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By studying the materials in this lesson book the students can achieve the learning achievement that they are able to communicate in English both spoken and written in the context of hospitality industry, especially Front Office Department.

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Published by lilikrita, 2021-12-18 09:28:47

English for Hotel Front Desk Operation

By studying the materials in this lesson book the students can achieve the learning achievement that they are able to communicate in English both spoken and written in the context of hospitality industry, especially Front Office Department.

Keywords: #English for Hotel #Front Desk Operation

Role C – Eyes

You think eyes are the most important feature of our looks. Tell
the others three reasons why. Tell them why their features
aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): height, hair or teeth.

Role D – Teeth

You think teeth are the most important feature of our looks. Tell
the others three reasons why. Tell them why their features
aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least
important of these (and why): height, eyes or hair.

After reading/listening

1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find
collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the


and 'surgery'. Page 90

Handling Complaints


• Share your findings with your partners.

• Make questions using the words you found.

• Ask your partner / group your questions.

2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write
down some questions you would like to ask the class about the

•Share your questions with other classmates / groups. •Ask
your partner / group your questions.

3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this
exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the
activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?

4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In
groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their

5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your
partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:

 capital Page 91
 flock
 clients
 30
 gain
 time
 left
 match

Handling Complaints

 such
 heavily
 still
 look

Student survey

Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this
in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own
paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write
down their answers.

Discussion - Women stranded at airport after cosmetic surgery

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1. What did you think when you read the headline?
2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word

3. What do you think of cosmetic surgery?
4. Why do people have cosmetic surgery?
5. What do you think of the term 'plastic surgery'?
6. What are the dangers of cosmetic surgery?
7. What do you think of your passport photo?
8. What do you think will happen to the women?
9. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
10. What problems would you have if your whole face


STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

11. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
12. What do you think of when you hear the word 'surgery'?
13. What do you think about what you read?

Handling Complaints Page 92

14. What advice do you have for someone who wants
cosmetic surgery?

15. How popular is cosmetic surgery in your country?
16. Why would Asian women want a 'Western' look?
17. Do good-looking people do better in life?
18. What one part of your face or body would you change?
19. What do you think of the 'before and after' TV show?
20. What questions would you like to ask the women?

Discussion — Write your own questions

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

(a) ________________

(b) ________________

(c) ________________

(d) ________________

(e) ________________

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

(f) ________________

(g) ________________

(h) ________________

(i) ________________

(j) ________________

Handling Complaints Page 93

Language — Cloze (Gap-fill)

Three Chinese women were left (1) ____ at a South Korean
airport after immigration officials said their passport photos did
not (2) ____ their faces. The women had just had cosmetic
surgery to change their looks. The surgery had transformed
their faces to such (3) ____ extent that passport control officials
in South Korea could not confirm their identity. Photos of the
women (4) ____ viral on the Internet. Their faces were swollen
from the surgery and were (5) ____ bandaged. The website reported that the women were not
allowed to take their return flight back to China, and were (6)
____ held for questioning by the airport authorities. It is still
unclear if the women have been able to return to China.

South Korea has become the cosmetic surgery capital of the
world. Cosmetic surgery tourism from China is now (7) ____
business. More than 500,000 Chinese residents a year (8) ____ to
clinics in South Korea to reshape their faces and bodies. Many of
them go to clinics that specialize (9) ____ making clients look
more "Western". Cosmetic surgery is also hugely popular (10)
____ South Koreans. Around half of women under 30 in the
capital Seoul are estimated to have had surgery. Many parents
encourage their children to undergo surgery (11) ____ efforts to
gain a "competitive edge" in the job market. There are (12) ____
hugely popular prime time TV shows that feature before and
after transformations.

Which of these words go in the above text?

1. (a) strands (b) stranded (c) strand (d)

2. (a) mach (b) match (c) mulch (d) march
3. (a) the (b) as (c) by (d) an
4. (a) gave (b) went (c) took (d) caught

Handling Complaints Page 94

5. (a) heavier (b) heavenly (c) heaving (d)

6. (a) steadily (b) steady (c) instead (d)

7. (a) booming (b) beaming (c) embalming
(d) barmy

8. (a) block (b) clock (c) flock (d) lock
9. (a) of (b) at (c) on (d) in
10. (a) with (b) at (c) to (d) on
11. (a) in (b) on (c) at (d) of
12. (a) even (b) every (c) event (d) ever

C. Spelling

Paragraph 1

1. tiammngiroi officials
2. could not confirm their etyidtin
3. Their faces were eoslnwl from the surgery
4. heavily nbeddgaa
5. dnieast held for questioning
6. airport usroehatiit

Paragraph 2

7. the cosmetic surgery ilacatp of the world
8. More than 500,000 Chinese rnsdisete
9. clinics that peliaczise
10. adttemsei to have had surgery
11. parents gcraoneue their children
12. efaetru before and after transformations

Handling Complaints Page 95

Put the text back together

( ) Three Chinese women were left stranded at a South
Korean airport after immigration

( ) children to undergo surgery in efforts to gain a
"competitive edge" in the job

( ) more "Western". Cosmetic surgery is also hugely popular
with South Koreans. Around half of women under

( ) market. There are even hugely popular prime time TV
shows that feature before and after transformations.

( ) 30 in the capital Seoul are estimated to have had surgery.
Many parents encourage their

( ) by the airport authorities. It is still unclear if the women
have been able to return to China.

( ) South Korea has become the cosmetic surgery capital of
the world. Cosmetic surgery tourism from China is now

( ) their faces and bodies. Many of them go to clinics that
specialize in making clients look

( ) surgery and were heavily bandaged. The
website reported that the women were not

( ) booming business. More than 500,000 Chinese residents a
year flock to clinics in South Korea to reshape

Handling Complaints Page 96

( ) allowed to take their return flight back to China, and were
instead held for questioning

( ) confirm their identity. Photos of the women went viral on
the Internet. Their faces were swollen from the

( ) officials said their passport photos did not match their
faces. The women had just had cosmetic surgery to change their

( ) looks. The surgery had transformed their faces to such an
extent that passport control officials in South Korea could not

Put the words in the right order

1. airport were at Korean women stranded South
Three left a .

2. passport not faces their did their said photos
match Officials.

3. could Officials not in confirm South their Korea

4. swollen the Their were from surgery faces .
5. if unclear still is It return to able been have

women the.
6. the has cosmetic of Korea the capital world

become surgery .
7. residents Chinese 500,000 than More clinics to

flock year a .
8. the Around women in Seoul of 30 capital half

under .
9. parents Many surgery undergo to children their

encourage .
10. that shows TV transformations after and before


Handling Complaints Page 97



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To show people around
 To introduce people
 To talk about people’s jobs

A. Let’s Start at front office

Make a dialogue from the following sentences.
1. Mark is responsible for five staff.
2. They handle all the incoming reservations.
3. Requests for laundry and dry cleaning dial number 2 for the

house keeping.
4. The Fidelio system is used for check-ins and payments.
5. The Galileo system is used for travel arrangements.

B. Getting on with people:

Making conversation

a. When you are traveling, you will sometimes want to make
conversation with people. How do you start? Well, the
obvious thing to do when you meet a stranger is to ask

Job And Workplaces Page 98

questions. Read Helen Elliot’s conversation with a tourist in
the orchid garden.

Tourist: Aren’t these beautiful?
Helen: Yes, they’re really lovely. Where are you from,
Tourist: I’m from Vienna, in Austria
Tourist: Are you here on holiday?
Helen: Yes. I’m in Singapore for the first tim
Tourist: Do you like it?
Yes. It is very nice here. I like the hot weather
Helen: and the lovely food you get. It’s such a change
Tourist: from Austria
Tourist: Yes, it’s super. How long will you be here?
Helen: For three weeks
And then where will you go?
Then I go to Australia to visit some elatives
Australia? That’s where I come from

b. Note: don’t go up to someone and immediately say:

Where do you come from? or
What’s your name?

This kills conversation. Ask these questions later. Start with
questions like:

Isn’t it a lovely day?
It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?

I think this is a marvelous hotel, don’t you?

C. Reading Comprehension
a. Read the passage below before you answer the questions

It is important that the hotel receptionist should make sure
that guests are registered correctly. A hotel register or more
usually a registration card is used to record the full name,
nationality, home address, and signature of each guest.
Foreign visitors must provide additional information such as

Job And Workplaces Page 99

passport number and its place of issue and their next
destination. Many hotels use the registration card to find out
more about their customers and ask questions about
occupation, method of payment, and purpose of visit.

The receptionist should always check that the registration
cards are completed corrected and legibly. What if there is
query? Well, then the receptionist should politely ask the
guest for clarification. It is also necessary to make sure that
the reservation details have not changed. After this the
receptionist can inform the guest of the room number and

What happens if the guest has a travel agency booking? With
that sort of guest, the receptionist should obtain the original
hotel voucher and check it against the hotel’s copy. When
large tour groups are checking in, it is useful for the tour
leader to deal with the registration cards and hand them
over to the reception desk himself.

Accurate information on room status throughout the hotel is
most important, of course. A room status system must
provide clear information and it must be capable of rapid
alteration. There are various methods in use from simple
manual systems such as the room board to computerized
systems such as electronic room status linking reception,
housekeeping, and 5the cashier’s office.

(Politeknik Negeri Bali. Travel and Tourism English)


1. What kind of information is requested on
registration cards?

2. Why must the receptionist check completed
registration forms?

3. What should the receptionist obtain from a guest
with a travel agency booking?

Job And Workplaces Page 100

4. Why is it useful for a tour leader to deal with the
registration cards for a tour group?

5. Give three examples of room status systems

 Expressions to learn

Here’s front office and this is Matra
Matra is responsible for five staff
In reception they handle all the reservations
There is always a receptionist here to deal with any questions
She’s responsible to the assistant manager

 Structure to Practice

responsible to, responsible for

Look at these examples.
The receptionist is responsible to the reception manager. (the
reception manager is her boss)
The receptionist is responsible for taking room reservations.
(it’s her job)

Complete the sentences using responsible to or responsible for.
1. The cashiers are ……………. the reception manager.
2. The bell attendants are ……………. escort guests to their room

with the luggage.
3. The duty manager is ……………… all the full time staff.
4. The porters are …………… taking the guests’ luggage to their

5. The car park attendant is ……….. parking the cars.

Job And Workplaces Page 101



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To be aware of health and safety precautions
 To find out who is qualified to help
 To follow fire drill procedures

A. Your health and safety is important to us

a. Are the sentences true or false?
1. Health and safety is a very serious subject.
2. The hotel has regular fires.
3. The hotel tests the fire alarms regularly.
4. If staff see an accident, they must phone reception.
5. There is a list of first aiders in the reception.
6. Many cleaning products are poisonous.
7. When lifting heavy objects you must bend your back.

Health And Safety At Work Page 102

b. Complete the phrases with the correct adverb.

immediately carefully clearly carefully


1. Test the alarms………….
2. Check fire exits…………
3. Find a first aider………..
4. Read the list………..
5. Cleaning products must be marked…………

 Expressions to learn

Please listen carefully.
You must keep the fire exits clear.
If you see an accident, find a first aider immediately.
Please, read the list carefully.
These (products) must be marked carefully.

 Situation

Imagine a conversation about hotel health and safety
regulations. Look at the vocabularies in the box

fire drills assembly accidents a first aider
alarms points
clean and cleaning
poisonous fire exits tidy products
lifting bend your
marked heavy
clearly knees
objects don’t strain
your back

Health And Safety At Work Page 103

B. Sound the alarm

Answer the questions.
1. What’s the noise everyone can hear in a hotel?
2. Where’s the fire?
3. What do people usually use to put out the fire?
4. Where is the assembly point?
5. What does the hotel staff usually tell the guest to do if

there’s fire?

 Structure to practice
Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives describe nouns; adverbs describe verbs.
Examples: Health and safety is a very serious subject.

We take health and safety very seriously. (adverb)
There are regular fire drills. (adjective)
We have fire drills regularly. (adverb)

Exception: The irregular adverbs.
good/well, hard/hard, fast/fast, late/late

C. Reading

The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline has promised to
increase the pay and working conditions of pilots to stop them
leaving the company. Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair, made a
personal pledge to the budget carrier's 4,200 pilots to address
concerns that pilots are dissatisfied and want to quit the
company. Pilots have been offered salary increases of up to
$11,700 and loyalty bonuses of $14,000. A long-serving pilot
told the BBC this was, "too little, too late." He said: "There is a
lack of basic benefits [for pilots] - no free bottles of water, coffee

Health And Safety At Work Page 104

or tea and no crew meals." He said pilots also had to buy their
own uniform. He added: "People have just had enough of the
toxic atmosphere."

Mr O'Leary is attempting to repair the damage done to Ryanair's
reputation after a scheduling error with pilot holidays. The
costly mistake meant more than 20,000 flights have been
cancelled recently because of a lack of available pilots. This has
affected over 700,000 passengers. An industry analyst said the
airline made this costly error, "by initially disrespecting the skill
set of pilots". He added: "In a rare move, [Ryanair] is being
forced to backpedal, apologize and meet [pilots'] pay demands."
O'Leary is confident that pilots will stay. He said: "I urge you to
stay with Ryanair for a brighter, better future for you and your
family." He added: "We are a very secure employer in a very
insecure industry."



1. PILOTS: Students walk around the class and talk to other
students about pilots. Change partners often and share your

2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words
from the article. What will the article say about them? What can
you say about these words and your life?

boss / promised / pay / working conditions / airline /
loyalty / bonus / atmosphere / repair / damage / mistake
/ flights / pilots / analyst / confident / brighter / future

Health And Safety At Work Page 105

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and
partners frequently.

3. FLYING: Students A strongly believe flying is the best way to
travel; Students B strongly believe it isn't. Change partners
again and talk about your conversations.

4. WORKING CONDITIONS: What should the minimum working
conditions be for everyone? Complete this table with your
partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.

Minimum conditions Why?

5. SALARY: Spend one minute writing down all of the different
words you associate with the word "salary". Share your words
with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the
words into different categories.

6. AIRPLANES: Rank these with your partner. Put the best
things about airplanes at the top. Change partners often and
share your rankings.

 in-flight entertainment Page 106
 checking in / boarding
 the whole experience
 landing
 pilots
 cabin crew
 airplane food
 taking off

Health And Safety At Work

Before reading/listening

1. TRUE/FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are
true (T) or false (F).

1. The airline in the article is Europe's biggest low-cost
carrier. T / F

2. The airline employs almost 42,000 pilots. T / F
3. The airline offered a salary increase of up to $14,000.

4. The airline provides pilots with uniforms free of

charge. T / F
5. The airline made a mistake with its pilots' holiday

schedule. T / F
6. Over 700,000 passengers have been affected by flight

cancellations. T / F
7. The article said pedals on airplanes weren't put back.

8. The airline is fairly sure that its pilots will not quit. T /


2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from
the article.

1. boss
2. pledge
3. basic
4. buy
5. toxic
6. attempting
7. costly
8. initially
9. backpedal
10. industry

Health And Safety At Work Page 107

1. fundamental
2. trying
3. poisonous
4. at first
5. (do an) about-face
6. purchase
7. chief
8. trade
9. promise
10. expensive

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is

1. working
2. address concerns that pilots
3. loyalty
4. There is a lack of basic
5. People have just had enough of
6. attempting to repair the damage done
7. more than 20,000 flights have been
8. industry
9. Ryanair is being forced to
10. We are a very secure

1. to Ryanair's reputation
2. benefits
3. backpedal
4. are dissatisfied
5. analyst
6. bonuses
7. conditions
8. employer
9. the toxic atmosphere
10. cancelled

Health And Safety At Work Page 108

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline has (1) ___________
to increase the pay and working conditions of pilots to stop
them leaving the company. Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair,
made a personal (2) ____________ to the budget carrier's 4,200
pilots to address concerns that pilots are (3) ____________ and
want to quit the company. Pilots have been offered salary
increases of up to $11,700 and loyalty (4) ____________ of $14,000.
A long- (5) ____________ pilot told the BBC this was, "too little, too
late." He said: "There is a lack of (6) ____________ benefits [for
pilots] - no free bottles of water, coffee or tea and no crew
meals." He said pilots also had to buy their own (7) ____________.
He added: "People have just had enough of the (8) ____________

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Health And Safety At Work Page 109

Mr O'Leary is attempting to repair the damage done to Ryanair's
(9) ____________ after a scheduling error with pilot holidays. The
costly mistake meant more than 20,000 flights have been
cancelled recently because of a (10) ____________ of available
pilots. This has affected over 700,000 passengers. An industry
(11) ____________ said the airline made this costly error, "by (12)
____________ disrespecting the skill set of pilots". He added: "In a
rare move, [Ryanair] is being forced to (13) ____________,
apologize and meet [pilots'] pay demands." O'Leary is (14)
____________ that pilots will stay. He said: "I (15) ____________ you to
stay with Ryanair for a brighter, better future for you and your
family." He added: "We are a very secure (16) ____________ in a
very insecure industry."

Listening — Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) promised to increase the pay and working ______ pilots
a. conditions off
b. condition of
c. conditioned of
d. conditions of

2) Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair, made a personal pledge to
the budget ______ pilots
a. carrier's 4,200
b. carries are 4,200
c. carry as 4,200
d. carry was 4,200

3) address concerns that pilots are dissatisfied and want ______
a. to quiet the
b. to quite the
c. to quit the
d. to quilt the

Health And Safety At Work Page 110

4) A long-serving pilot told the BBC this was, "too ______."
a. little, two late
b. little, to late
c. little, tool late
d. little, too late

5) a lack of basic benefits for pilots - no free bottles of water,
coffee or tea ______ meals
a. and no clue
b. and no crew
c. and no cue
d. and no queue

6) Mr O'Leary is attempting to repair the damage done to ______
a. Ryanair's reputation
b. Ryanair's repetition
c. Ryanair's respiration
d. Ryanair's reparation

7) 20,000 flights have been cancelled recently because of a lack
of ______
a. avail a ball pilots
b. available pilots
c. avail a bull pilots
d. available pilots

8) An industry analyst said the airline made this ______
a. ghostly error
b. coast lie error
c. gross tea error
d. costly error

9) He added: "In a rare move, Ryanair is being ______
a. forced to backs pedal
b. forced to backpedal
c. forced to back pedals
d. forced to backed pedal

Health And Safety At Work Page 111

10) He added: "We are a very secure employer in a very ______."
a. in secure industry
b. non-secure industry
c. inns a cure industry
d. insecure industry

Listening — Listen and fill in the gaps

The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline (1)
___________________ increase the pay and working conditions of
pilots to stop them leaving the company. Michael O'Leary, CEO
of Ryanair, made (2) __________________ to the budget carrier's
4,200 (3) ___________________ concerns that pilots are dissatisfied
and want to quit the company. Pilots have been offered salary
increases of up to $11,700 (4) ___________________ of $14,000. A
long-serving pilot told the BBC this was, "too little, too late." He
said: "There is a (5) ___________________ benefits [for pilots] - no
free bottles of water, coffee or tea and no crew meals." He said
pilots also had to buy their own uniform. He added: "People
have just had enough (6) ___________________ atmosphere."

Mr O'Leary (7) ___________________ repair the damage done to
Ryanair's reputation after (8) ___________________ with pilot
holidays. The costly mistake meant more than 20,000 flights
have been cancelled recently because of a (9) ___________________
pilots. This has affected over 700,000 passengers. An industry
analyst said the airline made (10) ___________________, "by initially
disrespecting the skill set of pilots". He added: "In a rare move,
[Ryanair] is being (11) ___________________, apologize and meet
[pilots'] pay demands." O'Leary is confident that pilots will stay.
He said: "I urge you to stay with Ryanair for a brighter, better
future for you and your family." He added: "We are (12)
___________________ employer in a very insecure industry."

Health And Safety At Work Page 112

Comprehension questions

1. What kind of airline is Ryanair?
2. How many pilots does Ryanair have?
3. How much are the loyalty bonuses that Ryanair is

4. Who buys the uniforms for the pilots?
5. How did a pilot describe the atmosphere as Ryanair as

6. What part of Ryanair was damaged because of a

scheduling error?
7. How many passengers were affected by cancelled

8. What did an industry analyst say Ryanair had to meet?
9. What kind of future did the CEO suggest could be had by

not quitting?
10. How did the CEO describe the airline industry as being?

Multiple choice quiz

1) What kind of airline is Ryanair?
a) a budget airline
b) a business-class-only carrier
c) a premium carrier
d) a luxury airline

2) How many pilots does Ryanair have?
a) 4,020
b) 2,400
c) 4,200
d) 2,040

3) How much are the loyalty bonuses that Ryanair is offering?
a) $11,700
b) $14,700
c) $17,400
d) $14,000

Health And Safety At Work Page 113

4) Who buys the uniforms for the pilots?
a) Ryanair
b) the pilots
c) the CEO
d) the cabin crew

5) How did a pilot describe the atmosphere as Ryanair as being?
a) toxic
b) refined
c) exciting
d) calm

6) What part of Ryanair was damaged because of a scheduling
a) its head office
b) its check-in counters
c) its IT systems
d) its image

7) How many passengers were affected by cancelled flights?
a) about 700,000
b) fewer than 700,000
c) more than 700,000
d) exactly 700,000

8) What did an industry analyst say Ryanair had to meet?
a) passenger groups
b) pilots' pay demands
c) aviation standards
d) unions

9) What kind of future did the CEO suggest could be had by not
a) a brighter and bitter one
b) a blighted and bitter one
c) a brighter and better one
d) a bittier and brighter one

Health And Safety At Work Page 114

10) How did the CEO describe the airline industry as being?
a) harsh
b) insecure
c) competitive
d) fun

Role play
Role A – Airplane Food

You think airplane food is the best thing about flying. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their
things. Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and
why): in-flight entertainment, the cabin crew or landing.
Role B – In-flight Entertainment

You think in-flight entertainment is the best thing about flying.
Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with
their things. Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and
why): airplane food, the cabin crew or landing.
Role C – The Cabin Crew

You think the cabin crew is the best thing about flying. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their
things. Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and
why): in-flight entertainment, airplane food or landing.
Role D – Landing

You think landing is the best thing about flying. Tell the others
three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their things.
Also, tell the others which is the worst of these (and why): in-
flight entertainment, the cabin crew or airplane food.

Health And Safety At Work Page 115

After reading/listening

1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find
collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the



and 'pilot'.


• Share your findings with your partners.

• Make questions using the words you found.

• Ask your partner / group your questions.

Health And Safety At Work Page 116

2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write
down some questions you would like to ask the class about the

•Share your questions with other classmates / groups. •Ask
your partner / group your questions.

3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this
exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the
activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?

4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In
groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their

5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your
partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:

 repair
 costly
 recently
 initially
 urge
 secure
 low
 personal
 quit
 loyalty
 late
 toxic

Student survey

Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this
in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own
paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write
down their answers.

Health And Safety At Work Page 117

Discussion - Airline boss promises pilots bonus to keep flying.

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1. What did you think when you read the headline?
2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word

3. What do you think of low-cost airlines?
4. What do you think of pilots?
5. Should pilots of budget carriers be well paid?
6. What is your favourite airline?
7. What do you think are the difficulties of being a pilot?
8. What do you think of pilots having to buy their own

9. What advice do you have for Ryanair?
10. Have you ever worked in a toxic atmosphere?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

11. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
12. What do you think of when you hear the word 'airline'?
13. What do you think about what you read?
14. How safe are budget carriers?
15. What do you think of flying?
16. Would you like to be a pilot?
17. How would you feel if your flight was canceled?
18. Have you ever backpedaled on a decision you made?
19. Why do you think the airline industry is insecure?
20. What questions would you like to ask Ryanair's CEO?

Health And Safety At Work Page 118

Discussion — Write your own questions!
STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
(a) ________________
(b) ________________
(c) ________________
(d) ________________
(e) ________________
STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
(f) ________________
(g) ________________
(h) ________________
(i) ________________
(j) ________________

Language — Cloze (Gap-fill)

The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline has (1) ____ to
increase the pay and working conditions of pilots to stop them
(2) ____ the company. Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair, made a
personal (3) ____ to the budget carrier's 4,200 pilots to address
concerns that pilots are dissatisfied and want to quit the
company. Pilots have been offered salary increases of up to
$11,700 and (4) ____ bonuses of $14,000. A long-serving pilot
told the BBC this was, "too little, (5) ____ late." He said: "There is

Health And Safety At Work Page 119

a lack of basic benefits [for pilots] - no free bottles of water,
coffee or tea and no crew meals." He said pilots also had to buy
their own uniform. He added: "People have just had enough of
the (6) ____ atmosphere."

Mr O'Leary is attempting to repair the damage done to Ryanair's
(7) ____ after a scheduling error with pilot holidays. The (8) ____
mistake meant more than 20,000 flights have been cancelled
recently because of a lack of available pilots. This has (9) ____
over 700,000 passengers. An industry analyst said the airline
made this costly error, "by (10) ____ disrespecting the skill set of
pilots". He added: "In a rare move, [Ryanair] is being forced to
(11) ____, apologize and meet [pilots'] pay demands." O'Leary is
confident that pilots will stay. He said: "I urge you to stay with
Ryanair for a brighter, better future for you and your family." He
added: "We are a very secure employer (12) ____ a very insecure

Which of these words go in the above text?

1. (a) promise (b) promised (c) promissory
(d) promising
leaves (b) leaving (c) left (d) leaver
2. (a) merge (b) sledge (c) drudge
3. (a) pledge
loyal (b) loyalty (c) royal (d) royally
(d) by (b) to (c) so (d) too
4. (a) toxicity (b) toxins (c) toxic
5. (a) toxicology
6. (a) reputation (b) reparation (c) restoration
(d) costed (b) costing (c) costly (d) costs
7. (a) deflected (b) reflected (c) infected
(d) initially (b) initialize (c) initials
8. (a)
9. (a)

10. (a)

Health And Safety At Work Page 120

(d) initialing
11. (a) backpedal (b) peddle (c) pedal
(d) in (b) by (c) at (d) on
12. (a)

D. Spelling

Paragraph 1

1. made a personal lgepde
2. the budget rraierc
3. pilots are eiiisdtdafss
4. olytaly bonuses of $14,000
5. pilots also had to buy their own omunifr
6. toxic pseraotmhe

Paragraph 2

7. the damage done to Ryanair's optruetnai
8. a liudegcshn error with pilot holidays
9. a lack of eabaillav pilots
10. An industry ansylat
11. Ryanair is being forced to lacbakped
12. in a very cnsruiee industry

Put the text back together

( ) this costly error, "by initially disrespecting the skill set of
pilots". He added: "In a rare move, [Ryanair] is being

( ) bonuses of $14,000. A long-serving pilot told the BBC this
was, "too little, too late." He said: "There is a lack of basic

( ) Mr O'Leary is attempting to repair the damage done to
Ryanair's reputation after a scheduling

Health And Safety At Work Page 121

( ) benefits [for pilots] - no free bottles of water, coffee or tea
and no crew meals." He said pilots also had to buy their

( ) lack of available pilots. This has affected over 700,000
passengers. An industry analyst said the airline made

( ) pilots to stop them leaving the company. Michael O'Leary,
CEO of Ryanair, made a personal

( ) confident that pilots will stay. He said: "I urge you to stay
with Ryanair for a brighter, better

( ) forced to backpedal, apologize and meet [pilots'] pay
demands." O'Leary is

( ) own uniform. He added: "People have just had enough of
the toxic atmosphere."

( ) future for you and your family." He added: "We are a very
secure employer in a very insecure industry."

( ) The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline has
promised to increase the pay and working conditions of

( ) error with pilot holidays. The costly mistake meant more
than 20,000 flights have been cancelled recently because of a

( ) the company. Pilots have been offered salary increases of
up to $11,700 and loyalty

( ) pledge to the budget carrier's 4,200 pilots to address
concerns that pilots are dissatisfied and want to quit

Health And Safety At Work Page 122

Put the words in the right order

1. low-cost Europe's has The of airline promised
boss biggest .

2. the to pledge personal a Made pilots 4,200
carrier's budget .

3. up salary have , to increases been $11,700 of
offered Pilots .

4. own said had their He also buy uniform pilots
to .

5. People of have the just toxic had atmosphere
enough .

6. Repair damage to reputation the done Ryanair's .
7. , The meant flights mistake than 20,000 costly

more .
8. this An said made error analyst airline costly

industry the .
9. future I urge you to stay with Ryanair for a

brighter .
10. very secure employer in a very insecure industry

We are a .

E. Writing

1. Write about pilots for 10 minutes. Comment on your
partner’s paper.

2. What are the pros and cons of being a pilot? Would you like
to be one? Why?

Health And Safety At Work Page 123



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To direct guests around the hotel
 To ask for directions
 To give directions

A. A client wants to find a place in a hotel. Look at the
plan above and complete the following sentences.

1. Guest: Excuse me, how do I find room 102?
Receptionist: ……………. The lift to the first floor.

2. Guest: Excuse me. Where is the hair salon?
Receptionist: It’s here on the ground floor. Go

3. Guest: Where is the hotel shop
Receptionist: It’s on the ground floor, ………… the lift.

4. Guest: I’m looking for conference suite A.
Reception: …………………. When you come out of the lift,

5. Guest: Where is the fitness center, please?
Receptionist: It’s in the basement.

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 124

 Expressions to learn
Take the lift to the first floor.
Turn left/right
Walk a long the corridor
It’s on the left/right
Go across/past/trough the lobby
It’s at the end of/the top of/the bottom of the corridor
It’s on the ground/first/top floor
Go past the stairs…..

B. Is the room Ready?

Look at the picture and make questions and answer of the items

1. wardrobe

2. light bulb

3. cabinet

4. table lamp

5. hangers

6. welcome folder

7. drawers

8. minibar

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 125

C. Grammar and Functions

 Indirect Questions

A passenger at an airport is being asked about his hotel
arrangements. Rephrase the interviewer’s questions beginning
the polite phrase in the brackets.

1.Which hotel will you be staying at? (Could you tell

2.Have you ever been there before? (May I………?)
3.Did anyone recommend it to you? (Can you……?)
4.Why did you choose it (Would you mind………..?)
5.How much does it cost? (Could you………..?)
6.What facilities does it have? (Can you………?)
7.Does the hotel have a courtesy bus? (May I……….?)
8.When will you be leaving? (Would you mind………..?)

D. Reading

How to Book a Round Trip Reservation or Flight Itinerary
for Visa Application

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 126

Each time you are about to visit a Schengen Country, the
Embassy or Consulate of the particular Schengen country will
often ask you, as a foreign national who needs a Schengen Visa,
proving to hold a Booked Flight Itinerary and/or Flight
Reservation. Sometimes, they might even ask you to submit the
actual Air or Flight Ticket for your intended destination. The
Embassy or Consulate requires you to provide when applying
for your visa. Yet, all the aforementioned terms used as
alternative expressions to describe a single visa requirement as
it is “proof of booked flight itinerary” are so confusing to you.
Also is the fact that you risk losing your money from paying the
real Flight Ticket, even by knowing that your visa can be denied.
You are also questioning where and how to get this Flight
Itinerary and Confirmed Flight Reservation? Is it possible to pay
for the Flight Reservation and Flight Ticket after I get awarded
with a visa? And many other nerve-wracking questions!

Go easy, because all your above worries will be gone, once you’ll
read our simple explanations. Firstly, don’t worry about risking
your money on a flight ticket before getting the visa! This since
even Embassies and Consulates are able to understand the fact
that it is not a clever thing to push applicants on buying the
complete Flight Ticket. Besides, even if you do so, you will be
suggested by these diplomatic offices about getting the Flight
Ticket with a “free cancellation” option. But, if you plan to buy
one, keep in mind that tickets possessing such an available
option often tend to be much more costly than the regular ones.
Moreover, the European Union’s visa consulate advice has been

“Round trip reservation or itinerary with dates and flight
numbers specifying entry and exit from Schengen state.
Some Schengen authorities accept the itinerary when
applying for the visa but request the original air ticket when
visa is collected“

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 127

Still, there is nothing that you should be so concerned about!
There is always the opportunity to get a Flight Itinerary and
Reserved Flight Ticket instead of buying a costly Flight Ticket. A
Fight Itinerary For Schengen Visa Application is not actually a
real Flight or Air Ticket that you have to spend so much money
buying it. Not often, you might find airline companies that
charge you zero amount of money for getting one Dummy Flight
Itinerary with a reservation number, but typically, a very
economical fee is charged to get a Flight Itinerary and Flight
Reservation for visa application.

A Flight or a Travel Itinerary for Visa Application, as aforesaid, is
not an actual air ticket that you spend money for, without being
sure that your Schengen Visa will not be denied. A Travel
Itinerary for Schengen Visa it is not much more than a document
of a detailed plan of your flight or travel journey to the Schengen
Area. In fact, it is only a flight timetable on the chosen flight
airline, comprised of a flight name, your name, also a valid flight
reservation number or booking ID, arrival and departure date
and airport IATA codes, as well as the price of a real Flight

Thus, fulfilling the requirement of the Embassy or Consulate
when striving to get a Schengen Visa with a Flight Itinerary or a
Flight Reservation, is the greatest and cheapest option! In such
case, you are not actually risking your entire money, since you
do not buy the actual Air Ticket for Visa.

Getting a Confirmed Flight Itinerary and a Flight Reservation for
your visa application, is not something that it can always be
done completely free of charge. It is normal to get charged with
a symbolic amount of money for getting your confirmation over
your Flight or Travel Itinerary. Though, few air companies might
do this for free, by not charging you anything until you buy the
actual Flight Ticket. Anyways, searching online for companies
with such offers as Dummy Flight Itinerary can be time-

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 128

consuming, that might even result in not finding one at the end.
In its place, you can also use the visa consultation services of a
travel agent or find one online like TravelVisaBookings. The
guys from TravelVisaBookings can handle most of your visa
requirements such as flight itineraries, hotel reservations along
with free consultation over email.

Different from an actual Flight Ticket, a Flight Reservation for
Schengen Visa or a Booked Flight Ticket is, in fact, a document
showing that you have a reserved seat for flying on a specific
date, in a particular destination of the Schengen Area, with a
specific airline company. Usually, the reservation or booking is
valid only for a week, so be careful after that! This as the
company might cancel your reservation if you do not buy the
flight ticket until then – risking to lose money you’ve spent on
the reservation. You can buy a Confirmation of a Flight
Reservation directly by the airline company, or through online
travel agents also known as online search travel engines. These
travel agents, enjoy a lot of information about different airline
companies and online market in general. Thus, they can propose
you great and cheap deals by usually charging you 10% of the
fixed ticket price. This way you will cut the risk of, from getting a
real Flight Ticket bought before knowing if you will get your
Schengen Visa.

Almost all Embassies or Consulates of the Schengen Area are
clear towards their visa applicants, telling them not to buy the
full Air Ticket before the visa will be actually issued. Still,
sometimes you will not get along with Schengen Visa
Requirements submitting only the Flight Itinerary and Flight
Ticket Reservation. This since particular Embassy or Consulate
of Schengen Area has the authority for asking you to provide the
actual Flight Ticket, or Air Ticket, if it needs to make sure you
actually have a planned trip to a specific destination in Europe.
Most of the Embassies or Consulates accept Round-trip Flight
Reservation with a Flight Itinerary as a form to prove you have a

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 129

prearranged journey. Though, they want you to provide the
actual Flight Ticket once you get your visa approved. The
moment you own a Flight Ticket, you have in your hand the
ticket with which you can travel to your destination, once
getting the visa. We recommend you not to buy the full Air
Travel Ticket before being certain you will get your Schengen
visa approved. If failing to follow our advice, you can risk losing
your money on a costly Flight Ticket without actually travelling
to your planned destination.


Answer the following questions!

1. Is anyone going to lose his/her money in the case of visa

2. What is a flight/travel itinerary?
3. How to get flight itinerary without paying the actual

4. What is a flight reservation and how can someone gets a

confirmed flight booking?
5. What is a flight ticket?

E. Writing

Write a covering letter from your CV!

Asking for and Giving Directions Page 130



After the lesson the students should be able:

 To explain about room facilities
 To talk about hotel services
 To talk about conference facilities

A. Facilities to offer for conferences

Look at the names of facilities and complete the sentences.

1. photocopier 10. satellite

2. disabled access 11. printer

3. TV Internet access 12. fax

4. garden 13. emails

5. pay-per-view films 14. Car hire

6. multi-line phones 15. Swimming pool

7. broadband 16. Babysitting service

8. electronic safe 17. minibar

9. 24-hour room service 18. Laundry service

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 131

1. All rooms have satellite TV with ……................................. facilities.
2. There is Internet access for sending …………………

3. Both the minibar and the …………………. Are standard in all
4. We have …………………. Room service.
5. The printer, ………….., and …………. Facilities are in the business
6. The business center’s fully equipped and offers ……………..
Internet access

 Expressions to learn
Can you tell me about your in room facilities?

Both the minibar and the electronic safe are standard in all
What about facilities for business travelers?

The business center’s fully equipped.

 Structure to Practice

Notice these two ways the clerk suggests something:
a. Why don’t you get an international business center?
b. You can get an business center, if you’d like.

Your client has a problem. Make suggestions to your clients, first
using pattern (a), then pattern (b).

1. I can’t go on the afternoon tour (morning tour)
2. First class is too expensive (economy class)
3. I don’t like my hotel (change hotel)
4. The five o’clock flight is too late (take an earlier flight)
5. I want to try some typically Balinese food (babi guling)
6. How can I get to the dance (take a taxi)
7. I don’t like going on coach tours (rent a motor bike)
8. I’ve forgotten my hat (borrow mine)
9. I don’t want to have lunch yet (eat later)
10. I don’t feel like going any where (have a rest in your


Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 132

B. Planning a Conference

Complete the table

Conference facilities

Type of rooms Type of audio- Business services
visual equipment ………………………….
…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
…………………………. ………………………….
…………………………. ………………………….

Work with a partner.
Call the Hotel Puri Bagus Candidasa and make a booking for a
business conference.
Use the following information.
Organization International Football Association Club
Delegates 250
Rooms needed boardroom or conference room (capacity 250),
ten classroom-style rooms (capacity 25), ballroom and
banqueting room
Equipment digital projectors, flip charts, PowerPoint
Accommodation full board
Time 2 days from morning 25 August to morning 27

C. Reading

Mount Fuji Become a World Heritage Site

Japan's Mount Fuji will become a World Heritage Site in June.
The United Nations (U.N.) decided on April the 30th to give the
famous mountain UNESCO World Heritage status. The U.N. team

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 133

that made the decision said Fuji was very important to Japanese
religion and art. They also said that the 3,776-meter-high
volcano was important outside of Japan too. Fuji-san (as
Japanese people call it) has been a sacred mountain for more
than 1,000 years. Priests say that when you climb it, you move
from the "everyday world" at the bottom, to the "world of gods,
Buddha and death" at the top. They believe people can wash
away their sins by climbing to the top and coming back down

Mount Fuji is a major tourist destination. It is very popular with
hikers, who want to see the rising sun from its peak. More than
318,000 hikers visited the mountain last summer, with up to
15,000 people climbing each day. Local residents are now
worried the World Heritage status will mean more visitors. That
means there will be more litter and environmental problems.
The local government may ask people to pay to climb the
mountain to help preserve its beauty. Governor Shomei
Yokouchi said: "It's likely we'll ask mountain climbers to help
financially with keeping the mountain clean." Another idea being
talked about is to limit the daily number of hikers allowed to the


1. MOUNT FUJI: Students walk around the class and talk to
other students about Mount Fuji. Change partners often and
share your findings.

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 134

2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, decide which of these topics or
words from the article are most interesting and which are most

heritage / famous mountains / religion and art / volcano /
1,000 years / wash away sin / tourist destinations / rising sun /
last summer / environmental problems / hikers

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and
partners frequently.

3. WORLD BEST: Complete this table with your partner(s).
Change partners often and share what you wrote.

The Why? How to preserve heritage



4. WORLD HERITAGE: Students A strongly believe that being a
World Heritage site is very important; Students
B strongly believe it isn't. Change partners again and talk about
your conversations.

5. MOUNTAINS: Rank these and share your rankings with
your partner. Put the best at the top. Change partners often

and share your rankings.

 Mount Fuji  Mont Blanc
 Mount Everest  Ayers Rock

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 135

 Kilimanjaro  Mount Ararat
 Table Mountain  Vesuvius

6. MOUNTAIN: Spend one minute writing down all of the
different words you associate with the word 'mountain'. Share
your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together,
put the words into different categories.


1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are
true (T) or false (F).

a. Mt. Fuji will become a World Heritage site in T/F


b. The U.N. made Mt. Fuji a World Heritage site T / F

because of its beauty.

c. Mount Fuji has been sacred in Egypt for over T / F

1,000 years.

d. People believe going up and down Fuji helps wash T / F

away sins.

e. Over 3.18 million people visited Mt. Fuji last year. T / F

f. Around 15,000 people a day visited Mt. Fuji last T / F


g. People who live near Mt. Fuji are worried about T / F

increasing litter.

h. There are no plans to charge for visiting Mt. Fuji. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the

1. Mountain a. well-liked
2. Status b. peak
3. Sacred c. important

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 136

4. Climb d. control
5. Sins e. holy
6. Major f. garbage
7. Popular g. wrongdoing
8. Residents h. position
9. Litter i. citizens
10. Limit j. scale

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is

1. World Heritage a. volcano
2. the 3,776-meter-high b. government
3. the everyday c. their sins
4. wash away d. sun
5. climbing to the top and e. world
6. a major tourist f. number of hikers
7. the rising g. status
8. Local h. its beauty
9. help preserve i. destination
10.limit the daily j. coming back down


Japan's Mount Fuji will (1) ____________ a World sacred
Heritage Site in June. The United Nations (U.N.) climbing
decided on April the 30th to give the famous status
mountain UNESCO World Heritage (2) ____________. volcano
The U.N. team that made the (3) ____________ said become
Fuji was very important to Japanese religion and everyday
art. They also said that the 3,776-meter-high (4) decision
____________ was important outside of Japan too. Fuji- wash
san (as Japanese people call it) has been a (5)
____________ mountain for more than 1,000 years.

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 137

Priests say that when you climb it, you move from
the "(6) ____________ world" at the bottom, to the
"world of gods, Buddha and death" at the top. They
believe people can (7) ____________ away their sins
by (8) ____________ to the top and coming back down

Mount Fuji is a (9) ____________ tourist destination. It financially
is very popular with hikers, who want to see the limit
rising sun from its (10) ____________. More than peak
318,000 hikers visited the mountain last summer, preserve
with up to 15,000 people climbing (11) ____________ major
day. Local residents are now worried the World means
Heritage status will mean more visitors. That (12) idea
____________ there will be more litter and each
environmental problems. The local government
may ask people to pay to climb the mountain to
help (13) ____________ its beauty. Governor Shomei
Yokouchi said: "It's likely we'll ask mountain
climbers to help (14) ____________ with keeping the
mountain clean." Another (15) ____________ being
talked about is to (16) ____________ the daily number
of hikers allowed to the top.

LISTENING - Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) give the famous mountain UNESCO ______
a. World Heritage stay to us
b. World Heritage statuses
c. World Heritage state us
d. World Heritage status

2) the 3,776-meter-high volcano was important ______ too
a. outside if Japan
b. outside of Japan
c. outside in Japan

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 138

d. outside for Japan
3) you move from the "______" at the bottom

a. everyone world
b. everything world
c. everyday world
d. every daily world
4) They believe people can wash ______
a. away their sins
b. away their things
c. away their sings
d. away their thins
5) climbing to the top and coming ______
a. back down again
b. back up again
c. back over again
d. back dawn again
6) Mount Fuji is ______ destination
a. a majorly tourist
b. a major tourists
c. the major tourist
d. a major tourist
7) hikers who want to see the rising ______
a. sun from it speaks
b. sun from it's a peak
c. sun from its peak
d. sun from its peaks
8) there will ______ and environmental problems
a. be more litter
b. be more letter
c. be more latter
d. be more little
9) ask mountain climbers to ______ with keeping the mountain
a. help financial

Facilities for The Business Conferences Page 139

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