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Modul ini merupakan salah satu contoh bahan ajar yang berbasis pada kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang berlandas kepada kurikulum 2013 dengan cangkupan 3 level kognitif. Sehingga, modul ini merupakan dokumen yang bersifat dinamis dan terbuka lebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi daerah masing-masing, namun tetap merujuk kepada ketercapaiannya kompetensi dasar.

Modul ini dilengkapi dengan video pembelajaran yang berbentuk barcode
(QR-Code) dan link, serta soal-soal latihan berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking
Skill) yang meliputi kegiatan Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Listening
(Mendengar), dan Speaking (Berbicara) yang terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) bab sesuai dengan ketercapaian pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar.

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by viviiauliaaa, 2022-10-09 10:44:15

Flip Modul Kelas XII-Pegangan Guru

Modul ini merupakan salah satu contoh bahan ajar yang berbasis pada kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang berlandas kepada kurikulum 2013 dengan cangkupan 3 level kognitif. Sehingga, modul ini merupakan dokumen yang bersifat dinamis dan terbuka lebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi daerah masing-masing, namun tetap merujuk kepada ketercapaiannya kompetensi dasar.

Modul ini dilengkapi dengan video pembelajaran yang berbentuk barcode
(QR-Code) dan link, serta soal-soal latihan berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking
Skill) yang meliputi kegiatan Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Listening
(Mendengar), dan Speaking (Berbicara) yang terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) bab sesuai dengan ketercapaian pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar.

Mechanics obscured in written narrative texts. 1
(M) Vocabulary is very poor because there’s no some 4
15% 3
relevant words found and meaning incomprehensible 2
Capitalization in written narrative texts. 1
Speeling The mechanics is excellent in the use of
capitalization, punctuation, and speeling while create
own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is good, but there’s a minor errors in
the use of capitalization, punctuation, and speeling

while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is loose, because there’s frequent

errors in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is very poor, because there’s
dominated errors in the use of capitalization,

punctuation, and speeling while create own written
narrative texts.

Accepting Refusing
May I help you, Miss?
Is there anything else before I - I think I can
go back into my class and handle it
inform my classmates? Last, don’t forget to
practice and tell -
What if I help you? again to your
What can I do for you? classmates to give
us their best
Is there anything else I can performance
help? because it will
affect on your

Sure, please help -
me, Jimmy -
I think you can help
me to cross check I think that’s all
my script first and
then practice the
dialog with me




1.Where does the dialog probaby occur?
Teacher’s room or Teacher’s office

2. What does Libby offer help?
Because, Miss Cindy looks to have several activities including checking the
assignment and writing down the final score in her journal book.

3. What does Miss Cindy problem?
She didn’t inform to Libby’s classmates to make a performance in next week

4. How does the response of Miss Cindy to the offer?
Libby : You look so busy, may I help you, Miss?
Miss Cindy: I think I can handle it


Libby : Alright Miss, Is there anything else before I go back into my class

and inform my classmates?

Miss Cindy : Last, don’t forget to practice and tell again to your classmates to

give us their best performance because it will affect on your evaluation

5. What does information we get from the conversation?
Libby’s class have a performance for next week, so they will do the best

performance because it will affect the evaluation score.

1. Where does the dialog probably occur?


2. What does Jimmy offer help?
Because he’s care to his friends or because Jimmy was finishing his assignment
and he’s free now.

3. What does Judy problem?
She didn’t do her assignment and practice at all

4. How does the response of Judy to the offer?
Accept: Sure, please help me, Jimmy

5. What does information we get from the conversation?
Jimmy help Judy to do her assignment in cross check her dialog script and help
her to practice the dialog.


4. KEYWORD ACTIVITY 6 Dialog 1 Dialog 2
Less formal Less formal
formal/less formal Afternoon Morning

Time to offer Expression: meet me in
help and service the entrance hall in five
minutes. I’ll give you
Expression and Expression: the projector
response Do you want me to help
you with anything? Response:
Thank you for advice,
Response: John
I’d really appreciate it if

you dont mind

1. May I help you?
2. What can I say?
3. What if we come to your house tomorrow?
4. What is the dialog talking about?

The dialog is talking about the man who need reparation for his car but the
mechanic can’t do because the employee are working on some cars right
now, sir. I think you'll have to wait for a few hours.

5. Where is the dialog occur?
Garages/ workshop/ machine shop

6. Why man need a help?
Because his car need a fix and he wants to use the car tomorrow.

7. How does the end of the conversation?
The mechanic offers help to call his friend to repair the man’s car and the man
accepts the offer.

8. Can you identify the expression and respond refer to the dialog?
May I help you?
What can I say?
What if we come to your house tomorrow?


Refuse: men are working on some cars right
now, sir. I think you'll have to wait for a few hours.
Accept: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thanks.

I was wondering if you need any help on your new project.

Sure! That would be great! Are you good at writing or would you rather do the
computer work?

I would like to help with the computer work.

Great! We are going to be working in teams of three. Are you OK working with

Yes, I like working like that.

We will begin next Monday. Would you be available then?

Yes, I can be there.

Well, if you could send me your basic background information before next Monday,
it would be useful.

I will send the information to you.

Well then, thanks for your help. Have a great day!

Richard : Would you like me to help you with your new project?
Billy : That would be great. Do you want to help with the designing or

the mapping part?
Richard : I am good at graphic design. I prefer doing the designing part.
Billy : Excellent! You’ll be working alone on that part. Is it OK for you?
Richard : It’s OK, but will ask others for some suggestions.
Billy : Please send me your personal data before the meeting so I can

look at it.
Richard : I can send it to you soon.
Billy : We will have the first meeting next Friday. Could you join us?
Richard : Sure. I’m free on Friday



1. E. 6. D. 11. E. 16. B.
2. E. 7. B. 12. E. 17. D.
3. A. 8. D. 13. A. 18. D.
4. C. 9. D. 14. B. 19. B.
5. E. 10. A. 15. D. 20. E.




Picture 2. 1 Scene of Applying for a job (Resouce : Monsters, Inc. Movie)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada Chapter 2, peserta didik diharapkan dapat menirukan pendidik dengan cara
membaca beberapa contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dengan ucapan, tekanan kata yang
benar, dan mengaitkan kualifikasi dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar serta membahas
kesesuaiannya. Setelah itu, peserta didik diharapkan mampu untuk mengidentifikasi
persamaan dan perbedaan surat lamaran pekerjaan cetak dan email dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, dan dokumen lampiran
berupa Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV). Pada tahap terakhir, peserta didik diharapkan
dapat menangkap makna secara kontekstual serta menyusun surat lamaran kerja yang
memberikan informasi terkait jati diri, latarbelakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.

2. Uraian Materi
Pada Chapter 2, peserta didik akan memulai pembelajaran dengan kegiatan
menonton, membaca dan mengamati beberapa bentuk-bentuk lowongan pekerjaan
(Job Vacancy), surat lamaran pekerjaan berbasis cetak (Application Letter), dan
surat lamaran pekerjaan berbasis email (Application Email) yang mana tetap
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, serta dokumen-
dokumen yang wajib dilampirkan salah satunya Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV).



Picture 2. 2 Job vacancy (

Job vacancy ads or job advertisements can be defined as a form of communication
(can be in the form of notifications) used by organizations to attract prospective
workers or talents so that they apply for certain positions.
Job vacancy or job advertisements usually contain the following information
Job title → Job position
Job description → Description of the position's duties
Qualification → Minimum qualification that must be met by the applicant
Benefits → What workers get (salary, insurance, bonuses, etc.)
Instructions → How to apply for the job position.


Picture 2.3 Structure of job vacancy (Lesson plan from Irdana Usman, SS.)


Picture 2. 4 Job vacancy (Resource: Lesson plan from Irdana Usman, SS.)

In this section,
Please, watch the youtube movie by following link.
Listen carefully to the material and don’t forget to make a summary.
Setelah menonton video pembelajaran, peserta didik diharuskan untuk memahami
dan mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari surat lamaran pekerjaan baik berbentuk cetak
maupun email, peserta didik juga diharuskan untuk memahami dan mengidentifikasi
unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan di dalam surat lamaran pekerjaan.


If we talk about application letter, we will have several question about it, like:
What is the meaning of application letter?
How to make a good application letter?
Application letter also know as a cover letter, it is a document with private datas’
that used to apply for a job. In application letter must be pay attention to the
important point:
1. In the letter, you must provide a detailed explanation of why you are a suitable

candidate for the job you are applying for.
2. An effective application letter must contain the reasons behind your work

interest as well as the skills and work experience relevant to the job.

Picture 2. 5 Application email (Resource:

In this 20th century, many people apply for a job by using application email or E-
application (Electronic Application). It means the letter should apply by digital or
by email and one of benefit if people do this way is making an efficient and
effective steps to apply for a job because people don’t spend much time to send it
by post and the cost of application email is cheaper than application letter.
Before you make your own application letter, please read these following
table about the similarities and differences of application letter dan
application email.
Make sure to read this material carefully and if you don’t understand, please
asking your teacher about the materials.

Definition: it is a document that include information like private data to apply for a
job that can be sent via post.
Charles White
St. Rose No. 76


[email protected]

September 4, 2020

Personel Manager
Sky Boga Hotel
California, 92025

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am having read a job vacancy in Sky Boga Hotel’s website, starting that your hotel

need a hotel staff, I am interesting to apply for such a position.

I am a fresh graduate from one leading college, majoring in hotel and tourism. I
have several experiences of having apprentice at some hotels and restaurants during
my studies. I can speak English and Korean fluently. I am enthusiastic, a quick
learner, confident, and work efficiently. I am also able to work either individually or
in teams.

I believe that this hotel will be a great success for many years to come. My expertise
would be a privilege to discuss myself in detail. I would be happy to come by
whenever it is most convenient for you. Thank you for your time, and I look
forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,

Charles White Language Features
Text Structures 1. Use the simple present tense

1. Applicant’s or sender’s address when you talk about short
Name of applicant introduction about yourself.
Phone number 2. Use simple past tense when you
Email talk about our education and
last experience communicative.
2. Date of letter
UK = Oct, 17th 2022 3. Use verb action when you talk
US = 17, Oct 2022 about skills that you had.

3. Receiver’s or company’s address 4. Use the simple future tense
Name of Human Resources or company’s when you talk about your hope
name to be hired by this company.
Company’s address
Zipcode/postal code 5. Not more than one page long.

4. Salutation 6. Use formal langauge not slang.
Dear Mr/ Ms. + last name
Dear Sir/Madam


5. Body letter 7. Write politely, communicative
a. Opening and to the point but interesting
In this paragraph, consist information to read.
where do you get the job vacancy and
short introduction about yourself.
b. Content
In this paragraph, consist information
about your experience and skills that you
c. Closing
In this paragraph, consist information
about hope and wish to look foward to
interview and join the company.

6. Complimentary or closement
Use close statement sincerely or sincerely
yours respectfully or respecfully your
Use your signature
Use name of sender

Definition: it is a document that include information like private data to apply for
a job that can be sent via email.

To : [email protected]
Date : September 4, 2020
Subject: Application-Hotel Staff

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am having read a job vacancy in Sky Boga Hotel’s website, starting that your

hotel need a hotel staff, I am interesting to apply for such a position.

I am a fresh graduate from one leading college, majoring in hotel and tourism. I
have several experiences of having apprentice at some hotels and restaurants during
my studies. I can speak English and Korean fluently. I am enthusiastic, a quick
learner, confident, and work efficiently. I am also able to work either individually
or in teams.

I believe that this hotel will be a great success for many years to come. My
expertise would be a privilege to discuss myself in detail. I would be happy to come
by whenever it is most convenient for you. Thank you for your time, and I look
forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Charles White


Charles White Language Features
St. Rose No. 76 1. Use the simple present tense
[email protected] when you talk about short
introduction about yourself.
White recent photo.pdf [500kb]
White identity card.pdf [500kb] 2. Use simple past tense when
White resume.pdf [500kb] you talk about our education
White graduation certificate.pdf [500kb] and last experience
White certificate of internship.pdf [500kb] communicative.

Text Structures 3. Use verb action when you
1. Employer’s /Sender’s address talk about skills that you had.
To :
Company’s address 4. Use the simple future tense
Date of letter : when you talk about your
UK = Oct, 17th 2022 hope to be hired by this
US = 17, Oct 2022 company.
Subject :
Title of application letter and name of 5. Not more than one page
company long.

2. Salutation 6. Use formal langauge not
Dear Mr/ Ms. + last name slang.
Dear Sir/Madam
7. Write politely,
3. Body letter
a. Opening communicative and to the
In this paragraph, consist information
where do you get the job vacancy and short point but interesting to read.
introduction about yourself.
b. Content
In this paragraph, consist information
about your experience and skills that you
c. Closing
In this paragraph, consist information
about hope and wish to look foward to
interview and join the company.

4. Complimentary or closement
Use close statement
sincerely or sincerely yours respectfully or
respecfully your

5. Applicant’s address
Your fullname


Your address
Your telephone number
Your e-mail address

6. Attachment documents
Resume or CV
ID Card

Pada kegiatan selanjutnya, peserta didik diharapkan mampu untuk mengidentifikasi
dengan menyebutkan beberapa expression or phrases that used in writing job
application letter. Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dapat dilihat pada kolom di bawah

Table 2.1 Expression or phrase in Job application

Stage Expression or phrases
OPENING I am writing in reply to your advertisement in...
With reference to your advertisement in...
TALKING ABOUT I would like to apply for the position...
EXPERIENCES AND In reply to your advertisement..
QUALIFICATIONS I wish to apply for the past of..which you advertised in...
REASON FOR I am writing in response to your advertisement posted
I am charge of...
CLOSING As you can see from my CV...
At present, I am working as...
Currently, I am working as a...
I have two years experience in the sector...
My proffesional qualifications appear to be well suited to
your company’s requirements.
As you can see my enclosde resume, my experience and
qualification match this position’ requirements.

I particularly interested in this position
I wolud like to work for your in order to...
I have lively interested in....and wold appreciate the
opportunity to broaden my knowledge by working with

I look forward to hearing from you
I will be available for interview from
I available for interview on...
I would welcome the opportunity to dicuss further
details. Of the position with your personality.



Picture 2. 6 Resume (Resource :

In this section,
Please, watch the youtube movie by following link.
Listen carefully to the material and don’t forget to make a summary.
Setelah menonton video pembelajaran, ditahap ini peserta didik diharuskan untuk
memahami dan mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari resume or curriculum vitae,
peserta didik juga diharuskan untuk memahami dan mengidentifikasi unsur
kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan resume or curriculum vitae.


If we talk about resume or curriculum vitae, we will have several question about it,
What is the meaning of resume or curriculum vitae?
How to make a good resume or curriculum vitae?
A resume is a document commonly used in the hiring process. It includes
information about your background and qualifications and should communicate
the most important, relevant information about you to employers in a clear, easy-
to-read format. The goal is to quickly communicate why you are uniquely
qualified for the position based on your skills and experiences.

Picture 2. 7 Format of Resume (Resources:


After you know about the definition of curriculum vitae or resume, lets move to
the another side.
In this part you will learn about:
“How to create a professional resume or curriculum vitae?”
Start by choosing the right resume format
A “format” is the style and order in which you display information on your
resume. There are three commonly used resume format you can choose from
depending on which is right for you: chronological (or reverse-chronological),
functional or a combination.
a. A chronological
It is a resume format places the professional history section first and is a good
option if you have a rich professional work history with no gaps in employment.

Picture 2.8 Chronological resume (Resource :


b. The functional resume
It is a format emphasizes the skills section and is a good option if you are switching
industries or have some gaps in your work history.

Picture 2.9 Functional resume (Resource :

c. The combination resume
It is a good option format if you have some professional experience, where both
skills and work history are equally important.


Picture 2.2 Combination resume (Resource :

2. Include your name and contact information
Your resume should begin with:

1. your name that should be highly visible at the top of your resume with a
bolded or larger font than the rest of the document, but no more than a 14
point size.

2. your contact information, including your email address, phone number, and
your mailing address.

3. your link to your online portfolio if you are applying to creative positions,
for example.

3. Add a resume summary or objective
An objective statement quickly explains your career goals and is a good choice for
those with limited professional experience, such as recent college or high school
graduates. A resume summary is a short statement that uses active language to
describe your relevant work experience and skills.

4. List your soft and hard skills
Take a moment to consider which skills make you a great fit for the job. Review
the job description and highlight keywords that you have had proven success with
in the past. Consider both hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) skills, as well
as transferable skills you can use when changing careers or industries. Create a
skills section with the keywords that are relevant to the employer. List any


required skills like certifications or licenses first.

5. List your professional history with keywords
Write your professional history section in reverse-chronological order. Start with
your most recent job and provide a short description, including the company name,
time period in which you were employed, your job title and a few key
achievements during your time at the company. You might also include relevant
learnings or growth opportunities you experienced while employed there.

When listing your professional history, you should keep a few best practices in

1. Use numbers to measure your impact, when possible. Including specific
numerical achievements can help employers understand your direct
potential value to their company. For example: “Developed new process
for requesting supplies, reducing fulfillment time by 10%.”

2. Use keywords from the job description. Similar to your skills section, you
should also include information from the job description in your job
history bullets. For example: “Achieved goal of reaching 250% annual
sales quota, winning sales MVP two quarters in a row.”

3. Be brief. Employers have mere seconds to review your resume, so you
should keep your descriptions as concise and relevant as possible. Try
removing filler words like “and,” and “the.” You should also only list key
achievements instead of multiple lines describing your role.

4. Use action verbs. Make a stronger impact by using action verbs to describe
your professional achievements. For examples include “developed,”
“saved,” “drove” and “managed.”

5. Follow the same process for other work experiences. If you do not have
extensive professional history, you should also include internships and
volunteer opportunities following the same format.

6. Include an education section
An education section will be especially valuable if you have limited work
experience (such as recent college or high school graduates) or if you are
transferring to a new industry. You can include information such as:

1. Relevant coursework
2. Grade point average (if above 3.5)
3. Participation in clubs or organizations
4. Leadership positions held
5. Awards, achievements or certifications

When writing your education section, you should include the name of the
institution, dates of attendance and your degree or area of study. If you are


applying to mid- or higher-level positions, you might remove all but the name of
your school and dates of attendance to make room for more relevant professional
experience on your resume.

If you have certifications or licenses that are relevant to the job description, you
can include them in this section as well. To save space, you can leave off any
credentials that are not directly related to the requirements of this job.

7. Consider adding optional sections
If you have significant white space on your resume, consider adding
an achievements or interests section. This can help supplement a shorter resume,
especially for those with limited work and educational experience. Makes sure the
achievements and interests you list support your career goals and are relevant to
potential employers.

8. Format your resume
While the layout of your resume is important, you should also take time to pay
attention to formatting details like font style, font size, margins and
spacing. Formatting your resume can make it look clean, professional and improve
readability. This is key when attempting to keep an employer’s attention. Here are
a few key tips that can help make your resume look polished:

1. Make your font between 10 and 12 point size.
2. Select a font that is clean and easy to read like Arial or Helvetica; avoid

stylized fonts.
3. Make sure your margins are 1 to 1.5 inches.
4. Make your name and section headers bold or slightly bigger in font size

(no more than 14 points).
5. Use bullet points when listing several different pieces of information, like

under your education and professional history sections.

9. Proofread your resume
Carefully review your resume for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
Reading your resume backward can help you identify errors by presenting the
words in a new order. You should also ask trusted friends, colleagues, professors
and family members if they can review your resume. Third-party opinions can
help reveal new information you might have overlooked.

If your resume is more than one page, review for ways to consolidate or shorten
each section by removing filler words or extraneous information. Two pages may
be acceptable if you are applying for high-level positions or industries like health
care or academia.

10. Tailor your resume for each position
It’s important to revise your resume to tailor it to each position you apply for. For
each job, adjust the keywords in the skills section so that it’s a great fit for what
the employer needs. You should also change what you emphasize in the


professional history and educational experiences sections depending on what’s
listed in the job description.

Setelah itu, peserta didik akan berlatih untuk menciptakan surat lamaran pekerjaan
baik berbentuk cetak maupun email dan daftar riwayat hidup dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.


Individual Project
Find one of job vacancy and then write down application letter and application
email refer to the following job vacancy.

After making an application letter and email, please write down resume relate to the
application letter and email.

Kegiatan pembelajaran akan ditutup dengan pengisian lembar penilaian dan refleksi
oleh peserta didik, dengan tujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman peserta didik terkait
materi pada Chapter II-How to apply for a job.


Multiple choice
20 questions relate to the material.


Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good Need
OK Improvement

I can ...

I can ...
I can ...


3. Rangkuman


4. Penugasan
Please read the following application letter, then practice the pronounciation

Charles White
St. Rose No. 76
[email protected]

September 4, 2020

Personel Manager
Sky Boga Hotel
California, 92025

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am having read a job vacancy in Sky Boga Hotel’s website, starting that your
hotel need a hotel staff, I am interesting to apply for such a position.

I am a fresh graduate from one leading college, majoring in hotel and tourism. I
have several experiences of having apprentice at some hotels and restaurants
during my studies. I can speak English and Korean fluently. I am enthusiastic,
a quick learner, confident, and work efficiently. I am also able to work either
individually or in teams.

I believe that this hotel will be a great success for many years to come. My
expertise would be a privilege to discuss myself in detail. I would be happy to
come by whenever it is most convenient for you. Thank you for your time, and
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,

Charles White

No. Word Pronounce No. Word Pronounce
1. Vacancy /ˈveɪ.kə 6. Tourism /ˈtʊr.ɪ.zəm/

2. Interesting /ˈɪn.trɪ.stɪŋ/ 7. During /ˈdʊr.ɪŋ/
3. Apply /əˈplaɪ/ 8. Enthusiastic /ɪnˌθuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/
4. Position /pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ 9. Confident /ˈkɑːn.fə.dənt/
5. Leading /ˈliː.dɪŋ/ 10. Convenient /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/


Please look up this resume by scanning the QR-code, and make a summary based on
the youtube video. After that, try to make your own resume.



Take a look with this job vacancy and then answer these questions below.

Picture 2. 31 Example of job vacancy (Resources :

1. Please identify the structures of job vacancy!
2. What position that can be applying based on the job vacancy?


3. What kind of field the job vacancy?
4. What is the supporting data that must be sending to Yoyo Media?
5. What kind of skills that must have for the applicant?
6. What is the meaning of “sick leaves” ?(see the benefit of job vacancy)
7. Why does Yoyo media open recruitment for graphic designer?
8. How does applicant send the application to Yoyo media?
9. Please make the cover letter based on the job vacancy!


10. Please make the curriculum vitae based on the job vacancy!



Complete the following professions with suitable skills. Then pay attention to the
following skills.


Find out three kinds of professions and skills that must be have besides on Activity 4.




Read this jumled letter. Then write down the following jumled into a correct order
and present the result in front of the class.


Read the application letter below. Then write down the right information based on
the table.


Please choose one of job vacancies. Then write down the application letter to apply
for the relevant job.


Please write down the application email to apply for the relevant job.



Please find, one of job vacancies in news paper or google. Then make a resume
based on the job vacancies’ profession needed. Pay attention on structure and
language feature to make a good resume.


5. Evaluasi
Please choose the best answer below by following option A, B, C, D, or E.
Question for number 1 until 3

1. The word of ‘Requiremnets’ has closest meaning to?
A. Academic degree
B. Applicant’s experiences
C. Applicant's qualifications
D. Company's profiles and background
E. Applicant’s Skills and work experiences
2. The characteristics of Job Vacancy is the following, except?
A. Using short sentence
B. Using simple language
C. Using understandable language
D. Giving detail information about job
E. Using many animations and ilustrations
3. Which is the incorrect statement?
A. The applicant should be fresh graduate
B. The company's profile is about financing
C. The applicant must be able to operate computer
D. The applicant msut bring CV as walk in interview


E. The applicant must be able communicate using English
Question for number 4 until 8


4. How did Joseph find out about the job?
A. From Television
B. From Newspaper
C. From Magazine
D. From Social Media
E. From Website

5. Based on the text above, the following statement is correct related to the
applicant characters is?

A. The applicant is impolite
B. The applicant has responsibility
C. The applicant looks so ambitious
D. The applicant has strong confindence
E. The applicant is so ignorant with society

6. What qualification does the company search most?
A. Person who is expert in using internet
B. Person who is able to operate computer
C. Person who understand the millennial things
D. Person who is good at internet and social media
E. Person who can able to become a trend setter for social media

7. What is the biggest motivate Joseph to apply for a job position?
A. He has the experience
B. He knows what to do in his job better
C. He has good academic background supporting his job
D. He has a strong connection with this company enevironment
E. He has good achiement related to the same field in the company

8. “ I increased our followers by over 50%”.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?

A. Making different
B. Making stronger
C. Making bigger in numbers
D. Making double in numbers
E. Making smaller in numbers

Question for number 9 until 10
In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I (9)…….customer
acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $20,000+. As
the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation & management
process end-to-end. Meaning, I created the ad copy, images, picked the targeting, ran
optimization trials, and so on. I really admire how Company XYZ thrives for
excellence for all its (10)….lines, creating market-leading tech. As someone that has


qualification and skills, I truly believe that I and Company XYZ will be a great

9. What is correct words to complete the letter?
A. Spoke
B. Served
C. Talked
D. Handled
E. Managed

10. What is correct words to complete the letter?
A. Fabrics
B. Sellings
C. Workers
D. Products
E. Machines

Question for number 11 until 13

John Donaldson
8 Sue Circle, Smithtown, CA 08067 909-555-5555.
[email protected]

August 14, 2020
George Gilhooley
Times Union
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065

Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As
requested, I enclose a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and
three references. The role is very appealing to me, and I believe that my strong
technical experience and education make me a highly competitive candidate for this
position. My key strengths that would support my success in this position include: I
have successfully designed, developed, and supported live-use applications.

I strive continually for excellence. I provide exceptional contributions to customer
service for all customers. With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a
comprehensive understanding of the full lifecycle for software development projects.
I also have experience in learning and applying new technologies as appropriate.
Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.


I can be reached anytime via email at [email protected] or by cell
phone, 909-555-5555. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to
speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

John Donaldson (signature hard copy letter)
John Donaldson

11. How did John Donaldson find out about the job?
A. From a friend
B. From his E-mail
C. From social media
D. From newspaper Union
E. From website Times Union

12. Why does John Donaldson send letter to Mr. Gilhooley?
A. Because Mr. Gilhooley is the owner
B. Because Mr. Gilhooley is a technical
C. Because Mr. Gilhooley decides what job is vacant
D. Because Mr. Gilhooley is in charge of hiring people
E. Because Mr. Gilhooley needs information from John Donladson

13. From the letter we can conclude that John Donaldson?
A. He discourage continually for excellence
B. He thought that role is not appealing to him
C. The biggest experience is applying computer
D. He has competency in computer programming
E. He is fresh graduate in computer programming

Question for number 14 until 15

To : [email protected]
Date : Monday, April 22, 2022 | 12.25 AM
Subject : Application Letter for Electronic Marketing Staff-Harry Clarks

Dear Sir,
This is regarding your your advertisement in Today’s time on Friday, 19 April, 202. I
would like to be considered for Marketing Senior Assistant post.

My name is Harry Clarks, I am graduated from Politeknik Batam majoring in
electronic industry. My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I
have special responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other
electroic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing
specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2020. My tasks among other are


building good relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for
the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.

I greatly appreciate the time you spend for reviewing my application, and
opportunity for an interview which I can attend at your most convenient time. I can
be reached by phone or email any time. It would be a great honor to work in your
company. Thank you for your kind attention.

Sincerely yours,
Harry Clarks

Harry Clarks
St. Bougenville No.7
San Francisco, CA
+1 123 456 7890
[email protected]

14. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?
A. Complete his first degree
B. Work as a marketing specialist
C. Wait for the response of the recipient
D. Looking for the another job vacancy
E. Call the recipient for the confirmation

15. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae..”
The underlined word is in the opposite to?

A. Hedge
B. Attach
C. Encircle
D. Confine
E. Look foward

The Personnel Department
PT Shangrilla Abadi Utama
14 Jalan Shangrilla Raya

Dear Sir,

I was informed that there is a vacancy in your office for the post of an administration
staff. if this is so, I wish to offer Myself as a candidate for the post you offered.

I graduated from Senior high school, healthy, and have strong motivation to work for
a private company. I have fair knowledge of office administration and I can speak


English. I also used to take English and Computer course so that I can use computer
with accuracy and speed.

For your further information, I enclose a copy of my certificate, testimonial,
curriculum vitae, and a recent photograph of mine. I hope my application will receive
your favourable consideration and that you will select me for an interview.

Yours faithfully,


16. The following statement is true, except?
A. She can speak English
B. She can use a computer
C. She has strong motivation
D. She work as an administration staff
E. She used to take English and Computer course

Question for number 17 until 18

Jl. Jendral Sudirman 112-116

May 21, 2011

PT. International Sofware
Jl. Gatot Subroto

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are interested in becoming a distributor for your sofware products in Banten,
descriptive brochure and term We are a hardware company that would like to add
software to our sales offering.

Our annual report is closed. We look forward to hearing from your soon,

Sincerely yours,

Imam Rahmadi

17. Why does PT Abadi Jaya Intend to be distributor of PT. International software?
A. PT. Abadi Jaya encloses their annual sales report


B. PT. International Software wants to promote their products
C. PT. Abadi Jaya has the latest catalogs and descriptive brochure
D. PT. Abadi Jaya wants to sell PT. International Software’s pruducts
E. PT. Abadi Jaya shares their catalogue with PT. International Software

18. We know from the text that?
A. PT. Abadi Jaya is trying to expand its business
B. PT. Abadi Jaya is experienced in selling software
C. PT. International Software is experienced in selling hardware
D. PT. Abadi Jaya shares their products with PT. International Software
E. PT. International Software purchases their products from PT. Abadi Jaya

Question for number 19 until 20

Dear Ms. Morrow,
I am applying for the summer internship as editorial assistant for Campus Update,
Ball State University’s magazines for faculty and staff. Dr. Mauren duffy, professor
of English, called my attention to your advertisement in the Daily News and
encouraged me to apply for the position.

I am a sophomore working toward a bachelor’s degree in English and speech
communication. My courses have given me extensive experience in public speaking,
interviewing, writing, and conducting research. As the enclosed resume illustrates
my work experience include writing for an Indianapolis newspaper, editing a student
literary magazine, and composing press releases for a congressional candidate. In
addition, my two years working as a secretary and research assistant for Dr. Duffy
and as a tutor in the writing center have helped me learn a great deal about the
diverse research activities and professional services of ball state university’s vaculty
and staff.

I feel that my education, writinng experience, and understanding about university
will enable me to be an efficient and effective editorial assistant for Campus Update.
This internship will provide me with valuable experience as I work toward my career
goal as a writer or editor for a commercial magazine. I am available for interview
and will be happy to submit samples of my writing. My local telephone number is

Faithfully yours,

Maria Ulfa

19. What kind of job does Maria apply for?
A. Assistant
B. A secretary
C. Editorial assistant


D. Bachelor’s degree
E. The summer internship
20. “My courses have given me extensive experience ...” (paragraph. 2)

What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Wide
B. Little
C. Tight
D. Small
E. Narrow


6. Refleksi

Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good Need
OK Improvement

I can explain the information
about the social function of job
vacancy, application letter and
email, and resume relate to the

I can explain the information
about the text structure text of
job vacancy, application letter
and email, and resume relate to
the context.

I can determine the information
about the language feature of job
vacancy, application letter and
email, and resume relate to the

Difficulties :

Suggestion and Hope:


7. Penilaian

For Activity 1, Activity 6 and Activity 7.

Aspect Criteria Score
Pronounciation Almost perfect in pronunciation 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
Vocabulary meaning
There are some errors and interfere with the meaning 2
Lots of errors and interferes with meaning 1
Almost perfect 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 2

Diction Many errors and interfere with meaning 1
The use of words is very varied and precise 4
Intonation The use of words has varied repetition 3
Fluency and not disturbing
Accuracy The use of words is quite varied and precise 2
characterized by a number of repeated words that not
Comprehension required 1
The use of words is less varied and there arelots of
repetition 4
Almost perfect 3
There is an error but it does not interfere with the
meaning 2
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 1
Many errors and interfere with meaning 4
Very fluent in word pronunciation 3
Smooth but there are occasional lags 2
Quite fluent with being asked a lot of pauses 1
Less fluent with marked repetition of words 4
Very careful in the pronunciation of words 3
Thorough but occasionally there are errors that are not
fatal 2
Quite careful with some errors marked 1
Less thorough with marked many errors 4
deep understanding of practice 3
deep understanding but there are some unobtrusive
pauses 2
sufficient understanding due to minimal practice 1
lack of understanding characterized by a lot of
repetition and annoying pauses


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