Learning Standard:
2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.
Separate Me Suggested Words :
1. Demonstrate segmentation of a snake, bake, tape,
word. cake, lake, make, race,
a. Read the word. date, spade
b. Pupils repeat.
c. Say the phonemes.
a-e : snake - /s/, /n/, /e /,
2. Distribute grapheme cards
randomly to the pupils.
3. Teacher says a word.
4. People with the related
graphemes come to the front to
form the word.
5. Teacher says the phoneme and
the pupil with the related
grapheme card raises it.
6. Teacher repeats the activity with
other words.
Jumping On The Puddles Suggested Words : Appendix 3
1. Show a word. girl, bird, thirsty, skirt,
2. Say the word aloud and shirt, first
separate them into segments.
e.g. girl - /g/ /ɜ:// /l/
3. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
4. Create „puddles‟ across the
classroom floor, each puddle
featuring a grapheme.
5. Teacher says a word and picks a
pupil at random to demonstrate.
6. Pupil says the phoneme as
he/she jumps on it.
7. Repeat the steps for all the
words suggested.
Break the Code Suggested Words:
1. Divide class into 2 sections. cow, town, how, bow,
2. In one section create a „reward owl, flower, power
e.g. – sweets in a box
3. Another section; pupils stand in
groups of 5-6.
4. Teacher shows a word card.
5. Each group reads the word
6. Pupils break the code by saying
the phonemes aloud in order to
take the reward.
Teacher : bow
Pupils : /b/ /әʊ/
Word Boxes Suggested Words: Materials
1. Divide pupils into groups. sea, pea, meat, read, letter cards
2. Distribute boxes of letter cards to eat
each group.
3. Show the picture and say the
4. Pupils segment the sounds and
say the word.
/m/ /i:/, /t/
5. Each group take turns to
segment the word.
6. Repeat the steps with each word
on the list.
Wall Words Suggested Words: Appendix 4
1. Show the picture and the word. alphabet, dolphin,
e.g. elephant, telephone,
d o l ph i n
2. Teacher says the word aloud
and segments the word.
3. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
4. Put up the word cards on the
5. Pupils segment the words.
6. Repeat the steps with each word
on the list.
Learning Standard:
2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by:
a. matching words with spoken words.
Listen and Choose Word List: Materials
1. Pair the pupils. goat Word cards
2. One pupil will be given a set of coat Picture cards
picture cards and the other will be boat goat
given a set of word cards. toad coat
3. Teacher says out a word. The road float
4. pupil who has the correct picture boat
5. card will put it up followed by the toad
6. pupil with the correct word card. road
Read and Find Word List: Materials
colour pencils
1. Distribute worksheets to pupils. goat worksheets
2. Pupils are asked to read the coat Appendix 5
words. boat Materials
3. Pupils use colour pencils to trace toad pictures cut into pieces
road envelopes
the dotted lines from the words to word cards
the pictures.
Assemble Me Dear Word list:
1. Each group will be given a picture girl
puzzle in an envelope. bird
2. Each group will have to assemble shirt
the picture correctly on a manila first
card. third
3. The assembled picture will have to
be pasted on the board together
with the correct word and pupils
say it out loud.
4. The fastest group wins the game.
Bingo Word list: Materials
1. Teacher prepares a few sets of glue bingo sets
bingo cards with the same words in true box
different arrangements. high word cards
2. Distributes the sets to the pupils. light blue glue true
3. Give instructions how to play. wheel whale car light
4. Teacher picks words randomly from whale sir high night
a box. car glue car sir
5. Say it out loud. balloon night blue light
6. The first pupil to complete the sir true high true
words in a straight line is the Materials
Get Me Right Word list: Appendix 6
1. Distribute worksheets to the chew
pupils. crew
2. Teacher reads out a word drew
according to the word list. blew
3. Pupils listen and circle the correct
4. Repeat the steps for the other
Learning Standard:
2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by :
c. reading and grouping words according to word families.
Put Me Where I Belong Word list : Materials
1. Put up the word chart. screw word chart
2. Drill the pupils with the words. new (Appendix 7)
3. Call pupils at random to read the blew
word shown and place it in the saw
correct column.(Final / ɔ:/ and draw
/ ju:/)
4. Repeat the activity until all the
words are correctly placed.
Crazy Poems A cow goes to town, Materials
In a gown,
1. Display a poem on the board. Then passes a toad, poem chart
2. Ask pupils to repeat the poem after In a coat, worksheets
Ha! Ha! Ha! Appendix 8
the teacher. Laughs the goat,
3. Distribute worksheet that has two In a rowing boat,
Shirt for sale,
columns: (animals and clothing). Skirt for sale,
4. Ask pupils to group the words Yells the bird,
With the yellow tail.
and write them in the correct
Learning Standard:
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts.
Jazz with me... Jazz Chant Materials
Jazz chant, chart,
1. Chant aloud. What a fright word cards
2. Pupils read the phrases with Turn to your right
Keep a sight Another jazz chant :
the phoneme /aI/ aloud after Switch on the light
the teacher. Keep it bright Mother bakes a cake
3. Say the words with the Say good night It is a chocolate cake
phoneme /aI/ louder while Say it right She puts it on a plate
chanting. She cuts a piece of
4. Put up Chart A Chart A cake
5. Pupils complete the chant with She gives a piece to
word cards. What a ____ Jade
Turn to your ____ Jade takes the cake
Keep a ____ To share it with Miss
Switch on the ____ Kate
Keep it ____ Sorry it‟s too late
Say good ____ It falls into the lake
Say it ____
Butter Cake Song : Butter Cake Materials
Song chart
1. Sing the song (Happy I love to eat a butter cake Word cards;
Wanderer Tune) that my mother loves to bake cake, bake,
The butter cake my mother lake, date,
2. Teacher says aloud phrases baked take, plate
with the phoneme /eI/ while with a candle on the cake
flashing the phrase cards. Butter cake, Phrase Cards
Butter cake,
3. Pupils repeat after teacher. Butter cake a butter cake
4. Stress the phrase: ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Butter cake bake a cake
a butter cake and the big piece is for me
5. Paste phrase cards with a butter c_k_
missing letters on the board.
6. Pupils complete the phrases
with letter cards of „a‟ and „e‟.
b_k_ a c_k_
It’ s Story Time Short Story Prepare phrase cards
Prepare a Big Book
1. Teacher reads the story. The night was dark.
2. Stress on the phoneme: Knight heard a bark. Draw a series of pictures.
He switched on the light.
/a:/, / aI / He had a fright
3. Get pupils to repeat the When he saw a duck.
words. What a BIG BIG duck.
4. Read the Big Book with The duck chased Knight.
Knight went to hide.
the pupils. Oh what a fright.
5. Read with correct
pronunciation and
6. In groups, pupils
arrange sentences to
form the correct story
(teacher can carry it out
as a competition to make
it fun.)
Read Me Aloud Short Story Materials
1. Teacher reads a short Once there was a king and a Teachers can prepare a big
story. queen. book for the story.
The queen did not have a
2. Read the phrase cards child. Prepare phrase cards:
shown. They were very sad.
Years later, the queen had a sad king
3. Stress on the phoneme baby girl. sad queen
/i:/ Everyone was happy. a beautiful queen
So, they held a party. a baby girl sleeps
4. Get pupils to repeat. Then came a witch. an ugly witch
5. Pupils read the story She put a spell. a sad king
She put a curse on the baby. a sad queen
with correct Soon, the princess fell in a
pronunciation and deep, deep sleep.
6. Call pupils randomly.
Teacher gives a card to
a pupil (e.g: A sad king)
7. Ask the pupil to read the
phrase silently and do
the actions in front of
the class.
8. The rest of the pupils
guess the phrase.
Learning Standard:
2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple sentences in linear and non-linear texts.
Read and match Duplicate the Appendix
Appendix 9
1. Distribute worksheets to
2. Pupils read the
sentences and match
them to the pictures.
3 . Pupils read the
sentences aloud
in small groups.
Read and match
1. Teacher puts up parts Duplicate the Appendix
of sentences. Appendix 10
2. Pupils read the Materials
sentence parts in small composite picture
groups. chart containing
3. Pupils match the Appendix 11
sentence parts.
4. Pupils read the
completed sentences
Read and paste
1. Distribute a composite Sentences on the chart.
picture to each pupil.
2. Put up a chart 1. The ball is under the
containing sentences cupboard.
on the board. 2. The books are on the
3. Pupils read the table.
sentences. 3. The doll is in the pail.
4. Pupils cut out the 4. The lamp is on the
objects and paste them table.
on the picture.
5. Pupils exchange their
work and check.
Jigsaw puzzle Duplicate the Appendix
Appendix 12a and 12b
1. Divide the pupils into
groups of three. Teacher can prepare
different sets of word maze.
2. Distribute a jigsaw Appendix 13
puzzle to the groups.
3. Pupils assemble the
jigsaw puzzle to form a
4. Pupils flip over
the picture and
read the sentences
Word Maze
1. Pair up pupils.
2. Distribute handouts
containing word maze
to the pairs.
3. Pupils find four
sentences from the
4. Pupils colour the
5. Pupils read the
sentences aloud.
Learning Standard:
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5- 8 simple sentences.
Get Me Right Duplicate the Appendix
Appendix 14
1. Teacher tells the
2. Divide pupils into
3. Distribute worksheet
with incomplete
paragraphs and the
envelope containing
the sentence strips.
4. Pupils complete the
paragraph with the
correct sentence
5. Pupils read the
completed paragraph
in groups.
Read and Do Instructions: Materials
1. Distribute a handout Take an envelope. Draw envelopes
with instructions on two eyes. Draw a nose glue
making a paper and a mouth. Colour the colour pencils
puppet. face. Cut the sides of the scissors
envelope. Paste them as
2. Pupils read the ears.
3. Pupils follow the
instructions and
do the paper
Pupils can use
the paper puppet
to role play.)
Pupils should have prior
Read and Transfer knowledge of family tree.
Appendix 15
1. Put up a chart
containing a Duplicate the Appendix.
passage about Prepare the sentence
Azlan‟s family. strips.
Appendix 16
2. Distribute an empty
family tree. Rules:
If the pupil answers
3. Pupils read the passage correctly, he /she is allowed
and complete the family to move two steps forward.
tree. If he / she fails , the pupil
has to move a step
Read and Sequence backward.
Appendix 17
1. Pair up the pupils.
2. Give a map to each
3. Distribute a set of
sentence strips to each
4. Pupils read the
sentences and
sequence them in a
5. Pupils read the
arranged sentences
Read and Play
1. Divide pupils into
groups of four.
2. Distribute the board
game, dice and tokens.
3. Explain the rules.
4. Pupils read and play the
board game.
Learning Standards:
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences.
2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries.
Peeping Mouse A Mouse Tale Appendix 18 and 19
Prepare a mouse hole.
1. Show action of peeping From the mouse hole I peep Use a cardboard or
through a mouse hole out, hardboard.
and name the objects To see if Kitty is about.
seen in the classroom. I see Kitty sitting on a seat, 2. Prepare picture
I see Kitty eating a piece of cards.
2. Show picture cards and meat.
and ask questions about I eat the cheese, - a cat on a chair
it. And then I sneeze. eating a piece of
Kitty hears the sound, meat.
3. Put up the chart. Read the And she turns around.
sentences describing the From the mouse hole I can - a mouse eating a
pictures. see, piece of cheese
Kitty looking at me.
4. Drill the keywords. - a mouse sneezes
5. Distribute worksheets. - a cat on a chair
6. Pupils read the sentences.
turning its head
- a cat looking at
the mouse.
Learning Standards:
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:
a) fiction
b) non-fiction
2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries
Fix Me Right Materials
1. Put up the chart. Read the This is a mango tree. Worksheet – Appendix
text. It is a big tree. 20
It has a trunk and long roots.
2. Distribute worksheets. It has big branches with many Prepare cut-outs
Pupils work in groups to leaves. parts of a tree as in
complete the worksheet. The leaves are green. Appendix 21
It has a lot of fruits.
3. Teacher reads the text They are mangoes.
line by line. Pupils pick They are sweet.
and paste the cut -outs on
the board
4. Teacher reads and pupils
5. Pupils read aloud in
groups and individually.
Hibiscus and Roses What is this? Materials
This is a red hibiscus.
1. Show pictures or real It is our national flower. Pictures – Appendix
flowers –(roses and It has five petals. 22
hibiscus) and ask The petals are big. Worksheet – Appendix
questions about them. 23
What are these?
2. Read the text and pupils These are roses.
repeat. Roses are beautiful
The leaves are small.
3. Distribute worksheets. They have thorns.
Pupils work in groups to
complete the worksheets.
Pupils need to use
dictionaries to help them
arrange the words
4. Pupils read the text.
Learning Standard:
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance :
a) fiction
b) non-fiction
Seek and Circle Groups: Teacher helps with their
January – March birth months, maybe
1. Pupils get into 4 groups April – June refer to the Pupils‟
according to their birthdays. July – September Attendance Register.
October – December
2. They are given word cards of Teacher must prepare
words from the story “Sleeping Word cards : the word cards based on
Beauty”. queen, there, sleeping, the story in the CD.
beauty, girl, everyone,
3. Pupils put the word cards into fairy, etc. Teacher can prepare
the labeled boxes/baskets. small boxes or even little
Boxes labelled with the baskets with the labels.
4. Teacher calls out pupils at graphemes :
random and asks them to ee, ea, ir, e-e, o-e, etc. Teacher prepares
check and see if the pupils laptop, LCD & screen.
have sorted out the cards Source : English Year
correctly. 2 (SK) Teaching Teacher prepares task
Courseware CD 4 sheets for the pupils as
5. Then, pupils read out the Lesson 74 (e-Book). in Appendix 24.
Graphemes :
6. Teacher screens the story of ee, ea, ai, e-e, o-e, etc.
“Sleeping Beauty”. Pupils read
aloud together with the CD /
7. Teacher distributes the task
8. Pupils work in four groups.
Pupils read the text and circle
the words that have the
phonemes learnt.
Story Comes Alive Pictures from “Sleeping Teacher prepares the
Beauty” four jigsaw puzzles, cuts
1. Pupils are divided into groups them according to the
of sports houses, e.g. : red, Source : English Year lines and puts them into
blue, yellow and green. 2 (SK) Teaching four envelopes. –
Courseware CD 4 Appendix 25
2. Teacher distributes envelopes Lesson 74 (e-Book).
with cut out pieces of pictures Teacher prepares
from “Sleeping Beauty”. Eg : Name the people laptop, LCD & screen.
in the story.
3. Pupils have to assemble the Teacher prompts the
jigsaw puzzle and talk about pupils with simple
the picture. questions.
4. Screen the story and the pupils
read aloud together with the
CD / teacher.
5. Then, pupils talk about the
main characters in the story.
Let’s Go Round & Round
1. Teacher screens the song Source : English Year Teacher prepares
“The Wheels On the Bus”. laptop, LCD & screen.
2. Pupils sing along together. 2 (SJK) Teaching Teacher stresses on the
words learnt.
3. Teacher screens the reading Courseware CD 1 Teacher corrects the
lesson of “Going Places”. Lesson 4. pupils‟ pronunciation.
4. Pupils read together with the
CD / teacher. Source : English Year
5. Teacher asks pupils to read 2 (SK) Teaching
the text aloud. Courseware CD 4
6. Divide pupils into four groups Lesson 78 (e-Book).
according to vehicles such as
bicycle, car, motorcycle, lorry, Word list :
bus, train, aeroplane etc. bicycle, motorcycle,
7. Pupils act out the vehicles with car, lorry, bus, train,
sound effects. aeroplane
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Jumping Over Puddles
Create puddles across the classroom floor. Each puddle features a grapheme. Pupils say the
phonemes as they jump on it.
Appendix 4
Wall Words
Put up the grapheme cards on the wall. Teacher says a word. Pupils say the phonemes, take
out the grapheme cards one at the time while saying it aloud.
l o i ph d
Appendix 5
Read the word and trace it to the picture.
boat coat road float goat toad
Teacher can also choose to make this a matching activity (i.e. dotted lines)
Listen and circle the correct word. Appendix 6
1. chew screw crew
2. few new blew
3. screw flew blew
4. flew drew
5. grew crew
6. crew chew
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Crazy Poems Clothing
Appendix 9
Appendix 10
My father works a long neck.
They like a kind man.
A giraffe has in a hospital.
The doctor is to catch fish.
*Teachers are free to construct own sentences.
Appendix 11
Appendix 12a
Appendix 12b
1. Ali went for a picnic.
2. He went there with his family.
3. He ate sandwiches and noodles.
4. He also fed the ducks.
Appendix 13
c k t y m sv xpo h dr f j gu
s i t o n t he chai r l bz
g w nf j pm a games
a bo o k i n t he bag t
qo e ue run ya
t h er e i s a mango ok
k s ma ke g z kf s y u e
a gn h e h as a s i st er
mr e qj dv nhe
wal k to t he gat e i
ao i v f an hdkucx m
Appendix 14
A lion and a mouse lived in the jungle.
Then the lion let it go.
A lion and a mouse lived in the jungle
They became a good friends.
Sentence strip
One day, the lion caught the mouse.
The mouse asked the lion to let it go.
One day, a hunter caught the lion.
The mouse saved the lion.
Appendix 15
Azlan’s Family Tree
Azlan is my best friend. There are seven people in his family. His father
is Encik Ramli. Puan Siti is his mother. His grandfather‟s name is Encik Karim.
His grandmother‟s name is Puan Minah. He has a brother. His name is Halim.
His sister‟s name is Timah.
Appendix 16
Lorong Sihat
Appendix 17
A MOUSE TALE Appendix 18
From the mousehole I peep out,
To see if Kitty is about.
I see Kitty sitting on a seat,
I see Kitty eating a piece of meat.
I eat the cheese,
And then I sneeze.
Kitty hears the sound,
And she turns around.
From the mousehole I can see,
Kitty looking at me.
Appendix 19
A. Find the word that comes first in the dictionary. Circle it.
1. peep see cheese
2. meat turns seat
3. sneeze peep see
B. Find the word that comes last in the dictionary. Circle it.
1. peep see cheese
2. meat turns seat
3. sneeze peep see
Appendix 20
Find these words in your dictionary and write down what page they are in.
1. trunk ______________
2. root ______________
3. branch ____________
4. leave ______________
5 mangoes ____________
Appendix 21
Appendix 22
What is this?
This is a red hibiscus.
It is our national flower.
It has five petals.
The petals are big.
What are these?
These are roses.
Roses are beautiful.
The leaves are small.
They have thorns.
Appendix 23
A. Use your dictionary to help Kitty arrange the words alphabetically.
1. rose _____________________
beautiful _____________________
leaf _____________________
small _____________________
2. hibiscus _____________________
petal _____________________
big _____________________
flower _____________________
B. Give suitable answers to the questions below.
1. What page does the „ b‟ section start in your dictionary?
Page _________
2. Which word comes first, „ big‟ or „beautiful‟?
3. Give the meaning of the words below :
small ____________
beautiful ___________
Appendix 24
Work in groups.
Read the text. Circle words with the phonemes that you have learnt.
One day, the princess saw A hundred years went by.
a door. She opened the door. She Roses covered the palace. One
saw a woman. The woman was day, a prince came riding by. The
the old fairy. But the princess did prince went into the palace. He
not know that. saw the princess.
The princess hurt her finger. Once, there lived a king and
She cried out and fell. The old fairy a queen. The queen did not have a
laughed and went away. The child. They were very sad. Many
people found the princess. They years went by. Then, the queen
carried her to her room. had a baby. It was a girl!
Everyone was happy.
Appendix 25
Pupils learnt penmanship and started basic writing in Year 1. Therefore, by Year 2, it is
hoped that they would have developed good motor skills and other pre writing skills such as
penmanship. Year 2 pupils are now expected to write neatly and legibly words, phrases,
simple sentences as well as punctuate correctly. With guidance from the teacher, pupils
would be able to write and present their ideas through a variety of media.
The Writing Content and Learning Standards for Year 2 are as follows:
Content Standards Learning Standards
3.1 By the end of the 6-year 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print:
a) words
primary schooling, pupils will be b) phrases
able to form letters and words c) simple sentences
in neat legible print including
cursive writing. 3.1.2 Able to write numerals in neat legible print:
a) numeral form
b) word form
3.2 By the end of the 6 year 3.2.1. Able to complete with guidance:
primary schooling, pupils will be
able to write using appropriate a) simple messages
language, form and style for a b) posters
range of purposes.
3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly:
a) capital letters
b) full stop
c) question mark
3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words.
3.3. By the end of the 6-year 3.3.1 Able to create simple non-linear texts using a variety
primary schooling, pupils will of media with guidance :
be able to write and present
ideas through a variety of a) posters
media using appropriate b) signs
language, form and style.
Although most of the learning standards have been dealt with in this module, teachers are
encouraged to plan lessons and activities on their own and incorporate them into their
lessons. The activities provided here are merely suggested ones. Teachers are
encouraged to think `outside the box‟, be creative and innovative when devising lessons.
Learning Standard:
3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print:
a) phrases
b) simple sentences
THINGS IN MY PENCIL Things in my pencil case: Prepare:
CASE - a pencil related pictures / realia
- a sharpener
1. Prepare a treasure box - a ruler
with objects in it. - an eraser
- a pair of scissors
2. Divide pupils into - a bottle of glue
3. Pupils from each group
take turns to pick an
object from the box
and show it to the
4. The other group
members write the
name of the object
shown on a piece of
paper in their
respective groups.
5. The group with the
highest score is declared
the winner.
KIM’S GAME Things in the classroom: Note:
May use other suitable
1. Put up a covered chart of realia.
colourful things on the
2. Distribute a worksheet
3. Take out the cover of the
4. Give pupils sufficient
time to look at the chart.
5. Once again cover the
6. Pupils complete the
given worksheet.
Sample worksheet
a _____ _________
a _____ _________
a _____ _________
___ _____ _________
___ _____ _________
a red bag
WHAT HAVE YOU? Suggested Song Note:
(Tune of : Are You Pupils to substitute
1. Distribute a few objects Sleeping?) underlined words
to the pupils.
Teacher sings:
2. Sing the song “What
have you?” I have a pencil,
I have a pencil,
3. Pupil 1 sings the answer What do you have?
and tags his/her friend to What do you have?
Pupils sing:
4. Pupils complete I have a ruler,
worksheet. I have a ruler,
What do you have?
What do you have?
Sample worksheet:
Complete the text.
1. I have a pencil,
I have _____ ________.
2. I have a ruler,
I _____ __ ______.
3. I have ___ _______,
I _____ ____ _______