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By studying the materials in this lesson book the students can achieve the learning achievement that they are able to communicate in English both spoken and written in the context of hospitality industry, especially Front Office Department.

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Published by lilikrita, 2021-12-18 09:28:47

English for Hotel Front Desk Operation

By studying the materials in this lesson book the students can achieve the learning achievement that they are able to communicate in English both spoken and written in the context of hospitality industry, especially Front Office Department.

Keywords: #English for Hotel #Front Desk Operation

Many environmental protection agencies agree that there is a
(7) ____ to protect the frozen wilderness from the damage
created by modern tourism. Antarctica is the last unspoiled
place on Earth. It has a very delicate ecosystem that could be (8)
____ upset by hordes of tourists landing in airplanes and using
skimobiles. A difficulty (9) ____ because Antarctica is not a
country and therefore has no government to (10) ____ laws or
guidelines to control the number of visitors. The Maastricht
University team’s proposal to auction off a fixed number of
tourist places seems a workable solution. It would limit the
number of visitors and therefore (11) ____ the amount of
environmental damage, and the money would be used to protect
Antarctica’s future. For further details, (12) ____ your local South
Pole travel agent.

Put the correct words from the table below in the above

1. (a) Fist (b)Knuckles (c) palm (d) hand

2. (a) Beat (b)Beating (c) beaten (d) beats

3. (a) everything (b)All (c) whole (d) all of it

4. (a) Under (b)Above (c) over (d) beneath

5. (a) dramatic (b)Drama (c) dramatically(d) dramas

6. (a) Down (b)Over (c) above (d) Up

7. (a) necessary (b)Need (c) needy (d) needless

8. (a) Easily (b)Easy (c) ease (d) uneasy

9. (a) Exits (b)Exists (c) exiles (d) existing

10. (a) Past (b)Passed (c) pass (d) passing

11. (a) Contain (b)Continue (c) count (d) contact

12. (a) consulting (b)Consultant (c) consultancy (d) consult

Giving Polite Explanations Page 40

C. Writing

Write about Antarctica for 10 minutes. Correct your partner’s


Giving Polite Explanations Page 41



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To welcome guests in hotels
 To handle registration in hotels

A. Welcome to Hotel Puri Bagus Candidasa

Complete the Sentences!

1. Good____________Sir_________________ you?
______________________David Booster.

2. Could you please_________________________________card?
3. Do I__________________________________address?
4. And_____________________________-passport?
5. Here’s_____________________________________________2305.
6. The bellboy_______________________________________room

Welcoming The Guests Page 42

Language Expressions

Make polite requests
Could I have your passport, please?

Talk about possession
Is this your luggage?

Ask where places are.
Excuse me, where's the bar?
It's on the first floor next to the restaurant.

go straight on Turn right/left cross the zebra
take the first turning corner crossing
on left cross the road walk through
upstairs down stairs turn around
on the corner go on walking turn about
right hand side left hand side traffic light

walk along go a head keep going on

Practice the dialogue!

Guest : Where is the Garuda office?
Concierge : It’s on Melati street, sir.
Guest : What number please?
Concierge : One moment please……………. It’s at Melati

Guest street no. 61 sir.
Concierge : And what’s the address of the Qantas office?
Guest : It’s at the Bali Beach Hotel, in Sanur.
Concierge : Thanks
: You’re welcome

Situations. Page 43
A tourist asks about:
1. Merpati Airlines
2. Panorama tours
3. Immigration office

“It’s just down the road”

Welcoming The Guests

a. Tourist : Excuse me. Can you tell me where the telephone
Clerk office is, please?
Tourist : Yes sir. It’s right next door, in this street
Clerk : And the Bali Museum?
: It’s not far from here. First you cross the street
Clerk in front of the building. Then it’s straight down
b. Tourist the road, past the temple on the left.
Clerk : Thanks
: You’re welcome
Clerk : Is there a place where I can change some money
near here?
Tourist : There’re several banks just down the road
Madam. You go down to the traffic lights, and
there’s a bank just across the road, on the
: And can you tell me where Casablanca bar is in
Kuta, please?
: It’s just past the main cross roads, on jl. Raya
Kuta, and then walk along jl. Bakung Sari, take
the first turning to the right, go straight on jl.
Buni sari and Casablanca Bar is on your right
: Thanks
: You’re welcome

Welcoming The Guests Page 44

Structure to practice

 Asking Questions


Find out if he requires a room with a bath

 Do you require a room with bath, sir?

Now do the following in a similar way!

1. You don’t know if Mrs. Thomas has made a

2. Find out when Mr. Harris confirmed his booking
3. You want to know if Mr. Jones can change his

4. Find out if she will confirm in writing
5. You want to know if Mr. Laker is canceling his

6. You want to know which tour group he is with
7. You need to know where his next destination is
8. You don’t know if the tour group has arrived
9. Find out if the receptionist checked the registration


 Advising
Notice how we use should when we are giving advice
The receptionist didn’t check the registration cards
 You should always check the registration card
The guest left his key card in his room
 You should always carry your key card

In similar way use should for the following sentences:

1. The receptionist didn’t prepare the arrival list
2. The guest forgot his hotel voucher
3. The clerk forgot to confirm a booking
4. The receptionist was not polite to the guests
5. The reservation clerk didn’t note down the

customer’s name

Welcoming The Guests Page 45

The guests in house have some queries for the
receptionist to deal with

Reception : Good morning Mr. Griffith How are you?
Guest : Not too bad thanks
Reception : Have you had the breakfast?
Guest : Oh yes, I’ve just come from the restaurant
Reception : Good. By the way, is everything alright with

your hotel here?
Guest : Not really. I’m not happy with my room.
Reception : What is the problem?
Guest : I didn’t sleep at all last night
Reception : Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that
Guest : Yes, there was a lot of noise from the street. It

seemed to go on all night
Reception : Well, I’ll see if I can find you another quieter

Guest : Please. My room number is 204 (The

Receptionist check the room and then back to
the guest)
Rep. : Yes, Mr. Griffith there is a room number 613 is

vacant. It is higher up and at the back of the
hotel. If you have your bags ready, the bellboy
will collect them and show you where the room
Guest : That’s very good of you
Rep. : Could I have your key card? I’ll change the room
number on it
Guest : Thank you. I’ll do that (Politeknik Negeri Bali.
ravel and Tourism English)

Welcoming The Guests Page 46

Answer the following questions!
1. What is the guest’s query in the above conversation?
2. How can the Receptionist handle it?
3. Why does the guest appreciate the Receptionist?

Other things that guests usually ask to Receptionist are:
1. He wants to extend for two more days in the hotel
2. They want rooms which are close each other
3. They want a morning call and breakfast box before
breakfast time

Imagine conversation with the above situations!

B. Reading

Registering at the Hotel

Photo by Ginaya, 2019

It is important that the hotel receptionist should make
sure that guests are registered correctly. A hotel register or
more usually a registration card is used to record the full name,
nationality, home address, and signature of each guest. Foreign

Welcoming The Guests Page 47

visitors must provide additional information such as passport
number and its place of issue and their next destination. Many
hotels use the registration card to find out more about their
customers and ask questions about occupation, method of
payment, and purpose of visit.

The receptionist should always check that the registration
cards are completed corrected and legibly. What if there is
query? Well, then the receptionist should politely ask the guest
for clarification. It is also necessary to make sure that the
reservation details have not changed. After this the receptionist
can inform the guest of the room number and rate.

What happens if the guest has a travel agency booking?
With that sort of guest, the receptionist should obtain the
original hotel voucher and check it against the hotel’s copy.
When large tour groups are checking in, it is useful for the tour
leader to deal with the registration cards and hand them over to
the reception desk himself.

Accurate information on room status throughout the hotel
is most important, of course. A room status system must provide
clear information and it must be capable of rapid alteration.
There are various methods in use from simple manual systems
such as the room board to computerized systems such as
electronic room status linking reception, housekeeping, and
5the cashier’s office.

(Politeknik Negeri Bali. Travel and Tourism English)

Welcoming The Guests Page 48


1. What kind of information is requested on registration

2. Why must the receptionist check completed
registration forms?

3. What should the receptionist obtain from a guest with
a travel agency booking?

4. Why is it useful for a tour leader to deal with the
registration cards for a tour group?

5. Give three examples of room status systems

C. Writing

Complete this registration card and write a composition about
hotel check-in!

Welcoming The Guests Page 49



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To help guests at the reception
 To follow customer care advice

A. I’ll get you some now

a. Complete the requests!

1. ……… you order a taxi for room 205, please?
2. I’d ……… a morning call for tomorrow, please.
3. ………. We have some more towels?
4. Can you send ……………………….. up to room 654, please?
5. We’d …………. a room at the beach front, please.
6. ………………… does the money changer open, please?
7. Excuse me, these ……………. are dirty.

b. Give response to above requests! Page 50

 Asking Questions

Find out if he requires a room with a bath
 Do you require a room with bath, sir?

Dealing With Requests

Now do the following in a similar way!

1. You don’t know if Mrs. Thomas has made a

2. Find out when Mr. Harris confirmed his booking
3. You want to know if Mr. Jones can change his

4. Find out if she will confirm in writing
5. You want to know if Mr. Laker is canceling his

6. You want to know which tour group he is with
7. You need to know where his next destination is
8. You don’t know if the tour group has arrived
9. Find out if the receptionist checked the registration


 Advising

Notice how we use should when we are giving advice
The receptionist didn’t check the registration cards
 You should always check the registration card
The guest left his key card in his room
 You should always carry your key card

In similar way use should for the following sentences

1. The receptionist didn’t prepare the arrival list
2. The guest forgot his hotel voucher
3. The clerk forgot to confirm a booking
4. The receptionist was not polite to the guests
5. The reservation clerk didn’t note down the

customer’s name

Dealing With Requests Page 51

 Language Expressions

I’ll get you one right away
I’ll see if there is one available
One moment, I’ll check for you
I’ll bring you another

 Structure to Practice

Offering help
Use I’ll + verb to offer to do something. Use one, some,
another, some more instead of repeating the noun
Example A: I’d like a map

B: I’ll get (you) one

Respond to the requests using one, some, another or some more.

1. Is the money changer open? I need some exchange.
2. Could I have the receipt, please?
3. My bath towel is very wet.
4. Our mineral water in the room is all consumed.
5. Can I have an extra bed, please?
6. The light bulb in the balcony is off.
7. Could I have a hair dryer, please?
8. There isn’t enough soap in the bathroom.

B. Customer Care

a. What should you do in these situations?

1. New customers arrive at reception.
2. A customer telephone the hotel.
3. A customer with disabilities arrive at the reception.
4. Reception is busy. Customers want to speak with you.

Dealing With Requests Page 52

b. Work with a partner. Write a dialogue between a hotel
receptionist and a woman business traveler as she checks in
to the hotel. Use these notes.

 book a wake-up call
 dry cleaning (suit)
 book a taxi
 Internet access?
 sauna?

Practice the dialogue, taking turns to be the receptionist and
the customer.


Work with a partner. Use the notes below to make requests to
your partner.

 room noisy – move to quitter one?
 breakfast in my room?
 bottle of gin and some tonic – room 576
 more clean towels in the bathroom?
 soup not hot enough

Answer your partner’s requests using these notes. Choose the
best alternative.

 will check for you
 will send up immediately
 will call taxi office and find out
 will deliver to room before 8 a.m.
 will ask them to be quiet

Dealing With Requests Page 53


The first scheduled commercial airplane has landed on the
remote British island of St Helena in the middle of the South
Atlantic. The SA Airlink service from South Africa touched down
at Saint Helena Airport on Saturday with 68 passengers on
board. One passenger, Libby Weir-Breen, a British travel
operator, had flown from Scotland especially to be on the flight.
She said: "I've never felt so emotional in all my life. I never
thought I'd see this day." The inaugural flight marks a new era of
accessibility for the island, which is 1,900 km west of the African
nation of Angola. Previously, the only way of getting to Saint
Helena was by a ship that sailed once every three weeks from
Cape Town, South Africa.

Despite the positive social and economic effects the
airport will have for the island and its tourism, the British media
have dubbed it as "the most useless airport in the world". The
airport was built with $380m of British taxpayers' money. That's
$80,000 for each of the island's inhabitants. It was beset with
delays and was due to open in 2016, but dangerous wind
conditions delayed the launch. The Governor of Saint Helena,
Lisa Phillips, dismissed the criticism. She said: "I've seen the
headlines about the world's most useless airport, but for St
Helena, this has already been the most useful airport. It's
priceless." She added: "I for one am getting really excited about
the new chapter in St Helena's history."


Dealing With Requests Page 54


1. AIRPORTS: Students walk around the class and talk to other
students about airports. Change partners often and share your

2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words
from the article. What will the article say about them? What can
you say about these words and your life?

Commercial / airplane/ remote / passengers / travel
operator / emotional / ship / social / economic / island /
media / useless / inhabitants / wind / headlines /

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and
partners frequently.

3. REMOTE: Students A strongly believe living in a remote area
is better than living in a city; Students B strongly believe living
in a city is better. Change partners again and talk about your

4. ISLANDS: What do you know about these islands? Would you
like to visit? Complete this table with your partner(s). Change
partners often and share what you wrote.

What you know How much you'd like to

Dealing With Requests Page 55

5. PASSENGER: Spend one minute writing down all of the
different words you associate with the word "passenger". Share
your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together,
put the words into different categories.

6. TOURISM: Rank these with your partner. Put the things that
can best help tourism at the top. Change partners often and
share your rankings.

 safety
 language
 value for money
 accommodation
 airports
 good food
 sights
 weather

Before reading/listening

1. TRUE/FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are
true (T) or false (F).

1. Ten flights landed on the island of St Helena on
Saturday. T / F

2. The flight that landed on St Helena had 168
passengers. T / F

3. A woman flew from Scotland to get on the flight to St
Helena. T / F

4. The only way to St Helena before the plane was by
ship. T / F

5. British airlines called Saint Helena Airport "useless". T

6. The cost of the airport is equal to $80,000 per St Helena
inhabitant. T / F

Dealing With Requests Page 56

7. The airport was originally due to open in 2006. T / F
8. St Helena's Governor said she was writing a chapter

about the airport. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from
the article.

1. scheduled
2. remote
3. touched down
4. inaugural
5. era
6. dubbed
7. built
8. beset
9. criticism
10. priceless

1. initial
2. nicknamed
3. bad press
4. landed
5. troubled
6. timetabled
7. age
8. invaluable
9. faraway
10. constructed

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is

1. The first scheduled commercial Page 57
2. the remote
3. touched

Dealing With Requests

4. The inaugural
5. a ship that sailed once
6. taxpayers'
7. It was beset
8. dangerous wind conditions
9. I've seen the
10. the new chapter

1. down at Saint Helena Airport
2. delayed the launch
3. flight
4. money
5. British island
6. headlines
7. in St Helena's history
8. airplane
9. with delays
10. every three weeks

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

The first (1) ____________ commercial airplane has landed on the
remote British island of St Helena in the (2) ____________ of the
South Atlantic. The SA AirLink service from South Africa (3)
____________ down at Saint Helena Airport on Saturday with 68

Dealing With Requests Page 58

passengers on board. One passenger, Libby Weir-Breen, a
British travel operator, had flown from Scotland (4) ____________
to be on the flight. She said: "I've never felt so (5) ____________ in
all my life. I never thought I'd see this day." The inaugural flight
marks a new (6) ____________ of accessibility for the island, which
is 1,900 km west of the African (7) ____________ of Angola.
Previously, the only way of getting to Saint Helena was by a ship
that sailed (8) ____________ every three weeks from Cape Town,
South Africa.

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Despite the positive social and economic (9) ____________ the
airport will have for the island and its (10) ____________, the
British media have dubbed it as "the most useless airport in the
world". The airport was built with $380m of British (11)
____________ money. That's $80,000 for each of the island's
inhabitants. It was (12) ____________ with delays and was due to
open in 2016, but dangerous wind conditions delayed the (13)
____________. The Governor of Saint Helena, Lisa Phillips,
dismissed the criticism. She said: "I've seen the (14) ____________
about the world's most useless airport, but for St Helena, this
has already been the most useful airport. It's (15) ____________."
She added: "I for one am getting really excited about the new
chapter in St Helena's (16) ____________."

Dealing With Requests Page 59

Listening — Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) The first scheduled commercial airplane has landed on the

a. remotely British island
b. remoter British island
c. remotes British island
d. d. remote British island

2) touched down at Saint Helena Airport on Saturday with 68
passengers ______

a. on board
b. in board
c. half board
d. to board

3) a British travel operator had flown from Scotland ______ on the

a. especial to be
b. ESP specially to be
c. especially to be
d. special to be

4) The inaugural flight marks a new ______ accessibility
a. ear of
b. era of
c. aurora of
d. aura of

5) the only way of getting to Saint Helena was by a ship that
sailed ______ three weeks

a. once ever
b. once evenly

Dealing With Requests Page 60

c. once cleverly
d. once every

6) That's $80,000 for each of the ______
a. island's inhabitants
b. island's cohabitants
c. island's immigrants
d. island's recalcitrance

7) It was beset with delays and was ______ in 2016
a. glue to open
b. drew to open
c. due to open
d. dew to open

8) The Governor of Saint Helena, Lisa Phillips, dismissed ______
a. the criticism
b. the criticizing
c. the critics' schism
d. the critics' prism

9) …for St Helena, this has already been the most useful airport.

a. It's priced less
b. It's price lest
c. It's pricey less
d. It's priceless

10) I for one am getting really excited about the new ______ St
Helena's history

a. chapter on
b. chapter in
c. chapter an
d. chapter by

Dealing With Requests Page 61

Listening-- Listen and fill in the gaps!
The first scheduled commercial airplane (1) ___________________ the
remote British island of St Helena in (2) ___________________ the
South Atlantic. The SA AirLink service from South Africa touched
down at Saint Helena Airport on Saturday with 68 (3)
___________________. One passenger, Libby Weir-Breen, a British
travel operator, had flown from Scotland especially to be (4)
___________________. She said: "I've never felt so emotional in all my
life. I never thought I'd see this day." The inaugural flight marks
a new (5) ___________________ for the island, which is 1,900 km
west of the African nation of Angola. Previously, the only way of
getting to Saint Helena was by a ship (6) ___________________ every
three weeks from Cape Town, South Africa.
Despite the positive social (7) ___________________ the airport will
have for the island and its tourism, the British media (8)
___________________ as "the most useless airport in the world". The
airport was built with $380m of British taxpayers' money. That's
$80,000 for each of the island's inhabitants. It was (9)
___________________ and was due to open in 2016, but dangerous
wind conditions (10) ___________________. The Governor of Saint
Helena, Lisa Phillips, dismissed the criticism. She said: "I've seen
the headlines about the world's most useless airport, but for St
Helena, this (11) ___________________ the most useful airport. It's
priceless." She added: "I for one am getting really excited about
the (12) ___________________ St Helena's history."

Comprehension questions

1. In which ocean is St Helena?
2. How many passengers were on the flight to St Helena?
3. Where had a passenger flown from to be on the flight?
4. Which African country is 1,900km from St Helena?

Dealing With Requests Page 62

5. How often does a ship from South Africa sail to St

6. Who dubbed the airport as the world's "most useless"?
7. How much did British taxpayers have to pay for the

8. In what year was the airport due to open?
9. Who is Lisa Phillips?
10. What did Lisa Phillips call the airport?

Multiple choice quiz

1) In which ocean is St Helena?
a) the Indian Ocean
b) the Atlantic Ocean
c) the Pacific Ocean
d) the Arctic Ocean

2) How many passengers were on the flight to St Helena?
a) 62
b) 67
c) 69
d) 68

3) Where had a passenger flown from to be on the flight?
a) Scotland
b) Argentina
c) China
d) India

4) Which African country is 1,900km from St Helena?
a) Egypt
b) Madagascar
c) Angola
d) South Africa

Dealing With Requests Page 63

5) How often does a ship from South Africa sail to St Helena?
a) three times a week
b) once every three weeks
c) three times a month
d) once every three months

6) Who dubbed the airport as the world's "most useless"?
a) Britain's press
b) pilots
c) an airport group
d) a passenger group

7) How much did British taxpayers have to pay for the
a) $318m
b) $388m
c) $380m
d) $308m

8) In what year was the airport due to open?
a) 2016
b) 2015
c) 2014
d) 2013

9) Who is Lisa Phillips?
a) Governor of Saint Helena
b) President of Saint Helena
c) Queen of Saint Helena
d) Prime Minister of Saint Helena

Dealing With Requests Page 64

10) What did Lisa Phillips call the airport?
a) nice
b) Lisa Phillips International
c) Bob
d) priceless

Role play

Role A – Airports

You think airports are the most important things to help
tourism. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): safety, value for money or

Role B – Safety

You think safety is the most important thing to help tourism.
Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with
their things. Also, tell the others which is the least important of
these (and why): airports, value for money or accommodation.

Role C – Value for Money

You think value for money is the most important thing to help
tourism. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): safety, airports or

Role D – Accommodation

You think accommodation is the most important thing to help
tourism. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): safety, value for money or

Dealing With Requests Page 65

After reading/listening

1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find
collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the



and 'flight'.


• Share your findings with your partners.

• Make questions using the words you found.

• Ask your partner / group your questions.

Dealing With Requests Page 66

2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write
down some questions you would like to ask the class about the

•Share your questions with other classmates / groups. •Ask
your partner / group your questions.

3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this
exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the
activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?

4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In
groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their

5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your
partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:

 social
 built
 money
 due
 headlines
 chapter
 first
 touched
 especially
 so
 nation
 ship

Student survey

Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this
in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own

Dealing With Requests Page 67

paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write
down their answers.

Discussion - World's 'most useless' airport opens

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1. What did you think when you read the headline?
2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word

3. What is your favourite airport?
4. How could airports be improved?
5. What would it be like to live on a remote island?
6. How important is the new airport to the people of St

7. What do you know about St Helena?
8. Would you like to visit St Helena?
9. What islands would you like to visit?
10. Which is better – flying or sailing?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

11. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
12. What do you think of when you hear the word 'flight'?
13. What do you think about what you read?
14. How important are airports?
15. What do you dislike about airports?
16. What do you think of flying?
17. Why do the British media think it's the most useless

18. Why did the Governor say the airport was priceless?
19. What will the new chapter look like for St Helena?
20. What questions would you like to ask people on St


Dealing With Requests Page 68

Discussion — Write your own questions
STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

(a) ________________

(b) ________________

(c) ________________

(d) ________________

(e) ________________

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

(f) ________________

(g) ________________

(h) ________________

(i) ________________

(j) ________________

Language — Cloze (Gap-fill)

The first scheduled commercial airplane has landed on the (1)
____ British island of St Helena in the middle (2) ____ the South
Atlantic. The SA AirLink service from South Africa touched (3)
____ at Saint Helena Airport on Saturday with 68 passengers on

Dealing With Requests Page 69

board. One passenger, Libby Weir-Breen, a British travel (4) ____,
had flown from Scotland especially to be on the flight. She said:
"I've never felt so emotional in all my life. I never thought I'd see
this day." The inaugural flight marks a new (5) ____ of
accessibility for the island, which is 1,900 km west of the African
nation of Angola. Previously, the only way of getting to Saint
Helena was by a ship that (6) ____ once every three weeks from
Cape Town, South Africa.

Despite the positive social and economic (7) ____ the airport will
have for the island and its tourism, the British media have (8)
____ it as "the most useless airport in the world". The airport was
built with $380m of British taxpayers' money. That's $80,000 for
each of the island's (9) ____. It was beset with delays and was due
to open in 2016, but dangerous wind conditions (10) ____ the
launch. The Governor of Saint Helena, Lisa Phillips, dismissed
the criticism. She said: "I've seen the headlines about the world's
most useless airport, but for St Helena, this has already been the
most useful airport. It's (11) ____." She added: "I for one am
getting really excited about the new (12) ____ in St Helena's

Which of these words go in the above text?

1. (a) reluctant (b) remain (c) repost
(d) remote

2. (a) from (b) for (c) off (d) of
3. (a) on (b) down (c) landing (d) up
4. (a) operative (b) operation (c) operator

(d) operates
5. (a) aura (b) aurora (c) era (d) ear
6. (a) sailed (b) voyaged (c) submerged

Dealing With Requests Page 70

(d) surfed
7. (a) affects (b) effects (c) reflects
(d) dubbed (b) clubbed (c) rubbed
8. (a) subbed
9. (d) immigrants (b) inhabitants (c) emigrants
10. (a) cohabitants
delay (b) delaying (c) delayed
(d) delays
11. (a) priced (b) pricey (c) priceless
(d) charger (b) chastise (c) charter
12. (a) chapter

13. (a)


C. Spelling

Paragraph 1

1. The first elhcsddeu commercial airplane
2. the meroet British island of St Helena
3. with 68 eesrnpssag on board
4. a British travel ptroorea
5. I've never felt so oanmletoi
6. The lraiunuag flight

Paragraph 2

7. economic ectsffe
8. each of the island's sinihttabna
9. wind conditions yaeledd the launch
10. dismissed the cmrctsiii
11. It's slscierpe
12. the new eptrcah in St Helena's history

Dealing With Requests Page 71

Put the text back together

( ) the criticism. She said: "I've seen the headlines about the
world's most useless

( ) airport, but for St Helena, this has already been the most
useful airport. It's

( ) media have dubbed it as "the most useless airport in the
world". The airport was built with $380m of British taxpayers'

( ) priceless." She added: "I for one am getting really excited
about the new chapter in St Helena's history."

( ) down at Saint Helena Airport on Saturday with 68
passengers on board. One passenger, Libby Weir-Breen, a

( 1 ) The first scheduled commercial airplane has landed on
the remote British island

( ) for the island, which is 1,900 km west of the African
nation of Angola. Previously, the only

( ) travel operator, had flown from Scotland especially to be
on the flight. She said: "I've never felt so

( ) of St Helena in the middle of the South Atlantic. The SA
AirLink service from South Africa touched

( ) emotional in all my life. I never thought I'd see this day."
The inaugural flight marks a new era of accessibility

( ) in 2016, but dangerous wind conditions delayed the
launch. The Governor of Saint Helena, Lisa Phillips, dismissed

Dealing With Requests Page 72

( ) money. That's $80,000 for each of the island's inhabitants.
It was beset with delays and was due to open

( ) way of getting to Saint Helena was by a ship that sailed
once every three weeks from Cape Town, South Africa.

( ) Despite the positive social and economic effects the
airport will have for the island and its tourism, the British

Put the words in the right order

1. airplane landed first commercial has The
scheduled .

2. from flown had operator travel British A
Scotland .

3. "I've . emotional life so" my felt said: all never
She in

4. of marks accessibility a The new inaugural era
flight .

5. three that Cape sailed Town once A weeks ship
from every .

6. economic airport for The the have island effects
will the .

7. of The built $380m money was taxpayers'
airport with .

8. was and delays with beset was It 2016 in open
to due .

9. useless most world's the about headlines The
airport .

10. the new chapter I for one am getting really
excited about .

Dealing With Requests Page 73

D. Writing

1. Write about airports for 10 minutes. Comment on your
partner’s paper.

2. Airports are the most important part of a country's
infrastructure. Discuss.

Dealing With Requests Page 74



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To accept and apologize for complaints
 To take action to help customers
 To talk about the past

A. What is there to complain about?

1. Match the key words to the problems.

o car park a. no body give it

o restaurant b. short-staffed

o rooms c. on different floors

o message d. full

2. Match the sentences with the replies.
o We ordered a meal to room service twenty minutes ago.
o We reserved adjoining room.
o We asked you to reserve a parking space.
o A colleague left a message at the reception last night.
 I’m sorry. I’ll change your room straightaway.
 I’ll reserve you a space for tomorrow.
 I’m sorry I look into it.
 I’ll check it with the room service.

Handling Complaints Page 75

 Expressions to Learn

I’m sorry, we overbooked the carpark yesterday
I’m sorry madam. I’ll be with you in a moment.
I’ll change your rooms straightaway.
I’m sorry, Sir. I’ll speak to the room service to bring your order
to your room.
I’m so sorry. I’ll look into it.

 Structure to Practice
Past Simple
The past simple tense is for completed actions in the
Eg. We asked you to reserve a parking space.
We ordered our meal twenty minutes ago.

Makes sentences related to FO service
1. ………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………

5. ………………………………………………………


Work with a partner. Use these notes to make complaints to your partner.
Make notes of their solutions.

AC not cold bath dirty no soap in the bathroom
Bed not made minibar empty lots of spider web in the room
TV broken a cockroach in the room the curtain is torn

Handling Complaints Page 76

The guests in house have some queries for the Travel
Rep. to deal with

Rep. : Good morning Mr. Grant How are you?
Guest : Not too bad thanks
Rep. : Have you had the breakfast?
Guest : Oh yes, I’ve just come from the restaurant
Rep. : Good. By the way Is every thing alright with

Guest your hotel here?
Rep. : Not really. I’m not happy with my room.
Guest : What is the problem?
Rep. : I didn’t sleep at all last night
Guest : Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that
: Yes, there was a lot of noise from the street. It
seemed to go on all night
Guest : Well, I’ll see if I ask the receptionist to find you
another quieter room
Rep. : Please. My room number is 204 ( The Rep. talk
to the Receptionist and then back to the guest)
Guest : Yes, Mr. Grant there is a room number 613 is
Rep. vacant. It is higher up and at the back of the
hotel. If you have your bags ready, the porter
Guest will collect them and show you where the room
: That’s very good of you
: If you bring your key card to reception. She’ll

change the room number on it
:Thank you. I’ll do that

(Politeknik Negeri Bali. Travel and Tourism English)

Handling Complaints Page 77

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the guest’s query in the above conversation?
2. How can the Rep handle it?
3. Why does the guest appreciate the Rep?

Other things that guests usually ask to a travel Rep. are:

1. He wants to extend for two more days in the hotel
2. They want rooms which are close each other
3. They want a morning call and breakfast box before

breakfast time

B. Reading

Cosmetic Surgery

Three Chinese women were left stranded at a South Korean
airport after immigration officials said their passport photos did
not match their faces. The women had just had cosmetic surgery
to change their looks. The surgery had transformed their faces
to such an extent that passport control officials in South Korea
could not confirm their identity. Photos of the women went viral
on the Internet. Their faces were swollen from the surgery and
were heavily bandaged. The website reported
that the women were not allowed to take their return flight back
to China, and were instead held for questioning by the airport
authorities. It is still unclear if the women have been able to
return to China.

South Korea has become the cosmetic surgery capital of the
world. Cosmetic surgery tourism from China is now booming
business. More than 500,000 Chinese residents a year flock to
clinics in South Korea to reshape their faces and bodies. Many of

Handling Complaints Page 78

them go to clinics that specialize in making clients look more
"Western". Cosmetic surgery is also hugely popular with South
Koreans. Around half of women under 30 in the capital Seoul are
estimated to have had surgery. Many parents encourage their
children to undergo surgery in efforts to gain a "competitive
edge" in the job market. There are even hugely popular prime
time TV shows that feature before and after transformations.



1. COSMETIC SURGERY: Students walk around the class and
talk to other students about cosmetic surgery. Change partners
often and share your findings.

2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words
from the article. What will the article say about them? What can
you say about these words and your life?

airport / immigration / passport photos / faces / cosmetic
surgery / identity / flight / capital / booming / business /
clinics / popular / encourage / efforts / competitive

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and
partners frequently.

3. NATURAL IS BEST: Students A strongly believe the face and
body we are born with is best and we don't need cosmetic
surgery; Students B strongly believe cosmetic surgery is great.
Change partners again and talk about your conversations.

Handling Complaints Page 79

4. COSMETIC SURGERY: What do you know about these kinds
of cosmetic surgery? Would you try them? Complete this table
with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you

What do you know? Would you try it?

Double eyelids
Nose job
Tummy tuck
Hair replacement

5. FACE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different
words you associate with the word "face". Share your words
with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the
words into different categories.

6. LOOKS: Rank these with your partner. Put the things that
most affect looks at the top. Change partners often and share
your rankings.

 eyes
 ears
 teeth
 skin
 hair
 height
 nose
 stomach size

Handling Complaints Page 80

Before reading/listening

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are
true (T) or false (F).

1. Police could not match passport photos with air
passengers' faces. T / F

2. Immigration officials could not identify three women at
an airport. T / F

3. The women's faces were both swollen and bandaged.

4. The three women do not know when they can go back to
China. T / F

5. China is the cosmetic surgery capital of the world. T /

6. Half a million Chinese have cosmetic surgery in S. Korea
every year. T / F

7. The article says half of South Korean women have had
cosmetic surgery. T / F

8. The article says parents are telling kids not to have
cosmetic surgery. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from
the article.

1. stranded Page 81
2. looks
3. extent
4. swollen
5. unclear
6. capital
7. hugely
8. estimated
9. undergo
10. transformations

Handling Complaints

1. have
2. enlarged
3. up in the air
4. extremely
5. helpless
6. reckoned
7. degree
8. changes
9. appearance
10. metropolis

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is

1. Three Chinese women were left
2. immigration
3. to such an
4. Their faces were
5. held for
6. booming
7. flock
8. hugely popular
9. encourage their children to undergo
10. gain a competitive

1. to clinics Page 82
2. swollen
3. with South Koreans
4. extent
5. business
6. stranded
7. surgery
8. officials
9. edge
10. questioning

Handling Complaints

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Three Chinese women were left (1) ____________ at a South Korean
airport after immigration (2) ____________ said their passport
photos did not (3) ____________ their faces. The women had just
had cosmetic surgery to change their looks. The surgery had
transformed their faces to such an (4) ____________ that passport
control officials in South Korea could not confirm their (5)
____________. Photos of the women went viral on the Internet.
Their faces were (6) ____________ from the surgery and were
heavily bandaged. The website reported that
the women were not (7) ____________ to take their return flight
back to China, and were instead held for questioning by the
airport authorities. It is still (8) ____________ if the women have
been able to return to China.

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Handling Complaints Page 83

South Korea has become the cosmetic surgery (9) ____________ of
the world. Cosmetic surgery (10) ____________ from China is now
booming business. More than 500,000 Chinese (11) ____________ a
year flock to clinics in South Korea to reshape their faces and
bodies. Many of them go to (12) ____________ that specialize in
making clients look more "Western". Cosmetic surgery is also
(13) ____________ popular with South Koreans. Around half of
women under 30 in the capital Seoul are (14) ____________ to have
had surgery. Many parents encourage their children to (15)
____________ surgery in efforts to gain a "competitive edge" in the
job market. There are even hugely popular (16) ____________ time
TV shows that feature before and after transformations.

Listening — Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) immigration officials said their passport photos did not ______
a. march their faces
b. much their faces
c. match their faces
d. mach their faces

2) The women had just had cosmetic surgery to change ______
a. their locks
b. their looks
c. their licks
d. their leaks

3) passport control officials in South Korea could not ______
a. confirm their identify
b. confirm their eye dent a tea
c. confirm their I dentistry
d. confirm their identity

Handling Complaints Page 84

4) Their faces were swollen from the surgery and were ______
a. heavily bandaged
b. heavily damaged
c. heavily band aged
d. heavily ban judged

5) and were instead held for questioning by the ______
a. airport's authority
b. airport authorize
c. airport authority
d. airport authorities

6) South Korea has become the cosmetic surgery ______
a. capitalists of the world
b. capitalize of the world
c. capital of the world
d. cap it all of the world

7) Cosmetic surgery tourism from China is now ______
a. boom in business
b. boo mine business
c. boom Ming business
d. booming business

8) Cosmetic surgery is also hugely ______ South Koreans
a. popular with
b. popular within
c. popular without
d. popular wither

9) Around half of women under 30 in the capital Seoul are
estimated to ______

a. have had sugary
b. have had surge airy

Handling Complaints Page 85

c. have had surgery
d. have had Sir Jerry

10) There are even hugely popular ______ shows
a. prime time TV
b. brine time TV
c. prim time TV
d. brim time TV

Listening — Listen and fill in the gaps!

Three Chinese women were (1) ___________________ a South Korean
airport after immigration officials said their passport photos did
not match their faces. The women (2) ___________________ cosmetic
surgery to change their looks. The surgery had transformed
their faces to such an extent that passport (3) ___________________
South Korea could not confirm their identity. Photos of the
women went viral on the Internet. Their (4) ___________________
from the surgery and were heavily bandaged. The website reported that the women were (5)
___________________ take their return flight back to China, and were
instead held for questioning by the airport authorities. It is still
unclear if the women have been (6) ___________________ to China.

South Korea has become the cosmetic surgery (7)
___________________ world. Cosmetic surgery tourism from China is
now booming business. More than 500,000 Chinese residents a
year (8) ___________________ in South Korea to reshape their faces
and bodies. Many of them (9) ___________________ that specialize in
making clients look more "Western". Cosmetic surgery is (10)
___________________ with South Koreans. Around half of women
under 30 in the capital Seoul are estimated to have had surgery.
Many parents encourage their children (11) ___________________ in
efforts to gain a "competitive edge" in the job market. There are

Handling Complaints Page 86

even hugely (12) ___________________ TV shows that feature before
and after transformations.

Comprehension questions

1. How many women are stranded at a South Korean

2. What could immigration officials not confirm regarding
the women?

3. What were the women's faces covered in?
4. What were the women held for?
5. When will the women be able to return to China?
6. Where is the cosmetic surgery capital of the world?
7. How many Chinese visit South Korea each year for

cosmetic surgery?
8. How many South Korean women under 30 have had

cosmetic surgery?
9. What might cosmetic surgery give young people in the

job market?
10. What do prime time TV shows feature regarding

cosmetic surgery?

Multiple choice quiz

1) How many women are stranded at a South Korean airport?
a) 6
b) 5
c) 4
d) 3

2) What could immigration officials not confirm regarding the
a) their address
b) their identity

Handling Complaints Page 87

c) their passport number
d) their reason for visiting

3) What were the women's faces covered in?
a) bruises
b) tattoos
c) bandages
d) veils

4) What were the women held for?
a) questioning
b) 5 days
c) rehabilitation
d) medical care

5) When will the women be able to return to China?
a) when the surgery is reversed
b) the day after tomorrow
c) it is still unclear
d) after their bruises disappear

6) Where is the cosmetic surgery capital of the world?
a) China
b) South Korea
c) Brazil
d) USA

7) How many Chinese visit South Korea each year for cosmetic
a) just fewer than 500,000
b) exactly 500,000
c) around 500,000
d) over half a million

Handling Complaints Page 88

8) How many South Korean women under 30 have had cosmetic
a) around half
b) three-quarters
c) two-fifths
d) a third

9) What might cosmetic surgery give young people in the job
a) a job
b) hope
c) a competitive edge
d) a higher salary

10) What do prime time TV shows feature regarding cosmetic
a) things that go wrong
b) before and after transformations
c) surgeons' lives
d) surgical techniques

Role play

Role A – Hair

You think hair is the most important feature of our looks. Tell
the others three reasons why. Tell them why their features
aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): height, eyes or teeth.
Role B – Height

You think height is the most important feature of our looks. Tell
the others three reasons why. Tell them why their features
aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): hair, eyes or teeth.

Handling Complaints Page 89

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