Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4a
Sample: An Interview with Cinderella
Interviewer: _______________________ Cinderella: ______________________
Ask Cinderella these questions. Write her answers.
1. What is your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. Who do you live with?
4. What do you do at home?
5. Where are your stepmother and stepsisters?
Appendix 4b
Sample: An Interview with Cinderella
Ask Cinderella these questions. Write her answers.
1. Who are your friends?
2. Do you like your stepsisters?
3. Do you like to go to parties?
4. Where did you meet the Prince?
5. What does your fairy godmother carry?
Appendix 5
An Invitation to the Party
Invitation for ……………………
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 9
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cinderella dear
Wakey, wakey, hurry, hurry
They are near.
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cinderella dear
Hurry! Hurry! Or you’ll hear.
Where’s my tea? Where’s my dress?
Have you polished my boots?
Have you made my bed?
What do you mean, not yet?
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, Cinderella dear
Wakey, wakey, hurry, hurry
They are here.
Sample Lesson 1
Focus: Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up
Content 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
Standard able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the
correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and
informal situations for a variety of purposes.
Learning 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with
Standard guidance:
(f) voice sounds
1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:
(a) simple instructions in the classroom.
Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to follow simple
instructions given.
Time 30/60 minutes
Teaching Aids Realia [camera], pictures, drawing paper, glue, sticky tape
Activity Teaching and Learning Notes
Strategy Prepare:
1. Show pupils a camera. - camera or mobile
Use camera or mobile
2. Snap a photo and ask phone. phone/ toy camera or
pupils to mimic the model of a camera
sound made by the Listening Elicit the sound ‘click’
camera. Mimic
Song lyrics
3. Do the actions of Kinaesthetic Activity [Appendix 1]
clicking and pupils Action: clicking a camera
follow. Responding to peers
4. Pupils take turns to do Drilling through fun and
the actions of clicking play
the camera and others Musical Intelligence
say ‘click, click, click’. Repetition and
5. Introduce the song line Repetition and
by line. Pupils repeat. reinforcement
6. Pupils sing the song
and do actions.
7. Repeat the activity by
the pupils clicking at
each other while Kinaesthetic Activity Friendship Pin-Up
singing. Visual Spatial [Appendix 2]
(Reserve the new friend
8. Divide pupils into column for Language Arts
groups. Pupils do Activity)
the action of taking
photos of group Suggested instructions:
members. 1. Draw a big circle in the
9. Give each pupil the box.
‘Friendship Pin-up’. 2. Draw two small circles
Pupils interview their
friends and complete as eyes.
the worksheet. 3. Draw a triangle as a
Pupils can sketch a
simple portrait of their nose.
friends based on given 4. Draw a line as a
10. Collect the ‘Friendship Observation 5. Add the hair.
Pin-up’. Display the ‘Friendship
Identifying Pin-ups’.
1. Pupils are able to Question and Answer Friendship Pin-Up
Interpersonal [Appendix 2b]
interact with each
other. He/She is ________.
2. Pupils are able to He/She is eight years old.
complete the task. He/She likes
Remedial: ___________. He/She
likes to eat _________.
1. Pupils join dotted lines * Pupils can talk about any
to complete the sketch
of their friends. information gathered.
1. Pupils talk about their
friends based on the
information gathered.
Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up
Content 2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a
Standard variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and
non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct
Learning 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack
Standard skills by:
(b) reading and grouping words according to word
2.2.2. Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-
linear texts.
Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. read and understand simple phrases
Time b. gather information
Teaching Aids
30/60 minutes
My Friend chart, pupils’ Friendship Pin-Up, worksheet, charts
Activity Teaching and Learning Notes
1. Teacher invites pupils to Refer to the
talk about their friends. Listening and Speaking ‘Friendship Pin-Up’
Appendix 3a & 3b
2. Read phrases on the Guided reading
chart and pupils follow. Word list: colours
Recall [Appendix 4]
3. Put up word list: colour. Previous knowledge
Pupils read and say Word list: food
with guidance. Recall [Appendix 5]
Previous knowledge
4. Put up word list: food. Pupils’ Friendship Pin-
Pupils read and say Identifying details Up
with guidance.
5. Pupils get into their
respective group from
the first lesson. Distribute
pupils’ Friendship Pin-Up
and writing paper. Pupils
ask their three friends about
their favourite colours and
food based on the word lists.
6. Pupils jot down the Verbal linguistic Worksheet
gathered information on 213 [Appendix 6]
the worksheet.
7. Pupils read out Repetition and Select pupils
information gathered. reinforcement randomly.
Staple worksheet to
8. Collect ‘Friendship Pin- Observation Friendship Pin-Up of
Ups’ and worksheets. each pupil.
Identify and read
Assessment: Appendix 3
1. Pupils are able to Question and Answer
Interpersonal Suggested further
gather required information:
information. hobbies
2. Pupils are able to
complete the task.
1. Teacher guides pupils to
read the phrases on
Appendix 3.
1. Pupils gather more
information about their
friends chosen for their
‘Friendship Pin-Up’.
Focus: Writing
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up
Introduction: This lesson focuses on writing. Pupils should be able to copy with
correct spelling and punctuation.
Content 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
Standard able to write using appropriate language, form and style for
a range of purposes
Learning 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance:
Standard (b) posters
Objective By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
a. write simple phrases
b. use correct spelling and punctuation
Time 30/60 minutes
Teaching Aids My Friend chart, pupils’ Friendship Pin-Up, charts, worksheet
Activity Teaching and Notes
Learning Strategy
1. Put up ‘My Friend’ Recall My Friend Chart
chart. Ask questions Question and answer [Appendix 3]
about ‘My Friend’. Suggested questions:
Observation 1. What is your friend’s
2. Distribute ‘Friendship
Pin-Up’ and written name?
notes. Pupils transfer 2. How old is she?
information from written 3. What is her favourite
notes to their
‘Friendship Pin-Up’ for colour?
their three friends. 4. What is her favourite
3. Put up a chart. food?
Read and pupils follow. Friendship Pin-Up
[Appendix 2]
4. Distribute worksheet.
Pupils complete. Guided reading Chart
[Appendix 7]
5. Collect ‘Friendship Pin- Recall Worksheet
Up’. Previous knowledge [Appendix 8]
Assessment: Copying Teacher may provide
1. Pupils transfer coloured papers for
Write neatly decoration.
information correctly. Visual Spatial
2. Pupils write with correct
spelling and punctuation.
1. Pupils copy phrases
from the word list.
1. Pupils decorate their
‘Friendship Pin-Up’.
Focus: Language Arts
Topic: World of Self, Family and Friends
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pin-Up
This lesson focuses on language appreciation. The main focus of
this lesson is to get pupils to respond and recite jazz chants with
correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content 4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
Standard to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through
Learning 4.1.2 Able to listen to and sing action songs and recite jazz
Standard chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Objective By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to recite a jazz chant
with the correct pronunciation and rhythm.
Time 30/60 minutes
Teaching Aids Alien toy, Pupils’ Friendship Pin-Up
Activity Teaching and Learning Notes
1. Chants jazz chant with Modulate voice to
the alien toy. Modelling show two different
2. Divide pupils into two
groups: friendsters and Reading aloud My New Friend
aliens. Say aloud [Appendix 9]
3. Put up jazz chant. Determine the pairs to
Recite the jazz chant. make sure they are
Pupils follow in their new friends to each
respective groups. other.
[they must not be
4. Pair a friendster with an already in each
alien. Randomly select other’s ‘Friendship
a few pairs to chant. Pin-Up’.
5. Pupils chant in pairs.
6. Distribute ‘Friendship Verbal Linguistic Friendship Pin-Up
Pin-Up’. Pupils 217 [Appendix 2]
complete it with
information of their new
7. Display the ‘Friendship
Appendix 1
Appendix 2a
Friend 2
Friend 1
Appendix 2b
Appendix 3a
My Friend
Appendix 3b
Appendix 4
Word List : Colours
Appendix 5
Word List : Food
Name : ______________ Appendix 6
Class : _______
Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Friend 4
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Complete the sentences correctly.
Friend 1
Appendix 9
My new friend
Sample Lesson 2
Focus : Listening & Speaking
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : The Ant and The Dove
Content Standard : 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the
correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Learning Standards : 1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy simple stories.
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
i. say words which contain the phoneme
/әυ /.
ii. name characters in the story.
iii. respond to simple questions based on the story.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures ( Picture Cards / PowerPoint)
Activity Teaching & Learning Notes
1. Show pupils an ant in a Strategy A container with an ant
and a picture of a dove.
container and a picture Contextual Learning by
of a dove. drawing pupils’ previous Sample questions :
1. What is this?
2. Ask questions. Question & Answer session 2. Is it big or small?
3. Where can you find it?
3. Tell the story : Story-telling 4. What is the colour?
5. Can it bite?
‘The Ant and The 6. How do you feel if it
bites you?
Picture cards/PowerPoint
Presentation : The Ant and
The Dove
(Appendix 1)
4. Ask questions based Brainstorming Sample questions :
on the story and pupils
respond. 1. What are the animals
in the story?
2 What happened to the
3. Who helped the ant?
4. Who wanted to get
the dove?
5. How did the ant help the
5. Point to the words with Repetition through drillling boat, bow, arrow, no , Joe
the phoneme /әυ /.
Show pupils the mouth
6. Articulate the sound movement.
/әu/ and pupils repeat.
7. Repeat words.
8. Divide the pupils into 5 Reinforcement through fun Picture cards
– 6 groups and give and play (Appendix 2)
each group a set of
9. Pupils pick out pictures
that show the words
with the phoneme /әu/.
Assessment :
Able to read the focus
words correctly. Observation
Remedial : Reinforcement through drilling
Work with pupils who have
difficulty saying the focus
Enrichment : Appendix 3
Get pupils to name and
draw the characters in the
Focus : Reading
Theme :
Topic : World of Stories
Content Standard :
The Ant and The Dove
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognize
words in linear and non-linear texts.
2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils
will be able to read independently for information
and enjoyment.
Learning Standards : 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial
and the final sounds ( phonemes ) in single
syllable words within given context:
a) oa
2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognisable
words and read them aloud.
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:
a) fiction
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
i) pronounce and blend words with the phoneme /әu/
ii) identify words with /әu/ sounds.
iii) read a short story with guidance.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures ( picture cards/ PowerPoint; word cards )
Activity Teaching & Learning Notes
1. Show the cover of the Strategy Cover of “The Ant and the
story. Dove’ using picture cards
Recalling / power point.
2. Ask questions. Question & Answer session Sample questions :
1. What is the name of the
2. What happened to the
3. Who helped the ant?
4. What happened to the
dove ?
3.Display the story and read Reading aloud with correct 5.How did the ant help the
the story aloud. Pupils articulation and pronunciation.
repeat after teacher. dove?
Picture cards/PowerPoint
Presentation :
‘The Ant and The Dove‘
4. Highlight words with the Reinforcement boat, bow, arrow, no, Joe
phoneme /әu/. Read the
words and pupils repeat.
5. Put up letter cards of the b oa t
words with the /әu/
sound. Practice b ow
6. Articulate the sounds to a rr ow
blend the words. Pupils no ww
J oe
7. Pick a few pupils and Prepare letter cards with
hang the letter cards strings attached.
around their necks.
8. Say out the words and Practice and reinforcement.
pupils with the respective
cards come forward and b oa t
stand side by side.
9. Distribute a worksheet Appendix 4
with some sentences
from the story.
10. Pupils colour the box Practice
which has words with
the /әu/ sound.
Assessment :
Pupils complete a
worksheet by identifying
words with the phoneme
Remedial :
Guide pupils to read the Reinforcement through drilling
story with correct
articulation and
pronunciation while
focussing on the phoneme
Enrichment :
Pupils use picture cards Practice Appendix 2
given and take turns to tell
the story in a group.
Focus : Writing
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : The Ant and The Dove
Content Standard : 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils
will be able to form letters and words in neat
legible print including cursive writing.
Learning Standards : 3.1.1 Able to write neat legible print :
b) simple sentences
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to match
phrases to write simple sentences.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids : Pictures ( Picture Cards / PowerPoint)/worksheet
Activity Teaching & Learning Notes
1. Put up a song chart. Strategy Appendix 5
2. Show the story to pupils Recalling story through fun Can read individually / as
and call out pupils and play whole class
randomly to read. (*use power point/picture
Integrate reading skill cards)
3. Ask questions on the Reinforcement of the Sample questions:
phoneme /әυ /. T : What did the leaf
sentences with words
look like?
that have the phoneme P : The leak looked like
/әυ /.
a boat.
T : What was the
hunter’s name?
P : The hunter’s name
was Joe.
T : What did Joe have
in his hand?
P : Joe had a bow and
an arrow in his
T : What did the ant shout?
P : The ant shouted,
No! No ! No!
4. Distribute worksheets to Practice Appendix 6
Appendix 7
5. Pupils match phrases to Appendix 8
form sentences and
write them down.
Assessment :
Pupils write simple Observation & Correction
sentences correctly.
Remedial :
Pupils match sentences
with the pictures. Application
Enrichment :
Pupils construct sentences
based on the words given. Application
Focus : Language Arts
Theme :
Topic : World of Stories
Content Standard :
The Ant and The Dove
4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs through
4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
to plan, organise and produce creative works for enjoyment.
Learning Standards : 4.1.2 Able to recite jazz chants and sing action songs with
correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based
c) stories
4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on
a) action songs
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
i) produce masks for the characters in the story.
ii) perform an action song.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching Aids :
pictures (picture cards/ PowerPoint) , manila cards, scissors,
colour pencils
Activity Teaching & Learning Notes
1. Display the song.
Reinforcement through fun Appendix 5
2. Pupils sing along with the and play.
teacher with appropriate
actions. Prepare mask templates
for the characters.
3. Divide class into three
groups. (Appendix 9 )
4. Each pupil in the group is
given a mask template.
Group 1 : ant
Group 2 : dove
Group 3 : hunter Creative works. Guide pupils with the
Performance actions.
5. Pupils draw out the mask
individually on a manila
card, colour and cut it out.
6. Display song again.
7. Pupils stand in groups and
put on masks while singing
the song with actions.
Assessment : Observation
1. Observe pupils’ hands on
2. Observe students’ ability to
sing with correct
Appendix 1