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Modul ini merupakan salah satu contoh bahan ajar yang berbasis pada kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang berlandas kepada kurikulum 2013 dengan cangkupan 3 level kognitif. Sehingga, modul ini merupakan dokumen yang bersifat dinamis dan terbuka lebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi daerah masing-masing, namun tetap merujuk kepada ketercapaiannya kompetensi dasar.

Modul ini dilengkapi dengan video pembelajaran yang berbentuk barcode
(QR-Code) dan link, serta soal-soal latihan berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking
Skill) yang meliputi kegiatan Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Listening
(Mendengar), dan Speaking (Berbicara) yang terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) bab sesuai dengan ketercapaian pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar.

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Published by viviiauliaaa, 2022-10-09 10:44:15

Flip Modul Kelas XII-Pegangan Guru

Modul ini merupakan salah satu contoh bahan ajar yang berbasis pada kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar yang berlandas kepada kurikulum 2013 dengan cangkupan 3 level kognitif. Sehingga, modul ini merupakan dokumen yang bersifat dinamis dan terbuka lebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi daerah masing-masing, namun tetap merujuk kepada ketercapaiannya kompetensi dasar.

Modul ini dilengkapi dengan video pembelajaran yang berbentuk barcode
(QR-Code) dan link, serta soal-soal latihan berbasis HOTS (High Order Thinking
Skill) yang meliputi kegiatan Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Listening
(Mendengar), dan Speaking (Berbicara) yang terdiri atas 7 (tujuh) bab sesuai dengan ketercapaian pembelajaran berdasarkan kompetensi dasar.

Question for number 16 until 18

How to connect to a network
1. Tap settings.
2. Tap WI-Fi.
3. Turn on the WI-Fi, your smartphone will automatically search for available WI-Fi
4. Tap the name of your desired WI-Fi network:
- If the network is not password-protected, a check-mark will appear to the right of the
network if your smartphone is connected to the network.
- If the network is password-protected, you will be prompted to enter the password. A
check-mark will appear to the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to
the network.
5. If your desired network does not appear, it is possible that your network is hidden:
- Tap other.
- Enter the exact name of the network.
- If it exists, you will be prompted to enter the password. A check -mark will appear to
the right of the network if your smartphone is connected to the network.

16. What is the difference between hidden network and not hidden network?
A. Hidden network does not actually exist
B. Hidden network is not password protected
C. Hidden network can be accessed without password
D. Hidden network is outside the range of your phone
E. Hidden network will not display itself unless you type the exact name of the network

17. What is one possible condition if your network does not appear?
A. The network is hidden
B. Your phone is broken
C. The network is password-protected
D. You don’t have enough phone credit
E. The network is not password-protected

18. What is the best title for the text?
A. How to input your password
B. How to search for available wi-fi networks
C. How to connect your burch smartphones to Wi-Fi
D. How to connect your burch smartphones to hidden network
E. How to connect to Wi-Fi if you are outside the range of networks

Question number 19 until 21

Is your refrigerator getting messy and dirty? I’ll advise you on how to clean it.

1. First of all, prepare a cloth, a dish towel, a knife or spatula, vinegar and some
water.Then, empty the refrigerator. Place the things on the table or in empty
baskets. Throw out aged or inedible food. Toss out anything you don’t use


2. After that, defrost the refrigerator. Use a knife or spatula to gently remove the
ice built-up on the shelves and dispose of it.

3. Next, wipe your refrigerator inside and outside using a cloth, vinegar and water.
Rinse the cloth properly with clean water. Also, do not neglect to clean the door.

4. Finally, use the dish towel to dry the refrigerator. Let it dry thoroughly before
you replace everything. You should keep your refrigerator organized with meat,
cheese and butter on one shelf. It will be better if you store raw meat on the
bottom shelf to avoid meat juices dripping on to the shelf below. Put the
vegetable in the crisper.

5. Clean your refrigerator once a month. Please remember, do not wash a cold
glass shelf with hot water. The sudden temperature change could shatter the

19. Why should we put the meat on the bottom shelf?
A. To keep the freeze organized
B. To keep the other shelves clean
C. To make the refrigerator durable
D. To spare more space for other items
E. To make the meat easy to store and take

20. From the text we can conclude that?
A. We don’t need to clean the door
B. We must not use sharp tools to remove ice
C. We should clean our refrigerator one a month
D. We need less than five items to do the procedure
E. It’s better to use hot water to wash a cold glass shelf

21. “...I’ll advise you on how to clean it.”
The underlined word has a similar meaning with?
A. Deceive
B. Conceal
C. Pretend
D. Discourage
E. Recommend

Question for number 22 until 25

Meet Finn Bálor, athletic, charismatic, bona-fide worldwide sensation that make girls
gone wild and guys jealous of his physique. Finn works hard to maintain his toned
physique and never misses his work out in order to remain on top of his fitness. His hard
work is evident in the way he has transformed his body into a ripped one. If you are also
keen to know the workout secrets of wrestler known as the real rock n’ roll, here is what
he does to keep his body in spectacular shape.

Training Routine of The Demon King – Finn Bálor

1. Begins with 2 sets of Alternating Dumbbell Curls (workout that helps increasing
endurance or strengthening of muscles), Preacher Machine Curls (a weightlifting
exercise for the biceps in which a barbell is lifted by flexing the elbows), 2 sets
of Cable Triceps Extensions (a strength exercise used in many different forms of
strength training), 2 sets of Overhead Cable Extensions (This exercise is great
for increasing lean muscle mass) and 1 sets of One Arm Reverse grip Triceps
Extensions. Rest for 15 minutes after finishing all of the sets.

2. After the 15 minutes rest continue for the chest workout, which includes 2 sets
of Cable Crossover to increase upper body strength, 3 sets of Incline Dumbbell
Press (Done for building strength and muscle mass in your chest), 3 sets of
Dumbbell Bench Press and 2 sets of Push-ups. Rest for 20 minutes after
finishing all of the sets.

3. Now for the last part of the training, Finn focusing on his abs, the body part most
of the fitness freaks are fanatic about. Finn does 2 sets of raised Leg Crunches
and 2 sets of Seated Extensions.

4. Do all of the three training routine above once for two days and you will see the
result for yourself.

22. The text above tells you about?
A. How Finn make every girl jealous
B. How everyone should maintain their body
C. How the writer think Finn should maintain their body
D. Training routine that Finn do to keep his body on spectacular shape
E. Trainiing routine that writer do to keep his body on spectacular shape

23. Which exercise is good for increasing lean muscle masses?
A. Seated Extensions
B. Raised Leg Crunches
C. Preacher Machine Curls
D. Overhead Cable Extensions
E. One Arm Reverse Grip Triceps

24. How many training exercise in the chest workout program?
A. 4 sets chest workout program
B. 6 sets chest workout program
C. 8 sets chest workout program
D. 10 sets chest workout program
E. 20 sets chest workout program

25. “..the body part most of the fitness freaks are fanatic about. ” (sixth step)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Weird
B. Dislike
C. Observer
D. Enthusiast
E. Crazy people


Question for number 26 until 30

The following section provides useful information concerning exam formats, procedure
and student responsibilities before, during and after examiniations. Please note this
information is further supported by Northumbria University Assessment Regulations,
Policies and Procedures

During the exam
1. Listen to all instructions and announcements by invigilators and follow
instructions carefully as they will contain important information regarding both
the detail of the examination and the expected responsibilities of students until
they have left the venue.
2. Do not communicate with any other candidate during the examination. Students
should note that this is not restricted to verbal communications and includes any
attempt to copy from another student’s work or allow their work to be copied
from them.
3. Unauthorised communication between students will be dealt with in accordance
with the academic misconduct procedure
4. Do not access any device or material that is not permitted in the exam.
5. Unauthorised access to any devices or material that are not permitted will result
in evidence being confiscated and dealt with in accordance with the academic
misconduct procedure.

At the end of the exam
1. A coordinating invigilator will announce to the room when the exam has twenty
minutes remaining, five minutes remaining and when the examination is ended.
Students should note these announcements to ensure they are prepared and all
documents that need to be submitted are filled in appropriately.
2. Students are under examination conditions and should remain in silence when
the examination is ended listening to all closing instructions made by the
3. After the closing announcement invigilators will collect all required
examinations materials.
4. No communication, verbal or otherwise is permitted during this period.
5. Any unauthorised communication between students before permission has been
given to leave the examination venue may be dealt with in accordance with the
academic misconduct procedure
6. Students will be specifically instructed when they have permission to leave
the venue and are no longer under exam conditions.

26. The text above tells you about ?
A. What university do after the exam
B. What university do during the exam
C. What student should keep in mind after the exam
D. What student should keep in mind during the exam
E. What student should keep in mind both during and after the exam

27. What happen if you using your smartphone during the exam?
A. Nothing will happen


B. Your phone will be confiscated
C. You will told to leave the venue
D. You need to submit your answer
E. Prohibited to talk with other student.

28. When will a coordinating invigilator announce to the room?
A. If the exam is ended
B. If the exam has five minutes remaining
C. If the exam has twenty minutes remaining
D. If the students are prepared and all documents that need to be submitted
E. If the exam has twenty minutes remaining , five minutes remaining, and ended

29. Which one the incorrect following statement ?
A. Students will be specifically mislead
B. Students must talk before examination conditions
C. Students will collect all required examinations materials
D. Students disable to communicate during the examination
E. Students communication will be dealt with in accordance with the academic

misconduct procedure

30. “...documents that need to be submitted are filled in appropriately.”
What does the underlined word mean?

A. Retain
B. Suitable
C. Bequeath
D. Withhold
E. Misbehaving

Question for number 31 until 33

UNESCO Beirut office launched a Media training programme for youth NGOs to
enhance their communication skills, through enabling them to build media relations,
increase their capacity to produce media material, push their news through national and
international channels, and efficiently monitor this process.

Mr. George Awad, UNESCO Communication & Information programme officer, talked
about the programme, its stages, benefits and the commitments needed from each NGO.
This was followed by a brief on each NGO current communication status, which was
lead by Ms. Nada Hamzeh, UNESCO consultant.

The second session was a panel discussion with Mr. Sam Menassa, General Manager of
Radio Voice of Lebanon and Mr. Ghassan Hajjar, managing editor at Annahar
Newspaper. The two guests shared their perspective on “Understanding the Media” and
how it is dealt with at different media outlets through their own experiences. Mr.
Menassa talked about the structure of the media outlets and the changes that have
happened over the years. While Mr. Hajjar emphasis was on the quality of information
to be shared as not any information is Media Information and not any information is
important enough to be published.


The Round-table also addressed the fact that Youth are not interested in Radio, nor
Newspaper and even less in TV (as per UNESCO latest study). Social Media is the
Youth Hub nowadays; that is why it was crucial to develop websites and phone
applications in order to advance at the same pace with Youth on the level of

31. What is the text about?
A. Radio voice of Lebanon
B. Media Training Program
C. The quality of information
D. Understanding the technology
E. Ignore existing technology development

32. What will the NGOs probably do after the discussion?
A. Private some informations
B. Publish some informations
C. Develop the programs of the panel
D. Ask people to be interested to newspaper
E. Develop websites and phone applications

33. “UNESCO Beirut office launched a Media training programme for youth NGOs to
enhance their communication skills...”
The underlined word can be replced by ?
A. Reach
B. Handle
C. Manage
D. Improve
E. Decrease

Questions for number 34 until 36

What do you have for everyday meal? Yes, we have rice for our meal. Do you know
how do the farmers plant the rice? You can learn the following steps to plant rice.

The first step is selecting the seeds. Choose the seeds there are completely dry. These
seeds must have been storage at least 40 to 50 days in the storage.

The second step is seedling the seeds. Prepare the seedbed by hoeing and loosening the
soil in the watering sufficiently in the surface of seedling. Finally spread the seeds.

The following step is cultivating the soil. While you are doing rice seedling, you can
hoe the whole soil for planting. Plow the soil and spread the fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer
with the soil thoroughly to make the soil fertile. Give the water for about 3 cm above the
surface of the soil to make the fertilizer settled in the soil.

The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area, pull out the seed
carefully from the seedling and the root of the seed stick some soil.


34. What is the purpose of the text ?
A. To ask to do farmers’ job
B. To instruct to grow seedling
C. To explain ways to plant the rice
D. To tell to make our everyday meal
E. To tell the procedure of planting rice

35. What should we do after selecting the seeds?
A. Spread them
B. Sproud them
C. Seedling them
D. Dry them directly
E. Store them in the storage

36. “... plow the soil and spread the fertilizer”.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to?

A. Do
B. Dry
C. Plough
D. Spread
E. Loosen

Questions for number 37 until 38

Visit the PayPal website or open the PayPal app. You can create an account from the
PayPal homepage or from the app. You can install the app for free from your device's
app store. The account creation process is largely the same for both the website and the

1. Click "Sign Up for Free" or tap "Sign Up". This will begin the account creation
process. For business accounts, there are two different options, each of which has
different cost structures and benefits. Standard accounts are free, but customers must
route through PayPal in order to check out. Pro accounts cost $30 per month, but you
get to full control over how you want to design the checkout process. The Standard
free business account is the same as the old PayPal Premier account. This account is
best suited for users who do lots of buying and selling on eBay.

2. Enter your email address and create a password. Make sure that you create a strong
password so that nobody else can access your financial information. Make sure that
you enter a valid email address, as you'll need to use it to verify your account.

3. Fill out the form with your personal information. You'll need to enter your legal
name, address, and phone number. All of this information is required in order to
create your account.

4. Enter your credit or debit card (optional). After entering your personal information,
you'll be prompted to enter your credit or debit card. You can enter this now or later,
but you'll need to at some point if you want to verify your PayPal account.

5. If you don't want to enter your card information now, click "I'd rather link my bank


6. Enter your bank account information (optional). You'll need a bank account linked if
you plan on receiving money and want to be able to transfer it to your bank. You
don't have to do this now if you don't want to. Just click "I'll link my bank later" to
skip it for now. You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to skip the process.

7. Apply for PayPal credit (optional). Before you're taken to your account's Summary
page, PayPal will prompt you to sign up for a line of credit. This is optional, and you
should read all of the terms carefully before applying. If you'd rather not apply for
credit, click "No thanks".

(Taken from :

37. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To describe what the PayPal website is
B. To explain how to create a PayPal account
C. To give a brief hint how to use PayPal credit
D. To explain how to verify your PayPal account
E. To explain how to register a new bank account

38. The sentence ‘You can create an account from the PayPal homepage or from the
app.’ could possibly restated as?
A. You can make an account either from the PayPal homepage or the app
B. You can only create an account from the PayPal homepage not the app
C. You are obliged to create an account on the PayPal homepage and the app
D. You need to create an account with both the PayPal homepage and the app
E. You don’t need to create an account from the PayPal homepage or from the app

1. Ong’s lawyer Eddie Koh will be making representations to the court. The case will
next be mentioned in December.

2. The incident was captured in a two-minute video and uploaded on YouTube.
3. The man who pushed an old woman down a bus along Upper Thomson Road has

been charged in court.
4. Ong is said to have used his right hand to push the old woman on her back, causing

her to fall on the steps of the bus.
5. Twenty-five-year-old Ong Kok Hao is accused of hurting 76-year-old Hwang Li Lian

Nee Lye on bus service number 167 at about 3pm on June 5 this year.
6. A shouting match then ensued and during the heated spat, Ong threatened to slap the

woman, before pushing her down the bus.
7. The video shows Ong suddenly flying into a rage at Madam Hwang for pressing the

bell at the last-minute along Upper Thomson Road.
(Taken from :

39. Arrange the sentences above based on the appropriate procedural text?
A. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 1
B. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 6
C. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 1
D. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 6
E. 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 6


Don’t have time for an intensive skin care? You can still pamper yourself by doing the
basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delaying the natural aging
process and prevent various skin problems. Get started with these five no-nonsense tips.

1. Protect yourself from the sun
One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A
lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems, as well
as increase the risk of skin cancer.

2. Don’t smoke
Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. It narrows the tiny
blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. It also his
depletes oxygen and nutrients of the skin.

3. Treat your skin gently.
Limiting your bath – time will keep your skin gentle. Hot water and long showers
remove oils from your skin. Use warm rather than hot water. To protect and lubricate
your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving.

4. Eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet can help you look and feel good. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and lean protein. Some research that a rich diet in vitamin C and low in
unhealthy fat might promote younger looking skin.

5. Manage stress.
Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and
other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin and a healthy state of mind, take some
steps to manage your stress, set reasonable limits, scale back your to do list, and make
time to do the things you enjoy.

40. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the text?
A. To protect and lubricate your skin, use skin soap before shaving
B. Good skin care healthy lifestyle can stop the natural aging process
C. A lifetime of sun exposure can help delaying wrinkles, age spots, and other skin

D. Uncontrolled stress can increase the level of your skin sensitivity and stimulate acne

E. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which

increases blood flow


6. Refleksi

Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good Need
OK Improvement

I can explain the information
about the social function of
procedure text relate to the

I can explain the information
about the text structure text of
procedure text relate to the

I can determine the

information about the

language feature of procedure

text relate to the context.

Difficulties :

Suggestion and Hope:


7. Penilaian

For Activity 1 and Activity 2.

Aspect Criteria Score
Pronounciation Almost perfect in pronunciation 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
Vocabulary meaning
There are some errors and interfere with the meaning 2
Lots of errors and interferes with meaning 1
Almost perfect 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 2

Diction Many errors and interfere with meaning 1
The use of words is very varied and precise 4
Intonation The use of words has varied repetition 3
Fluency and not disturbing
Accuracy The use of words is quite varied and precise 2
characterized by a number of repeated words that not
Comprehension required 1
The use of words is less varied and there arelots of
repetition 4
Almost perfect 3
There is an error but it does not interfere with the
meaning 2
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 1
Many errors and interfere with meaning 4
Very fluent in word pronunciation 3
Smooth but there are occasional lags 2
Quite fluent with being asked a lot of pauses 1
Less fluent with marked repetition of words 4
Very careful in the pronunciation of words 3
Thorough but occasionally there are errors that are not
fatal 2
Quite careful with some errors marked 1
Less thorough with marked many errors 4
deep understanding of practice 3
deep understanding but there are some unobtrusive
pauses 2
sufficient understanding due to minimal practice 1
lack of understanding characterized by a lot of
repetition and annoying pauses


For Activity 6, Activity 7, Activity 8, Activity 10 , Activity 11, Activity 12,
Activity 13, and Individual Project.

Aspect Criteria Score
Content The topic is excellent because good knowledge, 4
(C) through development of details which is relevant 3
30% to the topic in written narrative texts.
The topic is good because some knowledge of 2
Topic subject but has limited development, mostly 1
Details relevant to the topic, but has a lack details in 4
written narrative texts. 3
Organization (O) The topic is loose because limited knowledge of 2
20% subjects, in adequate development of topic and
details in written narrative texts 1
Headline The topic is very poor because not show 4
Name of city knowledge of subject, not enough to evaluate 3
Publication date sentences topic in written narrative texts. 2
Intial newspaper Organizing structure excellent with logical 1
Newsworthy sequencing and coherence in written narrative
Background events texts.
Source Organizing structure good but have a lack logical
Correspondence sequencing and coherence in written narrative
Grammar Organizing structure loose, because imbalanced
(G) and less the effective transition that affects a
20% logical sequencing and coherence in written
narrative texts.
Language use: Organizing very poor in sequence, and in
Direct speech coherence or pertinent for writing narrative texts.
Indirect speech The grammatical or language used are excellent.
Noun ending -ion The grammatical or language used good, but
there’s minor problems at noun, adjective, adverb,
singular and plural.
The grammatical or language use is loose, because
there’s major problems at noun, adjective, adverb,
singular and plural.
The grammatical or language use is very poor,
because almost not mastery of sentence
construction rules and dominated by errors in
written communicating.


Vocabulary Vocabulary is relevant, specific, and effective 4
(V) wording; idiomatic and no spelling error in written 3
15% narrative texts.
Style Vocabulary is good but has repeated wording; 1
Quality of occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, 4
Expression usage but meaning not obscured in written 3
narrative texts. 2
Mechanics 1
(M) Vocabulary is loose because inappropriate
15% wording, frequent spelling errors, and meaning
confused or obscured in written narrative texts.
Capitalization Vocabulary is very poor because there’s no some
Punctuation relevant words found and meaning
Speeling incomprehensible in written narrative texts.
The mechanics is excellent in the use of
capitalization, punctuation, and speeling while
create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is good, but there’s a minor errors
in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is loose, because there’s frequent
errors in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is very poor, because there’s
dominated errors in the use of capitalization,
punctuation, and speeling while create own
written narrative texts.

1. What should the dialog probaby occur?
Mall or public street

2. Why is Nobita asking for help?
Because he don’t know how to use thisautomatic vending machine

3. Why does doraemon help Nobita? Give your opinion
Because he looks like confused

4. What does Nobita need?
He need to use theautomatic vending machine

5. What is Nobita respond to the offer?
Accepting. Thank you, you helped me a lot



1. Slow
2. Readers
3. Speed
4. Library
5. Room
6. Lighting
7. Words
8. Sentences
9. Skimming

1. Where does the dialog probably occur?
Coffee shop/cafe / kitchen
2. What does the Man’s problem?
He don’t know how to use this machine
3. Why does the woman help to the man?
Because he looks difficult to use the machine
4. How to use the coffee machine based on the dialog?
First you have to put the correct amount of coffee in the hole
Then you press it down with the handle
Next you put the handle into machine and turn it until it's quite tight
After that you just press the button
5. What does the end of the dialog?
The man turns the way to use the coffee machine


1. What is the purpose of the text?
To make a new regulation concerning the use of seat belts.

1. What is the use of seat belts?
To reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident.

2. Why does the people must use seat belts?
Because, the injury will not happen since belts restrain our body on the car seat
when the accident happens.

3. Who is considered that seat belts as an unimportant part?
Driver and passengers

4. What do you get from paragraph 4?
Every people must use seat belts as the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents.

1. B. 11. D. 21. E. 32. E.
2. C. 12. B. 22. D. 33. D.
3. B. 13. B. 23. D. 34. E.
4. A. 14. A. 24. A. 35. C.
5. C. 15. B. 25. D. 36. C.
6. C. 16. E. 26. E. 37. B.
7. D. 17. A. 27. B. 38. A.
8. A. 18. C. 28. E. 39. C.
9. A. 19. B. 29. A. 40. D.
10. D. 20. C. 30. B.




Picture 7. 1 Sample of Memorable songs (Resource : Upin Ipin)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada Chapter 7, peserta didik diharapkan mampu untuk memahami fungsi sosial dan
unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu secara kontekstual melalui kegiatan menirukan lirik lagu
secara lisan dengan baik dan benar. Kemudian, peserta didik akan menangkap makna
secara kontekstual melalui kegiatan membaca, menyalin, dan menyajikan tema
beserta isi lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK.
2. Uraian Materi
Pada Chapter 7, peserta didik akan memulai pembelajaran dengan kegiatan menonton,
membaca, dan mengamati materi Memorable songs.
In this section,
Please, watch the youtube movie by following link.
Listen carefully to the material and don’t forget to make a summary.
Setelah menonton video pembelajaran, peserta didik diharuskan untuk memahami dan
mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu secara kontekstual
melalui kegiatan menirukan lirik lagu secara lisan dengan baik dan benar.


Please watch this movie song, and lets sing a song together.

Definition: Song is a composition of tone or voice in sequence, combination and
temporal relation to produse a musical compositian that has unity and continuity.

Social function Structure Language feature
To entertain the 1. Imagery : Describes 1. Introduction is esblishes melodic,
listener. about feelings and harmonic, and/or rhythmic related to the
emotions. main body of song.
To teach moral
value through 2. Rhythm : Describes 2. Verse is the section of the song
the lyrics of the about particular. structure that tells the story.
3. Chorus of Refrain is the summary of
To express the song’s story that easiest to remember
personal life and for the listeners.
cultural valuese.
4. Break is it is a brief “rest” or “pause”
for the core melody within a song used to
add further dimension and excitement

5. Bridge is the part of the song that shifts
and suddenly change tempo, volume, or

6. Outroo or Coda is the end of the road
for the song. It can repeat the intro,
chorus or refrain as an outro, or a bridge
with an instrumental solo.

How to involved the meaning of song?
Step 1: Find out kind of poetic device or listen while reading the lyrics.
Step 2: Try to figure out the type of song. Is it classial, country, etc.
Step 3: Keep an open mind and discuss the meaning with other people

(to take another Perception).


Setelah itu, peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu untuk menangkap makna secara
kontekstual melalui kegiatan membaca, menyalin, dan menyajikan tema beserta isi lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK.


Individual Project Generic structure Language feature
Title of song:


Moral value :

Kegiatan pembelajaran akan ditutup dengan pengisian lembar penilaian dan refleksi
oleh peserta didik, dengan tujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman peserta didik terkait
materi pada Chapter VII-Memorable Songs.

Multiple choice
20 questions relate to the material.


Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good OK Need

I can ...
I can ...
I can ...


3. Rangkuman

4. Penugasan
Take a look to the dialog below. Then, practice the dialog with your friend.


Ipin : How often do you listen to music?

Upin : I spend a lot of my time listening to various kinds of music.

Ipin : What kind of music do you like best?

Upin : I enjoy listening to jazz and country music the most.

Ipin : What about the type of music you dislike?

Upin : I guess I’m just not really into rock music.

Ipin : And why is that?
Upin : I’m not sure, I think I prefer listening to relaxing music.

Ipin : I love rock songs. They make me feel more energized.

Upin : Well, last time I saw a rock band live, I got dizzy.


Upin : Are you listening to a song on earphones?

Ipin : Yes, sure, what's up?

Upin : What is your favorite kind of music?

Ipin : I like listening to different kinds of music.

Upin :It sounds good, but what genre do you like the most?
Ipin : Lately I’ve been listening to pop songs a lot.
Upin :Who’s the best singer do you like?

Ipin : Recently, Ed Sheeran is my favorite.
Upin :My sister loves him too. He’s got a lot of cool songs.

Please pronounce the words correctly.

No. Word Pronounce No. Word Pronounce
1. Various /ˈver.i.əs/ 6. Saw /sɑː/
2. Kinds /kaɪnds/ 7. Dizzy /ˈdɪz.i/
3. Jazz /dʒæz/ 8. Earphones /ˈɪərˌfoʊnz/
4. Dislike /dɪˈslaɪk/ 9. Genre /ˈʒɑːn.rə/
5. Energized /ˈen.ɚ.dʒaɪzed/ 10. Recently /ˈriː.sə


Please answer the following questions relate to yourself.
Do you like sing a song? (tell me your reason)

Do you like listen music? (tell me your reason)

What kind of your favorite song’s genre and singer?

Why do you like that song? (related to your favorite’s song)

Do you know him?
If you do, have you heard his song , the title is ‘never say never’?
This song was popularized by Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith, and became the
soundtrack of the film The Karate Kid (2010). The lyrics of this song gives inspirational


message by do not limit yourself with all your limitations as an excuse to say that you
will never be able to, but keep believing in your dreams and not give up easily.

In this activity, please access the youtube link and then tried to sing togteher based on
the video. Do not forget to pay attention to the pronounciation correctly.

Please complete the missing words in the lyrics below by using the following words in
the box.

Fairytale Eclipse Fists Fits Gifts
Myths Lifts Bliss Superhuman Unrolls


Please rereading the lyrics in Activity 4, then answer the following questions.


WORD CHALLENGE-There are 15 words hidden in the boxes below. The words may
lie horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forward, or even backword.

Tear Hero Fears Truth Melt
Search Disappear Soul Sorrow Reaches
Emptiness Alone Dream
Carry Afraid Sad on
Dreams of Lie


WORD CHALLENGE CONTINUES-There are closest meaning of 15 words hidden in
the boxes in Activity 6. Write down the words in the available box next to the
corresponding meanings!


Please complete the missing words in the lyrics below by using the following words in
the box.

Search Melt Soul Alone Sorrow
Afraid Carry on Emptiness Hero Dreams
Fears Reaches Truth Tear Disappear

Please rereading the lyrics in Activity 8, then answer the following questions below.



Please choose one of the following song below, then identify the function, the use of
generic structure, the use of language feature, and the moral value from the song.
1. 22-Taylor Swift :
2. Fight song-Rachel Platen :
3. Chandelier-Sia :
4. Just give me a reason-Pink :

Title of song: Generic structure Language feature


Moral value :

5. Evaluasi
Please choose the best answer below by following option A, B,C, D, or E.

Question for number 1 until 4

Song by: Joe Walsh
Is anyone out there?
Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We’re killing everything that’s alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it

Wears a tie
And gets paid to lie
So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?

1. What kind of planet are we living now?
A. Nice Planet
B. Good Planet
C. Dying Planet
D. Lovely Planet
E. Beautiful Planet

2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
A. People who listen that song
B. People who work in the town
C. People who sell tie and T-shirt
D. People who live near the singer
E. People who wear a tie and get paid to lie

3. “And gets paid to lie”.
The underlined words means?

A. Pay someone
B. Buy with money
C. Sell with low prices
D. Promote completely
E. Receive money for work completed

4. Why does the singer feel sorry?
A. Because he lies
B. Because he tells the truth
C. Because he can not speak
D. Because he works on the planet
E. Because he does not tell the truth


Question for number 5 until 7

Song by: Demis Roussos
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain
How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game
Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve play the game

5. Which one of the following statements is implied in this song?
A. The writer’s lover treats him well
B. The writer of the song feels sure with his love
C. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness
D. The writer has got his expectation from his lover
E. The writer feels that his love story will have a happy ending

6. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”.
The underlined phrase means that the writer?

A. Will always feel sad
B. Will feel sure in his heart
C. Will get very tired all his life
D.Will feel so faithless all the time
E. Will have his heart be with bright life

7. “You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain”
The underlined word similar to?

A. Deny
B. Reveal
C. Reverse
D. Imagine
E. Opposite

8. Why is the song written?
A. To tell people her sadness
B. To remind people not to give up
C. To inspire people to believe in themselves
D. To entertain people expectation from his lover
E. To arouse people’s love story will have a happy ending


Question for number 5 until 6

9. Why is the song written?
A. To remind people not to give up
B. To tell people the meaning of love
C. To entertain people meaning of love
D. To arouse people’s awareness of humanity
E. To inspire people to believe in themselves
10. “An end to hopelessness or giving up or suffering..”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to?
A. Brief
B. Agony
C. Trouble
D. Kindness
E. Happiness
11. What is the tone of the song above?
A. Sad
B. Hope
C. Happy
D. Melodic
E. Melancholy


Question for number 12 until 13

12. The song mainly tells about?
A. A wish to go away
B. A dream to be change
C. A dream to be left behind
D. A determination to change
E. A passion to follow dreams
13. “And gets paid to lie”.

The underlined words means?
A. Draggy
B. Edginess
C. Abeyance
D. Appetance
E. Unpunctual

Question for number 14 until 15
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need


You can count on me like 1, 2, 3

I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends are supposed to do
oh yeah ooooooh, oooohhh yeah yeah

[Verse 2]
If you're tossin' and you're turnin and you just can't fall asleep

I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go
Never say goodbye

14. What is the moral value of the song?
A. We don’t need a friend
B. We can’t be with a friend forever
C. We will survive without friend anyway
D. We have to pick a good time to have a partner
E. We need a friend to share our sadness and happiness

15. In your opinion, what does the singer mean, when he says ‘I can count on you like
4, 3, 2?
A. A friend can’t share the story
B. We will be good without friend
C. We can be free to be ourselves with a friend
D. We won’t tell our daily experience with a friend
E. A friend will always stay by us in a darkness and sorrow

Question for number 14 until 15

Don’t laugh at me
Song by : Mark Wills

I'm a little boy with glasses
The one they call the geek
A little girl who never smiles
'Cause I've got braces on my teeth
And I know how it feels

To cry myself to sleep.
I'm that kid on every playground

Who's always chosen last
A single teenage mother
Tryin' to overcome my past
You don't have to be my friend

Is it too much to ask?


Don't laugh at me, don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain

In God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings

Don't laugh at me.

I'm the cripple on the corner
You pass me on the street

I wouldn't be out here beggin'
If I had enough to eat

And don't think that I don't notice
That our eyes never meet.
I lost my wife and little boy

Someone crossed that yellow line
The day we laid 'em in the ground

Is the day I lost my mind
Right now I'm down to holdin'

This little cardboard sign.
(Taken from :http//www.metrolyrics)

16. What is the topic of the lyrics above?
A. Children who have been orphans
B. Children who have been teased or bullied
C. Boys and girls singing on the streets for money
D. Boys and girls who beg for money on the street
E. Boys and girls promoting tolerance in education

17. What moral lesson can we get from this song?
A. Don’t make wars, make peace
B. Inspire everyone with your songs
C. Life is too short, so respect yourself
D. We must keep justice done on earth
E. Don’t bully others because they look different

Let her go
By Passenger
Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

Staring at the bottom of your glass

Hoping one day you’ll make a dream lasts
But dreams come slow and they go so fast

18. What does the writer try to tell us through the song?
A. To improve our personality
B. To realize that our lives are precious
C. To support us to become better people
D. To appreciate what we have before we lose them
E. To give us a message to do our best in everything

Question for number 19 until 20

By Demis Roussos

Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve to play the game

When you cry in winter time
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain

How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes

Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game

Give an answer of love
I need an answer of love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve play the game

19. Which one of the following statements is implied in this song?
A. The writer’s lover treats him well
B. The writer of the song feels sure with his love
C. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness
D. The writer has got his expectation from his lover
E. The writer feels that his love story will have a happy ending

20. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”.
The phrase “my heart there’ll never be a sun” means that the writer?

A. Will always feel sad
B. Will feel sure in his heart
C. Will get very tired all his life
D. Will feel so faithless all the time
E. Will have his heart be with bright life


6. Refleksi

Give a tick (✓) in the appropriate column to reflect on yourself.

Statements Very Good Good Need
OK Improvement

I can explain the information
about the social function of
memorable song relate to the

I can explain the information
about the text structure text of
memorable sosng relate to the

I can determine the information
about the language feature of
memorable song relate to the

Difficulties :

Suggestion and Hope:


7. Penilaian

For Activity 1, Activity 2, and Activity 4.

Aspect Criteria Score
Pronounciation Almost perfect in pronunciation 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
Vocabulary meaning
There are some errors and interfere with the meaning 2
Lots of errors and interferes with meaning 1
Almost perfect 4
There is an error but it does not interfere with the 3
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 2

Diction Many errors and interfere with meaning 1
The use of words is very varied and precise 4
Intonation The use of words has varied repetition 3
Fluency and not disturbing
Accuracy The use of words is quite varied and precise 2
characterized by a number of repeated words that not
Comprehension required 1
The use of words is less varied and there arelots of
repetition 4
Almost perfect 3
There is an error but it does not interfere with the
meaning 2
There is an error and it interferes with the meaning 1
Many errors and interfere with meaning 4
Very fluent in word pronunciation 3
Smooth but there are occasional lags 2
Quite fluent with being asked a lot of pauses 1
Less fluent with marked repetition of words 4
Very careful in the pronunciation of words 3
Thorough but occasionally there are errors that are not
fatal 2
Quite careful with some errors marked 1
Less thorough with marked many errors 4
deep understanding of practice 3
deep understanding but there are some unobtrusive
pauses 2
sufficient understanding due to minimal practice 1
lack of understanding characterized by a lot of
repetition and annoying pauses


For Activity 3 and Individual Project.

Aspect Criteria Score
Content The topic is excellent because good knowledge, 4
(C) through development of details which is relevant 3
30% to the topic in written narrative texts.
The topic is good because some knowledge of 2
Topic subject but has limited development, mostly 1
Details relevant to the topic, but has a lack details in 4
written narrative texts. 3
Organization (O) The topic is loose because limited knowledge of 2
20% subjects, in adequate development of topic and
details in written narrative texts 1
Imagery : Describes The topic is very poor because not show 4
about feelings and knowledge of subject, not enough to evaluate 3
emotions. sentences topic in written narrative texts. 2
Organizing structure excellent with logical 1
Rhythm : Describes sequencing and coherence in written narrative
about particular. texts.
Organizing structure good but have a lack logical
Grammar sequencing and coherence in written narrative
(G) texts.
20% Organizing structure loose, because imbalanced
and less the effective transition that affects a
Language use: logical sequencing and coherence in written
Introduction narrative texts.
Verse Organizing very poor in sequence, and in
Chorus coherence or pertinent for writing narrative texts.
Break The grammatical or language used are excellent.
Bridge The grammatical or language used good, but
Outroo there’s minor problems at noun, adjective, adverb,
singular and plural.
The grammatical or language use is loose, because
there’s major problems at noun, adjective, adverb,
singular and plural.
The grammatical or language use is very poor,
because almost not mastery of sentence
construction rules and dominated by errors in
written communicating.


Vocabulary Vocabulary is relevant, specific, and effective 4
(V) wording; idiomatic and no spelling error in written 3
15% narrative texts.
Style Vocabulary is good but has repeated wording; 1
Quality of occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, 4
Expression usage but meaning not obscured in written 3
narrative texts. 2
Mechanics 1
(M) Vocabulary is loose because inappropriate
15% wording, frequent spelling errors, and meaning
confused or obscured in written narrative texts.
Capitalization Vocabulary is very poor because there’s no some
Punctuation relevant words found and meaning
Speeling incomprehensible in written narrative texts.
The mechanics is excellent in the use of
capitalization, punctuation, and speeling while
create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is good, but there’s a minor errors
in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is loose, because there’s frequent
errors in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and
speeling while create own written narrative texts.
The mechanics is very poor, because there’s
dominated errors in the use of capitalization,
punctuation, and speeling while create own
written narrative texts.


5. Fairytale 6. Eclipse 3. Fists 9. Fits 2. Gifts

1. Myths 8. Lifts 10. Bliss 4.Superhuman 7. Unrolls


1. I refer to man or guy
2. he who has insecurity of not being someone who is as extraordinary as the heroes like
Superman, Batman or the brave Hercules.
3. he wants a very ordinary love where he can ‘miss’ the person he loves.
4. even if he doesn't think he's very special, a girl can make a guy feel like a superhero
when she tells him she wants him to be her hero.
5. we don’t have to be extraordinary to love someone rather ordinary is the deepest and

purest form of love.



1. Hero 6. Carry on 11. Search
2. Afraid 7. Fears 12. Emptiness
13. Disappear
3. Soul 8. Truth 14. Dreams
4. Sorrow 9. Alone 15. Tear
5. Melt 10. Reaches


1. Stretches/Reaches
2. With No One /Alone
3. Someone Admired for Courage /Hero
4. Continue /Carry on
5. Frightened/Afraid
6. Pull Apart /Tear
7. Containing Nothing /Emptiness
8. Become Liquefied/Melt
9. Sadness/Sorrow
10. Fact/Truth
11. Ideas/Dreams
12. Be Lost/Disappear
13. Spirit/Soul
14. Fing Something/Search
15. Doubts/Fears


1. Hero 6. Carry on 11. Search
12. Emptiness
2. Afraid 7. Fears 13. Disappear
14. Dreams
3. Soul 8. Truth 15. Tear
4. Sorrow 9. Alone

5. Melt 10. Reaches


1. The meaning of the lyrics of the song Hero by Mariah Carey is about how important
it is to be confident and stay strong in the face of struggles and get rid of all her
doubts and fears.

2. We can get rid of sadness by looking inside your heart and eliminating fear then the
sorrow that you know will melt away.

3. A person that strength to carry on, cast your fears aside, can survive when she or he
feels like hope is gone.

4. You can find love if you search within yourself.
5. If dreams are hard to follow, don't let anyone to tear your dream away. But hold on

and there will be tomorrow, in time that you'll find the way to make your dreams
come true.


1. C. 6. A. 11. B.
2. E. 7. E. 12. E.
3. E. 8. A. 13. C.
4. B. 9. D. 14. E.
5. C. 10. B. 15. E.




Assist : Membantu Operate : Menggunakan
Assistance : Bantuan/kegiatan Plesure : Latihan
membantu seseorang Polite
Confused : Bingung Refuse : Dengan senang hati
Reject : Sopan/dengan sopan
Decline : Menolak Reminding : Menerima; mendapat

Divided : Terbagi Request

Favor : Kebaikan, kemurahan Schedule : Menolak atau menyangkal
hati; pertolongan Script
Find : Menemukan : Menolak
: Mengingatkan
Handle : Menangani; melakukan

Bantuan/pertolongan/ Permintaan atau
Help : kegiatan :


Kidding : Bercanda : Jadwal
: Naskah
Looking for : Mencari

Offer : Penawaran/kegiatan : Layanan, Jasa/bantuan


Announcement : Pemberitahuan Hard worker : Bekerja keras

Applicant : Orang yang melamar Impart : Memberitahukan

Application : Lamaran Introduction : Bagian awal surat; tujuan
penulisan surat

Attached : Terlampir (online-email) Internship : Magang
Attachment Job vacancy
Attention : Lampiran (online-email) Letter : Lowongan pekerjaan
Authorized Look
: Perhatian forward : Surat
Complimentary : Disahkan; mendapat Postal code : Berharap
Consideration otorisasi
Content Privilege
Convenient : Isi surat yang dibagi ke Service : Kode pos
Driving licence dalam beberapa bagian
Employee Qualification
: Penutup surat : Hak istimewa; kesempatan
Reached : Layanan, Jasa/bantuan
: Pertimbangan; perhatian
: Isi surat yang dibagi ke : Kualifikasi; syarat
dalam beberapa bagian Recent photo

: Paling nyaman : Dihubungi

: Surat Izin Mengemudi : Penerima

: Pegawai : Pas foto

Enclosed : Terlampir (offline-cetak) Regarding : Mengenai; sehubungan

Enclosement : Lampiran (offline-cetak) Resume : Riwayat hidup
Endure long out : Bertahan lama Requirement
Enhance : Meningkatkan Salutation : Persyaratan
Enquire : Menanyakan To match
: Salam pembuka

: Cocok; sesuai


Expertise : Keahlian Under : Di bawah tekanan
Fresh graduate : Lulusan baru Vacancy : Lowongan
Graduated : Lulusan Zipcode : Kode pos


Accompanying : Mengiringi; Consult : Mencek/memastikan

Achieve : Mencapai; memperoleh Differences : Perbedaan

Array : Koleksi; kumpulan Failure : Kegagalan

Believable : Dapat dipercaya Handout : Selebaran; brosur

MRT (Mass

Caption : Teks penyerta Traffic : Angkutan Lalu Lintas
gambar/grafik/bagan Transportatio Massal


Connect : Menghubungkan Notebook : Buku catatan

Authorized : Disahkan; mendapat Noun phrase : Frasa nomina
Complimentary : Isi surat yang dibagi ke Percentage : Persentasi
Consideration dalam beberapa bagian Similarities : Persamaan
Content Trial : Uji coba
Convenient : Penutup surat Unsolve : Tidak dapat ditangani

: Pertimbangan; perhatian Value : Nilai

: Isi surat yang dibagi ke
dalam beberapa bagian

: Paling nyaman


Account : Akun Lockdown : Pembatasan
Magnetized : Tertarik; terpesona
Annual : Tahunan Massive : Massa
Announced : Diumumkan News Item : Teks berita
Observe : Mengamati
Ahead : Di depan Opposed : Ditentang
Peak : Puncak; tingkat tertinggi
Beneficial : Bermanfaat
Rare : Langka; jarang
Bullet : Peluru
Respite : Jeda
Burned : Dibakar
Slash : Memotong
Cultivation : Penanaman kembali;
budidaya Sleek : Licin
Startup : Memulai
Conference : Konferensi Strict : Ketat
Suggestion : Saran
Convenience : Toko serba ada Surged : Melonjak
store Source : Sumber

Deaths : Meninggal

Deemed : Dianggap

Destroyed : Dihancurkan
Direct : Langsung
Drifted : Melayang

Due to : Karena


Eager : Ingin sekali; hasrat To access : Mengakses; menghubungi

Escalation : Eskalasi To enable : Mengaktifkan
Extended : Melebihi To expect : Mengharapkan
Expected To float : Mengapung
Haze : Diperpanjang To pose : Menimbulkan
To reveal : Mengungkap
Headline : Mengharapkan

Identification : Kabut
Indirect : Tajuk utama; kepala To stretch : Meregangkan
Infection berita
: Identifikasi; mengamati To take place : Berlangsung

: Peningkatan To unveil : Mengungkap

: Tidak langsung Track : Melacak

: Infeksi Turnover : Pergantian

: Terakhir


Advice : Saran Limp : Lemas
: Makan siang
Assignment : Tugas Lunch
: Mengenai; tentang
Appreciated : Dihargai Regarding
: Menghargai
Command : Perintah Respect : Saran
Excited : Gembira Suggestion : Buku cetak
Gaining : Bertambah; naik Textbook : Berat badan
If Clause : Kalimat pengandaian Weight
Imeprative : Kalimat perintah


Accurate : Tepat Ingredients : Bahan; material
Movement : Pergerakan; perpindahan
Adjustment : Pengaturan Payday
Penniless : Bayaran; iuran
Angel : Sisi; bagian Pocket
Protractor : Miskin
Bill : Tagihan Sundial : Saku
Circular : Bundar Tricky : Busur derajat
Conducted : Dilakukan : Pergerakan matahari
Determine : Menentukan To instil : Sulit; rumit
Device : Perangkat
: usaha; keinginan To minimize : Menanamkan
To stick
Even amounts : Jumlah genap Woodblock : Meminimalisir;
Gist : Inti pokok
Guidelines : Pedoman; panduan : Tetap

: Balok


Bliss : Kebahagiaan Kinds : Jenis
Lifts : Terbang
Carry on : Lanjut
Fists : Tinju
Dizzy : Pusing : Cocok
Dissapear : Menghilang 294

Dislike : Tidak suka Myths : Mitos; legenda
Eclipse : Gerhana Reaches : Mencapai
Emptiness : Kekosongan Recently : Baru-baru ini
Energized : Berenergi Saw : Melihat
Fairytale : Dongeng Superhuman : Manusia super
Fears : Ketakutan Sorrow : Duka;kesedihan
Genre : Jenis; Genre Unrolls : Membuka



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Anderson, M., & Anderson, K. 1998.Text types in English. South Yarra, Vic:
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Anne Seaton, Y.H Mew, 2007.Basic Englis Grammar. Saddleback Educational

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Nama Lengkap : Vivi Aulia
No. Telfon : 082285550690
Email : [email protected]
Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa Inggris

Riwayat Pendidikan:
S1: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Maritim Raja
Ali Haji, Tanjungpinang (2019-2023)

Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit:
Modul bahasa Inggris wajib untuk SMA/MA Kelas 12
semester 1 dan 2, penerbit Universitas Maritim Raja Ali
Haji (2022)

Nama Lengkap : St. Rabiha, S.Pd.
No. Telfon : 081276907487
Email : [email protected]
Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa Inggris

Riwayat Pendidikan:
S1: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Riau,

Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit:
Modul bahasa Inggris wajib untuk SMA/MA Kelas 12
semester 1 dan 2, penerbit Universitas Maritim Raja Ali
Haji (2022)


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