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Published by iraabdullah7378, 2022-09-14 09:11:29

English Teacher Guidebook Year 2

English Teacher Guidebook Year 2

FAMILY TREE Suggested Story Suggested Material

1. Ask questions about Azril and Azrul are 1. the required pictures
pupils‟ family members. brothers. Azril is ten years 2. a family tree
old. Azrul is eight years old.
2. Tell a story. They live in an old wooden e.g.
3. Divide pupils into pairs. house. They live together
4. Each pair is given a set with their parents, Grandfather Grandmother
grandparents and their
of pictures to complete younger sister, Ayuni who
a family tree based on is five years old.
the story.
Their father, Pak Abu
5. Pupils make their own goes to the sea to catch
family tree. fish every day. Sometimes,
Pak Kaduk, who is Pak
Abu‟s father follows him. Father Mother
Mak Minah, their mother is
a housewife. She cooks Azril Azrul Ayuni
and cleans the house. Their
grandmother, Mak Siti
helps her.

MY PARTNER Suggested Stories Suggested Material

1. Play the story. 1. Mousedeer and The 1. pictures
2. Divide pupils into four Crocodile 2. sentence strips

groups. 2. Jack and The Beanstalk Groups A and C - pictures
3. Give a set of pictures to Groups B and D-
sentence strips
groups A and C
respectively. Give a set
of sentence strips to
groups B and D
4. Pupils have to find their
partners. (pictures to
sentence strips)
5. Then, pupils rearrange
themselves in the
correct sequence.

LET’S ARRANGE Suggested Story Suggested Material

1. Show pictures of an ant THE ANT AND 1. the required pictures
and a grasshopper. THE GRASSHOPPER 2. story strips
3. recording of the story
2. Talk about the pictures. Mr Grasshopper lived in a
3. Divide pupils into


groups. bush. He was hopping e.g.
4. Each group is given a around happily. Mr Ant lived
in a nest. He was busy
worksheet with story collecting food.
5. Pupils cut out the strips He asked Mr Ant, “Why are
and paste them in the you so busy?” Mr Ant
correct sequence. replied, “I am saving food
6. Play the recording of for the rainy days”.
the story.
7. Pupils listen to the story Mr Grasshopper laughed at
and check their
arrangement of the Mr Ant. He hopped away

After a few days, it started
to rain. Mr Ant stayed in his
nest. He had a lot of food to
eat. Mr Grasshopper could
not find any food. He was
wet and hungry. He went to
Mr Ant‟s nest. He knocked
on the door.

Mr Ant invited him in.
He gave Mr Grasshopper
some food.
Mr Grasshopper felt very
ashamed. He thanked Mr
Ant for giving him food.


Learning Standard:

1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs.


MIME ME Suggested Actions Suggested Material

1. Play the song. 1. brush our teeth 1. recording of song
2. Put up the lyrics. 2. wash our hands 2. lyrics
3. Read and pupils repeat. 3. spread the butter 3. sets of phrase cards
4. Sing the song. 4. carry our bags
5. Divide pupils into 5. arrange our books
6. walk to school
groups. 7. read our books
6. Each group is given a
Suggested Song
different set of phrase [Tune of: Here We Go
cards with action words. Round the Mulberry Bush]
7. In turns, each group
comes forward and This is the way,
sings the song while We brush our teeth, (3x)
some of its members This is the way,
mime the actions based We brush our teeth,
on the phrase cards. so early in the morning.

This is the way,
We wash our hands,(3x)
This is the way,
We wash our hands,
So early in the morning.

SPEEDY SINGING Suggested Song Suggested Material

1. Play the song. Head and shoulders, knees 1. recording of song
2. Sing together. and toes, 2. lyrics
3. Divide pupils into knees and toes, (2x)
Head and shoulders, knees
groups. and toes
4. Give each group a line Eyes, ears, mouth and
from the song to sing.
First group starts Other Songs:
singing the song, 1. Simple Simon
followed by the other 2. Sing A Song Of Six
groups in sequence.
5. Ask pupils to increase Pence
the tempo of the song. 3. Mary Had A Little Lamb
6. 7. Repeat the activity.


PICTURE ME Suggested Rhyme Suggested Rhyme
Pictures based on the
1. Put up the rhyme. Two little black birds, rhyme
2. Read the rhyme. Sitting on a fence, e.g.
3. Pupils repeat the rhyme One named Peter,
One named Paul, ck
in groups and as a Fly away Peter,
class. Fly away Paul,
4. Divide pupils into Come back Peter,
groups. Come back Paul.
5. Give each group a set
of pictures.
6. Pupils have to cut out
the pictures and paste
them to create the
scene for the rhyme.

WHERE HAVE YOU Suggested Rhyme Suggested Material
BEEN?  Appendix 1
Pussy cat, pussy cat
1. Display the rhyme. Where have you been?
2. Read with the pupils. I have been to London
3. Remove the rhyme. To see the queen
4. Pupils complete
Pussy cat, pussy cat
worksheets by pasting What did you do there?
the pictures correctly. I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair

RHYME INNOVATION Suggested Rhyme Suggested Material

1. Display a rhyme. Baa, baa black sheep, 1. word cards
2. Read and pupils follow. Have you any wool? 2. a rhyme/song
3. Divide pupils into Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full,
groups. One for my master,
4. Give an envelope with One for the dame,
One for the little boy
word cards to each Who lives down the lane.
5. Pupils will create a Suggested
similar rhyme/song Improvised Rhyme
using word cards.

Cluck, cluck white hen
Have you any eggs?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three baskets full,
One for my master,


One for my dame,
One for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
For more rhymes and song teachers can refer to:


Learning Standard:

1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.


ACT IT OUT Suggested Words Suggested Material

1. Place a „magical‟ box on 1. sleep 1. picture cards based
the table with picture 2. walk on the words
cards in it. 3. yawn chosen
4. talk
2. Say the magical words 5. listen 2. a composite picture
„Abracadabra‟ and wave 6. sit [Appendix 2]
the magic wand. 7. stand
3. words cards
3. A pupil comes forward e.g.
and picks up a picture
card. He/ She says and sleep yawn
does the action.

4. The rest of the class

5. Place a composite
picture (Appendix 2) on
the board and ask
pupils what actions are

6. Pupils answer and
paste the word cards on
the composite picture.


MY HAPPY FAMILY Suggested Poem Suggested Material:

1. Show a picture of a This is my father , 1. a composite picture of a
family and play a family (Appendix 3)
recording of the poem. Short and steady. Stanza1
2. a recording of the poem
2. Say the poem line by (Gr 1)
line and pupils repeat.
This is my mother,
3. Divide pupils into 4
groups. Each group Singing a song, Stanza
recites one stanza.
4. Groups take turns to
recite the different (Gr 2)
This is my brother,

Tall you see. Stanza 3

(Gr 3)

This is my sister,

With a doll on her knee.


Stanza 4
(Gr 4)

And this is the story about
my happy family.

Stanza 5
(All groups)

PICTURE Suggested Words Suggested Material
1. food 1. Composite Picture
1. Place a composite 2. drinks (Appendix 4)
picture on the board. 3. girls
4. boys 2. Sample pictures
2. Pupils say what they 5. teacher (Appendix 5 and 6)
see and teacher lists 6. blackboard
the words. 7. saree

3. Put up sentence strips. Suggested Sentences
4. Read the sentence
1. The teacher is wearing
strips and pupils follow. a saree.
5. A pupil reads the
2. There is a lot of food
sentence strips and and drinks on the table.
others follow.
6. Pupils complete 3. A girl is talking to her
worksheets. teacher.

WHAT AM I? Suggested Questions Suggested Material

1. Show pictures of 1. What does it eat? picture cards
animals. 2. Where does it live?
3. What colour is its fur?
2. Ask questions about 4. Is it wild?

3. Class is divided into
groups. Each group is
given an envelope of
pictures of animals.

4. Group leader picks a
picture card and
describes the animal.
The rest of the group
will guess the animal.

5. Repeat using other


LET’S TALK Suggested Text Suggested Material

1. Put up a picture. Teachers‟ Day 1. a composite picture
2. Teacher provides the (Refer to Appendix 6)
This is my class. Today
first sentence about the is 16th May. The class is Note:
picture seen. having a party. There are Accept any possible
3. Pupils continue by many pupils. A girl is talking answers given by the
taking turns to make a to her teacher. Her teacher, pupils.
sentence each to Mrs Ratnam is wearing a
describe the picture. saree.
4. Repeat using other


Learning Standard:

1.2.2 Able to participate in daily conversations:
(a) exchange greetings


LET’S SING Suggested Song Suggested Material
[Tune of: Happy Birthday] Pictures of gestures
1. Sing a song with e.g.
suitable cultural Selamat Hari Raya x3
gestures. And how do you do?

2. Pupils sing to one Repeat using:
another and do the Happy Deepavali
gestures. Happy Chinese New Year
Merry Christmas
Selamat Hari Gawai

ROLE PLAY Suggested Dialogue Suggested Material

1. Place a dialogue on the Teacher : Hello, I‟m Mr 1. masks of animals
board. Kangaroo. 2. a dialogue chart

2. Wear a mask Pupils : Hello,
(kangaroo) and greet Mr Kangaroo.
the pupils according to How do you do?
the dialogue.
Teacher : I‟m fine. Thank
3. Pupils answer based on you.
the dialogue.
Pupils : Goodbye, Mr
4. Pupils repeat the Kangaroo. See
activity using different you tomorrow.
Teacher : Goodbye.

Repeat using:
Mr Tiger, Mr Orang Utan,
Mr Bear, Mr Peacock,
Mr Rabbit


Learning Standard:

1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations:
(b) make polite requests


MAY I? Suggested Words Suggested Material
Things in the classroom:
1. Pupils listen to a 1. ruler 1. recording
recording of making 2. pencil 2. picture cards
requests. 3. eraser
4. book
2. Pupils repeat after 5. crayons
teacher requesting for 6. coloured pencils
various objects. 7. chalk
8. duster
3. Pupils are divided into
groups. Each member Suggested Sentences
of the group is given a
picture card. 1. May I borrow a pencil?
2. Can you lend me your
4. Every group member
takes turn requesting for pencil?
objects. 3. Here you are.
4. Thank you.
5. Pupils respond 5. You‟re welcome.
accordingly in their 6. I‟m sorry, I don‟t have
respective groups.

AMAZING RACE Suggested Suggested Materials
Sentence Strips
1. Paste pictures of 1. sentence strips
objects all around the Father, may I have this 2. picture cards
class. shirt? e.g.

2. Prepare sentence strips Can I have these socks
for each picture on and shoes?
making requests and
place them on the table. Yes, you may.

3. Pupils [in pairs] find the May I go to the library?
correct strips to match
the pictures. Yes, of course.

4. Pupils take turns to
request and reply aloud.


Learning Standard:

1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations:
(c) express apologies


FIND MY PAIR Suggested Sentence Suggested Materials
Strips sentence strips
1. Take pupils to the
field/hall to play this A: Did you bring my
game. football?

2. Pupils are divided into 2 B: I‟m sorry, I forgot to
groups. Each member bring it.
of the group is given a
sentence strip. A: Ouch! You stepped on
Group 1 is given my toes.
sentence strips on
requests. B: I‟m sorry. I didn‟t mean
Group 2 is given to.
sentences on the
replies. A: You broke my table
3. When the teacher gives
the cue, pupils start to B: I‟m sorry. It was an
find their pair by saying accident.
their sentences aloud.

4. The winner of the game
will be the first pair with
the correct match.

STATUE GAME Suggested Dialogue Suggested Material
A: Did you bring my Pictures
1. Play music and pupils e.g.
dance to the tune. football?
B: I‟m sorry, I forgot to Forgot to bring the football
2. When the music stops,
pupils remain still. bring it. Stepped on my toes
Choose two pupils to
come to the front. A: Ouch! You stepped on Broke the table lamp
my toes.
3. One of them picks up a
picture from the box. B: I‟m sorry. I didn‟t mean
Pupils role-play the to.
situation of expressing
apologies based on the A: You broke my table
picture. lamp.

4. Other pairs repeat with B: I‟m sorry. It was an
various situations. accident.

Other situations:
- knock into each other
- lost the ruler
- spilt the drink


Learning Standard:

2.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:
a) simple instructions in the classroom

Activity Content Teacher’s notes

FOLLOW ME Suggested Instructions

1. Pupils follow teacher‟s 1. Bend your knees.
instructions. 2. Point to your nose.
e.g. 3. Raise your left hand.
“Raise your left hand.” 4. Raise your right hand.
Pupils do the action. 5. Touch your shoulders.

2. Pupils who do the action
incorrectly are out of the

3. Repeat the instructions
until the last pupil remains

LINE DANCING Suggested Instructions Suggested Material
Instrumental music
1. Pupils stand in straight 1. Put your hands on your
rows. waist.

2. Play music. 2. Nod your head.
3. Give instructions. 3. Look right.
4. Pupils do the actions. 4. Look left.
5. Shake your body.
6. Raise your left hand.
7. Raise your right hand.


DRAWING A FACE Suggested Instructions Suggested Material

1. Provide a blank piece of 1. Draw a big circle. Note:
paper to each pupil. 2. Draw two big round
Teacher can vary
2. Give instructions to draw a eyes. the instructions.
face. 3. Draw a small nose.
4. Draw a small mouth.
3. Pupils follow instructions 5. Draw two ears.
and draw accordingly. e.g.

HOKEY-POKEY Suggested Instructions Note:
Substitute with:
1. Take pupils outdoors. Put your right hand in
2. Form a circle. Take your right hand out 1. left hand
3. Give instructions and 2. right leg
Hokey-Pokey 3. left leg
pupils do the actions. 4. whole self
4. Sing the song and pupils Put your right hand in,
Take your right hand out,
follow. Put your right hand in,
5. Pupils sing the song and And you shake it all about,
Do the hokey-pokey,
do the actions. And turn yourself around,
That‟s what it‟s all about.

PIN THE TAIL Suggested Instructions Suggested Material

1. Put up a picture of a 1. Take three steps to the 1. the required picture
donkey without its tail on front. 2. the instructions
the board.
2. Turn left/right. (Instructions can be
2. A pupil is blindfolded and 3. Go straight. varied)
given a picture of a tail. 4. Stop. e.g.

3. Another pupil gives
instructions to the
blindfolded pupil to reach
the donkey.

4. The blindfolded pupil


pastes the tail on the Note:
donkey. Teachers may use other
5. Repeat with other pupils. animals.

MAKE A SANDWICH Suggested Instructions Suggested Material
1. Divide the pupils into 1. Spread the butter on a 1. bread
groups. slice of bread. 2. butter
3. jam
2. Each group is given the 2. Take another slice of
ingredients. bread and spread some Substitute jam with
jam on it.  kaya
3. Give instructions on how to  peanut butter
prepare the sandwich. 3. Put both slices together.  honey
4. Serve it on a plate.
4. Pupils listen and follow.


Learning Standard:

1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:
b) simple directions to places in the school

Activity Content Teacher’s notes

WHERE DO YOU GO? Suggested Instructions Note:

1. Divide pupils into groups. 1. Go straight Directions can be given
2. Each group forms a train. 2. Turn left to one group at a time or
3. Turn right to all the groups at the
3. Give instructions on 4. Go round same time.
directions. 5. Stop

4. The group follows the
directions making the
„choo-choo‟ sound.

POISON PARCEL Suggested Instructions Suggested Material

1. Pupils sit in a circle. 1. Jump like a frog to the 1. music
2. Play the music and pupils blackboard. 2. poison parcel
3. instructions
pass the parcel until the 2. Fly like a bird to the
music stops. staffroom.
3. The pupil who has the
parcel picks a paper from 3. Hop like a kangaroo to
the parcel and reads aloud the next class.
the instructions.
4. Pupil follows the 4. Gallop like a horse to
instructions. the office.
Turn around and walk like 5. Move like a car to the
a duck to the door. toilet.


Activity Content Teacher’s notes

DIRECTION SONG Suggested Song Suggested Material
(Tune of: London Bridge Is Signposts
1. Place signposts in various Falling Down )
corners of the classroom. e.g.
Class : Take three steps to
2. A pupil will stand at a your right canteen
certain part of the class. To your right (2X)
Take three steps to office staffroom
3. The pupil will move to the your right
directions as given by And turn left
friends in a song.

4. Repeat activity.

Where are you, my toilet
My friend (2X)
Where are you, my
Tell me now.

Pupil : I am at the canteen Note:
canteen ( 2X)
I am at the Teach the song before
canteen, the activity
Oh, my friends.


Learning Standard:

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts heard by:
a) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activity Content Teacher’s notes

AT THE GARDEN Suggested Jazz Chant Suggested Material

1. Put up a picture of a A: Who has a garden? (2X) Composite picture
garden. Who has a garden, my of a garden
2. Ask questions based on
the picture. B. Minah has a garden.( 2X)
e.g. Minah has a garden, my
What flowers can you see? friend.
What is the colour of the
roses? A: What flowers? ( 2X )
What flowers does she
3. Chant with pupils. have?
4. Divide the pupils into two
B: She has roses, she has
groups. orchids, sunflowers and
5. Pupils chant. hibiscus.

A: When does she water
them? ( 2X)
When does she water the

B: She waters them in the
evening, (2X),
She waters the flowers
in the evening.

JAZZ CHANT Suggested Jazz Chant Suggested Material

1. Put up the jazz chant. Class: Who are you? (2X) Jazz chant
2. Chant and pupils listen. Pupil : I am Ahmad. (2X)
3. Repeat and pupils follow. Note:
4. A pupil comes to the front. Class : What are you Replace the underlined
5. The other pupils ask wearing? (2X) words with other
suitable words.
questions as in the jazz Pupil : I‟m wearing a shirt.
chant. I‟m wearing a pair of
6. Pupil answers. trousers.
7. Repeat activity with other
pupils. Class : Where are you

going? (2X)

Pupil : I‟m going to the

canteen. (2X)


Activity Content Teacher’s notes

WHO STOLE THE COOKIE? Suggested Rhyme Suggested Material
1. Pupils sit in a circle. Class : Who stole the e.g.
2. Put up a big manila card cookie from the
cookie jar?
showing a boy putting his Ali stole the cookie
hand into a cookie jar. from the cookie jar.
3. Ask the pupils:
“What is the boy doing?” Ali : Who me?
“Who is the boy?”
4. Explain the activity. Class: Yes, you.
5. Call a pupil to put his face
into the hole in the card. Ali : Couldn‟t be!
6. Pupils say the rhyme.
Class: Then, who?

Ali : Tan stole the
cookie from the
cookie jar.

GUESSING GAME Suggested Questions Suggested Material
 Prepare:
1. Put picture cards of 1. Where does it live?
animals into a box. 2. What does it like to eat? 1. picture cards of
3. What is its colour? animals
2. A pupil comes forward to 4. How many legs does it
pick a card. (Pupil must not e.g.
show the card to the have?
class.) 5. How does it move? 2. the questions

3. Other pupils take turns to
ask questions.

4. The pupil answers the

5. Pupils try to guess the

6. Repeat the activity.


Activity Content Teacher’s notes

DIALOGUE Suggested Text Suggested Material

1. Pupils listen to a dialogue. Rani: Hi, Lina. 1. pre-recorded text
2. Ask questions based on the Lina :Hi, Rani. Where did 2. dialogue
3. sample
dialogue. you go for the
3. Display the dialogue on the holidays? questions
Rani: I went to Langkawi
board. with my family. Note:
4. Pupils take turns to role- Lina: How did you go there?
Rani: By aeroplane. Change words to vary
play the dialogue. Lina : When did you go the information.
Rani : I went there last
Lina : What did you do
Rani :I went up the cable
car. It was very
exciting. I also went
Lina : That sounds great.
Oh! I have to go now.
See you. Bye.
Rani: Bye.


Learning Standard:

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts heard by:
b) giving True/False replies

Activity Content Teacher’s notes

AM I RIGHT? Suggested Topics

1. Take pupils around the 1. objects in the school
2. animals
school. 3. places
4. people
2. Point to any object and

“This is a ………… .”


Point to a car and say,
“This is a motorcycle.”

Pupils answer :
“False. This is a car.”

3. Repeat with other objects.

QUIZ Suggested Statements Suggested Material

1. Divide the class into two 1. An elephant has a trunk. Four large flash
groups. 2. A cat has a beak. cards ( two for each
3. A bird can fly. group).
2. Read out a statement. 4. A cat chirps. e.g.
e.g. 5. A lion roars.
An elephant has a trunk.
Statements are based on
3. A pupil from each group any topic for the week.
picks the correct flash

4. Pupil shows the card to the
rest of the class.

5. Other pupils respond by
saying if the card picked is
right or wrong.

6. Points are given if the
answer is correct.


OLD MAC DONALD Suggested Content Suggested Material

1. Put up a picture of a farm.  Animals on the farm: Composite picture
of a farm.
2. Ask questions based on 1. three cows
the picture. 2. five ducks Note:
e.g. How many cows can 3. two horses
4. eight chickens Number and types of
you see? 5. ten fishes animals can be changed
3. Sing the song „Old Mac based on the picture
Donald‟ and pupils follow.

4. Sing the first two lines of
the song and state the
number of animals

Teacher :”Old Mac Donald

has a farm,”
Class : E-I-E-I-O

Teacher : And on that farm
he has two

Class: False

5. Repeat with other animals
from the picture.

STORY TIME Suggested Story Suggested Material
Suitable questions
1. Play the story.  The Clever Mousedeer
2. Pupils listen carefully. (Refer to the English
3. Replay the story. Language Year 2 (SK)
4. A pupil answers the Teaching Courseware – CD
3 - Lesson 64)
question as given in the
5. Other pupils shout out
„True‟ or „False‟.

MY PARTNER Suggested Statements Suggested Material

1. Divide class into two equal 1. A cow has four legs. 1. sentence strips
groups. (True ) 2. flash cards

2. Each pupil in Group A will 2. A rose is green in Note:
have a different statement. colour.
(False ) „True‟ or „False‟ flash
3. Each pupil in Group B will cards must match the
have either a „True‟ or Note: number of statements
„False‟ card. prepared.
Statements can be based
4. Pupils in Group A will read on topics taught previously.
their statements as they



5. Pupils in Group B will
shout „True‟ or „False‟ and
stand with their correct

6. When all have found their
pairs, each pair comes out
and reads their statement
and answer aloud.


Appendix 1

Cut and paste the correct picture.

Pussy cat, pussy

Where have you been?
I have been to London
To see the

Pussy pussy cat

What did you do there?

I frightened a little

Under the


Appendix 2



Choose the correct sentence.

Appendix 3

3 45


Appendix 5

Appendix 6


By the end of Year Two, pupils should be able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters
to recognize words in order to begin reading and then move on to more complex skills
using a range of strategies to construct meaning from the text read. The ultimate goal
of the reading component in primary school is to produce pupils who will be able to read
independently for information and enjoyment. Pupils of Year 2 will have to acquire the
sounds to be learnt as stipulated in the learning standard 2.2.1 before they reinforce the
new sounds learnt to form words learnt by blending these sounds. Pupils learn how to
spell by segmenting words and then move on to read phrases and sentences.

The learning standards covered in Year 2 are as follows:


2.1 By the end of the 6-year 2.1.1 Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and
primary schooling, pupils will the final sounds in single syllable words
be able to apply knowledge within given context:
of sounds of letters to
recognize words in linear and (a) /eɪ/ /i:/ /aɪ/ /әʊ/ /ʊ/,/u:/
non-linear texts. (ai ) (ee) (igh)
(oa) (oo)

(b) /a:/ /ɔ:/ /ɜ:/ /әʊ/ /ɔI/
(ow) (oi)
(ar) (or) (ur)

(c) / ә/ /eә/ /ʊә/ /ɜ:/
(air ) (ure)
(ear) (er)
/aʊ/ /aI/ /i:/
(d) /eɪ/ (ea)
( ou) ( ie)
(ay) /ɜ:/ /u:/ /ɔ:/
( ue) (aw)
(e) /ɔI/ (ir)


(f) /w/ /f/ /ju:/ /әʊ/ /ɔ:/
(ph) (ew ) (oe ) (au)
(wh) /u:/
/i:/ /aɪ/ /әʊ/ (u-e)
(g) /eɪ/ (e-e) (o-e)
( i-e)

2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognisable words
and read them aloud.

2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.


2.2 By the end of the 6-year 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word

primary schooling, pupils attack skills by :

will be able to demonstrate a) matching words with spoken words

understanding of a variety b) reading and grouping words according to word

of linear and non-linear families.

texts in the form of print and

non-print materials using a 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and

range of strategies to non-linear texts.

construct meaning.

2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple sentences in

linear and non-linear texts.

2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5 – 8
simple sentences.

2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture

2.3 By the end of the 6-year 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:
primary schooling, pupils
will be able to read a) fiction
independently for b) non-fiction
information and

As in Year One, pupils will be taught to articulate the phoneme(s) to be learnt by pupils
of Year Two as stipulated in the learning standard. The following sounds are to be
learnt in Year Two.


Grapheme Phoneme Possible Actions

ai Hands on the waist and say „ei‟ as
a–e if in anger.



Show you teeth and say “ee”

ea /i:/



Place palm on the chest and say

i-e /aI/ „I‟



oa Palms up, shake your body and
oe say “au”
ow /әʊ /

Place hands above head, tap once
oo /ʊ / and say „u‟

oo Place hands above head, shake
ue your head and say “u..”


Open your mouth wide and say

ear “aa”

Draw a big circle (anti-clockwise)

aw in the air and say “or”.



ir /ɜ:/ Put your finger on the temple and

say “er”


wh /w/ Join two peace signs and say “w”

Action of bird flying and say “f”
ph /f/

Point to a friend and say „you‟.
ew /ju:/

Fan your hand in front of your nose
ear /Iә/ and say “eear”


Hold your jaw and say “air”
air /eә/

Form a „u‟ with both hands, spread
ure /ʊә/ them like a flower blooming and

say “uwer”
Pinch yourself and say “aw”
ou /aʊ/

oy /ɔI/ Hop like a kangaroo and say “oi”


These phonemes are to be taught in sequence as stipulated in the learning
standard 2.1.1 (a) – (g). The sounds presented in the table above are not in
chronological order as found in the learning standard. They have been classified
according to phonemes and have various graphemes, which represent a particular
phoneme. Teachers should tell pupils that the phonemes might represent different
For example the phoneme /eI/, is represented by the grapheme “ai”, “a-e” and “ay”
which are present in the following words rain, race and day.

The phonemes learnt can be introduced using various teaching strategies such
as singing songs, telling stories, reciting rhymes, playing games as well as drilling in
order to reinforce the learning of these phonemes.

Phonemes taught in Year One are reinforced in Year Two before teaching
phonemes to be learnt in Year Two as stipulated in the learning standards. The
following are the phonemes learnt in Year One:

Grapheme Phoneme Possible actions

s 1. Form a cobra head with
/s/ your hand.

ss (voiceless) 2. Trace the letter „s‟ in the air
and, say s…


t / t / Tap two fingers on the desk
(voiceless) and say t…


P /p/ Place four fingers in front of
(voiceless) your mouth and say p…

n /n/ Touch the tip of your nose and
(voiced) say n…

m /m/ Lick an ice-cream and say m…

/d/ Drumming action and say d…
d (voiced)

g /g/ 1. You are cold, clutch your

(voiced) hands and shiver

2. Say ggg


k /k/ Action of flying a kite and say k


r /r/ Be a lion and say rrr

1. Place your palm in front

h /h/ of your mouth

(voiceless) 2. Laugh haha

b /b/ Action of balloon bursting and
(voiced) say b…

f /f/
Action of bird flying and say f…



/l/ Raise both arms upright and

(voiced) say ll..

g /dʒ/ Jump and say j.
j (voiced)

v /v/ Show the peace sign and say
(voiced) v.

Join two peace signs and say

w /w/ w.

/ks/ Cross your hands and say ks..



/gz/ Slash „x‟ and say gz..


y /j/ Nod and say yeh

z Trace „z‟ in the air and say z..



Action of a duck flapping its

q /kw/ wings once and say qua


1. Action of a moving train

ch /tʃ/ with both arms
(voiceless) 2. Say ch.


sh /ʃ/ Finger on the lips and say sh..

th /θ/ Show the thumb and say th.

/ð/ Point with the thumb and say
(voiced) th.

Action of mosquito buzzing
ng /ŋ/ around ears and say ng….



The short vowels are as follows :
Grapheme Phoneme Possible actions

Imagine a spider crawling
up your arm and say eh…
1. Cross your arms on your
chest and lift your
/ә/ shoulders.
2. Say er…

/ ɪ/
i Show your teeth and say e.

Draw a small circle (anti

clockwise) in the air and say o


Walk like an elephant and say
e /e/ eh

Look up and say uh

u /ʌ/

The long vowels are as follows :
Grapheme Phoneme Possible actions

Open your mouth wide and say
a /a:/ aaa…

a Draw a big circle (anti

clockwise) in the air and say



e /i:/ Show your teeth and say ee..

Word List for Year 1 and 2 (according to phonemes learnt)
Grapheme Phoneme Suggested Words






Grapheme Phoneme Suggested Words







Grapheme Phoneme Suggested Words













Grapheme Phoneme Suggested Words



Learning Standard:
2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud.


Forming Words Word List Materials
onset cards
1. Place pictures with the boat rime card
grapheme „oa’ in a big coat picture cards

box. soap

2. Pick a picture and name goat Onset Rime
Cards Card
it aloud stressing the toad
bd oa
phoneme /әʊ/.

3. Pupils repeat the word e.g.
individually / in groups.

4. Prepare onset and rime c
cards based on the
word list.
5. Place the cards on the g


6. Pick pupils at random b oa t
to select the correct

onset and rime cards

based on the picture.

7. Pupils blend and read

the word aloud.

Roll a word Word List Materials

1. Show pictures with the sheep ee p picture cards
grapheme “ee” . teeth cubes template - Appendix 1
2. Say aloud the word , weep contents of onset cube (1)
stressing the phoneme feet
/i:/. sleep - sh, t, tr, w, f, sl

3. Pupils repeat. sh contents of rime cube (2)
4. Divide pupils into
- ee
groups. Provide three
cube sets for each contents of onset cube (3)
5. Taking turns, pupils roll - p, th, t
cubes 1 - 3 to -
form words based on *can use erasers as cubes.
the picture. *this activity can be turned into
6. Pupils say the words a competition.
aloud and write the
words that they have


Word Chain Word List letter cards
picture cards
1. Demonstrate the action saw
paw pr aw
for the phoneme /ɔ: /. draw cr n
2. Pupils repeat a few prawn pl
crawl dr s
times. e.g
3. Show pictures and a w
name them.
4. Pick pupils at random

and hang the cards
around the pupils‟
5. Teacher says a word.
e.g. saw.
6. Pupils with the
respective letter cards
will stand side by side to
blend the word.
7. Pupils repeat the word.

Match Me Right Word List Materials

picture cards

1. Demonstrate the kite Onset Rime
grapheme „i – e’ five
through a song. prize Cards cards
2. Pupils repeat. rice AB
3. Show picture cards and hide
m ice
blend the phonemes. Song chart
4. Pupils repeat (Tune of Clementine) h ide

individually or in groups. I like to fly kites (3x) k ite
5. Put up picture cards on In the sky
I have five kites (3x) f ive
the wall with the onset As my prize r ice
cards. pr ize
6. Pupils match the rime I see five mice (3x)
cards to the correct Eating rice
picture cards. When they see me(3x)
7. Pupils read the words. They run and hide



Word Spinner Word List Materials

1. Demonstrate the action thigh Picture cards
and sound for the light Word spinner template –
phoneme /eI/. night Appendix 2
2. Pupils repeat. right
3. Show pictures and bright Onset Rime
cards cards
say the word.
4. Blend the onset and A B

rime cards. th igh
4. Pupils repeat.
5. Put up a word spinner. l
6. Pupils take turns to
7. Pupils blend the onset

and rime letters to form
correct words.
8. Pupils read the words.






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