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Modul ini merupakan salah satu contoh bahan ajar yang berbasis pada kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang berlandas kepada kurikulum 2013 dengan cangkupan 3 level kognitif. Sehingga, modul ini merupakan dokumen yang bersifat dinamis dan terbuka lebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi daerah masing-masing, namun tetap merujuk kepada ketercapaiannya kompetensi dasar.

Modul ini dilengkapi dengan video pembelajaran yang berbentuk barcode
(QR-Code) dan link, serta soal-soal latihan berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking
Skill) yang meliputi kegiatan Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Listening
(Mendengar), dan Speaking (Berbicara) yang terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) bab sesuai dengan ketercapaian pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar.

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by viviiauliaaa, 2022-10-09 10:44:15

Flip Modul Kelas XII-Pegangan Guru

Modul ini merupakan salah satu contoh bahan ajar yang berbasis pada kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang berlandas kepada kurikulum 2013 dengan cangkupan 3 level kognitif. Sehingga, modul ini merupakan dokumen yang bersifat dinamis dan terbuka lebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi daerah masing-masing, namun tetap merujuk kepada ketercapaiannya kompetensi dasar.

Modul ini dilengkapi dengan video pembelajaran yang berbentuk barcode
(QR-Code) dan link, serta soal-soal latihan berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking
Skill) yang meliputi kegiatan Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Listening
(Mendengar), dan Speaking (Berbicara) yang terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) bab sesuai dengan ketercapaian pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar.

For Activity 2, Activity 2 (number 9 and 10), Activity 8, Activity 9, and Individual

Aspect Criteria Score
Content The topic is excellent because good knowledge, 4
(C) through development of details which is relevant to 3
30% the topic in written narrative texts.
The topic is good because some knowledge of 2
Topic subject but has limited development, mostly 1
Details relevant to the topic, but has a lack details in written 4
narrative texts. 3
Organization (O) The topic is loose because limited knowledge of 2
20% subjects, in adequate development of topic and 1
details in written narrative texts 4
Applicant’s address The topic is very poor because not show knowledge 3
Date of subject, not enough to evaluate sentences topic in 2
Receiver’s address written narrative texts. 1
Salutation Organizing structure excellent with logical
Body letter sequencing and coherence in written narrative texts. 4
Complimentary Organizing structure good but have a lack logical 3
Grammar sequencing and coherence in written narrative texts. 2
(G) Organizing structure loose, because imbalanced and
20% less the effective transition that affects a logical
sequencing and coherence in written narrative texts.
Language use: Organizing very poor in sequence, and in
Present tense coherence or pertinent for writing narrative texts.
Past tense The grammatical or language used are excellent.
Action verb The grammatical or language used good, but there’s
Future tense minor problems at noun, adjective, adverb, singular
and plural.
Vocabulary The grammatical or language use is loose, because
(V) there’s major problems at noun, adjective, adverb,
15% singular and plural.
The grammatical or language use is very poor,
Style because almost not mastery of sentence
Quality of construction rules and dominated by errors in
Expression written communicating.
Vocabulary is relevant, specific, and effective
wording; idiomatic and no spelling error in written
narrative texts.
Vocabulary is good but has repeated wording;
occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage
but meaning not obscured in written narrative texts.
Vocabulary is loose because inappropriate wording,
frequent spelling errors, and meaning confused or


Mechanics obscured in written narrative texts. 1
(M) Vocabulary is very poor because there’s no some 4
15% 3
relevant words found and meaning 2
Capitalization incomprehensible in written narrative texts. 1
Speeling The mechanics is excellent in the use of
capitalization, punctuation, and speeling while
create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is good, but there’s a minor errors
in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and

speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is loose, because there’s frequent

errors in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is very poor, because there’s
dominated errors in the use of capitalization,

punctuation, and speeling while create own written
narrative texts.


1. Please identify the structures of job vacancy!

Title : Job Vacancy Graphic Designer

Purpose : Designing feature images for Yoyo Media articles

Qualification : Male/Female max. 30 years old; creative, proactive, and

organized; experience in graphic design field.

Address/contact : [email protected]

2. What position that can be applying based on the job vacancy?
Graphic Designer

3. What kind of field the job vacancy?
Designing feature images

4. What is the supporting data that must be sending to Yoyo Media?
Cover letter, curriculum vitae, and portofolio

5. What kind of skills that must have for the applicant?
Graphic design field.

6. What is the meaning of “sick leaves” ?(see the benefit of job vacancy)
Sick leave is paid time off from work that workers can use to stay home to address
their health needs without losing pay.

7. Why does Yoyo media open recruitment for graphic designer?
Because Yoyo media need a person who available in graphic design field to
designing feature images for Yoyo Media articles


8. How does applicant send the application to Yoyo media?
By sending the file to Yoyo Media email at [email protected]

1. Teacher
2. Project Manager
3. Customer Care
4. Accounting

Michael Dunn
5 North Street
San Francisco, CA,

October 17th, 2020

Kate West
Comfort Transportation Company
12 North Street
San Francisco, CA, 94102

Dear Mr. West,
I am aware of the driver position advertised in today's local newspapers. Therefore, I
would like to put forward my application for the position.

I have proper driving license and have been working as a bus driver for ten years in
Miami. I am reliable and trustworthy employee and am ready to work long hours. I am
punctual and capable of driving safely and carefully under any circumstances. I am
confident that I could do very well in your company as I usually did in my former

I thank you very much for considering me for this post. Should you need to contact
me, you can do so by calling or emailing me at the number or email address in my
attached resume.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Dunn



Heading Elizabeth Johnson 12 Jones Street, Portland, Maine 04101 · 555-

555-5555 · [email protected]

Address Mark Smith Manager, Human Resources Veggies to Go 238

Maine Street Portland, Maine 04101

Greeting Dear Mr. Smith,

Introduction I was so excited when my former coworker, Jay Lopez, told me

about your opening for an administrative assistant in your

Portland offices. A long-time Veggies to Go customer and an

experienced admin, I would love to help the company achieve its

Body mission of making healthy produce as available as takeout.
I’ve worked for small companies for my entire career, and I relish

the opportunity to wear many hats and work with the team to

succeed. In my latest role as an administrative assistant at Beauty

Corp, I saved my employer thousands of dollars in temp workers

by implementing a selfscheduling system for the customer service

reps that cut down on canceled shifts. I also learned web design,

time sheet coding, and perfected my Excel skills.

Close I’ve attached my resume for your consideration and hope to speak

with you soon about your needs for the role.

Signature Elizabeth Johnson


Richard : Would you like me to help you with your new project?

Billy : That would be great. Do you want to help with the designing or

the mapping part?

Richard : I am good at graphic design. I prefer doing the designing part.
Billy : Excellent! You’ll be working alone on that part. Is it OK for you?
Richard : It’s OK, but will ask others for some suggestions.

Billy : please send me your personal data before the meeting so I can

look at it.

Richard : I can send it to you soon.

Billy : We will have the first meeting next Friday. Could you join us?
Richard : Sure. I’m free on Friday

1. C. 6. D. 11. E. 16. D.
2. E. 7. E. 12. D. 17. E.
3. A. 8. C. 13. C. 18. A.
4. E. 9. D. 14. C. 19. C.
5. D. 10. D. 15. D. 20. A.




Picture 3. 1 Scene of Caption (Resource : Nussa)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada Chapter 3, peserta didik diharapkan mampu untuk memahami jenis-jenis
caption dengan cara membacakan dam menganalisis fungsi sosial dan unsur-unsur
caption melalui kegiatan bertanya-jawab. Selain itu, peserta didik juga diharapkan
mampu untuk menulis caption berdasarkan foto pribadi dan menyajikan captionnya
kepada teman dan guru di depan kelas.
2. Uraian Materi

Picture 3.2 Caption (Resource :

Pada Chapter 3, peserta didik akan memulai pembelajaran dengan kegiatan menonton,
membaca dan mengamati beberapa jenis-jenis caption (Meaningful words).


In this section,
Please, watch the youtube movie by following link.
Listen carefully to the material and don’t forget to make a summary.
Or you can access the learning material by using PowerPoint on the following

QR-code and don’t forget to challenge your self to answer the text!

Setelah menonton video pembelajaran, peserta didik diharuskan untuk memahami
dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, mendeskripsikan, mengomentari gambar / foto /
tabel / grafik / bagan dari beberapa caption beserta fotonya melalui surat kabar atau


Definition Purpose Function

Caption is a short text that is A picture can tell a lot of 1. Provide Information

located below the image and things, and can be to Complete The

is used to describe or explain digested differently by Picture

the contents of an image from each person who sees it. 2. Establish Credibility

news, magazines, or books. Therefore, to avoid 3. Promote Better

misunderstandings due to Engagement

the ambiguity of the

Caption text is a short piece image, a caption is
of text that follows an image, needed to explain the
a graph, or other visual media image according to the
and gives additional context.

description and explanation.

Picture 3.3 Structure of Caption (Resource :

Based on the picture, you can get the information, such as:
Who : Kenichi Kon
What : Sits on his bed as he waits for doctors during a home visit
Where : In Osaka
When : May 4, 2020
Why : Kon, like many other elderly people, has to pay for home visits with his

own pension because the public system doesn’t cover such visits.
Credit : ZP/Anna Chen


Pada kegiatan selanjutnya, peserta didik diharapkan mampu untuk menganalisis
unsur-unsur caption melalui kegiatan bertanya-jawab, kemudian kegiatan
menganalisis beberapa caption sebagai bentuk kegiatan penerapan.

Picture 3.4 Language Feature of Caption (Resource :

1. Present Tense: When writing caption text it is recommended to use the
present tense because you will explain actual information and facts.

2. Active Voice: In addition, it is also recommended to use active voice
because it is easier to understand than passive voice.

3. Credit: This is useful for explaining the identity of the photographer, such
as his name and place of work.

In writing captions in English, it is not necessary to use article words such as a,
an, or the. As much as possible use the simple Present Tenses so that the picture
can be described.

1. When writing text captions, you don't need to start with your name and
you don't need to write clear words, such as "Above" and "Pictured here".

2. When writing a text caption that shows an individual, you can use the
word "from left", not "from left to right".

Writing a good caption in English can start with several variations of the words

1. Prepositional phrases 4. Infinitive – phrases
2. Participial phrases 5. Exclamations
3. Adjective phrases 6. Questions



Picture 3.5 Do and Don't in writing caption (Resource : Ruangguru)


Types of Caption

1. Pie Chart

Pie chart is a type of diagram that is used to illustrate data to make it easier to
How to make a caption:

1. Give relevant details
2. Be clear and concise
3. Punctuation and capitalization
2. Table

Table is one type that is used to provide more detailed information.
How to make a caption:

1. Use relevant information
2. It is placed above the table
3. It should be clear and concise
4. It acts as a title and topic of the sentence


3. Closed caption

Definition: These are hidden on the 21st line of the vertical blanking interval
(VBI) of a video signal and are made visible by a decoder at the time of
viewing. They are usually white letters encased in a black box.
4. Subtitle

Definition: Subtitles are usually white or yellow letters with a black rim or
drop shadow. Some are always visible, like the "open captions" of DCMP
videos. Others, like those on DVD and the Internet, are displayed utilizing the
medium's menu option.
5. Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH)

Definition: These are just like subtitles, but SDH includes information such
as sound effects, speaker identification, and other essential nonspeech
features. (See Figure 3.) These are presented as close to verbatim as possible.


Foreign Film Subtitles, which are written for hearing viewers, usually do not
indicate information other than dialogue, and often are edited. Some may
translate important onscreen printed information such as a street sign or a
written message.
6. Academic writing
Academic writing has a clear, formal form, and the paragraphs are also
structured. The target readers of academic writings are teachers, lecturers, and
students who have a goal of seeking knowledge. Therefore, scientific works
are usually made not to entertain, but to present accurate information.
7. Journalistic writing
Journalistic writing, generally short paragraphs and more flexible structure.
Journalistic writing is generally made in newspapers, blogs, magazines, and
others. So that the readers will only read the important parts which are usually
placed at the beginning of the article.

After you know the types of caption, there are six kinds example from captions.

Kind of Caption

1. Identification Bar

Definition: It is kind of caption that just says who is in the picture.

2. Cutline

Definition: It is kind of caption that says who is in the picture and what that
person is doing.
3. Summary

Definition: It is kind of caption that contains a more complete explanation of
the people in the picture, what they did, when it happened, and why they did


4. Expanded

Definition : It is kind of a caption that is more complete than a summary and
this type of caption contains various events and their quotes.
5. Group Identification

Definition: This type of caption is the same as the type of identification bar
caption except that this type is used if the image contains more than one



Definition: It is kind of caption that contains a quote from someone related to
the picture displayed.

In writing a good caption, you must pay attention to the method that you used. In this
case, there are two kinds of method for writing a good caption.

Methods vary according to when the captions are created and displayed, these

include off-line and online.

Off-line captions are created and added On-line captions are created and

after a video segment has been recorded displayed at the time of program

and before it is aired or played. origination, and sometimes referred to as

Examples of programs that utilize off- Real-time. Examples of programming

line captioning are prime-time TV that utilizes on-line captioning are

programs, made-for-TV movies, and sporting events, newscasts, and other

educational media. (Live events that do not allow time to prepare

Display captions are created prior to off-line captions. (CART—Computer-

airing, but the timing of the display is Aided Real-time Translation—is on-line

controlled manually at the airing, often captioning shown on a screen projector at

with a teleprompter). live events such as meetings and school


There are 3 styles of caption as follow.
1. Pop-on
Pop-on captions are usually one or two lines of captions that appear on screen and
remain visible for one to several seconds before they disappear. A few frames of
media are left without captions before the next line(s) of captions "pop-on."


2. Roll-up
Roll-up captions are usually verbatim and synchronized. Captions follow double
chevrons (which look like "greater than" symbols), and are used to indicate different
speaker identifications. Each sentence "rolls up" to about three lines. The top line of
the three disappears as a new bottom line is added, allowing the continuous rolling
up of new lines of captions.

3. Paint-on
Paint-on captions are very similar to roll-up captions. Individual words are "painted
on" from left to right, not popped on with all captions at once, and usually are

Setelah itu, peserta didik akan berlatih untuk menulis caption dari beberapa foto
pribadi dan menyajikan captionnya kepada teman dan guru di depan kelas.


Individual Project
Please find out 3 kind of your photos, then make a good caption relate to the photos.



Kegiatan pembelajaran akan ditutup dengan pengisian lembar penilaian dan refleksi
oleh peserta didik, dengan tujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman peserta didik terkait
materi pada Chapter III-Meaningful Words.


Multiple choice
20 questions relate to the material.


Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good OK Need

I can ...

I can ...
I can ...


3. Rangkuman

4. Penugasan
Please read the following captions, then please identify the function, generic structure,
and the use of language feature based on these captions.







Please read this caption carefully, then answer the following questions.

Picture 3. 6 example of caption (Resources:

1. What’s happen between US and China?
2. When was the picture taken?
3. Where was the location in the picture?
4. Who is the main subject in the picture?
5. What kind of caption is in the picture?


Please read these captions and put the right captions’ structure relate to the table.

Picture 3. 7 Example of caption

Maya, right, a young dotted jaguar, walks by the side of her mother in the Nyiregyhaza
Animal Park in Nyiregyhaza, 245 kms east of Budapest, Hungary, Thursday, April 28,
2005. It is the first jaguar to be born in a Hungarian zoo for twenty years. Maya's
parents have black fur, but her fur will remain dotted according to experts of the zoo.
The cub is raised by her mother only, the father is kept separated.

Picture 3. 8 Example of caption

Jerome Jacobs, the owner of Jacobs fishing Rod Co., is spending his weekend in
Spring Valley on 25 April. He has gone fishing since his teens. He finds that fishing is
very appealing. His hobby inspired him to design and develop various fishing rods
under the brand “The Jacobs”. The brand has been very successful in the rod industry.



Picture 1 Picture 2

Who : Who :

What : What :

Where : Where :

When : When :

Why : Why :

Credit : Credit :

Please find one caption from newspaper or magazine and identify the structure of
caption relate to the picture.



Look at the pictures below, then match the caption on the boxes relate to the
folowing pictures.


Look at the pictures below, then answer the following question relate to the pictures.

Women's power: Finance Minister Sri Mulyani
(right) talks with International Monetary Fund
(IMF) chairwoman Christine Lagarde during a
seminar on women's empowerment in the
Third World at the 2018 IMF-World Bank
Group Annual Meetings at the Bali
International Convention Center in Nusa Dua,
Bali. (ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Puspa

Police officers’ cordon off a road in front of
the Police Mobile Brigade headquarters (Mako
Brimob) in Depok, West Java, on Wednesday
morning following a riot inside the Mako
Brimob detention center. (



Look at the pictures below, then answer the following question relate to the pictures.

1. What is the person doing? 1. What does the picture tell about?

2. When is the Batik day held? 2. Why people must ‘bike to work’?

3. Where is the picture probably occur? 3. Where is the slogan should be?
(choose one city and tell the reason)

4. What is the right caption for the photo 4. Is the caption relevant to the picture?
above? (tell the reason)

5. Why does she do the craft batik? 5. Who is the target in the caption?


Look at the pictures below, then answer the following question relate to the pictures.

1. What are the people doing? 1. What does the picture tell about?

2. When is the activity held? 2. Why people said ‘black lives

3. Where is the picture probably occur? 3. Where is the slogan should be?
(choose one city and tell the reason)

4. What is the right caption for the photo 4. Who is the target in the caption?

5. Why does she do the activity? 5. What is the purpose of the caption?


Choose two pictures below, then make the good caption relate to the pictures. After
that, please read the result in front of the classroom.


Please choose one of the best photo that you had in your phone gallery. Then print it and
make a good caption relate to the photo.


5. Evaluasi
Please choose the best answer below by following option A, B, C, D, or E.

Question for number 1 until 4

US director Todd Phillips (R), flanked by US actor Joaquin
Phoenix, holds the Golden Lion award for Best Film he received
for the movie ‘Joker’ during the awards ceremony winner photocall
of the 76th Venice Film Festival on September 7, 2019 at Venice
Lido.(AFP/Alberto Pizzoli)

1. What information can readers get from the caption above?
A. Todd Phillips gave the award to Joaquin Phoenix
B. Joaquin Phoenix announced that Joker won the award
C. The award was given during Joker's premiere in Venice
D. Golden Lion award is only given for Best Film category
E. Joker won the Best Film at the 76th Venice Film Festival

2. The words "Flanked by" can be replaced with?
A. Went to
B. Talked over
C. Replaced by
D. Together with
E. Introduced by

3. “...he received for the movie ‘Joker’ during the awards ceremony winner
The opposite of the underlined word is?
A. Gift
B. Medal
C. Forfeit
D. Trophy
E. Reward

4. What do the reader probably feel after reading the caption?
A. Proud
B. Amused


C. Peaceful
D. Annoyed
E. Enthusiastic

Question for number 5 until 7

5. What does the graph show you?
A. Kids' activity
B. Kids' participation
C. Kids' leisure activity
D. Girls' leisure activity
E. Boys’ leisure activity
6. The third popular leisure activity for boys is?
A. Bike riding
B. Art and craft
C. Electronic game
D. Watching Television
E. Playing the skateboard
6. Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that?
A. Boys prefer active activities to the sitting ones
B. The most unpopular leisure activity is art and craft
C. Bike riding is not only popular for boys but also for girls
D. Sedentary hobbies are far more popular nowadays than active
E. The most unpopular leisure activity for boys is art and craft ones


Question for number 8 until 10

Women's power: Finance Minister Sri Mulyani (right) talks with
International Monetary Fund (IMF) chairwoman Christine Lagarde
during a seminar on women's empowerment in the Third World at
the 2018 IMF-World Bank Group Annual Meetings at the Bali
International Convention Center in Nusa Dua, Bali. (ICom/AM IMF-
WBG/Puspa Perwitasari)

8. What is the writer's purpose with this caption?
A. To describe a picture of Finace Minister and IMF chairwoman
B. To give information about a seminar on women's empowerment
C. To show a good relationship between Finance Minester and IMF Chairman
D. To show the woman's power at the 2018 IMF-World Bank Group Annual

E. To inform about the woman's power at the 2018 IMF-World Bank Group

Annual Meetings

9. Why did the writer give the title of this caption "Women's power"?
A. They are talking about woman empowerment
B. They are at the seminar on woman empowerment
C. Both of them are woman who present at the seminar
D. Two women in the picture are at the high position in monetery
E. Both of the women in the picture have a power in world monetary
10.“...IMF-World Bank Group Annual Meetings at the Bali International Convention
The underlined word means?
A. Daily
B. Yearly
C. Weekly
D. Decade
E. Monthly


Question for number 11 until 12

People line up for fuel at a gas station in Palu, Central Sulawesi,
Indonesia, 30 September 2018. At least 1,300 people have died as a
result of a series of powerful earthquakes that hit central Sulawesi
and triggered a tsunami. EPA/MAST IRHAM
11.What is the writer intention to write the caption?
A. To explain why people line up
B. To describe people who line up
C. To tell about people who line up
D. To describe a picture of people line up
E. To inform about people condition in Palu
12. “At least 1,300 people have died as a result of a series of powerful earthquakes
that hit central Sulawesi...”
What does this sentence mean?
A. As
B. If
C. Since
D. Due to
E. Though


13. What kind of caption is in the picture?
A. Quote
B. Cutline
C. Summary
D. Expanded
E. Group Identification Bar

14. What is the purpose of the caption?
A. To explain the news
B. To make the picture look better
C. To make readers ignoring the picture
D. To tell about who was taking the picture
E. To give a description of what is going on in the picture

15. What does the word adjust means in the caption?
A. We can make our ways
B. We can decide our ways
C. We can arrange our plans
D. We should appreciate our ways
E. We need someone to give advances


Question for number 16 until 17

Fatimah, a 62 years old owner of a small kiosk in the flood stricken Kayu Putih
subdistrict of East Jakarta, waits for the customer inside her kiosk on March 4
(JP/Dzulfiqar Fathur Rahman)

16. What kind of caption is in the picture?
A. Quote caption
B. Cutline caption
C. Summary caption
D. Expanded caption
E. Identification bar caption
17. “…a small kiosk in the flood-stricken Kayu Putih subdistrict…”

The bold word has similar meaning with ?
A. Hit
B. Ignored
C. Avoided
D. Stopped
E. Unaffected


Question for number 18 until 19

A delivery courier drives down an empty street as sthe state of New South Wales
continues to report low members of new daily cases of the COVID-19 in Sydney,
Australia, August 21, 2020. Australia said on Friday it would increase the number of
citizens allowed to return home each week to 6,000 as it manages to get new
COVID-19 infections under control (REUTERS/Loren Elliott)

18. What kind of caption is in the picture?
A. Quote caption
B. Cutline caption
C. Summary caption
D. Expanded caption
E. Identification bar caption
19. From the caption text above, we can conclude that?
A. Covid-19 makes a street in News South Wales empty
B. Due to an empty street,a man rides his big motorcycle
C. Covid-19 hits a driver in the empty street in of Australia
D. Because the new case, a courier delivers the package daily
E. There is no daily case in the new report of New South Wales

People work out an outdoor gym amid the COVID-19 pandemic at Han river
park in Seoul, South Korea, on Wednesday. The metropolitan government in
South Korea’s capital Seoul said on Friday it would seek 4,6 billion won in
damages against a church for causing the spread of the COVID-19 by
disrupting tracing and testing efforts (REUTERS/Kim Hong Ji)


20. “People work out at an outdoor gym….”
What is the antonym of the bold word?

A. Drill
B. Quiet
C. Tryout
D. Training
E. Rehearsal


6. Refleksi

Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good Need
OK Improvement

I can explain the information
about the social function of
caption relate to the context.

I can explain the information
about the text structure of
caption relate to the context.

I can determine the information
about the language of caption
relate to the context.

Difficulties :

Suggestion and Hope:


7. Penilaian

For Activity 8.

Aspect Criteria Score
Pronounciation Almost perfect in pronunciation 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
Vocabulary meaning
There are some errors and interfere with the meaning 2
Lots of errors and interferes with meaning 1
Almost perfect 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 2

Diction Many errors and interfere with meaning 1
The use of words is very varied and precise 4
Intonation The use of words has varied repetition 3
Fluency and not disturbing
Accuracy The use of words is quite varied and precise 2
characterized by a number of repeated words that not
Comprehension required 1
The use of words is less varied and there arelots of
repetition 4
Almost perfect 3
There is an error but it does not interfere with the
meaning 2
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 1
Many errors and interfere with meaning 4
Very fluent in word pronunciation 3
Smooth but there are occasional lags 2
Quite fluent with being asked a lot of pauses 1
Less fluent with marked repetition of words 4
Very careful in the pronunciation of words 3
Thorough but occasionally there are errors that are not
fatal 2
Quite careful with some errors marked 1
Less thorough with marked many errors 4
deep understanding of practice 3
deep understanding but there are some unobtrusive
pauses 2
sufficient understanding due to minimal practice 1
lack of understanding characterized by a lot of
repetition and annoying pauses


For Activity 1, Activity 3, Activity 8, and Individual Project.

Aspect Criteria Score
Content The topic is excellent because good knowledge, 4
(C) through development of details which is relevant to
30% the topic in written narrative texts. 3
The topic is good because some knowledge of
Topic subject but has limited development, mostly relevant 2
Details to the topic, but has a lack details in written narrative
texts. 1
Organization (O) The topic is loose because limited knowledge of 4
20% subjects, in adequate development of topic and 3
details in written narrative texts 2
Title The topic is very poor because not show knowledge
Lead of subject, not enough to evaluate sentences topic in 1
Section heading written narrative texts.
Organizing structure excellent with logical
Complement: sequencing and coherence in written narrative texts.
Who Organizing structure good but have a lack logical
What sequencing and coherence in written narrative texts.
Where Organizing structure loose, because imbalanced and
When less the effective transition that affects a logical
Why sequencing and coherence in written narrative texts.
Credit Organizing very poor in sequence, and in coherence
or pertinent for writing narrative texts.

Grammar The grammatical or language used are excellent. 4
(G) The grammatical or language used good, but there’s 3
minor problems at noun, adjective, adverb, singular 2
Language use: and plural.
Present tense 1
Active voice The grammatical or language use is loose, because
Credit there’s major problems at noun, adjective, adverb,
singular and plural.

The grammatical or language use is very poor,
because almost not mastery of sentence construction

rules and dominated by errors in written


Vocabulary Vocabulary is relevant, specific, and effective 4
(V) wording; idiomatic and no spelling error in written 3
15% narrative texts.
Style Vocabulary is good but has repeated wording; 1
Quality of occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, 4
Expression usage but meaning not obscured in written 3
narrative texts. 2
(M) Vocabulary is loose because inappropriate 1
15% wording, frequent spelling errors, and meaning
confused or obscured in written narrative texts.
Capitalization Vocabulary is very poor because there’s no some
Punctuation relevant words found and meaning
Speeling incomprehensible in written narrative texts.
The mechanics is excellent in the use of
capitalization, punctuation, and speeling while
create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is good, but there’s a minor errors
in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is loose, because there’s frequent

errors in the use of capitalization, punctuation,
and speeling while create own written narrative
The mechanics is very poor, because there’s
dominated errors in the use of capitalization,
punctuation, and speeling while create own written
narrative texts.

1. What’s happen between US and China?
Chinese authorities took control of the former US consulate in the city on Monday
after it was ordered close amid rising tensions between the global power.

2. When was the picture taken?
Monday, 27 July

3. Where was the location in the picture?
Chengdu, soutwest China’s Sinchuan

4. Who is the main subject in the picture?
Chinese policemen

5. What kind of caption is in the picture?
Caption of Group Identification




Picture 1 Picture 2

Who: maya, a young dotted jaguar Who: Jerome Jacobs, the owner

of Jacobs fishing Rod Co

What: walks by the side of her mother in What: spending his weekend in Spring

the Nyiregyhaza Animal Park in Valley on 25 April. He has gone

Nyiregyhaza fishing since his teens

Where: in the Nyiregyhaza Animal Park Where: in Spring Valley
in Nyiregyhaza, 245 kms east of
Budapest, Hungary

When: Thursday, April 28, 2005 When: on 25 April

Why : It is the first jaguar to be born in Why : He finds that fishing is very
a Hungarian zoo for twenty years. appealing. His hobby inspired him to
Maya's parents have black fur, but her
fur will remain dotted according to design and develop various fishing rods
experts of the zoo. The cub is raised by under the brand “The Jacobs”. The
her mother only, the father is kept brand has been very successful in the
rod industry.

Credit : Credit :
- -



PICTURE 1 Cordon off a road in front of the Police

Women's empowerment in the Third World Mobile Brigade.
at the 2018 IMF-World Bank Group Annual Police officers’
Meetings at the Bali International Police officers’ cordon off a road in
Convention Center.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani (right) talks front of the Police Mobile Brigade
with International Monetary Fund (IMF) following a riot inside the Mako Brimob
chairwoman Christine Lagarde. detention center.
Seminar on women's empowerment in the
Third World. Gabrillin.
ICom/AM IMF-WBG/Puspa Perwitasari. Caption of cutline- to mention who is in
Caption of cutline- to mention who is in the the picture and what the person is doing.
picture and what the person is doing.


In the picture there is a woman who is The picture tells that a person is

making batik. recommended to use environmentally

friendly vehicles such as bicycles.

October 2 To reduce air pollution and maintain
lung health by bicycle exercising

The location in the picture is in the batik Jakarta city, because in that place there

studio has been air pollution due to the use of
too many private vehicles, this can be
proven by data and research related to

air health in Jakarta. Therefore, it is
necessary to apply environmentally
friendly vehicles.

A young woman apply hot wax to white Yes, it is. Because the picture shows
cloth at the batik studio in Srengseng sub- someone who will travel to work using

district West Jakarta on November 9, 2019 an environmentally friendly vehicle

to commemorate the national batik day. (e.g. bicycle)

Batik activities are carried out to preserve The target in the caption is the wider

Indonesian culture so that it does not become community, especially those who still

extinct due to the times often use private vehicles that are not

environmentally friendly


8. KEYWORD ACTIVITY 7 The picture describes a person's desire
A man is doing a PCR/SWAB test before to live side by side in a safe and secure
traveling to an area. relationship between black people and
white people.

When you want to travel outside the area Because Black Lives Matter is a
decentralized international activist
movement to fight racism,
discrimination and inequality against
black people.

Hospital or airport (choose one city and tell the reason)
The BLM movement began with the
African-American community that was
active in opposing systemic violence
and racism against black people in the
United States.

A nurse takes a PCR/SWAB from a patient This caption is intended for white
or passenger in Soekarno Hatta, Central people to liberate violence in the form
Jakarta on June 21. Swab tests, also called of discrimination against black people.
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, use
mucus samples taken from the nose or throat
to detect COVID-19.

To detect COVID-19. Decentralization to fight racism,
discrimination and inequality against
black people.

1. C. 6. A. 11. A. 16. C.
2. D. 7. D. 12. D. 17. A.
3. C. 8. C. 13. C. 18. D.
4. A. 9. E. 14. E. 19. A.
5. C. 10. B. 15. B. 20. B.




Picture 4. 1 News item (Resource : Spongebob squarepants movie)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada Chapter 4, peserta didik diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi news item terkait
mata pelajaran lain di Kelas XII mengenai bagian struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan,
dan mengamati cara penggunaanya. Selain itu, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
membuat dan mempresentasikan teks-teks tentang fenomena alam dan fenomena
sosial, pendek dan sederhana kepada teman-teman di depan kelas.

2. Uraian Materi


Picture 4.2 Scene of News of The Days (Resource : Spongebob Squarepants)

Pada Chapter 4, peserta didik akan memulai pembelajaran dengan kegiatan menonton,
membaca dan mengamati beberapa jenis teks berita (news item) yang ada di dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari, mulai dari fenomena alam sampai dengan fenomena sosial.


In this section,
Please, watch the youtube movie by following link.
Listen carefully to the material and don’t forget to make a summary.
Setelah menonton video pembelajaran, peserta didik diharuskan untuk memahami dan
mengidentifikasi struktur teks dani unsur kebahasaan pada teks berita (news item).

Picture 4. 3 Newspaper (Resources : Kompas)

News item is a type of writing that provides up-to-date information about events
to inform readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are
considered newsworthy or important.


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