easy learning
for languages.
Col1 l1i« ns9em
easy learning
phrase book
Miyoko Yam ashita
First published 2007
This edition published 2010
Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Reprint 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Typeset by Davidson Pre-Press, Glasgow
Printed in Malaysia for Imago
ISBN 978-0-00-735850-2
Using your phrasebook
Your Collins Gem Phrasebook is designed to help you
locate the exact phrase you need, when you need it,
whether on holiday or for business. If you want to
adapt the phrases, you can easily see where to
substitute your own words using the dictionary
section, and the clear, full-colour layout gives you
direct access to the different topics.
The Gem Phrasebook includes:
• Over 70 topics arranged thematically. Each phrase
is accom panied by a sim ple pronunciation guide
which eliminates any problems pronouncing
foreign words.
• A top ten tips section to safeguard against any
cultural faux pas, giving essential dos and don’ts
for situations involving local custom s or etiquette.
• Practical hints to make your stay trouble free,
showing you where to go and what to do when
dealing with everyday matters such as travel or
hotels and offering valuable tourist information.
o Face to face sections so that you understand
what is being said to you. These exam ple m ini
dialogues give you a good idea of w hat to expect
from a real conversation.
©Common announcements and messages you may
hear, ensuring that you never m iss the important
information you need to know when out and about.
• A clearly laid-out dictionary m eans you will never
be stuck for words.
• A basic gram m ar section which will enable you to
build on your phrases.
• A list of public holidays to avoid being caught out
by unexpected opening and closing hours, and to
make sure you don’t m iss the celebrations!
It’s worth spending tim e before you em bark on your
travels ju st looking through the topics to see what is
covered and becom ing fam iliar with what m ight be
said to you.
W hatever the situation, your Gem Phrasebook is sure
to help!
Using your Staying somewhere 51
3 Hotel (booking) 51
Japanese Hotel desk 54
Top ten tips 7 Camping 55
11 Self-catering 57
Talking to people 13 Shopping 58
Hello/goodbye, yes/noi3 Shopping phrases 60
Key phrases 15 Shops 62
Work 19 Food (general) 66
Weather 20 Food (fruit and veg) 68
Getting around 22 Clothes
Asking the way 22 Clothes (articles) 70
Bus and coach 25 Maps and guides
Metro 28 Post office 70
Train 30 Photos 71
Taxi 34 Leisure 72
Boat and ferry 36 Sightseeing and 74
Air travel 38 tourist office 77
Customs control 40 Entertainment
Driving 4.2. Leisure/interests
Car hire 4^2 Music
Driving 44 Cinem a
Petrol 45 Theatre/opera
46 Television
Car parts 4947 S P0 r t
Road signs Skiing
W alking 81 Different types of
Communications 82 travellers 109
Telephone and mobile 82 Disabled travellers
Text messaging 86 With kids 112
E-m ail 86 Reference 112
Internet 88 M easurements and 115
Fax 89 quantities
Practicalities 90 Num bers 122
Money 90 Days and m onths
Paying 92 Tim e 123
Luggage 94 Tim e phrases 123
Repairs 95 Eating out 146
Laundry 96 Food in Japan 150
C o m p lain ts 97 Reading the menu 151
Problems 98 Vegetarian 162
Em e rge ncies 100 Wines and spirits 172
Health 103 Grammar
Pharmacy 103 Public holidays
Body 104 Signs and notices
Doctor 105 Dictionary
107 English - Japanese
Pronouncingjapanese Pronouncing Japanese
Although the Japanese writing system is rather
complicated, pronouncingjapanese is easy once
you know the few basic rules. This book has been
designed so that as you read the pronunciation of
the phrases, you can follow the Japanese. This will
help you to recognize the different sounds and give
you a feeling for the rhythm of the language. A few
rules for you to note are below.
In Japanese the basic unit of speech is the
syllable, not the letter. Each syllable is pronounced
approximately the same length and rather flatly.
Japanese has a pitched accent (high and low) but
tone doesn’t change the meaning, as it does in
Chinese. It is more important not to stress any one
part of a word. For example, in English the word
Paris Is pronounced paris and In French paree.
Japanese gives equal strength to both syllables: pari.
Japanese has relatively few sounds. Each vowel has
only one sound.
Japanese vowels
Pronouncing Japanese sounds like
a a’ as in bath
i’ as in police
u u’ as in put
e e’ as in let
o o’ as in got
Longvowel sounds
aa, ii, uu, ee, oo approximately double the
length of other syllables
15 Basic consonants
k, s, t, n, h, m, y, r, w , g, z, d, b, p, n/m
Except n/m , and shi, c h i and tsu , a consonant
takes one vowel to create a syllable as in
Ki-m o-no traditional Japanese costume
T a -n a -k a Japanese surname
These consonants are close to their English
equivalents but note the following:
g is pronounced as in golf, not as in Germany
y is pronounced as in young, not as in cry
Since Japanese lacks the consonants I and v, foreign Pronouncing Japanese
loanwords with these letters are pronounced with r
and b, respectively. Thus, English words ‘love’ and
‘rub’ both become indistinguishable as ra-bu in
Japanese also lacks the si sound (as in ‘to sit’): shi
is used instead, with often embarrassing results!
Other English sounds that do not exist in Japanese
are hu (as in ‘hook’: fu is used instead); th (as in
‘thin’: shi is used instead); and ti (as in 'tin': chi is
used instead).
Double consonants, like kk, pp, ssand ttare
written before a vowel, which indicates a pause
equivalent to one syllable in length before that
consonant. The sound before the pause tends to
become sharper than at other times.
kitte Pronunciation Meaning
ki (pause) te stamp
ki (pause) pu ticket
ki, shi, chi, ni ,hi, mi, ri, gi, ji, bi and pi sounds can
be combined with ya, yu or yo to create combined
consonants. For example, ki + ya become kya, ki +
yu become kyu and ki + yo become kyo. Examples
Pronouncing Japanese of this can be found in the words Tookyoo and
Kyooto, where it is pronounced as two sounds,
but said very quickly with the same length of one
matchi Pronunciation Meaning
ma (pause) chi match
In the case of the chi syllable, a double consonant
sound is written as tchi as in the example above.
You should also remember that Japanese does not
have a silent e at the end of a word such as in the
English ‘to take’, if ‘take’ Is read as the Japanese
word take (bamboo), it should be pronounced
tah-keh. Similarly sake (rice wine), is pronounced
However, the vowel u at the end of a sentence such
as M ike desu will sound very weak.
Top ten tips Top ten tips
1 Always remember to remove your shoes before
entering someone’s home. Before stepping on
tatam i matting, slippers must also be removed.
Slippers must be changed when going to the
toilet. Remember not to leave the toilet still
wearing the toilet slippers, as it would be very
2 Always make sure that you do not have any holes
in your socks or tights, as you may have to take
your shoes off unexpectedly.
3 Shaking hands is uncommon In Japan;
the Japanese greet each other by bowing.
However, foreigners are sometimes greeted
with a handshake.4
4 Sum im asen is a word with many purposes;
it can be used to attract someone’s attention
before making a request, or to get past people
on a crowded train. It can also be used to say
Top ten tips 5 Credit cards are only accepted in the more
expensive hotels, shops and restaurants.
6 If you receive a gift from a Japanese visitor,
remember to express delight at the wrapping as
well as the gift itself. If you are invited to a
Japanese person’s house, make sure you take
gift-wrapped present with you.
7 You can only buy cigarettes and alcohol if you
are over 20 years of age.
8 The Japanese tend not to use assertive words
such as “yes” and “no”. Good alternatives are ii
desu ne for “yes” and chotto for “no”.
9 Cleanliness is important to the Japanese. Never
drop or leave rubbish.
10 It's advisable that you carry proof of identity at
all times, so make sure that you always have
your passport with you.
Hello/good bye, yes/no Hello/goodbye, yes/no
In Japanese there is no exact equivalent for the
word ‘hello’ - different greeting words are used
based on the time of the day. Similarly, the word
ch o tto (whose literal meaning is ‘a bit’) is
influenced by body language: if said with one’s
head slightly tilted, it means ‘no’.
Hello oA/Ic.'Sli
Good morning
Good evening konnichiwa
Goodbye ohayoogozaimasu
See you later c lA /liA /lc t
oyasu mi nasal
ja mata
See you tomorrow
How are you? mata ashita
Fine, thanks £>7üM T 53‘fa
ogenki desu ka?
Talking to people hai.genkidesu
And you?
Please anata wa?
Thank you fclÜ lA U S f
You’re welcome
Excuse me!
Yes sumimasen!
No (áu
Urn... hal
Yes, please IH A X.
No, thanks iie
S c to t...
ISl/\ S H lA U S f
hai.onegai shimasu
UHAX.C i S S T - f
iie, kekkoodesu
Sir... ...R
Mr.. ./Madam.../ ...Zh u
Mrs.../Ms.../ ...san
to*' D S ttA ,
understand w akarim asen
1don’t speak w atashi w a nihongo ga
Japanese hanasem asen
Key phrases Key phrases
There is no gender, article or singular/plural form in
Japanese. Different counters are used together with
numbers (please see the number section for more
museum mm
the station
the shops b iju ts u k a n
the houses
m ise
ie / u c h i
Talking to people a/one —O
a ticket hltotsu
one stamp "J h —■f t
a room chlketto Ichlmal
one bottle kltte Ichimal
some (countable) -S P S
some hlto heya
(uncountable) —*
some wine Ippon
some fruit Ikutsuka
some biscuits I K S fr
Do you have...? ikuraka
Do you have I K K 5 A'
a timetable?
wain Ikuraka
Do you have
a room? furuutsu Ikutsuka
Do you have KKoA'
bisuketto Ikutsuka
...(ia p D irt* '
...w aarlm asu ka?
jlkokuhyoow aarlm asu ka?
heyaw a arimasu ka?
gyuunyuu w aarim asu ka?
l/W e’d like... ...(» 1 9 ) f c liV C f
...(verb) taid esu
I/W e ’d like...
...(noun) gahoshiidesu
I’d like an
ice cream aisukuriimu ga hoshii desu
W e ’d like to * £ !liiD fc l,\ -C T
go home ie ni kaeritai desu
A n o th e r... ...J djM d O
...okawari Key phrases
Som e more...
...m oosu kosh i
Som e m ore bread
pan moo sukoshi
Som e more IK W & k bo'JHs
g la s s e s nom im ono m oosukoshi
Another 0
Japanese tea ocha okawari
Another beer e-jL s fe d 'b o
biiru okawari
Som e m ore water
omizu m oosukoshi
H ow m u ch is it?
korew aikuradesu ka?
sm all /Jv£ lA
w ith £
w ithout to
W here is/are...? nukide
W here is/are ..A t£ Z .-£ t± '
the nearest...?
Talking to people ... w ad o ko d e su ka A'
How do I get...?
— ...
to the m useum
ichiban chikai ...w a d o ko d e su ka?
to the station
to Kyoto ...ew adooyatte ikim asu ka?
There is/are... bijutsukan ewa
T h e re is n ’t / IR'Mi
a re n ’t any...
eki ewa
W hen?
Kyooto ewa
At w hat tim e...?
...gaarim asu
tom orrow ...#£D StA j
18 ...gaarim asen
Can I...? ...dekim asu ka?
sm oke mm
taste it kitsuen
How does this t iS
W hat does this
mean? 3 -5 SE ^ 0 T j g U t t s
kore w a dooyatte tsukaim asu ka?
¡1ftfii: -5U5MBfrXtt'
kore w a d o o iu imi desu ka?
Work W ork
The Japanese tend to tell you where they work
rather than w hat they do.
W hat do you do? S X ’4’1S'
otsutom e w a dochira desu ka?
H ow ’s your work? o X '^ ’tS'
s h ig o to w a d o o d e su ka?
I’ m ... m t...
w a ta sh iw a ...
a doctor m m xt
a manager m m ^xt
> Leisure/interests (p 70) > Sport (p77) 19
a housewife HEjUT?'?'
shufu desu
I work from home f A l i
watashi w azaitaku-kinm u desu
I’m self-employed f A t t i=ii=SIT?'3"
Talking to people watashi wajieigyoo desu
Bfttl tenki-yohoo weather forecast
HU hare fine
10 warui
kumori cloudy
changeable weather
kawariyasui tenki
It’s sunny te n k ig a ii
It’s m uggy
It’s raining $U1U
It’s snow ing
m u sh iatsu i
am egafutteiru
yuki gafutteiru
It’s windy
kaze ga tsuyoi
W hat a lovely day! £ C / u T l/ 'b 'E l
nante ¡¡hi!
W hat awful
weather! nante hidoi tenki!
W hat will the
w eather be ashitano tenki wa doo desu ka?
like tom orrow ?
Do you think it’s
g o in g to rain? am e ga furisoo desu ka? W eather
It’s very hot
today kyoo w a totem o atsui desu
It’s ve ry cold
today kyoo w a totem o sam ui desu
Do you think
there w ill be arashi ni naru to om oim asu ka?
a storm?
D o you th in k it s i
will snow? yuki ni naru to om oim asu ka?
W ill it be fo ggy? Ml
W hat is the kiri ni n arvto om oim asu ka?
fu S U M /g T -T A '
te m p e ratu re? kion w a nando desu ka?
Getting around
Getting around I5M hantai opposite
next to...
. . . ® ® i ...notonari near to...
traffic lights
. . . ® j £ < ...nochikaku crossroads
corner (of road)
M 3 shingoo
(M lS ffl) ft
(dooro no) kado
A f ^ i thj,
su m im asen , eki m ade dooyatte ikim asu ka?
Excuse me, how do Iget to the station?
B TC'n
massugu itte, hitotsu-me no kado o migi/
hidari ni magatte kudasai
Keep straight on, turn right/left at the first corner
A itU T -T *' Asking the Way
tooi desu ka?
Is It far?
B U \^ jL 2 0 0 * -h ;i//5 # < 5 lV T ? -r
iie, nihyaku-meetoru/go-fun kurai desu
No, about 200 metres/five m inutes
A ®DA '“<!:5!
Thank you!
doo itashimashite
You’re w elcom e
W e ’re lo st L>tc
m ichi nl m ayoim ashita
W e ’re lo o k in g fo r........ i E t S U T b ' S ' i T
...osagashite imasu
Is th is the righ t ...IC ifr < f f iiiC t V C l/ U A 'd r
w ay to...?
t >'
C an l/w ew alk iku nowa korede iidesu ka?
^rZ. c P .U ' & l ' } t } '
there? soko made arukem asu ka?
H o w do 1/ ...
w e get...? doosureba... ni ikemasu ka?
to the station IRE
eki ni
to the m u seu m Hi&StE
bijutsukan ni
to the shops tSIglZ
omise ni
Getting around Can you sh o w m e iiMUT'Jjk 1/T t>5 x. S T * '
on the m ap? chizu de shimeshite moraemasu
YOU M A Y HEAR... down there
T o fc p ir then ask again
kudatta tokoro
mooichido kiite kudasai
Bus and coach Bus and coach
Places such as Kyoto have tourist day passes and
bus route m aps in En glish, w h ich you can o btain at
a bus station. Local buses usually board from the
rear door and if your jo u rn e y is not covered by a flat
fee you m ay need to pick up a num bered ticket.
A board at the front of the bus displays the fares,
based on the num bers. You will need to know your
d estination in Jap an ese characters. So m e buses
board from the front door and require you to pay as
you enter. Tickets for long/m lddle distance coach
trips, as w ell as airport lim o usin es, are usually sold
at the coach counter or ticketing m achine.
sum im asen, dono basu g a chuushim bu nl ikim asu ka?
Excuse me, w hich bus goes to the centre?
B 15#T*f
juugo-ban desu
N um ber-^
basutei w adoko desu ka?
W here is the bus stop?
Getting around b S lc& O Sf
sugusoko, migi ni arimasu
There, on the right
a nzvfim m & m
dokodejyooshaken o kaem asu ka?
W here can I buy the tickets?
B 5*Bi£T?
baiten de kaemasu
At the news-stand
Is there a b u s/ ...IZ'ij < ) { ? . /
tram to...? iku b asu /ro m e n -de nsh aw a
W h e re do 1/ arim asu ka?
we catch the
bus to...? t'C T * ...
W h e re do 1/ ffgC D /U lcS n^-r*'
we catch the
tram to...? doko d e ... iki no basu ni norem asu
l/w e w ould like
to go to... ÜZ.-Ç...
H o w m u c h is it doko d e ... iki no rom en-densha ni
to go to...? norem asu ka?
the centre ...(CÎTëfcU/uT-tA'"
26 ikitain desu ga
...3tT*U< s x - f * '
...m ade ikuradesu ka?
ch uu shim b u
the beach 3SB
How often are
the buses to...? iku basu w adonogurai dete
imasu ka?
When is the first
...iki no shihatsu basu w a itsu desu
When is the last
bus to...?
...iki nosaishuu basu wa itsu desu ka?
Please tell me
when to get off
itsu oritara iika oshiete kudasai
Please tell me
when we are at... tsuitara oshiete kudasai
Please let me off
sum im asen, oroshite kudasai
I got on at... . . .t '& M O £ L > fc
...karan o rim ash ita
Sorry, I forgot to m m ^m o^it/v-vurc
take a ticket
(on entering bus) sum im asen, seiriken o torim asen
> Luggage (p 94) 27
YOU M A Y HEAR... T h is is it/yo u rsto p
d C / C O / C M fT 'T c fc Take the metro,
koko/kono basu-tei desu yo it’s quicker
chikatetsu no hooga hayai
desu yo
Getting around Metro
The Japanese m etro and train services are clean,
safe and run on tim e. You can either purchase a
prepaid card or an ordinary ticket from the ticketing
m achine. Silver seats are for the elderly or people
with difficulties. M obile phones need to be on silent
and you m u st not ta lk in the carriage. In m ajor cities,
the rush hour (between 7 and 9 am and 5 and 8 pm)
crush can be really bad. Som e trains have w om en-
only carriages. Th e Jap an e se m etro system is very
sim ila r to the one in London. The first th in g you
m u st do is obtain a m etro m ap w h ich in dicates all
the lines and stops.
A D iriguchi entrance
t B D deguchi w ay out/exit
Can 1get a seat l/ S 'í
reservation zaseki no yoyaku 0 onegai shimasu
W here can 1get m i t i l Z - T : ' M a S t t '
a ticket? kippu w a doko de kaem asu ka?
W here is the -# iS ^ ± ife T ^ © IR tt ¿í ¿ I7
nearest metro tfa
station? ¡chiban chikai chikatetsu noeki wa
doko desu ka?
How does the fa
ticket m achine
work? kenbaiki wa dooyatte tsukaimasu
ka? Metro
I’m go ing to... ...(C fjc i ikim asu
Do you have №TWiOimiZ&'Qlii-tfa
a map of chikatetsu n o c h izu w a a rim a su ka?
the metro?
H o w do I ge t to...? H o ’P'd T ... I C Í t S ^ - T A '
d o o y a tte ... ni ikim asu ka?
Do 1have to
change? norikae wa arim asu ka?
D o e s th is go to ...? ü í l l i .. . (c- Í t S < S l T A '
kore w a ... ni ikim asu ka?
W hich line . . . f i z i m Mx*?fa
is it for...? ...iki w a nani-sen desu ka
> Luggage (p 94) 29
W hich platform ...iki w a nan-bansen desu ka
is it for...?
tsugi no eki w a doko desu ka?
W hat is the
next stop? tfr& tthj\
Excuse me! su m im ase n !
Please let m e out P$-5 U T < fc £ lA
oroshlte kudasai
Getting around Train
You w ill find Midori no madoguchi in m ajor train
stations w here you can exchange Japan Rail Passes
to m ake seat bookings etc. A JR pass can get you a
co n sid erable w ay around Japan. D etails can be
kakuekl telsha slow stopping train
(stops at all stations)
kalsoku densha local train (stops at
selected stations)
junkyuu/kyuukoo densha
intercity (stops at main
intercity stations:
sup plem ent)
# =§.f||I|I tokkyuu densha intercity (stops at main Train
intercity stations:
f r ^ ZtcZ/UfrO supplement)
shinkansen kodama/hikari high-speed intercity
b u lle t train OR pass
shinkansen nozomi accepted)
h 7 :f—A high-speed intercity
puratto fo o m u b u lle t train OR pass
S O madoguchi not accepted)
jikokuhyoo platform
jU f t okure
ticket office
0 tim etable
delay (appears on
tenimotsu ichiji azukari
train noticeboards)
left luggage
A ...
tsugi n o ... iki n o d e n s h a w a n a n -jid e su ka?
W hat tim e is the next train to...?
B 17B tlO ^T '-r ' H B |
ju u sh ic h i-jiju p p u n d e s u
At 17.10
kippu osan-mai kudasai
I’d like 3 tick e ts, p lease
katamichi desu ka, oofuku desu ka?
Single or return?
W here is the fR iiifjr -e -r* '
Getting around station? ekl wadokodesu ka?
to... ...frS
a single Jta i-tS :
katamichi ichi-mai
two returns f f i l —tfc
oofuku ni-mai
reserved seat
non-reserved seat
first class ifv -y m
standard class 8»*
sm oking pm
non sm oking
I want to book
a seat on the
bullet train Tookyoo made shinkansen no
to Tokyo shitei-seki o yoyaku shitain
desu ga
Do I have to
change? norikaegaarim asu ka? 5U3&
H o w lo n g Is
O ifA '
there to w ait
for the norikae-jikan wadonokural
c o n n e c tio n ? arim asu ka?
Is this the train
c i n i i ...
for...? kore w a ... ikl n o d e n sh a d e su ka?
W hy is the train tfi' Train
naze densha wa okurete iruno
desu ka?
W hen w ill It leave? bO!±:#SU3tf A'
itsu shuppatsu shim asu ka?
Does it stop at...?
W h e n d o e s it tom arim asu ka?
...IClib’O iiggT rA '
arrive in...? ...niwa itsu tsukim asu ka?
Please tell me
when we get tsuitaraoshiete kudasai
r > Luggage (p 94) 33
Is there a sh o ku d o o -sh a w a a rim a su ka?
restaurant car? konoseki wa aite im asu ka?
sum im asen!
Is th is seat free?
Excuse me!
(to get past)
Getting around Taxi
Japanese taxis are safe, clean and operate on meters.
Th e b asic fee is based on the vehicle size. It can be
rather expensive but there is no need to tip. There
are taxi stands at stations and m ajor hotels but taxis
can also be hailed from the roadside. You can identify
w h eth er a taxi is available by the sign (kuusha)
displayed in the fron t w in dscre en . All the doors are
au tom atica lly operated by the driver. A receipt can
be requested if necessary.
I w ant a taxi takushii ni noritai desu
takushii n orib aw ad oko de su ka?
W here can I get takushii o yonde kudasai
a taxi?
Please order me
a taxi
now “7
im a
fo r...(tim e) . . . ( B t ) 1C
H o w m u c h w ill it . . . 3 ; T - U < A'
co st to go to...? ...made ikura kakarimasu ka?
How long will
it take? donokurai kakarimasu ka?
v a ca n t (car) 7*0ÉÉ}
to the station
please eki m ade onegai shim asu
to the airport
please kuukoo made onegai shimasu Taxi
to this address Z © ͱ P /t 3 cT 'fc 'M t 'U £ t
please konojuusho made onegai shimasu
H o w m u c h is it?
ikura desu ka?
Can 1have a
receipt please? reshiito o onegai shimasu
Keep the change Ü ^ O lM é m T ’t
otsuri wa kekkoo desu
Sorry, I d o n ’t h ave l í ' c f r S ' l í
any change 0 ¡£ tí/u
sum im asen, kozeni gaarim asen
I’m in a hurry
isoide imasu
1have to catch... Vf
a train noranakutewa ikenain desu
a plane Eg t p
m im
Getting around Boat and ferry
Japan Railw ays OR) run ferry services on certain
routes w h ere the JR P ass can be used. Th ere is a
good ferry netw ork in Japan lin king the various
islan ds. Ferries can be used as an alternative to
trains if you w ish to travel between the islands and
have tim e to spare. D uring the holidays som e lines
can be very busy, so if you are driving it is advisable
to book a place In ad vance.
Do you have jiko kuh yo o wa arim asu ka?
a tim etable?
..Az'n<ti-z> x U -tt& O
Is there a car
ferry to...? iku kaa-ferii w a arim asu ka?
H o w m u ch is kippu w a ikura desu ka?
a ticket...?
katam ichi
return as
H o w m u ch is it S t A A ' * ...
for a car and A T ’l'< S T 'lfi)'
... people? k u r u m a t o h i t o g a ... nin d e ikura
desu ka?
one person -A
hitori Boat and ferry
two people “A
three people HA
san-n in
W he re d o e s the 7|\—
boat leave from ? booto w adoko karadem asu ka?
Are there any jISJIM lietiiS 0 ¡S'?"A '
boat trips? yuuransen w a arimasu ka?
of the Tokyo bay
Tookyoo-w an no
W hen is the
next boat? tsugi n o fu n e w a n a n -ji desu ka?
How long does
M K itdaX
the trip take? fi'
yuuran wadonokurai kakarimasu
YOU M A Y HEAR... T h is Is the last boat
kore ga saishuu-bin desu Th ere Is no service
kyoo wa yatte imasen today
kurum a w a nan desu ka?
W hat type of car do
you have?
Getting around Air travel
A t the airport, m o st sig n s are w ritten in both
Japanese and English. All the airport staff understand
and speak som e English. You can find airport details
b yvlsltln g w w w .n a rita -a irp o rt.o or
w w w .ka n sa i-a irp o rt.o .
mm toochaku arrivals
shuppatsu in te rn a tio n a l
dom estic
S ü r kokusai boarding gate
S I* ! kokunai
mm2 toojooguchi
How do l/we ...niw adooyatte ikeba ii desu ka?
go to...?
to the airport
ku u ko o n iw a
to town
machi niwa
to the hotel...
to th e... airport
...hoteru niwa
Is there a bus to
the airport? ...kuukoo niwa
How much is it kuukoo iki no basu w a arim asu ka?
by taxi to...?
...m ade takushii de ikuradesu ka?
Where is the
check-in desk ...n oche kku in kau n taaw ad o ko
for...? desu ka?
Which turn table ...kara tsuita nimotsu wa dono
is the luggage taanteeburudesu ka?
for the flight
from...? &&(DmWiZ£ZT:'-C S S f
Where can I okane no ryoogae wa doko de
change some dekim asu ka?
> Luggage (p 94) 39
h fr S flB S l/ S T Boarding will take
...ban geeto kara toojoo place at gate
num ber...
shim asu
Go Im m ediately to
...ban geeto made sikyuu gate num ber...
osusumi kudasai
Getting around Customs control
UK, US, Canadian and Australian visitors to Japan
do not require a visa for short b usiness trips and
holidays. D uring yo u r stay, you are not allowed to
w ork. It is ad visable tha t you carry pro o f of identity
at all tim es, so m ake sure that you alw ays carry your
V isit www.narita-airport-custom to find
out about duty free allow ance.
B 2t O J § @ Japanese returning to
the country
nihon-jin kikoku
ftS A A S N o n -Ja p a n e se
galkoku-jin nyuukoku entering the country
iftHU zeikan
40 custom s
Do 1have to pay
duty on this? kore ni zeikin ga kakarimasu ka?
It’s for my own
personal use watashi gatsukau mono desu
It’s a present
^U -tiVhTrr
1have nothing
to declare shinkoku suru mono wa arimasen
We are on our
way to... (if in iku tochuu keiyu desu Customs control
transit through
a country)
is/are also on
this passport mo kono pasupooto desu
My passport
My visa watashi no pasupooto
watashi no biza
1cam e here
on... kimashita
business tt*
Car hire
jE lz i& liH driving licence
u nten-m enkyoshoo
fully com prehensive
soogoohoken in su ra n c e
Driving 1w a n t to hire kuru m ao karitai desu
a car ...nichi
f o r ... d ays
ootom asha
w ith autom atic ...M lilK S t - f i'
gears ...ryookin wa ikura desu ka?
-B ffl
W hat are your ichinichi no
rates...? — tSfeJ©
isshuukan no
per day
per week
H o w m u ch is A' Car hire
the deposit?
hoshookln w a ikura desu ka?
Do you take
credit cards? ha-K li& x.S'T
is there a charge
per m ile/ kurejitto kaado w atsukae m asu ka?
kilom etre?
<S>9 ST
H o w m u c h is it?
Does the price
include fully sookoo-kyori no siharai wa
com prehensive arim asu ka?
in su r a n c e ?
M ust I return the
car here? Ikura desu ka?
By w hat tim e? T 'l^ -T A '
I’d like to leave kono kingaku w asoogoohoken-
it In... ryoo o fukunde im asu ka?
kuruma wa kokonl kaesanakereba
ikemasen ka?
nanji m ade ni desu ka?
W t ... t g U T g A c U T - 'T
w atashi w a ... ni oite kitai desu
YOU M AY HEAR... Please return the car
with a full tank
m ttijy v y zm -S ’yic
U T 5 S U T <fc£L\
kurum aw agasorino
m antan ni shite
kaeshite kudasai
Driving Can l/we park Z Z lc E ¥ b T fc U U T -f
here? kokoni ch uu sha sitem o ii desu ka?
How long for? ¿fax s u s x ?
Which junction donokurai made?
is it for...?
3 v x -f* '
Do l/we need iku niw ado n o jan ku sho n
snow chains?
desu ka?
cheen w a hitsuyoo desu ka?
In Japan, the m ajo rity o f petrol statio n s are m anned
by attendants w ho not only fill up the tank for you
but also w ipe the w indow s and check the water.
A - f ^'•5’ haloku 4 star
d ie s e l
z r - f —HJl/ dllzeru unleaded
W iS yuuen
Fill it up, please
m antan nl site kudasal Petrol
Please check...
the oil ...0 chekku shite kudasal
T f - f Jl
the water 7j<
3 0 0 0 yen w orth o f 3 0 0 0 P 3 ^ 3 ' r o ^ i 8 i i ’V U 'J
unleaded petrol sanzen en bun no muen gasorln
W here is...?
...w adoko desu ka?
the air line 17-
w ater 7k
Can I pay by 0 \sV"J Ь Й — K ’ C 'ÍÁ X . t ^ lf A ''
credit card?
kurejitto kaado de haraem asu ka?
YOU M A Y HEAR... You need som e oil/
som e water
oiru/mizu ga hitsuyoo desu
súbete daijoobu desu Everything is O K
Driving If you break down, the em ergency telephone
num ber for the Japanese equivalent of the A A (JA F -
Japan A u to m o b ile Federation) is 0570-00-8139 or #
(pound key) 8139
Can you help me?
My car has tasukete m oraem asu ka?
щ*'*г&Р*L x и s u s ufe
broken down kurum a ga koshooshite
I’ve run o ut shim aim ashita LSIA3:
of petrol
Й7 U
gasorin ga kirete shim aim ashita
Can you tow me K ^ C D t f V U V KÜT*
to the nearest 31-3 t í o T Í t o T t> K . S
garage? TA '
moyori no gasorin-sutando made
hippatte itte m oraem asu ka?
D o yo u h ave p arts ...C D a P o o ^ ’® 0 S T A '
for a (make o f ...nobuhin gaarim asu ka?
T h e re ’s s o m e th in g ,..(C '(5 JA '<j3 A '' l A ' t Z.-&
w rong w ith A 4® 0 S T f
the... nanika okashii tokoro ga
arim asu
Can you Car parts
replace...? ...o kookan dekim asu ka?
Car parts
T h e ... is n ’t / a r e n ’t . . . ® S q ] ? - i ^ i l U T ; ' ' i T
w orking properly ...nochooshigaw aruidesu
accelerator 7 Í7 -tzJb akuseru
alternator T N b í ’ Tft— orutaneetaa
battery 1 i "J 511J — batterii
bonnet bonnette
brakes h bureeki
choke + chooku
9 -3 —0
Driving c lu tc h 0~?"j7 kurattchi
d istrib u to r £№ § haidenki
e n g in e i y 'J y enjin
exhaust ekizoosuto
fuse t l- 7 ‘ hyuuzu
gears gia
handbrake 77 hando bureeki
h e a d lig h ts heddo raito
ig n itio n A'v KzJ-Y h tenkasoochi
in d ic a to r hookoo shijiki
points tf\7 y h pointo
radiator 7'j7L—7 ~ rajieetaa
reverse gear )iv777 bakku gia
seat belt $/— h shiito beruto
spark plug & ik .y =?Cf tenkapuragu
steering 7 7 7 Uy7 sutearingu
steering wheel 7 7 7 'J'y7 sutearingu
tyre 7 ^ 7 —) l hoiiru
wheel 777 taiya
w indscreen sharin
w indscreen 70y\'fi77 furonto garasu
77y^00x u in d o ow ossh aa
w indscreen "j'y^— waipaa
7 7 )1 -
w ip e r