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Essential Kanji 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters Systematically Arranged For Learning And Reference

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Published by johntss124, 2021-05-20 20:20:15

Essential Kanji 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters Systematically Arranged For Learning And Reference

Essential Kanji 2,000 Basic Japanese Characters Systematically Arranged For Learning And Reference


1377; 8/12. go strength, power, splendor

&R[hao 2 •
pig P* 1-7 (cf. 160)]
—goso na splendid, magnificent
_ —gdketsu great man, hero

1378; 53/11. fu, kusa( rasu/ru) rot, decay, depress,

[fu 3 R &• P*] L^iscourage
— —tofu
bean curd couraged
ki o kusarasu
be depressed/dis-

1379; 130/10. maku* membrane

&R[mo4 •
flesh P*]
—kakumaku cornea
— mdmaku retina

1380; 117/9. tan right, correct; hashi, ha, hata

R & —[tuan1 •
stand P*] Ledge, side
Boys’ Festival
Tango no sekku
——— hashorulhashioru tuck up, abridge

1381 ; 85/11. teki, shizuku a drop, dr'vp-, shitata( ru)

R & —[ti1 •
water P*] L(vi.) drip, trickle
tekika suru
drip/trickle down
— —tekiyaku drops (of medicine)

1382; 140/ll. bo “ yeam/long for adore

R &[mu4 •
grass P*]
_renbo suru love
— &keibo respect love, admiration

1383; 27/12. reki, koyomi calendar, almanac

R &[li4 •
sun/day P*]
—kyUreki old [lunar] calendar
—koyomi kaisei calendar reform

1384; 60/11. cho summon; sign, omen

R & &[CHENG1 •
footstep P* (see cf. 1668)]

—c/rJ/rez-se/ffifo conscription system

shdchd symbol



• 1385; 38/11. chaku heir, legal child

&[ti 2 • R woman P*]

—chakunan eldest/legal son, heir
—haichaku suru disinherit

1386; 59/11. sho clear, manifest

&R[chang 1 •
light rays P*]

hydshd-shiki commendation ceremony

——— kensho suru manifest, display

1387; 172/4. yu strong, brave; osu, -, on- male

R &[hsiung2 • L(animal)
small bird P*]
—eiyQ siihai hero worship
— —ondori cock, rooster

1388; 167/4. don, nibu(i) dull, blunt, slow

[tun4 • R metal & P*

—clonkan na insensible, dull, stolid
—nibu-irojnibi-iro dark gray

1389; 85/11. man wide-ranging, random; invol-

&R[man4 •
water P*] Luntary
—rensai manga serialized cartoon,

comic strip

—mandan random/comic talk

1390; 8/10. ban barbarian

R &[man 2 •
insect P*]

— —nanban —— southern barbarians

^: yaban na savage, barbarous

1391; 145/6. so, sho, yosd(u\i) wear, put on,

R &[chuang1 •
— —g clothes P*] Lassume

fukusd clotning, dress appearance
—shozoku costume, furnishings, personal

1392; 120/6. shi, murasaki purple, violet

[tzu 3 &R• thread P*1

—shigaisen ultraviolet rays
—Murasaki Shikibu Lady Murasaki


1393- 1400

1393; 96/8. kin, koto Japanese harp
[ch’in 2 . D: upright harp 9-10 with keys 1-8,

&/ P* 11-12]

—te-fukin hand organ, concertina
—[kydtei no] kinsen heartstrings

1394; 120/6. ko, shibo(ru/ri) wring, squeeze, scold

“/ strangle
R &[chiao3 •
thread P*]
—kosatsu strangulation, hanging
—shiborizome tie-dyeing

1395; 85/9. ji luxuriant, rich

R &[tzu 1 •
water P*]
—jiyd nourishment
—Shiga-ken Shiga Prefecture

1396; 78/8. shoku, fufyasu/eru) increase

R &[chih 2 •
disintegrate P*]
—zdshoku suru increase, multiply
—hanshoku breeding, propagation

1397; 76/8. gi, azamu(ku) cheat, deceive
[ch’i 1 •
—R open mouth & P*]
hoken sagi insurance fraud &
—azamuki-mado wasu deceive

lead astray

1398; 72/8. tai, ka(eru) exchange

[t’i4 • Rsun&P*]

—rydgae suru change money
—ki-kaeru change one’s clothes

1399; 61/10. gai deplore, lament

R &P[k’ai3, 4 • *
—fungai indignation, resentment
—gaitan suru deplore

1400; 50/12. hei Shinto offerings; money

[pi4 • cloth &P*]

kahei money, coin
—shihei paper money




1401 64/9. Y , a(geru) raise, fry

&[yang 2 • R hand P*] equipment
_ —ydsui sdchi [water-] pumping
_ —age-abura frying oil

1402; 85/9. shitsu, shime( ru) become damp/moist

R &[shih 1 •
water P*j
—shikke humidity
_shitsujim [na] kikd humid cli-

1403; 38/9. bai intermediary

[mei 2 • R woman & P*]

—baikai mediation, intervention
—shokubai hannd catalytic reaction

1404; 32/9. tei, tsutsumi bank, dike

R &[t’i 1 •
earth P*]
—/e/M bank, dike
_bdhatei breakwater

1405; 30/9. kan call, summon

[huan4 • R mouth & P*]

—kanmon (legal) summons
—kanki sum arouse, stir up

1406; 9/10. bo, katawa(ra) side

[p’ang 2 • R man & P*] etc.) free
—bdchd muryd admission (to lecture,
—bokei collateral line

4 1407; 167/2. shin, hari needle

|€ &[chen 1 • I: metal 1-8 thread 9 going through

—the eye of a needle 10; P*]
hoshin magnetic needle; course, policy

—li" harigane seizo wire manufacture

1408; 149/3. taku entrust

R &[t’o1 • rsomeone)
words P*] send (by
—takusd suru consign,

< “ temporary) post/person for
special work



1409; 140/7. ka, ke, hana flower; brilliant, gay
[hua 1 , 2 •
&I: grass 1-3 luxuriant tree 4-10
—kashi kandankei Fahrenheit ther-


_gdka na splendid, luxurious

1410; 145/5. hi passive pref.; kdmu(ru) suffer,

R &[pei4 •
clothes P*] Lreceive
—hiyokuryUsha detainee, internee
—hisenkyo shikaku electoral qua-


1411 ; 162/5. haku, sema(ru) press for, urge, draw

R &[p'o4 •
proceed P*] [near

—kyuhaku poverty, financial straits
—seppaku sum become imminent/


1412; 149/4. ho, otozu(reru) tazu(neru) visit

R &[fang 3 •
words P*]

—hdmon suru visit

hdkyaku visitor

1413; 94/6. kyo, sema(i) narrow, small; seba-

(meru/maru) narrow, contract

R &[hsia2 •
dog P*]
—henkyd na narrow-minded
—katami ga semai feel


1414; 9/8. chi, ne price; atai value, price

[CHIH2 • R man & P*]

—kachi worth, value
—nedan price

m 1415; 120/4. bo, tsumu(gu) spin (thread)

R &[fang 3 •
thread P*]
—bdseki kdjd spinning mill chinery
_ —bdshoku-ki spinning & weaving ma-

1416; 76/4. o Europe

[ou 1 • R open mouth & P *]

—dshU Europe
—d-Bei Europe & America



1417; 54/4. tei court, government office

—[T’ ING 1 , 2 • I;P*]
kyUtei the Court
—hdtei law court

1418; 77/9. sai year, years old, sei year

[sui 4 &R• stop P*]

—banzai Banzai!, Long life!
—seibo year-end (present)

1419; 57/0. kyO “m/ bow archery

rung 1 • D; P*]

—kyUjutsu no shiai archery contest
_yumiya bow & arrow, arms

1420; 94/8. mo strong, fierce

meng 3 • R dog & P*]

[ —mdretsu na violent, fierce hunting
mdjU-gari wild-animal/big-game

1421; 124/5. yoku the next/following (day, etc.)


R[i ,
yi 4 • stand &P*]

—yokunen the next/following year
—yokuyokujitsu the next day but one

1422; 130/7. KYAKU KYA ashi leg

R &[chiao3 , CHUEH2 - 4 •
flesh P*]
—shikkyaku suru lose one’s position,

—kyakushoku be ruined version
dramatization, stage/screen

" 1423; 167/7. chu i(ru) cast (metal)

&R[chu4 •
metal P*]
—chuzo casting
—igata mold, matrix, die

1 1424; 64/8. sha su(teru) throw away, abandon
—[she3 . Rhand&P*]
sutene give away/sacrifice price
—g sutezerifu exit line, parting remark/




1425; 140/10. mu yume dream,

&R[ meng4 •
evening P*]
—muchu ni naru
become ecstatic/

— possessed rreading

J yume handan dream interpretation/

1426; 154/6. zoku bandit, thief

11 [tse2, 4 tsei2 • I: taking money 1-7 by sword

&9-10 (vrt. of 34) and lance 8 11-13]

—zokuto bandit, rebel
—tdzoku thief, burglar

1427; 9/8. hai actor, humor others; P*]

[p’ai2 • I: a man 1-2 who is not 3-10 like

——— haiyu actor, actress
—haiku haiku (17 -syllable verse)

/ —1428; 75/6. to, momo peach gri-La
&[t’ao 2 • I : also P tree P*]
tdgenkyd a heaven on earth, Shan-
—momozono peach orchard

% 1429; 66/6. bin quick, alert

[min 3 R &• strike P*]

—binsoku na prompt, brisk
—binwanka able person

A 1430; 63/6. sen, dgi folding fan
&[shan4 • I: door 1-4 that opens closes like

wings 5-10 fan: P*]

—senpuki electric fan
—dgi no hone ribs of a fan

1431; 128/4. chi, ha(jiru) be ashamed of; haji
[ch’ih3 •
&R heart P*] |_shame
& —haji-iru be ashamed
—haji-shirazu shameless person

1432; 64/7. so, saga(su) search for

&[sou 1 • I: take a^torch 4-8 in the hands 1-3

& —9-10
search] investigate, search
sdsa suru
—sagashi-mawaru search about for


1433-1440 1433; 9/5. ban han tomona(u) (vt.) be accom-
, ,
panied by, take along, (vi.) attend

[pan4 • R man & P*

—ddhan suru be in company (with)
_ —banshoku daijin figurehead/puppet


1434; 2/9. go strong, hard

—[kang 1 • R knife &P*]
gdken na strong, manly
—IJ —— kongdseki diamond

1435; 15/8. to ko(rasu/ru) freeze; kogo(eru) be
[tung4 •
R &ice P*] Lchilled/numbed
—tdketsu shisan frozen assets
—kogoe-jini suru freeze to death

1436; 18/8. ken tsurugi sword

&R[chien 4 •
knife P*]
—kengeki a sword play/drama

—— tan—ken —— short sword, dagger

1437; 64/9. yo yufsuru/reru/re) yu(suburu/subu-
, ,

reru), yufsaburu/sabureru) shake, rock, swing

—[yao2 • Rhand&P*]
doyd suru tremble, shake, waver
—yusuri-okosu shake (someone)


1438; 37/5. hon run 4-8]
fPEN 1 - 4 •
I: a man 1-3 running with flying feet

—honsd suru be busy/active
—shuppon sum abscond

1439; 64/4. kyo koba(mu) refuse, decline

[chu4 • Rhand&P*]

——— kyohi denial, rejection
— —kyozetsu suru refuse, reject

1440; 64/5. haku hyo clap, beat time

R &op 4 p’ ai 1 •
hand P*]
hakushu clapping, applause
—hydshi rhytlim beat moment



1441 72/4. sho, nobo(ru) rise

&fsHENG 1 • R sun P*]

—snoshin promotion, advancement
_ —shotd suru rise, soar

1442; 75/4. su pivot, center

R &[shu 1 •
tree P*]
—sQjiku pivot, axle
—sumitsu affairs/helm of state

1443; 64/5. chu extract, pull out

&R[CH’OU 1 •
hand P*]
—chushutsu suru extract, abstract
—chusho meishi abstract noun

1444; 18/6. koku, kiza(mu) carve, cut

R[k’oSk’e 1 • knife &P*]

—chokoku sculpture, engraving
—jikokuhyd time table


1445; 29/6. shuku uncle

R &[shu 2 •
right hand P*]
—ojilshukufu uncle
^ M ——— obajshukubo aunt

1446; 9/6. ji, samurai samurai ji (suru attend

(on), be in the service (of)

&R[shih4 •
man P*]
—jiju chamberlain
——— samurai katagi samurai spirit

1447; 162/12. sen, change, transfer

R &Ich’ien 1 •
proceed P]
—sento moving the capital
—hensen suru change

1448; 64/5. ko seize; be concerned in, cling to

[chu1 • Rhand&P*]

—kosoku restriction, duress
—Kochi detention, confinement


1449-1456 1449; 167/7. ei, surudo( i) pointed, sharp, acute

m R &[jui4 •
metal P*]
_eibin na sharp, sensitive, acute

eiri na sharp, trenchant

1450; 9/6. ka good, beautiful

&R[chia 1 •
man P*]
—kakyd climax (of story)
—fUkd zekka scenic excellence

1451; 175/7. hai colleagues, companions

[pei 4 R &• cart P*]

—senpai senior/older person
—kohai junior/younger person

1452; 149/8. daku consent

[no 4 • R words & P*

—dakuhi consent or refusal, yes or no
—shddaku suru consent to, accept

1453; 154/8. shi, tama(waru) bestow, grant

[tz’u4 • R money & P*]

—kashi suru bestow, grant, give
—onshi Imperial gift

1454; 120/9. kan, yuru(i), yuru(yaka na) loose,

slack, slow; yuru(merulmu) loosen, slacken

[huan 3 &R• thread P*]

—kanwa suru relieve, mitigate, ease
—kanman na slow, slack

1455; 85/12. cho, su(mu) become clear/serene

R &[ch’eng 2 teng4 •
—seichd na
water P*]
limpid, clear
—sumi-wataru be perfectly clear

1456; 64/12. tetsu, tes(suru) withdraw, remove

R & ——[ch’e4 •
hand P* pierce (cf. 1638)]
tettai suru withdraw from, evacuate

teppai suru abolish



1457; 55/12. hei humble pref.; evil, abuse

R &[pi4 •
folded hands P*]
—heison my poor village
—heigai evil, abuse

1458; 85/12. sen, mogu(ru) dive/creep (into);


&R[ch’ien 2 •
water P*]
—sensuikan submarine
—senpuku suru be concealed, lie hidden

1459; 40/12. ryo* hostel, dormitory

R &[liao2 •
roof P*]
—rydsei boarding student
—rydcho head of hostel/dormitory

1460; 108/9. kan watch over, supervise
[chien1- 4 • I: a man 8-10 looking 1-7 (vrt. of

— —22 ‘eye’ at reflection in water dish 11-15; P*]
kattkin suru imprison
sokan inspector general, commissioner

1461; 32/12. fun tumulus

R &[fen 2 •
earth P*]
—kofun tumulus, old burial mound
—funbo tomb

1462; 161/3. joku, hazuka (shimeru shame, dis-
[ju3* 4 • I; P*] Lgrace

—& chijoku disgrace, dishonor
—bujoku insult, contempt

1463; 72/5. bo, oka(su) risk, brave, damage,
B [mao4 • I; P*]
—bdken shdsetsu adventure story/

_ —novel rcold
akusci rto kartbd a bad/severe

1464; 64/12. boku strike, beat

[p’u1 • Rhand&P*]

—dabokushd bruise
—sumdtori sumo wrestler



pL 1465; 159/2. ki vehicle/wheel track

R &[kuei3 •
cart P*]
—koki tetsudo broad-gauge railway
—kihan model standard pattern

1466; 130/5. tan liver, courage

R &[tan3 •
flesh P*]
—tanryoku courage
—rakutan suru be appointed


1467; 12/4. sai, kudafku/keru) smash, crush

[sui4 • I: smash rock 1-5 into nine 6-7 or ten

8-9 pieces; P +
_ —]
funsai suru pulverize
—hasai suru smash, crush

1468; 79/4. 6 beat, strike

—[ou1 * 3 • Rkill&P*]
dda blow, assault
osatsu suru beat to death


A 1469; 104/4. eki, yaku epidemic

4 illness &P*]

yi4 •
—ekibyolyakubyd epidemic, plague
—bdeki prevention of epidemics

1470; 99/4. bo a certain, some

[MOU 3 MU 3 • I;P*]

— Xbdshi
a certain person, Mr.
a certain place

1471 ; 75/5. ryu, yanagi willow tree

R &[Liu3 • poem]
tree P*]
—senryu senryu [humorous 17-syllable
—yanagi-gdri wicker trunk

1472; 9/7. shun excel, surpass

[chun4 tsun 4 • R man & P*]
genius, talented person
— —^! shunketsu great/outstanding person



1473; 46/6. tdge mountain pass/ridge

& &[ - • S: mountain 1-3 above below]

Otome-toge —pn. peaK

W |

g over a pass/ridge/

1474; 64/6. katsu fasten together, bind

R &Ik ’ uo4 •
hand P*] gether
—ikkatsu suru bundle up, lump to-

€ g _ —— hokatsu inclusive/comprehen-

sive insurance

% 1475; 30/6. sa(ku) bloom, blossom
[hsiao 4 •
— —&R mouth P 4-9 (vrt. of 1147)]
saki-midareru bloom in profusion
—kurui-zaki suru bloom out of


1476; 29/7. jo jo(suru) describe, confer (a rank)

[hsu 4 &• R right hand P*] poem

—jojishi descriptive/narrative poetry/
—jojoshi lyric poetry/poem

1477; 30/5. tai womb, fetus

R &[t’ ai 1 •
flesh P*]
—/:/7 fetus

botai [mother’s womb

1478; 19/7. choku Imperial edict

—R &ch[ ’ ih4 •
strength P*]

chokumei Imperial order/command
^! — —shochoku Imperial rescript/proclamation

1479; 9/7. K feudal lord marquis

hou2 • R man & P*]
shokd feudal lords splendor
—dkd no eiga princely/royal

1480; 200/0. ma asa hemp, flax

—R &ma2 •

lean-to P*] ics Control Law

Mayaku Tori-shimari-hd Narcot-
—asazuna hemp rope




1481 170/8. to pottery, porcelain

[t*ao 2 • R mound & P*]

—tdiji]ki porcelain, pottery
_ —kunto suru train, instruct

1482; 159/4. nan, yawa(rakai) yawa(raka na)

R &[juan 3 •
cart P*] (_soft
—nankotsu cartilage, gristle
—junan na soft, pliable

1483; 149/4. sho accuse, sue
[sung4 •
R words & P*]

—sosho hiyd lawsuit/litigation costs
_rikon soshd divorce suit/action

1484; 141/5. kyo, ko empty 7-1 1;P*

[hsu 1 • I a tiger 1-6 waiting in an empty grove

A —kyoei[shin\ (a sense of) vanity
—kyojaku na weak, feeble, frail

1485; 137/5. haku ship
[po 1 . 4 • Rboat&P*]

—hakuraihin imported goods
—senpaku vessel, shipping

t 1486; 116/6. chitsu block, obstruct; nitrogen

[chih4 &R• hole P*]

—chissoku suru be suffocated/stifled
_ —chisso hiryd nitrogen fertilizer

1487; 85/8. shuku graceful; pure

R &[shu 2 4 •
water P*]
—teishuku chastity, womanly virtue
— —shishuku suru look up (to), model

oneself (on)

1488; 68/7. sha, nana(me) slanting

R &[hsieh2 hsia2 •
—, scoop P*]

shayo the setting sun
—keisha slope, slant, inclination



1489; 64/8. byo, ega(ku) picture, describe

R &[miao 2 •
hand P*]
—byosha description, portrayal
_ —sobyd rough sketch/drawing

1490 46/8. ho, kuzu(sujreru) destroy, demolish

[peng 1 • R mountain & P *
—hdgyo death (of emperor, etc.)
—hdraku cave-in, slump

t 1491 ; 3/10. so, su nest, den, cobweb

[ch’ao2 • D: feather-filled 1-3 nest 4-7 at the

top of a tree; P*] rcome independent
—sudachi suru leave the nest, be-

subako nest box, hive

1492; 32/8. bai, tsuchika(u) cultivate

R &[p'ei2 •
earth P*]
—baichi (bacteria) culture medium
—baiyd cultivation, nurture

1493; 30/8. yui solitary, only

[wei 2 • I: the crying 1-3 of a small bird 4-1 1
—yuiriron rationalism
—yuibutsuron materialism L p *l

1494; 203/3. boku, sumi ink block, India ink

&[mo4 • I: black 1-11 —soot, earth 12-14;

t &Ralso earth P*]

;ifC —hakuboku no sen chalk line
—sumie India-ink painting

1495; 4/6. rei, hage(mu) work hard (at); hage-

(masu) encourage

[li4 • R &strength P*]

i —reiko suru enforce strictly
_ —kobu gekirei encouragement

1496; 61/9. gu, oro(ka na) foolish

[yu 2 • R heart &P*]

—guretsu foolishness, stupidity
—gurentai (gang of) hooligans



1497; 210/2. zai medicine, drug

R[chi4 • knife &P*]
—chinseizai sedative
— —] satchuzai insecticide

1498; 61/6. kei, e, megu(mulmi) favor, show

kindness, aid; megu(mareru) be blessed

R &[hui 4 •
heart P*]
—jikei charity, benevolence
—ehd lucky direction

1499; 120/4. fun, magi(reru) be distracted/con-

R &[fen 1 •
thread P*] loused
—fungi dispute’ quarrel
dissension, controversy

m 1500; 130/6. do* trunk (of the body)

R &[tung4 •
flesh P*]
—ddtai torso, body, hull
]| —ddwasure momentary forgetfulness

1501; 8/8. sui, otoro(eru) become weak, decline

&[shuai 1 • Ira robe 1-2 7-10 (see 605) with a

& &hole 3-4 6, a tear 5; P*]
—shinkei suijaku nervous breakdown/
— &suimetsu decline fall

M 0 1502; 157/6. seki, ato trace, remains, ruins

R &[chi4 •
foot P*]
—iseki remains, ruins, relics
_ —atotsugi successor, heir

1503; 85/13. no, ko(i) dark, heavy, thick, strong

&[nung 2 • R water P*]

— &ndtan light shade, shading
—ndkd na thick, dense, heavy

m — —1504; 149/6. gai (pref.) the relevant , the in

R &[kai 1 •
words P*] Lquestion
—gaitdsha the relevant person
—gaihaku na chishiki profound/ex-

tensive learning



1505; 115/10. ko draft, manuscript

&R[kao3 •
grain P*]

genKO manuscript

—> toko suru contribute (manuscript)

1506; 64/8. so place, dispose of

[ts’o4 • Rhand&P*]

—sochi measure, step’ move
—soji no myd felicity of expression/


1507; 149/6. kitsu interrogate; tsu(meru) close up,

&R[chien4 •
• words P*] [stuff, fill
— —P kitsumon cross-examination
tsume-kaeru refill, repack

1508; 86/11. JVKV, juku(suru) u(reru) mature

R &fsH u2 •
fire P*]
—jukuren skill, mastery
—mijuku unripe, immature

1509; 167/8. ko, hagane steel

R &[kang 1 •
metal P*]
—kotetsu steel
—seikd steel manufacture

m 1510; 62/14. cho, ko(rasu) punish, chasten

R[ch'eng2- 3 • heart &P*]
—chobatsu discipline, punishment
—kanzen chdaku encouragement

&good the chastisement of evil

1511; 32/8. da fall, drop

[to4 R &• earth P*]

—daraku degradation, (moral) corruption
—datai abortion, miscarriage

1512; 85/10. katsu, / let slip, slide;

name( raka na) smooth

[hua 2 4 • R water &P*]

—kassd swru slide, glide
—junkatsu lubrication



1513; 115/8. chi infant, childish

R &[chih4 •
grain P*]
—chiki childishness
_ —chishin childish mind

1514; 53/10. ren pure, honest; cheap

lean-to P*
R &[lien 2 •

renbai nedan bargain price

—seiren integrity

1515; 9/11. sai debt

[chai4 • R man & P*]
—fusai debt creditor

1516; 130/3. kan vital; kimo liver, courage

R &[kan 1 •
flesh P*]
—A: zJ
—kan’yd na important, vital

1517; 85/10. yo, to(kasufkeru) melt

R &[jung 2 •
water P*]
_ —ydkai suru melt, dissolve
— —i# fk ydeki solvent, solution

1518; 1/14. yu, ure(eru/i) grieve, worry; u(i) un-


[yu1 • I grief 9-1 2 under a roof 7-8 (= indoors),

&in the middle of summer 1-6 13-15 (see 163);
—yUryo suru fear, dread
—urei-gao anxious expression |_P*]

1519; 37/10. sho encourage, promote

&R[chiang 3 •
big P*]

shdgakukirt scholarship

—shorei suru encourage, promote

1520; 92/2. ja evil, wrong

R &[hsieh2 • city P*]
heretical religion, heresy
—jashu a cold
% —M, kaze



1521; 109/8. sui sleep
[shui4 • I: the eye (lids) 1-5 drop 6-13 (see 1214);

&Ralso eye P*]

—suimin fusoku sleep deficiency
—jukusui sound sleep

1522; 49/4. ki, i(mu) avoid, abhor

R &[chi4 •
heart P*]
—shichikai-ki 7th anniversary of death
—imi-kotoba taboo word

1523; 64/4. hi criticism

[p’i 1 • R hand & P*]

—hihan criticism, comment
—hihyd criticism, critique

1524; 32/4. ko cave, pit

R &[k’eng 1 •
earth P*]

—kd[nai] fu miner
tankd shinsui [coal] mine flood

1525; 64/4. batsu, nu(ku) extract, outstrip
[pa 2 • I: extricated by the hand 1-3 of a friend
4-7; P*]

—batsugun no preeminent, outstanding
—kenninfubatsu no indomitable

1526; 30/4. tei, tei(suru) present

[CH’ENG 2 • R mouth & P*]

—shintei suru present

zotei suru present, donate

1527; 4/6. ran, tamago egg

D[luan3 • : frog spawn P*];

—— sanran suru —— spawn, lay eggs

—joyii no tamago prospective actress

1528; 9/5. shin, no(basu/biru) stretch, extend

&[shen 1 • R man P*] elastic
_shirtshuku suru expand, be flexible/
—nobinobi suru feel at ease/relaxed



1529; 9/11. sai, moyo(su) organize, prepare; mo-

yo(sni) meeting, entertainment

R &[ts’ui 1 •
man P] sorship
—seifu no shusai government spon-
—saisoku suru urge, press for

1530; 44/3. jin, tsu(kusu/kiru) exhaust
[chin4 • I; P*]

—mujinzo no inexhaustible, unlimited

ronji-tsukusu discuss exhaustively

1531 ; 85/3. o, kitana( i) , yogofsu/reru) dirty; kega-

(su/reru) soil, disgrace water]

& =[wu 1 • I: water hollow 4-6 dirty puddle

_ —oshoku bribery, corruption
—osen stain

is. 1532; 22/4. sho craftsman

& &[chiang4 • I : basket 1 6 for tools, ax 2-5;

—shishd teacher, master L p *]
—isho design, idea

1533; 38/3. hi (married) princess

&[fei1 • R woman P*] ness
—hidenka Imperial Highness, Her High -
— —kdtaishihi Crown Princess

1534; 9/4. gyo, ko, ao(gu) look up (at/to); d(se)

another’s instructions

[yang 3 • R man & P*]

—gyoten suru be amazed
_ —shinkd suru believe in, have faith in

1535; 9/4. batsu attack, cut down

[fa 1 &R• man P* lance 3-6]

—saibatsu felling (trees)
—tdbatsu suru subjugate, suppress

153b; 75/1. satsu* paper money; fuda label, tag

R &[cha 2 •
tree P*]
—satsutaba bundle of paper money
—L kaisatsuguchi ticket barrier, wicket



1537; 22/2. kyo giant
[CHU4 • D; P*]

—kyoshd master
—S• Kyogaku enormous sum

1538; 31/2. shu prisoner

[ch’iu 2 • I: man in an enclosure; P*]

—shujin prisoner
—shikeishu condemned criminal

1539; 38/3. jo, nyo be like/equal

&R[ju 2 •
mouth P*]

ikaga how abruptly
_totsujo [to shite]

1540; 18/2. ka(ru) mow, reap, cut (hair)

4 yi4 • R knife &P]
[i ,
—inekari rice reaping
IJ —karikomu trim, prune, cut


1541 ; 29/2. so, futa two, both, a pair
[SHUANG 1 • S P*]

—sogankyo binoculars
—sdseiji twins

1542; 51/0. kan, ho(su), hi(ru) dry, drain away
[KAN 1 • D; P*]

—kanshd suru interfere (in)

kanchd ebb tide

1543; 38/7. shin conception, pregnancy
[shen 1 •
R woman & P*]

—ninshin chuzetsu pregnancy termi-

nation control
—chosetsu pregnancy/birth

1544; 19/8. ylyQ, obiya(kasu) odo(kasu) odo(su)

menace, threaten R &1-6; also flesh P*]

[hsieh 2 • I physical 7-10 strength in abundance


kydhaku suru blackmail, threaten

—kydi threat, menace



M 1545; 149/10. ken humility, modesty

—&Rch ’ ien 1 • P*


kenkyo na modest, humble
—kenjo modesty

4 1546; 201/10. ma * devil, evil spirit

[ mo 2 R &• devil P*]

—akuma devil
—jama suru interfere with, hinder

1547; 164/13. jo , kamo(su) brew

— R &[niang2- 4 •
wine jug P*]

jdzd brewing

jdsei suru brew, ferment

A 1548; 196/8. KEi, niwatori chicken

R &chi 1 •

bird P*]
——— keiran hen's egg
^ — —keiniku chicken meat

1549; 140/15. han * [feudal] clan/fief

&[fan 2 • R grass (= boundary hedge) P*]

— &bakuhan Bakufu [Shogunate] the clans
—hanbatsu clanship

m 1550; 120/12. zen tsukuro(u) mend, patch up
m [shan4 • I: use thread 1-6 to make gooa 7-18;
R &also thread P*]

—shuzen suru repair

tsukuroi-mono things to be mended

1551; 124/12. hon hirugae(su\ru) wave, flutter

R & —[fan 1 •
wings P*] translate
hon’yaku suru
—hon’an adaptation

1552; 119/12. ryo ro kate provisions, food

R &liang 2 •
[ rice P* quantity (see 743)]

—shokuryd food cut the supply lines
ryddd o tatsu



1553; 160/10. katsu control, manage

R & —[hsia 2 • P*]
cart ;

shokatsu keisatsusho the super-

vising/controlling police station

—kankatsu jurisdiction

1554; 130/13. to copy, transfer

[t’eng 2 R &• words P* relay]
—koseki tdhon copy of one’s family
—tdshaban mimeograph

1555; 124/11. yoku, tsubasa wing

R &[i4 yi 4 •
wings P*]
sayoku left wing
—tori no tsubasa wings of a bird

1556; 110/12. shun, matata(ku) wink, flicker;

R &[shun4 •
eye P*] [jnstant
—shunkan moment, instant
—shunkoku moment, instant

1557; 162/13. kan return

R &[huan2 • year
proceed P* circuit]
—kanreki one’s 60th birthday, one’s 61st
—ryddo henkan return of territory

m 1558; 149/9. shi, haka(ru) consult

R &[tzu1 •
words P*]
—shimon kikan
—shigi discussion consultative organi-

1559; 120/10. ju, tate vertical [direction/length/

R &[tsung4 •
thread P*] Lheight]
_tateyoko/jud lengthwise and crosswise
——— juran inspection

1560; 140/13. shin, takigi firewood

R &[hsin 1 •
grass P*]
—shintan branches for firewood

wood and charcoal



% % 1561; 118/10. toku, sincere, cordial

R &[tu 3. 4 •
horse P*]
—kitoku seriously ill
—tokushika volunteer

1562; 113/6. sho good fortune, omen

&[HSIANG2 • R god P*]

—hasshdchi cradle, birthplace

—kissho good omen

1563; 104/5. sho symptoms, illness

R &[cheng 4 •
illness P*]
—shojo condition of illness
_bydsho nature of a disease

1564; 64/9. en help

[yuan2 . Rhand&P*]

—en aid, help, assistance
—engo support, backing

1565; 64/9. ki shake, scatter, command
[hui 1 • Rhand&P*]

—shiki suru command, direct
—kihatsu volatilization

1566; 64/9. aku, nigi(ru) hold, grasp, seize

[wo4 . Rhand&P*]

_ _shoaku suru hold, grasp, seize
—rtigiri-meshi rice ball

1567; 53/8. ro corridor, gallery

R &[lang 2 •
lean-to P*]
—gard picture gallery
——— kaird corridor

1568; 86/13. kan ring, surround

&R[huan 2 •
jewel P* circuit]
—kankyd environment
—kanjdsen loop/circle line



1569; 58/9. jin, tazu(neru) look for, visit, ask

& &[hsun 2 . I: right hand 1-3 7-9 (vrt. of 88)
&left hand 4-6 10-12 (vrt. of 87)]

— _jinjo no ordinary, common
—tazune-motomeru seek for

1570; 32/9. to* tower

R &[t’a3 •
earth P*]
—gojU-no-td five-storied pagoda
—toba wooden grave tablet

1571; 102/7. rui fort, (baseball) base

[lei3 R &•
I: piled-up 1-9 earth also earth P]
—ruishin umpire on bases (baseball)
1 —tekirui enemy fortress

1572; 2/11. so lose; mo mourning

[sang 1 • I : many mouths 3-8 covered by robes

&1-2 9-12 (vrt. of 605) in grief (cf. 1249)]

—sdshitsu loss
—mofuku mourning dress

1573; 162/7. ckiku chase

=[chu 2,4 • to proceed/follow after 8-10 hunt a

pig/boar 1-7; P*]

—kuchikukan destroyer
—hdchiku suru drive out, expel

1574; 115/5. so tribute, levy

R &[tsu1 •
grain P*]
— —sozei taxes, rates
leased territory
—soshakuchi hcfikcm return of

1575; 72/12. don, kumo(ru/ri) become cloudy/dull
[t'an 2 • I: clouds 5-16 below the sun 1-4; P*]

—hanagumori cloudy weather in spring
— &seidon fine cloudy

1576; 32/13. kon reclaim (land), cultivate

R &[k’en3 •
earth P*]

—kaikon suru —— bring under cultivation

konden new rice fields



1577; 130/6. shi, abura fat, grease

R &[chih 1 •
flesh P*]
—gosei jushi synthetic resins, plastics
—yushi oils and fats

1578; 32/13. kai, kowa(su/reru) destroy, break

&R[huai4 •
earth P* collapse]
—hakai collapse, fall
destruction, demolition

1579; 9/14. ju Confucianism

&R[ju2 •
man P*]
If —jukyd Confucianism
_jugakusha Confucian scholar

% 1580; 184/7. ga starvation
[o4 • Reat&P*]
—gashi suru die of starvation
—gaki hungry ghost, kid [slang]

1581 ; 86/11. moku, dama(ru) be[come] silent

& & &[mo4 • R dog P* black/dark silent 1-7


—mokuhiken right to keep silent
—mokunin tacit approval

7 1582; 72/8. sho brightness, crystal
[ching 1 • D: group of twinkling stars; P*]
—kesshd a crystal, crystallization
—murasaki-suishd amethyst

1583; 72/8. gyo, akatsuki dawn

&R[hsiao3 •
sun P*]
—gydsei morning star, Venus
—gyoten dawn

1584; 194/4. kon, tamashii spirit, soul

R &[hun2 •
devil P*]
—Yamato-damashii the Japanese spirit
—reikon soul, spirit



1585; 96/6. shu pearl

R &[chu 1 •
jewel P*]
—shuzan abacus calculation
—shinju pearl

1586; 77/10. shi, me-, mesu female (animal, bird)

[tz’u 2 • R small bird &P*]

— &shiyH male female
—mezd cow elephant

1587; 102/5. han edge, path

R &[p’an 4 •
field P* divide]

kohan lakeside bazu Pond
—Shinobazu-chihan side of the Shino-

1588; 167/6. sen pig iron

R &[hsien3 •
metal P*]
—sentetsu pig iron
— —kt% senko pig iron

1589; 164/7. K yeast, lees, fermentation

R &[cfflAO4 •
wine jug P*]
—koso enzyme
—hakkd fermentation

1590; 157/6. cho, ha(neru), to(bu) leap, jump
[t’iao4 • Rfoot&P*]

—chdyaku suru spring, jump
—tobi-haneru leap/jump up

1591; 164/7. koku severe, harsh, cruel

R &[k’u4 •
wine jug P*]
—kokuhyd severe criticism
—zankoku na cruel

^'' 1592; 145/7. yu abundance

[yu 4 R &• clothes P*]

—yufuku na rich, wealthy
—y yu surplus, margin



1593; 140/9. so, hdmu(ru) bury

&[tsang 4 • I : a corpse 4-9 amid grasses 1-3 10-
—sogi funeral
2; P*]
—kankonsd-sai principal [coming-of-

&age, marriage funeral] ceremonies

1594; 12/8. o [hon. suf. for an] old man

—[weng 1 • R wings & P*1
rod old man
—sort’d village elder

1595; 119/6. sho makeup

&R[chuang 1 •
rice P*]
—kesho suru put on makeup
—keshd-hin cosmetics

^j]\^ 1596; 112/7. ryu sulfur

[liu 2 &R• stone P* flow 6-12 (= 329)]

—ryusan sulfuric acid
_Id-jima pn. [lit., sulfur island]

1597; 85/11. shitsu, urushi lacquer

R &[ch’i 1 •
water P*]
_shikki lacquer ware
—shikkoku no jet black

1598; 112/7. ko, kata(i) hard, firm

[ying 4 &R• stone P*]

—kyokd na strong, positive
—kdshitsu no hard, scleroid

1599; 85/11. mo ( rasu/reru/ru) leak

&[lou4 • I: water 1-3 rain 7-14 leaking through

the roof 4-6 (vrt. of 126)]
_ —rdden short circuit

— —iro naku without omission, exhaus-

1600; 64/11. teki reveal; tsu(mu) pick, pluck

R &[chai 1 •
hand P*]
—shiteki suru point out
— —chatsumi tea-picking



1601; 103/7. so, uto(mu) neglect, shun; uto(i)

distant, estranged, uninformed

R &[shu 1 su 1 •
roll of cloth P*]
—sord carelessness
—sokaisha evacuee, refugee

1602; 40/11. nei peace, quiet; rather

t R &[ning 2 •
roof P*]
—teinei na polite, careful
—annei public peace

1603; 37/11. datsu, uba(u) seize, rob 12-14]

[to 2 • I : a man 1-3 with a bird 4-1 1 in the hand

—ryakudatsu suru plunder, pillage
_ —sodatsu-sen contest, challenge

M 1604 63/8. ko yato(u) employ
; ,

&R[ku4 •
small bird P*]
——— kaiko suru dismiss, discharge

koyo to shitsugyo employment

and unemployment

1605; 164/5. saku, su vinegar

R &[tso4 •
wine jug P*]
—sakusan acetic acid

su no mono —— pickles

1606; 172/4. sho, ko(gasulgeru) burn; ase(ru) be

hasty/impatient flame 9-12; P*]

[chiao 1 • I: a small bird 1-8 roasted over a

—shdryo suru be anxious/impatient
—shdnetsu jigoku burning hell

1607; 76/8. kan friendship; clause, section
[K UAN 3 • I; P*]

——— shakkan loan
—teikan articles of association

1608; 75/6. kaku nucleus, core

R &[ho2 hu 2 •
tree P*]
—kekkaku tubercle, tuberculosis
—kaku-bunretsu nuclear fission


1609-1616 1609; 29/8. so, kuwa mulberry
[sang 1 • I: many hands 1-6 plucking the leaves
w of the mulberry tree; P*]

—kuwa-batake mulberry field
—sdmon priesthood

1610; 130/6. ro, hogarafka na) clear, bright

[lang 3 • R moon & P* bright]

_roei suru recite
—meird na bright, cheerful

1611; 64/7. ho, tora(eru), to(ru), tsuka( maeru/

[pu 3,4 R &• hand P*] \_maru) catch, seize
—hokaku suru capture, seize
—hogeisen whaling vessel

1612; 64/7. shin, fu(ru/ri) shake, swing; -buri

[chen 4 • R hand & P*] Lafter [a lapse of]
_ —furikae chokin transfer savings
—hisashiburi ni after a long time

1613; 60/7. jo slowly, steadily

[hsu 2 R• footstep «& P*]

—joho suru walk slowly
——— j kd suru go slowly

1614; 40/7. sai administer, control

[tsai 3 • Rroof&P*]

—saisho prime minister

—shusai supervision, control

1615; 32/7. mai, bury

R &[mai 2 •
earth P*]
—- maiso suru bury
—maibotsu suru be buried/entombed,

remain obscure

1616; 9/8. ho, nara(u) imitate

[fang3 • R man & P*]
—mohd suru imitate, copy
—sertrei ni tiamu follow a prece-



1617; 61/7. no, naya(mu/mi) suffer (from), be dis-

R &[nao3 • Ltressed (at)
heart P*]
—nosatsu suru charm, bewitch
—nayami_kufushimu be distressed

& pained

1618; 61/6. kyo, uyauya(shii) respectful, reverent

— —R &[kung1 •
heart P* offering]

kydga shinnen A Happy New Year
—kydjun allegiance

1619; 24/8. sai plant

R &[tsai 1 •
tree P*]
—saibai suru grow, cultivate
—bonsai dwarfed potted plant

1620; 9/8. ken frugal, humble

[chien3 • R man & P*]

—— kenyaku suru —— economize, save

—sekKen economy, frugality

1621 ; 163/5. tei mansion, residence

[ti3 . Rcity &P*]

—teitaku residence
—kantei official residence

1622; 8/6. kyo enjoy; receive
[HSIANG 3 • D; P*]

' —kydraku suru enjoy
—kydju suru enjoy, be given

1623; 162/5. tetsu alternation, rotation

R &[tieh2 •
proceed P*]
—kdtetsu change, shake-up
_ —tekki suru happen alternately

% 1624; 57/5. gen, tsuru string (of musical instru-

&R[hsien2 •
bow P*] Lment), bowstring
—yumizuru bowstring
—kangengaku orchestra


1625-1632 1625; 77/4. Ko agree, consent
[K’EN 3 • I->B;P*]
—kotei suru affirm, answer ‘yes’ to
—shukd suru agrec/assent (to)

1626; 86/4. sui, ta(ku) burn, kindle, cook

[ch ’ ui 1 R &• fire P* 5-8 (ab. of 1095)]

—suihan-ki rice-cooking machine
_ —jisui suru cook for oneself

1627; 85/5. futsu wa(kasu/ku) boil

R &[ fei4 •
water P*]

futtd suru become boiling/agitated

—shafutsu sum boil, heat to boiling

1628; 32/5. tsubo unit of area [3.31 sq. meters]

R[ p’ ing 2 • earth &P*]
—tate-tsubo floor space
—nobe-tsubo total floor space

&1629; 44/5.
kutsu kus(suru) (vt. vi.) bend, de-

feat, bow/submit (to); kaga(meru/mu) bend, stoop

Rch’ O 1 • bent figure &P*]

—kyukutsu na narrow, cramped, strict
—kutsujoku insult, humiliation

1630; 60/5. kei path; diameter

&R[ching4 •
footstep P*]
—keiro route, course
—chokkei diameter

1631 ; 64/5. tan carry, shoulder

—[tan 1 • R hand &P*]
futan burden, responsibility
—tannin charge, responsibility

1632; 64/5. 6 push; fwapn/ check sup-

press; o(shi) weight, authority, boldness

—[ya1 3 • Rhand&P*]
shu suru seize, confiscate
—oshi-taosu push down, overwhelm



1633; 64/5. ho, da(ku), ida(ku) (lit.) embrace,

mhug; kaka(eru) carry the arms
&[pao4 • R hand P* wrap/envelop]

—shinbo suru bear, be patient about
—hofu aspiration, ambition

1634; 75/4. seki take apart, divide

[hsi 1 &• I: tree 1-4 ax 5-8; P*]

& —kaiseki analysis
——— bunseki suru analyze

1635; 154/8. fu tribute, payment; ode

&[fu4 • R money P*j

—fuzei tax, levy
—geppu monthly installment/payment

1636; 120/9. i horizontal thread, [lines of] latitude

R &[wei3, 4 •
thread P*]
— &keii longitude
® — —ido latitude latitude

m 1637; 115/10, sui, ho ear (of rice,etc.)

R &[sui4 •
grain P*]
—inaho ears of rice
—honami waving grain

1638; 60/12. tetsu pierce, penetrate

R & ——[ch’e4 •
footstep P* pierce (cf. 1456)]

kantetsu sum accomplish, achieve

tettd-tetsubi thoroughly

1639; 44/12. ri, footwear, tread; ha(ku) wear on

the feet 588) to put both shoes on; P*]

[li3 lu3 • I: bent figure 1-3 repeated 4-15 (see
rireki one’s personal history
—asaura-zdri hemp-soled straw sandals

1640; 120/3. kyu twist, entwine; examine, investi-

R &[chiu 1 - 3 •
thread P*] Lgate
—funkyu complication, disorder
—kyudan suru impeach, denounce



1641; 116/4. setsu rob, steal

R &[ch’ieh4 •
hole P*]
—setto theft, thief
—sesshu suru purloin, steal

1642; 29/6. go hit, beat fession)
[k'ao3 •
R hand & P*]

gomon suru torture (to extract con-

_gdseki suru torture

1643; 37/6. so, sd(suru), kana(deru) play (musical


[tsou4 • I : two hands 1-5 making offerings to

Heaven 6-9; P*] (music)
—bansd suru (vi.) accompany with
—ens5 suru play/perform (music)

1644; 119/5. nen, neba( ru) be sticky, stick (to/at

—R &[nien 2 chan 1 • a task)
rice P*]

nenmaku mucous membrane
—nebari-zuyoi tenacious

1645; 120/5. shin gentleman; official sash

R &[shen 1 •
It thread P*]

—shinshi gentleman

shinshd merchant prince

1646; 170/8. ryo, misasagi imperial tomb

fk [ling 2 • R mound & P*] tomb of an em-

_ —tenno no misasagi [_peror
—ryobo imperial tomb

ft 1647; 170/8. chin state, show; old
[ch'en2 •
&R mound P*]

—chinretsu suru display, exhibit
—shirtchin taisha renewal, metabolism

1648; 164/4. sui, yo(u) become drunk/sick

&R[tsui4 •
wine jug P*]
—yopparai drunkard
—masui anesthesia




1649; 162/8. tai chase

R &[tai4 ti4 •
proceed P*]
taiya eve of the anniversary oi a death
—taiho suru arrest

1650; 154/4. han sell, trade

[fan4 • R money & P*]

—— hanro —— market, outlet

—shihan suru (put on the) market

1651; 140/8. kin fungus, germ

R &[chun3 •
grass P*]

saikin bacteria, germ

—kindoku mushroom-poison

1652; 2/10. shuku quiet, solemn

R &[su4 •
writing P*]
—genshuku na grave, solemn
—shukuzen to quietly, solemnly

m 1653; 120/5. kon* dark blue

' — — &R[kan1 •
thread P*]

shikon purple-blue
—ndkon dark blue

1654; 119/5. ryu, tsubu grain, drop

—[li4 • Rrice&P*]
meshitsubu boiled rice-grain
—ryujd no granular

1655; 94/8. ryo hunting

[lieh4 • I : a dog 1-3 is repeatedly 4-6 used 7-
—shuryd hunting
—rydju hunting gun )_1 1 (see. 10)]

5^- 1656; 85/8. ten, so(eru) add, append
[t’ien 1 •
—R water & P*]
tenka suru annex, append

—tensaku suru amend, correct


1657-1664 1657; 64/8. hai reject, eject

m [p ai2 • Rhand&P*]

i haieki —— drainage

—haigeki suru denounce

1658; 64/8. k6, A flferM refrain from, wait write

[k’ung 4 • R hand & P*] Ldown

—kdso suru (vi.) appeal
—hikae-shitsu waiting room

1659; 64/8. kei, kaka(geru) hoist, fly (flag, etc.),

[chieh 1 &• R hand P*] Lpresent
_ —keisai suru publish, insert, print
. _kokki keiyd raising of national flag

1660; 59/8. sai, irodo(ru/ri) color

R &[ts’ai3 •
light rays P*]
—sensai na brightly colored
S —shikisai color

1661; 53/8. sho multitude

R &[shu4 •
fire P*]
—shomu general affairs
—shokei illegimate line

1662; 18/9. jo surplus

R &[sheng4 •
knife P*]
—kajo surplus, excess
—j y
surplus, balance

1663; 104/8 chi foolish

R &[ch'ih1 - 2 •
illness P*]
—guchi grumble, complaint
—chijd foolish passion, blind love

1664; 85/10. taki waterfall

[lung 2 &R• water P]

—taki-nobori climbing a waterfall
—Shiraito no Taki Shiraito ['White

Thread'] Waterfall



1665; 64/10. setsu proxy; take

&R[she4 •
hand P*]
—sessho regency, regent
—sesshu suru take in, ingest, adopt

1666; 64/10. kei fazMjflferw carry in the hand,

take/bring with one rbow 12-13 (see 1962)]

&[ hsieh 2 , hsi 1 • I : a hand 1-3, with a bird 4-1 1

—keitai suru take/bring with one
—teikei suru act in concert (with)

1667; 64/10. han transport, remove

R & —[pan 1 •
hand P*]
unpan suru carry, transport

hansd suru convey

1668; 60/10. bi minute, slight

R &wei 12 • P* (cf. 1384, which is


&read (ch)6 contains 6 ‘king’ 7-10)]

—bimyd na subtle, delicate
—kenbikyd microscope

1669; 61/10. shin tsutsushi(mu) be careful/cau-

tious about, abstain from

[shen4 R &• heart P*]

—kirtshirt sum be penitent
——— tsutsushimi-bukai careful, prudent

1670; 32/10. kai kata(mari) clod, lump

&Rk[ ’ uai 4 •
earth P*]
—nikkai lump of flesh/meat
—kaikon tuberous root

. 1671 ; 30/10. shi inherit, succeed to

[szu4 • R mouth & P*]

—kdshi heir, successor
—shikun heir

1672; 42/4. sho resemble 4-7; P*]

[ hsiao4 • I : a small 1-3 (= 33) flesh/body/figure

shozoga portrait [painting]

fushd no unworthy




or1673; 24/5. koku conquer
f &[k’o4 k’e4 3-5]
• D: a man 1-2 6-7 wearing arm-

—kokki self-denial sel control
——— kokufuku suru conquer, subjugate

1674; 38/4. bo, samata(geru) obstruct, prevent
[fang 1 - 2
• R woman & P*]

—bdgai suru obstruct, interfere with
—jiko boshi prevention of accident

1675; 64/4. sho excerpt, extract

[ch'ao 1 • I : extract by hand 1 -3 a few parts 4-7
—shishd selected poems
—shoroku quotation, selection LP*]

1676; 32/4. bo [residence of] priest

&[fang 1 • R earth P*] priest
—namagusa-bdzu worldly / depraved
—shukubo visitor’s lodgings (in temple)

1677; 9/5. gan, fuku( mu) contain, imply, bear (a


—[han 2 • I: what is now 1-4 in the mouth; P*]
—— hdgan suru include, comprise, im-

ganchiku implication f_ply

1678; 138/2. soku immediate; accession; namely
[CHI24 . I;P*]

—P !! sokkoku instantly, at once
—sokui suru accede to the throne

1679; 9/5. haku eldest brother, count

002 4 • R man & P*]
——— hakuchu suru (vi.) match be equal
—gahaku master painter

1680; 26/5. kyaku reject ; contrary

ch' ueh4 • I: the going/withdrawal 1-5 (see 475)


of a kneeling man 6-7 P*]
—shokyaku repayment
—bdkyaku suru forget




1681; 4/5. shu vermilion

D & &[chu1 •
S : a redwood tree 2 4-6 with

&trunk cut 1 3, exposing color; P*]

—snuhitsu vermilion writing brush

shuin red seal

1682; 140/3. imo potato

[yu 4 R &• grass P]

—yakiimo baked sweet potato
—satoimo taro

1683; 75/2. kyu, ku(chiru) rot, decay

[hsiu 3 R &• tree P*] annuated
—rokyii no senile, worn-out, super-
—fukyu suru rot, decompose

1684; 4/5. ri an official 2-6 (see 81); P*]

&[li4 • I : one 1 who deals with records annals

—kanri government official

ritd party of officials

xjA- 1685; 30/3. kyo, sake(bu) cry out, shout

&[chiao4 • R mouth P*]

—kydkan shout, scream, cry
—zekkyd suru scream, exclaim

1686; 30/3. to, ha(ku) vomit, utter

pjL R[t’u3 • mouth & P*]
—t ro suru
—toiki sigh express, speak, lay bare

1687; 15/4. CH *,/c/za5Az sign, omen; billion [Brit.],

trillion [U. S.]; kiza(su) (vi.) show signs

D[chao4 • : divination cracks in tortoise shell
—chdkd indication, sign, symptom [_P*]
—zenchd omen, foreshadow

1688; 44/2. ni, ama nun

& D[ni2 • I: bent figure 1-3 of nun kneeling

—with hands held up in prayer 4-5]
nisd nun
—amadera nunnery, convent



1689-1696 1689; 4/4. kyu, oka hill
[CH'IU 1 • D; P*]
—Si HI —— okabe hill, hillock
vicinity oi a hill

1690; 2/3. ch6, “ mourn, condole

tomura(i) funeral, condolence string 4j

[tiao4 • S grief over a life broken like a bow 1-3
— &keichd congratulations condolences
_choji message of condolence

1691 ; 52/1. gen, maboroshi phantom, vision

D[HUAN 4 . & S; P*]
— —genmetsu disillusion
—gen’ei vision, illusion

1692; 61/9. K6, awa(teru), awatada(shii be

agitated /confused

[huang 1 • I: one’s feelings 1-3 in turmoil 4-12

R &(see 1028); also heart P*]

—kydkd panic, alarm
—kdbd being very busy

1693; 170/8. bai attend upon, serve

&[p’ei 2 • R mound P*]

_ ——— baishin —- jury act as an associate
baiseki suru sit with (a superior).

1694; 61/13. kan regret

R &[han4 •
heart P* feelings]
—ikan na regrettable, unsatisfactory

—— kankon —— grudge

1695; 167/12. sho, kane bell

&R[chung 1 •
metal P*]
— —gyosho morning/dawn bell
—bansho evening bell

m 1696; 75/16. ran* (newspaper, etc.) column; railing
&R[lan 2 •
tree P*]
—toshoran correspondence column
—/curan blank column



1697; 188/8. zui* marrow, pith

R &[sui3 •
bone P*]
—ndzui brain
—kotsuzui bone marrow

1698; 167/10. sa shut, close; kusari chain

[so 3 &R• metal P]

—fiisa blockade
—heisa closure, lockout

1699; 146/12. fuku, ( u) cover, hide; kutsugafesu/

R &[fu2. 4 • [eru) overturn
cover P*]
— —fukumen mask, disguise
I — &fukubotsu suru be capsized sunk

1700; 140/15. ken, mayu silkworm cocoon
[chien3 • I: grass/leaves 1-3 are eaten by grubs
13-18 to make silk thread 7-12 for cloth 4-6

R(= cloth)]

— &kenshi cocoon silk thread
—mayuka price of cocoons

1701; 112/13. so, ishizue foundation, cornerstone

R &[ch’u3 •
stone P]
—kiso basis, foundation
—soseki foundation stone

1702; 104/13. heki, kuse habit, idiosyncrasy

R &[p’i3 •
illness P*]

keppeki na fastidious, habitually clean

—seiheki mental habit, propensity

1703; 164/10. shu, miniku(i) ugly 8-17; P*]

R[ch'ou3 • I: a drunken 1-7 (= wine jug) devil

_shutai disgraceful behavior, ugly sight
—shUbun scandal

1704; 120/11. sen slender, fine

R &[hsien 1 •
thread P*]
— —sen’i
(textile) fiber



1705; 104/12. ryo heal, cure

R &[liao2 •
illness P*]
—ara-rydji rough treatment
—iryo medical treatment

1706; 112/12. sho submerged rock/reef/shoal

&R[chiao 1 •
stone P*]
_anshd unknown reef, deadlock
_ganshd (shore) reef

1707; 60/9. jun rotate, follow

, &R[hsun 2 •

footstep P*]
—jurtkan sum circulate
— —injun indecision, vacillation

1708; 86/13. so dry

R &[tsao4 • P*]
—kansd suru become dry
—shosd fretfulness, impatience

1709; 64/14. satsu, su(ru/reru) rub, chafe

R &[ts’a1 ch’a 1 •
hand P*]
—sasshd abrasion, scratch
tt _ — — —satsuzai liniment

M 1710; 61/12. kei, ikoi rest 878) 1-6

2. [ch’i 4 • I: a time to talk (—tongue

& catch one’s breath 7-16; P*]

—kyiikei intermission
—shokei brief rest

1711; 32/13. dan platform, dais

R &[t’an 2 •
earth P

—endan platform

kadan flower bed

1712; 170/8. zui follow

&R[sui 2 •
mound P*]
—zuihitsu jottings, essays
wat 11/free
—bdchd zui-i [lecture, etc.] admission
i 74



1713; 66/8. kan daringly, boldly

[KAN 3 *• I: P

—yukan na brave, courageous
—kanto suru fight courageously

1, 1714; 61 /9. da idle, lazy

R &[to4 •
heart P*]
—taida na idle, lazy
—fl dasei inertia

A 0- 1715; 104/7. to smallpox

R &[tou 4 •
illness P*]
—shutd vaccination, inoculation
—tennento smallpox

1716; 104/7. ri diarrhea

R &[li 1 •
illness P*]
—ekiri summer/children's
—geri diarrhea dysentery

1717; 184/2. ki, u(eru/e) be starved/hungry

R &[chi1 •
eat P*]
—kiga hunger, starvation
—uejini suru starve to death

1718; 170/7. kan, ochii(ru) fall (into), yield (to)

[hsien4 hsuan4 • R mound & P]
fn kanbotsu suru sink, collapse

—kekkan defect, fault

* 1719; 38/9. sei, muko son-in-law

[hsu4 • R woman & P*]

—muko-sagashi looking for a son-in-law
— —muko-ydshi adopted son-in-law

1720; 127/4. mo, ko decrease, decline

_ —hao4 • R plow & P*
shdmd suru consume, exhaust
—- sonmo loss


1721-1728 1721; 30/7. sa, sosono(kasu) tempt, entice, incite

• &[so 1 • R mouth P*]

—shisa suru suggest
—/cydsa suru instigate, incite to

1722; 115/5. chitsu order, sequence plants)]

R &[chih4 •
grain P* (= regular rows of rice
_chitsujo order, discipline
—Chichibu xm.

1723; 162/8. rrsu excel; be fast; stray

4 yi 4 • I : a hare 1-8 proceeds/flees 9-1 1 ; P*]
—hditsu self-indulgence, debauchery
[i ,

il _ Doitsu Germany

1724; 119/5. so, ara(i) coarse, rough

[ts’u 1 • Rrice&P*]

—sozatsu na coarse, rough
—somatsu na humble, shabby

1725; 64/5. kyo, ko depend on, be based on

[chu4 • R hand & P*]

—shdko evidence, proof
_ —konkyo basis, ground

1726; 86/4. ro hearth, furnace

[lu 2 &R• fire P*]

—danro fireplace
—yokoro furnace

1727; 86/4. en, honoo flame
[yen 2 • I: leaping flames; P*]

—ensho inflammation
—fukumakuen peritonitis

1728; 26/7. oro(su) sell wholesale; oroshi whole-

R &[hsieh4 •
kneeling figure P*] Lsale
—oroshine wholesale price
—oroshi-sho wholesaler



1729; 57/5. ko* arc

&[hu2 • R bow P*]

——— kakko —— parentheses
kojo no arc-shaped

1730; 75/8. kan* coffin

R &[kuan 1 •
tree P*]
—negan coffin (for a lying body)
—kankake coffin cover

1731 ; 167/6. MEr inscription, signature, motto

R &[ming 2 •
metal P*]
—meigura brand [name], description
$% —kokoro ni meikisuru impress/

engrave on one’s mind

1732; 40/12. hin guest

[pin1 • I: a guest’s 1-8 money/gift 9-15->guest/

—visitor himself; P*] VIPs’ gallery/seat
—hinkyaku guest of honor

1733; 64/5. setsu clumsy, inexpert, poor

R &[cho 1 . 2 •
hand P*]
—chisetsu na unskillful, childish
—sessaku poor plan

1734; 60/5. sei subjugate

R &[CHENG 1 •
footstep P*]
——— seibatsu suru subjugate, conquer
—ensei expedition, foray, invasion

1735; 2/8. yu quiet, profound

[yu 1 &• I : a dark, dim 2-7 mountain 1 8-9; P*]

—yurei ghost
—yuhei suru confine, imprison

1736; 78/6. JWjun(zuru) follow in death, sacrifice
[hsun4 •
R &disintegrate P*] |_oneself
—junshoku suru die at one’s post
—junshi suru follow one’s lord in




1737; 109/8. toku supervise, command

R & —[tu1 .
eye P*] direct
kantoku suru control, supervise,
—tokusoku suru press for, urge

1738; 130/7. ton, buta pig

&[t’un 2 • I: flesh 1-4 pig 5- 11 ; P*1

—yoton swine raising
_ —butabako police (station) cell

1739; 155/4. sha forgive, pardon

R &[she4 •
strike P*]
—onsha amnesty
—shamen suru pardon, charge

remit, dis-

I 1740; 95/5. chiku raise livestock

R &[ch u4 • P*]
—chikusan livestock industry
—kachiku domestic animals, livestock

1741 ; 2/8. sui supreme commander

R &[SHUAI4 •
cloth P*]
—gensui field marshal, admiral of the fleet
—tosui supreme command

1742 9/8. rin principles, code

[lun 2 • R man & P*]

rinri ethics, moral and morality

—jinrin ddtoku ethics

1743; 15/8. jun semi-, secondary; imitate

R &[chun3 •
ice P*]
—hijun suru ratify

jun'i warrant officer

1744; 75/9. ro tower, tall building

R &[lou2 •
tree P*]
—shdrd bell tower
—rdkaku many-storied building



1745; 167/8. jo* lock; (unit for) medical tablet

&R[ting 4 •
metal P*]
—jomae lock
—^U jozai medical tablet

1746; 162/13. hi, sa(keru) avoid, evade

R _& —[pi4 •
proceed P*]
tdhi suru escape

hiraishin lightning rod/conductor

1747; 167/8. saku mixed, disordered

R &[ts’o4 •
metal P*]
— —sakkaku illusion, hallucination
—sakugo mistake, error

1748; 140/13. sen, susu(meru) urge, recommend

[chien4 • I->B]

—suisen suru recommend
_ _jisen self- recommendation

1749; 85/13. daku, nigo(ru) become muddy/

murky; nigo(ri) murkiness, voiced sound

&R[cho3 •
water P*]
—kondaku suru become turbid
—dakuryu turbid current

1750; 64/13. yo, yd (suru) embrace, hold

&[yung3 • I : a hand 1-3 covering 4-5 shading

6-8 a small bird 9-16]

—ydgo suru protect
—hdyd suru embrace

1751 ; 167/8. sui weight, sinker; tsumu spindle

R &[ch’ui 2 •
metal P*]
—bdsui spindle
_ — —suijo no spindle-shaped

1752; 9/12. ryo official; companion, associate

[liao2 • R man & P*]

—kakuryd Cabinet ministers
—ddryo colleague



m 7S 1753; 170/10. kaku, heda(teru\taru) separate by,

[ko2 ke2 &• R mound P*] Linterpose
, isolate, insulate
—fcakuri suru
—sokaku suru estrange, alienate

1754; 164/6. raku dairy produce

&R[lao3 •
wine jug P*]
—rakund dairy farming
—nyQraku butter

t 1755; 141/7. ryo captive

&[lo3 lu3 man 7-
• I: tiger l-6(ab. of 1932) LI 3 P*]

—horyo prisoner of war
—ryoshu captive, prisoner

1756; 113/9. ka disaster, misfortune

[huo4 • R good & P*]

—saika accident, disaster
—kafuku fortune and/or misfortune

1757; 112/8. go* the game of go

stone P*
R &[ch’i2 •
—goban go board

/ ? game of

1758; 112/9. hi* monument, memorial stone

R &[pei1 •
stone P*]
# — —bohi gravestone
—kinenhi monument

1759; 32/10. to, nu(ru) paint, coat

R &[t'u2 •
earth P* water 1-3 which is thick/

muddy 4-10]

—tosd coating with paint
—urushi-nuri no lacquered

1760; 112/7. sho niter, gunpowder

R &[hsiao1 •
stone P*]

shosan nitric acid

—shden gunpowder smoke



1761; 25/6. taku excel; table

cho 41 - • I : a man 1-2 who is quick 3-8 (see 1 17)


& therefore excels; P*]
—takuetsu suru
—takkyu table tennis be superior (to),

|_excel (over)

t 1762; 24/8. saku rope; search for P*]
[so 1 ’ 2 , 3 •
I: two hands 1-4 plaiting rope 5-10;

—sosaku reijd search warrant
—tansaku suru search/look for, inves-


1763; 120/4. mon * family crest/sign

—[ wen 2 • R thread & P *
shimon fingerprint
—monsho crest, coat of arms

1764 60/5. hi kare he; ka(no) that

R &[ pi3 •
footstep P*]
—higan equinoctial week
—karera wa mina they all

1765; 85/5. tai * Thailand, Siam; peace

_*[T AI4 • I;P peace over the land
tenka taihei
—taizen jijaku imperturbability

1766; 22/8. toku conceal

R & _[ni4 •
box P*] hide, conceal
intoku suru
—tokumei no anonymous

f 1767; 170/5. ^o, haba( mu) obsivucX

FJL &[tsu3 • R mound P*]

—soshi suru obstruct, hinder
—sogai suru impede, hinder

1768; 39/5. ko lone, solitary

R &ku[ 1 •
child P*]

kodoku na lonely

—koson lonely village


1769-1776 1769; 46/4. ki road fork

A &R[ch’i 1 •
mountain P*]
% —kiro forked road
—bunkiten dividing point

1770; 44/4. nyo* urine
&[niao4 • I: bent figure 1-3 water 4-7; P*]

—hainyo urination
_tdnydbyd kanja diabetic patient

1771; 61/8. to, ita(mu) mourn/lament [for/over]

[tao 4 &R• heart P*]
—aitd suru mourn, grieve
_ —tsuitd no ji memorial address

1772; 4/7. gaku, take peak, mountain
[yueh4 • I: a hill 1-5 (see 1689) on top of a
mountain 6-8; P*]

—sangaku mountains
—Yatsu-ga-take pn.

1773; 9/13. ho shop, store; paving
[p’u4 • R mouth P*]
—tenpo shop, store
metal a road
g —ddro o hosd suru pave/

1774; 164/6. shu reward, remuneration

R &[ch’ou2 •
wine jug P*]
—hdsnu remuneration, reward
^ —oshu suru respond/reply (to)

1775; 167/5. rei, rin, suzu small bell

R &[ling 2 •
metal P*]
—shinrei ringing a bell
4 — _yobirin call bell

1776; 154/6. wai bribery; makana(u) provide/

supply (meals)

[hui 4 • I: money 1-7 in one's possession 8-13

R &(see 267); also money P*]

—shuwai suru accept a bribe
—If zdwaizai crime of bribery


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