i\ 577-584
L 577; 148/6. kai, to(kujkeru) unravel, solve
[chieh3 • I: remove horns 1-7 of an ox 10-12
=with a Knife 8-9 solve dilemma]
—kaisetsu explanation
f —kaisan dispersal
578; 94/0. ken, inu dog
[ch’Oan3 • D; P*]
—banken watchdog
—yaken stray dog
579; 156/3. ki, (kiru) get up, awake; (kosu/koru)
R &[ch’i3 .
run P*] [raise, begin
—kigen source
—hayaoki early rising
580; 140/8. cuo, ichijiru(shii) notable; arawa(su)
write, publish
grass P*
R &[CHU4
, ,
—chomei fame
—chosha author
581; 102/6. i, koto (naru) differ
4 yi4 •
[i, difference
582; 53/7. ko, ku, kura storehouse
— —[k’u4 • I: lean-to 1-3 with a cart 4-10; P*]
Hydgo-ken Hyogo Prefecture
kinko safe
583; 112/4. ken, to(gu) polish, sharpen
&R[yen2 •
stone P*]
—kengaku study
—kenshujo training institute
584; 3/6. kyu, moto(merulme) request, seek
[ch’iu2 • D->B; P*]
—kyushoku seeking employment
—yokyu requirement
585; 64/4. setsu, o(ru/reru) break, bend; ori oc-
casion, opportunity
CHA 3 I: hand with an ax 4-7; P*
_ —CHE2 SHE 2 •
sekkaku at great effort/trouble
—origami paperfolding
586; 138/1. ryo, i(i), yo(i) good
D &[LIANG2 • S; P*]
sairyd best
587; 162/9. yu, yu, aso(bu) play, enjoy oneself
_ &R[yu2 •
proceed P]
yukyd enjoyment
asobi-aite —— playmate
588; 60/9. fuku revert, restore, repeat
[fu 4 R &• footstep P*]
—fukkatsu revival
—kaifuku recovery
589; 81/0. m, kura(beru) compare
[pi3 - 4 • I: two people side by side; P*]
—hirei proportion, ratio
—hiron analogy
590; 53/5. tei, soko bottom
_ —[n3 • R lean-to &P*]
kaitei sea bottom
—sokojikara underlying strength
591 ; 9/9. tei stop
R &[t’ing2 •
man P*]
—teishi suru stop, suspend
— —teiryujo (bus etc.) stop
592; 60/11. toku* virtue
R &[te2, 4 •
footstep P*]
—tokugi integrity
public/civic virtue
kdtoku o omonjiru value
593; 85/8. snw, fuka(i) deep
R &[shen 1 •
water P*]
dead of night operations
—shinkai sagyd deep-sea [salvage]
594; 135/7. ji word ; ji(suru) , ya( meru) resign, give
R[tz’u2 • bitter &P*]
_ —jisho dictionary
_jishoku resignation
595; 15/8. jaku, yowa(i) weak; yowa(ru) grow
|§ weak, be troubled/overcome (by) &-5 9-10]
&[jo4, je4 • I : bows 1-3 6-8 with decorations
—jakuten weak point, weakness
yowami weakness
596; 1/7. bu, mu military
[wu3 • I: stop 3-6 revolt by force of arms 1-2
— Rbushi warrior L& 7-8 (= lance); P*]
—buki weapon
597; 75/8. kyoku, kiwa(meru/maru) take to the
extreme/end; kiwa(mi) extremity, end; goku* ex-
R &[chi2 • Ltremely
tree P*]
_ —Kyokutd Far East
M — —Hokkyoku North Pole
598; 159/5. kei, karu(i), karo(yaka na) light
R &[ch’ing1 •
cart P*]
—keiyu light oil
—kigaru na light-hearted
/599; 116/2. kyu penetrate deeply; kiwa(meru/
•“ take to the extreme/end
&R[crau14 •
hole P *
—kyQmei investigation
71 600; 170/6. gen, kagi(rulri) limit
R &[hsien4 •
hill P*]
—gendo limit
—mugen infinity
601 70/10. ki, hata flag
R &[ch’i2 •
square P*]
—kokki national flag
—hata-gydretsu flag procession
602; 149/7. go, ayama( ru/ri) mistake, be mistaken
[wu 4 • R words & P*]
—gokai misunderstanding
—goyaku mistranslation
% 603; 195/0. GYO, sakana, uo fish
&[yu2 • D: head 1-2, body 3-7 tail; P*]
_ _kingyo goldfish
—uo-ichiba fish market
604; 51/2. kan publish
R &[k’an 1 •
knife (for carving printing blocks)
1 kankd publication (_P*]
] jig shukan weekly publication
605; 145/0. i, koromo clothing, garment
D[i 1 .4 : robe folded over the chest 3-6
yi 1 4 •
&below the head shoulders; P*]
—ishokujQ clothing, food and shelter
— —irui clothing
iff 606; 69/7. dan decision; kotowa(ru) refuse, warn;
ta(tsu) cut off
[tuan4 • I: cut 1-7 with an ax 8-11; P*]
—handan judgment
—yudan negligence
607; 115/6. i, utsu(su/ru) move, transfer
R &[i ,
yi 2 • grain P*]
——— ijumin immigrant, emigrant
—idd movement, mobility
608; 154/5. hi expense; tsuiya(su) spend
[fei4 • R money & P*]
—hiyo expense
—ryohi traveling expenses
609; 85/7. yoku a(biru) bathe oneself
—&Ryu4 •
water P*]
yokusmtsu bathroom
—nyuyoku taking a bath
610; 85/9. gen hefrasu/ru) decrease
R &[chien3 •
water P*]
——— genshd suru - decrease, diminish
—gentai suru decline, subside
611 ; 60/6. tai ma( tsu) wait for, await
R &[tai4 •
footstep P*]
—settai reception
—machiaishitsu waiting room
612; 85/7. sho ke(su) switch off, extinguish; ki-
R &[hsiao 1 • i(eru) go/die out
water P*]
—shoka digestion
—shdhi consumption, expenditure
m 613; 149/3. kun* Japanese kun reading; instruction
&R[ hsun4 •
words P*]
—kunren training
_kyokun teachings
614; 50/7. tai belt; obi(ru) wear; obi waist sash
[tai 4 &• I : decorated sash 1-7 cloth 8-10; P*]
—chitai land belt, zone
—nettai tropics
615; 154/5. ga congratulations
• R money (= present) P*]
gajd greetings card/letter
gashd New Year’s greetings
616; 154/5. ki tatto(i), tdto(i) noble, precious;
tatto(bu), tdto(bu) prize, revere
R &[kuei4 •
shell/money P]
—kizoku nobility
fcichd na precious
617; 149/8. sho all, various
[chu1 • R words & P*]
—shosetsu various views/theories
—shoto island group
618; 94/6. doku, hito(ri) alone; Germany
&R[tu 2 • dog P*]
_dokuritsu independence
—dokutoku no unique/peculiar to
619; 130/8. ki, go period of time
&R[ch’i 1 2 •
moon P*]
—kigen time limit
—gakki academic term
620; 34/3. kaku, ono-ono each, every
*[K 2,3,4 KE2,3, 4 • I:P
—kakkoku each/every country
_ —kakueki teisha all-stations train
621 ; 42/12. sho prize; praise
R &[shang 3 •
n shell P*]
—shdkin prize money
$r —bungakushd literary prize
% 622; 40/13. ken constitution, law
R &[hsien4 •
heart P]
—kenpd constitution
—kensei constitutional government
,623; 19/6. K ki(ku) be effective
R &[hsiao4 •
strength P*]
—yuko na valid, effective
kdka efficacy
624; 151/6. h6, : abundant
[feng 1 • D: a tall vessel 7-13 filled to overflow-
— —hdnen bumper year
——— hosaku rich harvest Ling 1-6; P*]
625; 64/6. shu, hiro(u) pick up; ju ten [used in
&R[shih 2 •
hand P*] l_documents etc.]
—hiroimono a find
_jUsan’en 13 yen
626; 4/4. mi not yet
D &[wei4 • S : a point 2 not yet at the top of
_ —mirai future *[_the tree; P
—michi unknown
627; 149/5. hyo, hyd(suru) criticize, comment on
R &[p’ing 2 •
words P*]
hydban reputation
shohyd book review
628; 132/4. soku son; iki breath
[hsi1, 2 • I: what comes to the nose 1-6 from
—musuko son
—kyusoku rest Lthe heart 7-10; P*
629; 113/9. fuku* good fortune, wealth
[fu2 • I: riches 5-13 from the gods 1-4; also
—R god & P*]
Fuicu-no-kami God of Wealth
—Fukushima pn.
630; 120/6. zetsu, ta(eru) die out, cease
# [chueh2 • I: thread 1-6 cut 9-12 with a knife
—zettai absolute
—taema pause, gap j_7-8 ; P*]
631; 12/8. eki, yaku, eki(suru) benefit
[i 2 ’ 4 yi2 . 4 • I: water 1-5 overflowing a dish 6-
, —ekichU beneficial insect
T —rieki profit i_10;P*]
632; 61/4. chO loyalty, faithfulness
[chung1 • I: what is within 1-4 the heart 5-8;
R &also heart P*]
—chUjitsu faithfulness
—chushin loyal retainer
633; 85/5. ka, kawa river
— —R &[ho2 •
water P*]
kakd river mouth; Kawaguchi psn.
M —— kawazoko/katei —— river bed
634; 4/6. kei system, lineage
D &[hsi4 • S : thread 2-7 caught on something
1 and hanging down; P*]
—keitd system, lineage
_keizu family tree
635; 18/6. sei law, system; sei(suru) control
=[chih4 • I: small branches 1-6 being cut 7-8
_seigen limit
—seido system [prune, control; P*]
636; 145/2. sho wej beginning; Aa wek
the first time; hatsu, ui first; -so(meru) begin to
=[ch'u1 • I: cut out 6-7 a robe 1-5 the first
Lstep; P*]
—shoki the early period
_saisho no the first
637; 125/0. ro, o(iruli) , fu(keru) grow old
—[lao3 • D: long-haired old man 1-4 with stick
rdjin old man 5-6; P*]
—robyo senility
638; 19/11. kan, susu(meru) encourage
&R[ch'uan4 •
strength P*]
—kankoku advice
tp —Kanjinchd ‘The Offertory Register’
639; 113/8. kin, kin(jiru) prohibit
R &[chin 1 - 4 •
god P*]
—kinshi prohibition
—kinmotsu prohibited article
640; 12/6. ten code, rule, ceremony
D &[tien3 • S : sacred books 1-5 on a stand
—jiten dictionary L6-8]
— —koten
the classics
641 115/3. ki season
R &[chi4 •
grain P*]
—shiki the four seasons
_ — —kaki summer
642; 149/3. to, u(tsu) attack dispute
[t’ao 3 • I: orderly 8-10 discussion 1-7
— attack; P*]
—jiyQ tdgi free discussion
_ toron debate
f 643; 117/7. do, warabe ch\\d
m R &[t’ung2 •
stand P*]
—doshin child’s mind, innocence
dowa children’s story
644; 39/7. son, mago grandchild
&[sun 1 • I: child 1-3 lineage 4-10; P*]
—shison descendants
—mago deshi a pupil’s pupil
645; 112/5. ha, yabu(ru/reru/re) tear, destroy
— &—[p’o4
R• stone P*]
hasan bankruptcy
yabureme tear, rent
646; 64/9. tei present, put forward; carry
R &[t’i2 ti1 • |_in the hand
hand P*]
_teishutsu suru present
—teian proposition, proposal
647; 167/11. kyo, kagami mirror
R &[ching 4 •
metal P*]
—kyddai mirror stand, dressing table
_ —sanmenkyd triple mirror
648; 149/6. sm poetry
&R[shih 1 •
words P*]
_ —shiikalshika poetry
_ —kanshi Chinese poem/poetry
649-656 649; 149/7. nin, mito(meru) recognize
m &R[jen4 •
words P*]
’ — —6 ninka suru approve, authorize
——— ninshiki cognition, understanding
650; 140/10. bo, haka grave
&R[mu1 •
earth P*]
bochi cemetery
—hakamairi visiting a grave
651 ; 143/6. shu multitude clan crowd]
[chung4 • I: blood 1-6 & many men 7-12
—ShUgiin Lower House
—A: /^ public
652 ;76/ll. kan pleasure
[huan 1 • R open mouth & P*]
kanki joy
—kantai warm welcome, hospitality
653; 64/4. to, na(geru) throw
[t’ou2 • Rhand&P*]
_ _tosho investment
(written) contribution
654; 85/8. sei, sho, kiyo(i) pure, clear
&R[ch’ing 1 •
water P*1
— —shimizu clear water, —Kiyomizu
—seisho fair copy sn.;
655; 44/9. zoku, zoku(suru) belong (to), be
R —&[shu3 • P*] Lattached (to)
bent figure be attached
fuzoku suru
4 — —kinzoku metal
656; 162/12. i, yui bequeath
R &[i ,
yi2 , wei4 • proceed P*]
—izoku bereaved family
—yuigonligenjigon will [& testament]
iFjk 657; 149/4. kyo, yuru(su/shi) permit, pardon
m &R[hsu3 •
words P*]
_j’ kyoka permission
—tokkyo patent
658; 120/7. ken, kinu silk
&R[chuan4 •
thread P]
—jinken artincial silk, rayon
—kinuitolkemhi silk thread
659; 85/8. eki* liquid
R &[yeh4 •
water P*]
_ —ekitai liquid
_ —shddokueki disinfectant
660; 165/4. shaku explain, distinguish
R &[shih4 •
separate P*]
—cnushaku notes, commentary
—kaishaku explanation
661; 112/10. kaku, tashi(ka na) certain; tashi-
(kameru) ascertain
&R[ch’Oeh4 •
stone P*]
—seikaku accuracy
——— kakunin suru confirm, certify
662; 123/4. sa* difference point to insert
R &CH CH uA 41’
TZ’AI 1 ’1 • work P* 6-10
—sabetsu discrimination L(= 87)
—sashitsukae hindrance, difficulty
663; 96/9. sei holy
R &[sheng4 •
ear P*]
—Seisho the Bible
—shinsei holiness, sanctity
t 664; 118/8. kan control; kuda pipe, tube
[kuan3 • R bamboo & P*]
—kanri control, managing
—kekkan blood vessel
665; 167/8. roku record, transcribe
[lu4 • R metal & P *
—rolcuon sound recording
kiroku record
666; 120/3. ki narrative, history
R &[chi4 •
# thread P*]
seiki century
_kigen era, epoch
667; 120/4. jun purity
&R[ch’un2 •
thread P*]
_ _jun’eki net profit
—tanjun simplicity
668; 61/6. on* kindness, obligation
[en 1 R &• heart P*]
—ongaeshi returning a favor
—onkyu pension
669; 12/8. ken, combine, (as suf.) be
unable to
& *3, 7, 9,
2, 3, 8, 10; P
_[chien1 • I : one hand 4-6 holding two plants 1
kennin double appointment/post tor
_ —machikaneru be unable to wait
670; 154/4. hai, yabu(ru/reru) defeat
R[pai4 • strike &P*]
—shippai failure
—haiboku defeat
671 ; 86/8. sho, ya(ku/keru) burn, grill, be jealous;
-yaki (pottery) ware
R &[shao12 •
fire P*]
—shdshi death by fire
^ — —yakitori barbecued chicken pieces
672; 85/12. ketsu pure; isagiyo(i) gallant
R &[cfflEH2 •
water P*]
_ —keppaku integrity, innocence
>f seiketsu na clean
673; 60/7. ju, sho, ju, shitaga(u) follow, obey
[ts’ung 1 . 2 • I: line of people 4-6 advancing
=& R1-3 7-10 (vrt. of proceed) follow; P*
—jUgydin employee
—itoko male cousin
674; 109/6. gan, gen, manako, me eye
&R[yen 3 •
eye P*]
—ganka-i oculist
—megane spectacles
m 675; 86/9. sh6, shine on
R &[chao4 •
*fire P
, —shomei illumination
taishd - contrast, comparison
676; 49/0. ko, ki, onore self
D[chi3 • B P*]
—jiko ;
one’s self
—flj riko sell-interest
677; 157/6. ro, ji road, route
[lu4 • Rfoot&P*]
—doro road
—kdro sea route
^" 678; 102/6. ryaku* abbreviation, omission; ryaku-
R &[lueh4 • i(suru) omit
field P*]
—ryakushiki informality
—shoryaku omission
679; 64/5. sho, mane(ku) invite, beckon
[chao1 • R hand & P*]
—shdtai invitation
_ —shotaijd written invitation
680; 170/4. bo, fuse(gu) defend, prevent
? &R[FANG2 •
hill P*]
—y bd prevention
^ — —shdbd fire fighting
681-688 681 57/8. cho, ha( ru) stretch, spread, affix
% [CHANG1 • R bow & P*]
_shucho emphasis, insistence
—hipparu pull
682; 64/2. da, u( tsu) strike
&R[ta 3 •
hand P*]
—uchikorosu beat/shoot to death
_ _uchiyaburu defeat
683; 118/7. setsu*, sechi season, section; fushi
joint, melody; ses(suru) be moderate
R &[chieh2- 3 •
bamboo P*]
—setsuyaku frugality
_ _kisetsu season
684; 85/8. kon, ma(zerujjiru) mix
&R[hun4 •
water P]
—kongo mixture
—konzatsu disorder
685; 32/6. kei, kata type, model
R &[hsing 2 •
earth P*]
_kogata small size
—ogata large size
686; 60/1. ei defend, protect
&[wei4 • I: go 1-3 13-14 around 4-12; P*]
_ —Jieitai Self-Defence Force
—bdei defence
687; 46/5. gan, kishi bank, shore
[an 4 R & &• mountain cliff 4-5 P*]
j|| —kaigan coast
—kawagishi riverbank
688; 32/8. ki, moto(zuku) be based (on); motoij
R &[chi1 • Imoto basis, base
earth P*]
—kichi base
—kijun standard, norm
689; 91/4. han* printing [block]
&R[pan 3 •
split wood (right) P*]
—nanga woodblock print
—shuppan publishing
690; 9/5. tei, hiku(i) low, short
R &[ti 1 •
man P*]
—teikyu low grade
—saitei minimum
691 ; 49/4. kai, arata( meru/maru) change, reform
R &[kai3 •
strike P*]
—kairyd improvement, reform
kaishin renovation, reformation
692; 40/8. ki, yo(seru) bring close; yo(ru) draw
R &[chi4 •
roof P*] [.near (to), call in (at)
—kifu donation
—yoriau (vi.) assemble
693; 32/11. zo, fu(yasu/eru) , ma(su) &(vt. vi.)
R &[tseng 1 • (Jncrease
earth P*]
— &zdgen increase decrease
zoshin suru promote
694; 9/6. kyo, ku, gu, tomo companion eru)
&R[kung 1 - 4 • Loffer up
man P*]
—teikyd suru offer
—kyokyu suru supply
1 695; 118/6. saku* plan, policy
R &[ts’e4 •
bamboo P*]
_ _ —taisaku policy
{ 696; 9/4. ka, ke, kari (no) temporary, assumed
R &[cfflA3- 4 •
man P*]
—kamen mask
—karizumai temporary residence
697-704 697; 149/5. sho proof, evidence
# [CHENG 4 • R words & P*]
—shomei proof, evidence
_ —hosho suru guarantee
698 ; 66/7. kyu, suku(u/i) help, rescue
R &emu4 •
strike P*]
—kyusai relief, rescue
—kyukyu first aid
699; 86/5. hata, hatake cultivated dry field
—[ - • I : field fertilized by burning 1-4 stubble]
tahata fields
—chabatake tea plantation/field
700; 40/7. Y looks, contents
&R[jung2 •
roof P*]
—biydin beauty shop
naiyd contents
701; 120/5. sai, hoso(i) slender, narrow; koma-
(kai minute, detailed
[hsi 4 R &• thread P*]
—saiku craftsmanship
—hosonagai slender
702; 149/10. ko lecture, study
[chiang3 • R words & P*]
_kdshi lecturer
/ — lecture
703; 174/6. sei, jo, shizuf meru/maru) quieten,
calm; shizu(ka na) peaceful
R &[CHING4 •
blue P*]
seishi stillness
—zettai arisei absolute rest
704; 4/2. kyu, ku, hisa(shii) long, enduring
[chiu3 • S : long-lasting old man with bent back]
—eikyu permanence
—chdkyu permanence
f 705; 40/9. i?u, to(mu/mi) be rich
_ &[fu4 • I: abundance 4-12 in the home 1-3; also
Fuji-san Mt. Fuji [R roof P*]
—hdfu abundance
706; 54/5. en, no(basu/biru) extend, postpone
R[yen2 • I: feet 1-5 going far 6-8; also extend
—enki postponement
—hikinobasu prolong, enlarge L& P*1
707; 66/5. ko old, deceased; yue reason
R[ku4 • strike &P*]
—kojin deceased person
—jiko accident
708; 32/4. ichi, itsu one [used in documents, etc.]
—[I1 - 2 4 YI1 - 2- 4.I]
jUichiman’en 110,000 yen
709; 140/5. ga, me bud, shoot
[ya 2 R• I: a plant 1-3 like a tusk 4-8; also
— &mebae bud, shoot
—shinme bud, shoot Lgrass P*]
% “710; 64/8. sai, (V gather, adopt, engage
&[ts'ai3 • I: use hand 1-3 claw 4-7 to take
R &from tree 8-1 1 ; also hand P*]
—saiyd use adoption
saishu collecting
11 buM711; 118/10. chikij, kizu(ku)
R &[chu2 4 • P*]
—chikuzd building
—kenchiku building
t 712; 32/5. ko, saiwa(i), sachi, shiawa(se) good
[hsing4 • I: P*1 |_f rtune
——— kofuku happiness
—fuko misfortune
713; 76/0. ketsu, ka(kulkeru) lack
[ch'ien4 • S: vapour 1-2 (= 144) from person
-3-4 ->• yawn
open mouth; P*]
—kesseki absence
714; 209/0. bi, hana nose
&R[pi2 •
nose P*]
—hanaji nosebleed
—hanasaki end of the nose
715; 1/5. kyoku* melody; ma(geru\garu\gari
bend, turn
*[CH’ij1. 3 • D: bent receptacle; P
—kyokusen curved line
_sakkyokuka composer
716; 75/6. kaku* status, standard
R &[ko2 ke2 •
tree P*]
kakushiki-baru be on one’s dignity
—seikaku character
717; 12/10. zen*, i(i), yo(i) good
[shan4 • I : fine 1-9 (= 268) words 10-12 (=43)]
—zenryd goodness
—kaizen improvement
718; 53/4. o, d(zuru) respond/accede/agree (to)
R &[YING1 . 4 •
heart P*]
—osetsuma reception room
—sdd suitability
719; 4/6. ga, ware I, oneself; wa(ga) my, our
&[wo3 • I: hand 1-4 lance 2, 5-7 ->• self-
Ldefence; P*]
— —warem we
—waregachi everyone for himself
720; 118/9. san calculation
[suan4 • I : two hands 12-14 counting money 7-
11 (= 44) on bamboo 1-6 abacus]
—yosari estimate, budget
—keisan calculation
721; 29/3. shu, osa(meru/maru) obtain, supply,
[shou1 • R rap & P * Lput away
—shunyu income
—shUtoku suru receive
722; 85/6. sen, asa(i) shallow
R &[ch’ien 3 •
water P*]
—senken superficial view
—asaguroi dusky
< 723; 1/5. ni two (used in documents, etc.)
it _ —R &erh4 •
shell/money P*]
jUniman’en 120,000 yen
724; 130/1. hi, ko(yasujeru) enrich, fatten; koe
manure eating fleshy P*]
—[fei2 • I : (flesh 1-4 =) person kneeling 5-8
—— hiryd fertilizer
——— himan corpulence
725; 133/0. shi extreme; ita(ru) arrive (at), lead
(to) ground 4-6; P *]
D &[cfflH4 • S : an arrow 1-3 stuck in the
——— shikyu
—shigoku extremely
726; 19/10. kin, gon, tsuto(merulme) serve, work,
strength P*
&R[ch’in2 •
— —kinmu service, duty
—tsukin commuting to work
727; 44/5. kai, todo(kerulke) notify, deliver; todo-
(ku) reach
[cfflEH4 R &• bent figure P*]
i —todokesaki destination
—yukitodoku be thorough
m 728; 181/4. yo, azu(kerulkaru) deposit, entrust
—[Yti4 • I;P*]
yokin deposited money
—ozmAw/jAJ deposit receipt
729; 64/6. shi, yubi finger; sa(su) point/refer to,
[chih1- 2- 3 • Rhand&P*] Lpour
_ _shitei-seki designated [= reserved]
—oyayubi thumb
730; 32/10. en, shio salt
R &[yen2 •
earth P]
_ —shiomizu table salt
salt water
731 ; 75/6. kabu stocks, shares
R &[chu 1 •
tree P*]
_ —kabushiki kaisha stock/limited com-
— —kabunushi shareholder
732; 9/8. so, kura storehouse
&[ts’ang 1 • I: food 1-7 (ab. of 283) enclosure
8-10 -> store; P*]
—sdko storehouse
—Shdsdin The Imperial Storehouse
733; 120/4. no, to, na, nan, osa(merujmaru)
obtain, supply, put away
[na 4 &R• thread P*]
—nattoku consent, acceptance
— &suito income
expenditure, accounts
734; 36/0. seki, yu evening
[hsi4 • S: partially risen moon (cf. 13); P*]
_ —yugata evening
——— yukan evening paper
735; 27/7. ko, atsu(i) thick, cordial
&[hou4 • I: thick/dense 3-9 hills cliffs 1-2;
&Ralso cliff P*]
—Kdseishd Welfare Ministry
—atsugami cardboard
736; 115/5. sho, shd(suru) name
R &[ch’eng1 •
grain P*]
—meisho name
—ryakushd abbreviated name
737; 50/2. fu spread; nuno cloth
[pu 4 &• cloth 3-5 P* 1-2 (= 90)]
4 —bunpu distribution
—mofu blanket
738; 31/5. ko, harden; kata
R &—[ku4 •
enclosure P*] (to), inherent (in)
kotei suru fix
—koyu no peculiar
739; 108/8. mei oath, alliance
[meng2 • I: sacrificial dish 9-13 offered to the
R &heavens 1-8; also dish P*]
—ddmei alliance
—renmei league
740; 154/5. cho storage
R &[chu3 •
shell/money P]
—chosuichi reservoir
—chokin savings
741 ; 120/8. so general, entire
&R[tsung3 •
thread P*]
—sosenkyo general election
—socho university president
742; 149/4. setsu, md(keru) establish
11 &[she4 • I: words weapon 8-9 in hand 10-11
= organize military camp; P*
—sekkei plan, design
——— kensetsu
Jg. 743; 72/8. ryo* quantity; haka(ru) measure
&[liang2. 4 • measuring box 1-4 weight 6-12
—bumyd quantity
—juryd weight L(= 161); P*]
744; 145/7. ho, ogina(u) supply, supplement
[pu 3 R &• clothes P*]
—hojo assistance supply a fill a gap
—hoketsu suru denciency,
745-752 745; 149/6. sei, makoto truth words & P*]
it R[ch’eng 2 • I:
_ seijitsu
fulfill 9-13 one’s words; also
truthfulness, honesty
746; 162/6. tsui, o(u) chase
[chui 1 &R• proceed P*]
—tsuihd suru exile, purge
—oikaze following wind
747; 18/6. ken ticket, certificate P*
R &[ch’Oan4 •
knife 7-8 (to cut tally in two)
—nyujdken admission/platform ticket
—ryoken passport
748; 122/8. zai, tsumi crime, offence
R &[tsui4 •
net P*]
—zainin criminal
tsumibito sinner
749; 181/9. gaku sum, quantity; framed picture;
R &[o2* 4 •
head P*] [hitai forehead
—tagaku large sum
—sogaku total sum
750; 9/10. bi, sonaferu/waru) furnish, equip
&R[pei4 •
man P]
—setsubi equipment
— —junbi preparations
751; 32/11. kyo, kei, sakai boundary
[ching4 • I: the end 4-14 of a stretch of land
_ —R &1-3; also earth P*]
kydkai boundary
kokkyo frontier
752; 21/12. gi, utaga(u/i) doubt, suspect
—[i2 ,yi2 • I;P*]
gimon doubt
yogisha a suspect
753; 170/9. Yo sunshine, positive
&R[YANG 2 • P*]
— —yoki liveliness, weather
taiyd sun
754; 173/6. ju require
[hsu 1 &R• rain P*] and supply
——— juyd kyokyu demand
—hitsujuhin a neccessity
4 755; 41/11. do, michibi(ku) guide
R &[tao3. 4 •
rule P*]
——— donyu suru bring in
—shidd guidance
756; 113/5. shuku, shu, iwa(u/i) celebrate
[chu4 • I person 8-9 offering words 5-7 to the
—shukuga celebration
—shukufuku blessing L8°ds 1-4; P*]
757; 32/4. shi, kokoroza(su) aspire (to), aim (at);
kokorozashi intention, aim
R &[chih4 •
heart P*]
_ —y shigan volunteering, application
—ishi will
3 758; 85/9. soku, haka(ru) measure
R &[TS’E4 . water P*]
—sokutei measurement
—sokuryd surveying
759; 8/10. shu, ju take up, fulfill; tsu(ku) engage
[chiu4 • I; P*] L(in), work (at)
—shushoku taking up employment
—jdju realization, achievement
V0 760; 2/4. kyu old
_ —[chiu4 • I : days 2-5 that have gone before 1 ; P*]
kyQshiki old style
—fukkyu restoration
761 30/2. sm administer
[szu1 ssu1 • S : ‘external administrator’ hence
reverse form of 542 (orig., 'ruler within the
)Court P*]
chairman, M.C.
_ _shikaisha
—shireibu command section, H. Q.
762; 9/6. ka atai price, value
—[chi 4 • I : a person 1-2 trading 3-8]
kagaku valuation, amount
—hyoka appraisal assessment
763; 24/11. kan main part; miki (tree) trunk
R R &[kan4 •
shield 11-13 (for tree) P*]
—shinkansen now trunk/main (railway)
^ _ — —konkan basis, fundamentals
764; 145/9. fuku repeat, double
[ fu 4 R &• clothes P*]
—fukuzatsu na complicated
—fukusU plural
765; 149/10. sha sha(suru) thank apologize;
ayama(ru) apologize (for/about)
&R[hsieh4 •
words P*]
$ —sharei remuneration, thanks
—kansha thanks
766; 115/11. seki tsu(mu) load, pile up; tsumo(ru)
be piled up; tsumo(ri) intention
R &chi1 - 4 •
grain P*]
sekkyokuteki positive
menseki area
767; 96/7. bo mo nozo(mu) hope for, desire, look
out (over); nozo(mi) hope, desire
wang4 • R moon & P*]
zetsubd hopelessness
—bdenkyd telescope
768; 184/4. han meshi boiled rice, a meal
R &[fan4 •
eat P*]
—sekihan rice with red beans
—asameshi breakfast
769; 123/7. gun*, mu( re) group, crowd; mu(reru),
mura(garu) crowd, throng
R[CH’tiN2 • sheep &P*]
_guntd archipelago
—gunshU crowd
770; 162/5. jutsu, no(beru) state, speak
R &[shu4 •
proceed P*]
—kdjutsu oral statement
—chojutsu authorship, literary works
771; 94/2. han, oka(su) violate, perpetrate
[fan4 • Rdog&P*]
—hanzai crime
—bdhan crime prevention
772; 18/9. fuku deputy, secondary
—R[fu4 •
knife &P*]
fukudai subheading
—IJ —— fukusanbutsu byproduct
773; 123/9. y6, ajA rear, take care of
[yang3- 4 • Reat&P*]
—yoshi adopted child
—yordin old people’s home
% 774; 146/5. hyo slip, vote
R &[p’iao4 •
god P*
—denpyd chit
—tohyo voting
775; 9/4. ji, ni(ru) resemble
R &[szu4 ssu4 •
man P*]
_ —ruiji similarity
—niau be suited/becoming (to)
776; 64/5. kaku spread, extend
R &[k’uo4 •
hand P*]
—kakuseiki loudspeaker
—kakucho extension, expansion
777; /5/d. fi, saka(eru/e) prosper; hae glory
R &[jung2 •
tree P*]
—eiyd nutrition
—kdei honor
778; 64/8. ju, sazu(keru/karu) grant, award; teach
[shou4 • R hand & P*]
—jushd awarding a prize
—jugyd teaching, classes
779; 140/11. zo, zd(suru) own, possess; kura
R &[tsang4 •re'ANG2 •
grass P*] ers’
Finance Ministry
—ChUshingura ‘League of Loyal Retain-
t % 780; 30/9. ei, itona(mu) run (a business, etc.);
itona(mi) occupation
&[ying2 • R mouth P*]
—eigyd hdkoku business report
—keiei management, running (a business)
781; 162/6. mei, mayo( wasu/u) confuse, lead astray
R &[mi2 •
proceed P*]
_ meishin superstition
—meiro maze
782; 10/5. ji, ni infant
[erh2 • D: young child with a fontanel-type
_7 juveni e, child
—shdni infant l_head]
783; 131/11. rin, nozo(mu) face (onto), be faced
(by), be present (at)
[lin2- 4 • D: a retainer 1-7, seen as a man 8-9
who faces/deals with things 10-18]
—rinji special, ad hoc
— —rinseki attendance
784; 72/8. sei, ha(rasu/reru) clear away, dispel;
R &[ch'ing2 •
sun P*] \_ha(re) clear skies
—seiten clear sky
—akibare clear autumn weather
785; 75/8. ken inspection, investigation
R &[chien 3 •
tree P*]
—kensa inspection, examination
—kentei certification
786; 72/5. ze right, just
&R[shih4 •
sun P*]
—zem right or wrong, without fail
— —zenin approval
787; 19/3. ka, kuwaferu/waru) add, increase, join
[chi 1 • I: strength 1-2 added to the spoken
word 3-5; P*]
—kagen condition, health
—zdka increase
788; 47/4. sai, wazawa(i) disaster, misfortune
[tsai 1 • I: disasters from rivers 1-3 (= 41) &
—saigai disaster Lfire 4-7; P*]
—tensai natural disaster
1 789; 18/10. so creation
Jj1 [CH’UANG 13 4 . R knife &P*]
—1J —— sozo creation
—dokusd originality
790; 162/6. gyaku reverse, opposite; saka(rau) be
opposed/run counter (to)
R &[ni4 •
proceed P*]
—gyakuten reversal
—hangyaku treason
791 ; 158/0. shin, mi body
D[shen 1 • : a pregnant person P*]
—shintailkarada the body
rnibun social position
792; 15/5. REi hi(yasuleru) sa(masulmem) coo].
tsume(tai) cold (to the touch)
R &[leng3 •
ice P*]
reizoko refrigerator
0 reisei coolness, calmness
793 ; 1 9/4. fun, kona, ko powder
R &[fen 3 •
rice P*]
—funmatsu powder
—seifun flour milling
794; 113/7. shi sight, vision
R &[shih4 •
see P*]
—shisatsu observation, inspection
—keishi suru view lightly, despise
795; 20/3. ku clause, phrase, line, verse
[chu 4 • R mouth & P*]
—monku words, expression; grumble
ageku —— last line of haiku, the final thing
796; 149/13. go defend
[hu4 • R words & P*]
—hogo protection
—bengoshi lawyer
797; 120/4. so, su simple, plain; origin
&R[su4 so4 •
thread P]
soshitsu temperament, character
—ydso main factor, element
798; 8/6. sotsu* private soldier; completion
[tsu 2 , ts’u 4 • I: clothes 1-6 (vrt. of 605) with
military marks 7-8]
—heisotsu private (soldier)
—sotsugyd suru graduate
799; 93/4. boku, maki pasture
[mu4 & =• I: ox 1-4
strike rounding up
—bokushi pastor, priest
[raising cactle]
—bokujo pasture, stock farm
800; 172/10. nan calamity; muzuka(shii) difficult;
kata(i) (lit.), -gata(i) (lit.) difficult, impossible
R &[nan2 - 4 •
small bird P*]
—sainan calamity, disaster
—okurigatai difficult/impossible to
801 2/5. in* seal, stamp; shirushi sign, mark
[yin4 • I: a hand 1-4 pressing down a kneeling
person 5-6; P*]
—inban a seal, stamp
—inzei imprint/book royalties
802; 4/7. satsu, su(ru) print
& =[shua1 - 4 • I: brush 1-6
knife 7-8 carve
—printing block] reform, renovate
sasshin suru
—m print
803; 31/4. i, kako(mu) surround
&R[wei2 •
enclosure P*]
—shUi circumference, surroundings
—torikakomu surround, crowd round
804; 1/10. aku, o, waru(i) bad, evil, wrong
wu R &[o3- 4
4• heart P*]
% — &,
&zen’aku good evil, right wrong
—warukuchi slander abuse
805; 120/11. seki achievement; spinning
R &[chi1 - 4 •
thread P*]
—seiseki result, achievement
—koseki worthy deed, achievement
806; 85/11. en, perform, act
R &[yen 3 •
water P*]
—engei entertainment, performance
—enzetsu speech
_ 807; 149/5. shi words
—R &[tz’u2 •
words P*]
meishi noun
—kashi song lyrics
808; 8/9. ritsu* rate; sotsu, hiki(iru) lead
—noritsu efficiency
—sotchoku na frank, candid
1 809; 152/6. SH6 image; z6* elephant
_ —[hsiang4 • D: long-nosed 1-2, big-bodied ele-
insho impression Lphant P*]
—genshd phenomenon ;
810; 130/9. cho* the intestines
R &[ch’ang 2 •
flesh P*]
—daichd the large intestine, the colon
_danchd heartbreak
811; 177/0. kaku reform; kawa leather
D[ko2 ke2 • : animal skin stretched out to dry]
_kakumei revolution
—kaikaku reform
812; 127/4. K tagaya(su) till
[keng 1 ching 1 • R plow & P*]
— —;^ kochi arable land
813; 130/6. myaku* pulse, hope; (geological) vein
&[mai4 mo4 • I: flesh 1-4 stream 5-10 (cf. 516)
vein -> pulse; P*]
—ddmyaku artery
sanmyaku mountain range
814; 30/8. sho, tona(eru) recite, advocate
[ch’ang 4 • R mouth & P*]
—gasshodan choir
dokushd vocal solo
815; 79/10. koku grain, cereals
&[ku3 • I: grain 6-10 in the husk 1-3 11-14; P*]
—kokumotsu grain, cereals
_ — —kokurui cereals
816; 199/0. baku, mugi barley, wheat field
[MAI4 • I
—mugibatake mugibata barley/wheat
_ —komugi wheat
817; 1/16. gen, gon, A z6/YjA/iV stem, severe; ogo-
so(ka na) solemn, majestic
&[yen2 • R mouth P*]
—genkin strict prohibition
—genkaku sternness, severity
818; 37/13. fun, furu( u) be vigorous, be spirited
[fen4 • I: many 1-3 birds 4-11 over a field]
—funpatsu strenuous efforts
—kofun excitement
819; 164/6. san*, acid
R &[suan 1 • wine jug 1-7 P*]
—sansei acidity
sanso oxygen
820; 3/4. hyo, kdri, hi (lit.) ice
R & &[ping 1 • I : ice 2 (for 3-5 P*]
ice) water 1 ;
hydzan iceberg
—hyoten freezing point
821 ; 46/5. gan, iwa rock, crag
[yen2 • I: a mountain 1-3 rock; P*]
—ganseki rock crag
—iwaya rocky cave
822; 175/4. hi, kana(shii) sad
R &[pei1 •
heart P*]
&hiki joy sorrow
—hikan pessimism
823; 50/4. ki, desire; scarce HP *
[hsi1 • lithe fine mesh 1-2 of cloth 3-7 (see 737)
#g kikyu suru seek, require
kibo desire, hope
824; 72/4. eki* divination; i, yasa(shii) easy
D &4
[i ,
yi 4 • : the sun 1 -4, with rays 5 7-8 shining
from behind a cloud P*]
—eKisha fortuneteller
—y i na easy
f f 825; 19/7. yu, isa(mashii) bra\c
R &[yung 3 •
strength P*]
—yushi brave man
— —li yUki bravery, boldness
826; 75/5. chu, hashira pillar
&R[chu4 •
tree P*]
—denchu telegraph pole
—daikokubashira kingpost, mainstay
827; 61/4. kai, kokoroyo( i) pleasant, agreeable
[kua &R• heart P*]
—kaikatsu na cheerful, lively
—zenkai complete recovery
# 828; 1/8. chu, hiru noon, daytime
[CHOU4 • I]
—chuya &day night
—hiruma daytime
{ 829; 9/2. jin, nin humanity, benevolence
&[jen2 • R man P*]
—jin’ai benevolence, charity
—jintoku benevolence, virtue
830; 1/6. hi, ina no
[fou3 p’i 3 • D->B; P*]
—hiketsu suru reject, vote down
_ —anpi safety, well-being
831 ; 40/9. kan* midwinter; samu(i) cold
[han 2 • I : a house 1-3 sheltering reclining figures
4-10 in icy 11-12 (= R ice) weather]
_kansho no sa difference between
cold & heat/winter & summer plant
kantai shokubutsu arctic [-region]
832; 156/0. so, hashi(ru) run
[tsou 3 •
&I: earth/ground 1-3 foot 4-7; P*]
—sdha suru cover a distance by
—hashiri-gaki hasty writing, scribble
833; 72/11. bo, be violent baku, aba-
[pao4 p'u4 • I; P*] \_(/cu) disclose, reveal
—boso ressha runaway train
—bokyo violence,
834; 60/7. to on foot companion empty, useless
; ;
&[t’u2 • I: to tread 1-3 7-10 the ground 4-6;
—toho suru walk, go on foot
—bdto rioters, a mob |_P*j
835; 61/10. tai condition, appearance
R &[t’ai4 •
heart P*]
—taido attitude
_J tai condition, state, situation
836; 12/9. hin*, bin, mazu(shii) poor
[p’in 2 • I money 5-11 divided/dispersed 1-4 (see
&R35); also money P*]
—hinjaku na poor, scanty, meager
— & &hinpu poverty wealth, rich poor
837; 115/3. i entrust with
—[wei3 • R woman & P*]
Bunka-zai Hozon Iinkai
Cultural Properties Protection Committee
—fuku-iirtkai subcommittee
838; 72/5. sei, sho, hoshi star
R &[HSING 1 •
sun P*]
—itto yusei primary planet
—eisei satellite
839; 27/12. reki travel along
R &[li4 •
stop P*]
—rekishi history
—keireki career [record], personal history
£ 840; 77/12. sei, totono(eruju) make ready, arrange
- _ regulate, adjust
&[cheng3 • I : order 1-1 1 (vrt. of 1478) put right
12-16; P*] surgery operation
_ —seikei geka shujutsu plastic
841 154/8. san praise
[tsan 4 •
R money & P*
—sansei suru agree/give approval (to)
—shdsart suru praise, admire
842; 46/6. tan, sumi charcoal
[t’an 4 •
R fire & P* bon, decarbonize
_tanso o nozoku remove the car-
—sekitan ekika coal liquefaction
843; 167/6. sen* old unit of money [1/100 of a yen]
R &[ch’ien2 •
metal P * \_zeni money
akusen ill-gotten money register
—kinscn tdroku-ki money/cash
# 844; 85/9. to, yu hot water
R &[t'ang 1 •
water P*]
—sent 5 public bathhouse
V —nettd shddoku boiling-water sterili-
845; 96/7. kyu, tama ball, sphere, globe
&R[ch’iu2 • sphere
jewel P*j
_ —minami hankyu the southern hemi-
_ —teikyu shiai lawn -tennis match
846; 159/8. rin, wa wheel, ring
R &[lun2 •
cart P*]
rinban-sei job-rotation/shift system
— —yubiwa ring
847; 85/3. chi, ike pond
R &[ch’ih2 •
water P*]
i —denchi battery
chosuichi reservoir
848; 162/7. soku, haya(i), sumi(yaka na) fast,
R &[su2 - 4 •
proceed P*] Lspeedy
—sokutatsu express [postal] delivery
—kaisoku densha fast (electric) train
/ _ (certificate of) receipt
«•/ —rW/ [U.S., etc.] Vice
849; 181/5. ryo govern, control
R &[ling3 •
head P*]
1S President
850; 85/11. gyo, ryo fishing
— W—yd — &[Yii2
R• I: water and fish; also water P*]
gyogyd deep-sea/ocean fish -
rydshi fisherman Ling
851 ; 50/8. cho register, curtain
cloth P*]
—chomen account-book, register
_ —chdlceshi ni suru cancel/write
off accounts/debts
%t» 852; 4/9. ben effort, hard work
[mien 3
R &• strength P*]
—benkyd sum study
—kinben na industrious, diligent
r 853; 102/4. i* stomach
&[wei4 • I: a full container 1-5 flesh; P* 6-9
— &ijaku stomach weakness, indigestion
icno stomach intestines/bowels
854; 4/6. sh6, m “ dep.) hear agree to
[CH’ENG2 • R hand & P]
—shdfuku suru submit/yield to
—shonin suru approve, recognize,
||1] 855; 167/6. do* copper
J% — —[t ung2 • R metal & P*
ddzd bronze/copper statue
—ddka copper coin/coinage
856; 12/10. son, tatto(bu), tdto(bu) respect, re-
vere; tatto (i), tdto(i) respected, revered, valued
[tsun 1 • I: a hand 10-12 offering up a jug of
wine 1-9 to the gods; P*]
—soncho suru respect, value
_ —sonshd honorary/honorific title
857-864 857; 66/8. kei, uyama(u) respect
% &R[ching4 •
rap P*]
—keien suru keep (someone) at a
—respectful distance/at arm’s length
—— sonkei suru respect, esteem
858; 75/11. hyo sign, mark
&R[piao1 •
tree P*]
_ _hydjun-go standard language
_bohyo grave post/ marker
859; 1/5. ryo both, two; old unit of money
[liang3 • D: a hanging balance, showing the
two arms for weighing money]
—rydgawa, rydsoku both sides
rydshin [both] parents
860; 52/8. ko ease, peace
_ —[K’ANG 1 • I; P*]
shdkd lull, respite
i —kenkd-sd na healthy-looking
861 ; 38/5. sai* my wife; tsuma wife
&[ch’i1 • I : a woman 6-8 with a hairpin 1 5
in her hand 2-4] children, nearest
_ — &saishi/tsumako wife L& dearest
_ —saitai matrimony
&862; 9/8. ko season, weather; soro classical vb.
[hou 4 • R man & P*] [_vb. suf.
—kdhosha candidate
—sokkojo meteorological station
863; 107/0. hi, kawa skin, leather
[p^ 2 • I: a hand 4-5 with an animal skin 1-3 P*]
—hiniku sarcasm, irony
kawa-zaiku leather work/craf
864; 30/11. mei, na(ku) (of animals, birds, etc.)
sing, cry, chirp , etc.
[ming 2 • L: mouth 1-3 and bird; P*]
—kyomei suru resound/be sympa-
thetic (to)
—himei o agent scream, shriek
865; 24/5. ko* filial piety
[hsiao4 • I : a child 5-/ supporting an old person
1^(= 635); P*]
—shiko the greatest/utmost filial piety
_ [^] —6 filial piety/devotion
866; 9/8. bai* double, twice the amount; (suf.)
[pei 4 • R man & P*] Ltimes (the amount)
—bairitsu magnification
—baimashi double, doubling
# 867; 115/4. byo* a second (of time)
[miao3 •
I; P*] —bydsoku ju-metoru de at
—10 meters speed per second
ippun gobyd 1 minute 5 seconds
868; 9/13. okuMOO million
4 yi 4 —• R man & P*]
million yen
[i ,
ichioku-sanbyaku-man’en 103
—okuman choja a multi-millionaire
869; 32/4. kin equal, level
[chun 1 • I: to level 4-7 ground 1-3]
—heikin average, balance, equilibrium
—kinto uniformity, equality, parity
870; 140/8. sai, na greens, rape plant
R &[ts’ai4 •
grass P*J
—yasai vegetables
—natane rapeseed
f f 871; 154/5. bo trade, exchange
—[mao4 • R money & P*]
—bdekigaisha trading company
S'- 872; 9/6. sha house, shelter
&[she4 • R mouth P*]
——— kishukusha boarding house, hostel
—inaka country(side)
873 -880
873; 170/7. hei steps of the throne
_ —&R[pi4 •
mound P*]
Tennd-heika His Majesty the Em-
_ — peror press
Kdgd-heika Her Majesty the Em-
874; 27/3. atsu pressure
R &[ya 1 4 •
earth P*]
—kiatsu atmospheric pressure
—den'atsu voltage
875; 60/5. 6 go
— &*WANG P[ 3 . 4 • I; returning, round trip
ofuku going
'^ tachi-ojo suru die on one's feet,
be at a standstill/loss
n 876; 120/8. ryoku, roku, midori green
R &[lu4, lu4 •
thread P*]
shinryoku fresh greenery
midori-iro green
(877; 64/8. sui, 0 infer, recommend, support
—[t'ui1 • Rhand&P*]
suitei inference
—— suiri —— reasoning, inference
878; 135/0. zetsu, shita tongue mouth; P*]
[she 2 D• : the tongue 1 -3 sticKing out from the
—benzetsu no sai eloquence
—shitauchi clicking the tongue, smack-
ing the lips
879; 9/8. hyo, tawara straw bag
R[piao3 • man & P*]
—dohyd sandbag, sumd ring
—sumidawara charcoal sack
880; 1/9. san, kaiko silkworm
R &[ts’an2 •
insect P*]
f —sanshi silk thread
881 2/4. 6 center, middle
[YANG 1 • I; P *
_chud center
ChQd-sen the Central (railway) Line
882; 38/3. ko, kono(mu), su(ku) like
&[hao3,4 • I: woman child P*]
kdi goodwill
_kdchd good tone/trend/condition
883; 162/9. i, chiga(u) be different/wrong
R &[wei2 •
proceed P*]
ihan violation, infringement
_sdi difference, disparity
884; 75/4. sho, matsu pine tree
R &[sung 1 •
tree P*]
—matsubayashi pine forest
—kadomatsu New Year gate
885; 49/5. kan, maki volume, book; ma(ku) roll,
R &[chuan3 4 • L w >nd
kneeling figure P*]
—daiikkan volume 1
•[ —^ ] picture scroll
886; 32/6. jo, shiro castle
R &[ch’eng2 •
earth P*]
—jdkamachi castle town
—Miyagi-kert Miyagi Prefecture
,887; 170/7. K fu(ru) fall (of rain,etc.); o(riru)
alight/descend from
[chiang,4 hsiang 2 • R mound & P]
—kdsan suru surrender
U — &&iko on after, during since
888; 4/2. kyu, oyo(bu) attain/come/match up
(to); oyo(bi) and gain, reach; P*]
—[chi2 , 4 • I: a man 1-2 seized by a hand 3->-
kyudaiten examination pass mark
oyobigatai hard/impossible to attain
889; 75/4. shi, eda branch, bough
R &[chih 1 •
tree P*]
— &shiyo branches leaves, side issues
—koeda twig, spray
890; 61/3. bo isoga(shii) busy
&R[mang2 •
heart P*]
—bosatsu being worked to death
—tabd na busy
891 ; 72/9. ka, hima leisure
R &[hsia2 •
sun P*]
_kyiika holiday
—yoka leisure
892; 4/12. den, ten hall, palace; -dono Mr., Esq.;
R &[tien4 • [torn (feudal) lord
kill P*]
—kyuden palace
_ —tonosama (feudal) lord
893; 85/10. gen, minamoto origin, source
&[yuan 2 • R water P*]
— &Genpei the Minamoto Taira clans
—kigen origin, source
m 894; 120/7. kei, tsu(gu) inherit, succeed to; tsu(gi)
patch be joined]
—[chi4 • I : thread 1-6 in two pieces 7-1 3, ready to
kdi o keishd suru succeed
to the throne
—uketsugu inherit, succeed to
895; 162/10. ken, tsuka( wasu) send, present;
[ch'ien 3 R &• proceed P*] itsuka(u) use
—ha/cen suru
—kozukai[seri\ pocket money
896; 149/6. sho, kuwa(shii) detailed, well informed
R &[hsiang2 •
words P*]
—mishd not [yet] known
M 897 ; 85/9. to, wata(su/ru) cross/pass over, transfer
k [tu 4 &R• water P*]
—torai arrival from abroad
—watashibune ferryboat
898; 108/6. sei, jo, saka(n na) prosperous; saka-
( ru/ri) be at the height/prime; mo(ru) ^erve, heap up
dish P*j
—zensei full splendor/power, prime
— —saiseiki richest age best season
899; 4/5. ki, abu(nai), ayau(i) dangerous
[wei2 • I: man 1-2 on a cliff 3-4 kneeling 5-t> in
—kiken danger
—— kiki —— time of danger, crisis
900; 169/3. hei, to(jiru), shi(meru\maru) shut
—[pi4 • I : to bar the gates 1-8 with timber 9-1 1 ; P*]
heikd suru be dumbfounded
— &kaihei opening closing
901; 72/8. ban* evening talent late.
— —[wan3 • R sun & P*] matures
B bansnu late autumn
—taiki bansei Great
902; 149/12. kei warn, caution
[ching 3 •
R words & P*]
—keibi suru guard, defend
—bdfQ keihd storm warning
903; 122/8. sho government office, [police, etc.]
[shu 3 • R net & P* Lstation; signature
—keisatsusho police station
b —shdbdsho fire station
904; 64/2. futsu, hara(u) sweep away, pay
&R[fu 2 •
hand P*]
—futtei shortage, scarcity
—shiharai denpyd payment slip/
905-912 905; 162/3. jun, megu(ru) go/travel around
[hsun2 • I : a river 1-3 proceeds 4-o meandering-
_junreki suru tour/travel around
traffic policeman
—kdtsQ junsa
906; 8/7. tei emperor
[ti4 • D-»E; P*]
_teikoku empire
—kdtei emperor, sovereign
907; 85/7. hin, hama beach
&R[pin 1 •
water P*]
_ —Keihin chiku
—Yokohama pn. Tokyo (= kei)-Yoko-
Lhama (= Aw) area
908; 85/4. taku, sawa swamp, marsh
R &[tse2 4 chai2 •
water P*]
— —kotaku luster, gloss, polish
—sawabe edge of a swamp
909; 172/11. ri, hana(su/reru) separate, keep apart
R &[li2 • Hose one’s job
small bird P]
—rishoku suru be separated from/
——— bunri suru secede, detach oneself
910; 72/5. ei, utsu(su/ru) reflect, project; ha(eru)
&R[ying4 • Lshine, glow
sun P*]
—eiga film, movie
— —eisliaki (cine) projector
a 911; 79/5. dan* grade, step, level
[TUAN 4 • R kill &P*]
—danchigai different level, widely apart
—kaidan stairs, steps
4 912; 135/1. ran* civil war, rising; mida(su\reru)
[luan4 lan4 • I; P*] Lthrow into disorder
‘L ranbo na violent, rough
konran mru be confused/chaotic
913; 116/3. totsu sudden; tsu(ku) strike, thrust
[t’u4 • I : a big dog 6-8 rushing out from a hole/
cave 1-5; P*]
_toppa suru break through, surmount
H — —totsuzen suddenly
914; 86/9. en, kemuri smoke; kemu(ru) smoke;
kemu(i) smoky
&[yen 1 • I: flame incense burner 5-13]
entotsu chimney
—kin 'en smoking prohibited, no smoking
915; 106/4. sen, izumi spring
[ch'uan2 • I: clear/pure 1-5 water; P*]
—reisen cold-water spring
—onsen hot spring
916; 4/3. sei, sho, / a well
D[ching3 • : well frame seen from above; P*]
—yusei oil well
a well
—ido ceiling
^ ^ —-tenjo
917; 72/9. dan, atata(kai) warm
[nuan 3 nan3 NANG3 • R sun & P*]
—ondan zensen warm front
kandankei thermometer
918; 40/10. shin, ne(ru) lie down, go to bed, sleep
[CH’IN3 • I;P*]
—shinshitsu bedroom
—shushin-chu while sleeping/ in bed
919; 149/7. shi write down, record
&R[chih4 •
words P*]
— azasshi magazine
—jigd shijd de
in the next issue of
920 90/7. sho commander; be about to
*[CfflANG14 • I; P
general ; military ruler of Japan
—shdrai the future
921; 130/14. zo organs of the body
R &[tsang4 •
flesh P*]
_naizo internal organs, intestines
shinzd the heart
922; 4/2. gan, maru(i) round ;-/warw suf. for ship
iL [wan2 • I; P* L names
gan’yaku (medicinal) pill, capsule
—maruta log
923; 86/15. baku burst, explode
[pao4 • Rfire&P*]
—bakuhatsu suru explode
—genbaku atomic bomb
924; 60/9. go, gyo, o, on hon. pref.; gyo(suru)
—[Y 4 • I; P* 4-7 (= 140) ]
gohart cooked rice check
—seigyo suru
control, suppress,
925; 85/6. sen, ara(u) wash, inquire into
R &[hsi3 •
water P*]
senren suru polish, refine
1 toilet
926; 145/5. tai, fukuro bag, sack
[tai 4 R &• clothes P*]
—fukuro-kdji blind alley, cul-de-sac
—tebukuro o hameru put or)
U 927; 130/7. N6* brain P*
0- R &[nao3 • flesh (D : brains in the head ->)
——— nd-shukketsu cerebral hemorrhage
—zund brains, intelligence
928; 162/7. to road, way
^ R &[t’u 2 •
proceed P*] cut off
—tozetsu suru be stopped/blocked/
_ —kito ni on one’s way home
929; 59/12. ei, kage shadow, image
[ying 3 •
&R light rays P*]
—toei suru throw/project an
— Akage-bdshi ga utsuru per-
son's shadow is cast.
930; 4/11. oku*, 6 interior, innermost part
[ao4 • I; inner room 1-3 (= 278) where the rice
D4-9 is brought in 10-12 ( of two hands)
_ —okusama (hon.) wife
—shin’d the depths, secrets, mysteries
t 931 ; 10/6. men, escape from, avoid;
yLj men(zuru) dismiss/exempt from
ft [MIEN 3 • I; P*]
—gometi (another’s) pardon, permission
—unten menkyo-shd driving
932; 4/2. bo, tobo(shii) insufficient, scanty
=[fa2 • S: reversed vrt. of 123 not right, de-
—ketsubo suru be insufficient/lacking
_ —binbd na poor, poverty-stricken
933; 130/5. hai, se back, stature; sei stature; somu-
(ku) go/act/offend (against); somu(keru) avert
&[pei 1 4 • I: two men back to back 1-5 flesh
—haikei background
[_6-9; P*]
—senaka o nagasu wash one’s back
934; 147/9. ran see, look at
&R[lan3 •
see P*]
—yuran excursion, sightseeing
—tenrankai exhibition
935; 118/9. hako box
[hsiang1 • R bamboo & P]
—Hakone pn.
— _jubako tier of fitted boxes
936; 122/9. batsu* punishment, penalty; bachi*
punishment (for sin); bas(suru) punish
[fa2 • I : to scold 1-1 1 and threaten with a sword
_ _shobatsu sum punish
—genbatsu severe punishment U2-13
937; 91/0. hen part kata- one (of two)
D &[p'ien4 • S : right half of a tree split down
the middle]
danpenteki fragmentary
—katayoru lean/be partial (toward)
938; 9/11. kei, katamu(keru/ku/ki) incline (to)
[ch’ing1 . 2 • I: a man 1-2 bending 3-4 his head
5-13 lean; P*]
_keikd inclination, tendency
—keichu suru devote, concentrate
939; 141/9. ryo think, consider
[lu4 • I: the presence of a tiger 1-6(= 1932)
gives food for thought 7-15; P*]
_enryo suru be reserved/constrained
—kdryo consideration
940; 115/5. hi, hi(meru) keep secret
R &[mi4 , pi4 •
grain P*]
——— hizo suru prize, treasure
—gokuhi strict secrecy, top secret
941; 9/2. kai* shellfish; stand between; kai(shite)
through the good offices of tween 3-4; P*
[chieh4 • I: a man 1-2 who divides/stands be-
—kaizai suru interpose, intervene
_gyokai seafood
m 942; 137/14. kan warship
R &[chien4 •
boat P*]
—kantai naval fleet
— —kikan flagship
943; 130/5. hai* lung
[fei4 R &• flesh P*]
—haibyd tuberculosis
—haizd the lungs
" 944; 120/6. raku, kara (mu), kara (maru) coil/
twist (around), cling (to)
—R[le4, lao4 • thread &P*]
renraku communication, contact
— —myakuraku coherence, logical connection
945; 148/6. shoku, fu(reru) (vi.) sawa(ru) (vi.)
&[ch’o4 ch’u4 • R horn P*] [_touch
—— sesshoku suru come in contact/
— —kanshoku touch (with)
sense of touch, feel
946; 140/8. ka fruit, cake
R &[kuo3 •
grass P*]
—cha-gashi tea-cakes, refreshments
_ —seika confectionery
947; 64/8. so, ha(ku) sweep
&[sao3 - 4 • I: hand broom 4-11 ; P*]
—soji suru clean, sweep
seisofu road sweeper, dustman
948; 50/3. han, ho sail
R &P[fan12 • *
— —i|/l hansen/hobune sailboat
—shuppan suru set sail
949; 120/8. sho, cho beginning; o cord, string
R &[hsu4 • remarks
thread P*]
—shoron 1 choron introductory statement/
—jocho emotion, sentiment
950; 140/9. jo, mu(su) (vt.) steam, (vi.) be close/
[CHENG 1 R &• grass P*] Lsultry
—jShatsu suru evaporate
—jdryU suru distill
951; 118/5. fu tally, sign
[fu 2 R &• bamboo P*] f(with)
—fugo suru conform/fit/correspond
S —kippu ticket
952; 75/4. mai unit for counting sheet like things
&[mei2 • I: wood rap 5-8 cane -)• count-
ing stick; P*]
_ —maikyo suru count, enumerate
—rnaisu number of sheets/leaves
953; 159/3. ken unit for counting buildings; noki
/ —nokishita nijde under the eaves
R &eaves
l projecting eaves; also cart P*]
[hsuan 1 • I: cart with projecting 8-10 shafts-^
—kensu number of houses
954; 140/2. shiba lawn, turf
&R[chih 1 •
grass P]
—shibafu lawn, grass
_ —shibai play, drama
955; 163/6. ro man, husband; suf. in mn.
R &[lang 2 •
city P*]
—Taro mn.
— &shinro shinpu bridegroom bride
956; 2/4. satsu unit for counting books; saku
[t’se4 ch’ai3 • D: inscribed strips 1-4 tied with
—string 5 ; P*] booklet, pamphlet
—bunsatsu separate volume
957; 64/9. kan, ka(eru/waru) change
[huan4 • R hand & P*]
kansan-ritsu exchange/conversion rate
—[denwa] fcdkankyoku telephone
958; 102/7. jo unit for counting room mats; tatami
[tieh 2 •
mI] Lr mat; / fold up
—hachijd no heya an 8-mat room
4 —tatami-shindai folding bed
959; 53/4. sh6, o bed alcove; m floor P*]
[ch’uang 2 • I : the wood 4-7 inside a house 1-3
—rinshdteki kenkyU clinical study
—yuka-ita o haru lay floorboards
960; 149/8. tan birth
[tan 4 • I: stretched 8-14 (see 706) words l-7->
_tanjdbi birthday
_kdtan royal/holy birth BL ; P*
961 75/4. hai unit for counting containenuls;
R &[pei 1 • \_sakazuki wine cup
tree P*]
haisen sink, washing-up bowl
—ippai nomu have a drink
962; 4/2. jo 10 feet; take stature, length
[CHANG4 • I]
—hdjd 10 feet square, [room of] an abbot
_kijo na stout-hearted, strong-nerved
963; 19/9. kan* intuition, sixth sense; consider,
R &[k’an4 •
strength P*] (Jnvestigate
—— kanben suru —— pardon, tolerate
—kanjd account, bill
964; 163/8. yu post, mail
[yu2 • I: remote 1-8 (see 1214) district 9-1 1->
settlement post town P*]
—; post-free
air mail
—yUsd muryd post without charge,
965; 38/8. kon marriage
[hun 1 • I: a woman enters the family line 4-7
from that day 8-11]
—kekkon suru marry (with)
—t"ikon suru divorce (from)
966; 9/4. ki, kuwada(teru/te) plan, scheme
3D[ch4• & S; P*]
_ —kito plan, scheme
_ —kikaku plan, planning
m 967; 124/0. u, ha, hane feather, wing
[Yti3 • D: a bird’s wings; P*]
—umd feathers, plumage
_ —haori a haori jacket
968; 137/0. shu, w«e boat
[chou1 • D: boat with mooring rope 1, hull 2-3,
& &planking 4 5, stern oar 6]
—kawabune river-boat; barge
—funa-asobi boating
969; 31/4. kon, koma(ru) be in dil05culties, be at a
loss P*]
—[k'un4 • I : tree restricted by cramped enclosure;
konnan difficulty
—hinkon poverty
970; 48/4. K se(merulme) attack
&R[kung 1 •
strike P*]
—kosei an offensive, aggression
—senkd special [subject of] study
971; 188/0. kotsu, hone bone
& *[ku2 . 3 • I: flesh 7-10 bone 1-6; P
—kokkaku frame, physique
—horwori efforts, trouble
972; 94/4. kyo, kuru(u/i) be mad; enthusiast
[k’uang2 • R dog & P*]
—kydkenbyd raoies
—kydki wild joy, exultation
%k 973; 115/2. shu, hii(deru) surpass, excel
_[hsiu4 • I: grain 1-5 growing 6-7 well; P*]
shusai gifted person, genius
—shubi outstanding beauty
974; 75/5. sen, so(meru/maru) dye; shi(miru)
soak (into), be infected (by), smart; shi(mi) stain
[jan3 • I : nine liquids 1-5 obtained from trees
& =plants 6-9 vegetable dyes]
—densenbyd communicable disease
—somemonoya dyer’s, dyer
975; 85/6. sfflN, tsu harbor, ferry
R &[chin 1 , ching 1 •
water P*]
—tsunami tidal wave
—Tsugaru heiya the Tsugaru plain
976; 85/6. jo pure
R &[ching4 •
water P*]
—JddoshQ Pure Land sect