438; 75/8. shoku, u(eru) plant &TR tree P*]

—[chih2 • I : a tree set upright 5-12 (see 304); also
shokubutsuen botanical garden

uekiya gardener

439; 211/0. shi, ia tooth 5-12 & P*]

D[ch’ih3 • : the two rows of teeth in the mouth

—shika ydgu dental instruments
—mushiba decayed tooth

440; 22/5. i healing

1 yi 1 &• I : an arrow 2-6 wound 1 7 ; P*]
[i ,
—ha-isha [tooth-doctor—•] dentist
% —naika-i physician




441 9/b. rei* example; tato(eru) compare (to);

&R[li4 •
man P*] \_tato(eba) for example
—reidaishu collection of examples/exer-
—tokurei special case, exception

442; 61/11. kan, na(reru) become used (to)

R &[kuan4 • heart P*] r tional
—kanrei no customary, usual, conven-

shukan custom

443; 75/12. kyo, hashi bridge

R &[ch’iao2 •
tree P*]
—tekkyd iron/railway bridge
_ _ishibashi stone bridge

444; 85/5. chu, soso(gu) pour, shed, concentrate
[chu4 •
&R water P*]
—cfiui suru concentrate/pay attention
_ _teishoku o chUmon suru

order the set meal

445; 2/5. shu* province, state

D & &[chou1 •
S : tracts of land 1 , 3 5 between
—KyUshU pn.
Lrivers; P*]
—Honshu pn. [main island of Japan]

446; 12/5. dai, tei, de, ototo younger brother

_[TI4 • I: P*] brothers
_ &teimai younger brothers sisters

447; 60/8. jutsu* art, skill, means, magic

R &[shu 4 •
go/do P*]
—bijutsukan art museum/gallery
—geijutsu art, the arts

448; 70/7. zoku* clan, tribe

&[tsu2 ts'u 2 arrow 7-11,
• I: a flag 1-6 (cf. 601)

symbols of the clanl

— —shosu minzoku minority race
—kazoku-zure no ryokd

family trip



449; 64/10. son* loss; son(suru) suffer a loss;

sokona(u/eru) (Doth vt.) harm, spoil

[sun 3 • R hand & P*

—sonshitsu loss
— & &sontoku loss gain, profit loss

t t 450; 40/7. gai* harm
[hai4 • I : words 8-10 which produce 4-7 (vrt. of

—67) harm in the home 1-3; P*]
songai damage
— &rigai advantage disadvantage

451; 120/3. yaku (pref.) about, roughly; promise;
[yueh 1 - 4
&R• thread P*] Lreduce
—kdyaku o hatasu fulfill a public

—promise/pledge lion yen

yaku-nihyakuman’en about 2 mil-

452; 34/4. jo branch, avenue; clause, edict

[t’iao2 • D: branches 1-3 at the top of a tree]

—heiwa jdyaku peace treaty
—betsujd ga tiai be unharmed/well

453; 162/11. teki, teki(suru) be suitable (for)

R &[shih4 , ti4 •
proceed P*]
—tekitd na suitable, fitting
—tekisetsu na apt, fitting

454; 66/11. teki*, kataki enemy, rival

R &[ti2 •
strike P*]
—tekii hostile feeling, enmity
_kydteki powerful enemy/rival

455; 75/10. K kama(eru) take up a stance,

build; kama(e) stance, structure

&R[kou4 •
tree P*]
—kekkd na splendid, fine
_ — —kiko mechanism, structure

456; 87/9. ai*, ai(suru) love 11-13 (vrt.

&[ai4 • I: a person receives 1-6

of 272) one’s heart 7-10]

—aijd love, affection
—yuai friendship, fellowship



457; 119/8. sei*, sho a spirit, vitality

R &[ching 1 • P*]
—seiryoku vitality, energy
—seishin spirit, mind

458; 120/5. so, kumi group, class; ku(mu) put/come

R &[tsu3 •
thread P*] Ltogether
—soshiki structure, organization
—rddd kumiai labor union

459; 162/6 tai, shirizo(keru/ku) drive back/away

[T’UI4 • I; P*]
—taiin suru leave hospital
—taishoku suru retire from one’s work/

460; 106/4. K , 6 emperor

_ — &[huang2 • R white P*]
kdkyo Imperial Palace
—tennd emperor

461 ; 53/7. seki* seat, place

[hsi 2 R &• cloth P* 1-7]

—sekiji seating order, precedence

_ _chakuseki suru take one’s seat/place

462; 31/3. in* cause; yo(ru) be due (to), depend


D &[yin1 • S: a man 3-5 stretched out on a

&quilt 1-2 6 rest/rely/depend on; P*]
— &inga cause effect, ate karma
—gen’in origin, cause

463; 64/4. gi technique, skill; waza work, trick

[chi4 • Rhand&P*]

—gind technical skill
—gijutsu technique

464; 117/15. kyo, kei, kiso(u) compete (for); je-
( ru/ri) [bid at] auction

&[ching4 • I: two men 9-10 19-20 in verbal
&dispute 1-8 11-18 (vrts. of 43); P*1

—kyoso competition
—keiba horse racing



it 465; 66/8. san, chifrasu/ru) scatter; -san powder
[san3 . 4 • I: to strike 9-12 the flesh 5-8 of plants

&1-4 split them]

—sanpo suru take a walk
—taisan suru (vi.) disperse, break up

(of crowd)

466; 42/7. to* party, faction

R &[tang3 •
—yatd legs P* 1-8 (vrt. of 1843)]

[ —seito party out of office
political party

467 48/2. ko*, ku merit, achievement

R &[kung1 •
strength P*]
—seikd suru succeed
_ —kogyo achievement, exploit

468; 75/4. han, ita wooden board

R &[pan3 •
tree P*]
—goban/gohan plywood, veneer
—itagami cardboard

469; 201/0. ko, 6, ki yellow
[HUANG2 • I ; P*]

—g n jidai golden age, zenith
—kiiro no yellow

470; 75/11. o, yoko side
[heng 2- 4
R &• tree P*]
—sen’d na kddd arbitrary action
——— yokonagashi suru divert into il-

legal channels

4- 471 ; 9/8. shaku, ka( riru/ri borrow, rent

[chieh4 • R man & P*]
—shakuzai financial debt, loan
—ichiji kariire-kin temporary loan/


472; 154/5. tai, ka(su\shi) lend, rent

R &[tai4 •
shell/money P*]
— &taishaku loan, lending borrowing
—kashidashi kakari
person in

charge of lending



473; 120/8. hen knit, compile edit

_R & —[pien 1 •
thread P*]

hcnshU sum compile, edit
_ _hensei formation, organization

474; 75/7. kai fetters; machine

R &[hsieh4 •
tree P*]
—kikai apparatus, appliance
—amimono kikai knitting machine

475; 32/2 . kyo ko sa( ru) (vt.) leave, depart

— —[ch 04 • I ; P*1
Lfrom, (vi.) pass (of time)

kyonen no kon'ya this night last
—kako the past

476; 72/8. sho atsu(i) hot

[shu 3 & by• R sun P*] the heat
be affected
—atsukefshoki rti ataru
—atsui natsu hot summer

477; 1 /7 . ga picture; kaku stroke (of Chinese
D[hua4 • : a picture in a frame]
—kaiga pictures, paintings
—keikaku plan

/«478; 173/4. un cloud

yun2 • Rrain&P*]

— &[
fQun wind cloud, the situation
—kurokumo1kokuun black cloud

479; 30/4. kun (fam. suf.) Mr.; kimi (fam.) you

chun1 • R mouth & P*]
kunshu monarch, sovereign anthem
—Kinti-ga-yo [Japanese national

480; 163/7. gun * country district

R &chun4 •

district P*]
—gunbu country district

Itasaka-gun pn.



481; 181/9. gan, kao face

[yen 2 . Rhead&P*]
—ganmen no hydjd facial expres-
_ —yokogao profile

482; 120/8. ren, ne(ru) train, polish, refine

R &[lien4 •
thread P*]
—renshu train practice
_ —shiren test, ordeal, trial

483; 9/5. yo* (suf.), -amari and more; ama(ru/ri)

be over/in excess; ama(su) leave over

[yu 2 • D->B;P*]

—yokei na extra, superfluous, unwanted
—yodan sequel, digression

484; 85/5. ha, nami wave

[po 1 R &• water P*]

—y ha aftereffect, sequel
—shiranami white-topped waves; thief

485 9/4. ken* matter

[chien4 • R man & P*]
—jiken event, matter, incident
— —yoken requisite, essential factor

n 486; 149/12. shiki know, discriminate

R &[shih2,4 •
words P*]
—chishiki knowledge
—joshiki common sense

w487; 8/6. iku ertt bring up, rear

fyu 4 —• I : child 1-4 (inverted vrt. of 61) and flesh

taiiku physical training LP*]
—kydiku education

488; 115/7. zei* tax

grain P*
R &[shui4 •

—zeikin tax direct tax


489-496 489; 184/4. in, no (mu) drink

R R &[yin3- 4 •
eat P*]
— &inshoku-zei food
—inryd a drink drink tax

490; 85/4. ki steam

R &[ch'i4 •
water P*]
—kisen steamship
—kisha [steam] train

491 ; 110/6. mu, tsuto( meru) work; tsuto(me)

R &[wu4 • l_work, duty
strength P*]

—ninmu task function

gimu duty, obligation

492; 154/4. seki, se(meru) blame, torture, press

for; se(me) responsibility, blame, torture

R &[tse2, 4 chai2 •
, money P*]

—sekinin responsibility
duty, obligation

493; 181/9. rui* kind, type

[LEI 4 • B]

—shurui kind, type
—shinrui a relative

% % 494; 14/3. sha, utsu(su) copy, take (photograph)

% —R & —[hsieh3 •
cover P*] icalistic
shajitsu-teki na
—shashin photograph

495; 96/7 gen present, existing; arawa(su/reru)

show, reveal, express

&[hsien4 hsuan4
• I jewel 1-4 see ->• manifest;
—genzai the present
——— genson suru exist, be extant l_P*j

496; 9/3. rei order, command

& =[ling4 • I : to gather 1-3 men affix seal 4-5

—issue orders; P*]
meirei order, command
——— gdrei (word of) command, edict



n 497; 18/5. han* seal, stamp; judgment; ban

R &[p'an4 •
knife P*] j_(paper) size
— _hanji-seki judge’s seat/bench
—hanketsu judgment, decision

498; 24/11. jun (pref.) semi- associate; level

— —[chun3 • R water & P*]
jun-kyuko semi express (train)
—suijun water level

499; 154/2. soku rule, law
[tse 2 • I: shell 1-7 engraved with a knife

fixed rule/law; P*]

— —1J gensoku basic/general principle
— —1J junsoku standing rule/regulation

500; 40/7. an* plan, proposal; an(jiru) be anxious

[an4 R &• tree P*] Labout, worry over
—shian sum think, ponder
—gian bill, measure, proposal

k 501 ; 44/7. ten stretch/set out
R &[chan3 •
bent figure P]
—hatten suru expand, develop
—shinten suru develop progress

502; 9/8. ko, ka individual unit for counting

miscellaneous oDjects

[ko4 ke4 • R man & P*]
kosei individuality fexhibition

bijutsu koten personal/one-man art

503; 154/2. fu, ma(keru) be defeated, reduce price;

defeat; ofw bear, be indebted (to)

[ fu 4 R• shell &P*]
— & —shdbu
zen-fuka dertryii full-load current
victory defeat, a contest

504; 85/9. man, mi(tasu\chiru) fill; man- full, whole

& =[man3 • I: water level 4-12 vesselful]

—manzoku suru find satisfaction (in)
—man’in full to capacity, a full house



505; 180/2. sho* chapter, paragraph

[CHANG 1 • D; P*]

—bunsho written text, sentence
—daini gakushd second (musical)


506; 47/9. jun* sequence, turn

&R[shun4 • head P*]

——— junban sequence, one's turn
_juncho favorable, satisfactory

507; 53/4. jo* preface

[hsu4 • R lean-to &P*]

—josetsu introduction, preface
—junjo sequence, order

508; 37/1. tai, j\,futo(i) big, thick; futo(ru) grow

fat • S: something more 4 than big 1-3; P*
—Taiheiyd Pacific Ocean
—kdtaishi Crown Prince

. 509; 72/8. kei, ke view, scene

&R[ching3 •
sun P*]
—sappukei na tasteless, vulgar, dreary

—keshiki scenery

510; 75/5. sa investigate, inspect

R &[ch’a2 • tree P]

—samon sum investigate, inquire into
—chdsa investigation, survey

Mr 511 ; 40/11. satsu, sas(suru) presume, understand,
[ch’a2 •
R &roof P*] L sympathize with
_+ —sasatsu suru inspect
—kdsatsu suru consider, study

512; 90/4. jo condition; form; letter

R &[chuang4 •

— —genjd
dog P* (orig., shape of dog)]
present/actual state, status quo
—annai-jd invitation (letter/card) advice




m 513; 28/3. ben (a) discriminate; (b) speech; (c)
petal; (d) braid

[pien4 • I : two hands 3-5 holding up a coverj

—Kansai-ben Kansai speech/dialect
_ —kaben petal

514; 28/6. san* three (used in documents); mai(ru)

(dep.) go/come [to worship]

R &[ts’an1 shen 1 ts’en 1 •
private P*]
——— sanka suru participate
—sanko-sho reference book

515; 159/4. ten, koro(bu), koro(garulgend) (yL),

korofbasu/gasu) (vt.) roll over/about, knock, over,

&[chuan3 • R cart P*] Ltumble
—tenkd suru turn/be converted (to)
—untenshu driver

516; 85/6. ha* faction, school, group

&[p’ai4 • I : water streams dividing 4-9]
—uha ni tenkd suru join the
_ — —tdha party, faction, clique

m 517; 72/5. sho brightness

&R[chao1 •
sun P*]
—shodai brilliant period, glorious reign
—Shdwa name of reign period (1926-

518; 173/3. setsu, yuki snow

R &[hsueh3- 4 •
rain P]
—setsugai snow damage

yuki-gassen snow fight/battle

519; 151/9. to, to, zu, atama, kashira head, top,

&R[t’ou2 • P*
head Jeader
—tochu headnote (to Japanese text)
—tent d shop- front/ -window

520; 9/3. ta* other

R &[t’a1 t’o1 •
man P*] strangers
_tanin no mae de in front of
—takoku foreign/strange country




521 120/6. to, su(beru) control

&R[t’ung3 •
thread P*
—tochi suru
rule over, govern
_tdkei hdkoku statistical report

it 522; 162/12. sen, era(bu) choose

&R[hsuan3 •
proceed P*]
— —kaisen fresh/further/re- election pick
—seisen suru carefully select, hand-

523; 64/6. kyo, a(geru) raise, perform, plan;

[chu3 R &• hand P*] \_a(garu) rise
_ rekkyo suru enumerate, list
_senkyo suru elect

it 524; 9/12. zo* statue, image, picture

&[hsiang4 • R man P*]
_butsuzd Buddhist image
_ —sozoryoku imaginative power, imagi-

525; 24/10. haku, baku extensive, universal

r &p 2. 4 .

ten P*]
—hakuai charity, philanthropy
_ —hakubutsukan museum

526; 60/6. ritsu, richi law, rule

[lu 4 R &• footstep P*]
—horitsu law
—sei no ritsudd rhythm of life

527; 147/4. ki standard, measure

[kuei1 • I: a man 1-4 looking 5-11 to see that

things are correct; P*]

_kiritsu discipline, regulations
——— kisoku rule, regulation


- 528 ; 1 50/0. koku, tani valley

& =[ku3 • I: a split 1-4 mouth a mouth like

_split in the earth; P*] footsteps in
kQkoku no ashioto

—tanima a lonely valley, unexpected help
ravine, gorge, slum



529; 64/3. hai worship worship
[pai4 •
I : a hand holding up a leaty spray 4-8 in

—haiken suru (dep.) [humbly] look
—haishaku suru (dep.) borrow

530; 170/7. jo, ji, nozo(ku) exclude, remove

[ch u2 • R &hill P*]
—jomei suru strike off a name, expel
— —josetsu suru clear away snow

531 ; 6/3. yo beforehand, previously
[YU2 •
——— y s suru foresee, anticipate
—tenki yohd weather forecast

m 532; 167/5. ko ore

[k’uang4 kung3 • R metal & P*]


Kozan mine

koseki —— ore, mineral

533; 130/0. niku* meat

[jou4 ju4 • D: a piece of flesh 1-2 with sinews
nikutai the flesh, the body L3-6]
—rtikushin blood relation

534; 93/0. gyu, ushi cow, bull, ox of 4; P*]

D &[niu2 •
: animal with projecting horns 1 top
• _ — —tr gyuho de susumu progress at a
_gyuniku beef snail’s pace

535; 150/4. yoku* greed desire; AosfsMn/ desire;

ho(shii) wanted, desired

[yu 4 • R open mouth & P*]

—yokume partial view, partiality
—muyoku na free from greed, unselfish

' 536; 85/8. sai, su(masu/mu) nmsh, settle

R &[cm3, 4 •
water P]

hensai suru repay, refund

—keizai the economy



n 537; 86/2. to, hi light, lamp

R &[TENG 1 •
fire P*]
—tddai-mori lighthouse keeper
—dentd electric light

538; 9/9. soku, kawa side

R &[ts'e4 chai 1 •
—, man P*]

sokumen side, flank
mukogawa opposite/other side

539; 120/8. men* wata cotton

R &[mien2 •
thread P*]
—men-orimono cotton goods/textiles

momen cotton (cloth)

540; 113/5. so ancestor

[tsu3 • Rgod&P*]
—senzo ancestor
r man
—ojiisan (hon.) grandfather, old

m 541 ; 86/12. nen, mo(yasu/eru) burn

R[jam2 • fire &P*]
—nenryd fuel
_moekiru burn away

542; 4/5. ko empress, queen

=[hou4 • S: reversed vrt. of 761 ruler within the

kdgd empress LCourt; P*]
—kdtaikd empress dowager

543; 1/5. sai, sa, futata(bi) twice, again

D &[tsai4 • S : two weighings 5-6, on a balance

—2-4 hanging from a beam 1]
saiko suru reconsider
—sarainen year after next

544; 9/7. zoku* vulgar, lay; custom

[su2 hsu2 • Rman&P*]
colloquial language, slang
—zokugo customs, public behavior



545; 38/5. shi, haji(meru/maru) begin

&[shih3 • R woman P*]
all the time
—genshiteki primitive, original

546; 40/7. kyu, gu, ku, miya shrine, palace, prince

&R[kung1 •
roof P*]
—jingQ Shinto shrine
— —miyamairi shrine visit

547; 2/9. shi teacher, army

[SHI 1 • I P*]

—ishi doctor

kydshi teacher

548; 120/7. zoku, tsuzu(keru/ku/ki) continue

&R[hsu4 •
thread P*]
—tetsuzuki procedure, formalities
—sdzoku succession, inheritance

549 ; 40/8. shuku, yado inn; yado(su/ru) lodge

R &[su4 hsiu3,4 hsu1 •
—, , roof P*]
—Shinjuku pn.

550; 169/4. kai, hira(kerujku) a(keru/ku) open

[ic’ai1 • Rgate&P *

—kaishi beginning
—Icaihd suru [throw] open

buM551; 162/7. zo, tsuku(ru/ri)
R &[tsao4 • I : also proceed P*]

zosa trouble;

—zdsaku furnishings

ishizukuri stone-built

552; 77/0. shi, to(merulmaru) stop

D[chih3 • : the foot P*]
—shishuku lodgings
—chushi suru discontinue




553; 34/2. sho place; sho(suru) deal with, act,

punish 4-5; P*]

A &[ch’u3 . 4 • I : where one steps along 1-3 stands

—shochi measures, action
—shori suru manage, settle

554; 9/4. den, tsutaferu/waru) transmit, pass on

R &[ch’uan 2. 4 •

man P*]

hearsay, report

1 555; 154/6. chin wages, charge

% &R[lin4 • P*]
—chingin wages

kishachirt rail fare

556; 118/6. to, kota(eru/e) answer

R &[ta 1 . 2, 4 •
bamboo P*]
—hento reply
—toan (examination) answer paper

557; 140/9. rakv, o(tosufchiru) drop

R &[lo4 la4 LAO4 LE4 •
,, , grass P*]

—otoshimono lost article
ochitsuku settle down

f 558; 154/6. shi resources; nature, temperament

R &[tzu 1 • shell/money P*]

_ —shihon capital [assets]
—busshi goods

559; 105/7. to, to, nobo(ru/ri) climb

=[teng1 • I: two feet 1-5 on a step 6-12 climb
R ∈ also both feet P*]

— —to entry on stage

—tozan mountain climbing

560; 3/4. ei, naga( ) lengthy

&[yung3 • S: river 2 with many tributaries 1

—3-5 formed over a long period; P*]
eien eternity
—eizoku permanence



561 137/4. ko navigation, voyage

&[hang 2 • R boat P*]

—kdkU aviation
—kdkai sea voyage

562; 85/5. ei, oyo(gu/gi) swim

&R[yung3 •
water P*]
—suiei swimming
^" —oyogite swimmer

563; 9/8. shu, shu, osa( meru) study, complete

&R[hsiu1 •
man P]
—shiiri suru repair
—shugyd asceticism

564; 32/9. ki, yoroko(basu/bu/bi) delight

&[hsi3 • I: drum 1-9 (= music) voices 10-12

——— kishoku joyful countenance

dyorokobi great joy

565 ; 4/4. matsu, batsu power; sue end

[mo4 • S : line at top of tree to mark its end ; P*]

^^ nenmatsu year end

—yukusue one’s fate, future

566; 19/5. do tsuto(meru) try hard

[nu3 &R• strength P*]

—doryoku effort
— &tsutomete with effort care

567; 147/11. kan view

R &[kuam 1 - 4 •
see P*1
—kannen concept
—kankd sightseeing

568; 149/8. ka lesson; section

R[k’o4 k’e4 • words &P*]
—kamoku subject, course
—kachd section head



569-576 569; 40/6. sen announce

m [hsuan 1 • R roof (of palace where announce-
ments made) & P*]

—senden publicity, propaganda
—senkydshi missionary

570; 145/8. sei manufacture

R &[chih4 •
clothes P*]

_ —seizd manufacture
seihin manufactured goods

571 ; 31/3. kai turn, time; /rw turn

[hui2 • D: cf. a wheel; P*]
— —sukai reply
several times

572; 24/6. kyo cooperation
[hsieh 2 • I: many people 1-2 combining their

strength 3-8; P*]

—kyokai society, association

kydryoku cooperation

573; 85/9. ko, mizuumi lake

[hu 2 • R water & P*

—kosui lake
: —kohen vicinity of a lake

574; 6/2. sai* talent

[TS’AI 2 • P*]
—tensai genius
—saind ability, talent

575; 113/0. shi, ji, shime(su) show

[shih4 • D: 3-legged altar stand, the site of
—shikyd instruction
—tenji display \_revelations P*]

S 576; 72/9. an, kura(i) dark

&R[an 4 •
sun P*]
—anki memorization

ansatsu assassination


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