% 977; 3/8. I do, make; cause; purpose
[WEI 2 . 4 • I; P*]
—?T fcoi act, conduct
_ —mui inactivity
978; 81/5. kai, mina all the same; P*
% _ —[cfflEH1 • I: person after person 1-4 says 5-9
kaind full payment
—minasama all/everyone (present)
979; 8/1. bo, mo die, perish; na(i) be not
wu[WANG 2 2 • I; P*]
_shibdsha the dead, fatalities
— &kdbd rise fall, vicissitudes
% 980; 85/12. cho, shio tide, salt water
R &[ch’ao2 •
water P*j
—manchd high tide
—Kuroshio the Black/Japan Current
981 ; 40/5. ho, takara treasure
R &[pao3 •
roof P*]
—noseki precious stone
t _ —takarabune treasureship [picture]
982; 140/5. jaku, nyaku, waka( i) young; mo-
[jo4 je4 • I; P*] l(shiku wa) or
, youngster; novice
—jakunenmono bloom of youth
_ —wa/cazakari
4 983; 1/2. yo, ata(eru) give, provide
—I;P[Yii1.2.3 . *]
yotd government party, party in power
—kyuyo allowance, pay
984; 116/0. ketsu, ana hole
[hsueh4 • D: entrance to cave dwelling; P*]
—kekkyo cave dwelling
—anagura cellar
985; 25/3. sen, shi(meru) occupy; urana(u/i)
divine p*
—[chan 1 - 4 • I: to inquire into 3-5 the omens 1-2;
senryd occupation
—dokusen exclusive possession, monopoly
986; 181/2. cho, itada(ku) (dep.) receive; itadaki
_ — &R[ting 3 •
rS head P*] Lhead, peak
choten apex, peak
—zetcho summit, pinnacle
987; 162/2. ko(meru) put into, include; ko(mu) be
crowded, be contained
&[ - • I: advance 3-5 enter 1-2]
—mdshikomu apply for
— —mikomi prospect, hope, likelihood
988; 72/4. seki, shaku, mukashi former times
=[hsi 2 • I: layer after layer 1-4 of days 5-8
past days; P*]
— &konjaku present past
—mukashibanashi oia tale; reminiscences
989; 158/3. sha, i(ru) shoot
&[she4 shih2 hand 8-
• I: body 1-7 (see 791)
10 (see 1045) used to fire arrow; P*]
—chusha injection
—hassha nnng, discharge
990; 32/3. kichi*, kitsu good fortune fP*]
[cm2 • I: a male 1-3 birth announcement 4-6;
—kichinichi lucky/auspicious day
—kippo good tidings
>’ 4 991; 85/7. fu, uka(berujbu), u(kasulku) float
R &[fou2 fu2 •
water P*]
—fudd floating, drifting
—ukiyoe ‘Floating-world’/genre pictures
992; 40/3. taku* home, husband
R &[chai2 •
roof P*]
—j utaku house, housing
—kitaku returning home
m / —pJ gun
993; 112/5. ho gun, cannon
R &[p’ao4 •
stone P*]
_taiho gun, cannon, artillery
994; 85/3. ko, e inlet, bay
&R[chiang1 •
water P*]
—Edo pn. [old name for Tokyo]
irie inlet, creek
995; 32/8. ken, kata(i) hard, firm
[chien 1
&R• earth P*]
—kengo na strong, solid
—kenjitsu na steadfast, sound
' 996; 52/9. ki, iku(tsu) how many?; iku(ra) how
much?; iku- some, several, how many/much?
&R[cm1 - 3 • many?
fine thread P*] how much/
—kika geometry; iku-baku
—ikubun [ka] partly, somewhat
997; 64/11. gekj, u(tsu) strike, attack, fire (gun,
etc.) physical attack]
& =[chi1 • I : carts 1-7 colliding 8-11
—bakugeki bombing
—kdgeki attack
M 998; 12/6. hei, narafberu/bu) line up; nara(bini)
and nami ordinary, average;
& =[ping 4 • I : 72 repeated
—heikd parallel combined stand
—heiretsu row, parallel
Lside by side]
999; 38/7. musume daughter, girl
—[niang2 • I : a woman who is still good 4-10; P*]
musumezakari Dloom of young wo-
—magomusume granddaughter
1000 30/5. ko, yo(bu) call, summon, invite
nf [hu 1 R &• mouth P]
—tenko roll-call
—yobigoe call, cry
100 1008
100 1; 18/4. kei punishment
[HSING 2 • I; P*]
—J keiji criminal case; detective
—keibatsu punishment
1002; 12/5. go Kure pn.; Wu ancient Chinese pn.
[wu 2 • I; P*]
—gofukuya drapery/dry goods store
—kuregure mo repeatedly, earnestly
1003; 136/8. bu ma(u) mai dance
[wu 3 • R oppose & P*]
—butai kdka stage effect
—mai-kuruu dance wildly
1004; 8/5. bo wasu(reru) forget
• R heart P*]
—bdnenkai year-end party
_ wasuregatami keepsake
1005; 44/4. bi otail
wei 3 3 &• I: bent figure 1-3 fur 4-7; P*]
[, i —bikd suru (vi.) follow, trail, shadow
—shubi yoku successfully, smoothly
1006; 62/3. kai imashi(merulme) warn, admonish
chieh4 • I : two hands 2-4 brandishing a spear
—1 & 5-7; P* warn, admonish
kunkai suru
keikai suru warn, caution
1007; 9/11. so Buddhist priest, monk
R &[seng1 •
man P*]
_ —sdjd Buddhist bishop, high priest
—kozd young priest; (errand) boy
1008; 9/11. sho kizu wound, injury; ita(meru/
mu/mi) hurt, injure
&R[shang 1 •
man P*]
—shogai wound, injury
—fushd wound, injury
1009- 101 6
1009; 130/9. yo, koshi waist, hips, lumbar region
&PR[yao1 • *
_ —yobu waist, hips, lumbar region
—koshinuno loincloth
1010; 130/9. fuku, hara stomach
&PR[fu3 . 4 • *
_ —rippuku anger
haramaki bellyband
1011; 62/5. i authority, majesty
& &[wei1 • I: woman battle-axe 1-3 7-9;
—igen majesty, dignity
—ken’i authority
1012; 8/8. ren, koi(shii) beloved; koi\o\Q
R &[lien4 luan4 luan4 •
heart P*]
—, ,
rert’ai kekkon love marriage
—koiji the path of love, romance
1013; 85/5. en, so(u) run/lie (along)
&R[yen 2 4 •
water P*
_engan coast, shore
enkaku —— history, development
1014; 184/5. shoku, kaza(ru/ri) decorate, orna-
a doth 11-13; P*]
— &[shih4 • I: when eating 1-8, a person 9-10 uses
fukushoku dress accessories
—kazarike affectation, showing off
1015; 85/7. ho, ura bay, beach
R &[p'u3 •
water P*]
—uranami waves on a beach, breakers
—Urawa pn.
1016; 85/5. haku, to( meru/maru) lodge, accommo-
5 date; toma(ri) lodging, anchorage
R &[po2 p’o4 •
water P*]
—ippaku overnight stay
—tomarichin accommodation charge
1017; 32/8. iki area, region
[yu 4 &• I : earth break/division 4-1 1 ; P*]
_ —haitatsu kuiki delivery area
—ryoiki domain, sphere
1018; 6/1. ryo understanding; finish
D &[liao3 le3 • S : reeled thread]
,understanding, comprehension
—shuryo end, completion
1019; 78/6. shu, koto (ni) especially, particularly
[shu 1 &R *• disintegrate P
—shusho na admirable, commendable
—tokushu jijd special situation
1020; 104/7. tsu, ita(meru/mu/mi) hurt, pain
_ —R[t'ung4 • illness &P*]
zutsu headache
_- itade severe wound, heavy blow
' 1021 ; 156/5. etsu, ko(su/eru) pass, cross, exceed
&R[yueh4 •
run P]
—ekkyd border violation
_oikosu overtake
1022; 70/5. shi, se, hodoko(su) grant, bestow, per-
*P[sfflH 1 • I ; Lform, carry out
carry out
—shikd suru
—shisetsu institution; facilities
1023; 94/6. shu, ka(ru/ri) hunt
[shou4 •
R dog & P*]
—karigoya hunting lodge
—Icarikomi roundup
1024; 61/8. seki, o(shimu) regret; o(shii) regret-
R &[hsi 2 •
heart P*] |_table, precious
— —sekihai regrettable/narrow defeat ness
—hortcoshimi withholding effort, lazi-
1025 - 1032
1025; 85/8. ju, shibu(i) astringent, in sober taste;
shibu astringency, sober taste water & P*
R[se4 • I: water 1-3 stops 4-11 —dry; also
—J umen/shibuzura wry face, grimace
—shibumi astringency, sober taste
A 1026; 108/6. to, nusu(mu) steal
&[tao4 • I : to want the next 1-6 dish 7-1 1 steal
—tdnan robbery, burglary
—goto burglar, burglary Lit P*]
1027; 96/5. chin, • rare, unusual
R &[chen 1 •
jewel P*i
—chinpin rarity, curio
_ chinchd suru
prize, value highly
1028; 140/6. ko, a(rasu/reru) devastate i) vio-
lent, rough R &rtation; also grass P*]
[huang1 • I: grasses 1-3 spread 4-9 over devas-
—areno/koya wilderness
—arashigoto rough work
% 1029; 116/6. so, mado window
&[ch’uang 1 • R roof P*]
—doso same school, alumni
—madokazari window dressing
1030; 163/6. ko suburbs
R &[chiao1 •
city P*]
—kdgai suburbs
—kinkd suburbs
1031 ; 170/8. in negative; kage shadow
[yin1 • I: the dark 4-11 side of the hill 1-3;
also R mound & P*]
—insei negative; dormant
—hikage shade
1032; 1/3. go, taga(i ni) mutually
D[hu4 • : frame for winding rope into a figure-
—of-eight sKem]
gosen co-option, mutual election
—sdgo jdyaku mutual/reciprocal treaty
1033-1040 1033; 53/12. kei rejoice, congratulate
[CH’ING 4 • I]
—keishuku congratulation, celebration
—keiga congratulation
1034; 53/2. cho government office/agency
[t’ing 1 &R• lean-to P*
—fukenchd prefectural office
—Keishichd Metropolitan Police Office
1035; 157/7. yo, odo(ru/ri) dance, jump
R• foot P*]
_ —& —[yung3
Nihon buyd Japanese dance/danc-
odoriko girl dancer Ling
1036; 149/7. sei, chikafu/i) vow, swear
&R[shih4 •
words P*1
—seimon written oath, covenant
—seiyaku vow, oath
1037; 85/16. se shallows, rapids
R &[lai4 •
water P *
—Seto-naikai the Inland Sea
—hayase swift current, rapids
1038; 173/11. mu, kiri fog, spray
&R[wu4 •
rain P*]
_ — —yugiri —— evening mist
asagiri morning mist
#1 1039; 66/11. fu, shi(ku) spread, lay
&[fu1 • I: spread 1-11 strike/push down 12-15
= R &spread out; also strike P*]
—fusetsu construction, laying [railway, etc.]
—shikichi site
1040; 170/12. rin, tonari next door; tona(ru)
R — &[lin2 • work
mound (orig.,R city) P*]
rinpo jigyd neighborhood/social
—rinsetsu suru be adjacent (to)
1041 133/2. to reach, arrive at
R &[tao4 •
reach P* 7-8 (= 34)]
—totei finally; absolutely, (not) at all
—tochaku arrival
1042 ; 40/5. gi good, right
• I;P*]
24 yi2 . 4
— convenience, expedience
[i suitable, appropriate
1043; 30/4. gin, gin(zuru) sing, recite scrutinize
[yin2 • R mouth & P*]
—ginmi suru inquire into,
—dokugin solo song
1044; 151/0. to, zu, mame peas, beans; mame-
baby-, midget- P*]
&[tou4 • D: lid 1 dish 2-4 on tall stand 5-7->B;
—daizu soy bean
—mame-denkyu miniature electric bulb
1045; 41/0. sun* 1.193 inches, 3.03 cms.
D &[ts*un4 • S: the pulse 3 (an inch) below
the hand 1-2; P*]
—sunpo-dori ni
—sunka brief leisure as arranged/
1046; 9/7. smN, oka(su) invade, violate
&[ch’in 1 • R man P*1
——— shinryaku —— aggression
shingai violation, imringement
1047; 156/8. shu, omomuki meaning, taste, ap-
R &[ch’O4 • Lpearance
run P*]
—shukd plan, scheme
_ — —shumi [good] taste; interest, hobby
1048; 37/5. ki strange, wonderful, curious
• _ R &—[CH’I2
• big P*]
kdkishin curiosity
chinki na curious, strange
1049; 85/5. kyu na(ku) cry, weep
&ch’ 4
_ — —[ i
R• water P*]
kankyu suru be moved to tears
nakigao tearful face
1050; 75/6. 6, sakura cherry tree
ying 1 • I : tree with blossom falling 5-7 on a
[ —sakura-iro pink
Lw man below]
—yaezakura double cherry blossom
1051 ; 156/5. cho super-; ko(su/eru) exceed
&R[ch' ao 1 •
run P*]
—choonpa supersonic waves
—choka excess
1052; 120/8. ko tsuna rope, cable
&R[kang 1 •
thread P* (N.B. a rope is needed
to climb a mountain 12-14: cf. 1282)]
—ydico main principles, outline
—tsunahiki rope pulling, tug of war
1053; 75/12. ju tree
R &shu4 •
tree PI
— &jumoku trees
_ — —kaju fruit tree shrubs
1054; 149/9. bo mu haka(ru) plan, plot
, ,
R &mou2 •
words P*]
—sanbd military staff officer adviser
— —inbo plot, conspiracy ;
1055; 128/11. c z m listen
—[t ing 14 • Rear&P*
chdkd attendance at lectures
—cnoshu audience
1056; 169/10. to tataka(u) fight (with)
R &[tou4 •
fight P*]
— —sentd fight, battle
—funto hard fighting; strenuous efforts
1057; 4/8. kan watch, see
[k’an 1 . 4 • D&I: a hand 1-4 shading the eyes
5-9 to see out P*]
kanban signboard
—kangofu nurse
1058; 140/6. so solemn, majestic; villa
— &[CHUANG1 • R grass P*]
sochd solemnity
——— bessd (country) villa
1059; 186/0. ko* incense; kaori, ka fragrance,
smell grain 1-5; P*]
_[hsiang 1 • I: the sweet smell 6-9 (= 1333) of
koryd spices; perfumery
—Honkon Hongkong
1060; 61/3. nin, shino(bu) bear, endure; hide one-
[jen 3 R &• heart P*] Lself
—ninku endurance, stoicism
—shinobi-naki silent/suppressed weep-
1061; 187/12. kyo, odoro(kasu\ku\ki) surprise
&[ching 1 • R horse P*]
—kydten ddchi world-shaking
—kydi wonder[ment], miracle
1062; 162/4. gei, mukaferu/e) welcome, greet
R &[YING 2 •
proceed P*]
—kangei welcome
_ — &mukae-utsu await an attack fight
1063; 113/9. zen* Zen Buddhism
[ch'an2 SHAN4 • R god & P*]
zenshu Zen sect
—zenso Zen priest
1064 207/0. ko, tsuzumi hand drum
&[ku3 • I: drum on stand 1-9 strike 10-13 (=
R strike); P*]
—kobu pulsation, beat
encouragement, stimulation
1065- 1072
1065; 85/8. tan, awa(i) light, faint, pale
&R[tan4 •
water P*]
—tansuiko fresh-water lake
—reitan indifference, apathy, coldness
1066; 61/11. I, nagusa(merulme) comfort, console;
nagusa(mi) amusement, pastime
R &[wei4 •
heart P*]
imon condolence, consolation
—nagusami-hanbun ni partly for
1067; 118/9. han pattern; limit
R &[fan4 •
cart P*]
—kihan pattern, model
—han'i sphere, scope
1068; 61/5. do, oko(ru) ika(ru) (lit.) become
t Langry
R &[nu4 •
heart P*]
— &kido joy anger, emotions
— —ikari-arasou quarrel
to t 1069; 21/4. shi, mune purport, [main] principle, in-
[chih 3 • I P*] Lstructions
—yoshi the gist, essentials
shushi aim, purpose
1070; 162/9. sui, to(geru) accomplish, achieve
R &[sui2 4 •
proceed P*]
—suikd sum accomplish, carry out
— —misuizai attempted/unsuccessful crime
_ 1071 ; 149/9. yo song; utai No singing
R &[yao2 • words P*]
min’yd folk song
—doyo children’s song
1072; 154/8. kes, kashiko(i) msQ
R &[hsien2 •
shell P*]
—kenmei wisdom
— — &kensei wise men saints
1073; 118/13. bo notebook, register
[pu4 • R bamboo & P*]
—meibo name register, roll
—chobo account book
1074; 173/13. ro open, exposed; tsuyu dew
&R[lu4 lou4 •
rain P*]
—rokotsu na frank, plain
—asatsuyu morning dew
1075; 85/4. botsu, bos(suru) sink, die
R &mu[mei2 mo4
2-4 • water P*]
—, ,
bosshu confiscation
_ — —botsuraku ruin, downfall
1076; 8/11. ri, ura reverse side, back
R & &P*[li3 •
clothes 1-2 10-13, 3-9 (cf. 1809)]
_ &hydri back front, two sides, double-
—urazuke dealing
backing, proof, lining
1077; 70/7. sen revolve
R &[hsuan 2 - 4 .
roll of cloth P*]
senritsu melody
—senkai rotation
1-! 1078; 4/14. geki* play, drama; intense, severe
R &[chu4 chi 2 - 4 •
, knife P*]
—engeki the theater, drama
/»' / tragedy
1079; 9/6. hei, awa(seru) (vt.) combine, join
[ping4 • R man & P*]
—heiyd combined/joint use
—gappei combination, amalgamation
1080; 30/9. kitsu eat, drink, smoke
[ch’ih1 • R mouth & P*
—kissaten tea/coffee shop
—kitsuen tobacco smoking
1081 149/5. shin mi examine, 100k over/
[chen 1 3 • R words & P *
—shindan diagnosis
shinsatsuryd medical examination fee
1082; 2/4. k6* 1st (in a series) ‘A’ armor; kan
high (voice) rP*]
[chia3,2 • D: seed in shell 1-4, taking root 5;
—kdtetsu armor plate
——— kanpan deck
1083; 30/3. kyu, su( u) suck, smoke (tobacco)
&[hsi 1 • R mouth P*]
—kokyu breathing; a knack
—suitorigami blotting paper
1084; 28/7. tai, okota(ru), neglect; nama(keru) be
R &[tai4 • heart P*] [_idle [about
—taigyd senjutsu go-slow tactics
_ —okotarigachi no neglectful
1085; 75/5. ka, ka(suru), ka(keru/karu) erect,
R &[chia4 •
tree P*] Lconstruct
_kakU aerial, overhead; fictitious, fanciful
+ _ _jQjikazd crucifix
1086; 110/4. ju, NYU, yawa(raka i), yawafraka na)
soft, gentle 6-$ pliable; P*]
[jou2 • I: a spearlike 1-5 (see 1813) sapling
^ judo, jujitsu
—nyuwa gentleness, mildness
1087; 12/7. bon* Bon summer festival, tray
—[p’en2 • Rdish&P*]
bonkei tray landscape
;^; tabako-bon tobacco tray; busybody
f 1088; 120/8. kin hard, tight, strict
R &[chin 3 •
thread P*]
— —kinky
_ —kincho emergency; urgency
tension, strain
1089 -1096
1089; 53/7. za* seat; theater; suwa(ru)s\t down
[tso4 • I: seating 4-10 inside a building 1-3; P*]
pn.: the Ginza (Street)
zashiki drawing room
1090; 162/9. chi, oso(i) late, slow; oku(reru) be
late, be behind (schedule), be slow (of watches)
[ch’ih2 • I: proceed 10- 12 slowly 1-9]
—chien delay, postponement
—chichaku late arrival
1091; 140/13. haku, usu(i) thin, pale, weak
R &[pao2 po2, 4 •
, grass P*]
>1 * — —hakujaku flimsiness; weakness
hakujd heartlessness
1092; 120/10. han profusion, frequency
R &[fan2 •
thread P]
—hanbo na extremely busy
—han’ei prosperity
—hanjo prosperity
1093; 187/8. so, sawa(gu/gi) make a noise/dis-
turbance pound an insect 13-18]
—[sao1 • I: a horse 1-10 uses its hoof 11-12 to
sodo disturbance, riot fuss
—sawagi-tateru make an outcry/
1094; 212/6. shu, oso(u) attack, inherit, succeed
[hsi 2 R &• clothes P*] L(t )
—kQshQ keihd air-raid alarm
* — —sesnu zaisan hereditary property
1095; 30/4. s\3\,fu(ku) blow
R &[ch’ui 1 •
mouth P*]
—fubuki snowstorm
—fukiyose drift (of snow/sand)
1096; 64/4. taku selection
R &[tse2, 4 chai2 •
, hand P*]
—saitaku selection, adoption course
_ —sentaku kamoku optional/elective
1097; 85/4. chin, shizu(meru/mu) sink
&R[SHEN 2 CH’EN 2 •
water p*l
_ —chinbotsu sinking
—chinchaku calmness, composure
4 1098; 9/9. i, era(i) great, remarkable
[wei 3 • R man & P*]
ijofu hero, great man
—eramono/erabutsu great man
m 1099; 57/9. dan, tama projectile; hi(ku) play
(string instrument); hazu(mu) rebound, bounce
&R[T’AN2 TAN4 •
bow P*]
—dangan ressha bullet/superexpress
train bombing
bakudan tdka bomb-dropping.
1100; 53/9. hai abandon, abolish suta( reru),
suta(ru) die out, decline
[fei 4 R &• lean-to P*]
— &haichi abolition
Mr —shinrin kdhai establishment
forest devastation
1101; 140/10. chiku, takuwa(eru) store up, save
&[hsu4 • I: grass store up 4-13 (cf. 1740); also
R & —grass
P*] accumulate
chikuseki suru
sogo chochiku ginkd mutual
savings bank
1102; 12/10. fu universal
[p’u 3 • Rsun&P*]
— &fukyU suru (vt. vi.) spread, diffuse
—futsu no usual, ordinary
1103; 118/12. kan simple, concise
[chien3 • R bamboo & P*]
—kantan na simple
kanketsu na concise, brief
1104; 61/7. go, sato(ru/ri) comprehend, become
R &[wu4 • Lenlightened
heart P*]
—goryo enlightenment, perception
‘ —kakugo resolve, readiness; perception
1105; 50/9. bo hat
R & —[mao4 •
cloth P*] hat- box
n —bdsho cap badge
1106; 173/5. rei* zero, nought; spill over
i ' R_ & _[ling2 •
rain P*] rposits/savings
reisai tta chokin small/trifling de-
reiraku suru be ruined, come down
in the world
1107; 4/2. jin, ha blade, cutting edge
[jen4 • : sword, with line 3 indicating the blade
tdjin sword blade 12; P*]
— —hamono edged tool, cutlery
1108; 30/7. tetsu wisdom
[che 2 • R mouth &P*]
—tetsugaku philosophy
—kentetsu sage, wise man
1109; 167/5. en, namari \&3.d
R &[ch’ien1 •
metal P*]
_ — —enpitsu lead poisoning
m 1110; 157/4. kyo distance
f [chu4 R &• foot P*]
—tan-kyori short distance
—chd-kyori long distance
1111; 180/10. kyo, hibi(kulki) echo, vibrate
&R[hsiang 3 •
sound P*]
— — _eikyd
kdkydkyoicu ha-tanchd sym-
influence |_phony in C minor
1112; 9/9. gu doll; spouse; by chance
[ou3 • R man & P*]
—gUzd image, idol
guzen by chance
1113; 95/0. gen dark, obscure
D[hsuan 2 • : black thread P*]
—genmai unhulled/unpolished rice
—genkan porch, entrance hall
1114; 133/4. chi, ita(su) (dep.) do, make, cause
R[chih4 • strike (orig.’R step) &P*1
—chimeishd o ukeru suffer a
fatal wound
—gatchi suru accord/correspond (with)
S 1115; 18/3. sho, me(su) general hon. vb.: wear,
g % summon, ride, etc.
[chao4 • R mouth & P”
—shdchi suru call together, summon
—suru rinji kokkai o shdshU
convene a special Diet session
1116; 63/4. bo room ; fusa tuft, bunch, cluster
[FANG 2 • R door & P*
—jdki danbd steam heating
kanbd-chd secretariat head, secretary
71 1 1 ; 60/1 2. sho strike against, attack
&R[ch’ung 1 •
go/do P*]
—denchii ni shdtotsu sum
collide with a telegraph pole
—sesshd suru negotiate/parley (.with)
t 1118; 40/8. mitsu secret, dense, minute
&R[mi4 •
mountain P*]
—himitsu secret
Icinseihin o mitsuyu suru
— smuggle contraband goods
1119; 142/4. ka mosquito
R &[wen2 •
insect P]
—kaya mosquito net
_ —katori senkd mosquito coil
1120; 22/2. hiki unit for counting animals/rolls
of cloth; hitsu equal, lowly
[p'i 3 • D: hindquarters of a horse; P*]
— —ka ippiki one mosquito
_hitteki suru be equal /compare (to)
1121; 75/8. bo stick, pole
&R[pang4 • P*
_ —bo-anki rote learning, sheer memori-
_ —tetsubo iron bar
1122; 14/2. jo superfluous working, P*]
[jung3 • I: a person 3-4 in the house 1-2, not
—jochd na prolix, verbose
—jodan joke, witticism
1123; 173/7. shin, furu(waseru) (vt.)shake;/wrw-
(u/i), furu(eru/e) (vi.) shake
R &[chen4 •
rain P*]
_jishin earthquake
—shin’d earthquake center, epicenter
1124; 41/6. F * seal; >" seal up; h6 fief
[FENG 1 •
I; P*]
—ka U suru unseal/open (a letter)
—hdkcti scido feudal system
1125; 118/6. to, tsutsu tube, pipe
R &[t’ung2- 3 •
bamboo P*]
01 _ —futo envelope
takezutsu bamboo tube/pipe
1126; 4/6. soku*, taba bundle, bunch, sheaf
&[shu4 • D: wood 1 5-7 bound together with
rope 2-4; P*]
_ —yakusoku suru promise
^ — —tE hanataba bunch of flowers
P/ 1127; 112/4. sa, sha, suna sand
R &[sha1 •
stone P*]
—sakin saishQ-ken gold-dust/allu-
vial-gold collection right
—sunahama sandy beach
m 1128; 119/10. to sugar
R &[t’ang2 •
rice P*]
—satd sugar
K gan’yaku ni tdi o hodo-
—kosu put a sugar-coating on a pill
1129-1136 1129; 24/10. sai, saba(ku) judge, decide (a case);
M ta(tsu) cut out (cloth)
it R &[ts’ai2 • P*]
clothes court judge
^ —saiban-kan
1130; 120/5. sho introduction
[shao4 R &• thread P*]
—shdkai suru introduce, present
_shdkaijd letter of introduction
1131; 61/8. waku, mado(wasu/u) confuse, lead
astray (cf. 781 mayowasu)
&R[huo4 • P*
heart <
—meiwaku trouble, annoyance
_giwaku suspicion, doubt
1132; 37/6. kei, chigi(ru/rij pledge, promise
4R &[ch
• big P*]
—keiyaku contract, agreement
—keiki opportunity, chance
1133; 38/6. shi, sugata form, shape, appearance
[tzu1 • R woman & P*]
_shisei posture, carriage
— _ &ydshi face figure, person's appearance
1134; 149/2. tei correction
R &[ting4 •
words P*]
— &kaitei zoho revision
—teisei correction, revision enlargement
1135; 9/6. i, e depend on, be according to
R &[i ,
yi 1 • man P*]
e/i as ever, as before
religious conversion
— [ /]—kie
1136; 85/9. wan bay bow 10-12]
[wan1 • I: water 1-3 bent 4-9 in the shape of a
—Taiwan pn. : Taiwan, Formosa
_ — —kowan harbors
1137; 11 8/6. kin, suji sinew, vein, story [-line]
&[chin 1 • I: bamboo 1-6 what gives the flesh
=7-10 strength 11-12 grain, vein; P*]
_Kinniku muscles, sinew
—sujichigai sprain, illogicality
—sujikai obliqueness
1138; 48/9. ko item, section
&R[hsiang4 •
head P*]
—kdmoku item, clause
— &jokd articles clauses, provisions
1139; 18/6. shi “ poke forward, stab, sting
&[tz5 u4 • I: pointed weapon 1-6 knife
|_stab; P*]
—meishi visiting card
% — —$lj sashimi sliced raw fish
1140; 140/11. bo, ku(rasu) live, make a living; ku-
(reru) grow dark, end; ku(re) year's end
R &[mu4 •
sun P* 1-10]
—hakubo dusk, twilight
—yUgure evening
1141; 113/4. ki, ino(ru/ri) pray for
[ch 2 • Rgod&P*]
i —kigan prayer, supplication
—kisei vow, pledge
' 1142; 1 20/ 1 1 shuku, chiji ( meru/mu) shrink
R &[so 1 •
thread P*]
—shukusatsuban reduced-size edition
—kinshuku shrinkage; economy curtail-
1143; 64/8. ka(keru) hang, apply, sit (on); ka-
(karu) be hanging, cost; kakari person in charge,
R &[kua4 •
hand P] Lexpense
—kakebuton bedspread, eiderdown
—koshikake seat, chair; stopgap job
1144; 109/5. min, nemu( rujri) sleep
R &[mien 2 •
eye P*]
—anmin peaceful sleep
—nemurigusuri sleeping medicine
1145; 1 70/1 . sho, sawa(ru/ri^ be a hindrance (to),
have a baa effect (on)
[chang4 • R mound & P*]
—kosho defect, breakdown
—shdgai obstacle, difficulty
1146; 61/13. oku remember, think
R &[i ,
yi4 • heart P*]
—okubyd cowardice, timidity
—kioku memory
1147; 118/4. sho, wara(u/i) laugh; smile; e(mu),
R &[hsiao4 •
bamboo P*] [emi smile
—reishd cold smile, sneer
waraigusa laughingstock"
1148; 9/15. yu, sugu(reru) be superior (to); yasa-
(shii) gentle, elegant
&Ryu1 •
heart P*]
—yushu superiority, excellence
_yuto superiority, excellence
1149; 130/6. kyo, mune chest
R &[hsiung 1 •
flesh P*]
—dokyo courage
_munekazari brooch
1 150; 38/5. sei* family name; sho
[hsing4 • R woman & P*]
—seishi family name, surname
—hyakushd farmer
1151; 149/10. kin, tsutsushi(mu) be respectful/
cautious/restrained about
&[chin 3 • R words P*]
—Kinga Shinnen Happy New Year
—kinchd suru listen respectfully/at-
1152; 162/7. to, su(ku) be transparent
R &[t’ou4 •
proceed P*]
—tomei transparency
suki-tdru be transparent
1153; 172/2. seki unit for counting ships.etc.; sin-
gle, solitary
— _ — _[chih1
• I: one bird 1-8 in the hand 9-10; P*]
sQseki no fune several ships
issekigan a discerning eye
1154; 64/5. tei resist
R &[ti3 •
hand P*]
—teitd mortgage
—teishoku suru tradictory (to)
run counter/be con-
1155; 159/6. kaku, ko compare
R &[chiao3- 4 •
cart P*]
—hikaku comparison
—koryo comparison
1156; 184/5. shi, ka(u) keep (animals)
R &[szu4 •
eat P*]
—shiiku breeding, rearing
—kainushi (animal) owner, keeper
1157; 9/9. gi, itsuwa(ru) deceive, lie; nise sham,
R &[wei3* 4 •
man P*] Limitation
forgery, counterfeiting
truth or falsehood, authenticity
1158; 140/8. kiku* chrysanthemum
R &[chu2 •
grass P*]
—kiku ningyd chrysanthemum-flower doll
—kikuzukuri chrysanthemum growing/
1159; 38/6. in marriage
— —[yin1 • R woman & P*1
inzoku relative by marriage
—kon’in tdkei marriage statistics
1160; 31/9. ken sphere, range, orbit
&[ch'uan1 chuan4 • R enclosure P*]
_ —kennai within the orbit
—Hokkyokuken Arctic circle
1161-1168 1161 149/5. ei, yo(mu) recite/chant/compose a
w [yung3 • R words & P*] Lpoem
i —eiso draft of a poem Kymn
—eika composing a poem/song; pilgrim’s
1 162; 75/6. bai, ume plum tree
R &[mei2 •
tree P*]
—baiu/tsuyu rainy season
—umeshu plum wine
1163; 61/6. kyo, oso(rerufre) fear; oso(roshii)
&R[K’UNG 3 •
heart P*] Lfearsome
—kydeibyd Anglophobia
—osore-iru be overwhelmed/afraid/
hesitant [to impose]
1 164; 18/7. saku, kezu(ru) plane, pare, delete
R &[Hsiao 1 hsDeh 1 - 4 •
knife P*]
—1J sakugen reduction, curtailment
—enpitsu-kezuri pencil sharpener
1165; 163/8. kyo village, native place; go country-
[hsiang 1 • I; P*] folk/rural Lside
—kokyd native place crafts
—kyddo geijutsu
1 1 66 ; 61/6. kai, ku( iru), kui regret , ku(yamulyami)
regret, condole with
R &[hui3 •
heart P*]
—kaigo repentance, remorse
—kdkai regret, repentance
1167; 4/10. cho, ho(ru) carve, engrave 9-
[tiao 1 • I: to envelop 1-8 with decoration
R &1 1 ; also light rays P*]
—chozo sculpture, statue
—itto-bori single-knife carving
1168; 75/5. hei, gara design, pattern, character; e
R &[ping3- 4 • Lhandle
tree P*]
—hitogara personality, character
^ — —kotogara circumstances, situation
1169; 162/6. to, ni(gasu) Ino(gasu) (vt.), ni(geru)
(vij let go/escape, set iree; no(gareru) (vt.) escape
&R[t’ao2 •
proceed P*] [(from), evade
—tdsd escape, desertion
escape, desertion
m 1170; 14/7. kan, kanmuri crown
[kuan 1 - 4 • I: what the hand 7-9 covers 1-2 the
R &head 3-6 with; also cover P*]
—kan crown
—shdri no eikan crown/laurels of
Is 1171; 61/13. kon, nengo(ro) courtesy, cordiality
R &[k’en3 •
heart P*]
—kon’i kindness, friendship
—kongan entreaty, appeal
1172; 181/7. rai, tano(mu/mi) make request (to),
rely (on); tayo(ru\ri) rely/depend (on)
&[lai4 • R money P*]
irai suru make request/entrust (to)
—tartomi no tsuna lifeline, one’s last
1173; 130/7. datsu omit; nu(gu) take off (clothes)
R[t o13 • flesh &P*]
— &datsugo omissions mistakes
— —dassen derailment; deviation
1 174; 187/8. ki unit for counting horsemen; horse-
[ch 2 • R horse &P*] Lriding
—ikki-uchi man-to-man fight on horse-
_ —tanki ryokd back
lone journey by horse
1175; 85/5. sho, numa swamp
R &[CHAO3 •
water P*]
—shdtaku marsh, swamp
—numachi/shochi marsh land
1176; 61/5. kai weird, mysterious; aya(shimu)
suspect, doubt; aya(shii) suspicious, strange; ke
R &[kuai4 •
heart P*]
—kikai na strange, weird
— —kega wouna, injury
1177; 8/6. mo, mekura blindness, blind person
R[mang 2 • I: without/lost 1-3 sight 4-8; also
— &mdmoku blindness
—mochd the appendix [eye P*]
1178; 8/11. ki discard
[ch’i 4 R &• tree P*]
——— hoki suru abandon, relinquish
—jibd jiki self-neglect, despair
1179; 86/8. sha, ni(ru) boil, cook
R &[chu 3 •
fire P*]
—ni-naosu reboil, recook
' _ —namanie no undercooked
1180; 130/8. wan, ude arm, ability
R &[wan4 •
flesh P*]
—udewa bracelet
— —1j udemae ability, skill
1181 ; 60/9. gai, kai, machi street
R &[chieh 1 •
go/do P*]
—gairo sdjifu street cleaner
i — —Koshii kaidd the Koshu highway
U82; 149/5. so, utta(eru/e) sue, complain of, ap-
peal/resort (to)
&R[su4 sun4 •
words P*]
kokuso accusation
—sogan petition, appeal
1 1 83 ; 44/ 1 1 . so stratum
R &[ts’eng 2 •
bent figure P*]
—kasd substratum; lower classes
chiso land stratum
1184; 85/11. zen gradually, finally
R &[chien 1- 4 •
water P*]
—zenzo gradual increase
—zengen gradual decrease
11 85 - 11 92
1185; 167/6. jugun
R &[ch’ung4 •
metal P*]
—shdju-dan rifle bullet
—jusatsu shooting to death
1186; 157/8. to, fu( mu) step/tread on
[t a 4 • Rfoot&P]
—butokai dance party, ball
—fumikiri level crossing
1187; 120/8. i fasten; support
R &[wei2 •
thread P*]
support, maintenance
_ —Meiji Ishin Meiji Restoration
1188; 61/13. kai, natsu(kashii) nostalgic, yearned
for; natsu(kashimu) yearn for; natsu(kerufku) win
over, tame; futokoro breast pocket, purse
R &[huai2 •
heart P*]
—jukkai reminiscences
+ —kaichU dentd pocket torch
1189; 9/8. to, tao(su/reru) fell, bring down
*[tao3, 4 R &• man P*]
—attdteki overwhelming
—sottd suru faint, fall unconscious
1190; 149/8. sei, sfflN, u(keru) receive, undertake;
R &[ch’ing3 •
words P*] \_ko(u) request
f —seikyQsho bill, written claim
—fushin building, construction
1191 ; 4/7. ho, bu, hd(zuru) present, serve, obey;
tatematsu(ru) present, revere
—[feng4 • I: offer up 1-5 with the hand 6-8; P*]
hdshi service
—hdno presentation; offering
1192; 40/10. kan generous, liberal
R &[k’uan 1 •
roof P*]
—kan’yd generosity, tolerance
—kankd magnanimity, cordiality
1193-1200 1193; 170/8. ryu prosperous, high
m [lung2 • R mound & P]
—ryusei prosperity
—ryuun good fortune
1194; 12/11. ji, itsuku(shimu) have love/compas-
&R[tz’u2 •
fire Lsion for
—jihi compassion, charity
—jiai kindness, love
1195; 24/9. kan dry; jbe-
—[ch’ien 2 kan 1 • I ; P*] Lcome dry/thirsty
kanpai toast
— —kanbutsu groceries, dry goods
1 196; 75/10. gai general, approximate
tree P*
&R[kai4 •
—gairyaku outline, gist; roughly
—gaisan rough estimate
1197; 85/7. R wave, drifting
R &[lang4 •
water P*]
—rohi waste, extravagance
— —rurd seikatsu a wandering life
1198; 80/7. kan, tsuranu(ku) pierce, go through,
achieve 5-1 1 on a string ; P*]
[kuan4 • I pierced 1-4 (vrt. of 1206 1-7) money
pierce, perforate
—— kantsu suru
—kanryu suru flow through
1199; 86/6. retsu violent, brave
[lieh4 • Rfire&P*]
—netsuretsu na passionate, ardent
—resshin violent earthquake
1200; 85/7. rui, namida tear
[lei4 • I: water 1-3 returns 4-10 (vrt. of 1850)
—kanrui tears of emotion
—namidagoe tearful voice Las tears]
1201 - 1208
1201; 137/4. han general; carry
[PANl I P*]
—senpan the other aay
—zenpan the whole
1202; 149/6. ko, hoko(ru/ri) be proud, boast
&[k’ua 1 • I: words bigness 8-13]
koshi/koji display, ostentation
_ —kocho exaggeration
1203; 149/6. yo, homa(re) honor, glory, fame
[yu 2 4 • I: give 1-6 (vrt. of 983) words 7-13
R &of praise; also words P*]
—meiyo honor, honorary
—eiyo honor
1204; 173/5. rai, kaminari thunder
R &[lei2 •
rain P*]
—raimei thunder
—rakurai being struck by lightning
1205; 30/8. kei enlighten, address
[ch5!3 • I: push open 5-8 the door 1-4 of under-
R &standing by words 9-11 ; also mouth P*]
— —keihatsu suru enlighten, develop
—Haikei Respectfully, Dear Sir (in letters)
1206; 61/7. kan, wazura(u/i) be troubled over,
suffer from; wazura(wasu) trouble
R &[huan4 •
heart P (cf. 1198)]
—kanja patient
_ —kyukan teate first-aid treatment
1207; 170/7. jin* military camp/position
R &[chen4 •
mound P* (orig., vrt. of 1647)]
enjin (people in) a circle
—jin’ei camp, barracks
1208; 9/10. ketsu excel
&R[chieh 2 •
man P]
—kessaku masterpiece; blunder
—kesshutsu suru excel
6 1209; 9/7. soku, unaga(su) urge
1209- 121
[ts’u4 • R man & P*
—sokusei promotion of growth
_sokushin suru promote, stimulate
1210; 42/9. sho control; palm of the hand
&R[chang3 •
hand P* 1-8 (vrt. of 1843)]
—shashd (bus , etc.) conductor
—shochu no tama apple of one’s eye
1211; 92/8. ga elegance, grace
R &[ya3 .
small bird P*]
—Gagaku Imperial Court music
—yuga elegance, grace
1212; 9/6. bu, anado(ru) despise
[wu3 • R man & P*]
bugen —— insult
—keibu contempt
1213; 149/5. sho, mikotonori imperial edict
[chao4 • R words & P”
—seisho imperial command/decree
—Sg shosho imperial rescript/edict
1214; 4/7. sui, ta(rasu/reru) suspend, [let] hang
R &[ch’ui2 •
earth P*] l_dovvn
—suichoku koka vertical descent
—suisen vertical/perpendicular line
1215; 63/4. ken, kata shoulder
D &[chien1 • I: of shoulder 1-4 flesh; P*]
—katagaki title
— —katami ga hiroi feel proud/big
1216; 5/7. nyu, chichi/chi milk, breasts
[ju3 . I P*]
gyunyu cow’s) milk
chibanarejchichibanare weaning
121 - 1224
tf 1217; 61/11. z6, hate
&R[Tseng 4 • P*
—z hatred
—ainiku unfortunately
1218; 75/10. mo, bo model, imitation
— R &[mo1 ma1 mao1 •
tree P*]
mohan model, example
_kibo scale
m 1219; 94/11. goku* prison
&[yu4 • I: dogs 1-3 11-14 exchanging words/
-snarls 4-10 complaint prison; P*]
—shutsugoku suru leave prison
— —jigoku hell
1220; 38/6. princess
• [chi1 • I: type of woman 1-3 Court official 4-10]
—himegimi princess
—maihime dancing-girl, dancer
1221; 85/7. sfflN, hita(sulru) soak, wet
R &[CHIN 14 CH’IN4 •
water P*]
—shinsui kaoku flooded houses
—shinto permeation, saturation, osmosis
1222; 149/7. yu, saso(u/i) invite, tempt
— _ &[yu4 • R words P*]
yuwaku temptation, seduction
—kan'yu suru canvass, solicit
1223; 38/10. ka, yome bride, young wife; totsu-
(gu) marry [of woman]
[chia4 • R woman & P*]
—hanayome bride
_ —yomeiri-jitaku tions/trousseau
wedding prepara-
1224; 190/4. hatsu, kami the hair
&R[fa 3 •
' long 1-7 (=155) hair 8-10 P*]
—rihatsu ydgu hairdressing equip-
—kamiyui hairdresser/dressing (_ment
1225; 61/6. Ko constant, permanent
1 [heng2 • I: heart 1-3 unchanging one 4 day
5-8 after another 9; P*]
kokyu —— permanency
—kdrei usual practice, common usage
%, 1226; 194/0. ki, om devil *(vrt. of 4); P
D &[kuei3 • S: a weirdfaced 1-6 figure 7-10
—kisai genius, prodigy
—oni-yuri tiger lily
1227; 61/6. kon, ura(mu\mi) hate, resent
&R[hen 4 •
heart P*]
— _kaikon remorse, regret
—tsuKon deep sorrow, bitter regret
1228; 85/10. metsu, horo(bosu/biru) ruin, destroy
&[mieh4 • I: water 1-3, battle-ax 4-6 11-13,
& fire 7-10]
_hametsu ruin, destruction
—metsubd downfall, destruction
1229; 145/8. ra, hadaka naked, penniless
R &[lo3 •
clothes P*]
rataiga nude picture all
—hadaka ikkan de with no money at
4 1230; 184/5. ho, a(kiru/ki) become tiresome/
it boring, become tired (of)
R &[pao3 • well clothed
eat P*]
— &hdshoicu dan’i no overfed
—aki-aki suru become tired (of)
1231 ; 32/8. shitsu, shu, to(ru) seize, grasp, take
(on), carry out
D&S:[chih2 • kneeling figure 9-11 holding
—out manacled hands 1-8; P*] tenacity
shikken regent
_ —sh ujaku/sh uchaku attachment,
1232; 4/10. i junior/company officer
—[wei4 yu4 • Rrule&P*]
rikugun chui army lieutenant
_ —kugun taii air-force captain
1233; 120/3. K ku, kurenai crimson beni rouge,
&R[hung2 •
thread P*] |_lipstick
_ —kdcha black/Indian-type tea
_kuchibeni lipstick
1234; 50/9. fuku* unit for counting scrolls
haba width, influence
R[FU 2 . 4 • cloth &P*]
—habakiki person of influence
—hanhaba half width
1235; 120/9. ho, nu(u/i) sew
R &[feng 2- 4 •
thread P*]
_ —saihd sewing, needlework
— —nui-moyo embroidered design
1236; 64/8. tan, sagu(ru), saga(su) search for/
[t’an 1 4 • I: use a hand 1-3 to search a hole
—4-7 (vrt. of 984) for wood 8-11 ; P*] pedition
tankyu search, inquiry
—Nankyoku tanken Antarctic ex-
1237; 130/5. ho placenta
R &[pao 1 p’ao1 •
flesh P*]
—enalhdi placenta
—saihd (physiological/political)
k 1238; 25/7. tei chaste, constant
R &[CHEN 1 •
divination P*]
_teisetsu chastity, fidelity
—teiketsu chastity, purity
1239; 30/12. fun, /“ :“ emit
. —funshutsu sum gush/spout
&R[P’EN 1 4 FEN4 •
, mouth P*]
—fun’en belching smoke forth,
1240; 32/11. tsui fall
R &[chui4 •
earth P*]
—tsuiraku suru fall, crash
—gckitsui sum shoot down (a plane)
1241 64/12. satsu pinch, pick; to(ru) take (photo)
R &[TS’o14 TSO1 •
hand P*]
—satsuyo outline, summary
—satsuei photography
1242; 72/11. zan for a while
&R[chan 4 •
sun -> day P*]
—zantei provisional, tentative
—za/y7 (ifor) a short time
1243; 120/9. tei shi(meru/maru) tie, shut, tighten
[n4 . R thread &P*]
_ shimekiri shut, closing, time limit
—joyaku no teiketsu treaty con-
1244; 120/9. en relationship, marriage; veranda;
&R[yuan 2 • thread P*] \_fuchi edge, rim
—endan marriage discussion/proposal
_ —gakubuchi (picture) frame
1245; 181/9. ken manifest, important
R &[hsien3 •
head P*]
—kencho na outstanding, conspicuous
—roken discovery, exposure
1246; 75/5. ko, ka(rasulreru) wither, dry up
[k’u1 • Rtree&P*
—kareshiba withered grass
—kareha/koyd dead leaf
1247; 126/3. tai, ta(eru) endure, withstand
[nai4 • Rrule&P*
—nintai perseverance
— —tainetsu no heatproof
M 1248; 141/3.. gyaku cruelty; shiita(geru) oppress
[nueh4 • I: tiger 1-6 (ab. of 1932) claws 7-9
—gyakutai ill-treatment
_ — —bdgyaku tyranny, atrocity j_(vrt.of 1 887)]
X 1249; 8/7. ai, awa(remu/re) pity
&Lai 1 • I: a robe 1-2 b-5 covering the mouth
&R3-5 in distress; also mouth P*] feelings
— —kido airaku emotion,
_hiai sorrow, pathos
1250; 140/10. maku* curtain, act; baku military,
Shogunate cloth & P*
—— &[mu4
R• I: cover up 1-10 cloth 11-13; also
kaimaku curtain-raising
Bakufu Shogunate government
1251; 85/10. tai residence (in); todokd(rujri)
, stagnate, be in arrears
5 R &[chih4 •
water P*]
_taizai stay, residence
—taind nonpayment, default
1252; 9/13. gi* ceremony; rule; matter
R &[i ,
yi 2 • man P*]
—gishiki ceremony, ritual
_reigi [sahd] etiquette, courtesy
1253; 40/12. shin investigate, judge
R &[shen3 •
roof P*]
—shinpankan umpire, referee
—shingi inquiry, review, deliberation
1254; 61/12. fun, ikidd(ru) be angry/indignant/
R &[fen4 •
heart P*] Lresentful
—funzen to angrily, indignantly
_gijun righteous inaignation
1255; 137/7. tei small boat
[t’ing 3 • Rboat&P*]
—shutei boat
—kantei naval vessel
&1256; 85/12. jun, uruo(su/u/i) moisten, profit,
enrich; uru(mu) be moist/clouded P*j
R[jun4 • I: water 1-3 in excess 4-15; also water
—shinjun permeation, saturation
—lj rijun profit (margin)
1257-1264 1257; 24/11. sai, nofseru/ru) load, carry, publish,
' [tsai3- 4 • Rcart&P*] Lrecord
—sekisai loading, carrying
—rensai yomimono serial(ized story)
1258; 159/5. jiku* axis, axle, scroll
R &[chou2 chu 2 •
cart P*]
—shajiku wheel axle
kakejiku hanging scroll
1259; 116/10. kyu, kiwa(merulmaru) take to an
extreme, follow through
[ch’iung2 • I: extremely small hole 1-5 entered
by bending the body 6-12 like a bow 13-15; *P]
—kyQkyoku no final, ultimate
—kyukyd extremity, dilemma, plight
1260; 9/9. hen, katayo(ru) incline (to), be one-
sided/partial (toward)
li R &[p’ien 1 •
man P*]
—henken prejudice
—hencho/henju derance
over-emphasis, prepon-
1261; 169/7. etsu inspect, examine, peruse
&R[yueh4 •
gate P*]
1 inspection, censorship ticket
—tosho etsuran-ken library reading
1262; 38/8. ba old woman
[p’o2 • R woman & P*]
—sanba midwife
—rdbashin old-womanish/excessive con-
# 1263; 46/8. su worship; lofty, noble
[ch’ung 2 • R mountain & P*]
—sosen suhai ancestor worship
—sukei reverence, veneration
1264; 42/12. ki, kagaya(ku) shine, be radiant
R &[hui1 • P*]
—kdki brilliance, splendor
—kagayaki-wataru &shine out far
1265- 1272
1265; 64/8. kutsu, ho(ru) dig
[chueh 2 • R and & P*]
4 —sekitan saikutsu coal mining
—horidashimono lucky find,
1266; 85/8. katsu, kawa(kasu) dry; kawa(ku)
? become dry/tmrsty
>fu [k’o3 k’e 3 &R• water P*]
—kokatsu suru run dry, be exhausted
—chiteki katsubd intellectual thirst/
/ —jokyd situation, circumstances
1267; 85/5. kyo situation; still more
&R[k’uang4 •
water P*]
—gaikyo general situation/conditions
1268; 85/8. ryo, suzu(shii) cool; suzu(mu/mi)
[liang 2 R &• water P*] Lcool oneself
—seiryd inryd cooling drink
_yusuzumi (enjoying) the evening cool
1269; 210/3. sai purification; room
R &[CHAI1 •
god P*]
saikai purification
—shosai study
1270; 46/6. kyo gorge, ravine
R &[hsia4 •
mountain P*]
—Tsugaru Kaikyd
—kydwan fiord the Tsugaru Straits
1271; 187/4. ku, ka(keru) run, gallop
R[ch'u1 • horse &P*]
—kujo extermination, destruction
kakeashi de at the double, at a run
J^r- 1272; 46/7. ho, mine peak
R &[feng 1 • mountain P*]
—renpd series/row of mountain peaks
_ —i: Fuji-san no mine the peak of Mt.
K 1273; 94/9. ken, kon present, dedicate
&[hsien4 • R dog P*]
—hoken suru consecrate, dedicate
—kondate menu arrangements, plan
1274; 18/10. katsu, wa(ru), sa(ku) divide, split;
« wari proportion; percentage, 10%; profit
R &[ko 1 , ke 1 • ments
knife P*]
—bunkatsu-barai installment/easy pay-
—waribiki-ken discount coupon
%- 1275; 140/9. bo, tsuno(ru) raise, collect, levy
R &[mu4 •
strength *P]
—bokin undo fund-raising campaign
—boshu recruitment, enrollment
127b; 61/9. yu enjoyment, pleasure
— —[yu2 • R heart &P*]
yukai enjoyment, pleasure
—yuralcu pleasure, joy
1277; 145/6. retsu, sa(ku/keru) tear, rend
R &[lieh4 •
clothes P*]
I —haretsu suru explode, burst
—sakeme tear, split, crack
1278; 149/5. sa lie, deceive
&[cha3 • R words P*]
— —sashd false name/title, misrepresentation
—ft sashu fraud, swindle
1279; 162/9. hen wide, general
&[pien4 p’ien4 • R proceed P*]
travels, pilgrimage
—fuhenteki shinri universal
1280; 169/4. kan quietness, peace, leisure
[hsien 2 • I: gate 1-8 secured with wooden bar
—kansan leisure, inactivity
—kansei tranquillity j_9-12; P *
1281; 85/11. hyo, tadayo(u) drift, float
R &[p’iao 1 3. 4 •
water P*]
—hydryU drifting
—hydhakueki bleaching liquid
1282; 120/8. mo, ami net
&R[wang3 •
thread P* (cf. 1052)]
—tsushin-mo communication/news net
amibukuro net bag l_work
% 1283; 61/16. ken, ke, ka(kerujkaru) hang, apply,
&R[hsuan2 •
heart P*] Lspread
—isshd kenmei ni
——— kenen fear, anxiety for dear life
1284; 102/6. rui successive; involvement, trouble
[lei2 - 3- 4 • I;P*]
—ruiseki accumulation, pile
—keirui dependents, ties; complicity
1285; 162/9. gu meeting; treatment
[yu 4 &R• proceed P*]
—kigu chance/surprise meeting
_taigu treatment, service
1286; 40/3. u the heavens, sky
[yu3 • Rroof&P*]
— —udai the whole world
1287; 140/5. byo, nae seedling
[miao 1 • I: plants 1-3 in a rice field 4-8; P*]
—naedoko seedbed
—nawashiro[da] rice-seedling bed
1288; 112/9. ji magnet; porcelain
R &[tz’u2 •
stone P*]
—jishaku/jiseki magnet, compass
—jiki magnetism
1289; 61/11. man* idle; haughty
R &[man4 •
heart P*]
—taiman negligence, neglect
— —gaman patience, tolerance,
1290; 108/10. ban* dish, board
[p’an 2 • Rdish&P*]
—kiban disc, discus
basis, foundation
1291 ; 140/5. kei, kuki stem, stalk
&R[ching 1 •
grass P*]
—kakei flowering stem
—kyQkei shokubutsu bulb plant
% 1292; 30/10. tan, nage(ku) sigh/be sad over,
&R[t’an4 •
mouth P*j Ldeplore
—eitan admiration, exclamation
—kydtan suru feel admiration (for)
1293; 1 15/9. to, ine rice plant
R &[tao4 •
grain P]
land/hill rice
—Inari fox/harvest god
1294; 180/10. in* rhyme; meter, echo, tone
[yun 4 • R sound & P*]
—on’in soshiki sound system
—inritsuteki rhythmic
1295; 48/7. ko, ku, mitsu(gu) donate, contribute;
[rung4 • R money & P*] \_mitsugi tribute
—koken contribution, service
—nengu annual tribute, land tax
' 1296; 86/11. kun merit
R &[hsun1 •
strength P*]
—kunshd decoration, order, medal
—shukun distinguished service
% 1297; 30/12. shoku entrust, request
[chu 3 • R mouth & P*]
—ishoku suru entrust/give a commis-
sion (to) expect much (of
—shokubd suru pin one's hopes (on).
1298; 4/14. gi, tawamu(rerulre) be playful/
joking/fiirtatious (toward)
R &[hsi4 •
lance P*]
—gikyoku drama, play
—yugi game, pastime
1299; 173/7. rei, ryo, tama spirit, ghost, soul
[ling2 • I: in the heavens 1-8, lines 9-15 (cf.
998) of spirits]
—bdrei dead spirit, ghost
—ireisai memorial service
1300; 40/8. jaku, seki, sabi(shii) lonely
&R[chi4 •
roof P*]
—kanjaku tranquillity
—seijaku silence, tranquillity
% 1301; 40/7. en banquet
% &[yen4 • I: to relax 1-3 8-10 (see 98) after
&the day 4-7 enjoy oneself]
_ —enkaijd banquet hall
—shuen drinking party
1302; 53/8. yo mediocre, ordinary
R[yung 1 • lean-to & P*]
—ydsai mediocre talent
—chuyd middle path, the (golden) mean
1303; 40/5. chu the heavens, space
— —&R[chou4 •
roof P*]
chugaeri somersault
—uchU ryokd space travel
1304; 61/8. sa^, zan, mijifme na) piteous, wretch-
R &[ts'an3 •
heart P*] |_ed
—sanji tragedy, disaster
—hisan na wretched,
sad, tragic
2 1305; 85/8. sho cross over, link
1305- 131
[she4 • I: walk/step 4-11 (see 433) across a
stream 1-3; P*]
—kdsho public relations, liaison
negotiations, relations (with)
1306; 118/5. teki, fue flute
_ R —— &[ti2
• bamboo P*]
keiteki alarm-whistle, (car, etc.) horn
kuchibue whistling, a whistle
1307; 149/13. jo, yuzu(ru) hand over, give up,
[jang4 • R words & P*]
—joho concession
—yuzuri-watasu hand over
1308; 132/3. shu, kusa(i) ill-smelling; -kusa(i)
smacking of dog 7-5 (ab. of 578) sniffing; P*]
[ch'ou4 • hsiu 4 1: the nose 1-6 (see 60) of a
—akushu bad smell
— —shukyd-kusai smacking of religion,
1309; 138/5. ki, sude (ni) already
R &[chi4 •
limit P]
—Icisei irui ready-made clothes
—kitei jijitsu established fact
1310; 167/14. kan discernment; take warning
from, have regard to
R &[cfflEN4 •
metal P*]
—kansho appreciation
—nenkan yearbook
1311; 1/6. K6 repeat; 5am (mV anew again; /w-
(kasu) (vt.) be up deep into (the night); fu(keru)
R &[KENG 1 . 4 CHING 1 Lgrow late
. sun P*]
—kdsei rebirth
—henko change, alteration
1312; 160/0. shin painful, hard; kara(i) spicy,
salty; kard(jite) barely, with difficulty
[hsin1 • D; P*]
—shinsan hardship, privation
karagara barely, with difficulty
131 - 1320
1313; 87/3. da peace, contentment
[t’o3 • I : a Hand 1 -4 placed on a woman to
pacify her; P*]
—aato na proper, appropriate, sound
—dakyd compromise
1314; 38/4. nin conception, pregnancy
[jen 2 • R woman & P*]
—ninpu pregnant woman
—kainin conception, pregnancy
1315; 9/5. shi, ukaga(u) (vi.) visit, (vt.) ask/hear
R &[tz’u4 szu4 •
man P*] Labout
—shiKo suru wait (upon), pay one’s
—respects (to) [after a person’s health]
shochu-ukagai hot-season inquiry
1316; 140/4. ho hon. pref.; kanba(shii) fragrant
&R[FANG1 •
grass P*]
—hdshi your kindness
—hokd perfume, fragrance
"t 1317; 85/4. chu, oki open sea, offshore sea
R &[ch’ung 1 •
water P*]
—okiai offshore, offing
—okitsu shiranami offshore white
1318; 64/4. yoku restrain, hold down
R &[i
, yi4 • hand P*]
—yokuatsu suppression
_ —yokusei suru restrain, repress
f 1319; 8/4. ju fill; a(teru) apply, strike home
[ch'ung 1 • I: the full growth of a child 1-4 (in-
verted vrt. of 61) into a man 5-6; P*]
—jubun ni in full measure, satisfactorily
— —jusoku sufficiency
1320; 64/4. K resist
K’ANG4 • Rhand&P*]
hankd resistance, opposition (agains
—teikd suru offer resistance (to), fight
1321; 38/4. myo* wondrous, strange
[miao4 • I : the beauty of a woman 1-3 of few
4-7 years; P*]
—rnydgi outstanding skill
—kdmyd skill
1322; 9/5. sa assist
&[tso3 • R man P*]
—hosa assistance
—Saga pn.
1323; 163/4. ho homeland, Japan
[pang 1 •
R &district P*] wealth
—Eikoku Renpd British Common-
—zairyu hojin overseas Japanese
1324; 4/5. retsu, oto(ru) be inferior (to)
[lieh 4 • I: less 1-4 strength 5-6 than others; P*]
—retto-kan inferiority complex
— &yUshd reppai the strong win the
weak fail, survival of the fittest
1325; 27/4. kai, hai ashes
R &[hui 1 • P*]
—sekkai lime
A —hai-iro no ashen, gray
1326; 123/0. yo, hitsuji sheep
[yang 2 • D: sheep with horns 1-2; P*]
—ydmd wool
—hitsujikai shepherd
1327; 20/4. jun ten-day period P*]
&[hsun2 • I: sun/day 3-6 revolve/repeat 1-2;
—gejun last ten days of a month
^ — —flj junkan published every ten days
1328; 85/3 kan, ase sweat
&[han4 • R water P*]
—hakkan sweating
—hiya-ase cold sweat
1329- 1336
1329; 90/3. so powerful, brave
&[chuang4 • R scholar P*]
—sdken na healthy, robust
—kydsd na sturdy, robust
1330; 64/3. atsuka(u) deal with
R &[hsi 2 •
hand P*]
atsukainin person in charge
—toriatsukau deal with, treat
1331 ; 9/4. fvkv, fu(seru/su) lay face down P*]
[fu2 • I: a man 1-2 lying down like a dog 3-6;
— &kifuku ups downs, undulations
— —fushi-ogamu bow down in worship
1332; 9/4. chu, naka personal relations
[chung4 • R man & P*]
— —chusai arbitration, mediation
—nakayoku on cordial terms
1333; 99/0. kan, ama(i) sweet, indulgent, mild
&[kan 1 • I: something 4 held in the mouth 1-3
— —5 (vrt. of 38) ; P*] sweetening material
—amakuchi sweet flavor/tooth/words
1334; 52/2. Y osana(i) infant, juvenile
[yu4 • I: slender/little 1-3 strength 4-5; P*]
• infant, child
—osanagoi calf love
1335; 111/0. shi, ya arrow
[SHIH3. 4 • D; P*]
_ —yaharilyappari likewise, after all
—yajirushi arrow mark, direction arrow
1336; 39/1. ko hole; Confucius 4; P*]
—[k’ung3 • I: a child 1-3 sucking at the breast
biko nostril of Confucius
—Kdshi no Rongo the Analects
1337- 1344
1337; 17/2. kyo evil, bad luck, calamity
&R[hsiung 1 •
receptacle P*]
—kyoho Dad news
— &kikkyd good bad luck, one’s fortune
1338; 16/1. bon, han general, ordinary
[fan 2 • D; P*]
bon’yd —— mediocrity
—heibon mediocrity, commonness
1339; 5/0. otsu 2nd (in a series), ‘B’
— &4yi 4
[i ,
• D->B]
kd-otsu A B
—otome maiden
1340; 130/16. to [price] rise
&[t’eng 2 • R horse P*] crease
—bdtd violent/sharp rise
—bukka tdki commodity- price in-
1341 ; 181/12. ko, kaeri(miru) look back, review
— &R[ku4 •
head P*]
komon adviser
_ —koryo concern, care
1342; 157/14. yaku, odo(ru) leap, jump
R &[yueh4 •
foot P*]
—yakushin rush/leap forward
—hiyaku leap, jump, activity
1343; 118/14. seki (household) register
R &[chi2. 4 •
bamboo P*]
—koseki household/census register
m _ —shoseki mokuroku book catalogue
1 1344; 198/8. rei, uruwa(shii) beautiful, lovely
D &[li4 • S : a deer 9-19 with beautifully dec-
orated antlers 1 -8 ; P*] rhetoric
—shUrei na graceful, beautiful
—|| biji reiku flowery words,
1345; 195/8. gei, kujira whale
R &[CHING 1 CH’ING 2 •
—geiyu wnale oilfish P*]
—kujira-gari whale hunting, whaling
1346; 149/12. fu* musical notation, genealogy
&R[p’u 3 •
words P*]
—gakufu musical score
— genealogy
1347; 120/13. ku(ru) reel, spin, turn over (pages)
[sao 2 R &• thread P*]
——— kuri-kaesu repeat, do again
—kuri-kosu transfer, carry forward
1348; 167/10. chin, shizu( meru/maru) quieten,
R &[chen4 •
metal P*] [suppress
—chinju local Shinto god/shrine
chin’atsu suppression, subjugation
1349; 154/11. zo, so, oku(ru) present, award
&R[tseng4 •
money P*]
—kizd suru present, donate
—okurimono gift, present
1350; 195/6. sen freshness, Korea; azaya(ka na)
R &[hsien 1 3 • Lbright fine
fish P*]
—sengyo fresh fish
Kita Chdsen North Korea
m 1351; 167/9. tan, kita(eru) forge, temper, train
&R[tuan4 •
metal P*]
—tankd metalworker
— —kitae-ageru temper/train well
1352; 173/9. so, shimo frost
R &[shuang1 • P*]
rain chilblains, frostbite
—shimoyake thawing
1353-1360 1353; 154/10. Ko purchase
1i [kou4 • R money & P*]
$ —kobai purchasing
_ —kodoku-ryd (newspaper, etc.) sub-
. scription charge
1 1354; 211/5. rei age, years
li &R[ling 2 •
tooth P*]
% —rorei old age
—korei advanced age
1355; 9/15. sho, tsuguna(uli) indemnify, atone for
—[CH’ANG2 • R man & p*l
daishd compensation
—benshd compensation
1356; 64/14. gi, gi(suru) (vt.) model (on), regard
&R[ni3 •
hand P*] |_(as)
—mogi shiken
sham/mock examina-
—gion kdka sound effects
Lt* n
1357; 149/9. yu, sato(su) wam/caution about,
[yu 4 &• R words P*] L reprove for
—yukoku counsel, warning
—setsuyu reproof, admonition
1358; 60/13. ko measure, weigh
&[heng 2 • I: a balance 1-3 14-16 containing
— &fish 4-13 (cf. 603); P*] measures
doryokd weights
—heiko equilibrium, balance
1359; 193/6. yu melt, dissolve
[jung2 • R 3-legged um 1-10 & P*]
—kin’yu money circulation finance
—yuzu circulation, transfer, adaptability
1360; 140/13. kun, kao(ru/ri) be fragrant
&R[hsun1 •
grass P*]
—kunpu balmy breeze
H —kunfed incense, fragrance
M 1361; 120/10. baku, shiba(ru) bind, tie
[fu 2 • R thread & P *
—sokubaku restraint, restriction
—shibarikubi hanging
1362; 130/12. bo, fuku(ramasu/ramu), fuku(reru)
(vi.) swell, expand
R &[peng2 • P]
—bddai swelling, expansion
—fukubu bdman abdominal swelling
1363; 48/2. K6, taku(mi) skill
& =[ch’iao3 • I: work 1-3
bent 4-5 twisted/
R &complicated work; also work P*]
—komyo skill, cleverness
—seikd na elaborate, delicate
1364; 94/13. kaku, e(ru) gain, obtain
[hou4 • R dog & P*
—kakutoku acquisition
—emono catch, prize, spoils
1365; 85/13. geki, geki(suru) be excited/angry;
hage(shii) violent
[chi1 • I: water 1-3 sends white 4-8 spray in all
directions 9-12 as it strikes 13-16]
—kyugeki na sudden, hasty r impressed
—kangeki suru be deeply moved/
1366; 94/12. ju, kemono beast, brute
&[shou4 • I: a forked weapon 1-12 (cf. 390)
—dog hunting; P*]
—jUi gakkd veterinary college
—yajQ wild animal
1367; 64/13. so, ayatsu(ru) manipulate; misao
R &[ts’ao1 •
hand P*] Lchastity, virtue
—teisd chastity, virtue
—taisd gymnastics, physical training
m 1368; 38/13. jo daughter, young lady; (as suf.)
[niang2 • R woman & P*] j_Miss
_ —reijd daughter, young lady
_ i — daughter, young lady
1369; 32/13. heki, kabe wall
R i[pi4 • paintings
earth P*]
—HdryQji hekiga the Horyuji wall
—kabegami wallpaper
1370; 15/14. gyo, ko(ru) be stiff, be absorbed (in);
R &[ning2 - 4 •
ice P*] \Jko(ri) stiffness
—gyoshi stare, gaze
—kori-shd no enthusiastic, fastidious
1371; 194/5. mi, mi(suru) enchant, fascinate
R &[mei4 •
devil P*]
—miryoku fascination, charm
—rniwaku fascination, lure
1372; 187/5. chu stop, stay
&[chu4 • R horse P*]
—chushajd parking area
—chu-Futsu posted to/resident in France
1373; 169/6. kaku tower, palace, (government)
R &[ko2 ke2 •
gate P*] [cabinet
Your/His Excellency
—naikaku cabinet
% 1374; 170/11. in, ka/cu(su/reru) hide
[yin 3 • R mound & P*]
—inkyo retirement, old retired person
—kakushi-gei a hidden skill/stunt/trick
1375; 169/5. batsu* clique, faction
[fa 2 R &• gate P*]
—zaibatsu zaibatsu financial combine
—kyddobatsu local/provincial clan/clique
-zW 1376; 162/11. so, a(u) (vi.) meet, encounter
R &[tsao1 •
proceed P*]
—sogu an encounter
nal SOS
sdnan shingo disaster/distress sig-