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Published by iraabdullah7378, 2022-09-14 09:11:29

English Teacher Guidebook Year 2

English Teacher Guidebook Year 2


Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah




Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum


Cetakan Pertama 2011
© Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara. Tidak dibenarkan mengeluar ulang mana-mana bahagian
artikel, ilustrasi dan isi kandungan buku ini dalam apa juga bentuk dan dengan cara
apa jua sama ada secara elektronik, fotokopi, mekanik, rakaman atau cara lain
sebelum mendapat kebenaran bertulis daripada Pengarah, Bahagian Pembangunan
Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Aras 4-8, Blok E9, Parcel E, Kompleks
Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62604 Putrajaya.

Preface 3
Section 1
The English Language Curriculum 25
The Year Two English Syllabus 69
Section 2 167
Listening and Speaking
Reading 211
Writing 231
Language Arts 267
Section 3
Sample Lesson 1 303
Sample Lesson 2 313
Sample Lesson 3
Sample Lesson 4 315

Section 4
Assessment Checklist



The new Malaysian English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools
will be introduced in stages beginning 2011 starting with Year 1. This
will then be continued with Year 2 in 2012. In line with that, CDD has
produced this Year 2 guidebook as a useful resource for teachers in
implementing the new curriculum.
CDD believes that the contents of this guidebook will help Year Two
English Language teachers to get accustomed to the changes in the
new English Language Curriculum and act as a valuable teaching
resource. The guidebook consists of suitable suggested teaching and
learning strategies and activities for teachers. It also gives teachers
ideas to help them organise their daily lessons. However, teachers
are encouraged not to rely solely on this guidebook only when
planning their lessons as it is hoped that they will use their own
creativity and initiative to plan stimulating and enjoyable lessons
suitable to their pupils’ level and background.
Last but not least, CDD would like to take this opportunity to
acknowledge with gratitude the contributions made by the panel of
English teachers involved in making this guidebook a reality.

Tn Hj. Ibrahim bin Mohamad
Curriculum Development Division



This teacher’s guidebook serves as a guide to teachers with regard to the learning standards
that should be achieved. It covers some aspects of the language skills, language arts as well
as the suggested word list required to be taught in Year Two.

Section 1 of the guidebook provides an overview of the English Language Curriculum while
Section 2 deals with the four language skills as well as language arts. Suggested activities are
presented in a 3-column table for each module. The first is the activity column where
suggested activities for teachers include explanations and teaching steps. The second is the
content column which includes teaching points and the suggested word list. The third is the
teachers’ notes column which includes teaching aids/materials and other instructions for

Section 3 consists of complete sample lessons. In this section, teachers will be able to see and
understand how the different language skills and language arts modules are presented for each
week, based on one particular theme and topic, in a coherent and cohesive manner. Finally,
Section 4 provides teachers with sample assessment checklists which the teacher can use to
conduct formative assessment in the classroom. These complete sample lessons are provided
to help teachers plan effective and enjoyable lessons.

The guidebook provides suitable and practical suggestions of teaching methods via the
materials provided. However, teachers are in a better position to make appropriate and relevant
decisions when planning their lessons. There is no single ‘best way’ and teachers have to use
their pedagogical content knowledge, experience, skills and creativity to plan their lessons in
order to help their pupils learn better. Teachers should decide on a theme/topic and then select
suitable listening and speaking, reading, writing and language arts activities to be used for
teaching that topic. Teachers are also encouraged to use activities from the MOE Teaching
courseware, the textbook and other suitable resources when planning their lessons.

Assessment is an important aspect of the teaching-learning process. Continuous formative
assessment is used as a means of gaining essential feedback and to keep track of pupils’
progress. Awareness of pupils’ capabilities will enable teachers to plan activities for further
development. Teachers should set school based assessments for learning standards dealt with
in the classroom.

This guide book provides some suggestions for the acquisition of the four language skills.
Teachers need to use their initiative, imagination and creativity in planning their lessons in order
to extend the experiences of their pupils. It is hoped that teachers will find this guidebook useful
and pupils will enjoy the activities and hence improve their English language proficiency.




The English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools aims to equip pupils with
basic language skills to enable them to communicate effectively in a variety of
contexts that‟s appropriate to the pupils‟ level of development.


By the end of Year 6, pupils should be able to:

read and comprehend a
range of English texts for
information and enjoyment

communicate with peers and 2 write a range of texts using
adults confidently and 3 appropriate language, style
appropriately in formal and and form through a variety of
informal situations media





appreciate and demonstrate use correct and appropriate
understanding of English rules of grammar in speech
language literary or creative and writing
works for enjoyment



Primary education is divided into two stages: Stage One refers to Years 1,2 and 3,
and Stage Two, Years 4, 5 and 6. The English Language Curriculum has been
designed in two strands. Strand 1 is the language focus and strand 2 is language
arts. Language focus deals with language skills such as listening & speaking,
reading, writing and grammar. Language arts deals with music, poetry, drama and
children‟s literature.

As English language learning is developmental, the focus in Years 1 and 2 is basic
literacy. This is done by building a strong foundation in basic literacy skills namely
reading through phonics, penmanship and basic listening and speaking. Activities
are contextualized and fun-filled with integration of language skills in meaningful

In Year 3 and onwards, pupils will further develop the ability to speak, listen, read
and write in English meaningfully, purposefully and with confidence. A grammar
module is introduced from Year 3 to enable pupils develop a sound grasp of the
language structures and rules of grammar.

The Language Arts module has been added to the English language curriculum from
Year 1 to allow pupils to engage and enjoy stories, poems, songs, rhymes and plays
written in English.

(Years 1, 2 & 3)

Listening & Speaking Music
Reading Poetry
Writing Drama
Class Readers
Grammar (from Year 3)

LEVEL 2 Listening & Speaking Literature
(Years 4, 5 & 6) Reading English at Play:
Writing Music, Poetry & Drama


The curriculum is modular in design and this is reflected in the organisation of the
content and learning standards.

In Years 1 and 2, the English language curriculum emphasises the development of
basic language skills so that pupils will have a strong foundation to build their
proficiency in the language. In this initial stage, there will only be four modules;


1. Listening and Speaking
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Language Arts

From Year 3 onwards, where pupils build on the skills they have acquired in Years 1
and 2, a fifth module, Grammar, is added to the above four modules. Therefore, the
modules for this stage are:

1. Listening and Speaking
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Language Arts
5. Grammar

The following diagram shows the conceptual framework of the curriculum model.






(YEARS 1-3) (YEARS 4-6)

Fig.1 The Modular Configuration

The modularity of the English Language Curriculum Standards for Primary Schools is
a modularity of focus. By organising the curriculum standards under five modules
(four for Years 1 and 2), pupils will be able to focus on the development of salient
language skills or sub-skills under each module through purposeful activities in
meaningful contexts. This modular approach does not exclude integration of skills.
However, skills integration is exploited strategically to enhance pupils‟ development
of specific and specified language skills as described in the content and learning
standards in a module.

The approach taken in this curriculum stresses the need for pupils to develop all the
four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Teachers are expected
to sustain a cohesive and coherent organisation between the listening and speaking,
reading and writing skills. For the language arts module, teachers may plan lessons
in relation to the language skills taught or they may come up with generic lessons.
Teachers should incorporate the fun element in specified contexts to make their
lessons meaningful.


In order to make learning more meaningful and purposeful, language input is
presented under themes and topics, which are appropriate for the pupils.

Three broad themes which have been used in KBSR have been retained and will be
used, namely:

1. World of Self, Family and Friends;
2. World of Stories; and
3. World of Knowledge.

Teachers select topics that are suitable for their pupils‟ level of development. When
planning lessons, topics for teaching are initially based on the immediate learning
environment of the child. Later on, these are expanded to town, country and more
distant foreign locations.


The teacher is the role model of a language user to pupils. Pupils need to be
exposed to good language in order for them to learn the language and use it for
effective communication. Therefore, the teacher needs to do a lot of talking in order
for pupils to listen to good language input. For this purpose, the teacher uses a
variety of materials or media to enable pupils to acquire the receptive and productive
skills. Fun language activities will have to be devised by the teacher in order to tap
pupils‟ interest and engage them in communication.

The Standard-Based English Language Curriculum for Malaysian Primary Schools is
designed to provide pupils with a strong foundation in the English language.
Teachers will use Standard British English as a reference and model for teaching the
language. It should be used as a reference for spelling and grammar as well as
pronunciation for standardisation.

Good time management is also essential. Keeping in mind the time allocated for
teaching English in SK and SJK schools is different; lessons should be organized in a
manageable form in order to give pupils every opportunity to take part in language

In order to facilitate and maximise learning, language skills must be repeated and
used constantly. Some activities have been suggested in this book. However,
teachers are encouraged to design more creative and challenging tasks and activities
based on the needs and interests of pupils. This is important so that appropriate
activities and materials are used with pupils of different learning profiles with the
intention of helping them to realise their full potential and enable them to gradually
develop the ability, knowledge and confidence to use the language effectively.



Listening and speaking are seen as core skills of early literacy. As such, pupils
should be taught:

how to listen carefully;


to speak from the basic level of sound, word, phrase and structural sentences
in various situational contexts;

the stress, rhythm and intonation patterns and how to use them correctly;

to recognise, understand and use not only verbal but also non-verbal
communication; and

oral communication practice by means of repeating, responding,
understanding and applying structures of the language in order to prepare
them for communication.

In order to achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been
developed from basic listening and speaking, and then progressing to communicating
in various situations effectively.

Content Standards

By the end of the six-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:

1.1 pronounce words 1.2 listen and respond
and speak confidently appropriately in formal
with the correct and informal situations
stress, rhythm and for a variety of
intonation. purposes.

1.3 understand and

respond to oral texts

in a variety of


The content standards above are achieved through learning standards that have

been devised carefully throughout primary schooling. Learning standards have been
developed from basic listening and speaking in order for pupils to grasp the sounds

of the English language before learning to articulate words and phrases. This is
supported with a „flooding of English sounds and words‟ by the teacher especially in
cases where pupils do not have any exposure to the English language.


The learning standards begin with basic listening and speaking skills which have
been developed incrementally in this manner :

develop pupils‟ phonemic awareness
engage in fun learning activities such as reciting rhymes, poems and
tongue twisters as well as singing songs
participate in daily conversations
follow and give instructions and directions
able to participate in conversations
talk on topics of interest

Relationships are established through the ability to communicate by listening first
then speaking thoughts, ideas and feelings. Pupils should aim at becoming confident
speakers who can communicate clearly, appropriately and coherently in any given
context using language to explore the possibilities and opportunities. Pupils need to
listen carefully and respond to what others say and think about the needs of their
listeners. Social conventions in listening and speaking such as turn taking, politeness
and courtesy need to be observed. These are crucial especially in group discussions
where viewpoints and opinions are exchanged.



The teaching of reading skills:

enables pupils to become independent readers who are able to comprehend
a text effectively and efficiently.

begins at the word and phrase levels before progressing to sentence
recognition and reading at the paragraph level.

focuses on basic literacy with the use of phonics in Years 1 and 2.

teaches pupils to extract specific information from a text and respond to a text
with their own ideas and opinions.

In order to achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been
devised progressively. The teaching of reading in the early stages begins at the
word and phrase levels before progressing to sentence recognition and reading at
the paragraph level. Gradually, pupils are taught to extract specific information from
a text and to respond to a text with their own ideas and opinions.


Content Standards
By the end of the six-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:

2.1 apply knowledge of 2.2 demonstrate understanding
sounds of letters to of a variety of linear and
recognize words in non-linear texts in the form
linear and non-linear of print and non-print
texts. materials using a range of
strategies to construct

2.3 read independently
for information and

The content standards above are achieved through learning standards that have
been devised carefully throughout primary schooling. Learning standards have been
developed from recognition of sounds in order for pupils to acquire the sounds of the
English language before learning to blend and segment words. This is further
developed through vocabulary activities to widen pupils‟ vocabulary. By the end of
Year 6, pupils are able to read and demonstrate understanding of text for information
as well as read for enjoyment.

The learning standards begin with basic literacy which has been developed
incrementally in this manner :

distinguish the shapes of the letters;
recognise and articulate phonemes;
blend and segment words;
apply word recognition and word attack skills to acquire vocabulary;
read and understand phrases, simple sentences and texts; and
read independently for information and enjoyment.


The reading aloud strategy is also encouraged in the first two years of primary

Teacher reads aloud a text to pupils. Implementing this strategy allows
teachers to model reading.

Here, articulation and pronunciation of words by the teacher have to be as
precise as possible for pupils to efficiently imitate and reproduce correctly.

This strategy effectively engage pupils in a text that may be too difficult for
them to read on their own, hence, pupils sit back and enjoy the story.

Teachers should also carry out shared reading strategies in the classroom:

During shared reading, the teacher and pupils read together, thus allowing
pupils to actively participate and support one another in the process of

Teachers point to the text as they read slowly for word recognition and to
“build a sense of story”.

Ultimately, the objective of getting pupils to read a variety of texts enables pupils to
see how grammar is used correctly so that they can emulate them in their productive
skills; speaking and writing. Reading for enjoyment and pleasure in seeking
information and knowledge should be inculcated in pupils. Pupils are also trained to
give their own ideas and opinions in order to become efficient readers.



It is expected that by the end of Year 6 :

pupils will be able to express their ideas clearly on paper in legible
handwriting or to communicate via the electronic media.

the focus of writing is on developing pupils‟ writing ability beginning at the
word and phrase levels before progressing to the sentence and paragraph

pupils who are capable must be encouraged to write simple compositions
comprising several paragraphs.

attention is also paid to penmanship so that even from a young age, pupils
are taught to write clearly and legibly including cursive writing.

simple compositions and the various steps involved in writing, such as
planning, drafting, revising, and editing are taught. In the process, pupils
learn the genre approach to writing as they are taught to use appropriate
vocabulary and correct grammar to get their meaning across clearly.


all pupils will be encouraged to write for different purposes and for different

although much of the writing at this level is guided, the amount of control is
relaxed for pupils who are able and proficient in the language.

spelling and dictation are also given emphasis.

To achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been devised
progressively. The teaching of writing in the early stages begins with pre-writing
activities to develop pupils‟ visual skills as well as develop hand-eye coordination.
This is later developed to writing letters of the alphabet and copying words, phrases
and simple sentences. Pupils begin constructing simple sentences with the teacher‟s
guidance and later develop to become independent writers by the end of primary

Content Standards
By the end of the six year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:

3.1 form letters and 3.2 write using appropriate
language, form and style
words in neat legible for a range of purposes.

print including

cursive writing.

3.3 write and present ideas
through a variety of

Content standards are achieved through learning standards that have been devised
carefully throughout primary schooling. Learning standards have been developed
progressively, from acquiring fine motor control of hands and fingers to copying


writing activities, before being taught to write with guidance linear and non-linear
texts using appropriate language, form and style. The use of various media is also
encouraged and pupils can create both linear and non-linear texts with guidance or

The rationale behind Language Arts is to steer the continuous growth and
development of pupils‟ thinking and language abilities. The standards for Language

cover a range of creative and literary works in English such as rhymes,
songs, poems, stories and plays to activate pupils‟ imagination and interest.
allow pupils to benefit from hearing and using language from fictional as well
as non-fictional sources.
allow pupils to gain rich and invaluable experiences using the English
language through fun-filled and meaningful activities.
train pupils to be able to appreciate, demonstrate understanding and express
personal responses to literary and creative works for enjoyment. Hence they
will also be able to use English for both functional as well as aesthetic
purposes, confidently and competently by the end of Year 6.

In order to achieve the abovementioned, content and learning standards have been
devised progressively. The teaching of language arts will help pupils develop their
oral and analytical skills as well as hone their creativity. Language Arts creates
ample opportunities for pupils to speak in English in a very relaxed atmosphere and
this will help increase pupils‟ confidence in using the English language.


Content Standards

By the end of the six year primary schooling, pupils will be able to:

4.1 enjoy and appreciate 4.2 express personal
rhymes, poems and response to
songs through literary texts.

4.3 plan, organize and
produce creative
works for

The culmination of all content standards in language arts will be shown in practice
when pupils are able to come up with their very own production. By the end of Year
6, pupils will learn the art of acting out, play-acting and producing works of creativity
such as drawings, poems or singing. Pupils will also learn values of cooperating with
people of different race, gender, ability, cultural heritage, religion, economic, social
background, and, understand and appreciate the values, beliefs and attitudes of
others. Each pupil will also develop knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will
enhance his or her own personal life management and promote positive attitudes.


Assessment is necessary to assess pupils‟ achievement in terms of acquisition of
knowledge, skills and the application of values through activities conducted in the


classroom. Assessment also supports pupils‟ learning and gives pertinent feedback
to teachers, pupils and parents about their development and achievement.

There are two types of school-based assessment. Formative assessment is
conducted during the teaching and learning process in the classroom to gauge the
acquisition of skills and knowledge during the learning process. Summative
assessment is usually conducted at the end of learning, usually at the end of a
learning unit, month or semester whereby the focus is on the end product.



School-based assessment can be carried out during the teaching-learning process.
The teaching-learning process can be conducted in or outside the classroom. Below
is a diagram suggesting some types of assessment which can be carried out both in
and outside the classroom:

Observations Tests

Oral METHODS OF Checklists
Presentations ASSESSMENT

Writings Creative Works

Classroom observations are useful tools for teachers to assess their pupils‟
performance. Teachers observe pupils‟ oracy skills as they engage in conversations

among peers and when they take part in oral presentations. Teachers can prepare a
checklist to record their pupils‟ progress. Perhaps, pupils can speak during the

school assembly, put up a performance in front of an audience, and watch a puppet

show or listen to a story. Talking about these events can help teachers assess
pupils‟ listening and speaking skills.


Assessment of reading comprehension can be carried out by setting comprehension
questions. Other comprehension activities which can be used to assess
comprehension are the use of graphic as well as semantic organisers, story maps,
question generation and summarisation. Pupils‟ writing skills can be assessed
through written projects, tests, exams and class exercises. Teachers can also hone
pupils‟ writing skills through journal and diary writing, the production of creative works
such as poems, writing scripts, dialogues as well as lyrics of songs.
Creative works such as portfolios, masks, puppets, props and other creative
productions produced during the language arts lessons can also be assessed.
Activities conducted during language arts lessons such as singing action songs,
reciting rhymes or poems, choral speaking, drama, public speaking as well as role-
play can be assessed.
Assessment should also provide pupils with opportunities for self-assessment using
known criteria and pupils should be given input on the evaluation process. In a
nutshell, teachers should utilise a variety of assessment techniques to monitor their
pupils‟ language growth and development. The on-going process of assessing class
exercises and homework should be continued. The main purpose of this is to provide
immediate feedback to the pupils in guiding, motivating, correcting and refocusing
their efforts.

The list of words selected for teaching is based on common words and high
frequency words that can be used repetitively in different contexts. The suggested
word list can be expanded upon if pupils demonstrate an ability to acquire more



Educational emphases reflect current developments in education. These emphases
are infused and woven into classroom lessons to prepare pupils for the challenges of
the real world.

Critical Thinking Multiple Information and
Intelligences Communication
Technology Skills

Contextual EDUCATIONAL Values &
Learning EMPHASES Citizenship

Learning How to Mastery Learning

Entrepreneurship Constructivism Creativity &

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is incorporated in the teaching and learning activities to enable pupils
to solve simple problems, make decisions, and express themselves creatively in
simple language.

Information and Communication Technology Skills (ICT)

Information and Communication Technology Skills (ICT) include the use of
multimedia resources such as TV documentaries and the Internet as well as the use
of computer-related activities such as e-mail activities, networking and interacting
with electronic courseware.

Learning How to Learn

Learning How to Learn strategies are integrated in teaching and learning activities
which aims to enable pupils to take responsibility for their own learning. These skills
incorporate study skills and information skills to equip them to become independent
life-long learners.


Values and Citizenship

The values contained in the Standard Based Curriculum for Moral is incorporated into
the English language lessons. Elements of patriotism and citizenship is also
emphasised in lessons in order to cultivate a love for the nation and produce patriotic

Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation is the ability to produce something new in an imaginative
and fun-filled way. Pupils display interest, confidence and self-esteem through
performance and producing simple creative works.


Fostering an entrepreneurial mind set among pupils at their young age is essential in
this new world. Some of the elements that are linked with entrepreneurship are
creativity, innovation and initiative, which are also attributes for personal fulfilment
and success.

Mastery Learning

Mastery Learning will ensure that all pupils master the learning standards stipulated
in the Standard Based Curriculum. Mastery Learning requires quality teaching and
learning in the classroom and teachers need to ensure that pupils master a learning
standard before proceeding to the next learning standard.

Multiple Intelligences

The theory of Multiple Intelligences encompasses eight different intelligences human
beings possess. These intelligences are essential in order to maximise teaching and
learning in the classroom. .


Constructivism will enable pupils to build new knowledge and concepts based on
existing knowledge or schema that they have. The teacher assists pupils to acquire
new knowledge and solve problems through pupil-centred active learning.

Contextual Learning

Contextual Learning is an approach to learning which connects the contents being
learnt to the pupils‟ daily lives, the community around them and the working world.
Learning takes place when pupils are able to relate the new knowledge acquired in a
meaningful manner in their lives.


What’s in store for Year Two pupils?
The Year Two English Language Syllabus

The listening and speaking skills are taught together for effective communication, as
these skills are inter-related and dependent on each other.

pupils need to be exposed to
good language with the
teacher being the role model

uses a variety of materials or
media to enable pupils to
acquire the receptive skill of
listening and the productive skill
of speaking

expose pupils to rich language input in
accordance to Standard British
English (SBE) as well as getting pupils
to talk and communicate effectively

The listening and speaking lessons would familiarise pupils to the sounds around
them. In these lessons pupils need to:

a) tune into sounds (auditory discrimination),
b) listen and remember the sounds (auditory memory and sequencing), and
c) talk about the sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension).
These can be attained through fun language activities conducted in or outside the
classroom that include nature walks, using musical instruments, songs, chants,
rhymes, body percussion and even listening to a story.
The suggested activities recommended in this section could be used in a variety of
lessons by adapting and adopting them in order to teach the sounds of the English
language. This skill is the onset to providing a broad and rich language experience
for pupils to learn language by engaging in enjoyable learning activities.


The reading component aims to develop progressively, pupils’ ability to read and
comprehend a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences.

pupils’ phonemic awareness will be
developed by means of phonics

apply knowledge of letter sounds to recognize
words in reading texts, which is an essential
and useful early reading skill

use songs, rhymes, poems, stories, pictures and
games to make phonics instruction more enjoyable

teachers should allow pupils to use phonics, and make meaningful
connections and encourage them to pronounce and articulate the
sounds in a non-restrictive and joyful environment.

The processes of blending and segmenting for reading and spelling are made
enjoyable and easy for pupils to understand and apply. Lessons and activities should
focus on particular phonemes and make these phonemes familiar to pupils. Then,
provide enough practice so that pupils can identify the phonemes in words. For early
practice, teachers could help pupils to recognize the phoneme at the beginning of
words before progressing to having them recognize the phoneme elsewhere in the
word. For this, illustrations may be very useful. Teachers are encouraged to be
creative and to explore ways of language play available to help pupils become
familiar with the phonemes. The benefits of language play are numerous. Language
play involves having fun with the sounds of words, creating new words, and exploring
and creating language patterns through rhymes, chants, alliteration and repetitions.


The writing module for Year 2 reflects the progression of skills ranging from writing
words, phrases, to simple sentences in neat handwriting, to the ability to write simple
sentences using a variety of media with guidance.

ability to write words,
phrases and simple
sentences in neat, legible

ability to write numerals in
numeral and word form

ability to spell and write simple
sentencs with guidance.

ability to create simple
non-linear texts using a
variety of media with

As pupils begin to read, they will be able to copy words, phrases and sentences
correctly as well as complete other writing tasks by matching, rearranging words and
completing lists and messages. When pupils are ready, more difficult writing tasks
such as writing sentences with the correct spelling and punctuation can be
incorporated. This activity can be conducted in the classroom by introducing parallel
writing and then moving on to constructing simple sentences. Pupils are also taught
to create simple non-linear texts using a variety of media.


The introduction of the language arts module encompasses the production aspect of
the skills learnt during the listening and speaking, reading and writing modules.

enjoy and appreciate language using
stories, poetry, rhymes and plays

encourage pupils’ to perform a song or
rhyme or role play a story learnt using their
creativity in a fun-filled, non-threatening
and enjoyable environment

The main focus of this component is
language in action in a fun environment
where pupils engage in multi-sensory
learning according to their learning





The listening and speaking skill is crucial for social communication at home, at school,
as well as in the community. However, this skill is often neglected or given minimal
emphasis during English lessons. In order to develop this skill, teachers have to provide
their pupils with various opportunities to listen and to talk about a range of subjects
which may include topics on personal interests, school work and even current affairs. It
is hoped that the learning standards will offer teachers some ideas on how they could
provide opportunities for pupils to engage in various listening and speaking activities at
Year Two.

The Listening and Speaking Content and Learning Standards for Year 2 are as follows:

Content Standards Learning Standards

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus

schooling, pupils will be able to given with guidance :

pronounce words and speak (a) environmental sounds

confidently with the correct stress, (b) instrumental sounds

rhythm and intonation. (c) body percussion

(d) rhythm and rhyme

(e) alliteration

(f) voice sounds

(g) oral blending and segmenting

1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.

1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite

rhymes or sing songs.

1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations:

schooling, pupils will be able to (a) exchange greetings

listen and respond appropriately in (b) make polite requests
formal and informal situations for a (c) express apologies
variety of purposes. (d) talk about oneself

(e) introduce family members and friends

(f)express a simple apology

1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:

a) simple instructions in the classroom.

b) simple directions to places in the school.

1.2.3 Able to give:

a) simple instructions in school.

b) simple directions to places in school.

1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

schooling, pupils will be able to understanding of oral texts by:

understand and respond to oral a) answering simple Wh-Questions

texts in a variety of contexts. b) giving True/False replies

In this module, all Learning Standards for Listening and Speaking have been dealt with
extensively. However, teachers are encouraged to plan lessons and activities on their
own according to the level of their pupils. The activities provided here are merely
suggestions. It is with high expectation and anticipation that teachers of Year 2 English
would be able to plan and carry out Listening and Speaking lessons creatively and


Learning Standard

1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(a) environmental sounds


TRY ME Suggested Sounds Suggested Material

1. Walk around the 1. tapping of shoes  Prepare:

classroom. 2. crumpling of papers suitable shoes that

2. Pupils listen and identify 3. dragging chairs/ tables produce a tapping

the sound heard e.g. 4. knocking on doors sound.

tapping sound of shoes. 5. dropping objects on the
3. Select pupils to walk

around with shoes

provided by the teacher.

4. Make other sounds and

pupils identify them.

5. Pupils do the actions.

GET TO KNOW ME Suggested Sounds Suggested Material
1. Play recorded sounds.
2. Pupils listen and guess 1. raking  Prepare:
2. spraying
the sounds. 3. screeching of brakes 1. pictures of
3. Show pictures and 4. glasses breaking objects/realia:
5. scooping sand
objects.  rake
4. Play recorded sounds  spade
 fire extinguisher
again.  car
5. Pupils identify the  glasses

sounds heard and pick
the correct pictures.

2. recorded sounds and
the required pictures.


Teachers are encouraged
to use other suitable


LET’S MOVE IT Suggested Questions Suggested Material

1. Pupils listen to the jazz 1. Where is the duck? 1. recorded jazz chant
chant. 2. Where is the horse? 2. pictures
3. What is the cat doing?
2. Recite with actions and 4. What is the bird doing? e.g.
pupils follow. 5. What is the hen doing? 1. duck – wading
2. horse – galloping
3. Show pictures and ask Jazz Chant 3. cat – scratching
“WH” questions. 4. bird – pecking
5. hen – flapping
4. Pupils recite and do the

Where is the duck?
Wading in the water.
Where is the horse?
Galloping in the farm.
What is the cat doing?
Scratching on the wall.
What is the bird doing?
Pecking on the tree.
What is the hen doing?
Flapping its wings.
The duck, the horse, the
cat, the bird and the hen
are having fun.


Learning Standard:

1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(b) instrumental sounds


THAT’S MY SOUND! Suggested Instruments Suggested Material

1. Divide pupils into 1. tick- tock  Prepare the musical
groups. 2. triangle instruments.
3. tambourine
2. Distribute musical 4. castanet
instruments to each 5. recorder
group. 6. melodian

3. Play a musical
instrument without
pupils seeing it.

4. Pupils identify the
sound and play the
same instrument.

5. Repeat the activity with
other instruments.

WHERE ARE YOU? Suggested instruments Suggested Material

1. Divide pupils into four 1. tick-tock  Prepare the musical
groups. 2. triangle instruments
3. tambourine
2. Distribute musical 4. castanet Instructions for the class:
Jazz Chant 1. group on the left plays
3. Stand in the middle of the tambourine
the class. Music, music, music
Music everywhere 2. group on the right plays
4. Play an instrument. On my left the triangle
5. The group with the On my right
In front of me 3. group in front of teacher
same instrument Behind me plays the tick-tock
follows. Music, music, music
6. Repeat with other music everywhere 4. group behind the
instruments. teacher plays the
7. Say the jazz chant castanet.
and pupils play the

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN Suggested Instruments Suggested Material
 Musical instruments
1. Divide pupils into 1. recorder
groups. 2. tick-tock Note:
3. melodian
2. Play the game. 4. tambourine
3. Repeat the game with

other instruments. How to play the game:

1. A pupil from each group
will be the ‘wolf’. Another
pupil will be the ‘mother
hen’. The rest of the
pupils are her chicks,
each holding an

2. Teacher plays an
instrument. Wolf
identifies the chick with
the instrument and tries
to catch „it‟ by tagging „it‟.

3. Mother hen tries to
protect its chick.

5. Once „caught‟, the chick
switches position with
the wolf.


Learning Standard:

1.1.1. Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(c) body percussion


FOLLOW ME! Suggested Actions

1. Say and show the 1. Stamp your foot
actions. I am stamping my foot

2. Pupils follow. 2. Sniff with your nose
3. Call a pupil to say and I am sniffing with my
do the actions.
4. The other pupils follow. 3. Clap your hands
5. Repeat with other I am clapping my
4. Slap your thighs
I am slapping my

WHAT AM I? Suggested Suggested Material
Sentence Patterns
1. sentence strips
1. Each group is given a 1. These are my hands. 2. jigsaw puzzle
set of 4 jigsaw puzzles. (clap your hands)
of the following body
2. Pupils arrange them to 2. These are my fingers. parts:
form pictures. (snap your fingers) 1. hands
2. fingers
3. Pupils say the 3. These are my feet. 3. feet
sentences and do the (stamp your feet) 4. thighs
4. These are my thighs.
(slap your thighs )

Suggested Dialogue
Teacher: Who puts the

nose in the big red
Siti : Ali puts the nose
(sniffing sound) in
the big red box.
Ali : Who me?
Siti : Yes you.
Ali : Couldn‟t be.
Siti : Then who?
Ali : Abu puts the nose
(sniffing sound) in
the big red box.
Abu : Who me?


Ali : Yes you.
Abu : Couldn‟t be .
Ali : Then who?
Abu : Meena puts the

sound) in the big
red box.
Meena : Yes, yes, yes it‟s
[Pupil with the cut-out
mentioned is out of the
game and will say
“Yes, yes, yes it‟s me “


Learning Standard:

1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(d) rhythm and rhyme


GIVE ME MORE Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Put up pictures. 1. cook Required pictures
2. Talk about the pictures. 2. book
3. Recite the rhyme. 3. look Other words with medial /ʊ/
4. Stress on words with 4. took and /u:/ sound:
 hook
medial sound /ʊ/. Suggested Rhyme  foot
 wood
5. Pupils say the words Farook is a cook.  good
aloud. He likes to cook.  boot
He took a book.  root
6. Pupils are asked to give To have a look.  hood
other words with medial  wool
sound /ʊ/.  moon
 food

MAKE IT RIGHT Suggested Words

Required pictures

1. Recite a rhyme. 1. bee
2. free
2. Pupils repeat. 3. tree
4. coffee
3. Stress on words with 5. sea
6. tea
final sound /i:/ as in the
graphemes „ee‟ and Suggested Rhyme
I see a bee,
4. Pupils say the words Flying free from tree to tree,
I like coffee, I like tea,
aloud. I like to eat by the sea.

5. Pupils tap to the beat

when saying the rhyme.

6. Give more words with

the final /i:/ sounds as in
the graphemes „ee‟ and


Learning Standard:

1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(d) rhythm and rhyme


RHYME ALONG Suggested Suggested Material
Rhyming Words 1. pictures
1. Pupils identify the 2. word cards
pictures. 1. bone, cone e.g.
2. nose, rose
2. Display word cards. Say 3. line, nine bone
the words. 4. glide, slide
5. pipe, wipe slide
3. Pupils put the word 6. rope, rode
cards on the pictures.
Suggested Sentences
4. Say the sentences.
5. Pupils fill in the blanks 1. There is a cone next to
the bone.
with rhyming words.
6. Say the sentences in 2. She smells the rose
with her nose.
3. Robbie has a rope and
he rode on a pony.

4. All the nine trees are in
a line.

5. The snakes glide under
the slide.

6. Let‟s wipe the pipe and
paint it white.



Learning Standard:

1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(e) alliteration


SAY IT RIGHT Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Put up a composite 1. sliding  Prepare:
picture. 2. skipping a composite picture that
3. skating illustrates the rhyme
2. Emphasise on the 4. Selvy
phoneme /s/. e.g. 5. Soo Chin
6. Siti
Suggested Rhyme
Soo Chin, Selvy and Siti
sssskating are in the playground,
Soo Chin is sliding
3. Recite the rhyme and down,
Selvy is skipping round
pupils repeat. Clap in and round,
Siti is skating all around,
rhythm. Laughing, merrily,
4. Say “ssss” and tell the What a happy sound!

pupils to watch each
other‟s lips as they
say “ssss”.

5. Pupils identify the
words starting with “s”.

SO NEAR YET SO FAR Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Put up pictures. 1. comb Pictures of objects
2. Emphasise on the /k/ 2. cake that begin and do not
3. coat begin with the /k/
sound. e.g. The candle 4. cat sound.
is on the cake. 5. cap
3. Say the sentences. 6. cow
Pupils repeat.
4. Point to the picture and Suggested Sentences
pupils name it. 1. The candle is on the
5. Identify objects that do
not begin with the /k/ cake.
sound. 2. The cat is near the cow.
6. Identify objects that 3. The comb is in the coat.
begin with the /k/ sound.


Learning Standard:

1.1.1 Able to learn and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(e) alliteration


JOLLY ME Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Say „l‟ and tell the pupils 1. lollipop 1. pictures as
to look into a mirror. 2. lip suggested in the
3. licking word list
2. Identify the pictures. 4. lunch
3. Pupils say the words. 5. limes 2. mirrors
6. little
e.g.: „lollipop‟ Instructions for the
Emphasise on the /l/ Suggested Jazz Chant competition:
Little Lily likes lollipops.  Pupils give words with
4. Recite the jazz chant. Little Lily likes licking initial /l/ sound.
Clap in rhythm. limes.
Little Lily likes her lunch  The group that has the
5. Pupils follow. with lollipops and limes. most words beginning
6. Divide pupils into three with the /l/ sound is the
groups. Carry out a


Learning Standard:

Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(f) voice sounds


SOUND LIKE ME Suggested Suggested Material
Sounds of Animals 1. recorded sounds of animals
1. Show some toy 2. toy animals
animals. 1. Goats bleat
2. Cows moo Note:
2. Play the recorded 3. Cats mew Teachers may use pictures to
sounds of the animals 4. Snakes hiss substitute the toys.
shown and the pupils 5. Owls hoot
imitate. 6. Frogs croak

3. Put the toys into a box.
4. A pupil picks a toy from

the box.
5. The others make the

sound of the animal
6. The activity is repeated
with other toys.

I CAN HEAR YOU Suggested Suggested Material
Objects and Their Sounds Realia or picture of:
1. Show pupils a camera.
2. Snap a photo and ask 1. Clicking of camera 1. a camera
2. Clashing of cymbals 2. cymbals
pupils the sound made 3. Clanging of pots and 3. pots and pans
by the camera. e.g.
3. Do the actions of pans
clicking and pupils Lyrics of the song:
follow. Suggested Song Are you sleeping? [2X]
4. Pupils take turns to do (to the tune of „Are You Brother John, [2x]
the action of clicking the Sleeping?‟) Morning bells are ringing, [2x]
camera and others say Ding Dong Bell! [2x]
„click, click, click‟. Click – 8x
5. Repeat the activity with Clash - 6x
the other two objects. Clang – 12x
6. Some pupils sing the Click, clash, clang - 2x
song while the rest
make the relevant


Learning Standard:

1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance:
(g) oral blending and segmenting


LET’S GET TOGETHER Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Distribute a letter card 1. pot Letter cards
to each pupil. 2. cot e.g.
3. hot
2. Say a word and pupils 4. dot p
with the correct letter 5. lot
cards come out and 6. not o
arrange themselves 7. got
accordingly. 8. tot t

3. The rest of the class Suggested
say the sounds of the Sentence Patterns
letters shown and say
the word out loudly. 1. The pot is hot.
2. The tot is in the cot.
e.g. /p/ /ɒ/ /t/ = pot 3. It is not a dot.
4. The activity is repeated 4. He has got a lot.

with the other words.
5. Put up sentences.
6. Read and pupils follow.

LET’S JAZZ Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Recite the jazz chant. 1. pin tin bin fin Pictures as suggested
2. Pupils follow. 2. sit hit pit fit in the word list
3. Reinforce oral blending 3. zip lip hip dip
and segmenting of Suggested Jazz Chant
words by showing
pictures. The pin is in the fin.
The fin is in the tin.
e.g. /p/ /ɪ/ /n/ The tin is on the bin.

/l/ /ɪ/ /p/ I can hit.
I can sit.
/h/ /ɪ/ /t/ I can fit.
In the pit.

This is my lip.

This is my hip.
Let‟s go for a dip.


SPLIT ME UP! Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Divide pupils into 1. rat, cat, fat , bat, hat 1. boxes of word cards
groups. 2. bit, hit, pit, kid, lip 2. music
3. pot, hot, tot, jog, top
2. Give each group a box 4. bus, cup, rug, mug, pup
with word cards. 5. pen, ten, hen, pet, bed

3. Music is played and the
box is passed around.

4. A pupil takes out a word
card from the box when
the music stops.

5. The pupil segments the
word. If incorrect, he or
she is out of the game.
rat - /r/, /æ/, /t/

6. Repeat the activity.


Learning Standard

1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy stories.


STORY TRAIN Suggested Story Suggested Material
Pipit The Bird
1. Show a puppet/toy and This is Pipit. Sets of picture cards
talk about it. It is a bird. based on the story used
It cannot fly.
2. Put up a series of It lives in a nest. The group leader distributes
pictures and question a picture to every member in
pupils based on the One day, Pipit fell from its the group.
pictures. nest.
It hopped around.
3. Tell a story and pupils It was looking for its
listen. mother.

4. Question and answer Pipit met a duck.
session based on the Pipit asked, “Mr Duck, can
story. you teach me to fly?”
Mr Duck said, “I cannot fly.
5. Remove the pictures. I can swim.”
6. Divide pupils into Pipit walked away.

groups. Pipit met a rabbit.
7. Each group is given a Pipit asked, “Mr Rabbit, can
you teach me to fly?”
similar set of pictures. Mr Rabbit said, “I cannot
8. Retell the story. fly. I can hop.”
9. Pupils hold the pictures Pipit walked away.

and arrange themselves
according to the story.

Pipit met a parrot.
Pipit asked, “Mr Parrot, can

you teach me to fly?”
Mr Parrot said, “Yes, I can
fly. I can teach you to fly.”

Pipit learned to fly.
Pipit flew with the parrot.
Pipit could fly back to its

Pipit was very happy.
Pipit thanked Mr. Parrot.

Zuraidah Che‟ Zin(2000).Pit Pit
Learns To Fly.Bestari
Series.Anzagain Sdn.Bhd.


DRESS ME UP Suggested Questions Suggested Material

1. Bring a picture of a Questions: A picture based on the
bear. 1. What animal is this? story.
2. Where does it live?
2. Ask questions based on Note:
the picture. Suggested Story Teacher can extend the
activity by asking the pupils:
3. Tell a story titled „Rose ROSE RED 1. Why was the old man
Rose Red lived with her angry?
4. Divide pupils into small mother. They lived in a 2. How did the prince
groups. small house.
become a bear?
5. Each group is given a One day, a black bear
box with some items came to the house.
relevant to a specific The bear stayed with them.
character in the story. They were happy.

6. Pupils choose a After two days, the bear
member and dress him went back to the forest.
or her up as the One day, Rose Red saw an
character. angry old man. He could
not move. His long beard
7. The group members was caught in a bush. He
take turns to describe shouted for help.
the character.
Rose Red helped him.
She cut his beard with a
pair of scissors.

The old man was very
angry. He shouted at Rose
Red. Rose Red ran away.

On her way home, Rose
Red met a handsome
young man. He was the
bear who had stayed with
them. The old man had put
a spell on him. The spell
was broken when his beard
was cut.


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