O Hhj/WiWi wakame udon/soba served
with seaweed
cb • 5 'frlii zaru soba chilled soba with dipping sauce
yasai okonomiyaki Japanese style
pizza with sliced cabbage, spring onion and egg,
prepared on a hot plate
1?1R5^/3?S yasai tempura deep-fried vegetables in
light batter
g © i!7 J\ 7 f-< - spaghetti with various
kinoko supagetii Japanese mushrooms
SfM yasai
l l J ^ sansai vegetable(s)
edible wild plants
Menu reader
Wines and spirits
Eating out The w ine list, wain menyuu o misete kudasai
white wine
aka wain
red wine
jim oto meisan no ii wain wa
Can you arimasu ka?
recom m end
a good local IfeTC&itfflbWNfc'Ste® 0 £
wine? ft'
Can you jim oto meisan no ii osake wa
recom m end arimasu ka?
a good local
sake? ...o ippon
A bottle of... hausu wain
house wine ¿5 0 f f t '
W hat liqueurs do donna osake ga arimasu ka?
you have?
Grammar ,
This is a guide to some of the basic concepts and Gram m ar
rules in Japanese. It is designed to enable you to
form simple sentences. There are different levels
of politeness in Japanese but polite forms, suitable
for travellers to use without being rude, have been
used throughout this book, including the dictionary
Although writing is rather complicated, Japanese
grammar is simple compared to that of most
European languages. For example, there is no
gender; there are no plural forms; and verbs only
have past and non-past (present) forms.
Grammar Sentence structure
The basic Japanese sentence has a topic and
a comment section. The topic (which is indicated
by a topic marker w a) usually comes at the
beginning of the sentence, but ifthe topic is
understood among the speakers, it is often omitted.
(Watashi wa) Yamashita desu. (I) am Yamashita.
Japanese contains particles similar to English
prepositions but in Japanese they come after the
words. Particles have the following functions.
w a topic marker
g a subject marker
k a question marker
o direct object marker
ni in-direct object marker, goal and position
to means‘and’(connect words)
de indicates means
Word order
Japanese word order is: subject - object - verb. Grammar
Therefore, ‘Ieat Sushi' becomes ‘I Su sh i e a t’;
W a ta s h i w a S u sh i o ta b e m a su . When the
comment part is long, for example, ‘Iwill eat Sushi
with my friend in London tomorrow’, as long as you
put I (which is the topic) and w ill eat, (which is the
verb) in their respective places and you move the
object together with the necessary particle, the
words can be in any order.
Questions and negatives
PoliteJapanese verbs end with m asu and a sentence
containing nouns and adjectives end with desu.
You can create a question by simply adding the
question marker ‘k a ’ at the end of the sentence.
This is Tokyo Tokyo desu
Is it Tokyo? Tokyo desu ka?
Negative sentences can be made by changing the
ending of the predicate such as verb or adjective
non-past non-past past positive past negative
positive negative
Grammar -desu -dewa -deshita -dewa
arimasen -mashita arimasen
-masu deshita
-masen -masen
Ieat Sushi. Sushi o ta b e -m a su
Idon’t eat Sushi Sushi o tab e-m asen
Iate Sushi Sushi o ta b e -m a sh ita
Ididn't eat Sushi Sushi o ta b e -m a se n d e sh ita
It is quiet Shizuka desu
It is not quiet Shizuka d e w a a rim a se n
It was quiet Shizuka d e sh ita
It was not quiet Shizuka d e w a a rim a s e n d e s h ita
Expressing desire Grammar
Change masu to ta id e su , for example, tabe-masu
to ta b e -ta id e su , 'I would like to eat’, and nomi-
masu to n o m i-ta id e su , ‘Iwould like to drink’.
Verb forms 1
The verbs can be divided into two groups.
The first group Is verbs ending In ’e ’, such as
tabe-masu (eat) and age-masu (give). This group
also includes the verbs with one syllable (see
pronunciation section) before masu such as
mi-masu (watch), kl-masu (come/puton). Afew
exceptional verbs belonging to this group include;
okl-masu (get up) and orl-masu (get off).
The second group is verbs ending in ‘¡’, such as
nomi-masu (drink) and kai-masu (buy).
In order to make a request or ask permission, you
need to know how to make the so called te-form of
the verbs. For the verbs in the first group, you can
simply replace ‘masu’with ‘te’tabe-te, age-te,
mi-te and ki-te. However, for the second group, you
have to pay attention to which syllable comes
before ‘masu’.
syllable before change to verbs e.g. te-form
Grammar shi shite hanashi- hanashite
i, chi, ri (no change) masu (talk)
ki.gi.ji tte kai-masu katte
mi, ni, bi,
ite kiki-masu kiite
nde yomi-masu yonde
Making a request
Ifyou would like someone to provide you with
something, you can use the words kudasai (please
give me) or onegaishimasu (please). For example,
R e sh iito o ku d a sa i, ‘Can I have a receipt please’, or
R e sh iito , o n e g a ish im a u , ‘receipt please’.
Ifyou want something to be done, use the verb Grammar
te-form then add kudasai at the end: for example,
‘please speak’, h a n a sh ite k u d a sa i; 'please buy’,
k a tte k u d a sa i; ‘please eat’, ta b e te k u d a sa i.
Asking permission
Use the verb te-form and add m o ii d e su ka. Is It all
right to eat? T a b e te m o ii d e su ka. Is it all right to
take a photo? S h a s h in o to tte m o ii d e su ka.
(shashln: photo(s), o: object marker, totte: te-form
of verb torlmasu, take)
Asking possibility/ability
Use the noun plus d e k im a su ka. For example,
'Can we park here?’ K o k o ni c h u u s h a d e k im a su
k a ‘Can we hold a meeting?’M iitin gu g a
d e k im a su k a Can we eat here?’K o ko d e sh o k u ji
ga dekim asu ka
However, ifyou would like to use verbs, you must
rememberthe two groups (see above).
For verbs in the first group, you simply change
-masu to -raremasu, then add the question marker
ka at the end for the first group. So, ifyou would like
to say, Can we eat here?, It would be K o ko de ta b e -
ra re m a su ka, and Can we watch TVhere? would be
Koko de terebi ga m i-rarem asu ka.
Grammar For verbs in the second group, you need to change
the vowel i In the syllable before masu to e as
shown below.
verbs e.g. change to English Japanese
iki-masu ike-masu Can we go Tokyoo ni ike-
masu ka?
(go) (can go) to Tokyo? Sore ga kae-
masu ka?
kai-masu kae-masu Can we buy it? Rajio ga kike-
masu ka?
(buy) (can buy) Shimbun ga
kiki-masu kike-masu Can we listen masu ka?
(listen/ask) (can listen/ask) to the radio?
yomi- yome-masu Can we read
masu (can read) the papers?
Magic word Grammar
Sumimasen; excuse me or sorry, is a m agic word in
Japanese and similar to how please is used in English.
As long as you use this word, especially when you
are making a request, asking permission, or trying
to get som eone’s attention, you will be fine.
Public holidays
Public holidays Most shops and offices are closed on the first three
days in January. Department stores are very busy
with people buying presents at the end of the year
and mid-summer. Although Obon (13-16 August),
which is similar to Christmas, is not a National
holiday, many people take holidays and go back to
their hometown so the roads and public transport
become extremely busy.
Similarly, during the so called Golden week holiday
(end of April to the beginning of May) it is extremely
busy with Japanese people travelling. Make sure you
have reservations in advance ifyou are planning to
travel during these periods.
National holidays Injapan
January 1 71!El ganjitsu New Year’s Day
2nd Monday JSACDB seijin no hi
in January Coming of Age Day
February 11 i i l l l l l f i ^ E I kenkoku kinen-bi
National Foundation Day
Equinox Day shumbunnohi
(around 21 March) Vernal Equinox Day
April 29 B afO © B shoowanohl Public holidays
Showa Day
M ay3 kempoo kinen-bi
Constitution Memorial Day
May 4
^ ¿ f D © B midorinohi
May 5 Greenery Day
3 rd Monday Zd ^ C D B kodomonohi
in July
Ch ildren ’s Day
3 rd Monday ; § © B um lnohi Marine Day
in Septem ber
Ü ( ^ © B keiroonohi
Equinox Day Respect for the Aged Day
23 September) ÎW i© B shuubunnohl
Autum nal Equinox Day
2 nd Monday
in October # L p f f f iB tailku no hi
Health and Sports Day
November 3
X f b f f lB bunkanohl
November 23 National Cultural Day
December 23 Ü lT Îü S U tfflB kinrookansha
nohl Labour Thanksgiving Day
b Ç M iÉ Ë E B tennootanjoo-bl
Em peror’s Birthday
If the national holiday falls on a Sunday, the
following closest non-holiday day becomes the
substitute holiday,
Signs and
Most signs in airports and large stations are bilingual,
but local stations have little in English so the
following guides w ill be useful.
m eki station
it e m chikatetsu metro
l±j D iriguchi entrance
S tfLD
deguchi exit
kaisatsu guchi ticketing gate
chuuoo kaisatsu main gate
Signs and notices minami guchi south gate
im a
^■E'ocDm.a nishi guchi west gate
kita guchi north gate
higashi guchi east gate
hijoo guchi emergency exit
midori no JR ticketing
madoguchi counter
W fi kippu ticket
jei aaru pasu JR pass
JR A" 7. pasupooto passport
;v°7 /-K -K hikikaeken voucher/coupon
uriba sales section
mom honjitsuchuu today’s
zairaisen local lines
AA kodomo children
P3 otona adult
A ^H I4 en yen
nyuujooryoo entrance charge
Inside the station
..m s ...bansen platform...
~J O v hTft- Apurattohoomu escalator
— esukareetaa stairs
erebeetaa going up
going down
m o/±0 nobori Inside the station
T O kudari
On the platform
Signs and notices ...ÎTcS ...iki bound for...
...hatsu depart...
..M ...chaku arrive...
futsuu standard
...St kyuukoo rapid
b >1 tokkyuu super rapid
shinkansen bullet train
ft» konodensha this train
tsugi next
mm saki before
ato later
% tsuuka pass
\k teisha stop
gurün-sha first class
jffiM shiteiseki reserved
jiyuuseki non-reserved
w -y m shindai-sha sleeping car
...sen line...
É È 1S norikae to change
..M okure delay
jiko accident
Vending machine/telephone
mmmm jidoo hambaiki vending machine
* mizu water
ocha Japanese tea
¡¡sn ryoogae money exchange
m ow n urikire out of stock
№ koshoo out of order
-Dom w n tsurisengire out ofchange
otsuri change
fc '1 5 0 kiosuku kiosk
denwa telephone
** 7 .0 kokusai international
mm kokunai national
mm kaado card
osu push
* -K hiku pull
5I< Vending m achine/telephone
In the carriage
m kai open
m hei close
autom atic door/
jidoodoa/tobira door
n on-sm oking
kinen sm oking
sm oking area/
U S kitsuen room
silent mode
kitsuen-jo/ dining car
-shitsu wagon service
V ± - Ï - K manaa moodo toilet
shokudoo-sha men
Japanese style
f i'y 7 x byuffe western style
tHF*Vif*3PJx7B kinai/shanai
h -ru toi re
& onna
f§ otoko
ffliS washiki
Signs and notices ;¥ ïC yooshiki
^ - " J ' T - T . suutsukeesu
On the street (places and related words)
m i ginkoo bank
mm yakkyoku pharmacy
post office'
mm yuubinkyoku Japanese inn
ryokan hotel
business hotel
/fix)!/ hoteru restaurant
coffee shop
fc fi-'Ÿ ^ ./tttrJ l/b ijin e s u hoteru morning service
ls3 h-z>y resutoran dry cleaner’s
superm arket
hsrie kissaten police station
police box
mooningu home rapid
saabisu Karaoke
room available
3s—H — kuriiningu no room/
suupaa no vacancies
shop is open
mm keisatsu shop is closed
35# kooban
CTt?^- karaoke
mis kaiten Onthe street
mis heiten
m it kinkyuu
On the street (other road signs)
its n kiken danger
x tomare stop
watare cross
koojichuu under
m± kinshi prohibited
± L t,A O n ± tachiiri kinshi no entry
usetsu right turning
si/f sasetsu left turning
chokushin straight on
mm ippootsuukoo one way
hodoo pedestrians path
— TafflÎT jitensha bicycle
jidoosha auto m o b ile
№ tttt hokoosha pedestrians
hodookyoo pedestrian bridge
shingoo traffic signal
Signs and notices
Outside the station/
taxi stands
sum chuushajoo parking lot
paakingu parking
S í^ lt chuushakinshi no parking
AT. basu bus
^O 'J- takushii taxi
/J\§a^ kogata-sha small vehicle
ASH oogata-sha large vehicle
kuu-sha car available
Outside the station/taxi stands
At the restaurant/shop
« ft chooshoku breakfast
chuushoku lunch
Sft yuushoku dinner
washoku Japanese meals
? ft yooshoku western meals
manseki full (seat)
foft shoohizei Consum ertax
saabisu-ryoo service charge
;¥ ft zeisa-komi tax and service
charge Inclusive
y --\ ix w zeisa-betsu tax and service
charge exclusive
w tm nomimono drinks
At the restaurant/shop
English - Japanese
A see grammar
a, an kaigai
abroad akuseru
accelerator juri shimasu
to accept (die.juri suru*)
kurejitto kaado
do you accept demo iidesu ka?
credit cards?
U T'f*'
accident byootoo
(traffic, etc.)
accident and shukuhaku-jo
emergency kooza
accommodation 7i;Sp/f
account (bank) □ J S
a - airport bus
ache itami masu
my head aches (die. itamu*)
(electrical) n A m N T 'f atama ga itai desu
address y y z f s - adaputaa
admission fee
adult ttPJr juusho
advance: a mm nyuujooryoo
in advance AA otona
advance maemotte
advertisement ÿüÎÀl/' sakibarai
SÎË senden
T7 K A '-T A U adobaisu shimasu
i t (die. adobaisu
what do you doo sureba ii desu
advise? ka?
afford dekimasen
(die. dekiru*)
1can’t afford W z i Z t t i * kaukoto ga
(to buy) it T’g Z M h j gogo
gogo ni
afternoon kyoo no gogo
in the afternoon « S ic toshi
this afternoon ^ B C D « S kaigi jikoo
again mae
isshuu-kan mae
age (person’s) * №
(time) # ii* W
agenda (for
ago 15
a week ago —JSIMIbu
English - Japanese
to agree sansei shimasu
(support a (die. sansei
proposal) suru*)
1agree M /ST'-r sansei desu
1don’t agree Ml$C K> sansei shimasen
aid (charity) W.№ enjo
AIDS J i'f X eizu
air kuuki
air conditioning X 7 X V eakon
air pollution taiki-osen
air hostess suchuwaadesu
airline kookuu-gaisha
airmail x ^ y - J U eameeru,
airport •zm kuukoo
airport bus kuuko-basu
e 172|173
English - Japanese
alarm (in bank, mm keihoo
alarm clock mezamashi-dokei
all №) № (o-)sake
I ’m allergic zembu
to shellfish
allow 7 LA l # - arerugii
is it allowed? (D~F V/) 1/ kai-rui no arerugii
always Ç -T-? desu
a.m. (before
noon) kyoka shimasu
(die. kyoka
ii desu ka
- A hitori
^FHU gozen
alarm - arm
America 3PXU * Amerika
American (adj) 7 X ' J t K D Amerika-jin
i (person) 7 XU A A senzo
anaesthetic (n) MWf soshite (sarani)
ancestor ft® to
ancient s-re© okotteimasu
(die. okotte iru*)
and (furthermore) doobutsu
(ë 5 lc ) kinembi
kekkon kinembi
and t
animal 1№
anniversary æm
anniversary lB ;§ ;B
îs ü s ib ^ b
another ffiCD hoka no
(adifferent kind) hoka no mono ga
hoshii desu
I’d like another moo hitotsu
(one more) =65—0 kotae
rusuban denwa
answer (written) mm
koosei busshitsu
(spoken) koo-hisutamin-
answering sakkin-zai
dare demo
machine nan demo
doko demo
antibiotic (n) apaato
(n) ym
antiseptic (n) $891
anyone ÜT*=6
anything Œ T*Î>
anywhere ¿f i T ' t )
7 A ”- h
English - Japanese
apologies owabi
owabi itashimasu
my apologies!
(formal) ff moochoo-en
(informal) ringo juusu
appendicitis m(m0Z mooshikomi
appetite shi-gatsu
apple juice 0 h u Zi'Jn . (die. aru*)
...ga arimasu ka?
-7 ,
application (job)
are: & O f f
are there any...?
arm m
English -Japanese
to arrange i B g l / S f tehai shimasu
(die. tehai suru*)
can we arrange 5 - x - r ' J ' J miitinguo
a meeting? hiraitemoii
desu ka?
arrivals (airport) S IS toochaku
to arrive s j s o s - r toochaku
shimasu (die.
toochaku suru*)
art geijutsu
art gallery mmm bijutsu-kan
arthritis M B& kansetsu-en
artist geijutsu-ka
as: as soon dekiru dake
as possible ¥< hayaku
ashtray Km haizara
Asia 7VT Ajia
l arrange - back
to ask kiki masu
aspirin (die. kiku*)
7 * t i u y ; asupirin;
sM S zutsuu-yaku
do you have S Ü S lili® zutsuu-yaku wa
any aspirin? 0 S f A ' arimasu ka?
assistant (shop) i S m tenin
asthma OmÊ. zensoku
zensoku desu
; 1get asthma
at r- ; t de :ni
at home !?Tr uchide
E B tlC yoji ni
at 4o ’clock
atmosphere Ï Î H S i funiki
(of place)
attractive miryokuteki-na
audience chooshuu
(theatre etc)
August AM hachi-gatsu
aunt (own) oba
(somebody else’s) oba-san
Australia oosutoraria
U7 oosutoraria-no
Australian (adj)
T ’ co
(person) oosutoraria-jin
author SS chosha
automatic (door) S ® ( K 7 ) jidoo (doa)
autumn m aki
available A # T ' g ^ - r nyuushu dekimasu
(die. nyuushu
when will it itsu goro
be available? ■ Til' dekimasu ka?
English - Japanese
avalanche S fflitx nadare
away EB^ rusu
/ will be away hachi-gatsu wa
in August x*-r rusu desu
B $ K l5 ‘p h j aka-chan
baby ¡sa g rinyuu-shoku
baby food
baby seat h bebii shiito
back (of body)
(v)(be back) mom? senaka
when will he
be back? i^m om (die. modoru*)
I’d like to go itsu modorimasu
mo f d w ? kaeritai desu
English - Japanese
bad (character, H U warui
(food) IM ofc kusatta
bag f§ kaban
baggage nimotsu
baggage m tenimotsu
reclaim uketori-sho
baker’s AVg pan-ya
ball 7ft— Jl/ booru
bandage Sw hootai
bank IS iT ginkoo
bar (todrink in) A '— ; g ; I g baa; izakaya
barber’s toko-ya
bargain iz -J i seeru
baseball yakyuu
basement mm chika
basket kago
bad - bigger
basketball T sV h/ft basukettobooru
- ji
bathroom as furo
bath towel
bath (tub) yokushitsu
(forradio, etc) n j . S ’ TtJL, basu taoru
(for car)
beach m m yokusoo
bean m-:tb denchi
bean curd
beautiful J t v r ' J - batterii
bed (western)
(Japanese) H hamabe
double bed al mame
gnu toofu
y y j i ^ y K daburu beddo
single bed shinguru beddo
bedding K shingu
bedroom shinshitsu
mm gyuu-niku
m.'S. biiru
nama biiru
beef mae (ni)
yo-ji mae ni
beer tf-Jl/ konshuuchuuni
draught beer hajimarimasu
(die. hajimaru*)
before BU((C) hajimemasu
(die. hajimeru*)
before 4o’clock E B t iu lC zokushimasu
(die. zokusuru*)
before next
to begin
to begin
to belong to
English - Japanese
it/they watashi nodesu
belong(s) to me anata no desu ka?
does this belong beruto
to you? ts tonari ni suwatte
belt mo ¡i desu ka?
''CJl/h- ichiban
korega ¡chiban
beside № suki desu
can 1sit beside ookii
motto ookii
you? -s motto ookii nowa
best animasen ka?
1like this the
best S T -f
have you
anything © lá&Og
English - Japanese
bike iils i jitensha
mountain bike K mauntenbaiku
■ 10
bill № ) a :® (o-) kanjoo
binoculars m s n booenkyoo
bird J§ tori
birthday m s.b tanjoobi
happy birthday! 1S£5E.B£d#)T:' tanjoobi
£51 omedetoo!
birthday tanjoobi
present Vh purezento
biscuits 'd O 'T V h bisuketto
bit 'J > L sukoshi
ju st a bit ISA j<D 'J>L> hon no sukoshi
to bite kamimasu
(die. kamu*)
bitter (taste) nigai
bike - bottle
black (n) n kuro
blanket H i a ; IS © kuroi;kurono
to bleed
it won’t stop
bleeding M tfiiig f chiga demasu
blind (person)
(forwindow) (die. chi ga
the sin k is deru*)
blood JfllA^ihSDS chi ga
blood group
iiA, tomarimasen
'J K buraindo
SiE U ^ 'IS S o nagashi ga
TUSf tsumatte imasu
ila; i№ chi; ketsueki
MSS! ketsueki-gata
my blood (fA(D ) (watashino)
group is B IS B T 'T ketsueki-gata wa
‘B’ desu
blood pressure J H E ketsuatsu
1have high iA (iiio lillB E "C watashiwa koo-
blood pressure t ketsuatsu desu
blue (n) w ao
(adj) w o' aoi
to board S D S t- norimasu
(plane, train) (die. noru*)
boarding pass toojoo-ken
boat 7ft— h booto
boiled rice Cgg gohan
bone # hone
bonito m katsuo
book (reading) * hon
English - Japanese
to book yoyaku shimasu
(die. yoyaku
booking yoyaku
boots ■ y -v buutsu
born umaremasu
(die. umareru*)
1was born (fA li) y i y (watashi wa)
in Scotland K 5 V K T - Skottorando de
: umaremashita
to borrow <§0£ t karimasu
(die. kariru*)
can 1borrow...? ...« fg O T fc ...okarite moii
U l \ T * T ti' desu ka?
botanical ffltlB shokubutsu-en
bottle № ; /ft'h-JU bin; botoru
English - Japanese
bottle opener Ttt—; u ; № sennuki
bowl m booru;wan
box hako
boy Z fy iS v — otokonoko
boyfriend T 'U -d r kare; kareshi
bra burajaa
brakes sa bureeki
branch (bank) & shiten
(company) shisha
(of tree) yev eda
brandy m uz? burandee
bread pan
to break ¡s m s L fc kowashimasu
(die. kowasu*)
It has broken koshoo
down shimashita
bottle opener - bus
breast (chicken) ( H © ) SDl^l (tori-no) mune-
to breathe ikioshimasu
(die. ikiosuru*)
I can’t breathe iki gadekimasen
bride shimpu
bridegroom MTi*P shinroo
bridge (game) 7 1J 7 V
(overriver, road, Wi hashi
briefcase 7 U — 7 * 7 — buriifu keesu
to bring (thing) m o tte kimasu
(die. m o tte kuru*)
(person) -fi'JX ; tsurete kimasu
(die. tsurete kuru*)
Britain Igirisu ; Eikoku
British (adj) 3S D © Eikoku-no
(person) 3SISÀ
brochure a : y z > \ s " j k panfuretto
brother (own, f t * kyoodai
younger) * otooto
(own, older)
ft ani
(som ebody else’s, otooto-san
(som ebody else’s, & f t ë A onii-san
English - Japanese
brown (n) ik chairo
ikm. chairoi
! (adj) hotoke
№) m bukkyoo
Buddha (o-) tera
) ! Buddhism mm
ta te m o n o ; biru
Buddhist ¡S ÎÜ P iT denkyuu
temple Shinkansen
building ryoogae-jo
bulb (light)
bullet train kogashim asu
bureau de (die. kogasu*)
change kogete imasu
burn basu
m erishi
It ’s burnt {food)
bus A’A
by bus
English - Japanese
business bijinesu ; shigoto
i± m merishi
business card basutei
basu tsuaa
business trip basu tsuaa ga
arim asu ka?
bus stop A^ff isogashii
isogashii desu ka?
bus tour A'.'X 'V y -
is there a bus desu
tour? SO t t i ' bataa
busy ftlA '
are you busy? ttU-'T'-f
the line is busy m<PVt
butcher’s A9—
button Tits y
e business - cardphone
to buy W ^t kaim asu
where can 1 (die. kau*)
Ü c t 'i X - S doko de kaemasu
t i ' ka?
c ' T - y i l t l - keeburukaa
cable car + ■V’X'I' — kyadii
caddy (golf)
cafe 'T -* kissaten
cake (western keeki
style) tr-^m keeki-ya
cake shop keisanki
to call (phone) ..iznmzi' ...nidenw ao
\itt kakem asu (die.
denw aokakeru*)
long-distance chookyori denwa
camcorder bideo kamera
camera shop kamera
can (n) kamera-ya
can (v)
can L ?
Canada le kan
Canadian (adj)
(person) dekimasu
to cancel
(die. dekiru*)
...tti 351=5I f ¿1' ...dekimasu ka?
-h i-? Kanada
yyyo Kanada-no
try ? K Kanada-jin
(die. torikesu*)
English - Japanese